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(shouting) (crashing) - Oh. - Have a fucking cow. (shouting) - Oh, Jesus. (shouting) - No! - Well you said... - No! (shouting) - Risotto is a starter, all right? - Harry! - He's got legs! - Come here! - Get the fucking, come here. (laughing) What are you doing? - Welcome to the Sidemen "Extreme Cook Off". Today, two teams are gonna go head to head to cook a meal for our YouTube guests. (cheering) Now- - Oi, what the fuck is going on out here? - Oh no. - I'm just standing in my kitchen. And all I can hear is you fucking going on out here. I'm trying to concentrate. - I thought, I thought I was a host. (group laughing) - Oh no. - What are you doing here? - What are you doing here? - Okay, bro. - All right, I'll tell you what. We're gonna start from scratch, all right? Remember those good old days, Ethan? (laughing) So let's start from scratch, shall we? I'm gonna take you all into a kitchen and we're gonna do a bit of a cook-off. Simon, you can fuck off 'cause there are too many of you. I'll tell you what. You can just, you can just do your little thing where you go around and sniff everybody's butt and tell them how great they are. Good, okay. - All right. - Well, welcome to the Sidemen Cook off with Phil. (cheering) Okay, great. Here we've got our friends with us. These are gonna be tasting your lovely food. We've got Chunkz here. We've got Niko. We've got Randolph. We've got Callux. (laughing) - [Randolph] That was a violation mate. - Sorry, Mayor Nico, oh no, sorry you, you didn't get it. No. (exclaims) Okay, let's crack on shall we? I'm gonna, what's wrong, Toby? - What? Nothing. - Catching flies, what's going on? - I'm happy to be here, man. - Good, nice to have you here. Nice to have you here boys. (laughing) Nice to see you again. Can you stop fucking around, please, JJ? Stand the fuck up and listen. Sorry, sorry, okay. We're gonna split you into teams, okay. So, JJ, Vick and Harry. (chattering) You're on a team together. Josh, Toby and Ethan. (chattering) Let's head into the kitchen, boys. Makes yourselves comfortable, have some wine. Have some water. (loud chattering) - You walk back, go back to where you came from, yeah? Go back. Oh what are you gonna do? I got the knife now. You picked up the fork. (laughing) - I'll fork you in a minute. - What's the fork gonna do sir? - Right, guys, stop fucking around! Get behind your benches! We are gonna cook three courses today. Course number one is a risotto with a bit of rocket, bit of Parmesan, some seasoning sprinkled over the top. - Did you make that? - I made this. - Okay, nice. (loud chattering) - [JJ] Who's that guy over there? - Sorry, what the fuck are you doing in here? (giggling) Dunno mate. Okay, round two. I haven't got an example. Did I cook that? Did I cook, no, he doesn't know. All right, round two, course two is gonna be steak and chips. (shouting) - I can do that. - We're gonna try not to eat it all in the kitchen, JJ. And then for dessert, this is the main event, so beautifully presented here, we've got apple crumble. (chattering) We're gonna be making the crumble ourselves. We're gonna be cutting the apples, you know. Not losing any fingers, all right? So, are we ready? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Have you got your instructions? - Is there a time or what? - Are you okay, Ethan? - Yeah. - Yeah? You're looking quite excited, aren't you. - It's food, Phil, it's food. - You've got all your little things next to you there? - No, I'm not caring about the apples that much, that's- - Hygiene first. Red team, red team don't play games. - I'd like to do the chips. - You'd like to do the chips, all right. - I'd like to do the chips. - Toby! Listen to me. We are letting Ethan do the chips, okay? (shouting) - That's our teammate you're shouting at. - Okay but you could've said that instead of shouting. - There you go, Ethan. - Cheers mate. - Good one, mate. - I don't know what I'm doing right now. (loud chattering) - Hey, this is what I like to see in my kitchen! - We haven't got a sink. - A bit of hygiene. - We haven't got a sink, bruv. - You are the dirtiest fuckers out of a lot of you so get over there and wash your fucking hands! - I'm going toilet. - You dirty prick. Put that down. (laughing) Put it down! (slams clipboard) - Oh, we've missed you Phil. (laughing) - You ready? How's the, what is this? What the fuck is this? JJ? - Yeah? - What the fuck is this? - Did you dribble on the board bro? - Have you just spunked over your chopping board? - I don't actually know. - Should we go and tell this lot that you're just cumming all over their food. - No, I don't actually know what this fluid is. - Do you boys want a bit of sperm with your dinner or no? - Yeah. - You do? All right JJ, you're all right. You keep wazzing out over that chopping board. - What the fuck is going on? - Why'd you say yes? - It's funny, isn't it. - No. - Randolph would like a bit of your cum in his mouth. (laughing) - But he calls it cum, it's cum. - Kumbaya, okay. So what the fuck are you waiting for? Get on. - [Josh] Sauce pan, sauce pan. - Sauce pan, sauce pan. - I don't know where anything is bro. - Do you know where the saucepan is? - oh over here. - It's not just all right in front of you Harry. You actually have to use your feet to walk around and get stuff. - I think, first of all, we get all the shit that we need and measure it out and then we start cooking. - We need a... - Olive oil, half an onion finely chopped. I'll chop the onion. - Tablespoon of olive oil. - Yeah, that's here, here. - I don't know, but how do we measure the tablespoon. (slamming) - Go and get the fucking stuff you need, JJ. What are you doing? - We, we ,we ,we do, okay. - I'm scared. - I just wanna know if you know what his problem is? - Why is he always angry as well? What's wrong with him? - I couldn't tell you. - This brother's sick in the head. (laughing) - You know he's Josh's cousin, right? - Oh, poor Josh man. - Fucking turn the thing on! - We are but then it says- - It's not rocket science. - Well now it's on. - It's literally a button. - Can you do it then? Go on. - I'm not gonna- (shouting drowns out speaking) Ethan, well done mate. Look at that, he's got it. He's got it, you stupid fucking nonce. Why has nothing been chopped yet? What the fuck is going on? - Why do you keep banging on the table? - Because it's effective. - Okay. - Is it scaring you, JJ? - No, no. - Am I scary to you? Are you a bit nervous? Are you a bit scared of me? - No, I'm not all right. - Well I'm fucking scare of you, mate. Where the fuck is your brain? (laughing) - All right. - [Ethan] Bro look at the team work. - [Vik] That's doable. - Tablespoon done. - Yeah, oh. - Is it on, JJ? - No, don't put it on yet because we need to get the other stuff ready first. - I don't know about this team over here. - That team? No, no, they're in trouble. Also, if the guests ask, he's your cousin. - Who? - Phil. - He's my cousin? - Yes, Randolph has convinced them. - They need four fucking people! - But there's two teams. - Yes. - Four divided by two is two. - Well fucking done! What the fuck does that got to do with what we're doing? You're cooking two meals - Okay, okay. - for four people. - The oils everywhere. - And then they're testing both teams meals and they're choosing who's the best. It's a fucking competition, Vik! - Where's, where's the-- - Fuck me, I mean right, no, sorry. - Can we have you reformed? Can we have you reformed? I thought you were, you know, were transforming. - Sorry, sorry, yeah. Sorry, I'm just getting, you know, you're just so fucking stupid! that I've fallen back into old habits, I'm sorry. - What way should we cut this? What do you think? - Have you got another knife? - How are you guys doing? - Yeah, you want another one. - You all right? How's it going? - We are team working bro. - Well done, mate. - I found a knife. - I found a knife. Well done, Josh. - Hey, be careful. - I got a knife. Are you gonna fucking use it, or are you just gonna stand there waving it around? - Yes blood. - We're from ends bruv. - Don't mess with us, fam. - Yeah blood. - What the fuck are you talking about? Sorry, sorry, sorry. How you doing, Ethan? You cutting garlic? - I'm fine, blood. How are you, blood? - Yeah, I'm good, blood. How are you? - I'm good blood, yeah good. - I'm having a good time. - Great, oh excellent. How's your eye? What's wrong with your eye? - A bit of something scraped it the other day. - A bit of something scraped it the other day? - Yeah, not cum, not cum. - How would a bit of cum scrape your eye. - I don't know but you were talking about cum over there, so I didn't want you bring cum talk over here. - Is this okay? This is looking a bit hot. - Yeah, it should be on, all right. - No, have you ever heard of a fucking chip pan fire! - Yes. - What the fuck is this doing? - Toby's just... - You've got a pan of oil just smoking on a hob. - Lockdown's Done my man bad. - Lockdown's done my man Phil so bad. - How can we neutralise? What do we do? - He's even more angry. He obviously didn't pick up any- - Simon help, help us. - He's shouting at me. (chuckles) I thought I was safe. - You man don't know how to cook, do you? - What the fuck? - Occasionally - I just cook my own way. - Hurry the fuck up and cook the fucking onion. - All right lad. - Are you gonna peel it or not? - Don't fucking do that to me. (Josh chuckles) - Fam, how long does it take you to peel a fucking garlic? - Bro it doesn't wanna un-peel. I'm sure they don't mind a little bit of skin. - I finished cooking course two. So I can show you what it's gonna look like. This is steak and chips, all right? - What grade is that steak? Medium? - This is a medium steak. - Add the onion and garlic and fry gently for two to three minutes until softens. - Okay, nice. - I cut these bit here. - They're taking a while for this. - How many Sidemen does it take to cut an onion? - Apparently more than two. - Can you go and ask our guests how they like their steak? Just so we know for future. - I told you Vik, you are cooking the steak medium. (Harry and JJ laughing) Why the fuck should I go and ask your guests, this is my fucking kitchen. You do things my way, fucking listen to me. Say yes, chef. - Yes, chef. - No, no. Okay, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. Chill out. Relax, relax, we got it - Does it, does it even fucking matter? - Well, yeah, because then they know. And then you can judge it off that. - I just want it cooked bro as long as it's cooked man. - No food poisoning please. - It's steak. - It's steak, so you can eat it raw if you want to. - I like medium well. - I'm on board with that, I'm on board with that. Medium well, medium well. - You wanna take risks? - So I like medium rare but I dunno if I trust them. - No, no, no don't do it. Well actually, - Medium rare please. - Niko wants his cooked. - Well, well done. - He says not burnt but make sure it's cooked. - Okay. - And Randolph. You're free to experiment on. - Oh Great. - And then here, we've got the steak and this is nice and moist in the middle there, you see. - Oh, moist. - Medium - Moist. - Do you want a little bite? - No I'll be okay thank you. - Do you want a bit of that, a bit of steak. - No I'll be okay. - Have a bit of steak. Oh there we go, good lad. There we go, growing boy, aren't you? - Can I have some food? - Fuck off Josh, you fat (beep)! (Ethan chuckling) - Have you seen me? - I can see you from fucking 10 miles away, mate. Get your fucking hands off the chips. Did I say you can eat any of this food? - You put it near me. - Say "no, chef". - Josh. - No, chef. - Well done. Right. - So heat the oil medium heat. Add in the onion/garlic for five minutes. Okay. So we'll give it two minutes on that. - Add the oil, a tablespoon of oil. - Yeah, it's already in. - Have you read the stake? The steak says season for two hours before. - Well, well. What the fuck? We just got in here. - It's too late. (chuckling) - Just listen to Ethan. He's the one fucker in here who knows what he's talking about. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'm losing it again. - Yes, please. - Right. - Hello mate. - Have you seen this? - That is a beautiful steak. - Beautiful steak. - You cook this yourself? - Myself, yes. - I'm trying to be like you. - Well done. That's what I like to hear Toby. - Can I have a chip? - You see these chips? - Fuck off! Do you want a chip Toby? - I'm all right thank you. - I've touched it now so you kinda- - Leave the chips alone bro. (laughing) - Now I've got a- - Fucking chip, have a fucking chip you little prick. - Have a fucking cow. (shouting) - Oh my God. (shouting) They're throwing food. - There's cow. - How many times you had a cow thrown at you? You dirty fucking cunt. You're disgusting Josh. Come on boys, is this coming together or what? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're cooking. - Phil we have a question. - What? Our ingredients talk about using wine in the risotto. I believe we have someone that doesn't consume alcohol at our restaurant. - Who? - Chunkz. - Fucking hell here we go. - Oh no. - Who doesn't have alcohol. - Huh? - Who doesn't drink? You don't drink. - No. Nothing at all? Nothing in food or anything? - No alcohol. - Fuck sake. I mean, you could have told us this before they fucking offered you the job. - Why? So that's, that's my problem. - Why the fuck didn't you say something. - We brought poor guests, we brought poor guests to the Sidemen channel and they're just getting abused. We told them they'd have a nice meal. - I went out and I was like, they were just there, "what's his problem?" (laughing) On a real, what's his problem? - I need the rice please. - All right, do about half of it. - Add the rice to- - It's just half of that then. - These, these, these will work. - So I noticed you guys are using a sauce pan. I'm noticing Harry you're using a frying pan for this. - Yeah. Not a sauce pan. - Oh shit. Oh shit. - It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. - I fucking told you if that was the saucepan, and you said it was. - Don't tell Phil, no one tell Phil and we'll be fine. - It'll still work, it'll still work. - Honestly, honestly, this is we're putting our own flair on it. - All right fuck it. - This is like- - Whack it in, whack it in. - This is a Guernsey risotto. - Oi, oi, someone's gottta stop him, he's just abusing our. - I aint going out there bro. - Simon, Simon, Simon. - Simon you have to. - Simon, go and save our guests. - Save our guests. - Go and save our guests. - Uh, Phil there's an emergency in there. - Oh my God. - [Toby] Tell me you did not put... - What are you doing? - Harry, Harry, tell me you did not put all the rice in. - I don't even want it. - Do you lot read? - Fucking eat it now you picked it up. - [Toby] Bro this is 400 grammes of rice. - That is pretty good. - You want some fucking chips, here you go mate. Get those in your fucking gob. You're disgusting. - A kilogramme of rice. - It's fine, it's fine bro. It's so fine. It's so fine. - Oh shit. - Have you put alcohol in yet? Don't put alcohol in it. - It's fine, bro. It's fine. - Have you put alcohol in it yet? - No. - Don't put alcohol in it. - Okay. - So what can we substitute? - No alcohol. - Water. It's just water we need to put in it. - You think? - How we getting on... Come on boys. - What can we add to give it a little- - It's just fucking rice, it's not Créme Anglaise. It's taking you so long, you fucking burnt it onto the bottom of the pan. - It's fine, it's fine. - There we go, have you got that you fucking stupid prick. - Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've made friends with him now. See he likes me. - Oh, Ethan well done mate. Just keep, make sure you keep it moving. 'Cause what we don't want. - Yeah, I know we don't want it stuck do we. - There you go, there you go. - Yeah, come on. - Yes boys. - That's was I like. - So let it absorb it. Just keep stirring it. - Just keep stirring it, yeah. - I'm telling you now, bro. I want to win. I want to win. - Here you go. Here's a ladle. Give it a taste. - Okay, okay. All right, all right. - Give it a little taste. - Phil, phil. - Vegetable stock? - Yeah, yeah. - Well done. There we go. Now you just put your filthy fucking lips on this, so what do we have to do? We have to go wash this up, get another one. We don't just make something and give it to people. We taste it as we go so that we know that it doesn't taste like shit. So has everyone got a tasting spoon? - Yep. Yep. - Does this count as a tasting spoon? - Only use your own tasting spoon, don't share tasting spoons. Try a bit of this. - Have we doubled up on this to make up for the wine. 'Cause we haven't got any wine, right? - See what you're aiming for? - We need more liquid. - You got it. So now you know what you need it to taste like, okay? - Right. - Right. Nearly absorbed lads. - That's good. - Taste your food as you go. Where are you up to, Toby? - We're adding in our cheeses. - It felt like 70 grammes. - It felt like 70 grammes?. - Nah I meant... - You're not weighing it? Where are your scales? - We are... - Getting them. - What the fuck are you doing? How have you been measuring out your food? - Vik do you know where the scales are? - I used them just before. - Yo, you should go look for the... ah yeah. - Jesus Christ. How are you gonna weigh out your food? - I just weighed it, - Have you not got any more weighing to do then? - No, I weighed it all. - This is a fucking professional kitchen. - I used my head Phil, I used my head and weighed it all. - All right, all right. I appreciate it, Toby. - Oh yeah. Oh now we're cooking with gas now, baby. - Yes, we can now put in the cheese and butter in as well. - There's the cheese and butter. (whistling) - That was really good. - You juggle? - A little bit. - Yeah? Let's go. - Not really, but oh. - Yes, Simon. - Yeah. - Look at that. - Although, I don't know about the other bits. (Simon and Phil laughing) - You literally ate half of the mozzarella that we need. - Oh. - Oh boy. - Oh shit. - It was actually to measure. It's fine, we'll get over it. - Oh fuck. - What the fuck have you done to that? - Hey, you need to chill bro. - We're killing it, we're killing it. - This is good, this is good - We're killing it bro. - Don't worry about us. - You watch what happens. - This lot are expecting food, not faeces. - That is stir-fry, this is risotto. - It looks like your cat just vomited, you fed it to your nan, she shat out all over your face and you threw up again and made that. - You just wait, you wait, you wait bro. - Yours is like, just dry rice. Theirs is Liquid poo. - [Harry] Liquid poo? - Oh Jesus. - You got a little viewing guys. - What's up, what's up guys? - What's going on? - [Chunks} Why is my man munching my food? - Are you lot? - COVID! - Yeah no, no, no. - COVID. - I swear if he puts that spoon back in. - Put the spoon back in the munch. - Put the spoon back in. Put the spoon back in, we dare you. Oh that tongue was horrible, you know. I'm going in there. - [Chunks] Harry looks like he's struggling already. JJ. I've seen JJ, what he can do bro in a cooking video. - And what can he do? - Wallahi. - Nothing. - Nothing. - Nothing at all. Phil's just, he's just overconfident. Look, I can tell that Harry is not comfortable with him touching. Oh, screaming again. - This Phil yute is getting gassed, on my life. - Here, why is this going in one tiny bit at a time, spaced apart? Why the fuck is this risotto not cooked yet? What are you doing Vik? Is this your pretty veil coming down in front of you, to step in favour of, and start singing fucking the hills are alive with the sound of (beep). (Laughing) What the fuck are you doing in here? - Just want to take a look at the food, see how it's going. - Fucking hell, this is not how a restaurant works. How many restaurants do you go to and just go into the kitchen half way through. - At a normal restaurant, you get food in like 10 minutes. - Yeah. - Well I know, but you got these fucking pricks cooking for you today. - Well, you're in charge, so what's going on? - I'm not fuck, don't you fucking put this on me mate. - Me and big Chunk are ordering food. - We don't trust the mandem, we're gonna order our own food. Yo, you wanna get involved? - Oh yeah, I'm down yeah. What you got? - Steak and chips. - Yeah get me a chicken 'n chips, chicken 'n chips. - Don't do that. You'll ruin your dinner. What are you doing? - It's never gonna fucking come anyway. - Fucking take some more then. - Do that again. - Nice one. You look fucking smooth mate. - You're gonna be in that fucking bin by the end of tonight. - Do you reckon? - Yeah. You in that fucking bin? - Do you want to come give it a go first? - Nah. - Do you want to come give it a go first? - All right, I will. - Are these chives? - Stop there, stop there, stop there. - Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off. - We need salt and pepper bruv. - Bring it back please. How did you nearly drop it? - Our guests are having, our guests are having things thrown at them. - By who? - Who do you think? It's all over Cal's jumper now. - Not too much salt bro. - Whip it, whip it though, whip it. - Yeah bro, bro, bro, you gotta calm down. - That's a lot of salt bro. - Bro, bro, bro. - That's so much salt. - How are we getting on, where are we up to? - That's so much salt. We got loads of cheese as well. - It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. - What are we up to? - Everyone loves salt. - Good JJ. Good, nice bit of tasting. That's what I want. - Now whip that, whip that. Whip it around. - Whipping excursion. - Don't get too carried away now. - It's actually all right. - Why the fuck are you all just standing around, looking at a pan? Why aren't you here getting ready for the next course? Why aren't you busy and getting things ready for the next bit. You do realise you've got chips to cook, right? - Wait, wait, wait. Let me divvy it- - How long do you think it takes to cook chips? - No, no, no, don't put it on yet because we don't know the portion sizes. - This team as well, look. What's this about? Why we just got a bowl of potatoes? Have you looked through your recipe? - Sorry. Sorry mate. Am I in your way there? Have you looked through your recipe? - Of course we have. - So you know how long it takes to cook your chips. - Okay, we're gonna do it. We're gonna do it. - They can wait, can't they? We can do entertainment, I'll entertain them after. - Oh yes, yes, yes. Oh make that look peng fam. - All right, now we're cooking. Look at this. We're getting somewhere over here. Oh we're plating up on both sides. This is good. This is what I like to see boys. Keep it up. Are we gonna clean up as we go? Or are we just gonna leave this shit lying around. - Well that doesn't make it any easier. - What the fuck is this? Are you putting this into your chips? - No, no. - So why is it just sat on your chopping board with all this shit? Come on JJ, sort your shit out. - Okay. All right. Well, okay. - What the fuck is "oh well (mumbles)". What is all these dramatics mate? They're fucking Oscar worthy. If you put this much into your personality, maybe your videos will be worth watching. - I'd say JJ's personality is pretty up there, I can't lie Phil. - Well, you would say that Vik, 'cause yours is fucking on the floor. (laughing) - [Ethan] Nice. Nice. - [Toby] Hey we done bits, you know. - Yours are plated well, that looks creamy. You know what boys? Yours are looking good, I won't lie. - Get the fuck out and wash yourself up. - [Toby] What is this kid doing? - Fucking spitting potato. They've got to eat that. That's been in your fucking mouth. What the fuck is this? - That's a bit of the risotto. - Careful you don't spill your oil. - Okay. - And clean that fucking potato. - Appreciate it mate, appreciate it. - Risotto is a starter, right? The potatoes are the main course. - Got you, got you, got you. - All right? So fucking do it the right way round. - Yes Phil. - And do it a bit fucking quicker Harry. - I don't know what I'm doing. - Please don't shout at me. - Phil. - Stop fucking around and clean the potato. - Phil, my brethren. Can we go and serve blood? - You can't serve it. - Are we done over here? - Simon serves it for you, otherwise they know who it is, yeah. - All right, team one. - Okay. - I've got one more coming. - All right. - Team one. - Wait is this starter? Yeah. This is a starter. We have a cheese risotto. - No, if this is what sets the standard, this is gonna come through. - Nope. - Nah, don't trust it at all. Who's trying it first? Go on Randolph. - All right. You ready? Do we know who's team it is? - It's team one. - Okay. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Can I show you something before you do it? Look, look Simon's looking at him. - Before you do it, before you do it. - Try it, please, please try it, please try it. Please try. - Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. - I'm not touching it, I'm not touching it. - Hold on. - What's it say? - Be honest. - Not great. - Yeah, you try. - Lux, next. (laughs) - It's nice. But the textures not nice though. - Yeah, of course it's fucking not. - Oh no, that's not even a joke. (group laughing) That's a joke, oi. Sidemen, Sidemales, what is this dish? - I'm throwing it, I'm throwing it. - What's going on in the dunya? - Oi, that's mad. - I don't want to try it 'cause I know I'll do it and it'll just fall down. - Alright. Team two. - What? Oh. - Oi, Simon. - Explain this. - Simon, what munch is this broski. - I want it to drop. It's not coming anywhere. what's going on? - This is team two. - That's how it's supposed to be. Yeah, that's, yeah, yeah, that's good bro, it's good. - [Simon] This is team two. - What's the difference? - Bro eat it. Eat it man. - At least the presentation is slightly better. - You get to choose, team one or two. - This one's more runny for sure. - That's it, round one done. No going back. Let's move on. Second course. We need those potatoes in the oven. - What you saying? Nice. - So this is the first one? - First one to drop gets my vote. - It's not even horrible. - Neither of them. What's this? - This one's good. - They need to be ashamed of themselves. I came here for fine dining. I get this. - Wow. Team two. Wow. - Good? - Team two's edible. - Team two? Have you tried team one? - On my life I did. - Okay. - That was horrible. - You didn't like it? - That was one of the worst thing I done. - Okay. So you're saying team two. You sure? You're saying team two. - 100 percent, 100 percent. - unanimous - Not even close? - Not even close. - Not even close. - You actually like it? - Oh, he aint a fan. - Nah, team one, vile, disgusting. There's a couple words that came to mind. We'll try team two. - Team two's not bad ya know. - Well, next up you got steak and chips. - That texture is slightly better. Vile and disgusting again, but for the presentation. - Okay. - I'll give it team two. - Fam, you've already fucked it. Come on. - That ain't no chunky chip bro. - How the fuck is that? Fam stop, stop, stop it. - What do you mean? - Fam, that's not a chunk. - You can eat that. - Yeah and it's gonna burn to fucking shit 'cause look how thin it is here. I'm gonna become the next Phil if you're not careful. (JJ laughing) - This is dirty, isn't it Josh? - Yep. We'll clean it, don't worry. - Thought he was looking at his browser history. - Here's a little tip for you. If you've made one side of your chopping board dirty, flip it over and you got a clean side. And just remember, we're gonna be moving on to work with some meat. Don't let your meat touch anything else? I don't want any meat touching anything else or anyone else. - You wanna talk to JJ about that one. - So they've tried both your dishes. - [All] Yeah. - None of them fell off the plate when they turned it upside down, they were all very upset. Niko didn't like it either. - No, no it's supposed to. - It's meant to be like that. - Well Niko, - It has structural integrity. - Niko did not like either. - Right. - But all of the others agreed that team two won. (cheering) - Why are you acting surprised? Why are you acting surprised? - They've got Ethan on their team. Of course they're gonna win. Look at him, he's blitzing it. - Bring it back with the steak guys, come on. Steak and chips. We can do that. - They all agreed the other one is better, how's that even possible? - I tasted ours, ours was... Maybe you put too much salt? ♪ I like peeling potatoes. ♪ - Right, team one. This is your risotto. Here's how it's come back. - They didn't eat it, they flattened it. - I mean look, let me. - Go on, fucking try that. - Let me ask. Let me, let me ask. - This is like a fucking four year old made it. It tastes of fucking play dough. - Okay. - Look at the fucking texture of it. I could build a sandcastle out of this shit. - Well, theirs did that, they both did that right? - Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. - His was team one. - Aight, no so yeah. - Okay, first of all, a chef doesn't come out and do this. (group laughing) You were in the wrong. - Taste this. (screaming) What did you think of that? - It taste good bro. - It taste all right, does it mate? - It taste good, it taste good. - Should I be real yeah? - You'd pay for that in a restaurant? You wanna try this one? - No, no, no, no, please no. - Presentation on yours was average. - Come on, try the other teams. - Bro I swear to God. - Try it. Come here. - This man is crazy. - Bro the texture was not there. It was like plastic. - Yeah no. - And presentation. - So look at next chips here. So could you please grab a saucepan and just whack it up there and then also preheat the oven. - JJ you're shaving too deep into 'em. Surface tings. - Look, I'm trying. - I know you are. I know you are. - Where the fuck is your team JJ? - I, I, Vik is washing, he's washing. - Why have you been left on your own? - For fuck sake. - You threw the risotto at me, mate. - Get back to your fucking station Harry! - I've got risotto on my face. - I don't give a fuck what you've got on your face. Stay in there, Vik's such a monkey he's just gonna shit in his hand and rub it in your face. So get the fuck back to your station. - Okay. - Get the fuck, go. - Oh, those are nicely chopped bro. - Trust me I know how to make a chip bro. I know, I know wagwan. I cooked this meal in Cal's cook off. And guess what? I won. - Well you better win again bro. - I should do, I should do. - Yeah boys, like in those sort of uncertain times, We have to win this one because. - So what was your research out there? - Apparently the presentation was bad and theirs was more creamy. - For the potato- - You can use fucking anything. - Their a bit too big, no? - There's fucking loads of pans right there Josh. You're just wasting time over here. - You wanted me to wash up, I'm washing up. I got sent here. - I want you working on a clean workstation. - The size of this thing. - We're working to time Josh. - Look at the size of this thing. I can fucking see the size of it, its' almost as big as your fucking head. (boys laughing) - Well I'm going back to washing up because you're wrong, and you know you are. (Ethan laughing) - Jeez Josh just laid down some dick. - Get the fuck back there. - No bro. I'm here. - Oh, ah, dick. - JJ, this is better. This is what I like. This is what I like, a bit of teamwork. See, this is good. This is working well. Isn't it? - Yeah. - What's wrong mate? Why you, why you cowering away? - No, no I'm not cowering away. - You scared? - No, nope. - You scared again? - Poor little JJ. Come on mate. - JJ, I've been there, it's okay bro. - Fucking hell. - I've been there bro. - Yeah, he's being nice to you fam. (Ethan laughing) - Harry, Vik and JJ, they've specifically asked one of you to wipe the table because it was your fault. (Ethan laughing) They've specifically asked one of your team to clean the table. - I'll do it. I'll do. I'll do it. - Thank you, Harry - Thank you, Harry - Harry Be quick. - I'll be quick. I'll be quick. - Sorry I need one of these, boys. - Don't just use this as an excuse to go. - No use one of your ones. - They're fucking blue towels. - Use one of yours. - Are you fucking colorblind. - Thank you bro. - He should have just said yes. - Jesus Christ. - You know, we realise what our problem was. We didn't put any cream in ours. There was a whole big pot of cream - Right? Well that makes sense then. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, you lost cause it wasn't creamy enough, I'm not gonna lie. - If, if we rig it, so we come out number two. Can you just say that number two steaks way better. - If it is better. - Money talks. - I'll give you, I can give you 20 quid. It's the best I can do. - That's not gonna work. That's not gonna work. That's not gonna work. - £20 for me. - Tenner for me works bro. - Desperate. - How about euros? - Yeah, yeah, euro works. - 25 euros. - So how much are we talking? - Well, you can share 20 - You two can share. - Would do you mean, well, what? Are We splitting half? - I need a bit more than. - I saw another fucking note. Get your fucking wallet out. - Shit. - Ah you were hiding it? - To be fair, it is quite cheap. - Now you need to double up even more. - 20 for you. - There we go. That's what we like. - So what we'll do, when it comes out, look through there and I'll hold up one or two. - [Group] All right, all right, all right. - Why the fuck are you using this little knife for? It's fucking cerated. You just need a big, sharp knife, Vik. - [Toby] A knife. - What is this? - It's fine, it's fine, it's doing its job. - Thank you Josh. Nice. - How's it taste Vik? - Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro, bro. - Why is this here? - You're getting rid of our. - Are we cooking risotto now? - Fam! - Fucking hell. - What is wrong with you? You're a psychopath. - Why are we doing risotto? Don't fucking cut your wrists over it mate, it's okay. Don't fucking cry me a river. Just cut the fucking chips up and get the risotto out, that is done. That was last course, we don't need it anymore. - What happened to team red? - Bro, they're gone. - Very, very interactive cooking experience. - Olive oil and salt please. - Harry, you done? - Ah, well the issue we've got is, the steaks are ready to cook, but they're taking like a couple minutes to cook. - Exactly. Well done mate. - We'll do this first, we'll do this first. - Well done. Well done. - We ask the blue team to beat that price and they get our vote. - Is JJ and Harry the same team? - They are, they are, they are. - They are, unfortunately. - You know what we could do? We could tell JJ to come out and make him pay. - That's genius. We'll get JJ to come outside, "yo blue team paid us". (boys cheering) - [Chunks] JJ! - I've been summoned. Why do they want me? - I don't know but you are fucking cutting potatoes. - Knowledge, come here. - I've been summoned. - Oi Rafa, fuck off! - Show him the strength and tell him stay there. Come back. - Who do you want? - JJ. - They want Knowledge. - Before you leave my kitchen, what do you say to me? - Sorry sir, I have to leave right now sir. - No, " may I please leave your kitchen chef?" - May I leave your kitchen chef? - Yes. Hurry the fuck up. - Okay. - Quicker. Hurry the fuck up JJ! - I'm not meant to say this, but because of the respect that I have for you knowledge. - Okay. - We're gonna, we've decided we're gonna tell you. Blue team gave us all €20 each. All right? To get our vote. - To say yours is like shit. - But we know your pockets are bigger. So... (JJ laughing) - So, so what, what, - What, what can you offer? - What can you offer? - Chat to us man. - I know you carry cash as well. You do have cash a lot on you. - JJ, you can't say nothing. Don't tell, not even your own team. - What? All right, how about 20 quid. 20 quid each. - [All] Yeah, yeah, that works, that works, 20 quid each. (everyone chattering over each other) - Each, each. - Cause the pounds better than the euros. - All right. Go for it. - All right, calm. - But don't tell no one. - How many you got in there? - Whoa, what have I just walked out. - No, no, no, no chill, chill, chill. - I mean I can keep my mouth shut or I could uh... - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - I'm just saying ya know. - The cameraman. - Hey yo, what are you? - There's fucking three of them. - Cameraman's getting involved. - Oh. - Safe, safe. - I didn't see anything. - Harry also gave us 20 quid as well, to choose him, but they're on the same team. - Toby, it's got to be deep to hold olive oil as well. - Here you go. - Like not deep, deep, but deep enough. - Proud of you Ethan, you are doing well mate. - I'm telling you now, the kitchen is my domain. Out of all the Sidemen it's me bro. I'm here. - Good job mate. - Cheers. - What's in this pan. - So, we just have a dash of olive oil on these, sea salt, pepper right now. Just season them originally. And that should do, yeah? Josh is about to get the kettle and then we leave it to simmer. - So why the fuck have you put oil in there? - Just to, just to give 'em a coat. - Before you put water in there? - Yeah, believe me. - What are the properties of water and oil? What happens when you put water and oil together Ethan? - Just wait, bro. Just wait. - You might be a bit of a big cock in the kitchen. But it fucking comes to science. Oil and water is literally a saying mate! - You're correct. - Why the fuck have you put oil on the chips, when you're about to put fucking water in there. What do you think is gonna happen to the oil? - Phil, Phil, it's gonna repel. - You think that's gonna affectively parboil those chips. - It's gonna repel, isn't it Phil. - It's going to fucking repel you. Fuck me. Sorry Ethan, sorry, sorry Ethan, sorry Ethan. Look, let's um, let's just eat another one of them so you remind yourselves that that's what you're making, all right? You're not making a load of fucking shit. - Low, low, low, stay low, stay low, under the table. Climb under. Don't bait this out now. - Wait, no, no, no, wait, he hasn't seen it, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. They're looking. They're looking. They're looking. They're looking. They're looking. - Yo. - You all right? - Don't ever. (group shouting) - Sheesh - sheesh - Now get on with it. - Talking about McDonald's, we are teaming up with the one and only McDonald's this summer to bring you discounts, offers and McNuggets. To kick it off, we've signed up for the "My McDonald's" app, where you can get 30% off your order this Tuesday, June 15th, if you sign up too. Over the next four weeks, we'll be hooking you up with Maccie D discounts and more over on MoreSidemen and Instagram. So be sure to subscribe and follow. We also want to know your McDonald's house rules, who gets the fries at the bottom of the bag, who dips their nuggets in the McFlurry, gherkin or gherk-out? Anyway, share in the comments below. We'll share ours in a few weeks. Get your mates round and a McDelivery in tonight before the England game. We are lovin' it. Alright, let's get back to the video - What are you boys doing? - We're just making sure the chips are ready. - And what are you doing for that? - Just paying attention. - Just paying attention. - Why are they just sat there? - Well, we. - Are you gonna parboil them? - Are we gonna what? - Are you gonna parboil them? - Parb... - Are you going to par boil the chips? - Yes, we're - yes - That's what we are doing now. - We are literally doing that right now. - The saucepan, the saucepan's right there. We're doing it, we're doing it. - Yep, yep, yep. - Have you got the kettle going Harry? - He's nabbed the kettle, so we have to wait for them to do it first. - And it takes the piss. It takes about five minutes. - You are literally about to do the same thing on there as what the kettle does. The kettle heats the water up. - That's why we're putting the water in the kettle, not the saucepan. - Harry, Harry, make sure the water is warm. - It's warm. - You getting all flustered JJ? - What the fuck is going on? - Mate, is this the world's longest kettle. - Apparently. - What's so fucking funny? - I don't, there isn't. - Is there anything else you could be doing while this is going on? That hurries it- - Ah! - Fucking get out my way Harry! - Okay, now five minutes. - You got a timer on it yeah? - Five minutes. Yeah. - Wicked, wicked. - Cool. I'm gonna go and speak to the people. Hello my brothers. How was the first cour..? Oh. - Wait, you got happy meals? - You got happy meals. - Can I have one? - What did you get? - Do you need some fucking steak knives on here? - Nope. - Or can they go as well? - They can go as well. - So fucking get rid of them. - Okay. - Why the fuck is everybody moving at snails pace? You're working in a kitchen, trying to get a meal together, you're not just standing here and wanking each other off. Having a little think. - Okay. Get your shit together! - We're just waiting for the water to boil. - Just fucking put 'em in there, Harry. - Odds on fucking their chips by turning off their oven. - Yeah wait, which one's theirs. - The one with chips in it. - Why the fuck are you standing in the kitchen just having a chat. - Okay, okay. - JJ preheat the oven. - Hurry the fuck up JJ. Why is this taking so? You're just getting some peeling off a board. Just shove it in there and get the fuck back to your station. - I'm just preheating the oven. - The oven's are fucking on. Get back there. Fucking move. JJ, get the fuck back to your station or I'm gonna kick you up your fucking arse. - Okay, all right. - Yeah! You see this Josh, you see this. - Wanna a (unintelligible)? - Josh you see this? - Go on. Slap it after, yeah look. - Get more on there. More on there, come on. - It sticks to your hand. - Have you Massaged it yet? - You gotta massage it. - It's done. It's a lost cause, it's a lost cause. - Well that's fucking yours then, isn't it? Get down there and pick that fucking chip up. - I'll eat the chip, I'll eat the chip. - Eat it, off the floor. (Vik laughing) You disgusting. - He ate a raw chip off the floor. - Vik ate a raw chip off... - No Harry. - Make sure you massage 'em properly. - You still with your girlfriend? - No. - I'm not fucking surprised. (boys awing) Are you serious? - Come on. - You've broken up? And you've come to this. - Oh Phil. - This is what you've turned to? Fucking hell mate. So how's the dating scene, Harry. (Harry mumbling) It's not gonna be very fucking promising after this video, is it? - No, no. It's not been great Phil. - You're fucking disgusting. I'm not surprised you've broken up with her. - Oh, Phil. - Look at the fucking state of you. - [All] Phil, Phil, Phil. Oh no, oh no. (boys shouting over each other) - Don't fucking start crying. - [All] Phil, Phil, Phil. - Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry. - It's all right. - We're all here for you. - I appreciate it Phil. - Tough times but don't be a disgusting, fucking, - I'll try not to. - horrible boy. - Oh his voice broke. - When did this? When did that happen? - I don't know but I'll find love again Phil. - When did it happen? (group laughing) I mean you might not, but. - Oh Phil. - "Oh, oh Phil". - What went wrong? - Well, everything, Phil, went wrong - It's all right, it's all right. Can you go shout at them for a bit please. - Ethan! - Wagwan. - Why is there a fucking steak on the floor? - That, you chucked it at my friend earlier. - Why is this fucking steak on the floor? - You threw it at Josh. - Do you know how unhygienic this is? - You threw it at Josh. - Pick that fucking steak up. - We lost because they just paid everyone €20. - Who did? Oh. - Well, no, no. I paid them €20. (shouting in background) - Oh well, I've just gone over and paid them 20 quid. - It's fine, there's money, there's money on them. It's fine. They played you like a fiddle bro. - Well yeah. They've, yeah, fuck. - Go and feed it to Josh. - That was good innit. That was good. - Go on. - Allow that. Oi, don't eat that. Please don't. Chuck it in the bin and wash your hands. Chuck it in the bin and wash your hands. - Fucking eat it, go on. Eat it. - Ohh. - Oi, Josh - you missed. - Josh! - It was a mistake. - Why is there a fucking cow mooing on the floor of the fucking restaurant. Not even just in the kitchen, in the restaurant. - They can hear you. - Fucking put it in the bin. - I'll put you in the bin if you're not careful. - Fucking try it. - Basically, I've gone out and bribed them. And then they've got JJ to go out and they've claimed that the other team has bribed them and showed the money that I gave them. So they got... - You bribed them? - No, no, no, no, no. It's not that, it's much worse than that. And you'll see, it's much worse. - Who's chips are these? - It's McDonald's. - Who the fuck has been to McDonald's? - Them lot are having McDonald's. - Let me in, let me in. - What are you doing up? - Oh Josh gave us some McDonald's? - Are you boys hungry? - Have you got a problem Phil? - Are you hungry? - You got a problem? You boys hungry? I ain't got a fucking problem. You see the shit I'm working with. - Yeah, to be fair. - So this is what it's come to. - We're not trying to eat any of that stuff to be honest. - I don't fucking blame you. - When I heard that you were in charge today of kind of like chef in the kitchen. First thing that came to mind was like delivery, anyway so. - Let's get McDonald's in. - Yeah. - Because of me? - Yeah, no like I know that you really can't- - Do you wannna fucking come in there and try and tell these fucking creeps how to cook, do you want to give it a go? - Sure. - Come on then. - Can I have the coat? - No. Come on. - I'll take the Coat. Give me the Coat. - Fucking Happy Meals. How old are you? Fucking 12. - Listen you're only here because they couldn't get Gordon Ramsay. - What? - Head back. - (mumbles) What the fuck are you talking about? - When Gordon Ramsay answers the phone, you're gone. - Callum's here to try and get you to cook some fucking food because they all got so hungry that they had to go and order fucking happy meals. - Look this is what we're dealing with out there, all right. - So what's- - Because they're waiting an hour for fucking steak chips. - Well, I mean, we give them risotto. - Fam, fam, not in the steak. What are you doing bruv? - Wait, wait. What are you doing? - Why are we all just standing around? - We've got two more minutes on the bubbling. - What do you need later? What do you need for your dessert? Are you gonna make them wait another half an hour? - We should get started on the dessert. - Okay. Yeah. - Yes. - Which is what I'm gonna do. - All right, I'll hold the potatoes down. - Fucking hell. Like, what the fuck? Why is this taking so long? - Oh, oh, see nice. Nice little flavour to it. - You clock that? - Is that wine and coke? - Yeah. Kalimotcho, eh? - Fucking hell. - You liked it, you finished it all. - I just need something to get me through the rest of this fucking day. - Same. Fucking hell, I need more bro. - Talk to Harry. (Ethan laughing) - Cut the core out. Shit. Like that. This is gonna be our path to victory here. If we could just get this done early, just maybe just do it discreetly. - Right? So these need to be tossed so the oil Covers them. - Yeah. Toss, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, and toss and fluff. Real nice. - They're a bit hard. - No, don't worry light work. When they roast, they're gonna be great. - Nice, I like your confidence Ethan. - They're gonna be really nice. - Really proud of you. - I can already tell with just those fluffy edges. That's gonna crisp up real nice. - Oh yeah. - Don't forget to set your timer. How long they're going in for Ethan? - 25 minutes. - How long are they going in there for, Ethan! - Yeah, I'm Ethan. Wagwan. Excuse me. - What the fuck is wrong with you. - They are going in there for 20 to 25 minutes. Look how handsome he is. - Put the peeler down and use your knife. Just cut off the skin like this JJ. So much quicker. One centimetre chunks. Fam, what the fuck is this? - Boys, stop arguing, just... - You boys. Where are you up to? We've got some chips in the oven over here. - We're getting them in, we're getting them in, we're getting them in. - You don't cut an apple. You peel it. What the fuck is this? - I fucked up. - A peeler, look at all this. You're just wasting all of that shit. You're the reason the fucking gene pool needs a lifeguard. - Jesus Christ. - That was a good one. - Fucking hell. - That was a good one. - I'm just terrible. This is why I have a chef. - Right? Harry, get it in. That's what I like. Set a timer. - I've got my phone, right? Yeah. - What the fuck you asking me for? - I don't know. - What happened? What are you doing over there? Get a knife. Are you all right Josh? - Yeah. - You're looking a bit gormless. - Just contemplating what to do with this knife, you know? - You're wondering where your brain cells have gone. - You ain't got any, bro. - What the fuck? - Oh boy. - What the fuck is wrong with you? - Here he comes. - You've made yourself a target. I've got a knife in my hand, it's very dangerous to come near me. - I don't think it is. - Why not? - 'Cause you're a fucking pussy. What are you doing with this? You're just standing there eating your ingredients, are you? - Want some? - Yeah. - Pretty good, innit? - How many of these are you using? - We're getting 750 grammes of one centimetre square chunks. - And how much have you done? - Not enough. - So, why are there more apples sat here. (unintelligible) Fucking chop some apples up. - I need that! - We need that, can you wash it for us please? - Chop your fucking apples. - What are you guys doing? - We're just cutting some apples. - Are you having a good day Simon? - I'd say you almost escaped with this one. - Yeah, you definitely have. - You've dodged the bullet. - Yeah. Somehow, the guests have also been shouted out as well. I didn't know this was a thing of the restaurant. - Don't think we're gonna get a good Yelp. - Five bags and I want it done instantly transferred. Five bags instantly. - All that gyming and still a wussy. - Amen baby, amen baby. - They're only paying five bags to throw like a lot of wine over Phil. (whispers) - [Phil] The fuck is this? - Oh my God. Wait, so who's gonna do it? - Ethan. Ethan's gonna pour wine over Phil. For like five bags though. - Is that your response to it? Just a little laugh. - Yeah. - Come on, get this shit out. - I said five bags I'll do it right now. I said transfer right now and I'll do it. - Harry, so we got a bit of a situation. - Yes. - We took your offer. - Yes. - Made a new offer with the blue team. - Okay. - But it's not what you think. We offered them 500 pounds to throw red wine onto Phil. - Yeah. - And then moved it up to 1000 pounds. - Yeah. - We agreed and they backed out and that's for five grand. Ridiculous. - Okay. - So we wanna offer you. - Look, look, look, look, Harry. - Yo. - Ex flatmates, right? - Yeah I get you. - I've heard some of the abuse that's been happening in there today. - It's not been great that, it's not been great. - Get your revenge. - What, you want it now? - He put food on your face. - He's a pussyo. - Harry, over the front of his white coat, get your revenge. - Get out, you'd leave. Now you're coming 'cause you want the same deal. - I want five bags. (laughing) I want five bags. - Harry wants 2x. - You want 2x? Oh! - To the window, to the window, to the window, to the window. - Fucking move Vik. Move, come on. Let's go! Let's go! I don't know, I just found it and I like it. Come on, get on with it. - Okay, okay. (shouting) - Oh bro I fucking stopped it, I'm sorry. - What the fuck have you done? What the fuck was that? (applause) Jesus Christ Harry! - [Toby] Oh my God. Oh my God. - Oh my God, I stagged it, I stagged it. - That was shit outery, that was nice. - Look at this, don't fucking, look at this. (Ethan laughs) Fucking clean me up. - Clean him up. - Harry, was it worth it? - Cheers boys. - Let's go and wash him off. - Oh no. - Don't hide behind me bro. - Let's wash you off. Get you all cleaned up. - [Ethan] Oh no! - Kids in the kitchen. - Get it cleaned up Harry! - I'll get it cleaned up Phil. - Get fucking cooking. - Hey, Toby. You saw the legendary Phil (laughs). - You trying to get me involved? - Yeah, get involved. Listen. We're taking him down from the inside. Take this coke, pour it on him, just make it look like it was an accident. All right? No backlash will come to you, your Toby man, the nicest guy in the business. - This is the devil talking right here. - To be fair, we've been waiting a long time for food. So we're getting a little bit restless, but it's fine. - What if I just do it bait, just trip on the shoulder. (laughing) - He's doing it. He's doing it straight away. - Oh Jesus Christ Toby. - Somethings a little bit off. - I think I had a little bit of an accident. I let Harry- - Something's a little bit off. - You know what? You pull it off though, you pull it off. - Nah, nah, nah. He's missing a bit of drip. Hold still, hold still. (laughs) - Get a picture of that, can we get a picture? That is c'est magnifique. C'est bon. - What's going on? - Go to your fucking station. Get the fuck back there now! - The Sidemen have gone rogue. The Sidemen have gone very rogue. - What the fuck is going on here? - Oi boys, seven v one, we can take him. - Yeah! Yeah! (screaming) - Why the fuck are you running? - I'm non-alcoholic. - You're not an alcoholic? You're not an alcoholic? - It's Haram, it's Haram, it's Haram! (screaming) (laughing) - It's chaos. - Lads lads, its gone too far gang. - Look at his hand. - I think we fucked up. - He snapped the door handle. (laughing) - Oh shit! Oh shit! - [JJ] Oh Jesus. - Gone wrong, anyone? (JJ laughs hysterically) - What happened? What happened? What happened? - I don't think we're gonna be coming back here. - I think we're gonna be banned from this gap. - Oh, Lord have mercy. - Well then. - We're not doing another one of these videos. Let's make the most of this one boys 'cause we fucked up. - Well, well. - This is going well, innit? - Josh set a new timer. - [Josh] For? - For 15. - 15? - Yeah. - Okay, let's get back to where we were. The fuck do I do with this? - You left the skin on your apple, yeah? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Makes the apple more textury. - That's big from you, you know? - Does the crew have any spare door handles? - The door handle of the bathrooms broke. - Smashed the wine bottle. - Whole bottle's gone. - So all over. - The handle's broken. - So who's cleaning this? - That was Phil to be fair. (chattering) - In the corner it's just red wine. - Tb, it's fucked. - [Randolph] Tb, that was Phil though. - Cooking day is stressful, you know? - I kinda hack it. (unintelligible) - I know how to get rid of that stain bro. - White on the red, right? - Don't you fucking dare. - Don't you- - Lads, lads. That hasn't worked. - [JJ] Oh my God. - Does it come out? - It's coming out a little bit. - Is it working? - You have to wait a bit and then dry it. - You have to let it soak in. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, soak in. - Why's he not angry at me? - No, I think it's coming out a bit, look. - Can you please hurry the fuck up. - On the sesh, come on. - Fucking hell. - On the sesh for Phil. - Why's this not done? - Hold up, hold up, hold up, this needs to be like evenly coated. - How long do we got 'till the chips are ready? - Ethan's keeping an eye on the chips. - How long have they got? - We've got 15 minutes. - This needs to be covered, like coated. - Coated, what do you mean by coated? - Like the apple needs to be coated in the sugar. - Okay, straight in. That works. - You know what, I thought that the environment improved ever since the whole wine debuckle. - Yeah, it's a lot more calm. - I think he's resorted to alcohol. - It happens all right, it happens. - The fuck are you doing? - Let's go Knowledge. - May I leave the kitchen? - Just fucking go! - All right well, what's up guys? It's a bit of a mess in here. - Yeah. - Wonder why. - It's Phil. - Yeah, Phil's a bit crazy. - How you doing? - Watch out, there's risotto on the floor. - [Callux] How are you doing? - Contemplating. - What? - Suicide. - That's fair. - We'll ask you again, we'll ask you again. How are you doing? - Okay, contemplating killing myself. - That's fair. - So anyway, we have a deal. - We need to pay Toby and Harry their money but we just realised we don't have money. So what we're gonna do is... - Wait, what? - Nah, you did it wrong. What would you say is the best moment in the video so far as content? What you think the best moment is? For people watching at home, what do you think it is? - I'd say probably the wine. - Nah. - I'd go with the wine. - Bro, you'd go with the wine. - I genuinely say, us cooking the meal for you. - As a neutral, I'd say the wine. - The wine bottle smashing, the door handle coming off. - Which one was it, which one was it? Answer now quickly. Three, two, one. - Us serving you food. (loud crash) Okay. - What was it? What was it? - Is that next? - What was it? What was the best moment in the video? (chattering in background) - The wine, the wine, the wine. - And now because of that, we've got our answer, right? We want some of the ad revenue of the video. And we started at 5% then we did the maths and there's four of us, that's 1.5%, no it's not. We need 20% of the video. - 20%. - Of the video. - I think the best bit of the video was you serving them the food, you know? - Tell 'em, tell 'em! Tell 'em! - Nah, nah, nah. Eh yo Simon. - Hold on, hold on, hold on, Simon, Simon, Simon, you keep your cut for the video. - Knowledge, Knowledge, you chill. - Bro, can we not have a glass near Cal. - Okay, you know what? At the very least, take that bottle and just pour it over Phil. - What is it? (laughing) - It's vinegar, it cleans red wine. It's vinegar, it's vinegar. - Oh it actually is, yeah. - It cleans red wine. - It's wine. - No, but its got vinegar in it. - Have you not heard, the best thing for red wine is to pour white wine on it. - You want me to- - It cleans it. - And by the way, it's gonna come out slow, so you need to do the swirly technique, you know that one. - Yeah, the TikTok one, the swirly one. - Swirlywirly one. - You're doing him a favour 'cause it cleans it. - Is there nothing else you could be doing? - Objectively, we make this, we put it on top, we stick it in the oven, we wait. - Sure. - Like that's there. - There's nothing else you could be doing? - I could be cleaning up but this whole place is a mess. - So fucking clean up! Vik don't fucking sigh at me, you got a problem, write it down on a piece of paper and shove it up your fucking ass. Clean your fucking station! - Vik, so what we've done by accident is put double the amount of sugar in there. - Why the fuck are you still standing there? - We're discussing our recipe, just give me a second. - Go on then. - We need more sugar. - We need more sugar? - Can you locate sugar please. - Why do we need more sugar? - 'Cause we put all the sugar in there, we should've put half the sugar in here and half the sugar in there. - I'm cleaning Phil. - Is that just full of your tears so it's all wet. - Yes. Pretty much. We could just plan it like this, you know? - Should the steaks- Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. What are you doing? - Oh my God! - Apparently it actually cleans. - Oh my God! - No, it's white wine. - Is that your concern right now? - But it's working. - Oh you're about to get retaliated bro. You better run JJ. - It is working. - [Josh] That's my one, he put it on your back. - Look at that, all coming out. - Please don't hurt me. (unintelligible) (screams) Jesus Christ. Fuck my life. - Get to fucking work. - Jesus. - Yes? - I've never been spat on before. (laughing) - That's cap. - No one believes that JJ, no one believes that. - That's looking pretty crumbly. - What the fuck is that? - It looks good. - It looks like you've just shat in the bowl and spread it around with your fingers. - How long we've got left on these chips? - They need probably a little longer. - Six minutes but we should start putting it. - Nah, they need to be shaken around and stuff. - Toby. How you doing man? - I'm good, how are you doing? - Doing very well. - Foods on the way, we'll be right with you. Sorry for the delay guys. - Appreciate that. - Appreciate you. - Love you man. - Blue team. I'm impressed. We're working together. That's what I like to see. - Yeah, a good video, good video, good video. I may have PTSD after it, but it's been a good video. (JJ laughs) - Hello ma'am. We're doing a free tasting session inside here today. - [Woman] Oh, are you? - I'll show you the inside, we're doing a little bit of filming, a free taste session, newly opened restaurant. And I wondered if you had a spare two minutes to come in and just taste some stuff. - Yeah. - Yeah? All right. Lets do it. - [Randolph] Oh my God. - Come in Janette, come in Janette. - Is that the owner. - So, just over here, just you'll take a seat here. This is Jannette. - Hi Janette. - Hi Janette. - Just take a seat, ignore the mess. - They've basically been stopping us from outside and serving us food, it's really crazy. (unintelligible) They're professional chefs. It's a cooking YouTube channel. It's really good. - I don't wanna alarm you lads but there is a random woman called Janette now in Callux's place. - Who's Janette? - Off the street. - Has she signed a release? Has she signed a release? - Wait, there's a woman there? (laughs) - No, she's there. - Has she signed a release. - He literally goes, "I have an idea and just leaves". - She's got a glass of wine. - Have you got anything that I can give her? - I need to keep it moving like a little bit. Just a little bit. Has anyone eaten this? - Phil ate a bit of it. - That's cold. - It's cold but look, look. - The poor woman man. - Just give her sweets. What is going on? What is this video? - Bro, I don't know. - What has happened? - But it's class. I'm enjoying it. Can I see the woman, is she older? Oh my gosh, she's an old woman. - Oh, a gilf? It's a gilf. We have a gilf in our. - Don't call her a gilf bro. That's someones mother. - Hey Janette. This is course number one. - Thank you very much. - This is le cheese de leaf. And it actually needs to first be cut by myself. - Did you all have this? - We've not have that one yet. - There we go, affably broken open. - He didn't ask me if I had any allergies. - Oh, do you have any allergies? - No. - Great. - Do you want any subway? Or we can get McDonalds or Nandos, I can order anything for you if you want. - Jesus Christ (laughs). - Sorry. - What the fuck was that? - Just waiting for our steak. - (gibberish) What is it with you and Josh just making noises at me. - We're playing baseball. - Josh! If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart, fuck off. - Hey Janette, how's it going? Lovely to meet you. - Lovely to meet you too. - Janette, have you watched the bake off? - Yes, I have. - Do you remember the jelly incident? - Yes, I do. - Yeah, it was quite bad in everything really. - Wow, thank you. I'm not very good, I'm not any better here. - I have served my food. They're just taking ages, look at them. - You're supposed to be comparing. Go do a fucking dance, come one. All right, here's a bit of entertainment for you, we've got Simon here, he's just comparing, he's gonna do a bit of dancing for you. Show 'em a bit of the river dance. (applause) - Janette! Hello. I'm Phil, head chef. There we go, nice to meet you Janette. I hope these pricks don't fuck it up for you too much. - Before you go back, you gave us all 20 pound and Janette's a nurse. You wouldn't not give money to a nurse. - I think we should donate ours as well though. That's the right thing to do. - My pleasure, my pleasure. - Euros as well. Euros as well. - All right I'm gonna go, what is going on? I'm gonna go cook. - This the weirdest video I've been in awhile. - How long do your chips got? - Awhile, they're not even half cooked. - Oh for fuck's sake. What is this? Who put that on? - It was me. - You? - It was me. - You just fucked it up again, didn't you? - Nah, nah, nah, nah. - Nah, nah, nah, nah. - You need to let steak rest for a good 10 minutes. - No you fucking don't. That's roast beef. - Steak. - Steak needs to rest bro. - No. - Steak. - It's as dry as Ghandi's flip flop already. - Here you are, smashing it away. Out of the park. - I'm trying mate, I'm trying. The risotto, smashed it. The chips, smashing. Believe me. Look at those chips, they are the shit. Have they already put the steak on? I can't believe it. - Simon! Offer Janette a squashie. - She can't eat them, she's already said no. - So have you got any money for the nurses? - I don't have my wallet on me today unfortunately. - Have you got anything at all. - I can clap. - That'll do. (applause) - I can clap, I can clap, I can clap. - You see, I don't think Gordon Ramsey would've reached this level. - Got any money for the nurse? No, but I can clap. (laughing) - Is that actually what you said? - Yeah. - So you told the nurse you have to clap? - No, they said have you got money for us, I said, no I don't have my wallet but I can clap. - Oh man. - Right, how are your- Why the fuck is there a pan on the floor? - Was it on the floor before? - It was just sat on the fucking floor. So pick it up. (laughing) Fuck, why is it on the floor? - You haven't started cooking this yet. - Are the chips ain't done yet? - No again they're- - We don't start cooking the steaks until the chips are ready. - Josh, I would say in, yeah in four minutes or so, start whacking the steaks. 'Cause you want to put the butter and rosemary on it. - Come on boys, this should be out now. We should be fucking done with dessert. - The chips bro, the chips. - We should all be on the train home by now. We're not standing here fucking around in the kitchen. - It's gonna take us a little bit longer. - Sorry mate. - Cheers. It is gonna take us a little bit longer. It's not a pro kitchen. I'm trying my hardest though. - You fool me Ethan, you fool me. I'd say this was pretty professional from you. - Oh cheers, cheers. - Cheers, cheers, here's to a lovely sunny day. - Cheers, cheers. - Cheers. - Janette and the NHS. - Janette and the NHS. (applause) - Yes! - I wouldn't cheer yet. - Have we got five plates? - This is team one. - Have we got five plates? - We need five plates. - They specifically said, we'll just give 'em three. - [Chunkz] Give one to Janette first. - No, no, no, no. I've got this, you eat that. - I'll give her the second teams one. - I just clocked it, right now I am ill. Just right now I realised. - Are you sure? Sure you don't wanna try this? - I swear we all asked specifically for- - Bro, bro, I can't. - That's you brudda. - It's about as dry as Ghandi's flip flop, it's got the same texture as a flip flop. But I assure you, it has been cooked. - The chips are raw. - So I did hear they were confident that you would still pick them regardless of their cooking. - So this is- - This is Harry. - Harry's. Okay. - Just give it a taste, see what you think. - I'm gonna put it in my mouth. - Need a bit better than that I think. - Doesn't it look like they've boiled it? - It does. I mean look at those chips. - Chips all right. - Chips all right? - And the crunch is part of it. - The chips are raw. - [Randolph] Let me try the part that's uncooked. - Oh I know why they've done this. - Why have they done that? - They did the sign to let us know. - Oh, they put it on the chips. - Oh, is that what it is? - To let us know what team it was. - Are you gonna pick them? - I don't know, we need to talk. - We need your help with this Janette. So what we need to do, you need to try one of the chips and a tiny bit of the steak. - Well, it looks like raw potato. - It is raw. - Yeah. - It's raw. - You know, I might give that a pass. - It's fucking raw! - Randolph's just shouted it's raw. - What noise does a lion make Vik? - Roar. - Roar. It's fucking raw! Why would you send it out when it's not fucking cooked? - It smells all right anyway. - I think it is edible. - It's awful. - Nice? - Really? - Team one, team one. Team one. - Actually it is nice. Chips taste all right. - I picked you the burned ones so that it would be the closest to being cooked. - I am used to hospital food though mind you. - Okay. - That's actually true. - That is true. - Hospital munch is low tier, bottom tier. - Boris Johnson is the worst. I just want to say, I ran for London mayor and if I became mayor, I would've doubled your pay. - Oh, thank you. - Did you see his mayoral campaign? - No. - It was on ITV news. - Did you you vote for mayor? - No. Well yes I did on a postal vote. - That was at JJ. He came and pitted my cheek. - What the fuck was that? Why are you throwing cheese at me? - I threw it at JJ 'cause he pitted my plate. - JJ's tried to sabotage. - Please no, please no, please no. - No! No! - I've got depression now. - Cheese bro, you can't put that in there. - I liked the risotto and I liked the steak. The chips are a bit- - Bear in mind she eats hospital food. He's nuts. - We need oven gloves, oven gloves. - I've got them. - All right, cool. Yeah fuck it just serve them that bro. - We're serving that? - Yeah, fuck it bro, fuck it. 'Cause we started dessert before our main. - You wanna serve that? What is that? - Should we just serve that anyway. - Who fucking thought this was okay? - That's not us, is it? - It's fucking white in the middle. - But that's cooked. - How would you say that is cooked? - It's well done, no? - Well done. - Yeah. - Well fucking done Harry. It's well fucking done. You're a fucking genius. Give him a round of applause, well done mate. You fucked it up. - I'm sorry Phil. - Look at the steak, it's fucking wasted. - We can do that one. We can do that one, it's ours. - No. No! - We said it from the get go bro, we said it from the get go. - No! They serve three, we serve three. - Why are you pushing your arse into my crotch? Just because you're single now Harry doesn't mean that I want you. Why did you nibble it, fucking taste it. - Bro please please. We're on a time budget, we're on a time punch. Vik! - Taste your fucking food Harry. Get it in there. - Wait, are we tasting this? - No it looks great bro, it looks good. - This is your crumble, is it? Why are you serving them apple soup? - This one can't run. Fuck off this one, just take the two. Right, here it goes. Yo Simon. Aye yo Simon! - Simon! - This is fucking raw food. - Look look, it's not raw, look. - Congealed flower and apple. - It's probably quite sweet. Is it sweet though? - You know what I'll do. - That tastes like flower and water and sugar. Everyone fucking try this before you take it out there, fucking try it. That's good, is it Harry? - I'd eat that. - How's that Vik? You think that's good? - No it's shit but we tried. - Team two's finally ready. - They took too long. Not trying it anymore. - It's not nice. - You're not trying it? Took too long? - I'm on it, I'm on it. - Give it to Janette. - Oh my God Janette, we're in for a treat. - Now that looks better. - Yes. Go on, you'll do halfsies. - I'll just chop it in half. - Yeah. - Barbecue on my chips though. - This is so much better. - Right, what do we think? - All right, first bite. Gonna cleanse the palate. - What do the chips think? - Nice. Loving it. - Fuck out of my kitchen! Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off! Get out! - Bon appetite. - What's this? - Punctuality, that's what it is. - Apple crumble we thought, you know, you're ready for something sweet. Unique take on it. - We just got the main. - Unique. Unique, how? - You haven't finished your. - I think this one's your one, right? - Whichever tastes nicest is ours. - The one that came through first? 'Cause obviously we had our little agreement. - Guys, you've been incredibly rude. Say hello to Janette. - My name's Harry. - Hello there Harry. - Head chef. - I'm not head chef, he's head chef. - Vik, nice to meet you. - Hi Vik. - Hi. Are you enjoying your food? - We are enjoying it. - Anyways, what we're saying is, we made an effort here to bring food out quick and we hope you appreciate that. - Where's the fourth crumble though? - It's been sacked off. - Well I want team two's then. - All right boys, we can go home now, right? - That was fucking good enough, was it? - We'll see what they say. - We'll see what they say. They might like it. - You think? - There's a chance. - You think they'll like their apple soup with fucking flower? - We're not, please don't throw it. - Why the fuck are you running? - Okay, okay. Okay. Why are you using me as a shield? - Because you're big. - Right, let's start getting this shit cleaned up. Who's gonna eat this? Plate of cat vomit. Fucking clean up. - Ah! It's hot! - Get the fuck on with it! Come on! - Steak's fucking top tier. Chips, I had a semi. - All right but you don't know what they said about the other team so- - No, we don't know what you said, we'll see. - You'll have to wait and see. - We didn't hear that. You make up your own minds guys. It's on you, it's on you. - This apple crumble is incredible. - Presentation's not great. - It's fucking shit. Actually horrible. - Who farted in your face? - No one farted in my face Phil, I promise. - Was it your mom again? - No, my mom didn't do that Phil. - She's into that? - No, Phil she didn't do that. - I've had the same problem with your mom. She gave me pink eye. - Oh no Phil, here it comes. - She just like spreads here cheeks, doesn't she? Just kind of slides your nose down the crack. - Oh please no. - Right, how's your crumble looking? - It's in there mate. - Is it put together? - Yeah. It's looking good. - I'll try it, I'll try it. - What about our steaks? - JJ, she just tried it. - Steak is lovely, that one. - You've just tried it. - You need a bit of cream or something on it. - You know what we discussed earlier. - Yeah. - I don't know where this is going. - No, no, no. Trust me. No, trust me, trust me. No, no, no. Do the thing Janette. - Oh you wanted to dash it. - I can't, it goes against my grain. (plate smashes) - What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is this? - Watch this, watch. I can guarantee- - Are you fucking serious? In the middle of our restaurant. (chattering in background) Come on! - I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leave- - Ah, needed to get out of there. Holy fuck. That was a trip. - Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. - It is not time for you to sit down and have a break, is it? Get inside Harry. Where the fuck are you going? Come back here you little fucker. - He's got legs. - Harry! - He's got legs. - Come here! - He is chasing him. All right, well, this has been eventful. (laughing) - Where the fuck are you going Harry? What are you doing? Why are you making a fucking mess in my restaurant? I know you're going through hard times right now but Harry, it will be okay if you just stop being such a fucking chrissy. - Everyone's looking at us Phil. - I know they are because you are being a fucking moron. You're embarrassing yourself, you're embarrassing me. Get the fuck up and get back in the restaurant. Did you hurt your ankle? - I hurt my ankle bro. - Oh poor little fucking you. - I fell on my ankle. - I think you hurt your pride worse than you hurt anything else, haven't you? - What a day. - What a day. - I mean it's been fine for you, you smashed it. - I couldn't escape, he rugby tackled me. - He rugby tackled you. - He rugby tackled me. - Oh my God. - Is your station clean? - Look, we've ordered a cleaner to come through. Okay. Okay. - Stop being such a lazy fucker JJ. - I tried to dupe him. - I've had enough of your shit. - I haven't even done anything. - Exactly, that's the fucking problem, isn't it? You never fucking do anything. - Okay. - What? Why are you cowering away from me. - Because you're screaming. - Get the fuck back in the restaurant. Get up. - Okay, okay. - Get inside. Get your fucking hat on, get inside. Have a bit of pride JJ. The fuck is wrong with you? - [JJ] Fucking hell. - [Phil] Have a little pride in your work JJ. - Boys, I won't lie, I saw your steak and chips. I tried your chip, amazing. The steak, perfectly cooked. We're in the mud. - Thank you bro, thank you. - You speak as if this is new information. We've been in the mud since the Risotto. - I'm not gonna lie lads, I'm really shit housing it because I don't wanna clean up. - Oh I ain't cleaning that up. - I've left my team to do the work station. - Hey, you have fun? - Hey buddy, I actually really did have fun. - Oh man. - How was your day? - It's been- - Eventful? - You can say that. - How's it going guys? - How's Janette? - She's doing all right, she's having a fun time. - What a character, I loved her. - She's great. - Did you just find her out here? - First person I asked. - How'd you pitch it? - Hello, how you doing? Hope you're having a nice day. We're having a tasting session in here today, would you like to come in and, you know, taste some stuff. - Do you want some wine out of a cup? - Do you want some wine? You can do with some wine, I know you can. - You guys know that Chunkz has eaten the whole of your crumble. - Has he actually? - Really? - He was like, I can't lie, this is nice still. - The amount of fucking sugar you lot backed in it was crazy. - All right, apple crumble time baby. Oh it smells good. Hey, hey, I will get it out. - Get it out the fucking oven, they've been waiting for fucking two hours in there. - Okay, here's one. Plate. - You got any garnish? Any garnishing? You got any coulis or anything? You've had long enough. - Nah, nah, nah, nah. - I can't believe you fucking stiffed me. - Oh what with the fucking switch bro. He came back in and said, oh I've given him money, I've given him money 'cause the other team paid him. I was like bro. - Our plan worked. - Fucking dickheads. - Final dessert. - Oh shit. - Oh fucking hell. - Wow. Is that custard? - Yeah, it's cream, it's cream, it's cream. - Oh my gosh. You see this red team? - Oh my God. - Wow. - Ethan, I am proud of you mate. - Cheers Phil. - Good job man. - Thanks Phil. - Good job. - Wow what a time to be alive. Yeah! - The blue team are smashing it. - Cold custard. - Wait, when'd you get custard? - Was it not on their table? - Yeah, you had custard as well. - Oh, Callux is going. - It's a bit like thick. - Custard is meant to be thick, no? - Yeah but not this thick. - Lets see this. - It is a bit too hot. - Yeah, they could've waited another minute. - Yeah, yeah. Ours wasn't that hot. - They've been waiting all this time. (chattering) - No heat warning. Ah I burnt my fingers. - You didn't tell us, no heat warning. - And it's so nice but it would've been nicer an hour ago. (exclaims) - You ate raw chips. - And they're cheeky as well and he's being rude. - You ate sloppy apple crumble. - You're rude as well. - He's telling facts, he's telling them facts. Amazing. - Have you heard the rest of the conversation? (applause) (chattering) - Don't be too worried, I was eating this as well. - Are you kissing? What the fuck are you doing? - Shut your fucking mouth. (exclaims) - Do you wanna eat this? Do you wanna eat this? - I'm okay Jeff, I mean. (chattering in background) - He's a customer! - The customer's always right. - He's hungry, he wants it, he knows they're good. - You guys gotta decide the winning team by the way. - Right now? - Well they're talking. - Is it good? - That is fucking brilliant. - Is it actually? - That, boys, all down to Ethan. This is fucking brilliant. - He didn't touch the crumble. - The risotto, amazing. The chips, amazing. The steak, amazing. The crumble, amazing. - Jeez, come on. - I think it's pretty obvious who's won this. - Gonna start by saying congratulations to both teams for giving us three meals. (applause) - And Phil like, jokes aside, well done for putting up with 'em. Not even trolling. (applause) - Appreciate it Callux. - Well I've got nothing to say to you. But what I will say is food was nice, blue team, presentation every time, incredible. (applause) - The flavours, the taste, I'm a bit emotional right now. - It is emotional. Like Randy's still eating as, you know, as all this is going on. - Main course, how did you guys even do the main? - Yeah, how, who made it? (chattering) The chips, incredible. Who did the chips? (applause) Amazing chips. And then that steak was cooked so perfectly. - Amazing. So wait, Toby, what did you do? - Man did the crumble still. - He massaged the steak as well. - I'll hand it to him, Toby is responsible for the texture of your desserts. - Listen, don't care. Anyways, did you guys massage your steak or anything like that? - A little bit, a little bit. Slightly, we oiled it a bit. - We played with your, what was it? Where we held it upside down, that was your team that we were doing that to. - [JJ] The risotto, yeah. - We forgot the cream in it as well. - And then we move on to your mains. And we've got some chips that are still potatoes. (laughing) How long did you cook 'em for? - Not enough. - Clearly not. - We felt like you were hungry so we had to be fast. - What was your phrase? - Punctuality beats perfection. - JJ, try this. - That's the worst phrase. That's honestly the worst phrase. - He should try one of his chips. - I actually don't want to try 'em. - Try the chip. There we go. Try that chip. - [Ethan] Oh my God it's potato. Oh my God it's potato. Oh my God it's potato. - [Toby] You can see it. You can see it. - And that taste does enough as it is. Yeah? Blue team, amazing, right? He spat it out? - How do we do this? - It's pretty simple. On three, we'll go... Yeah? - What? Who we thinks gonna win? - Yeah. - On three, yeah? - Three, two, one, red team. (cheers) - How much did he pay you? How much did KSI pay you? How much did KSI pay you? - Hold on, hold on, hold on, we gave the money to Janette. All our money. - Yeah, actually gave all our money to Janette right now. (laughing) (chattering) - On the real, we're busy people. - I can't lie, the 20 minutes at the end was- (chattering) - You lost. Nah, nah, you lost. (multiple people talking) - Well done red team. (cheers) - Well, we can't argue it. There you go boys, well done, good job. - Thank you Phil. - Good job. Good job. Thank you you guys for being brave enough to try this food. Cheers boys. Nice one. There we go. Good job. You guys, you've lost. It pains me to say it, I think you did the best food but you did take all fucking day about it so you are pieces of shit and you've lost. What the fuck have you done today? - I've had a good day to be honest. (upbeat music plays)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 12,762,983
Rating: 4.9363298 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: BvdlZsK5ZWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 11sec (4991 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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