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- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sidemen channel and it is the big quiz 2020 curated by Harry who is currently stuck in self isolation back in Guernsey. We are now gonna have a one-minute silence for Harry. (playful music) - Boo. - Right, minus one point. - I was just doing a Millwall. (Vik shushes) (gentle music) - I'm merely the host for today lads this is all Harry's done. (gentle music) Wow and there we go. (Sidemen applauding) Nice work guys well done. So starting off the day with the teams, the teams are Folabi and the Punjabi and they are already on minus one point. (Sidemen laughing) Team two, the stinky Pokemon virgins, otherwise known as Randolph and Simon. And team three is team Josh and Tobi. (Sidemen laughing) - Can I get this straight? Did Harry write in the minute silence for himself? - Harry wrote here, we're now gonna have a one-minute silence Harry. Have a one-man silence in brackets. If anyone makes a noise, deduct a point for them. So, unfortunately. - You got that - Unlucky. - Strings were - Not easy. - Can I just say, how many people did you ask that declined before I got chosen? - That's best left undiscussed. (Sidemen laughing) - What do you mean mate? - Before we get started we do have a message from our curator, Harry. - Hello guys, I hope you're doing well today. I hope you enjoy the quiz. I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you, but I'm here to tell you that I have got an epic prize for the winning team. The winning team gets to take home KSI's PS5. (Sidemen laughing) So best of luck. You always think of piss, back to Behzinga. (Sidemen laughing) - Come on. - Thank you, Harry. So as you guys heard the winners of today's quiz get to take home KSI's PS5. - Oh man, no. - Yes - Yeah. - Okay. - Whoo. - Yes - What kind man, he brought it all the way to this shoot. - What if we win? I don't get nothing. - You're already on minus one point don't worry about. (Sidemen laughing) Round one, internet shenanigans, ooh. - No shit. - So question one, ladies and gentlemen. What famous words did True Geordie utter when he broke up the fight between Jeremy Lynch and Stephen Tries? (playful music) - You should know this. - That was so fucking far . - I'm gonna give you like 30 seconds or so and then. - Why is there a third choice in it? - Yeah. - Just should put a chair down we've got 30 seconds. - I don't have a clue. - Do you player has to find of ideas? - Hey guys, you think you're doing well? - I was spot on. - We've got an answer. - All right. - Okay. - Right guys the end of question one I would like to see all your answers starting with the Pokemon virgins. - We went with on me shit on me. - Oh actually like. - Abstract way of breaking up a fight you could say. - Yeah. - JJ or Folabi and Punjabi, what are you going for? - We went with are you all right. - Ooh, that's a good answer. - That's not the answer, though. - Josh - is everything all right, right over here. - Ooh, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner in this round. - It will be them, it'll be them. - Josh and Tobi go away with the correct answer. - Come on. - JJ, you was close. It was indeed, is everything all right? - Gee. - Oh I remember that now. - You're right. - Come on. - You probably calm down. - Did it right. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Careful needs to calm down. - We were close. - We were very close, pretty think about. - You write shit on me. (laughing) - Shit on me. - We thought it would get a better response, but you know maybe it was a bit of a thinker. - try to find Josh. - I mean like, I enjoyed it. - Yeah it was funny. - The host enjoyed it. I'm sure Harry will in Guernsey too. - Thanks - Question number two. This one is, I can tell this is really burn Harry deep to curate it and put it in here. During a famous game of among us this year Behzinga claimed with his chest that he saw Harry vent, did he see Harry vent? - In. - Was. - Was that you? - What exactly? - Exactly after he - Did he see Harry vent or no? Yes or no? I just need an answer that. - Well, I mean. - 'Cause he wouldn't right, otherwise. - Yes could run it. - Did I see him vent or not? - Over his chest? Did you say your chest? - I said it with chest bro. I said, listen, here, I saw you - Wait. (light playful music) - That's, it's a yes or no question. - I know, I don't know how they're struggling. Vik, I feel sorry for you today. I'm sorry. (light playful music) A'ight, a'ight. Guys, we're going to the answer for this question, Josh and Tobi. - We put no. - Right, okay? - It could be in the quiz ago and it's no. - We said yes. - Virgina and Kate. - I said no. - No. - I will let you guys know that the answer is indeed no. Because it was KSI, - What is wrong with you? - who is not only got the question wrong. - I told him. - But it was also him that vented whilst Harry was on top of it. (Sidemen laughing) - Why would it be in the quiz if it was yes? - Well why did you just go with yeah now what? - 'Cause you're pissing me off. No I said- - Someone run the clip. - I said no. - Harry stood on the top of download - No, no, no no it's not wrong, I said - Just stood there. - There you've won. - And KSI vents. - It's the one where he goes off. - So the flapper vent. And I only saw. - It's the one where he mutes. - I only is Harry. - Yeah I knew the one. - 'Cause Harry I saw you. - But why didn't you. - But I told it's wrong and you just carried on. - You know, you shouldn't just say fine. No you should be like no that's wrong. - I told you twice. - exactly. - I'm pretty. - Why did you just accepting? - Because we're already minus a point and we only have half a point. - It's safe to say that PS5 is on its way out of the club. - Fuck that PS5 I'm - That is ready for a transfer. - Vik's gonna start throwing in us. (Simon laughs) - They folded two questions in. (Sidemen laughing) - Bro, we're two questions and a minus one. - Why would it be in the quiz if - Why didn't you say anything? - 'Cause be ours. (Sidemen laughing) - Do you know what if I actually the runner of the quiz I would have said yes was the right answer but Harry made it, I'm gonna respect his decision. - He went offer you. - Well no, well Ethan, did you see Harry vent? - I saw Harry on top of the vent that you ventured in. - No, but did you see Harry vent? - No. (Ethan laughing) I saw you vent. - Change it. - I saw you vent. - Then why did you say Harry vented? - Because so you - That's what he did. - So then you saw Harry vent. - But if actually, if you run the- - No no no. - If you run the evidence back. - What did you see? What did you see? - Ethan did you physically see Harry go in a vent? - No, no, no. - So he didn't see him vent. - So then why did you fucking say it. - I saw a slap and Harry was right next to it. - 'Cause was he thought you on there. He thought he saw it. - I saw the vent flap and Harry was next to it. - So then you thought Harry vented. - I assumed he had vented. - No. - He saw the vent move and Harry there. - Hey KSI, if you want me to ring Harry and get another point, taken off, be quiet. - [Both] Ooh. - It's outrageous man. - Question number three. - Okay. - Charli D'Amelio he spelled it wrong, but we missed . (Sidemen laughing) You guys, it says Charli, D-A-M-L-I-O, Damilo, damlio, - Damlio - Dam dalio. - Damlio. - Charli D'Amelio become the most followed person on Tik Tok surpassing 100 million followers, who is the second most followed Tik Tok? - account. - You think? - Probably Anderson. - Yeah. - Vik I've just got one question for your team. - Yes. - Why are you letting this man take the reins today? - We started on minus one. I told him the answer and he wouldn't listen to me. - Okay, if I was you in round two, I'd take the rein back. - Hey hey hey. - Let him have this one. - I've already pack my answer. - Hey. - Hey, hey. - Vik if anything he's personally hand delivering his PS5 to someone else. - Look, I'm not gonna see the PS5 go. - Right guys did you bring the wires? - No, I did not bring the wires. - That's right you could have - Do you have your answers written down teams? - Yeah we're not sure. - Okay, KSI starting with you this time. - Addison Rae. - Right okay. - Peng ting cool. - Wow we've got some, you got two. - Don't say Dixie. - I need a bad B, Addison Rae. - Okay. - Well done guys, we have points around today. - Yay. - Let's go, let's go. - KSI one- - Addison Lee. - One step closer to getting your PS5 back. This year Vikkstar123 uttered the famous phrase to be fair though followed by nothing. After this debacle, that followed it was deduced that we were simply agreeing with Harry who said a Japanese invention was cool. What was that invention? - Fuck. - Oh no. - Vik could well and truly put you back on track to your PS5. - It was me, Vik. - Oh Vik, oh you're a king. - And Harry on major. - Majoring. - You okay? Let's go. - Smell as a toilet, right? - Yeah, Simon to be fair though. - We weren't, I wasn't in this video. - That's my favourite clip of the year by the way. - Automatic toilet. - This is the - No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. What are you doing? - This is as good as we can go bro. - Yeah. - Team Josh and Tobi you don't need to draw the answer. We are on. - Nah, nah, go on, go on, go on, go on. - If I sent you a toilet 'cause I wrote bum jet. - Bum jet. - Right, Simon if you got your answer, 'cause they've already revealed there's. - Oh. - And it's bum jets. - Yeah, we put an automatic toilet. - Automatic toilet. - More sophisticated than your answer actually. - A photo booth with filters in it. - Do you write any smaller? - I was. It was that fuck. - Is that photo booth. - The answer that I have written on this card is not bum yet. - Ah. - Ah. - Damn it. - It's no one of those fancy toilet. Vikkstar 123 uttered the famous phrase, "To be fair though" and he answered with photo booth with filters. - Yes. - My card says a green screen photo booth. - What? - That's different. - That's different than the lame thing. - That's different. - No filters. - No filters. - Right its a - A filter and a green screen. - Let you decide. you decide, you decide, you decide. - Guys keep the PlayStation over there. (Sidemen laughing) Unfortunately Vik, you've murdered you teammate that is a different thing. - PS5, PS5. - It says a green screen photo is the answer I have on my card. - Can we also. - To be fair though. - Get them to write big? (Tobi laughing) - I can't even, it's a struggle to read that. - What the fuck man? - Bro, this team looks so sad bro. - So doing well so far guys, having fun round one? - I love this game, I love this game. - As we all know, Harry's a little bit of a scatty account on Twitter, right? - Scatty - He likes playing in between the blurred lines. Wroetoshaw almost got cancelled this year after tweeting a video of Chris Kamara saying what? - I know. - We all love Kammy, don't we? - Oh no. - We love Kammy. - Josh I know this. - You actually know? - Harry likes the football tweets. - Oh zizu - Ooh ooh ooh ooh. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Do you remember what it is? Here we go. - Oh they wanted me to write it bigger. (Josh and Tobi laughing) - This is such a good question. - So guys Wroetoshaw Twitter account. What was the tweet? What was in there? What phrase did Chris Kammy say? Let's hear it. - Sacary Bagna. - Oh! - What did they put? - Come on let's see it. Well done guys Sacary Bagna is indeed the right answer. - I'm not. - Thanks for getting us correct never going correct . - It was a funny. - Oh that was funny. Can I say that? - No. My views do not represent. - It's more about the before. - That was a really. - Yes, I think that was the issue. - I don't think that was the issue. - You won't speak of that. - Chris Kammy he's got loads of funny moments We love Kam doc. How much did that dodgy bald guy on Logan Paul's Pokemon pack opening claim Bulbasaur was worth? I expect you all to get points here from the dodgy bald guy. Randy? - I'm ready. - Did you say he's, - I'll go with Ryan Wilson. - The dodgy bald guy. - Big guy you've all got fraud. Fight me, I'm an undersoded Floyd. Floyd looking forward mate. - Don't label me. - Right you heard it here first. - You're not getting extra points. - And Randy by fight you mean on the Pokemon. - I wanna slap his head. (Simon laughing) - You know the video they're going to change your ribs. - You know, he called me mix fatty mcfat fat. (Sidemen laughing) - A dodgy bald guy. Fucking dodgy bald guy. - It's quite nice to be fair than your bald guy. - But it is unfair. - They want a fucking (indistinct) - Charlie size. - They got an among us character. - Everybody got their answers down? - Yeah. - Guys I mean, come on. It's like the quiz of the year guys. Come on let's. - You're actually - Guys. - True. - You're up to me. - They look so sad. - You're I think you've wrote it. - All right let's see your answers sad team. - Read it out JJ. - What. - Read it out. - Logan Paul said Bulbasaur is worth 30k. I know my worth, don't lowball me. - Why has he out, he said Logan Paul. - No but it's - When he said Logan guy - You said Logan Paul said these words. - Okay so I'm gonna tell you now you don't have the points let's go. - What the fuck are you doing? (Vik laughs) - I put $30,000 PSA - Nice and. - PSA 10 Bulbasaur. - Yes did he write ? - $5000. - JJ, did he write this? - He wrote. - Yeah but. - That's not my handwriting though. - I've got an idea here. I think Vik is getting you back and handing your PS5 to another team. - He's a - It's a good meme. - He did to me - Label me again. - No don't label me here. - But it's the dodgy bald guy, it's not Logan. - Yeah, yeah. - It's not what Logan said. - Logan wants it. - Yeah you copy the caption perfectly. - It's the meme now. - He actually shared that. - It's what the dodgy bald guy said. - Well, he said $30000. - Okay, well done. You get a point, you get a point. Well done guys. - What, do we not get a point for that? - But you get a meme point. - No, I'll take a meme. - It's what the dodgy bald guy said. - No, but that's the meme. That's the copy pasta. - That's ebay meme. - Okay, so if you want your own meme counter. - Yeah. - That's not gonna get you your PS5 back but enjoy it. - You got a meme point hold on lad. Keep texting those meme points. - Fuck off. - So I can copy you. - So at the end of round one, big fat quiz of the year Sidemen edition. Eh, team Josh and Tobi doing very well, leaders in the quiz so far with five points. Fair play, absolutely unreal. - He's got massive head. - In second place, I know it's a shock. We don't have a Punjabi and the Folabi I've done it the other way round there you like that remix. (Josh and Tobi laughing) We have the Pokemon virgins on four points. - Pokemon. - And guys, if JJ didn't make a noise in the minute silence for our dear friend, Harry you would have been on two unfortunately you're one. - Pretty solid. (Sidemen applauding) - Vik looks like he's enjoying this thing. - Why are you clapping that? Why you clapping? - I have a point. We started on negative point now we're on positive point. - Oh my God. - Do you wanna share? - I think Vik secretly enjoying this. I think he's loving this. - I think Vik's got shares in that PS5 you know. - However, ladies and gentlemen, moving on to round two. Something that KSI might be good at. We have the music round. - Ooh. - Oh yeah. - Hang on hang on. - It's pressure though. It's a lot pressure there. - Are you ready? - Yes. - Round one, well question bag. As you can tell I'm not good at this. Earlier this year on Twitter three pop stars got tricked into thinking people in lockdown were singing their songs from balconies. You get a point for each one you name. - [Both] Ooh. - Oh shit. - I don't remember any bro. - Three pop stars got tricked into thinking. - Oh God. - People were singing their songs on the balconies. - Dua Lipa?. - You get a point. - Taylor Swift. - For each one. I have three names on this paper. - Putting them with a roadmap. I forget. - I ain't got a clue. - Katy Perrya and okay who was it? - Who's your favourite pop star? - Randolph. - KSI. - I shake that booty. - KSI is actually a pop star nowadays. - He's a pop star. - He's not a rapper, is he? - Oh JJ you're a pop star I mean. - JJ you're a pop star. YouTube pop star. (laughing) - Many big UK female singers. - I'll just say - Don't start now. - Hey guys, gonna pressure you for some answers now. - Oh yeah, we're ready. - We're ready. - You good? - Yeah. - It's just the team in the middle don't look prepared as per. Vik you having a good day mate yeah? - Great mate, this is quite cool border razor, it's funky design. Do we need the song names by the way? - No, no, just the artists. - Oh my God. - What are you doing? - Bro, do you not listen. - Fuck. - Three pop stars got tricked into thinking. You get a point for each artist you name. - Okay. - Did you hear that correctly? - Yes I'm ready. - Okay, guys now that KSI got the question correct in his head, let's hear your answers. - So KSI, Dua Lipa and Robbie Williams. - Can't really argue with the first one. - I actually did see that. - So you thought people were singing KSI rhythms at the balconies? - Are you a pop star? - Yeah yes. - Can ask that question are you a pop star? - I mean I'm in the charts quite a bit. - So are you (man laughing drowns out speaker) - You're a pop star. It's okay, you're not a rapper, you're a pop star. - No I'm a rapper. - So what are you, a rapper or a pop star? Tell me. - I'm a musician. - I don't think you are. - That's where I'm from then - Josh and Tobi let's see your three answers. - We put Digga D. - Wait wait what? - IceJJFish and Danny music. ♪ Something about ♪ ♪ Everybody hating on me ♪ ♪ Everybody who loved me ♪ ♪ Goodbye goodbye to everybody ♪ - Pokemon virgins. - answers. - What's good. - We went with Dua Lipa, Taylor Swift and Drake. - Guys, guys. - Drake. - He's a popstar, not a lobster. - We thought that might be God's plan. ♪ God's plan ♪ - Yeah true. - I'm very, very, very, very, very upset here. - We're close though. - No one got anything did they? - Absolutely, nobody got any of these names so on these bits of paper. But I'm gonna award a point for Danish. You can have a point. - For - Danny music? - Yeah, you get one point for Danish. I love Danny. - Shout out to the people that loved. - I'm not, loving it! I'm not having this. - Two fell out in the lead already. - That's a bullshit bro. They got no points man. - There's supposed to be a sympathy points. - You've just said that you don't like KSI basically. - All right. (Ethan laughing) - Fair enough. - What were the answers can we know? - Can we know, can we actually know the answers? - Yes, the answers were Cheryl Cole, Madonna and Katy Perry to be fair. - Katy Perry. - It was Katy Perry. - Yeah Katy Perry. - Ooh I second guessed myself. - This question, JJ, I really hope you get correct. - All right here we go then come on. - How many number one billboard hits did 6ix9ine get this year after being released from prison? How many billboard number one hits? - Mr. monthly listener's about to strike here. - Come on. - This is what I'm saying. This is his playground you know. - We're so in the band lab - The ball is in your bins yeah. - We're so in the bend. - Yeah. - I dunno, it's just a guess. - You're up. - Yes. - Sure? - I'm fantastic bro. - That's good yeah. It's good to know. - Hey yoh, can we have a timer bro, what's going on? - Let's see your answers. - Okay, okay. - We went with one. - Fuck sake, man one it's one. - We wrote zero. - Well, two teams get the point and that will be. - Dung it. - Punjabi and Folabi - I trusted you. - I trusted me. - No good podcast. - No, no, you've just insulted our podcast there. - No wait, what? - You called them a virgin - I'm sorry guys I did. - Virgins would be that focused owl. - Should the podcast? - Yeah for convergence. - Now guys, this question KSI really should get it right. - Oh God. - KSI's released his smash hit. - Smash hit. - Yeah. (Sidemen laughing) - Shut up. (JJ laughing) - All right, for fuck sake. KSI released his smash hit "Really Love" and "Lighter" this year. How many versions does each song have? - [Randolph and Simon] Got too many. - It's the same for each. - Too many. - Wait so we need. - So each song has an amount of votes. - You get a point for each. - So do we need both numbers? - No I just need the number of versions together. - I heard this is what. - It's the same for each song. So I just need a number, I'm looking for a number - Because it's too different charm test. - You draw that's so weird. - All right? No, like it says it's the same for each. - Yeah but. - No it says one answer Vik. - I'm trying. - So it includes the original? - You've got me. - KSI released this smash hit, it's "Really Love" and "Lighter" this year. How many versions does each song have? It's the same for each song, I'm looking for a number. - It's a weird number. - No but they're different. - Yeah, is this before the Sean Paul? - I've got an answer. - This. - This might be before the so mi so go so then. - So mi go so then. - You're a liar has. - Sean Paul. ♪ I don't really care what people say ♪ ♪ I don't really watch dem waan do ♪ ♪ Still I got to stick to my girls like glue ♪ - He might have written this like over two weeks ago. - There's no rehab version. - We have a song right here and we have wisdom. - Yeah, then there's also . - Tighter. - Yeah. - And kind of fluctuate. - And then the original. - Yeah. - Bear in mind we're talking. - Okay. - Each song has the same amount of versions. Is what it says here. - It depends with Harry's. - Right. Guys, should we start with them? - Yeah. - Just to see what they say. - Yeah. - Go on. - Hey KSI smash hits, how many versions? - Three. (Sidemen laughing) No! Fuck! - We put four. - We put three because there is no acoustic version of "Really Love" yet. It's not. - All guys. What was it Tobi said earlier? You said, maybe too many. The answer is five. It was five versions. - There was not five versions. - Is that together. - Nah. - No look it says it's the same for each, look. - So yeah. - The same for each. - I think Harry is correct. - That's wrong. That's wrong nah, that's wrong. - You've got a meme. - Hey you're in charge here. - You're in mirror squad. - What happens on the card. - ""Lighter" has more versions. - "Really Love." - Yes. - Has the rehab and Sean Paul. - Yes. - The Tinie Tempah. - Yes. - And main. - The main. - That's four. - No, that's three, I just said three. - The main, yeah, three. - The main, yeah. - We have Sean Paul with Tinie Tempah. - Whereas Lighter has like. - The acoustic. - There's no acoustic "Really Love" yet. - There's no acoustic. - Why are you saying. - There will be though. - They won't be. - They will be. - And the first one has four. - Hello Wroetoshaw. - Hello man. - We're having a bit of a debacle here on the "Really Love" and "Lighter" versions. And the answer is five. KSI seems to think there's definitely not five. So they're trying to VAR it. But I'm just here to ask the curator of the quiz. So could you please list the amount of versions of "Really Love"? - All right listen to this. - Okay, I'll do "Really Love." So we've got. - Vik listen to this. - Josh, listen to this. - The original version, yeah? - Yep. - We've got the "Really Love" blink remix. - Right. - We've got "Really Love." - He forgot the remix. - Blink dub. - Yep, his head is in his hands right now. - All right. Then we've got "Really Love" featuring Tinie Tempah and Yxng Bane. - That's four yep. - And then we've got the "Really Love" rehab remix with Sean Paul, that's five. - That is five. (Sidemen laughing) And then could we do. - What the hell are those second and third ones bro? - "Lighter" as well, please? Could we just clarify how many versions of "Lighter" there are? - So we got the OG "Lighter." We've got the Ella Henderson, acoustic. - Yep. - That's a two. We've got the window kilt big zoo remix, which is three. - Yep. - We got the PS1 remeix. - Oh my God. - Oh my God, KSI in the mud. - The shapes remix - Well, there we go, ladies. Thank you very much Harry pleasure. Hope you're having a good time self isolating goodbye. - If that is not a sign to stop making remixes. - Innit? You know he complains to me for not making those music. - As Tobi said earlier, I think. - He made apply for one song. - They might be too many. - You just said three, bro. You're too off. - Mate. - I've got new EP coming soon by the way. It's beer is five times. (Simon laughing) - Okay. - Fuck me. - PS1 remix. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - PS2. - Stress, I'm stressed. - That was tough. - So guys at the end of round two, which was a very, very interesting round KSI obviously not knowing his own catalogue of music. Josh and Tobi are still in the lead with six points that PS5 is firmly firmly on their table. - Danny song, man, - Not Danny. (Josh and Tobi laughing) - I took control for a little bit. I really liked the Danny song. - We allowed it to fail never mind. - Yeah. - In second place we have the no good, it's the Pokemon virgins they've got five points. - I made the joke and he's stolen it to insult us. - We're kidding. - And Vik and JJ. JJ, that round was you. You really could have made a come back to get back to. - How many rounds are there? - Well, we'll find out, man. I'm just going through the cards as. - There's no need for - Just me, I'm just import - That's what I'm saying. You guys want two points guys. - Yes thank you. - Wow. - Yeah. - To be fair you can catch up. - Why do you fucking keep clapping? (Sidemen laughing) - of nothing. - I told you guys, you're very angry at me. - His head's hot. - Oh I'm fine. - Maybe this round will cool you down. Round three Harry's quarantine questions. - Yay. - [Sidemen] Whoo! - Oh. - Okay, so I'm gonna run a lap of my garden and you've got to predict how long it will take for me to get back to this spot. We're gonna try and film it. Who knows if we'll catch it or not? Let's go, you ready? - So guys, please guess how long it takes Harry to do a lap of his garden. - You think his garden is that big? - I will help you guys. Quickly ladies and gentlemen, Harry has recently moved his residency in Guernsey. Hasn't he? So I know you might think of his old school garden, right? - That's what I'm saying - But he has just recently moved. - It's chunky. - Harry is upgraded in life. A bigger garden maybe. - But he's also a fitter. - Right so. - No, Josh, it's not that, Josh is not that. - Why? - It's not that. - You guys have only one. - I'd like to see. - Just hurry up, man. - Could I please see your estimates before we reveal? - We went for 14 seconds. - A lap of his garden in 14 seconds. - We have no idea how big the garden is. - We went with 18 seconds. - Is the closest answer wins? - Yeah. - It is yes. - Yeah so, we put 21 seconds ago. - Okay right. - Oh oh. - Could you please play video three? - You ready? Three, two, one run. (upbeat music) - Oh it's huge. - Oh fuck. - It's huge. - He's just showing off, he's showing off his new house that's it. So that is, that's everyone out. - Can we just stop there. - Can we just stop it. Can we just stop it. - You don't wanna see his garden - Nah stop it. Eh, stop it Kan, stop it. Stop it. - You wanna show us his garden though. - Nah I don't wanna see this, man. - Really? - I don't want a whole video of him just showing off his garden. - That is nice. - No he's put time and effort to this running. - I think it's incorrect 'cause a lap of his garden is it the inside? - Kan run the video. - Thank you. - Bro, look how long it's left. - It's got a slide. - We're half way. - That's not a lap, that's not a lap. - He's going back. He's going back. (Sidemen laughing) - He's running so jokes. (playful music) - I forgot that a minute. 68 seconds. - Yeah, all I've learned from this is Harry is a show off. - So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. - Nah no I'm not. - I told him direct 69 seconds. - You guys. - It should be each side of his garden. - Just you know Harry says he's poor. See that. - You guys the closest team wins and with 21 seconds that's Josh and Tobi. - Yeah I just wanna say, I've never seen anyone have a fence in there garden and call both sides their garden. - Pardon. - You got to go inside. - He ran through a fence. - No, no, no, listen, Harry. - He lives in a zoo mate. - Yeah Harry recently got zoo, all right. - I'm fuming, I'm fuming. - Vik and JJ obviously no points there again. - Yes thank you. Thank you for that. - You look like you're really happy. - I'm really enjoying my time here. - Our drinks holder. - All right imagine we were at 69. - So, well done guys. You're absolutely smashing it. And I mean, you guys are just having a ride. - We're doing all right. - It's a good time mate. - We're only two points away. - Next up, a FIFA pack, play video four. - Ooh. - Hello Simon I'm currently live on Twitch and I'm opening guaranteed icon packs so you have to predict now is the next pack gonna contain a player worth over 500k or not, make your guesses now. - Do you wanna know the worst part? - Was you watching the stream? - I was watching, right? And he goes, "Oh, I need to do something. Do you mind not watching for a second?" And I thought this won't be important. So I turned off, I could have watched this. - Oh Simon. - I could've actually just sat there in silence and watched it. - You actually turned it off? - I actually turned it off. I'm pissed. - Anyone else catch our stream. - I have goal it's a 50 50. - As you heard guess higher or lower than 500,000 coins - Lower surely. - I don't need really know the market that well. You know, market for me. - It's basically 500k. - What was that? (Vik laughing) Fuck. - Are you guys, all right? - I bet I was. - Yeah fuck him. - Yeah, I think it was, yeah fucking. - What have you written? - Your mom. (JJ and Vik laughing) - Score counter can we just knock them back down to one? - Oh, no mate that's not fair. - Wait what happened? - That's not fair. He did it. - And you spoke during the silence, so now you're equal. - He say your mom. - I mean I know, I just don't know what he got he could, he literally opened in that pack opening and he got Cantona, who's like 1.6, but then he also got someone who's 200k. 500k there's not that much. - No. - I'd say yes. - Right guys, should we play video, should we play the next video? - Play the video. - We do wanna know our answers first. - Yeah, let's have the answers first sorry. - We went over 500 K. - Okay. - We said lower. - Okay. - We said lower. - We also said lower. - Okay. - Yeah of course you did. - Well let's run the video and see where he got in the pack. - Josh opens a lot of packs. - Oh my and I'm clucking. - Please Dutch or Brazilian? - I know whose pack. We can do in those package. No lost my key. - If it's Dutch, Brazilian or French. - We got it good. - Show us around, we just start well. It's doing well - I can feel appeal, I can feel appeal. A big old Pele. - Come on crack nation. - Crack nation. - French. - Ooh. - Zidane, Zidane. - Certainly is that air - Zidane. - Wait, oh my God wait. - Let's go. - Let's go. - Yes boy. - That's fire. - Yoh. - You're right. - Imagine what's left . - No one guessed it. - No no no. - No obviously. Okay okay okay. - He's at 1.1. - All right, well that's over 500k. That went over 500k. Come on. - Let's go. - What the, let's check his price. Two points. - he's gone up. - I've got two male. Come on. - He got Zidane. - Come on. - All right well, there we go. Good luck with the rest of the quiz boys. - Hold that. - So guys. - Did you watch this ready video when guy did that? - Yeah. (Ethan laughing) As you guys have just seen the answer was higher. - Let's go. - Harry is gonna attack Zidane. Well done to him being locked down in isolation at least he's got a very, very expensive card. - Yeah, he can play a good game of FIFA. - And now that it's pretty much done out. - I think it was done. - Next up guys. - From the minus one. - We have another quarantine question. Crossbar challenge please run the tape. - Okay so next challenge is to predict the crossbar here. As you can see, I've got a football here. - Where's the crossbar? - And there is a big shift of water. - Can you see it? - I don't have a football goal here and I can go to shop and buy one 'cause I'm in isolation. So, take your guesses how many attempts will it take for me to hit the pole from back here? - So ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first, Harry's DIY crossbar challenge. How many attempts did it take that man to hit the crossbar? - I've gone with eight. - Right out of the gate there. - Yeah fucking we are just playing the guess. - Okay. - So if he goes like 10. - This is six then my guy. - After Josh, typically gonna go higher dude. - Go ahead in a circle. - Where? - What are they do? - Just where you want? - What, down here? - Okay yeah so, it's like that. - You can't get in the code here. - All right draw throw it down? - Yep a circle, draw us a circle. Okay, write that one. So that's that? (Tobi and Josh laughing) - It's just a really weird way of guessing it. - Oh, yeah. - Come on. - They've gone with four. - Already. - Save us some time. - Choose me in fact thanks bro. - Stop looking at our answers Vik. - Could you please hold up your answers? - Four. - We went eight. - Eight. - Oh shit. - Eight and four. - Change it. - That's good, that's good. 'Cause if it's more we both get a point. - Every time we have the same answer he's pissed 'cause he can't catch up. (Simon laughing) - We're close about to win again. - We're not catching up. We've gone back. - No. - To round. - I can't reveal that this is not the closest answer. This is you have to be back on. Please run the next video. - Well you did not say. - Video seven. - [Both] Four. - They said four. - All right man, well I hope you believed in me if you didn't that's your fault, here we go. Attempt number one. - I was gonna, it's one or two. - He's starting at one. - Oh, the only goal and got it first time. You never gone. - He faked it man. - Yeah that's, he's faked it, he's faked it. - Oh my day, of course I hit it first time right. I'll see you guys in a bit. - So how many times did he stop and start recording before that one eh? - Yeah, can we see the original file. Like the, how many files there are. - Ladies and gentlemen, what I have on here is first attempt and as you just saw my man Harry in Guernsey hit that crossbar in the first attempt. - Yeah yeah. - Well done Harry. - Well played mate. - At the end of that round, ladies and gentlemen, we have Josh and Tobi again in the lead with seven points. It's a common theme we've got going on here. A second place shock again I know, Simon and Randolph with six points. And then if Vik didn't insult my lovely mother you would have been on two points. However you are one. - No, it's just us. - It's us. - Moving onto the next round ladies and gentlemen this is where I think knowledge could really come into play. - Oh, call JJ to - General knowledge. (Sidemen laughing) knowledge, eh. Let's go. Earlier this year, everyone thought Kim Jong-Un was dead 'cause he had heart problems from being too fat. How many kilogrammes does South Korea estimate him to be? - Closest win this. - Wait, wait, is this is what he thinks or what they think? - How many kilogrammes does South Korea. - Oh South, South Korea. - Estimate him to be? - South. - Oh, okay. - Okay. - Closest wins. - So he tags too far. - JJ you've been heavy as I've I. - Yeah. - What was you at your highest have you weighed? - Highest I've ever been is 100 kilogrammes or 101. - I think you tipped it was just over it right? - Yeah. - Nice work, man. Very few of us have been in there. - I'm 91 right now. - Yeah crazy. - That's, you getting there. - Don't know slowly. - Josh, how much did you used to weigh? - 91.6. - Oh, so you never tickled? - Nowhere near 100 eh. That's mammoth size. - Oh, it's mammoth. Is it? - Yeah. - Wow. - Ladies and gentlemen the scores are now equal, Josh has just called me a mammoth. - Yes. - Could we just take a point off of that total tally please. - Off Josh and Tobi. - Off Josh and Tobi's. - Hold on Josh. - Nice, nice. - You made it a bit more interesting. - To be fair equals up with the Danny thing is what. - Yeah, yeah. - You see, grow up. - I said it equals up with the Danny thing. - I thought you said he grew up without a dad, I was like well you're a dwarf. I was like what you wanna do? - Are you hearing things now, you're hearing things. - That's what I heard though, I heard that. - Yoh, I heard it. - I did hear that. - You ain't grow with a dad. - It was a good say, it was a good say. - Pack you've been missing all day. (Sidemen laughing) - I think you need to lose a point. - Your head is hot. - It is hot. - The steam just rising look at it. - So guys, how many kilogrammes does South Korea estimate Kim Jong-un being? - Closest all. - Let's hear it. - We went for 106. - 106 kilos. - 120. - We said 120. - 120. - 'kay, strong you think he's a big boy? - We went 88. - He's not very tall. - He's not tall, he's not tall, innit? - Well okay. - How many kilogrammes they thought he had a heart attack you can get a heart attack from being too fat at 88 kilos. - Are you sure bro? - Bro me and JJ would be ropes. We could be done. - It's true. - We'd be fucked you know. - He's not very tall. - Guys, guys, guys, guys. All right, incredibly here Vik and JJ get a point. - Yes! - Yes. - Yes. - Could we be witnessing a Liverpool master come back here? - What was the answer? - What did he weigh? - It was 130 kilogrammes. - Fuck kiddo. - Geez. - So we also thought that they might believe you. - I devised 121, which could be the one higher. - Oh I got you. - Oh yeah. - Propaganda. - Propaganda. - You are there like I thought is actually really helping though. - This is South Korea not North Korea. - True I stuck here for that. - But he's warm. - Really? - But he models. - They estimated themselves. They couldn't get a real number. - You can't find. - They shouldn't had a propaganda. (Josh and Tobi laughing) - Like you get meme points. - I could cast this nation. - Tobi is now my meme point. - I got a meme point. - He said they should have a propaganda at him. - That's a good one I like that one. I'm glad you. (JJ laughs) - So guys next question. - What? - Next question. - Oh. - Oh, it's Ethan. - Oh. - Oh shit. - As you go along. - You got similar hair you know. - This mother fucker won another point? - Yeah all right I think they're implying me. They're implying you at your 130 kgs. - It's okay. - You're good, hey. - Harry And Meghan dipped from the UK and dropped their royal titles but what were their original titles? I'm looking for both. - Original title of what? - Harry and Meghan dipped from the UK and dropped their Royal titles. But what were their original titles? - Wait, original in the royal family? Okay right. No I missed misses. (Simon laughing) - Yoh, I don't know if the camera is picked up. - What was that original title? Yeah just Mr. - Has that camera picked up how small the cardboard cutout is down there. - Josh can you pick it out for us. - Josh can you pick this one up for us. Why is it so small? (Randolph laughs) - Oh it's stuck. - What. - What does it look like? What does that look like to you? - I don't know interracial? - Kim Jong in-bound. - Oh, fuck you. (Randolph laughing) - That came so quick. (Randolph laughing) - But I had no idea that was - But Kim Jong you know. He may be 130 kilos, but he's quick. - Quick. - Oh well. - Do you have your answers written down ladies and gents? - Yeah. - Fuck it man. - All right, judging from that reaction. Let's start with Punjabi and Folabi. - We went with Prince Harry and Meghan the pengers. (Josh and Tobi laughing) - She's peng. It's the handwriting for me. - It's the handwriting. - It's the handwriting for me. Let's see yours, Josh and Tobi. - We went with Prince and Duchess of Cambridge. - Okay. - We didn't - We put prince and Duchess. - Okay. - Is it of Cornwall, I don't know why. - So on the card I have written. - A few. - His Royal Highness, the Duke of Sussex. - Duke. - Sussex. - Sussex. - And I have her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Sussex. - Sussex. - Eh, Sussex, you were right. - Did I say Sussex? - Yeah. - Do you know what fuck it, Meghan the pengers you can have a bonus point. - We wrote Duchess. - Yeah. - Well done, well done fella. - We're not getting bonus points bro. - We get it. I did say Sussex. - All right. - Don't worry your time will come. - This Palmers house - This is like if you see these nuts, if you tickle them enough you'll get a bonus point. That one tickled my nut. Oh mate, I love this question so much. According to Jeff on WhatsApp, what were the UK government scheming to cook in the Wembley arena when lockdown came in? - Sorry. - According to Jeff on WhatsApp, what were the UK government scheming to cook in Wembley arena when lockdown came in. - They were cooking, piglot or something like that. - Like? - It was like. - Vik's tuned in with a banner, right? Yeah, you reckon you got this. That ear, he may be. - I've got an ear to excuse. - He may be in for dance, but guess what? He's got informants. - I've got ears to the streets. - He's got informers on these street bro. - Trust me. (Josh laughing) - You're welcome Tobi. - I love you bro. - You're welcome. - You're ruined. - I gave Tobi the answer. - Did you? - That's right man. - 'Cause I'm just that guy. (Tobi and Josh laughing) - What, how, what? - I'm psychic. - Could we get a timer please? - Guys you've got it written down yet? - No, we're about to. - Okay please, please. (indistinct) - This is it, I got it but it's not completed. Try and write something funny to get at both. - Because I've given you two bonus points. I think that's what he's trying to do. - Do you think about Ethan's sense of humour. - Some fancy. - Try to think about Ethan sense of humour. - We tried going for an answer. - Let's start with Vik was very quick on the buttons today. So let's see what he's got as his answer. - Lasagna, it's right there. - Nice guide. - It is. - Nice and. - Well we can't see that. - We can't see that. All we can see is - - Can we also have the spelling of lasagna, one of them has got it wrong. - Which one? - Don't know one of you just put an e where it needs put an a. - No I think there's two spellings of lasagna. - I just want everyone to know that Harry's spelled it lasagada. (Sidemen laughing) It says lasagada. Slow, if you've got lasagna, you get a point. - Oh yeah. - That's it. - Thanks Vik. I mean Addison Rae is behind you too. - I mean, yeah the Addison Rae was there well the lasagna is there. - No no we put lasagna. - Oh did you? - Yeah. - He didn't get the packet? - Well, then I have now. (Sidemen laughing) - Just a point. - We'll never know. - It wasn't obvious answer. All right next question. Which fast food restaurant did Prince Andrew claim he had visited instead of allegedly poking a 17 year old girl. - Where'd you go lad? - Ask him, don't ask me where did he go? - Talk to me man. - Apparently he didn't sweat as well when he was on the dance floor. He's got this rare condition where he doesn't sweat. - You know he's dripping. - Griggs. (Josh and Tobi laughing) - Wait, wait people who don't sweat. - Ooh, I like it. See that now this team is using their stools efficiently. They're spinning around. - It's just a picture of him. - It's just him. - Yeah. - He's there. - Where would he eat? - Prince Andrew. - I'm not sure but. - I get it well. - Is one basket. - I'll get prince. (Josh and Tobi laughing) write it down. - Do we have some answers ladies and gentlemen? - We're ready. - You know what, I'm sensing a come back from Punjabi and Folabi here. - The rest of us. - They're quick on the right and they're quick. - Isn't it Folabi and Punjabi. - We're not here to waste anyone's time. - It doesn't matter which way it goes round, it's you know. - Remix. - Equality. - It's all right. - Remix is a - Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it. What restaurant did Prince Andrew visit? - Noncer King. - Oh. - Okay. - Dude's of your balls isn't it? - Pizza Express. - We put Burger Prince King. - Okay ladies and gentlemen. - We'll I should it king crossed out prince - Corner taken quickly. Oh here. - Yes! - Is it Pizza Express? - The answer is Pizza Express. - Yes Vik. - Excuse me. - That's not fast food. - That's not fast food. - Is that's fast food these days? - Yeah. - That's very, very slow as well for restaurants food. - Guys. - We can give it to it. - If you've got any complaints please email the curator of the quiz. - You think Harry checks his emails? - Make sure W2S yeah. Please. - You think he checks his email? - That's not fast food. - We will win a point in life. - I can't imagine him going to Pizza Express. - Are we ready for the next question? - Yeah, sure. - Yep. - Fuck you, Harry. Behzinga impressed us all this year by running a marathon despite downing pints every weekend. But did A, run it faster than Harry's elderly mum and dad. B, run it faster than Harry's dad who has knee and back problems, but slower than his mom. Or C running slower than both of them. - Wait, what was the first one? - The first one was running faster than Harry's elderly mum and dad. - So if we get this right do we lose a point? - He's saying, would we be insulting you by getting this right? - Guys I just wanna see what answer you put down. - Dude dad looks very fit and dad looks like he can run. (indistinct) Yeah. - I would like everyone to know that I did down point 16 weekends in a row before the marathon. (Ethan laughing) - Faster than his mom, he asked faster than his dad no. - No. - Especially Harry's dad. - That's what I'm thinking. - So guys me, Behzinga. Hey, I run my marathon through mud puddles, sand in four hours and 23 minutes. (Sidemen applauding) - That's my guy. - Thanks guys. - That's my bro. - Yes fantastic. - And but did I, A run it faster than Harry's elderly dad, but you know. - Yeah. - We said we're so proud of you, but sorry yet we think it's C. - Okay. - Because it was off country. - Because you ran through like such thick mud. - They definitely run on roads. - Well, we definitely felt like you, you know, did bits but we also put C just because they're quite sporty. - Harry's dad is fit. - Stop, stop. - Right, you're. (Josh laughing) Wait what? (Sidemen laughing) - Harry's dad is it fit, man. - Yoh are you okay? - But it is my - Are you all right? - Looks fit. (Sidemen laughing) - No bro. - Or better. - All right and we are here. - And Randy you've got wife. - Yeah he looks healthy. - There you go. - There you go. - Oh. - Despite the knee and back problems. - We put B, we believe in you. - Oh nice. - You didn't put A. - Nah. - We, if you like what A. - We thought you like among them. - So what you're saying, you wanted to flatter me just a bit? - No, no, no, no, no. - In London. - In London you would've gotten A. - Hey that sounds like a minus point. - We believe in you a little bit. - In London you would have got A. - Well guys, unfortunately I've run it slower than both of them. So the answer is C. You can't get nice points. - We shouldn't believe him. - Do you know what you did there, you half believed in me and fuck you. (Ethan laughing) - Better not believe in you. - They complimented me. - Yeah we said. - They said we're really proud of you guys. - We actually did write you're fab. But he pointed out that from a distance it might look that you're fat. So we deleted it. - Ethan none of us can do a marathon so. - You could, I believe all of you could, it just takes a lot of. - I remember in the chat saying yesterday anything you can do, I can do better as well. - All of you can do it. - I remember that. He did say that. - What did he say? - Could be faking it. - Oh wait, oh wait yesterday, he did say. (JJ laughs) - You said anything he's done you could do better. - And now he's past. - Do you know what? - And your career. - Let's see you run. - Nah man. - I'll take you up to the exact route I did. And let's see if you complete four hour 23. - I won't go. - That could be his new challenge, like that's a new thing. - That could be a good video bro. Oh, you know how you challenged Calyx? - Yeah yeah yeah yeah. - JJ, I'll give you 20 bags if you could beat my time up in, on the sound of mud. - Do it, now do it. - How much time do I have? - One month. - I'll give you three months. - [Both] Three months? - Three months it were that easy. - Two months, two months. - Two months. - I need one month. How long did you give Calyx? - Too fair though you. - How long did you do colours? - Was it a month? - A month. He got a month. - It was a month yeah. - All right a month. Okay we'll do a month. - What the fuck, oh man. - Now you said you can do it, JJ. - You always say you're a beast, bro, you're undefeated. - Four hours. - It happens in here right? Is you're making him dance the peas. - Dance on those peas man. (Sidemen laughing) - So all of a sudden today, you might not run a marathon quicker than me. And you've just warned me again. - This is cold, I love. - Please no one gets this. - No, no, no. - No one understands this. - They will. - So ladies and gentlemen the end of that round, we have a top draw with Simon and Randy and Josh and Tobi's. Josh and Tobi's. (Ethan laughing) - Can you not see the sign? - I mean, it was made very last minute but. - Custom sign made for you. We made that custom. - They have seven points. And like I said, the corner taken quickly, origi team are back in it with five. - Yeah. - They smash up their face, it's good for content so yeah. - So ladies and gentlemen heading into round five. - What's going on? - Heading into round five. - What do you mean? - Keepin' the PS5 safe. - The play station could be all to play for, round five, have they had COVID? - No. - Yoh, if we draw can we agree to split the PlayStation. - No no no. - Love it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I agreed to this. - 1000 degree now. - So guys for this round on the screen we're gonna scroll through some pictures, please, my lovely assistant, can you scroll through pictures one to five, and out of these people. (Radolph and Simon laughing) Out of these people I want you to write down who has had COVID? - Wait so who's the first one? - Kanye West. - No, I know but they changed it. - Well there's five pictures and then. - I cannot do that. - Who has had COVID? Next celebrity. - Who is the person in this? - Wait who's the celebrity? - What are you saying? - Is it Theo or Mia? - Theo Baker, bruh. - Okay. - Not Mia. - We're just yeah, we're just checking. - You don't think Theo Baker is a celebrity guys? - No, but we think they're both- - Another Don is very famous. - Okay, gotcha. - So basically think about this guys. 2020, if Theo Baker never quit his job at McDonald's Floyd Mayweather wouldn't be fighting. And that buffy. - That is crazy. - At the same time. If he had just beaten Joella, wouldn't happen either. - Yeah and none of this would happen. - You would have been fighting, Theo Baker. - I wouldn't be fighting with Theo Baker. - Imagine, JJ, calling out. - Theo Baker would not be fighting me. - Calling out Theo Baker. - Next celebrity please. - Mal Floyd. - Ooh. - Has he had COVID? - I would guess. - It's a good aspiration. - Next celebrity. - Actually, there I think it is. (indistinct) Actually no, no. - And the final image please. (Randolph and Simon laughing) - Jesus Christ. (Sidemen laughing) (indistinct) - Cool. - Did he have COVID? Might explain Arsenal's poor and poor performance this season, eh? - Is it one point for the entire thing? - Was is it one power up? - One per. - One camera and a conference with our webcam. - Okay. - I think it's. - That was a press conference. - It looks like I put manager like a region face. It doesn't even look right. - Nah I see. - Ladies and gentlemen, could you please reveal your boards to us? - We went yes for everything. - You said yes to everything, okay. - We said no and then yes, yes, yes, yes. - We said no, yes, no, yes, yes. - Well Kanye said in the, Joe Rogan podcast that he had yet. - He did have it. - Right, so your answers are yes for everything? - Yes. - Kanye West did indeed have COVID. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Wait, I'm not celebrating that. - So that's one. - I'm not celebrating. - We know. - Video with Baker. - I'm celeb his music. - Arguably one of the biggest celebrities in the UK also had COVID. - Did he have a problem if you say he did though? - Yeah. - He did. - Okay yeah. - Oh you can say who he got it with. - Next up Jack Whitehall, a friend of the Sidemen channel lovely fella. He is in fact intact, hasn't had COVID. - I thought he said he did. - Then we move on to Usain Bolt. He did indeed have COVID. - Come on, come on. - And Mikel Arteta eh, not only are they 15th, but he has also had COVID. - He did. - You might have first person to have. - Yeah. - Nope, shut up. - Four. - You got four? - Yeah. - Four, four, three. - So we got three. - Come on, come on. - So guys, after that round, we have the updated scores. Josh and Tobi are on 11 points. - Come on, come on. - Equaling that score rather what's good podcaster, Pokemon nerds, Simon and Randolph. And you're nearly there, you're nearly there. Nine points for Folabi and Punjabi. - Yes we gonna draw on purpose. we cutting in. - And unfortunately for JJ and Vik, the next round is sport, and JJ, he doesn't watch much football as we know. And Vik, he only knows the blades. He only knows the blades. - I watch football. - All he knows is the blades. - I watch football. - I think they'll make one point of those. - You watch football? - I'll smash this round. - Who's your favourite player on football index right now? - Well, oh. - Platinum player. - Oh yeah, the Harry. - Harry - Harry the Harry. - Harry Elliott. - The Harry Elliott. - He's on Liverpool go on. - We're diggin, we're diggin' - Harry. - The mop. - Harvey Eliot bro. - Yeah Harvey Elliot, yeah. - Listen Harvey Elliot if you see this by the way, - Yo Harvey Elliott. - We told him you stance bro. We told him. - Harvey they're doing things for me a'ight. Keep doing one Blackburn. (Sidemen laughing) - He's the one on Blackburn. - A'ight first question anybody, anybody? First question, as of recording this video, where do big big Arsenal football club sit in the premier league table? So you played yesterday? - Yep. - You drew with Southampton? - Yes. - Another red? - Yes. - Mikel looking like he really- - Yeah we got it, okay Arsenal not doing well. - As said it's actually a good result against Hamilton though. - Yeah they're all fly high. They've got a fucking nose bleed on there. They are very. - how's the bucks. - So, (Ethan chuckles) you didn't have to do that Randy. - I don't, it's ready though isn't it? It's like. - All the box is ready. - It's looking nice inside. - Guys JJ has an Arsenal box to watch relegation scrap. So guys. - Its a Mal - What? - Can I come to your box to move our house? - Shut up. - So ladies and gentlemen, where do Arsenal currently sit in the big, big premier league table. - 15. - Nice work, let's hear it. - 14. - Okay. - 15. - So you really thought that draw changed your season around did you? - I mean, I didn't check. - You are you. - You know it broke. He teased you about it like. - He literally just said it. - Yes I knew we were 15 but I say, I didn't think would stay 15. - Oh. - He said it. - A minute ago. - He said it. - He just said 15. - He literally said big old 15. - So. - He said nothing - Yeah but I didn't know we were still in 15. - I can tell you that point it hasn't. - It hasn't changed it a minute. - It hasn't dragged you out of it. - Yeah I mean again. - He thinks in a minute Arsenal gets out it. - You are still. - It's part of a thing. - You think it's five points off the drop? - Wait, wait so who's above us? - Everyone. - Every other big club. Every other massive club like. - All right guys. - He's literally said watch him get everyone, right? The first one was an absolute. - But you know, what's hilarious right? - Yeah I know. - You know before we went onto this round, bro, I said Arsenal 15. - You just said it. - That's what I was saying to you. - You said it about 'cause you pointed it out. - You said about. - Yes I literally - I said about it, I said oh yeah. - All right I fought the point guys.. - He fought the point that he was earning on this game show. Do you know what it is? - Wait so are we just, is it just goal defence that has fucked us now? - JJ, bro you're 15. - Know your place. - Well it's still point. - Let it gap a little. - This is pain, this is pain. Can we move on? Can we move? This is pain. - Well then let's move on. - You did lost yesterday. There's actually a gap, a big gap. - Yeah look, I know bro. - Anyway on from one shit club to another shit club. What did Harry Maguire say to police officers when they tried to arrest him? - You should know this. - What did Harry Maguire say to the police. He was in Greece, wasn't he? - Mykonos yeah. - He was in Mykonos, what did he say. - I think so right? - To the Mykonos police officer, when they tried to arrest him? - Fuck you I'm slobbered. - Also I'm voluntarily prepared for all the olly sexuals and the Arteta fan boys to come at my dms. I'm really excited. Because your club is fucking stink. - Olly sexual. - Your club stink. - I think I know. - Just kidding you're not asexual. - Listen, I don't put labels on my shit bro. (Josh and Tobi laughing) - Who's head jerking is bigger, Maguire and Josh? - Oh, it's not that easy surely. - Do you know what I think slobbered might be but is a fucking person. - That's mental dude. - Can we try and get. - Slobbered big. - You're a national. - You were caught in a video. - A head off. - Can we measure mine and JJ's? - No, no, no, no. - I wanna see. - No, no, no. - No, no, no, no. - No Vik, no. - No, no, no. - Did you just say head off? - Yeah I said couldn't get that video he goes, "A head off" - Pause pause pause. - I think. - Josh you down? - Josh versus Harry Maguire head off. - You down for that Josh? - So the captain of the showtime Reds, tricky reds right? Good club? - Help. - Happy with your club? - I was only sexual. - What'd he say? Let's hear it. - He said he had a lot of money and he could pay them off. - Okay. - Do you know who I am? - That sounds more like what you said. - Do you know who I am? - Ladies and gentlemen on this card in front of me I have, do you know who I am? - Fuck. - Oi. - You silly? - I am the captain of Manchester United. - We only on behind these things. - I'll let you have the voice. - Yo, I begged there's no leads question. 'Cause everyone said no - Just abused and said nothing. - Yours is about money. - You got it wrong. - He did it, he did say he could pay them up. - How would you know it. - Allegedly. - You and victory you didn't clarify. - Allegedly, allegedly. - You're a United fan. - Ethan now that it's close, can I make an appeal to get the Bulbasaur point back? - What Chad Wallace says I'll listen. - Can we have our meme point converted into real point? - You aint active bro. (Vik laughing) - You got two meme points so far Vik. - I have to meme points but I only want one, one conversion. - Just play it. - No, because I gave you a bonus point for Meghan the pengers so its. - True, true fair. - Right, ladies and gentlemen, moving on to the next Q. Barcelona got embarrassed by Bayern Munich in the quarterfinals what was the score? - Eight. - It says over there. (Simon laughs) Can we go first? - JJ do you wanna see an answer? - Have you got yours down lads? - Can we go first? - Let's hear it. - Like the board over there. - Yeah yeah. - Eight two. - That's a really. - It's literally there. - The camera would have caught him I was looking I was like. - If anyone got that wrong that would be insane. - You've all got it right guys yeah. - Yeah. - It was a mean score, innit? - I hate to be a. - Yeah yeah. - It's a perfect football score. - Yeah. - The next question ladies and gentlemen what caused the special one, Jose Mourinho to give this reaction, show picture six. - He looks like an angry granddad. - Just fuck him. - I love this, I love this dog. - This must be in the documentary. - Yeah. - I watched it. - I've seen this clip. - Vik's just in the code right now, you see that he's just thinking, I don't know. - No, there's nothing there. But there's absolutely nothing in there, it's blank space. - You're just picturing your next three piece on the stakes bro. - I was mate. - You know what I said though. But could you put them in like. - Let's have your answers ladies and gentlemen when they're ready, - Currently being written. - Sky news report. Sky's book. - Kasera. - We put the media, insulted him. - He then he said, fuck off. - He did say that. - JJ he's correcting. - Yeah, we weren't finished. - It's fine, it's not your, it's nothing to do with your answers. - He did say soccer Friday that's a valid point, yeah. Let's hear it JJ. - It was a radio station talking about Tottenham playing poorly. - We put a news report about him. - Well done guys you all get a point. I was told to accept any variation of pundits. So I get him off. So you all get a point. - Nice - Yeah. - Dope. - Wait wait you said Tottenham's performances. - I think it might be that though. - Maybe it's a pundit. He's speaking. - I think they question the answer. - It was a radio station. - That's reason why they are poorly, as Mourinho still got it. - It was guy like as Mourinho still got and he just goes, fuck off. - Don't know don't know, don't know. - Yeah he still got it, he said, "Fuck off and turn it off." - And if people said they edited that? - Great show though you watch it. - Do you think he shaves his nose? - You could hear this one. - I think he looks like someone that has like excessive nose hair. - I reckon shaves that yeah. - Thinks he shaves it. - Other side by the way. - He's like a guy who keeps very, very like very clean cook. - Wait, does he have a wife? - Of course a man like that. - Probably he's the fucking bro he's the fucking chosen one. - Hey Randy, is he fit? - Yeah , he's the, yeah of course bro. He's a good man. (Sidemen laughing) - Guys he's a good man. - If you were like a woman you'd love to having that. - And quite the opposite of a good man. The problem child, Jake Paul, absolutely clobbered Nate Robinson this year. How many times did Snoop dog say, "Laawd have mercy" during the fight? - Oh laawd have mercy. - Closest or just like, correct. - No correct. - Why is that? - How many times did Snoop dog on comms say, "Laawd have mercy". - Defend me and Vik did watch that version. Did we? - I think there's a. - The whole phrase. - Yeah Lord have mercy. How many times do you say? - Oh Lord. - How many times do he said Lord have mercy? - I'll back yeah, that's exactly what I was just thinking all back it. - So now you've made me like 'cause you've said not the whole face. - Yeah, but then would Harry count that, don't know. - Let's hear your answers guys. How many times? - We put three. - We put two. - We put three. - Well done, ladies and gentlemen. Two people have the points and it is. - Nice nice. - These right here, three times. - Wait so he said that every time he got dropped. - Lord have mercy. - Sometimes he was like oh lord. - Three. - Shit. - I've only and he said it twice. - So after that question, ladies and gentlemen, it brings me to the end of the Sidemen big fat quiz of the year. That is it. - Wait what happened here. There was no final question there was no. - Listen you don't question it. - I'm back at the start, bro. Unless you want me to run through the whole thing, - I was enjoying myself. - Welcome to Sideman, big fat 2020 quiz curated by Harry. - No no no. - Who is in self. - No no no. - We are now gonna have a one minute silence. (JJ weeping) Can we just struck a point off that? - It doesn't matter what. (JJ laughing) Take all the points you want have them all. Fuck it you can have nine points if you want. - Fuck it yeah fuck these. - Take nine points off us. - Anyway guys as a true Sidemen fashion, this is how the show is ending. Could we please have an update on the scores? So guys finishing the quiz, Punjabi and Folabi, Vik and JJ, a great duo. They finished the quiz on 11 points. (Sidemen applauding) - No bad, not bad. - Shut up. That's not yours. - The PS5 is mine. - The PS5 is not going home with you pain. - Well, it never was anyway. - Just pain. - Coming up in second place guys, (fingers thudding) it's Josh and Tobi unfortunately, that PS5 is not coming home with you. You got 15 points, which means the no good podcast. The pokemon virgins, get JJ's PS5. - I would like to just give this to Randolph. - Oh, so you don't want to take it back to. - So none of it comes to my head. - So wait, so you really want it to go with Randolph? - I want Randolph to have the entire. - You don't wanna share it maybe in the studio. - Oh actually I mean, do you wanna just split it down the middle? - Yeah. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Has anyone got a knife? Anyone got a knife, can be split it down the middle? - Oh, right did you hear? - Well guys, thank you very much for tuning to the Sideman big fat quiz of the year. We'll do a discount code. It can be bigfat. Yeah, you can have big fat. Thanks for watching. Thank you for a fantastic year. 10 million subs, it's been a cracker. - 2021. - Lots of love, 2021 the Sidemen are going to the moon. - Yeah. - Goodbye. - JJ will not be gaming. (laughing) - Maybe not next week. - Lovely. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 15,195,492
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, quiz, big fat quiz, 2020
Id: Bm2We_p5Mzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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