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- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Sideman golden balls a game of lying, deceit and lots of balls. - Whoo! - Yeah, we love balls. - [KSI] Plenty of innuendos, plenty. - [Vik] In this game show, five players are given golden balls worth varying amounts of money, up to $50,000. And also some killer balls. Two of each player's balls are on show. The rest are only known to the player themselves. The aim is to eliminate the player with the killers while keeping the big money in play with a weakest link style vote each round. Before this vote players can choose to either lie or tell the truth about their hidden balls. - Let's meet our contestants. First up we have Josh. - Hello, hello, hello. - [Simon] We have JJ. - Yo what's up, I'm ready to take all the monies. - And the balls. (laughing) - [Simon] We have Harry. - Hello. - We have Vik. - It's time to get busy. - All right, all right, all right. - We have Tobi. - Hi. - And we have Ethan, who's not here. Um, COVID and that. So. (laughing) Right, should we start? So there they are, the first 20 golden balls of today's game. Cash and killers. And as always, each player will receive four balls at random two for the front row, two for the back row. Okay, so let's see the front two balls. Let's see your balls Tobi. (laughing) - Didn't like that. I don't know how to open this. - No, you're breaking it. - [Tobi] Pull it up, am I? - Literally just lift it. - [KSI] Lift. - [Simon] Just lift. No, no, the other, Why would you lift by the hinge? - I'm not lifting by the hinge I'm pulling like that. - [KSI] Lift the balls, mate. - [Vik] There we go. - Boys. - [Everyone] Oh! - We off to a shocker with that. - [KSI] Oh! - [Vik] Leave it open, leave it open. Killer, killer. - Oh no. - [Vik] Oh no. JJ you made a track about that. - Different kind. - What? - [Tobi] I really struggled with these. - What killer? - [Simon] Ooh. - [KSI] Oh. - Boys. - [Everyone] Oh! - Yeah think about it. - That's the biggest one you can get, right? - [Josh] I don't know, you tell us. - Who knows? - Who knows? - Oh, okay. - [Simon] Vik, show me your balls. - Well, here we go. - Oh yeah, killer killer. (laughing) - [Josh] I was singing the song as well. - Bro I was so baffed. I was like, what's he on about. - Yeah. - Slow burners, slow burners, slow burners. Bang. (laughing) - Oh that's huge. - [Simon] 1000. - [KSI] $1000 okay. - Casual K. - Okay, okay. See what you did there. Oh! - $500 okay. - That's money, its money. - [Simon] But no killers. - It's looking a bit small you know. - Okay, 50 000 is a killer. - So it's basically like 5,000 really. - I'm tempted to take Tobi already. - Chill out. - [Simon] Okay, well, Harry. - Yes. - Let's see your balls, again. (laughing) How have you broken the tube? - I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - It's fine, just leave it. - Okay, all right. - He slipped on nothing. - For god's sake. - Oh no, I'm doing a Tobi. - [Simon] No, no, no it's that way. - Don't dub it a Tobi, man. - Ooh. 10,001. - [Everyone] Ooh. - [Tobi] Okay. - A one makes all the difference. - $10,001. - Okay. Oh for fuck, 500. - It's better than Vik's. - You're saying you're angry about 500? - [Josh] You didn't get a killer thought, that's good. - Yeah, I guess. - You're the best option right now, actually. - He's gonna get killer, killer. - JJ let's see your balls. - All right mate. Ah, oh my god. (laughing) - [Simon] 69 cents. - [Vik] 69 cents? - [KSI] Don't want to say too much about it. - I don't feel so bad anymore. - If this is killer as well, he's done. - [Tobi] Please, please. - Hey, yo, this is madness. - What is it? What is your second one? - Ah man, - [Vik] $3. 58. - $3.58 - [Tobi] What you get? - $3.58. - Already looking good. - [Josh] I'm not gonna laugh yet. - So you almost reached $5 with your pick. - [Josh] Well done lad. - [Simon] Well done. (clapping) - That's incredible. - Okay, Josh. Let's see your two. - My balls. Woo-hoo. $25,000. - [Everyone] Ooh! - Okay. - That's a dividend right there. (laughing) - You want another divided, yeah. - Go on. - [Tobi] Please. - [Harry] Oh it's a killer, it's a killer, it's a killer, it's a killer. - [Everyone] Oh! Oh! - It's a killer! - [Simon] Okay, now I should tell you all there are four killers in total right now. - Ooh. - [Simon] So there are two more killers out there. So if everyone would like to look at their remaining balls in private, as it should be. (laughing) (gasps) - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. No (laughing) Thank god - [Tobi] He got one cent. He got one cent. - Most people on the show are pretty quiet. - I think if that's JJ, that's gonna be killer straight away. - Most people on the show look here and then go, okay and then sit quite calmly. - Yo, I mate, I've actually stiffed myself here, man. Like royally. I have some big numbers. - Stiffed yourself. - Yeah, because I picked these. - Mad, I think it's double, double bluff coming from over here I dunno. - So everyone knows their amounts. Josh, what have you got? - I've got some strange numbers. I've got a 12 pound 34. So one, two, three, four and a 500 pounds. - Okay, strange, we're playing in dollars. - Oh, you know what I mean? Dollars. - Okay, already sus. Uh Josh, JJ. - Sus. (laughing) - That's cap. (laughing) - [Simon] JJ. - All right mate. Like I know I went a bit nuts when I opened them, but but I got 42069 pounds in here. - Pounds, dollars. - [KSI] I mean dollars, dollars. 42,069, bro. - [Simon] Okay. - Huge okay. - Okay. - 6,666. - Whoa! Well. - Legit. No, no, no. I'm not even capping. Yo whoa. On god on everything, bro. It's nuts bro, legit. You need to keep me in. Bro look at him. - [Simon] All right well we don't know, (indistinct crosstalk) - But I got more on the front than you. (indistinct crosstalk) - No, no, no, bun these bro. I'm packing with heat. I'm packing with, - [Vik] I reckon you got a killer in hand. - [KSI] I ain't got a killer, I ain't got no killer, no killer. - [Simon] Let's see the rest, Harry. - Mine are, I got 10, I don't know which one's which. Do I need to know which one's which? - [Simon] No you don't. - Well I do, can I double check? - [Simon] Well yeah, I mean you can look at them continuously throughout the round. Okay. - I have a five, a 10,000 and a 5,000. That's it, that's it. - [Simon] Okay. That's it. Vik. - [Josh] Good numbers. - Okay so here I have $666. - [Simon] Okay. - Then here I have $31,000. - 31.000? - Yeah. - [KSI] 31,000? - 31,000. - That's quite a random number isn't it? - It's a meme number. - I mean you do have $3.58. - I mean, what do I have here? I've got yeah and then 500. Well that's what I have. Those are those my numbers. - Okay, what about you Tobi? - [Simon] Tobi let's see yours. - I have $500. - [Simon] Okay. - And I have 1 cent. - Nah, nah, nah. So where's the killers though? Where's the killers? - Because there's more killers. - There's two killers. - [Simon] Let me just clear this up, there's two other killers. So. - Ay yo people are lying. - [Josh] You're lying. - Ay yo people are lying. I'm not lying. - Begin! - I think it's him from the get go. - [KSI] No I'm not lying, bro. Why would I lie? I know, - Tell me what task are you doing? - I know I have dead numbers at the front, okay. I'll admit. But best believe $42,069. 6,666. Bro I'm not capping. - [Josh] He was consistent with it too though. - I'm consistent bro. Mental. - [Tobi] I wanna know if, - [KSI] I ain't lying. No killers, no killers. - Okay, okay just cool down. - [KSI] I mean no killers bro. - Just cool. - [KSI] All right. - But I wanna know if there are repeat numbers in here because if there are not, - There are. So the fastest, I checked that. So I've got 500 here. Harry has 500 there. So we know it's 500. - No I got 5000. - No you got 500 upfront. Okay, okay, okay. - So that's what I was wondering as well. It's like, - Cause I was suspicious of Josh when he said he had 500. - [KSI] Yo, yo, yo. You lot are lying. I know that. I know. I know my balls bro. - [Vik] Do you know what (laughing) - I know my balls. - Do you know what I'm gonna say? - [KSI] One of you are lying. - What do we know about JJ when he's bluffing? - He goes aggressive. - No, no, no, no. - He's doing that, you're doing the thing! - Do you know if I add on top of that if we just run the numbers on all of the fronts. Okay we divide yours by 10, you've got two, 500. We divide yours by 10 you've got 5k. We average yours out, we've got 5K. Here, we average mine out, we got 750. - Why you do maths? - [Vik] If we average those out we got 40. - Why's he doing maths all of a sudden? - Twp quid over there mate. - [KSI] No, no stop. (indistinct crosstalk) - I know my front are bad, I know but trust me. - Why would we trust you on a game about deception - 42,069! Why would I randomly make that up? - 420, 69. - Wait 42069? - Yes. - That could be a solid number to be fair. - 6,666. - [Josh] That's a lie. - [Harry] I think it's a lie. - He's remembered the numbers - [KSI] It's not a lie. I think you're lying. It's you. - So do you guys think that he has two killers in his, in the back? - I don't think he has two. - [KSI] No killers! - I don't think he has two. - Well if you don't think he has two then there's still one else. - So who, so where are the other two killers? Whose got the other two killers? - What are you numbers again? - 31,000 and oh, let me double check this. I think it was 666. - Cause there's fear on his face when you opened that you know. - That's because I thought I was gonna show it. - Okay. - [Josh] So 666 in hundred, like 1600? - How much y'all? - [Vik] 666. - I actually forgot again, but one's a five, one's a 10. It's boring numbers. - One, two, three, four, 500. That's 12,500. - [Tobi] 500, 1 cent. - [KSI] Well someone's lying. (indistinct crosstalk) Someone has two killers. - Unless you are killer, killer, and you actually have. - Why would I have two killers? - JJ like he could have one killer. He could have one killer. Two people could be lying. - Look, look, look. If I have two killers, I'd legit go I have two killers, it's actually done now, there's no point - No you wouldn't. - Bro I have - [Josh] Why? - Huge numbers. - [Josh] Why would you do that you'd be our of the video. - No, no because it's then, there's no, what's the point. - See, here's the problem. I would love to get rid of one of the killers over here just guaranteed we throw out a killer but the numbers next to them are so strong. - That's why I just checked. I'm leaning towards Josh, just because he's got 25K. Like he's got 50. - [Vik] All right you just want to get a certain killer out. Cause he could have another killer in the back and he's got two killers. - [Harry] Do we vote two people or just one person? - [Simon] One person. - I want to vote them two, to be honest with you. - What'd you mean? - [Vik] That's where I'm looking. - Ay yo, nah now we vote. Bro, bro I have bigger numbers than you in total. - [Harry] I know, but it just so random. - 42,069. - I know but just that you said it so many times. - He has to convince himself that he has it. - No I'm not convincing myself, I know what it is. I know what it is! - [Vik] You know what, in his defence. I believe that he has, that he has that. - [KSI] Thank you. - I think that's a number that he could theoretically have. I don't think he'd think it up on the fly his other ball though. - 6,666! Why would I lie about that? - He has hesitated when he said I have a number and he's kept to the same side as well. It's JJ it's hard to do bro. - Come on, it's hard for me, man. If I'm gonna make something up, I'll forget. I'll be like - He hasn't hesitated. - I'm there like 6,666, sorry god. (laughing) And 42,069. - Why do you think he made up 6,666, when you have 666? - [Josh] That's what I was thinking. - So what I think is, 420, 69 is very Simon. - Like that, that one. I get your one cause 666. He's done one more 6. - Come on bro. - Yeah. No but I just, I think that, I think it being two parts of a funny number is a little more likely to be a thing. - But I'm saying this one. - Yeah I don't know about that one. - Four 6's not three, cause that makes sense. - That's an easy intuition from looking over here and just being like I'm gonna take that one, but add a six to it. So that's why I don't think it's legit. - Okay, okay, all right all right, let's do this, okay. - [Vik] True, - One of you has the killer. (indistinct crosstalk) - He didn't reveal his back before he saw the front back. - His back. - One of, one of you has a killer, okay. - One or two. - [KSI] No two of you. (indistinct crosstalk) - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - He's got one, he's got one. He has one! - I don't have a killer! (indistinct crosstalk) I don't have a killer! Liar! (laughing) (indistinct crosstalk) - Okay, no no no, okay let's no no no let's admit one of us has a killer, okay. No let's admit, let's admit one of us has a killer. - Or two of us, or two of us, - [KSI] Okay cool. Someone admit that they have a killer. Okay no, no, because people are capping. People are capping No, no, no people are capping hard bruv. Imma start swinging in a moment bro. - This is my only killer. - [KSI] That's your own - That's my only killer. - On god? - [Tobi] On god, on god. - On god! - Dude I feel like that's ruining the game though. But on god. - [Simon] Yeah, it's mad gaming. - You can't say that. (indistinct crosstalk) - This my only killer I got. - Okay all right, on your leg. - On my leg. - [KSI] So I get to beat up your leg, fam? - [Tobi] You get to punch me in the leg if I have another killer. - We'll have no real life threats. - [Josh] Yeah you can't do that. - Okay, all right. No, no, bro. Someone's lying man. I know what I got! - [Josh] Or two dudes are lying. - No but, I just want to know who the liar is. I just want to know bro. - Look at the numbers - I just want to look at you in the face and be like okay so you lied. - Look at the numbers that I gave you, $500 and one cent. That's not even good enough to lie with. - [Harry] That is a good point. - I'll back that to be fair. - If it helps, we do find out who was lying afterwards. - At when? As soon as they're out? - [Simon] After the vote. - After the vote - As soon as they're out. As soon as they're out bro. - I wanna do the vote and just find out. - [KSI] No, no, no, oh man no. - Oh it's gonna be amazing, it's waiting for us to vote, then it's gonna be it. - No, no, no no. I promise you, okay. Keep me for the next one. I promise you, okay. I am not lying. Okay, I promise, I promise. If I'm lying, then it's dead. Then you can vote me out in the next round. Did you know I'm a liar? But I promise you, I promise you I'm not lying. I promise you. - If you're lying, PayPal me that 6,666 yeah. - We will have no real life things please. - Dammit. - [KSI] I promise you, I promise you. - [Vik] Harry do you believe him? - Do I believe JJ, mate I actually don't know. I didn't at first. - [Vik] I'm starting to believe him. I wasn't, I wasn't. - [KSI] I promise you, I promise you. - But I'm starting to believe him. - I have big numbers. Huge numbers. - He's so passionate about it. Like I (indistinct crosstalk) - Because it's so, I can literally see them, envision them. They're there. - What's the odds? - Cause the only thing is right, if he has one big number and one small number behind he's got to have a big number for him to be worth keeping though, if he has two small numbers behind he's still not worth keeping. - But the numbers he said are relatively big. - Huh? - The numbers that he said - I have no killers! - [Tobi] Are relatively big. - No killers. - [Vik] But the thing is they're both big. They're both big numbers. Like is one of them over exaggerated? - I have no killers. - Cause a 42K and a 6K. - [Josh] What are yours Harry? - 5 and a 10. - Just 5 and a 10? - Just 5,000 and 10,000. - Okay and yours were 600? - [KSI] Nah, nah, nah, Harry look at me. - [Vik] 666. - Harry no look at me. Do you, no no no, do you have a killer? - I do not have a killer brother, no. - [Tobi] What's going on? - [Vik] What did you gather from that? - What did you get, what did you get from that? - [KSI] No, no, I'm feeling nothing. Bro someone's got a killer. - Try it with Josh, he might. - Well Josh is being quiet. - I think Josh has a killer. - Do you not have a killer? - I bet you Josh has three killers. - I didn't mean to tun it on you man. (indistinct crosstalk) - When you were saying there's a guarantee, he's got a, it's a smaller killer on the front. Do we just send it and like, cause he, could he have a killer? What are your back numbers? - 1,234. The last one is 234 and just 500. - [Vik] How much? - $12.34, so 1,234 and 500. - [Harry] All right boys, I'm gonna be honest, - Well actually if we average out Josh's numbers, - It's not looking good for you bro. - It's not looking great over there. - [Josh] Why? - It's not looking great at all. - You guys have to remember, right? The end. - Cause that's the killer, - Yeah but the killer, for example say yours when you're saying that's 5,000 or yeah. If you get rid of the killer, you get 50. It's still 50,000. It's not 5,000. - True, true, true, true. - Or you just bin the 50 and then you keep the killer and it's 0. - We got to remember we can see killers as well. They have killers, okay. Killers are dangerous. They get rid of the zero fam. It's mad. It's mad. - They get rid of the 0! - You can have like a hundred thousand, you get like gang. All of a sudden 10,000. - I mean you can if they want to say. - If it came down to a vote who you're voting for then JJ, if you're being honest and you're voting who you voting for? - You don't have to say. - I don't want to say, I don't want to say, I don't want to say. - Does anyone have any final points to make? - Oh me! - [Simon] Or any final questions? - This game is stress. - If he's, if he's done this (indistinct crosstalk) - I promise you - I'm looking over there. I'm looking in that area. And I almost just want to see what happens if I don't vote for JJ. - No Josh has been bear quiet I'm just saying. - They were attacking you. - No, no, no but you've been bear quiet. - That's Among Us strats. - Yeah, yeah, yeah it was. Keep it quiet and just, - No, no no because he knows. He knows he's, - [Vik] Just let chaos. (indistinct crosstalk) - You know you've got something mental, you know you've got two killers bro. And that's why you're quiet because you're there like, you know what? They coming at KSI. Let's just let that happen. - I feel like he would be more on your case, (indistinct crosstalk) - I'm trying to assess what these two are doing because we have not attacked that side at all. They attacked our side the whole time. Oh he's done the math the whole time and just played that card the whole time. Tobi's kept quiet himself right. - Yeah but there's a reason for that and do you want to know the reason for that? The reason for that is because he's got the same deck as you but he's got a bigger number. I don't have a killer, so I don't need to I didn't need to like stress, - But that's the same thing as me. - [Vik] You've, you've definitely got a killer and you might have another one. You could have another two, you could have three killers. - I don't know what to do! - There's no way I could have three killers. - You can have two killers. - [Vik] Yeah nut that better than having three killers. - [Harry] Here's where I'm at. We've got two killers out in the field. - Yeah. - It's annoying that the two killers also have big p's alongside them. But I do not trust this man over here. (laughing) - I vibe with that, I vibe with that. - [Josh] Why? - Also the back line isn't good enough. Which means he couldn't even tell the truth. - I don't understand why you jumped on it straight away. As soon as someone says me, you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, me, me. You're going vote him, vote him. - He's not wrong though. - You jump on me every time this lot says I don't trust Josh, you jump on it. - Yeah that's cause I believe JJ, I don't know why I believe JJ. - No, no - You jump on it. He doesn't. - Bro. - That's cause I don't have killers. - [Josh] But you were jumping on me. - Because you are the person with the lowest cash amount of the killer, I'm doing stats. - Yeah, yeah that's a good bluff. - I'm doing stats here. - Guys I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. - I'm so happy I'm the host for this video. (laughing) All right. The talks have finished it's time for everyone to vote for who they would like to leave. - It's mad. - [Simon] Ethan's enjoying a sandwich. (laughing) All right everyone has written their names. - Yep. - One person will be out. We'll start with Josh. - I have voted for JJ. - Okay that is one vote for JJ. - All right, cool, cool. - [Simon] JJ, who have you voted for? - I voted for Josh. - [Everyone] Oh. - I voted for Josh. - [Simon] Okay, Harry. - Oh I'm sorry, I voted for Josh, I went for Zerkaa as well but I think it's him. - It's not me bro. - I think it's him. - We'll see. - Okay, that's two for Josh. One for JJ. Vik. - You are the weakest link, goodbye. - Yes, yes! - [Harry] Oh no. - Look at Tobi. Watch his left ball. I'm suspicious of Vik you know. - [Everyone] Oh! - [Josh] I should have voted Vik. - So one for JJ, one for Vik, but three for Josh. Which means unfortunately these balls are not going through. That means you have to bin them. If you'd like to you know, - Say good bye to 25 bags. - [Simon] Yeah 25,000. And a killer which you guys should be happy about. - [KSI] Yes so we got rid of a killer. That's sick. - [Tobi] Let's see if Josh has another killer. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. So what did you say? - 1,234. - 1,234. - [Simon] It's 1,234. - I'm not sad to see it go, not sad. - But what did you say first? - 500. - [Everyone] Oh! - [KSI] Boom, there you go. Dead! - [Simon] But there is still one killer out there. Someone hasn't admitted to. - I think I know where it is. - [Simon] So, - [Tobi] I think I saw it. - [Simon] JJ, if you'd like to reveal what you had. - [Tobi] This is, I swear to God. - Yo, I told you, bro, 42,069. - [Vik] I believed that number, - I believed it. - [KSI] 42069. Done no. - This one you said was, - [KSI] 6,666. - [Simon] Let's see it. - [Tobi] If I see a killer JJ. - I ain't lying. - [Simon] Oh. - I ain't lying. - I believed him. I believed him - [KSI] Big balls fam. Big balls. - [Vik] Nice, man. - Harry, you said one of yours was five and the other one is the 10. - This one is the, - [Tobi] Killer. - Oh no, oh I got it wrong. This is 3000. - Wait I thought you said that was 10,000. - He knew what he was doing there by the way, he bigged up his number. - You said that was 10,000. - I must have misread it. (indistinct chatter) - And this one's the killer. - [Tobi] Oh him, it was him! Oh no! (indistinct crosstalk) - You said that was five thousand! - I must have misread it. - Misread a killer! - [Vik] He said it was 10, he said it was 10! - [Simon] He said this one was five and that one was 10. - [Vik] So he's lied twice there. - [KSI] Oh mate! - We can't trust him. We can't trust him, just remember that. - Okay Vik you said this one was. - This is for you Josh, honesty is the best policy. - [Simon] 31,000. - [Josh] It is when you haven't got a killer. (laughing) If I was like, I got a killer here and a killer here lads. (laughing) - And the other one you said was, - Said it was 666. And, oh, it's actually I had it upside down. - No you're lying as well! Another liar! - I read it upside down to be fair. - [KSI] Right I mean. - He took value away. - Yeah I took value away, I'm a good man. - There's more money now. - [Vik] Yeah. Oh shit okay. - [Tobi] 999 - Tobi. - Uh, this was the 500. - [Simon] And it is, 500. - [KSI] All right. - And 1 cent. - [Vik] His numbers were too low to lie about. - Okay. So unfortunately, Josh, - Mine were also low though. I got 1,234 and 500. - Josh you had a killer mate. - Yeah but you has a killer. - Unfortunately, Josh, you're out - [Josh] I get to sit here? So can I stay? - Can I stay? - You can stay there. You can stay and watch. But we move on to the next round. - I'm gonna be that person in your ear. Just talking like, oh it's him it's him. - I can't wait. I can't wait. (balls rumbling) - All right round two. Everyone has their balls in front of them. Tobi we'll start with you. Wait did you start last time? - I did yeah. - All right we'll start with JJ. - Okay. So, - [Tobi] Show me the killer. So he's the killer. - [KSI] I have 42069. - [Vik] He's playing the cashier. It's looking good for my man. And now we have, - [Josh] I bet you 50 bags. - Oh the 9,999. Oh 999. - [Simon] How many nines? Okay, strong position. - [Tobi] Not good. - Harry, the liar of the last round. - I wasn't, yeah. Oh for fuck. - [Tobi] He's still the killer. - [KSI] Oh brilliant. - Okay boys. - It's not looking good for you brother. - [Vik] Is that the last? - There's two killers. - There's two more. - There's two more? - There's that plus one more. - I'll stop, (indistinct crosstalk) - Please both of them. - [Harry] Oh for fuck, 500 pounds. (laughing) - [Simon] But remember there's still a 50,000 out there. There's still the 31,000 out there. - [Tobi] Oh yeah we know exactly what the numbers are now. - [Harry] Yeah. - [Simon] Okay, change the thing. It makes it harder to bluff. - Well, that's a, quite a handsome sum right there. 6K. - [Simon] Okay 6K. And the second one. - Hoo! - [Simon] 31,000. - Oh damn it feels good. - Oh we're good. - Tobi. - This is so tense man. Oh the $500 is back. - [Simon] Okay nice. Welcome, see what you have. - If this is the killer, it's a 1v1 between me and Tobi. - Can't open it. Another $500 boys. - Oh okay, okay. - So we are still missing the biggest amount out there right now. $50,000. - [KSI] Okay. - [Simon] And there's also one killer. If you'd like to take a look at your balls. - Ah! - [Josh] It's quite exciting. - [Simon] Play with your balls mate. Play with them. - [Josh] On the table - Just you and Ethan right now, Ethan's eating a sandwich. - He's actually staring at me to be fair. - Let's start with Tobi. What do you have in the back row? - The one cent is back. - [Simon] Okay. - All right. - And the 6,666. - Okay. - Oh, oh. - Oh he's had a blunder. - Oh no. - He's had a blunder. - Oh my word. - He's had a blunder. What are you doing mate? - [Vik] That tells us what the other one might be. - What are you doing mate? - Maybe I just had a blunder with my numbers. - [KSI] What are you doing mate? What, are you good? - [Vik] Oh no! - No way there's a duplicate of that number fam. - There might be. - [Everyone] Oh! - [KSI] Do you no have the numbers? - [Tobi] I've had a stinker boys. (laughing) - Anyway moving swiftly on. I have the $10,001 here and I have the $3.58 on the side here, so. - Okay. - Pretty solid. - Harry. - I'm just gonna pitch to you what I'm dealing with here. So he's got, - No, no, no, no. Talk about what you've got. - No no, no, I'll get to it. He's got 500, 500, one cent he said and a killer. I've got 500, - [Vik] Killer. - Killer. This one is 69 cent. And on God, this is the 50K. And no one else has it. - Well I mean if you're not claiming the 50K, there is one out there. - Well I do not have the 50,000. - Well, what do you have? - What do you have? - 3,000 and 1,000. - Okay. - This one is 50K. (laughing) - If Tobi had been at the end of this, he could have claimed that the 50K was his. So, okay, so Harry what's your other one? - 50K and 69 cents. - 50K, 69 cent. - [Tobi] Boys I'm not gonna lie, we should just speed this up and let me leave my suite. I'm not going to lie to you. - I don't think there's anything we can do but, - Well then just admit you have the killer. - I have the killer. - Oh, I mean, we beat, we knew that, we knew that, - Oh killer well then. - And what was your other one? - Uh, 50K. No I'm joking, one cent. - One cent? - [Vik] You're kinda making it impossible for me not to vote for you. - Guys I have to go, I have to go. - One cent. - The question is, do you want to take the 50K through or the person who lied to you last round? - Oh, nah we're, oh. (laughing) How much did you have? - I've got 69 cent here. And this is the 50K, this is 500. - No we need the 50K man. - We need 50K. - [KSI] We need 50K. - I'm just saying when it comes down to it, will you trust him to split or steal? - We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, but you're (laughing) Shit man. I vote Tobi. - Guys this isn't a difficult decision. - [KSI] All right let's vote, let's vote. - All right this is a super quick round. - [KSI] Yeah yeah. (laughing) - All right round two. You know what, can't be bothered, just turn it around. - Yeah Tobi. (laughing) - [Simon] Tobi is out. There's the one cent. - But at least you. Wow actually not at least you. I was about to say at least you were honest. - [Josh] Technically he was. - Technically I was. - Eventually. (laughing) - [Simon] GG. - Oh man. - Okay the balls are back in the spinner and we are adding two more cash pools, plus one extra killer ball. We're in round three, the penultimate round. Everyone has five balls. Only two are gonna be seen. There's two new amounts and one new killer. So Vik, you'd like to show us the front two balls. - [Harry] I reckon they're both killer at the front. - Woo! - [Simon] 50,000. - [Harry] Look at his face, he's gassed. - [KSI] Christ. - Oh no. - Odds on you having three killers at the back. - [Harry] Come on. - There's only two killers left so. - Two killers at the back. - And the other one is. 1000. - It's not bad you know, it's not bad at all. - [Tobi] That's big for you, big plays. - [Simon] 51,000 from Vik. Okay Harry, let's see your front balls. - Oh! (laughing) Don't do it to me. - [Tobi] The worst Harry reaction ever. - Don't do it to me. You fuck, it's a killer it's a killer. - [Simon] Well, he's got one. There is still one out there. - [KSI] Okay. - JJ, is it on your front row? Let's see. - It's a 999. - [Simon] Okay. - This guy is gonna have 42069 again? - Josh] Again yeah. - Oh. - What's that? - 69 cents. - Okay, so there is still one killer out there. There's still quite a few high amounts. If you all want to take a look at your secret balls. - Josh look at your balls. - [KSI] Okay, okay. - JJ, what do you have on your back line? - 100,000. - [Simon] 100,000? - 100,000 fam. - Okay. - [KSI] I have a killer in here. - [Simon] Okay. So that counts the other killer. - And I have 3000. - Okay. Harry. - I've got, I've got a 31,000 again. Did I have 31,000 there? Yeah, I got two 31,000's here. - [KSI] Two 31,000's? - Two 31,000's, a 10,000 and a 500. - Two 31,000's? - I know. As mad as it sounds, I have two 31,000's. - Okay. - I've forgotten mine. Okay I've got the 6,666 here. Four 6's in a row. This is 42? This is 42069. Your one from ages ago. - [KSI] Yeah. - And this was 3000 on the dot. - Okay. - Okay. - [KSI] All right, well. - Begin! - I've told you I have a killer. I've been truthful the whole time. Harry's been a liar. - [Tobi] You are telling the truth. - Harry's been a liar the whole time, okay. - Yeah but I have a killer, (indistinct crosstalk) - [KSI] I've got a killer. - [Harry] And I've got a killer. Then I can't have a killer here, because there's only two killers. - [Vik] No, you could be wrong about the values. What values. - I'm saying your values are wrong. I have a 100,000, it's the highest amount. The highest amount. - [Vik] How do I navigate this one? (laughing) - How do I navigate. - I have in total 41,500 here. 31, actually no, well hang on a minute so what do you have in total? Count yours up. You got 100,000, killer and what? - 100,000. - [Simon] Yeah. - 3000. - So 103,000. - These amounts. - Okay, so. - [Tobi] So 104,000 basically. - And 69 cents. - So 104,000. I've got 31 and 31, that's 62, add 10, 72. A killer and a 500. - [KSI] So I have more. - So you're actually the safer bet. - Yeah. (laughing) - If the 100,000 is real. - [KSI] 100,000 bro, it's mental. - I'm being honest I don't have 100,000. - There we go, it's done now. - I don't think he has it either. - [KSI] Why would I lie about that though? - [Harry] So you get to the next round. - [KSI] No, no, no, no. I shit you not with it bro, it's fucking unreal bro. Like I saw Simon was there, he's like yo I need to make sure this is a huge number. - [Harry] Well my 31 is in there as well because there wasn't two 31's before. - 100,000 bruv. - Is there any new numbers over there. - [KSI] Bro six digits. - I think there's a new three. There's a new three. - [KSI] Six digits. - Cause I don't think there were two three's before. - [KSI] Bro, I think, Harry even said that I'm the safer bet. For real. - [Vik] If the 100,000 is real. But how do I know it's real. - [KSI] I told you. I've told you I've got a killer, why would I lie to you? - [Vik] To soften up the 100K. - Ooh. - Nah, bruv. Bro, mate. If you want to lose 100K, fine. Nah if you want to lose 100K do it then. - If I was in Vik's, because Vik realistically it comes under Vik this final vote. - Yeah it's on yo bro. You're the king bro. - I know, I know. - If I was Vik I'd be picking you. - Yeah obviously. - But, I dunno. - He's lied three times! - [Harry] I know but bro what can I lie about? - [KSI] Are you gonna bring in a liar, bruv? - [Vik] So do you know what? I think he's either lying about having another 31,000 or you're lying about having 100K. And it's one of the two. And you know what? The way that Harry's not backing himself and not screaming that the 100K is a lie, I think what he's done is he's taken his front one and he's duplicated it to the back one. What I don't, I, in my head, I don't know why you would duplicate a 31. - Why you can't duplicate, why would there be duplicates. - I'm probably over thinking this - [KSI] But besides the 500. - He could be telling the truth, it's as simple as it is. (laughing) - And there it is. - [Josh] The duplication game. - Look Harry. - [Vik] I'm ready anyway. I'm ready anyway. At this point. - Harry's been lying. - We don't even need to see their vote. - [Simon] Well I think I know who you two are voting for - [KSI] Well yeah, it's obvious. - [Simon] So Vik if you want to write down your vote. - Before you write down lad, before you write down. What can I tell you that will convince you I'm not lying? Cause I swear to god I'm not lying to you. - He's been lying the whole time. The whole time he was there like I'm not the killer. He had the killer. - Could you not get me one that was not the same number as the one in front. Because it just looks bait. It looks very bait. - He didn't pick that one for you. - I have 100 thou, six digits fam. That's ridiculous. - [Simon] Everyone if you could write down your votes, please. - [KSI] Bro I have been truthful the whole time. And you gonna take me out, when I, oh bro. That's it bro, it's ridiculous. - [Simon] If everyone could write down their votes please. - [KSI] All right mate, mate. It's do what you need to do with it. - Do you wanna switch, Tobi take my balls. - Whoa, whoa. - [Simon] Did you just pick up on that? He just yelled at Tobi, take my balls. Vik have you written it? - I'm voting now. - He wrote five letters, it's Harry. I know you, - [Simon] JJ. (laughing) - [Harry] Bro it's 31, it's 31. - [Simon] Oh he's voted, I ain't even asked you bro. - It's done man it's done. - [Vik] He knew, he knew, he knew. He saw me write letters. - JJ if you could just confirm it. - Okay. - [Simon] No, no, no, who'd you vote for? - Oh, oh. - [Josh] You could've voted for Vik - [Tobi] Imagine they both voted Vik. - I put Harry. - Which means Harry is not going through to the final. Harry. - Liar. - [Simon] You can get rid of this killer. - Liar. - Harry get rid of the killer first please? And your, - [Tobi] 31,000. - Your 31,000. You can get rid of those too please. - I put it in here? - Yeah. Your broken tube. Okay. Now Harry. - I swear to god if that's not 100,000 I swear to god. - [Simon] Harry, Harry. What did you claim this was? - I forgot, 500 I think. - Okay let's see it. - [KSI] 500 he said. - 500. - [KSI] Okay. - It's 500. - [KSI] Okay. - What did you claim this one was? - The middle one, 10K mate. - [Simon] Okay let's see. - [KSI] 10K. - 10K. - [Simon] 10,001. - 10,000 okay. - What did you claim this was? - 31,000. - 31,000, it is. - [KSI] 31,000. - It's 31,000. - [Simon] It's 31,000! - 31,000. - [Simon] Okay. He told the truth. - [Tobi] And now JJ's coming. - [Harry] Vik he, Vik. If he's pulled this off I swear, - He's capped, he's capped, he's capped. Harry if you were telling the truth, he's capped. - Why would I have capped? - All right, legit on the 6,666. - [Simon] Okay can you actually do it for the video? - It fell. - [Simon] Your front one as well. - Imagine I had the killer all along. Ah. - [Simon] Okay second one you said this was? - 42 G's, 42 G's. - [Tobi] Geez. - [Simon] And he last one you said was? - 3K, 3K. - All right calm. - [Simon] Okay, okay, JJ, this one nearest to me, you said was? - 3000. - [Simon] Let's have a look. - 3000. - [Simon] It's 3000. - 3000. - [Simon] Okay. The middle one you said was a killer? - I said it was a killer. - [Simon] Okay. - [Tobi] And it is, - [Simon] And it is a killer. - Killer. - [Simon] It is a killer. - You see? - [Simon] Now this one. - 100,000. - You said it was 100,000. - [KSI] 100,000. - [Simon] And it is the reason you kept him in. - 100,000. - [Vik] I swear to god. - 100,000. (laughing) (screaming) - Well played, well played. - Oh wait oh, - [Harry] Vik! Vik! - I knew one of you was lying I couldn't, Harry (indistinct crosstalk) - [KSI] 350, my bad. - [Josh] You didn't read it right did you? - Sorry I read it wrong. (laughing) - You lied twice before. No in the earlier rounds you lied, I couldn't, I couldn't. It was inconsistent play. (laughing) - Do you know how funny that is? - You bastard,, you bastard. I believed it as well, I thought he had, - That's the problem. You didn't back yourself enough. - I did back, what you mean I didn't back myself up. - No, no, no, because you said, if I was you I would vote for JJ. Which seemed like an admission of guilt. - You did say that. - It seemed like an admission of guilt. - I believed he had 100K. - [Josh] You just had to say that he didn't have 100K. - [Vik] Yeah, you you. - Oh no cause then you would've been like oh no now he's saying he doesn't have 100K. - [Vik] I wouldn't, I wouldn't. I needed validation and I didn't get it. I needed validation. I needed most, I knew. You were, I said either you're lying about the 32, or you're lying about the 100. - [Tobi] No one's leaving here with money. I'm just telling you now. - [Simon] Okay, we move into the final. - You know what? I'm a little annoyed at you. - Okay we're not. - [KSI] I know. - We were gonna have a killer regardless and we got money here. - Yeah bro we still got big money. We still got big money. Now, all we need to do is split together and it's done. - All right well let's move into the final. So we have Vik's five balls in here. We have JJ's five balls in here and we're adding an extra killer for the final. - Why is it always more killers, man? - You gotta, you know, keep it interesting. (balls tumbling) All right. Welcome to the final. This is where you're either going to bin it or win it. There are 11 balls. I've added in a killer. You're going to choose one to bin then one to win and one to bin, one to win, et cetera until you have five to win. - Okay. - Let me remind you. If you get a killer it takes a zero off everything beforehand. - Okay so we get killer, killer. - [Simon] Then you're safe. These three will just add up. But if you get 50, 40, et cetera, et cetera. And then a killer final one. A digit taken off. - Okay, all right. - So who would like to go first to bin? - All right, well as the liar, I'll let you go first. - So this is to bin. - Yeah. So I open this up. - This is to bin. - 3K. - Okay you know that's okay. - Small. - We can bin that, we can bin that. - Which one would you like to win? This one? - Yup. You know what, it's fine. If this is a killer, it's fine. It's the same as binning it. - We actually want a killer. - Nothing too big, nothing too major. - Come on. What is it? - I think it's major, it's the 50. - It's huge innit? - It's the killer. - [Everyone] Oh! - Yes, yes. - Well done. - Nice - So there's one killer remaining. JJ, if you'd like to choose one to bin. - I'm feeling this one. I'm thinking of binning this one. - All right. - This is 6,666. - It's not great, but. - No, no. We still have the big ones. - Yeah we do, we do. - Okay. - If you'd like to choose one to win. - One to win I'll go for this one. - As good as it would be to get the killer out now, - Yeah. - You'd only be getting three values worth. - True. - You've chosen this one to win. - Yes. - Do you want a big number? You want a small number? You want a killer? - What do you want? I want to, - I'll take a killer. - A killer. - [Simon You take a Killer? - I'll take a killer, yeah. - Well it's not a killer. - Okay. - It's 42,000. - [Everyone] Oh! - Big numbers. - Huge. - Big numbers. Humongous. - So again, there's only one killer out there. - Okay. - You're guaranteed at least $4,200. - Nice, nice - [KSI] Okay. - Vik choose one to bin. - Straight down the mid. - [Simon] It's a killer! Which means everything you get now, is these three is money. - Cash. - Oh my God. Big cash, big cash. - [Tobi] That's big from you Vik. - So I need the 50K right? - [Simon] You need the 50K. You're choosing that one to win? - Yeah. - 50K, come on. - Because you could still bin the 50K. - [Harry] Might be the 100K. (laughing) - Oh. But it can't be a killer. - Yeah obviously. - So anything is still, it's still money. - Yeah. - Even if it's a small amount like 50K. - [Everyone] Oh! - Oh my god. - Bro we've actually killed it. - Bro I just went back to back on that. - Yo, yo, yo. - [Simon] Well. I mean you've got - You're welcome, you're welcome. - the two biggest amounts. - You're welcome. - Ay yo. - I got both, I called bot of those. - Yeah you smashed it, you smashed it. - You've got the two biggest amounts. You've got rid of both killers. - All right well. - Holy shit, it's payment season. We're guaranteed 90K. - I mean - [Vik] It's a dub. - You lot have kinda fucked this. - It's a dub. It's a dub let's round it up. - Choose one to bin. - I don't care, I'll bin this. 1000, ha ha ha. - [Simon] What was it, 1000? - 1000 yeah who cares. - Okay choose one to win. - I'll go with this one. - No no. - Oh sorry. - Okay I mean to add to that, cheeky little ball $3.58. Money is money. - [KSI] Money is money, money is money. - Throw the thousand down the drain and be like hey. - [Simon] Vik choose the last one to bin. Well choose one to bin. - Binning this one. 3K, 3K. - Okay. - Now, which one would you like to win? - We are going to put this one in the win. - Okay. Your final number to win. - Could this be a 10K? - It's 999. - [Vik] Okay. - [KSI] Oh okay. - [Simon] Which means, - I think that's the 10K. Unless it went? - [Simon] Your final one to bin, is 69 cents. - [Vik] Oh no, no, no. Big chilling. - Okay. Geez. - Which means your total is $93,071.58 cents. - Huge. - That is ridiculous. You guys have actually smashed it. But we have to decide if you're going to split or steal. I need to change these now. Okay. In front of you is a split ball and a steel ball. Okay. Now, just to clear up how this works. If you both split, you share the 93,000 or whatever it was. If you both steal, you both get nothing, but if you split and you steal, you get all of it and vice versa. Okay? Now obviously you've been through a lot together. - Yes. - So if you'd like to talk to each other and explain what you're gonna do. - Well, I'm gonna split. (laughing) No don't, no I am, I am. I am like, it's a lot of money. Obviously I lied to you to get here but obviously you would have done the same. Would you have not? - I would've. - Exactly, so we both think alike and let's both split. Cause that's also thinking alike. - [Josh] You're staring into his soul. - Well my plan is also to split. I've been honest throughout this whole game. I think we've come out with a lot more than we'd thought we would. - 100%. - [Vik] It could have got a lot worse at the end there. I am a little annoyed about the whole fabrication. - I know, I know. - But you know what, it was a good fabrication and you know if wait yeah, wait no what's to say. - [Tobi] To be fair though. - To be fair though. - Well think of it like this. I will continue to bully you if you, - No real life threats, please. - Look just, we both split. And you know, it's all blessed in that. - Well I've been honest this whole game so. - [KSI] Okay all right. - And I'm not, yeah I'm not gonna let you die in the sand. - Yeah same. - All right. - Hey, yo, don't look at me like that man. - [Simon] What do you weigh now? (laughing) All right if you would both like to choose your option that you're going for. - [Everyone] Oh! - [Simon] Okay, JJ, Vic, $93,071 and 58 cents I think it was. Reveal. (screaming) - You're a dirty dog, you're a dirty dog. - I'm so sorry. - I trusted you, I trusted you. - I'm so sorry. - No, no, no, don't touch me. - I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. - [Everyone] Oh! - [Vik] The man who has it all, well done. - [KSI] I'm so sorry. - [Harry] No. - I'll remember that one. - Oh no, oh god. - [Harry] He was obviously gonna do that. He was obviously gonna do that. - That's fine, that's fine. I didn't, I'm like you're not. - No, man. - I trusted him, it's fine. - I'm sorry, don't do that. - You did it, you did it, you did it. You had the perfect tell. - It's the game, it's the game, it's the game. - [Vik] No don't talk to me about it's the game. - [Everyone] Oh! - [Josh] He doesn't need the money, it's fine. - I'm sorry man, I'm sorry. - I'm not gonna shake your hand after you, yeah it's fine you made that decision. It's fine, work with it. - You're a snake. - [Harry] That's poor, you know that JJ, that is poor. - Wow. - It's not, it's not, it's not, you know what look at least someone's getting the money. If I was going to steal, no one gets anything. You know what? It's fine you can have it. - Oh no man. (indistinct crosstalk) - Harry I wish you could have been here though. - [Harry] Well you should have picked me then. - [Vik] Look you didn't convince me enough and I'm sorry, but. - Well congratulations to JJ for winning $93,000. I hope that money makes you happy. Hope it, you know, can block out all the hate. - Reddit is going to destroy me. Your fans are going to annihilate me. - And yours too brother. - Oh my god. - Well Vic as a constellation, you can pick the discount code. - Oh, we will go with, - [Tobi] Liar. - Put snake. Steal. - You know what, the discount code is gonna be disappointed. That's what the discount code should be. - [Tobi] He's not angry, he's disappointed. - It's on the screen by the way for those of you who can't spell. It's on screen. - [Vik] I'm disappointed. - [Simon] Um yeah, well done. - [Harry] Yeah well done, JJ. Well done. - [Tobi] Yeah great. (clapping) (futuristic music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 10,439,398
Rating: 4.957572 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: DE2xhP2u1co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 3sec (2883 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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