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Welcome to the weakest link today, we have six contestants Trying to work together trying to bring each other down. They've known each other for a few years. Let's see how they fare There's six people one could go away for some money. Is it one? Isn't it Cool if you pass or get the question wrong, you lose all your money if you bank you keep it Because ladies and gentlemen So now it's time to meet the victim I'm JJ, I'm from Watford. I'm awesome 98% Nigerian What kind of what about? Hello, my name is Harry. I'm from the Cotswolds. I enjoy fishing and Hiding children My name's Simon low game for life. Wait, hold on My name's Vic, I'm from Sheffield and probably should have stayed in school. Why? I'm Josh. I like Millwall But always coming over My name is Toby. I'm 25 from hackney You got X look Look at these bumps and my name's Ethan. You can buy my pillow For every question you answer correctly you progress through the chain if you answer it wrong next time you lose it hairy Groups got two minutes let's do this the jungle we in global wearing yellow psychics known as minions first appeared in which 2010 film Despicable Me correct which former president of FIFA used to play in the Swiss amateur league Harry what incorrect Vic which punctuation mark is used with the letter S to indicate possession ' well done, correct. Thank Josh the two best-selling albums in the UK since 2010 are both by which singer Jon Cassar incorrect Toby what color is the mr. Men character? Mr. Happy? Come on, mate. That's easy. Come on yellow correct, JJ in chemistry, which you defined as Harry in with chemistry, which unit is defined as the energy required to raise one gram of water through one degree Celsius Fahrenheit its calorie you eat too many of them Simon why is the first year since 1987 to compromise of four different digits? I Think it was comprised not compromised comprise 2000 and I don't know incorrect What type of book Bavarian shorts worn with braces takes its name from the German for leather trousers later Howsam? correct, Josh a microp Knight myoclonic jerk of the story Diagram read it. What is more commonly known by what name you and would you say am I chronic jerk of the diaphragm? Hiccup, correct baby in bacon what name is given to the part of the process in which shaped bread dough is covered And left to rise before being baked pass JJ from which political party did MVP Steven Wolfe resigned in October 16 Conservative note you kit carry? Which former Barcelona refseq management become the manager of Manchester City in 2016? Gelila, correct. So that completes the first round you guys have 80 pounds to your names? Looking good. So now it's time to vote out who you think has the tiniest Dodger At the end of the first round Harry and Vic are the strongest links but two questions, correct Everyone's going to look at each other JJ's the weakest link, will he be voted out? Well, if Prix has its way yes. Yes He will taking you a long time to realize he's got the tiniest aaja boys Great if you'd like to reveal who you think has the tiniest todger Vic Well, I don't know I just I just look at him and I just realized yeah, he probably isn't packing anything of significance Plus, he's a bit too smart. I think I hold this game. So he's probably going to win. So I Got none Harry I went for Toby but purely because I think he was the worst answering questions because of his taja sighs Oh, Simon if you'd like to reveal who you are voting for as JJ said don't think he's packing anything Thanks for the message Nick you'd like to reveal who aims for a JJ because he didn't answer any questions correctly. You wanna fucking fight me? He was a fucking over Bourjos outlet, see what what Oh, okay, Josh. Let's just see who feeds got the tiniest. I've gone before Vic and I put 3.5 inches as I guess A guesstimate so V. If you like to reveal you guys the TARDIS Todd you in your opinion. I've gone for mister, baby. Carrot Oh Interesting Vick, unfortunately, you have the tiniest adjustment and we'll see you next time This point it's be going home this early I got all my questions right that may have been a mistake Got voted out because they think I have the smallest odd you or something little do they know that? Those contestants eighty pounds on the board. Are you ready for another round of? what you think we're Good testers, let's go JJ, which brand of ice cream has the name little horn in Italian parse Murray Namaste is a greeting traditionally associated with which religion all its Buddhism no incorrect Simon, which country has won the Rugby World Cup three times England incorrect Josh in which sense in which sense organ of the human body are the hammer anvil and stirrup mount? The series bear cool salt is a spinoff from which other US TV drama Breaking Bad. Yes, JJ He's getting dropped in the Logan Paul vs. Ki fight Logan Paul. Incorrect Harry Harry when placed in alphabetical order which state of the USA comes second Arizona incorrect Simon the city of Nazareth in with which modern day country Israel correct Joe as of 2017 who is the highest-paid footballer in the world without oh great to think how many praising will fuckin by him you could have got double if you Toby how many protons are there in a hydrogen item at some? One, correct JJ including 2016 how many leap is of the businesses the end of the second world war two in great Harry Who's Pat Samia you? You still incorrect what you mean way country has the largest number of Buddhists. Oh No, no pass a great dose, which is the longest installment of the original seven Harry Potter books order, Phoenix Yeah, correct IV whispy Mac is a cocktail made of whiskey and which type of wine Horse JJ in English which day the week comes first alphabetically In English winter here the week comes first alphabetically Come on come on Your time oh boy. Oh Please Friday That round is a fun one Harry's still fat that you're getting dropped To be the ball. I'd like you all to vote for who you think should be going home after that After the second round Josh and Toby are the strongest links JJ and Harry are the weakest links. I mean, you've really got a question. The head gears were an inspiring What is it doing to his brain? So has everybody got down there contestant JJ's time with you reveal? I went for Toby Why is that clearly there's too many black people right now, so I have to I get rid of my counterpart Can't pass comment on that Harry Harry how is that round for you? Could be the nail in the coffin, but I'm going for Tobias law ethnic cleansing I did the opposite. I thought there wasn't enough black people. So I went for Josh Like it nice just have you'd like to reveal I wrote before JJ Oh Willie just remember that He's still he's a bank account. Oh Okay, Toby if you'd like to Know I went for the other Negro JJ He refuses to bank. He's go out the hood and he won't let the rest of us escape Simon. So Far we've learned you're not racist For once in this game show we get to find out who was the strongest link so the strongest Background was indeed Toby so unfortunately You getting dropped out the game show just like you will in August If you doubt my game show room, please no My question Yeah, okay Well, I mean clearly is bullshit. Like I I don't know why the question about me getting dropped was even the question doesn't make anything Anyway, fuck Josh fuck Josh and Toby about pricks and I'll make sure I spy the one we get back and just fuck them up but uh, ultimately I have the biggest myung anyway, and Free Jay Haas. So in that round you guys then 50 pounds so all together you 140 on the line Looking strong you'll get your last bit of lunch or something decent round three Two minutes on the clock starting with you Harry. Let's do this which one word term is a technical name for bad breath pong Correct Simon, which footballer memorably missed the penalty against Germany at the Euro 96 championship losing the game for England Pass No Josh If your mother's cousin had a baby what relation with the baby be to you second cousin bang did nice work correct, Toby in 2004 Piers Morgan was sacked as the editor of which national newspaper Daily Mail No, incorrect Sorry, there's too many dailies. Harry in humans female cells. Typically contain how many X chromosomes 23? No, incorrect Simon whose Seidman district was the best porzingis, correct Josh Which olympian holds the record for the most amount of gold medals so can read again? Which olympian holds the record for the most amount of gold medals? It's really like Bigfoot Incorrect. Sorry, I love that puppy who plays Ben Stiller's future father-in-law in we'll meet the parents I've forgotten his name. Uh Robert De Niro, correct Harry Little Miss. Whoops is the sister of bitch. Ballistamon. Mr. List. Whoop Oh, mr. Bump Which popular card game appears in the title of a UK number-one hit by ladies the poker Correct, Josh in which year did the Queen celebrate her golden jubilee? politically incorrect but Toby reggae music originates from which Caribbean island Jamaica, correct? Harry which actor Lord is his own social networking site known as pop space Oh Hoffman incorrect Simon the prime minister of which country appeared during the 2016 Olympic closing ceremony the suit Italy in Italy So after that round ladies and gents is now time to vote out your weakest link Be there now found the paper after the third round Toby and Simon are the strongest links Harry is the weakest link That's all I want to do Oh Simon you vote is a week. I have also gone for Josh. Oh You're going I'm glad Jatayu vote vote for Harry because the bank is Over it for Harry he's got enough money and he refuses to pay what right? Well, here's the thing the boys we got a point five points a tie from JJ No, no Anyways, I think the rest of the guys have made a severe and continuous lapse at their judgment by allowing JJ come in and His point his vote count for 0.5 of a vote very disappointed today around three contestants After round t you've now found yourself with a massive 230 pounds, we've done three rounds All to the third round you find yourself at 230 pounds contestants impressive stuff right again two minutes on the clock Toby starting with you. Let's do this the infectious bacterial disease known as Lyme disease is transmitted by which tiny parasitic creature Ticks correct Barry, who is the sovereign of the Vatican state the pope? incorrect Simon, which is the largest of the Canary Islands Big Bird incorrect Toby which alcoholic drink has a name derived from the Scottish Gaelic for water of life Harry apart from the Flies. What was the first animal to be launched into space a Chicken monkey Oh Simon. What is the main alcoholic ingredient in a Singapore sling? Jesus cried Jim Don't be back in which country does the Cannes Film Festival take place France correct Harry, which phone company created the messaging service known as bbm TalkTalk? Used in baking ganache is a mixture of cream and which other ingredient Flower incur AIDS Toby, what was the surname of pop superstar Prince? Incorrect, Harry we Only have 30 days 30 days half of them April Simon the cap capybara is largest species in of which order of animals the capybara Pass incorrect to--basically. Anosmia is a medical term for the loss of which of the five senses Smell correct Harry In humans the picture Is attached to the base of which major or good It makes me organ I'm gonna go with The throat in Courage, it's the brain it's the brain a major organ For Toby is the strongest link Harry is again the weakest link for the love of God someone put him out of his misery. This is embarrassing Doesn't matter doesn't matter come on so Toby if you'd like to reveal who you think was the weakest link in that world I'd like to play the race card and immunize myself from elimination Like that, I like that. That's a good play Harry. Hey Coleman. Brexit me. I Can't say I like that When I voted this I didn't know how he went so racist I had the race card I Played the Race card I decided Toby was too strong. So I kind of went to get him out. I see strong Okay. Are you gonna Wow a race card? Soon as you voted for brakes, it means that you can go where footballs go in and that's home. Wait You don't choose we're gonna check it out. Kick-out House is about football you go You don't know what bbm is get on your boy Believer perfectly And they have not been victorious today, but during the UK referendum there's only one winner and I just leave us around for ladies and gentlemen, you find yourself or just gentlemen you find yourself on a 310 quid you just assumed my gender So videos done voices the next round there's one minute on the clock Put money in the pot lads make it a big one. Let's do this. Simon. Harlequin is scarce Seven pot are to UK species of which type of beetle done Incorrect Toby which scientist gives his name to a transformer coal used to pronounce high voltages at high frequencies Tesla correct Simon. What is the most northerly stadium in English for the leak in the Englishman lead? Newcastle's I'll give it to you Toby which classic Disney film is based on a novel of the same name by Felix Alton Aladdin incorrect Simon. What was the name of the native who became Robinson Crusoe's right-hand, man Bank I'm just unhappy Which popular fifa youtuber made his name off of balban's may HD gamer, correct? Simon the name for which large orange College fruit derives from the Greek for large melon Fucking Eve game of questions orange Come Come on So contestants Good round sixty quid in the kitty 370 overrule who's gonna win Southern death shootout five questions. Whoever gets the most right gets the P You ready? I don't want them anymore play rock paper scissor to see who goes first Hey Simon five questions, you're ready. Yes. Is that it? No Which official title given to a woman is equivalent to the rank of a knight? Knight because I'm not sexist Correct That was amazing Toby pumpernickel bread is made from which coarsely ground grain One of the ex consistent contestants got it. Yeah. Well, no not here Like you start. I don't know The answers, right? Simon in which musical does Mama Rose sing roses turn Mamma Mia incorrect gypsy Toby Toby Java is an island belonging to which Southeast Asian country Indonesia what my guy Oh this this is a bit, what is this You don't fist bump the anti-sex racism. Yeah, they didn't respond the anti-sexism. There's no kick-outs. Excellent. Okay assume my gender earlier Simon yes David Tennant is married in real life to the daughter of which other former doctor who's done What just doctor whom I? Actually don't know any old doctor. I can only go with the current one or a more current one Incorrect just as Christopher Eccleston. Okay, great. Let's just call it a day It was Peter Davison Yeah, I don't know either. I'm just the host person most Hudson Bay is a large body of salt water in the east of which country America Incorrect. You should probably know that well, it's Canada shit close Simon Which Sunday newspaper is the sister paper to the Guardian? Sunday Times talking I got it, right The observer your old Toby Toby which Scottish City has been a European city of culture Glasgow correct. I'm losing I'm guessing I'm guessing Simon if you ask this question incorrectly you're going home and nothing except fun In the traditional nursery rhyme solomon grundy got married on which day of the week. Okay, it's multiple choice this Now you've got hot yeah, but it's one of seven, okay can't be anything I saw I was thinking Wednesday and Thursday dead. I'd only be a Saturday or Sunday. I'm gonna go With Saturday Topi that means that you are the strongest link and you have one three hundred and seventy pounds And I'm never gonna get the money anyway you lots to owe me from your frozen that's work lad So thanks for tuning into that episode of the weakest link Obviously I'm upset that I lost but a Topi deserves it you can use that money to pay for therapy after the racial abuse from Harry So yeah congrats the Toby really I didn't really expect to win. This didn't expect to make it this far Harry tried to get me out early. So I'm gonna use the money to buy a ticket to Guernsey and link his sister Remember you can buy really awesome merch on side van clothing calm what merciful Seidman merch you can end my pillow Use the discount code pillow again
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,448,807
Rating: 4.9166174 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen weakest link, sidemen channel, sidemen do game shows, sidemen game show, game show, weakest link, the weakest link, weakest link funny moments, sidemen funny moments, sdmn funny moments, game show funny moments
Id: NOyqzkC1EBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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