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Stephen Tries man, hurts to see people like these remain underrated. He deserves more than a mil let's be honest. Apna J is someone else that comes to mind

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lizardophobic_Monke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

ikr this was amazing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/icy-micy-raff2222 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
(upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ (cheering) - Welcome to The Wheel! The experts on The Wheel tonight, JJ on music, Ethan on sports, Josh on YouTube, Vik on Science, Harry on MMA, Simon on TV, And Tobi on memes. (applauding) Welcome, experts. - Thank you. - Wow, look at this. - Hello. - Harry. - Yes. - MMA expert. - I panicked when I picked up the piece. (laughing) - You slapped one fan and suddenly you're Joe Rogan. (laughing) We have fun. JJ. - Yes. - Did they teach rap music at private school? - I know what, what Cal said? - [Host] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Maybe a bit every now and then. (laughing) - Vik. - Yes. - You've been on The Wheel before. - [Vik] I have, indeed. - [Host] You helped a woman win big money. - This is true. - [Host] Did she spend it well? - I don't know. I didn't, I didn't, didn't stay in touch. (laughing) - [Host] Showbiz, hmm. Hey, Tobi. - Hello, mate. - Tobi, Tobi. What's your category? - Memes. - Memes, wow. You went to university, didn't you? - I did. - Got a degree. - I did. - Where did you go? - Coventry. - Coventry for three years. - Murderers get less. (laughing) - That was... - Now, I must tell you, they're very generous man here. The Sidemen are putting up all the money for the contestants to be winning tonight. - Wait, we're putting up what? - That could be over $100,000 pounds. (cheering) Over $100,000 pounds! (applauding drowns out speaking) Also paid for my own train, that's fun. (laughing) Okay, let's meet the contestants. (upbeat music) They are Callux from London. - Yes. - Niko from Stafford. And Calfreezy from London. (whooshing) (applauding) So let's see who it is first to play tonight. Let's spin the Contestant Wheel! (dramatic music) (cheering) - You guys tried to gas me! - Looks like Harry's back end. (laughing) - Jeeze. - Niko, welcome. - You guys are out the production, jeeze. (laughing drowns out speaking) - Welcome to the show. Great to have your here. - Thank you, thanks for having me. - The real mayor of London. - I appreciate that. - Well, you have a mayor in London tonight. Eh, it's snowing in London, sorry. Sheep in line. Niko, let's look (laughing) at the seven categories we have on offer. (dramatic music) YouTube, sport, music, memes, TV, MMA and science. - TV. - Why. - There was nothing left. (laughing) - I was last one to apply. There was nothing left. - Listen, this was-- - You can start with MMA. (laughing) - Yeah. - What the hell. (laughing) - I hit photography and then I panicked. I sat over there. He said, "I've got MMA now." - [Niko] MMA, okay. - MMA is a sport as well. You stepped on Ethan's coat. (laughing) - I'm you. - Yeah, that makes sense as well, yeah. - Oh, cheers, man. - [Host] Niko, what are you thinking? - I am very good at science. - Yeah. - Oh. - But I'm going go with YouTube because that's where I'm at. - [Host] Josh is your expert, so he is now gold. (chiming music) (cheering) Who would you like to shut down? - Okay, who do I shut down? Who doesn't know YouTube? - [Host] And if you land on the shut down person, you will get thrown off. It's the way-- - [Niko] Are you volunteering to be shut down? - I don't mind, bro. Yeah, I'm not great with YouTube. I'm not gonna lie. - Oh no. - I could do YouTube. Don't send me off. I know bits and more. (shouting drowns out speaking) - It's not a YouTube question. They don't know what they're talking about. It could be anything. (chattering) It could be anything! - Oh, okay, this was very deep, can I also say. I'm just gonna, it's nothing personal. I was gonna shut you down right now. - [Host] So Ethan, you are red. (electronic music) (shouting) - If it was Jim-- - There we go. - [Niko] If it was Jim, than I'd pick you straight away, just so you know. - [Ethan] It's been done. Someone has to be red, it's fine. - [Host] Let's spin the wheel, see where we land. Take it away. Spin the wheel! (roaring) (shouting) (cheerful music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ (ticking) (shouting) - [Niko] Big money, big money, big money! Stop, stop, stop! (loud groaning) (chiming) - I'm in chains. - Nevermind. (applauding) - Okay, Niko. It's not gold, but it is Vic-ster one, two, three and this question's worth 3,000 pounds. (whooshing) It's like a half a video for you. Let's see the question for 3,000 pounds. (whooshing) Oh, oh. - Ooh. - [Host] What percentage of YouTube viewing is considered to come from mobile views? Less than 50%, 51 to 65% or 66 to 85%. - Oh, I think I'll pass. Five pounds worth, make it harder. 86% or more. - I caught mobile ones. - [Niko] I thought-- (laughing drowns out speaking) - [Host] And everyone's going to be playing, okay. Lock in your answers secretly. - I spend a lot of time on YouTube. I know the interesting fact is in, in countries like India, nearly all of the traffic is mobile. So like that bumps and there's a lot of, there's a lot of views out there, so that bumps it up a lot. - So, I'm disappointed 'cause I was expecting, like, like, a YouTube question. Not a analytical question. - Aiming this my way. (chuckling) - But I'd say, what, are you saying, 66 to 85? - That is what I was thinking actually, without even saying it. I think, yeah, I think it's a lot. I don't think it's 86 or more, but that is, that is where I would, if I had to guess that's what I'd go for. - Vik, you can't send me down this early, man. - Look-- (laughing drowns out speaking) - Do it, Vik. You might come back. (laughing) - Even if it's wrong you could come back. - But I'm already here. I don't really want to leave. I wanna be with my boys up here, so-- - [Host] Don't, don't-- - [Niko] Sorry, sorry, mate. (laughing) - Okay. - All right. Well, what are you going to lock in? - Well, let's go 66 to 85. I'm on that, lock in. - Lock it. - Lock it in, please. - We got the same round. - We got this, we got this. You're staying, you deserve to be here. (groaning) - [Host] For 3000 pounds, is it the correct answer? (exhales loudly) - Please. - I'm sorry if this is wrong. (intense music building) (whimpering) It's nerve wracking. - Oh no, I'm stressed. (dramatic crescendo) (cheering) (clapping) - Money. - Money. - I'm locked in Cal and Cal. I'm still here! - [Host] YouTube is off the wheel. It's gone, 3000 pounds up as well. - Thanks man. - And you'll have to go down in there and talk to them. - Exactly. - Win, win, win. - Win, win, win. - Okay. What are you thinking next? - Okay. - You got your music. - I'm decent in music. - Yeah. You like rap. - Yeah. - I wanna actually be on a, I'll start with you, if I'm to be honest. - Oh for real? - Yeah, yeah. - Never. (laughing) - All right then, we'll, let's go with our expert. - [Host] MMA with our expert. (laughing) - Discussions like that. I'm gonna say memes. - Memes. - Ooh. - [Host] Okay, memes it is, let's go. Tobi Brown becomes Tobi Gold. (chiming) (cheering) Who you gonna shut down? - Ethan. (laughing) - [Host] Ethan, I'm sorry, but you are red again. - You can take us all out. Thanks for coming, though. All right, let's spin the wheel. - The wheel is, I'll do that. (laughing) - Oh sorry. - The wheel is ready, Niko. If you don't mind, mate, let's spin it. (whooshing) (upbeat music) (loud chattering) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ (shouting) - [Niko] He's safe, he's safe, he's safe. (loud chattering) - [Vik] Please, please, please, please, please. (shouting) - Oh no. - So, you have got Josh. And again this is worth 3,000 pounds. (whooshing) In a viral TikTok video from September 2020, - Yeah, set me down, set me down. - [Host] No, what was a man drinking while long boarding along a highway to Fleetwood Mac's 'Dreams'? - Oh wait. - I haven't a clue, bro. - La Croix, cranberry juice, Fiji Water or Budweiser? - Do you know, any idea? - I remember the video. It was like that old man, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Seen the man. (shouting) - I'm leaning towards something but I don't wanna say it until you thought about it. - Well, I'd be leaning towards Budweiser. - [Host] You don't look sure. - What was it, that's why you're here. You're the specialist. - I'm not a specialist of this! - You're a celebrity specialist, so you've got more qualifications than me. (laughing) - I was thinking, like, cranberry juice. - If you send me down, all right. - I haven't a clue, actually. Wasn't that a big bottle or something? You sure it's a Bud? You say you know it, Ethan? - Don't talk to me. - What is La Croix, La Croix? - La Croix, it's spelled in more-- - So you think cranberry juice. - Cranberry juice. - Oh. - Great for urinary infections, UTIs. (laughing) - What was the reason you went for cranberry juice? - I felt like it was a big bottle of something. - [Man] Cranberry juice. - I'd have said Budweiser. I'm going against you. - [Host] Going against Josh, okay. Let's lock in Budweiser. (laughing) (shouting) Niko, they could be wrong. They could all be wrong. The question could be wrong. That what you tell yourself. Okay, for 3,000 pounds, is it Budweiser? - I don't think. - I swear, it's probably juice, man. - [Josh] I don't think it is either. (dramatic crescendo) - [Host] No, it's wrong. - No. - I'm so sorry, Niko. - What was it? - [Host] Let's see what the real answer is. (chiming) It's cranberry juice! (shouting) - [Tobi] I might have changed it by accident. - [Host] Where were you last year? - Alone, man. - This guy loves TikTok. It's all he talks about. - Tobi, you were our expert there. Did you get it right? - I accidentally changed it to Budweiser in the last second. (groaning) - [Host] Oh Tobi! (shouting) It's a catastrophe. Niko. - It's been great. - It's goodbye from the show. - Thanks, guys. - You could be back, though. - Bye everyone. - I'm so sorry. You've lost your seat. (applauding) (dramatic music) (loud groaning) He's fallen off. Oh there's the E boys. (laughing) Oh mate, come on. Okay, we need a new contestant. Let's spin the wheel and see who it is. (dramatic music) (cheering) - Let's go, Freezy. - Let's go. - It's Calfreezy from London! (cheering) - He's travelled, he's travelled. - This is sick, by the way. (chuckling) This is so sick. - [Host] Welcome to The Wheel. - Hello. - Niko has taken away YouTube. - He had a hard one there. It was cranberry juice. - That's about it, really. - How do you get that wrong? Why didn't he listen? (laughing) - You know, The Wheel's a pressurised place, mate. Anything can happen. Should we go through your six categories? - Yeah, let me know what I've got. - [Host] We've got sports, music, memes, TV, MMA. (laughing) - How do you even stick with us. I was gonna go geography and then I was all cramped and didn't know enough about it, so I went MMA is too niche. Oh no. (chuckling) There's no way I'm going. (laughing) - We can do it. It might be all right. - It might not be you. - That's all I got for you. - [Host] Cal, what are you thinking? - I like the look of sports. (whooshing) - [Host] Ethan, you are gold. (cheering) All right, I have bad news. Unfortunately, our expert on the last run, Tobi, got the question wrong. - Yeah. - Which means he is red for this round. (groaning) He's been shut down. - It's kinda lit. (chuckling) - Oh and Cal, you need to pick another person to be shut down. - What, so there's two. - Yeah, I'm so sorry. - Jeeze. (groaning) - Tobi, you're letting us all down, mate. - He's not gonna have a scoop 'cause it's sport, right. What's gonna come up is gonna be a sport question. Yeah, so it has to be Vik let go. It as to be Vik. I'm sorry, Vik, but you know. - I understand, bro, have a great day. - [Host] Vik, you've been shut down. (chuckling) - This is stressful. Now there's two out. I thought there was only one. (chattering) I'm going down straight away. There's no point. - You're up and down, bro. - A little change will be fine, don't worry. Let's spin the wheel! (cheering) (upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ (whooshing) - Come one. - You're good, you're good. (chattering) - Oh no. - Not like this. - Oh no. - This looks okay. - Slow down. - This looks good. - [Simon] Yes, yes, yes. (chiming) - [Cal] Oh that was stressful. (applauding) - [Host] Well done. Cal, you managed to dodge two reds there. - Yeah. - You got Simon. - Yeah, I'm okay with that. - Yeah. - I'm good with that. - Okay, this question is for 3,000 pounds which should pay for half a term at Simon's old school. (laughing) - That's about right, yeah. (laughing drowns out speaking) - All right, let's see if it was a waste of money. Okay. (laughing) The question is, (whooshing) who did Floyd Mayweather beat in his penultimate professional boxing match? Manny Pacquiao, Marcus Maidana, Andre Berto or Saul Alvarez. It's akin to like me and you. (blowing raspberries) - Oh, this is a stinker. - [Simon] What does penultimate mean? - It wasn't worth it. (laughing) - Yeah, I have no idea. - Yeah, I'm absolutely clueless. I know he fought. We know he fought Pacquiao and it was definitely later on. It wasn't when either of them were in their peaks. - Uh huh. - Mmh hmm. The other three, I haven't got a clue, man. - [Simon] No, me neither. Alvarez has a cool first name. So, I'm drawn to that. - Right. (chuckling) - You should know, this isn't our expert. - But this is a professional, right, 'cause obviously, like, it's not any of these exhibition ones. It's is, this is professional ones, 'cause you obviously-- - Put on his record. _ He fought the great Logan Paul recently. - Yeah, yeah. - That wasn't his last, so it's actually... - Look man, the thing is, I feel like they're trying to bait me into the Manny Pacquiao one because that's the only name that we know here, but I think that's really cruel, cruel business. - I'm also drawn towards, I don't even know how to say his name. Maidana, just 'cause it's MM. - Yeah, yeah. - And, and I heard that name before, you know. That counts for something. - Yeah, so true. So basically, I don't really thinks it's Andre. That is my help. - Right so. - I have no idea who it could be. I don't have anything. (laughing drowns out speaking) - Which one are you drawn to? Which one are you drawn to? - [Host] We need an answer, Cal. - Yeah, I know, I know. Okay, I'm, I'm gonna go with Pacquiao just because, but maybe, there was more after. - There are in MMA seven games. - Okay, let's do, let's do, let's do MMA seven, Marcos Maidana. - [Host] Marcos Maidana. - Actually wait, maybe not, maybe not, maybe. - Oh, please, please. - Change it, change it. - Don't do that! - All right, we're gonna go with it. If it is Manny Pacquiao, then I deserve to go down, so it's fine. - Okay. - [Simon] Who are you going with? - Marcos Maidana. - Yeah. (whooshing) - [Host] Let's lock it in. Ethan, our sport export. What did you go for? - Yeah, yeah, no, I think I've got this wrong. - [Host] What did you go for? - I've got the same answer as Cal. - [Host] Okay, okay. - That's a good sign. (loud chattering) - Saul Alvarez is Canelo. - Yeah, Canelo, Saul Alvarez is Canelo. - So and which one did you rule out? - Why can they not put that up there? (laughing) - It told you it was Canelo. - Okay. - Did you? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, I wasn't, I wasn't tuned in. (chattering) (giggling) - Oh, I, that's poor. That is poor from us. (groans) - Oh, bro, come on - Come on. - I know who it is. - You asked what penultimate meant. (laughing) - It's, no, wait. - Let's see if Marcos Maidana is right. - Come on! - [Simon] I'm sorry about that. - No, we're not at stake and I'm... Just, let's finish, let's finish, let's finish. - Oh, thank God. - Let's finish, let's finish. Put it on, put it on. (sinister music) (groaning) (dramatic crescendo) - It's wrong, it's wrong. Cal, you're going back down. Let's see what the right answer was. (chiming) Andre Berto! (groaning) - The one bit of advice you said that it definitely wasn't Berto! - If it helps, I did take it back. I said, actually, I don't know anything. - [Cal] Okay, okay, okay. (laughing) well, I was never, I was never gonna get that, so-- - Cal, you might come back up, though. - I might. - You might. - This could be the end. (laughing) - It has been. I'm so excited about it, goodbye. - He worked for you-- (applauding and music drown out speaking) - Okay, Cal's gone. Are we good? - No. - No. (laughing) - Ethan, I'm surprised at that. Didn't you see the fight? - No, so, I was torn between those two because I knew that Pacquiao was earlier and I knew that Canelo was early when he was younger, so it was between the two. - Yeah. - I failed. - How about that. You were closer than the rest. - [Ethan] But how? - Was he? - How was he closer than us? - He did that-- - It's between two and one of them is the right answer. - You're totally saying that. - He just ruled out the right answer. (laughing) (groaning) Anyway, let's see who's next to play. Let's spin the wheel! (applauding) (cheering) Let's go! - I'm back! - Niko, what an honour, he's back, baby. Niko, I have terrible news. In the last question. Ethan, our sport export, got it wrong. - No. - Which means-- - No surprise there. - [Host] Which means he is red. It saves you a job. What category would you like to pick? Still the same six that you left with. - Gosh, nope. (laughing drowns out speaking) I'm tempted to go back there. (groans) - To memes? - We crossed that bridge, memes. - [Host] Let's go for it. - [Niko] I made this category up, it doesn't exist. (laughing) - [Host] Tobi, you are gold again. (chiming) (cheering) There we go. Who are you gonna shut down? Ethan's already red. Can't do him again. - Just shut him down again. - But unfortunately you can't. I don't know if you know the rules. (laughing drowns out speaking) There's one man who sent me down. - Yeah. - I know you told me the right answer. (laughing) But he sent me down 'cause he didn't persuade me enough. - That's true enough, yeah. - It's all his fault, basically. So I'd say Big Zerkaa has been shut down. Sorry, mate. - Josh, you are shut down. You're red. - My apologies. - Got a little danger zone going on behind you. - [Niko] Oh, danger zone. - Never a phrase you wanna hear, okay. (laughing) Niko, let's spin the wheel. Here we go. (upbeat music) - I'm nervous, bro. - Oh, yeah. Let it go, let it go. β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ It's coming back, it's coming back. - Oh no. - Oh no. (shouting) - [Vik] Oh no, oh no! Oh no, stop! - [JJ] He's done it! (cheering) - You're saved! Let's go! Niko. - Memes, yes, okay. - You have got JJ for 3000 pounds-- - Who's JJ? - JJ's there, mate. I know you know his name. (shouting) (laughing) Should we see what the question is? (whooshing) In what year were we first introduced to a distracted boyfriend? - [Niko] What are these questions? - [Host] 2013, 2015, 2017. It's always been there. Did my mom write this? (chuckling) - What is this? In what year were we first introduced to a distracted boy, what? - You know that meme? The guy looking over his shoulder there and ooh. - Oh. - Oh. - That's why he's the expert. - Come here-- - That might be 2017 then. - No, I think it's earlier. - Don't do this to me. (laughing) Don't do this to me. - [Simon] I think it's always been there. - What would you think? - I'd say 2015. - I can't do this. - I think it's been a while since it's been around. - You reckon? - I mean, the people who actually did it were like super old, like, now. - Sorry. - Like, they're so much older now. The distracted one. - Yeah. - Yeah, they're like much older now. They're like 20 years older now. (chattering) - I don't feel like this was before Veramby. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That was a meme of a poor animal. - It was. (laughing) - Bless the beasts, Veramby. I'm drawn to 2017, but I don't wanna go against the specialist that you are. - I'm not a specialist for memes. - Yeah but you're, like I said before, you're just more intelligent because you're on the-- - He has knowledge. - I do have knowledge about them, so-- - Yeah, exactly. - Just give the strength. (laughing) - 2015, do it. - Okay, I'm gonna go with you and go for 2017. (gasping) - [Host] Lock it in, 2017. (loud chattering) - He's doing it again. - Again. Okay, Niko, for 3,000 pounds. - Please, man. - [Host] Is 2017 the correct answer? (sinister music) (high pitched groan) - My heart. (loud crescendo) (groaning) You're joking. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh again! - [Host] Let's see if JJ was right with 2015. (chiming) He was! (shouting) Oh Niko, Niko! - Sorry man, I'm just stupid! (laughing) - [Host] Oh dear, oh dear. - [JJ] You just don't listen to people. - Niko, you're back down again. I'm so sorry. (laughing) - Bye. - Say hi to Callux. (applauding) He's gone. - Unreal. - He's gone. - Be awful in there. (groaning) It's the people. (laughing) - Tobi, did you get that right? - Yeah, there's a recurring theme here. This time, oh no, no. This time, I deliberately changed my answer. - Right. - I know I got it wrong and it was initially 2015. (gasping) - Ah, Tobi. - You put it down, but then you can change your answer. - I answered before I knew what it was. - We need a new contestant. Let's see who it's gonna be. Spin the wheel! (cheering) - Wow, look at this, mate! - [Host] It's Callux! - Hello, hello, I finally made it. - [Host] How've you been? - Oh good, just sat down there, drinking some water, thinking about all the questions that other people are getting wrong and how long I'm gonna stay up here for. - You could just see the game through, mate. See the game through. - Can't have a conversation. - Callux, we know your name. We know where you come from. What do you do? (laughing) - What don't I do these days? - All right. - Make some shoes these days. - Yeah, yeah. - YouTube videos once in a while. - Nice. - And I try and dabble in cryptocurrency with my friend over here. - Yeah. (laughing) - [Callux] But it's a bit of a sore subject at the moment. - Well, you'll wanna avoid the drop today. (laughing) - Nice. - Very good, very good. - Learn to pull out, guys. That's all I'll say, okay. Which category do you fancy, Callux? - I've been sat downstairs. - Yeah. - And I've been thinking to myself, I know you know your stuff. - He knows his MMA. - MMA. - [Callux] I wanna lock in straight away. - You'll lock in MMA. - Yeah. (whooshing) Harry, you are gold. (cheering) - [Callux] Come on, come on, come on. - [Simon] Make me red. - [Host] Cal, before you choose who you're gonna shut down, - Yeah. - Tobi needs to be shut down anyway. - Oh, oh. So, I've got two. - [Host] He got his question wrong last time. - Yeah, you all need to start getting them right. - Yeah, who are you gonna pick? Who doesn't know their MMA? - Well, Ethan, I think you know your stuff. So I'm actually gonna play this strategically - Thank you. - For someone that doesn't watch MMA. You don't watch any. - Exactly. - Do you not? - No. - Yeah, you're gone. Simon's gone, easy, easy, easy. - Simon, you've been shut down. Good luck, Vik. - I'm trying harder today, all right. - Well, you've got like potato chip gold next to heartbreak red. - Yeah. Oh this is so cool. - I should have thought about that there, oh well. - Okay, Cal, let's spin the wheel! (whooshing) (upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ - Oh no. - Oh no. - [Callux] Oh yes, Harry! Come on, Harry. - Keep going, going. Keep it going. - It's coming. (shouting) (cheering) - Callux, you've landed on gold which means this question is worth 10,000 pounds. - Jeeze. - Big money. - Easy. - Oh no. I'm gonna forfeit now. I'm gonna forfeit. - No, no, no. We've go this. - [Host] Pick your expert. - We've got this. - Yeah, together we can do this. - We've got this. - All right. - The basic knowledge. - Yeah. - For 10,000 pounds, let's see what the question is. (whooshing) What was the name of the first true mixed martial art? - Oh, brother. - Sambo. Luta Livre, Capoeira, Pankration. (blows raspberries) (laughing) A love a bit of that. - Hello, my expert. - I have no idea, no idea. - I thought it was gonna be like, who's the current world champion of UFC. - Capoeira is like the kicking thing. A lot of kicking. - Isn't Sambo dancing? - Not, Sambo is what, Sambo is what I was leaning towards. - Sambo, sambo. - Yeah. - Luta Livre sounds like a WW wrestler. (laughing) - Pankration is a small fish at the bottom of the sea. (laughing) - Oh no. - Oh, brother, I have no idea. - Oh no. - So go on, where are you leaning towards? - For some reason I'm thinking Sambo. I thought Sambo is like, it's like wrestling. - Okay. - I think wrestling's like the first thing people would have done is wrestle. - True. You know what, mate? I think we're quite lucky. We lived together for a long time. - Okay. - Let's just stick our minds together and go for Sambo. - Okay. - I think so. - That was beautiful by the way. - Ooh, let's see - Okay. if Sambo's right, gonna lock it in. - No turning back now. - I'm sorry, brother. - It's a hard question. It's a hard question. - I'm sorry, brother. - [Host] 1000 pounds on the line. (whispering) Focusing on the line, Harry, okay. (laughing) Is it correct? - [Callux] It's for 10 grand. (sinister music) - [Harry] Oh my God. (loud groaning) - Deary me. - We stink. - It isn't going well. - No, it's not. I'm so sorry. - No worries. - He just got here. (laughing) - [Host] The real answer. (chiming) - Oh. - Pankration. - It was the fish. - It was the fish thing. (laughing) Oh well, you know. Maybe see you guys again. - Yeah. (laughing) - [Host] Five minutes, okay and Cal, I'm so sorry. You have to say goodbye, I'm sorry. - [Harry] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (loud music) - Bye Cal. - Don't forget bath. You stink. - Right. (cheering) (laughing) (dramatic music) - We started off really strong. We got the first one right and it's just been a tragedy ever since. - [JJ] Fail, fail. (chattering) - We've seen all of our contestants so far. None of them have done particularly well, but neither of you, if that helps. (laughing) Yeah, let's see who's next to play the wheel. Let's spin it! (upbeat music) (cheering) - I told ya', I'm here all night. - Wow, you're back! - I'm here all night, mate. I'm here all night. - [Host] It's great to see you, Cal. We need you to pick a category. - [Harry] Get away from here. - [Callux] I'll leave you alone. - Get away from here, get away from here. - Memes, yes. - Memes. (chattering) - [Tobi] I've known the right answers to both of them. - Okay Tobi, you are... - Stinky. - Gold. (applauding) You look good in gold. - Thank you, sir. Thank you so much. - If I'm not mistaken, Harry got the last question wrong as the expert which means he is red. - This double red thing. - Oh, MMA's my life. (laughing) Okay, who else are you gonna shut down? - Who got the meme question? You didn't know it, did you? - I got it right. - You got it right? - I said 2015. - And then you also got it right. - I got it. - Josh. - I got it wrong. Oh sorry, I got it right. - You're in good hands here. - You're done out, JJ. - [Host] JJ, you've been shut down. - You're doing me. - Yeah, yeah, I just-- - No man, take off! Hey, make me blue again! Hey yo, I'll fight you! Make me blue! (laughing) - You've gone nutter. - Make me blue! - Let's spin the wheel and see where we land. Come on. (whooshing) (upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ - We're good, we're good. - Nice. - Oh, Tobi. - Yes, yes. - I got it, I live in gold. - It's gotta be. - It is. - It's gotta be, it's gotta be. (shouting) - [Tobi] I live in gold! (applauding) (chiming) - [Host] No pressure. - [Callux] You're the expert. You should be right there. - Cal, I made this category up. - You've hit 10,000 pounds again. - I have. - Let's see if we can get the question right. - Come on. - For 10 Gs, (whooshing) in the viral clip, what was Bernie Sanders once again asking for? Was it a KSI feature? (blowing raspberries) To see you manager? For you to like and subscribe? For your financial support. - It's the same thing I would ask KSI for. Not the feature. (laughing) - 'Cause you already got that. - Oh. - Oh. - No, you put, you're on the song. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - No, on my team. - Oh, maybe one day. (laughing) - Not the feature. - I think we've been nice here. - We have, we have. - I think we have 'cause Bernie's never asking for a KSI feature. No one does. To see-- - Hey yo, I'm six figures now, you know. - [Callux] What does that mean? - My feature price. - Six figures. - Yeah, what. - Mid way. - Oh. (laughing) I don't think, he's not the type of guy to go, "can I see your manager?" No, no, no, he's a nice, he's a nice dude. - You know him well. - Yeah, I do. (laughing) - I think he's asking for your financial support. - I think the same. - [Host] Kicking it in? - I think so, yeah. Unless, unless he's been made to do one of those really embarrassing, like, end of YouTube videos where they're like-- - Yeah, Mr. B's is-- (laughing) - For your financial support. - Let's lock it in. - For the 10 grand. - [Host] For 10,000 pounds. - 10 bags. - Is Bernie Sanders asking for your financial support? - Ready to celebrate. - I'm celebrating already, bro. Guaranteed, dog, I've never been so sure. Run it. (chiming) - [Host] He is! (cheering) - Come on, Tobi, come on! - So Cal, we add that 10,000 to the 3,000 from before. - Mmh hmm. - And an extra five thousand 'cause everyone on the wheel got it correct, well done. (cheering) So your prize pot is 18,000 pounds. - 18,000. - Yay. (cheering) - From these lot? - Yeah. - From these lot. (laughing) - Memes are finally done. - Okay. - [Host] You got TV, got science, MMA. - MMA. - Oh no. (laughing) - You'll never get picked again, lad. (laughing) Your time on this game show is over. I'm going with science with Vik. - Science. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh man. - First time go for science. Vik-star, you are gold. (chiming) (applauding) And who are you shutting down? - I used to set things on fire with Bunsen burners in science. I don't know anything. - I did the same thing. So respect, you're not going out. (laughing) Harry, sorry brother. It's fine, brother, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. - See you later. - It's fine, it's fine. - Okay Harry, you have been shut down. (whooshing) Now, let's spin the wheel and see where we land. Who's it going to be? (whooshing) (upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ (cheering) - Oh no, you are it! - Oh no, look. - You're finished. (cheering) - I believe, I believe, I believe. - Hey yo, I had to do science in GCCs. I didn't biology, chemistry. - You didn't do triple? - No, it was double science. You're finished. - Okay. It's 3000 pounds. - Oh no. - Let's see what your question is. (whooshing) Which of these is a measurement of six foot, ugh. Not with him. Used to measure the depth of water. Fathom, candela. - Right. - Ampere, Mole. - What, this is just unfair, first of all. - A measurement of six foot. - Well, I mean, clearly not me, I'm five 11. - Yeah, I know. - Not to push, you know, is he five 11? - Oh. - Yeah. - Oh, shut up. - With his hair up. - With the hair, yeah. - Mate, a measurement of six foot, so it's like a furlong. - How tall is Mandela? (laughing) - Why? (laughing) Who do you say that? We're on live TV. - It's 'cause it says candela and he's associating the words. That's how he's helping you. - You know what? I think, in horse racing, they have furlongs. So it's got to be fathoms. That's the closest thing I've got. Unless you've got something better, that's my guess. (chattering) (laughing) - That was good. (chanting) - You don't even know that. (laughing) - Oh, fathom, I got fathom. - You got fathom. - Yeah. - It's fathom then, yeah, no 100 percent, lock it in. - We're locking in fathom. - Fathom. (whooshing) - Okay, Niko, Cal, get ready. - Okay. (laughing) For three grand, is the answer fathom? (sinister music) (groaning) - Yes, yes. - Come on, go gold, go, go. - [Host] It's right! (cheering) - Oh my God! Who was mocking me? You were mocking me, weren't you? - [Ethan] I did, yes. - [Callux] You can take it back. - I'm sorry, Cal. - No problem. - So Cal, you got the question right, which means 3,000 pounds goes into the pot and you have 21,000! (cheering) - [Callux] I'm counting, don't worry, I'm counting. - [Host] And our expert, Vik, he got it right. (cheering) - Yes. - Look at him go. - Well done, is that 'cause of what I said? - No, no, it's because moles is atoms, candelas is light and what was the other one? - Amperes. - Amperes is current. - Oh right. - We knew that. - Come on. - Cheers, thanks guys. - Wow. - Okay, your science is off the board. - [Callux] Forget about it. - [Host] We have four left. - You know you want it. You know you want, come on, you like music! - All right, all right, sports. - [JJ] Yeah! (laughing) - [Callux] We got this, bro, we got this. - [Host] We're going for sport which means Ethan is gold. We're gonna go. (chiming) - That's a nice glow to you. - [Ethan] It is, it's lovely. - [Host] Who are you gonna shut down? - Oh mate, sorry, man. (laughing) - I've done my bit. - You have, yep, yep, Vik, please. Shut him down. - [Host] All right, Vik, you've been shut down. (whooshing) Now let's spin the wheel and see who we get. (whooshing) (upbeat music) (chattering) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ - No, no, no, we're good, we're good. We are good. - Oh no. (shouting) (applauding) - Okay, okay. - Okay, you've landed on Harry. He's an expert of one sport, MMA. - I'm not, bro, I'm not. (laughing) - He loves his MMA. For 3,000 pounds the question is... - Let's go, Harry. (whooshing) - [Host] What is the national summer sport of Canada? Moose wrestling. - Oh. - Fencing, Lacrosse, polo. - It's not moose wrestling. - Moose wrestling. Ever wrestled with a horny creature, Harry? (laughing drowns out speaking) - Give us a hand here, come on. - Fencing, where is fencing from? - Get rid of fencing? Canada's known as like notoriously really nice. - Yes. - So what's like a nice sport to play, not wrestling. - Lacrosse, is it Lacrosse? - Not fencing, Lacrosse or polo is my guesses. - What's polo? I know water polo, what's polo? - Isn't that where-- - Is that the horses? - The horse and the, yeah. (blows raspberries) (chattering) - Let's say Lacrosse. - Is that what you-- - The stick and the coaster. - I feel, let's back up. - I'd go for Lacrosse as well. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think by elimination, I'd be surprised if it's fencing in Canada. You'll let me down if it is. Lacrosse, please. - [Host] Lacrosse, please. I should lock in Lacrosse. - It's Lacrosse. - It's actually the sport of angry French people. (laughing) - Oh don't say that. - Okay. - Don't say that. (laughing) - [Vik] That's a good joke, that's a good one. - Let's spin the wheel. No, don't spin the wheel, that's right. For 3,000 pounds. - Oh no. - [Host] Is it Lacrosse? - I'm up here all night. I said that at the beginning. I'm up here all night. - Sorry, Druzzy? (whooshing) (cheering) - I'm up here all night! Come on, come on. - Come on. - Well done, you've got it right, which means 3000 pounds goes into the pot and you're now on 24,000 pounds. (dramatic music) - Jeeze. - I'm rich. - Right, you need to keep this going. Otherwise you're just making them downstairs money. - You've got that right. - Yeah. - How many questions we got left? - Three left, three categories left. - I just have to get that right and then done. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, easy. - Yeah, if you can. - Once you've cleared the wheel, you get through to the final question and your chance to win all the money. Ethan, our expert, did you get it right in the last question? - I did, yes. - There you go, look at that. (applauding) - [Josh] Yeah, wait, who lost money? - [Simon] Who lost him the money? - [Niko] Who got it wrong? - Oh, oh me with the moose wrestling. (laughing) - As soon as he remembers, you got to pay him. - I'm in anyway. (chattering) - Wow, okay, you've got three categories left. - Hold on, I can hear some crying. I think it's Cal and Niko. (laughing) - Go on, do it! - No, you're going last, man. (laughing) - Before MMA? - You're last. - Oh. - After MMA. - Not penultimate. (laughing) - MMA. - There's no point. There's no point. - MMA. - It's, the bogie is done, bro. (loud chattering) - What is a bogie, man? - The bogie question, it's impossible. I don't know. - Sorry, you are gold. - You picked it, bro! (chiming) - I know, I know! I know, I shouldn't have picked it! I shouldn't have picked it! - Before we start, Harry was telling me how great he is at MMA knowledge. - No. - So you're in for a treat here. So who are you gonna shut down? Who doesn't know the pankration? - [Callux] Who got that question right? - I did but I guessed completely. - I like that, I'll keep you in then. All right, JJ, you're out. - [Host] He's shut down. - Yo, no, no, let me tell you something. No, for real. (loud chattering) Watch yourself. - Stay red. - Stay red. - Okay. Let's spin the wheel and see where we land. (whooshing) (upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ Oh no. - JJ again. - Keep it going, going. Keep it going, going, going. (chattering) - No, I'm done now, bro. (shouting) - Come on, come on! - Keep going. - Come on. (whooshing) - [Host] All the hard work. - You hate to see it. - Look at this face! (chuckling) - I'm so sorry, Cal. - No worries. - I'm sorry, Cal. - [Cal] I was on the wheel and it's shut down. (wicked laughter) - Unfortunately, this means you've fallen off and you have to go back down your little hole. Bye, Cal, see ya'. - Bye, Cal. - I'm coming back up, I'm coming back up. (upbeat music) (applauding) (laughing) - [Host] He's gone. - He might come back again, you know. - Three categories left. Simon, we haven't had TV yet. - Yeah, good. - Strange choice, but you know, I've heard you've got a big thirst for knowledge. (laughing drowns out speaking) - [Simon] That was good, I liked that one. - Nice. - Okay. We need a new contestant. Who can it be? Lets spin the wheel! (cheering) (dramatic music) Calfreezy, you're back, baby. - Yes, thank God that's over, Jesus. Down there for so long. (laughing) - I haven't seen so many YouTubers in the hole since Parklife, okay. (laughing) We have three categories left. What's your fancy? - Well, Cal's done a lot of hard work for me. - He has. - So I'm all right in saying it, like, if I were hypothetically to get all the next three correct, I'd be walking away with all players' money. - You'd crush it, yeah, yeah. - You'd go on to the final. - Then you've got the final round. Someone else is coming up for a shot here. - Okay. Gosh, I'm so bad at TV, MMA. I've seen horror stories. - Come to baby. - But you are honestly so bad at this stuff. - Come to daddy! (laughing) - Let's do music with JJ. (shouting) - [Host] Can do music. - Your daddy. - JJ, you are gold. (chiming) (cheering) Which of course is a song by... Forget it, we're done. (laughing) - [Josh] He doesn't even know the song. - [Calfreezy] Is it too late to change? Is it too late to change? - Roman. - Your friend, his dad. - Well, his dad was in a band. - His dad was in the band. Was that band called? - The Gamma Das. - Oh, blue. (clears throat) (laughing) (loud chattering) - Like, you are gold! - That is a song, isn't it. (laughing) - Have to try to dance in it. - The second word in Ballet. I knew you wouldn't get it. - Come on! - Hey, just help me out. - Spandau Ballet. - What is that? - That's the band. - Oh my God. Yeah, you don't have no chance, lad. Anyways, anyways. - Yeah, this should be fun. (laughing) - I'm sort of hoping I don't land on this one now. Wait, so who would be, who's gonna be terrible at music here? I think everyone's actually always-- - [Vik] It depends what music is. - [Calfreezy] If it's up to date, I know Harry knows his stuff. I'm confident with you two. I could go either way. - I could. - I'm gonna have to shut Vik down. - Shutting down, Vik. - Vik, you've been shut down, which was a song by... (shouting) Very good! (applauding) Extra, okay. - Thank you, thank you. - Let's spin the wheel. (whooshing) Here we go. (upbeat music) (loud chattering) This is looking good. This is looking good. - [Harry] Oh no, oh no, please. - [Calfreezy] You get more money, more money! - [Ethan] This is big, this is big. - [Calfreezy] Ethan, Ethan, Ethan, pick up. No, don't stop there. (chiming) (applauding) - Daddy's home! (laughing) - You've landed on JJ, our music expert. Which means this question is worth 10,000 pounds. (cheering) Big money. - Ha ha. (laughing) - I'm really bad at music as well, but anyways, let's, yeah. - Let's get into it. For 10,000 pounds, the question is... (whooshing) - Please don't be old. - Oh come on! Who sings it? - The theme song to the James Bond movie, "Skyfall"? - It's Adele. - [Host] Madonna, Adele. - Oh wait. - Is it Tina Turner, Sam Smith. - See, Adele and then Sam Smith. Which one? Sam Smith did one? - Are you dumb? (laughing) It's Adele! - Okay, okay, okay. - Lock it in, lock it in now! - I'm pretty sure Sam Smith did do one, though, but-- (laughing) - What's the point of me, then? (laughing) Shall I just leave? - Try, can't leave the boardroom. - The confidence that JJ's coming with here, it would be rude for me to go against him with Sam Smith. - [Host] You feeling rude? - But I am gonna go Adele, but I swear, JJ. - Can I have some of the money as well? - Let me, let's get it right first and then we can talk business afterward. - Okay. - Yeah, I'll take Adele, please. - [Host] Okay, we're gonna lock in Adele. - I swear to God. - Poor woman. - Whoa, everyone and their mum knows this. It's Adele, she's got the biggest eyes ever. - Okay, Adele. - Come on. - Okay. - For 10,000 pounds, is Adele right? (sinister music) (snickering) - It's letting pause. - Any, any... (whooshing) (cheering) - I always believed in you, bro! That's my guy! (laughing) - [Host] Cal, you've just won 10,000 pounds. And all of the wheel got it right! Look at 'em go! (cheering) - Give me your money! - For 15,000 pounds has gone into prize pot which means you now have 39,000 pounds. (dramatic music) (applauding) Big money, big, big money. Okay. - All our money. - [Host] Two categories left. - Okay, Josh, yeah. (laughing) All of your money. - In his wallet. - TV, MMA. (laughing) (laughing drowns out speaking) - I'm gonna go TV. - [Host] TV, okay. - I'm sorry. - Oh, man. - [Host] Simon, you are gold. Look at him gold. (chiming) (applauding) - I'm sorry, lads, I'm sorry. - Bro, bro, I mean-- - I shouldn't have put this on the board, I'm sorry. - You sent me down last time. We both went down in flames last time, so I'm giving him a second chance here. - That's good of you. It's really good of you. Who are you gonna shut down? - Me, shut down me! - Oh yeah, I was thinking about that, yeah. Yeah, I will shut down Harry. He doesn't watch movies or TV. - I've seen him watching Gardener's World on the train. (snickering) True story. - It actually is. I like Gardener's World. (laughing) - I am gonna, I am gonna shut down Harry. - [Host] Okay, Harry, you've been shut down. - All right. (electronic sounds echoing) - Okay, spin the wheel, see what you get. (whooshing) (upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ - Oh no. - It's not gonna be 10,000. - Oh, not again, what? - [Vik] No, you are best. (loud chattering) - [Calfreezy] Let's do this. - [Tobi] Let's go, Ethan! - [Host] It's gonna be Ethan. (chiming) (cheering) - Hello, let's go. - Let's go, baby. - You've got Ethan for this round, which means this question is worth three Gs, baby. - [Vik] What was that? (laughing) - I almost three grand before. Okay, as long as it's not, like, way back when, then we might be all right. - All right. - So for 3,000 pounds, the question is-- (whooshing) - In 1952... (groaning) - What is the longest running TV still airing in 2021? Coronation Street, General Hospital, Days Of Our Lives, The Tonight Show. Josh, you were just a nipper when these started, right? (laughing) What are you feeling? - Disgraceful, disgraceful behaviour, Steven. - I'll tell you what I'm drawn to straight off. - Get me out of here. - What I'm drawn to straight away is Coronation Street. - Yeah, yeah. - The problem is I've never heard of General... Is General the one when they were in the hospital and the like? - I can't tell you. I don't know what that is at all. - Days Of Our Lives. You know, it's gonna be one of the ones that we just never heard of that just somehow keeps getting put on TV for no good reason, but... - I mean, that's why I didn't pick TV as my specialist. (laughing) - The Tonight Show. - But, I remember seeing clips of Coronation Street from yonkies back. - Yonkies. - Yeah, serious yonkies. And it's on every day. - Yeah. - Probably on tonight, see. - Ah, yeah. (giggling) That was what's convinced me actually. That little saying there. (chattering) - Notorious tonight. - That TikTok saying. - It's between Coronation and I feel like the Tonight Show's the only other one that I know. - That's the, yeah. For me it was Coronation Street or The Tonight Show. - It's gonna be something like Days Of Our Lives, but we should just go, let's go with Coronation Street because-- - It's familiar. - Yes, it is. - [Ethan] It's familiar, it's familiar, but I think it's wrong. - [Calfreezy] That's okay. - [Host] We're locking in Coronation Street. - Yeah, come on. - Cally. (sinister music) - [Host] Okay, is Coronation Street right? - [JJ] Come on, come on. (dramatic crescendo) (groaning) - So sorry. - It's bloody General Hospital then. This is outrageous. - It's The Tonight Show. It's got up here. - Let's see what the answer was. (chiming) The Tonight Show. (groaning) Jimmy Fallon's laughing at you. (exhales heavily) (groaning) - I watched a quiz show the other week and that was one of the questions. He was quizzing us. - [Simon] Niko, what's the other questions? (laughing) - But unfortunately, you've come so close and yet so far. You're gonna have to go back down the hole. (laughing) - Not the hole, not the hole. (dramatic music) (applauding) - Calfreezy's gone, he's gone. (cheering) - Finally. - Yes. - Two categories left. Let's see who's gonna be playing them. Let's spin the contestant wheel! (dramatic music) (cheering) (shouting) It's Callux. - Hello. - Callux, you're back. - I'm back, hello. - The prize pot is bigger than when you left. - Yeah. - It's 39,000 pounds. - Calfreezy got a question right? - It's, yeah, 10 grand. - Jesus. - Big money. - So now what, there's two left? - There's two left. I'm gonna shock you now. MMA's still there. (laughing) I don't know what's happened. - [Callux] All right, okay. - And we also have TV. - Okay. - What are you thinking? - I can't, don't, I can't. (laughing) - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Don't, don't. - [Callux] TV with Simon, please. - TV. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (whooshing) - Simon. - He's sweatin'. - You are gold. Look at him gold. (dramatic music) (applauding) Who are you shutting down? - I got the last TV question wrong. That's why I'm here. (chuckling) Yeah, so, he's relying on himself basically. That's what he's doing. - I got it wrong. - You are a fair distance away from the last bit and-- - He can be smart. - Yeah. - He's proven-- - Harry watches only the gardening show ever. - Gardener's World. - I'm sorry. (laughing) - Sorry, sorry. - Harry has some niche knowledge as well. He's a bit of a weird kid, so... (laughing) Ethan, please. - [Host] Okay, we're shutting down Ethan. (electronic tones) - That's fair, I did fail. - [Host] Let's spin the wheel. (whooshing) (upbeat music) I miss this song. It's coming back. β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ Looking good, looking good. (groaning) - I think you got Tobi, looks like it. - It's okay. - It's good. That's good. - No, no, no, no, no. - Not JJ. - No, no, no. Tobi, Tobi, we got this. (chiming) - [Host] It's Tobi. (cheering) - Come on. - Cal, you've got Tobi to help you with this question. It's worth 3,000 pounds. (whooshing) So, your TV question is... (whooshing) Who shot Mr. Burns? (shouting) - Oh, you would have got this. - Oh yeah. - That's the true Simon-- - [Host] Was it Waylon Smithers, Moe Szyslak, Krusty The Clown, Maggie Simpson. - As far as I'm aware, it was a big palata. I can't remember the exact story, but Maggie Simpson shot Mr. Burns. - Yes. - No questions. - That is my contribution to you, yes. - Yes. - Confident. - How, percentage confidence, just a check? - 99.9. - Yep. - What does it say when she got beeped by the scanner, does anyone remember that? - Oh, it says, no. It's some mad word. It's like a code, some weird code. - [Josh] Oh fair enough, all right. - Well yeah, look. Let's not waste any more time. - Okay. - Maggie Simpson. - [Host] Let's lock in Maggie Simpson. (dramatic crescendo) Not in the basement or anything, just... (laughing) Okay, for 3,000 pounds, is Maggie Simpson correct? - Imagine it goes red. - If it goes red, I'm flying off the stage. (dramatic music) - [Host] It is! (cheering) - You're lucky, I think. - [Host] Well done, 3,000 pounds into the prize pot, which takes your total to 42,000. (cheering) - Oh my God! Today's a good day! - Big money. - My money. - And even better news, one category remains. (laughing) with the expert of all the experts, Harry MMA Lewis. - Not without me, this shows would have been on for four hours. I've got a couple questions right today. (groaning) - [Host] Harry, you're in gold. (chiming) (cheering) - All right. - He looks confident. Who are you gonna shut down? - Get rid of me, mate, go on. - No, no, no, we just had a little somethin', somethin'. So MMA. - I'll happy be shut down for this. - I don't, I don't think, I just don't think that you, like, care about MMA in the slightest. - Oh, all right. - A bit like Harry. (laughing) - We're actually trying to get that reverse psychology thing. Shut him down. (laughing) Shut him down! - [Host] Josh, you've been shut down. You are red. - All right, all right. - You feeling confident? - Oh yeah, I think that I'm nicest with the question, won't they? Where's the camera? Where am I looking into? Won't they? (laughing) - [Host] Wrong camera. (laughing) - Where is it, won't they? - [Host] Harry, are you feeling confident? - No. - No. - Not at all, I'm sorry for taking this thing. (laughing) - [Host] Let's spin the wheel and see where we land. Come on. (whooshing) (upbeat music) β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ β™ͺ The wheel β™ͺ - [Callux] It's gonna go to Vik! - Oh no. - Oh no, oh no. - [Host] Ethan, Ethan. Is it Josh? - Ethan, Ethan. - It does look like Ethan. - Oh. - It's Ethan. (chiming) (applauding) - We are finishing this now. - If I wanted anyone to win, I'd want it to be you. - Thank you. - You deserve it. - Well, thank you. - You were that guy earlier. You said the same every time. - Has he said the same every time? - Yeah. - Okay. Your MMA question for 3,000 pounds. - Come on, let's go. - [Host] In their 2015 UFC match, how long did it take Conor MCGregor to defeat Jose Aldo? - Why did they give us this? - [Host] 11 seconds, 12 seconds. 13 seconds, 14 seconds. - Oh, let's re-enact it, ding, ding. - Remember at the time it was, (laughing) it was the quickest UFC knockout when it happened and I bet, for some reason, 13 seconds is what, is what-- - Don't look at me, don't look at me. (laughing) - I remember there being a three in it. I remember there being a three in it. If I was gonna pick, Harry, I would go for 13. - 13. - So bare in mind, we are looking at a three second window where it goes from 11 to 14, so... (laughing) - [Host] Kinda lucky for Aldo, you know. - I was also drawn towards it, but also 11, like 11 or 13. - There was a little summon and then, (smacking) cracked him with it. - Yeah. - So I think, I don't think it-- - There was enough time for it to start, he gave him a kick. - Yeah. And then, then he timed it coming back. (smacking) - Yeah, he also got whacked as well. - Yeah, he did, yeah. - Hard. - They traded, but he came off best. - [Harry] It's a three second window. - It's a three second window. That's ridiculous. - You talk about, it's the same thing. I'm shut down anyways, so... (laughing) - Yeah, if I was gonna pick any, I'd pick, I'd pick 13, yeah. - Ethan, let's do it, man. - All right. - 13, confident. It's time to go home. - Yeah, 13. (whooshing) - Rich. - 13 seconds to get finished in the ring. For 3,000 pounds, - I think it's right. - [Host] is 13 seconds correct? - I think it's right. - It's right, it's right. Has to be right. - Right, right, right. (sinister music) (cheering) (clapping) - Come on, bro. Come on, bro. I'm clapping for myself. (laughing) Thank you, thank you. (shouting) - Well then, Cal. You've removed the final category from the wheel and now there is 45,000 pounds (dramatic music) in the prize pot! (cheering) - Whoa. - Look at it. You've completed The Wheel. - I can. - Stick it on your CV, mate. - How do I do it? - Just watch the video. Experts, you've been secretly playing along on your keypads all night. I'm now going to reveal how you got on. - Oh, mate. - Oh, God. (laughing) (intense music) - The best performing expert on The Wheel tonight was... It was Vik! (cheering) - Who would have guessed. - Second was JJ. (cheering) Third, Tobi, well played. - [Cal] Who's coming last? (laughing) - [Simon] It's gonna be me. - The middle player was... It was Simon. - Yeah. - [Host] Respectable, respectable. (applauding) - [Vik] You guys are done. - Okay, and thus far-- (laughing) it was Ethan. - Come on. - Yes, yes. - [Ethan] Not fair. - Okay, number six. The penultimate one. - Yeah. - It's Harry! - Okay. - Oh my God. (laughing) - I was trying to save us money. - And of course in at number seven was Josh. (chuckling) (cheering) - Wow. - Beautiful. - [Callux] There's plenty enough money, you know. - [Host] He was, he was last. - It's embarrassing, that is embarrassing. - Hey, hey. - That is embarrassing. (laughing drowns out speaking) - Believe it. (laughing) Of our seven celebrity experts, only three now remain in the game. They are our strongest player, which is Vik. Our middle player, Simon, and our weakest player, Josh. - Now we're talking. - If you choose the middle player, (whooshing) you'll be playing for the money accumulated throughout the show, which is 45,000 pounds. (chiming) If you choose the strongest player, you'll be playing for half of that, which is 22 and half thousand pounds. - Come on. - But if you choose Josh, our weakest player, I'll double it and you'll be playing for 90,000 pounds. (cheering) (shouting) Cal, if you get the question wrong, you're off The Wheel. (groaning) You might come back up. - I might come back up. - I don't believe you will. - All right. (laughing) Okay, look man. - [Host] What are you gonna go for? - I came here for one reason and one reason only today. - Stop it. (laughing) - And that was to absolutely rinse the Sidemen bank account. - Sure. - For the fourth time. (laughing) First being the Sidemen holiday. So yeah, I'm going with Josh. - [Host] Going with Josh, okay. Josh is locked in. (cheering) - I'm sorry about the whole embarrassing thing. - No need to apologise, man. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - He has so throughout the game, he doesn't wanna lose money. It's a strange choice. (laughing) - When I look my enemy in his eyes, I wanna beat him because at the end of the day, my decision's final. - Whoa. - Okay. (laughing) Let's reveal our four new categories. They are maths. - Oh Jesus. - Prime ministers, discoveries and food. - Ooh. - What are you thinking, Cal? - Oh my God. I'm horrific at prime ministers, horrific. Food, I'm putting on the pounds recently, so... (laughing) - Discoveries. - I might be ballsy, you know, and go maths, but hold on a second. - Come on. - Maths. - And if I was to get Vik-- - No. - It's not your choice. It can be randomised. - Yeah, no, no. - If that's what you wanted. - Discoveries. - It's so vague isn't it. - Yeah. - I'm not sure. - I'm gonna be ballsy. - You can't pick, mate. You don't get to pick. - I don't get to pick? - No, it's just a different question. (laughing) (loud chattering) - Spin the wheel then. - Thank you. (laughing) We can see what you land on. Let's spin The Wheel! (shouting) Different tune, can't dance to this. (dramatic rhythmic music) - They were gonna get me last anyway. - [Harry] Prime minister, come on. (groaning) (laughing) - Of course, why did I say so much, of course! - [Host] Prime ministers. It's done, bro, it's prime ministers. - I think I know about four. - Okay. - That's good. (laughing) - [Host] For 90,000 pounds, you have 30 seconds to answer this question. - 30 seconds? - 30 seconds, you can speak with your expert here. - Okay. - He's gonna go out of his way to really try to let you win the money. - Oh come on, bro, come on. It's only 90 bags, you... - [Host] And the time will start after I'm finished asking the question. So for 90,000 pounds, let's see what it is. (whooshing) What is Boris Johnson's full name? Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, Bernard Alexander Johnson, Borislav Alexi Johnson, Boris Andrew Johnson. Your time starts now. (laughing) - [JJ] His name's Donald Trump, right? - Thank you, Josh. I'm like, I've got, how long do I have left? Where's my clock? - 21 seconds. - It's on the floor. (shouting) - It's Alexander Boris de Pfeffel-- - I think it's A. - It is. - I think I've seen it before. - It is. - It is, yeah. It really is. - It really is. Do I have to say the answer before it gets there? - [Host] No, don't worry, mate. - I could be thinking if you want. - Okay. - Don't worry. - [Callux] Just in case, A. - [Host] You're fancying A. - A, Alexander-- (loud dramatic tone) - Okay, now let's, let's, sorry, Cal. You're going back down, no, I'm joking. (laughing) (shouting) So you're gonna lock in Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. - Yeah, I feel like I've seen a meme or something before about his, that's not his real name's Boris, but... - So, Cal. - Yes. - If this is correct, - Yes. - you've won 90,000 pounds. (groaning) - All right. - If it's wrong, you're going back down the hole. - [Tobi] Oh boy. - Okay. - I think, come on. - Is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson correct? (intense music) - Josh, you know it's right? - [Man] It's not A. (chiming) (cheering) - I win, yes! Come on! (clapping) (shouting) Who do I invoice? (laughing) - Cal, Cal, you've won 90,000 pounds. What are you gonna do with the money? - You know what, you've been a legend today. - Thank you. - So 10 grand. There you go, you get 10 grand. - Thank you. - Cal, Niko, 10 grand each, done. - Yeah, Josh just helped you so much there. - Nah, buddy. (laughing) - Whoa. - Wow. - Spread the cheer. We're all going on happy, apart from these lads, I'm gassed, honestly. (laughing) I'm gassed. - Those thoughts with Niko and Cal are down there, just weeping. (laughing) - They'll be all right. - [Host] Yeah, they'll be all right. - They'll be all right, 10 grand. - Okay, thank you to all of our contestants. Of course, Niko and Cal down there. Cal, our big winner, 90,000 pounds. There you go. - Thank you, guys, thank you. (applauding) It's amazing, as well, look at this! Budget's up! - And thank you to all of our experts. What a job they did. (applauding) That's it for this week, goodbye. (cheering) (upbeat music) (intense music) - [Announcer] Sidemen, oy. (echoing vibration) (dramatic thumping music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 14,824,491
Rating: 4.9722481 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: d0pJ20YAVFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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