Mental wheel lifts, epic recoveries and stunning beach campsites. Did we all make it through?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] whoa that Bank was closed oh Jesus I've gotta be put on the brake Oh rocket is a maniac look at that he's committing that's for sure really is he's gonna get higher yet - look he goes lower down there Oh case you haven't noticed wondering this is Bundy and we're back I reckon that's nothing compared to what's gonna happen up there dude he's happy right mate it gets gnarly up and there's gonna be a hell of a lot more wheel there's a special get yourself something cold something faster sit in a nice comfy chair just like rocket he's right now strap yourself in we're gonna do Bundy for Drive action star riding tail-end Charlie on this trip we've got Nathan from MDC camper trailers Nathan's dead came to put that camper trailer to the test and we know that funding is the perfect place to do it always smiling and always up for an adventure rocket rods in the big 79 and he can't wait to get dust Bundy I reckon you're gonna have to hold on mate and as always sure knows in the big 80 he who's gonna have a whale of a time oh you like what I did there we're starting this adventure in the Pine Creek area before making our way out to Norvell Park from there we're gonna explore Alyssa Bella National Park before heading out to Kim Cunha Beach now this is a place I've not seen much of and I can't wait to get stuck in first things first and we've gotta knock some pressure out of these tires Nathan's also going to knock some air out of the camper trailer tires as well I've been to Bundy before so I know that I'm gonna go down to about 22 psi to start off and from there I'll make adjustments as needed we've been to pine creek before so we know that this area is renowned for some pretty gnarly terrain a lot of things you can gauge local tracks by you take a drive through coffs harbor and have a look at the trucks that drive it around give you a pretty good indication of just what the tracks are like out there another thing a lot like to look for these bits and pieces at the start of tracks don't know what that is that is a busted CV in the biggest sense of the word I've been down here before I know exactly what I'm about to get myself in for so does everyone else except for these two ain't done it before I'm very keen to send us all down here have a bit of a play this area is just our maze of tractors they hang up a lot of fun after this I reckon we're gonna hit back out and hit the end of one of my probably one of my favourite campsites on this side of the country that's a big call but it really is one of my favorite cancellous we might leave that for a bit later but for now I'm gonna call this CB Junction and leave that there is a warning to other passers-by hey rocket you got a copy sure mate pushed off the engine or any what's the weather like in Melbourne at the moment mate when I left it was one degree you'd be hiding this thing wouldn't you looking forward to it 26 degrees here under boom it's a big change from where I was I love this part of the world my the jack stand here this superfine the pace of articulation and flex and he Rob's dad was done with that phase the is nice little trench to get started with gonna stay pan deep wished straight into it here in Bundy vertical thought doesn't have much in at all she tips over front ways and cuz I didn't actually know what was there it was a little bit a little bit daunting look at that thing flex do you wanna know captain Shaw night did you even notice it be able to drop off there made that suspension just works really well rocket well you certainly noticed have a look on your face says it all Nathan first obstacle for the trip that's a big angle the camp betrayal is still behind you good work mate let's get going now the set of ruts Danny you know this whole plying Creek region right through you they don't playground for not only the people of Bundy as you'd expect of course but it's far north of Townsville and as far south as Harvey Bay they all come up here it's really well known respected little section of 4-wheel Drive tracks out here for good reason so look at this that's just this is just fun I'm gonna have a good old crack at this I'm not even gonna take the sensible line I'm gonna go right through the guts of this just see what happens that happen that low center of gravity and of course the automatic transmission allowing me just to be so smooth and gentle on these tracks means that they're so much fun in the d-max holy yeah that's surprisingly easy it was good to watch both from back here just place its way through and have a subtraction I'm surprised how much downward travel you got in the rear of that vehicle a little bit of down with travel in the cab two times nine now for sure day we've seen our wealth at 80 flexes this thing I look at it go now look at that front-end work that is really well put together wow that's really really flick your right rear you tuck right up in the go oh there you go you following lift the right rear a couple of inches as he's the rear flexors like a sick drop when you drive these sort of ruts you really want to keep your tires on the high side of the ruts a vehicle the Lord of articulation doesn't really matter so much where you put them you do won't you be able to go through as flat as possible rather than that's nice that was absolutely beautifully driven right you know like that one rocket that's up yeah articulation through there make rockets up next and we all know that 79 series well don't exactly have the travel of most four-wheel drives and guarantee yet rockets going to pick up a wheel or two here whoa there's the noise draw a robot you're gonna have some fun in there Nathan come down and enjoyment last through is Nathan the big 200 will have zero dramas but he has got a camper trailer on the back the camp is running independent suspension and of course it has got that poly block hitch up the front which means that the trailer is gonna do pretty much exactly what the poor will drive does he'll make it through without a drama it loves it good work mate nice Drive next up we're faced with some fun looking bog holes I'm gonna have a crack at this but I'm not so fortunate to come out the other side this time around all that stinks that's rancid matter others got hung up coming out of here probably I probably should have given it a bit more berry fires didn't know it was in there so Oh any gentlemen this just looked like any ordinary bug holder me I crawled in and didn't give it nearly enough berries boys behind me you can guarantee that won't be holding back as for me well I got a reach for the winch I'm out but I'm gonna push on a little further to clear the track for the others unless he nervous oh you went down and died net just up ahead there's another bog hole but you can guarantee I'm not holding back on this one [Applause] yeah the more Mambo Radha here comes Shawn I threw the first pod on he's got the advantage of seeing exactly what happened to me so he can adjust his technique what I mean by that is he's gonna give it a lot of right food looks like these bug holes have been set here for a while widenar steel steel rod I threw the second he goes good work mate soon as it finds boost get out of there it says Rockets seen what to do he's up and he's not gonna hold back either I reckon however by getting thrown around in there he's washed off a fair amount of momentum so close mate oh I swear what are your toys went airborne as he came halfway through bounced sorry good oh come on into the stinkies rocket it's just full of my Danny I love getting you like that [Laughter] yeah that's the guy yeah it's a really simple recovery we'll just run that winch out and pull him about half a four-wheel drive link before he's back on his own steam okay he's out of there and he's into the second one let's see how he handles this Oh truck only just might only just very much just oh now for Nathan and the MDC trailer where's that wall I think Nathan might have been just trying to protect that camper trailer a little too much there he's gone in without enough momentum and again right at the exit he's got hung out ah hang up in the mud we almost made it yeah with the winch cable night yeah okay go go go oh there once again this is a really simple recovery go ahead Nathan's only needing about five meters and he's out and on a flat and ready to have a crack at that second bottle thanks right not with a bit poor Guster on the second book he's through with the trailer in time nice work buddy that was a few revs yeah oh wow looks like we've got us a little mini getting shot here on the faxes drop straight down I can't even see the bottom I'm just gonna use my way over it's quite quite a little drop in that is all right this is really about picking a line through here my number one concern is gonna be getting past this log to start with but get up on this Bank as you can see from the footage right there that left hand side there's not enough room to even put that pack of playing cards brand-new four-wheel drive and I'm doing this how good is it mr. Dwyer country inch the biggest tip I can give for an obstacle such as this of course is to have a spotter at the front [Music] that was insane he's about an inch away from the bank the whole way we'll just which we turned the series I still remember why millimeters just to avoid that Bank now there's a big sort of washout he's gonna leave to tie up we're gonna try and get me over the other side of the thing actually made me straddle this bank keep all four tires on the ground that's it that's good straighten up jonno has got eyes on the track that I can't see right now so I'm just watching him as well it's feeling my wheel placement the red paint on here biggest risk I've got right now of course is panel damage brand new vehicle I do not want to do panel damage that was just there was millimeters in man you're up I'm better meter up on the bank I don't like this bit for our spot here I'm like that was a really committing little bit of track and I made it through we've not won a scratch well they sure know you're up brother you can really see just how much bigger the 80s just fits but those bigger tires I mean even he doesn't move around in there either all right yeah fun begins whoo all right I reckon Shawn I should make this look easy my biggest concern here is he's got so much flex that he could lean a lot more than I did but that flex and the size of those tires might just do him a big favor here Shawn I was gonna be careful that he doesn't use that throttle to erratically he's got a fair bit of power there he wants to keep it nice and smooth straighten him up now once again he's just keeping an eye on the two spotters out the front myself and Robert making sure he's doing exactly as we tell him it's good literally inches in that dings angles angles you should flex through this look at that reflexes wonder why you call it so do I understand this Mike you literally I'll add 60 kilos do it that's it that's it I've got this have a look at that well yet you can see just how close that driver side is getting wiped out gentle gentle gentle you're nearly there you say all that well the paint on here this it's a glossary is this is obviously decline many victims rock up who's gonna be the next one risk versus reward he can go around and it gonna be a ten minute detour because up on the fence line up it will give government just not worth it it's actually pieces of glass all the way down into the middle of their rocket 79 has a savage tendency to lean over even on the mildest slopes so follows after watching you peer climb than hill and then watching rocket I think I might follow Rockets lead matin go up to the right but rocket and Nathan can take a bypass tract join us on the main track a couple hundred meters further up in the air this whole Pine Creek area has definitely delivered with some seriously rugged terrain and a good mix of challenges to test even the most technical four-wheel driver you just need to make sure that you've got the right gear like we have I have to take a second grab a day [Music] with the motor fighter up we go Hey they digest yeah we got em you rough [Music] Ladd's an epic day in the track deserves an epic camp I reckon and I've got a little secret spot that I've been told about one came from beach camp count me right a lively tips I didn't even need to ask you might only you just have a smile on your face as soon as I said that it's an amazing that we all come from very very different parts of the country to come see in sights and sounds all over Australia and that and here we are one booth in natural great spot I tell you what rocket always driving and talking's making me thirsty yeah right now we're approaching a spectacular beach camp at Norvell Park just get a look at this bit of coastline look there's no one around for miles it's absolute paradise suddenly though Nathan comes over the radio always gonna have to pull it up here a gun down so ya might want to bring those max freaks back olam drop some air and right up on the max Frick see if I can all right that bad boys in there now we're gonna drop these tires right down I'm talking 12 at the moment we've got a lorry need to because it's a long straight stretch of beach we're only gonna be cruising and I want to do anything radical not going to come off with it high speed or anything like that so there's no real chance we're gonna roll that tire off we're on a soft Beach towing a camper trailer but the big 200 she's got stonking amounts of power coupled with the max tracks to get us up and moving I think we'll be right back yeah go for it okay go go go drive drive drive and just like that he's out you would not go to the beach without those things [Music] good is it driving on the beach we gotta love the weather I'll tell you what this is some of the softest sand I've ever seen in any of the beaches of ever driven it is a bit soft muddy running on your shore Oh got a friend over to driftwood always been a bit lazy I've got about 30 psi my tires supposed to be some nice campsites right down the end of this boot so we'll get all the way down there and so we behind copy that mate look if we can get a campsite that's maybe up on the grass over look at this beautiful view here man hey we're in paradise hi torik and this would be about the last camp so we're gonna get before that River down there what do you reckon be pulling ever look I'll just check the time as well made in beer o'clock this kind of up on the screen in the 80s oh yeah BMS is telling me we can't go any further so this is us mate I'm gonna pull in let's have a look oh we stumbled onto a magic little campsite just back behind the first row of June's this is pretty good the area is just big enough to fit everyone in and get a cracking campfire going short and I roll out the swags tonight while rocket is putting up his brand-new rooftop tent and well nathan is sleeping in pure luxury in the MDC camper trailer [Music] you know what I like about this time of day mate what's that if you listen really closely yep you can hear the sound oh you need to get that checked out might be his IV because that signals you never date man a great day at that cheers but yeah cheese but cheers guys look at that water we're doing it this get it sort of be nice yeah it'd be good if it didn't cost so much you know they've got the 3 parts putting your free part puts me off I'd prefer to be paying a lot of money like in one of those swanky hotels might look at that oh you couldn't actually get apartment probably the views like this because you're right on the beach you said you're gonna cook fish is that true okay and guess what the fish literally came from about what 70 K is that way all you do you told me that yeah that way now bit concern why you're not gonna put freaking light cheese in there like you think I wanna do some weed with a dojo trust me when I say this you will like it yep that's right mate it's time for sure no to cook up a storm oh there you go mate like that fire doesn't start itself you know I love cooking a lot a lot of can cook it especially because it's usually quite easy and you know using fresh ingredients I'm all about that I went fishing just recently you're coming out of it thank you actually was fishing just offshore here yeah I want to make a little dish for the fish and do you want this yellow Jonah white I'll bring it out bring it up bring it up I wanna cook as night folks I'm cooking fish tacos and I know you're a big fan have you stack those it's a look and I'm just gonna whip it up nice and easy you've got a few fresh ingredients here you hit a soft spot with me I just - that sound freshly caught fish what sort of what sort of cod is that not there's a barre chord yep an orican fish taco is one of those meals are aching every bite deserves to Troy there's been a recipe that goes with this one but to be honest with y'all gonna be make it up as we go see she can't go too wrong is there anything I can do yeah absolutely yeah we do be out it maybe get this bowl here yes we're gonna make a little marinade right say yes that that's beautiful what place our bodies is a beautiful up there with your fish any fish will work for this and the beauty about fish tacos you don't need the best eating fish on the mouth you don't okay Bobby squeeze that into the other lime in there bit of lime bit of honey so you just get that right in there Zoe so yeah Paul that starting that squeeze it up yeah but look I just cut them these fish pieces up into smallish sort of bites because we're going to fry these bits up but you're making a marinade on it yeah get a little bit of money yep okay go about 2 tbsp it's actually not moving a little bit of chili in there Oh a little bit of chili in there yeah no I shouldn't I shouldn't let you do that it's a bit of garlic too so just some honey Oh an Abba garlic that's it - that's it got a bit of lime juice yep we got lime juice we put honey garlic and so far yep and some chili yep put a bit chilly and I'm gonna Chuck a bit of olive oil in there for good measure yeah I need to stir this yes okay that's a lotta hold back about now okay sure typically what I do typically what you do is not always what I'd do about four shakes before that folks oh boy so she shakes of it not about ten yeah while he's doing that what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna start shuffling ah that looks well marinated so we're going to do is just leave that the lime juice of course cooks a feature come on if you just want to leave that to marinate for about ten minutes like cuttin these ones up I'm gonna do the real hard bit because I want to mix this pack it up of to properly chapati to tie some water yeah okay anyone this cut up right just done dice two people diced yes I can do it I'm gonna do it has been AG laughing Molly - in the packet form and it's going to pour a bit of water in that is that the Chipotle mix yes okay great yogurt ah that can be used to treat a wide range of things really great great yeah it that's one of the healthiest things you can get me fridge there's a lot of onion you've really it's a lot of onion they're committed they're yeah oh that's her come on I don't know how much these to plead any but I was gonna pick like let's see what happy worker let's get the heat on it I'm like yep do that if you would have a date like I mean invite a young lady do I have fish that goes yeah their fish tacos mm-hmm and you decided to open up your account with that like guarantee you would fish tacos all night long yeah um what I want to do now right just put a bit of lime juice in that all right whatever color look you get a couple here I'm making the guacamole like guacamole that's a fancy white Visayan smashed everything cuacamole blackamoor that's like hey this is starting to get pretty hot in there alright stop on the page know what I'm gonna do with this fish when it's cool pretty much eat it okay I think you just Chuck that in like that mix it right up with the the mix look with fish you just want to make sure it's nice and flaky when it's cooked so - just very minutes per side actually I'm impressed with your skills well I said goodnight oh this fish is just smell so good doesn't it so fresh and flaky I'm pretty much done here what's the next step see what if you didn't want to bother with y'all fish taco you're not having a lazy night right yep you just make that marinate I'm not going to do that our tortillas it's crucial you heat your fish down over coals no that's not so nice it's not so nice it's one of those you grab one of these of each boys like the price is pretty straight board just get a favorite of all fish on your piece - yeah it can be any of y'all slopping it yep yep yep yep what's next screw this I'm eating their grid of Jabal t which support Lee de potli bit of that back and while we good fish talk Oh yo guys this some of the best fish tacos over there that camping it's not nice and juicy nice and moist yup perfect that's how it should be as well yeah tell you what mate honesty boy the foil now it might be sink a beer as well because that's um that's a proper little meal really you're gonna make a mess of a fish taco this is the wider door mm-hmm [Music] there's not a lot of grip to be honest stick around guys because coming up in part two we get into big trouble in little Bella waking up - this has to be better than any 5-star hotel and I think Shaw now agrees it's time to make a plan for the day over a fresh copy ah yes big boy track so now a lot of fun gee whiz that's a lot of coffee a little bit so yeah we're gonna head back afterwards let's move it fine Craig though exactly looking on the map she's about 40 minute drive from here has that middle of the bush power distraction will do 40 minutes it's beautiful boots all this to campus it is owning up last night night yes I notice they even got firewood and it was all done a bit yeah how long did it take you put this down 40 minutes sit down and annoy or throw rocks at as it happens we enjoyed Pine Creek so much yesterday we've decided to go back to tackle a couple more of the tracks in the area but after that we're gonna push out to little Bella National Park weed no jutsu dry off this morning we're able to get packed down early and get back out on the tracks the great thing about leaving a beach camp early is that the sand is still cool and because it's cool it's a whole lot firmer and really easy to drive on what a sensational part of the coast mate this is um paradise I'd love to be up here for a week with a little tinny cuz if out there and get a flare the fish come back in we love bigger tracks to fly than that yeah I'm gonna hit us back into the bush find some gnarly tracks and if you can see how we go maybe even another night camping what are you ready Troy holy that makes you could've asked for a better camp spot and getting out of this tight Jesus gone a long way since we turned up that's a legend sport boys have to mark that one on the VMS for sure righto we're back out near Pine Creek oh you got trailer brakes on that thing here mate this fellas got ten inch electric brakes a little bit of the end hill stuff every you want to put flow real steep section okay you'll want to put your anchors on yes gravity does work against me doesn't it but looking through our oh man that just dropped away that actually scared the crap out of me Oh sir your main event that's scaring up yeah you think you've got mandolin I thought I've got this and then it out drop right people Title II I was just talking her idea I'm in the next minute whoa geez wasn't expecting that oh wowzers boys I see what you mean this area certainly isn't short on rugged tracks to test us I gotta say though Nathan he's just not being held back at all by tying that trailer he's doing a brilliant job right now we're on a track that will pop us out in a good position to make our way out to little Bala but it looks as if it's not going to let us through it without a fight looks like an aisle creekbed through your folks Oh rocky and slow but it looks good there's a few little undercut banks and drop-off in there this will be slow and steady territory it's easy for me of course I've ignored over nine rocket you and I are in good company here mate quite a little bumpy spot here they can take each other there's my camp patella I'm gonna call myself some of that newly oh this is a cool little track you don't kind of thinking going on but that's all good let's just be an old old old creek bed I like the trees on either side blow air today boys in we get oh that stinks Hey whoa yes see please come on pickle on pickle on know it now good lord man this right here is a huge sinkhole right in the middle of the track right now going around it we've got to get up and over yeah that's pretty gnarly it's not like you're right what I really need to do here is to get my real left tire up onto some rocks or some ground to get some purchase and that will give me just enough clearance to get through it's time to call in some help yeah give us a spot button to see if I can maneuver myself better sure take the right one here traction is gonna be almost impossible to fire yeah yeah it's good of that big undercut bit there track building is gonna be the key right here that's a good sized rock and look how easy that was that's like that moving a track building just put one rock and a little bit of clay right where I saw that tire that was the one that wasn't getting traction with the ground as soon as got a bit of traction made it look easy alright this next little section is quite off camber I'm gonna try and screwed up the middle and not drop into the rut exactly like that whoops that's a big rock okay Sean oh you're up mate okay this one is really picking your loin he's gonna get those tires just right just want to use that as a ramp and just climb straight up straight up big tires and feet flex all that ring you have a problem okay rocket you've seen outs done mate your turn Oh stupid how did you not go over oh that was a bit of a rough episode firstly I just put my head and we're down I'm stuck my rocket came out there full of gas Donna thought he was gonna make it then he kind of popped up and sleep the backside way isn't it hit that Bank down there and now because this side is so under cut him out of there without using the we've set up a speaker here and destroyed pulling straight up and out the recovery point is up high so that we're pulling rocket up and out of that hole rather than down into it rocket 79 is really heavy and any help we can give that winch will be useful right here well Rockets definitely made a little bit more difficult I reckon if I guide Nathan though up he's got literally a couple of inches where he can get that tire and maybe get some sort of a line up here yes exactly that I'm thinking Amanda straight up there yeah it's gonna be a challenge all right come on right the big plan for Nathan right here is to see if he can drive through but if he can't we're gonna pull him up before he does any damage yeah yeah yeah yeah punch it punch it that'll Luke I don't know if that'll do that's a good spot like you've done well but yeah yeah that's the perfect spot for Nathan to stop right there is that a red hot go at it now it's time to use that week once again recovery point up nice and high let the winch do the work yeah a little bit of Drive as you do it tiny bit a little bit that's it that's it coming up it's coming up beautiful right [Music] where's he going crazy goin this is exactly why I choose the mud terrain style tire from a Bridgestone Range situation is exactly like there's only going to try and clear this mud out as quickly as I possibly can to maintain tread grip etc here we go mud glorious mud I'm not getting hung up on this one pedal to the metal Sean's doing exactly the same that's the way my - AZ rocket look any spice pure concentration or a bit of slip on the exit but he's made it through whoa we'd have a sloppy one this one but I Nathan get the big 200 out pull that trailer through that's a good Drive good drive yeah that's it okay on what do we go really hoping to treat the boys to a cracking little campsites not that I know of it's right on the edge of a river you can literally camp right on the edge of the river it's a beautiful spot open plenty of firewood I know they're gonna love it it's a bit of a track to get in oh my goodness will you look at that that is quite the obstacle oricon let it steep with it rutting the left insanity I reckon we have to get out and check this one out that's that's a that's an a-grade obstacle ever I saw it what are you thinking here mate I'm thinking they're big ruts huge you walk in there and you'll see there's there's a lot of different lines obviously you could take all right here's one but I don't like that even you get a bit off camber Danny before we near maybe you know I'm thinking you're my track with all the articulation just a drive straight in its committing beric if anyone I'm gonna be able to go and look at the cool thing is I can always reverse out if I don't like that I reckon there's another line up a side I'm gonna I'm gonna try straddle this thing the whole way up I just just don't want to slide into it yes that'll be what a nice a here guide you through yeah just make sure your toys are all straight yeah I'm gonna come up and then slightly keep to the right okay all right I think it'd be like a highway but it bumpy really off camber the wheels in the air pilot Bruce our way yeah all right this video I'm gonna get through first look at right down there no no [Music] somehow get through this rough this it's gonna be one of the hard bits actually to try and straddle the best I can I think [Music] now you are you know one of the biggest issues on faced with now that I'm on this Hill is the shale there's actually a remarkable lack of traction it was remarkably sketchy there's not a lot of grip to be honest [Music] that's him that takes me coming you should feel good when that back to comes yep yep see now I'm in the rut but I don't want to be the two millimeters you just slide and down a little bit you need to go right in D and maybe you can go forward from here but and then try what go up that right you want a straddle it you're sort of just sitting like that where you could go in or more over this way okay go a little bit further you can really see the benefit of having another pair of eyes out there on hills like this one Shawn I can see what I can't you can make those fine adjustments that give me all the help in the world you'll be fine a little bit about a foot it's gonna come down a sec you know else gets you that feels horrible each time I lose traction of course I'm sliding downhill which for me right now is back into that rut and once I'm in that rut it's gonna be pretty hard to get back out see that tree root on the left-hand side that's also giving me a bit of grief well this winter in my opinion that was a Herculean effort you know that's a really tough one the hardest line of a lot and he fell in that rut is not much he can do but he's almost made it he's literally got about a metre to drive and he would have driven straight out of there so just a little wind to no use trying to break something and you'll be out a white lie I was kind of gutted I couldn't have driven that but I got within half a car length on what was an a great obstacle so that's pretty good in my opinion well that was a lot more committing than it looked from down there in fact I think that hole is actually growing and so it was a lot shorter I looked at it before I gave it a red-hot go I actually didn't realize how far I'd got apparently my front wheels were right obvious I was almost done but yeah well I'll call short road will give me a go right I might let's do it Shawn's got the best chance of driving this well why here we go wish me a bit of luck Karina's gonna feel a lot more sketchy when I hit the stay bit up through there with all that articulation and a rear Locker and big tires he should have a crack at this one go back you want to come over this way a bit I want to climb up before the right I'm gonna do my best to really spot him through this and give him every chance possible so much concentration right here it's inch by inch just watching grayness on doing okay that was a victory just a really good spot that's so that was why literally didn't look at anything except for growing his penis but he's just pointing left right left right it was all one millimeter without a dad though that was a hundred percent mate a hundred percent me he did nothing there come on rocket let's get you up here and they're just gonna go what side Rockets decided to tackle the far right hand line now if he gets this right it'll be really easy there's not a lot of room knowing he's gonna have to really watch that right hand wheel placement that he doesn't hit a tree or a log on the way up I got a feeling though he's gonna make this look really easy [Applause] I couldn't done it without the auto' there's no way that just one more little jerk and would have just slid in I think the plan is to take Nathan at the same line that rocket chose keeping really hard against that Bank that the biggest fear I've got of course is the trail off just pushing itself down into that right if that happens he sort of just got a pair as you're doing one sort of motion no she'll be right though he's got a bit of turning circle a rocket it's got to get through these big ruts first though is it any good to watch righto Nathan let's see it holy snap this is steep and rocky and looks like no traction at all the ruts at the bottom are actually a lot harder than they look he's just having a few troubles getting through there what's that Trey might give it a give it a go don't back off don't back off there you go he's well lined up see right there does that loss attraction that shale really is offering not much at all can come back you have to do it one really smooth motion just stray not plenty of dust and rocks wine that's him that's him no stop up there when you drive this one yeah it's one girl right soon as you're off that brake you're on the accelerator you didn't you just drive it that was perfectly driven shaky start for the perfect finish I've got a cracking camping mine for the lads and we're getting close to it now we just got one more obstacle to get through hey Nathan that camper trailer doesn't let dust in so I don't think it'll let water in is that right no that's the idea if it might dustproof and waterproof as much as we can you're about to find out because we've got a little river crossing here and it's a doozy mate but on the other side we get paid in the price of a perfect campsite night sweet mate I can't wait to fold this in yet never look rocket put your propellers on we're crossing bring it on I love a good river cross it may always happen I've driven this river before and the depth isn't too bad however depending on time of year the flow rate can be quite significant as to be low tide night here zero dramas boys I can give everything a washed up north through the river and at the other side what across incompleted this is the perfect time of day to be pulling into camp the sun's just going down we've got plenty of firewood each of the boys have picked a spot for their particular campsites rockets get these rooftop tent set up Nathan's got plenty of room to pour out that camper trailer I got my swag out I reckon now's a bad time crack a cold beer you know it one thing I love about London and if it sells 40 minutes we live for right now in 40 minutes I could be fishing saltwater yeah and you've got so many tough tracks all around I didn't cancel its you got everything it's just it's a cool place to be I like money the trucks they're not gonna sort of ones you got to put yourself on your soil if you know rocket you know mostly your mates gonna have a lot of fun you mostly gonna have a lot of fun well we're not done yet boys what do you cook it again tonight you said a bit of a mixed grill its am 4 or 5 coins to make from fish right through to which I call vegetarian yep all the way through to the proper meters which is a bit of steak somebody marry this man good lord all right well I got a couple of beers are in order just to shake off the day's nerves Cheers don't go anywhere guys and stay tuned because in part 3 we battle our way out to conclude a beach angry angry thing I never tire waking up in the Aussie bush [Music] the sound of the birds smells it really is as good as life gets and with camps like this right here how could you not be having the time of your life but first things first breakfast what a cracking breakfast a big breakfast or a big day right there's a lot of holidays we're all up to our Cantera ten levels of moment that you put what's the basics of among them makes you put everything in that you've got left in the fridge whatever you got it's always a last die sort of special just you've what have you let the fridge put it in the camp oven just put it on the floor only yep and then put eggs on top put it what that's what differentiates it from dinner to breakfast that's right that's right well you're gonna need it okay we're gonna get out of here yet the trunk outta here is insane yep prom makeup what do you reckon all right we had a plan to do some more tracks which we can do if you want oh but what about we head to the coast maybe have a beer on good thing about bunny and get to the cars real quick yeah all right well that was easy didn't it any persuasion already made us into us a little bit of driving to get it here for her so one of the highlights of the Bundy area is the variety of terrain so close to everything Bundy is literally where you're going now you've been Bundy in 20 minutes yeah oh about the fact that you don't even need to know where the tracks are you know where the point Creek region is originally come down and there's tracks for everybody you don't have to know some secret the handshake to get into a forward roll tracks around here just just go hell for leather breakfast on coffee down let's get out of here Oh Nathan you got that camper trailer hooked on good and tight yeah mate she's all secure what are you good playing for a spine look up until you're right yeah how it did notice that yeah Robert you got all the eights in there haven't left any cylinders behind yeah every single one is present and accounted for and had a great night's sleep looking forward to today yeah that was no this is sound of the running water that doesn't for me to beautiful night sleep all right get across this river get out of here all right it's about to get serious you know nothing beats a feeling driving through a water crossing but there's a couple of tips you really need to know make sure you don't get swept away or drown your vehicle first thing you want to do is jump out make sure that the crossing is actually drivable you're checking flow rate and depth and of course you've got a snorkel fit of your vehicle right okay let's do this okay next step we're gonna create a bow wave I've just placed the d-max into low range I'm gonna enter nice and slow then maintain my speed at about 10 kilometers per hour what that'll do is create a perfect bow wave up the front which causes a pocket of air in the engine bay and really helps eliminate any water ingress so easy there we go picture-perfect vital step when you are across and you're completely safe just stop leave the engine running and I just like to let all the water drain from the undercarriage and any water that might have got up into the engine bay drain out before taking off again it's a very short step but it ensures you're not going to get any water ingress once you start driving the boys have seen how it's done and they're falling behind we've got a cracking hill to get out of here I'm keen to get stuck into it Nelly these obstacles right here have long been called wombat holes I hate to say the size of the wombat that created these though well that bank was close geez d-max animal it's Italian for animal that's what it means what a beast righto mate you're up now big tires big flex the big 80 I think you'll come through here zero issues put on a show for us mate there we go you get really close to that Bank I saw I think there's a pretty huge people the throw their goods that now rocket puts on a show on the flattest of ground coming up through these wombat Hills something tells me he's tires they're gonna be sky-high oh Jesus engage the lockers mate let's give it a go just the chest goes up that's not hockey rocket ridiculous look at you wait in there wheels off my head to do that what what are you will bear he's like I got me put on the brake that's it hang on night hang on oh there was millimeters in that he's still lifting wheels all the way up rocket I like the way you drive mate well done well done that's where lockers come is it you lift Wheels lock is on reading locker only because I wanted to keep the photo just so we can steal Steven yet know why you Wow - um I didn't add anything I'll say Oh Bailey rod I Nathan's up camper trailer behind it I think it's gonna flicks his way through these he is gonna pick up wheels the key is to come down softly and not hit those banks [Music] they've done it with a good Drive make really good Drive [Music] now that that's a challenge hey lads we've got got quite the challenge in front of us here it's sort of two parts and the middle isn't right so there's three parts I think I think I'm gonna sort of stick to the left then shimmy to the right and then just go up and do a pirouette yeah you're beautiful you drop on the middle I'm gonna try the left I'll say here we go you know watch yes yes yes all right let's do it I'll tell you what grandma I know you've seen it you walked up to it maybe when you get to the top of the next challenge this is a really really big rock step mate I think you're right though that line that yeah you're talked about on the left hand side is probably the go good luck buddy left-hand line it's gonna be my friend here I think on rock steps like this underbody protection is your friend I've got quality underbody protection from the front and right down to the rear of the d-max as well as some side steps that were made up by Barney at legend X that was sick I made that look easy just kept those tires straight ahead heaps traction and just took a nice line to get some double-sided sticky tape for that that's a big really hey gram actually went up there more even but yeah but he got up yes sure sure no come up but he actually lifted a big wheel slowly Japan line yep me I want to lift them all okay rocket let's do this mate in this instance that wheel base has just worked against rocket ease see soaring on the top and the best bet here is just a reverse back down pick a slightly different line y'all that is savagery big wheel lift lots of wheel spin he's made it through an angry angry thing we're up that was very high good drive rocket really good drive mate that was amazing that thing is just an angry angry booster just when he puts his foot down it's just an either noise it came out I squatted a bit myself uh-huh it kind of flattens tough tracks like he puts his foot down the track flattens and it rises back up it's very good to say that we lived up there I don't know he doesn't I don't obviously sounds good it's got some Underpants won't even tell you I've buried a couple assets today Joel nice yeah nice yeah oh the rock steps nice and smooth once again I think the key with the camper trailer right here is to see how far we can get it and then just back off so that we don't break anything at this later stage and the trip I'm keen to get to the beach a lot of shock light on that tire when you see those tires shuttering like that it's time to stop and rethink I think the safest bears this to winch to be honest I've seen TVs break here winter another real beauty of the Bundy region is there so many trees to act as perfect anchor points like have a little bit of tension Nathan [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay Nathan's up he can pull the camper trailer up no dramas from there we wanted to test that camper Nathan and I think we've done it well there's a whole lid I'd reckon this might be the last little sort of pinch out of here and then we can sort of black top it out get down the beach where you reckon says goodbye you've got a beat you mind wouldn't want to get out that would gay beach dad sounds good I think let's do that yeah it's tiny mind other great campsite so but even I don't know we can carry couple extra days as I I like to check the boss yep I can do that any beaches and great Beach to me gotta get out of here first some rough track this one rocket is one of the few people that picks up massive wheel lifts going downhill how do you do it right good work Nathan really given that trailer I work at mate and it's holding together boy Creek areas too so me ruts just washed out thanks the hell would have fun that's for sure looking at food holy heck that was a branch just come down top of my windscreen and scared me absolute heebie-jeebies out of me really steep little descent into this gully here and of course the beauty with the d-max is that I've just pushed the hill descent control button let the dmax do all the work you'll see at the bottom I'm going to scrape a lot but that's where underbody protection comes into its own I'm really not concerned about those noises can scratch that underbody as much as it wants from down here it's directly back on the loud pedal and up the other side well I should come one day a night all the eggs this is pretty steep lots of it drops at the bottom here so that's one go nice and slow try and pick a line but be easier said than done something tells me you're not gonna take the easy line err have to go the right here and line this for a bit a bit of fun you know see if I can do it if you don't got us reverse the end [Music] what was that mate what does happen to him [Music] you guys I saw that but my sunnies are on the dash they sleep straight off as I lifted a wheel and went under the rear tire I can't believe the land cruise around these and they're still in one place sort of two pieces but that's pretty good for three tons of layin cruise and not start because they're my favorite Sunny's wow that was an expensive mistake I ride a rocket come on sorry mate why am i put to the floor let's get up the other side and look at the relief that would just get you beat whoa where does this drop off to Nathan is really gonna need that coupling on the camper trailer here to allow a big lot of flex between the four-wheel drive and the trailer at the bottom of this gully have a look at that though handles it was these and that's why you have a coupling like that on an off-road camper trailer millenia Rev split here momentum and he's up the other side whoo wow that is a steep little hill seriously get a load of that will you if that's not paradise I dunno what is picture-perfect Queensland Beach I'm not mistaken folks that big expanse of blue there is the beach there good doesn't look too Maitlis absolute sensational confirming day for real tropical innit blue water blue sky haha it ever made place campsites have got some very committing injury system all right everybody look at the color of that water quite a pristine Richard it's a real stunning part of the coastline if you've never been to Bundy put it on your map I'd like to be in a poke yeah they're right I want to come out and say it like Bundy buddy great beaches you've got it's a great town let's be honest how the town's good to make the forward Robin it is unreal there's so much fun you know lifting wheels more than you're not if someone has lived in a lot of wheels you the chance going to be doing all lapis of course we say that but if you tell me why are you looking at all the territories hard to get the money if you are doing a big lap don't miss gapbun Godsey check King kuna King Kunta yeah the campsites up the back here this sense that should be and firm morals down there yeah you know we're on the weekend so Saturday that a couple people that's it if you use binoculars more processor that's in Bundy get to Bundy and check it out or I can look after a fish out there ever be all right we're gonna caddy for another not you got any views left actually got a couple sacred ones my thanks where uncle Colonel H come down to see if you can find us you know I'm always a big fan of yelling up what's up younger up nun or up down or up they're all all the apps are good in fact anything west is good because I like West Australia stop dance isn't it seems like that actually feel weird look [Music] I do only I see and I've eaten a lot of different of it well this'll do stay here then if I have to I'm gonna get out sandflies will bite me to death please hold your head still for one second arc any date hello hello Clarice Norman would kill me so probably wet himself and partied it just thinking ready field didn't realize all right here's on poops smells ability killing it on the tracks what are you doing mate if I was what's it go that she had some chefs all up this is my um he's a chef right yeah chef Gordon Ramsay I should not good no my that I call exactly Gordon if you're watching any probably are cos Gooden probably owns like a van at land run I'd say sorry villian driver sort of like nice a nice landing if you're watching surely you probably should do a collaboration I would say a fellow it's Anthony Bourdain hey how many anybody I'd like to pull grime off a nice I've found over the years surely it's not the size of a pack now fire you can pull it out what it can pull out I should say he's a little corny think enough oh this is what we call a pickup it's a little place we didn't get when we were filming the pit we needed so we do it afterwards in order to slow it in and to make things go smoothly transition from one scene to the next but because we didn't get it before call a pickup I'm coming back to pick it up well it is dinner picked it up all right now the other is a park down here on the road get them now and we'll do what's called a convoy shot that doesn't need much explanation one of the things we didn't do on this DVD was much in the way of fast convoy shots so now we're gonna get a high-speed convoy shot by Tuolumne car get a live sprite Big Mac meal and some Nuggets get thanks like bitten lip look for everyone to spawn come on Nathan you're a man if you can't do it rock it can you folks just saw that was one heck of a drive very committing a lot of throttle a lot of self-control I'm sure a while for full drive action now see you next time on the border actually updates [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 698,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: v3Vi1fUDfHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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