The Sims 4 Is a Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Making Millions

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hey Olivia it's me Duncan do you want to come over and play no thanks I can't because I'm currently being drowned to death hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and today we are playing The Sims 4 I know what an absolutely wonderful game I did do a trial run of this yesterday and I discovered something very interesting The Sims games are a rather simple concept you start as your character and you grow of them they might die of old age and they might stop working in jobs doing professions learning hobby is that kind of thing you can do basically anything in this game it's wonderful however I find that really the best rags-to-riches tales are ones that have absolutely zero effort in them you see Who Wants to Be a Millionaire if you've actually worked for those millions why not be a millionaire because you know you've just stolen millions so that's exactly what we're going to be doing today in Sims 4 we're going to be creating just someone who's gonna ruin everyone's lives we're gonna be going into homes joining people's families stealing all of their stuff and then just leaving with the profits it's gonna be great just you watch now of course we need to create a character a character who is the perfect physical representation of everything that is evil in this world I think first we're gonna pick his aspirations however we're going to give our Sims the fortune aspiration please of course they're going to stumble across a massive amount of fortune and of course we don't want to have a successful career who wants to be fabulously wealthy no no no no no we simply want the mansion Baron this sim is all about owning the biggest and fanciest house Oh trust me we are going to own the biggest and greatest house out there so naturally we want to be a materialistic kleptomaniac who is also very jealous now we just need to create a name for our glorious character who's going to steal everything so you know I fit we're gonna go for the loveable villain that is Lord Farquaad that's right it's Lord Farquaad from Shrek now what we have to do is somehow recreate the legendary Lord Farquaad actually gonna have to Google a picture of Lord Farquaad because I'm afraid it has been awhile since I've seen the legendary film there's Shrek worn oh my goodness okay I've just checked out the hair I think I can recreate it it's going to be a interesting test think I might be able to find something that does it right here we have it it's Lord Maximus Farquaad the character I've created my god this is as close to Lord Farquaad as I could get it but I think I basically managed it including the incredible lady slaying fedora the dears basically we're following Lord Farquaad in his early years currently he's on an adventure to wealth and this is basically Lord Farquaad prior to meeting Trek and how he comes upon all of his wealth so we're gonna watch The Adventure of Lord Farquaad as he sets himself up for the antagonist of the 2001 hit animated film feature Shrek also I didn't just give him an everyday clothes I gave him four cloves athletic cloves sleeping cloves party gloves swimwear hot weather wear and of course cold-weather wear so Lord maximus fall chord is kitted out for all environments right now ladies and gentlemen if you're all sitting comfortably if you've all got your cups of tea people like the video if you are waiting to see how I'm going to break Sims 4 then I do believe we're probably all ready to begin so here we go it's the legendary fall quart household let's change the portrait or let's see what position we can get him in oh look at that it's a fun going Farquaad I like that now we're here in the world we need to select a world to move into with the legendary Lord Farquaad now we have a very interesting place over here look at this this is a beautiful area of town there's tons of houses around here yeah I think we're gonna buy a plot of land somewhere but probably the cheapest plot of land I can find yes here we have it it's bargain beds this is exactly the property I've been looking for so yes we're going to move in with Farr cord into bargain Bend now this does drop our funds down to 18,000 but don't worry this is a ranks to riches tale we're gonna be going from 18,000 to hopefully I'm thinking a million so here we have it we're at bargain Bend with the legendary Lord Farquaad how is he going to set up a house is he going to build his house we're going to customize the house no no no he has no intention of doing that we're gonna go on the phone and we're gonna move household immediately Lord Farquaad has no intention of staying on this current plot of land with absolutely nothing on it so we're just gonna turn up on someone's doorstep and move in and guess what they're not gonna say no it's what we're gonna do is we're gonna move in with the golf family these guys look great fun and we're just gonna drive over there and move in there we go so we're gonna merge and of course this merges our household front as well as the inventory and here we have it Lord Farquaad and his brand-new family our milestone complete Lord wax was completed his dream already there we go now he just needs to purchase five thousand worth of landscaping well I'm sure we can do that eventually so we're just gonna pause the game and enter into a little building mode as you can see this place is absolutely gorgeous it's huge as well but there's a few improvements we can make we could definitely do a swimming pool so yeah we're gonna build a little swimming pool here for our lovely new family and of course install a ladder there oh isn't that great now Lord Farquaad he isn't really one to swim but what he will do is he will go over here and invite everyone to come and swim see he's going to swim with oh and guess what he's gonna summon everyone everyone's gonna have a fun time in the pool fun emphasis on the fun come on Lord Farquaad jump on in it's not a very big pool but it's enough to fit everyone in and you know end of the day that's all the matters is not lovely the entire family's in course Lord Farquaad isn't lord farquaad's on his phone he has no intention of doing such a thing so we're just gonna pause the game that's great far chord is this family got a piano yes file court I'd like you to come over here and then practice the piano so you can ominously play over what I'm about to do now so we've got the entire golf family in the pool but I'm afraid the golf family they were never really gonna be enough for Lord Farquaad were they so we're just gonna seal them in yep they can just live in there for a little bit there we go Farquaad come and enjoy their little piano now as you might notice we already 62,000 samolians not bad at all there we go what's the families enjoying their time you know swimming away and don't get me wrong they are enjoying their time look at them in here that just you know treading water having some fun it's quite nice you know they're doing a bit of swimming practice I guess that's good for them Lord Farquaad however he's having a fun time on the piano anyway whilst we're here and they're all in the pool and they can't stop me Lord Farquaad is going to sell all of their furnishings factly might as well sell an entire room so that's an entire section of the house removed for 28,000 maybe let's just remove the entire next floor fact entire aspects of the house can probably just be removed yes it does appear that I've removed the entire second floor of the house Lord Farquaad is now ground his way up to one hundred and seventy three thousand simoleons very good Lord Farquaad very good technically they're having a great time in the pool having family time and a deep connection they've got good vibes good vibes at the moment for this person here belicoff she's getting some good vibes from this pool Mortimer here Mortimer Goff is having a relaxing swim apparently I mean I can see the concern starting to sweep in over his face because he's never getting out of here Lord Farquaad however he's the you know social butterfly he's making everyone feel better Lord Farquaad is learning the charisma skill oh yes far chord your absolute social butterfly and you could not swim laps that will make you stronger that should keep you afloat longer the stronger you are the less likely you are to drown so just keep on swimming maybe a note stand on the bodies of you family as well if you need a bit of a rest well the family nearing was it 6 p.m. so they've probably been in the pool for about oh I'm gonna go around 10 hours now yes so they're doing a pretty decent job I must say but um they're gonna have to give up eventually in farquaad's over here just enjoying the chess table enjoy your time here yes some would say there's something oddly British about going into a new place and then stealing everything they have and then just moving on to the next place but I mean come on Lord Farquaad he's just you know he's an absolute player he knows how to get wealth and money and that's all that matters as we near midnight the family are still swimming around in the pool I feel quite sorry for the golf family there is nothing they can do because I'm afraid I'll fall caught over here he built a massive concrete wall around you and everyone knows there's no escape from a concrete bunker I mean just look at that no one's gonna question why this was just built in the space of a few hours this concrete bunker new neighbors turn up like hey we'd like to come hang out in your house here have some fruit cake and then just look outside why is there a massive concrete brick out there oh just leave it be it's fine what it's the concrete brick smell of dead people well I guess we could have to move houses then who's got the slowest energy oh it's Mortimer golf he's running low he's positively exhausted Oh what off you're gonna be the first one to drop I'm pretty sure I'll rest in peace Mortimer Mortimer repairs to a bloody died and death has turned up with his tablet here think he's just checking the list yet deaf I can 100% confirm Mortimer is dead and file court doesn't care because you know in the eyes of file court Mort was just an absolute random stranger oh no Alexander's going ah if only this game lets you drown children that's pretty deep that's pretty deep indeed Lord Maximus file court he's just gonna enjoy his little scrambled eggs and bacon he's having a lovely time over here oh poor belicoff they're also drowning there's only one left now it's only Cassandra Gough oh that's a shame death is now harvesting all of those organs rest in peace Cassandra golf you have died but hey apparently they've pulled an all-nighter they stayed awake for 24 hours that's an achievement what a lovely achievement to have there we go maybe let's um engrave something on this grave this is for Mortimer gone but not forgotten enter some kind words to remember Mortimer by now how about you lose because I mean you have I have just actually stolen everything you own and your family are now well let's just say you found Leon in the best of shape at the moment they are they're not in the best of shape I was gonna say maybe file called once a shower but I mean we don't actually have access to a shower instead we can brush teeth that's fine buck well just brush your teeth it's about as powerful as having a shower so don't you worry there we go you don't need showers if you just have a brush your teeth again and again again in fact I think we might as well just brush your teeth off and there we go we've maxed out hygiene just for brushing his teeth don't need to even wash your body your body could be coated in dirt but provided you have shiny teeth this game says hey you're doing good I think it's time we sell up this house and move on to the next one it's naturally we just want to go into the build mode make sure we delete everything I was wondering if we could sell their graves but no um we'll just keep their graves here as a nice little memento of what we've created is they would go good stuff and we've managed to get 27,000 good stuff Lord Farquaad I would say that is an outstanding success now we need to move on to the next household it's time to load up the phone and move household Farquaad so Lord Farquaad has managed to go from making only our garage I've realize I've left the roof of the house that's fine I can float there forever but hey Lord Farquaad has gone from starting with only 20,000 to now owning 282 thousand simoleons not bad at all so let's move into another household what have we got over here it's the strong family oh that is just outright fantastic what's their net welfare and that wealth is at 2:59 that's brilliant I'm pretty sure these are the people who came to visit me for a housewarming how kind of them I'm now going to just immediately move in and here it is the oak stared strong family oh look at them we got Raiden strong we got he olace strong Keanu strong and John strong wait is that jontron no it's John strong easy mistake to make ladies and gentlemen this family they have a huge garden isn't that brilliant huge garden you know that means small swimming pool it's the only logical conclusion so just build a little swimming pool for them there we go all the family can now enjoy the brand-new swimming pool we've just convinced the entire family that is their key imperative to come over here and swim in the swimming pool so come on jump on in there we go we've got the entire family and now they can have some fun few inches later how's the family doing they're all doing great they'll do fine for a while I say give him another 24 hours [ __ ] has gained level two piano skill or whoa don't fall court he's happy he's got a brand new bed a brand new family and a brand new place there we go and John strong is learning the skill of comedy good for you John strong my oh my oh my this is one very fancy house just look at it what are we gonna do of it well I mean we've really built this massive concrete block here Oh big F someone's drowning Kui so it's John strong Otto's Keanu strong oh I didn't see that one coming ah the children always go first what a shame but hey don't worry Lord Farquaad is confident he's just lots of minty freshness of red and strong is dying they get four red and strong oh and at the same time it's his mother as well paola strong is going but look at this John strong he really is the strongest of the strong family oh no no only only for a bit rest in peace John strong rest in peace mega F for John strong in the entire strong family for core however he's pretty confident apparently this simmer over here is still dying he all is strong there is absolutely nothing I can do she's just managing to stay afloat some how could you I don't know stop having a chat with your dead son and instead get on with drowning that is the most important action and we're back ladies and gentlemen I basically just had to use a command to fan off snap for that character out of existence but hey Lord Farquaad is finally by himself it's a bit risky with the fan or snap it could have got either of two ways we could have lost Farquaad we could have lost paola gonna cook one last meal and then it's time for Lord Farquaad to move to the next house he's happy he's confident he kind of burned that but hey you know he's doing the right thing oh go don't do it you what is that that is not cooking oh well hey he's gonna eat it anyway I don't know what he's made Oh apparently quality excellent Lord Farquaad has made some excellent quality french toast that room can go that can go that can go Lord Farquaad let's go back into your inventory and place down these gravestones that you have we don't need them so there we go the three gravestones are the people that lived here excluding paola who was fan or snubbed into a different reality I'd say good success went up to four hundred eighty seven and Farquaad let's move household yeah we'll go for the Spencer kin blues family this looks incredible BAM we're gonna move in with them oh look at it the entire family's here or together at last yeah I build something different this time what's another brilliant way to kill sabers yes I know what I've got a fun idea for what we can build I've got a great hand in fact we're gonna build a room over here it's gonna be the greatest room that's ever existed of course in here we're going to need a few lights because you know people like to see and then of course we're gonna need some things that produce fire like for example a wood-burning stove or a heat seeker fireplace this one looks very exciting but actually we'll also had a charcoal grill into a closed building that seems great that's an absolute success in my eyes there we go the entire family's in nice and let us get rid of that doorway oh poor Olivia Kim Lucy's late for school don't worry don't figure we'll ever be going to school again but of course if we just have the fires running that is not enough we also need to add in some combustible objects nearby to burn down so that means furniture including of course carpets carpets really should not be put next to fires but alas here today we're all about placing carpets what about combustible wooden chairs that's right we got those bad boys add a couple of those down there we go good stuff indeed good stuff so we've added combustible objects I like a fall cord here tending to his food at night is near happy little man okay he's just leveled up to level three cooking oh no he started a fire oh god okay Oh [ __ ] had a little brush with death there almost burnt himself to death making a grilled cheese toastie but hey you know good fingers he's alive how's the rest of the family doing they're doing um hey they're gonna get ravenously hungry eventually and they'll either eat themselves although you know just drop down then we can sell this house and move on to the next one because Farquaad he's currently saw an almost 600,000 samolians he's very happy for court he's kind of like a plague of locusts on this world he enters into a house completely unright it kills them and then steals everything and then sells it almost immediately I mean he's really quite efficient at it I'm very impressed by Farkle very impressively oh man Gafoor called oh he's making little green salad how is the other family doing let's check on them yeah things aren't going quite as well they're covered in dirt just passing out on the floor repeatedly there's no energy there's no hygiene there's no fun to be had apparently this is what peak human performance looks like look at this beauty Lord Maximus Farquaad what a guy the thing is The Sims 3 has this massive entire world that you can explore you can like go on bar cruise you can invite lots of friends around host parties I don't really want to do any of that if I'm honest I'm just all about you know the gritty story of Lord Maximus Farquaad as he goes about rags to riches tale barging in on families trapping them in concrete boxes watching them dying and selling all of their belongings I mean no one's gonna question him he's simply too cool check out those incredible shades of his he's an absolute legend what a guy oh no what's this a liver is very hungry be sure to feed her before she gets taken away does this game physically not let you starve children to death well I mean if she's taken away I mean that's less issues for me if I'm honest so that's fine Olivia yeah you just stay there be yourself as you look for cortisol swab sex he hasn't swiped anything yet let's take Lord Farquaad on a quick little adventure yep the night club let's go which is good old-fashioned fall cord and the lads ache hey no one cuz Noah wants to be his friend I think we might be able to swipe a few drinks that's the hope here we go we're in the blue velvet oh wait no one's over here attempt to swipe go steal the drink he's done it ladies and gentle the mad mad actually did it or he's done it you know we've been out we've inspired people we've managed to steal a drink I think it's time we move home let's go back and see how our friends in the house are doing you know see how many of them are alive see how dehydrated they are how they are and whether they've eaten their granddad yet to knows you know this is just a classic spiff gaming experience that you guys have tuned yourselves in for why are all of your hungers fine where do you get the food from oh my oh my am i right we need to switch this up a bit then I'm sorry but we're just gonna have to add a swimming pool here it's adding and access to the pool and now we just basically need to convince the entire family even though they've just escaped a chamber to just have a swim there we go everyone's happy they've got this swim on and there we go we'll just route them in now maybe we can add another floor to it actually there we go that seems good we've improved the concrete tower we've made it a pretty meaty concrete tower now and we have of course put the family in the pool they do start out with low-energy already so um a lot of them are gonna drop off early we're gonna want to move household soon though because of course blood Maximus did completely and utterly burn down the oven so yes we don't want to deal with that anymore the last thing Lord Maximus wants to do is to have to splash out 16,000 pounds to buy a new oven for this family lord Maximus has his priorities he has a castle to build he needs to make sure that he has this wonderful Kingdom needs to build up this kingdom make it impressive and then you know invite Shrek or Nova and some of you forget that if we didn't have Lord Maximus Farquaad Shrek just wouldn't be the same Oh a second someone's dying oh no no no it's good ol Derek Lewis rest in peace our blue seas just floated away down there big f2 Erik Lewis but he has just died how is everyone else in the pool they're doing good you've already lost one member of the family Olivia Kim Lewis what's up are you getting it cool hey Olivia it's me Duncan do you want to come over and play no thanks I can't because I'm currently being drowned to death I Thomas Vivian's time make the most of these final days or Vivian's get a dive old age even if the pool doesn't take her achievement vengeful deity someone's dying oh it's Vivian via unnatural death I don't know what you mean death by pool is completely natural and now the family five has gone down to a family free it's gonna be impressive to see who gives up next place your bets ladies and gentlemen it's either gonna be Olivia Kim Lewis the child Dennis Kim the old man or Alice Spencer Kim the mum of one now who do you thinks gonna do it Dennis Alice or Olivia the vote is now who's gonna be the last one standing and get epic victory royale that's right we're playing battle royale now he's not gonna be able to Dennis he's running on ng as you know he's going for a swim he's pairing through there he's gaining the skill of fitness or maybe let's have them swim laps maybe that can increase our Fitness skill enough for them to survive assert your dominance over everyone else in the pool by pretending you aren't completely knackered by swimming there we go level free fitness that's that's gonna keep them afloat for a little bit longer hopefully we'll see how that goes maybe that means they'd be the one to survive well not survive no one's gonna survive I like how from this house you can kind of have a bit of a view of the house that we destroyed last time oh and also there's their graves yep go visit those if you like at the next house over these people have lost is a ridiculous amount of time in that swimming pool I think they've lost it more than anyone else I'm really impressed by this family well done you know we might as always start selling off aspects of this house as well you know cuz we're gonna be leaving soon they'll go we're up to 750,000 it's almost Dennis's time make the most of these final days are gonna make the most of these final days people will have grilled cheese toasties that's how we're gonna celebrate these final days of course you can't have them oh no devastating news oh look at this at the same time Dennis Kim and Alice Spencer Kim's are gone or olivia is also following them but Olivia congratulations Olivia you have won the Royal Rumble and you've managed to successfully drown yourself to death well done the last person to do it ladies and gentlemen round of applause ephra Olivia and everyone else in chat a lot of people have drowned today but hey you know that's one family down and there we have it ladies and gentlemen another beautifully successful run an entire families being wiped out and let's make sure we clean up all the evidence and get rid of this pool before anyone starts questioning where all these pools are coming from there you go so went out to 775,000 very good it's time for Lord Farquaad to move on to the next house oh there's the land grab family they've got two hundred thousand to their name very interesting we'll go for the land grab family oh here we have it I am so happy look at this gained 1 million simoleons in a single household outlook done apparently for some reasonable factors fall cord has gained 1 million simoleons I guess this property value is a million simoleons that's a good sign this is all worth 4 million Somalis and this is gonna be the one to clear it all out let's just immediately get start with this swimming pool then and it's time we convince everyone to go for a swim farquaad's just arrived you think he's your friend he's come in built your pool and know he's going to immediately he's ham and cheese sandwich which was left lying out no no no no he is not your friend Lord Farquaad has an ulterior motive I'm afraid and it all starts with adding a few walls we need to build the Farquaad wall for court he loves his walls it's Malcolm's birthday party celebrate Malcolm's birthday party by throwing a rockin party are you guys just have a rockin pool party Farquaad however he's not celebrating the birthday party he's just gonna sleep in his little bed and be happy joy your fruit cake my friend mmm tasty fruit cake oh no devastating news Geoffrey land-grab is drowning witnessing deaths oh well they've both drowned at the exact same time Malcolm your parents have just died before your eyes what are you doing you're just witnessing some deaths and enjoying some swimming oh they are just you know sprawled out there yeah Malcolm you just have some fun my friend and Malcolm's also drowning all rest in peace Malcolm I think this could be the end for the Landgraf family a second Nancy's back alive Nancy how the hell do you pull that one off that's pretty impressive I've got to be honest you managed to bring yourself back to life I have no physical way to defeat Nancy land grab apparently she's just the mortal enemy of Lord Farquaad and cannot be destroyed so instead I'll just sell her entire homes and belongings considering I mean I have just cut off her entire families so yeah we'll just get rid of all of this sell everything they own and then you know we'll just move on to the next house like the swarm of locusts we really are maybe go we're gonna quickly move in just be done with it that's fine this game's over after that this is all we're doing I just want to see how much money we can get to this is all he wants he just wants owned a rich house have a home worth 450,000 it's not worth four hundred fifty thousand right the Snapple fridge is worth 14 grand has placed down a few of these 14 grand fridges everywhere there we go aspiration achieved mansion barren you've done it he's done it he's maximized his satisfaction there is no way to make him more happy what an absolutely incredible man he's completely fulfilled all of his aspirations there is no way to stop him what a guy and there we go ladies and gentlemen I'm very happy with this we can just sell everything now so there we go ladies and gentlemen I have been the spiffing Brit I have absolutely destroyed the Sims today and you know if you want to have some fun and mess up the Sims to give me a shout I would love to absolutely see it sounds wonderful you've really enjoyed what you've seen today feel free to give the video like do consider subscribing it'd be absolutely wonderful to have you join us in our great community here and of course remember Lord Farquaad he'd love to have here too even if he is setting fire to sausages anyway as always a massive thank you told my patrons all of you are absolutely fantastic majestic sausages just like the ones Farquaad is cooking right now all of your names are listed here on screen you are absolutely bloody marvelous people thank you very much each and every one of you and if you want a video to watch next then I strongly recommend these ones on screen now if you enjoyed this you are going to absolutely love them anyway I've been the sniffing brute and I'll see all of you in the next one have a nice day [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,509,511
Rating: 4.9081864 out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, The Sims 4, sims 4, sims 4 challenge, sims 4 millionaire, making millions, spiffing brit, funny clips, lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, sims 4 commentary, sims 4 death, sims 4 reaper, perfectly balanced game, spore challenge, spore funny, Perfectly Balanced Game, The forestry challenge, tree only prison architect, rt game, grand strategy, battle royale, funny, comedy video, management game
Id: u3usCoHiCTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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