How to break The USA Election So The Queen Wins - Democracy 4 Is Perfectly Balanced with exploits

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we spent 60 million on our campaign apparently uh they spent 51 million let's see how it's going oh my goodness oh no we got 99 of the vote the queen is back baby hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing democracy for a game where you are the president or prime minister of a democratic country and you have to lead it through the various trials and tribulations of actually running a country and getting re-elected now democracy 4 is usually a game about balancing the quality of life of your various citizens to try and encourage them to vote for you again but you're of course limited by the fact that you can't just make sweeping changes because that would cost too much political capital than you actually have but what if you had unlimited political capital meaning you could make any change you like instantaneously and as many times as you like why you could just change a country entirely suddenly one day your citizens wake up and there's 100 income tax and then the next day income tax doesn't even exist sure it's a kind of confused society but it's an exciting one and that's what we're going to be pulling off today i know there are some very important electoral stuff going on at the moment although i'm sure it'll probably have all happened by the time i actually released this video but as you know this is the spiffing brit a channel where we drink tea praise the queen and do absolutely nothing political so if you see anyone in the comment section trying to be political make sure to tell them to sit down and go grab a cup of tea and biscuits instead because this just isn't the place so from this point on this video all about breaking and exploiting a game all about running politics is now a politics-free zone that's right as we're going to be playing the united states of america famously the country which is the most quiet about just how democratic they are they certainly don't like to go on and on and on and on and on and on about it so what are we doing today what will be taking the united states of america and putting it on the path to spiciness by quite simply removing the democratic element from the united states of america instead of democracy we will be enjoying totalitarian monarchist regimes now doesn't that just sound fantastic who wouldn't want to turn the united states of america into a monarchy i can probably know quite a few people but today they don't have a choice because i'm the spiffing brit this is a video game and i can exploit every single video game meaning i'm sorry america you simply stood no chance so without further ado let's throw ourselves into this game now the thing is when it comes to coming up with a political party name we need to make it unsuspecting so that the actual voters don't work out what we have planned for that reason our party shall be the boston tea party that way they will never suspect our party of actually being staunch monarchists who are secretly trying to overthrow democracy the opposition party will of course be the movement for true freedom and these will be our lovely default settings we don't actually need to change much now brace yourselves for a game which is graphically interesting unlike most strategy political games you're not controlling your country via a map instead you're controlling your country via sliders and massive buttons i love it it's fantastic now welcome to the game what is this game all about well we have a cabinet and this cabinet basically produces us our political power which is right here in the middle it's our political capital we spend our political capital changing things like for example the funding we put into science at the moment we spend 7.71 billion dollars per turn on science and if we wanted to turn it down sure we could but we'd have to spend five political power to lower the amount of money we're spending on science to just under a billion and i'm afraid ladies and gentlemen political capital is very expensive and rare to come by we can only store up a maximum of 32 political capital meaning heck we can't even form a monarchy just yet why is that well it's because in order to form yourself a monarchy you need to have your executive term limit set to seven years so that you rule in power for a very long time but then more importantly you need to set the executive term limit aka the amount of times you can be the president of prime minister not to two not to three not to four or five but instead none also meaning you can be the president or prime minister forever as long as you keep winning the elections and trust me we are never going to lose the elections not with what i have planned oh god this game is going to be ruined so we start out the game with basically a deficit of 100 billion dollars and when it comes to popularity we're not very well loved people aren't going to vote for us if there's a brand new election so we need to find a way to gain more money to spend on random rubbish so that we can then sync that very same money into doing crazy things that will make people happy now pro tip if you ever want money and you're playing as america one fun thing you can do is simply drop the military spending to nothing because we start out spending 180 billion a turn on military now this is a democracy simulator game not a war simulator meaning it doesn't actually matter whether we have a military or not so we're about to reduce the size of the us military from an overwhelming force in the largest military in the world to non-existent in one turn but how are we going to do it because we can't set it that low in one turn we don't have the 22 political capital necessary to drop it to nothing how are we going to get it down to zero when we only have 16. well ladies and gentlemen we're about to do a little bit of exploiting so of course make sure you sat back relaxed in your chair and you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and heck you might even want to like the video because we're about to kick this into overdrive so what we're going to do is simply slide the slider down to the bottom this is going to put it to here this is the lowest we could possibly lower it with our political capital and instead of pressing apply changes or revert changes we're just going to press the back arrow now remember the actual spending for military is over here at the moment this is what we're currently spending money on and we want to reduce it to here but we don't want to reduce it with it actually costing us so we're gonna press the back arrow and by pressing the back arrow something interesting has happened because the military spending has already dropped itself to that point and we can actually drop it even further despite the fact we haven't pressed any except buttons meaning we haven't spent any political capital so once again we're going to back on out of the menu slide it right the way down again back on out to the menu using the back arrow and then slide it right the way down to the bottom again and then do this one last time where we lower the amount we're spending on the military from overwhelming force to ceremonial only in one turn and how much is that going to cost us apparently six political capital no i want it to be less than that there we go if you do it a couple more times suddenly it's only going to cost us zero political capital to lower the military spending of the u.s from overwhelming force to just a ceremonial army that stands around and waves a flag at special events and in just one swift move we've managed to gain a stupid amount of money but of course not all voters are happy not having a standing military so what are we going to do in order to get the voters on side well all you need to do is find one particular voting group of people from this list and try and make them as happy as possible now of course the group of people will go to pick are religious now of course there are many types of religious people and that's fine we don't particularly care what we do care about is the fact that they make up 53 of the population they're mildly unhappy at the moment but if we made them very happy and made the entire population religious and that means people are much much likely to vote for us but how enough do we make more people religious well it's a very simple thing to do all you have to do is simply crank up the amount of money we're spending on faith schools because this will increase the amount of people becoming religious every single turn so we just want to increase up to low then of course back on out of the menu increase it up again and again and we're just gonna have to keep doing this until we get right our way to the end now at the moment in terms of a policy this isn't exactly the most popular policy in the world but it doesn't cost us very much money and the more people that are religious the happier they're going to be that we actually have this policy in place so this is a policy which basically creates voters to like us while simultaneously having them literally like us even more so that they will always permanently vote for us so we're bad we've just taken faith school subsidies right up to the maximum and it's cost us nothing it's gonna take a few turns to actually implement that but once it's up and running things are gonna be looking very jazzy now there is also one other thing that we can do to really make people happy and that's to edit the press freedom rules in our lovely brand new country because you see the press freedom slider is one of the few sliders in the game where you can make everyone that's right this is a setting which applies to everyone in your country like you more how do you make people in your country like you more well it's certainly not by having maximum press freedom meaning your press can write about everything it's all about having no press freedom so that you decide what's on the newspaper sure it lowers the amount of democracy in the country but honestly that doesn't actually matter because we're not here for democracy sure we're playing a game called democracy for but really we're just about trying to get the queen into power so we're just going to use this lovely little exploit to slide all of the sliders right the way down to the bottom just in one single turn now normally making basically any change in the game takes several turns of saving up political power and then you have to invest a huge amount of political power in literally just making one small change but in just one single go we've managed to eradicate press freedom meaning every single news station in the country is now spouting fantastical news about the boston tea party and equally if we want more religious people in the country what we're going to do is change the entire education system to not just have religious schools but also focus almost entirely on religious studies when students are in schools this is going to be great because it means we're going to have generations of people simply just becoming obsessed with religion and when they're obsessed with religion well then we get to experience the fantastical thing that is the amount of religious people in the country increasing from just 53 to something a little bit more now i've spent the rest of my political capital doing basically nothing else but i think it's time for us to end turn one and at the end of our turn things have gone fantastic our budget deficit is only 83 billion and the polls report three percent of people will apparently vote for us in an election that's um that's a decent start our cabinet is reported to be loyal and their effectiveness is considered to be passable that's okay now after our first turn democracizing things have gone quite well i mean our budget deficit is down we're about to have a major drug addiction problem and not many people want to vote for us in fact popularity is at the lowest it's ever been but that's okay because it doesn't matter we're going to win this election whether the people like it or not because guess what the religious people are on the up we take a look at the membership statistic there's an increase oh and so it begins so let us simply end our turn once more and oh my goodness yes the private space industry has arrived which increases the happiness of everyone and increases gdp lovely oh when our polls have gone up we've gained six percent in the polls that's brilliant our budget deficit is down to 64 billion and the only major issue i guess is that apparently the environmental alliance which is a group of 34 million members those guys are currently becoming a little bit of a threat and standing outside the doors of our various political rivals this might be very scary however fear not ladies and gentlemen because we can quite simply crank up the amount of cctv cameras from just regular old town centers to facial recognition systems located everywhere that's right you can never escape and you want to know how much it's going to cost us nothing that's right in order to pass this bill through the various parliaments of the united states it will cost us nothing to convince all parts of government that actually we should have a facial recognition system oh god what have i done it's fantastic now you know we have 15 political capital but i don't actually really want to spend it on anything so instead we're going to do a couple of campaigns we're going to have the queen evidently the leader of our party be interviewed whilst jogging around this is going to make her look like a strong and powerful leader equally can she be trustworthy yes because she's eating breakfast in a typical builder's cafe oh no that went wrong seriously people didn't believe that the queen would just eat waffles and a sausage in a regular builder's cafe in front of 200 cameras is that not natural human behavior these peasants are so hard to please right now it's time to end our turn again here we go lovely stuff great news everyone the national team wins the world cup that's right the american football team famous for winning nothing has managed to win our credit rating has also been upgraded so everyone's super happy in society the budget deficit is really on the down low and my goodness look at the polls would you see that 17 of people intend to vote for us for the next election that's brilliant oh the environmental alliance has started protests outside of the homes of government officials but i'm sure it's fine because our security effectiveness is on the up speaking of which press freedom has almost reached rock bottom which is perfect for us cctv cameras have almost completely been rolled out everywhere and you know what let's really spice things up by giving the police sub machine guns it's of course going to cost us nothing now how are things going with our religious friends well great news happiness is at an all-time high and equally they now make up 61 of the population perfect now a few turns later and things are already looking great because the amount of support we receive from religious people is very high they're very supportive of our policies and now seventy percent of the country are religious this is absolutely brilliant for us oh no there's a liberal plot to overthrow us the freedom rebellion is trying to attack us now they have one thousand members and the avengers of mother earth have two 000 members now this is great however i'm going to need to put a stop to this so we're going to give the intelligence services uh brand new spine satellites and that should keep us safe i mean technically we are our popularity is at its lowest ever now we're only at one percent uh that's fine i'm sure it's okay oh no there's been an assassination attempt that's right some eco-terrorists have tried to murder the queen it's okay don't worry uh the richest company in our country has also paid no tax that's fine our credit ratings gone up so that's made people happy and people are no longer anti-social in our country for the sole reason that if they so much as swear in public we can send the police to their door and have them evaporated using high-tech spy satellites now in order to keep ourselves safe what we're going to have to do is get police drones up and running and of course crank this to max when we need as many police drones as possible because police drones will be able to protect us from the various terrorist and insurrectionist plots to overthrow us whilst all of this is happening things are going good for religion as membership is now up to 75 percent that's right 75 percent of the country is religious i'm afraid we the people's republic of queenie land interrupt today's mandated fun tea drinking and spiff watching time to remind you that it is your legal obligation to press the like button failure to do so will mean that your house will be vaporized by the secret services and trust me we know if you've been laughing at the jokes or not remember failure of enjoyment is punishable by death now back into the lovely video now ladies and gentlemen things are going great for us because guess what the next election is only three months away that's right it's fantastic because if we were to win the next election then fantastic things would happen winning an election generally means that your popularity will go through the roof and you can gain more political power per turn now if we were to then invest that political power for good uses like say bypassing democracy and creating a lovely and fantastically perfectly balanced monarchy then well i mean there'd be absolutely no one to stop us now would there now things in our country going quite well in terms of religious people membership is up to 86 percent that's right it's fantastic look at that 86.7 of the population are tea drinkers the coffee drinkers are slowly all converting into becoming tea drinkers and of course the religious people are fanatically loyal to our government meaning they will vote for us now of course very importantly it's time for us to do a whole bunch of speeches so it's time for us to do a rally and get some people on side now the people we want on side are of course commuters because they can really love us parents because they hate us state employees as well i guess that makes sense let's give our ultimate speech it's gonna be fantastic here we go speech reception people are loving it they're absolutely loving it ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness who wouldn't want to vote for the queen that's right she's back ladies and gentlemen she's in america and you love that yes she's giving out free tea isn't that brilliant oh my goodness look at that everyone loves the queen what a really good speech everyone loved that that was absolutely brilliant naturally next turn people are gonna be losing their bloody minds over the queen they just absolutely want her everywhere now technically i could edit some policies here do some wild things but i'm actually gonna do absolutely nothing i don't want to make any changes because i want to save my changes basically until after the election so instead i'm going to be spending almost all my political capital on various media stunts that's right i'm going to be filmed feeding a baby lamb look how humanly i am yes i'm a human i will also attend a funeral of a police officer there we go people love that they love that and then for my final media stunt i will be filmed hunting with a rifle and people loved it it's the queen with a gun ladies and gentlemen it's that meme we just showed it to people in immediately 36 now believe we have a strong leader oh perfect right let's go on to the next turn how are we doing in the polls because that's all that matters now 14 okay that's fine the election is drawing near and we currently only have 8 000 members whereas the boston tea party has more members than us that's okay because i have a plan you see we have a budget surplus of 32 billion and what do you do when you really want to win an election you crush the income tax down to basically non-existent perfect stuff what could possibly go wrong oh fantastic now of course we are going up against the movement for true freedom a fanatical opposition party with 18 million members meanwhile the boston tea party has just 5 000 rappers oh goodness i really hope we can win this election i'm sure we can i'm sure we can oh it's election results time the boston tea party versus the movement for true freedom and it's off to a flying start there we go we're up to 30 million oh movement for true freedom is lagging behind we've done it ladies and gentlemen we've done it with 65 of the vote we've managed to win look at that majority that is a historic night for the re-election of the boston tea party technically speaking 57 percent of the country did not vote which i'm sure is fine but you know this is a unique democracy a very special democracy so it doesn't really matter right it's time for us to begin our next term and naturally you start your next term by immediately getting rid of all of the ministers who don't give you enough political power that's right it's reshuffle time and we need to bring in people who are willing to make us huge quantities of political power so that we can make the sweeping changes to society that we need to make so there we go look at all of these brand new fresh faces willing to spew out massive quantities of political power this is fantastic so it's time for us to end our turn once again oh apparently pollution is no longer a problem pollution is over it's fantastic and we've gained a technological advantage oh this is perfect oh things are going great and because everyone in the country likes us our political capital has increased to 38 political capital this is it now ladies and gentlemen this is the great moment for our society and it's the moment of the game breaking the queen has asserted enough political capital in order to edit two sliders the executive term limit and the executive term length also known as the length of time you can serve when you're the leader in our case it's currently about 15 turns and then the amount of times you can serve as the esteemed leader now at the moment the people of america love the queen so much they're willing to let something pass but not necessarily a lot in one go because with 38 political capital we can't make sweeping changes we would only be able to increase this once allowing us to rule again just one more time after this however this game has a slight exploit of course as you know because we're going to be able to increase the executive term limit up to three press the back arrow then click on it again increase it up to four press the back arrow click on it again drag it up to five press the back arrow and then click on it once more drag it right the way up to none back out do it again ladies and gentlemen and what we're about to do is spend zero political capital to make it so that the queen can run to become the president as many times as she likes effectively meaning she can be leader for life and seeing as the queen physically cannot die because she is an immortal thanks to the copious amount of tea she drinks this means the queen will rule over america forever and we've just passed it and how much political capital did that cost us absolutely nothing meaning we can also make another change we can increase the executive term length to five years and then increase it right the way up to six years and then increase it even further to seven years and then repeat this process again what does this mean well this means the queen now runs for life but she still has to do an election which of course she'll always win but the elections will now be every seven years instead of every four meaning we can do a lot more crazy things but how are the people of our country doing well they're doing fantastic religious membership is now up to 99.45 that's right 326 million people in this lovely country are absolutely fanatical tea drinkers membership will keep on going to a hundred percent there will be no coffee drinkers oh we have a bad situation involving tax evasion going on um well it's fine i've crushed income tax that will probably stop happening and because i've lowered tax look at that look at that one turn we just lower income tax massively look at the amount of people willing to vote for us it's gone from non-existent to 69 percent and now we have 38 political capital lying around which we can spend on whatever we like like this the general media centreship that's right no longer will we have pesky media outlets trying to tell the people what's happening in the news no instead we will have a general media censorship what does this do well it is naturally a little bit of a kick in the t for liberalism however it will mean that we will always appear to be a strong trustworthy and compassionate person is it going to just be newspapers no no one reads newspapers all media will be monitored and it will all be pro spiff there we go and now our popularity is just going to go up and up and up and up and up oh goodness and oh my goodness we've done it paul's report our popularity is at 100 ladies and gentlemen we've done it total complete control popularity's at 100 why is that well 100 of the population are tea drinking fanatics the other half also don't receive any news outside of what i deem to send them and what does this result in well it means that there is technically no one in a terrorist group to try and murder me not that it would even make a difference if they were inside of one of these groups because look at our security effectiveness we've armed police everywhere cctv cameras everywhere our intelligence services can spy on you in your living room and we can also hear every single call you make it is perfect oh and fantastic stuff the boston tea party is getting more popular in the last quarter we've apparently added 8.3 million new members look at those fanatical supporters oh it's perfect how's the movement for true freedom doing not so good only 12 000 members oh this is perfect absolutely perfect now is it just two more turns to election honestly i don't need to do anything i really don't need to do anything at all i don't need to do anything we've won we've won this is it it's election time it's the boston tea party versus the movement for true freedom we spent 60 million on our campaign apparently uh they spent 51 million let's see how it's going oh my goodness oh no we got 99 of the vote the queen is back baby oh you can't stop it you can't stop it oh that is terrifying that is absolutely terrifying right time to do a cabinet reshuffle all of you pesky people who aren't pulling your weight well that's basically just you actually i'm afraid you've got to go mr economy man all right there we go we've got everyone in what's this blasphemy a website has become popular which is highly critical of my tea drinking religion band that's it that's just banned instantly we're getting even more members into our political party we're up to 15 million members now who are fanatically supportive this is brilliant we've got 45 political capital who knows what the maximum amount of political capital we can have is but if we were to get an insane quantity we could pass some pretty wild bills like the mandatory microchip implant or id cards everywhere if we take a look at the country we've created we basically have 92 percent of the population are patriots die-hard people who love the queen and then also 100 people are fanatically tea drinking worshipping hooligans who are just also fantastic oh i'd love it i love what i've created anyway next turn we're getting even more popular 37 million members now all right i'll tell you what we're going to implement next i mean we could go for this climate change adaption fund because that would really help stop this water shortage issue that's currently gripping us but instead i think i'm just going to implement the drone strike act surgical strikes surveillance infrastructure strikes or just preemptive strikes yes but we can drone strike anyone sure what could go wrong with decreasing foreign relations by a terrified quantity sure it'll be fine oh no um we've accidentally caused a little bit of a problem with claims of stockpiling weapons of mass destruction have been used as justification to bomb military targets in our country people have bombed our country oh my goodness i think that means we need more military spending if you can believe it oh great and now drone protests are happening brilliant okay look right we can chill the drone strike act we just have minor drone strikes okay small baby drone strikes okay actually doesn't really make much of a difference other than how much it costs i don't think that is necessarily a great way to stop people being upset about the drone strikes now it's the turn before our election we're allowed to make manifesto pledges but honestly we don't actually need to make any because we're going to win this election completely i mean there is physically no way for us to lose get ready to watch this lovely election it's the boston tea party versus the movement for true freedom again we've apparently spent 200 million on campaigning not that it really makes much of a difference because um so far they've got zero votes come on surely someone's gonna vote for them someone oh my god hang on a second zero votes for the opposition party this is technically a democratic election meaning the opposition party has to have someone trying to at least run to be president so that means the person running to be president against us didn't even vote for themselves they are so overwhelmingly in love with the queen they voted for the queen despite being the leader of the opposition not even his family voted for him what is going on oh no it's so lovely to see democracy working in a perfectly balanced way with no exploits whatsoever oh my goodness we have 86 political capitals sorry what with 86 political capital that is insane because that's going to allow us to do whatever we like we can bring back national service or my personal favorite the mandatory microchip implant ladies and gentlemen welcome oh my goodness you are terrifying but fantastic ah yes let us bring it in it will upset the religious call which has definitely helped us out but it matters little because now everyone will have a microchip implant in their brain lovely stuff and with microchips inside of everyone's brain i think now is probably the time we actually call an end to our lovely running democracy for for the day we've created a little bit of an abomination for for the country everything's gone a little bit insane if we're talking about the political compass it's uh it's gone a little bit everywhere because we've accidentally turned all of the voters into die-hard capitalists who fanatically drink tea we've decreased democracy in the country by 90 percent increased the lifespan by 69 completely removed crime reduced co2 emissions really lowered business confidence but everything else has kind of gone up um honestly i'd say things went pretty well pretty well indeed and who knew all it would take to really improve society and effectively grant immortality by increasing lifespan by 69 who knew all it would take would be to completely remove the need for democracy well there you have it ladies and gentlemen i hope you've all enjoyed watching today's video and if you have feel free to give it a like as it does massively help us out make sure that there's no angry political things going on in the comments section of course and heck if you want to see more videos like this then do consider subscribing i'd absolutely love to have you on board i'm going to of course ask you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home what video you'd like to see next do you want to see a a fantastical skyrim exploit b a majestic heroes of might and magic exploit or c do you want to see me just try and break cyberpunk already anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely people and heck if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next well look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,466,228
Rating: 4.9563808 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, democracy 4, democracy, democracy game, democracy 4 gameplay, usa, democracy 4 usa, usa democracy, the queen, Removing Democracy In The USA, what if the queen won, How to break The USA Election, us election, break election, usa election, democracy 3, spiffing brit, strategy game, us election 2020, monarchy, The Queen Wins, queen wins us election, democracy 4 exploit, video game exploit, funny, perfectly balanced game, strategy game 2020, queen wins, vote
Id: AYvxBx4D9Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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