STARDEW VALLEY Is Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - 1 Million Gold On Day 1 Challenge

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/izawkward 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
don't worry starchy Valley knows how to bug fix it's all okay everything's fine don't panic oh no well ladies and gentlemen the economy is broken hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Brittain welcome back to the channel today we're playing starchy Valley a fantastic and absolutely amazing farming simulator game probably inspired by the lovely Harvest Moon series of games and yet this game actually builds upon Harvest Moon and in my opinion makes something oh so much better there is nothing else on the market like starchy Valley and it is glorious to think it was made by only one person as a passion project world now that truly is something but naturally when a game is made by only one person there's a couple of issues because when you have a very limited amount of people working on a game is not exactly much time for testing and exploit fixing and all of that goodness and consequently that allows people like myself to walk into the game and absolutely destroy it now the last time we played stardew valley i demonstrated how to get infinite star drops via naming yourself something absolutely stupid but in today's game we're going to go one step further we're going to take star G Valley a nice calm relaxing simulates away you can gently cry out your farm and relax as you slowly expand maybe an orchard of apples a nice patch of grass breeze but today we're creating the ultimate industrial potato farm that's right the British Empire has arrived in the form of myself and we're not just going to be industrializing this farm we're going to be taking it from regular human levels of potato production and sipping potato production up to a point where it no longer becomes possible to fit all of the potatoes we've produced on the planet earth so sit back relax and grab yourself a cup of tea because we've got one hell of an exploit 'day today's beverages of course is always Yorkshire tea mmm it's the best damn tea out there and also it fuels my exploiting abilities so if you sat back relaxed and ready ladies and gentlemen we're going to start ourselves a brand new game in starchy Valley now naturally when it comes to creating the ultimate potato farmer we need to come up with a glorious name to fully encapsulate some of what I'd like to believe YouTube perceives to be the greatest source of potatoes for that reason we're going to name our farmer the perfect amalgamation of Irish youtubers allow me to introduce RT curve I know naturally our legendary Irish farmer of our tikka vibe will be farming in islands YouTube farm and of course like all Irish youtubers they're exceedingly wholesome and so their favorite thing is happy things than just making their audience happy I however have no such constraints meaning I am ready to exploit this world for glorious success and profits and most importantly infinite potatoes and here we have it ladies and gentlemen we're on our farm and we even have oh my goodness look at that some parsnips which have been given to us oh that's lovely thank you mayor Luce now this is our glorious and lovely farm it's brand-new and consequently it's pretty rubbish now it's day one already in it's 6:30 a.m. and there are some important things we need to gather before we can do this exploit firstly we're going to want to clear a nice area to actually set up our lovely farm that's going to sadly involve removing all of this debris now in order to pull off this exploit we're simply going to need to get access to one potato as well as I think it's around about 50 or so would be on that you really don't need anything else and the six point can be done at any stage in the game but to really just prove a point of how broken this game is we're going to be doing it from as early as humanly possible so we're going to be pulling this exploit off probably on a roundabout day free although if you really want it it can 100% be done on day one I'm just a pinky substitute likes to use potatoes instead of any other resource so here in the main town is the lovely shop of Pierre's and in here we should be able to speak to the fantastic Pierre himself and gain access to any seed of our choice our target today is of course the humble potato now in order to actually get a slot for a potato we're going to have to sell some rubbish and by a single potato they would go job done now potato seeds of rather unique it costs us 50 gold to buy this single potato seed and remember that because that's how much it actually cost us to pull this off and then we're going to simply take our potato seed back to our lovely farm anyway now that we have our potato seed we're ready to actually get planting them without what I mean is you want to put down a single tile and put a potato in it and then once you have that potato in the ground well job done simply go to bed that's the entirety of the end of day one we don't need any more days so that was the end of day one because we didn't actually really need to do anything else other than get potato down in the ground and now that he's down in the ground look at it and me starting to grow that's beautiful let's give him some more water or what's this oh there's a brand new backpack we actually don't want that a backpack can make this exploit ever so slightly more difficult and way inside we go we've watered our potato today and now we just want to simply sleep again congratulations it's now day three and I'm pretty sure it's raining outside which means yep the potato comes pre watered perfect right that's just straight back indoors and straight back to sleep oh wow what a time-consuming exploit we've had to do I don't know maybe like three things in game so far or developers making it harder and harder to break their games these days anyway congratulations the potato has grown yet again so we're going to water it one last time and go back indoors it should be the end of day four of the potato growing meaning tomorrow I'm hoping our potato is going to be ready for harvest and lovely it's a rainy day outside that's what you want to see no the potato is still not ready how long does a bloody potato take it takes six days six days to grow a potato right okay ah potatoes ready tomorrow that that's right back to sleep we go some people would say I've gone mad because I have no way of making money and I've hinged my entire farm success on a single potato I haven't bought anything else we aren't growing anything else we have no other way of making money and now on the Sunday almost an entire week after we've started I think we're finally ready to actually harvest our potato yep the potato is ready oh what a joyous celebration it is there we have it the economy is fixed ladies and gentlemen we have a single potato oh we did it we saved the world now what does a potato do well it's 25 energy eleven health but most importantly we can make millions of potatoes from one potato you might think how because one potato is hardly going to be enough but I've got good news ladies and gentlemen this single potato sells for 80 gold you want to know how much the seeds were 50 gold meaning each potato we sell we make 30 gold now you'd be thinking well there you go spiff that's how you're gonna be making your millions you're gonna be selling a whole bunch of potatoes well it kind of there but you're thinking too small you see what you actually want to do is get yourself a chest right here and place your chest down just about anywhere there we go we'll put our chest there what we're going to do is we're going to pop our potato inside the chest pick up this stone now that we have that potato in that chest what we're going to do is we're going to actually want to fill out our entire inventory just to pull off this exploit easiest way to do that is to craft random items in my case and going to craft a singular wooden fence and put that there and also a cobblestone path and put that there job done and now in order to duplicate our potato and take us from making a profit of 30 gold we're going to find our potato and click it and oh no what's that inventory full oh oh so we can't have the potato oh well how are we going to duplicate it now well ladies and gentlemen what you want to do is select your potato here and then along the right hand side of your screen there's a little button here called organize now what we're going to do is we're going to hit that organize button and you'll notice a potato has just sprung into existence out of the ground and it's right there on the floor now this is interesting because if I put that potato in my adventure and then go walk over to this potato I've just picked up a second potato now this is very strange because we only had one potato but now we have two and we haven't actually grown anything today now I haven't if I pick those two potatoes and hit the in the organize button well it's funny you'd actually test that theory ladies and gentlemen because suddenly two potatoes spawn on the ground it's really strange how this world works now in order to make this process even faster what you want to do is actually just get yourself back down to one potato hover over the organized button here and if you have an auto clicker installed ladies and gentlemen just spam that bloody thing just keep on spamming it it's fine you don't really need to worry about the repercussions of your actions because at the end of the day you are summoning potatoes out of the thin reality of the existence we live in now when you stand over the potatoes your inventory will actually try and pick the potatoes up but that's impossible because there's so many potatoes you can see the ground is starting to melt now what we're going to do is we're good to try and pick up some potatoes so we're gonna place down a stone parfait and you'll notice immediately apparently we picked up 1,000 potatoes but due to the way the game's limiting us we're actually only able to have 512 potatoes so we're going to drop this 512 potatoes right into that bin there you know what we're nice we'll even drop in a piece of coal and then go to pick up apparently 2,000 potatoes and then we're going to drop those potatoes into the bin again and then we can do so again now you'll notice these stacks here are kind of breaking reality can I eat a potato yes eat a potato incredible lovely so drop those potatoes in there as well great and then another your potatoes what I quite like about this exploit this you just kind of gently walk towards a potato and it kind of throws itself into inventory and destroys the very fabric of all existence oh and there's another few hundred potatoes there we go was just slap those in there and there we go number 977 lovely you know we'll just dump those potatoes in as well and we've got all these potatoes here on the ground and you know I'm gonna actually gonna let time pass I don't like selling all of my potatoes in one go I'm actually quite a big fan of leaving what is roughly around about ninety nine thousand potatoes sat outside on the floor because why not now many veteran stardew valley players probably grow extensive quantities of potatoes and that's fantastic the only downside is when you grow potatoes the standard stardew valley way if even if you were to literally tile up your entire farmland and fill it in the most optimum way with just potatoes on every single tile being grown at the best rate walk that's brilliant but you're probably limiting yourself to probably around about 500 to a thousand potatoes per cycle that's actually very small numbers in the grand scheme of potatoes I like to work in the hundreds of thousands which is why I like to use item to plication instead of actually growing any crops now that we've put our potatoes in our little chests what we're gonna do is we're actually just going to sleep for the night ladies and gentlemen and you'll notice a massive ding just happened at the background because we've made some money now the good news is ladies and gentlemen starchie family is aware that those items that we just handed in were duplicated so it's kind of like well money you've made on day seven come on I know what you made you only made 15 gold from selling a single lump of coal and you know what you got me stars you Valley you got me so when I hit okay it's fine we're just gonna have 15 extra gold that's all ladies and gentlemen don't worry star G Valley knows how to bug fix it's all okay everything's fine don't panic oh no well ladies and gentlemen the economy is broken all with the refreshing power of Yorkshire team so there you go we now have 600,000 gold and all who's this hello ah it's Demetrius hi arty keV I I have some good news for you a few days ago I made a breakthrough my research on the local environment I'll spare you the technical details to get to the point oh you once again to the local cave of Demetrius I've got some interesting news my friend I mean she'll give me some mushrooms but Demetrius I don't even know who you and you've just come up to me saying that you're gonna go through my cave I mean I don't judge a man by what he likes to do in the spare time but come on Demetrius you could at least ask me first I mean I don't even know who the guy is but that's entirely because the game who's tied one of Demetrius his events to the fact that he's a friend of the player in our timeline the player has technically never met Demetrius oh and there we go we'll just pick up some more potatoes now due to the way the game kind of glitches out we're not actually picking up potatoes at the moment these potatoes are technically null and void they exist between space and time now once again I'm going to fill up my inventory and go to this lovely chest here where we have yet another potato and I'm just going to spam it down on the ground and you'll see in the background there interesting things are happening in the fact that potatoes are just flooding all onto the floor this is fine now what I'm going to do is once again get this cobblestone path and just place it nicely down here and then pick up what is apparently a thousand potatoes let's get these bad boys sold I want to see just how much money I can make in one day now technically speaking this exploit can be used with any item you have any item you want to duplicate the way to actually do this is very simple all you need is a full inventory in our case as we are the lowest level character that's exceedingly easy but it's not like it's actually difficult to fill out an inventory late game you're probably going to be walking around with thousands of bits of garbage by the time you reach week two anyway so this is actually very easy thing to do the next thing you need to do is literally get any storage device in our case the wooden chest is the easiest one to build and you can build it right at the start of the game early fifty wood which is about free trees so once you get your chest all you do is basically have your inventory full and then click the item you want to duplicate in your chest in our case we can probably make it this stone here and then just hit organize whilst we're holding it and now we have technically infinite stone there we go five hundred twelve stone what can I do of all that stone I don't really know can I am like craft it into something like a million cobblestone paths perfect this was exactly what I wanted yay so now I can just kind of cobblestone pave everything in my farm I guess well this is brilliant there we go let us cobble everything up oh yes this is this is great art art ekabo you truly are a visionary and there we go with all of that stone I just saved you I don't know maybe several days worth of mining because who needs to mine when you can just summon objects I have the blood would work it's fantastic there you have it and it's absolutely incredible it's technically day eight and I've just picked up 1224 potatoes I'm pretty sure that's more potatoes than a single player will make in their entire first year is 3310 potatoes that's exceedingly easy I make that quantity of potatoes all the time when I play this game yes of course 8000 potatoes that's that's of all the most players will make in two years good god I don't even think there's space for an entire harvest of 4,000 potatoes right anyway a job done we've managed to clear up all of our potatoes and stones so I'm just going to quite simply go to bed and see how much money we make let's go to sleep now so far we haven't actually even been awake for I think past 11:00 a.m. in the morning and that's fine anyway good news ladies and gentlemen day 8 was a massive financial success we sought a single wooden fence post for one gold so things are looking good with the economy I'm sure that's the only thing we managed to sell that day yes now it's day 9 and hopefully yes it would appear we now have 700,000 gold I love this economy I love everything about this economy apparently also now just got 500 gold from our mom because know we've got some money that our grandfather left us I've got to be honest 500 gold at this point mom it's almost insulting ok that's that's enough to buy 10 potato seeds but I mean we don't need send potato seeds we need one potato seed okay that's all we need and we can then seed the entire planet wow you saw an article about me in the local paper it sounds like country life is a good fit for you yeah I know I'm brilliant oh and then another letter ok apparently she baked me a cake my goodness how things going you must really be making your fortune from the farm yeah I certainly am thanks for that pink cake that's wonderful and apparently my farm is going to be featured in the next week's Sarju Valley for tuned lovely anyway now that we have a cake what I'm going to try and do is duplicate pink cake I don't know how much it's valued at okay pink cake is apparently valued at 400 gold meaning it's a little bit more valuable than a single potato and so I'm going to pick up a piece of wooden piece of stone to fill up my inventory and now it's time for us to organize cake into existence yes let there be cake perfect look at this this is what looks like a healthy balanced diet mmm 512 cake and just quickly deposit this and I'm sure this will lead to no problems whatsoever which was another 512 bits of cake and even more cake there we go and even more cake okay that's fine how about a little bit of extra cake that's that's looking good good god what have I done right that's enough that's enough cake go to bed I've sold like four grands worth of cake which I've summoned out of thin air sleep oh there we go we did it we're millionaires it's as easy as that ladies and gentlemen I just got the achievement in game fantastic oh and there you have it two point four million god dammit cake is valuable whoa this bad boy is so pricey oh we should be selling this stuff more often this is lovely Oh who's this hello arty Cabaye what is this you see this dog here ah-ha have I been given a cute popper I have Oh lovely will I adopt this dog yes I kind of need someone to eat potatoes for me so you're gonna be you're gonna be potato II to my friend it is your job to eat the entire surplus supply of potatoes that we are producing because if you do not dog the entire world could theoretically come to an end right now there is one last thing I want to do before I technically destroy this universe and that is to once and for all destroy the reality of fabric by summoning in so many potatoes the game crashes and so for that I'm gonna have to hold down my auto clicker for a very very very very long time sit back and grab yourselves a cup of tea ladies and gentlemen this one's gonna be a long one now each of these potatoes which is flung out here is roughly between tickets anywhere between two and five hundred potatoes is the number for every time I've roughly clicked this person it's a very complicated task of actually quantifying the amount of potatoes being produced at this point in time at the end of the day it is basically a race between my auto clicker and the game engine as to which one will give up first now one thing that it's very important to remember when it comes to duplicating items you should never hold the original item in the same inventory as the actual duplicated item if you're going to be picking up these potatoes don't have the first potato in your hand if you do these potatoes might just simply vanish into the thin air that's certainly something we wouldn't want to see happen now perfect there's a lot of potatoes the game is still actually running at 60fps very comfortably chime very impressed by well done developers oh no I made a mistake whilst I was trying to move Goods around eggs then he dropped the original potato on the ground here oh dear that's put us in a very interesting spot and out of a 512 potatoes and there we go back to free good stuff the potatoes do sort themselves out in the end you just kind of have to make sure you get the old gee potato there now that we have that sorted we can actually pick up the rest of these potatoes lovely you know what this game it's exceedingly stable you paint yourselves on the back if you made it I mean this actually is only relevant to maybe a handful of individuals but my goodness well done the game doesn't crash and that is truly something very magnificent no that's left is to prove just how easy this is to do and the best way I see to do that is to become a millionaire on day one you know just to prove a point so I've decided to randomly make myself here it should be perfect and throw myself into a farm of my own now what I want to do is to prove a point of just how easy this exploit is to do by making a million in our entire first day I don't think there is a natural way any normal player can make a million in their first day on stardew valley but luckily we're not confined by such restraints as actual normal plays now it's currently 7:30 in terms of game time and that means we have a whole bunch of time to actually still exploit the game in my case we need to rush to get 50 wood as fast as possible and build ourselves a chest as soon as we have that chest up and running well then we have infinite resources and now that we have our wood what we're able to do is simply craft our fantastic wooden chests and simply plonk the chests down right here on the floor lovely stuff now in order to get duplicating what we're going to want to do is make sure we find an item of sufficient value on day one and in our case the best way for us to make a stupid amount of money is to find this lovely little dandelion over here dandelions are likely to spawn in this region especially on day one making them very easy to collect now once you have your lovely dandelion this is where the game's economy is once again going to get broken it simply plonk our dandelion inside our porn out selected and hit the organized button and there we go dandelions coming on out of the wood looks perfect we just plug that down there and then I can probably get rid of this random torch and fill up that slot with dandelions lovely 512 dandelions pop that inside of here each dandelion sells for 40 gold each which is you know a fantastical amount of money so we're going to need quite a few of them now in order to make a million we would need to sell 25,000 dandelions now 25,000 and it lines is a impossible quantity of dandelions for any normal starchy Valley player to spawn but luckily we're not particularly normal at all and every time we've pressed the organized button we've managed to spawn 512 dandelions this puts us in a very comfortable position as you can probably guess I basically just need to pick up these dandelions and drop them inside of here about 50 times and that should be our complete million made on day one hopefully this is the case come on sniffle loves money he needs it it's necessary stardew valley you've got to let me have money okay I've just run back and forth between this bin and all the dandelions probably about what feels like a million times at this point my recommendation is if you wanted to get a million on your first day bring a friend who can also pick up dandelions because my goodness oh the amount of time I waste putting into these videos why did I think I wanted to bail it on the first day why could I just be a noble player and wait no nope you had to get you a little day what did you spit of course you did now the pokes of naturally having access to 512 dandelions is that you technically have an unlimited food source meaning yours have an unlimited source of energy and health so if you wanted to go raiding down in the mines or whatever just bring an entire stack of dandelions with you and you've probably won the game now there are of course several reasons as to why I had to play this game number one is bugs actually really to enjoy starchy Valley and the second reason is since the last time we played the developers added tea to the game ladies and gentlemen that's right they added tea and for that I have to say thank you this game it went from a eight out of ten in my books to a straight twelve out of 10 probably the best game of all time well done you have dwarfed every other creation no man's sky is not as good as this game fallout 76 not as good as this game and with the addition of tea that's made even more so drastically obvious I mean not that Fallout 76 or no man's sky even stood a chance before the tea update I'm just saying that the addition of tea definitely did improve this game in my eyes no I absolutely loved heat the only issue is that it does come with a one slight downside in this game which is that technically if you were to produce tea it takes twenty days to grow tea bush now I absolutely love that but I just don't have the time to take 20 days into growing a tea bush I'd much rather spend seven days growing a single potato and duplicating it a million times or just actually doing a farming game without any farming whatsoever just compressing a single dandelion against a chest so many times that it spawns a million dandelions you know you know a ladies and gentlemen I think that's that's perfect that's all of the dandelions that I've wanted to sell to sweeten the deal a bit I'm also going to throw in a lump of coal and some mix seeds there you go you're gonna really love that hopefully when I go to sleep now I'm gonna wake up with a million or in the very case close to a million I might not be right but I'm pretty sure I ran back and forth at least fifty times come on did I do it did I do it did I do it I heard a ding we made 15 gold ok lovely right milly milly milly million million come on game give me the million give it to me IKEA starchy Valley million on day one we did it oh I love this game best game of all time sniffs game of the year 2020 it wasn't even released this year it doesn't matter grab a friend grab four friends heck maybe even grab eight friends I don't know how many can you compress into this game I'm pretty sure I saw a mod online which converts this into a 100 player battle royale I just have no idea there are questions I have to ask but my goodness what an incredible game what an incredible experience ladies and gentlemen this has been stardew valley if you have indeed enjoyed my fantabulous breaking of this game that by all means please show some support and give this video a like or so hop down to the comment section and tell me what form of tea you would like to see added to stardew valley next because what's this games a 12 out of 10 by the addition of green tea I'm just I'm just throwing out there developers if you want to throw in Yorkshire tea then I'm just saying this game goes from a 12 out of 10 to a 15 out of 10 and becomes spiffs greatest game of all time ever released that's a more prestigious rank than rope total warrant openttd in my eyes okay as no other game in existence like it so I'm just throwing out there developers I was straightened by a thousand copies of this game and give it away at the Yorkshire Tea I'll do it don't make me do it oh I do enjoy farming anyway thank you very much for enjoy this video if you want to see more videos where I brake games then feel free to consider subscribing to the channel and of course I did make fun of the lovely arty game called me Kevin and jacksepticeye these are free fantastic Irish youtubers although I'm sure you already know of them they are absolutely brilliant if you need some wholesome fun content in your life you're gonna love them party is especially a really lovely person and great fun to work with so I strongly recommend all of their stuff you grab yourself a cup of tea give them a watch if you like alternatively I've got probably another video which you're gonna absolutely love in my backlog of videos because there's so much absolutely creative exploits out there including how to get unlimited energy and start you Valley I know I actually made that video my goodness and it still works they haven't patched it which is fantastic anyway is always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons whose names you can see on screen here is people life being absolutely bankrolling the channel over the past few months especially because there was a little bit of a drop off on CPM thanks to the glorious mess that 20/20 has been so far so thank you very much for keeping this channel comfortably afloat each and every one of you are truly majestic sausages and to have you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next well guess what ladies and gentlemen look no further than these two on screen now you can absolutely love them they're gonna be absolutely perfect for you so sit back relax and enjoy because you've only just gotten started review spiff adventure today and we all see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,094,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, stardew, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley, steam sale, 1 million day 1, stardew 1 million, stadew 1 million first day, stardew valley exploit, video game exploit, stardew valley money exploit, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, stardew valley glitch, funny, montage, stardewvalley, british, english, stardew valley challenge, challenge, funny challenge, 1 million challenge, 1 Million Gold On Day 1 Challenge, the spiffing brit, steam summer sale, gold exploit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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