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and you'll notice we've just made what is this oh ninety thousand pounds a hundred thousand pounds we now have a hundred thousand pounds ladies and gentlemen just from moving a template around on a map that's really something hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing roller coaster tycoon 2 the original that's right this is the game we're not playing the updated modern open source version which runs in hd no this is the actual game now before you click off of this monstrosity for having graphics that are about as appealing as a potato wearing makeup can be you should know that this game is actually majestic and even though graphically it might not be the sharpest tool in the shed it is still one of the best games ever made and also it's perfectly balanced and has no exploits whatsoever i mean come on this game was released in 2002 it's 18 years old technically this game can go to a pub and buy it pint if it really wanted to so surely this game has no issues there's no way an exploit could exist in this game 18 years after release right oh god i've got some interesting things to share ladies and gentlemen now what if i told you ladies and gentlemen we could create a theme park but it's a theme park with a twist it's a park of fun and joy but it does come with one slight drawback and that drawback is that you can never leave that's right today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be showing off how to get infinite money infinite park rating but most importantly we're going to make it so that our guests can never leave the park once they've arrived it's simple it's fun and it's stupid but most importantly there's no escape so get ready to hand over your existence privilege cards books are about to keep you trapped in a land of fun and enjoyment and trust me it's a land of mandatory fun and enjoyment now of course before i share them there are a couple of things i want to mention number one this game is absolutely great fun but of course pretty clunky to run on modern systems i'm running my copy off of steam but also when you load up the game you'll notice that there are actually no settings to alter anything about the game in the main menu you actually have to be on a level in order to say edit the sound levels of this and this is normally not a problem but allow me to play the main menu music of roller coaster tycoon and what i can currently hear blasting my ears continuously oh yeah yeah that's it that's it jesus christ the screams it's like a terrifying horror ride and none of the audio makes sense don't god it's horrible yeah and that's why i play the roller coaster tycoon games about audio now of course before we jump into roller coaster tycoon there's a couple of things i want to mention first this game was released on october 2002 but number two this game was created by the legendary chris sawyer this man went on to make transport tycoon my favorite game of all time as well as locomotion sid meier's railroad tycoon he's done so much and it's all been fantastic and of course according to legend he made over 30 million dollars and currently flies around on a jet made of solid 24 karat gold just for kicks using only the power of his own ridiculous wealth to counteract the effects of gravity that is actual cannon of the lovely and beautiful chris sawyer and also before you say that this website is completely bogus this is actually ign okay this is a legitimate ign article oh god the internet used to be different back then so welcome into roller coaster tycoon today ladies and gentlemen i'm going to be creating a lovely park a park which defies logic and just everything and is a completely utterly balanced park which i will of course make using perfectly legitimate means with no questionable game design balance issues so let's begin we're going to start a brand new game in a park which i've actually pre-prepared this is the legendary park of spifftopia it's just a barren and empty plot with one objective reach a farm value of 300 000 pounds within three years now that is quite a challenge especially considering that the park is literally just a barren donut of green grass in the middle of nowhere this lovely park of spifftopia has nothing it's not even open ladies and gentlemen the entire thing is closed so we have ten thousand pounds let's set about actually making some money famously the best way to make money is to build out a couple of pathways which is exactly what i'm going to do and then we're going to actually have to start putting a few things on these pathways like say the legendary spiral slide yeah people loved spiral slide the best bloody love the spyro slide i'm spending money putting it here so yes this here is going to be our first ever ride ladies and gentlemen it's not much it's very small and it's basically garbage if we can actually take a look at its statistics but it provides almost no excitement no intensity and basically no nausea meaning it's not the best but people will still spend one pound 50 riding the bloody spiral slide so i'm sure we'll make our money back but oh no we're down to 9 000 pounds oh god come on we need to make more money and fast now of course man cannot survive off of just spiral slide alone and so for that reason we must provide them with park amenities like the cotton candy stall here which you might notice the cotton candy stall is a terrifying face reminiscent of the expression human beings make right before the moment where i harvest their organs please remember ladies and gentlemen 2002 was a completely different time for games design and consequently 90 of the things you're going to see here are absolutely terrifying now in true 2002 style as well we start out the game without actually having toilets researched meaning guests can only come into the park for a brief period of time and get food and drink but we actually don't have anywhere for them to go to the toilet now one thing i can do is i can actually open the park and i might as well because you know what's the worst that could happen it's the 17th of march we've got our first drink stalled down our legendary cotton candy stall and most importantly the spiral slide is there you will notice though we will start immediately losing money about 58 pounds per week just from existing thanks to annoying things like maintenance of course in order to make money you need rides which you can then charge people for actually entering in our case we can say charge carmella here for getting into the spiral slide why don't you get in get on this virus light you're not getting on it while it's raining god damn it why wouldn't you use the spiral slide when it's raining it's perfectly fine if anything it makes extra slidey these people are so judgmental fine you leave me no choice i'll have to pull out the big guns the most powerful ride in all of roller coaster tycoon 2 the italian police ride i have no idea what this is why does it exist but yes this is the italian police ride finally the perfect ride let's actually find a way of getting people onto the italian police ride perfect and now let us open the italian police ride up for the public to enjoy what the heck is the italian police ride it's just i don't understand how it's italian i can see why it's policy okay because you've got three police officers there but what does this have to do with italians anyway people still aren't going on the spiral ride even though it's not raining so why is that i want to go on something more thrilling than spiral ride one what's more thrilling than bloody spiral ride you want something more thrilling than police ride one oh my god these people want frilling entertainment sources well that's something we're just going to have to try and provide in order to really get people excited i've got a brand new frill ride this is the twist machine and hopefully it is more frilling than all of the other rides and we'll get people on no it's still not that thrilling oh god we're gonna lose all of our money we're down to 7 696 pounds fine this game is going to force me to pull out all of the stops to exploit this game so far no one has used sparrow slide no one has been on the twist and no one has been on the italian police ride i do not even understand why people are here we have 65 guests in the park and the approval rating is at 780 and just look at them walking back and forth they're here but they don't want to go on any of the rides oh brilliant so we actually need a ride which people want to go on logically that means we need a roller coaster something like say this boomerang coaster the only issue is it's costs will generally range from at least 6750 pounds meaning we would almost go bankrupt building this bad boy so we need a solution we need to make money without having money and for that ladies and gentlemen you're going to need one simple thing now in order to actually destroy this game's balance we're going to need one simple thing ladies and gentlemen you'll have seen this incredible object at work in the fantastic film that is trek 1 and shrek 2 and that fantastical thing is swamp you see swamp in roller coaster tycoon has absolutely no balancing whatsoever for some reason it is a infinite source of money and it makes absolutely no sense and so for that reason alone we're going to be exploiting it but of course in order to exploit the swamp we must first own the swamp and so we must spend 400 pounds a month researching swamps i know it's incredible i'll be back to you as soon as we've actually researched it oh and bam i've jumped into the midpoint of the video when you were least expecting me i know to tell you that the psychotropics which i've added to your tea should be taking effect any time now meaning that your compulsion to like the video will be increased by 700 000 equally you'll be filled with a internal obligation to comment down below just how much you love this biftopia park and why when you last visited you in no way felt threatened at any moment when you were there remember you legally must specify at no point you felt threatened riding any of the death trap sorry i mean roller coasters i've created thank you very much now back to the video oh and fantastic our research has just finally finished and we finally unlocked the thing which we were looking for creepy theming ladies and gentlemen i know you see in your part you can theme it however you like each additional bit of theming you add can increase the excitement of a ride for example this tree adds a little bit more excitement to this lovely little raving rocket ride which i've built but there's one piece of scenery which is more powerful than anything else and that is the incredible swamp goo you see the swampku behaves like no other bit of scenery especially when placed in a unique way see we're going to leave the game running but we're going to place down 15 bits of swamp go on top of each other so far we've placed four bits of swamp goo so then we place five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen and that's fifteen bits of swamp goo all stacked on top of each other then go do the same to the tile next to it there we go that's 15 bits of swamp goo and then the same again oh no we've actually run out of cash okay we're going to have to take a loan here there we go we've taken out a loan of 4 grand trust me it's going to be worth it so yep you just hold down the shift key and place down 15 layers of swamp goo like so there we go and there we have a line of four bits of swamp goo perfect now once you have that you can simply build a roller coaster it can be any kind of roller coaster but in our case i'm going to use the nice simple wooden coaster design once again you want to get yourself over to your first bit of swamp goo hold down the shift and levitate your way up to the top of the swamp goo and place down your first track piece then immediately continue building the track and then once you get to this end simply curve it round like so and just make it the shortest ride you feasibly can there we go and just loop straight on back in perfect now all we need is an entrance to be added as well as an exit to be added over here and this right here ladies and gentlemen is actually a perfectly finished ride this is a legitimate ride which people could enjoy and in fact we're going to do a little test right now to see just how much people would enjoy riding this lovely wooden roller coaster come on we've got 118 people in the park surely they'd love to give this bad boy a try just look how amazing it is wow yeah it's uh it looks terrible it really does it's just a platform suspended on 15 layers of swampku but apparently that's also going to sell ah yes there we go these are the statistics for the ride excitement very low intensity even lower than that nausea even lower than that average speed 4 miles an hour it's terrible ladies and gentlemen i've got to be honest this is the worst roller coaster in existence but it's also the most profitable because you see all we need to do is drop down a save for this roller coaster so what we're going to do is hold down the save button and save this track design with scenery and make sure it selects all nearby scenery and then hit save and what you'll notice is this means in all future iterations of this ride it will be placed out with the inclusion of the swamp goo so let's hit save now let's give it a fun name i think calling it one cheaty ride is a perfect description perfect there we have it now that we have our ride built all we need to do is quite simply delete it there we go demolish it and get our money back oh and it actually keeps the swamp go around well that's fine we can tidy that up there we go we've deleted the swamp coupe and you'll notice we're just under 5000 pounds ladies and gentlemen well i've got some good news for you because once i'm done with this exploit you can have a whole lot more than that what you're going to want to do is go to your ride selection and get wooden roller coaster selected now make sure to select the ride which we've just created the number one cheaty ride and this is where the exploit begins we'll start moving this ride around and you'll notice that a strange quantity of grey goop is being left on the map and this great group makes no sense because it's not necessarily part of the ride it just kind of appears and it's stuck there it's stuck there forever this is the swamp goo which for some reason spreads from beyond its actual existence into the template of the ride and that it escapes from the template of the ride and leaves a physical lasting impact on the actual world this exploit is completely dumb i have no idea how it actually made it into the game but it's here and it works so yes you'll notice we're painting this lovely gooey ground everywhere and it's made a bit of a mess now if we were to select a different ride which has a similar amount of actual world pieces added to it like say this right here you'll notice the world pieces like say the tiling and the pathways don't actually stick behind this is because this is an actual real roller coaster whereas the number one cheating roller coaster is just a cursed swamp but the advantages of having a cursed swamp as a roller coaster is that cursed swamps are actually exceedingly valuable you see just one tile of this cursed bit of swamp sells for 28 pounds this is pretty unique because that means we could select this big chunk here and sell it for two thousand pounds and now if we just remove all of the swamp tiles which we've just summoned into reality by moving a template around and you'll notice we've just made what is this oh ninety thousand pounds a hundred thousand pounds we now have a hundred thousand pounds ladies and gentlemen just from moving a template around on a map that's really something although you will notice our park value is still only thirty one thousand pounds because there's no real world value to anything in this park at the moment it is just a case of pathways and one ride so now we actually need to find a way of exploiting the park value in order to gain not only more guests in our park but also more importantly so that we can immediately win this game so how we going to build a very high valley roller coaster well for that you're going to want a brand new heartline twister coaster and we're going to make a custom design ladies and gentlemen oh it's going to be brilliant so let's simply build a nice long station that's looking perfect now what you're going to want to do with this lovely heartline roller coaster is simply mash down a whole bunch of rotating spinny stuffs you're going to want hardline rolls left so you're going to want hardline rolls right and as soon as you get to the end of your level simply do an upper transfer and go back on yourself and do even more continuous rolling there we go just keep this lovely roller coaster rolling don't let it stop it's gonna be a very long roller coaster but trust me it's going to be worth it now the reason we did the first exploit to get infinite money was simply so that we could have enough money to build this monstrosity because whilst it's not the biggest roller coaster in existence it's certainly quite expensive anyway there we go perfect we've hit the end of the line so we're just going to do a lower transfer now and loop our way back like so perfect and perfect there we go we've managed to build the ultimate ride so let's add in a little entrance and an exit oh and it's beautiful look at it oh it's truly majestic the hardline twister coaster one no no that won't do let's rename this bad boy so this is my brand new roller coaster the most exciting thing since tea bags legitimately trust me they were a really exciting invention so let's get this roller coaster built all it needs is a little line to get people queueing and a little pathway for people to exit and now that we have that sorted we need to actually just do a simple test of this roller coaster now this test run is going to take a very long time for good reason you might wonder why that is well it's because this ride is going to take for literal ever you'll notice that this entire ride is a very slowly looping cart which just is continuously flipping itself over and over again and then it goes all the way back on itself and then it has to go all the way back to the station this is going to take effectively forever to do and whilst it's busy doing its little run i'm going to start decorating the scenery of course the greatest piece of decoration of all time ladies and gentlemen it's bloody mr bones look at him he's the greatest little happy skeleton you've ever seen and he's yours for only 55 pounds look at him it's bone world ladies and gentlemen ah yes welcome to the bone zone now how else might this game be ahead of its time you might wonder well allow me to demonstrate i see this game was one of the first games to actually allow players to break the geneva convention by letting players mess around with their actual park guests and also water now most people will play a game like say roller coaster tycoon 2 because they want to make people happy they want to give their guests a lovely experience in their park and they want to see people actually enjoy their glorious creations like say daniel p here what's daniel p's thoughts you think the scenery is great but you want to go on something more thrilling well daniel i'll show you something more thrilling than the wild rockets it's called the shark tank it's our latest addition to the park and you'll notice that it yes has just killed you daniel p that's because roller coaster tycoon literally allows you to pick up guests and drop them into a vat of water oh no daryl here is drowning daryl is now dead the great thing about it is it's not limited to your park guests you can also murder your staff god it's just like disneyland remember they signed a non-disclosure agreement so they can't even talk about how i dropped them into the shark tank there we go perfect i've added some fresh souls to the shark tank here goodbye my friends this will teach you for going into the park and not actually going on any of the rides yeah sure it's free entry but free entry if you're willing to spend your soul how's my roller coaster doing the ride seriously not back yet no they're still going yeah cart number one is traveling at one miles an hour uh it's going to be a little while before we see the results of our test run oh god but as soon as we get the results then we can open up the ride now the thing is rollercoaster tycoon is genuinely one of the greatest tycoon games of all time and roller coaster games as well sure nowadays we have the incredible games like say planet coaster and um no i'm not going to say rollercoaster tycoon world no that game was actually very much garbage but planet coaster is a incredible game which does follow on from many of the successes of this game but equal if you want to go back and revisit some of the nostalgia you can actually get yourself a copy of rollercoaster tycoon for free in the form of open rct 2 or open rollercoaster tycoon it's an open source version of this game and it even comes equipped with hd graphics 4k support and even working multiplayer it's genuinely incredible it gets regular updates and it's well worth your time and heck if you're in the community and you're still out there playing rollercoaster tycoon give me a shout in the comment section i'd love to know how many of you are still out there because this game has many happy memories for me i mean of course actually going back and playing it now i'm amazed that these very basic graphics to me at the time were so beautiful and creative and so captivating but certainly back then we didn't exactly expect much from video games in terms of graphics this game was incredible of course in modern game standards this isn't even the level of graphical quality you'd expect in a mobile game i think that just kind of shows how incredible the entire market has moved on anyway the most exciting thing since tea bags is about to actually have its first car arrive back at the station and as soon as that happens we'll get the results from our test and i'm sure you'll find the results very interesting see normally rides like say the raving rockets here it actually has a pretty decent excitement rating of 5.14 this is rated as being high yes that's right this is a high level of excitement alright however is going to have a much higher excitement rating than just 5.14 you can trust me on that and the test results are back ladies and gentlemen as you can see the most exciting thing since tea is rated as having an excitement of 655. this is insane this is because effectively this ride is technically broken it doesn't work in a way which rides actually should but the reason why this ride is so broken is not actually because people are likely to get on it no no no people are probably never going to ride this thing because it simply looks too intense but this ride is absolutely broken because it's excitement rating is off the chart sure it takes a straight 13 minutes to actually do which is equivalent to probably about three months in game to actually ride this thing but because of its incredible quantity of excitement that means that our park value has gone from being just about 30 000 to instead being about 485 000 that's right our park is almost worth half a million simply because this ride exists not because we have a whole bunch of money in our account but just because this one ride has such a stupidly high excitement rating so let's save this track design and now that we have it actually saved we can place it down as many times as we like and the best thing is every time we build another one of these we add another 400 000 to our park value and that is how ladies and gentlemen you can basically beat almost every single mission in the game with this one ride this ride basically works because if it's super high excitement rating will increase your park value to stupid levels meaning if you ever have a mission which is requires you to reach a set amount of park value well this is the ride for you it's completely utterly busted and i love it equally this ride can sometimes glitch out and cause a stupidly large influx of guests to just appear in your park and it basically has about a one in ten chance of happening but if you place down enough of these bad boys you might suddenly go from a park of 150 guests to a park of 3 000 guests they'll just appear out of thin air just because the opportunity of this level of excitement is too much for anyone to pass up anyway whilst we're busy increasing our park value i should probably get some more money into my account and of course the way you do that is by getting yourself one of these lovely cheatsy rides which just splurges a whole bunch of invisible goo across the map and then we delete that same goo for fantastical profits there we go look at all the money just flow on into my accounts oh it's perfect and would you look at that there we go we're now up to 126 000 one of my favorite signs of this game's age is that when you hop into the options of the game you can actually change around the currencies from pounds to dollars to deutsche mark and lira well yes you haven't really seen those currencies in a very long time now of course rollercoaster tycoon games are a real favorite of mine there's a whole bunch of reasons as to why i think there's just something quite charming and endearing about convincing people to go on a ride which just moments before they actually boarded it flew off of its own rails and murdered a queue of 14 civilians rollercoaster games are the only games where you can have a roller coaster produce enough lateral g-force to separate skin from the human body and so for that reason these games truly are something special and welcome back ladies and gentlemen now that we've showed off how to get effectively infinite money as well as infinite park value i'll now be showing off how to get theoretically infinite guests or at least make it so that your park never has anyone leave it's exceedingly easy to do and causes some very silly outcomes but of course you'll already notice a difference this game is looking slightly better than it was before that's because we're running the brand new open roller coaster tycoon 2 meaning we're actually running at 1080p if you can believe it oh my goodness look at these glorious high quality graphics this can even run at 4k and most importantly it's even got multiplayer support that's right you could play with up to 69 friends on a roller coaster tycoon server it's brilliant it's absolutely amazing this community is still going it's not quite as large and as active as the open ttd community but i mean that's because it's open ttd the greatest game in existence whereas this is just one of the greatest games in existence so anyway let's jump into a park and i'll be showing off how exactly to destroy your guests sense of free will and how to effectively keep them trapped into a rather stylish cardboard box for the remainder of their existence so let's start a new park we're actually going to grab one of these existing parks here these are real parks you see we're going to grab the six flags magic mountain here ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness look at this wonderful park immediately we start out with 10 000 pounds in the back that's wonderful and a park value of eight hundred thousand oh it's lovely there's 2782 guests here oh isn't that just wonderful now you will notice a joyous thing about these six flags magic mountain is that we have a lovely entrance right here and inside our park it's just alive and bustling with activity we've got little people walking around with balloons over here like good old kev m who you know we're actually going to just drop inside this water feature to die sorry kevin rest in peace kevin has drowned does that affect the park rating nope not at all really just like a real park you can get away with murdering a couple of guests i'm talking about you blackpool pleasure beach goddamn that thing's a death trap but no welcome to our lovely park now in our lovely park we're able to do some pretty evil things you see here are the park entrance gates the entrance to six flags mountain our actual park which will be renamed to of course a much greater name welcome to our new park of purgatory now purgatory just like the real thing costs about 45 pounds to add no no let's change that we're going to make purgatory a little bit cheaper we're going to lower the price to 20 pounds now you might be instantly panicking thinking well if you lower the park price to 20 pounds and guests don't have to pay to get on these rides how are you going to be making your money well we're going to be making our money via selling foods and drinks in our lovely foods and drinks dispensaries we've got a whole bunch of them scattered around and they're absolutely lovely now you see guests they have their needs and their needs are very simple they have a happiness meet or an energy meter and once they've been in the park for a long time they'll need to get something to drink and something to eat and then once they satisfy those needs they'll walk around the park or they might even decide to go home like these people here who's this rolf m is leaving the park he's had enough he's had a lovely day here but that's it he's gone and seen all the rides he wanted to see i mean that's fine he spent 54 pounds in the park but we wanted him to really spend more you see technically these park guests have an unlimited supply of money provided you give them enough atms but if we really want them to get spending more than we need to keep them here for longer because currently most guests come into the park they do all of the rides they get a drink and a snack and then they leave but what if they could never leave then they're going to be stuck in the park as effectively a captive audience they'll never be able to leave and they'll be continuously supplying us with their infinite wealth well how enough would we do that well it's quite simple just simply hop into the scenery section and go over to the signs and footpaths section and now we have access to oh my goodness look at this signs ladies and gentlemen oh we've got two lovely signs aren't they just fantastic now these two signs we can do whatever we like with them but we're going to close this sign here and make it a no entry sign and then we're going to select this sign here and also make it a no entry sign there we go fantastic now there is technically no exit to the park because in this game's enlightened design if a player puts down a no entry sign like this one here the lovely plebs walking around the park will never question that sign they will never leave because they believe that the almighty park dictator has decided that what is beyond that side must never be entered but of course these signs are one way meaning people can still enter the park like good old chip who just walked in but people can never leave here comes avon k is wandering right up to our park gates he's having a lovely time technically if we wanted to be cheeky we can deliberately inflate the admission price and because he's already spawned into the world he will pay it anyway there we go aven kay is going to walk into the park give us his 20 pounds and now he can never leave there is simply no way for him to escape his life has come to an end oh my there's about six guests all wandering into the park right now now this is brilliant because effectively the only way the guest numbers can go is up and the guests themselves will also be exceedingly satisfied you might be wondering why well it's because we'll be able to keep on top of all of the guests needs i guess we'll need to go to the toilet but that's fine we have restrooms here which we can charge for now if you want to go to the toilet it's going to cost you one pound and i'd like to see you find anywhere else to go to the toilet because the only place is beyond the gates of purgatory itself and i'm afraid those gates aren't opening for anyone so now we're going to be generating hundreds of pounds per hour from the toilets and thousands of pounds per hour from the very expensive burger bars because now the park of purgatory has become your only source of food in existence there is nowhere to sleep unless you count the lazy river ride but even then the lazy river ride will cost you at least two kidneys by the time you eventually run out of money let's move to turbo speed which is a fine edition ah look at the money increase isn't that just glorious oh look at all the money look at it just go up and all the guests as well we're only gaining guests because guests can never leave and what's that we just received an award first of may your park has received an award for the park with the best custom designed rides there we go we've received a reward and we've received an award i kind of feel sorry for whoever's had to walk around the park to actually approve of our award because i mean surely they must have sent say i don't know a vip person whose job it is to come in here and assess the rides and they're never going to actually be able to leave so maybe the reviewer has decided to give us a positive rating just so that we actually allow them to leave you know what i'm feeling generous i found a guest over here it's arty game of course now he's spent about 60 pounds in our park which is lovely he's been on so many rides basically all of our rides multiple times as well he spent nine hours in the park which is incredible but what we're going to do is we're going to actually allow him to leave we're going to pick him up and we're going to drop him outside of the walls of the park oh no we actually can't even do that oh no arty game can never leave howdy gabe's trapped in the park i thought we could at least pick people up and put them the other side of the sign but no i'd have to move the sign forward oh no poor out your game you're trapped in purgatory forever now does that mean i get to own his channel is that how this works probably oh my god there are people who've been in the park for over 13 hours now imagine being in a park for over half a day oh they're gonna be in here for the rest of their lives aren't they 13 hours and 13 minutes they're never going to leave i mean effectively the people who've been in the park have been in the park since i actually started on this game which was probably the 4th of march we're now in june and no one has left the park since march so people have basically been in this park for about four months now and they haven't been able to leave they've just been enjoying mandatory fun time ah yes it's exactly how i want my all of my parts to run you know i feel like i need set up a kickstarter and make my own theme park i think it's a perfect idea i would call it spifftopia or maybe spiff ventures yeah spiff ventures the kickstarter now of course in my spiff ventures kickstarter i would run off with all of the money but i'd run off with all the money build a very small park invite all of the people who donated to the kickstarter and then trapped them in that park with a big no entry sign that technically they could walk under or go through but they would never do so because that would be against the park rules and you don't want to go against the park rules and so all of the people who would complain and not believe that they got their monies were for the kickstarter would be permanently silenced for they would be trapped in the spiff ventures purgatory ah now that's my irl infinite money exploit and it is a good one oh god i'm evil anyway ladies and gents but i think that's all for me today what a fantastic day this has been but hey if you want to see more rollercoaster tycoon exploits then be sure to give me a shout of course there's the legendary rollercoaster tycoon free and more modern releases like planet coaster which i'm sure are absolutely rife of exploits just waiting to be discovered now personally for me the best thing about the roller coaster tycoon 2 community and the roller coaster tycoon community in general is that it's still going as a channel which i've been binging a lot as of late which is called marcel voss which is a guy who is effectively trying to find the most optimum way of playing rollercoaster tycoon 2. this includes creating rides which lasts literally seconds and generates stupid amounts of profit we're talking about a ride design which people willingly pay 20 pounds to get on will last two seconds and then they immediately get off of it imagine that you're literally throwing 20 pounds to just get flung around in your seat once and then you hop on off but according to this game's statistical way of calculating things it was the most exciting thing you've ever experienced yes there's a whole bunch of crazy things out there being created by crazy people so be sure to keep your eyes open for them if you're new here then do consider subscribing and if you want to try and break this game for yourself then you can grab yourself a copy on steam or go for the open source version the choice is yours as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these videos all the more possible thank you very much for your continued support and if you enjoyed what you've seen here today then feel free to like the video if you're wondering what you'd like to watch next well guess what i've actually lined up a couple of creative choices which i've created myself which i know you're going to absolutely love or in the very least you have no choice and you must absolutely love these creations because the psychotropics that i've slipped into your tea should be taking effect just about now so enjoy
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 709,057
Rating: 4.9522719 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, roller coaster Tycoon, rct, RCT2, openRCT, roller coaster, Tycoon, roller coaster Tycoon exploit, Spiffing Brit, video game exploit, Tycoon exploit, planet coaster, no exit, no exit challenge, roller coaster Tycoon challenge, RCT2 challenge, roller coaster challenge, funny, exploit
Id: U3Zq4Zbsrj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.