Plague Inc Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Unlock All Genes Instantly

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as you can see our infectivity is very high and we haven't really even spent much and we've infected most of the known world oh my goodness it's as easy as that hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spittin Brit and today we're playing plague ink I know it's a fantastic lovely game we have to create your own customized disease and somehow managed to infect and destroy the entire human world it's a nice fun relaxing casual game but with a lot of funny text and things going on behind the scenes to make it nice and exciting of course I'm gonna be showing you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home today a fantastic cheesy exploit which the developers have no way of stopping which allows you to speed your progress through the game by unlocking all of the genes very very quickly now of course before we dive into the game today I would like to say that this video is of course going to put a very tumultuous time in the real world there's a lot of crazy and scary stuff going on and I strongly advise all of you to stay home as recommended and hey if you are hats off to you give yourself a pat on the back and go grab yourself a nice warm celebratory cup of tea and also consider looking up as to how you can help your friends families and neighbors in this very trying time after all it's a very spiffing and gentlemanly thing to do to assist those in need so be kind to each other we can get through this very easily now with all of that happy fun stuff out of the way it's time to get into the desolation of the human race now all you'll need to do today is exploit is quite simply a copy of plague Inc that's writes a fantastic lovely little game so I think it's time we dive into the game and create today's lovely and deadly disease question we need to create a new game doesn't matter how far you are into the game because you can still unlock just about everything and this lovely little exploit works with just about any disease in the known universe but for today's simplicity we're going to be playing as a bacteria now what are genes in this game well they're actually really fun little additional modifiers you can add to your disease to make it slightly more overpowered in our case we've managed to pick up the bonus ATP boost meaning we get additional starting DNA we've got Hydra file and we've got the ionized helix this is going to make our bacteria extra special today now of course as you can see we've only unlocked 7% of genes and by the end of this video we're going to have a hundred percent unlocked so how do you normally unlock genes quite simply all you need to actually do is to just win the doesn't matter what difficult you do it on if you use cheats or whatever and for today's simplicity we're going to actually win the game on casual casual is great because it's meant for new players wanting a quick game basically no one washes their hands research doctors don't work sick people given hugs and probably no one drinks tea in this universe so we're going to unleash our lovely bacteria packs twelve on to the world so welcome to play King ladies and gentlemen it's lovely it's a pretty fun and surprisingly accurate little simulates are allowing you to see the spread of diseases across the world now of course as you will remember I've made sure my bacteria is slightly better in humid environments now I've decided to start my disease in Brazil because it's in a pretty prime location to infect most of the world it is fantastically rural it's humid and it is hot for bacterias they come with a couple of bonus abilities meaning they are relatively more heat resistant than most which is always very nice and for our first opening move we're mostly just going to be investing in forms of transmission and launch dock is a great place to start as this is a rural country now as our disease begins to spread we're going to get more evolution points allowing us to invest in fantastical new bonuses like say being able to transmit via rats or birdie boys or even water imagine that a disease which is transferable by water imagine if we had to stop drinking tea in order to stop a disease now that would be terrifying at the end of the day it's a sacrifice you have to take my books of course we are also in Brazil it's going to pick up the water transmission early on as that means we're more likely to escape via a boat and also because it's a humid environment more transmission there we go we've infected our first few hundreds with the disease we're up to five hundred cases which is very good make that now seven hundred and I'm going to invest in basic levels of drug resistance to start off with this means that because we are in technically not a poor country we are going to need to actually invest in drug resistance so that we spread and infect more we've successfully managed to infect thousands and we've also crossed our first border into Argentina and Bolivia I personally love to pick up genetic hardening very early on as it makes your disease more resistant to cure progress and I strongly do recommend that levels have managed to pick up West Africa which is lovely and there we go our first few cases in America good start oh and Europe's coming along too great the UK is now infected apparently in this universe the UK includes all of Ireland but it's controversial opinion for the comment section to decide oh god please don't or us are going to evolve in rodent transmission that's right your humble little hamsters are now going to be able to transmit this disease now as we are starting to spread more and more it's probably time that we start picking up a couple of really good symptoms I strongly recommend coughing because it's really good as well as pneumonia this makes our disease more effective to spread in cold climates and trust me spreading to certain cold climates is very bloody important isn't it mr. Greenland and even though Brazil started working on a cure there's no need to panic but it's still going to take them 144 years to cure us and there we go we're starting to spread to more and more countries in Europe which is a great start the most important countries for us to infect from now on would be Ivan Norway Sweden or Denmark so that we have a chance of infecting Iceland in Greenland it's looking like we're going to pick up Madagascar any day now as South Africa has started to forge is fantastic news for us most land bordered countries don't actually matter for the sole reason you could just speck into birds and there you go you've hopped the border we're going to pick up the next level of genetic hardening as well as bacterial resilience which is lovely and we've naturally gained the rash infection which is lovely that's another way we can transmit and I strongly recommend picking up sneezing that's always powerful as well as sweating there we go we can have sneezy sweaty boys for this one and there we go we've managed to get to Madagascar oh that's the one thing we needed right come on all we've got to get is Greenland and Iceland now and then we're safe so far no one in the world has closed any ports and it's still going to take them 29 years to actually research the cure for this bad boy which is lovely oh and there we go we've picked up New Zealand as well the Philippines will fall any day now - and that's Iceland god yes there we go we're getting all of these countries now we are now more infectious than the common cold lovely well 2 billion almost 3 billion people infected with this now we haven't even landed in China yet I guess is mostly because all of South America's go on all of Africa is about to collapse oh yes is a great start so what countries haven't we infected if we take a look at the list we haven't infected Greenland Sweden Finland the Baltic States in Kazakhstan and there we go there goes Kazakhstan and there goes Greenland as well so it's now just Sweden Finland and the Baltic states and they will all fall very quickly Japan shuts down its airports well it's already too late your entire countries infected rest in peace Japan and we 110 disease points to spend so we've this glorious situation we find ourselves in we're going to pick up one extra leveling rodents just because we are now starting to infect more urban countries and it's time for us to start murdering people simply because we have so many points we're gonna grab insomnia paranoia as well as immune suppression and we will pick up total organ failure when the time is right don't worry ladies and gentlemen it's going to be coming very soon so there we go we're going to start seeing our first few people dying off around the world now as lethality has just started there we go first death in Argentina we've managed to infect Sweden and Finland and I'm pretty sure that means no healthy countries left in the world and with that we can now switch from infecting to killing everyone ago with over 60 million now dead in the world the focus is fully being thrown at the Cure and they will actually research occur in 251 days sadly that time is never going to come as we've just picked up coma and total organ failure and we're also going to whack on a genetic reshuffle after this so we're gonna whack on a genetic researcher meaning they lose some of their cure Progress lovely killed over 120 million people now now this is some great progress Spain has broken down meaning Spain can no longer actually focus on doing any cure research is lovely I'm not sure there's many healthy people left in the world actually could actually do with killing these people a little bit quicker so I'm also going to pick up some necrosis as that's lovely stuff and there we go it's time for the world to start murdering people well there are now no healthy people left in the world and with that we are just going to immediately rinse the entire world's population into non-existence ago this was one of the easiest games I've ever played of plaguing but then again we are playing on casual difficulty but once again casual difficulty doesn't actually make a difference here as you can see most of the world is now given up on cure progress and the population will soon just completely come to an end there are only 900 million people left alive 800 million 500 million 400 million oh it just keeps on taking down lovely stuff as we approach the final 100 million infected it's time for us to actually execute our exploit today ladies and gentlemen you see when you finish a normal game of plague ink the game goes congratulations well done here take a gene because you've actually completed the game so all you have to do ladies and gentlemen is to finish the game and you'll get your lovely gene point which you can spend on improving your diseases and next time you play the game which is lovely but of course it actually takes time to sit down and do an entire game whilst it's only taken me 15 minutes or so here today depending on the disease you're doing this with it can take longer and 15 minutes is still tedious work so what's a much better way of gaining genes without actually having to play the game or quite simply wait until there's no one left in the world the moment as you can see there's only 16,000 people left alive in this glorious world which I've created and what we're going to do with 16,000 people left is drop down and save and actually if we can and with very cheeky we're going to drop down as safe when there is actually no one left alive in the world ever go down to 900 people 300 people 240 people 167 people 85 people get ready on that space bar ladies and gentlemen 30 warn zero BAM so what you want to do you're on zero people you pause the game if there's another day in this game you win the game immediately so what you do is you save on the final day of the game ego saving in process do not switch off your machine and then we let us so stick forwards a single day and bam we've won victory eliminate all life on earth with that victory we can see how we did in the game as you can see we did quite well actually only took us 518 days but what we're going to do is exit out of the game now because we've won the game we managed to gain a brand new gene new gene discovered the following gene has been unlocked trends Elian plus in single player very nice now that new gene is lovely but what's better than one new gene well it's another new gene how do you get a brand new second gene from that game well you just simply go to load game and load up the your previous game there we go as you can see we're about to take over and we've just won the game and we can exit out again oh we just unlocked sinto status and we can repeat this process over and over again oh it's lovely BAM another victory exit out of the game and we've unlocked Darwinist ok and we could just go again and again and again remember we only had 7 percent of genes unlocked when we started this exploit only 20 minutes ago and yet we are racking up genes faster than anyone else can physically comprehend this is lovely stuff fate of stasis lovely and have a great gene to add to the pile with unlocked aracite crates turf more genes for the single-player pile all off of one very easy casual game as well of course you might be sat there wondering what what are the benefits of having all of these jeans surely I could just play a regular disease and everything would be fine well Aggies and gentlemen is genes in this game are rather overpowered well certain combinations of them are allow me to demonstrate by playing a fungus we're going to select the metabolic jump gene because of course we have access to a hundred percent of genes now yes why not we're going to access of course the metabolic jump gene so that we get more DNA from poppin red biohazard bubbles you get these reacting new countries we're going to pick up Darwinists so we're more likely to mutate also going to pick up native biome it doesn't actually really matter this one but you know whatever floats your boat they're going to pick up of course aqua site which is very useful and Urbo file and finally the most important bonus of all a faux stasis ability costs don't increase but easier to cure this is fine trust me 100% fine we're going to be playing this on Normal difficulty and I'm about to demonstrate how a fungus is just completely and utterly overpowered allow me to introduce the Flying T fungus a disease which infects people by being ingested as tea trust me it's gonna be fantastic it's what I've been using to mind control most of the world's population up until this point oh wait maybe I let too much live anyway it doesn't matter we're going to start our brand new disease right here in China now of course when you start brand new disease you get your one DNA point for starting it in a second DNA point for infecting the country we're now going to completely beans up the system by using our gene bonus which means abilities points don't increase with each purchase this means anything in here doesn't increase when you buy the next one so if you buy a cold resistance one cold resistance to will it cost the same art of seven DNA points this is very nice as it stops exponentially increasing costs what does this mean in actual practice well you see the DNA flying tea fungus because it's a fungus has this very strange ability spore burst it ever so slightly increased sinf activity it only costs one DNA point and it releases a burst of played spores into the air and it infects a random new country in the world in our case we can hit this button here and we've just infected a new country now if we didn't have our gene point this bad boy here spore burst - would cost - DNA points and the next one would cost four and n six and then eight and so on it gets more and more expensive in our case we just spent one day a point to infect a brand-new country we randomly got Norway by infecting Noi we gained two DNA points so now we're up to four DNA points and we've infected a second country in the world but the cost of infecting countries has an increased this means we can just keep on spamming out infecting new countries around the world like so there we go we've just infected four new countries randomly around the world New Zealand Guinea Libya and Poland and of course we get points for infecting new countries which means we can spend those points on infecting a new country there we go we have infected one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so you've infected twelve new countries with only having a hundred thirty-eight people infected in the actual world yes we've gained access to a lot of countries and we haven't even hit the end of our adventures ladies and gentlemen because we can do even more spore bursts get the final spore up ssin and also spore hardening as you can see our infectivity is very high and we haven't really even spent much and we've infected most of the known world oh my goodness it's as easy as that right and now the infection is going to absolutely spiral out of control ladies and gentlemen we've inspected thousands with our lovely T plague and it's only going to get worse oh and there we go because of course we have our fungus bonuses loads of countries around the world will randomly suddenly get infected even if they don't necessarily border another country which is infected it's not actually transmitted via land border just randomly getting heated about the world off of the back of floating fungal tea spores as you can see it's been very successful because all of Argentina's gone and so is China and now the world's actually starting to notice what's going on although it's already too late they've just actually had a flying tea fungus Awareness Day yes I don't think a fair bit of awareness is going to matter much you've been placed on a watch list but what does it matter who's ready infected 1/5 of the world and we're only a few months into the game ladies and gentlemen we are now more infectious than the common cold and yes my aim is now to actually increase the infectivity rate although it doesn't really matter but you've already infected in most of the world I don't fit in as many countries left which don't actually have a case there we go we've got Greenland and Iceland so I think it's just Madagascar left now yep Madagascar is the only country without an infection but don't worry even if we don't get a ship over there it's fine because the fungus spores are like just to carry themselves across naturally we weren't actually using that gene it would have cost us a ridiculous amount to get spore hardening it only cost us two points to pick up spore hardening but if we hadn't used our gene modifier I think it would have cost us about 40 DNA points to actually pick up that bad boy which is of course not worth the investment anyway our disease has got so many DNA points which need to be spent so probably time for us to start sparing some stuff out and there we go we have madagascar everywhere in the world is now infected lovely stuff now we just have to kill the world before they cure it which is of course going to be very easy because with 90 DNA points to spend meaning we can just drop down a couple of bonus infectivity z' like skin lesions and of course total organ failure total organ failure being the greatest killer imaginable and there we go we're going to be able to pick up Madagascar and that's going to be it for Humanity I don't really see how they're going to be able to combat us beyond this point there is almost no healthy people left in the world I think Iceland is the only place with healthy peoples of Iceland nice try rest in peace Iceland rest in peace half of the world is already dead and of course what can we do to make it worse well we can add coma on to the list of disorders which this tea fungus causes as well as paralysis lovely and there are no longer any healthy people left in the world and we can just completely genetically reshuffle ourselves so that the scientists have forever and forever away from being able to cure us not that they're going to be able to for much longer because apparently is going to take them two years to finish this cure mostly thanks to the fact that I have murdered most of the world's population there we have it ladies and gentlemen success glorious glorious success the entire world has been defeated oh this calls for celebration refreshing cup of Yorkshire tea today brought to you by the end of humanity as we know it make sure to take a nice long sip on that lovely beverage and fondly remember the human race as it comes to an end there we go the flying tea fungus has successfully eliminated all life on Earth we've got a total score of 15,000 and we actually wiped out all of humanity in only 443 days be very interested to see what new guys can come up with as well they're actually used to be another exploit with this game involving the genes you see it used to be the case that you could use that same gene modifier and you used to be able to devolve Andry evolve the bonuses of the fungal spore that meant was they only cost one DNA point to invest in getting the fungal spore up and running but then you could gain two DNA points from de-evolving the fungal spore special ability and so you could do that repeatedly until you had infinite DNA points before the game had even started because you could do it on paused it was of course exceedingly brokenness and was patched by the devs I think back in 2018 or 2014 although then again I'm pretty sure there's a combination out there somewhere which is still completely broken either way good luck on finding it and stay safe out there ladies and gentlemen seriously pop down to the comment section and tell me what you guys are up to during your lovely self isolation and hey if you need a handle want someone to chat to upon our lovely community discord its discord OGG slash spiffing with a capital S it's a lovely place I'm on there and I'm relatively active I normally play csgo most nights a week with my patrons but other than that you can often find me in the general chair of the discord so hey even though you're in sulfide solution there's no need to isolate yourself from the lovely community as we're here to all play games together as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my lovely patrons who helped make my income slightly more stable in this rather turmoil time and of course if you're new here and have indeed enjoyed the video feel free to give the video a like of course do consider subscribing and joining our lovely community as we'd absolutely love to have your board if you sat there wondering what video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now and chosen by myself to be damn perfect for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,021,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, spiffing brit, plague inc, plague, plague inc fungus, Plague Inc Is A Perfectly Balanced Game, perfectly balanced game, Unlock All Genes, unlock all, unlock all plague inc, unlock everything, All Genes Instantly, plague inc exploit, plague inc glitch, video game exploit, game glitch, plague inc walkthrough, guide, video game guide, funny, montage, exploit, the spiffing brit, plague inc evolved
Id: 4pQM2X4zXLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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