Minecraft Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No EXPLOITS - Excluding Unlimited Diamonds Glitch

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right okay so apparently some people wanted me to play Minecraft and I mean I haven't touched this game in years there's a good reason no one's touched this game in years that's because it's too damn good it's fantastic and yet you all choose to disturb me on this fine British day of fantastic weather and you tasked me with making more minecraft videos or to that I say very well I will make one Mycroft video one minecraft video only but it will be by god the greatest minecraft video of the world has ever seen so let us begin hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britain today you join me in the fantastic world of Minecraft that's right here we are ladies and gentlemen this game is the classic game this is the best-selling game of all time as of May of 2019 this game has managed to sell over 176 million copies across all of its platforms this is an absolutely ridiculous feat which I'm not even certain if any games in the future will be able to talk off this game has a nostalgia it is oozing with nostalgia and yet it's changed oh so much now personally up until recently I haven't touched minecraft in a good few years it's Here I am and I play it again and suddenly it all comes flooding back the happy memories the fun experiences with friends it's all still there and honestly I wonder why did I ever say goodbye to it but alas that's not what we're here to discuss today ladies and gentlemen although it will be one fabulous nostalgia trip instead today I the spiffing Britta's always the most stereotypical all British people will be diving into this fantastic game to prove once and for all why minecraft is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits whatsoever well excluding for the infinite item duplication oh no probably shouldn't have thought the developers about that one now should we so ladies and gentlemen as a reward for achieving a ridiculous amount of likes on a few of the previous videos here we are today in Minecraft this is a thank you to all of you at home even if you don't like Minecraft I strongly recommend watching this even if you love minecraft but you have no idea who I am and hey sit back relax grab a cup of tea and enjoy the video because hey we're about to begin right ladies and gentlemen let's dive right into a bit of single-player Mike we need to read a brand new world that's right a new world where today we're going to be testing and exploiting some very fantastical things so what's on new world going to be called you know what as we are here on behalf of our fantastic Overlord company smithco we're going to be setting up the spit Co duplicator 9000 I know it's going to be amazing what we're going to create basically with going into this world and our sole aim is to make as much money as possible and by money I mean high-value items we want them and we want a lot of them I know there are a lot of fantastic youtubers out there who've done fantastic setups like things that duplicate Keo farms giving you an infinite source of fuel and the like but now that's too weak today ladies and gentle we need something more powerful more strong and something so tasty like the refreshing and fantastical taste of Yorkshire tea brought to you by our fantastic friends over in Yorkshire buy yours today plug plug not sponsored but nonetheless here we are we want to duplicate items we want to duplicate a lot of them but most importantly we want to make it so easy the do at home could go into a game load it up and within a few hours Oh BAM you've instantly become the richest chappy on the server and of course we're doing this in the latest and greatest version of Minecraft without running any mods whatsoever heck you could probably even do this on your phone if you wanted so without further ado let's dive right in to spiff go duplicator 9000 oh this is very nice we've managed it's born immediately in some kind of village your village yes as part of a brand new update minecraft is basically made it so the villages in-game are actually useful I know to think it only took them several years in a handover to Microsoft to actually give the villagers some purpose in life but look at them they're fantastic you can do trade deals with them and you know what as fun as it would be to exploit the villagers and what the heck is this minecraft minecraft this some if it was sorry for the poor villager who built his house there I mean I also kind of wonder how he built his house there know what it feels good to be back it really does Mycroft is a fantastic game I'm sure for many people watching perhaps this was your first interaction with actually large multiplayer gaming if it wasn't I'd actually be interested to hear what your first game was because certainly a large amount of my audience do sit around the age bracket of people who playing minecraft originally I'm sure many of you remember the nostalgic days of the yogscast and their first night of surviving in minecraft well today ladies and gentlemen we would be in quite a bit of a tricky situation where we don't know what we're doing because come on it's me I'm hardly gonna play a game if I don't know at least everything that's happening in the game and if I'm not at least 7000 steps ahead of the game developers so here we are now immediately what you want to do is you can go about to setting up a fantastic lovely little world for yourself but really then that's not really what you want my goodness this village is actually completely utterly broken what have they done to you geography oh I feel so sorry just a massive line of segregation going through this bad boy but let's build a bridge Eggar we here at spiffy oh we're all about building bridges let it be known that we actually came into this native village and we provided a bridge and we toukiden dirt books we have ulterior motives of eventually destroying this village no no no no no no no no sorry I mean I did nothing that spiff come on you should be revealing you're in the dark side to the views this early on he's the man with a nice bit of happiness here sever happiness Biff and then once they're paying taxes then you strike yes anyway time to get into the game so what are we going to be exploiting today well as I probably mentioned previously we're going to be doing an item to plication glitch but there are a few ways to do item duplication glitches there's a few ways to duplicate blocks and then there's ways to duplicate items duplicating blocks is quite useful because that will allow you to basically I don't know save minor diamond block and then you'll get multiple diamonds from it's a way you can do that is to place down a chest in a chunk and then flood it with books which absolutely Ram packed with various different Unicode symbols and that will increase the memory capacity of the chunk to a ridiculous degree causing it to basically seize up and meaning that any block broken in it instantly reloads for some unknown reason and then all you'd have to do then is to to hop out of the game and then hop back in and would BAM the block still there however that's not really my germ that takes a lot of effort for my setup however if you want to do it very efficiently you can probably automate the entire process by fighting a zombies water however ladies and gentlemen come on I'm British I'm a bit lazy I like having most things handed to me if possible and so for that we're going to switch into creative mode for this as I need to build a bit of a fantastical contraption which is perfectly designed to duplicate just about everything near this village so that they can see my awesome power yes village yes cower in fear of my ability to summon anything I figured will say though is that even though minecraft is literally game where everything is just made up of blocks it is beautiful and some of the things that people have made in this game are beautiful this is quite possibly one of the greatest gaming communities in the world it is fantastic and if you've been a part of it pat on the back too and if you've had a fun experience with members in the community that please do give me a shout so remember one of my favorite experiences was just quite simply hopping onto a server and you're sitting down having a chat with people about their day it's just these really strange interactions that you will have with random people that you just you don't tend to find in other games I mean I love csgo but it's just a very different community anyway ladies and gentlemen let's get building our item duplicator so all you want to do is find a nice little building block in my case I'm going to be using polish dye right because it looks lovely and fancy but if you wanted it could construct everything out of dirt you know if you're one of those kind of people so you're going to be needing a few items basically in your inventory prior to building this and I'll be talking you through each and every one of them now right so what you need is you're going to need some redstone fantastic then you're also going to need a stone button I know any button will do then you're going to need both types of pistons so a sticky one and a normal piston lovely dual of a good bit of sticky piston and you're going to want a redstone torch the dispenser and observer a hopper then you're also going to want a redstone block you're going to want some powered rail to a redstone repeater a redstone comparator a note block would also be quite good as well and then some kind of trap door but I first are safe like a good iron trapdoor and then ladies and gentlemen we are done those are all the items you need to basically duplicate every single item in the game and now we perfectly set up lovely mmm yes jazzy you've got I wonder if we could duplicate tea that would be fantastic when are you guys going to be adding tea to the game I mean look come on you've added salmon to the game you've added mushroom stew but there is no tea I mean you've got milk buckets but milky tea is okay but it's just not good property anyway going on my British ramblings car spiff calm let us get constructing so how do you want to start it off well you want to start it off basically with your trapdoors so build a few blocks into the sky and then you want to place your first trapdoor down then on top of that first trapdoor place another block and then a trapdoor and then you can just demolish everything beneath it and so we're going to start constructing from about here then you want to build some blocks to the side up to about here and attach a button this button is simply designed to open up this trapdoor and close it again and then on the other side do the same now in front of it because it's quite fun to look in you probably going to want some glass so make sure to grab some glass block so that you can see for your fantastic contraption and because I like a good bit of channel grinding I'm going to go for some blue stained glass lovely lovely blue glass oh is it not a majestic it makes me feel of the Empire and then behind this lovely button here what you're going to want to place down is some of that fantastical powered rail stuff mmm is it not lovely there you go so you want to set up a live little rail what we're basically going to be constructing behind here is a fantastic system to effectively find a way of slowing down time and getting timing perfect so what we're setting up here is effectively a rudimentary timer system where hopefully provided everything works correctly we're going to be in a fantastic situation we're able to duplicate items so what I've got set up here is a bit of a strange system as you can see we've got some hoppers what you don't want to do is place a redstone block right here now for those of you not very well versed in redstone and it's fantastical engineering and while I'm not expecting everyone out there to be the kind of person who's constructed their own minecraft computer don't worry this is actually some pretty simple stuff and if you just follow these very basic instructions even you too can become the redstone engineer you dream of so they would go success we've built all of this now what's next well what you want to do is either side of these lovely Pistons here you want to place down one single redstone dust right about here and warm redstone comparator right here facing that direction lovely and then on the other side repeat the process so redstone comparator and redstone dust lovely and then right here you go to want to pop down a redstone torch lovely beneath this you're also going to want to place down a redstone repeater facing this direction here lovely and now that we have that piece down there what you want to then do is now start placing down your final wall basically providing a back wall to this system we have nope this stops what we go to be placing in this system from escaping because the whole process of items you plication requires some willing volunteers if you know what I mean yeah it's very willing so make sure you have a nice strong back wall to stop you're willing test subjects from escaping the glass tube there we go lovely and then what you want to do on this block here as you can see just beneath for the first trapdoor you're going to want to place a dispenser down that's right dispenser not too difficult to craft very easy to come by so there you go one dispenser slap-bang is right down and what do you want to put in this dispenser well ladies and gentlemen this is a very difficult to obtain item be careful you might struggle with this one it is a bucket of water yes just a single bucket of water hmm that's all it takes so you go what you do is you pop in your single bucket of water it doesn't really matter where it goes it's fantastic there you go lovely bucket of water complete and then what you want to also slam on down is a fantastic lovely little observer equally not too difficult to make and you want to place it right about here then we go up just on top of the redstone repeater and then above this fantastic lovely little dispenser just to keep everything in check you want to put in a note block there we go fantastic lovely I do believe we've got an entire system set up almost now at the moment ladies and gentlemen I will be demonstrating what our plan is now you see in this game you have monsters you have skeletons you have zombies you have creepers and there even some new scary ones but zombies themselves and skeletons have a very special modifier they have quite a high chance of being able to pick up an item so for example this zombie here let's see if he wants to pick up our wooden sword now it depends on the difficulty you're playing on because if you're playing on normal difficulty mobs have a five percent chance or maybe seven percent chance of picking up items if you're playing on the hardest difficulty then zombies suddenly go up to having a 20 percent chance of spawning and being able to pick up some items now a 20 percent chance is not bad as to pull off this exploit you're going to need zombies that can pick up our so it's suddenly nighttime so let us spawn in a zombie thief he's kind enough to pick up our fantastic items and we're going to spawn a zombie and up here place them into the tube and hey zombie would you like to pick up my wooden sword no sadly this zombie is not the kind of zombie who will pick up an item but don't worry one in five zombies will at this hardest difficulty so eventually you just born them in and eventually one will pick up the salt but the issue is when you have a zombie that's picked up your wooden sword you've basically just given them a wooden sword when you kill them you get the wooden sword back but I mean as silk just one wouldn't sort that's not exactly what we want is its beef now so no it's not what you need to do is basically find a way of transforming the zombies into something different and for that we're going to need a trusty little campfire so at the moment in Minecraft they added a new monster recently called the Drowned and there is a system in game where if you manage to effectively drown and kill a zombie you are able if you get the timing right you effectively turn a zombie from being a zombie into being a drowned now the drowned I do believe have a hundred percent chance of picking up items as well and also there's an extra special cheesy exploit because for some reason when a zombie dies whatever is in its hand is immediately passed over to the Drowned however there's a special way around it so we've placed on this campfire what we want beneath the campfire what what you want is a simple little hopeless situation lovely stuff and then we're going to place a chest just a standard wooden chest literally anything will do lovely jubbly perfect so now basically if something falls into this campfire it is immediately picked up by the hopper and placed into this chest but how are we going to get this time incorrect because I mean spiff look the system is good but the timing system if you were to set it off now wouldn't work what do you need to get it to work well you quite simply need 48 of any item in the game let's say 48 dirt blocks that'll do so you want to do go into inventory or BAM and get 48 dirt blocks ready oh no not 4844 sorry yes you want 44 dirt blocks and what you'll do is you'll put them in here but prior to putting it in there make sure you get a second redstone block or something that causes redstone just to set off this piston otherwise everything will break and then what you want to do is plop here your dirt fantastic don't worry you only have to do this once there we go we've got our 44 dirt in there and basically the dirt is what we're using to measure time in the game time in this game isn't alike time in the real world it's based off of ticks and that basically gives us a way of measuring and controlling it what is going on there in the background oh it's just a classic villager getting chased by a bunch of zombies one of whom has a sword go for you with this all topic well done for picking that up a few moments later oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen I did a test and lo and behold it didn't work so I panicked I called an emergency council with the Queen and lo and behold it turns out I was just missing one block here you need one block here I was missing it and so the entire thing didn't work but here we go it is now completely and utterly working its self-sufficient and all I needed was this one block anyway here we are in the fantastic game so what was I thought about when I said zombies can pick up items well it's very important because zombies will effectively fall here oh you know we'll actually demonstrate the transformation process this will be much easier to explain so let's say you build I don't know some kind of fantastic ramp and you convince a zombie in survival mode to chase you so the zombie comes up this lovely little graft we're building there we go they'll follow you all the way up here they'll get to the top and were BAM if you stand here you can probably push them into this little hole or heck you can even probably set up a little funnel system and just drop them in or even using water flow is probably the fastest way or if you build this suspiciously directly underneath a zombie spawner you can probably have the exact same effect anyway so let's say a zombie spawns in his arms on B let's call him Steven oh no Steven he's on fire oh goodness well I'm sorry Steven Warren but um you're on fire we did a zombie who is very much not on fire sorry Steve although he's not these deep by the way he is Steven although he likes to go by Steffen online anyway oh he didn't completely die to the flames well allow me to finish the job sorry anyway what you want is a one full health zombie so allow me to introduce Steffen - there we go a nice full help Steve so what you want to do is press this button here and Stephan drops down into a little chamber filled with water now the water is going to slowly start asphyxiating him admittedly yes we are also sending up the smoke through the water and all of the oxygen stefan ii has in there it was going to be turned into carbon dioxide and basically he can no longer breathe anyway what happens is after 44 ticks this trapdoor is going to release and Stephanie's going to drop down but he does so as a zombie who's effectively drowned there we go the timing takes place Stephan drops down and the zombie seven two will die however don't worry it's not the end for Stefan oh there's so much more he returns as a creature called the drowned I know so much better and of course the drowned also will die because they're standing on top of a campfire so there we have it zombie Stefan 2 has been replaced by drowned Stefan yes lovely and if they were ever carrying anything they would stumble into this lovely chest here where we now have some rotten flesh very nice so how are we going to demonstrate item duplication well let's say you're running through the wonderful world of Minecraft and you stumble upon a very magical item all ladies and gentlemen it's the Shocker box I like the blue one that's probably my favorite so here we have it you have a shocker box a very special lovely jazz ooh shocker box and look at this bad boy and you can fill it with whatever you like genuinely anything let's say we fill this shocker box with all its a grin nice valuable item like say I don't know diamonds let's say you have 64 diamonds ladies and gentlemen quite a lot of diamonds you're just going to drop it inside this shocker box very good it was rented let's also add in some gold oh I love gold I do love a good bit of gold let's drop that in there as well so we got some diamonds we got some gold let's pick up that box and we'll BAM suddenly we have a shocker box which contains 64 golden ingots and 64 Diamonds perfect what we're going to one is we go to one to zombie now as I mentioned on hardest difficulty mode zombies have a 20% chance of picking up any item but I kind of just want to choose the process of it so I'm going to summon in a zombie class a 100% ability of picking up items and so for that you want to use this lovely command right here summoned zombie and then can pick up loot won't be a perfect command will BAM now we have a zombie where's the ability to pick up lutes now remember in my hand right here we have a blue shoka box which contains 64 diamonds and 64 gold so what we're going to do is we're just going to drop our shocker box down right there and our lovely zombie friend will pick it up through that corner wall there lovely so now we have a zombie with a joker box if we were just - I don't know punch the zombie to death the zombie would drop the show with the diamonds and the gold inside and we have 64 diamonds and 64 gold as well as worn choker box however ladies and gentlemen we're going to do something a little bit cheesy soap you want to drop your zombie in I'm so sorry Dave Oh Dave the zombie your sacrifice will not be in vain my good sir so Dave the zombie is now inside the water tank where we are slowly filling it up with lovely tasty fumes here tasty carbon dioxide hmm very tasty anyway you want to wait for your zombie to slowly drown its way and then eventually it will be released into the campfire and there we go the zombie is dropped in suddenly they're on fire because they're on fire they're going to drop their shocker box after a while and die so come on zombie free two one there we go the zombie dies and then a drowned spawns in and the Drowned has a shocker box in their hand but what's this we already have a shocker box in here ladies and gentlemen so what's that shocker box who knows ladies and gentlemen but suddenly we have two blues shocker boxes with 64 diamonds and 64 goats we can place both of them down with bam diamonds and gold galore oh my ladies and gentlemen we've only gone and done it the export is complete and the crown will be proud we finally found a way to break the economy yes no longer will we have to worry about money or colonies rebelling when we can just duplicate everything if cheeky colonies are dumping tea in the harbor it matters little for we can duplicate what little tea we have left and yes there we have it what can we do with this won't show go boxes basically break all duplication glitches the game has to offer because you can duplicate an unlimited quantity of items be it diamonds or just anything really whatever you like mmm gold tasty gold alternatively what you can duplicate it would be something like I don't know good bit of TNT a bit of a tricky resource to come by so you can get 64 TNT in place I mean there alternatively resources which are meant to be limited you could probably also duplicate like say for example a good bits of diamond horse armor you can chew the case or maybe even you could start even duplicating a couple of these classic jammers of the c418 minecraft soundtrack like my favourite of strat who doesn't love a good bit of strategy Strad best music disc 2019 anyone who thinks otherwise for their lives don't listen to him a ladies they probably think stan is the best music disc are my goodness people who listen to style for and probably the kind of people that don't even like Mycroft parodies anyway so let's give ourselves three stacks of TNT fantastic and then you drop it into your shocker bugs were BAM sudden you've got a lot of TNT in that choker box and you're going to place it down here for a lovely zombie to grab and now we have our lovely zombie friend who's picked up our shocker box oh I'm so sorry unnamed zombie hashtag for it's time for you to go my friend as I need more TNT it's fantastic of course this works with survival mode literally any item you have in survival mode just whack it in there need more ender pose BAM infinite ender pearls need more shocker boxes for your item duplication we're bad wall shocker boxes it doesn't necessarily have to be in a shocker box could just drop a single redstone torch though but you know the shocker box is a much faster way because you can duplicate your entire inventory in one go and who doesn't love that kind of unlimited power and there we go our lovely brown friend is sadly going to pass on and it's time for you to go good sir oh yes but don't worry your TNT boxes will not be invade let us go say hello to that fantastical village from earlier now you see the fantastic food about lovely brand-new minecraft villages is they are adorable they're fantastic they're beautiful and they actually give a sense of purpose to the villagers however I've received some sad and devastating news you see these villagers over here they forgot to pay their taxes to the crowd again Oh No and so being the nice kind people that we are instead of you know sending over the Redcoats to quell this very unfortunate uprising we're going to be giving them you know a nice gentle warning to remind them about the benefits of taxation and how you definitely want to make sure you're paying your tax Asian otherwise your supply of tea might end and you might instead be supplied with some other kind of thing beginning with tea there we have it ladies and gentlemen perfect we've managed to set them up with a lovely little light warning about the joys and benefits of actually paying your taxes so you know what let us set off this TNT there we go success go my TNT friends teach them a wonderful lesson of the joy of taxation oh my oh my oh my oh my the frames oh the frames oh it's glorious is not oh beautiful don't worry you can rebuild after this and then you can enjoy paying taxation after this and the villagers go on ladies and gentlemen oh my the village is gone I'll tell you what remains and will always remain our wonderful item duplicated 9000 patented by the glorious researchers over at spiffed oh my goodness the joy of swift Oh will never end mostly because I mean we've duplicated myself so many times that even if one copy of Smith were to die another would simply rise up to take its place there is no stopping me and there you have it ladies and gentlemen one of my most favorite exploits for Minecraft I mean there are absolutely tons we could have covered we could have covered flying with boats we could have covered this massive lava cascade which you can see in the background and heck we could have even covered various forms of x-ray item duplication beyond what we were doing but you know there comes a limit as to where you start having fun with your exploits and you start straying into server destruction regions and we probably shouldn't be encouraging slash showing off various ways to completely crash servers with massive lag duplicators and the like anyway in the background my fantastic workers are busy whittling away trying to construct a massive statue for myself meanwhile I naturally do the classic job of the sniffing brit and just simply drink some nice warm tea mmm it's fantastic let's give it a try oh that's some lovely warm tea excellent tea yes anyway the spiffing beaut minecraft server is technically up and running guy it's just in a bit of an experiment to face the moment before we end up transferring it all over to a 500 player survival island which I plan to do this Sunday it will be absolutely crazy so hey if you're in the area want to stop on by then feel free to give it some of your fantastic times I'm sure it will be worthy so there we have it ladies and gentlemen I hope you have absolutely enjoyed watching the video here today and hey if you would like to see more of our fantastic lovely little shenanigans and hey maybe have a game you'd like to see exploited that do consider subscribing as we would absolutely love to have you here in this fantastic community so as always thank you very much ladies and gentlemen I'll be seeing you in the next one and is always a massive huge thank you to all my majestic patrons who make all of these silly videos possible by bankrolling things like running a massive minecraft server so you thank you very much and if you're wondering what video to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now if you enjoyed this one and you want see more you want to see something wacky a stranger and just downright game destroying than hey go take a look at this one trust me you're gonna love it anyway I've been the spirit and I'll see all of you in the next one goodbye for now Gary for you cups of tea and hey you haven't even had a cup of tea don't grab water trust me it's fantastic stuff anyway I'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,589,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, funny moments, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, spiffing brit minecraft, the spiffing brit, funny moments in minecraft, funny moments montage, rt game, minecraft is a perfectly balanced game, unlimited diaomds, minecraft diamond, diamond exploit, minecraft exploit, minecraft item duplication glitch 1.14, minecraft item duplication, minecraft glitch, minecraft multiplayer exploit, minecraft cheat, minecraft guide, gameplay, funny, montage, 10 year minecraft
Id: nL3O_MuzgjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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