BREAKING FALLOUT 4 WITH CURSED MODS - Modded Fallout Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing fallout 4 in a way which is pretty unique because we are absolutely breaking fallout 4 today by ramming it with as many mods as we feasibly can i think i've got about 50 mods installed on the game and best of all i have no idea what any of these mods are all of these mods were hand chosen by my lovely admin conor brown and loaded onto the game without my awareness i have no idea what experience is going to await me but i'm sure it is going to be absolutely terrifying so without further ado ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to alter todd howard's divine vision and create a new type of fallout 4. fallout 4 perfectly balanced spiff edition so make sure your sat back relaxed you with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you feel especially fantastic you can even like this video but beware ladies and gentlemen watching this video may contain disturbing scenes which may or may not cause you to have a mental breakdown when you come to terms with what you're about to witness good luck ladies and gentlemen this is going to be a very bumpy ride oh dear god bethesda game studios presents uh we can skip the intro we've seen the intro before i doubt he's modified that right let's um start the game okay this is looking normal this is good this is good um oh something appeared in the background oh no oh no not the teeth already something's gone horribly wrong well um let's create our beautiful boy i guess um oh sorry is that john cena i can hear in the background well um let's just create a sweet confused boy god i've created a nightmare this is actually horrible oh dear god right let's just deal with the hair let's just do the hair and it'll be fine oh dear god well um he's uh he's our beautiful boy um he's absolutely amazing oh dear goodness i'm hearing a lot of concerning noises out there but um we're just going to have to ignore them oh i see we don't have to do the tutorial okay i recognize this mod this mod allows us to basically bypass the tutorial and start our life kind of temporary into the game let's say this is only a dream i need to wake up i was in the commonwealth and i stopped for a rest there we go what makes me special oh perfect right let us design our character we are going to be playing as none other than chad massacres the chattiest most amazing being in the universe he's of course going to be amazingly strong exceedingly precise very enduring but actually most importantly he's going to be the most charismatic being on the planet that's right oh do you know what time it is ladies and gentlemen that's right it's ad break time do you want a dream of playing a relaxing open world adventure game on pc without paying a triple a studio 60 just for a re-release of an existing game will allow me to present to you gentian impact now contrary to the opinions of your friend dave there are actually such things as amazingly fantastic mobile games in my opinion one of them is gentian impact and best of all gentian impact isn't just a mobile game anymore it's an open world rpg you can play it on your pc you can play it on your console or if like me you are occasionally forced to go outside you can even play it on your phone whilst your accountant is having a breakdown in front of you but then after showing my accountant of course the majestic graphics of gentian impact he simply started crying tears of immense joy i of course showed him the latest character in the 1.5 update known as euler who's not to be confused with the end user license agreement of gen chin which doesn't allow for gameplay exploits unlike the legal agreement however yula can and will ship you with a claymore but hey if you're not interested in the shiny new quests or weapons in the 1.5 update then simply just build yourself a house and wait for chubby the magical teapot merchant to rock up that's right he lives in a teapot he's literally living my dream but yes you get to engage in my favorite feature or of all video games the soul-crushing joy of capitalism trading and glorious wealth accumulation because dave's island only has a lazy cat whereas i have a majestic shibu but hey that's my pitch ladies and gentlemen i got to promote a game that i've been playing on my phone for the last few months so hey feel free to check it out on literally any platform you might enjoy it but hey it's free so you're literally going to lose nothing for giving it a try i even have a link if you want to give it a go and there's also a code that gives new players some free things anyway onwards back into the john scenery chaos of fallout 4. okay let us wake up chad maticus is ready to go see this world of chaos that we've created i have no idea what's about to happen but it's going to be glorious okay here it comes ladies and gentlemen we've spawned in outside of diamond city lovely stuff okay what hellscape awaits us okay i mean this is starting to look decent already you know we've got a diamond city security guard here he seems pretty standard we've got some enemies over there okay we can kill those dogs okay let's equip a weapon okay right oh my god that taylor swift okay chad maticus is a fan of taylor swift you know it's it's fine i've just noticed in the perk section we apparently have michael bay from the legendary film director michael bay comes the best perk of 2016. explosions i am concerned by what this could mean okay we actually have some normal human weapons here so we have a hunting rifle okay that's a weapon i can wear that you can wear an army helmet that makes sense we can put on some pieces of armor lovely stuff and even some sunglasses lovely we're gonna look great all right how do i look oh my goodness chad maticus looks amazing right well it's time to start our lovely combat by murdering all of these dogs in front of us so you're dead oh dear this gun takes a while to reload uh we're gonna have to use vats sorry what was that let me use vats oh no it's mlg vets oh no okay aim for the head aim for the head i'm sorry but what is this emoji that's why okay pull back pull back retreat a bit okay we can kill this one in front of us that's fine my legs being crippled i think i need a slightly faster firing weapon in fact i'll go pipe this law dude also i realized i have amazing perks i could just level up okay let's just level up right now all right okay we've picked up some bonuses to make ourselves slightly more powerful um i'm also going to have to use a stim pack else my entire leg is broken but there we go okay we've stim packed up and now we should be able to kill this vicious mongrel oh my goodness this mlg vats is going to murder me all right here we go let's just finish that bad boy off okay he's dead there's some explosions going on over here and i'm noticing that it's causing some john cena ring that is layering over everything right now let us kill this level three wild mon bro this is the dumbest thing of the universe all right let's just shoot it in the legs go shoot shoot good stuff oh there's another john cena oh my god sorry what is this what is this is that why is there a synth here okay i'm gonna have to shoot the sim it doesn't look like a symphony it's kind of like missing its head okay well can i kill this thing even god this thing's gonna murder me if i'm not careful one more stimpack there we go okay we killed the symf this has given us an institute pistol which is much better than my pipe gun i imagine let me equip it on the taylor swift 9000 and um now we have ourselves an institute pistol there we go oh my god these explosions sorry is it gonna be every time there's an explosion we're just gonna get a very poorly layered john cena oh this is insane into diamond city we go oh nice diamond city doors have opened up perfect let's just wander straight into diamond city oh dear the game just crashed okay i guess i can't enter darwin city then oh that's the issue of all these mod well hello welcome to diamond city and um you know there's something very interesting lying here on the floor after a couple of reloads we managed to make our way in and um we've just found something called a cat cannon and there's just a cat here i'm interested to see what this is okay the cat cannon ladies and gentlemen it's not a very expensive weapon which makes me believe that it's probably not a very strong weapon and interestingly it appears to fire tabby cat rounds which are junk okay cats are trash apparently right well let's load up this cat cannon okay so we crank it up and we lo oh my god we literally load in the cats okay fill up this cannon with 1 000 cats perfect okay 1 000 tabby cat rounds here we go oh my god what could this bad boy do okay let's drop down a quick save and um let's just shoot piper in the back of the head with a cat why not go oh my god this is my new favorite weapon oh my goodness this weapon appears to be quite powerful let's kill the diamond city security man critical strike go cat cannon go whoa oh it would seem that now everyone in the entire town is now trying to murder me well go cat go let's kill the doctor okay fire the cats keep firing the cats we're going to die yeah we're not resistant enough but we now have a very powerful weapon and this powerful weapon will remain with us forever now we just need to go and i don't know assemble some kind of army to assist me but the cat cannon the cat cannon will give us strength and power provided we have an unlimited supply of pussycats but luckily there's one thing you need to know about the chad it's the chad maticus always has an unlimited supply of feline companions that's right he's a veritable feline magnet oh god right let's go find some friends well we've exited diamond city and uh i think i'm gonna stop making my way over towards probably good neighbor because i know that there's always a mini nuke lying around in good neighbor not too sure where it is though because there's a gigantic goddamn taylor swift covering up 50 of my screen i think it's over here somewhere i could be wrong i can't tell there's taylor swift's looking into my eyes and i hate it i've also discovered a really new exciting feature which is that um the mlg sound effect doesn't have a limit basically meaning you can just mash it as much as you like and it will keep going and it kind of layers on over each other and creates this kind of nightmarish horrible nightmare noise which i can only describe as the screams of the mountain jew that's what happens when you mix mountain jew and doritos anyway let's make our way over with our lovely cat cannon to good neighbor i do like how every time we do a melee attack there's just a cat noise oh dear there's an explosion and i can see two red dots okay who do i need to murder oh it's a rad roach right rad roach say hello to cat the cat missed there we go that time the cat hit don't know why cats cause fire damage but you know oh it's a glowing radroach hello rad roach say hello to my yes now you're dead there's a lot of red dots over here is there some kind of fight happening down here okay we got some raiders okay well raider scum you need to die cat to the face raider psycho down there you also need to die cat raider across the way hello there long range cat oh wait there's a dog ah attack dog versus attack cat i will always win i am kind of concerned by the just the cats lying around we've now just become ingrained into the uh into the infrastructure of everywhere oh hello there raider psycho cat to the chest you're dead oh you're really far across the way hello there cat to the arm that cat missed okay right aim it manually cat oh sorry someone walked in front all right bam raider eat cat god i will say it's hard to aim the cam right okay here's how we do aim at the head and we activate critical hit that way it has hit there we go oh my god the cat just punched his head out dear lord well i'd say all in all successful very successful i'm sure hearing john cena every five seconds isn't going to melt my mind after a while but um for the time being it's john cena everything is john cena now oh there's weird explosion over there and is is someone shooting some kind of rpg at me or is it just natural for the ground to explode is this michael bay's doing is michael bay blowing things up everywhere oh it all makes sense out it's all michael bay he's just randomly exploding everything classic michael bay oh there's a landmine there and there's a machine gun turret which i probably need to kill go cat go yes cat anyway we don't need to go over there and actually fight them they're busy doing you know their own thing oh my goodness sorry is there just a random synth attacking swan oh my goodness it is wow okay um this is a little bit crazy luckily i can actually intervene here and i can probably kill swan because you know i have the amazing cat cannon so um cat cannon away yes there we go the cat always won hits um it's a perfectly balanced weapon i always personally thought myself to be more of a dog person but you know this cat is slowly changing my mind this this gun is too much fun indeed right we've made our way over to good neighbor as you can see the entrance to it is over here we've um murdered our way to this location and oh would you look at that it's an alpha vicious mongrel right that's a critical attack kill the doggy with the cat yes good good unlimited cat power right um over into good neighbor we go because there's a very interesting weapon i want to get my hands on oh dear oh no finn oh no i can't go walking around without insurance no one tells chad maticas what to do look at this man better back off oh yeah you tell him oh god it actually worked though that was amazing okay now the reason we come over to good neighbor is because uh there's this shop here called guns guns guns now guns guns guns is a fantastic weapon because um oh dear god of sims arrived synth died a cat okay go chad matics go it's got to have this gun it's too good okay right we're going to go um we're going to go upstairs and the reasoning is simple cleo who runs this shop why does it say they can see you it should say should stay still safe for now good good and the reasoning you want to come up here is very simple basically uh you want to try and grab yourself the very special fat man weapon that you see uh lying behind here simply pick it up and move it over here and then what you want to do even though we know that they can see us we want to go and climb up the stairs to the point where we become invisible now that we're invisible we can just simply pick this bad boy up and steal it and no one will be any the wiser but the issue is we also actually need ammunition for this fat man so we need to get ourselves a mini nuke and some reason there appears to be a gorilla's arm pointing out through this wall as a desert eagle pistol in here i love the sound of that i forgot anything that i can actually sell that is worth any money all right i need to somehow save up 700 caps because i want to get my hands on a desert eagle pistol that sounds fantastic okay so the thing is i want to actually make as much money as possible and as much i'd love to sell all of the cats inside this gun i just can't it's too powerful so instead i need to show off one of the most iconic and cheesy ways of making money in this game in one glorious lovely exploit and in order to do that we're gonna need to go on a lovely long stroll right the way over to sanctuary hills if you don't know where it is um it's just kind of north of taylor swift's nose over here way over by vault 111 a place which we haven't even discovered yet before we go though i'm going to just pick up some basic supplies and then we're going to begin our lovely journey across the world map ladies and gentlemen i've got a once in a lifetime offer that's right i just spoke to chad maticus and he's told me that every single person who presses the like on this video will see their own personal charisma stats be improved by two i know maybe one day you could be as oozing in terms of cat magnetism as the legendary chad maticus only time will tell well welcome ladies and gentlemen to sanctuary hills this is uh of course one of the greatest locations to start making money and many of you will be thinking uh no no it's not but that's where you're wrong it's amazing ladies and gentlemen it's filled with all of this wonderful scrap that we can of course use but most importantly we're here to get things like rubber and steel rubber and steel are very very important for us because they're going to allow us to build a very exciting item or also the oil lamp don't forget that and the used oil can lovely just all of this every single thing here can get scrapped oh it's perfect okay and fantastic now that we've cleared all of that up it's time to start building the most broken item in the universe we are of course talking about the water purifier here which requires oh one more piece of copper right let me find some copper okay right i've now got enough copper to actually build uh the incredible water purifier we can build we have enough resources to build two of these bad boys we now just need to actually locate oh wait i could just build an industrial one oh well an industrial one is much much better okay right let's build an industrial one but that does require rank one in science which i uh don't have fine we're using generic water purifiers then so for that we need to one drone down to the lovely water here and build ourselves two lovely water purifiers now this will need actually a source of power fantastic we can now build one single small generator which will provide free electricity is that actually going to be enough for what we need a medium generator they require two power each okay then yes we're going to need a medium generator ladies and gentlemen so we're just going to slam down a medium generator right on over here perfect stuff all right now all we have to do is attach this generator with a wire by pressing space to just this water pump here like so and then we connect using a y from this water pump to this water pump and perfect now we are producing water at a lovely rate fantastic stuff and there we go we've powered our first object we've got water production underway and oh yep let me just kill this sim there we go with a cat god these sims just won't leave me alone it's good thing i have cats and a very large supply of them okay but the reason you want to build up water purifiers is for one very interesting gameplay mechanic which is that over time for some reason water purifiers provide purified water and it just stores up inside a lovely chest now the only other thing we're going to actually need to pull off this exploit is a bed so you know we might as well just build ourselves a nice comfy bed there we go and uh now we should just be able to go to sleep and what's going to happen is every 24 hours because we're producing excess water via our water purifiers that fresh water is going to be turned into purified water and it will just simply start storing itself up inside of our base's main store over time this is going to start building up until we have a very large quantity of purified water and a large quantity of purified water well that's worth a decent amount of money now i have basically slept in the bed over and over again and a decent amount of time has actually passed which is of course very important as uh by waiting in bed what's basically happened is the water purifiers over there have basically produced a large amount of water and because there's no one in the settlement to actually take the water it just converts into purified water so if we check our workshop we should have a decent amount of water lying around and there we have it 258 purified water each of these bad boys valued at a decent amount of money indeed very nice at the same time i think i need a bit of experience what level am i okay we're about to level up to level six which is very important because as we're a high charisma build we want to pick up the perk which allows us to have better bartering prices because then that way we were going to be able to actually make a nice quantity of money so let me just create some i don't know basic items and ashtray there we go let's just build an ashtray that gives free experience okay maybe we can find something cheaper that gives experience right bam fish baskets they give two experience they cost two wood lovely we're just gonna build fish baskets everywhere until i level up give me level level me up love me up and there we go we've leveled up perfect is there a synth on my roof get off my roof i'm gonna hit you with a cat get off my roof you annoying symphony boy go precious pussycat right uh well with that leveling up that's perfect we can now pick up a perk one that would be very important for trading like camp collector which will improve buying and selling prices at vendors lovely stuff right perfect now we're going to simply teleport our way back on over to diamond city and sell some of our purified water that should allow us to buy some more weapons to survive the endless onslaught of just things falling down from the sky and killing me instantly like i've probably deliberately cut most of this from the video but legitimately the amount of times i've just been randomly killed by a nuclear bomb falling from the sky that i have no control over if i was just stood over there i'm dead if i was stood there i'm dead there is no control in this world and it's absolutely horrific and terrifying all right fantastic we've arrived in uh diamond city uh where it all began where we found the cat cannon that gave us oh so much power and uh let's just find someone to sell all of our rubbish too right then we're just going to wait for all of the lovely shops to open then we can sell our fantastically purified water and hopefully maybe buy ourselves a new weapon oh my god you look amazing your mustache does not fit your lips oh my god arturo your your teeth are terrifying you look like the human personification of alvin and the chipmunks oh no i don't like it at all anyway let us sell my lovely purified water it's 11 caps each which is fantastic meaning we can get a grand total of 2833 caps from him of course he doesn't actually have access to all of those caps but it's fine we should be able to buy weapons to actually counter that like the lovely desert eagle pistol that i wanted to purchase i suppose there's also this weapon here i've absolutely no idea what this is the tactical cbj cbjms auto pistol fine fantastic it looks amazing and stupid right we've purchased some really dumb looking weapons now we just need to basically buy the ammunition for that as well there we go the trades been completed we sold all of the lovely purified water and now we should have some very silly weapons like the desert eagle pistol here now desert eagle isn't exactly you know a cat cannon but it will probably be quite good um if there's anyone left to shoot after you know the uh endless nuclear bombs haven't killed them all that you know the ones that rain down from the sky well let's test this by shooting a diamond city security man in the head the sound best be good oh yes now that that is a good desert eagle sound right there oh i like that all right now we need to give our other gun a try because that was quite fun say hello to the tactical cbj oh my god is this like an mp7 oh my god this is a call of duty gun this oh this is definitely not default fallout 4 let's give it a try oh my god it shoots so quickly it's like a sewing machine how how many times can i shoot some vats just twice oh that would be a burst though oh my god it shoots so so much it shoots so much got the amount of john cena's going off in the background let me try and do a desert eagle noscope headshot oh yes oh yes fallout 4 the way todd howard intended the way fallout 4 was meant to be played with a desert eagle it's perfect oh what a game oh yeah i've just made my way to concord where we're about to meet preston gravy and oh would you look at this look at all of the raiders right time to naturally hit them with the good old 360 slow motion headshot whoa would you look at that exactly the way todd howard intended lovely stuff all right now to try my amazing tactical auto pistol hello there raider oh yes okay quite useful quite powerful indeed oh yes very powerful grab that laser musket what does a laser musket sound like i'm interested let me go cranky crank oh yes the museum of freedom my favorite museum because i get to laugh at it oh yes the story of how america believes it was free little do they know it was just part of the master plan and that via the medium of the spiffing brit and yorkshire tea they would just one day suddenly wake up and all of the flags will have changed oh yes oh no preston garvey i do not like your face preston garvey your face is turned into pristine gravy oh no oh no please human lips don't do that my friend please no oh dear oh dear okay i've collected the power core from the bottom of the museum and now we're going to do the classic iconic tutorial thing of hopping inside that gigantic power armor grabbing ourselves a mini gun and causing some chaos on all of the raiders and most importantly the terrifying deathclaw monster that will try and murder us right perfect let me simply take control of this lovely power armor let me step into it perfect okay we put core in and uh lovely stuff and now we enter ah lovely i got a second that sounded like the noise of a um like a volvo with as his door opened okay anyway let's grab this mini gun perfect oh hello there sinful you will be my first victim farewell and now time to cause some chaos firstly come on and slam and welcome to the jam now where are the raiders oh my goodness there's the same favorite let us use the uh minigun oh my god the minigun is so inaccurate i can't believe it but it seems like the actual deathclaw's not even gonna spawn that's the case i'm gonna have to summon my own deathclaw i've summoned a deathclaw oh my goodness that isn't a deathclaw hang on a second that's macho man randy's savage claw easy mistake to make um i mean he is actually oh my goodness so incredibly amazing and beautiful and also terrifying at the same time um something tells me the minigun isn't gonna stop him this boy has too much power well if that's the case we're gonna have to defeat him with fire using the cat cannon cat cannon to the head ladies and gentlemen go meowy cuss kill macho man randy savage yes oh dear that is a disgusting thing to witness but it needed to happen well perfect we've murdered everything all that's left to do is celebrate by eating a nuclear bomb into the sky ladies and gentlemen what a glorious success it's been so ah ladies and gentlemen nuclear bomb away hang on a second that's not a nuclear bomb that's a gorilla that's not a nuclear bomb gorilla no it's the fact that it's a gorilla just slamming into the floor and it's playing the john cena music oh my goodness this is beautiful this is actually art this is complete art the same with this building go gorilla take him down it's the dumbest thing in the universe but i love it well there you have it ladies and gentlemen this has been um perfectly balanced uh fallout 4 and what can quite simply be expressed as a very unique and wonderful experience as we go around and oh it is a car isn't it as we go around the wonderful hellscape of the wasteland and have a great time my goodness well there you have it ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching fallout 4 with too many mods if this gave you nightmares then good if this didn't then my goodness you're an incredibly strong being anyway thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed today's video then hey make sure to give it a like and why not consider subscribing if you want to see more very unique and interesting ways of playing video games as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages and hey if you're sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,795,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, fallout 4, breaking fallout 4, fallout 4 cursed mods, breaking fallout 4 with mods, cursed mods, modded fallout, fallout 4 is perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced game, the spiffing brit, fallout, exploit, video game exploit, funny moments, perfectly balanced, funny, montage, video game, thespiffingbrit, can you beat, can you beat fallout 4, fallout 4 challenge, fallout 4 mods, fallout 76, fallout 4 glitch, fallout 4 can you beat, fallout new vegas, fallout fun
Id: gndIvSPO7ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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