SimCity 2013 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - The Worst Profitable City Is Broken

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what we can do turn on the mega tower that's immediately going to summon 30 000 coffee drinkers in out of nowhere then if we go to the disasters tab we can then just slam on a quick meteor strike into the mega tower and um i'm hoping that should simplify the coffee drinking hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing sim city that's right it's the city builder game that was released in 2013 and you've probably not seen any videos of it since because well this game didn't exactly get received very well at all this game is what i like to call an ea classic when it comes to releasing a new entry into a beloved franchise at launch this game was absolutely famous for being an online only game which you needed to be connected to the internet in order to play the only issue is even if you were connected to the internet you needed to have the luck of 477 condensed irish people to actually be able to connect to one of the two active ea servers this basically meant that this giant game which some people had spent about 70 pounds on they really couldn't actually play but if anything that was a blessing in disguise because what game is actually there for your money my goodness what a unique city building experience so today we're going to be diving into the lovely world of sim city with all of the various dlc's which have now been released post launch and i'll be demonstrating one of my favorite really silly cheesy strategies to completely mess with the game because you see the developers intend you to build a glorious bustling city which is a true metropolis which looks like this giant glorious technological utopia in the background that's what they want you to make now i'm going to make pretty much the exact opposite of that yes we're going to see if you can in fact beat sim city without building a city at all and only placing down residential that's right there'll be no utilities there'll be no food there'll be no water it will be one giant human rights violation but my goodness it's going to be perfect so without further ado make sure you sat back relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even give this video a like now let's dive into this gloriously broken game so what we're going to do is pick the most basic map it's called cape trinity and of course we need to rename this because this area is basically going to be known for just dumping residents into the middle of nowhere and hoping that they survive without any support whatsoever consequently makes only perfect sense that i call it australia for we will be dumping all of the coffee drinkers in the entire world into this one small area now all we need to do is actually claim where we want to build our city and uh you know we might as well go for this region here it wants to be called trinity point but don't worry we can rename that later now trinity point similar to australia has no natural resources beyond wind and water anyway what we're going to do is throw ourselves into this glorious little region where we start out with 50 000 simoleons and no population and is the glorious mayor of new australia will create a city in a way which makes absolutely no sense now the thing is if you were to join a city or any society there are a couple of things that you need in order to survive mostly you need electricity water and sewage as well as also waste disposal fire services hospital services and police services and heck if you want to go even further education are all necessary things to actually encourage people to live in your society and when it comes to most city builders there's a couple of key important things that you need you need a whole bunch of resources and you need to encourage people to stay by giving them a nice area to live now what we're going to do is set up a nice starting area to live by building this giant highway and then running various districts just simply off of it using this regular road which is going to build a nice long way for about four thousand simoleons and perfect and then all we're going to do is build right the way back now this game uses a horrific grid system uh where you basically have to prioritize every single thing in your city based off of how efficient it shapes up in a grid this means that almost all of your cities will look like an identical wasteland of perfect square boxes i'm sorry but if you have creativity and vision then you should have probably picked up city skylines instead now all we've done is simply built a nice set of roads and we're ready to actually invite our first new people into our glorious glory city which is no longer going to be called trinity point no it's going to be called new starbucks that's right we're going to lure all of the coffee drinkers in with promises of overpriced coffee that's exactly what they like now this glorious monstrosity of a grid-based city is now pretty much perfect to be hooked up to the grid and what we're going to do is slam down a whole bunch of residential everywhere now the way city zoning works is you simply say hey if you want to build a house then sure you can build it on this plot of land and people will come in from the outside world and build their own little houses now because our city is pretty new and coffee drinkers generally spend all of their income on coffee instead of actually any savings a lot of these early houses are going to basically be micro homes or just rv trailers they're not going to be very fancy but as our first few citizens move in you'll notice immediately we're making money off of taxes isn't that fantastic i love tax and more and more people are going to be moving in as we're promising them fresh tasty coffee and more importantly free land to park their rvs in now there we go we've got lots of housing for all of these residents which is absolutely glorious and lovely my goodness this is just perfect now we don't really need to worry about a lack of beautification when it comes to a city it doesn't matter but when it does come to running cities usually the things that you need to worry about are of course water because people living in their city need water to drink however these people mostly drink coffee and consequently they don't deserve water so we're not going to be giving them any water at all now they will be complaining because not only do they want water they also want electricity goodness these people are needy but naturally we're not going to be giving them electricity or water instead what we're going to do to make sure everyone's really happy and to encourage more people to move in we're going to build the most broken building in this entire game the nissan leaf charging station now you might be thinking hang on a second is that the nissan leaf copyrighted by of course the nissan corporation and you'd be right it is that's because one of the dlc's for this game is an entirely sponsored dlc by nissan to put a nissan leaf charging station in their game now for some reason as part of the sponsorship deal ea buffed the heck out of the nissan leaf charging station what does the nissan leaf charging station do well simply it makes your sims happy and it costs 5 000 simoleons to put down and it only costs 40 simoleons an hour now there are lots of buildings which you can put down to make your simoleons happy like for example say a park why this park here is pretty good it's rather long and it makes our citizens happy so i'll just slap it down over here glorious stuff part gets put down these citizens get happy the only issue is it doesn't affect a lot of citizens in a range but it does also increase the land value which is lovely the only difference with the nissan leaf charging station is there is literally no limit to the range of happiness caused by the nissan leaf charging station it is like an orbital satellite of happiness now generally when you're actually building a city or a town in the real world people won't move into your city unless they can actually gain things from the city like for example a place to shop or a place to work now our city is pretty unique in the fact that we offer nothing in fact we don't offer electricity which is usually cause for people to leave a city but of course what we're going to do is not supply electricity but instead build the nissan leaf charging station which will make everyone in this entire city very happy that's right we just build the nissan deep charging station we take a look at the happiness map mode who doesn't love the nissan leaf charging station the thing is logically right it's a charging station so it would use electricity however the game devs realized that if they added a building that only gives happiness and uses electricity no one's going to build it so instead they made it so that it doesn't use anything it doesn't produce pollution and it just gives happiness it's just a free happiness building why would you add that into the game check out all these people charging up their nissan leafs somehow i don't really know where the power is coming from but uh it's it's a possibility now the biggest issue to of course our city uh at the moment is usually fire because if there's a fire that happens because we don't have a fire station that could burn down the entire city and you know what that's fine now what we're going to do is build another nissan leaf charging station and just watch as the happiness ripples across our entire city every single house in the city is suddenly filled with glee and joy as a new nissan leaf charging station has been built i just don't know why why would you want to stay in a city just because they have a charging station for a car that you can't afford because you don't have a job or are they just handing out nissan leafs for free in this universe who knows anyway once again people are getting a little bit happy because uh you know no electricity so we're gonna build another nissan leaf charging station and that's lots of green happy faces across in fact some people actually quite happy with their existence here this individual here very happy very happy indeed rising happiness now of course it is prime opportunity and a great time to just build even more districts so that's exactly what we're going to do more residential houses everywhere just because why not they're so cheap to build in fact they don't actually cost anything and they just give us money now our city is actually looking pretty good we're approaching a population of 8131 which is nice and for some reason residential happiness is still climbing which is quite impressive given the fact that they still don't have electricity and the green residence is saying we can't live here without power well not having power is something that you're going to have to get used to i'm afraid little individuals now of course we've got one more nissan leaf charging station that we can slap down so we're gonna slap it down right on over here and just watch as the happiness spreads across all of the city look at a brand new nissan leaf charging station two bars of additional happiness there as everyone is overjoyed with the nissan leaf charging station despite there not actually being any food or water or places to shop or work we are actually still able to force society to develop and the way we can do this is by artificially inflating land prices by spamming down parks everywhere so if we build a whole bunch of parks over here we could eventually inflate the cost of living to a point where only the rich can survive and now we're forcing actual large homes to develop these homes still don't have electricity but people are moving into them oh my goodness these poor educated individuals moving into what is literally hell but the good thing is these educated people pay more in taxes now that's what we like to see in our society books win up to 23 000 in the bank isn't that lovely what are we gonna do with our 23 000 you guessed it more roads roads for everyone because more roads is more living space now of course it's time to spam down even more residential areas just get a whole bunch more people moving in uh income is now reaching 4 000 an hour which is absolutely lovely very good and we have 10 000 residents living here in new starbucks now one thing i will actually do because i want to build a town hall in order to build a town hall i need power and water i will temporarily provide power and water but i am demolishing this as soon as it passes the mission so we're bam we just simply need to let them run and fire there we go wind power plant just spin do a quick spin spin wind turbine there we go and now that is powering the city there is electricity going out perfect and now i can build a town hall so we're going to slap down a town hall and that's also going to make everyone very happy as they love the town hall and what we will do is demolish immediately that wind turbine and that water plant because uh we're not doing that we're getting rid of both of those things no one wants water and there we go the town hall is built and that's making everyone very happy but more excitingly we can immediately upgrade the town hall to a tier 2 town hall because of the amount of population we have in our city now a tier 2 town hall is pretty spicy because it allows us to set the tax rate now what we're going to do is lower the tax rates as much as possible to two percent and by lowering the tax rates to two percent that's going to make people very happy because it means the city is really cheap to live in we've kind of created a lovely haven for people wanting to avoid tax the only downside is you also avoid all infrastructure ah what's this mayor to spiffing brit i'm really enjoying life here in new starbucks we have a vibrant diverse city here oh you'd like me to build a church that sounds great i can build a church because that doesn't give people jobs technically and it means that we can actually give people in our city something to do i guess they can just sit and go to a church plus it's also free and that's exactly the kind of thing that i like this could build a whole bunch of these really awesome looking temples everywhere there you go bam temple and bam temple and bam churchy thing and bam churchy thing lovely oh this is gonna do fantastic everyone loves this bam and that sends happiness out all across the city look at that so much happiness who cares that you can't live here without power look at that we're now at medium levels of happiness people are dying but the happiness is on the rise there we go we've just hit 15 000 residents that's fantastic this is almost entirely off of the back of us not supplying anything but mostly just having really low tax rates because who wouldn't want to move to a place where you only get hit by two percent taxation no matter how much money you make now we can also upgrade our city hall again there we go we're upgrading new starbucks from being a small town to an actual proper city oh isn't that just truly majestic ladies and gentlemen i've come up with the ultimate plan for today's video that's right i intend to lure thousands and thousands of coffee drinkers into actually watching this video and of course the easiest way to do that is to exploit the youtube algorithm by liking and commenting on this video that's right this way we will be able to law as many coffee drinkers as possible right the way down to australia where they can enjoy the raging inferno not caused by random bushfires but rather because the entire city lives inside of campervans and don't know how to use microwaves it turns out all those conspiracy theorists were right and microwaves do actually kill people or rather the people using microwaves in completely the wrong way kill people using microwaves my goodness right let's dive into this video even further now what i am going to have to do is increase the tax rate just a little bit in our city not because we want people to move out but mostly because we need a little bit of money to uh gives a bit of leeway also we can now build uh mega towers for some unknown reason because i guess it's another place where we can put people i mean it basically allows us to slam a population into a really small location so a mega tower might be a good idea but it is also very expensive oh dear what's this oh no it looks like it's our first fire ladies and gentlemen oh no one of our sims decided to cook something at 800 degrees and now their entire house is on fire now this is an issue because um generally speaking that's going to force them to move out but also it's going to destroy their house i of course can't destroy a building that's on fire so instead what we can do is just destroy all of the nearby buildings and by destroying all of the nearby buildings there is nowhere for that fire to spread to and the house will simply burn down but more importantly it won't bring any other houses down with it and that's what we like to see now people will still keep moving in no matter how bad the ratings of the area are simply because the taxes are low and also this game is bugged so that it will just always force people to move in no matter what so that's going to allow us to build the lovely department of tourism for only 15 000 pounds slam douche it's now added and that department of tourism is now going to allow us to build whatever tourism we like now all we have to do is save up the 50 000 necessary to actually build a wonder but until then uh we need to do once again a selective fire policing policy by bulldozing a lot of these houses sorry if anyone did live in these houses you're now gone stop trying to build houses next to the places that are on fire good god stop trying to build next to flaming houses it is not a smart idea just let the people in those houses die and then you can build your properties there we go much better ah now the city is doing quite good we're going to be probably resting around about fifteen to sixteen thousand population for the majority of this game and we can expand it by of course building more areas for housing to go and more importantly building parks everywhere as that will encourage higher quality housing now honestly we can just let a few of these fires burn uh that's fine we don't really need to worry about stopping the fires instead what i can do is take out a loan for let's say 25 000 yeah that's good that'll give us 60 grand in the bank and that's going to allow us to build a nice tourism attraction yeah let's go for the edifocio copan a really fancy great big building that can house 1 000 people that's right that's 1 000 taxable citizens let's just slam it down right here look at that lovely stuff now of course they want power but it doesn't matter because they basically immediately added 1 000 people into the population of the city that will never leave now what i've done is i've lowered taxes by an additional 1 so that we can squeeze even more happiness out of our citizens because happiness and approval is now on the rise uh because they like the new city buildings i mean look at some of the mixed happiness ratings in this city like this a real mixed bag but they all pay taxes and that's all that matters there's a lot of taxpayers out there in fact speaking of which we could probably get away with actually building new lands to actually house people and i realized i'm using garbage actual streets whereas instead i could be using more efficient dirt roads yes dirt roads now that's the future they're much cheaper to build ah perfect and honestly the difference between living on a paved road and a dirt road when you don't have access to running water is probably not really that much of a big deal for these people is there an earthquake happening oh there is oh dear that might be um quite bad honestly probably not the worst thing that could happen to our city oh my goodness it happened all around here our fellow sims are lost but not forgotten 1800 people died today good luck we've got a lot of people in our city now what i am going to do is uh increase the taxation to the maximum so that we get fifteen thousand this is going to cause most of our sims to leave uh the following day however we're going to be able to let an hour tick on by and then immediately crank the taxes down to the bottom again so what we're going to basically do is have tax placed at zero where we lose 500 uh simoleons an hour and then crank up the taxes to 20 on alternating hours and that should be enough to keep our entire population of 18 000 in the city whilst also having a nice large quantity of money off of them oh my goodness went up to 33 000 simoleons which is lovely although now medium happiness is dropping pretty hard because of taxation so we'll drop the taxation right on down to zero there we go 33 grand that's a nice thing to have in the bank now what i'm going to do is take out a great big loan for 50 grand and that's going to allow me to build um the legendary globe theater but yeah i'm pretty sure the glowfit is the one i want to make because it's a tourist attraction that can potentially make money so bam we have the globe theater now hopefully unlike the real globe theater it's not going to burn down in a fiery inferno one thing that i love about this city is that it's an absolute and utter ghost town with the occasional small child that i can spot hiding in one of these buildings but of course whenever i find one of the few surviving children of this city we naturally have to slam a meteor down into them i'm sorry there's no running you might be wondering why on earth i'm impacting meteors into children well it's because they're the crispiest and tastiest to eat when inevitably this city runs out of food although i'm pretty sure it did that a long long time ago all right time for me to go completely afk and just let this city tick on over and we'll see just how well it does what i'll do is i'll quickly pay off a loan before i go and drop the tax rate even further and that should keep the population ticking along quite nicely with this lovely low tax rate even though we have constant blazing giant fires in the entire city i am sure that'll be okay right now i've been gone for a while i've come back with 120 grand in the bank which means i can build our first mega tower now this is an entire apartment block only housing humans and of course it apparently makes people happy people across the city are going to love the fact that we built this giant megacorp i mean it literally just houses human beings there is generally nothing else to it it's just one great big mega tower with an apartment on top of it and that is honestly fantastic that's all we're going to need because we're just going to harvest tax off of this bad boy now i know technically with megacorps you're meant to build like a whole bunch of office blocks and make money off of having them work jobs but no we don't like having jobs instead we like having apartments that are available for rent which of course people are going to move into and rent and immediately 1 200 people have moved in now at a cost of 24 per resident to actually live inside of this government mandated building that means we're going to be turning a profit of about 400 i think something like that or it's gonna break even one or the other and that's fine because it means we still make money off of the tax income from these people so we're just going to keep on stacking even more and more mega towers on top of each other and of course the mega apartment is slowly dealing with power failures and water problems because there is no power or water but that's still not going to stop the fact that people still want to live here so we're just going to keep grinding money out of them and building more excitingly a brand new apartment level not a premium apartment level where we can charge medium wealth people but one where we can just ram in as many tax-paying citizens as possible and that's going to make the entire city even more happy because who doesn't love a mega tower it's almost as exciting and as happy as building a nissan leaf car charging station right i'll be back in a little while once i've managed to get even more mega towers built and hopefully they can't burn down i honestly don't know if they can burn down or not but i'm gonna really cross my fingers right now we finally completed this entire mega tower so naturally we're gonna slam a giant tiered park onto the top of it because why not that's going to improve the satisfaction of the people living inside here which is kind of important because most of them are now dying of first um because the city population is now at 63 000. most of them do live inside of this one giant mega tower but it they'll be happier once this giant park on the top is constructed also a lot of the city is just mostly burnt and abandoned because everyone went to go live inside the giant mega tower and there we go we've increased the happiness of everyone inside this mega tower thanks to having this giant tiered park here now what i will then now do is absolutely slash the taxes down to zero as we try and encourage people that actually living inside of these abominations and death traps is not a terrible idea you know what i'd say things have gone rather well in terms of um the city you know only a few hundred thousand people died due to the massive fires and we've now got this giant technological mega tower in the city which is pretty good i'd say although i've realized the new mega park at the top which i spent a whole bunch of money on is actually closed because apparently it needs electricity oh that was a bit of a waste of cash that wasn't it oh well i tried to make people happy it turns out i just can't you know what this city is looking pretty gosh darn good we're in a position where once again we can sit and save up money and probably buy another tourist attraction in a while oh my god 50 000 people used to live here now it's just a ghost town look at this abomination of a city you know what though i'd say this city's actually been quite a success new starbucks it's it's done a fantastic job of attracting coffee drinkers and you know what i've just realized something what we can do turn on the mega tower that's immediately going to summon 30 000 coffee drinkers in out of nowhere then if we go to the disasters tab we can then just slam on a quick meteor strike into the mega tower and um i'm hoping that should simplify the coffee drinking now apparently that doesn't do anything it does kill 2 000 people so um maybe instead of tornado followed by maybe a giant big lizard i'll just look at that tornado go it's doing a fantastic job really carving its way for our entire city lovely stuff and we can upgrade our city hall okay right yeah let's quickly do that just upgrade the city hall why not they've got level four city hall lovely stuff i guess now logically we can also slam down some kind of giant meg suit so uh let's do that breaking news huge mech suits landing from the sky ah yes the anime has arrived welcome giant anime man now the issue is i don't think this disaster can ever leave because basically needs to absorb power in order to leave and um don't actually have any power oh no he just destroyed the globe theater oh dear that was actually one of the good things in this city you can't just destroy the globe theater oh we're not there that was housing at least 1 000 people oh for goodness sake well um i mean there's gonna be a lot of dead coffee drinkers but it's okay that's a sacrifice i'm more than willing to take i've also summoned a giant red lizard to absorb all of the various coffee drinkers that still somehow remain in this house good yes trample all of the already destroyed buildings you know what i'm gonna say i'm not the worst mayor i think the world has ever seen this has been pretty good i mean if you've ever seen arty gameplay city skylines i'm honestly a bit of a humanitarian in comparison to him so overall i'd say 10 out of 10 we've nailed it would i recommend actually buying and playing simcity in 2021 no i'd recommend you go buy city skylines get a whole bunch of mods and have some fun but if you do find yourself wanting to play a city builder game with friends then this game does actually have multiplayer support and it is actually one of the good features in this game it's a multiplayer support that allows you to mess about with your friends send crime over to their cities and even help them out it's honestly a pretty decent experience that's right it is a decent experience as rated by me meaning it actually might be worth your time but of course that depends entirely if you have friends and if you guys are anything like me then i know that's not a possibility and well i'm afraid there you have it ladies and gentlemen that's all i have in store for today's video if you'd like to see another exciting way of playing a video game in a very silly way using very cheesy strategies then make sure to give this video a like and do consider subscribing and of course a massive thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make this video all the more possible seriously thank you very much today's patreon money was basically spent on buying this game on origin which is a task which i strongly do not recommend any one of you do keep your money trust me do not buy this game on origin anyway thank you very much for watching and i will see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day my friends and heck if you want to watch another video there's one on screen now but no matter what i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a fantastic day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,110,857
Rating: 4.941174 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, simcity, sim city, simcity 2013, simcity gameplay, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, cities skylines, the sim city, funny, funny montage, montage, city builder, management game, sim, sims, is broken, gameplay, worst city, game, simcity 5, funny moments, simcity 4, rt game, perfectly balanced, video game, lets play simcity, hack, glitch, city, cities skylines city, city builder 2020, simcity 2013 gameplay, sim city 5, video game exploit, rtgame, tycoon, games
Id: QlzJpXXE8-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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