The Sims 3 Is a Perfectly Balanced game with NO EXPLOITS - Excluding Mind Control Only Challenge

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and welcome to our next episode of the perfectly balanced series where we go into many games and find some of their most perfectly balanced features today you'll find us in the sims free that's right a game which is you know suspiciously different to the previous gaming played which was more to help I mean if you come to terms with the fact that more how involves literally removing heads of people and just throwing the heads across the battlefield or as we have the sims free hair which was created with the intention to being sold to just about anyone yes it's quite a happy fun little game where you can create your own family and watch them go about their careers as they accidentally burn down entire neighborhoods by just using a microwave honestly it's a perfect game so here we are in the wonderful game of Sims freed but you know just before we start let's sum this access online features there are online features ok let's login to our sims free account well I haven't actually got a sims freak-outs let's join now it's free apparently Kay new user registration oh this is exciting ladies and gentlemen ah enter your email address to get started oh my god I'm so excited look at how happy this guy is I can't wait to be happy like everyone else who's signed up to the sims 4 your community in 2019 there we go bill at gates calm that should be fine hopefully that email work start registration what's this welcome back it looks like you've already got an account tax this year I got a second this doesn't seem right right enter your e-mail address to get started find an email no one else is used Bob at someone has used Bob with fine we'll go for another one all right we're gonna go for Bob Bob at Bob calm start registration what it looks like you already have an account tied with the email you entered why is Bob Dole Bob uh Bob - covered up Jake says Kratz just give me an email that no one else is using Gabe come on right Seymour dot clippers that oh okay okay we need a old email that no one else is gonna be using something dead okay there we go no one's gonna be using Siebel avulsion yes it works brilliant right now I need to enter my serial code okay there you go everyone in the entire book this place zero code you ever want to use my copy of the sims free persona or this is my EA ID I'm so excited but let's put my persona it's gonna be it's gonna be so Digby of Smeg who wouldn't want that and now we just need my password so I'm gonna go for the classic one two three four five six seven eight nine and then hopefully it should work country-of-origin seal and surely you listed here efg if sealant isn't in this game that's not fair no there is no seal and great so even though Siddiq peeps make like myself got his knighthood from zealand apparently no we're not represented here in this game and what even is this capatch oh my eyes just cannot comprehend this I'm just gonna hazard a guess and say it was this share my information with select EA partners sure sell my information to the Chinese why not sign me up Cyril code you've entered is invalid what how is it invalid I literally bought this key off of your own game launcher fine you know we'll just leave it empty oops we're not able to process your request what Sims community don't tell me you're down when was the last update newsfeed twelve of the eleven fourteen seriously there hasn't been an update since 2014 what come on guys what about the backwards compatibility and look what if I want to buy this um thing here for nineteen sin points where do i buy more simple store ok give me some simples I need some points and why is it they on how I cut what is this band I would like to build and buy yeah what happens if I want to buy this nice doorway here how much is it gonna cost me that's gonna cost me 100 sin points cool let's buy some sin points oh god it's just opened up a new tab oh god it's hopefully up the origin stop Microsoft go what what he's going off ok Thank You Gabe you know I've done enough messing around trying to login to online features I think it's time we actually start our own game in the wonderful game of Sims freeware we can hopefully exploit the entire world naturally we want a cool happy awesome place to move into I'm thinking we go to the fantastic starlight Shores I mean that looks brilliant there's got to be a lot of wealth around here anyway we're gonna start a new game on starlight Shores so I'd like to point out how unnaturally warm my computer has now gotten and this is the sims free it's a quite old game released in 2009 it's about ten years old now and it is still somehow managing to set my gtx 1070 on fire my god it is so hard this game okay right I'm just not gonna question it oh and here we are on a beautiful world of sims free let's start by playing sims free welcome to the game it looks beautiful there are some graphics over there those are trees if you can't tell now to begin with we can go into the options settings and just basically mess about with the game options to see what kind of game we want for example you can make sims have an incredibly short lifespan allowing them to die within the space of about a month alternatively you can crank that up to nine hundred and sixty-four days and meaning it's gonna take quite a long time to actually kill off just a single sim or if you'd like you can just disable aging which is something that I've noticed happening to myself just from drinking the wonderful Yorkshire Tea gold some say Yorkshire tea gold is brewed inside the Fountain of Youth allowing you to last forever and also this game has some very interesting over options which kind of make me feel that they've gone for an almost or for its harried approach in this game for example you can set the sim autonomy level the moment all of our sims of high free will we can crank that down to low freewill or just disable free will yeah all of that autonomy you just hit the off button now if you don't go out of your way to tell you assume that okay it's morning you need to eat food they just won't eat food and starve themselves to death oh it's perfect there we go that looks like my copy of the sims 4 is all set up and running now we just need to basically create a new sim to go on our wonderful adventure with so ladies and gentlemen let's dive right in there make sure you are set back in your chair you're nice and relaxed we've got a nice very calm and tasty warm cup of tea in front of people maybe your name's Dave and you sampling the heretical unknown beverages by drinking things like coffee oh goodness Oh what a horrendous beverage to think the Americans for away the perfect drink that was tea only to start drinking something even worse and hey you know what if you're feeling extra special today if you're feeling like you know what you're gonna change my day and make yourselves feel even prouder in just being humans you can give the video a like it makes my day and also I'll tell you what a special offer the first 2,000 of you to hit the like button I'm gonna give you a pat on the back you won't be able to feel it see it or hear it but just know I've given you a pat on the back it's I say well done thank you very much go have a cup of tea you vant it anyway let's create a sim and hopefully we can make this simba for my computer sets on fire and I need to start shoveling ice cubes in it okay so here we are in the fantastic Sims free character creator to begin with we want to create a glorious character who's going to fully represent our household in the field of battle and money snatching so we want to create a new character so what will their name be you know what let's go with quite a generic name that no one's ever heard of like will that's quite obscure first name and last name Smith that seems good I don't think anyone out there has a name like that and what have we got Supernatural type oh we don't just have to play human right well let's go for Jeannie there we have it we've managed to get Will Smith as a genie into this game and we just want to set his skin tone well of course it's got to be like the most horrific shade of blue you've ever seen or let's go for this one oh no that's that's Oh okay right this is the little Smith I wanted was some it's also gonna be an adult you know he's classic he's got a bit of age behind him now what's his body modifier gonna be ah let's make him chunky this is gonna be like the obese version of Will Smith from that but let's of course bulk him up a bit is gonna be chubby but toned to heck now we just need to kind of design his hair a bit or first I'm pretty sure Will Smith doesn't wear a hat or if he did he'd wear theirs absolutely ridiculous over the - oh my god oh this character is beautiful oh you know what I'm gonna change the name round we're not gonna have little Smith we're gonna have wheels morph what a guy let's also make him blond oh not you will go back to a nice ginger that's beautiful oh that's good I love that hair do we want facial hair oh it's got to be the soul patch hasn't it oh that's a good soul patch no no we found it yes we'll Smurf you beauty oh you beauty body hair of course we want all of the body hair little small has hair and he wants the world to know is we want arm hair or we want the thickest of arm hair for will small foot hair yes we want foot hair and as his leg hair he's so so hairy thank you game for having this be a feature and also you know I love the top hat but I think we should upgrade it oh my goodness yes okay I love that cowboy hat but it needs to be longer so we're gonna go for this one right here there we go it's will small fees got his long flowing hair and his beautiful cowboy hat now we just need to make his face perfect you know let's just randomize the face oh goodness yes oh he's so cute handsome can I just hold this down yep yep I can't just merge them all together create a human what if we dial back the fat just shrink him down oh yes now he looks like a subtle trickster of sorts but I do like a bit of chunky Johnny so I'm gonna add a bit of chunking now go to the looks randomize randomize okay this is good right you're not we're gonna take manual control over the face now oh my goodness yes we're going for the biggest nose anyone has ever seen nose with crank it or the nose to droop around the lips and now for the mouth this is very important you know what I'm just gonna say that I think the lips here are perfect and I've created something beautiful and lipstick oh yes come to will small tonight he strikes me as a cool person so we're just gonna slap him on there's some incredibly cool hipster shades oh god yes mr. moneybags now that's how he's gonna flex on everyone's just so that they know his true wealth yeah you know that's perfect now we just need to create personal tea this game people don't have personalities you have to add them so he's going to be ambitious he's also going to be vehicle enthusiasts for some reasonable Smurf likes driving around in flashy cars just looking generally very suave now and he's probably also going to be evil because trust me look at him he's just he's got all the characteristics of being evil and also very similar to just the true Will Smith Will Smith is also going to be insane and you know what we're also going to make him a genius that's right he's insane genius he's smart he loves vehicles and he's very ambitious because I mean what kind of genius do you need to be to create some of the greatest films ever known to man trust me Will Smith mwah what a star Will Smith however he's yet to prove himself but don't worry he's gonna get there you know will Smurfs personal life time wish this seems perfect trim is to live in the lap of luxury he wants to have per household net worth of 100,000 simoleons and today ladies and gentlemen using my fantastic exploits will smoke the fantastic smooth-talking lady slain Jeannie is going to do that oh my goodness I just noticed his legs oh that's great I love it right you're in Will Smith now we just need to buy your house and now here we are in the wonderful world of the sims free where we need to actually settle ourselves down and buy a house can we buy any houses yep there are free houses that we can afford and they're all terrible you know instead of actually buying a house which is gonna buy this plot of land over here for 2100 bunch much cheaper the natural houses and it's quite a big piece of land and with what I'm planning to do we're going to need a large piece of land now you see Will Smith is a genie now genie is a quite fantastic in this game because genies have magical powers that mean they don't ever technically need to clean they can also summon in food from literally anywhere own also they can levitate if they feel like it so for example they could magically clean themselves and look at that he's spontaneously clean and also if he wants he can summon any food the game has to offer like a British classic fish and chips there we go we've summoned in a fish and chips and we're just gonna grab a plate of perfect quality fish and chips and eaters in our completely vacant untouched building air now the world of will Smurf is larger than one might expect was he is technically busy over here just eating food that he found off of the floor there is an entire world to explore I mean he has neighbors who he could visit but I mean come on no one's gonna do that that involves socializing instead will small needs to win the hearts of the town's folk by not wooing them but instead mind control and purchasing all of the major landmarks for example this building over here the Brotherhood of fine fellows Hall this looks very impressive and you can actually buy it for one hundred and ninety six thousand simoleons you know what that sounds like a good life goal to have I mean Will Smith he's already an incredibly wealthy individual he has a solid 14 thousand in household funds of God and technically his lifelong wish is to somehow have 100,000 simoleons so logically once we do that job done Will Smith's life is complete anyway he's just going to enjoy eating his food to begin with and then we're going to send him off on to an adventure into the wider world now we'll Smurf is going to have to sadly leave his current plot and go on an adventure into the outside world I know it's something no one likes doing but I'm sorry we'll smoth you're kind of gonna have to do it and instead we need to go and find a place where there are large amounts of parked cars now trust me this is going to make sense in a little bit so we're going to head over to this lovely building overhead we're gonna visit Mix Master karaoke yes this looks like the perfect place for us who wouldn't want to visit Mix Master karaoke just look at all of the vehicles outside then it looks perfect so here we have it the wonderful Will Smith arrives at mix master karaoke and there are ready some people hanging out here some very interesting characters too in fact now both of them you might be wondering how did they get here well they got here using cars someone in a sloppy jalopy and someone in a vfn compensator now these are some incredible vehicles and if you want to actually buy a vehicle there cause of quite pricey so Wilson off if he wanted to buy himself a car for that sloppy jalopy was set him back 950 however the vfn compensator we saw there can be purchased for 3600 now that's a lot of money so how on earth are we going to convince the person who owns that car there to give it to will smooth well there's of course one way to do it I'm going to have to guess and say that this person here Aurora is the one who owns it and so we are going to insource all the sim now I don't technically not insourcing means but as far as I'm aware it's basically mind control so we'll smoth is going to mind-control this lovely woman here using his magical genie powers and there we go she is now technically ours now yes I was correct the vfm compensator is her vehicle and so we're going to hand over her vfm compensator into the pocket of will small now if we look into will smurfs inventory over here we can see he has a vfn compensator which he can sell for the full purchase price of $36,000 oh yes well small so we'll suave he's a very intelligent person he's going to take that vfn compensator and he's going to drag that and sell it there we go wha-bam he now has $50,000 he is halfway to his lifetime goal of just having a hundred thousand but his journey doesn't stop there we can see where this car the VF n compensator is headed that's another VF n compensator we can sell so where is it going there we have it we can see the VF m compensator made it all the way over here so that's where we're headed now we'll smokes quite a smart guy he knows that this household has a VF m compensator so he's going to visit the household and try and convince them to give him all of their cars now out here we have a big lemon which isn't exactly the vehicle we want but you know what it's a start so we'll smoth what is the household gods well it's got Conrad Anderson who you know it is someone and we're going to use our special Genie powers and just in source of them oh my god their entire house is a mess you know what that's fine we're just gonna steal their cars and leave their house cleanliness is not our responsibility oh no the big lemon is not his that's devastating right we'll smooth over to Andrews over here we're going to steal them oh yeah right come on just mind control everyone we need all of their vehicles right Addison Bates is that your vehicle that's not your vehicle great now we've just got to mind slaves what am I gonna tell them to do they go I'm gonna go tell them to fish both of you just go over there you found everyone go and fish okay I have mind control over you for several hours just go and fish by yourselves guys you wasted my time now I need to go and locate another vehicle oh and also if you look into other people's inventories oh yes this is where it was yeah if you might control someone and look inside their inventory you can find some very unique items for example lovely Addison betas here look this cute gloss is what a nice little person as a G pod inside is inventory what can we do that what we can sell it for $250 or you just give it to will small so he will swing off now owns a G pod that's great actually was monstrous gonna sell it for his own money there we go and also Addison Bates has a entire car in his inventory so he's gonna have that too will small that's a 1280 dollar book yeah you're gonna sell that and of course the money goes to will small now meet a lien bug shot over here I just saw her arrived to this building using a car now I'd love to actually go inside this building but before I do that I'm just going to quickly mind-control her so that I can borrow her car for a little bit so come on boss him off we're over here we're quite close by let's go sliced some more vehicles there we go Will Smith used his mind control powers from outside the building and were BAM we've suddenly got Medellin Buckshot oh no she didn't actually have her car with her or is it in the parking lot nope she has left her car elsewhere and so we need to sell both of her books anyway what a shame what a waste of a sim she only had about $1,500 worth of value okay so now we just need to find the wealthy people in here who look like they could own a fancy car this man over here he looks like a Chad but his name is mithoon and the fool congratulations you're going to be mind-controlled so the genie levitates on in and whilst he's busy going to the toilets but Genie is going to sneak up behind him and just use magic powers yep just outside there you go so you're busy on the loo and then the next thing you know someone's gone and sold your laptop from your own pocket yes the mind control is quite impressive it lasts about four hours which is armed perfectly balanced you know it will Smurf is now going to find yet another wealthy person who's this Finnegan Sawyer you know that's great we're gonna in sauce all you as well beautiful give me your cars I'd like to sell them all make a lot of money oh and that's another sim we have control of Finnegan Sawyer what do you have you have the market vork stir which is the most expensive car in the game and sells for a hundred thousand we're gonna hand that after we'll smoke there you go there we go we have milk wolf suave who now owns two of the most expensive vehicles in the game anyway good old wolf Smurf has important things to do and I'm going to send him back to our lovely piece of dirt it's there we go so we'll swaps back now or can we have him do well he's got these incredibly expensive cars which I'm gonna tell him to sell so yes his entire lifetime goal has just been completed but you know what his his time here is not done actually just gonna speed through the day and you know what he can have a nice little nap and anyway I think it's time we actually start constructing the thing that I wanted to build so I love swimming pool swimming pools are brilliant and so we're going to create a pool it's gonna be an incredible pool something legendary something magical yeah you know what this looks about right they go great big w the W stands for water which you should put in T which is incredible now of course to get into the pool you're going to want a ladder yes because my soil Sims would drown and also which is going to build you know a nice comfortable safe wall around the entire thing maybe a fence yes let's just build a fence instead there we go that's going to stop all of the Sims who are in the pool from leaving the pool but it's of course the rules of the pool are very simple and are the same with all sim games once you enter you may never leave so we're BAM perfect the W pool has been completed and all that's left is for us to introduce some wonderful people into the pool and also we should probably apply some places for us to park our cars here we go let's slap down some car spots perfect for car spots this is going to be where we're going to be leaving all of our wonderful vehicles and that seems perfect oh and also if I'd like to put some of my vehicles out of my inventory I'd say we'll put the compensator down here perfect there we go now who's this lovely gentleman here Addison Bates right I'm going to once again magically take control of your entire body in a second actually cancel that cancel that gene er the ability to banish you where the heck you going to go yes apparently I can't banish him because he is physically nowhere to go to apparently it doesn't really like me that much that's quite rude I wonder why all we did was mind-control him and force him to do our bidding well now would you going to mind-control him yet again anyway we're going to tell him to go for a swim of so hopping I pulled that Addison that's your job anyway we're gonna have to go back into build mode and I'm afraid it's time but get rid of that lovely ladder it's just no longer needed and instead we'll replace it with a nice and fun tasty little fence perfect so now there's no way out of the pool and it's up to good old Addison Bates here to just start swimming around right away you go Addison enjoy your swim a hand second he's able to get out of the pool that's terrible right we're gonna tell him to swim right if that's the case we're going to need to actually build some walls around the swimming pool instead there we go finish off the entire dwarf section around a lovely guest here Addison Bates what is his life goal he wants to become a star news anchor well yeah that's not gonna be the case enjoy living inside a dark unfinished random swimming pool oh no what's happening here oh no a sim is drowning oh what a shame what a shame oh my god and immediately we'll Smurf is moving to hide the cloves hide the evidence no one's gonna see that happening oh and sadly the Grim Reaper is annoyed boozy doesn't have access to the dead body of course you're not gonna have it access oh and of course there's the grave forming now beautiful oh and there's his body he has become a ghost perfect and there we go so we have our first grave added it's the grave of Addison Bates who sadly went for a swim gave us his car and passed away under tragic circumstances that no one could have seen coming but a new day is dawning and a new day means more cars for us to go out into the world and try and locate look at lovely will smurfs face oh it's truly something majestic that knows which is kind of like a beak is really beautiful but apparently we can pick up this grave so housing are we carrying his body and are ya okay we're just gonna create a line of dead bodies over here that seems like a good idea oh and also we're going to sell our car for 32,000 were bound job done that's another car sold now out into the world once again to try and locate more cars to sell I think we should visit what about this building over here yes we're gonna go here this place looks great what is it the porter party warehouse yes okay they're visiting the porta potti warehouse now we've had a lovely successful time here at the club there's only really two other people here now both of them trouble we brought cars of them so we're going to have to naturally mind-control both of them and you know once we've done that I suppose we can send them back to a chassis Cheers a bicycle what's the point of that okay we don't want the bicycle woman she doesn't have a car that man over there Barry White field however did just turn up with a car so I'd like to Genie him and steal his vehicle whatever it may be no way we stole once him here Erin's dress she seems nice what it what does she go in there inventory absolutely nothing one of these cars hers yeah this one over here it's worth nine hundred and fifty five we're gonna give it to will small so we're just gonna sell it immediately anyway what can we have her do well we can never actually return to our lovely house so she's gonna go on an adventure all the way back to the original plot and we're going to say she can come for a swim I won almost a very white field over here Barry seemed like a fun person who would also like to walk all the way over here and go for a swim now what can Wilson off to we'll smoth I'd like you to just I don't know mind control yet another human being and Barry one of these cars yours none of great okay so it's up to boss him off then will small for mind control Haziq and Barry does have a car Barry you literally just bought a car oh you're riding on a new car so Barry has bought a brand-new car and parked it right on our ground Thank You Barry that's going straight into the fund beautiful what are you doing now you're just over here okay yeah we're gonna tell all of us seems to come over and just visit this place and by doing so we're going to be able to borrow their cars and also we need to demolish a small segment of wall so I've had to add in a hole into a lovely so important now to tell everyone to go for a swim now the game is kind of breaking now because it's running out of technically logic it's it's really starting to glitch out and it's just gonna put the face of Sharron here oh no it's put the face of air in there even though we're not on air and so we're on Barry at the moment but apparently this is very bad anyway it doesn't matter because they're all turning up with their own cars and that's brilliant what are you what is will smooth couldn't be doing this roof is going to watch a show apparently okay we'll smooth you watch your show mee-mah what is everyone else doing now they're going for a swim in the pool yes it would appear everyone else is getting ready for a lovely swim in the pool so you know it was the here we're also going to sell their cars because they don't need cars get everyone hop into the pool perfect let's get that wall back up and running we certainly don't want to lose them out perfect BAM there we go the wall is built in all three of them and now inside the swimming pool so we're just gonna have to give them some time and they'll have a fun day floating around in this lovely pool enjoy yourselves for it will be your last swim ever will small what are you up to you're participating in a magic trick of course you are will smooth after this is done we're just going to mind-control the entire audience force them to go for a swim and job done I like how I do just have the spontaneous ability to banish random people at will so which is going to participate in a quick magic trick and after that we're going to banish one of the members of the audience but we're not allowed to banish whilst doing the show no we did manage to successfully banish one of the members of the audience right banished them again we're going to be the only member of the audience now whereas all your audience caught up with a building across the way hang on a second it looks like there's a lot of fun things going on over there we can actually just buy the entire property that seems fun all right okay we're going over there yes we're gonna go to the nightclub and we're going to borrow some of the vehicles off the nightclub who's this old man it seems to be working here anyway we're going to mind-control him hopefully owns one of the nice flashy vehicles out on top says who we ought up here oh we've got this lovely man here we're going to mind-control another mind control there and I've never mind control they're perfect for mind controls hopefully we can grab all of the cars there we go our first man what does he own hopefully one of these vehicles ah yes you're in the sloppy jalopy of course you do we're gonna have to get rid of that but thank you nadir very kind of you hang on a sec is that a child what is a child doing in this nightclub Robby plaids what you shouldn't be allowed here can I banish him banish him he shouldn't be allowed here what can we steal his bike first so that you can't actually go anywhere no it does matter we've got Evan best which vehicle do you own heaven best you're in the police cruiser which would card sell okay right which is gonna give that to will will small congratulations you're in the police cruiser now Oh Kathryn best we own Kathryn which of these vehicles is yours please don't tell me you brought the childhood you own the compensator great what we're gonna sell that wha-bam and now we have Calvin best Calvin best which of these vehicles is yours none of them great but we do have this police car so we can't really use this is brilliant Wilson off is there anyone you don't control the mind of yet everyone upstairs you do appear to own right what about downstairs yep I think you also control them all as well perfect right time to send them all to your house for a one time of swimming why is everyone swimming around still okay great apparently we're gonna need to build a second pool because everyone's too busy still enjoying the existing pool let's build a new swimming pool just over here quite a small one perfect square brilliant and now we're going to tell everyone from the nightclub swim with flair just have a normal swim Catherine have a normal swim Evan you can have an extreme swim and what about you mr. old man nadir nadir what are you gonna have the day is going to just have a regular swim good for him we're also going to place the car down we're going to do that because the car will make it look like our house is actually perfectly legal and should be here now whilst you're over here we'll assume off you might as well buy up some of these vehicles I think what if we just buy the nightclub that we're in I mean we can do that quite happily purchase property for two hundred thousand fine well BAM we now own the entirety of the nightclub apparently we need to stand outside and maybe visit okay yeah we're going to use the police cruisers to drive to the City Hall to then purchase the property also do we have everyone in the swimming pool now yes everyone is enjoying the swimming pool which means we can activate build mode and whack on those walls and they'll guess we've got five people in this swimming pool free in the other swimming pool and hopefully we'll be down 2-0 people in the swimming pool soon enough you're still busy buying this house how does it take you to buy an entire nightclub surely you can just rock up with all of the money and they don't ask any questions about where the money came from and they just hand over the deeds and we just keep getting haunted by this woman here who really attempted to travel for some reason that's fine okay Wilson off the nightclub yours you're gonna do a little exclamation about how great it is you own an entire nightclub nope you took nothing about your shiny new car okay you want to go home brilliant nonetheless we bought the entire nightclub for me that feels like a big achievement apparently I have the ability to buy things here so I'm just gonna get rid of this massive neon sign we don't need that about the things in the car park do I actually owned the things at the car park yep yep apparently any vehicle that was in the car park when I bought this place I can also sell so that's great we're gonna just sell all of the vehicles of the people there and can also sell this place oh no but I can't sell the super expensive artwork outside of this place really it's how about selling the entire building is that actually possible if I just Bordeaux's a wall I do get money for that okay what if I was just a bulldoze the entire thing well you know it's been a success we've kind of removed the roof of this entire place can we sell it I guess okay now we do just have to demolish the entire thing that's fine I can do that we can just sell all of the items in here and that should be fine they should regain some of our money uh nasan exact the car of someone who's just arrived can't delete object and use hang on a second if people arrived at my nightclub I can sell their cars this can't be a thing how is this even a thing I know apparently people are gonna visit this nightmare of a gravity-defying nightclub and when they do were able to buy and sell their cars upon arrival it's kind of like a twisted vehicle tax in some regards what are you up to Will Smith are you just busy having a nice little sleep oh you are you're just gonna go to bed whilst everyone else is having a nice swim okay everyone else enjoy your swim we'll smoth will be um he'll be back in a while oh no someone is drowning in the swimming pool what a devastating thing to find the first of many to fall come on death visit us I would like enough gravestone added to the garden please oh and there goes another few okay brilliant here comes death he's very excited for all of this well here they all come well that's a lovely gravestone over there for Calvin best what a nice guy we've got his gravestone now so just gonna speed for all of these other deaths there's another gravestone Catherine best has been added beautiful all of these fantastic lovely graves I'll make a fine addition to my collection and we're also going to pick up the grave and I'd like to pick up that grave and I'd like to pick up this grave in a second once the dead body is absorbed into it perfect a fine addition to my collection of existing dead people well there we have it would appear everyone we wanted has just been converted into a gravestone so going to pick up all of these lovely gravestones perfect great and there we go we now have quite a few grades in our inventory and we're just going to you know intimate in a nice beautiful way so that we can add them to our fine collection of perfectly normal do not question where all of these stone slabs have come from and who they might belong to go nice anyway good old will smooth the richest man of Sims free what a guy as you know before I finish this video I think it's only fair that we treat our lovely friend will small and we buy up one of the greatest properties this place has to offer which is of course the archive but the art gallery can cost a lot of money it would take a lot of car stealing so we're going to buy this property I'm afraid we're going to have use cheats to get it so bad mother lode phone quickly yep that's the correct exploit there we go and is that enough money to buy the property yes it is just war BAM we're going to buy it seventy two hundred eighty eight thousand I want to buy the entire art gallery and no I'm not selling my police car and nude it no one else has a police car in this game I want it do believe Vega I've lost two hundred eighty thousand I have bought his art gallery now let's take a look at the real estate cost from grade this is two hundred twenty thousand that's too much let's instead just try and sell this place and by that I mean we're going to build here how much is this place worth well there's a lot of fancy looking items here but for example this guitar or well actually know these pedestals were are worth two thousand alone guitar isn't a rocket ship isn't even worth that much but the pedestals for two thousand that's incredible yeah actually you know what this place is um kind of terrible this is not really anything here it's quite bad off down if I'm honest and we're just not really able to just demolish it in the way I want to go actually no we care Oh Thank You Simmons free for having this very nice demolish animation - why is it getting bigger Sims free let's just do a clicking - what isn't this Sims free what is this my eyes oh that's something that really is something oh thank you game thank you oh I absolutely love you well ladies and gentlemen I've been this way from pretty you've been watching The Sims free and if you've enjoyed what you've seen today feel free to give the video like go back in sims free I strongly recommend it picking up this Genie DLC it's good fun it's good laughs you'd guaranteed a good few laughs with mates also if you're still playing Sims free and 2019 give me a shout because you're doing this country a great service you might be the only one out there but trust me you're making a difference as always a massive thank you to all of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic and silly videos possible each and every one of you on the chest exhaustion will make my day thank very much lovely kind people and if you're wondering what video you might want to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now trust me you cannot love it it's exactly right up your alley if you enjoyed this one you're going to love that one so yes I've been the Smith and Britt and I'll see all of you in the next one have a fun and also if you're not subscribed nature to do so maybe even consider pressing the power button because ur YouTube notifications they're a little bit hidden miss at the moment so you might want to just be safe anyway I'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye to will smoke the greatest genie the world ever knew
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,507,665
Rating: 4.9100204 out of 5
Keywords: spiffing brit, funny clips, the sims 3, sims 3, sims 3 challenge, sims 3 genie, sims 3 exploit, video game exploit, sims 3 funny, sims 3 funny moments, funny moments, montage, funny montage, sims funny, sims 4, sims 3 mod, callmekevin, perfectly balanced game, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, rt game, the sims 3 is perfectly balanced, challenge, funny, sims 4 millionaire, making millions, mind control, sims 3 mind control, spore funny, mordhau
Id: 3oRDhFvnUhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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