Cities Skylines Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Tolls Only No Tax Challenge

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and today we're playing a good bit of a city skylines oh my that's right that fantastic city builder game where you are a fantastic mayor who has to raise his city up from the ashes of absolutely nothingness to the heights of a beautiful city likes a mega Slough oh now that's an attractive city you see my personal opinion nothing says beautiful city like Slough Oh God's love Oh every time I close my eyes I see Slough anyway today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be playing some City skylines but with a slight twist instead of getting your money from regular what means in cities skylines like say taxation instead I'm going to be looking at operating a city with no tax whatsoever but instead its operating at maximum toll based efficiency thanks to some cheeky setups which I've been doing on my end I think I've found quite possibly the best way of making money off of a city I mean you don't need tax ladies and gentlemen when yet making a brand new city and you need people to move in if you say oh you move in but we do have 9% tax that's gonna make someone go oh I don't know maybe we shouldn't Kerr always move to Sealand I hear there's no tax in Sealand well ladies and gentlemen I as an envoi of Sealand I'm also exceedingly into reducing tax to as low as possible and so today ladies and gentlemen our cities will be operating with no tax whatsoever that's right we're firm believers that if you make money you know what just keep it I don't mind what you do with it just know that I in the government I want to respect your money and I want to let you have all of it that's yours that's not mine to have that's for you to enjoy so vote spiff today for a tax free city ladies and gentlemen that's right the citizens of our fantastic city New Zealand oh they love it they absolutely love it ladies and gentlemen for they pay no tax anyway enough of that let's dive right into this video and have a fantastic time we've left-hand traffic only I mean come on we're not barbarians it's time for us to dive right into this fantastic game so make sure you are first sat back relaxed in your chair you a nice warm cup of tea in front of you hmm tea sipping intensifies right let's dive into this city skylines game so basically ladies and gentlemen for some reason I don't know how but I think it's because I've donated well over a thousand pounds to seal and buy now for some reason the royal family over at sealant have decided to make me chief colonizer so we've stumbled upon this brand-new piece of untamed land probably somewhere in the cold harsh wastelands of I don't know Canada and we're going to be setting up a brand new colony for the Fantastic Ceylon royal family to enjoy now as always with colonies you can't start them on a high bit of tax taxes for when they become a rich colony like say America and then you hit them with the tax oh and you really hit them with the tax anyway welcome to City skylines it's a beautiful game it's absolutely beautiful we had to put a fantastic lovely City for fantastic and lovely people to enjoy isn't it magnificent and we've started in this beautiful island Erin look at this we've got some beautiful highways got some nice junctions over here oh it's just absolutely glorious but most importantly ladies and gentlemen we need a way of making money and today it's not going to be taxes yes this is our taxes screen we're going to be cranking down that residential zone tax that high density residential all of that Commerce yes and of course industry oh no tax from you and no tax from offices or sadly we can't go beneath 1% this is the lowest of the low if you're operating a normal city at 1% tax most a lot of people would want to live there you're not gonna be able to pay for anything but ladies and gentlemen we've found a way around it a way for the government to have money without taking it from the people in the most horrific way possible you see tax people notice tax people know what tax is and I'll tell you what people don't know something magnificent something involving toes oh my oh my oh my ladies and gentlemen you best be getting excited for this one you see in city skylines there are many ways to make money be it from setting up your own company to taxing your own people's industry areas are a fantastic way of generating profits but they require moving goods from point A to point B to then sell them on the international markets selling things on the international market of course requires lower is to be driven around lorries of course of traffic oh and traffic we can't tax traffic unless we can you see those boffins over at the Smith Co headquarters have come up with a fantastic new idea we're calling it road tolls it's amazing no one's ever come up with this idea before it's basically a road that you have to pay to drive on so let's just quickly back down two of those and you know what I'm feeling generous let's add in another one and maybe oh you know what I'm so kind today let's add in an extra one so there we have it ladies and gentlemen four fantastic tolls are down now how do tours operate well quite simply we can click on them and as you can see this is our super happy small one weight all of the fantastic city of New Zealand now at the moment every single time a car passes through here as you can see they slow down a little bit they immediately a charged one single money point whatever a single money point is and oh my the money's coming in now I'm afraid charging somewhat just one Zealand dollar is not enough we're going to have to up the cost a little bit to two Zealand Dollars if you're a car or four if you're a heavy vehicle and we're going to be doing the same over here you see ladies and gentlemen tax is an inefficient way of doing your money people can avoid tax people can dodge tax tell your people can't dodge they can't dodge one of these because it's staring at them right in the face it's this massive kiosk where they just SAP your money and I love that I love a good money sapping kiosk and the money is actually starting to it's not much but it's actually quite impressive we have currently gained three hundred and fifty eight dollars just this week from tolls that's great but sadly it's not enough so fantastic we have some traffic driving through here we're generating a bit of money about $500 a week but it's not enough ladies and gentlemen oh no what's this sewage sewage is backing up okay well and we could pump the sewage into the river but that's a that's horrific instead what about a little solution I prefer the modern solution which is just quite simply to make a poop it there we go it's just a hole we can pump things into there and nobody questions where the hole goes and we certainly don't tell people that the hole actually feeds down into Australia so they we go we have our tour set up they're receiving water and the sewage is getting pumped away absolutely magnificent and as you can see efficiently we're already starting to pump the fantastic waste of water into the hole now don't worry it's going to take quite a while to fill up so this is actually a very efficient way of storing but oh no ladies and gentlemen we're losing money why is this well it's because we're having to spend budget on things like water and electricity so for that to actually start paying off we're going to need to start finding a way to make money now when it comes to designing beautiful cities don't worry I'm somewhat of an expert so we're gonna whack down this massive hideous roundabout rotate that's gorgeous and then as I'm all about efficient Road planning which is gonna have one big road connector there a good 90 degree angle for the cars to take as well and then a great big outlet road to go there look at that beautiful efficient city planning now when it comes to the actual city itself we're going to keep it nice and relatively simple we're going to want a section for people to live and a section for people to work you know what this looks like a beautiful living section and I know it's gorgeous I am somewhat of an artist when it comes to city design and we're BAM that's all residential oh my people are actually moving in of course they're moving in what what am I on about of course they're moving it the reason they're moving in is because the tax is so low was this city has nothing to offer other than a large quantity of toll roads there is actually in fact tax you see one of the things that cities don't really account for is the fact that tolls are a great way of making money so when citizens decide whether they're going to move into a town or not they don't actually take into account the fact that there's at all on the main road see all of these fantastic people moving into the city are going to get hit by the toll as soon as they arrive there won't we have 84 people living here although none of them have so far made it but soon they will now when it comes to actually getting to our city there are several ways cars can go they can go the way of the for toll route now the issue is the a is smart and they're always going to try and go the cheapest way meaning you need to remove the cheapest way at all possible occasions so for example for our new residents here when they actually come to drive to their brand-new house instead of going through this road they will go the exceedingly long way around this massive interchange loop come all the way up here draw and then get into the city instead of actually using the beautiful toll roads so we need to find a way to fix that and what better way to fix it than add in more toll roads ourselves now because there's some reported crime happening over here sadly we actually have to place down one of these bad boys a police office that's right and every time anything bad happens the police are gonna get summoned and they're gonna start doing some good things and I'm deliberately going to place the police station here for the sole reason that whenever the police want to go back to their station you have to do a full lap of this interchange loop here hopefully going for at least four toll roads so these tour routes exist so that basically whenever you go into our city you're guaranteed to at least pay eight dollars if you're a truck all four dollars if you're a regular car and here come our brand new residents who have all paid the $4 fantastic entry fee into brand new zeland now of course in any good city you need a good old classic and old fashioned class divide which is exactly why we have the fantastic dirt road leading up to at all which is going to allow people to visit beautiful things such as this singular Park which is all we can afford were bad look at how fantastic it now is to live in this area if you want to go see that part gotta pay the toll anyway we have something we need to build our city isn't making money why is that what people don't want to move in there's no way to put our commercial stuff for our industry oh no oh no the the pits leaking right deep in the pit deep in the hole there we go fantastic although that can just sink down back into the hole and that's something we can worry about another time but anyway we need a place to put our industry so where's the industry going to go well naturally it's not going to go over here well it'd make too much sense instead we want it down the highway the sole reason being that down this highway there's more Tom's that can be paid so we need to set up is a brand new industrial area now logic would dictate that you should simply have a road coming off here to fill up with industry but no no no no no instead ladies in general we create our own industry areas and by that I mean just going to have a road shoot off in this direction fantastic and then same for this side now that's an entry to an industrial zone but then of course we need an exit as well and fantastic this is what I call a beautiful junction and this will allow us to build aid fantastic hair around here all manner of people to enjoy there we go fantastic we've managed to plot out a beautiful area for all of our industry which we're just going to whack down right here and here fantastic if you want to set up your own factory this is where you have to do it I'm afraid but you know once again set up a lovely coal power plant over here now you might be thinking a coal power plant is a bad idea because I mean that way we have to import coal into the area don't worry remember importing anything is good for us because ladies and gentlemen you know what time it is it's tall time I'm sorry but if you're getting up to this new industry area you've got to pay the toll those are the rules and fantastic the industry section is up and running we've got it serviced with everything it could possibly need to be exceedingly profitable most importantly just the toll roads because we're not making any tax off of these guys but because we're not making any tax they're more than happy to move in just look at the global happiness of our population they're absolutely elated by this city it's fantastic so we've added in an extra five toll roads so that basically whenever you visit the industrial area we're going to be getting a fair amount of money off of you a mine look it's a police car ah yes we've shortened the loop for all of our police cars here they come just think about the amount of money we make off of these police cars look at the journey it's got to it's got to go up here pay this toll here then keep going along pay this toll here and here and then it can get back into the city oh what a fantastic setup and now we're facing an issue garbage has piled up it needs a place to be stored well where do we store the garbage course we should store it down a random road somewhere over here so we're going to slap down some landfill over here because landfill comes with a fantastic feature garbage trucks and garbage trucks whenever they leave this area have to then pay an immediate $4 to go through this tall - thank you very much so all of these garbage trucks which we have to pay maintenance on make their maintenance backbite driving around here and then immediately doing the loop back through the fantastic toll roads Wow our population really is growing this is going great we have a lot of people moving in a lot of money is being made but I'm noticing a lot of people are walking to their houses that's a good sign maybe we're helping the environment a bit so what we need to do is basically find a way to encourage people to use their cars instead of actually walking from point A to point B so we're going to need to encourage somehow now what I've deliberately done is I've demolished this section of the highway over here for the sole reason that it forces the natural traffic going from the south ear up to the north too instead of doing it on the main highway take a detour and do it on our fantastic toll road the more people we can funnel down the toll road the better because look at all of these people who were previously getting away with not paying for the toll that's an absolute travesty oh no and the hole is overflowing again what is it with this hole there we go we've run out of soil to fill this hole whiff so come on go sink down sink down come on keep sinking okay it doesn't seem far enough okay it would appear may be storing oil in the hole was a bad idea maybe we should build our own hole that would be a good idea yes we can build some kind of profitable storage containment device ah yes that makes sense oh my and the money is actually really starting to tick up now oh yes look at all the traffic we've now got going for our tolls this is starting to look very good yes we're now making 2,800 2,900 a month off of the tolls yes oh my oh my yes the more queue is the better you know we're going to need more tolls in here we can't let the people get away with not paying as much as humanly possible let's purchase this land for 12,000 it's gonna be worth it I mean look at this we've got a corner here which is just completely untold at the moment so what are we going to do well I'm thinking we make the most convoluted way to get to this bridge possible oh my goodness game you can't let me do this game no this is this is slightly too many toll roads at this point now and actually it's it's fire this is perfectly fine this is just game plates as how city skylines was meant to be played Wow the game actually let me do this I'm amazed thank you game thank you so much for letting me design this beautiful creation here oh yes all of these tolls right we're going to of course crank up those prices there these tolls are fantastic they're going to allow us to charge an appropriate value for crossing this magnificent bridge this is the queen elizabeth ii memorial bridge which is of course a premium experience for anyone to cross and for that sole reason we need to make it as expensive as possible does it want to be cool oh my goodness the bridge is actually it let's put fridge what are the odds okay right cherry bridge you're being renamed to Queen Liz bridge amazing we've created these single best roads imaginable oh my who wouldn't want to pay to go on the Queen Elizabeth Memorial Bridge Oh fantastic the roads up and running it's up and running oh look at the money flood in oh now that's a lot of money four thousand a week just for all of this oh it's beautiful and look at it look at how all the traffic fantastically snaked around where are you people going you're driving out of the city you're unemployed you're literally just leaving these people are just leaving and arriving to the city they're not even meant to be here we got trucks coming through they're just exporting goods through other cities but they have to drive through here and pay the toll oh no the lagoons almost full right okay here is my back-up plan you see the lagoon it was only a temporary situation instead what you need is a larger storage containment device oh goodness and that accidentally just completely backfired and created something else there we go I want a nice flat area here for us to store stuff in fantastic lovely stuff so whilst we are filling up the lagoon like so we are also going to be filling up this large crater and hopefully the combined powers of the two are going to make it so that I don't have to worry about refuse for a good while yet so how many people are visiting the park one visitor last week fantastic it only cost us $8 to operate and honestly provided two people drive through here that's a profit but I'll tell you what we do need to set up we need to set up a school and the issue is schools are expensive look at elementary school 160 a week so we have to set that up over here and hopefully people are going to make their way over here yes look at that everyone's enrolling not 300 students now they just have to make their own way to school and people really really want a commercial zone very well I know just where to put it I think we should probably have the commercial zone be an offshoot of this area up here see we have this fantastic garbage truck area but I feel like we're not using this to its fullest potential and so we're going to loop it on round and create the commercial area oh it's going to be good ladies and gentlemen let's get those low-density commercial shops in there Oh BAM look at that this is gonna be good so yes now all the shops are going to be moving in but every time a shop needs to get its goods resupplied they're going to be coming from this section over here so they have to drive all the way around here pay the tolls drive on down pay more tours and one drop off their goods fantastic and of course they need the basic supplies apparently we're low in housing oh my we actually need more housing my goodness that's wild and before this day would come that actually enough people would want to live in this mess of a city yes look at all these people driving down to their local shops not this person here they currently work at the convenience store they're gonna do their shift and they're gonna have to drive all the way back of course pay the toll now I know it's not quite enough if I'm honest I'd like to charge them a little bit extra so that's exactly what we're going to be doing it's pause quickly demolish this road and get another toe fitted and go fantastic two more toll booths set up in perfect position to enjoy the fantastic shopping area which is apparently lacking workers we need more people so for that we're going to need to create another mega loop coming off of here we're just gonna keep expanding the residential area in the most beautiful way possible ridiculous disgusting loops BAM look at that that's where people want to live that's beautiful land there's absolutely nothing there but they are within driving distance of a park oh my goodness and the water fingers still becoming an issue right okay we need to expand the hole there we go this is the liquid solution I do believe which we're all looking for provided too many cars aren't swept away fantastic yes we are able to keep storing everything and you know what I've realized we could also use a good old-fashioned fire engine I'm going to position the fire engine up here so that it has to pay the toll to even get out and start servicing people a fantastic location now it's this setup over here which is really the bulk of our money owners because I mean just look at this all of these trucks going around in a massive loop just trying to even enter or exit the city providing us with a ridiculous amount of money around 8,500 a week is what they're providing which is ridiculous when it comes to our income from taxes look at that only 158 142 and 86 absolutely nothing in comparison to our glorious fantastic toll that 95% of our income comes from toll roads that's a perfect number right there but it could be more it could be oh so much more you know maybe it should be I'm sensing like certainly on this road here there's a distinct lack of toll roads we don't have to necessarily take roads in a straight line that's limiting the toll potential oh my goodness what's happening over here okay I can see why the game prompted me to build the fire station now that's quite the fire you know let's provide our students with the service how about a school bus that's right we can set up a bus depot over here a fantastic idea and we can sit up bus lines to commute people around our fantastic city the best thing of course being that for our bus to even do bus stuff it has to go through all of the toll roads what a fantastic setup so we've set up one bus line which is going to cause these buses here to go through this toll and immediately pay four dollars then this toll and immediately pay another four dollars and that's only the start of their bus route four they have an entire lap of the tolls to do first yes suddenly on this strip of road here there are not enough toes as you can see people are just waiting to drive through this is terrible admittedly traffic is backing up a fair bit but what's the point of having Roosevelt a good bit of traffic so yes let us demolish a large ish segments of the highway here and sets but never toast iral oh yes now this is what I call an efficient Road planning set up and by fishing I mean profitable because at the end of the day each of these little toll roads is going to be churning in a good $4 or so per big truck that comes through and he might just be on their way to start servicing our power plant or they could be on their way for something actually vastly more important like say there a fire engine but no no no we offer no exceptions fantastic look at these toll roads beautifully set up this is going to be a large amount of profit I can tell you that much I just love that for them there's absolutely nowhere else they can go it's just these toll booths and then or even cranked up to maximum profit ladies and gentlemen there's so much more we can do is only just opened and this lovely little toll booth has already charged 103 people just for the privilege of gracing this fantastic Road oh my I am not seeing that we are encountering a slight issue in that a large amount of people are in fact dying and no one is transporting them away that's because we don't actually have anywhere to store them so we're gonna need to find a place for the cemetery honestly I'm thinking maybe this highway here it's a very profitable bit of real estate if I'm honest see it's an absolute perfect location it's got water it's got electricity and also all of the hearses have to pay at least $12 to even get into the city right you know we're gonna make the fun area even more fun this park we've got a park but you know what we're also gonna add a bouncy castle that's right you want to take your kids to the greatest area in the entirety of the city the bouncy castle area or you've got to stop paying the tolls to actually get there I've even started installing some of these fancy high-rise buildings they're absolutely amazing it can pack far more people and far more cars into just one short location which is honestly everything we need oh no what's happening here oh no the tow is closed oh no the building is actually flooded why is everything overflowed why do you do this to me game there we go I think I've created a place for the water to continue flowing into and thank goodness that all was not damaged only a couple of vehicles floated away good stuff and apparently there aren't enough garbage trucks well that's something I can fix that just means enough garbage dump they hardly cost anything and they do basically pay for themselves I feel like certainly a large amount of this city's budget has gone into facilitating the storage and containment of all of this wastewater but you know it's actually kind of working if I'm honest I mean working in some way and it would appear the great spill is actually occurring oh well apparently that was never enough storage there is absolutely no way to contain all of this and I'm encountering an issue where I do not really have the funds available to do anything about it this is the issue when you have no text you have to rely on cars for all of your money and quite frankly I've started spending a lot more money than there are cars on the road so we're going to have to wait for our money to tick up a fair bit you know the last time we did a video like this where we put tolls everywhere we were limited by the fact that we refused to build a city for the tolls to actually matter in but no in this video ladies and gentlemen the toes genuinely matter because everyone going in and out of our city is getting hit constantly by tolls in fact you know what I want another set of toes here I mean come on you arrived in the city on Pleasant Highway I'm sorry but that sounds too happy we need a toll fantastic look at this fix suddenly a new toll has arrived oh look at this fantastic be profitable set up this lovely forest forward or over here this guy he needs to get back to his office because his office is located over a pellet fuel zinc located right here but to do so he's got to do a full loop of the tolls of course he does why this is a fantastic idea we can put everyone in the city in a work Union reducing our residential tax income by 2% considering our residential tax income is at 1% that means we're going to be receiving minus 1% taxes how on earth is that going to work you know what I'm rather interested in finding out how right it's time we put everyone in residential tax under the Workers Union it's time for us to stand up for the little man and make sure that they pay absolutely no tax whatsoever right let's get up this brand-new policy workers union activate we can also give tax relief here and here oh my goodness this is fantastic this is absolutely fantastic the tax is now down to minus 3% at least how is this even going to be calculated it's working it's absolutely working we're going to start making no money yes no money in residential income fantastic as the city is up and running and functioning for itself I'm going to simply let some time pass and we'll see how much money we have when we return so see you in a couple of moments time magical fade away oh it's gonna be jazzy now due to the ridiculous interest in our fantastic industry section traffic is starting to get a tad wild a lot of people having to stop and especially on this section here the toll roads are taking too long so this is where sadly a process needs to start happening we're going to need to start using automatic tolls now that basically means that people will no longer stop at toll booths so we're going to start setting up a fantastic section here and hopefully this should alleviate some of the toll base stress so we enact policy in City Planning for automated tolls basically vehicles no longer stop when passing through the toes however toll income is reduced by 30% so we activate that and hopefully everyone should go speeding through whilst it does hurt our profits it's necessary because I mean just look at this road we've built here it's full of cars I mean it's beautiful but at the same time before that's a lot of money wellbutrin is back ladies and gentlemen as the fantastic new zealand city is going into a full rise of power look at this we have 7000 people living in our city but though the number does keep going down mostly because I'm apparently not enough people have access to a hospital yeah for some reason you fall sick in the city and - the ambulance about 17 hours and 24 tolls to get to you in fact it's better to not use miles when measuring distance in this city we like to instead use tolls you see to simply get from behind stupid song park that's of May 20 tolls to get from the cemetery over here to collect a dead body say over here in amber heights that's 40 tolls and that's what I call a successful economic strategy you see per week we generate 25,000 from tolls allowing us to live a lavish lifestyle where we are spending thousands on things like electricity water garbage and fire people and you want to know the best thing the park is paying for itself exceedingly well forty-eight visitors to the park each of them having to spend at least two dollars to get there absolutely fantastic let's do a quick calculation to see what it would take a car to get from this location here to then go all the way down into Chester Park all the way round get over to here and then loop all the way back to get to the industrial district and then to leave the city so to enter and then get to the industrials district and out again okay takes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 81 82 83 84 oh good this 84 toll roads ladies and gentlemen if that is a car doing that route it's to Sealand dollars per tour that is 84 toes times by 2 that's a hundred and sixty-eight dollars just for one lap but if you happen to be a truck then congratulations that's 336 dollars to simply do one lap of the city oh my that's a lot of money so profitable this city is we have lost about 1/8 of the entire population of New Zealand however trust me it's not my fault it's solely because all of the rubbish has accidentally piled up on everyone's doorsteps and it's making everyone horrific leo but don't worry everyone's still having fun look people are still going to the park and they're enjoying the bouncy castle a dead person is awaiting for child no wonder there's a queue out here why is the bouncy castle still wiggling why is it moving odo odo well here's the ambulance fantastic yes I know it's not the most efficient city set up but trust me it just works ladies and gentlemen it just works I'm very interested to see theoretically how far you could take this city I mean it would be absolutely wild how far you can go and hey you know if you want to be a citizen of New Zealand as well and join a colony which has a fantastic survival rate of seven out of eight people actually living past their first tea based inauguration day then why not give the video a like to show your support in the fantastic creation of New Zealand morning citizens of Zealand may never leave New Zealand New Zealand is always in need of new people to drive cars your job will be provided to you and its most likely be 100 miles away if no job is found then don't worry you will simply be given a car and talk to drive in circles once you have nobody in New Zealand don't worry you can simply get a job or you can live Azir across life start where the government takes none of your money excluding tolls such a lifestyle includes absolutely no upfront costs excluding cost of food petrol housing education health care public transport and energy otherwise it's tax-free or lease that's all we put on the postcards I mean who would to live here it's absolutely fantastic what do you think Queenie well spiff I think you'll find that actually the city sorry Queenie can I just interject what has happened to you boots everything is because the person being the intermediary for my voices absolutely no idea how to speak comfortably and he's actually completely naturally straining his voice to do oh that's how I'm gonna die ladies and gentlemen oh we've done it ladies and gentlemen we've finally done it two million New Zealand Dollars and just in time to see the massive fantastical storage container be filled up to maximum this is about as high as we can get and you know what I think it's a fitting end for this city so I'm terribly sorry City you've done a fantastic job of funding me with a almost unlimited supply of Taxation via toll roads it seems only fair that it comes to an end via massive catastrophic Armageddon so who let us select our meteorite over here and dial it up from severity five to twenty five point five and allow it to begin I mean it's already overflowing all we're doing really is just helping it move on a bit oh my it really is starting to overflow right now well hopefully not too many cars have been swept away no we are accidentally sweeping cars off of the tour roads oh but don't worry the meteorite is on its way fantastic there's the first one there's the second and there's the third and away the liquid goes oh my goodness it's all coming out now I don't think that's quite how water physics work but don't worry there's a fire but the fire can be put out by the massive tidal wave being emitted from the volcano it's actually creating quite a nice natural lake well about as natural as a synthetic teabag but still natural nonetheless fantastic what a beautiful city we've ended up making New Zealand a fantastic success so why not go visit his own holiday today anyway I've been the spiffing Brit ladies and gentlemen you have indeed enjoyed watching our adventures into cities skylines today and do feel free to give through the video a like it absolutely does help us out thank you very much and there's always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make all of these silly videos the more possible thank you very much you majestic sausages and hey if you're wondering what video you might like to watch next then look no further than this one on screen which myself and the queen of hand-picked to be just perfect for you anyway I've been the spiffing Brit I hope you all have an absolute lovely time and good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,365,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, cities skylines, cities skylines is a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced game, Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits, greedfall, divinity original sin 2, funny, montage, CitiesSkylines, toll only challenge, toll only, cities skylines toll road only, cities skylines no tax, no tax challenge, cities skylines funny challenge, cities skylines funny, cities skylines challenge, spiffing brit, rt game, funny clips, lets play, the spiffing brit
Id: gBe39Tn_75c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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