RAFT Is A Perfectly Balanced Survival Game With No Exploits - Breaking the Shark With Infinite Items

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i think my auto click can speed up this process a bit as well oh my god it can speed up the process look at this what is going on here hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the channel today we're playing the lovely game of raft it's a fantastic survival game where you're sent off in the ocean surviving with basically nothing whilst being continuously harassed by sharks which will be destroying everything that you've built and hold dear to yourself now today of course i'm going to be playing this game although playing this game is actually quite a strong word because instead of going via the game's normal regular strategies of gathering resources distilling water keeping yourself alive i will instead be going for the ultimate 100 developer approved strategy of playing the game in an absolutely stupid way which makes no sense and consequently also being ridiculously powerful because instead of spending our time growing potatoes or harvesting beetroots we will instead be living the high life all thanks to a couple of handy dandy items and most importantly a whole bunch of video game exploits now ladies and gentlemen before we dive into the fantastic world of raft make sure you sat back relaxed with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and trust me you're gonna need a strong one for this because it's gonna be spicy as we're going to build the largest and greatest raft in the universe without actually you know playing the game so let's jump into a brand new world oh my goodness now this exploit that we're going to be pulling off works on every single difficulty but for the sake of simplicity we're going to be on normal the exploit that i'm also going to show for work in multiplayer so you can even bamboozle your friends as well so let's start a brand new world we're going to be calling it i don't know it's something in the ocean something floating in the ocean of course it's going to be sea land for those of you that don't know what sea land is sea land is effectively a tiny rig off of the coast of england which was just far enough out to declare itself an independent country and so you can actually become a citizen of sealand it's surprisingly cheap and i myself am a knight of sealand which i purchased for the lovely cost of only around about 50 pounds so yes we're going to create our very own sea land floating off in the middle of nowhere in the ocean and the reason why is because when you have your own nation and your own kingdom in the sea technically laws don't apply to you you're no longer constrained by hmrc tax codes and consequently you can get up to just about anything provided you don't violate the geneva convention or maybe you can violate the geneva convention and just pretend you never saw it or heard about it the choice is yours so yes let's dive into this game and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even give this video a like that's one of the most loveliest things you can do so thank you very much and here we are we're in the game we start out with basically nothing surrounded by um by nothing we're in the middle of an ocean and we have a hook and using this hook we're basically going to be pulling things towards us um and then bringing them onto our ships so this barrel here for example contains resources a whole bunch of resources in fact and we'll be needing these resources to actually build up our raft get it larger get some resources going on in there we're going to be needing all of this jazz come on give me your planks give me your leaves and you'll notice in the bottom left of our screen we also need food because at the moment we don't have a source of food or water logically this game wants you to craft things like rain water catchers and actually grow your own plants it also wants you to do silly things like actually distill sea water oh who can be bothered doing that no no no we're gonna be cheesing this system you will notice there is a shark floating in the sea and that shark is going to eventually take notice of what we're doing and try and murder us hopefully he's going to be nice and leave us alone for a little while but there's a good chance that he won't and will try and murder us very shortly now i can technically fall into the water but it's not a good idea because as you can tell i just had my leg basically ripped off by a shark we're floating in the middle of nowhere at the moment and with basically no resources we have no way of surviving we're dropped off in a barren landscape with with almost no survivability or infrastructure it's easy to mistake this wilderness for actually anywhere in the north of england but surprisingly unlike the north of england this place is actually hospitable now already we've been given some lovely treats we've got a single what is this is this a beetroot here in my inventory yeah it's a raw beet in our inventory which we can use for food it's not exactly the best source of food but you know it is food we've got some decent base resources but it could do with improvement and what we're going to do to actually improve our resource situation is relatively simple we're going to need a couple of items to begin with firstly we're going to need to make some rope the reason why is simple rope is used to make a whole bunch of fun tools and we could also do with some more plastic because plastic is going to allow us to get started on this lovely exploit normally in this game you're going to be crafting yourself a couple of spears maybe a research table and using your limited quantity of resources to get yourself nice and started and what's that there's an island over there in the distance lovely this island will hopefully be a source of rare resources that are difficult to come by out in the ocean like for example plants because who doesn't love plants right now i've just jumped into the water there's our lovely shark friend he's um a little bit you know violent and sharky but it's okay he should mostly leave us alone as the game effectively believes we're a bit of a noob we're on a tiny one by one square and so the shark doesn't really want to attack us they'll attack any new squares that we build so if we were for example going to extend out this way a little bit the shark will jump on and try and tear out our brand new little structure but where we are we're actually safe from the shark what are you up to sharky you're just gonna keep following me around and see what i'm up to sharky i'm about to become the richest person in this entire game make sure to watch because you've got a lot to learn my friend oh we just picked up a raw potato in one of those barrels that's perfect oh two raw potatoes in fact this is brilliant our economy is looking great oh no here's the shark okay so the shark does want to fight now which is an issue because we're going to need to basically craft some rogue quite a bit of rope in fact and make ourselves a lovely wooden spear the reason why is because otherwise the shark is going to murder us oh but we've almost made landfall and over here the shark's not actually going to bother us so perfect stuff let's put on our lovely little wooden spear i'll even drop down a lovely little box of goodies here there we go oh and look at this we're now in a shark proof zone next to a lovely island this island full of flowers but most importantly this island should have a little gift for us right the way up at the top oh there we go it's a humble pineapple ladies and gentlemen we got some pineapple seeds as well but we don't need those because in this game to actually win you only need one of each item and from there you can have infinite quantities of items so at the moment we have a limited set of resources as you can see we have a little bit of wood we have a whole bunch of palm leaves we've got some plastics but what's really going to start cheesing up this system is when we get a little bit creative with the storage mechanics in this game now what we're able to do in this game is you've probably noticed i've suddenly got six pineapples instead of the one that i had originally and this is because the game has a unique way of duplicating items so we're going to do is we're going to duplicate some wood this is a basic building resource you're going to need it for just about everything and what you're gonna do to pull off this exploit is put one of an item on your hotbar in our case we've gone for the plank of wood in the number two slot we're then going to duplicate this item by holding down this stack of 17 palm leaves hitting the number two key and suddenly we have 17 wooden planks then what we're going to do is we're going to do a lovely drop down and put those planks in our inventory and there we go we now have a nice supply of planks we have 17 more planks than we actually started with we're then going to use this same strategy with palm leaves so that we have a few more of those and now we have a whole bunch of additional palm leaves and we can repeat this process a whole bunch to get as many of any one item as we like now this is of course as you can probably guess a little bit silly and a tad crazy now what we're going to do is we're just going to keep duplicating these palm leaves so we can get as many as we physically can it's nice and simple just select your plank of wood press the number two key then you've got 20 palm leaves and then you just want to repeat the process over and over again until you have a metric ton of palm leaves in your inventory and the game doesn't really know what to do with you at this point because i mean what are you meant to do with someone who's able to just summon resources out of thin air there's not exactly many planned gameplay balancing choices which a game developer can come up with to stop someone who's able to do this now what i am noticing is that the shark is actually taking a great interest in us at the moment so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get some of my lovely palm leaves which i've duplicated i'm going to craft some lovely rope there we go for rope and i'm going to make myself a lovely throwable anchor so that hopefully the shark will just leave me alone this is gonna require more stone than we have access to though so once again we'll just repeat this exploit with this lovely set of stone so as the stone is in the number five slot in my inventory i grab my lovely little plank hit the number five key and were bam one stone has become 20 zones and now i can craft a throwball anchor without really worrying about any resource limitations i realize i probably also need a building hammer at this point because a little bit of my ship was banged up so we could probably do with repairing it oh no my character is slowly starting to die of dehydrations well luckily as we've just picked up ourselves a pineapple our entire first situation has been solved the reason why is that pineapples are an excellent source of nutrition and can easily be duplicated into stacks of 20. so now with just one pineapple we have an infinite supply of pineapples and with that we have endless food and water it is now impossible for us to die in this game the shark is unable to reach us as we are effectively on land and honestly we don't even need to say hi to the shock oh wait no apparently he can come on land as well good job sharky well done now i did have an idea and i really want to try and pull it off and that is to build the tallest raft in the game just for no other reason other than i think it would be absolutely hilarious to watch and naturally we're not going to build this in a normal way no this raft is going to be entirely cheated in using our lovely item duplication exploit to duplicate as many wooden planks as we feasibly can oh wait here comes the sharky sharky go away go away sharky bugger off god what an angry little sausage technically we could research better ways to deal with the shark other than just hitting him with a wooden spear like you can physically use bow and arrows in this game if you really like but uh there's just no reason to actually do that when he said you can just destroy this game's mechanics so what we're going to do once again continue our lovely duplication of wooden planks because it just makes the most sense and lovely stuff now we have ourselves a massive supply of wood and i'm wondering just how tall can we go technically it's only day one so to build a massive tower out of wooden planks oh my god the game said no is that seriously how high i'm allowed to go is that the limitation am i not allowed to go higher game seriously is that all i want to go taller than that though i'm going to need iron screws i'm going to need screws okay how do i mass duplicate those for nails i need scrap okay how much scrap do i have one uh i have more than one scrap trust me this game has just made a mistake there we go i have 20 scrap it's just so silly you can even do it in your hot bar you don't even need a storage to do it in but a storage just makes it a little bit easier to pull it all off let's craft as many nails as we feasibly can and get started on the mega ladder all right up we go oh my god is the game gonna let me go up here it is it is there we go we're right up at the top now it's giving me a bad case of let's go my goodness look at this we're so high up on top of the island i mean this is day one of raft survival so as you can tell things are going quite well when you can position yourself up at the height where you can stab seagulls with a spear instead of actually you know shooting them with a bow and arrow like a normal person would uh i am noticing that the raft is a little bit top heavy so we're a little bit wiggly up here i'm sure it's fine it's just part of the gameplay design you know wait can i go higher i can go higher i can go higher game yes oh i can go taller take me to the heavens take me to the heavens game i want to see just how tall i could make my raft i mean i've done it in only the most legitimate gameplay ways oh my goodness right as the sun rises on our next day um our raft has ascended to the heights where it would start disrupting air travel um i am seeing oh my goodness old i do not like this oh ow okay i broke my legs now things are looking a little bit crazy um on our raft i'm not gonna lie it's a bit wobbly so we're not actually moving that is just the raft moving itself oh my goodness that is making me seasick look at that i would not be i would not want to be on top of that bad boy look at how that's behaving in the wind i don't think the game's physics were particularly designed for this oh goodness oh no i'm sure it's fine the best thing about this exploit is you can even use it to duplicate items that it doesn't logically make sense for you to be able to duplicate like for example i can hold this pile of leaves here and sharky can you leave me alone i'm trying to break the game i feel like the shark is a physical manifestation of the game developers trying to stop me at every turn but you have not stopped me erecting this massive monolithic shaft to the heavens oh my goodness it is so dumb but yes um you can actually duplicate items that doesn't make sense to duplicate like for example the plastic hooks i can hold this pile of palm leaves here and woodband suddenly i have 20 plastic hooks and i can just plop them down there there we go 20 plastic hooks i don't really know how this is going to function having 20 plastic hooks but you know apparently it's fine let's just eat a few more pineapples and boost up our health right now i'm running low on wood again so i'll just quickly duplicate myself some wood because you know it's necessary that's uh number six is it yep there we go a whole bunch of additional wood what i'm going to do is just actually build out another platform just like i can work on another solid foundation there we go perfect and what i'm going to do is i'm going to plop down on this lovely guy a little research table because we need to actually get researching a bit of technology now space is a little bit all over the place on this little boat but that's all fine in terms of technology that we need to research it's going to be a fun one ladies and gentlemen alright welcome back ladies and gentlemen some lovely time has passed and we've cheesed the systems even more in order to duplicate the game a little bit more insanely we've got some stone arrows because they allow us to duplicate in stacks of 30 and we've also used this duplication to effectively duplicate shark bait so the shark will never bother us again i've gotten my lovely friend here conor brown to assist me with all of my exploits because having a second person means we can duplicate twice as fast the only downside is by adding him to the ship he negligently accidentally destroyed the massive morning wood plinth which i built and so we are going to have to rebuild it we're going to have to rebuild it very quickly as i'm going to be very upset in fact actually you know whilst you're busy hunting for stone and iron i'm gonna be uh building this well just ignore me i'm just building up a lovely cliff oh god i'm falling oh my legs such a nightmare to actually get up here because you reach a point where the game is like nope you're clearly too high up and it just just tries to kick you off we're not quite back to where we used to be but this is a good start we're going to need to duplicate more wood for this but now that we can duplicate in increments of 30 we've basically sped up the process massively so yeah we can just grab that hit five we'll bam a whole bunch of wooden planks now which is just lovely oh i found a way to glitch out the stacks in the game in a way which we don't even need nets using the um stone arrows we're able to basically stack above sets of 20 but if you after stacking an item move it into a storage like say this wooden plank here and we duplicate it and then we just shift move it into storage you'll notice we have an ever growing stack of wooden planks here we have 51 wooden planks which is a little bit insane because we're going to be able to just repeat this process until we build up effectively a massive stack of planks which have no limitations so let's just see how far i can take my mega stack of planks oh my goodness we've hit a lot okay we're 81 incredible how did you do that um i don't even know at this point i've i'm up to 90. i've got a stack of 90 wooden planks we can duplicate anything in a stack of 90 right i want 90 pineapples and about 90 pineapples there we go i'm fed for the rest of my life this is it this is peak pineapple right here i'm done this game's finished now like i can't die i mean this an infinite shark bait means we're effectively immortal to the sharks we can never run out of food and we have infinite building resources oh goodness and now that i have the stack of 80 pineapples as well i can duplicate even harder because i can duplicate in stacks of 80 instead of just the original 30 oh this is it this is it we're hitting the snowball now there we go stack of 78 wood shift click it into the inventory of a stack of 148 wood blocks now connor 148 wooden planks in one stack it's not allowed but it's happening i need more storage containers i need more let me i don't even know where do we get sun and clay from i don't even know oh i remember where do we get sand from look down at your feet connor what if we're on a beach so because i have 266 wooden planks here because i have that what i can do is i can just duplicate more wooden planks i can get that one wooden plank there have it selected hit the number five key and i have two sets of 266 and then if i try and shift click them on top of each other now i'm up to 512. this is just oh my god can i increase it any further we're bam and can i drop the one a thousand and four we're in a thousand and four wooden plaques oh my god oh right what i'll do is i'll also um i'll duplicate some nails um i think that's a good idea um where's your smelter oh have you not made one i haven't made one why would i make one do i look like the kind of person that would make a smelter i'm i'm the kind of person that's focusing on the most important part of this boat which is of course the massive monolith into the sky oh true the architectural statement piece okay uh we haven't even researched a smelter yet well that sounds like a tech problem um and you won't know who's head of technology uh well it's it's now you i've just made you head of technology oh congratulations i'll get ahead and make us some oh i need some clay i'm just building this up into the sky we're gonna we're gonna be able to go higher than this massive monolith has ever gone before i mean duplicating items in stacks of 30 brilliant stacks of 20 less so duplicating in stacks of a thousand now that's where it's at oh my god i'm falling i'm falling i'm falling i live connor how high am i have i been i feel like i can't see you oh okay i did take damage from that that was about half my health what oh did you catch yourself i caught myself on a ladder yeah oh i can see now there we go i'm just going to get some binoculars is that what we're going to need so that we can see each other yeah actually i'll need that so i can inspect your working on top of my mega towel which is where i'll be inspecting your progress can you even see like the tip of this is it is it possible to see the tip uh no have you ever seen the tip before no right um i'm gonna throw myself off at the top here uh and land in the water right because that'll keep me alive oh my god this is i mean in theory in theory yes in like a gameplay sense but in a practical sense i'm pretty sure you're dead if you jump from this height right i'm going oh my god god what have i made did you point your feet when you went into the water yeah i pointed my little tippy toes so we lived look at that that is just it's way more stable than the last one actually actually the shadows because it's triangular it's because it's triangular yeah it's stronger it's a stronger shape isn't it just let me love i'm just going to be lobbying random items on the floor that we're no longer going to need because we're so fabulously rich and wealthy okay 7000 plastic okay i'm now going to try and build out as far as i physically can at 8 000 plastic and wood in my inventory so i'm just gonna run and see how far we can go oh god there's a shark i thought you killed it uh i think we might have a new shark we have a brand new shock wow look at that that's beautiful let me climb up my ladder so that i could see that better wow great job beautiful bit of artistic work there connor all right time to climb up the shaft let me see about building a lantern and spicing up our little base there we go now that i've got one lantern can i duplicate lanterns does the game say it's fine for me to do that yeah i can duplicate lanterns okay right uh we're gonna have the most lit base in the universe as i've accidentally made seven thousand lanterns um accidentally oh my god you can stack them you can stack them look at this this is the most insanely brightly lit corner in the world you can stand on them you can stand on them wow that's um going to be one nice brightly lit location let me climb up to the top of my ladder and see if i can see it get on the top of your ladder and see if you can kill a bird uh the issue is the top of my ladder is above where the birds are so it's gonna be a challenge i'm on top of the magical plinth and up here i've just fallen off and i'm about to die oh no that's the floor i lived i lived i'm alive okay i was not expecting that oh my goodness you know what i'm gonna duplicate some more bait because i think it you know why not there we go another stack of 7 300 bait so i'll just be dropping this around and hopefully he'll leave us nicely alone i think my autoclick can speed up this process a bit as well oh my god it can speed up the process look at this what is going on here oh my god so you know how jesus can like turn one fish into many fish like i'm better than jesus at this point like this is this is jesus 2.0 come on the second coming the second oh god oh damn all right i've surrounded the boat with hopefully enough bait to keep the shark at bay um i'm not too certain though but i'm sure i'll be fine actually not now that i think about it you can never have too much does the game have a limitation of entities spawning in because you'd think at some point it would eventually say that this is too many but i'm not seeing it actually kick in and tell me you've gone too far oh my god look at the field the field of fish it turns out auto clicker plus shark bait is not a good combination for this game i want to see if i could really just surround us in a wall of the shark is never going to be able to get us until i'm dropping frames there's not enough shark yeah until the game physically crashes we haven't gone far enough i've managed to get myself up to about the altitude of a boeing 747 and i can say there is no land around us at all although there probably is it's just i'm so high up at this point i can't see all right i've gone right here yeah i got rid of the anchor let's sail off into the ocean let's go say goodbye to this island bye bye island and goodbye to the massive massive fish bait i can't wait for this to leave the game's rendering because as soon as it does we're probably gonna see like an additional 40 fps suddenly becoming available oh no here comes the shark he's finally returned sharky come over here and play i've deployed 500 fish bait on the floor oh my god i killed the shark he's dead he's actually just straight up dead can you get anything wrong um you can pick him up let me try that oh yeah let's pick up the shark we got something we've got a shotgun i got shock me where you got a shark head i got shark head that's not fair share that okay oh my god looking up at the massive wooden plinth is terrifying when you get a bit of distance on it just look at that draw some binoculars yeah sure i'd love some binoculars just so i can look at my own wonderful creation oh yeah look at that look at that perfect what a beauty i'm just trying to imagine the amount of seagulls that are flying through the sky and then that just suddenly swings into them and sheaves them in half oh what a lovely design climb up the tower and you've got to be really careful on the ladder by the way oh oh wow yeah yeah this is the further up you go the more trippy it gets yeah the further you go the uh more it's likely to throw you off just like that but equally it does throw you off just like swing back round right now seeing as i'm pretty sure we finished the game entirely what we're going to do is we're going to um throw ourselves off my lovely massive monolith um my wooden shaft oh oh wherever i tell you how fold down are you i can it's so hard to do oh my god oh maybe maybe if i crouch it's easier yeah if you crouch it's not easy it's not easier at all how did i get up here in the first place oh my god i feel like i'm going down further than i'm going up same same i don't think i'm making progress like the end is just not getting closer at all once you get a good sprint off you're in you're in like a good stead i'm almost near the top i can see the top just a little bit oh it means oh my god this is taking all of my concentration it's so difficult are you all the way down the bottom like i've seen i completely fell off it literally flung me 40 meters in the opposite direction oh yeah okay yeah it just randomly moves you to the side i'm literally watching it just randomly teleport your character model off to the left oh there we go we're good oh my god there you go oh this is pretty good fun i feel like we need to like a mr beast esque challenge where we just challenge players to see like first person at the top of the ladder wins uh a thousand pounds or something like that and it will never be completed just an impossible challenge right i'm at the bit where the ladder breaks which is good this is like a sign that i'm almost near the top there we go just need to sprint over that bit it's it's flying back it's fighting back it's really fighting back it just randomly decides that it doesn't work i broke my legs on that bit okay can i can i realistically stand at the top of here and stay on if you stand and crouch standing in crowd oh no oh i fell oh my god okay we're almost we're almost up we're almost up stand up oh i'm there i'm there okay all right i'm up as well right you know what we have to do we just have to walk off the edge and slam ourselves into the floor as fast as we can it's been an honor duplicated items today with connor let's go in style oh three two one go oh my goodness oh the ground the lovely ground uh i lived i lived as well i don't think that's a survivable drop height if what it says if you're going to have full damage in your game that should be the point where it kills you definitely that there how are you to get damaged well evidently not high enough you've got to go a bit higher than mount everest to actually die of full damage it seems like it just reaches a peak and then it doesn't do any more damage after that that is terrible right anyway that's all for today's video uh ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my patreons seriously thank you very much you make all of this all the more possible it's really useful also a special thank you to conor brown for helping out in today's video being my little duplication minion without him it would have taken literally an additional hour maybe to duplicate to this level of abilities as always if you enjoyed watching feel free to give the video a like and hop on down to the comment section and yeah if you want to subscribe there do so it's absolutely fantastic and these videos on screen are also ones that i've made and you're going to absolutely love watching them if you enjoyed this one i know i've been the spiffing brick we have completely decimated the balance of this game and yeah go give it a spin grab some friends destroy this game and maybe i'll make a stream of challenging players to climb my massive wooden shaft uh so yeah i'll see all of you later have a lovely day goodbye for now bye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,069,881
Rating: 4.9594541 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, raft, raft survival, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced, raft exploit, survival game, game exploit, breaking the game, breaking raft, breaking the shark, raft shark, raft shark proof, infinite items, raft infinite items, survival game exploit, raft game, survival, exploit, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, the raft, raft gameplay, raft multiplayer, overpowered, raft op, raft overpowered, raft guide, Breaking the Shark With Infinite Items, video game
Id: TvJ49X2wGXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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