Making an MMO That Is PAY TO WIN IS BROKEN - MMORPG Tycoon 2 Is a Perfectly Balanced game

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Wait so just literally every game made by EA?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ok_Statistician_5801 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh my goodness it looks like this person is gonna fight gigapingu no what are you doing honestly i could make this game free to play and just live entirely off of the profit margins that we're gaining from this incredible respawn point that's right you're buying this game for forty dollars but you're gonna need to spend a grand to leave level one it's perfect hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing mmorpg tycoon too my goodness such a long abbreviation there now today we're going to be effectively conning people by creating an mmo because at the end of the day an mmo is just a long monotonous grind which you do over and over again until you get completely burnt out by it and you see little to no improvement it's just like working a real world job and people will actually pay us to enjoy this experience of basically working similar to germans and farming simulators we can convince anyone in the world that they absolutely have to kill 1 000 regular bores over and over again for basically no reward or meaningful advancement in their life it's amazing if you like designing elaborate wonderful worlds open planned landscapes and fantastic stories then you'd make a terrible mmo developer if you like copy pasting the same thing over and over again one million times then congratulations have i got a job for you you're going to love this game so today we're going to be creating a brand new mmo game using this game and then we're going to be selling it to people for fantastic profits now we technically did this before i've live streamed this game and we created the wonderful world of queen's quest an mmo set to simulate the entire life of great britain where the first starting quest in the game was to go and harvest tea and the level 1 starting enemies were all coffee beans trust me it was a glorious game but there was one issue we made a game of creativeness of joy and happiness today we throw that out the window and we make games the way ea designed it to be and trust me ea just works so we're going to make a game entirely focused on revenue and to assist us in that goal and making sure we create the greatest thing possible i shall be doing what all good ea developers do by drinking large copious quantities of gin and tonics before starting actual work consequently the end product will be an incoherent nightmare mess but it shall be a game right now let us make our game world of guilt no guardian of swords no these are terrible names instead we shall create the game of scam art online it's going to be amazing we're going to put these nice swords as a logo oh it'll be perfect all right next what kind of mmo do we want to make naturally we're making a story game why is this you get flight paths flight paths amazing i'll explain later and then when it comes to actually allocating our points for this game we currently have a large amount of bonuses to theming and exploration we're gonna throw the rest of it into advertising because we need advertising to make money trust me it's perfectly balanced and without further ado let us create the wonderful world of scam art online brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen this is going to be a brand new world created just for us to enjoy and create it's scam art online oh it's beautiful look at this too completely and utterly separate continents we can probably charge people 700 pounds to move from this continent to the next it's perfect now this is our world and we need to populate this world with our glorious video game it's going to start simple and then grow nice and complicated and you know what i think we should start it off right down here in the bottom corner of the map we're going to have our starting region of scam zone 1 and what we're going to do is design an mmo like no other you see most mmos are all about level progression and that makes complete and utter logical sense however we're going to throw all of that out of the window by instead creating the weirdest design in the universe for a start monsters are going to give basically no xp how many quests will it take to go from level one to two it's not gonna take ten quests it's gonna take a hundred that's right our aim is to make the slowest game imaginable so that basically no one is ever going to leave level one that way we don't have to actually design the rest of the game and if people do eventually leave level one it's going to cost them now we're going to purchase this first area as our main starting zone and then we'll create a zone 2 over here but of course pro tip if you're ever designing an mmo players need to move from one zone to the next but there's a great big mountain in the way that they can't traverse however we can allow them to traverse using incredibly expensive flight paths that's right we place this bad boy down here cost us four thousand to build but what can we do we can say that this bad boy costs real world money to use and it's going to cost you 1 000 pounds to use the floaty bird to leave the level 1 starter zone that's right you're buying this game for 40 dollars but you're gonna need to spend a grand to leave level one it's perfect next up we actually need to design this starting area we have this really cool setup here where i think it'll be perfect to allow people to enter and so we'll then have some nice monsters for them to fight over here but for the most part we'll have lots of nice fun ins on a main road and then just a large amount of things to fight off right and perfect i think we now have our first little settlement set up now when it comes to our first enemy that all of our level 1 scrub knobs are going to have to fight we're going to not use crocodiles or bears or cobalts nope we're going to actually create our own enemy our first level one enemy is of course going to be none other than evil business pingu a very angry businessman like penguin naturally we're going to make them really really difficult to kill we can make them slow but just absolute tanks that are going to be an absolute nightmare to kill now it's time for us to spawn all of these amazing dapper pingus for us to fight right now we've probably decorated up our lovely amazing dapper penguin area but naturally every dapper penguin area needs some kind of boss so we're going to have an evil business penguin mini boss this is going to be kind of like a giga penguin and not we can even rename him he's not going to be gore blood his name is going to be gigapingu now gigapingu is like a regular pingu but he has more health and does more damage he is an absolute tank so naturally we need to also make ourselves a quest this man is going to have a very important quest which is going to be go and kill gigapingu destroy gigapingu one of the most important quests in the game provides zero experience and 10 gold oh my goodness it's this game is going to be an absolute challenge it's going to become the dark souls of mmos but then again everything's the dark souls of mmos if pc gamer can't beat it anyway it's time for us to upgrade our game and get ourselves a starting point so we'll bam let us get our starting point down this is going to be where everyone enters into the world from and this is how people shall enter into scam art online yes oh it's going to be absolutely glorious i can't wait for our grand opening i also built this wonderful set piece because in my head cannon for some reason the penguins are laying siege to the lovely starting town don't ask why the penguins are laying siege you know they're just business people it's kind of like the blockade at the start of the star wars prequels does it make sense no but it is happening these people have money they can do what they like and here it is ladies and gentlemen the start of our wonderful game oh my goodness it looks amazing look at it sweeping views vector storm presents oh my goodness it's amazing here it is the game of the year ladies and gentlemen produced by the australians that's right they made it code by trevor he did it look at the starting gate it's beautiful oh it's wonderful our starting town oh it's amazing here it comes ladies and gentlemen mmorpg tycoon 2 presents the one the only scam art online oh yes it's here here comes our first player here they are it's the moment we're waiting for it's chewgasm and pilotio to first place chewgasm ah amazing we're gonna favorite both of these people so that we can see what they get up to but these are our first paying players now when i say paying players i mean they've actually paid to be here because we take a look at the sales side of things it costs 40 pounds to buy this mmo and once you've bought it you then have to pay a 10 pound a month subscription fee fantastic now it's going to take quite a while before people actually subscribe up to our mmo so we're going to have to do some advertising and that's basically where we're going to be spending the remainder of all of our money so we're going to start a magazine advertising campaign a website advertising campaign and a game exposition advertising campaign this is going to leave us with no money whatsoever but it's okay because we can just summon money out of thin air how are we going to do that well we're going to temporarily crank up the purchase price of this game from 40 to 400 because now if someone wants to buy this game it's going to cost them 400 pounds and are they going to buy this game maybe here's why we've just started a whole bunch of amazing advertising campaigns and who doesn't want to buy a game that they've seen advertised to them come on surely someone someone will buy this game please it's amazing you know you want to don't make me crank down the sales game okay fine i understand we need more than six players if we're going to convince people to play this game fine i'll lower the price to 40 are you happy best be happy until we get kind of around about 100 subscribers it's going to take us a while to get this ball rolling because generally word of mouth is how we're going to be spreading lovely news of our game but already our first few players are in and they're going to be picking up their first request to go and murder giant fleets of penguins for basically no reward oh and i think we just had our first player die actually yep our first player just straight up died over here they killed one penguin and then they died perfect this is how i like it i think this is our player he's ever so slightly frustrated at the moment how could you possibly be frustrated friend okay he's just upset that he keeps dying well look it's not my fault that the penguins your fighting have insane quantities of health okay okay i suppose maybe i can nerf the penguins fine after a single person has requested it we are nerfing the penguins no there we have it penguins are dead oh my goodness and our first player has reached level two he's reached level two he's only murdered like one thing what the heck how has he got level two already i need to rebalance this game that's not okay he's not allowed to have level two yet right here it is kills per level perfect yes we're going to need 200 kills per level that makes a lot more sense now to also counter the raid will lower the health of the enemies that they're a little bit easier to kill but everyone does need to kill 100 of them i can't believe i imbalanced the games to allow someone to level up after just killing one monster that is entirely my bad but it's okay we've solved it the balance has now been restored now players shall feel like gods for they are able to one hit most of the enemies in the game look at him go okay he killed he killed about two of him before he died wow we are actually starting to get a great big flood of new players now we're up to 60 free subscribers this is fantastic stuff of course it is going to be quite a long while and it's going to take a lot of grinding before players actually level up but you know they're going to make it one day so far no one has actually had to come over here and kill gigapingu yet but it is only a matter of time before someone picks up the quest to kill gigapingu oh my goodness it looks like this person is gonna fight gigapingu no what are you doing you can't fight gigapingu oh you're dead rest in peace tress first person to attempt to kill gigapingu it was just not gonna work out come on it's gigapingu okay but things are looking quite good at the moment we now have 123 active subscribers this is a very good sign what is the overall hype of our mmo looking like so far people really like the scenery they think it's amazing they really like the starting town this is perfect really good stuff indeed in terms of rating there is very minor online buzz there is some online buzz about our game perfect as is always the case the more players we get the more buzz we get so we just need more players now this is really starting to get good we have 326 subscribers 9 000 in savings this is a really good sign we're going to start seeing a gigantic flood of players coming into our game just to murder penguins and that is glorious of course it is basically going to be impossible for any of them to level up but just look at all of these happy people wandering into our glorious video game they're all having an absolute blast and all they've had to do is murder a bazillion pingus online buzz is doing really well now this is fantastic basically we're convincing three people per day now to actually you know stay subscribed this is amazing now this has become an incredibly social game we are now up to 451 subscribers this is amazing so many players just enjoying our wonderful world where they just have to go and murder penguins all day and you know what apparently that's a good life people like this life now one thing we can do to just milk additional money out of our subscribers is to abuse the inn as you see everyone has to actually sign themselves up to an inn so far most new players are setting this in as their residence but as soon as 1 000 people claim this in people have to go elsewhere this inn can take people on board and so that's where these two ends come into the picture because what we can do is charge real world money for these inns so we're going to charge 100 pounds for this single in and this in over here is going to cost 1 000 pounds basically the later you are arriving to the game the more it's going to cost you to actually even play the thing now that's balance now i wonder if we can actually also cheese the respawn mechanic in this game because basically we can also set the cost of respawn points and so i'm wondering if we put ourselves a respawn point right in the center of combat in the middle here and just make it really expensive to use will people who die simply pay extra just to revive closer to where they died so we're going to charge 10 people the privilege for reviving right in the middle of penguin town and oh my goodness it looks like they're doing it yep they're doing it oh this is amazing look at the people respawning in yes every time someone dies we get 10 pounds it's perfect ah lovely now that's capitalism baby uh we're making good money as up to 700 people playing the game and it's not even the end of day one we are just halfway through day one and already there are hundreds and hundreds of people playing our video game it is beautiful to see just look at all of these people now here's my thinking for the first day this game's only going to cost 40 pounds to purchase but after the first day we are going to increase the price oh yes we're going to increase the price because we're going to have a thousand subscribers by the end of this first day that's a lot of people but we can have more oh yes we can have oh so much more i can't believe also just how much money we're making from all of the users using this cheaper respawn point it is incredible they're just willing to throw 10 pounds to just respawn slightly closer to the combat field it is amazing and this is the best thing this guy just paid 10 pounds to spawn in he picks up his stuff spawns in and then is immediately going to get ganked by the penguins dies pays 10 pounds spawns in guess what he's gonna go immediately straight back on over here look at him come be lining straight back in and then he dies again and he pays 10 pounds this is this guy spent 30 pounds just to respawn and be killed by the same penguin over and over again it's perfect oh my goodness they should make me a game designer i mean admittedly most of my games would probably be barred by the geneva conventions for actually engaging in psychological warfare practices but still they should let me make video games they'd be amazing really profitable i'll tell you what if i ever do make a video game i need to allow my community to invest because because i know that you guys are 100 certain that in the very least also might not make a good video game i could make a very profitable video game ah because money is something i'm very good at making oh my goodness look at them they just keep spawning it and dying and then coming back and dying over and over again occasionally killing one penguin but guess what i'm sorry killing one penguin is not progress my friends no no no no there is only one person who is level two the legendary chew gasm who's technically logged out at the moment oh and also by the way fun fact in order to log out in this game you need to log out at an in that's right you need to log out at an in but guess what it costs money to log out this game is literally sought out online you know how in sort out online in order to technically leave the game you had to die well in this game you need to effectively kill your bank account by going and paying money to actually log out of the local inn otherwise you have to play forever continuously paying the endless subscription fee until the end of time it's beautiful now this is how to make money truly how to make glorious money right well our first day is almost over and we have made a copious quantity of cash i'll tell you what we can probably actually improve this game even further because one fun fact people like the games based on the scenery they have so when you add in more scenery naturally people like the games more so how can you choose this well it's called an auto clicker ladies and gentlemen and seeing as most of these plants only cost 10 pounds to place we're going to place down a gigantic quantity of them well people are going to just love this bit of scenery guess what we can even do one right on the other side and we can even do one over here perfect stuff look at this beautiful scenery we're creating for our game absolutely majestic stuff beautiful game design 11 out of 10. we actually get to upgrade oh yes because that's right upgrades are based on the amount of scenery objects you have in your game not actually off of anything else naturally we just want to actually improve the ability of our advertising campaigns because advertising is all that matters well so far people are absolutely loving our game this has gone splendidly well for us and we have now just entered into day two perfect now as you can see we have 1 600 people currently playing our game an endless stream of new people just spawning in just to see what this is like so naturally we need to get money out of them how do we do this well it's quite simple we're increasing the cost of the game we're going into the sales section this game is no longer going to be 40 pounds to purchase no no no no no the game is now 1 000 pounds to purchase you want to play this game 1 000 pounds let's see who is the next sucker to purchase our game and there we go someone just walked in bam a thousand pounds another person just walked in another look at them coming more of them were spawning in oh my goodness so many more people are spawning in yes money money oh my goodness we've tapped into the star citizen crowd perfect a streamer has connected a streamer called kitten purple lovely let us mark them and make sure they enjoy their time here oh this is fantastic honestly our mmo has now just become star citizen it is entirely a really nice tech demo of one starting area of a whole bunch of shiny scenery objects that cost you a thousand pounds to enter and if you want to progress even further towards the late game content well that's going to cost you a grand to ride on the birdie bird but of course in order to actually ride on the birdie bird you would have technically needed to kill 100 penguins which is a lot of penguins anyway i want to actually level up to the next region very soon so it's time for more scenery objects ladies and gentlemen as i'm going to place down a whole bunch of logs over here oh look at these logs there we go look at the server version just increasing and we're bam we're ready to upgrade perfect okay we're now going to unlock parties i think parties is a good idea yes we're going to add parties lovely this is going to allow everyone to group up and murder penguins at an incredible rate parties can now be formed will streamline the penguin murdering process as players now group up and die on mass at this glorious respawn point which has made us so much money oh my goodness it had 150 users yesterday and 66 users today this is insane imagine being the peasant that just uses the regular respawn point pathetic and this inn had people spend over five thousand pounds on day one just to use the easiest in to the field of combat this is insane absolutely insane and i didn't realize but this in over here was charging people a hundred pounds okay let's lower that to ten i can't believe that this in was charging a hundred pounds for people to log in and out of the game okay we can calm that down oh my goodness we now have three hundred thousand pounds in the bank it is this easy to make mmos we've only gained more subscribers more people are playing this game than ever before and it is now costing them a thousand pounds to just buy it this is ridiculous this is perfection happiness in the game has actually gone up people have enjoyed this game more now that it costs a thousand pounds now that the peasants can't gain access to this game it's my favorite game in the universe oh yes clarence fetch me my bank card i've got a game to play oh my goodness right our streamer has disconnected did they have fun seems they had a good time yay estimated extra subscribers 500 that's amazing if if we get 500 more subscribers that's 500 000 pounds that would be insane i love breaking video games now of course remember ladies and gentlemen this game is early access and consequently balancing is not exactly present but soon it will be one day eventually but until then we're going to be cheesing this to its maximum now one thing people are saying about the evil business pingu zone is that its beauty is relatively medium so what can we do about that well we can improve the beauty of the penguin zone by creating gigantic pillars of ice every few inches just to crank up that scenery score even further that's right this entire zone shall be encased in a glorious wall of ice and death now let's see what that scenery score looks like oh 5.5 very high good oh we can upgrade even further more to the advertising good release crank up that advertising we've got 2 000 subscribers now this is beautiful let's get even more scenery and these nice little bushes they don't take up much space some pumpkins lovely more other little bushes just a whole bunch of benches why not let's get some benches in there these weird skull totems it's gonna be very messy eclectic zone but honestly people are gonna love it oh some random spike traps everywhere perfect stuff look at this fantastic how's the zone looking now hi beauty good stuff indeed i'm just gonna place a bajillion rocks right here because i mean i've got infinite money for rock so i'm just gonna hold down my mouse button place even more rocks into this just zone of infinite rocks because apparently rocks have no collision on them meaning i can place as many as i like right all of those rocks down oh hi beauty it's perfect look at this zone i mean it is a zone of something maybe not necessarily beauty but it is something anyway once again we'll just increase our advertising capabilities you know i think it's probably time that we actually pay off our starting loan because why not bam repay loan we've done it money is now us we now have fiscal freedom i'll tell you what we can do we can actually crank down the subscription fee probably to zero because let's be honest we don't really need to get money off of the subscription at this point we just get money off of people dying the subscription is purely optional dead bodies what truly fun this game oh my goodness people are ganking the gigapingu now this is insane i thought gigapingu was meant to be a challenge but he's just getting absolutely murked continuously oh poor gigapingu people are actually running out of space for the end so i guess i need to place down a brand new in right out once again on the front lines but actually i could just place an entire in right in the middle of the zone okay i'm going to put it in right here right in the middle of the combat zone this one is going to offer for real money at just 10 pounds a faster way of logging out of the game when you ragequit for dying to the same pingu a bajillion times oh and also seeing as players are now in parties and are able to kill the pingus a bit faster i think it only makes natural sense that we make the pingus just a little bit more difficult honestly i could make this game free to play and just live entirely off of the profit margins that we're gaining from this incredible respawn point it is absolutely ridiculous but it is just so goddamn profitable it's amazing i love it right now that we've made the pingus just a little bit harder this is fantastic basically the more difficult we make the enemies the better it is for us because it ultimately means more people are dying and every time someone dies we just get 10 pounds out of thin air it's perfect now you see some games are pay to win this is a true skill based game okay it's not pay to win provided you've already paid the 1000 pounds to buy the game and secondly you just pay when you die so if you don't die you don't really have to spend that much money okay oh my goodness look at how far some people are off of leveling they're like a quarter of the way there this is insane this person has been playing for ages he's played for one hour in total but actually he's played for more than one hour he's played for basically one day my goodness okay this guy's a night this guy is mad he's played for one day and 18 hours and all he has to show for it is he's now a quarter of the way to actually getting to level two oh dear what a way to make level two well it's just some crocodiles really there were just some crocodiles you know let's do a quick check just to see if anyone is actually cheating because um i don't know why you cheated this game but look at that some people have actually cheated speed hacks imagine speed hacking in a game where you basically can't progress anyway right banned there you go cheetahs never prosper you know except when they're me i've prospered quite fine from cheating i've got to be honest oh my goodness look at all of these cheaters an item jupiter how dare he right all three of these players bam little pump band right they're all banned lovely i suppose one thing i can do is i can actually take control of the bosses in the game yeah that's right right bam i am now in control murder murder stab stab stab and i'm dead okay gotta be honest i'm not the best one to be controlling gigapingu but if people are starting to murder gigapingu then i think it only makes perfect sense that we give gigapingu a sidekick and that sidekick is going to be none other than the swedish chef ladies and gentlemen let us spawn him in swedish chef is incredible he has a base health pool of 60 making him a nightmare to kill he's not just any chef he's an elite swedish chef he will be single-handedly murdering everyone to defend the penguin it looks like he might actually be killed here but there you go he took down four players with him and you know what that means that's 40 pounds every time he murders someone that's 10 pounds in our pocket now that's capitalism honestly this mmo design is going fantastic you know what i think i should probably build some homes for the penguins here you know so let's give them a little house there we go now you might be wondering how a penguin actually builds his house well igloos it together doesn't he okay that joke is just terrible come on that one is amazing that's the kind of joke you get on the side of a penguin wrapper that's how good it is now there is one issue with all of these lovely scenery options all of these tables are square this is a real shame as fun fact i actually know who built the round table it was built by the legendary circumference oh goodness now i actually love a fantasy medieval world for one very simple reason in a democracy it's your vote that counts but in feudalism it's your count that votes now i have streamlined this game just a little bit by creating an amazing new questline as you see our lovely quest giver here king feticore who's a wizard offers one very important quest which you need to complete in order to actually unlock his other quests quest number one is simple go to this small inn over here and set it as your home and that's right this is an actual quest you have to do you have to walk over here and set this as your home setting this as your home costs you 10 pounds of real money that's right you have to spend money to complete the quest but then after you do that you then get to go and kill some business penguins and then for the final quest he offers you have to go to this in here and set it as your home and also cost you five pounds of real world money this man's entire questline costs every single person 15 pounds to do 459 people have finished his quest today this is mmo monetization the likes of which ea has never even imagined physically charging people to complete quests and with it we're about to cross over into making one million pounds this is glorious absolutely glorious we're still yet to see anyone move into the level two zone but you know it's going to take him a while to level up right now also i've added in a few more field bosses for people to fight another additional gigapingu over here just to provide a bonus challenge as well as another gigapingu over here and you know they should probably also have some swedish chefs to assist them because those swedish chefs my goodness are they powerful they can always at least take one or two adventurers with them and every time they take an adventure away that's money into our pocket speaking of which we're up to one million pounds ladies and gentlemen that's right scam art online has now made 1 million pounds off of just 2 700 subscribers that is incredible let's take a look at the overview of this game happiness 4.6 this is amazing you know what seeing as we have made so much money i think we can probably just crank down the sales of this game to just a low zero we can allow everyone and anyone into this game why not let's just get some more players in because after all we can just charge the money whilst they're playing the game every time they die and seeing as we have the pingu area set up i think it makes only logical sense that we also build another enemy area okay in order to make this even more challenging we're going to create chickens ladies and gentlemen these shall be the next enemies of the zone a gigantic swarm of chickens and also this region is overloaded because we have so many players online well this is fantastic news this is just a sign of lots of new players because we cranked down the price so what we're going to do is we're actually just going to boost this region entirely we're going to need to build ourselves a server so that more players can actually play here and then also crank on down another uplink node all right splendid stuff right i've now hand crafted the gigapingu area oh we can actually also upgrade our game we can unlock guilds or friends lists actually we could just enable pvp jewels this is a fantastic idea i mean ultimately pvp jewels are just going to end up with people murdering each other and every time people die we make money so we're going to enable pvp and now in our brand new gigapingu area we're going to also set up two brand new inns this one is going to cost you 10 pounds to register at and this respawn point over here is going to cost you 100 real world pounds to actually respawn that's perfect we've got a nice quantity of giga chickens out here that you have to actually murder like our first mini boss mega he's certainly going to be quite intimidating and then we have our other field boss over here monster these two these two bosses are going to hopefully murder so many players that we're going to be able to generate a copious quantity of money it should be fantastic and already some new players are running on overhead see what all of the new content is i'm just going to quickly customize some of these quests this uh this first mission is going to all be about going to this inn and spending 10 pounds said it as your actual home and this mission can go be to kill the monster there you go stronger monster these are not good quest names oh no oh dear oh dear oh dear well i'm starting to see that a couple of people are dying this is a fantastic sign money will be made lots of money shall be made here oh fantastic look at all the new players we're wandering around there are there are like 800 players online at the moment this is incredible and we're making money from them lovely lovely lovely money still no one has actually managed to achieve level two other than our first original player i'm also going to build a small outpost over here where we can have some npc guards you know just to stand around and actually help the adventurers if they're struggling to win there'll go a couple of fun guards here maybe even get a scout trainer out here yes that's a splendid idea and we can even upgrade our game even further right let us improve advertising even more and seeing as advertising is being improved and the game is doing fantastic i think it's naturally only time that we increase the price of the game again that's right we're cranking it right back on up to 1 000 because i mean look at all of the positive buzz of the game so much positive online buzz i still don't get why people are purchasing this game but honestly we only need like five people to purchase this game each hour and we're gonna be able to run this game forever the operating costs of running an mmo ridiculously cheap it turns out and if people are willing to spend a grand on this game then fantastic they can come and kill a million chickens for all i care good for them we're still yet to see anyone reach level two as soon as someone naturally reaches level two after killing 200 chickens or penguins that's what i'm gonna be truly happy ah look at this a beautiful day in our glorious mmo we've only gone and done it scam art online has made two million pounds it has made me a filthy filthy millionaire and my goodness is it glorious and best of all we can upgrade to the next version in this version we shall improve the fluff and we'll just release it straight away you know what actually i'm just going to grind this out to create the greatest mmo in the universe and seeing as scenery is all it takes to level up well that's all i'll do i'll place down 100 bits of scenery so just spam down my auto clicker like so do do next version upgrade we're gonna add in a friends list there we go we're bam people are gonna love that feature and now we're going to add in even more items because why not just whack on even more of them we're in version 4 at the moment that's how amazing we are and bam immediate next upgrade improve the theming and fluff we're going to create the greatest themed game all off of these single bushes that i'm spamming down over and over again we're now getting a 30 boost to feaming just off of all of our items that we've spammed everywhere this is incredible ladies and gentlemen we have designed art and we can even do it once more oh my goodness from version 4.4 these bushes only cost us 10 pounds to place and yet their yields are incredible think of all of the money we're able to make i'm going to add in some world history just for fun some more fluff and oh my goodness we got the big five oh that's right we're in version five oh it's amazing oh my goodness this has gone fantastic version 5.3 this version is just our greatest version we've ever created oh my goodness we're doing such a fantastic job and making so much money you know what i think we should create the greatest mmo in the universe and the best way to do that is to make a good value for money and since we have 2 million in the bank and we're never going to go bankrupt let's just make this game free to play bam the game is now free we should now see a relatively large increase in players coming into the server and oh my goodness here they come ladies and gentlemen the unwashed hordes of free-to-play players ready to throw themselves at my beautiful universe the fact we have pvp jewels is also going to massively increase the money we're making because basically every time you die in pvp combat you have to respawn but of course you pay money when you respawn it's basically a pay to die situation oh and also people are now using the one thousand pound mega bird to fly to the next zone what's in the next zone it's it's just crocodiles ladies and gentlemen there's nothing else it's crocodiles and another really expensive inn in fact two really expensive inns look at them this one's already full up guess what you also have to pay to leave this area oh it's amazing we've done a fantastic job here oh my goodness someone's done it someone else hit level two some free people are at level two oh my goodness people have actually hit level two how have they done this let me discover these players oh my goodness right well we found him ladies and gentlemen this is the legendary erin oh my goodness he is one of our level two players this man has almost two days inside of our game what an incredible being they've killed so many chickens and penguins they're probably on some kind of watch list my goodness what an incredible universe we've created well ladies and gentlemen this has been the wonderful look into scam art online the greatest and most profitable mmo in the known universe if you'd like to invest in my scam art online kickstarter then make sure to like the video and hop on down into the comment section and repeat the very important shareholder phrase of scam art online is not a scam invest now anyway thank you very much for watching ladies and gentlemen as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages without you we wouldn't be able to be anywhere near this jazzy so thank you very much and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now trust me if you enjoyed today's one you're gonna love the next one anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one goodbye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,373,199
Rating: 4.9335756 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, Making an MMO, mmo, mmo tycoon, Pay To Win, Making an MMO That Is PAY TO WIN, MMORPG Tycoon 2, Perfectly Balanced game, mmorpg, spiffing brit, best mmorpg, funny, trap maze, going medieval, funny moments, mmorpg tycoon 2 gameplay, tycoon game, is broken, video game exploit, RTGame, moments, gameplay, rt game, mmorpg tycoon, mmorpg tycoon 2, game dev tycoon, sandbox games, new sandbox games, tycoon games, tycoon, game dev game, mmorpg tycoon 2 let's play
Id: xDXa6OLzStg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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