What Even is a Signature Move?? - Pokemon Moves Explained | Gnoggin

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hello hello so lately we've been doing a series where we go over and explain pokemon more specifically every move in pokemon type by type and that series is almost done and while of course i've made a few mistakes in it one of the most common claims against me these people saying that i made an oops is when i say a move is a signature move when it actually isn't a signature move so i guess i have to explain what a signature move is it shouldn't be too hard right i mean it's not like it's a fan-made term oh it is what kinda okay well speaking of fans and signature things japan's got quite a lot of signature treats you can't get anywhere else despite being some of the greatest things i'm a huge fan today's video is sponsored by baksu who wants you to get a box every month a box nicely filled to the brim with japanese goodies and ships directly to your door this particular box's theme is tokyo summer so of course there's strawberry lachy plum and watermelon treats is it a fish oh it's a little fish corn ah so like most american snacks are like completely corn based so i wonder what japan does with corn so buttery now if this box of delights sounds like an amazing thing then you're in luck there is a conveniently placed link down in the description for you and if you use the code lockstin10 you'll not only get 10 off of your purchase but you'll also help me out yeah sponsorships are awesome just like beans what is this oh oh beans because coffee beans oh so as far as my research can tell signature move is a term made by this fan base but later adopted in some form or another by the pokemon company it's just like eeveelution and shiny pokemon both were terms made by the community so i guess that means what a signature move is is a bit open but the most common definition i see is this a signature move is a move that only a single line of pokemon can learn naturally the key word here is naturally which means by level up it is entirely natural for this pokemon line to learn this move without human intervention meaning tms hms tr's tutors egg moves and special event pokemon do not count against a move being considered signature for example dragon hammer is the signature move of a lowland exeggutor but tropius can also learn it so if tropius can learn it why is it still a signature move well because the only way to get a tropius that knows it is to breed a tropius with an alolan exeggutor meaning then the tropius is the mom so it's a tropius baby but then it gets the egg move from the exeggutor daddy exeggutor passes down the signature move there are quite a few signature moves that get passed down like this but they are always from a father pokemon that learns the signature move naturally via level level and then essentially teaches it to its offspring this does not make a move not a signature move another good example the one that spawned this video idea is throat chop it was the signature move of incineroar in pokemon sun and moon its line is the only line that naturally learns it via level up however there is a move tutor and ultras on an ultra moon that can teach throat chop to like 80 other pokemon this does not make the signature move not a signature move though but what does make throat chop not a signature move anymore is that in later pokemon games sword and shield they gave it to baris skuda and in the isle of armor expansion they gave it to heracross and buffaland all naturally by level up so from that point onwards it is no longer a signature move but in sun and moon it was there are loads of moves like this octazuka was the signature move of artillery from gen 2 all the way until gen 8 when they gave it to grapple locked but during that time horsey and remo raid could also learn it the whole time but only via breeding so for six generations it was still artillery's signature move and this move also works as an example here because there was an event sable eye in gen 5 that could learn it i don't really want to know how stable i can do that but um here's the thing out of all of the sableye in the known multiverse in existence there was only this one special sable eye that knew it which does not change the rule one of the main deals with event pokemon is that they are special because they can know a move or two that the pokemon otherwise cannot learn so this too does not make octazooka not a signature move from gens two through seven sometimes a pokemon will have a signature move and then lose its signature mid-generation like with greninja and water shuriken in pokemon x and y it was its signature move but come the very next games omega ruby enough of sapphire which were a part of the same generation the move was also given to a selgore because it's also a ninja so that signature move didn't last long and what's even funnier is in sword and shield greninja is nowhere to be found so now it's the full signature move of the selgor sometimes a pokemon will be created but not actually get its signature move until way later like heatmore a gen 5 pokemon that didn't have a signature move until generation 7 when they gave it fire lash but then in generation 8 they gave fire lash to selazal and sizzlep so that didn't last long sometimes moves can be widely known and then become signature later on for example eruption is known by all these pokemon but torkul is the only one of these pokemon in sword and shield so as of right now as of making this video it is the signature move of torkle though i'm sure that will change with the crown tundra expansion in the future however cut is a fun one up until generation 7 cut was exclusively an hm move meaning no pokemon could learn it naturally until they gave it to cortana and farfetch'd and then removed cortana in sword and shield but then again it's cartoon is an ultra beast so is it even a pokemon does it count but anyway this means in generation eight cut is now the signature move of far-fetched slime it's the only pokemon in the game who's capable of learning the move naturally sometimes pokemon can have multiple signature moves i mean partner pikachu and partner evie are ridiculous also plenty of more recent legendaries have several as wear just look at zygarde and sometimes the pokemon will start with multiple signature moves and then lose one of them like with haruyama and smelling salts or arm thrust gens 3 and 4 they are both its signature moves but in gen 5 they gave arm thrusts to mbor's line and then in gen 6 they gave it to pancham's but now what about sacred sword it's known by all of these pokemon how is it a signature move well because all of these pokemon are one group they are the swords of justice therefore sacred sword is the signature move of the swords of justice milk drink was the signature move of miltank from gen's two through five and then in gen six they gave it to gogoat then in gen eight they cut go goat so it's miltake signature move again and i think all of these shenanigans are why there's a lot of confusion as to what counts as a signature move and it doesn't help that pokemon showdown doesn't count a lot of them at all because of all of these examples too pokemon showdown apparently defines it as it's only a signature move if only a single pokemon knows it bone club is not signature because marowak and cubone can learn it it's heresy [Music] but pokemon showdown is unofficial so it shouldn't really be taken as fact but then again fan made term so maybe our definitions should be specified or tweaked a bit but before we do that let's talk about why signature moves are a thing in the first place what is the big why well the y can be partially answered with another example take a look at aromatic mist it was the signature move of aromatics in generation six then in generation seven they gave it to some newer pokemon like the bound sweet line but they also went back and gave it to an older pokemon genfor's vespaquin why why not just make the move and give it to aromatisse and vespa quinn at the start if that was the intent well the answer is a two-parter it's for the meta and it's for marketing which i guess kind of go hand in hand when gamefreak gives a pokemon a signature move that only it and its line can learn naturally it gives you a reason to use that pokemon maybe people don't like change and new pokemon are always the worst designs ever until the next generation or two passes so to encourage more people to use more newer pokemon instead of their old favorites for the up-teep time they give some new pokemon a signature move the move is likely really good for strategizing and the only way you can get it is by using an otherwise not super popular or super powerful pokemon it is both to spread the word about a certain pokemon for marketing and to better control the competitive meta for that season when the next generation is out and the meta changes with it they pass a once unique move out to many others because it's a pretty okay move and if not holy for the meta it's just to make a pokemon they want to be popular have a few good signature moves to try and make them even more popular like with incineroar and throat chop and darkest lariat as well as its own z-move the unique z-moves were all on pokemon they wanted to be more popular more well-known but the following generation well incineroar has had its time in the spotlight those moves were good and unique and people like them so give them to some other pokemon though incineroar is so last jed he doesn't need to be super special anymore doing this balances the meta out a bit and also makes incineroar just a bit less special which allows new pokemon with their own signature for now moves to shine even brighter in the crowd but are all signature moves done for this reason i'd argue no in fact i'm sure a lot of signature moves are only signature moves at first not because the move was designed with a single pokemon in mind but because there just happens to be no other pokemon at the time that it would fit with like think about that octazuka example i mentioned there were no other octopus pokemon until gen 8. so no other pokemon new octazooka an specific move nightshade was the signature move of the gas lead line at first only because in gen 1 they were the only spooky pokemon gen 2 came around and passed the move out all over aryadose had a signature move named spiderweb no other spider pokemon would pop up until galvantula who rightfully also knew the move making it no longer a signature that just makes sense cacturn need alarm its signature until they made another cactus pokemon miractus it just makes sense there's a reason behind why each signature move is the signature of a certain pokemon so here's an interesting idea what is a signature move is it a move that only a single line of pokemon can learn naturally or is it a move unique to that pokemon line those may sound like the same thing and there is a lot of crossover in the big venn diagram but there is a key difference crush claw was the signature move of zangoose in gen 3 but they later gave it to newer and older pokemon in gen 4. i mean it's a claw attack loads of pokemon have big claws compare that with say present the still signature move of delhi bird the santa claus pokemon who delivers presents and it's it's a santa claus bird that's that's the whole point of it this move is a core piece of its whole design here's another two spore was the signature move of paris and parasect for two generations i mean they were the only mushroom pokemon at the time so it makes sense now compare that to oblivion wing the signature move of evaltol the pokemon who absorbs life energy from its surroundings every time it flaps its wings bringing destruction and oblivion to all things yeah of course that move is its signature it's the core design of the pokemon it belongs to judgement signature move of archaeous the pokemon creator god conversion and conversion 2 signature move of the porygon line they modify their code to change their type of course only they can learn it they are the only pokemon canonically made of code it's their signature it's a part of their whole design sky attack it was the signature move of mole trace for a while the bird flies high and then rams into the enemy what's so special about moltres that it's the only one able to do that shouldn't the other legendary birds be able to fly hard what about all the other regular birds that they eventually gave it to anyway so is a signature move just a move that only one pokemon line can learn naturally or is it a move that plays a key part in the design of that pokemon itself it is that pokemon's signature i mean bone club signature move of the only pokemon line that has bones that they use as clubs [Music] mega horn you mean to tell me that heracross is the only pokemon with a big horn i think the gen 3 starter pokemon explained this whole conundrum really well they were all given their own signature moves because they are important they are the starters the pokemon company not only wanted them to play a role in the meta but they also wanted them to have better marketability and giving them something unique is a good way to do that so they have leaf blade muddy water and blaze kick all perfectly fitting of them blaziken does a lot of kick moves and uses fire swampert is an axolotl amphibian from the swamp it's all about the mud and sceptile literally has leaf blades on its arms and it's fast with them but while they all have reasons for having these moves unique to them none of them are so specific that no other pokemon could pull it off too so the very next gen they gave these moves away to newer and older pokemon like victory bell it has blade-like leaves so we can learn leaf blade now quagsire is also water ground type it should learn money water etc so compare all that to gear grind where the user spins its gears to pinch things between them yeah not many pokemon would be able to do that so it's the signature move of clinkling oceanic operetta yeah how many opera singing siren based water types are there and speaking of that that may be a big reason why signature moves are becoming so much more common these days pokemon designs have been getting a lot more specific lately i'm sure pyroball will be the signature move of cinderace for quite some time how many other sportsball playing fire types that are humanoid will there ever be how many drum playing gorillas are we going to have how many tea based pokemon with tea time do you think we're going to get in the future these are signature moves with a capital s m rather than just moves that only happened to be known by a single line naturally at the time so ultimately all words are made up and don't really matter but what do you think of all this how would you define a signature move and come to think of it this all sounds like a really good video idea yeah we'll do that in the near future just all of the signature moves explained why are they the signature of this mod yeah let's do that until then i hope i cleared some things up for you never stop using your noggin can't say that i have dorayaki often but when i do i always love it yeah you know what the best thing that pairs with banana is chocolate a banana a mess of [Music] deliciousness
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 560,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon explained, pokemon moves, every pokemon move, signature moves in pokemon, every signature move, signature moves, signature move, pokemon signature moves, top 10 signature moves, every signature move explained, pokemon attacks, best signature move, best signature moves, pikachu, incineroar, swampert, type move explained, pokemon types explained, what are the best signature moves, what is a signature move, signature move in pokemon
Id: GC4r9V87xoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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