EXTREMELY Japanese Pokemon in the Galar Region! ...Why? | Gnoggin

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this video is brought to you by box ooh so the gal our region is based on Great Britain with kind of a pretty big focus on England and pretty much everybody knows that and as we've covered in the past pretty much basically every new Pokemon is British inspired in one way or another and even a lot of the older Pokemon that survived the decks cut have their reasons for being here when Game Freak said the Pokemon we've kept have a reason for living in this region they weren't kidding it's awesome that so much thought which into most of these the key word being most so Pokemon is a Japanese franchise so obviously there are a lot of Pokemon based on very Japanese things there are so many yokai Pokemon and a lot of these Pokemon are still found in the gala region which is basically the opposite side of the world so what are they doing here there has to be a reason right the frost last shiftry claydol mall while heck sent a scorch who's Japanese even so what are they all doing in the gala region what is the reasoning well the reasoning is actually quite awesome which is what we're going to talk about today on noggin so one reason they could all be in the gala region is because of how popular this service is its box ooh Japan is a cultural powerhouse and their food plays a big part in that with a box ooh subscription you make a mess on your table but you also get us a bunch of Japanese snacks delivered right to your door each month things like satochi sudachi Yeol's osaka candy hare fromage biscuits organic Genma chia it's green tea with rice it's always a surprise because you can't read three quarters of them unless you know Japanese so like who knows what it is you got to use your eyeballs to just guesstimate it's a lot of fun and Plus from a health perspective Japanese snack food tends to be a lot less worse for you than American ones I mean move Plus limiting your monthly snacking to a surprise box like this is a lot better for you than the constant binging we Americans are known but box is super great it's the only Japanese snack box that partners with century old family snack makers so you're getting some of the best of the best most traditional tasty deliciousness things like these I don't know why that says each month it's a new theme and you can get yours with a 10% off coupon code Loxton 10 so click that link down in the description and again use the code Loxton 10 dang that's good now then said to scorch is a good one to start with because it's a wholly new pokemon and also it's pretty Japanese plus it being Cobb booze main Pokemon only adds to that scent to scorch and caboose scent to scorch logo share many similarities with Kabuto armor I mean they even had mustaches yeah ancient Japanese warriors used to put mustaches on their helmets probably to look more intimidating because that means you had one underneath and oh boy a dude with a stache don't mess with him but it also has the Kabuto my dot a the front crests that you see on almost all Kabuto helmets it's very Japanese I mean heck when Giganta maxed its poling inspiration from the OL mukada the OL mukada is a gigantic Japanese mythical centipede that eats humans but is deathly allergic to human saliva ok Japan cure so why is this extremely Japanese pokémon in the gala region an entirely British coated land I mean sent a scorch would fit wonderfully in Johto the traditionally Japanese region but there are a few interesting things about centos gorge and I just love pointing out how most Pokemon have multiple inspirations like short giant red centipede yokai but when it attacks it coils up into a radiator shape just show me one classical British house that doesn't have seven of these though they were invented in Prussia as soon as the Brits got a hold of them they started mass-producing them like mad plus I mean okay you can't really see a house in England that hasn't got foggy windows a radiator like this sitting in the hallway and every single room in between and was a nice kettle sitting prominently over on the stove top burner houses that aren't all those just don't exist but also we can go back further in time further back from the invention of the radiator to another important bit of Santa's quarters design you see these distinct circle shaped designs all over its body they look very similar to a stovetop burner and while neither radiators or stoves belong solely to England they are of course a big part including the fact that stovetop burners in this style were invented by a British man in Massachusetts it was before the Revolutionary War and he was a British loyalist when the war did happen so it's still British but this invention is what ultimately led to the invention of the radiator - so there you go full circle Plus these stove burners are a big part of how you make tea and obviously that means it's British and Japanese tea is an extremely common drink in both cultures as a Californian American I just can't understand the niceties of having a spot of tea in the afternoon warm drinks suck when you live in a desert so I moved it's weird green tea with rice so what are some other weird choices well how about Glalie and frost last they're both related Mon as they both evolve from snorunt and they are all based on Japanese yokai the Yuki onna in particular is the big one here it's the snow girl she was a Japanese youkai that was once a young woman who normally froze to death or was lost in the snow and come to think of it northern Japan has a lot of snow just like the northern half of Great Britain which would explain why there are also many European fairy tales about snow witches - I mean most stories be it fairy tales or yokai related folklore are all made to teach younger generations lessons the moral of these stories is don't go out into the snowstorm at night or hold weird babies ladies offer you in the woods just go around offering your baby in the woods weird all snow witch look here hold this baby ho that's sound safe but actually there's an even better reason a famous Greek Irish by the name of laughs II do Hearn odd name I'm mispronouncing oh and at that time Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom so yes British he traveled around the world writing down at the time unwritten stories folklore all from around the world when he went to Japan he liked it so much that he decided to stay and became one of the heads of interpretation at the University of Japan and while there he came upon the tail of the Yuki onna and ultimately he was one of if not the first person to write and even translate the story of the Yuki onna down straight from the storytellers mouth before this dude wrote the story down it more or less was just shared by oral tradition meaning that this British English speaker may have been the big reason why the Yuki onna is such a well-known yokai today so maybe Frost last really does fit rather nicely in gal r as an homage to this man because after all an English speaker helps eternalize Frost lasses origins in paper forever and then Glalie has to come to because they both of all from the same thing oh man I love stories like that cultures coming together in the context of basically peaceful for the most part yeah that's why box is so great now what about shifter II I mean what is a Tengu doing in England I mean it's straight up like the most yokai like yokai and thus shiftry is the most yokai like pokemon right well I guess the ghost types are pretty yokai ish what shiftry it's literally a Tengu it's even got get a feet traditional Japanese footwear so okay what were Tengu well the Tengu were seen as a bird human hybrid sort of which normally meant they had huge noses they were also considered wood or tree spirits in some tellings which may be the connection that helps here British folklore and fairy tales are filled with the woods creepy woods and wood spirity things you know nothing's so specific as a Tengu though well this may be a stretch but you know it's two stretches so maybe first off it evolves from seedot who is an acorn which come from oak trees and oak trees are extremely common in Great Britain all over Europe really it's really good tree so there is that I mean that's a good enough reason on its own it's the acorn Pokemon guess what it's England's full of its full of acorns but there is some history we can look into also Japan was a very isolationist country for a big chunk of time but towards the end of the Edo period that came to an end up until this point the Dutch were the only Westerners allowed to trade with them but both the British Empire and the Americans wanted to trade too and the British had a base nearby Hong Kong that would have made that easy but they tried and tried and tensions only got worse but eventually with help from the United States they said open the country stop having it be closed and there are enough guns pointed out them that they decided you don't maybe maybe we should maybe we should open up and thus began the process of Japan's slowly opening up to the rest of the world but people have a habit of not liking change and thus all sorts of anti-foreigner articles would depict Westerners as Tengu because I mean compared to East Asian noses yet European noses are quite long so you know foreigner mean ugly wood goblin look they even made the foreign ships look like scary yokai stuff xenophobia is funny when white he's not the one doing it but yes after the United States with a little bit of British influence in there helped open up Japan the British started getting a lot more involved with the nation from their Hongkong colony and thus a lot of Brits were continually depicted as Tengu like people what did Game Freak edge shiftry - sword and shield for that reason did they really want to remind everybody about a dark part of their history in this way what was it intentional probably not I'm sure it's just the Acorn thing that's good enough reason on its own you know but it's interesting history all the same I love history now who wants a stick potato oh man now then lombre and company are literally Kappas busy okay so what's a Kappa doing in England well thankfully this one's a lot easier it's less about the yokai and more about the lilypad it's a nod to England's abundance of ponds in fact they love ponds so much they named a lily pad after Queen Victoria it's the Victoria Lily plant the pad of this plant is very large broad and has very sharp upturned outer edges literally like lotad in game it's the iconic lily pad there so there you go ball toy and clay doll though hmm two very interesting and unique Pokemon that I very much care about and this isn't sarcasm okay well it was these clay dolls and ball toys are all inspired by the Japanese clay sculptures that I'm going to mispronounce Shikoku Dogu they depict odd little goggled figures with huge eyes and such why would these weirdo ancient Japanese Pokemon be native to the gala region well it may be related to why the ancient Japanese made these figurines in the first place - not many people can agree on their traditional reasoning or even any ceremonies that use these figures however they all share similarities I mentioned the goggles already but the most important aspect of these Dogu are that they are depicting females normally with exaggerated proportions tiny waist large hips buttocks and chest so many of these have been found that some believe that they could be similar to Venus figurines Venus figurines or those little figures that cavemen would make of the cave big-titty goth gf but they wanted so desperately cool okay well these figures are important because they are everywhere in Europe and Asia but mainly Europe these cro-magnon really likes their fertility goddesses and this may be why ball toy and clay doll are here in reference to the real world equivalent even if it's not exactly the same as the specific sculptures they are based on it's potentially the same purpose but also from the global perspective England is kind of thirsty for artifacts and old relics it's kind of what they dedicated a whole century to and what led to a a whole ton of problems now Dunsparce I mean you just look at it it's so perfect yet so not it's an exact split down the middle of all things that are Pokemon we did a video about how middle it is up here shameless plug in my already shamelessly sponsored video yeah Dunsparce is a Tsuchinoko you know the thing that you don't really know but may have known of about but now you know because I reminded you yes well anyways this Japanese yokai is way more interesting than it looks however as far as yokai's go it's relatively tame I mean it's a venomous double jumping snake that's fast and could roll up in a circle and zoom away those are a dime a dozen in Japan and it is very similar to the aura borås of ancient European war and the hoop snake of North America both before and after the Revolutionary War so British the hoop snake is dumb not only does it bite its tail and roll after prey like a ball but it can also shoot poison out of the tip of its tail quite silly ball Wiles yokai origins are pretty well known and pretty straightforward she is based off of the food oku chiona or the two mouths woman which are characterized by their distinct two mouths one is normal placed normally on the normal human face and the other is hidden on the back of the head hidden in the hair which is not normal this yokai was pretty benign and just eats everything because two mouths mean extra hungry it's just a hungry hungry yokai normally created to punish people who starved others yokai things but mul wiles a little different that mouth on the back of its head it's pretty drastically different from this main mouth in fact the Pokedex says it can chew through iron bars crazy but why would this yokai be in the gaol our region well I have two ideas that might work the first one has to do with the stories that visio Chi is associated with in the original tale this yokai was created when a miserly husband doesn't feed his wife enough food so the second mouth forms to sustain the woman until it gets out of control and eats everything misers are common everywhere but the most famous miser is easily Ebenezer Scrooge from the Charles Dickens tale which took place in England is written by the English writer Charles Dickens in England which is often depicted as filled with miserly monopoly types I want some more I'm sure the mythical forces that create yokai in one region would still be there in another right the other possibility has to do with how many people say the back of her head resembles a bear trap though bear traps were invented in Canada though by a man who was born in England and of course you guessed it Canada was still very much a part of the British Empire at the time so yeah and I have tea this would pair really well with some seafood and those were the ones and those were the ones that I thought were kind of weird in the gala region though I'm sure there are a few more but possibly less oddities like Quagsire it's a Chinese salamander what's it doing in London place well in 2019 the London Zoo became home to four of these critically endangered animals it made big news they're doing a big preservation program so maybe that's it if not then it's just because the name has the word sire in it you know like kings and Lords and all that yes seiyya so what others do you think are a bit strange and Legendary's and do not count for obvious reasons also what glory and Pokemon would be really weird in like the Hoenn or something like mr. Ryan ooh or what about like a dual citizenship kind of thing like charge a bug Japan has a huge amount of rail systems and trains but London has just as many with just as much meaning I'll be in part of the tube you know the London Underground please mind the gap in all there's also qwilfish it's like a naval sea mine that's like very British World War two but also very Japanese World War two it's great I think you look great well thanks so much for watching and thanks a bunch again to bak soo who sponsored this whole video and made the whole thing possible because when I eat these I have to uh inject myself with insulin and that's very expensive so massive thanks you can help out the channel by going to the link of the description and using the code Loxton 10 for 10% off and until next time you never stop using your noggin holy butts this is my favorite [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 230,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon journeys, pokemon sword and shield, galarian pokemon, pokemon isle of armor, pokemon origins, pokemon design, pokemon lore, gen 8 pokemon, pokemon explained, every gen 8 pokemon, pokemon theory, yokai pokemon, japanese pokemon, british pokemon, english pokemon, what pokemon are british, what pokemon are yokai, pokemon inspired by, pokemon UK, shiftry, sizzlipede, mawile, creepy pokedex, spooky pokemon, galar region, pokemon inspirations, goh, ash, centiskorch
Id: HBUGgVyu7Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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