Does Mewtwo's Brain Size REALLY Matter? | Gnoggin

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it's big brain time let's grow those noggins [Music] what a massive noggin oh what's that that's bad well according to science i guess nowadays size doesn't matter right so does that mean mega mewtwo wise huge brain transformation means nothing and does this mean mega alakazam's head staying roughly the same size but gaining ridiculous intelligence still makes sense well that's right a recent study has been looking into the details correlating brain size and cognitive abilities and thanks to that we can have an actual discussion about pokemon's stupid brain differences from alakazam's relatively normal sized head to mega mewtwo's elongated head then there's or beetle or beetle's a bug do do bugs even think plus flabebe it's the smallest pokemon it's got such a tiny head it's got to have the smallest brain possible and yet it can learn psychic moves from tms and isn't anywhere near the dumbest pokemon so does this mean alakazam isn't smarter because of its head size but because of something else there are plenty of pokemon with heads bigger than alakazam's head like whalelord is whale lord a secret genius maybe that should be the clickbait thumbnail speaking of brain health and stuff the show is noggin right so what can you do other than watch this channel to expand your knowledge and your brain well did you know that reading just 15 minutes a day does wonders for brain development if you're young and brain maintenance and health when older even better when the thing you're reading makes you contemplate and learn things which is what today's sponsor wants to help all of us with it's blinkist it's a busy world and sometimes you just don't have the time to read all of the page fluff found in non-fiction books but you still want all of the important information that's in there but not just in some bullet point layout but in a format that's still interesting to read and that is what blinkist is all about entire books condensed into 15 minute little blinks worth of reading saving you time and money and they even come in audiobook format they come in all sorts of categories too technology in the future philosophy self-improvement financing and my favorite nutrition having read some of these books in the past and comparing them to the blinks yeah it does an excellent job getting all of the highlights condensed down so i absolutely recommend checking them out with the link down in the description the seven day trial is completely free and you can cancel at any time so if you're curious but unsure there's nothing to lose expand your knowledge in like the blink of an eye with blinkist the first 100 people to use my link in the description will even get the full membership for 25 off brains are the most complex machines we know of and we've made a lot of assumptions about them that are probably wrong we see those big brain memes of people being smart or even transcending all the time but how true is that i'm sure size matters but how much i mean think about this small insects have small brains meaning they should in theory have less cognitive ability yet many insects are able to socialize to a large degree and they are able to construct structurally sound creations nests with chambers and secret passageways they have dance-based pseudo sign language to explain complex directions some insects even have smaller social groups and cliques within the nest allowing some into their friend group and shunning some fakers and here i've got a brain a million times larger than their entire bodies but when i find myself in large groups i shut down and get the big sad why is that fair well the basis of this idea comes from charles darwin himself it is certain that there may be extraordinary activity with an extremely small absolute mass of nervous matter thus the wonderfully diversified instincts mental powers and affections of ants are notorious yet their cerebral ganglia are not so large as the quarter of a small pin's head under this point of view the brain of an ant is one of the most marvelous atoms of matter in the world perhaps more so than the brain of man what he's saying is that ant brains might be more efficient than our own human brains but are ant synapses worth more a simple explanation of a synapse is a connection between two neurons that allows neural activity to be transmitted one thing that does make humans unique is just how many connections we have between neurons yet ants are still somehow more efficient are there individual fewer brain connections somehow worth more than our own but why are their brain connections worth more than our own connections it's like the us democracy thing one voter in wyoming is worth 57 voters in california because the u.s is the land of equal opportunity california is more powerful overall still like human brains versus ant brains but wyoming here is 57 times more efficient like with ant brains yes i'm insulting wyomingians but there's like four of you so and if we look at computer technology this is also true just 50 years ago computers were the size of entire rooms but these days you can fit multiple buildings worth of those old computers into your pocket heck these days we make them bigger just so you can have a bigger screen we could make them a lot smaller than they actually are unlike metagross who just keeps getting bigger however now brain size isn't entirely worthless in fact brain size can help cognitive ability it's just so slight so slight in fact that it's hard to measure especially because humans are so vastly different in terms of size differences but typically the human brain is almost three pounds of salty salty jiggly fat with the density of water roughly and brain size can vary greatly and typically a human brain on the larger side may help giving it a power increase in quotes so many quotes by nine to 16 percent if you compare like the largest of human brains versus the smallest of them fully developed of course so to a point size matters but it's so negligible that it really doesn't even matter within our own species but if we compare that to say a honeybee which is one million times smaller than us are we one million times smarter than they are it turns out honeybees can recognize faces communicate the location and quality of food sources just by shaking their butts i.e the waggle dance plus they can navigate complex mazes with the help of cues they store in short-term memory even a single cent is enough for them to go back and find the source and that all seems pretty smart to me some plenty of people have a hard time remembering faces but i can stand here and talk words all day but let's back this up with some numbers if we're talking big brain we're talking sperm whales the sperm whale has the biggest brain in the animal kingdom with an average weight of 9 kilograms with over 200 billion neurons but what does that even mean the neuron is the basic working unit of the brain a specialized cell designed to transmit information to other nerve cells muscles and gland cells so the basic idea is that the neuron is what makes your brain think sort of human brains vary between 1250 and 1450 grams and have an estimated 85 billion neurons though this number is sort of debated and there are lots of discrepancies between every individual but let's just put the honeybee on here too a honeybee's brain has a volume of around one millimeter cubed and contains fewer than a million neurons yet all of these creatures are social intelligent creatures with varying personalities formed within their own social groups to fit their specific niches but are bees truly intelligent well intelligence is really really hard to define and calculate and here's a big question why are our brains so much larger why wouldn't evolution want us to have the least cumbersome lowest calorie usage machine evolution favors efficiency normally right a bigger brain means more possibilities for damage more microbes and malfunctions that could happen literal bugs in our system not unlike how our old room-sized computers had bugs because they were literal bugs crawling around the circuit boards causing short circuits that's why we call computer errors bugs but as computers got more and more efficient they got smaller and smaller and now the literal bugs can no longer just dilly-dally across them just like our brains the smaller they are the less space there is for foreign bodies and bugs to get into them and they are less likely to get hit by an attacker small brain good so what gives evolution why must it be big brain time for me well it turns out it's not brain like it is brain but it's not brain brain rather than big brain for super deep think big brain is typically related to sensor processing and not grammar uh but it can be and it can also not be like i said the science is still not out there completely but uh it's not all about brain power but perhaps brain ratio the bigger you are the more there is of you a simple statement but for your brain the more of you there is the harder it gets for your brain to handle with all the limited neurons it has there's so much more information to process in just existing for a larger creature a good example to explain what i mean is the fruit flies vision the fruit flies brain is rather small since it belongs to one of the tiniest bugs you can think of but either way it has almost 700 different eyes in what's known as a compound eye which it uses to see and immediately react to stimuli fast as a fly they say okay no one says that to put it in terms the layman myself included can understand you can think of eye cells in the compound eye as pixels thus screen resolution and obviously a computer or brain has to process those pixels some insects such as the dragonfly can have up to 30 000 of these pixels however humans with our cones and rods and stuff have over 400 000 pixels that's a lot of times more and obviously as any pc gamer will tell you to play games at a higher resolution more pixels you need a more powerful computer just to run the game at the same frame rate that a weaker computer could play the game at a smaller resolution and that's just vision now think of all the other things the brain has to do so you'd think well duh we are smarter than the fruit fly in the dragonfly we're humans we have built vehicles skyscrapers satellites engineering feats but if you go solely based off of size well we get outclassed whales huge brains they should be smarter than us right but they haven't invented anything and if you go slowly based off of efficiency we get outclassed again insects they have invented a lot of things so again let's focus on the ratio of size maybe that's where humans excel i mean human brains are so large compared to the rest of us that we have to be born way early on in brain development otherwise we'd get stuck on the way out our brains take up two percent of our total body mass sperm whales 0.17 bees 0.4 there we go rule unless you count other small mammals mice and voles for instance their brains are 10 of their body mass so it's no wonder they invented space traveling motorcycles oh that wasn't real why can hollywood lie but i can't so physically yes our brains are so many times larger than their entire bodies but by ratio here we're the pipsqueak then again why do animals that are larger need to have larger brains if it doesn't help us be smarter well on top of many larger animals having much more advanced eyes we also comparatively have to move a lot more muscle cells and feel more with our much more abundant nerve cells we have a much larger surface area than these tiny little mice if you know what i mean so our brains have to be a lot bigger just to reach the baseline of existing as big as we are our nerves take up more volume so our brain takes up more volume to process the greater volume of information that's why generally speaking body mass dictates the size of your brain your actual brain tissue needs to compensate for all of the new calculations of sense plus you need redundancies to make sure things like your eyes aren't deceiving you meaning you need even more neural tissue to double check it and even then we're still running things so fast that we still make mistakes just think of all the times your eyes have lied to you that's what optical illusions are and you've got a huge brain probably i mean you're subscribed right so clearly big brain so it's not that bugs are smarter than you because their brains are significantly more efficient they are just smaller so their brains are significantly more efficient larger animals possess larger sensory organs which in turn facilitates a need for a more detailed mapping of the world around the creature but why then do humans and dolphins and such all have a large brain to mass ratio on top of big brains in general does this make them smarter is that what allows conscious thought is it the ability to think like we do just how conscious can each pokemon really be what is consciousness the answer is a whole can of worms that i can't even begin to explain heck scientists can't explain that one perfectly either yet realistically though according to some studies it's probably for memory storage if you are a whale swimming around in the ocean you need to store all that juicy gossip you heard about whale mena and what she did to wad you gotta remember entire family trees and family structures over the course of a super long life span though that's not to say that bees don't have gossip it's just that they forget their tea as soon as they put it down just like most people interestingly longer term storage is a specialty to big brains and when i say big brains i mean big relative to the mass of the rest of the body again it's not the size it's the quality and this quality is found typically in social animals like humans whales dolphins meerkats you know things that live in a society bottom texts though again this isn't a hard truth in the case of whales their brains are used mostly for relations between whales and other whales as we can observe the whales with larger brains typically are more social and coordinated with intricate social relationships and smaller brained whales while still very smart tends to be less coordinated acting as a disorganized group rather than a perfect society of stupid fish and the same goes for all the small brains ants they are social creatures too so why tiny brain and not big are ants even smart ants can get lost so tiny brains well here's a finding of a hilarious study ants only know how to get back to their nest by counting their steps if you attach stilts to the legs of an ant while they are away from home thus making their legs longer they will walk right past their home on the way back since they were counting the steps and since their steps are bigger now you know 100 steps that are a foot far is a lot shorter than 100 steps that's foot and a half far that's probably a really huge ant i just realized i probably should have said like micrometers or something so the ants aren't using complex visual clues of what their home looks and smells like but they're remembering how many steps they walked away from it it's kind of creepily mechanical isn't it and if you keep them away from their home for three days they will have absolutely no idea where to go or what to do that seems to be the limit to their memory could it be that ants brains are much more streamlined than our own have they uncovered the secret to a mega mind in a small casing again no brain size means nothing at the end of the day even the smallest nervous systems such as the nematode center habitus elegans with its 302 neurons that are still capable of associative learning all we really know is bigger sensory organs necessitate larger amounts of neural tissue to evaluate the information providing more sensitivity and detail but not necessarily higher intelligence nearly all of the molecular components of neurons are present in most vertebrates and insects they work all the same they have the same qualities and for all intensive purposes they are the same so all that added head that mega mewtwo y gives it is mainly giving it a much larger weak spot but because its body size also shrunk significantly overall that does mean more of its brain can be used for non-sensory things yeah like psychic powers let's just apply magic to a sciency video yeah and alakazam and slow king don't need huge heads to be smart which is why mega alakazam's head is still roughly the same size despite being significantly more smart and brainical ultimately though it is incredibly complicated and we still don't really know much and that's the beauty of science it's complexity all of these studies that were sourced for this video basically all concluded the same way we don't really know so there you go that's the video we don't really know and even all of the evidence that they used i'm sure there are studies out there that are completely contradictory so tell me about them down below and while you're down there check out blinkist lots of easy to absorb knowledge is found there i've actually i've been using it for about a week it's good reading well i poop so until next time you never stop using your massive noggin you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 126,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, blinkist, alakazam, mewtwo, slowking, metagross, calyrex, smartest pokemon, what pokemon is the, smartest, big brain, big brain pokemon, pokemon big brain, big brain meme, pokemon meme, mega mewtwo, mega mewtwo y, galarian slowking, brain size, who is the smartest pokemon, what is the smartest pokemon, pokemon intelligence, top 10 intelligent pokemon, intelligent pokemon, pokemon consciousness, human intelligence, animal intelligence, smart pokemon, brain pokemon
Id: YwO9MM0PQ8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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