EVERYTHING Awesome about Tapu Koko's Gang! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sun and Moon

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Pokemon's sword and shield is right around the corner and I still haven't done that video all about the tapas that I've been meaning to do well before it's too late there's no time like the present that's why it's a gift and have I got a gift for you it's the power of knowledge so cheesy Alakazam let's have none of that it's too smart for the cheese but I get asked from time to time how do we make the videos that we do with the swishes and the smooth animations and the wiggly Mons where do we learn how to do those things and the answer is the Internet I'm along the coastal theater is on our team are entirely self-taught meaning just a whole lot of internet tutorials and no other place on the Internet has as many high-quality and easy-to-understand tutorials and lessons as a skills chair today's sponsor I mean I wasted so much time in high school video class that I almost maybe not want to do video anymore it was terrible terrible class and then college it was the same but expensive this super expensive I wish Skillshare existed then you young uns got it so easy now and it's not just video editing but also graphic design business entrepreneurship art animation music marketing even lifestyle and productivity here's a good listen by Maddy brown on low-budget filmmaking that I enjoyed we're gonna try to incorporate love it it's good stuff the annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month and if you use my link in the description you get two months free so check it out thanks a million [Music] Tabu coco tapa Lele tapu bulu topo fini these four deities guard the various islands of the Aloha region oh Lola is based on the real world Hawaii an archipelago and a state in the United States originally populated by Polynesians and now an extremely popular tourist destination both in real life and in the Pokemon world oh Lola gets its name from Aloha the Hawaiian word for hello but also for goodbye welcome and farewell but it goes even deeper than that culturally and spiritually Aloha means love compassion sympathy and kindness then when using it as a greeting or a goodbye it is in a way sending the warmest of regards as one always should what I'm getting at by mentioning all this is that Pokemon Sun and Moon is very inspired by Hawaiian culture and thus also its myth and this is where we will find the bulk of the inspiration for these four pokemon but before we get into their mythology specifically let's go over there etymology why are they named what they are what does topo even mean well top who has its roots in various Polynesian cultures it's pretty deep into there too especially the Maori it is a concept denoting that something is sacred or holy and thus not to be messed with if a priest denotes a thing or place or act as taboo than it is forbidden to interfere with it or can do it and in some cases such top who thinks are not even to be spoken of the English word taboo has similar meanings as it was taken from these people along with many other things something being tapu isn't always a bad thing though for instance a priest could declare that a certain type of fish is temporarily taboo this was to prevent overfishing though the meaning of the word still remains it's forbidden to hunt that fish so in the case of these Pokemon they are all taboo they are sacred holy and not to be messed with unless they so choose to initiate it so how about the rest of the names well let's look at top of Koko it's a high strutting bird thing very rooster esque which works the natives brought chickens with them when they moved to the islands and Koko happens to be the Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound a rooster makes a cockadoodledoo but that's just the simple explanation koko can also refer to blood but not your sticky red stuff it's all over your insides rather it's the more spiritual definition of blood it's the link between you and the Wow Akua sorry if I'm mispronouncing that the Wow Akua is the spirit realm as well as the ancestral spirits that live there and live throughout the land all around you those Coco is your connection to nature in a spiritual sense and this connection is passed on to your children through your Coco it's been described as a sort of spiritual umbilical cord but it stopped with Coco really so deep or is it just the Japanese sound of a rooster well considering that these are essentially nature deities and that they use the power of nature itself in there's EMU and taco Coco is the first one you meet and place the biggest role in the anime and is basically the leader of the bunch you know and well if any one of them were to get a much deeper name than the others it will be this one and in this case and as a deeper name topic Coco and then comparatively the other three have kind of lame names Lele the cute little butterfly comes from the Hawaiian word for butterfly poo Leilehua lulu with a bull is easy it's Hawaiian for bull and Finny the Marlin fish is obviously from Finn but some say that it could also come from finish hence the added I at the end as this is the guardian of the final island of the island trials and that the place it resides the ruins of hope are where quote life ends its journey now then all of them together are the Guardian deities and they also all clearly have a Hawaiian totem pole or tiki inspirations these days tikis are pretty synonymous with the tropical vacation ii lifestyle but they are very historically significant as they are depictions of gods and great spirits throughout Polynesian mythology the most common ones we see are rightly the four principal deities of the ancient hawaiians who for you say that just happens to line up with this Pokemon group so do these fit do the four principal deities in Hawaiian topology fit esport yes yes they do ku con aloha con a and lo lo these are the four main deities in Hawaii so do their godly abilities line up with these Pokemon in the case of ku for sure ku is often depicted with yellow or orange feathers and is the God of War tofu Coco is rooster esque and is the most warrior s co before clearly even doing a little haka which is a Polynesian war dance plus it's found in the ruins of conflict top you Lele is a butterfly that is known for its cruel demeanor but also for protecting and healing those it finds in need of it but it's also devoid of guilt and as the Dex puts it can be described as Nate incarnate that makes it fit Connie the most to me it's considered to be the highest of the four deities and is the god of creation life and the sky top you Lele heels thus gives life and being the only one with wings could insinuate sky and the air plus it's found in the ruins of life it fits well but the other two are a bit confusing lono is the god of rainfall fertility and agriculture well that certainly seems to fit top of Gulu the grass type one that can control plants and cause vegetation to grow make sense that it's found in the ruins of abundance which however low no is also the god of music and peace and taboo bulu is described in the Pokedex as very violent selfish even as it only grows vegetation so it can steal its energy for itself it's also quite lazy and what makes this even shake here is that in the book documenting his journey to Hawaii Hunter as Thompson describes a depiction of lono as wearing the head of a Marlin as a mask Oh gross but okay so that means type of fini then lo no is taboo finis I mean a mask that's a Marlin a mask that's a Marlin come on plus many points to the mermaid or siren inspirations in toffifee Neetu and again lo no god of music sirens known for their singing and lo no out of rainfall top Affinia is the water type line it can control water but that would make con Aloha top abbulu so what's kind of low all about con Aloha is the guardian of the underworld and a teacher of magic it is often depicted as a squid or octopus or hey that's not really top of hulu at all so I guess this one is tofu Feeny and bulu is low no after all even if it fits Finny more than boo but kind of low if it's finis even better because again god of the underworld where you go when you die fini finish the last island of the trail where life comes to an end and now how about the way they act they may be called Guardian deities but a lot of the time they sure don't seem to act like it hulloh even mentions that although it is said to protect us our top of cocoa is a rather fickle creature and just take a look at the decks entries descriptions of them guilelessly cruel malevolent hair-trigger temper lazy violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an enemy terrible calamities sometimes befall those who recklessly approach and more like how Abu boola was once quite literally a bull in a china shop to smite people who ran a market and even destroyed an entire village and come to think of it the ruins that lives in are in the desert and it makes plants grow just so it can absorb their energy did Tabu bulu absorbed all of the plant life here none of these things seemed like something a noble guardian deity would do and well that's because these four are anything but noble they are a bit on the ruthless side but their ultimate goal just like with the Hawaiian spirits is to protect nature to protect the islands these Pokemon are the guardians of the islands not necessarily the people and pokémon that reside on them back to those top of Gulu examples the market was destroyed because it was built by the black sand beaches and in Hawaiian culture these beaches were sacred or taboo and and the village was destroyed because the Kahuna there was corrupt they have their reasons but if the taboos are just protecting the islands not the people and why are they worshipped well it could be the classic appeasement of the spirits out of fear of getting on their bad side most religions have lists to some extent and when it comes to Hawaiian mythology specifically well yeah there was a lot of that these four hawaiian deities would often kill anyone who wronged them and coups specifically demanded human sacrifices during rituals of worship and because these gods are the embodiments of nature when natural disasters happened it was often seen as nature's wrath the gods are angry at the people for their doings and at times they may seem fickle short-tempered much like otaku Coco is described and plus the signature move of these four Pokemon is named Nature's madness so while they are Guardian deities their ultimate goal is to protect the islands even if that means is smiting some people which to stay on their good side the people worship them even if they are at times cruel but now on to the next bit why are they connected to these islands specifically well it's pretty easy really each of these islands corresponds to a real Hawaiian island directly and also every Hawaiian island in the real world has an official color altogether they make a rainbow and well top of Coco the yellow one is found on maily maily Island melly-mel a being Hawaiian for yellow it's based on the island Oahu which has yellow as its official color see where I'm going with this top lele kala Island Maui pink top abbulu Lulla Lulla Island Hawaii itself aka the Big Island's red and taboo Feeny Coney Island Hawaii purple easy melvin you know how the top is choose a Kahuna for their Island well did you notice that they match the colors of themselves as well and some demeanor too I mean top abbulu is lazy just like nominee who can't be to do things and is often disinterested but top abbulu is also violent and uses the dirty tactics of using its plants to hold down its opponents while it rams them and nanu is a dark-type pokémon trainer the dark tie for being all about those dirty tactics tapu finis is reserved and doesn't much care for humans Kapoor is also somewhat reserved and lives on the least populated island of them all when you meet her grandmother she's surprised that she's paid friends like at all tapa Lele is the most caring of the bunch it uses its scales to heal Pokemon even if the damage is because of its own relentlessness and somewhat cruel forms of entertainment and olivia is seen as an extra caring individual as well and goes out of her way to heal Pokemon not sure about the crew illness though is she particularly violent in the way she battles no and lastly as mentioned before taboo cocoa is the leader of the bunch you know him well and Halle seems to take the role as the leader of the Kahuna's - and it was mentioned that Halle sometimes goes into a state of fury which may be similar to top of Coco's short temper so it seems like the top was juiced Kahuna's based on how many traits they have in common with someone and that's that I mean non who even mentions that he didn't want to become a Kahuna but I guess he was just too similar to Tocqueville ooh we're top abbulu to pass up now then one more factoid that I didn't know how to fit into the rest of the video or a choreo changes forms based on which island it drinks nectar from and it's four forms also reflect the Guardian deities and to the official colors of the island pom pom style is upbeat and energetic just like top cocoa sensu style is slow and preserved in a way like the waves bikini Bailey style is fiery and passionate but it sometimes gets offended and angry the sort of like top abbulu and then pop loose tile is laid-back elegance and melts the hearts of other Pokemon sort of like the caring and loving popular life I guess well if that trait falls in line with Olivia really well so uh well it's not the most clear-cut thing in the world I'm sure they were going with something like all this while designing these Pokemon and everything but what's interesting is that the Hawaiians would incorporate hula dances in their worship so these dancing or aquariums changing their style of dance may reflect the different deities wanting to see different sorts of dance and since they are nature spirits they bless the nectar in some way which gets the aura coreos to change when drinking their nectar specifically it's a theory anyway so that was that video do you have any can you ever see them have any Pokemon questions you'd like me to answer you let me know down below and never stop using your noggin and hey want to learn some skills I'm reminding you about the day sponsor Skillshare now check it out with the link at the description and never stop improving [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 339,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon ultra sun and moon, pokemon ultra moon, tapu koko, tapu koko vs pikachu, tapu lele, tapu bulu, tapu fini, alola, alolan raichu, alolan pokemon, galarian pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon guardian deities, guardian deity, melemele island, alola lore, pokemon sun and moon lore, pokemon sun and moon timeline, gen 7 pokemon origins, legendary pokemon, pokemon sun and moon story, tapu koko lore, tapu koko origins, tapu koko name
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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