Pokémon with RIDICULOUS Eyes! | Gnoggin

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so eyes they exist right i mean really i've never seen my own eyes only reflections and recordings of my own eyes but you never really see your own eyes and i don't think i'd really want to yet i know your eyes exist i'm looking at them right now through the camera and you're looking at mine through the internet so just promise that you won't lie when you say i have eyes and i won't lie to you either in today's video i'm going to talk about pokemon with interesting eyes and use them as a catalyst to explain why their inspirational sources have them you'll see what i mean you'll see what i mean haha [Music] so you have eyes and you should probably protect those jelly balls inside your skull and have i got a treat for you i am very honored to say that this video is sponsored by the makers of these beauties jin's eyewear and their new pokemon model series prescription and non-prescription glasses that i mean they're glasses you know what glasses do these ones are my wife's prescription so i'm already dizzy even though it's been five seconds here's mine they're styling right and right now for a limited time they've got a deal you have the option to add blue light lenses for free that's 60 dollars saved blue light glasses reduce digital eye stream which is when your eyes get sore and tired from looking at a screen too much thanks snorlax but look at the details you can really see the snorlax inspiration in this model's design their flagship models feature some fan favorite pokemon from the kanto region look they end in their tails they come with this chic leather-like carrying case which opens to reveal more excellent details there's also these kanto and johto region models which have original cases and cleaning cloths of their own as well and we can't forget the kiddos there are of course kid-sized models as well and look at the cleaning cloth it's rotom phone it's so good curious what you'd look like in them you can experience all of the gin's pokemon models true to size and in the comfort of your own home with their virtual try on technology is so cool you can check all of these out with your eyes with my link down in the description and you can use the coupon code loxtonnoggin15 for an extra 15 off and a big thanks again i'm gonna need prescription lenses when i get older these don't look bad on my face i actually quite like them so other than humans there are plenty of animals with eyes in fact most of them do and interestingly eyes vary widely in the animal kingdom and believe it or not human eyes are actually pretty good compared to most animals sure we're no bird of prey but even birds of prey suffer from up-close vision no where human vision excels is our ability to see fine details and our variable adaptability humans rely on their vision so much that our brains tend to prefer it over the other senses eighty percent of our impressions of things come from sight and without touch and smell we would easily bump that up to ninety nine percent can't say a hundred though because i'm not a doctor even though these glasses make me look like i'm one but funnily enough the first pokemon of today's video does not have eyes at all it's zubat yeah no eyes or are they secretly just mega tiny eyes hidden inside the little boy's fur now zubat clearly is based on a bat and you know that saying blind as a bat well every time you say it you're lying to yourself in fact bats have pretty decent vision the flying fox is even one of the more notable vision based hunters the saying is based on misinformation people just jumping to conclusions because bats are not only nocturnal but they also like to live in dark caves almost as if they don't need to use their eyes but they do inside your eyes you have rods and cones which are little light receptors and to put it simply cones are your daytime vision and rods are for night time really it's just how they receive light rods can work with lower light levels though are less accurate however the main point is that the more rods you have typically the better night vision you have bats being a nighttime predator need much more rods than cones so their day vision isn't all that great but still they aren't exactly blind yet in pokemon they took the idiom to heart and made zubat actually blind using echolocation only to get around and to get a understanding of its surroundings which isn't great though there are some blind humans who have learned how to do this too and it is for sure better than nothing but yeah no eyes in fact the pokedex goes on to state that they lived in caves so much that they just closed their eyes forever and it's weird because in the evolution of eyes if it is super dark where you live you get either mega eyes or no eyes at all and it may have to do with whether or not there even is the slightest bit of light or not the deep depths of the ocean at least until a certain point still gets the tiniest amount of light but in completely sealed caves deep underground it's no use at all but what's really odd is that zubat's evolutions have eyes but considering it only evolves into crobat via friendship it could be that because it's spending a lot more time outside during the day with its trainer it's slowly developing its eyes again but now evolution in a more real sense is seen firsthand with insects the arthropod world has some of the most fascinating eyes in the entire world compound eyes these work by putting hundreds of small eyes next to each other providing an immeasurable amount of information all at once to the brain however this comes at a cost typically in resolution you can imagine our eyes as a very nice camera you can see a resolution of like a million or something whereas each part of a compound eye sees a single pixel in quotes because obviously we're not talking digital stuff but it gets the idea across basically they sort of see like this no comment however what they lack in resolution they make up for in extreme speed and they are extremely wide angled having much larger fields of view compared to our lame binocular vision oh and some compound eyes are even able to see ultraviolet light spectrums in pokemon it's hard to see which bug types truly have compound eyes because even a lot of these bugs have regular cartoony anime eyes but not all of them venonat dustocks yanmega butterfree bee drill lydian dwell who's actually a crab genesect chargeable vikavolt volcarona vivillion so there are actually more than i thought now yanma actually has a dex entry talking about its eyes it can see in 360 vision yeah every direction without doing that they just it sees everywhere now you know like those weird vr roller coaster adventures filmed in full 360 so that you can look anywhere with your vr headset and still see it now imagine just seeing all of that at once it's near incomprehensible to us yet with a compound eye it could very easily be possible imagine being able to see your butt in your nose at the same time now there are only two real-life animals that have 360-degree vision without turning their head that is and it's dragonflies oh sweet that's what janma is whoa they did their research and chameleons that's right it's a segway into caclion except in that cacklion's lane let's talk about chameleons chameleons have the most distinctive eyes of any reptile their upper and lower eyelids are joined with only a single pinhole large enough for the pupil to see through each eye can pivot and focus independently of each other allowing the chameleon to observe two different objects simultaneously but speaking of having eyes spiders have a bunch of them so you'd like to imagine that they are pretty good at seeing i mean they have to see bugs those are hard to see they're so small but surprisingly spider vision is actually trash well your typical spider anyway the more a spider relies on its web to hunt the worse its vision is typically take your typical house spider blind as a bat blind as a something that actually has bad vision like a spider a lot of spiders can't really see what's past their webs basically yet spiders with much larger less numerous eyes tend to be much better sight predators take the jumping spider it's got only four eyes really with much larger eyes than your typical spider though they do also have other eyes these two but they're very small oh and it also almost has 360 degree vision but it's thick booty blocks a lot of the sight so it can see like a pac-man amount of vision thanks to those two extra eyes that are on the backsides of its head galvantula is one of the only spider i don't have a galvantula plush galvatula is one of the only spider mod with more than four eyes having six however four of them look like they're sort of just small dots secondary eyes unused or possibly only used in special instances such as low light but most spiderman have these large eyes meaning they aren't primarily web-based spiders like aryados it's a much more aggressive predatory spider spooky spooky just like seeing things that aren't really there eyes are a sensor simple fact they are used to gather data that the brain then uses to see but i mean do we actually see or is our brain just making things up entirely because our eyes are telling it what they think it sees people who see things typically will have eyes that are perfectly fine but the brain is understanding the eye's signals incorrectly hence hallucinogens doing their whole thing to your brain [Music] now transition to owls knock devil is an owl so is decidueye i don't have a decidueye plush real owls have large eyes because they are typically nocturnal hunters so they need their eyes to let in more light or at least what little light there is the bigger the eye the more light it can gather simple fact about eyes yet owls are a little special their eyes are actually locked in place in the socket yeah they can't move their eyes they are unable to do this and that's why they evolve to have crazy necks that can turn almost all the way around it's to compensate for that lack of ability and compensate they do on average humans move their eyes more than three times a second that's like a hundred thousand movements a day so don't take that for granted you could have been born an owl but why can't they move them well because they aren't eyeballs owl eyes are more like long tubes also consider that their eyes take up like three percent of their entire body for comparison human eyes only take up 0.003 percent of our entire bodies but of course it helps them hunt most of the time owl eyes are extremely farsighted meaning that they can see pinpoint accurately with things that are kind of far away hence decidueye being such an amazing archer but they have a hard time seeing things up close it's all a blur big blown out bright blur and that might be why decidueye has feathers resembling glasses around its eyes and that's also why real owls have small sensory hairs around their beak to detect the closer prey it's more akin to feeling where they are rather than seeing but sensory hairs that's a mole thing right because if a bat is blind then a mole probably doesn't even have eyes they do and bats aren't blind but unlike real moles the moles in the pokemon world are pretty normal eye weirdos except for diglett those eyes are tiny little dots like a child made this creature this is uh this is my friend it's a tube and it has a big nose and uh some eyes yep that's a mole unlike bats some species of moles can actually be fully blind using only their sense of touch to dig through the earth or use their sense of smell to find roots that are buried they literally smell their way through the dirt but they're very sensitive snouts just smells like dirt this is why in media a lot of the time you see moles wearing little sunglasses as a lot of legally blind people do too now seeing through dirt by cheating with your other senses is one thing but luxray now it's got the real deal it's got loo x-ray vision here's a pokedex entry when its eyes gleam gold it can spot hidden prey even those taking shelter behind a wall that's basically x-ray vision the popular 1950s superpower but not generally based on x-rays specifically though instead these powers typically use some other special penetration particle to see just like those x-ray machines you see at airports actual x-rays are a type of radiation that can pass through the body they can't be seen by the naked eye and you can't feel them but denser parts of your body such as the bones block more x-rays which is why machinery sensitive to x-rays can see your bones really it's seeing more of the things being blocked so it's unseeing your bones which pinpoints where your bones are but magically seeing things or magically seeing through things isn't really x-ray vision well not entirely x-ray anyway that's just a more collequial term realistically speaking superpowers like this or more accurately t ray vision terra hertz radiation which is used to see slightly less deep into you only typically being able to penetrate through plastic and cloth so nudie vision that's why the airports are getting in trouble they're looking at weiners while at work i feel like that's against company policy and luxray for some magical reason can harness this power of being able to see through solid objects to find its prey so it must have something to do with its golden eye gleam sending out x-rays only for it to be bounced back and by x-rays i of course mean t-rays mixed with x-rays it's magic right but clearly luxury causes cancer in california and you better put a sticker on that well i'm getting off topic so let's go deeper into the caves that is let's talk sableye i mean it's got gems for eyes what's up with that and it eats gemstones which then deposit into its eyes it eats carbink even do you think it eats the eyes out of other lesser stabilize they are dark type little goblins aren't they and then gigolith it also has sort of gemstone eyes there's gotta be something in the real world like that right well yeah heck any pokemon with glass or inorganic eyes could be in this category we can explain how their eyes work all thanks to one single animal the west indian fuzzy chitten it's this small plate mail looking roly-poly armor caterpillar clam thing it has tiny spots all over its body that are actually its eyes fun fact did you know that clams actually do in fact have eyes too yeah it's these they're always watching but the chitten in order to keep its armor up its eyes are actually made of rock well not literally rock what i mean is its eyes are made of a non-organic compound so basically rocks they use the transparent nature of crystals to see through this crystal-like armor that protects its rods and cones on the inside it does mean that its eyesight is likely very poor but the rigidity its eyes has gives it a huge boost in defense which is fitting for a lot of the rock type pokemon gosh the animal kingdom is so cool no wonder gamefreak is able to get so many awesome pokemon ideas from it and i could just go on and on talking about just eyes like i didn't even talk about eagle eyes or third eyes or which pokemon are likely colorblind and so on but i gotta stop somewhere and that somewhere is here thanks so much for using your eyes on this video check out jyn's eyewear and their new pokemon model series with the link down below and tell me which one is your favorite i really like the snorlax and cyndaquil ones but the pikachu and mew oh those are so cute too just make sure you take care of your eyes it helps you continue to never stop using your noggin [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 286,773
Rating: 4.9665618 out of 5
Keywords: jins eyewear, pokemon, Pokémon, pokemon glasses, pokemon jins, jins pokemon, pokemon eyes, pokemon vision, best eyes, pokemon with, top 10 pokemon, pokemon science, pokemon origins, pokemon biology, decidueye, sableye, zubat, luxray, special eyes, in pokemon, best eyesight, pokemon eyesight, yanma, compound eyes pokemon, pokemon compound eyes, crazy eyes, pokemon crazy eyes, crazy pokemon, pokemon theory, science of pokemon, spider pokemon
Id: nlno4_mI-fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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