A Rotom Form for Every Type! | Gnoggin | Kaskade Region

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so rotom is a cool pokemon it was introduced with a way cool sort of in-game event dungeon thing and i think we need a lot more of that in pokemon games but since then rotom has become super important in the pokemon world it's your bike it's your pokedex it's a phone it's a pokemon job manager and it's a camera drone alright this sounds weird without context in case you don't know for some reason rotom is a little electric ghost type pokemon that is able to possess and control electric devices it's just like a poltergeist except it needs batteries and the best part is that its name is just motor backwards oh my gosh and i just realized that might be really important we'll see as of this video while there are many things we see rotom possessing only six of them are official rotom forms that you can use in battle there is of course the default rotom a little electric ghost but when it possesses something it loses the ghost typing as it now has a physical body and it gains a new secondary type based on whatever it is that it possessed for instance an oven ovens make heat and fire so it gains the fire type a freezer well that's easy it's ice it can make ice and then it can use that ice in its ice attacks fan rotom is flying type and that's fair enough it blows wind flying type attacks are often just wind and air themed wash rotom is a washing machine assumedly one that was in the middle of washing a load of laundry because where else would it be getting all that water from for its attacks it's not connected to any piping and then mo rotom is sort of the odd one here until you sort of think about it i guess it's grastine the type normally reserved for literal actual plants mo rotom is made of steel it's a lawn mower but i suppose it's a lawnmower with a carrying container filled with the chopped grass bits so we can spit those out with some wind and do some grass type attacks so having a bonus to those attacks by matching the type yeah that's fair but i don't like the idea that it has the same strengths and weaknesses that are associated with literally being a plant but whatever some rotom forms are just not as clear-cut as the others now by the very nature of rotom's whole design as well as just how popular it's become as a character in the anime it has sparks a plethora of fan art both of official forms and especially as new fan made forms and considering that the fake bomb region we've been making on the channel the cascade region heavily features rotom as well i mean it's the big bad legendary look at it rotom is one of the two mascots of the big business organization too amazon so i figured i should try my hand at the hole a rotom of every type thing and that's this video and hey real fast i want to say super thank you for all of the pre-orders of our tow frog plush dofrog is for sure the fake bomb mascot of the channel and it's so cute and so square and so here is an update they are all made all of the plushes are made there is now a finite quantity of them one problem though a crane crashed or something and so they're delayed until september it's out of my hands but i still feel so bad i'm so sorry like i just found out about it yesterday and my poor heart like i still have written here in this script we are on schedule to launch in august but that's not true as of like 13 hours ago i don't have art of me bowing so here's me bowing very heavily edited i'm so sorry but hey i guess this means now there's more time to pre-order the plush because all the pre-orders there's a bonus of the holographic tow front card it will fill you with autumn moods and serotonin every time you look at it link below to our merch store noggin.net you have more time now and thanks again everyone now then when it comes to making new fan made rotom forms there are some things to consider here for one there's so much fan art of it already that i made sure not to do any research into fan row toms before deciding what i wanted to do as fan rotoms that way they don't influence my choices but of course just because i exist i of course have seen several over the years so if i ultimately come to the same conclusion as another amazing piece of fan work i'll just show their art off i mean there are so many fan concepts for new rotoms out there that some are incredibly common enough anyway and we don't really need more art of the same idea and sometimes the ideas are just that common because it's such a good idea anyway let's start off with a new rotom i've shown in this series already malware rotom electric dark type this one i commissioned from fakemon official on twitter though the rest of my rotoms are by west coast f just so you know malware rotom is a sort of totem pokemon equivalent a miniboss of sorts and the idea is quite simple it's an internet server but one that is hosting sites on the dark web criminal stuff as well as loads of malware computer viruses that steal people's information like credit card numbers and identities very malicious which is what the dark type tends to be all about this is exactly the kind of rotom that team rocket would have so it's a special rotom sort of one-of-a-kind but not really what i really mean by that is that it doesn't really fit into any other rotom theme you see the official rotom forms are all appliances you would find at a typical house which i suppose a real dark web server could be it could just be in some dude's basement but it's not so traditional but do all rotoms need to fit in this theme even years later well no because we have all these new forms but we can't use those in battle so do all the battle forms need to fit this theme well that may be better so it will be considered but i think it'd be cooler to get different sets of rotom farms for instance we have this home appliance set so why don't we also do a construction remodeling cultivation landscaping garage set let's just call it garage i guess the lawnmower would be in there too huh and also since we're sort of making these rotum forms for the cascade region project let's make some themed after handy devices manufactured by amazon things just like that camera drone honestly i don't know why that's not already a battleable form it's so perfect if it's a fancy camera surely it can use flash and thus be the normal type rotom form it's essentially just light manipulation well another idea i played with was a printer that shoots paper at you that seemed plain and normal enough but another thing that normal is sort of a stand-in type for is sound most sound-based moves are normal type and so a normal type rotom could be a sound-based device like a boombox which turns out is also a super common idea hence these pieces of amazing art i mean it is a really good idea so obviously but for me i think boomboxes have gone out of style and amaze all wouldn't make something like that no these days we use smart speakers waterproof bluetooth speakers and such so here's that yeah it's just a fancy cylinder but so are most of these speakers it's powerful in its minimalism so sleek and unique it screams with ghostly noise spooky now one idea that i was super proud of until i found out it was already done really well by another that being baremason was a fairy type rotom that is a tamagotchi virtual pet toy i mean think about it most fairy types are pink and caring loving sweet and girly how do you translate that into an electronic machine of sorts well showing love to a virtual pet is so much that in fact parental love and care in a device could also be seen in baby monitors those are also just sort of fancy speaker walkie-talkie things far too similar to our normal type rotom so uh oh brilliant alternative idea something that combines the lovey-dovey pink and caring aspect of the fairy type with the more mischievous nature spirit fairy tale aspect of it in a little motorized machine let's do a baby mobile or is it mobile i've heard it both ways mobiles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes some feature animals some stars and some are much more whimsical than others or have lights that play music now think about it a ghost comes and possesses your baby's mobile it starts spinning a bit out of control and playing eerie music box music and soon after your baby is gone baby napping is a common enough theme in fairy tales anyway but heck it's part of imperdimp's origins it's a little changeling so yes a mischievous baby mobile one that looks super cute some clouds stars it can make rainbows with its light it's pink and it's got a little speaker and an eerie smile it'd be the smallest rotom form which is also perfectly fitting of the fairy type plus baby mobiles have little motors in them just like all of the official forms hence rotom's namesake having a motor may not be a huge deal because rotom decks exists but every battle rotom is something that has a motor so that may play a role in the decision making at game freak but maybe not now from the smallest to the biggest dragon type dragon being the biggest is also fitting also what the heck do you do for dragon type dragons aren't typically machines unless we're talking mechagodzilla zory zord stuff and we don't want to go in that direction so i started jotting down some themes that a lot of dragon types fall into and spacey seems to be the most machinable plenty of the space legendaries are part dragon type as it's a sort of raw magic infinity energy type and other legendaries like rayquaza ladies and gents are very upper atmosphere inspired dragonite and settlements also go way high when they fly so let's do that upper atmosphere stuff i could see a weather balloon since amazon are researching the weather but i also like the idea of a low orbiting satellite that also studies the weather plus simple satellites that do simple things like that are getting smaller and smaller you can hold on to them now but let's still go ahead and make this a big satellite absorbing pure infinity energy from the sun and converting it into raw dragon power yeah that's cool and amazon would love to start looking to the stars once they learn about a few of the cosmic pokemon in various other games moving on for poison type i really like these ideas so i wanted to show them off this one's a fog machine spewing poisonous fog and this one is a vacuum cleaner which was my first idea plus it's totally fitting next to the other roton forms it's a home appliance vacuums suck up a lot of gross stuff and all that dust it can spit back out and it would make you feel sick and sneezy for sure like getting attacked by a coughing honestly this is probably the best idea that there is but there are plenty of other ideas that i could see like a garbage disposal the grinder under your sink they get disgusting and would just spit up rotten food as an attack just like garbodor but my issue with this idea is that garbage disposals aren't like very sightly or obvious in what they do just by looking at it so let's skip that idea and move on to my next a derelict vending machine amaze all was getting into the vending machine business over a decade ago but then decided to shift their focus a bit they've collected and disposed of most of their old vending machines but missed a few letting the food inside rot and mold fester and now oh rotom has gotten into it and it won't let go because it really likes poisoning pokemon how rude maybe it could even learn payday and shoot some coins out now a theme like garage would sort of make rock ground and steel type really easy hopefully in the case of rock type i can think of nothing better than the already common idea of a jackhammer though interestingly in a lot of the fan art i'm seeing they make the jackhammer ground type which i suppose works too but the main use of a jackhammer is to break up really hard things like asphalt underground boulders and bedrock it can be used to help dig in the dirt but so can just a shovel no i prefer the idea of a rock type jackhammer rotom it breaks up the ground to find rocks breaks those rocks up and uses those rocks for attacks plus it could also just jack off on the pokemon oh that's not what i meant um it could go and do what jackhammers do as an attack and there is a sort of loose argument to be made that it's fitting of rock type steel would make a bit more sense because jackhammers are metal but like it's a jackhammer covered in dirt and stone bits so there's still an argument for ground too but rock is in the middle of the two types in hardness so there now ground what is a tool that someone especially someone more well-off or owns a business or something might have in their garage that is useful for the ground well probably a concrete mixer or a ditch witch which is a handheld plow plus i mean look at this concrete mixers are already orange even the argument for a concrete mixer is sound it's got a bunch of soft mush in it that it puts on the ground to make hard ground you could trap you in that in the ground like those cars that sink in wet cement and look it's even holding a ghostly concrete place or spreader thing is to stamp it down the only issue with this idea is making it cute or cool looking you can't really do that i suppose it's kind of like remo rotom but for dirt and floor instead of grass i guess some rotum has to be the ugliest and i guess it's also fitting that it's the ground type now steel theoretically steel should be easy considering most rotom forms are based on something metal already but really what is so inherently metal that it exudes the essence of metal more than any of the other forms well probably a pneumatic vending machine or a hydraulic press but those aren't very well known about or common enough for rotom to just wander into like it does everything else so perhaps a big metal drill yeah i see tons of those but uh here's an idea what else is in a garage and just somewhat more specifically a pacific northwest thing well garage rock garage bands garage metal grunge it got its start here so here's an electric guitar rotom it uses the move metal sound a lot and smashes into other mon with its metal plating and whips them with its metal guitar strings yeah hardcore for fighting type i still cannot get over how much i love the idea of a fighting game arcade cabinet just poke end tournament arcade cabinet as a rotom it's just too good i mean it's got that competitive spirit of fighting types already in there ah though i do suppose it would have to punch you with the ghostly electric energy still so it's not the perfect idea but here's a similar take that i love it's a switch pokemon games already have nintendo consoles in them even the switch so they do absolutely exist in the pokemon world the ghostly electric current connects the joy cons via a spectral bluetooth connection and now it actually has a physical thing to punch you with and it's really really good at dodging attacks because it's always drifting also this idea is fun it's an egg beater because it beats things the fighting type but like these have all all been done plenty and very well too but i absolutely for sure wanted to add a fighting type to this mix so how about this idea a baseball launcher i mean i imagine getting smacked by a rapidly pitched baseball is just like getting punched really really hard oh man the bruises okay plus it has a spectral bat to beat you with and the baseball shooty bit looks like a baseball cap and every anime needs a baseball episode pokemon already had one but they can do more now bug what the heck do you do with bug i mean the apparent obvious answer is a bug zapper because there are like 30 different takes on a bug zappa rotom but like what else you know it fits just as mo rotom stores grass to attack with bug zappers often have little trays that collect the carcasses of the insects and the rotom can just dump that on you and it's gross and since you're scared of bugs because you're a psychic type it's a super effective move oh across scary gross things that i fear skeletons also out of all of the bug zappa rotoms i like the idea of this one the best the arms are little fly swatters spectral fly swat that's so good some other ideas that i've seen for bug type it was just standard pcs but with glitches you know computer bugs and surfing the web it's a fun pun but hardly fitting in actuality man this is tricky though right bug type i guess i could see those robotic bug toys a little robot roach but that's kind of cheating isn't it it's like doing a fighting training robot for fighting type or a robotic dragon for dragon type hmm well bonus points for whomever tells me a really good bug type rotom idea down in the comments i am very picky so in the meantime bug zapper that's all there is and oh left is psychic is it well after i looked into it this is probably the widest spectrum of ideas out of any of the types i've seen a radio a boombox a satellite a virtual boy a blender a ufo a smartphone and more i guess a psychic device is kinda weird my first idea was a little incense diffuser but ultimately i figured that isn't quite motorized enough but i mean the ideas sound you know essential oils open your mind and spirit which renders you more susceptible to psychic attacks i guess uh so ultimately i went with a retro television a 1980s tv playing a hypnotizing swirl like the intro to the twilight zone i mean think about how many people fall asleep watching tv think about how the media controls the minds of the people already with their 24 7 news cycle and advertisements the whole goal is to change people's minds to fit their agenda yeah tvs are basically already psychic type don't pay attention to the corruption or your real enemy the trillionaires oh no it's clearly the more melanin and rainbow people they are your enemy be a free thinker and believe everything we say just as tom bezel would want so yeah a psychic type rotom it's a tv we decided on an older tv to give it more depth it's quite literal though and not at all figuratively uh so which of these are your favorite let me know down below and check out noggin.net to get a tow frog plushie before they all sell out because now there's more time for them to sell out until next time never stop using your [Music] noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 983,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, rotom, rotom dex, new rotom, new rotom forms, rotom forms, where to find rotom, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sun and moon, rotom phone, rotom bike, pokemon brilliant diamond, shining pearl, where to get rotom, every rotom form, every rotom variant, rotom of every type, new rotoms, grass type rotom, psychic type rotom, fighting type rotom, bug type rotom, ground type rotom, fairy type rotom, dragon type rotom, dark type rotom, type rotom, kaskade region
Id: r_uyklzWyMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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