Enamorus: A Panderus Slanderous Landorus? | Gnoggin - Pokémon Legends Arceus

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THEY ADDED ANOTHER LANDURUS? Oh god think of the meta Oh nooo my humanity it's going somewhere Ahhhhhhhh wait a second. Oh there's a chance all of these  Hisuian pokemon are trapped in   the shadow realm of a ‘non-traditional’  pokemon game.… like… Remember dark lugia? Well it's about time i start this  video because i've been writing it   for a few years now. What the heck  is up with all these landerous? I mean what even is the force of  nature trio oh wait! Foursome… That is not a word I should  be using in this context… uh…  Quartet? The force of nature Quartet yea. Like a barber shop quartet,  Thunderous is definitely the baritone. (Taps Thunderously) Alright Let's be honest, im making this  video because of the new one. And it's   pretty weird-looking. I guess they didn't want yet  another guff shirtless dude with animorph powers. But first! So that we’re clear here… real quick! Unlike the original trio, which are 100%  manly males, Enamorous, the new one, is 100%   female! They had to specify that so they  can still sell this game in West Taiwan. Also! Since we’re talking ‘clarification’   NO! they are not genies! There are a number of  fan names for this trio, like the Kami trio,   and the Legendary Genies… but There  is nothing at all genie about them. Alright thats a lie, there's a lot  thats genie about them. But thats   more coincidental than intentional. Sure they  got buff bods. The clouds instead of a bottom,   the highly saturated skin  tones… and even the pose…   sort of. Its really an accidental similarity.  Like how pyramids are found all over the world   by totally different civilizations. Or how most  mythologies have a dragon of sorts. Yeah. These   KAMI just happen to kind of resemble genies  when done up the way Pokemon decided to do it.. Also YES! different from the  weather Trio. that’s these guys. YEAH The Force of nature is one of my favorite weapons,   but also one of my least favorite legendary  groups. But at least their origins are neat! They are primarily based on Fūjin, the  kami of wind. Raijin, the kami of thunder,   and Inari, the kami of fertility of the land. Actually Fujin and Raijin are referenced in  Japanese media Quite often, especially as a duo.   My favorite example is in the Legend of zelda:  wind waker, where they are large frog gods. According to interviews with  Ken Sugimori, thunderous and   tornadus were originally planned as a duo, and  thew were red and blue like the traditional oni   characters. But they seemed to clash with sawk  and throh, who were also the red and blue oni.   I actually have a whole video about their  origins here! Its surprisingly deep. But Later in development they added landorus  And changed their colors to blue and green,   with the final being brown-orange. And here's a  fun detail! Look at the number of horns they have?  1, 2, 3, and they kept up  with it! Enamourus has 4! Love that! HATE this though! He Freaking ruined the meta! Landerous was so good and overused,  that a lot of pokemon’s meta for   the next generations would be focused on  how it counters landerous specifically….   Cause if you didnt have a landerous counter! …  or a landerous! … you were probably screwed.   So why was landerous so good? Well imagine this.  An Extremely strong bulky omnipresent  competitive multi role ground flying type…  …Except good. It’s Landerus. Like, Gligar’s not bad either. Ground  flying is a REALLY good type combo. Immune to both ground and electric, 3 resistances,  only 2 weakness, and one of them’s kinda rare. And landerous- can do  anything! Like any team role. The beast it can be your tank! your pivot!  your sweeper! heck even your set up! anything  Like literally teams were made to counter him.   Heck he could counter himself.  That's how great he is. Plus! Plus the best part! Dream works face.  Hes got it The look But im getting distracted  with numbers… back to lore! Landurous’s kami is that of Inari, the kami of  rice and agriculture and fertility. Makes some   sense i mean it's the LAND god… actually we didn't  even talk about that last bit of name. “Ourus” Turns out thats also from a wind god. Wow all  these flying wind gods are named after a wind god.   Aeolus specifically, from greek  mythology, known as the keeper of winds. And really What's with all  these wind gods being so manly? It's because todays sponsor  is going to WIND you over! Bespoke Post is a monthly membership club  delivering awesome boxes of top-shelf  goods from under-the-radar brands. But what's in the box? well, it's anything  from bags to booze, camping to cooking. .it's got something for everyone and with their  preference quiz you can see what you want easier  And if you find a month boring  or just not feeling it skip it   or change it. You get to know what's  in every box every month. No mystery.   Plus every box is about a $70 retail  value, only a fraction of the cost to you. Bespoke sent me a few boxes to check out The first was the weekender. this wonderful   sturdy canvas bag. It's perfect  for weekends out or cons I go to.  That’s a nice bag. I also got, swing. But it wasn't for  me. I got it for Josh, Our resident   woodworker here at gnoggin. Here you go man-friend. Josh is excited to use it  camping and making a fire,   but he wanted to see if he could  do a few carpentry cuts with it. I also got Sizzle, this box includes a  carbon-steel stir-fry pan bamboo steamer,   cooking chopsticks plus sesame  oil and spicy chili crisp! I’m ready to go camping and hunt me down a man! Plus get 20% off your first box by using the   coupon code LOCKSTIN20 and going to the link  in the description: bespokepost.com/lockstin20 We have a Bespoked wheel… (manly laughter) Im back! … everything's fixed. Right right where we… Japanese  Kami for the incarnates… right… theres even more than that. they draw from chinese  culture aswell. Specifically their therian forms. Oh fun fact therian means animal,. Its their  animal forms… Although specifically mammalian   and placental… which doesnt work entirely because  have a bird…. And a turtle now…. But it's more   commonly used these days to just mean animal. So …  definitions change as more people use words wrong. Their main forms are “incarnate”  which means ‘the embodiment of"   or in human form. Hence the human shape. But back to the Chinese part. The four of them   are “the four gods” or “the Four Auspicious  Beasts,” symbols in Chinese astrology. This includes the Azure Dragon of the  East, the Vermilion Bird of the South,   the White Tiger of the West, and the  Black Tortoise of the North each one   representing a cardinal direction and a color. We have tornadus as the blue dragon,   the vermillion bird would then be  thunderous, the white tiger being landorus. And then! Introducing the new krabby patty It's Enamorus! With it's   stupid duck feet. Its the black tortoise clearly. It makes you wonder why Enamorus  wasn't here to begin with… was it just because gen 5 was already  oversaturated with Legendaries? Was   it because there hadn't been a “Legendary  Quartet” before? … even though the swords   of Justice are kind of that but with an asterisk?? or maybe, it's because if they were to consider  the entire group at once… we’d end up with 5 new   legendaries here. Because there is a fifth, the  yellow Emporer of the center, also known as the   yellow dragon. This emperor dragon is said to rule  over the other 4, as it is the most powerful and   auspicious, and it is its duty to keep the balance  between the others. . . . Actually thats exactly   what Kyurem does for its trio, Reshiram and  Zekrom are Yin and Yang while Kyurem is Wuji,   they are also Sophic Salt Sulfer and Mercury,  the 3 essentials in alchemy, represented by a   3 headed dragon, then then sometimes splits  up, and its the job of the sophic salt to   keep the other two in check, as those two on  their own are known as the two contraries. On top of this… y’know those gems we  were pointing out earlier? While the 4   landerouses don't all match the colors  of their constellation counterpart…   the gems in their bellies DO! Like  theres no reason for tornadus to   have this strikingly out-of-place vermillion  gem if not to reference the vermillion bird. This would mean this Pentouplet is missing only 1…   a dragon with a yellow crystal that rules  over the others… much like Kyrurem huh?   With its yellow crystal… it works well because the  original force of nature trio are found in Unova,   JUST like Kyurem! … … Original Dragon  pioneer Unova for the next Legends game? And also… what is this new force of  nature??? We have Tornados! Thunderstorms!  ….LANDEROUS! And now! ….supposedly love. Yeah the greatest force of nature,  love. Wars have been fought over it. So okay… as a Trio, they make some sense,  thunderstorms create Nitrates in the atmosphere,   high winds spread them all over everywhere, and  then fall onto the land and fertilize plants.   So in a way, the first two are causing havoc,  and then Landerous is putting that to good use. And then…. Love??? Here’s some Pokedex entries: When it flies to this land from across the sea,  the bitter winter comes to an end. According   to legend, this Pokémon’s love gives rise  to the budding of fresh life across Hisui. A different guise from its feminine humanoid  form. From the clouds, it descends upon those   who treat any form of life with disrespect  and metes out wrathful, ruthless punishment. “it flies to this land from across the  sea” could be a reference to old Unova,   which the rest of these kami are from. And that  would make a way cool Sequal to Legends Arceus   right? Original Dragon stuff? Plus  there's plenty of gen 5 stuff in PLA. But the rest of that just says its like… love,   and the coming of spring… which I  GUESS is a force of nature? SEASONS. It's even in the name, enamour, to enamour is to  be filled with a feeling of love for somthing.  Which also fits the fairy typing, which  is in a way also a ‘nature magic’ type. So it's a kami. And there are only a  few kami that fit this description.   I originally thought it was going  to be a stretch to match a kami to   this one… I mean it's got a snake and a weird  face and it's pink and about love like actually   just love not fertility like landorus is.  Plus it's therian form is even weirder. But lets start with its Incarnate form. Theres a few Kami it could be pulling from. The first involves, Okuninushi, specifically  Okuninushi-no-Mikoto. A central deity,   God of Medicine, protective magic,  nation-building, and agriculture as a whole. And then theres Susunoo no Mikoto,  the god of storms, fields, harvest,   marriage, and love… and that’s  kinda all 4 of them isnt it?... Okuninushi fell in love with  Susamoos daughter, Suseribime. and Susunoo wasn't going to have  any of that so he said you have to   pass a trial to win her hand. -Because women are property- His first test to prove his love, was to survive   a night surrounded by venomous snakes. Suseribime  game him a magical scarf for protection. It's just very convenient that  our pokemon here has a scarf   made of a snake. Hmmmm. Thats being  worn to prove the power of LOVE!? Another Kami it could be pulling from is  Ugajin, a Kami of Harvest and Fertility, again.  But this Kami is special, in that its a  lady. Just like Enamorous. Really though,   Ugajin is both, and switches between male  and female. But like, look at these statues: Snake around the neck? Or  rather, AS the neck? Yes please.  And heres another form of  them, with a fancy headdress: Just like the fancy heart-shaped  headdress on Enamorous. Granted, Enamorous has a lot of modern ideas put  into its design. There a Lot of little hearts   and the color pink or red. And Even the hair is  a little heart shape. Which has a long history In   it self. Basically it's the love symbol because  it is. And artists are bad at listening to   scientists sometimes. I mean look at medival  depictions of a rhino, That is a dog with a horn. So I know the Popularity of Shiva means  I have to mention him. And its true,   that old dex entry “it flies to this land from  across the sea” could be a reference to mainland   Asia. And this idea comes immediately from  Shiva. One of the principal deities of Hinduism.   But notice the very clear snake around his  neck. Its just like the very clear snake   around Enamorous’ neck. And Shiva is a pretty  awesome manly guy… but enamorous specifically   isn't. Also Shiva is the god of destruction, thats  kind of the opposite of fertility. Oh! But Shiva’s   wife! Parvati is the goddess of nourishment and  fertility! Is Enamorous just Parvati dressing   up as her husband Shiva? Mmmmperhaps I guess,  though Shiva also isnt a Kami… and its a bit   weird to break the trend of these forces of nature  all being kami… then again its also weird to break   the trend of them being all naked buff dudes… but  there's nothing wrong with pulling elements from   many related deities and bringing them together.  Especially not Hindu, Buddhist and Shinto ones,   as each are sort of evolutions of the same core,  belief system. And who knows, maybe gen 9 will   give us two more landerouses that look more like  Enamorous… one can only pray that wont happen. (time travel) … Future Lockstin. Gen 9 was revealed a couple hours ago… Spain, from the year 711 to around  1492 was under Islamic rule… You know the culture that djinn  or genies tend to be from?  … …  …were gonna get two more! …  I’m tired man. BONUS DESIGN DETAIL! Enamorus has a very peculiar lip shape right? Well being in Hisui works  perfectly with an Ainu tradition.  The Ainu are those indigenous to Hokkaido  which is what Hisui is based on remember. You see, Ainu women specifically would have  tattoos on various parts of their body for   various reasons. But the most noteworthy,  both because its the most characteristic   and also because its arguably the most  important to them, are the women's face   tattoos on and around their lips, which almost  make the same shape that enamorus’ lips are!   That’s pretty cool! These particular tattoos  were said to protect them from evil spirits   trying to enter their bodies. Kinda fitting  that enamorous resists dark-type attacks. So that’s the idea with its incarnate  form. Now how about Therian? …I have seen nothing worse. It's therian form is a turtle-shelled duck-footed   monster. Its little heart-shaped nose  is like those turtles with the noses.   And it’s got a snake on its back and a cloud  body for no reason and the HEARTS! AGAIN! But at least it fills in that gap with the  Chinese constellations. Its the Tortoise…. And…   actually here's a statue of this tortoise. Uh here's a coin: Do you see it? YEAH it's a tortoise with  a SNAKE wrapped around it! WHAT the heck. WHY is it perfect? I hate when the ugly things are justified. At least the connection between  this particular tortoise and   love is loose. Best you’ve got is  that this tortoise is a symbol for   longevity, like how love lives on forever… but  thats really grasping at hallmark movie straws. But another fun connection, the  Tortoise represents the North,   and Hisui is based on Hokkaido which is Japan's  Northernmost point. And also this constellation   represents the cold and winter season. This  brings us back to those Pokedex entries,   and how it comes in the  winter to bring the spring. But I keep getting stuck on the   duck feet. I mean WHAT ARE THOSE?  Like it's gotta have a reason right? It COULD JUST be because its a  Chinese soft-shell turtle I mean   that does have the nose. And its shell is  soft like a cloud. and fitting because its   taking the place of the Chinese black tortoise  in the sky, and Pokemon tends to mix turtles and   tortoises together. . . yeah, its one of those.  They even… have feet like that. As in webbed. But you know me, I LOVE Stretching  as long as there's a good connection. Consider the Kami I’ve talked about  already! Specifically That statue I   showed you of Ugajin… Thats actually Benzaiten,  fused with Ugajin. Thats why there's the second   smaller head on top. Behind the crown,  you can sort of its coiled snake body. So who’s Benzaiten? Well that depends  on who you ask, some say another kami,   some say Hindu Goddess, but either way, she is  the goddess of ‘flow’ like water and such but is   also seen as a god of love and femininity.  Which are commonly associated with the sea   and water. most of her shrines are on tiny islands  actually. Heck, if you’ve seen my video that dives   deep into the design inspirations of the Sinnoh  region itself, you’d remember Benten island.   Benten is another translation or shortening  of Benzaiten. AND woudlnt you know it!   IT’S in the same area you  find Enamorous! THATS AMAZING! Honestly check that video  out, its so deep at times. But also! BenTen is often depicted with a  swan at her feet. Swans of course are an   international symbol of love and affection,  because they are beautiful, mate for life,   and when they hug they form a heart shape with  their necks. So its even more perfectly feeting. Sure, the swan isnt literally her feet, she  doesnt literally have swan feet but still. And then, The mortal enemy of the snake  is the white peacock and white swan.  But her power of love lets them be  this close to eachother regardless. And thats there are   duck or swan feet. Its Pretty deep. Actually the  incarnate form is also based on benzaiten alot. Really cool to see all these themes work  together like this. Japanese, Chinese,   and Indian. And all in a symbol of love… which  is REALLY what the later two NEED right now! BONUS FACT! While the Kami Thunderous and Tornadus  are based on are manly man mens, the Landrous   kami, Inari is often depicted as both a woman  and an old man. Changing variously, by artist. I spend a LOT of time on Landerous and Enamorous  compared to the other two didnt I? …. Is   it really because they are just that simple? (Thunderously smacks) Simpletons use them. Last question! What are they doing in  Unova originally? Thats New York City,   U S of A, that’s not Japan, thats not China,  what’s going on? Best Idea I’ve got is that one   thing that makes America so unique is just  how Diverse the people there are. New York   City especially. And it might not have had the  first “China Town” as that is in San Fransisco,   but it does have THE biggest, and MOST, china  towns, Japan Towns, ETC. Big tourist destinations. Plus, this is before Game Freak really started  THEMING their new pokemon per region. Sure   there is some of that, but it didnt become  like a MAIN thing until gen 7. But anyway!   What do you think of this thing? Do you think it  might ruin the meta too? Let me know down below,   and until next time, never stop using  your gnoggin! I need to take a nap!
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 547,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon legends, pokemon legends arceus, legendary pokemon, force of nature trio, enamorus, landerus, landorus, landorus therian, therian form, incarnate form, pokemon origins, unova pokemon, hisuian pokemon, sinnoh pokemon, where to find enamorus, how to catch enamorus, enamorus origins, chinese pokemon, why is landorus, why is enamorus, is landorus, genie pokemon, kami pokemon, pokemon based on myths, middle eastern pokemon, pokemon ainu, ainu, enamorous, enamerus
Id: 500VicX0DGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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