Game Theory Debunked?: The SCIENCE of Gardevoir's BLACK HOLES! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Theory

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we all know that gal 8 is a chivalrous night like these ducks all the while Gardevoir is a valiant hugger I'm not sure how their counterparts exactly being the embrace counterpart the Pokedex tells us that Gardevoir will protect its trainer at the risk of its own life expanding its power to create black holes to protect its trainer now that kind of power is pretty ridiculous black holes are some of the strangest objects in the universe how can Gardevoir just make one out of nothing butter yet what kind of destruction does this pokemon have today's video is sponsored by Verve an amazing streaming service that combines crunchyroll roosterteeth mondo Funimation and much much more curiosity stream is a favorite of mine because well because I'm a nerd but all of these streaming services typically would cost like 4885 a month what a terrible value how does anyone but through Verve you can get them all for just $9.99 a month Wow and they are constantly adding new shows loads of exclusive ones 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might have heard of a black hole referred to as a singularity an infinitely small point in space where some mass has been stuffed in some special black holes have a regularity an equally infinite small ring that has angular momentum essentially a spinny black holey dooble Bob while more simple black holes can be entirely described by two quantities their mass and the radius of their event horizon the key word here is that Gardevoir can only create small black holes and small black holes are very interesting I'm not sure you even understand they are small like so small you can't even see him that's because they absorb all the light around them so they are technically invisible to us no matter what but fun facts if the Sun was replaced by a black hole of the exact same mass it would still be pretty dang miniscule like this big I don't remember off the top of my head so hopefully the information on screen is correct but also fun facts nothing would happen the earth wouldn't get sucked in the black hole would just eat our Sun and then it'd be done the slow system would be fine it would just be darker outside a lot darker similarly if you had a black hole in space with the mass of a paperclip it would still be a black hole yes but it would be so tiny it would hardly be considered a threat in fact it's the same threat level as a regular paperclip in space the size of a black hole with the mass of a paper clip of let's say 5 grams would be 10 to the negative 30 meters that's insanely small the smallest element helium is 10 to the negative 11 meters that's exponentially a large difference in size in fact if the black hole was the size of a single helium the helium would be the size of our entire Sun respectively if we did the conversions yes Jose you're more like widdle baby yo Nahua toys space vacuum but actually not a vacuum because they don't really suck they just gravity however small or not it still would be a threat to the surrounding area all because of a little thing called Hawking radiation because of this radiation the black hole would have an unimaginably small lifespan in fact it would only exist for around 10 to the negative 23 seconds I mean look at this number on screen that is so many zeroes ah no because this little guy would collapse upon itself as it's much too small to sustain itself do it being so small it wouldn't bump into anything to eat anything to get bigger so it just kind of appears and then disappears but then appearing and disappearing despite not sucking up anything would still release an enormous amount of energy this tiny 5 gram paperclip sized black hole would release about 450 tera joules of energy roughly equivalent to a hundred and seven tons of TNT or an explosion larger than any nuclear explosion that mankind has created in fact it's three times the Nagasaki and Hiroshima explosions combined but thankfully we don't really know how big a small black hole is according to the Pokedex heck it could mean the size of a small coin and that would mean it has the same mass as the earth or even the Sun you see small is a relative word so I'm going to assume it's as small as Gardevoir needs it to be in order to protect its trainer and I'm sure at this point you're wondering Loxton game theory already did this video and even though he's covered topics other youtubers did first when they do something it ultimately becomes their topic and anyone else doing anything similar becomes copying so why bring this up well firstly no and secondly because I like many way too many like Gardevoir and want to do a video on it also it's an excuse for me to rave and rant about it since you guys love me hating on others don't you it's all you click for these days hate cliques are the way to go on YouTube it seems anyway the game theorist seems to forget one thing one convenient fact that by leaving out they were able to lengthen their video and make the topic all the more click Beatty long story short their videos basis is that if go to war made a small black hole too small it would do literally nothing and it'd be useless it would simply collapse in on itself and just pop out of existence which because of science we know is a true it still releases Hawking radiation anyway in order for her to make a black hole that actually does anything it would have to have the mass of the moon before it could sustain itself but the problem is at that point the entire Pokemon world is doomed it'll be sucked in and there's nothing anyone can do about it the science itself in their video was pretty fine though you must admit nothing quite wrong with it [Music] one issue though they forgot that they're dealing with the pokemon world if Gardevoir can create small black holes who's to say she can't sustain a small black hole and collapse the black hole safely as she sees that bird of war isn't even affected by gravity its gravity powers are insane so to create a black hole you simply have to stuff enough mass into a small enough space simple stuff right imagine a marshmallow got it in your head or just looking at the visual good now you squeeze it and swish it and it gets noticeably smaller right but it's still the same amount of tasty fluff but if you continue to squish it making it smaller and smaller hypothetically eventually it would collapse into a much less tasty yet same amount of mass black hole but really how small would you need to squish something to make it a black hole well this is where things get a little trick you see the smallest unit of length measurement is a plunk a plunk link to be exactly it's about one point one six times ten to the negative 35 meters yeah that's 35 zeros after the decimal point and what does this number tell us well it essentially means that nothing is smaller than it pretty much nothing that exists can have zero as its amount as zero would be less than a plunk link this idea is responsible for a lot of quantum physics and string theory but that's not what we're here for we're here for black holes made by imaginary monsters you keep in your pocket but what do plunk Lakes have to do with black hole creation well it measures length and by definition measurements require observation if you're unaware of it it's really hard to record something trust me essentially if you can't see it or its effects you can't measure it therefore measuring things is dependent on information being passed on to you somehow like a microscope if the photons from the object didn't reach your eyes you wouldn't know what's going on essentially answering the question if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound the answer of course is no because the energy of the sound waves doesn't trigger the small hairs in our ears that send signals to our brain to convert it into what we believe it to have sounded like yeah now let's say we wanted to measure one plunk length photons or essentially light energy would be used I mean if you had a super super small ruler you could still measure it as photons would be able to make it back to your eye after bouncing off the object now let's say you wanted to measure something smaller than a plunks length again you would send the photon to see it but then here's the issue anything smaller than a Planck length can't physically exist because a plunk length is the smallest amount of space you can store information in then information being anything from mass color energy all of Josh's weird vinyl collection any of it then if you stuff too much information into an area smaller than a Planck length it collapses into a black hole and the information is lost although this is rather hard most luck holes are created when a star goes supernova and explodes the size of the star dictates how much mass or size the black hole would end up being fun fact our Sun doesn't even have enough energy to collapse instead it would just turn into a red giant and then later throw off its heavy red coat and expose its white dwarf self regularly it takes a star with 20 times the mass of our Sun to actually collapse into a black hole from the corpse of stars is born the eater of worlds a never-ending expansion of doom until the end of time when all you humans have passed on all that will be left is black holes and hunks of iron floating around in the filleted this is inevitable all right well when you add mass by throwing something into a black hole the radius of the black hole increases if you added the smallest bit of information possible into a black hole it just so happens that the radius grows by one plunk length now here's where it all comes together Einstein proved with his famous equals MC squared that mass and energy are the exact same thing Gardevoir then focuses her psycho kinetic energy into an area too small for it to continue being energy that space is too miniscule to contain it so it collapses to form a small black hole the shock wave would also be small and the following gravitational suction would be too small to but that's all Gardevoir really needs to do sure the black hole would collapse in on itself and not do much but Gardevoir doesn't need to do much it just needs to move a pokemon slightly to protect its trainer or whatever and even still it's up Pokemon once the black hole is created the gluta fly which has the magical psychic fairy power to create them might just also happen to head of the magical psychic Larry power to sustain it cool apparently not these guys if I go to floor I can add its energy to a spot to create a black it can keep doing them to sustain it mind blowing Wow holy a Pokemon that is capable of doing X he's capable of continuing to do X ah you can't add real-world science to the Pokemon world for one thing and then forget that you're dealing with the Pokemon world the next moment just to suit your story editing needs that's called cherry-picking although of course given enough time Gardevoir or a group of them could create an earth ending blackhole but with the power to add energy at those levels you have the power to take it away they are psychic fairies after all but really earth ending is a whole different ballgame here in fact it would take a small one millimeter black hole 5 million years to eat the entire earth I mean sure the earth would be a massive broken lava and rock in a few hours or days but still I million years the best part is that if the black hole replaced the earth absolutely nothing would care because most people on earth would be dead if not actually all of them would be dead but the planets of the solar system wouldn't even notice its orbit would be the same as the Earth's just orbiting the Sun the moon would still orbit the black hole the same way does the earth the universe would continue on and that's because a black hole has the same amount of mass and thus the same gravitational pull as any of the non black hole mass if the moon was suddenly replaced by a black hole earth wouldn't really care it'd just be darker at night the tides would still happen the same currents would all be the same all that jazz existential crisis the universe doesn't care about you anyway so now you know how a black hole gets there through the power of Gardevoir and you know the effects of our black hole but really we still need a reason why would Gardevoir who only creates black holes to protect its trainer create a thing that would end the world isn't that counterintuitive so why the heck would it do that a medi which brings me to my next point Gardevoir can control gravity now I know some people myself included say that Giratina is essentially the gravity Pokemon it's not canon it's a theory but you know well that still maybe it's more so and more importantly the antimatter pokémon while Gardevoir is more so the actual gravity Pokemon let's look at Emeralds pokedex entry it apparently does not feel the pull of gravity because it supports itself with psychic power it will give its life to protect its trainer so there are a few theories as to why it's not affected by gravity one is that it's magic but that's boring two is that it uses telekinesis to hold itself up but that is flawed by the fact that it states it does not feel the pull of gravity as in at all now there are only a few things that are immune to gravity things that don't have mass although the pokedex entry states that it has 48 kilograms of mass so that's out but in Einstein physics gravity isn't really caused by mass it's caused by gravitational waves now because I really don't want to explain Einstein physics essentially gravity is much like light its emitted in waves basically it's of photons or light gravitons for gravity understand so now that you're thinking of gravity as a wave and very similar to photons or light now think of Gardevoir as almost translucent to gravity or non opaque like glass but for gravity instead of light the waves just pass through it not interacting with its body essentially making it immune or ignorant to gravity but that's just a theory of physics and math theory so Gardevoir talk about the ultimate hug machine it can create a gravity well to attract people into its embrace to end all embraces I can see by gamefreak may be able to create black holes at least in the way that meaning other bits of sci-fi and other media depict black holes as all encompassing vacuums that bring everything closer to its doom rather than accurate that's another thing you gotta always consider tropes and media someone should make a series on it so what your thoughts on the matter let me know down below and until next time please remember to never ever ever stop using your noggin or do and subscribe and click the bell because of it [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 309,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon theory, game theory, the game theorists, game theory debunked, game theory debunked pokemon, game theory pokemon, pokemon game theory, gardevoir, kirlia, ralts, gallade, mega gardevoir, mega gardevoir ex, gardevoir deck, gardevoir pokemon, black holes, science of pokemon, gardevoir black hole, gardevoir science, maxill, maxill gnoggin, gardevoir fanfic, gardevoir art, gardevoir fusion, pokemon fusions, pokemon go, pokemon lets go, pokemon sun and moon, debunked
Id: 3H-TriqD02c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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