72 Best Base Locations in Palworld (Coal, Iron, Sulfur, Quartz, & Views)

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whether you're playing power world single player multiplayer or on a server you're going to need to go ahead and set up some bases and some of the better spots may already be taken I've spent the last 7 and 1 half hours with the fastest ride pal in the entire game going around and scouting out these locations so you don't have to do it on your level 15 Nightwing so in this video I'm going over great places for you to build a long-term base as well as more temporary resource Outpost for you to get all the resources that you can need in this game including places like right here minus 8 - 464 on the map this location has no resources whatsoever but an absolutely breathtaking view of the entire map you can see the sunrise from the West I know it's kind of weird that the sun comes up from the west and the giant tree straight ahead of you breathtaking views or unique locations like - 48- 425 which is a large lavender field that also happens to have some iron nodes three iron nodes next to an enemy encampment and a fast travel point or locations like 699 nice - 403 right next to the desolate Church which is a very small area with a whole bunch of iron nodes right next to one another or this location right here which is one of my favorite type of bases that you can actually build atus 203- 445 R next to the aesthetic Falls this area is mostly flat circular and there's going to be at least one sulfur node here sulfur isn't a resource that you're going to need a lot of but you're going to need it throughout the whole game and just having one nearby that way your pals can always mine it and you can make gunpowder whenever you need is a fantastic thing to have at your base if you're doing a multi-base setup and you're going to have one dedicated to Coal one dedicated to iron having one sulfur node at your main base is absolutely fantastic and what do I mean by places that are good for an outpost versus places that are good for a base well here is going to be one of my outposts that I have every time that I need to get Quartz notes I just find my temporary base that I have set up I choose to dismantle it I go ahead build my pal box and then all I have to do is send out a a whole bunch of Anubis for them to go and mine away after I have all the resources I need all I have to do is fast travel away back to my base and then I just go ahead and dismantle the base later on when I need more resources at a different Outpost from my main playthrough where I chose to set up my Camp is right on the beach right next to the pen King statue at 106 minus 325 which is just overlooking the beach nothing really too crazy about it but it's a completely flat area that my pals aren't going to spawn into the floor or the ceiling or fall off a clip or anything else like that instead they're just kind of chilling here always working and always doing a really great job whenever you build a base it's going to be exactly 70 M across if you look at the PO Box in the middle and the compass at the top where it says 35 to me currently on the perimeter that 70 m is the location that your pals are mostly going to be spawning within if you're playing multiplayer on a server if any of that area is underground or there's a rock or different Collision levels they may get lost they may starve and become depressed gain ulcers and a whole bunch of issues like that so when choosing a main base that your pals are always going to be at I recommend making sure that you have a full 70 M diameter circle that you're not going to have any issues with so to be as Speedy as possible I'm going to go over coordinates and advantages a nice sister location to that base is going to be here at 89 minus 353 which is a small triangular base with a single or node over here we have this very well-known location at 3- 527 in which there's going to be a bunch of iron all in one place and right down the hill is going to be a black marketeer but if you're playing multiplayer I guarantee this location was already snagged up the alternative starting areas to the South the seab breeze archipelago is generally flat and great to build at but at this location atus 76 - 617 is a large circular area that kind of overlooks every direction I have another similar location for you over here at -131 - 712 that it's large circular out of the way one iron or node close by and a Cliffs side overlooking the ocean and a fast travel point but this absolutely massive flat area of land for you to build at at - 196 -700 with two iron ore nodes for some regular supplemental iron coming in not bad at all at -135 - 538 right next to univolt is a beautiful little Hilltop area with one iron or node at the top and one at the bottom of the hill but by far the very best on this starting Island for you to build at would be right here at -1 181 - 536 this area has three or nodes for you to get as well as a whole bunch of natural rock and toward the north is going to be one of the trees that Bears all of the move fruits this location in the map at - 245 - 460 has a whole bunch of iron or nodes right next to an enemy camp this location at - 207 - 392 has two ore at the location and a beautiful Overlook to the mountain to the north and this large Cliff I really like this one this location here at the bamboo Groves atus 358 -114 has two or nodes is at the top of a cliff overlooks the mountain to the North and the giant tree and the volcano to the South kind of a nice little jutted out area right here I have three different bases that if you're playing with two other people and you want bases close by may be very handy -00 byus 100 as well as the location of - 190 by - 131 and the location of - 172 -115 these three locations are set up in a triangle which has a sulfur node at each of them one of them also has a cold node so these two definitely serve as sort of twin opposite Peaks and then you have an additional location to build at down here nice big and flat here in the Twilight Dunes right next to where the alpha Anubis is at location -58 -85 is going to be six coal nodes for you as well as one or node making our way to the next Island at location 33x -50 is going to be a large Hilltop area with one or node and one sulfur node overlooking the mountains to the Northeast the mountains to the North and the large tree this area has a little bit of a valley but it's overall pretty nice to build at oh a lucky spawn nice nice ever so slightly south of the place that I just talked about at the coordinates 10 - 80 at the small Hilltop we have one coal and one or node however once we go down the hill to the back we have six additional iron nodes down here this is a place that I've built a little camp and I built a little ramp so that my guys can go up and down and get all the iron for me and uh yeah I just sort of SWA this place in and out of being in use what's nice about this location is that it's also right next to a black market here at location 52 byus 150 is a large flat area on the the coast that has a respawning chest as well as a sulfur node and you have a level 29 cave over here which is pretty nice just south of the cin moth Forest at locations -75 by - 290 and -75 by - 320 are going to be two sister locations one has 11 or nodes and just north of that is going to be that second location with two or nodes and one sulfur node focusing on the other alternative starting Islands the Marsh Island and the Eastern Wild Island right at the middle of the lower Island at 340 byus 310 is one of the largest and flattest areas in the entire game you have these large rings in the distance and enemy camp nearby and uh more ring stuff cool at 330 byus 217 is going to be a very large open piece of beach with a little bit of an archipelago to the north at the Eastern Wild Island at coordinates 450 byus 200 is a pretty unique area that there's a little bit of a corner of a castle that used to be here it's not too intrusive and it's not going to interfere with your building too much so you might like that just a little bit down the road is going to be another absolutely massive flat piece of land that you're going to be able to build at we even have an iron node over here ACC coordinates 460 byus 90 is going to be a large flat out of the way place for you to build at with one or node getting to the large island that has the free Palo Lions tower on it here I have a bunch of places for you but mostly a lot of outposts that have a lot of coal and iron resources for you including right here at coordinates 270 byus 226 here's going to be eight iron nodes that are out of the way but on a very narrow Cliff so you may want to use this as an outpost to not keep your pals here at coordinates 290 by minus 100 is going to be a large circular flat piece of land that you're going to be able to build at that has one sulfur node and then one additional sulfur node and an or node close by at coordinates 250 byus 100 is going to be nine or nodes as well as one self for node quite possibly one of the most popular places to have a base at coordinates 188 by- 37 is going to be a location that has a whole bunch of or nodes and coal nodes so you're eventually going to get to the point that you're going to start covering up some of the coal patches that way they don't respawn with beds at Coordinates 100x 23 you're going to be finding some coal on a hillside over here and ever so slightly north of that is going to be a location with with six more coal patches and one more coal patch off of the hill but it'll locate that pretty much makes those two into a triangle at coordinates 82x 43 here we're going to be having one sulfur node and a fairly flat area for you to build at at the northernmost tip of this island at coordinates 150x 150 there's no special resources but you are right next to a cave and if you head to the north this is going to be the location of one of the black marketeers this might be one of the largest flattest locations that you could build close to one of them pretty much one of the only places for you to get Quartz before actually making your way to the very Cold Island up here to the Northwest is going to be at location 200x 100 here you're going to be able to find six quartz notes as well as two or nodes off to the side and on the other side of this small hill we even have a little coal over here at coordinates 280X 90 is going to be a very flat piece of land for you to build at with a level 30 cave and a sulfur node on a flat circular piece of land overlooking the dunes make our way to the Northeast Island this is mostly going to be coal resources first at location 268 by 213 we're going to be having six coal nodes just Northeast of that on top of the Mesa at coordinates 293 by 245 you're going to be having eight coal nodes for you to work with by coordinates 435 squared you're going to be finding six more coal nodes directly north of that at 433 by 525 you're going to be finding six more coal nodes at 321 by 500 you're going to be finding nine coold nodes as well as some natural rock here and this is right next to one of the trees that be the fruits for different moves at coordinates 620 by 313 you're going to be finding six coal nodes as well as one ore node at coordinat 700x 350 you're going to be finding a large desolate island with absolutely nothing on it what's unique about this though is that there's no large rocks or anything so all of this is considered ground this might be a nice place for you to build a base completely out of the way with no one else nearby at coordinates 640x 150 you're going to be having seven coal nodes as well as one or node at coordinat 700x 70 you're going to be finding a large nice long peninsula of land and just very flat ocean level out of the way you might like this to build on to be left alone at coordinates 500x 67 just south of the menting you're going to be able to find six coal nodes as well as much as I would like to live on a place of liquid hot magma unfortunately I only have three base locations but a whole bunch of places for you to go ahead and get resources at various outposts at - 415 by -600 you're going to be having 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 you're going to be having eight iron and one sulfur node at - 430 by - 530 you're going to be finding the entrance to the blaz m Hut inside of there you're going to be finding four sulfer nodes as well as three of them directly outside at - 490 by - 513 you're going to be finding six sulfur nodes at -600 by -500 you're going to be finding nine sulfur nod are right next to a fast travel point so that's probably all the the sulfur you'll ever need I just found another one in the middle of recording at - 630 by -500 we have seven or nodes at - 588 by -400 you're going to be finding eight sulfer nodes and one ore node at - 570 by -350 you're going to be finding eight ore nodes one of the largest and flattest areas on the entire volcanic island at -450 by -300 you're you're going to be having two sulfur nodes and a whole bunch of green grass this large flat area would be probably a great place for you to go ahead and make a base at coordinates - 673 by - 290 you're going to be finding 10 or nodes one is one's kind of off to the side but the other Niner over there making your way over toward the lava pools at - 730x -330 you going be finding a whole bunch of rocks that look like sulfur but aren't sulfur but at this location there's actually going to be a whole bunch of sulfur at coordinates - 750 by- 440 you're going to be finding seven sulfur nodes all right this is a pretty cool one and it might be a horrible place to actually build at because of how narrow this little island is but there's going to be five coal nodes and one or node at this location right here - 700 by - 630 surrounded by this adorable little Lake in the middle of a volcano kind of like this spot at -600 by - 720 is going to be a very large flat and on top of a hill area for you to build build with six coal nodes two natural rock and a little bit of trees nearby so you can actually go ahead and get a base all set up from here this is a fantastic place for a quick grab of coal at -500 by - 720 right next to the fisherman's Point you're going to have six coal nodes right here and at - 460 by - 670 just a little bit away from Fisherman's Point you're going to be having six Cal nodes and one or node onto the highest level Northwest cold biome uh throughout your whole time playing you see a whole bunch of like weird futuristic looking things uh without any explanation and here's a a fun looking alter thing but anyways what kind of looks like a fun little downtown area if you were to build a base here as long as you're using smaller bipedal Pals they might be able to like actually walk around and Thrive here but just north of that is going to be a pretty interesting spot on the map at -78 by 193 here's going to be four treasure chests in a large circular area that kind of kind of almost makes it seem like it was made for you to build a base at actually if I put my PO Box like directly in the middle oh yeah it's Absolut heck it's it's just outside of the second large light ring well that's neat here's a pretty interesting place atus 150x 200 which has two natural or nodes and one quartz node but what's interesting is the place is half green and half white at coordinates minus 230x 200 and atus 267 by 200 is going to be a long raised peninsul of land that seems like a fantastic place for for two people to play have bases right next to each other and completely away from everyone else there's also two or nodes at the East End and two or nodes at the West End and one or node directly in the middle my preferred courtz area that I showed earlier in the video is at -200 by - 254 while there's lots of spread out resources on this island over here at - 370x 315 you're going to be able to reach four iron nodes two to the South two to the north and there's also another another ore and a quartz off to the southeast at this location atus 283 by 406 you're going to be having three or nodes and one quartz node which doesn't sound like a whole lot however less than 100 m away you're going to be having this area with with eight quartz nodes and two or nodes so having these two locations so close is pretty neat also this area is relatively flat as far as the Arctic area goes so you could build a base here if you'd like plus you have that Treasure Chest right here this location at minus 300X 540 has six quartz nodes and two or nodes and also a little fence so that's unique ignore those guys they they won't be here if you build here I promise we have seven quartz nodes all here at minus 130 by 570 which is also right next to a fruit tree and I'd like to end this video off with one of the most peaceful and Serene places in the whole game for you to build at here at 150x 450 is going to be an area big enough for three maybe four or five people that you can build all the way up to the very tip claim yourself some move fruit this place kind of reminds me of like where Odin would go and turn to dust anyways great guys thank you so much for watching if you made it this far into the video and haven't subscribed or hit the like button yet what the hell are you doing you just heard me rattle off so many locations thank you for being here I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 78,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld Tips, Palworld Tips & Tricks, Palworld Base building, Palworld Best base, Palworld best Base locations, Palworld Base locations, Palworld coal Base locations, Palworld iron Base locations, Palworld ore Base locations, Palworld Iron ore Base locations, Palworld quartz Base locations, Palworld sulfur Base locations, Palworld iron Locations, Palworld ore Locations, Palworld Iron ore Locations, Palworld quartz Locations, sulfur Locations, Austin John, Austin john Gaming
Id: lkoJ_9WLw1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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