The Legend of Ace

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all right ladies and gents i'm actually going to change ace of emeralds over to red because it's easier to see this is low evil legends and this is hill fort now we used big trees previously let's actually use small trees again i need that back in my life ace of emeralds is playing as the two tins here in the red and then in the blue we have uh dj song she's playing as the chinese and this is 700 elo now chinese is probably one of the more difficult tips to master starting with six fills is great but then the fact you don't have food in the bank makes it awkward and it is probably the toughest start but if you get it mastered chinese are one of the best overall civilizations so i'm curious to see what the start looks like for dj it looks like he has some experience because he did research loom when he didn't have the food to create villagers and now he has the food trade villagers create villages create villagers create villages okay i don't know i i don't like that lumber camp it's efficient for one tree and then there's a big gap there let's go but this is about as expected here whoa did you see blue clicking his villagers around that's funny all right and then two ends up very noob friendly civilization because of the cheap farms and because of free murder holes and great castles and things like that um i actually quite like them for hill fort hill fort you do not have berries so uh farm bonuses are going to matter a whole lot more because you're making the mill solely for your farms eventually you do need to expand other wood lines and golden stones we'll see what 700 elo is capable of i imagine you could go for a rush strategy you could try and go for archers or maybe a tower rush but i'd say realistically what you should do is try and get the castle as fast as possible and again it's 700 elo so who knows what they're thinking uh sb says is there's an apm meter in this game there's not played my first ranked game didn't know spies existed it lasted two hours wait i need a tutorial on how to wait a second legends t90s moles did you just finish your game moles just said played my first ranked game didn't know how that spies existed the game lasted for two hours that wasn't you right i'd like to think that wasn't you if that was your first ranked game that was someone else thank you for the six months though um but yeah anyways i think at 700 elo you start to have some hotkeys down um and probably not all of them and then you maybe have an idea of what a build order is but you like sending three or four to wood for example then past 18 20 villagers you don't really know where to send them and what to do also some of the basics like bringing in a villager or bringing in a board with a villager might be a little awkward still um that was pretty good and the boar ended up cooperating there and not too bad for red but yes to answer the question from sb uh there's no apm meter in the game if you want to track your apm though there's programs you can download and you can use that but i think other games like maybe starcraft actually shows you a player's apm when you're spectating don't think age has that so you get two bores uh you have four deer everything's pretty close to the tc which is nice and then standard amount of sheep pigs um but yeah i'm just curious to see like what type of strat they do personally i hate this map um i mean hate's a strong word i know but i just feel like normally in a map where there's no berries or they lack a certain resource you get more of another one right and in this map they just take away the berries and you don't get anything else and there actually are berries right i think the berries are out here somewhere yeah there's berries but like this is never realistic to take are you kidding me maybe if they had it around the sides it would make it a risk to take and maybe it'd be interesting but you can't really fish either though you can't dock this i don't know it's just not my favorite map but i see the red is on stone all right nab if you're new to the game big thing you can do is just get um best thing you can do is watch some videos like commentary really gives you an idea of what high level players do i check out the interactive build order guide i have some uploads on it where you can practice build orders and then practice hotkeys big thing is is also checking out the art of war which is in the game now which is really nice for beginners but everyone kind of has a different path there so that would be my suggestion uh but welcome in and thank you tactical tactical says with two months i need a tutorial on not how to play the game but how to appear in low elo legends um so unfortunately i i pretty much have to do low elo legends live and i have to do low elo legends live because there's so many people that would want me to cast their games i think we might do something in the future where maybe i can do some more requests but if you do have a game that you played that you think is good you can post it in the discord go red red hey red there we go there we go villagers we're taking a nap there that's all they nap standing up um yeah i occasionally look through those submissions there and this is exact this is precisely what i said right everything looked clean until about 1820 villagers and now everything's falling apart for these guys i would say it'd be worth it to make a mill for the four deer even though it's close to the tc a lot of villagers walking around right now nap standing up like cows yeah exactly man oh actually blue has not seen his pigs here they're stealthy pigs hiding behind the palisade walls yeah now i'm starting to see the 700 euro this game just gets more and more complicated to keep up with everything three minutes of tc idol time for blue and two minutes for red so they have been been struggling to focus on oh my goodness no wonder red has tc idol time he spent all of his freaking time placing these houses this is crazy how many houses is that okay so that's 15 houses he's placed in this line i guess red's never gonna get pop capped ever again but maybe a bit extreme for now now red is going to go take that gold it's still happening at 700 elo this is the strategy of save these resources for later and take the forward golds and stones because if the going gets rough then you'll have the safe stuff to fall back on really what that does is that's just more walking time for your villagers and that means your villagers are exposed and they they could die what your ace is this not a little too extreme listen if you want to take this gold and you really think it's better to save your gold for later that's i get it all right i i can understand the noob outlook on that but to go over here too he's gonna take the stellar as well pick japanese forget about tootins pick japanese next because there's so many golds and stones around if he goes to everyone i'm going to lose my mind this is great though like it's it's definitely not ideal by the way why is there mill here does anyone know why there's a mill here can we hold on a second i'm sorry we have to find out we're at 13 minutes so we'll just go right back to it with capture age pro he has farms around his tc oh god i just broke it oh no oh no it doesn't go back that fast what what have i done no oh wait we're in the game again okay let's forget about that idea let's forget about that idea my guess is he wanted a mill for farms and now we'll go to real time and he didn't want to build the mill next to his tc so he just walked out there and placed one but i mean that's also a long trip to build that mill maybe there's a slight chance he thought the jaguar was a deer and then realized for the snow leopard excuse me oh my goodness ace is amazing okay so he's on this stone on this gold he's on this stone he's on this gold and is he sending two to each no he's got three over here almost looks like he has a system now forget about farms apparently maybe he wants to wait to make the farms until after the farm upgrade and you can see with blue's approach blue is going to be encastlage faster blue is in a position where he can you know fight and win the game with war the red might think i don't have confidence in that i i suck at this game i'm not very good so what i'm going to try and do is take all the resources and that's my win condition type of one in chat if you don't have a lot of faith in your abilities when you play age so you do some wacky stuff because you think that's the only way you have a chance i and it's not a bad strategy age of empires is a very diverse strategy game just because this isn't going to get you to 1400 elo doesn't mean that it can't get you into 700. norrick83 says no i'm the best all the time while norwich you weren't the best when we played that one time on stream not that i remember that at all okay so the houses continue here and it's actually rather cute i have to say rather cute we have the wood upgrade now for ace you really need i mean i would suggest getting the farm upgrade only three on food right now where are those three villagers be on food oh my he's taking berries i take it back you know i i was complaining earlier that there weren't berries on the map and that no one would ever use these berries because it's too far away but ace of the emeralds is an emerald in the rough he says you know what you're wrong on that t-90 this is absolutely amazing i want to see blue scouting okay so blue has seen both of these mining camps now i don't know if he's paying attention to it though i think that's auto scout so it's very likely that he might not notice that on the mini map yeah this is definitely auto scout scouting a blue should be able to send archers over there and kill those villagers and then have a ville deed and that's kind of why you don't do this stuff red red has enough stone to make a castle and is still in futile age as we have lots of farms wow pretty farms too so many farms in fact that red now has zero on wood now getting the gold mining upgrade because yes we need more gold when we have 500 gold in the bank please don't get the stone mining upgrade too i was making a joke i think you could do without the mining upgrade right now but maybe he wants to mine as much as possible mine as much as possible just in case he ends up losing the bills baby thank you prometheus thank you tactical again the archers are going to be valley valley sneaky over here um waiting for fletching which is really good probably shouldn't show your archers until you have fletching as a general rule i like how red has seven mining camps on the map and blue doesn't have a single one youtube videos are my favorite you can't make it up time love the content and keep up the new trolling big blue make a mining camp my friend all right here come the archers and red i think just dropped off the gold there fascinating so red noticed it dropped off the gold this is the whole strat dude this is what my brother had explained to me once he says take the forward resources and then if you lose the villagers whatever you at least got as much gold as you can from that area and then the enemy won't have that but the blue scouts this too i mean there's just so many free kills okay these villagers are going to go over to gold now red's farms are perfect no gaps around the tc he is a gods his flabby walls i think god might be a bit of a stretch but good farm placer definitely all right did blue scout this blue did not scout this he sees a bush that's a start but it's almost like red's strategy has so much commitment to it that blue would almost never expect there to be other locations he's probably just going to attack red's base which would work fine by the way red has 15 villes cued in that cc we're ten fifteen ten you know i'm not a math wizard all right you don't come here for that how about you go up to wimp go up to castle age here my friend ace of emeralds whose economy is actually stronger now if you think of the eco upgrades to see you've gotten to seven hundred llt oh great two-ton gameplay from you right now love the farm placement this is the problem with red strategy okay what we're seeing here is why i don't suggest playing this way that said look at red sneakiness he ran away with these three and one of the the villagers laid down his life for his friends so these could survive i think there's got to be a sense of urgency here if you're ready to get up to castleage though oh god red doesn't even have the buildings yet and a lot of low elo legends forget that the barracks is actually not one of the buildings you need to go castle it's a dark age building so you need the barracks and maybe a stable or an archery range and then a blacksmith or market going blacksmith market would be your fastest way now these villagers just gonna go back to the gold now okay i want red to win so badly this is so amazing he's he's making the game so complicated for himself right back to gold i guess if he were to make a bunch of defensive towers all within his main base it might be good whoa whoa whoa well blue i guess it's not the worst idea to go back there and double check but that was a little suspicious we are way behind live time though so there's no way that that was a stream cheat or anything but red loses the villagers anyways out of stream snipe now he's red keeps doing it look he had a mining camp placed on the stone despite the crossbows being over there he's now gonna place another mining camp over here i i love this player so much i need to watch this player play more games ace of emeralds is an absolute ace and then we have meanwhile oh my goodness i didn't realize that blue still doesn't have mining camps on his stones and golds and still has been working off of this lumber camp now he's going to place a new lumber camp down here and oh red don't attack the scout now blue knows and now oh god and and red still doesn't have the buildings to go up to castle it's just so the level of commitment to this strategy is just hilarious to me look at those resources and still making houses you know forget about castleage just make sure you have the houses okay blue i think saw the villagers go this way and red is sending his villagers to this gold now all right he spotted me on this one so let's just go to the one in the back of his base that's sneaky blue sees this though i laugh if red runs the whole way around and ends up back to the first gold no no keep moving but i'm okay there they go funnily enough blue is so focused on chasing this look at his idol time from his tc he's so focused on tracking the bills he's not able to even attack the main base of ace i'm honestly loving this i think this might work because look even though one group of villagers been found there's still always four or five more how many mining camps does red hat i'm going to zoom out and find out he's got six mining camps right now 600 wooden mining camps and now blue is still looking for those bills and blue is gonna go back to the gold what if red doubles back oh my god this is amazing okay if red sees the crossbows here he could double back and take this gold let's see all right now you see the crossbow's attacking you'll get the attack signal oh my god ace of emeralds is a legend this guy is amazing i don't know if it's because i drank too much caffeine today or what but this is genuinely one of the sickest little evil legends i've ever seen and blue is not doing a bad job of tracking the other resources it's just there's so many different areas that he's in uh that red's in the blue just can't keep up with it all this might not even be low evo legends this might not have a low elo legend title this might just be the legend of ace of the emerald he does have bodkin and does have armor now and he's sending skirms up but he's gonna need a lot more skirms than that and he's gonna need a lot of upgrades um and yeah he also needs a win condition how do you win like this blue could just drop a castle and go up to amp blue his position should be way stronger here but i guess tootins is kind of a defensive sieve so maybe the thought process is just just soak up as many resources as possible throughout the game and then hope you don't die also the second stone and gold mining upgrades are pretty expensive i think it's 200 food and 150 wood not cheap at all right and with four villagers on stone and 1700 sony's prioritizing that okay blue has attacked the house kills one villager yeah now we have some panic here from red who could die right now still doesn't have military to clear this doesn't have siege doesn't build a castle i mean so much focus on taking the other resources but why you've got to play the game here ace of emeralds there's houses everywhere except for the gate and the gate just melted like it like an ice cream cone on the fourth of july i'd laugh if he made a castle in the back of blue space or something right here okay this is your opportunity make a castle where is he going oh don't tell me you found this gold oh boy you don't have the wood right now don't make a mining camp don't do it you do not have the okay he's gonna go over here to chop wood that's true he's making a lot of skirms he doesn't have a lead skirmisher yet though which really hurts and now blue's going to be an imp something that red could do but red just the way he's playing is makes the game so much different not easy at all and you know how when we look at uh the legend of dark elf and we say that dark elf is the reason he's low elo is because of the way he plays but he could obviously be better than that if he were to play normal i don't really get those vibes from red no offense red ace is a genuine low elo legend and he plays in his wacky way maybe it's just this game he's playing in this way i don't know yeah if he had elite skirmisher those crossbows would be toast but he does not and the idol time off the charts for ace of emeralds who now has 27 on wood and is going to drop a castle here which is a good move okay now does blue see the skirms attacking the mill over here i think blue's going to go deal with that and blue is on tc's but i think the second one was recent 48 villagers versus 40 right now here come the crossbows blue was just seen wait didn't wasn't red researching that stone mining upgrade earlier did he cancel that because he needed wood and now that he has the wood again he's gonna research it that is such a huge priority for him but anyways uh yeah these crossbows man i always win the fight in those numbers what's the plan here okay red is starting to expand he's almost fully abandoning his main base this is epic he knows he might be in trouble here he's almost fully abandoning his main base and he's going to the corners now he has a base in the corner here based in the corner here even has these villagers behind enemy lines i want so badly for this to work but if it works it's going to shatter everything i know about this game because blue has honestly played it pretty well say that as an arborist hits the castle but that's fair he didn't know the castle was there and now he just has a target for his trebs oh god what if red loses all of his houses too he's not gonna he's not gonna be able to make anything he'll be housed forever yeah that castle will go down i think red is just going to panic here send in cav archers and skirmishers after the arbs actually what a lot of low elo legend players do here is they click the treb out of full on panic and they lose all their military that arms will wreck here and titanic knight probably not your best option here at bracers and for the arbolest arbor less with bracer should wrecked skirms and it's actually the one big weakness of tootin's is up against early imparblest because they don't have great skirms and their siege does take a lot of resources and a lot of time wait is he gonna send in the teutonic knight to take up the trip that'd be funny he needs something it's actually his empty see there but i think he'll still make it to imp it'll take a while for blue to unpack the treb send them forward yada yada yada it'll be up to imp but his eco is just just bad and if he wants to make castles with all this stone look at all the stone mining it'll have more villagers on stone than any other resource now you're gonna need some farms right monastery in the corner of the map just in case this game goes late hide those relics all right well dj stunk's doing a pretty good job here if we could get some stonks in chat for him i i really want to put ace of emeralds on my list of players to to uh to stalk and uh and go through their profiles because i i wonder if he plays this just on hideout or if he does it like this on other maps too he is expanding his farming eco in the north now creep on him a little bit oh my goodness archer ranges in the back castle in the back now for ace so it's been all about expansion here for a's but but again you don't have bracer you do get the final armor upgrading your skirms i think the tunes right that's an option just a casual university as your base is getting torn to bits and here comes blue this is a good approach from blue red has already shown you the way he's going to play this so send if you like have out to the different golden stones really impressed with how blue played this i mean it hasn't been anything he's he's clearly someone who's practicing that meta right whereas ace of emeralds he says screw the meta man it's the class you'd like to see in low east legends because i think a lot of you guys you're trying to improve and trying to learn the game and so to see someone like blue play up against something this wacky is you don't want to see everyone play wacky all the time it's nice about low eelo you always have a mix lots of memers and then lots of guys who are trying to be the best okay ballistics is why he made the university [Music] but the light cavalry also counts with the skirms i think sadly ace of emeralds is just dead but man earlier on in this game i mean still 2500 stone don't stop what you are doing it's just so entertaining to watch this guy but don't engage before ballistics and armor please if you're going to engage at least wait for those upgrades he's starting to lose his houses he actually sent cave orchards over here to deal with this two and cav archers are guests are not the worst cab archers in the game stonewalling himself into this corner and two castles here that's what you're doing with your stone and he's making a group of cav archers in the back to go raid the enemy when he's not expecting it but actually this castle here wait a second wait a second he left this castle at 99.3 percent so when he does when the enemy sees the castles it won't be one it'll be two so it's a surprise think the skirmish did engage here a moment ago i like how as he's losing pop space with the houses he's gaining pop space with the castles and he's actually here to raid with kev archers but blue is a range here he's making skirms so i kind of feel like he was expecting that okay he reacted and he has the skirmisher that was good play from blue dc garrisons the skirms are all upgraded and ready to go not fully upgraded but enough hmm i still feel like there's a chance for red if red continues to create bills out of his tc's in the corners he's doing it here but i guess he's only i say tc's he's got two and he's about to lose one and now he's losing a bunch of villagers all right so that raid got dealt with now there's a raid here and i guess these cavaliers could break through blue's starting to panic a little bit adding more archer ranges also when the castles go up they'll shoot the house so at least blue will know that do you think blue will pull his entire army back to deal with those castles chad i can see it because at this point from what he sees he just sees cav archers and the castles in the back and now he didn't build this one this is that was also at 99 okay there he goes all right so now he's gonna finish this immediately clicks conscription and now he has this castle too and now i think blue's gonna freak a little bit getting masonry now he only sees one castle it's a get surprised by one castle get the other one free deal it happens every tuesday just in case you guys weren't aware of that it's uh that and being able to subscribe for free with twitch prime that's the those are the deals on tuesday 42 villagers versus 51 blue's got some idols but blue will deal with the raids at least now again i think blue's gonna send his trebs back at least you have that auto scout going down there for red whoop yeah what the beastly auto scalp oh his ballistics not in oh i thought blue had ballistics oh never mind is the plan really to continue to make cave archers with tootins he's three thousand stone guys and blue continuing to make a push here now actually blue could lose his arms here with the amount of skirms that are here in defense red just has to send all of his skirmishers forward we're really starting to see how tough it is to play this game late for loyal legends aren't we four thousand gold in the bank for blue and and blue here honestly are continuing with arbs and light cav is perfect it's just he's got to get the production up he's got to push and red is in so many different areas it's very distracting but blue okay found an opportunity it's all the hills we'll kill the villes this is where red needs a town center the fact that red is in town centering these corners is kind of bothering me though he does have two relics in this corner skirms are no longer idle they'll go after the trebs now let's see what blue can see again blue can see some cav archers back here he does not know that there's villagers chopping wood there he's making more ranges he does see stone walls now that's gonna i think that could kill ace of emeralds as if he loses his farming eco a big part of his big portion of his economy this many cav archers they could actually raid all of this though blue is not queuing up many skirms right now okay now he's panicking again he's just not using the ranges he has because he's so focused on all these different areas oh but big move he's sending the leg cap for the skirms good stuff very good stuff there from dj stonks a castle with the same two villagers the villagers that have literally been everywhere on this map to stones and golds they've traveled the hills everything is going to win this he's making a gate for whatever reason why would you dude you have two bills you need the both the villes building the castle here why why are you gating in the enemy enemies walls the enemy can delete their walls to escape you're wasting precious time he's also going to build a castle here to i guess protect this area and blue is scrambling back with everything now oh man the cav archers are going to die and the ville the villes will die too you would expect anyways let's see what blue focuses down okay the villagers no don't now you have to finish the gates bring the trebs in what the red throwing man i admire the ambition but that castle is just going to get tripped down these cav archers are all getting whittled down cav archers with tootin's not the play the gate goes up at least but yeah i think if you're in uh red's position you have to delete that castle foundation delete the castle foundation and go for a backup plan because you need to save whatever stone's here you only have 1500 stone in the bank that's it you'll lose 650 stone if you don't delete this foundation right here uh blue will lose the town center though 47 military from dj so dj's done a really good job producing red's been a sneakster this entire game the castle foundation goes down red doesn't again i don't think he has a lot of confidence in standard play as he uh shows that he has a castle there he actually researches crenellations which means tootin castles will uh have 13 range and then i mean a paladin switch here would be epic because skirmisher like all gets wrecked actually don't get too excited but it also gets wrecked by teutonic knights he does have the castles and he's getting hoardings now for his castles to be even stronger but the raids could still work out well red has the eco lead and watch what crenellations is able to do these light caval melt pretty quickly oh he's getting infantry armor you've got to be kidding me now worth it for blue to raid with leica here you light cap don't cost gold taking out gold miners actually have gold in their hands is huge the problem with with red situation is elite teutonic knight is really expensive you need the castles to produce them which is also not so easy what the red you want town center this corner but instead you're gonna send the villagers to the south where the enemy is can you explain this to me why not both i mean your eco could be so much stronger if you had tc's in both locations also three relics in this corner but yes i would say the concern is basically he doesn't have the eco to to actually make enough teutonic knights and red can always make arbs which are great against teutonic knights and it feels like he's committing towards castles and when these two castles are going to get trapped down though that is assuming red protects them and we will see what the reaction time looks like yeah here the skirms are not doing very much right the arboles will do well and and this one's defended okay so that was an over commitment from blue still 48 military versus nine now we'll see if red reacts again he could actually take out this trip too blue with three and a half thousand gold with one on gold if we have the crop rotation come in which is such expensive upgrade he's got 23 farms though and okay now blue had actually sent his arms forward because he lost the treb on the front so now he doesn't have the arms to protect this trip so he's going to lose another trebuchet and then red could just back up to the hill or maybe go raid or something red does see that blue has villagers here how much do you want to bet the next castle goes up in the south chat that's gotta be but i think then like holding the north is the most important thing right now and that's just not possible as we even see sea dram for blue iconic knights are just too weak what a preferred cavalier now blues arms if they're on stand ground they might not get in close enough ah it's so close he needed more all right we'll see if blue repairs that one needs to repair this castle seems like all of red's focus is currently on the north and that's the same with blue actually i'm wrong on that blue is repositioning with his arbalest don't leave with your arm bless if red clicks the teutonic knights here you can take out the trap now it's just i think really distracting and really tough to know where to focus right now for for a red and or excuse me blue in particular yeah the treble will go down but i guess this is a great place to raid you're killing eco take out the tc and all the houses too i mean red could be really be in a rough spot here in a second yay he'll lose 13 villes so he will be behind actually he's still ahead in eco how's that the case as the lead teutonic knight comes in ace of emeralds has realized that blue is down here and blue is been so distracted this game he knows that red is just branching out to all these different areas of the map so he's been trying to keep track of them if this castle goes up without blue noticing for a couple minutes blue will lose the majority of his economy i'm trying to double click them it won't let me do it so you can see 26 villagers here this is a tootin castle with ballistics with crenellation and red is just going to run away to somewhere else blue is still has an opportunity though to push the castles which is what's epic about this game i don't think i've ever seen a 700 elo game where players have had to use multitasking so much and blue reacts to it okay blue actually reacts to it all right um well here is where you need to see a lot of teutonic knights from red now instead he's making cave archers why on earth he making calf archers they're so weak with tunes man does he even have bloodlines oh he does get bloodlines at least okay but all right here we have a push back from red we'll call this defense he's not spending his food in gold okay just cued he's cueing he's got so many castles i don't know where what he's spending right now where did his food go did he create bills hold on oh he just cuted up a bunch of hills in in the north and the south tc's yeah here comes the knight and light cav from blue to take out the bomber cannon he will fail to do that you know blue has had a lot of gold banks for a while but he is not on gold and he is going to try and take out these castles i suppose someone said you've heard of split micro before now this is split macro that's so true okay this is this is a disaster though oh no where are you going with this here pal the split macro is is a lot more difficult than split micro more houses he loved his houses it says you for you suck that's what that says i think blue should wait till he has three or four traps before going in after this oh oh man that's a lot of etk that's a lot of etk red could always use some patience as well and red's trying to defend this castle will he be able to that's three sea drams you have murder holes and there's teutonic knights but i think this castle goes oh no it'll stay up actually because he's sending in he's through his own gate he runs in with his with his teutonic knights through the gate that he made earlier here even the pigs are facing off that's how epic this game is so kill those villagers the castle will stay up the cav archers run over here meanwhile on this side i think this castle will stay up for ace of emeralds and i think he notices that blue has run away he must know that the villagers have gone somewhere if he finds these villagers i seize them running maybe well i mean he'll see them eventually right what is happening here man ace of the emeralds has a hundred pop he's getting his his other unique tech which doesn't really make a lot of sense here these villagers have pulled the ace and looped around back to the lumber blue left wondering what what can he do about this and i think he's completely stressed out here he's so stressed age of umpires even though it's one of the most beautiful games ever it's also one of the most stressful games to play and i think blue has done a solid job trying to track red in this game i'm just amazed that red has been able to make this work this castle will stand for blue for now but now red is going to use trebuchets and i guess the cav archers have been unable to find the villagers and blue's going to try and get his eco running for a while what was good about blue is that he's keeping his unit production up and he is doing that it's just he doesn't know where to put his units because he tried to push this castle it failed he tried to push this castle it failed he tried to push this castle would fail he's like well what do i do he's tried everything and so now he's in this spot of reacting and we'll look at red's point of view man this is a 700 elo player look at that scouting and i think at the very least he takes out the castle i think he will lose his force but he will at least take out the castle which is something that he wanted now i don't know how long it will take him to realize this but he doesn't have the stone for castle here he's uh actually mining stone somewhere but for the most part he's out he's mining stone in the back of blue's base and i was wrong the teutonic knights i guess that was mainly skirmishers the teutonic knights own yeah where's the arboles from blue oh the orbs are here blue's too distracted wow blue is dead isn't he this is legendary man i've never seen a player commit to expansion in this way before i've seen you know a few players send mining camps out in the middle on arena low elo but this guy had six mining camps before he was in castle all spread out around the map and now somehow his resources are sky high his positioning is perfect blue is i think he doesn't know what to make now so he's going to go into knights and this is common you know you have the resources you've been dying to with what you're currently making so you think well that doesn't work let's make something else and now red is over here and this is the last corner he needs to lock down and he's going to drop a castle here every single corner has castles and he doesn't have his main base and he's winning this unbelievable dude unbelievable [Music] so he'll have a castle in every corner even has his relics hidden away in the left corner blue doesn't have his main base either now he's kind of got this area and then maybe this is the last attempt for blue again with this many arms assuming they're on patrol this should be a pretty decent fight for them but economically long term i don't think it's going to be very good for blue and red can just continue to pressure from different angles now as he's researching onager that castle has spotted him in blue unlike the first time hasn't reacted too quickly here probably worried about the fight he's probably thinking i'm doing it i'm winning i'm holding on because he's clearing up here and okay now this is going to be funny what if blue runs directly to the corner and sees the monastery this is too good it would make sense for him to try and run to the corner and the corner will be blocked oh he's making a siege workshop here i guess he wants to take the castle out yeah hey red sees that doink and i noticed that red was massing things over here so i think what red's gonna do while blue's distracted is come in here clear up the middle i just realized blue's at 20 pop that's crazy yeah these bills will go down red just made this game oh quick wall quick wall oh no oh oh yes actually blue's made this game so stressful and hard to follow all right why did i say blue uh ace of emeralds has and dj stunks respect to him for putting up a great fight tried his absolute best but i guarantee you he has played this game enough but never played against the player who plays quite like this yep here you have that treb go after these buildings as expected um c jonathan ace hey aces you're gonna use the villagers and teutonic knights to defend this castle having five or six teutonic knights should be more than enough to defend from those rams uh our blessed eject here from dj yeah i guess he needs an answer to the teutonic knights he's actually sending in a lot of military he's more military than ace does for now uh that castle could go down which means that blue could have a chance and and would be something if blue ends up taking this relics the castle will go down all right so this game isn't over yet but now blue's losing the middle which is the real problem i think cavalier would be a great play it's not as fun as teutonic knights but cavalier just a bit more mobile for ace he probably wants to go for siege on earth see john adjourns utonic knights from here on out uh blue's still not giving it up and really should he when the enemy only has six military i mean in theory this could all be taken out with one light cav ace is just gonna send wait a second can we pause and just admire something remember that the whole the whole strategy behind uh with how red plays this is to take all the gold outside and then have his safe gold remaining at home his main goal is still here every single tile with his quote-unquote safe gold is still here and he's not mining any oh no i lied okay he's mining the forward gold but still almost all the gold is gone on the map except for his main one that is incredible as he's now gonna make a blacksmith here um might be a little worried honestly that blue could be back in this blue has to make some houses now it's gonna take a while keep up the redemption work t90 what i always love listening to your content redemption whoa cornish 65 bucks what in the world cornish thank you so much well i'm glad you're enjoying this because i'm enjoying this too wait a sec he's going to convert that siege workshop isn't he you need redemption to convert units uh sorry siege units and enemy buildings if he converts that siege workshop he's even more legendary than i thought he was that one monk yeah 65 donation someone in chat says that is one dollar for every red castle in this game yeah pretty much cornish thank you so much need to drink water man i just got like dizzy all of a sudden what in the world another monastery and he's gonna convert the workshop do you really want to let blue know you have a monastery over there though i'd be really confused if i were blue this is what blue sees he's like wait what where did the monk come from as he's actually going down to this corner guys is this winnable for dj dj's not going down without a fight and if dj is able to clear this he could take the relics here you have uh the treb and the c john injured oh god don't take out the teutonic knights okay well they'll kill the teutonic knights but yeah they're working towards the buildings um here you have more teutonic knights now for ace who is actually mining the gold and that has to be intentional i don't know he's mining some of what was blue's gold i think stable will go down arbolester here we've seen more monk upgrades on the way for ace so he knows his text does blue know there's a corner monastery yet nope okay red do not show him hide do not show him that's important there oh i'm sorry hold on this is why we use capture h pro i'm sorry i don't i'm not blind anymore we can't use the t90 blinding mode big fight in the middle i actually thought that was an honor shot man these teutonic knights wrecked and i guess it's just getting close it's really the important thing with all that attack the forward house is blue placed here that's not allowed that will get taken care of and here comes blue with rams he's going to ram down these buildings this is almost at a point now where blue has so little though red just needs to slowly pick him apart and then get a mask to finish him off here right i think if blue gets the relics it's not gonna be for very long the economy that red has is safe it's untouched and it almost can't be touched because of the castle positions blue is re-booming though now the reason he's able to think about printing villagers now is because it's less to focus on because he lost so much whereas earlier because actually the monk could convert the ram ah you're kidding me oh my god it's his cdram now oh my word he converted the ram and you have to be right up against a ram to convert it to whereas with an oniger magnel you can be from far away and he's immediately making a sieger out of this right here come um more teutonic knights and here come the rams that blue gets head shotted there by the sea janitor it's head shotted again dj stunks has got to be thinking what on earth am i supposed to do against this strat i i did everything right i saw he was doing it in feudal age i killed villagers i went for the proper counters how have i lost this game villagers are going to attack the uh ram he used to be on their team okay uh archery range is not converted t john insurer goes down heated shot are you really gonna try and convert another ram i know because it worked once you might try to please don't okay all right he should get a conversion here all right he's got a ram again they're perfect you keep making rams i keep making monks perfect that's how this game is going to go now i think red's just waiting for a big massive teutonic knights the problem is he's got so many units spread out around the map wait a second is blue gonna use his ram to attack reds ram now whoa it's a battering ram now that must be a visual bug what the that's weird how did that work it went backwards back in time all right well siege workshop goes down now blue will see the monastery which has got to be so freaking confusing it almost looks like it's from a campaign there's three relics in there red where's your crap he has so many different armies oh but don't worry guys he's taking the golden stone don't worry priorities are straight take the golden stone just in case you were wondering all right um yeah i've seen that bug with onagers before i've never seen that bug with rams however i guess you never see rams converted right i've seen converted onagers turn back into magnels but that's because you see onagers and magnols converted a lot more frequently i hear the treb goes down blue's actually raiding the gold though i can't tell if red is playing with his food or genuinely just you know he's kind of a low elo player and he's struggling to be able to get everything right here blue is coming back and blue will have three relics 700 elo for you man [Laughter] i didn't think about this someone just got here they said i just got here and i'm so confused look at the mini map and try and make sense of what that says i would i would be confused as well believe me we were confused during the game as well and it was amazing a smoking frog says this hurts to watch i know it does really hurt to watch players that you'll never be able to to match in skill right like i know for some of you to watch this it probably brings you pain because you'll never be this good it's horrible but at least we can enjoy this masterpiece as red is going to take this tc out and villagers will die so finally the game ends and i don't know if there was a gg or what because we don't have spec chat thank you microsoft but what a legend what a legend like the strategy early on here 13th minute let's see if if capture age pro will let us go back was to just take all the outer resources and while it was kind of working for ace it was at a cost look at this at this stage of the game 13 minutes in mining camp here mining camp here mining camp here mining camp here and it was so utterly ridiculous and blue was able to find it too blue was able to find the villagers he realized what the enemy was going for he was moving all around and in the end he just there were too many spots for him to focus on red lost his main base and everything there were too many spots for blue to focus on the castle drop here i think really did start the um start the snowball and it was almost as if so blue would have a military force which was stronger if it was in one spot so he'd send it forward and then red would pop out from another angle so then blue would get distracted and send some over here and then by the time he looked back to his trebs his trebs would be sniped already it was really sneaky from red and i thought red was going to die in the mid game how about you look at this like ace of emeralds the way he played this is honestly it's quite bad in many ways uh and risky and it should lead to a situation where the enemy's an imp faster the imp has more mil or the enemy has more military and you die but if you're if you stick to it and stick to the general idea of attacking from all angles players will get distracted and eventually i suppose it will pay off more wood more food more gold and more stone for ace of emeralds and that is a massive difference with golden stone count so i the thing is with red red's going to think that this is the best way to play this game now that's good for us but if he let's say he wants to be a pro he's only going to be able to go so far because he will look at this and he'll say well i had more stone and i had more gold so clearly that's what won me the game clearly that's what i have to do to win let's do that again that's both the good and bad thing about low e le legends but personally i i think that ace of emeralds he doesn't want to be a pro he wants to play the game in the unique ways that he wants to play it and that is is what gaming is all about that's what lovely legends is all about and man was that good that was so so fun to watch i don't even know what to do with this as far as content goes because it was so high level it was so unique that i think ace of emeralds deserves his own legend video it's very rare that i upload legend videos right so the the um requirements are very high in my eyes but it also was low evil legends so maybe a mix of both beige says it's the best match i've seen this year wait a second weren't you watching hidden cup 4 i mean technically you're still complimenting my content but you were here during hidden cup 4 and you think that was better than that well thank you i agree
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 92,923
Rating: 4.940167 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, aoe, aoe2, aoe2de, Haha, WTF, Crazy, mango, mangonel, onager, catapult, SO, low, elo, legend, legends, LEL, lowelolegends, the, ace, emerald, emeralds, LEGEND, Blue coffee, Longest Game Ever, mining, camp
Id: dYoT_-bmqi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 2sec (3542 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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