The Legend of Dark Elf

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Makes me wonder what elo is possible while doing that. I'd imagine at least 1200 and better players maybe even 1400

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheFourthStorm 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
april of 2020 i uploaded low evo legends number nine where i discovered a player was role playing with their economy in an online game male villagers were chopping trees and mining gold and only female villagers were forging and farming this was my reaction wait a second wait a second all the men are chopping wood and mining and all the women are farming did i actually used to do this when i was really young maybe it is a kid wait is that's gotta be planned what about blue all right blue this is this is 20 20. this is what 2020 looks like this this is history right here are you kidding me he hasn't made a single mistake with it either so with this new series which is a spin-off of low evo legends i'm looking back to see where low elo legends are now are they still playing the game and if they are still playing the game how are they playing the game and most of the players we've found have improved considerably though are still a low elo legend now in this case i figured that if this player was still playing they would have learned that male and female villagers do not have different work rates and they will have learned how to play the game and in this player's case this player has over 1200 games that's right more than many pro players have in 1v1s this low evil legend who is still a low elo legend has over 1200 1v1s this is what we found i think it's cool how dark elf chooses to play a way that gives him the most enjoyment so dark elf will get rid of those stragglers also hasn't gone out to take any boars yet maybe he will after the sheep are all finished and oh my god it's starting the first two farmers are female so it would make the game way too difficult if you had to divvy them up at the start let's see if the third farmer's female wait for it wait why'd that house just get deleted what what oh it wasn't straight it wasn't straight yes yes he's gonna do it it's gonna be role playing yes sim city role play a female farmer yes 1200 games people another female 1200 games of ranked play what a freaking legend let's see let's not get too excited yet let's not get overly excited by this because it might not it might not be on purpose as we have another female villager building the farm now there is i think she was chopping a straggler but she's you know this is the area of the town that's a bit more progressive got a female lumberjack over here we'll see if dark elf figures that one out well now we have groups of villagers going out to the boards but i think when it gets to wood gold stone eco and farmiko that's where we're going to see him start making those changes yeah he clearly sent a big group of mail look look at that did you see it he saw the female villager on the wood line and he pulled her away and said no no no not you are a farmer my dear so i mean once this group finishes off all the boars we'll be right back where we were nine months ago oh my god and you have the cute little box of houses he has three houses here three houses here three houses here so really this player hasn't changed since what we saw previously in louisville legends uh town bell oh god all right there we go i like the early town bell just in case the enemy comes in towards the tc and elevate says and this guy actually wins games his eco was better than blues blue was lowering boars earlier blue's not worrying about where the female and male villagers are at all wait a second i saw never mind i i freaked out for a second i thought that when i saw um the genders were split up i i was worried for a second that we had two people doing this but no this is just a standard eco so when i was a kid i when i was a little kid i used to do a bunch of different things when it came down to to male and female villagers and you know there's nothing serious about it i'm not trying to be offensive with this topic of course um it was just because when i was a kid girls had cooties right so i thought it was you know when i first started playing i thought it was fun to like delete all the girls because girls had cuties and then got to the point where i deleted all the guys but one and then so that one guy had a bunch of girlfriends or wives or whatever you know i anything that i could have done as a child which might be a bad idea to bring up on stream with age of empires once i have an audience i did i'll admit it you know it's important in life to make your mistakes and then work past it unless your name is dark elf in which case you just continue to separate men and women and role play it out the wazoo i'm curious what he does i guess if you have to wait for female villagers for farms then some games you might have more farm eco than others because the mining and the chopping is all down to the men in his economy and it's random like you can see here it shows a man but it is kind of random what you get sometimes of sister wives i wonder how old he is yeah i wonder how old dark elf is as well i have no clue all i know is dark elf look now you have a woman on the way and he has he has uh like four or five women that were on the board that are no longer going to be on the poor hmm real world though i figured out because we had a challenge where every time there was a female villager created i'd have to delete 10 villagers so you can you can cancel q and re-cue villagers and there's no trick to actually making it so you get a certain gender it's just it's a numbers game so constantly canceling so all the villagers that were out here i i just can't get over the fact this guy has 1200 games it's not even the strat the strat's funny is strat something i would have done as a little kid i'll admit it and now he's getting all the blacksmith upgrades known to man but just the fact that dark elf has done it for 1200 games is what's fascinating and now we have houses see that that doesn't satisfy oh stonewall there okay cute little box city and then over here at technical base he is walled and technical i guess is going to go to castle deadly cookie says i'm about 80 sure i did it at some point maybe for a game or two yeah but have you ever done it for 1200 games look i think i think all he's doing is he sends new wheels to gold and then when he realizes it's a woman he sends it to a farm the only thing that dictates whether he's going to add farms is the gender of the villager [Laughter] like otherwise he would let that villager go mine gold watch female villager oh no no we can't have that farm i mean and maybe he's paying attention here because it does seem to be accurate believe it or not i have never really paid attention to okay look female villager farm okay now the next one's male and he'll just let the villager go to gold and the dumb thing is he has 10 more villagers than his opponent he's actually playing pretty well okay that's a male villager so no need to interfere um no military buildings yet for dark elf and okay female villager let's see how quick it is that's so fast he's an apm god too and then one more fill the funny thing is is the eco balance is pretty much perfect too he doesn't have excessive amounts on gold he doesn't have excessive amounts on wood he doesn't have excessive amounts on farms and now he's on his way to castle age do you think splitting the villagers like that helps him keep a good balance in his economy in his eyes i i think you're stretching it a little too much like sure he's played 1200 games so i'm sure he has more experience doing this than any of us but i kind of doubt that this provides good macro for you and good eco for you on a consistent basis i know a spirit of the law is listening out there and my buddies all thinking of ideas he's like i wonder if i can like if we i ran 100 dark elf games and i determined that on average you come out to about 19 farmers if you do it this way i know he's probably like crunching the math right now and maybe we'll see a video on this in the future but um i i feel like we're giving dark elf a little too much credit he's just really good at doing this and for whatever reason he likes to do it this way but in many ways he is more ocd and more sim city than the sim city and ocd players we've seen before supplies people are still researching supplies well i mean if he wants to make infantry getting supplies first would be a good thing but he seems to be happy to get all the technologies because he did that in uh feudal age just gets every technology look he's gonna get squires and also arson after that um and just stay on one tc now we've rare we've barely looked at blue's economy blue is making missionaries no sorry monks missionaries and conquistadors but his economy see the diverse economy is struggling in comparison to reds economy but i think red's just a talented player this is a really weird thing for him to do but he's genuinely a talented gamer but what's also wild to me is he doesn't make any mistakes let's see okay female villager female villager going to wood oh my god he notices it every time i don't know if he looks at the tc to see if it's coming or if he just sits here and waits for the villagers to hop out all right now he's gonna get uh hand cart okay i'm gonna this is a dangerous game for me to play but i'm gonna give the sub no i'm gonna give five subs for every time that one of his villagers hit a resource they shouldn't okay so she's now gonna build the university she didn't go to the gold here comes blue i feel like blue's gonna win this i'm so confident in red well he might just he might be dead actually but i'm so confident that he's not gonna make a mistake with his role playing that i'll give five subs for every time that he makes a mistake and he i mean gg right surely it's just gg here conquistadors shred everything with a little bit of micro and again it is eight hundred e low so you shouldn't expect high level microbes of entertainment uh monks get some conversions blue with some crazy micro blue has 38 villagers this is we have the society of 2021 against the society of of 1000 bc right now and we'll see what happens we'll see who wins wait did someone no no there's a freaking dark elf what why do i say things all right fine fine i'll do five females he got distracted clamsy thank you for the nine months thank you j87 thank you pinecone thank you for the support guys you guys are great okay um dark elf also i i should i shouldn't have to say this but i will say it oh wait wait minus five subs that's how this works right minus five subs he's fixed it fixed it that's what we should do we should count the amount at the very end yeah yeah that's what i meant but you can see now that it's a problem because he doesn't have that much on wood and he has 20 farmers and he's trying to reseed the farms so if these poor ladies don't have the wood to reseed the farm then they can't work um yeah chad let's let's um remember that you know this is funny and all but let's not let's not take things too far and let's all be yeah let's all be respectful individuals while also making jokes let's toe the line here not not be the guy who always don't be the edgy person who always says take it too far just because i mean you can but my mods will enjoy that missionaries it is kind of interesting how someone is using missionaries against a society who is very much stuck in their old ways that's realistic man this is the type of town that missionaries would want to show up to spread the word of god like in the north they only allow their women to farm um i'm waiting for the wolf to kill something here it doesn't happen why is blue going imp right now that's what i'm wondering blue is uh one town center eco it's not really that good i guess he he can't manage the two town centers so he feels like going imps away to go i see like have on the way i don't know when imp will really give blue and back to red's eco situation look red is sending new villagers over to wood this is what i meant earlier when someone said that this would oh god he's actually he's changing his ways he's got another oh no oh god oh why did i say five why did i what are you doing dude buy wood so your women can work ah you can't compromise on your values so easily all right so we're just gonna look at blue's economy i i and it's because for most of the game we've looked at red's economy so i think we'll look at blue's economy now it's the right thing to do as a caster to focus here supplies guys spam supplies that's funny supplies we've got supplies coming in uh now you get the second pc i don't think one tc fast dimp into second tc is really the best play it might as well have just saved the resources and not going to the imperial ledge in the first place but blue in a fine position anyways uh 42 villagers versus 50 from red and red is now making a monastery and uh mining camp and has archer ranges okay all right so yes someone had mentioned earlier that maybe blue determined that this is the best way to sort out his eco clearly it's not because he ran out of food for his farms but if he just canceled his cancels his bills and he can go up to imp and there he goes canceling now what i'm curious about is if he pulls these uh how many do you got here five six oh god i'm doing the math in my head uh bill which is i'm wondering if he sends them back to farms i will gift i i will commit i'll give five subs for every villager that's on the wrong resource at the end of the game i'll commit all right see initially i was gonna say one but then i thought ah you're you're a wuss you know pick something higher than one all right so he's on his way to imp maybe he felt rushed because blue is in the imperial age and i see that he is cueing up long swords and queuing up crossbowmen and he actually has very well balanced eco i can't wait to look at the statistics at the end i can't wait to see who brought in the more resources for the most resources but uh just one tc uh t90 how many years have you been doing aoe content six years now it technically be six six years because since 2015. oh actually someone go to socialblade and look up my channel go to and search for teen 90 official and tell me what the date is there because it shows it clearly on social blade i think my youtube channel came out in like early january of 2015. i'm not saying i made content right away but i think my six year channel anniversary might be this january 17 2015 yeah so in 12 days it will have been six years six years and pretty much non-stop you know uh i haven't done much else so say what you want about the um the gender roles in dark elves town but i have to say it looks pretty good not not i'm not advocating for this type of a world i'm saying that the buildings and the placement everything looks pretty good right so how are you celebrating the six years i don't know i'll probably stream i didn't really think about that until someone mentioned it i don't know man i have a lot to celebrate for and if i if i always celebrate for something that i'm celebrating a lot because you guys treat me well so i'll probably just uh i don't know i'll have a beer i can promise you that can you message dark elf on his opinion of the gabeto the female unique unit uh we have to find a game where he goes mallions and then he tries to put the gabetto on farms oh my god that would be something he plays all the time right believe me when i say this is not the only game we're gonna look at from this guy because i'm really curious we'll look at a few of them eat skirms on the way i see he's getting relics right now that's always very good and blue has long swords light cav i guess last thing he saw was pikeman so he's thinking that champion would be good and like half so that's good logic but i prefer to see him get upgrades he has attack upgrades right now but i think getting two-handed swordsmen and working your way up better move see all right red spotted that red sees him blue is patrolling so they automatically attack patrol is normally good in this case he gets caught out and read with more numbers wins i'm really terrified now because if the fights happen red's not going to pay attention to the separating of villagers how many do we have here one two three four five six okay so he hasn't gone above six yet that's good that is good to see uh is hidden cup 4 already a thing or what yeah man we should have a hc4 command the the teaser is already announced after the world cup thank you tenzo for the nine months of support thank you gibson and pilaf for the twitch primes i will need that to pay for all the subs if indeed he keeps making mistakes ah dark elf why do you do this there's another female on the wood now so both players getting a lot of technologies but dark elf seems to be slightly better with everything uh now oh he's dropped the castle there look at this everything's in a neat little square that's so cute us are actually hustler with full upgrades not bad but still only long swordsmen when you could have champion at this point if you're blue but blue's producing bills out of two tcs so he does have the villi and also look at his his mills very efficient farming over here i think he's just not expecting red to have these upgrades and he's not expecting red to have these numbers he's in no rush to build a castle no rush whatsoever healing up his army with his monk lady don't do it lady don't this guy's bankrupting me wait a second there are no women over here now he put them on farms saved he put them on farms okay so he'll eventually pay attention to these areas and send them to the proper tasks proper in his eyes i might add okay well we're not back to zero but he's got a few over here and i guess we'll deal with that at some point well two-handed swordsmen they're good um but i don't think ethiopians get champions am i correct on that chat it's kind of a weird unit to go for with ethiopians yeah okay they don't get champion so i'd say halberdier and our blessed would be the way to go here a blue fighting uphill blue fighting with similar attack but was still worst tech because it's just hustlers against alvin two handed swordsman and he only has long swords still really confused by the fact that blue is insistent on not getting the champion upgrade but making long swords so okay there he's finally getting two-handed swordsman like he wants to wall up but these villagers should probably run away before they die now i wonder where red will build the new farms because he has the perfect little base 30 farms is a solid number will red make any additional farms if red does not make any additional farms that means there will be a lot of female villagers who are on wood lines which means i will i will have a lot of subs to give it'd be really funny if after he builds this i guess he has a gate there but it'd be really funny if after he blocked in everything he just didn't create any more eco like nope we're at a proper population now no need to make any changes dark elf won't ever boom with more than one tc because he he wants to focus on the bill's gender that's why he's still in the 700s well i think there's other reasons as well there's that monk in that corner that's not why but um i think the other reasons would just be because he could have been in castle age faster he could build these castles faster he doesn't seem like a very aggressive player i feel like he just wants to enjoy the journey which is which is great there's nothing wrong with that right i don't want people to think that you have to play to win all the time because we check up on these guys i think it's cool to see that they're sticking to their guns showtel warriors and hal badeers that's strong very very strong i also like how orderly everything is you have the r2 ranges and the barracks grouped up like this it's pretty cool but yeah um female villagers here female villagers here he's still creating bills this is dangerous i should have never said five even the walls are going down to the shotel warriors yo omar thanks for 25 two years two years of support that's crazy i um i'm working on a video which will probably never be completed but that kind of compares it's like a thank you video essentially that kind of talks through the progression of the stream and what was happening at various points because you see someone resub for two years you think okay that's two years that's a long time but you don't realize how different things were at that stage i have a neat little video concept i'm working on but if i had a video for every video concept i brought up or thought up over the last year i'd have a lot more videos i don't always get to finishing them lou likes his hussars what should blue be doing with his hussars guys if you had to critique blue and tell blue to do something differently what would it be raid yep raid exactly you don't want to fight straight up with hussars i mean you can in some instances but just send them into the enemy economy and then use another unit for your main group fight he's using hussar like you'd use paladin or like you'd use any unit you'd want to group up in that main fight but then you can use champions in this spot and champions with hustlers that's not a bad combo but still i think he could easily send in a wave of hussars and then wait for more in the queue but this is really close games elite shot warriors are better than champions but regular shotel warriors with i mean they're actually still really good against champions because of the attack all depends on how much blue is going to produce here and how much red produces two but you know what's amazing about red he's oh he always has this tc queued up with bills there's not a single time that i've seen that tc not queued up that's very rare for low elo so he never expands his eco but he's able to play reasonably well because he always keeps that producer and red is is having some massive problems in these fights he's losing his hussars time and time again he's not even tried to raid he's now losing his production buildings which he needs he has hustlers in the queue but his hustle aren't really what you want when there's that many habiteers out there blue can you please raid him raid the woodlines i will i will i would love it if you could raid the wood line please if this was live i would probably send him information on where the wood lines were come on raid the woodlines what bro dark elf is this much of a sim citier he feels the need to build a wonder in his town 1 000 wood 1 000 stone 1 000 gold and also you've no benefit in a ranked game it doesn't do anything for you except look cool he's not a troll because no one trolls with 1200 games just hoping for me to look at one this is a recorded game this happened yesterday this guy oh yeah hit the wood lines this guy just loves to play this way blue must be mbl smurf because he's been housed for a while and now he's going to lose his castle which will lead him to getting further housed but he's finally going for a raid you have no idea how happy i was here to being such a popular game and after 20 years it's still being worked on keep up the great work thank you xo pi for the five i'm i'm with you and oh my god this blue note blue doesn't see anything about that wonder oh kill her kill her that's five subs right there kill her kill her come on oh there's one there's one get get her get her good yes yes and we see the chat so blue sees the wonder and laughs so blue realizes how silly the wonder move is and so since it's a recorded game and we can see that chat i'm wondering if dark elf will say something back but the wonder's denied for now oh there's so many women on woodlines no and oh blue takes out the trips so red was distracted and the raid really did a lot now this is a mistake to try and attack the gate that's a mistake oh god that was also a mistake i think from red to allow the hustler in there but ed will defend and someone in chat a moment ago called it this is not red trolling they say dark elf built it after achieving gender parity this is not this is not dark elf trolling this is the fact that dark elf just likes to play this way blue make houses please i'm losing my mind here he must not realize that he's pop capped he continues to queue and he's like where are my units i don't understand wonders on the way up it takes forever to build so far uh gifted sub update one two three four five six seven eight nine ten what oh yeah but i forgot about the wonder claws if you build a wonder and have villagers on so basically what the wonder does if the wonder is completed is we start with a fresh slate so if this wonder is actually completed then all the villagers all the female villagers on woodlands have forgotten about and then we start over get out of here i make the rules you can't i make the rules that's fair that wonder might take forever to complete especially if blue doesn't realize he needs to make houses please blue do not resign please don't resign cause it's still gonna take red forever to complete this he's building with four villagers this will take an hour don't know if i've ever seen anyone get pop capped this badly i guess blue just doesn't know also i didn't see these castle foundations out here that's interesting i mean dark elf is raiding like crazy dark elf as he kills a male villager on a farm is like ha back at my base we have you on wood talking smack about the opposing society okay a few more villages building this come on get treadmill crane build that faster it is falling apart for blue but on the bright side as blue loses eco he actually has military pop space and assuming this castle goes up which it probably will then that's more pop space so maybe could fight back but he is trickling in with his units and red has so much right is 70. so you need to save your units mask them and then push out so we've camels hussars two-handed swordsmen shot warriors alba deers still haven't seen ethiopian arbolest yet and heat you up in our blessed fire faster this would be a great time for dark elf to start to worry about his economy and make sure that the roles were are set ah these four have exposed for a better life society told them that they could not become a lumberjack good for them um house now for dark elf and dark elf is going to place another castle there this is a cute little base i have to say very cute pace blue is still trickling in units uh this might be a raiding eco a rating army i still can't believe that dark gale plays every game like this i want to watch another one do you guys i kind of want to spend the next two hours watching it even though he does a similar thing i just want to see how it works out in this game he was attacked by conchs and then he was still able to recover but i wonder if there's situations where having having the eco that he has hurts him um 30 military for both now though blue could actually defend this the hustler is doing work over here wonder update it's only at 50 percent eco update still pretty messy have you considered the fact that dark elf role play he role plays so much that he reflects societal progression and goes for gender equality once an imp oh my god i didn't think about that maybe it's part of his plan for society to get more progressive as they advance through the ages the guy's a genius this is so realistic oh my god and that means i don't have to gift subs yes thank you pay hill that's amazing that's great yeah that that's perfect wait a second wait a second wait a second where were the four lumberjacks that were female are they now building the wonder i think the true test of if he's being progressive and if he's changing for the better is if the villagers are pulled off the wonder and they go back to wood if he doesn't send them back to their job after this he makes forms with them then there has not been enough change that wonder will complete hmm i like the stables and the barracks and the rc ranges look four four four four he's going to try 4-4 but i think he can't build there if he deletes all three of those tables this guy's my favorite player of all time if he deletes these three stables because he can't fit his uh he can't fit them as he wishes that'd be hilarious but these are elite showtills against champions now and he does have the castles to spam them but champion huss are doing okay there for blue and blue hanging on now blue doesn't have a town center i think he'll work through his resources and then uh he won't have much else after that we will find out soon thank you for the five by the way uh livian thank you for the eight months he says not even a wonder wall yeah it feels bad we'll see a wonder wall at some point the wonder will complete but this is a sim city player and it's also a sim society player so it takes it beyond sim city hmm you could also say that that people in the city by the castles are more hmm no i can't really think i i can't take it any further okay so he finishes the wonder he's probably he wants to win so he's queuing up albs he's focused on defense now where are these ladies going so the whole group working together will now go to wood wonderful wonderful wow this is beautiful progression and it's all the same lumber camp they're no longer separated there's no wage gap because they chop wood at the same rate i don't know how they get paid they're still technically slaves if we really think about it because it is age of empires but anyways um no wonder countdown because it's a ranked game and the wonder doesn't do anything for you except look cool in uh ranked games by the way what would you rank this wonder i have not seen an ethiopian wonder before i would say that's um i would say that's a 7 out of 10 wonder it would have been amazing if he put it amongst his farming eco like in the back or oh no deleted the tc and then placed no the best spot for it would be to delete these farms and the mills and place the wonder there 4 out of 10 tops really i don't know if i agree on that it's at least better than that elite conquistador for blue but he doesn't have any villagers on gold he still doesn't have a tc he doesn't even have a conquistador dude you don't even have a conquistador what are you expecting to do with that five out of seven all right um red still making show tales still making helps and blue coming in for ray does blue know about that woodline being chopped no he does not it's like he patrolled that army did he just send one there to the wood line on purpose why not the wood line the tree i guess he's trying to break red's main eco he can't break into the farms you guys might have assumed that that in dark age red was trying to hold his female villagers down by putting them on only farms but i think he in reality he was trying to keep them safe and he's throwing the men to their death feels bad i love this dark elf player he's played 1200 games and i guarantee you every single one has to be like this because the last time we saw him was ten months ago they were just going over here to gold now he's still got some situations going on five male villagers on gold five male villagers on gold um hey guys do you want to check out my only farms [Laughter] chad you're so funny and chad you're so funny oh my god dude oh my god he's got only farms oh god what a legend what a legend also good job i mean there's the new tcu finally okay but good job from technicals for staying in i have to give respect and credit where it's due because he has quite a few upgrades he has been trying to raid here and there not saying it's been successful but he has been doing some good things and he's got 70 military and also the halves are completely useless against champions so in this fight dark elf is going to lose everything i think the gather points on some of these stables are set there yeah you see this the reason the hustlers keep going there is because you just set the gather points and is blindly sending in new units watch the kd switch here and watch the population switch both players have a q but dark elf is losing so much yeah astar's champion looking good now i would say just like before arbalest and chotel warrior or arbalest help would do very good against what blue's making dark elf doesn't seem to be a very confident player playing offensively there was a moment where darkhealth had a big lead but he wasn't able to close it out so is it possible for dark elf to throw this how many relics does dark elf have three relics plus uh has some of the extra gold i think all the extra gold so and then for blue he only he doesn't have a single relic in fact i don't know what happened here but for some reason is he wait a second is he like is he worshiping the relic is he have it outside the monastery because it looks cool that does give you gold you know all right uh the trebuchet goes down dark i the commentary from twitch chat in this game has been so funny dark elf is very good at organizing society he is not so good at fighting yeah he should play a peaceful game have archers with ethiopians your foot archers fire faster actually wait a second do ethiopian cav archers fire faster too i mean you really shouldn't make it regardless because they don't get bloodlines oh it's only the foot archers that fire faster okay well you probably thought he needed archers and let's face it cap archers look a lot cooler so that archers always look like they should be better than our blessed or military for for blue but then blue will have a problem of breaking all these castles i think the way red has set up his buildings means he's going to have infinite spam he's not creating any more villagers so let's let's get an update on his eco still plenty of female villagers out and about chopping one on either side i don't think he's gonna drop a mill here in farm because the farming eco is only around the tc yes he made a wonder he made a wonder he's been playing simcity with his eco his only female voters here on the farms very rarely makes mistakes i mean i did this in a few challenge games for t90 trolls and by the way we're doing t90 trolls tomorrow um and even in the challenge games i would always forget to snag my villagers and send them to the appropriate resource so i don't know how he was able to pay attention to it oh stimp missing a few villagers here there makes sense we should have a dark elf challenge tomorrow where i have to play like this guy so the houses have to be in a circle he hasn't built houses anywhere else you notice that he's not placed houses anywhere else in the map so houses have to be in a square around the tc castles have to be there as well hmm but yeah t90 trolls will be tomorrow so you guys can come up with strats that i have to try against viewers in a 1v1 so and then i think we'll do more stronghold i think we'll do a couple hours of the uh t90 trolls and then i think we'll do stronghold yeah one tc one wonder one male one blacksmith crazy stuff if it works and ain't stupid i mean to an extent something that you probably shouldn't do long-term working can sometimes get you into a place where you have some bad habits dark elf cleans this up it's like both players really struggle finishing off the other but one person has the better eco and one person has their base more fortified and that'd be dark elf there's no doubt in my mind that dark elf is always going to have 30-some farmers dark elf is always going to have the castles always going to have the relics whereas blue blue is 25 farmers blue doesn't have a lot of wood income right now so probably will not be able to reseed those farms soon i think dark elf is going to win this one it's not stupid if no one knows what you're doing yeah i don't know i i think we're being i think we're looking too much into it you know what's really stupid for a lot of people playing a game and playing in a way that's not fun you could argue that that's stupid right so dark elf has played 1200 games the way that he likes to play because winning without playing his way is not fun and that's awesome if it's not fun why bother now some people think winning is fun and that's fair when i play age i play to win now i usually have a mix trying to have like you know branch out with sieves and strategies but for him winning is nothing if he cannot have only female farmers and only male lumberjacks and only male miners and a cute little base like this you'd think he'd be better at this playstyle no i actually i think the opposite i think he's a beast with this playstyle i don't think he's bad for this place now 1200 games i mean that's a lot of games don't get me wrong but he has buildings always prepared if he needs a unit kind of like death match mode his farming eco is at a proper amount um i mean blue could have done some different things to maybe threaten him but i think red pretty impressive he could easily be over a thousand elo if he branched out because i think his dark age and feudal age being better than blues who did what everyone else would do and send field which was wherever they wanted uh tells a lot because it's significantly more difficult to have the eco that dark elf had in this game blue is probably close to losing now red is just a few siege units away from clearing this up you could take this forward gold if you wanted to yeah just just treving down the barracks prepping down the castles loose as gigi well played respect to blue because blue probably felt like he was being trolled when he saw the wonder and uh the game should end here unless blue's the type of guy where someone doesn't say gg back to him he keeps on playing okay dark elf says gg well played respect there's so many female villagers here blue are you gonna resign hello i mean to be fair he might not know just because red has 1200 games doesn't mean that blue does blue hello gg okay he finally quit oh god all right so dark elf is a gentleman who role plays his eco ever and then he um he's very progressive as time goes on i'm terrified guys i am all the non-subs are so happy right now god you guys i i'm not gifting subs this channel again this is too much i just crossed 2 000 3 weeks ago 2 000 subs to my own channel okay one two [Music] five six seven all right seven i can do that seven's good seven is a good number all right so seven times five thirty five gifted subs that's perfect all right so i can do that i thought it was going to be worse than that let's just tab out the thing is i really want to cast another game so i'd like to uh to see dark elf do this on another map or with another civilization guys guys i just counted how many female villagers were on the other wood lines it's too much chat i'm sorry i'm gonna listen it's too much it's way too much i'm how's this i gift 50 subs which is 250 worth of subs 50 subs is a lot of subs i think that's fair all right that is well over what i ever thought i'd be gifting today i have made a lot of legend videos over my age of empire's career and this is one of the biggest legends that i have ever found the amount of dedication it takes to play like this the amount of games that this player has played is absolutely ridiculous the structure of every base seems similar the house placement the farm placement it has to be perfect for this user dark elf you are a legend i don't think we will ever be able to top this within this series but if you have a suggestion if you would like to see more and where are they now low eagle legend style videos please leave your suggestions in the comments and of course let me know what you think of this i'm still a little bit speechless as i'm closing out this video but uh i'll just direct you to the low elo legend playlist which is in the description if you'd like a rewind on low evo legends of the past
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 145,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Legend, of, Dark, Elf, DarkElf, AoE2 Noob, OCD, Sim City, Role Play, AoE2, aoe, aoe2de, age of empires, definitive edition, t90, t90official, noob, funny, wow, wtf, surprising, onion strategy, forest nothing, blue coffee, fatslob
Id: Hf-62WEaVtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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