The Holy Ram | Low Elo Legends #21

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this is either going to be really good or really really bad this is also why democracy is not good all right it's better i'm definitely for dictatorship when it comes to polls and streams i want to be able to choose what i want to do don't look too uh far into that comment okay so pascano is here oh whoa what is this map jen okay so this is sub 600 elo low elo legends and they are not that far away from each other uh at least the water is in between them we have ascano who's going to start off making four houses because four is better than two ascano is playing as the britons and then in the blue we have unreal uh we are less than well now we're a minute into the game but both players have already chopped a straggler tree so this is how you know this is low eagle legends red i think did it by mistake blue is doing it intentionally i don't know why he's chopping wood right now because he starts with wood but uh anyways he's cummins so i'm thinking eventually a second tc let's play some bets to make things interesting shall we i don't think that either player is going to make a dock for a long time if at all on water maps high level players are going to get out here after sending six to sheep and four to wood and they're gonna dock and they're gonna make fishing ship however at this elo i don't expect to see players dock and make fishing chips i think instead they'll go for a mill on the berries so how confident am i is the question because i want to make a bet with gifted subs hmm okay i can't go too crazy the 24 hour stream on the 29th is gonna be crazy okay um if a player docks before the 20th minute now i feel like this is a pretty bold bet because 20th minute's a long time i will give 10 subs to the stream okay 10 subs just like that there's a lot of people here who might want that i think that's reasonable not per dock because knowing low evil legends one guy's probably gonna make like 16 docs before the 20th minute we're just gonna do it if they dock all right ooh satanical says also they will not laura bore you think so all right put your put your subs where your mouth is buddy oh he says he bets five thousand dollars okay yeah what all right five thousand dollars all right that's awful generous of you that's great is just me or would the four house opening elude to just going to a different game diesel bubba are you saying that you don't want to watch this after watching the four houses at the start because if so i feel like you've you and i have very different taste the more houses i see the more i click i actually got into a bit of a conversation with the player on youtube because i mentioned during low eater legend cast that it's not good to build four houses at the start because that's more idle time then it's less wood he was explaining how he didn't feel like that was a big deal and uh kind of talk through how it actually is kind of a big deal uh because any idle time you have early matters so much more in the late game uh if you're you have a hundred population and you build uh excessive houses it's not a big deal but when you only have 13 villagers and they're standing underneath your town center this is a very big deal ready he also stopped creating villagers but he still has more villagers somehow okay he's back to it i was gonna say 25 subs with the doc thing but knowing my luck they both would have docked greyton i i don't think they're going to i think they might take a boar i don't think they'll lure the boar in a traditional way i think they might run out to it but mining camp at 15 pop from unreal this is this is someone get me a thesaurus uh unreal now that is a juicy mining camp because you can take the gold and the stone i bet you any money but he keeps one on gold and one on stone just because it feels nice to take a little bit of both from one mining camp actually not the worst mining camp ever it's still better to macro well and make your own mining camp on the gold and your own mining camp on the stone but i don't hate it that is that is the low evil legend mining camp though that and the fact that he probably will never make another one i think red's auto scouting at the moment there are extra sheep on mediterranean so he might get lucky remember he's britain so that'll be helpful right and he's farming right now all right so the guy who bet five oh he forgot a sheep and he doesn't have small trees i bet so he can't see the sheep because of how big the tree is on his screen the tree's probably this big and the sheep is hiding behind the tree you can't make it up of all the places for that sheep to go it's behind the tree okay but it's alright he found two more so you lose one sheep you find two just another day in the life so a large portion of this map does not matter then i kind of want blue since he's cumins to go feudal and build the second tc in the corner of the map oh he lowered a boar that's five thousand bucks okay i lied he said uh i bet they won't laura bohr he said nothing about five thousand bucks i made that up they're both making lines of houses that's cute there's no t90 cp mode because we can't have an emo for everything we [Music] wait no and why'd you talk there damn it he's probably bet you any money he's not even gonna make a fishing ship you better make a fishing ship okay he's gonna try but he's housed what's that a mill what oh no he's making a mill here because it's between the deer and the boars so he sees that as more efficient oh boy okay that's still a lot of walking time i love this see someone asked me what my what my preferred elo is for lowly the legends and i love -600 okay if he doesn't use the fishing ship i'm gonna be tilted all right use it for something deep fish good oh he knows okay it's worth it that's worth the 10 gift subs i'll do that after the stream two barracks and a duck what's up with 600 evil players docking nowadays all right so he's also gonna place a dock is that 20 subs no no no no no that's 10 that's 10. we saw a lot of barracks today all right well just already that the amount of eco units is higher for red got two more because the fish and chips and then he could also create villages out of his tcs at the same time he's making a or he has made a gigantic line of houses this is hilarious to me is he just gonna do this to the edge of the map 11 houses perfect number because this is funny and then maybe we'll take the boars now oh god that is a weird mining camp he's gonna take the golds go feudal maybe i like blues walls these make a lot more sense actually i mean i guess they do i would wall like this and i would then wall like this and then i'd wall like this i'd use the wood lines but he just he just went for one diagonal wall actually we could tell how zoomed out he is from that he must be playing at this resolution or maybe even more zoomed because there's no way he could get that one diagonal line if he was zoomed in like this so he's probably playing on a resolution like this i guess yep i think that's what happened all right um i like to theorize on that kind of stuff ooh blues found extra sheep all right that's that's good stuff we're going to stone the sheep is still safe we've got the farms around the mill and not the town center pretty stuff i like how this is so amazing because low elo is so non-aggressive that it's okay for red to farm forward on a hill with no loom he doesn't even think twice about it he's like yeah what's the big deal i need food whereas you know a thousand elo you have to farm around your tc but these guys are i think five six hundred right so long blue is on his way to blue made two docks and he's queueing up two fishing ships from one dock but he's fishing uh high level players would make fire galleys in feudal then clear out the water no i'm not come on i'm not gifting 10 subs per doc that's extreme thank you av royal for gifting one sub though also what's up early 1653 that is a decent feudal time i'll give him that could certainly be way faster and he's got some weird zig zaggity walls [Music] red is attacking the palisade wall and red is now going to pay the price and lose his scouts there's no way red can even run away because he's in dark age losing feudal oh wow oh oh red one's through oh my god he's making so many militia he is five out and he has three more queued up there's a lot of man in arms and now we have the council militia had already prepped the barracks this guy foresees what the enemy's going to do with their attack he had these barracks 10 minutes ago he was ready the preparation off the charts here okay just gonna fish peacefully now he will have man at arms he's also gonna make a tower um a militia man melissa do so little the palestine walls is insane they will die to that tower i think red might still run through and this might be a trap blue wants the wall i don't think he can click wall nope red's through now uh red do not fight this do not fight this this is bad news oh gee just for one veal kill blue attack him you have your tower that blew attack okay controlling units is hard the hard skills blue clears this and is now going to make more walls okay good defense oh red don't get mad at arms you don't have any oh oh oh no never never mind he still has more huh also he's getting supplies so supplies we bring this up a lot i call it the noob bait right so supplies is 150 food 100 gold to research and that means your militia line is like 20 food or 15 food off so in order for that to pay off you need to create around 10 militia say or 10 10 militia line now he has created 10 the problem is he lost seven of them and then he made these before supplies so technically he got supplies when wanting to make over 10 but he got supplies after making them so he's got to make more to be able to justify that and here he goes last he checked this was uh open and now he'll see that palisade wall and that was part of the original wall that's not gonna work now he's gonna attack here um oh boy he's actually cued up fish traps inside of his dock oh and he's feeding a trick he's gonna trade did he is that a hotkey issue did he click the wrong thing i think he clicked the wrong thing you can trade with the enemy come on come on you can take no no no no don't destroy the dock trade with him ah i'll explain the fish traps thing in a bit this is some real crazy spam i have to say like red is winning economically all right uh you know you have to get rid of the closest dock that way you can trade with the the furthest one what is this what the unreal has some really peculiar walls and he has some stables going up over here he doesn't have near as much on food though and here comes some fish traps for red so i get this question a lot when i comment on fish straps t90 how many or when should you make fish traps so you should make fish traps when you're out of keep fish and you're out of shore fish though he is making fish traps there's another trade cog or is that the same one another one uh yeah he's making fish traps at the wrong time it's instead of putting 100 wood into one fish trap it's better to make another dock here and then be closer to the deep fish but the fishing chips are currently winning red the game [Music] i don't know where blue's score is coming from is that just because he auto scouted i feel oh he got the sheep i feel like he is so little going for whoa i didn't realize he had this stable here with this many scouts so naturally he has scouts so he's going to upgrade infantry he just got scale mail armor whatever i mean he's still got some infantry units here it's not the end of the world red spent a lot of his time attacking the dock and blue just built a new one blue just built a new dock red destroys two docks and he just goes nope i like that one boom new dock what ready hey red's been killing it and he's he was producing a lot also when you you uh put the fish traps in here like this when one expires it will automatically reseed which is or reseed or refish i guess um but that's 200 wood he has in his dock right now he's not spending i would not suggest sorry for the yard ah i'm not sure just doing that oh my goodness you see what i'm seeing blue is gonna go for the flank he actually has an archer range a stable and a siege workshop over here oh and he's also gonna go this way this could win in the game despite not having fishing ships this could win him the game red doesn't have loom meanwhile red's thinking oh i've got the win this is glorious i'm i'm cleaning up on water i'm gonna trade with him but he's gonna get slaughtered one villager two three and uh there will be more what elo is this this is actually the finals of uh hidden cup four and we've changed up the names a bit 100 000 prize pool and i can't believe it but someone's forgotten loom in the finals surely that's gg i mean especially if blue were to make some fight blue is making fire galleys it was all a bait he actually wanted to make fire galleys he kills that farmer he kills the lumberjacks [Music] what a an unbelievable turnaround and poor red just noticed that's so sad he just noticed this and he's finding out the hard way he probably had no clue hey blue is i guess blue's like pack it up boys we've done enough no stay here stay here you can still kill more you don't need to leave you're good this is so stupid i mean stupid in a funny way not stupid in the mean way come back oh my god [Laughter] oh my god i'm breaking oh my god i'm actually crying right now [Music] why why am i breaking oh why did that break me so much [Laughter] i'm so sorry i can't stop laughing [Music] okay snap out of it all right blue's gonna win this i think [Laughter] we've got an upgrade we've got an upgrade we're stronger this time our units have been able to rest and regroup we've had nice warm meal we have energy now ah i am legit crying like i have the ability to show you guys face cam but you don't want to see what i look like right now tears just streaming down my face oh my goodness oh i mean if red had more fishing ships let's say maybe he had a chance has a chance i mean honestly if he makes a market and he sells some food he does have the buildings well he's one building away from having the buildings to go up i guess he just didn't realize that this was open that whole time you should see the cat looking at me right now the cat is so confused no don't no no hey hey have it don't you run away with your army like that yeah sorry the cat was chewing a bag fight with your army you stay at the woodline all right don't chew the bag um but blue did a lot of damage with the scouts he oh wait did he patrol there looked like a patrol oh no you can fight okay all right whatever he could have cleaned that up i could see why he might think stop chewing things sorry this cat is chewing boxes and bags hey i think i need to let the cat out the cat's the cat's bored one second okay sorry i think i don't know what he's up to he might just be bored or in a playful mood but uh can't have him chewing on things oh man i haven't laughed that hard on stream in years like i remember i did so at the end of a 24-hour stream when i was tired but this is just a normal stream it was just so funny to me how the scouts ran away like that and now red this is a good play he's actually gonna stonewall this bring his army back he's going to make a tower little boy well blue got to hand it to him he did a better job protecting his economy and he did a better job attacking so that's what age of empires is all about and i think he's gonna save this army and maybe upgrade it okay he's gonna make it cc in the north with one villager that's funny he sees a lot of the map and he's going to make light cap with chain guarding i i feel like if red clicks up to castle soon he has a chance he's starting to play some towers but if he doesn't click up to castle age i think maybe [Music] oh no he's going to gold yeah he's going to be out of hope soon uh you're laughing burst out was absolutely adorable and you got me laughing hard too it was fun i'm glad you guys enjoyed that oh it just broke me he's just like no i did enough damage let's run away and then he just swooped back in after one upgrade so i laughed really hard but i think think the reason he ran away is because he lost his army to one too many town centers or like he knew that red would probably deal with that so he ran away because he didn't want to lose his army when he wasn't paying attention that's my guess he knew he wasn't going to be able to pay attention for a bit so he just ran away before coming back in um unreal is gonna get is going for long sword now long sword university why would you need to you don't tell me he's gonna get murder holes the light cav are still down here new tc why university right now does he want guard tower maybe murder holes i knew it i knew he wanted murder holes he's gonna get murder holes in masonry this guy is his priority straight murder holes means you have no minimum range with towers and castles but that does not help the situation at all oh red found him but yeah the light caps should clean they're not so light when they're up against feudal age units all right murder holes i love how relatable murder holes is because we've all gone through a stage where we felt like murder holes is the best tech ever masonry isn't bad it's just that these are pretty expensive i think blue by he could still use this army to attack right um but then he might make another force and swoop in it was a really good game plan i have to give him that and he sees the skirmishers we'll clear those out look at that kd [Music] down bell yeah see this is what he didn't want he doesn't want to lose his army good unit control really good job for a 650 player or whatever he is uh wow there's a tower now too okay not bad not bad not bad not bad red comes back maybe red clears this now oh god he rang the bell i think he tried to unring the bell and then rang it again okay a castle here well good thing that castle's gonna have murder holes without murder holes i don't think that castle would do anything is he gonna loop the whole way around with the oh my god i i love this strategy okay there's three more recruits wait where are you going oh these guys are veterans it's like a typical thing where they don't want to trust the new kid to do the job so that they're like oh you're just going this very important scouting mission in our own base they say don't we already know what's going on in our base yeah we do but we just need someone young and fit like you to keep track of everything oh whip or snapper is this is this the second time that he's gone full circle i want to see this guy's normal game i wonder if this is how he's just treating this map now it will be interesting because he does not know about the walls there i guess technically he could make a transport ship okay red just unrang the bell and he's going to have loom that's good that's an important upgrade to get at 45 minutes i feel like blue's gonna be like dang it when he sees the stone walls what do i do red could make his own castle i have a feeling that's gonna build it forward normally i'd say build it at home i feel like a castle drop is what he needs to change the game that he needs more economy but like maybe something crazy aggressive to surprise blue now blue has a ram one single ram i can't wait for him to group up all this and click it together and watch the light cav move really slow oh that's true yeah maybe maybe he tried to click his uh units past here and they start going the other way and he got confused blue with a panic castle this is why you have the the young whippersnappers here that's how you say it right oh boy well i mean he's got full upgrades on the light cap and there's long swords so i think blue will clear this [Music] why am i making noises i don't know yep he clears okay never a doubt slightly a doubt castle will be completed and then blue will be fine uh red really likes infantry and he's gonna go long sword he saw blue did it so he said give me some of that blue for the time being is doing other things 61 villagers red is in castle just adding more economy nope no new villagers just live in life however there is a sheep here he could see it he does not care [Music] ready just played a great game unfortunately his game dropped oh that sucks i always feel bad step husbandry and crossbow i feel like blue's just getting everything at this point i don't know if he knows what he wants or even what step husbandry does because that increases the production speed of light cav of course he knows then his one stable will produce really fast it's the perfect strat it increases the creation speed of light cap cav archers does that also affect step lancers guys i forget a well-timed castle from blue and red is just passing hmm he got crossbow which i don't see any reason for funny enough he probably needs a few archers uh here comes red let's see if blue rings the bell orphee garrisons ding ding ding ding rings the bell of course and red will lose his long swords just passing and just dying uh the town bell though so many idol villagers everything stops working oh boy oh god and sometimes when you unring the bell units won't come out of castles and towers and players will never realize at this level so he's gonna have 23 idols for the rest of the game oh oh never mind how dare i underestimate this player good job i don't mean to be mr negative pants but red is dead wait oh no way he wants to do the same thing blue is doing he wants to run around and castle drop the other side what are these villagers like i'm so excited oh man he's getting slaughtered i think eventually yep oh the villagers are gonna fight back hello [Music] i swear this is gonna break me this guy's gonna break me what is happening did he was he defending the ramp i think dave says he's guarding the ram on stand ground i think i think you called it i think he was maybe guarding the ram that's why they acted so funny red is attacking the end piece of palisade oh come on send villes through there come on oh oh no who cares you're gonna lose anyways just do it for the highlight reel just send bills through here herbal medicine what the herbal medicine why are we researching herbal medicine he's getting all the monk techs he's taking researching the text to the next level he probably doesn't even know what herbal medicine is in fact type of one in the chat if you don't know what herbal medicine is oh no the houses the houses not the houses hey the woodline raid is working out with three skirmishers and one long sword blue still has the very offensive sheep in red's town red is making crossbows and long swords to defend from this still on 31 villes okay that's funny dave i i like how blue like a lesson you can learn from him is he continues to create bills he might not be oh god he might not pay close attention to everything but he does continue to create villagers what is herbal medicine um if you're so not every civilization gets it uh i was gonna this is where i need dave i was gonna make a weed joke i'm not the guy to make a weed joke i was gonna say like not every civilization gets it because it's not legal in every town but that was that's the joke for dave to make i like how the light covers still out here with the cav archers ah yeah maybe he's going for the um maybe he's going for the text just for score i i guess i mean verbal medicine is pretty useless so i forget the exact wording on it i think it means you heal faster right it'd be embarrassing if i don't know it actually screw it it's not embarrassing i think it means you heal faster in a castle right units garrison and buildings heal six times faster wow dave said it was four times faster so even he didn't know it's that's how rare it is did they change that i think they might have changed it though actually i think yeah yeah yeah there was a change okay blue's trying to leave his base but he's just walled his units from out from doing so at the same time red is coming over here no i think you had it dave i think it was changed [Music] i wish he would get his freaking blacksmith upgrades that's what i wish blue's not getting his blacksmith upgrades he is getting capped ram um oh he's gonna get capped ram for the one single ram he's 100 protecting the ram dave you called it he's guarding the ram right now look how they're surrounding it they're all worshiping the ram worshiping the holy ram and blues defended this side i can't wait for him to creep forward with this though it's going to look so amazing making the golds imp what is this nonsense eco and imp what a beast all right you will be in the imperial age at 100 102 minutes one hour and two minutes on the dots this is uh is it less than 600 needle yeah i think it's 580 elo against 570. [Music] i feel like red is more aggro blue's more of a boomer and blue just ended up getting some good defense come on blue use this as a defensive army we all want to see the light cap do work come on i hope the red gg is the second that the the ram shows up can you see just how important it is to create villagers though red has completely forgotten he created five ever since reaching castle age in that zone forward castle though that's good does have a lot of crossbows and a lot of long swords at least he produces stable for some reason wouldn't be beyond low elo to make a scout just to look around okay lou has tons of resources two stables oof kooky sorry about that thanks for the eight months though glad to entertain you not sorry about that fact you want blue to transport ship i mean this game is over right i'm not really like some people are really impatient or they're just judgy and they're like fight damn it fight but for me i just i'm really curious to see what blue does here because i i i was broken earlier oh okay first thing he does an imp is move the ram forward oh my god c dram so he's one ram he's two stables but he's step husbandry so they produce a bit faster he's got one single ram he waited that whole time instead of making like you know ten tapped rams he needed one siege ram and he is guarding is this is either guard or follow on the ram but he's got to click the ram forward oh god the enemy's here oh god not the precious ram we can't have that dead see this is why you use the follow command all right here comes oh he's waiting he was actually waiting for cdram i think and he's getting all the texts is he hiding it in the trees what if he doesn't have small trees mod and he lost it oh god no don't push the other side that's boring that'll win you the game we don't want that actually um as he rams this side red's gonna have to deal with it and then he could always push this side it's a pretty good tactic if the game was closer nice job from blue [Music] yeah red is still in castle age he does have a lot of military here why why are we retreating with the holy ram why are we going backwards wait i bet you he clicked it he doesn't know where the wall is right he probably clicked it here and now the rams gonna get to the other side [Laughter] this game like we all know what's what's great about that is that's relatable it's relatable so we know what happened but [Music] oh my god the build-up though he's probably looking for it he's probably like where is it [Laughter] oh my god i love this guy i hope i hope red doesn't reside uh i hope red holds on i need to know i need to know what happens oh my goodness this game come on red come on hold on please make more military damn it why didn't you boom use the knights just just defend i gotta know i've gotta know his plan please tell me your plan [Music] i wish i could i wish i could click the ram and it would tell me like what its move was like if you patrolled it or if you right-click something [Laughter] guys the whole way around the map oh my god you know if he takes out the ram the long swords might do pretty well against these skirmishers yeah like if he does he have more yes he's got more he can hold we can actually see it it's the perfect ending wait a second did he click his hussars forward no you're not worshiping the ram anymore what is this all right well the hussars have good upgrades and good numbers he stopped protecting the ram for red defensive castle still not giving up 47 pop castle will go up could give blue some problems you know what that means you know what blue needs the ram and here it comes let's go yeah here it goes one ram 6 000 gold rams on the other side we don't need those that's just for our second third fourth fifth and sixth attempt if we need it red will defend i believe he has murder holes and here comes the oh oh oh nope that's not gonna work okay all right he's judged that correctly all right so now we've got to back up don't want to throw this game what's he have on water holy fishing ships i didn't realize he had that many don't tell me he's gonna send all of these rams over now new lumber camps actually he actually command cued for lumber camps with one group of villagers that's funny great you could go for anything he's gonna wait for trips i suppose that's exciting oh oh my word this this game like and i hope i'm not coming off as disrespectful right like i hope that blue watches this and he's like wow that is really funny like some of the small things when he ran away i can understand why he did it but i'm just not used to seeing it and it was just so so funny double bit axe double bit axe is a freaking futile age upgrade red hey look at it this way the next time you play you couldn't possibly be later than that one hour and 13 minute double bit x it's almost better to just never get it that way you save face he's taking an overdrive now getting all of his eco upgrades all right blue blue is really protective of that ram he sent it backwards all right using trebs he is really worried he's going to lose this apparently okay champion now okay well i wanted to see what would happen with the ram no i just kind of want the game to end uh his production is well he's going to make hustlers because they produce really fast so it'll be fine it's fine i'll speed it up a little bit he's gonna he definitely wants to get upgrades on everything he probably doesn't know what works except for rams so he's just getting all the texts his score is going to get way higher because of the techs billy just needs to get to his blacksmith and get a few more um and then he could he could pull the trebs forward right now most likely but he's going extra slow to attack the house why does he have 57 on wood because he needs to make ramps that's why like i don't know what is funnier here the scouts for the ram like both of them are so cute to me oh man red you just need to have better economy i liked your aggression but you needed to have better economy i like how he made fish traps in the middle of the water as well instead of next to the dock which is totally fine blue uh now has a castle on this side it's like genghis khan like he wants to wipe red's existence off the face of the earth so no one knew and no one knows who's ever here oh god how to throw away your longbows 101 use your longbows to attack the trebs and lose all of your longbows to the army yup well it was over anyways uh he felt like he needed to keep the castle up and uh one trebuchet will remain 257 kills ah that's not that many kills on the ramp the ram is here slovo it zoom in boom yes and the trip did he use the trebuchet to guard the ram wouldn't surprise me if he did wouldn't surprise me at all this is where um if this was back in like 2004 your mom would get a phone call and your internet would disconnect and you'd lose the game so thank god that we have servers nowadays and that internet's a bit different [Music] um all right the rams doing it i can't believe we judged the one ram policy actually doing it red steel doesn't want to resign is blue gonna have to defeat this guy just like nope oh oh not the ram why aren't you protecting it not the siege ram protect it quick come over here quick take out the castle you lose the game if you don't take out the cast oh you got it yes with its dying with its dying ram it's dying it took out the castle whoa oh boy he's made a siege [Laughter] oh god he's got two rams now wow the next attack's gonna be twice as strong oh god does he know the walls are there he does right okay i was just hoping he wouldn't click beyond again and go the whole way around all right so he has kip checks batards and some traps this is where it's just fun to be in blue's position right it's fun because there's no pressure on him whereas red there's pressure actually red might be at the stage of the game where he realizes he's dead but he's still gonna try and hold on for as long as possible that's his own little game here is to just keep playing you become more experienced you play more games and you normally gg and tap out but that's not how these guys are playing at all they're like do you guys agree that there's a beauty in this like this is how the game is played by most people who've ever played the game um even slower than this like there is a beauty in seeing the game this way i like it do you want to hear a crazy crazy thing if you were to have given red uh like if a top 200 player would have taken control of red's current position there to take that now i think they could still win um it'd still be really tough but i think they could defend with pike skirm for a bit i think they could somehow get the relics i think they could somehow come back ready all right it would take a long time but i'm fairly certain they could okay red making some scouts we got faith now also a very expensive oh look at the t90 creep it's working now the t90 creep fervor i think he's getting all texts i know he's getting all text ngg read um he lost that scout and he realized up i don't have a fighting chance anymore gg well or he sensed that fervor was incoming i'm not sure but um that was a whoa did my audio just spike like crazy we good i just looked at my streaming program and it looked like it was okay audio in general is louder today than uh the streams a few days ago though right audio is good okay i i think the audio in general is louder than normal or no sorry nothing normal than what it was a few days ago cool cool anyways that was a journey maybe it's not i it looks to be on my screen oh oh wow i didn't see this um i i just love blue so much man the scouts and when he ran back that was so funny i was crying and then it took a full five minutes to get the ram around and he eventually took out the castle it was beautiful okay thanks for the feedback guys uh 303 kills for him he had way more of every single resource i don't really know where things went wrong for red you know you look at the timeline you can't really tell was it the economy was it the military was it the 20th minute or was it the 40th minute i can't tell where the difference was between the players it was that competitive no he got hit here right i think he got hit pretty bad right around this time then the scouts ran away and they came back in the form of light cav and red just never added more eco uh blue did a good job i think red uh kind of mentally lost the game after that first raid you know like i see it all the time where someone gets attacked and then they just lose their train of thought and then gg so i think that was probably it he just forgot i see it at higher levels too players forget to repop their villagers
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 195,071
Rating: 4.8962808 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Low Elo Legends, Low, Elo, Legends, Noobs, Beginners, Funny, LOL, LMAO, compilatoin, compilation, AoE2, Age of Empires 2, T90, T90Official, The, Holy, Ram
Id: 94s46U1O1-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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