Hidden Cup 4 | GRAND FINAL & Reveal (Best of 7)

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so after four straight days of non-stop age of empires action two names have arrived to the grand final and it's live and there's a pause wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful the beauty of live games but it just gives us time to do our wonderful introduction here um in the the now red we're going to change the admiral again we have admiral yi sun shin a player who has lost one game every series to get here but that is significantly less than john the fearless and is playing as the aztecs dave and then john the fearless many people feel they have guests had a very tough road again the bulgarians on arabia and aztecs generally the favorite civilization i think for arabia probably the best arabia civilization of all time if you look at the history of this game and bulgarians like you said maybe not the first choice people would go with but john the fearless proving that they are a viable option in his first set sure yeah and uh well this is one reason you pick the aztecs the aztecs have an eagle and you can go forward and it cannot be fought by a scout unless the scout wants to lose and we have a lame from the admiral something that admiral has been doing all tournament there's been a villager block here there there's been a few aspects where you just tell this player is always going to be aggressive and there's two boars here dave i i think it'd be a horrible idea to steal one but you could be annoying yeah it's gonna be really tough at the back of the base right yep and especially since john i think john spotted both of those so if he sees one running away it's going to be easier for him to block he's slightly out of position though right now yeah it's awkward because you kind of need to scout your base but you also need to pay attention to that i think what admiral might do since admiral already has the sheep is just just sit around here and try and block a villager if that boar's gonna be brought in but at the same time came forward so early does he even have yeah he doesn't even have his resources at home dave so maybe he's just happy with the pig steel and i'm wrong okay uh mbo confirmed here baby with this eagle just just lingering well there are two boars out there and eventually john the fearless is going to have to go up for the boar can he lame the villager and does he suspect that the eagle might be hanging around there john does not see the eagle of course the thing is you just need one hit nowadays so blocking there is so tough and admiral is going to think about it and now admiral's just passing so yeah that's fine jon's going to be okay here and john's going to weaken the boar with the tc or inside the tc era confirmed and he's even here to even push in some deer dave so i suppose i mean admiral is just going to give up now it's worth the effort and we look towards feudal yeah and admiral still hasn't scouted his whole base so there's two pigs at the back that he hasn't found but he did take two from john the fearless earlier so he's gonna even out uh with his economy and he'll probably find those fairly soon yeah it's natural to just come home now maybe push in a deer and then scout i will see the boar is gonna come in in just a second but the thing about bulgarians is they do get the man in arm upgrade for free the thing about aztecs is that they start with additional gold which gives them a very potent man-at-arm opening so they we definitely are going to see men at arms and the approach we saw from john the fearless uh back when it was i think round two was john the fearless just went for man at arms and full walls and a bunch of equal upgrades and farms and with bulgarians obviously your blacksmith smith texts costs less yep so it's easier to upgrade your units and go for those snowbally uh sorts of pushes the one thing i'm concerned about for john the fearless is his base is really open at the front and we know how he likes to play defensive so he's gonna have to figure out some way to lock down that gold and those berries yep yeah things to think about here four inside the tc three shots weakening with the bills i really think the potential here is maybe even just a fast feudal man at arms because you don't need to have the resources to get the main arm upgrade of course when you're in the next stage so maybe 21 pop one pop faster can give john the fearless an edge and here's the the barracks and this is for a 22 population up to feudal age for admiral who did find his uh pigs and is also going to push in a deer dave so he has a ton of resources i think you mean 21 pop my friend oh yes i do mean that thank you for correcting me it's 21 for both so maybe expecting that exactly the same up time for both of them okay now here's a question jay how much do you think the players were paying attention to the games over the last day because they did have to play their semis yesterday but they could have always gone through the vod they could have always watched the live stream do you think they were really looking out for what the uh opposition was doing i think you have to yeah if you're at this level with this prize pool this like the fame the prestige that comes with winning a hidden cup i i think they'd be studying pretty hard who their opposition might be and these builds right now are identical yeah except for the going out to gold because john the fearless doesn't really need to do that because bulgarians get the free minute arm upgrade but the problem is you don't have an archer follow-up so what he did previously was go for greedy approach and he's going to go for horse collar which get means his farms will last longer and his wood upgrade but he did it behind walls i don't know if it's super realistic for him to do anything behind walls if the militia already coming forward for admiral then again if he catches them out dave he's going to get the upgrade instantly that could be oh my god this is so bad for admiral surprise huge for john the fearless and the powerful you need to run away he got some good hits but yeah he's running back with only two now the scout is still alive oof dream scenario if you want to go for eco upgrades behind us as well but we do see a range for john so not quite the style he did in the past as the militia i mean at this point you just skipped the man at arms upgrade i think it's it's a good reaction from admiral to not get the upgrade well you're not really gonna get any value out of it right put the resources into something else and he's even delayed building the archer range he knows how important getting the walls down are don't let these men at arms in to wander around your economy john the fearless that's an easy snipe there of that eagle too so if you look at that kd it is two for zero and john the fearless has had a lot of practice over the last few sets i'm sure he's feeling really good about the start here too for the admiral this is this is a pretty rough one right because how are you going to be able to counter the enemy and also the enemy's going to have some skirms out there dave [Music] really great openings from both players really really clean that scout did take a big hit which hurts but scout's still out there you know and the live scout is better than a dead scout that's my model from john the fearless already he's going to be walled in like 20 30 seconds he's gonna have a huge base here uh and a bit of first game nerves perhaps admiral just got housed badly oh no wait a second the house was going up i lied okay it's in there in the south and the archers out and yeah walls are already down they've this is something we've seen so frequently uh did not go for the horse collar upgrade but to be honest it's not standard to go for horse car it was just that one time but dave the scout and the man in arms is really going to get an archer pick off it does right as we hit 60 000 viewers everyone that's crazy that is value that he should never have gotten with that army credit to john for keeping that alive and and it's a heads up play picking that archer but i think admiral will be kicking himself for losing that unit for free sure definitely i'm with you there one range investment but if you're admiral you've got to be hesitant because when he was over there with the eagle he saw a range going up and so you almost need to make archers if you're going to be aggressive but the enemy might have skirms i think the play here dave is just honestly sit at home sit at home macro your way to the next stage because uh moving out could just put you further behind look at what both players are doing right now john the fearless scouting with his starting scout spread out his men at arms to explore the map and admiral has a spearman in the top he knows he's probably not gonna need it and he also has a militia over on the left-hand side just exploring the map looking for the extra resources yeah and also just seeing and look at that micro from john he's like nah nah you can't catch me um but yeah just seeing where the enemy's at too like that militia is sitting right on that archer range and john only has one skirmisher in there that is really sneaky he's making admiral think that he's investing it a lot but in reality that's not happening at all well with bulgarians like are you really ever gonna over invest in skirmishers maybe not especially when you're fully walled right doesn't make you think about it though yeah scout goes down there i think the way that john the fearless is playing this is as he has played so many games in this tournament is rely on macro and get away with as little as possible early and i think he's going to try and just go up to maybe something like knights in the next stage today but saying that he's actually going to get fletching which is discounted with bulgarians and he is going to push out with some skirms okay couple skirms in the archer range another one on the way and the archer is for admiral just staying at home and he he is still producing them but he is making an extra eagle as well okay i think it's still more than likely that we could see double barracks or double range for admiral so he'll have to make some decisions when he's on his way to castle age but similar up times i think uh wheelbarrow will be in for john so i think his farming eco will be looking good and there's the stable behind all this yeah it feels kind of weird going for eagles against bulgarians too you get the upgrades for free right it's such an easy counter switch if you want to go into some long swords and i think that's maybe why you pick bulgarians because it's good against men in arm opening yeah and then it makes them think twice about switching it to eagles so it's actually really really fascinating to see that this choice is and so consistent here as admiral is on the way up so is john no considerable losses david just slight lead and uh i'd say control currently for john but then again there's an eagle out there his skirmishers can't deal with that and his skirmishers aren't super scalable right he's going to be going into cavalry in the castle age he did make the stable he does have wheelbarrow though which the aztec player does not have so if you guys are wondering about the difference in villagers um the time it takes to research wheelbarrow is the difference right there yep yeah uh also some idle tc time for admiral which i did notice was a trend comparing admiral to some other players he does have some idle tc time which is avoidable now i think admiral will know that the enemy's not committing to skirms because there's only four and there's not a single upgrade he actually canceled fletching so he runs away but that means he could maybe get away with archer numbers dave and he's just gonna go one barracks one archery range he's not investing into too many buildings here and the scout for john has to run away and this will tell admiral though to be careful this will be all in nights we're not all in nights but it'll be all about nights for john the fearless i think you kind of already knew that coming into the game as soon as you see the sieve yep it's just how do you respond to it right and he's chosen to keep his army at home he's gonna get it upgraded what units does he go into in castle age is there a second ranger is he going super greedy or does he even potentially make some monks here you know it would be interesting to see a greedy boomy player against john the fearless cause he's been he's been a boomer himself in this tournament but i like the approach here this is map control and i think maybe if if john the fearless felt that he knew who he was up against in the previous set he thought the only way that he wins that best of seven is by playing a bit greedy here adding the second tc going two stable nights with the siege workshop so plenty of map control choices for the fearless yeah and second tc from admiral he's walling up still only one range weird right it's a little uh i mean it's it's just both players have shown that they're good with booming so i mean why not that villager running out there though makes me think he wants to do something else i mean if you could get a forward going with monks and siege against bulgarian it feels like it might be okay but it's just about getting that position in the first place and not getting flooded by knights well that's that's what i'm surprised by the fact that we don't have a monastery also these farms are admiral interesting okay i'm gonna reseed some of these get those upgrades in does have bodkin it's not really doing a lot to take the map in game one five villagers queued in one tc none in the other that would be some nerves here dave as we see it through gotta be some nerves right you're uh you've got to warm up sometimes and i think the unfortunate thing is the situation for john does seem stronger he's got the the knights out there and he's got the siege but if the crossbows find the woodline this is very bold to move forward with very little at home that tree is about to be fully chopped through is it uh what's it add i can't see it with capture age it's it's at six okay i can't capture it okay it's there it's at six wood which means the timing could be right for the cross supposed to run in then what's it add now it's definitely there's nothing it's at nothing it's not there there's a hole john the fearless is a is fighting on the front the crossbows arrive if the crossbows are clicked past they're gonna run right in dave how unfortunate oh my word holes that are the reason for losses in finals which makes me sad but it is part of the game he's forced to come back with all his army to address this and he's pushed completely off that golden off that wood line and honestly the crossbows are probably dead right because i mean soon admiral saw the situation he saw the knights on the front so he figures well these things are dead meat let's get as many kills and and just boom while this is happening and look at the scrambling for john the fearless oh man dave and this tc also has vil picks available yeah it feels really bad he was forced to go for that i think if admiral sees this tc just get as many villager kills as you can well it's good job from john to pull villagers away and he had two more dave so you're looking at five eco kills for zero and it's not just that but it's also the villagers you had to pull from resources it's the idle time yeah and that all stems from the fact that there was one over chop in that wood line sure the entire game plan changes here for john now he's not the one putting pressure on the aspects he's the one getting pressure put on him and that was a huge shot two huge shots like people have been speculating that admiral is the viper and some other big names but the micro from admiral it didn't it hasn't excited me much throughout this hidden cup i'll be honest with you dave it's the decision making that's been great and that split was uh it just didn't really do much for him there but does have an eco lead and it's going to tech switch with more barracks coming out now he also has some monks picking up the relics so he's thinking about the late game wheelbarrow just coming in for him now villager difference yeah it's about five or six so it's looking pretty good for think you go pikeman with i obviously continue to get relics with monks and whatnot too but i think going pikeman and they're just making sure you can always add in crossbows if the enemy goes long swords is the play here is jon gonna find that monk no he turns away so the monk is going to make it back with the relic and you've got a spearman attacking a magnet in the middle [Laughter] like how random is that that that is ridiculous and look at the scouting from admiral oh my god it's at the scouting is actually insane from him the spearman coming in clutch the extra eagle he made on the way to the feudal age and i think he's actually gonna find this tc over on the right hand side from john fourth tc for john can't too much about that i think it's a good decision from john and and that's the thing with admiral as i just haven't seen a lot of speed as we see the viewers here saying it it must be viper because viper's the only one who knows to scout the map in age of umpires um why not pikeman yet dave why no eagles why is it just small military numbers for admiral and sneaking armies it's an interesting style i mean he is getting the relics he probably knows he was up to three tcs faster yeah and he knows he did all that damage with the crossbows right so very true i guess he feels like he can afford to be greedy in this situation uh instantly clicks pikeman instantly starts queuing more probably should get some blacksmith upgrades the logic that i'm using here is if you get ahead stay ahead if you get a head start making military and don't kill your own knights here john the fearless there will be three relics in a second for admiral who i said in the first semi has collected more relics than any player i think really prioritizes the map control and it makes you think that this is a player who's not really of that new generation dave someone who's been around and a well-known name and i love the fact he's got that crossbow army to the left of john's base it is really crazy how he's got the eagle on the goal is this doubt i i generally thinking this could actually it could be doubt or jordan right here in the red could be jordan could be maybe could be yo yeah a lot of big names but barracks number two is about to go down and john the fearless has recovered with the bill count and insane amounts on food and this brings me back to my point from a moment ago where's the military admiral well admiral's building up pikeman and he does have four monks if he gets three or four conversions and then waits until he has enough pikeman yeah just and then he could potentially take this plus he has that crossbow army on the left side of john the fearless base so if john the fearless is not paying attention he could bust through those walls potentially do some more damage there oh man all the siege needs to back away because the monks power of aztecs and look at those resources for admiral he says all right i'm good let's go up towards the imperial age and you see a relic collected by john but it is three relics to uh what will be one i suppose so many moving parts in this game so far like little groups of armies everywhere the scouting for them is insane like even though skirmisher is getting value on the right-hand side for john the fearless and now he's looking for the army from admiral because it was attacking that host at some point yeah he's looking for it and he's going to find it dave and he's also going to find the imperial age admiral must be missing a second building or something because those resources are sky high and we still don't see imperial age there it is so what do you go for here do you continue to go with pikeman against bulgarians who can just go for two-handed swordsmen rip to the crossbows yeah it feels weird with aztecs right like what what is your answer i guess he's giving us an answer here and he's going supplies he's going to go into aztec champions i honestly love it because yeah if you go into pikes that gets countered if you go into pike and champion champions will be stronger than just two-handed swordsmen from bulgarians so it's really good foresight here and probably preparation from admiral to know that this is what john likes to do that box formation on the siege yeah i know right i know it's crazy also the eagle is attacking phil's on this tc that will be tc number five by the way for john and we know that john doesn't go away quietly in games quick walls tasty stuff here dave uh but there's still some moments here possibly for for john to delay a push out from admiral all relics collected at this point the knights need to run away and they do it is 140 pop for both how fitting for the first game of the final and it looks like oh man john the fearless taking into long swords here and he's he's he's producing them but how do bulgarian long swords or sorry champions fair up against aztec champions feel like the aztecs have the advantage there right i i would have loved to have seen jaguar warrior i think because you have the cat get the cast i think you you get that eventually you start with champions because you have the production and then as soon as you get the castles across the map and if your opponent is still going into infantry that's when you tuck into jaguars so i don't think you can open with that so the thing about bulgarians is they don't get champion but with beganes they have i think eight melee armor yeah and the armor is is really unique to them to the point where i've seen the game two-handed swordsman winning against enemy champions and even with things like world raiders with celts so it isn't just you know a simple thing here where you can say oh champion beats two-handed swordsman it's very awkward and big moment here it's such an awkward army comp for admiral as he's going immediately for garland wards he needs to get conversions here dave and i think he might get them he does have sanctity aztec monks two-handed swordsman is instant uh the monks go down and the two-handed swordsman will fight the pikeman any day of the week here that's not an awful fight at all for john the fearless as he has double the kd and another moment in this game where you see the instant infantry upgrades really paying off for bulgarians yep and garland war is coming through right away for admiral as well so he's gonna get that plus four on his infantry attack and now we got a kind of stalemate in the middle here but john the fearless with the five tcs he's up at 140 villagers get crazy watch that farm count for john 60 is nothing see the gains coming in so the two-handed source will be strong now i have i think i've just figured out a slight flaw in the game planning for admiral admiral's thinking let's get the relics and we'll be okay look at john the fearless and how he's paying attention to the sides of the map dave he's got the outpost on the right and i could definitely see this being problematic for admiral if he doesn't snowball push because john has expanded so much with castles and tc's in the flanks of his eco especially if you build some production buildings over there and get some raids and potentially he's got to be worried about these scorpions right now needs that champion upgrade before he can engage here garland wars was so expensive he can't afford it right now that's the problem and it's giving john the fearless quite a long time here to be able to switch into but we know he loves hussar let's see how this goes extra attack for the two-handed swordsman from the admiral and you see this fight and i think it's more than fine for john the fearless but gaines is sick yeah mcgains is doing some serious damage here at the scorpions behind especially but admiral has the reinforcements closer he's going to go for a second castle in that middle area still not getting champion upgrade though he doesn't have the food floating right now dave comes back to garland horse getting that tech prioritizing that i'm not even sure if like champion without garland wars would you would be doing better here that's how good the bulgarian two-handed swordsman are and it's looking good for john the fearless to maybe just switch aside you see a knight over here on the stone so he's paying attention to the other areas too what a great response from him you know because the crossbow is getting into the woodline that ends it normally would end a game i'd say okay castle is up the two-handed swordsman have to leave from john the fearless and castle on the left-hand side now from admiral okay i like that one and i i'd like to see the military go over to the right but but dave you're seeing villagers go out there the knight from before is still attacking and there's also two-handed swordsman and a crepos drop from john the fearless he's really protecting that area there's the champion upgrade finally coming through uh for admiral uh credit to admiral for getting all the attack upgrades first on the on the champions league usually what you do is you get the armor upgrade first for melee units but when your opponent has the tech like the gains yeah that'll give you plus five armor getting the attack is really really important so i believe and having never seen aztec champions with full upgrades against the two-handed swordsman the champion should wreck and so i think the the problem for admiral is simply just the lack of map controls you see another crep post on this side so all three out of the four corners controlled by john but he's got some reason to fear here dave he runs over to the krepos and what great timing on that i i don't think he has to be too scared of the krepos i mean it's only doing seven damage true true good point the hustlers are out and the champions are doing really well oh my goodness what a big difference there but look on the right hand side there's a castle coming up from john the fearless you were you were saying before this is risky for admiral to let this happen over here and john the fearless has taken complete control over that side of the map he's got hussars looking for a way in the production buildings in in the middle are insane and there's another wave of military coming right through the middle here and that's the problem only three on gold for admiral right now that four tile gold he needs that right now if it's just pikeman we know how pikemen are going to do against the two-handed swordsman and also with the other unique tech the hustlers do attack faster for the bulgarian so considering the hustlers don't cost gold i think that's a reasonable fight for john the fearless to be taking but he's going to end up running away maybe he just needed to get a feel for it just like us because this is something that's unique here 170 pop for both dave as long as john is keeping him busy in the middle here and controlling those golds he'll be fine with that because right now admiral is only taking gold i believe in the left corner and his relics yeah actually it's funny he took all that neutral gold but the four tile golds are still exposed uh the middle one and then this one over here and now he's coming forward for it don needs to yeah john needs to hold on to that david the best thing you can do if you're admiral is just try and take out those production buildings it really sucks to be so reactive and that's unfortunately where he's at with john's positioning feels like those relics he got earlier kind of keeping him in the game until he can get access to gold again the one in the middle is so risky you see the two-handed swordsman coming in again wiping up those villagers dude that are sick insane yeah insane behind this 60 farms for both actually it's just that two-handed swordsmen and hustlers do not cost a lot of gold so whereas i guess champions also doesn't cost a lot of gold to be real but it does feel like maybe there's a worry in admiral's mind that he can't be taking fights and he did invest a lot more to get these units out my word i'd love to see some trebs and it looks like he's making a couple of them to go after that castle on the right there's two treads there from john the first sorry three treads there from john the fearless up on a hill on that position so he's gonna start pushing now admiral has to kind of deal with that before he pushes into his main economy 150 pop for admiral but if this game is going to last longer he's just going to run out of space and run out of gold dave and i'm i'm really failing to see a way back unless he deals with the right-hand side we're even seeing some conics there yeah connix just wants some extra units on the field he's got a krepo's he's got a castle over there so why not the trebs from admiral are so exposed yeah oh no what are you doing dude oh no i don't think he's reacted to it why did they go there maybe some weird glitch or some misclicks from him but the cleanup in the middle was decent at the start for admiral who really still needs that gold yeah i think john knows that he'll never be able to win a straight up fight against the main army from admiral he just needs to keep it busy and start picking away at the sides and that's what he's doing over here at the right yeah and you need to force a straight up fight if you're admiral 170 pop first 190 now good engagements when the champions fight against the two-handed swordsman in numbers but this is a problem when the side of your base is exposed and john the fearless is in town don the fearless is going to see this as an invitation to send hussars there to kill every farmer it's like absolutely fearless this guy it's like john the fearless loves farm so much that he then makes a unit to take other people off of farms he doesn't even want you to have farms dave look at the production queue difference 11 villagers queued up in every tc for admiral and then you look over at john the fearless and he's got military queued up everywhere yeah this is not so good is it this fight seems good for admiral but it's one of many which just seems like it's going to be good for a time as the hustlers now stormed this gold yet again the population's high for admiral dave but i think he is just he doesn't have a way out right now what is this showing that kd doesn't mean everything yeah that's true yeah the uh also just i'm so impressed is we have a crevos drop the confidence the crepos drop here on the right side it's just so uh so well thought out to prep bulgarians against aztecs because the more i look at this you think about the amount of gold that admirals had to invest in these attacks it's not doing an awful lot it seems like a hard counter at this point yes just crazy you're forcing you're forcing the aztec player into one thing because that's the only thing that that counters your sieve and then you just engage with the champions with your own two-handed swordsman and raid from the side john the fearless has had a crazy journey john the fearless wins this game with some confidence dave and uh that is twice now he's used bulgarians throughout this tournament to counter aztecs in a game one there's a best of seven we will have a lot of games and if there's one thing i know about john the fearless he's not too great on islands and admiral yissan is so i think this next game is really going to be telling us to how competitive this final will be that first home map pick is by his own admission if we have the player right that is um not so good for john the fearless 142 villagers there from john the fearless and i think he had 140 villagers at like minute 34 or something sure something ridiculous well having military pressure as well and after those crossbow raids crazy start and a start of many crazy games uh my expectation here is that we will see islands uh this is live now so we don't have in-game chat thank you microsoft by the way um but we have a countdown on each game dave and apparently they've launched the next one but we have a countdown so i will let the viewers know what the uh what the map is it's gotta be islands right you know what the title of the game was viewers game literally just game it's not like you didn't call four finals game two they didn't even title it anything crazy it's just game g-a-m-e lowercase game portuguese against what did you see this i did yes and i'm as confused as you are okay at least you'll know where is his opponent's island is the viewers could probably guess john the fearless has picked vietnamese for islands and they do not really have any strong water bonuses but i guess he he didn't want to go vikings on water because vikings where portuguese could be a tough matchup when you think about vietnamese like it's it's not a terrible water sieve because you're saving on the the eco upgrades but like it's not great either yeah my word you know um if it is hera era told me that he didn't like islands and he would just full send it on islands so if you have vietnamese and you know where the enemy town centers are as their bonus why not just land here i mean you that's true you can land far away from the tc so the your opponent's not likely to find you yeah don't know anything else about their base but it's just a thought we have two minutes viewers thank you to all the new twitch primes getting near the last opportunity to sub the channel which goes towards the prize pool which is updating at the bottom of your screens everyone so thank you uh tom snuffles with a thousand bits dave just said barles is so op man let's go borrows let's go bar imagine if this was burles oh my god all like 50 000 people are gonna have to line up at his door to apologize yeah literally he'll be like don't apologize i i'm doing well in hidden cov4 who cares but uh you know i'm feeling good right now we have crazy viewer count we've broken some crazy records the hype continues the finals are looking good and you know what i'm still a healthy amount of viewers away from from losing my hair so this has just been a win-win-win-win-win for me so far everybody good thing we didn't make a 60k bet that would be it'd be rough so do you have to shave like half of it if for 60k no that's even worse than shaving my whole head oh okay no that would be horrible that was not previously established viewers are going to say yes get out of here calling my haircut horrible right now um you know if you would have made this joke earlier i would have been able to have a witty comeback but i'm tired so we're just gonna we're just gonna move on all right okay we're just gonna move on all right 50 seconds left in the countdown portuguese against vietnamese on islands there's nothing i like watching better than just like a yolo islands landing yeah they create the craziest games and in this case it's somewhat expected so i think admiral might take a different approach instead of trying to win water expect the landing maybe invite that pressure in some way shape or form thank you the fromm uh thank you crike thank you spoon thank you agmios 20 seconds we might see some archery ranges on some islands for all the memers here but um what if what if john the fearless just goes for some crazy minds game and tries to win water admirals got outposts all over his island and then can't find anything you could definitely do that definitely there's so many mind games with one islands that'd be sick i mean that would be so fun so unreal especially in a final okay so reminder we do not know who these players are we have an idea i think for john the fearless especially we we all feel strongly about this situation but uh for for admiral whoever he is he's been an amazing player and again has gone for the teal which i will always switch to the red from here on out um portuguese victorious for being one of the best water civilizations dave while they do have other bonuses it's all about lasting on islands and using caravels and fires and demos things like that but vietnamese first time i've ever seen them picked in a hidden cup on island so we kind of know something weird is going to happen here you know and if you know the layout of your own island tristan and you know the tc spot of your enemies island you can kind of guess where their dock is going to be because the islands are usually pretty mirrored like if one is at the bottom the other one's gonna be like horizontally placed at the top right there okay listen i'm not saying that whoever john the fearless is is is is dumb but there's no way they think about it that much right i mean you might you might know where if it's front talk i guess i could see what you're saying yeah if it's front dock you kind of have an idea that maybe it would be around here and you can avoid it later on it's just whether you read are they going for the back dock are they going for the front dock or are they going from the side right so i guess you get a good idea of where it might be but you don't know with 100 certainty okay uh so i think as far as the the games tend to go here at this level especially because admiral has not uh lost an island's game yet i think admiral is going to want to win here and need a win here you could argue because john has been really good on the land maps do you think we're seeing a back dock or a side dock or what are your thoughts on if you transport and you're not going to go for water control uh for john the fearless i feel like you might be able to get away with a front dock here but probably feels better to go back doc if you're transporting right okay cause you're gonna create fish along with it he's taking some hits from that boar yeah i got a little worried there okay boar's gonna be brought in and right underneath the dc it is easy-peasy and i see a villager heading towards the north dave so it's more of a side dock yeah and for admiral villager heading towards the middle so he's gonna go full front dock okay now my speculation on the landing incoming i think one thing that's very important if you sense or know that the enemy is landing you is as adding fishing ships so i think admiral's position is if you see the landing defend from it but then immediately just add fishing ships because if the enemy isn't committing to water you can gain eco that way okay john the fearless going for that side area it's a lot of fish over there and it's not too far from admiral's island if he makes a transport ship should be able to make it over to your point though you're exactly right because now he knows he's a bit further away from trouble so i really like that point but i think it'd be rather tough to know like where exactly the doc's going to be depending on the shape of the island also uh i guess it depends on the tc position on the island itself like this area here which you can't see dave but viewers that could all be water you never know but the golds are situated in an area for admiral where if he does get landed he's gonna have gold on either side it'd probably be more towards the north if we see a landing five on wood for john the fearless um i'm no stranger to the landing build so i think pretty soon you'd actually need to see a sixth on wood if you're going to time the transport because this is good for fishing ships but then the transport is 125 wood it's always weird right i always find you know i'm no pro player but i always find him like 30 seconds late yeah getting to the enemy island it's just it's so hard to judge and a lot of it also depends on your fist fish situation like how far does your villager have to walk to make the dock like how far away are your fish from your dock the up times vary right admiral neither player using their bores to weaken the um using the tc to weaken the bore excuse me so the scouts are on full hp you have to believe that admiral is probably expecting some type of landing and we have seen loom for john the fearless which might indicate that a transport could come out but doesn't have the wood for it yet second lumber camp this doesn't look like a transport build this looks like a water play and both players are up at exactly the same time so it very well could be do you think that maybe in john's mind he didn't want to waste vikings here and lose it he wants to save vikings for land because he feels he's so capable there maybe maybe he's banking on the mind games like admiral thinking oh vietnamese he's definitely going to land me yeah also important to note that uh john hasn't found two of his picks which really yep ow i guess he pushed in some of his deer but like oh oh he sees them okay he knows they're over there he just hasn't he scouted it with a pig i guess okay so he'll send the villager over there at some point he doesn't need him right away it just helps when you're making that transition into castle h yeah okay we've got two docks here for john the fearless two docks for admiral and this is what we've come to expect from islands and this is uh this is a map where admiral has destroyed every player he has been against and we actually see loom right after feud laid from admiral so yeah he's definitely expecting some type of pressure on land he doesn't see anything yet loom and town watch so look at what the sieve selection from john has forced him into yeah oh no don't kill the pig there oh god look he's even making outposts around he is really paranoid this is honestly amazing i mean if you think about the idle time alone yeah and then you know john john's gonna go into galleys so by the time he realizes he's gonna have made all this stuff on land a couple fire ships of his own and then he's gonna be up against masked galleys so john the fearless is basically using everything that he had said when cast well maybe casting with me uh saying that he sucks on islands and then the civ pick to maybe mind's game admiral into thinking a landing's coming and it's not coming people not yet anyways few villagers not working and just outposts everywhere okay don't go too close to that outpost to give him an indication of what you're doing he does see it but does does he notice it blue kind of blends in with the watercolor a little bit i think it would be i think both players would probably put on team colors here tape i think not true i think both players are playing as blue so they could probably see the enemy here on the mini map and yes the fire ships do swoop in here and the galleys have not found really any benefit here even missing out on this villager and i guess kind of works against john the fearless there because admiral has loom because he was expecting landing so that's which survives yeah i'm thinking if you're like if you're going galleys why not build them up a little bit yeah before heading out you know stay at home build your numbers and then you can win the the fights pretty convincingly once you have you know eight or nine of them i think the truth is is that john the fearless just doesn't really like islands and is just just sending it so here you've got fletching about to be in and truthfully a galley opening does really suit john and we know that john's good economically which is important on islands because you need to up the castlage fast but uh galley coming out of this dock and still some fires for admiral yeah slipping up a little bit with the control as well the fire getting a bunch of hits at the bottom and it's struggling against this one fire at his docks too we see the early advantage that fires have against galleys but we're about to see the advantage galleys have against fires once he gets a few more yeah i'm wondering if switching into that galley is the right and i'm not saying it it's right or wrong but it's always interesting because fires are good at the opening but if you try and catch up in the galley numbers it's almost not possible dave but wow look at that admiral has made a market already and already sold stone but he can't sell 200 stone because he made the outpost so he can't actually get the full use of the market to try it up to the next stage it's because of the paranoia earlier it's getting his fire ships wiped up at the docks and have noticed john the fearless getting housed quite a bit so maybe like you said maybe not the uh most comfortable islands player kind of underestimating the production speed of galleys here that yeah it's a good point it is so fast and you can see the strategy now for admiral admiral is is gonna sit back here dave and just wait till castle age but the problem is he doesn't have many numbers on water and i could see full water being lost in the next couple minutes here still doesn't have the resources still doesn't have the resources this is crucial time this is crucial time and john is pushing forward john has the numbers advantage for sure admiral is going to be he's got to be pretty creative with how he takes these fights there's opportunities for flanks here but just doesn't have the fire ship numbers to get it done as of yet yeah he's got to keep his galley numbers alive now i suppose the fires aren't hugely effective they're just a distraction i'd like to see him keep all those fires alive to be honest because that's a bigger power scale when you get the war galley upgrade yeah um assuming you're first to castle age i think the keeping those alive is pretty important at this stage but he's gonna lose all three of them fishing ships did go idle but they are working for john the fearless this is not the best macro to get up to the next stage to also have to sell all your stone to have such a such a poor time i think it just shows just not experience what the builder is here uh i don't know because admiral is just now getting fletching right so he didn't have to invest in that so that might be the difference in in the age up times now i'd like to see the war galley upgrade so it's war galleys uh with fletching but but then i'd like to see a few caravels for portuguese parabels are fantastic against mass galleys and so that's the concern here for john he almost needs to be thinking about either having more numbers at all times which he's working on and he'll help himself here taking out that doc or mixing in fires at this point and also where are you gonna build your other docks you need more you're gonna lose one at the front and is he just gonna boom dave because look he's got 200 stone again just boom on land maybe maybe and you're giving up the whole shoreline to him yeah well i mean with the resources i'm seeing here and horse car i could definitely see some type of a 3tc boom i mean you're losing fishing ships now but it just i'm with you it's a little weird to give up water on your home app certainly not a good sign especially against vietnamese okay there's one tc and there's the third one wow so funnily enough this is actually the time where jon could land something because it'll have full water control on the front i think admiral's just going to try and snipe fishing ships with these five galleys here comes admiral swooping in here john's suspecting that something might be up too he's coming back to his docks he had galleys patrolling there but admiral comes at an unexpected angle yeah just unfortunate for johnny he was very close to seeing some of that but he just loses the fishing ship dave and it's so easy for him to add more here but this is where it gets weird because john is gonna see that this is not upgraded not even bob canero is in and now john's probably like oh great i tried to go yolo on water and not boom for once and now you're booming like what is this nonsense he probably is really upset yep this is a fattoria game that's what he's thinking right now yeah exactly yeah by the way to the people who are really upset that you couldn't see this just so you can see it i'm going to zoom in here and show you the high def graphics that the definitive edition offers all right so here you go it's a fire ship he's been it's beached all right it's stuck in the sand i'm sorry but i i sometimes miss the important things not even making a single caraval so i guess the strat here and you even see the stone income dave is is boom give up water castle a shoreline start to re-add docs and then win the game with greater economy and uh i'm thinking caravels and john the fearless is also thinking caravel's he's added fire ships in here okay he's thinking there's docks somewhere around do you know if vietnamese get fast fire ship because i no clue i'm gonna say yes but i need to double check i have no clue they don't have fast fires they do not they oh gallium but no fast fire well this is amazing strategy then as portuguese i think because if you just go into elite caravel if the enemy doesn't get fire ship or fast fire ship in imp you're in big trouble so i think john needs to make something happen here and john is gonna make something happen he's going for a transport ship by the way since this is live it would be so like a pro player that i won't name to pause in a second and check the tech tree like wait a second do i have fast fire you know do i have fast fire because i my guess is john the fearless might not even know here comes that transport but i like the idea here uh wind water you can even add fishing ships now which is not really happening and you see scale boarding already so it'll probably be a stable over here yeah vietnamese don't even get ship right it's a trash watershed i think compared to other civilizations so tell that to the guy who's surrounding the portuguese player right now tristan seriously yeah i like the thought process here was to prep the monastery if knights were to come over do you see that i love the control from john the fearless and again it's such a such a crazy road to get here and probably knocked out so many big names and we'll find out when that reveal comes in but if you were to win against the admiral of all people on water with vietnamese heavy heavy favorite i'd say to win this final and a barracks what okay so he didn't make the barracks at home i guess he needs to wait to make the stable that's not the biggest surprise ever but then again it's not spotted how is that not seen huh he has town watch and he had all that stuff and he he can't find it his scout is just hanging out there too i think the next ones are gonna be found though okay yeah all right well and he's adding the university now which would be a second building to advance to the next age admiral is about to have the stone to build the castle is there a certain spot you'd like to see this dave probably right near the production buildings right okay there it is there it is he doesn't know that oh he does see it now oh and it's actually funny the reason he saw that is i believe because the galley is cl no it's just because of town watch never mind but if that castle goes up it doesn't necessarily mean you can easily dock so no but it's all it stalls out the push right yeah it kills the momentum that jon could have from those stables and uh the barracks they're also gonna kill or damage any units coming out of those buildings so i think it's a it's a nice first castle it's just this landing feels so underwhelming you know he gets the buildings up and then he's got to make another one now he can't really push because there's monks and the enemy's on the way to amp and this is the prime position for admiral really showing his experience what is that what is this micro did you see that john get out of here well he did get out of there he didn't get hit either yeah he didn't get hit it's one of those things that didn't even need to happen and yet happened anyways right but uh we're not seeing docks come up just yet for admiral needs to happen i'd say dave sooner rather than later do you think we see a victoria first thing in him it's 250 stone 250 gold he is still heavy on stone i think so especially since like his island is really favorable where the resources are placed so he can still you know take resources without being hit by the uh the war galleys okay so i think of victoria's probably probably a good play here you know he lost his blacksmith to the galleys on the back so he has to remake that and he's actually going into a tower which i suppose is for like guard tower but now the knights in here i mean this is pressure from john the fearless he's giving himself some real opportunities here as he's attacking the tower foundation and not units morgan guns are going to be pretty solid in defense especially since there's a few monks yeah mixed in here the knight is probably gonna go down it does yes in fact it might have been deleted there i wasn't paying too close attention to it because i want to see if we are going to see docs and okay doc's on the back side something that john the fearless was not able to lock down and john the fearless is getting husbandry is he really just research husbandry why do you need extra speed to run around this tiny little area you die faster of course you just die faster when you run into the enemy castle he just he just loves horses man he doesn't like water maps he wants to have fast units okay so now now the portuguese player is an imperial age way before the vietnamese guy he has a bigger economy and he's gonna push the landing off so if you're in the john the fearless position what do you do now do you try and secure the middle islands do you double down on navy like what's the play in this position i think you say thank god i didn't pick vikings here that's the first thing because vikings is a great land civilization and if you look like a fish out of water on islands then sometimes you're really happy that you still have vikingsville but as this knight is denying this castle dude i'm not very impressed with admiral and taking advantage of his uh his positions here yeah and he's not even getting any doc upgrades he's not producing from no he's not back this is really slow what is going on here the knight has killed so many villagers over there the castle will go up now that the organ guns are here but sloppy stuff and it's giving john time to take down these docks like we're still not seeing production here what is there a hotkey issue i genuinely think there's a careful hotkey not working or something something i mean what is he doing he's researching galion now right dave i mean the landing has paid off did we think it should happen i don't think so uh at least we don't think it should have delayed to this extent but it has and perhaps after watching that insane john the fearless and uh evalio set our standards are very very high for some of these small little details in our game but to answer your question i think you get the relic in the middle you build a castle in the middle and you try and drag this game out but the problem is it's hard to drag the game out when you're behind economically and against portuguese so it still should be an uphill battle for jon in many ways maybe he's not producing he's not doing anything he's got one trip what why is he i don't think guns can't attack like they're being cut off by the knights i think his hotkeys aren't working and he doesn't realize why does he not have production here i'm really confused well he was saving up for the futoria the first victoria is going to go down in the middle of his base and more docks are coming up on the side finally careening is coming in he was making a galleon for a second he's getting carrick now okay so i mean he's getting the crucial upgrade which is good he has the docks which is good there we go pog champs in chat ladies and gentlemen we are gonna have galleons i am rather surprised it's not caravilles i think kerry bells would be stronger but galion's still better than war galleys and victorious very strong if you do want to last long on islands and we will have two of them for the admiral i mean maybe he thinks like we did that vietnamese get fast fire yeah yeah going into caravals it's not really a sieve you see very often on water maps like you know this guy would never pick vietnamese if they didn't have fast fire that's probably going through his mind panic houses too always players always misjudge how many houses you need to build those vittorias people said to stop clicking the docs i'm sorry i just can't help it there's too many here and john the fearless dave 36 military against 16. john the fearless has showed up you've got a castle in the middle you've got a castle on the left side castling the crucial areas he really is going to give it his best effort here to win this with vietnamese and if it's gally and v galleon i think that vietnamese with this opportunity could have a chance god it felt like admiral just had a 10 minute window there which he did nothing with yeah i mean some things happened he made faetorius but they take up 20 population space and they give you a trickle of res but uh it does mean you don't have as much pop to get underwater so let's see what happens now that having fast fire is a pretty big deal in this matchup but there are some question marks over admiral and it makes you think again like john the fearless is looking this hot on a map where he feels out of place as it might have a little bit of a surround here who knows what's gonna happen in this series this will end up being pretty 50 50 but john the fearless will take 50 50 you know yeah and admiral emerald's got closer production here so he should win out in the end yeah should i the castle spots are even really not helping now right if you look at the castle spot for john the fearless it's on the shoreline but okay twitch chat give me a one if you think it's good give me a two if you think it's bad the victoria's making two of them here what are your thoughts i i think two is a little early here dave i think that you're really gonna want the pop space and that making two this early could make you suffer when it comes to production i think two is fine three is overkill okay three is definitely overkill we can agree there and john sees them now these things have the hp have a castle pretty much so the longer this game goes the longer admiral can hold on and sure there's been some rust here but hold on is the name of the game with portuguese it's why you drafted them that's why you try and get that boom which he did dave and now the production is coming out this is looking good now yeah and this is the situation that john wanted to avoid late imperial has safe docks has the galleon production or caraval production whatever he chooses to go with amphitoria is on his island with castles all around you really want to avoid getting into this position when you're against the portuguese what was that three or four minutes later to the imperial age if that's true john's even selling some stone right now for gold that's fascinating and only seven on food for admiral so it really feels like he's thinking about the power of the fatoria because it does bring you more food than anything so he's not even refreshing farms which means he'll save wood brothers from john the fearless and it looks like he's loading up trebs in the transport ship in the middle so just gonna bring up a random name of a player who's in the main event who cast with me there's not any reason i would ever bring up this name but player in the main event who casted a set with me was hera and it was again random uh daniel and accm best of seven to qualify and daniel later told me that he felt like islands decided that series he wasn't able to kill off portuguese when he had the lead and he said that he should have transported trebs and hair and i talked about that now you see this transport dave there's four trebs in there if you transport them over with some water control you could just take out the castles take out the vittorios and hop right back inside yeah and admiral doesn't really have any melee options to go deal with those either guys have a lot of galleons though he's a lot more than john the fearless does but still a bit of hesitancy from admiral his units aren't even attacking all the time which is really weird and more villagers on the way from john the fearless so he's got four trebs there he's gonna place more stables and put pressure on the land from admiral again and he's holding on on the water i mean i think admiral has a little bit of an advantage yeah and he's taking a really good fight right now but um john still hasn't been hit at home this entire game and a castle from john and that on that neutral island there would be sick because then if he were lupus navy over admiral couldn't get production over there and that thing happened but go right down here for admiral who's trying to make bomber cannons he's actually pop cap dave he does not have to pop and he doesn't have the pop and he's not about to not have that castle soon tons of trebs over there from john the fearless galleon's coming over though galleons from admiral he realizes that jon doesn't have navy to support it over there he's gonna stick him right beside those trebs immediate reaction from john to pack him up and move away yep i think the problem here was not having the navy to protect the traps that's the issue and the numbers are climbing for john but uh a little risky but he does have bills over there and he's still got transport ships for now anyways what do you think about just killing the houses if you're john here that no all i think about that is that you love the idea of that because you bring that up all the time you're just like take off the house as you what else is it what else is he doing he's sitting there with the traps there's plenty of houses you know the guys got victorious i'm just i just want to point out that that gets brought up a lot that's all i'm not saying it's bad i'm just saying that gets brought up a lot in the stream and here comes some light calf monks will go down i mean you know this is just messy stuff on islands but dave i'm rather unconvinced with the unit control too in the animal at times here like looks like he's got units on stand ground from time to time he's really got to step that up a notch john the fearless trying to hit that castle again navy comes along packs him up moves him back again hit the houses [Laughter] i'm actually getting mad i mean you're right okay i will accept that maybe he should have at least taken the house oh man the exhaustion setting in here people but we do have docs on the front for the admiral who is researching canon galleon he seems uh he seems pretty confident he's going to be able to outlast john the fearless i don't think it's a confident approach funny enough and there he's going to hit the tc which on the bright side does eliminate some pop space in the portuguese yeah an admiral diving for that tread under the castle of john the fearless and john the fearless has big numbers here tristan yeah seriously that's just so so awkward to get galleons in the in the spot that they need to be at it's 56 on water for john with vietnamese and it's 36 for admiral and he can't make he can't make stuff dave he's popcap the vitorias are killing him he needs to almost delete one to get pop space he's got the q he does not have the pop space yeah i'm thinking he could almost start deleting some villagers at this point too yeah running out of resources on his island the wood situation i mean it's all on that right-hand side and where is john the fearless's uh land army all on the right-hand side yeah now john the fearless needs to think of getting more trebs or cannon gallon and i think you said that vietnamese do get to elite because it's not pretty for admiral but it can get the job done if he's able to slowly pick off the numbers from john over the course of time because there's no no there's no guarantee of resources past a certain point on islands i think john can just like if john camps it out right where he's sitting with his navy admiral can't really access these woodlines yeah and like double fertoria is nice fine you're getting resources but it's not that much it's a slow trickle i think that we need to see a transport shift from admiral he needs to put trebs in and he needs to transport it to where the the rubble is in the middle he needs to tread down john's castle that is a big issue yeah be really i i think like two or three archer ranges on that island might be nice too maybe i mean it's certainly a popular strategy so a few people have tried it from time to time uh in the south there are some galleons there's five here so i don't know why that joke's still funny but thank you everyone for laughing at my existence you're great but five gallons certainly could help in the middle um elite cannon galleon on the way for admiral though elite cannon galleon for admiral and he's got he's got a hell of a force here 57 galleons here tristan it's going to be a full 60. and look at the bombard cannon numbers for him as well yeah the john have to be very very careful the bomber cannons also do need to be careful and one goes down just like that but the resources are starting to climb for admiral he did i think he deleted phil's and he's making another victoria third he was already having pop issues and he's going for a third one and now he's getting elite caraval i mean now is better than never dave do you think he checked the tech tree maybe he's like why is he it wasn't a pause yeah these caravels are supposed to be the counter to galions so i mean i know all the uh twitch sheds like yes finally but here come trebs dave we've seen this before though and the bomber cannons are there and this is such an annoying strategy to play against john's gonna have to kill fast can the bombard cannons get the right angle though if they go too far to the right the light cap are there if they go too far to the center the galleons are there big engagement here admiral coming in with everything this is insane dave what a naval battle the admiral the naval commander backing the portuguese navy he's got the bombard cannon still dave can you get those trips to keep that castle up castle is so close to going down only two trebs left from john the fearless and the castle is going to go down caravals are coming in but it feels like john the fearless is taking control admirals just not committing to fights his units are getting stuck here it's very weird situation here with these units yeah it's weird but with the elite cannon galleon now he could potentially take out that castle in the middle and then he has free reign to take the fight against the main navy from john that's true elite cannon galley just one or two would be great the thing about playing against portuguese is there's time is of the essence you need to be fishing fast and i think with 20 caravels in there life is going to start to get really tough for john the fearless okay still only three fetorias he hasn't made a fourth one yet by the way did you see how those those those ships get stuck you see that that happens for some players i've seen accm and jordan have that problem it's not a consistent thing amongst all pros and it's obviously like performance issue with something on their pcs and the game but i've noticed that and it definitely caught my eye just saying and people have said that maybe maybe the admiral is jordan might not be a performance issue more at the way like they pass their units that too yeah i mean i just i could be wrong with all of that it's just something that i thought of the castle oh my one cannon galleon is going to take that castle down and now we have a huge engagement here gg with carabelle's there's no chance right surely surely there's no chance you look at this and look at the ships go down for john the fearless they're all stacked there well they're but dude reinforcements aren't there for admiral there's nothing well okay there and we see the the stuttery reinforcements are or fleeing i guess ships as you see light cavs still raiding dave update on the island for john the fearless he still has some resources but here's where caravel's and the uh and the victoria's are very strong right because you can afford to make more of them john the fearless is really struggling so he's still he's got to prioritize hitting they feetorius and they're actually mostly on this left side and i think he can move his trebs forward a little bit and try and take out that castle man this freaking this freaking galleons in the bottom though i mean if only he would have had them in some of these fights look at the like have here they'll kill those villagers yeah light capper coming in kind of stalling out on that wood line i don't know what's going on with them zero on gold for john we can't take gold in the middle now oh this is a bad engagement against caravel's like the way he's stacked up here if admiral gets close john's gonna have to be very very careful yeah you just patrol into these fights any day of the week with your portuguese right should be no problems here and you see the fight you can see how much hp is in there for the admiral he even has the canon galleons behind it but the light cover are kind of distracting some of the shots and that's giving opportunities for the galleons to get fair trades that's creative also the elite cannon galleons and they're not helping too much but dave it does seem like that population is just dropping lower and lower for john yep and the wood on his island is running out too this is i mean granted i think admiral would have wanted this to be a lot cleaner in a lot of ways uh we can all see that but this is one of the reasons you have to factor in portuguese into your draft also one of the reasons you don't pick vietnamese because if you have fast fire caravals aren't an issue but production is still there for john the fearless and we look at his res and he's got a decent amount of wood banked still has stone in the bank yep he starts selling for gold maybe sell it i don't know if there's really much you can do at this point unless the units don't fight for admiral there you go yeah the caravals are showing their strength wiping up all the galleons and even though he's constantly raiding with these light caps like he's just running in the castles it is funny how he continues to do that though like he's making more stables he's so in that arabia mindset i think he's trying to he's trying to starve him off wood while he's yeah right baby look at the wood income for red it's it's only vitoria's at the moment i like how he's also patrolling the light cab on no attack stands to distract the ships he's giving himself a real chance here dave it is uh 31 military for john the fearless has like 10 trees left yup and the villagers are completely out of wood now he was really close though dave to breaking now he's making regular fire ships no i guess he's got a lot still he's got a lumber camp in the north of admirals island if he gets a transport ship with some villagers around there he could steal all that wood do you think there's a chance to outlast portuguese if you just deny this wood dave yep and i like i do like the addition of some fire ships here like they're just working yeah even though they're not fast fires they're kind of tanking some damage forcing the caravel back a little bit look at that castle he wants the wood he can't take the wood he's he's only got the income from fertorius right now it's too slow look at his q he doesn't have much queued up at all if you look at the navy this is actually realistic for john the fearless and he's constantly dude he's constantly producing villagers from all his tc's the villagers he was previously deleting he's producing again and he's just yolo sending them to that woodline but john will not let him have any wood in fact he's gonna take the wood at the north side and he's getting in a transport ship right now tristan he may take the middle or he may take um the hold of the north of uh admiral's island well you can't actually fit a castle here until you mind some of that there's resources oh i never mind never mind i'm sorry that was the wrong time to say that okay so clearly you can fit a castle here so if you place a castle here then you have a bit of a foothold and then i think you send the other villagers over to the woodline like you said dave how do you deal with that cannon galleon though like you got it you got to engage against this you can't just build a castle and then watch it go down slowly there was a castle here before you're right on the fire chips regular fires and there look at all the light gap in the north this is so harrow he's like i'm on water but this is what i do kill the lumber camps that's a good idea kill the lumber camps he's gonna have to spend a hundred more wood if he wants to make another one up there in the houses right like i would feel so sick to my stomach if i was the admiral right now because this really shouldn't be happening and it's on your home turf you know it it still feels as though the longer it goes the better it's going to get for admiral but what a fight from john the fearless who at this point imagine he's got otto reese's on for his farms he doesn't actually yeah pretty soon he's going to run out of food right because he doesn't have wood the villagers are coming the villagers are in the transport ship 17 of them for john the fearless does he go immediately to this woodline send the light cav down clear up all those villagers from admiral and chop the wood how about chopping that wood here on this stream chiripa oh my goodness again thank you and thank everyone else what a crazy moment here dave and the patrol could be a little better for admiral who who has taken out a castle here before which i was kindly reminded of what's going on with all of his lake have at the top he's got 40 of them just patrolling he doesn't need those those are there for later he's got new light cap they're fresh they're uh they're in training right now all right red still producing villagers by the way and sending them all in that direction i mean the thing is you get constant food income so why not i think what i would do though is probably sell the food and maybe buy wood at this point but that castle's being repaired like crazy for john he won't have stone if he ends up losing this one and he won't have a lot else if this game continues i wonder if john's thinking of like keeping those cavalry in reserve and then once he wipes up the wood villagers here maybe going on a mission to try and kill the fertorius yeah i i think that he needs some type of goal beyond raiding the woodline forever because the vittorias will last forever the trees will not so yeah this this will just continue like this unless john the fearless tries to take out victorious but it doesn't seem easy though the wood income is completely gone now from admiral except for vittorius and there's a trebuchet from john on that island which is gonna force the entire navy from admiral over here if he gets out of position and kind of leaves those uh cannon galleons exposed suddenly the castle is a whole lot safer for john the fearless yeah cannon galleons i mean that one's exposed that one goes down but the trap goes down too and now the light covers just gonna distract it's just a distraction he just he doesn't mind losing the light kev and it might actually lead to him winning a fight here on water what is that what are we witnessing it's so tough to tell what an effort from john the fearless here with vietnamese he's trying to make it work tristan he could have so easily resigned and said you know what uh this is my throwaway map whatever he could have so easily done that guys he did not do that here he continues to fight it is 85 army but he's got he's got 56 light cap that's the problem light cam can't take care of castles here come the light cap though the horde is coming somewhere can you just can you just book it past the castle though book it past the castles he knows the location of at least one of the victorias yeah he could actually take out one or two of them right now i'm surprised he's not doing that truthfully i i think it just feels silly to run past three castles but it also feels silly to have a building that brings you resources so what is he going to do use all of these to take out one lumberjack okay is he like saving these for a rainy day i don't know why i guess he's thinking i don't know what he's thinking i mean if there's an interview later we can always ask but stone walls admiral is going to make stone walls to stop light cap from braiding his eco but his eco is a freaking building people what is this is so crazy protect the pretoria at all cost oh my god wait we've seen the evolution of islands here right in front of our eyes i mean it's like evolution's going in a very weird direction here if that's the case backwards it's like it's like there's some radiation involved you know you got like three legs three eyes what in the world okay well uh it's funny there's still a relic in the middle and john did just try to take the gold which is valiant effort but dude i think he needs to like that was such a good opportunity for me go to go to admiral's line of sight and look where those lights have are he doesn't see that main army is that he's like five he doesn't see the 50 that are hanging out behind here's the deal though with that many like cav what does admiral have in defense nothing he's nothing on land if the trebs take out the first castle yeah he could be legitimately defeated on his mainland and just have a navy running around and then and then you know what happens if he just makes more castles forever okay he actually just deleted that the problem with this strategy for john the fearless is that he's not getting a constant income while he's waiting so i like the patience but admiral is getting resources this entire time yeah how i mean again the opportunity was there to maybe take out one or two clearly fetoria's i think we've seen they are strong in very late game but it was just so slow you could also argue that admiral could have won without a single victory in this game with proper gameplay for the early early uh caravels and getting the dock production going with the faster imperial that's a waste for john the fearless and here the light cap now here come the villagers shop wood again dave they're all gonna get slaughtered can we get a check on how many economic units have died uh yeah sure there you go there you go and that castle is going to go down for admiral i refuse to believe that john is going to lose this game right now he could actually do this he's just got to snipe the canon galleons if he snipes the canon galleons in his castle position in the middle really helps him out i mean his only income right now is stone from the middle the farms he has left over and then some relics yeah but but dave once you get to the center of the island there's legitimately nothing to take out trebs and nothing to take out like kev i mean the castles take out like cap but the two trebs can take out everything else and it might lead to a situation where then there's nothing for jon on water because he can't afford to make anything it would just be water versus land at a certain point here this might actually be a stalemate yeah yeah like what i this might actually turn into a situation where it's a straight-up stalemate unless i mean you've got to keep bills alive i guess if you're admiral so you can still build things and i would say start making like a i don't know a stable to make your own like calf but then again you need wood for ships as here he comes dave and the like have come over to distract and i think if if admiral has gets one cannon galley and close to those traps and takes the chances might be over for john the trebs are a key part of this army yeah that's why i wish he would just move to the center area john is taking that wood so he's getting a couple hundred extra wood in the bank from those trees very important here fortified wall you've gotta be freaking kidding me man you've gotta be freaking kidding me admiral fortified wall as if he needs more protection practice safe islands ladies and gents there's the two traps dave this is the moment i'm talking about the villagers the only thing here more villagers on the way to that other middle island or john the fearless they just landed there again oh that was that was rough for john though like if you're if you're admiral you know you you have nothing to deal with the light cap you have a constant resource stream coming in are you thinking about even just just tech into like pikeman just like a few yeah the thing is victoria sucks so badly he doesn't actually have the resources to justify a barracks right now and then you get pikeman research which is fine but then you can't even afford to make the pipeline yeah he made his problem was he thought he could just make this building and that would be enough and it's not he needed to have good production based on his economy and and now john is is genuinely running out of like wood to reseed farms and whatnot but i can't help but feel like i just want one player to win this game i don't want to get to a situation where admiral's running around on the ocean and john has full land control like if john accidentally deletes his market right now gg he's gonna need his market both players will to buy resources i guess though i guess theoretically since jon will have the relics he will eventually win out yeah if admiral is just stuck on the water uh i mean it's two regs to two but yeah i guess theoretically if the game goes on he'll wipe out he'll wipe out the monastery on reds island well oh man do you remember the fair sieves cup final yeah yeah between hera and viper where viper went malay fish traps and then hera ran out of resources and the last 40 minutes of the game was hair running around with two galleons yeah trying to micro them i don't know if like if this is hera as in the blue i don't know if we should really just beg him to learn how to play islands because that way he wouldn't finish off the game you know like or if we should just let him be the way he is i think he's already shown that he knows how to play islands well i mean he didn't have the com he told me he does not like the map and that he would just send it and uh then he picked vietnamese here so you're definitely right fighting at a disadvantage has shown us an awful lot here in this game but i i don't know about that fight for johnny's got to be very very careful yeah just slowly keep pushing with your trebuchet yeah yeah i know he is taking out the houses though now though which is good is he going to take the shore fish with his bills at this point because that's the only thing yep he's trying to take shore fish i think the shore fish and there's one tree at the back oh that's huge where is it yeah it's a little it's a little reed oh yeah there you go he should he should chop that tree that's an extra that's almost an extra galleon yep oh trebuchet is out now for admiral i think oh that's gonna have to spend all his resume repairs now that's the strat kill for defensive trebs it finally makes sense does blue still have transports by the way he doesn't right dude if he just transported the like kev around at this point you know what like 3 a.m when you're going on your phone on youtube and you're going through like the suggested videos and you end up watching like 100 random videos in a row and you're you're thinking yourself why am i watching this this is very similar as he got a trip killed by the cannon galleon he's gonna get another one and he called the gg we can't see it because we don't have spec chat in live games in 2021 we still can't see what players say in live games but you know what the score is 1-1 dave i'm with you that one was getting progressively more and more ridiculous and that was all due to the castle in the middle from john going down yeah they went down to the cannon galleons red was free to loop around and john placed his trebs a little bit too close to the water yeah two miles further away and he can't arrange those so you know all things considered john the fearless put up a good fight here a fight that wasn't entertaining and for some maybe made them pull their hair out but a sign perhaps that admiral is really going to have his work cut out for him this was supposed to be his his home map so uh wow um i still think that if john would have kept his trebs in the middle and just pushed the castles earlier though he wins that game dave yeah like when the wood lines were still there there's nothing from admiral how many times was he just sending bills randomly to a woodline and trying to drop castles that could have been the mindset a bit earlier for john in games like this though that go super late game you get like this weird fatigue that falls over you right where you're not really thinking clearly and you're kind of focusing on weird areas of the map i love that timeline admiral as soon as he added those fertorias it's nothing yep and and also the resources collected as if you needed more evidence that victoria's are pretty pretty rough to use sometimes uh john the fearless had more wood more food more gold and just had less stone which of course makes sense because there's limited stone on the map well dave the score is one to one here in the grand finals that was the most unique islands game we've possibly seen in the qualifier and the main event and we're going to get the information on screen here in a second overlay guy is going to get that up for us um but now we talk about land most likely or some type of hybrid as john the fearless will get to choose a home map uh after game three though game four is set on cup so keep an eye out for that this is live so they'll be launching soon and i have not heard anything from robo so it's very possible they both want a few minutes to just like get a glass of water walk around yeah i would want a few minutes after that one that's uh that's a heartbreaker if you're john well i think on either side too because it definitely hit that that mind-numbing phase where you could tell it was just so sloppy for admiral and so i think admiral is so dominant leading up to this final that i think he would need to just you know go look at himself in the mirror and be like you could be better than this and you know whatever his methodology methodology is well if it's if you think through the players like viper might rethink through the game if he's admiral jordan might do what you just said like you could do better than this doubt would probably look in the mirror and say a win's a win i don't care like i'll take it it all depends on the player i think john the fearless though is most likely taking a break right now yeah if it is terra that's something that herod does a lot uh in tournament sets he kind of after a loss he'll he'll take a break from the computer he'll kind of refresh think things over and then head into a new game that's so funny one land where dave and i are around when harrah's there and he takes like a couple breaks in between games and we'll remember that forever it could be like 10 years from now and at that point hera is like half robotic because we're in the future and you never you never run out of energy and dave and i will still need something to say during these times so we'll just be like oh yeah he's going to get up get a glass of water calm himself down yep i really respect that i think it's it's really smart i agree with you he's he's worked into his uh his tournament games right well special salute goes out to zill wawa who if i'm not mistaken is also the person who contributed to like some of the staff behind the scenes and all the production there and costs associated with everything we've done but also uh the x additional 5k on top of microsoft to the price pool and thank you now for the 50 gifted which is 50 extra dollars to the prize pool guys again one dollar for every sub this channel has at the conclusion of this event and we're close now goes into the prize pool so thank you for the support thank you for the hype thank you for bearing with us as we are pretty exhausted i'm surprised i still have a voice at this point to be honest with you but uh dave a bit of a uh flashback i guess to the mudflow game from the semifinal because we are going to see mudflow as the home map pick for john the fearless and the way he won that semi-final on this map would probably leave him being confident he's picked commerce on the fearless and it will be frank's for admiral but we have three minutes yet and he did win against the khmer so hopefully i identified some of the weaknesses maybe yeah play cell for that sieve he was indians before though and now now admiral's going to be going with the franks how do you think those two match up i so do you remember when i criticized the way uh if evilo played khmer and i mentioned that frank's was available i like frank's a bit more personally i think that the berry bonus it really it kicks in before the farms kick in which is quite nice uh you then have this scout hp bonus which is quite nice i think what benefits khmer is just if it gets really scrappy because you can hop into houses and the farms can be placed everywhere but personally if i had to choose and i think a lot of low evil legends who are out there would would probably pick frank's but i don't think john the fearless is going to play this map as as greedily or as awkwardly as vilo did i think that he's just going to go scouts dave and he's not going to try and go for water play early and then if he sees water play from the the other person he's probably just going to go for a defensive tower like he did against devilo yeah i think you go scouts for control and then if you see the opportunity you adapt another dock i don't think you have to go into this map thinking doc which a lot of players have and they've struggled but it's it obviously it's just a uh it's a player preference thing okay guys we're about a minute and a half from game number three god this has been a long day we're approaching what 10 hours now uh approaching 10 hours and that is that is a long day yes and we will still have the reveal and everything the the grand after the grand finale so i think my opinion on how well admiral is going to do over the rest of the series comes down to how he executes here because it's been a bit shaky with map control and uh how difficult it was for him to beat john the fearless game to their on his home map does have me worried for him thank you uh step thank you uh skeezo thank you r phillip everyone for supporting the stream right now by the way uh i imagine there's new people out there aj vampires is alive and well in case you wanted to play the game again or just be a part of this community in the future this isn't all i do there's a lot of people active in this community so glad to have you back uh there should be a link below the stream where you can now put in your predictions for all 16 players if you want to get ahead of the game viewers saw someone in that flurry of chat ask about that but it should be available from what i've been told 16 people play this game yeah that's what it felt like six years ago you have like 20 people online all right dave 20 seconds till we're in and i think we've said everything we can say really we'll just see what the openings are ah i might need a new energy drink soon it's really like this is the problem with live games chat like everyone's like because i know it's live it just feels more real but then there's a lot of downtime and it's very exhausting a lot of waiting a lot of speculating but we are here dave and uh capture age is going to load in for me in a few seconds here i'm just a bit delayed because of an issue twitch chat type a name for me for the admiral if you had a prediction right now who do you think we're looking at i'm seeing doubt i'm seeing barrels i'm seeing accm i'm seeing viper i'm seeing lots of jordans i think it might be dogawa dude i i was thinking i was surprised at how how little dogal was being brought up i think that jordan's name and his fan base and everything is really carrying those votes yeah but i i i agree with that statement remember dougal lost to the viper in the semifinals hidden cup three one of the top eight going in here but and we'll see and here we go i actually am live with time and we've got admiral in the red admiral is playing as the franks and then we have john the fearless playing as the comer and we saw a similar matchup many times before on this map both players likely going for scouts it's just whether admiral is going to open with a dock or not i think yeah for me um i i don't like the approach i could justify i think you can justify the approach with khmer because you don't usually make the barracks before you're stable you can just go straight stable thus saving the wood which is probably what avila was thinking with that dock which didn't end up working out if there's a dock players need to be mindful of scouting that and then towering their wood lines because the middle area can be covered by water um something else to bring up here is if khmer do not add that barracks which is typical dave and going for some type of a spearmint push against them is really strong and we can see john already scouting out the woodline from admiral so that's good identification from him yep he sees that know exactly where to target and now he's just looking for the tc position kind of thinks it's north but it's actually south yeah normally they're like straight across the map but it's a little weird sometimes do you ever go for a lame here i think scout hp is too important yeah i think scouting and scout hp is too important in fact there was one lame in like the second round um i think that player ended up winning but the the reason we didn't make it so the boers were always on the back side on this map is because there's so much food you have the fish to work with double berries and you have two boars and water buffalo so i just didn't think elaine would really like ruin the game for somebody yeah with those fish available there too it it kind of feels like it's just not worth the effort yeah not worth the effort not worth the loss of scouting and control as we see players probably going up now what we have seen with all that food is pretty fast fuel times dave so 18 19 population build something that's a little bit uh rare in our game whereas on arabia i think you typically see 20 population scouts from both sieves here well that's a result of the fish right i think so food income that's so fast together and it's so close to your tc you can go up at 17 18 pop it is interesting to me that admiral still has about 100 food remaining on this fish i don't know if he maybe wanted to bring the elephants in sooner rather than later because the scout was around but i mean it's gonna be there it's not gonna disappear and both players are active yeah john did steal a water buffalo okay so that's heading to the north and that might come into play maybe meaning admiral needs to move out to the berries quicker okay then he normally would again what i really like about the so the bonus with khmer is going to be the farm transition which john is known for but uh with the franks it's all about soaking up those berries so i think we're going to see him just add another mill sooner rather than later anyways but we see john faster to the next age 18 pop against 19 pop up kind of what we said john might get a hit here huh just passing i guess yeah just passing i don't even think the players realized that they were there this would be the time for a doc remember that's what a vilo did not a great strategy against john the fearless in that crucial game seven in the semi many people feel like that could have been the viper that went down to this amazing john the fearless player but we don't know yet um but just walling up dave i think this is a smart move wall up play into scouts stick to your strengths yeah and that's something that uh availo didn't do he had the houses near the wood line but the wood line was constantly pressured and he didn't wall up until he had lost like two or three villagers on it yeah why not wall up at the beginning you make a gate your villagers can get in there or get out if they need to and you have the house you can garrison in yeah it was really it was really weird i think for a vilo because he was the player who would do all these tiny little things for the most part and you're seeing that now from admiral now i actually think this is good for admiral you might think oh no he's going to lose that villager but what should happen here is that he pulls his own scout and in about 10 seconds he's going to be in feudal age yep so he's going to well you know what because he's later to feudal age this will be close i think he's going to win no because he's he's frank's as well yeah it's that little hp boost it is 5 hp against 18 so yes john the fearless a bit aggressive there and we do see the stable for admiral it's just on the berries dave now stable for admiral stable for john so no surprise there at all but like you said no barracks for him so if he wants to counter the scouts from admiral he's gonna have to make a barracks to make those spearmen whoa early blacksmith for john is he gonna go for fast forging or something here i i mean okay so 14 is 150 food and like it if he can maintain villager and scout production while researching that but it feels a bit early for that blacksmith someone in all caps saying who ordered the players that's kind of the point my friend it's kind of if you just got here and you're wondering it's kind of the point all right you're gonna have to be a bit patient wait till after this final we do the big reveal of what went down over the last four days okay scout's still being produced here from john the fearless blacksmith has not come into play yet yeah he just doesn't want to idle his stable or idle his tc but he's close dave okay getting horse car before the farms makes sense still yeah the blacksmith timing is a little weird for me and here come the spearmint and the scouts and he's actually unable to do anything against this but he can't hop inside the house he's into the house there one of those scouts from admiral is pretty weak from earlier but he does have a spearmint here and no spearman for the khmer player like we said before yep yep this is the problem and it's it's you see it as a bonus for kumar but i actually see it as a weakness and now he's even going to add a barracks wow that's fascinating a lot of players like ivailo earlier will just say whatever i'll try and micro it but he's not taking any risks here like the opening for admiral i'm liking the way his eco is looking he's already on berries he's already transitioning into some farms around that male he's sending more spearmen forward this is a good spot for the admiral yeah and he's kind of pushing him off the berries pushing him off the farms there the barracks being delayed a little bit this harassment here is so annoying from admiral moore spearman coming forward too so it's going to get harder and harder for john to engage with the scouts this is looking so much better than the conclusion of that previous game dave he's really got himself in a position here to do well as he takes out a skeleton and john the fearless loses another one it loses more hp and backs away and has to leave the farms and leave the berries really big hits from the spearmen there it took out two scouts he has a spearman of his own now john but he's still got a villager idol in that house the woodline is being um pushed right now and it's just looking really messy no pressure whatsoever on admiral's economy i think a tower or a galley behind the wood line could be huge here in fact it wouldn't be surprised if jon just preemptively towers that out of just worry because he knows he's exposed to that but not constantly constantly pushing those scouts away yep and there's actually a villager inside of that house so i mean forever if you don't address that that villager is going to die maybe a good move though from john to get a counter attack in here dave maybe i don't see many openings though like spearman everywhere spearman at the farms and and the berries there spearmint near the wood line yep you see this spearmint will soon have the fletching upgrade now wait a second where are those villagers going okay two villagers someone's going to build that tower it's gonna happen soon and with forging in and that's not for both players because john the fearless could not afford it earlier still feels as though john the fearless is extremely exposed but maybe admiral needs to get a few more advantages out of this dave he's really there's farm still that he could hit right he's gotta reposition himself possibly yeah taking some free hits against those spearmen he's gonna run around to the south might be a good option a tower though you don't you almost don't want to do you want to fight three spearmen i guess you do apparently he does apparently he does he has three spearmen of his own he's going to push the scouts back it will show john the tower right now so john will immediately go for a counter tower but i think the one from blue is going to get up around the same time interesting game dave look at the walls or or at least the start to what looked like some walls for john also the same for admiral i mean he was no stranger to walling in his earlier sets and he does get the tower up now what's annoying here for john is that's actually his only woodline for now so he even though he could shoot that down he's not going to be able to take wood comfortably whereas admiral can do so and i just think admiral is just going to go full feudal here or should anyways just continue to send spearman continue to send scouts continue to tower if you have the stone for it and and this is what i mean you know these farms is okay the villagers now hop into the house which is great but what's to stop these units from taking out that house yeah or just keeping that villager idle forever notice the farms are a little ah everything's looking fine it's a messy game what do you think about the scout formation for admiral it's really weird how he's not going box formation like a lot of pros do yeah he's going like scatter formation yeah i have never seen that and also these villagers have been forgotten about here dave but we have a house wall and a save from admiral okay oh my goodness that was really close to saving both yeah he did save the one which might be important later down the line he's also taking a good engagement against the scouts here from john john's kind of out of position there so messy right now john had actually gone for the infantry armor upgrade by the way huh well i think the barracks saved him truthfully i think adding that barracks yep saved him if he did not have his own spearman he would be in big trouble i i might like to see like that full futile that you were talking about maybe even the armor upgrade for your scouts at this point and keep producing as long as you're not losing them to the spearmint though taking a bunch of big hits kind of feels like we might see a market for admiral soon it's a messy game he's got the gold banks feels natural to see a market as we see a villager hop into another house the scouts are at the back now this is the exposed area of the eco for john the fearless all this farming stuff and the scouts are gonna hit it now oh and there's no house yet here you have to bail on building this house don't you no you don't i lied one villager down that's it still idle villagers everywhere he goes he's idling economy and meanwhile john tried to hit back at admiral's base and there was spearmen everywhere walls everywhere he couldn't do anything yeah players so we had stats from about a thousand ranked games and the players who i think every player uses box formation to some degree but i believe it's the frequency of it the bottom four at that list are those names on your screen right there and that house is about to go down but here comes spearman but you've got your own well you had your own spearmint so it is rather funny that we have a box formation stat come on screen when it's no longer box formation but dave we had another tower go up for admiral that's gonna get shot down but you do see the admiral is in a position to get bill picks and has clicked up to the next stage he's been forcing so much idle time here his scouts gonna take a few more free hits from those spearmen but he's gonna keep running around with them now in box formation like you said and the difference in the age up time is purely idle time i think from john the fearless like he's had the garrison villagers he had you know defensive towers he's had to make spearman it's just been all reaction from him it's crazy i'm trying to see the food count there won't show me yeah it feels like admiral could have been more clinical but he gained that early lead he certainly benefited from that and i also did like the tower but this is where certain players thrive being a little bit behind start to patrol some spearmen around commerce thrive as well i could really see john the fearless holding on this is a very close game as he is actually just lacking the gold right now dave actually hold on a second 20 seconds until the knights arrive this is really problematic nice gate though to trap the scouts and it's not like he has a market to sell resources right he's going to have to wait for that gold to come in six gold miners got her there's some other weapons out here too that was a beautiful little doink there from the admiral and now admiral is in castle age he's got two stables he's going for two nights right away this is gonna be tough this is gonna be very very tough for john especially with his gold position the way it is yeah at the very front of his base i think i don't know if this is intentional from admiral but he's trying to pull some spears away from the front here with that spearman he's also still trying to keep that scout active that's a weak villager there's a weakville right well here come the knights and i think you wait till the next two but with the next two you can maybe consider you know what dave you don't fight the front here just run just run right into the back of his base yeah i agree run right around you've seen all the farms back there you know the only thing that can catch up to your knights are his scouts and you'll take knight v scout any day just avoid the spearman at the front and run around to the farming eco and for now the plan is apparently boom for admiral who's on a second tc already and doesn't have another tower dude with that same villager what where oh i didn't see it behind the palisade that's she lives all right she does live and here come the knights and we see some house walls i don't think there's any holes here so the knights will not be able to pass there and you just know that we are going to see that like have upgrade coming in from john the fearless i think he needs to send the scouts forward though the knights are through yeah if you're going to get like kav they're not going to get very much value against the the knights so send those forward into the eco try and do as much damage as you can and try and force some of the military from admiral to stay at home for once rather than coming to your economy yeah and it is amazing all the things that that john is doing here though house walls gates still producing he actually has insane military numbers and when games get scrappy like this so easy to see a few extra scouts turned into light calf pick off villagers and it's so easy to see one mistake from admiral lead to all of his knights being dead what will soon be pikemen on patrol in john's base defensively i think if you're admiral and you have vision on those spears which he doesn't have right now he's actually bamboozled them and he's back on the farming echo he takes your vision on that on that spear army you should send the rest of your knights to the main gold from john i could see that i mean there is really no main goal long term on this map which is important to bring up you have to expand for it but yeah and we've got some crazy economy behind us and look at this another bamboozle he distracts all the pikemen he brings the knights over more villagers either have to go idle or go down good reaction again the house is again power of the khmer right only kills one villager there loses a knight in exchange the light cav are just now about to hit the economy from admiral but admiral knows about the light cap he has spearmen there and he has knights at home he's what behind by 13 bills he could find 13 veal picks i believe look at that seven bills on stone using knights in defense similar to what we said earlier not ideal but they would take a good engagement there i guess we'll just see defensive pikeman for admiral in a second oh the farming villager at the north of john's base got killed that's very sad she was walling and then she was farming and look at the knights finding the wood line dave john the fearless has a lot to fear in the admiral look at this wow and again the micro here power of a faster castle age open bases and nights you can just run around hitting eco every time the pikeman try and catch up you run to a different spot at vil lead now and not the best fight for admiral in the middle but that village is just insane he really needs his own pikemen upgrade though but that's a lot of spears with a lot of ups does he if the light cap just run in like that from john are here now that was really good from john dude look at the villas here there's so many dozers exposed and remember you cannot hop in houses not with the franks yep and now knight's being added behind from john the fearless so yeah you're right maybe pikeman upgrade from admiral needed here and maybe some more production buildings he's going for a tc in the north i just don't think john can deny that but he can deny all this farming space and also if he if he gets into other areas he could just start to snowball this one score normally indicates the direction a game can go and you've got 30 military versus 12 on a map like this which is essentially like land madness at this point one tc all in can actually get victories and on the stone too dave yeah there's a real danger here if admiral doesn't step up his production and there's another barracks pikeman research is in so he's gonna have three barracks producing pikeman and he will have four tc's as well that tc in the south or i guess like the east is looking really good for admiral though it's so safe and it might never be spotted that is super nice all right 67 villagers but 30 are idle right now for admiral who's not really taking the best of fights he's just not had the military numbers and there's a whole lot of blue in that red eco yeah he's got seven pikeman garrisoned at the moment though so he's just waiting for the right number and then he can come out and clear this up fix his idol villager problem in the north so i think this is a good time to mention this so um obviously i communicated quite a bit with the players behind the scenes but for the main event i didn't i could not share or ask opinions for for these new maps with the players because i didn't want anyone to have an advantage and um i i mentioned to hera like a day before we released the maps all i said was hey there's this one map which is like the map creator said it was like land madness on on crack dave and it was this map right here was referring to and we know hair is really good in these situations look at this flood from john the fearless villagers are going down everywhere yeah they are going down it's still a 20 villager difference though idol time is stacking up now for admiral but so is the pikeman mass yeah potentially push this back pretty soon although john the fearless did get that armor upgrade earlier we're just coming in now for admiral okay it's just the foodie code that's the problem right now for admiral that in the woods i guess we do see a second tc for john who is slowly catching up in villagers anyhow because of pick-offs so with 39 military against 21 i mean he's he can't get counter-attacked because he's got pikes in his base he's got production forward and asking questions of the enemy but we will see a castle drop soon dave for for admiral like 10 minutes ago john the fearless had double the eco idol time as admiral and now admiral has double the ideal time has been on the fearless that's crazy that shows you what production and pressure can do castle forced to go down defensively not the greatest position maybe so i'm just not hey i think that me and to be critical maybe three tc's was a little early and maybe that pikemen upgrade was late is that castle actually going to be denied here dave there's a chance i think he walled in that one villager and i think that one villager can complete it because i i don't see any range units coming across from john the farms are really important here you've got knights and pikeman against just pikeman now i don't know if you can make sense of that of the hp here guys but i think what you can see is there's more blue for now and the hill for john the fearless dave is this actually happening he is going to not deny the castle but get some big clear-ups because of this yes and like i said it's just that one villager he walled in that's going to be able to complete that castle once again pushing him off all of the farms wow killing all his military and behind this john has added another tc and admiral looks at the score tristan and just says i'm out of this game that's incredible and you know it just crossed my mind could he have played on a bit longer here he of course doesn't know that he has a 10 villager lead because of that score which indicates dominance the dominance was with military in early castle age this was very reminiscent of the that game where uh we were talking about john the fearless losing a lot of villagers and uh and then eventually he lost the game with with that defense like here admiral he just didn't have the military control and john the fearless despite being behind in many areas just kept poking and prodding and using his military advantage that was that was a huge game here because i think it showed that admiral could have won this and it also was a great comeback from john the fearless and it was kind of an all in push from him too right two barracks production on the um pikeman he overproduced the scouts turned them into light cab and just pushed across the map and admiral was so busy raiding and doing a good job rating to be fair with the knights that he had nothing at home crazy pressure from john and just showing that even though you might be down by 30 villagers early in castle age the game isn't over and i think you look back at that one and you kick yourself if you're admiral of course you have to just regroup for this next game but that was very winnable that one fight he took with just spearman against pikes was poor and if he had the pikeman upgrade then maybe maintained his eco lead a bit more stabilizes a bit more the castle never gets denied like that and uh you can see there john the fearless did have more food collected but i would argue that that was not the case right around here so it's just it's tough it's a very difficult balance on that map you want tcs to protect yourself but you also want to keep your tcs producing fuels at all times so if you do that you're not going to have the military numbers beautiful oh boy so we're going into game number four now and i think that's a set map if i'm not wrong right yeah yeah we got cup ooh okay all right so cup is a set map it is a map that i've seen john the fearless on and i know he loves to pick britain's there and that was a rather early pick but vikings was picked all the time back in hidden cup three and it's just that vikings have either been utilized on islands which we know john the fearless didn't care about or they've been banned so do you think maybe it makes sense to go vikings here if you're john the fearless and save britain's for uh another map i mean britain's looking pretty strong on quarry right hmm yeah definitely um we've seen it be strong i also could see mayans being strong there but mines could also be strong on virtually every other map okay now there's there's slopes and bypass for admiral as additional home maps we'll have those maps available if another loss comes in but it's set for cup you draft for this you pick for this it's established weeks in advance and it should be starting shortly we have a five minute countdown though so a couple of minutes to speculate on whatever sieves we see and it looks like we're gonna see a mirror match of what we saw in uh the last semi-final with japanese versus celts on cup but this time instead of having japanese john the fearless has kilts interesting i'm actually a little surprised by that because i'm i'm thinking through where some of these other sieves might be picked i mean it's not as if japanese okay japanese could be strong one bae too i suppose or john the fearless but maybe he has other plans uh thank you to dream lim who just said i am in love with liam i don't know who liam is but uh i wish you and liam the best that is if liam also loves you uh thank you for the creepy five dollar donation and thank you everyone else for the support today also thank you 50 people named liam in the stream that's true that's true i didn't know i had a secret admirer uh liam if you're there just like look out your window real quick make sure you're not being stalked thank you i love you too that's great five minutes spec delay makes sense i think with these live games dave as much as i don't like the downtime as much as we are exhausted it makes a lot of sense and the trust is there within the community that there's going to be no no funny business but with this level with this prize pool guys this is why we have those delays why even give anyone a reason to speculate about that right yeah yeah that's true we can all handle five minutes yep someone said and i didn't get all the message in chat but someone seems really sure that admiral was mbl and i'm not getting those vibes personally i i still lean back why would mbl go for islands as a home map pick yeah uh i'm thinking doubt i'm thinking jordan i'm thinking dogal those are my top three currently but it is crazy that we're in a final and just are not sure we could it could be veles as well could be nikov dude yep i mean this is i'll show the players again in terms of how admiral likes to play this i guess you just pick pick a player here on the list that likes to go for water maps you have jordan i could see velez doing it viper tattoo dogel could see doubt doing it could see winchester doing it let's see nikov doing it and maybe even accm there's just so many good names we're just to be more of ourselves but i think viper would have played that portuguese game a bit differently yes if it was him i agree i think that's a fair statement i think that if viper is indeed out first off the community is going to go wild when the reveal comes in and that is is proved to be the case um but also i think that he might be teammates with one of these guys if viper is indeed evalo but admiral picked goths admiral did pick goths at the very end it's it's tough but maybe that's a winchester tell crazy man 45 seconds japanese vs celts i actually don't want to talk about the bonus before the game because then it's like pretty lame in the game yeah what do we talk about in the game yeah that's what i did last time and then we just kind of like sat there i suppose it was very action-packed which helped but thank you gauntlet wizard viking rage aoe with five dollars says if bae is pants then islands is you know what i'm not even gonna repeat that i should read messages before i uh start to read them out loud but thank you for the try did it end did it end with chaps no it didn't it did not end with chaps and if people were quick they would have seen it on screen right there all right cardboard thief what why are you stealing cardboard thank you for the prime sub all right dave here we go the wait is over and we have game number four uh again ca i'm getting some errors with capture age unfortunately and the start of these games guys i'm doing my best capturing has been amazing the skin we've been using with the capture age team has been sweet but the live games maybe it's just it's used to the recorded games so dave i'll be at live time and i'll just be a bit behind in showing the viewers you can probably see my point of view because i'm streaming it to you and here we go all right so no crazy lames at the start from what i can see we're going to switch the admiral over to red again has consistently picked teal japanese in the northeast dish for the admiral and then john the fearless is playing as the celts i prefer japanese if japanese take water control and end up going into an infantry battle here dave yeah and we could see that the the last civ matchup right japanese have a lot of options and uh the dress was super super strong for john the fearless so he probably knows what they're capable of but look at admiral's map here tristan where is the wood what is going on that is very far away and you could also argue that this is really close for john the fearless i mean it's on the back side berries are on the backside stones on the backside gold's on the backside you have like two houses and some palisade walls and you are walled but it is definitely a weird shape here that's how it goes sometimes and john the fearless running forward now you can lame quite easily on this map if you want to admiral lames john the fearless earlier on in this series let's see what happens there's two boards you're really close to your base if you want to take the risk i think you should dave he's going for it and he's going for it and he's going all the way around here no he's decided to go across the middle now and admiral will probably spot this oh but it oh that's so unfortunate okay so now he sees the boar now the thing is this is really close to john's base so it was a good reaction from admiral admiral might not be able to get to the scout and just has to block that pig forever here just get in front oh and he stopped it that's huge yeah that was huge john went a little bit too far admiral sending that back to his base before he even needs to take it as well so really no cost to him whatsoever and the hp cost is huge to john the fearless and john the fearless coming right back with the scout that is a little weird i feel like maybe he just wants to resume his scouting but the fact he's going right to the boar he's actually gonna be rewarded by finding a sheep here so he says thank you very much i'll take that to the bank yeah that would be silly and uh he's gonna just scout out i guess maybe he saw how weird this shape was but dave for me as we see john making the barracks i think barracks is the best opening here and i think the docks he sees the villager coming out for the board i mean the tc is so close it's not even worth it at this point right i don't know if he's spotted actually i'm not sure which which guy you're talking about there but i'm not sure that it was possible on either side as you see admiral breon would start are you surprised by that three on wood he's going for a barracks and he went for the mill in the middle this is like when we first were testing out this map right this is with japanese your mills are cheap and this reminds me very much of tattoo and dell and what they did in hidden cup three milling the middle on this map and making militia for control you don't have to dock here comes the drush from john but these villagers are going to be walled in so they're going to be taking this fish safely more safely anyway thank you well no the palisades not down but i don't know if you can actually walk that way okay like that left one's not actually built but something tells me you can't go down yeah otherwise he would have gone through there but yeah he just lets him walk right around he doesn't even palisade wallet fights it off with the villagers for the time being and he's building up his militia number in his barracks this is good so maybe he could just kill all this yep yeah he got some hits he's getting his food whereas you know no real reward but john loves his farms john's like forget about fish john's not a big fan of salmon seen that so frequently in hidden cup is just get into farms as quickly as possible it's a sure thing you know doesn't like to take any risks with this game has that much confidence but now it's three militia versus uh like two and three-fourths militia and also half a scout so it should be better for admiral here yeah john was trying to bait some idol time earlier with those i don't think he ever really wanted to engage against the villagers because the barracks was there and now both players probably going to cancel each other out with these stretches they're probably the best play here in my opinion is a fast fetal behind it so keep an eye on the food counts and that's an opportunity for a scout hit there for admiral he has to dodge the tc here in a second uh oh that was actually kind of awkward as john the fearless catches up with the hp just ever so slightly you see loom coming in for john dave i think he'll click up the feudal after this make a transfer to wood and gold and i think we'll see the exact same for admiral who already has loom actually yeah well admiral admiral had that fishing come yeah true now the villes are more exposed and you know eventually run out there versus a farm which is like slow and steady and villagers are protected but i think the timing on getting to gold is big because you want to make sure you get man at arms and archers but maybe even a fourth or fifth militia would make sense for either of them yeah maybe i don't see anything being added in at the moment both players gonna hit feudal age around the same time do you think john the fearless goes out to water again he is going to gold right now um you remember the last game he started out with a drush well and then he went on to water once he got to fetal age i think the reaction might be a bit different here because the enemy has not docked so maybe what he did in the past was simply due to the fact that he wasn't no no no because he went fishing in the north first before he saw the doctor in the enemy this is what i meant fourth militia and also celt speed will kick in in about 40 seconds yep scout's running away man this is so good right now this is so good from both of them this level it's so close people even the amount of pop space they have is similar i'm loving this so much it will be five japanese militia here now they will attack faster starting in feudal and then celt infantry moves faster starting in feudal and watch them zip away here ready and john the fearless john the fearless has found these two villagers that made the mill at the north i don't think he can engage against this because there's the four militia trailing behind both players going into men at arms as well so similar tristan dave this base which looked awkward is actually super nice with that big wall off on the wood line so that's protected and now you have the villager and the failed quick wall and the dock has to be deleted there so admiral is in a better position if you ask me yep and john the fearless was planning on going for a doc in futile h now he's going for a dock on the northern side okay and it's the same for admiral definitely going to be annoyed by this man in arm and the scout there's a weak villager there tristan japanese for you and oh no she's going to survive what a safer don't do it don't you do it that's me don't you do it don't you she survives what a tease and the man in arm goes down oh my goodness can't believe he couldn't get that villager and losing the scout as well yep scout very weak for john the fearless hesitant to take any engagements against the japanese men at arms i'm sure but remember in a 4v4 fight the japanese men at arms should destroy so you need to have some quick walls here if you're john john the fearless going for a fire ship in the north i feel like he knows those two villagers are there maybe up for a demo for us so you can get both of those i i think that admiral should be forcing fight soon because now there's an archer so now you're at a more of a disadvantage i think fighting there would have been a better play but it's hard to run and buy time against celts when they can chase you down right well he does he doesn't want to buy that much time he just wants to get the walls down you can see the idea from him right he's walled that whole left-hand side he's walling the whole right-hand side oh the scout survives oh get her get him oh my god the tc's the sniper okay and now he takes the fight it's a good call from you dave and even the man at arm goes in after the archer just to weaken that which will be the most important thing yeah and by the time these units come back across fully well villagers are going down on water and villagers will be pulled off of water okay so now it's just a transition into land eco and archers for both so this is one of the more enjoyable cross games i've seen at the openings it's been so so complicated yet so simple in some ways yeah this is a great cross game or not i mean cup sorry it's been a long day people it's been a long day dave dave proper co-caster right there just right i just i had to say it before the chat said it because every time i like slur a word or mispronounce something they're on it man they're right there yeah dad is next lever man did were you slightly upset that i carried on that meme by the way well they were gonna carry it on anyways that's true fletching is in for john the fearless who has four archers here and pop capped is admiral and it's a bad one at a crucial moment too because you need to have four to match this year not a good moment at all he's gonna slightly push them away with the archers but good heads up play from john the fearless there not to run away and hit somewhere else he's going to keep pressuring that weak wall and it's always in good micro from admiral just to survive that moment because that was really awkward you see the micro here and lack of hesitation from the blue player as he's getting some great pick-offs dave and he's in oh the micro difference is huge between these two and villagers are gonna go down now i can't help but think back to the moment where john the fearless was able to save that weak villager earlier none of these villagers are being saved by admiral it's a good gate they're from admiral really good response but can't quite keep up with the units from john the fearless and john the fearless's reinforcements just keep coming right through that hole yeah and he's clearing up the archer numbers all the villagers there are idle he's winning these engagements this looks very leery-esque hera-esque viper-esque where they just managed to win the tiny engagements at the beginning of the game and snowball that to victory but but also horrible pop cap it's not you're halfway building the house you completely forgot the house and that he was at a numbers disadvantage so the micro is impressive from john the fearless but it's just not the execution you need here to win the hidden cup four finals if you're admiral and now we know how good john the fearless is with macro and that macro is happening at home the farms are everywhere 700 food in the bank and we're going to see a click update that is like so much faster than admirals click up and admiral even went for armor for skirms so an extra 100 food invested into skirms uh skirm armor and then the skirms themselves so pretty brutal john the fearless now with killing the dock in the north too so he's just gonna add fishing ships behind this archer range going down so we'll see archers for him rather than the night play that we saw previously all right here you go uh is this admiral here you see the difference between them and of course jordan the only hidden cup he played in was hidden cup 2 where he lost in the first round to max i believe which was an interesting storyline because you know jordan retires from the game again comes back for hidden cup four qualifiers and actually had to beat the max and he did 4-2 to make it into this one so some revenge there and it's funny because admiral's picking teal so if that is jordan he kicked max out of hidden cup max likes to pick teal and then he stole this color too yeah maybe it's just an honorary thing or maybe it is the less and he's like i'm doing it for you buddy yeah maybe kid certainly has some some vibes of some of the players we've mentioned and that's a free bill pick but we actually see admiral focusing down the archers that's a good moment there dave he needs it because he's still miles from the next stage and he's going to pick off another villager so that's two villes from john that have kind of died in this martial area yep gonna be pressured here we'll see the double archer range from him but not many areas to hit other than these fishing ships so i think there's moments where i say well you know this person's got military control so they're gonna be able to buy time for two minutes when i watch john the fearless play i i don't worry so much about the pressure that's gonna come in and that's gonna come apparently but it's more about the booming you know like yeah i just always expect to see a second and a third town center show up behind these balls john wanted to go for a forward siege workshop but that galley is going to do really well against the archers and can did delay the siege workshop for a long time so he's actually forced way to recover here admiral seriously beautiful recovery to buy time and now only 60 seconds away from castle age we'll also have two ranges producing and that dock could even be denied too here dave another villager out in this area that might get killed the galley was a perfect choice too yeah demo he could just run away from fire ship not doing too too much damage and not so much versatility galleys really good to buy time i i think there's some element like after watching the semi-finals which again we're played yesterday and they were they were played they finished they they send the admin the recorded games and then we cast them live today um that way they're rested for here but there's definitely some element to some of these things you could just tell it's live you know like that the pressure's on from the finals or just that live aspect of them knowing that it is happening now and being viewed now around the world maybe has led to some of these small little mistakes here or there which you don't expect from these two two tcs for each player right away oh wow we have ourselves an even game seriously three tc's in total for both soon and you see john the fearless hoping to break in here dave it's gonna be really tough to do so it's gonna be tough to do so and he's forced to make the siege workshop further back and there's a random crossbow from admiral annoying the woodline from jon too what he even micros it back what a pest what a pest and now four crossbows have to go chase that you know you were saying he needs to buy himself some time and you thought he couldn't do it but he has successfully done it and now blue looping around with the crossbows to the wood line oh admiral needs to notice this quick oh but he misclicked the tc he misclicked the tc first sometimes it's really hard depending on the angle of the villagers and so the tc will go up dave and then the crossbows and now john's gonna buy some time i think by running away this is really close it's 50 eco for both it's it's 17 to 12 with military it's 64 pop a piece people another galley coming out as well like is he what's his plan here he's just gonna build up galley numbers in this middle pond and hope to hold the south no real effort here from john to get value from his army dave which is a surprise to me as he loses some of these but running away um i i don't hate water control at all and i think that even just a few galleys without being upgraded seem to get good trades against crossbows i'd like to see a demo maybe or even a fire ship from john on the left side i guess it's doesn't have a lot of control there currently but does have a dock and you know the the map we talked about for admiral is really exposed on the right side here there are crossbows currently camping that area and a villager on the way to outpost that you could see that villager go down war galley upgrade for the japanese player here maybe he's planning yeah he's docking that northern pawn again so he's gonna have water presence in both pawns remember the longer this game goes i really feel as though japanese do have the edge unless we're talking heavy kelt siege can he deny that university too maybe for a while oh no of course not of course if that's my university gets denied please all right villager goes down uh admiral i think needs to get out of here though i don't know if he knows about the siege workshop dave but there is a magnel here admiral uh oh these are dead dude these are we just have a funeral right now these are gone well look at the micro though dave look at the micro he's going for the enemy crossbows he knows the magnet is going to attack browns he split microwave this is beautiful from admiral okay any doubt fans in chat you still think it's doubt here that was impressive man that was a really really good mic wait a second we are not in the business of making jokes about player skill are you implying that doubt wouldn't micro there don't get don't give me that you made a whole video about it i you know what i just wrote the script and thought of all the ideas but i did not do any editing for that video how dare you okay 21 on food that's what admiral has and it's 25 right now for john food should be being saved right now so i'm a little surprised to see there's not a lot banked up for admiral yeah admiral finding that tc in the middle now with the fire ship oh but it's not gonna know that john went out that way and now john once again sitting on four tc's yep this is john for you and also every game we've seen from him he always prioritizes the middle here dave i like the monk idea here get some conversions on the fires any water control admiral has on the right is nice but he can't shift it over this piece of land on this map um and we see gold mining upgrade in castle age for jon that is a pretty expensive one but that tells me he's going to stay in cass league for a bit to get the map back here comes admiral with a castle it's coming to the middle oh boy oh and you just know that john wanted to do this soon as well will john put his own up here in a second and can he deny it forward maybe for admiral does that range the tc it doesn't but do you want it to get denied i guess is the question here yeah true i mean the castle's not spotted i assume oh never mind i lied it is getting spotted the fire takes out the monk with the invisible fire uh magneldo tough to micro this one and it's a huge shot for john he could honestly deny this castle after that dave yeah red's just gotta buy time once again we're saying that he needs to buy time he actually sent more villagers which is a great play the castle will go up tristan yeah those words right there he sent more villagers not doubt sorry doubt fans as we see a castle and now i think this is a race to him and the food eco for john makes me think that he's gonna get there first dave he's got so many farms yes economy is looking pretty good but i mean if admirals the eco is looking pretty good if he cancels a few villagers some idle time could potentially go up as well he's getting handcart right now can't help but feel like handcart isn't the play here yeah you know i agree like it's it's a good upgrade but you know what's great is having a castle up in the middle and uh for john when you have enough stone for another one too yeah like get another one up go to imp win the treb war against that castle and then you can try and get a good position off of that john does click up to the imperial age and in a position to make a second one i think you can be pretty bold with this yeah yeah just just keep it right in the same spot and if you go into a tread war here i know that that when you think of japanese you think of their traps being strong but rarely do you see that unique tech be realistic this castle cannot be denied that could mean double the trebs for john who is well on his way to the imperial lakes but what can it be it can be delayed okay that's a good way of putting it this is silly repairing the magnel and attacking war galleys and okay so now i think what happened there is admiral started to panic and he said oh shoot he's up and so he just quickly canceled everything and he's on his way to imp which i guess in theory the eco might be a bit uh healthier dave because he does have ant cart yeah if he didn't make the monk if he didn't do a hand card if he canceled some villagers he could have already been up by now probably yeah let's talk stone counts enough for another castle now for john i think you you actually should be patient here i don't know if you should okay never mind all right he's gonna make a third i thought just wait oh okay he's gonna expand make a third over there um it's similar for admiral but i think admiral might want to save stone for repairs which is my that's why i felt it was important to bring that up as the magnel goes down and the crossbows don't scale very well for jon but you probably don't want to fight here this is such a big investment on this middle area from bad players like the stone for these castles all the gold in the middle you have to fight here and you have to win this fight especially in this matchup because if celts win the trebor japanese cannot make samurai which we're actually seeing for admiral what if he says forget trebs and just goes elite samurai uh i think three castles all within range of each other it's gonna be really tough right and then from the other side this is the great castle standoff in the middle no one can collect the gold between them but it's instant three trips for john who's going into stables stop making hussars just for once please i think this is hair confirmed tell me are kel hussars the worst in the game where do these fall into you you know what they're definitely there i don't even know celts get hustle they do get hustlers so let's see they're not the worst they're they're better than korean hustlers so at least there's some positives here he's gonna go paladin is he actually gonna go paladin here he's making nights dave does he did he forget what civ he is kelp paladin is technically the strongest unit that they can make i think c-janitors would disagree but i get your point and all we will go in the scenario editor i'll get 40 paladins and you get 40 c john agers all right that's a fun little challenge all right all right i'd probably end up using that i'll get one paladin and you get 40 c janitors oh come on don't insult me with those comments i'm not that bad supplies now but that's not a good sign for admiral he's giving up on the samurai dream it's all that time all the wasted resources making the samurai and all the investment into the castle's dave and you know what if he tries to go champ expecting moderator and paladin shows up it's going to be an absolute surprise in masterclass samurai raiding right now though i don't even know if he needs paladin if he just gets cavalier yeah i think he can push this position if he gets the the final armor upgrade he's gonna also have the gold for it and there's a risk for admiral that he could actually get pop cap here in a second at what point you just give up on the castles here so stop repairing it's done for you in the middle yeah six treads it's gonna be really really tough and even if you move your traps forward the traps from john will just take them out he does not see anything he's get dude he's getting paladin i love this so much i love this so much like japanese have amazing habit ears but you'd never want to go halberdier against woad raider so the play here is always to go champion if you're admiral and then the cavalier gonna show up i don't love showing it early dave i prefer he wait because now the tech switch can come in but i don't know if admiral spotted that as he's gonna sit back here i remember years years ago we probably had the same story yep yep yep years ago you were spectating a game with me and i make paladin and you messaged me about it later and you're like kelp paladin guys i was giving dave and i are referencing a game from like six years ago i remember judging him so hard for making paladins with celts in a 4v4 nomad game and and we have brought this up every so often for years and uh dave was like yeah man they're fast they're stronger than woats the only thing is they suck if they're up against alba deers and here we are they're not up against habiteers they're not even up against any ranged units right it's not like he hasn't shown anything to admiral no so admiral doesn't know that they're waiting and this is the correct play from john a lot of players would stream these in when they have like 10 but you wait till you have 20 or 30 you wait till the paladin upgrade is in and then when they show up at john's base or sorry at admiral's base he's gonna be panicking let's see how fast that pikemen click is now he sees it he's like uh what what is this he'll probably start cueing something else he didn't even have champion yet and the trebs here are going to go down dave it looks like the castle is going to go up then for john and paladin and they just seem unstoppable at this moment in the game right what if they get into the economy oh boy yeah and the trebs are here to back it up dave this is this is a really good mind game here from jonathan the gold the gold that you've invested in those paladins you're gonna make it back by securing that middle area yeah you can now go to all that gold in the middle and he's going to spread out here to raid the farms admiral didn't even click pike and japanese two-handed swordsman they're no joke you know they attack fast and there's a pike and click but i think the problem here is how much ground admiral is going to lose before he eventually even hits help and i don't think he's ever going to get there without losing his castles and his base yeah one go treb's moving forward another castle is going to go down the pallet and just seem unstoppable at the moment in the economy it's still 160 hp they might lack that armor upgrade still 160 hp and john the fearless the first time we've seen kelp paladin in a big tournament in well i can't remember the last time i can't remember another time yeah what a great call here dave especially with how this game developed it was just the perfect time for it and now if if pikeman start coming out guess what you go into woad raiders and now he's getting armor and so it was perfect and the game ends john the fearless goes up three to one against the admiral fantastic game sense imagine at the beginning of the game going into it it's like your celts against japanese your winning move is to make paladin well that's that's actually what makes this so impressive because you can never and this is why i can't answer any darn question that any person asks me on low evil legend day because it depends on the situation and in this situation it just made sense for admiral to go champion and then john the fearless recognized that and just prepped it any the beauty is of the level of play by the way it seems like john the fearless is a big fan thank you for that farm um the beauty of it dave is that he was like making the stables before the barracks were even completed by admirals so he just knew the direction this game was going to go of course had the gold too and hid them too it's just so good and as soon as he showed it to admiral it was already an unstoppable wave yeah and he's just proving that he deserves to be here in the finals he's up 3-1 look at the opponents he's gone through and look at the opponent he's up against he's truly fearless and dave that's two straight games where admiral could have won you know it's not it looks like a stomp with the way the paladins came in and that was really clutch but admiral was ahead by 20 villagers in the previous game here it was neck and neck economically though i'd give john the slight lead and japanese if they don't try and go into that trevor which i feel was a mistake you've got the samurai help in your back pocket so it's got to be frustrating for admiral because he'll recognize this and if you watch these games back it's just john the fearless with a few moments and those moments turn to wins one went away is john the fearless from being the hidden comfort champion when the prize pool at this point is that updated that is updated 88 000 in total um a lot going to first and a lot going to ever participate in this game uh in this tournament excuse me because of the support from you all so let's keep it up please dave and i need your energy uh we still have the big reveal after the finals but i'm on that hype train for admiral to see if he can bring it back hey europe how are you holding up over there it's getting late yeah seriously we started so early for you europe you know still here they're they're the chats slowed down a little bit you know they've slowed down a little bit i think we need to speed it up we're going into game number five here we'll speed it up i'm fine now the thing is there's been so many people who have showed up i can't call you out individually of course from awkward time zones to watch this stream there have been people who started watching at 2am their time dave so you can have no complaints about the time because australia's out there japan's out there all these crazy countries from the other side of the world are out there dave and we have game number five now it will be on quarry uh wait a second nope oh that's a i'm still so used to recorded games i went back into my recorded game folder and it was it was a value over john the fearless from game five my bad no this one's gonna be on slopes and we have a three minutes left in the spec countdown okay cool and i'm looking at the sieves here and one of the sieves is predictable the other one is interesting choice from uh john it it's a little predictable in a sense for who we think john the fearless is slopes is a map we have maybe yet to see in the main event but we saw it all the time in the qualifier and it's a civilization where you've seen a lot of food income and a lot of scouts and a lot of camels and knights and croco you're insane thank you again bye word uh but but yes admiral has gone for the indians people and john the fearless is like i don't care about all your power spikes i just want to wall make archers and farm and he's gone for the mayans i don't think i've ever seen mayans against indians on this map i saw maybe aztecs i saw the aztecs on here but not not the mayans so i think mayans and and even vikings here are really strong because if you get into something like alb or pike archer indians just struggle so much right what do indians really do against even eagle play in castle age because they can't get knights out so depending on how how defensive john the fearless is which he's been great at in this tournament i could definitely see this going well for him but tons of food out there for indians cheap villagers and if you're the indians player do you open scouts and then go into like calf i mean you can't really go into camels here right i think you actually go man in arm opening believe it or not hmm okay especially against sean the fearless because you know john the fearless is going to be walled by the time you get there with scouts so i you can go into cav archers later too yeah like just go crossbow and elite skirm in the mid game uh if you need it and and i i think the only issue there again with indians is what if it becomes a matter of eagles and pikemen you want to go long swordmen as indians it just doesn't seem to fit too well i think the only answer here is elephant archer to be honest we've worked our way through all the other yeah so uh elephant archer seems reasonable we've seen manga die today we've seen comics today we've seen we saw drill on ager today we did it didn't do very well we saw it yeah it got some highlights for us which is good for the highlight guy uh the poor elephant archer i love the small group of people in chat who are still thinking that it's barles the fearless borrows the fearless that'd be nuts uh thank you to holy smokes for the donation says thanks for all the hard work making hidden conform having a blast watching these great games thank you yeah the games have been good the support's been unreal and we will have the final game or not the final game it's live what am i talking about i'm that sure john the fearless is going to win apparently i think you've got to go aggressive here dave you have to go very aggressive in my opinion with indians and i have to open capture it again it would be oddly fitting if it was the final game though because think about the final game in the last hidden cup finals it was on slopes was it not it was i think there was incas right incas and indians right it was some yolo play from the desperation plate yeah yeah i i just think this is going to be a clash of styles again and it's the same things we've been bringing up as i'm in here at about a minute now uh about the difference between john the fearless and the others we designed these maps to incentivize players to expand to different resources to to take some risks and i think uh after this tournament whether john the fearless wins or loses this grand final we're gonna have to go back to the drawing board and make the risks worth it a little more because john the fearless is just like screw your risk why would i ever expose my villagers when i have a shore thing in farms so um again my expectation is i think that john the fearless is not going to take heavy advantage of the resources on the sides i think that he's going to play into walls between these many woodlines dave and try and get into some type of a position with archers and maybe a switch into eagles and spears does he open straight archer or does he go hmm do you go men at arms do you go drush before hit like what's the strategy here for john so i could see it being a concern let me think about this right because if you go for the barracks before the mill i don't see you having a fast up time here because your deer if you're not taking advantage of it are far away so i could see full wall i think if if we're being realistic with john he probably does go for a barracks opening and maybe goes for man at arms but i'd be surprised if we see a dress here okay both players going out with their scouts blue immediately going to the deer and the shore fish so he's gonna he's gonna check that out and then maybe check back there later i think if you would ask him though he'd be under the impression that john the fearless would stay at home based on what he's seen yeah um so far in this set and maybe if you watch the semi-final as well john the fearless kind of going out to that left-hand side but not even enough to you know see the deer so he won't even know if yeah admiral goes out there you do always know they're there and here's john the fearless now if he wanted to steal that boar he could i think that would be a big mistake he's gonna let it go it's weird to me that he didn't confirm the left side dave but maybe he feels like he could just he could just sense it and uh he is gonna head over to the right side now and check this side at least yeah both players checking at dave and this is so far how i thought this game would open up we have the mill at home defensive on the berries for john sticking to his builds and then here he confirms that the indian player is taking all that food by the way someone in twitch chat just said this is breaking news he saw hera at the store they just got back and they saw hair at the store so this might not be hera in the blue apparently he was at the store um i don't know what to think now okay eagle attacking here and being annoying dave i like how you're like uh how do i respond to that one okay i got nothing sorry he is being very annoying and no loom on that villager and look at the idle time it's forcing too amazing micro to be able to do this and also shop at the same time and don't tell me that villager is going to die you should die quick wall john wow all right viper confirmed here in the final possibly kappa no kappa he's not really gonna go back there though you know this eagle's on the hunt i think you shouldn't send your villager back to work here come on admiral the scout is coming back so this eagle is idling three villagers causing annoyance and forcing the scout to be back over here oh oh there's an opportunity oh i like the micro from admiral though if he gets one or two more hits with it uh it's dead no no it's not is it is it is it really is it no it's not at this point they're both trolling what the the thing is that scout could help dave i just think okay as another hit gets in here it's just the dumbest thing i've ever actually no right after that islands game this is the dumbest thing this is the second dumbest thing we've ever seen and the villager gets saved dave at least i think so john definitely knows okay is john gonna find that i don't think so so well-played admiral who should be able to pounce on this eagle in a second and now you see the game plan from jon is to uh not go for men at arms it's just an archer opening oh no i lied man in arms as the militia are on the way man at arms give himself some time to wall with some forward pressure maybe some time to get the archer ranges down that was a huge play from admiral to save that villager i thought 100 that villager was going to die and look to the other side i think this is how indians have to win the match up because you have to take the risks to get the food and dave if that eagle spotted yeah that eagle should be dead meat here in about 10 seconds see the scout trying to block because the scalp when it gets the extra attack and speed and feudal just now will kill that eagle so great opening for admiral a theme here like that happened in the previous two games he just couldn't close it out and i like the opening i think i mentioned this before the game i just take the pressure to the mayans and not do not allow them to wall up while you take the the risky food and john not quite in the feudal age yet so admiral can force him into a fight while he's still got militia here no man an arm upgrade though dave if that was on the way it'd be a good position and john the fearless will actually have the man in arm upgrade first but doesn't have his eagle relying on the walls admiral is going stable behind this he's going militia and dresh into scouts wait where what the really yeah weird man well it's it's not it's so weird it might catch out john the fearless well he is on the fish on both sides so he does have the food income usually that's the problem right but with indian fisherman the thing is it's so fast that food income is so unbelievably fast as you see a quick wall attempt here from john the fearless and he has not completely he has not completely got this off dave villagers have to rush for him he's forced to delete that house i think he will get back with these villagers though but that's certainly annoying ones oh blocked again oh god the power of man in arms and there's still more to look at here i just hope admiral can find some reward and does yep gonna get one but now his own villagers and running home good awareness from admiral to well all of that is going on as soon as he sees the blue dots yeah at the top he pulls his villagers away i think the scouts will be all about oh my goodness the archers even in times later yeah john this is the thing like so many players would not play mayan's man in our archer opening it's just the way that john feels comfortable playing yeah and it just doesn't look good on this map at times yep he might get a villager with his men at arms though he's still chasing her from admiral i think admiral is looking for an opportunity to quick wall it kind of looks like it uh i mean he really should focus his attention on microing down the villagers and oh the mill needs to be deleted and the blocking and well in the end the villagers survive and this villager oh he he saved her oh my goodness that was disgusting admiral is not finished yet dave not finished at all and needs to maybe get some scouts out here i haven't seen the numbers yet the villagers just gonna sit there and delay those man at arms i look over for that chat for one second everyone's like pog champ pog yes let's go viper some guy in all caps is like actually doubt well oh come on come on after the highlight moment admiral you've got to do this to your fans ah what a brutal moment dave uh dave i almost said dan where did dan come from but i like admiral's position and i i think it just comes down to these scouts dave because well he's never been shouted oh no she's dead well you know worth worth worth it i mean it did distract the man at arms and i again it's just weird because with one spearman with the archers john's going to be fine so the scouts have to get value and this is a huge surprise i'm sure and that archer there goes down yeah it's just now we know something you see right militia into scouts yeah who does that admiral does that i i've never seen this i did not see this in the qualifier so it makes me think it's a top eight player or just a prepared strategy of course i mean it makes so much sense if you have the fish income yeah you can make it work yeah and could even take the other corners too davis you see the scouts engaging here now this is before armor and that was really cute from john to hide the archers there and allow the villagers to get some hits and this is what i mean about the spearmint but i don't think the scouts are finished and it's it's a ton of scouts too he's got three more at home and he's keeping them at home because he knows the men in arms are still around there somewhere i think john just needs to play his game and wall at this point when you see the extra scout investment and the upgrades over at admiral's base i think you just need to wall and he did sort of just defend there because the scouts are going to be coming in here as the villagers are pulled the scouts are pulled everything will get cleared up didn't see any villagers die just been one to one with vil picks here dave a big food investment for these scouts yeah more scouts on the way he queues up another one unlimited production of scouts he's run out of shore fish though he's he's on to the deer now and he's going to be running out of berries soon too well the thing is i think this is a misplay from john to run forward i i could be wrong but if the scouts were all grouped up i think they should kill that every time okay shot it but again just pull all your scouts back here and the spearmen and the archers go down this hurts for the mayan player they need to have their numbers long term and we'll see everything go down as i said in that micro from admiral keeping all the weak scouts alive beautiful beautiful stuff does lose one there john needs to do something about this gold asap he just lost that army he needs to wall here right now yeah okay he's doing it perfect response from him he's already walled the sides he's got a very john the fearless looking base right now with walls on every angle yep and uh the gold is going to be secure by the time the scouts get here and admiral is looking out on the edges but like you said before john the fearless not even biting on the extra resources did john even scout his own side okay he didn't even scout his own side which is just so typical look at the scouting on this map he doesn't care but i'm wondering if it's worth it to send villagers across to the other corner is that too risky maybe and we're talking if you're admiral of course to take the corner from john the fearless right now i don't i don't think so i think i think it might actually be a good play we're going to see a second barracks here from john i'm sure of it and it'll be a spear eagle play wait a second is that it is that a hole where in john the right beside the barracks oh there is there is a hole there and the thing is admiral hasn't just clicked past here he's just checking because you would never assume there's going to be a hole both players on the way to castle each day at nearly identical times 40 villages versus 45. if john doesn't notice that hole most likely if these scouts are kept over here as one is moon walking backwards um they can be upgraded to light cab get that armor upgrade and if they ain't go into the economy at that point oh boy i think he's gonna come home now does he see yeah he sees the army and he knows he can pounce on that so i think he's going to go into like here he has a lot of scouts now granted many of them are weak because of his good micro earlier the only part of the base from john the fearless that he hasn't explored is the part with the whole he sees everything else wait wait say that again you mean what admiral scouted yeah yeah oh you're kidding me what the what are the freaking odds of that i would assume it was walled as well okay what's this gate i've seen some players do this admiral has done a lot in this tournament what player would make that gate like that david it's smart i'd say yeah you don't want a big surface area to attack right yeah hmm someone's saying cva gate we've got some cva players out there it is a cba gate it is a cva game man i remember my cba days i had some guy come on stream like three months ago like yo we used to play cba all the time back in 2013 on hd well i haven't seen this name in a long time that's pretty cool but yeah i guess at this point admiral is going to kill this dave i'm still rather surprised that john moved out with him truthfully okay tc on the woodline to the north for admiral so he's branching out to that wood already i don't see a second tc yet but or sorry a third one yet but he is getting the light cav upgraded he just missed he missed them he missed them and again that weird spread formation i can't really attribute that to any player it makes sense if you're looking for something is that a jordan thing to do it does that if we're saying fanchester does that borrow dude i would absolutely love for it to be something like winchester or barcelona i know me too know man now at this point since both are in castle age admirals got to know that the enemy is not going archers because the archers are not upgraded and this is what i mentioned before the game like going all in with eagles is absolutely disgusting and hard to stop the indian player what do you make against that davis the light cab pounce you're gonna be making camels of all things yeah you don't even have the night option right don't have the night option long sword seems too slow and of course can be countered by the archers if you go for it admiral realizing this is a bit of a pickle it's going to run away um i think it was round two shout out to daniel an american player who was playing in the qualifier and he went one tc all in eagles and rams against indians and just destroyed and i think that hera has learned a thing or two from that i just not hera sorry uh john the fearless down the fearless really still could be wrong on i apologize it's been a long day but the stables are on the front and they're just gonna get rammed down dave we see a barracks on the back for admiral he's gonna try long sword he has to he's going to switch into it it's it's either long sword you go a couple extra stables and spam light cav which doesn't feel good or maybe you're trying mass cav archers which also doesn't feel good after four days and for the players weeks and weeks and weeks of practicing preparation all of these things beyond the fearless is one win away from being the hidden cup four champion and i can have no arguments dave based on the amount of players he's had to slay to get here can he finish off the admiral does the admiral have a few more games in him here it's pricey he's actually using the market to get resources for these long swordsmen yep he needs that tech switch really quickly and john actually found the tc in the north as well can't do much about that right now unless of course there's no reaction and instant reaction from admiral who's buying a lot of food and we'll have quite a few long swords like coming in and taking out the scorpion that was really good from the admiral it feels like it's gonna be too late this switch from admiral he's got six and he's got the tc there actually dave i think with the tc protection it is awkward with his scorpions in there but it seems somewhat realistic he might be able to hold for the time being but if this gets worse like now crossbowman's gonna be tucked into if the archer's in there too then it is very awkward i'll agree with you yeah john doing all this on one tc by the way hmm interesting so it's fallen behind in bills but it also picked off some villagers here three to one with the eco kd the light cap just melt and the swordsmen are slowly pushing back here the eagles are in the back there's a group of eagles in the back the swordsmen are trying to catch out the crossbows in the front but the mobility of the eagles coming into play yeah and admiral just can't catch up right now dave just like that he was just attacking the tc in the north and admiral i think he thought the eagles were gone sweet on garrison they're gonna die oh no admiral he can't keep up with it dave and now i guess the crossbows have been cleared out but there will be more and the eagles are still running around this is why eagles destroy any sieve that has to go long swordsman in this spot because you're just going to outmaneuver the long swordsman at this level yep the long smart swordsman coming into blue's bass and getting decimated and more eagles on the way looking for openings in admiral's economy they're trying to bust through the wall in the north and they're through tristan that was fast man did he get arson that was really fast and he'll see the villagers and say okay i'll take those two thank you that is villager kill number 18 make it 19 here in a second and who even needs tc's at this point if you can just kill villagers like this yep but i still think you should do something and he says let's go in a page out of danny boy's book the exact strategy that i'd reference before dave and it's just maybe the predictability of indians being picked here and i remember the same thing in game one with bulgarians being that excellent counter against the expected aztecs pick really strategy you just keep running around the eco with the eagles and maybe try and focus some attention on that tc in the north i mean red admiral he's going to start having resource problems soon right yep a lot of his villagers have been killed his woodlines keep getting hit and maybe just for now john doesn't want to lose his units and is he just going to go into arbs come on don't cheat don't go back into arbs admirals going into cav archers which i think if cap archers were going to be viable that was a decision he needed to make a while at the beginning yeah even goes down there dave just running complete circles here is admiral he's got to be dizzy even i'm dizzy watching it john's a fearless he's doing so good with eagles he might end up doing both here but he's adding more ranges too but i think crossbowman with even eagle with a few upgrades on rams he's gonna have enough for a castle soon too crazy what one tc aggression is doing here i mean say what you want about and that hole's still there but say what you want about kind of breaking the meta by not taking the side resources but one tc is not really something you see frequently remember the opening for him too losing a couple villagers at the back being idled on the berries and whatnot like not going out to the extra resources i think it's like the transitions are so much it's so much easier for you as we see supplies come in from admiral and he will need a lot of long swordsmen to hold it's definitely so much easier for you if you stay and take no risk here i think there can be a finer balance too but i think out of respect for the opposition we haven't seen john the fearless taking any massive risks throughout this year and it's right on that hill right smack dab in the middle of that tiny little hill in front of red's base he is in the imperial age he is upgrading his crossbows now and his eagles as well this could be the moment this could be the moment if the castle goes up the eagles are definitely breaking through even bracer's gonna be in how can he afford all this bracer ballistics elite eagle crazy what what a feeling this has got to be if you're admiral does he see that castle he does i think he knows if he doesn't stop this castle it probably came over this is probably the last fight of hidden cup four brace yourselves folks the cow archers are coming the long swords are coming the scorpions are trying to get hits he has to deny this castle and i don't think he's gonna be able to do it there's just no way even if the fight's 50 50 well knocked out goes up once the castle goes up he can't win it i don't think that pretty much what i was thinking even if the fight's decent you still have a castle on your face and now there's going to be more units streaming in your long swordsman did cost food despite the supplies tech i think that admiral should fight on here dave you've still got a ville lead you should know that this has got to be some type of 1tc play but as i say that we have a champion it is 4-1 for john the fearless dave what a performance what a player and i think when the reveal comes in and the interview comes in we'll have a lot of questions to ask but this isn't just a player who who played heavy behind walls all the time this isn't a player who is a complete meta player this hidden cup it was you had bulgarians in game one frequently you had mayans here one tc play you had out of the box strategies and comeback victories when it was needed complete performance excellent defense excellent strategy excellent execution and amazing game sense from john and what a fighter to go through all the amazing opponents like you just think of the list of people he had to beat to get here unbelievable and winning it 4-1 so so fitting for him he definitely deserves it all right so um we're not going to waste any time here getting down to the important part of hidden cup if you have not already below the stream sorry youtube but below the stream if you're here live there is an image or link that you can access and you can input your 16 guesses for the player identities you need to do that now because this closes soon so you've had all day if you haven't done it do it now and make it quick i'd say i think we're going to have i have to get an update actually from the staff here but i think we're looking at something like maybe five ten minutes before we close it uh if you get all 16 correct you get a prize you have a budget for that so if like 2 000 people get it all correct then that's a problem a lot of people are saying there's no link hold on a second and being told we closed in five minutes let me confirm that it's there for me chat it wouldn't be there if you're on your phone sadly it literally it says guessing and you just have to click it chat so you might need to refresh your stream if it if it's not there for you refresh your stream and i'm sure it will show up there all right yeah closes in five minutes so i'm gonna give you guys time to do that dave's gonna uh you know just take a break real quick teripa is gonna gift more subs apparently guys it's been about 11 hours for me uh with very little breaks and a lot of casting and the big reveals coming so we are going to have to take a break of course we'll get the winner and possibly second place in for an interview i'm not doing any voting here because we've done a lot of voting for the players and we do have to prep some things apologies for any delays here as i know the hype is real but do not go anywhere if you want to find out all the identities for the players and the big conclusion here for hidden cup 4 because we don't know who that winner is just yet we'll be right back and i believe this is the scene here oh no this is the scene we need yes see you soon by the way i don't know if matt's in chat but this music is actually made by a big supporter of the channel matt salsa no longer pilot music it's really good [Music] approach do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] left [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign all right chad we've had a lot of spam the last four days i'm gonna want spam when the day ends what in the name what is that [Music] geez um let's get some spam going of salutes please and some pog champs and whatever emo you desire truthfully uh as we get down to this reveal i uh had to take a quick shower here as i was sitting here all day and i'm it was it was disgusting not gonna lie i'm ready for this moment this is the conclusion the big finale of hidden cup and also your last chance you know just to get one more last uh twitch prime plug-in because when am i ever gonna have 60 000 people sitting here who could try it last chance to up that price thank you everyone akademos i don't even know what to say about that right now thank you too i'll be sending out a lot of thank you whispers after this event apparently [Music] whoa thank you twitch primes come on 60 seconds it's your last chance it's your last chance to take money out of jeff bezos's pocket when do you ever have a chance to do that and directly into john the fearless's pocket well and others technically so everybody there you go [Music] i wish you could capture this moment right here oh my goodness there's so many people this is crazy [Music] what in the name of what the [Music] you know the the subs almost drown out the archer range jokes this is this is what we need to avoid that joke on this stream apparently thank you lieutenant dan thank you flopshot [Music] thank you nacho thank you chad thank you everybody oh okay i was supposed to stop the song there thank you for the support chat this is the moment and uh we do have some interesting data to share here so you're gonna have to bear with me because obviously i don't know who the players are in this event um and i couldn't no information could be shared with me and we couldn't do a ton of testing on how this all works because it it pretty much comes down to uh it's on the fly thing at the end of the event right and i don't even know what overlay guy has prepared the page the prediction page is closed to ripa jurepa stop you've done enough to repa everyone else is fine but you seriously oh my word slow down my friend thank you i don't understand what's happening all right listen so i said before the event that we would give a prize to the people who would guess correctly now we had a budget for this and the budget was quite high the budget was five hundred dollars we had thousands of entries 105 people got all 16 correct so you're gonna get a really cool sticker no uh we'll we'll have to figure something out i can't make any promises there but congratulations to 105 people uh that's pretty cool and we'll get more data out after hidden cup that way you guys can see what things end up looking like in the back side there and of course pretty soon what we're going to have is not only the player reveals but also the the guesses so when a player played around what they do is they they'd of course report their result and they'd say to robo who handles the back end i think i played this person last year we had some good ones dave welcome back this is the the fun end of hidden cup yeah what an end it was too man john the fearless just carrying it out to the finish and i can't wait for my the reveal here tristan this is my favorite part of every single hidden cup this is the fourth one and i never get tired of it yeah i know and i didn't submit my guesses but uh i think there's going to be quite a big surprise at some point in this round of 16 especially the viewers if you're ready what we're going to have here according to the list of the order that's been read off to me is you're revealing the guesses of the players and there's the bracket that's everything that went down we're going to reveal the guesses of the players the stream and the guessing website for the fallen heroes of the round of 16. should be on screen in just a moment here i don't know if there's a video or what here oh interesting okay dave so what this means is and my brain is fried at this point but we've got some interesting ones here so i'm going to start at the top the war wolf guest that he beat mbl i believe that's what that means correct he believes he beat mbl a stream i guess we didn't get a poll on that or something and the prediction page guest at jacqueline was barles wait a second what are you surprised by harold hedrata's guess here or sinjata's guess on herald yeah he guessed that it was jordan wait a second there's some this is not matching up at all right now like everywhere it's not matching up you look at admiral admiral guessed that he beat barles and then the stream and the prediction page said that was mbl uh guys we either screwed up or the players did here one or the other like none of these match like wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second edward longshanks guess that he beat the viper three one i'm very confused right now is that doubt he did that before when he won a round is that doubt he beat fire 3-0 and said he thought he was playing the viper in hidden cup three okay moving on john the fearless thought he was playing dog we all thought that was tattoo and then philip the good thought he was playing dough and we all thought it was nikof could could we have been any more off base from the player guesses yeah this is crazy man this is more off base than usual we're usually way off i mean i'm just wondering who's right either all the viewers were right which makes the players wrong or the players were right and the viewers were wrong and either way that makes hidden cup a success let's find out [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i i was told there was a there was a tease or surprise and i fell for that too i was like oh no what's happening oh wow we just got debated by overlay guy dave but oh my goodness so wait a second that means we the casters and the viewers were more correct than the players were with their guesses and it also eliminates some potential names from who i think admiral is and i think we have a big upset for the second place finish here yeah seriously maybe we were all on base with who has moved along despite the surprises um anyways i i can't think let's go okay i was expecting another video there i was expecting another video there i now see the situation dave these are the guesses ahead of time all right i think people just want to see the video at this point but i think we should appreciate it that admiral yisan thought he beat accm sanjata thought he beat mbl when we all thought it was doubt uh evalio or availo thought he had beaten backed which was correct with us and then john the fearless thought he'd be in leary let's see [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're running out of names here tristan and i'm i'm really excited for these final reveals we are running out of names and running out of energy so let's not tease the people any longer let's just let's just go right for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what was this tournament man what was this tournament so first off hera finally does it he finally does it he finally it gets past the viper gets past leary and got past tattoo all in the same tournament to then beat jordan but then jordan surprises everybody except for maybe the chat that's been saying it for days and made it to the final pass some big names as well i just got chills in that video i got chills for a couple reasons hera finally winning a tournament he's put in the work we've seen him since when he was like 16 years old tristan we followed here we've been saying he he's the next guy he's he's the big one and finally he clutches a victory and then jordan a blast from the past we grew up watching jordan it feels like in this community and coming in second is such a big result for him especially beating mr yo what a day for age of empires oh my god seriously and i think back you had some crazy reverse or one in particular crazy reverse sweep with doubt being down two games against velez and he was able to move on to eventually face joe in an excellent set i mean you look at the results it doesn't always do it justice but this was an amazing tournament and i think i think we have a lot to talk about dave but we really should bring the winner in here uh some years we brought in the winner and second place that's up to the players and need to get an update from robo here on the plan but uh you know we knew it was okay he's here hera i knew it was you already and hello jordan too but way to like join the one team speak room 10 minutes ago by accident i was like robo told us oh okay i'm going to roblox instructions yeah well hera congratulations um how are you feeling man it's been a wild journey uh i mean it's hard to really put the words for it but i'm just so so happy like for for multiple reasons i think after every round of this tournament i was just super happy and to finally win in the end that's i don't know it's just a great feeling so dave mentioned the road that you had to get here uh the amount of times you've run into big names and get so close and then this bracket i mean if anyone was to have a complaint about random seating it would be you right now you faced all so many big names man how does it feel to win doing that right there yeah like uh first round you know when you don't know who it is you go in and you see what happens and then to go like 3-2 you know it's a good player you know you know it's a great player so uh and and what a tough series so i think like every round is basically a tournament semi-final or final for me like straight up and uh it's kind of nice though like that's the hidden cup aspects of it so it's big risk if i lose but then if i win it feels even better you know so i'm it just makes the win a bit more sweet for me and i'm very happy about that do you remember the goal you had going into the second hidden cup we were talking a lot back then prior to it do you happen to remember what you told me yeah i said i want to make it past round one i think i failed though i i lost round one but that was my goal is to get past round one that's crazy man that like it hasn't been that long in the grand scheme of things your goal is to get past round one you weren't able to do it then and now here you are and uh you've transformed man that's amazing um now apologies in advance to to you and jordan because i'm exhausted and we didn't know who you were so it was hard to kind of prepare questions and whatnot but if it's cool with you here i'm going to bounce back and forth here and also interview jordan a bit oh good all good cool uh jordan hello hello hey hello hello sorry no worries jordan how how are you feeling obviously you made it to the final and the expectations are always there for you to try and compete and win but how are you feeling about hidden cup four and and your performance uh i'm just uh amazed by the fact that i was able to perform so well i was obviously very fortunate with the bracket i think hero definitely had a tougher road to the finals but yeah i just i felt like i was playing so much better than i expected to play so yeah super super happy about it okay yeah um obviously with with the way the brackets shape up it can be tough from time to time but i i think you should cut yourself a little bit of slack because mbl's made it to two hidden cup finals you beat him 3-1 he also got past mr yo somewhat convincingly um what elevated in your game here jordan to be able to get past some of these big names who've been at the top of these tournaments for the last couple years when you've been gone it's really really hard to say i think just the practice i've put in the last weeks and months really helped me to perform really nicely in this tournament and therefore i think in tournaments i also play much better than in later games and uh therefore i was able to i think surprise uh some people yeah um well you know what's funny how much were you watching jordan did you see all the people that were screaming your name in the early rounds yeah i was i was i was following a lot and also my disco channel people discussing about who i could be and it was just a blast and i saw everyone was confused about admiral so i really enjoyed that were you offended at all when people were like no that can't be jordan no i don't know i totally understand when people would say no chance that's that's jordan right because me as a bureau i would say the same because i felt like i played so much better than a few weeks ago so uh it was just en entertaining for me to see that okay well hera kind of a similar question for you i feel like with katya and hidden cup 3 it just it just felt like you rather early and uh i even had that weird boar video with your you know the villager inside the tc thing all these like scheming tricks yeah yeah and then people were screaming you rather early what's it like from your perspective when that happens what's funny is actually i should talk about something in relation to that like remember the first round chat first of all i forgot that it was rex and they can see my chat and i got really frustrated because i had literally six hockey problems in the biggest tournament of my life yeah and i think that gave me away like that that just kind of like helped it but also i feel like my playstyle is kind of just hard to hard to keep hidden um especially those that watch you know watch a lot of my games generally they know you know what what my playstyle looks like so i'm okay with people figuring me out though i'm okay with that you know you did promise me you'd put a janitor in the corner and i'm happy for you but i'm upset dude there's no gold rush i didn't play i even picked it against jordan but that was actually just to not have to play it because uh i think it's too much of a wild map uh i didn't want to risk it so yeah no gold rush but if i got it i would have tried i think you know there were a few so do you know why the hotkey problems happened was it like after maybe you guys played after a recent patch that screwed it up or something no i think i copied when i copied my hotkeys to my main account i accidentally copied an old version and i made some adjustments you know what it was basically my select otc hotkey was my select all bear xlt and the worst part about that is my make villager is the same as make spearman so i made five or like three spearmen while i have idle tc in a tournament game game one like i'm already nervous game one this happens it was ah so frustrating but okay these things happen you know listen yeah you won so at this point it's not a big deal yeah i'm pretty sure robo's shaking his head right now because i don't see all the things he sends to you guys but knowing robo he was probably like make sure you play a game with the hotkeys first i did i didn't play a whole game i wasn't like 3tc macroing versus the ai you know to make sure my go to tc hot is going well so yeah i tested the basic huskies and just assumed you know but uh i don't know yeah it doesn't matter in the end it's it's funny how how help microsoft not having spectate in the game actually like worked against you there because you're just like ah now this doesn't work i can say whatever i want that's funny yeah yeah feels better okay so i'm just going to keep talking here here because i have so many questions for you first round you mentioned how you just knew when the series was was going how early on did you feel well actually you thought it was dokao yeah okay what what like you know those players are very similar give me some specific situations possibly what made you think that um yeah so i want to say in in hindsight that's a really stupid guess because of the upside-down question mark which apparently is only for spanish keyboard so it had to be titled because of that i thought that's the same for portuguese or i thought it might have been someone trolling i didn't really look into that but uh for me it was just a really solid hybrid map player and i guess the gao but okay it made more sense that it was taro like that was kind of a dumb guess for me in hindsight but it's hard to tell for sure but i knew it was a great hybrid map player and or like yeah water slash hyper then well tyler was a great tire from a player he played really well yeah seriously that was so close and that was actually a rematch of the semis of hidden cup three where you know i feel like the level was just close all around right because you were quite ahead of him there last year he was closer to you this year and then you move forward and you have you face leery i think for the first time in hidden cup how soon did you know it was him uh from the scheduling chat beforehand i was doing my thing trying to hide who who i was but i think the server kind of gave it away because i think we played on like uk west and uh and then just from talking we've just figured out that it was uh it was me and him so gotcha okay before the game started we knew what was happening you're like hmm okay that's a little weird yeah i even said in the steam chat i said uh he said like this time is like not good for you it's like my 3 p.m i want to push a bit later and i said question mark me from china and then he hit me with an xd so we knew what was going on [Laughter] me from china oh my god dude yeah you know there was actually a moment there where i thought someone like i get so into guessing who is who that when backed used his broken english which he's kind of known for i thought that someone was screwing with us i genuinely did for like a solid day or two okay and then it's hard to tell honestly it's hard to tell with the chatting okay and then i think i mean the next two are huge right viper jordan once like both the top two of the game you were around back then as dave said we were casting you when you're 15 16 playing arabia huns like the good old days um and then you face up against viper what about viper when did you know it was him and you actually went down two games in that best of seven just tell me everything yeah so i knew it was viper before going to the set and that's because i had watched the round one at that point so like i believe the first two rounds we played behind closed doors or like my game wasn't casted in the first set nor lyrics i didn't know but the viper i knew was him play style domination it just same draft as the other gl players which we narrowed down so it had to be viper and uh and yeah i think like the the set or the the draft went really according to plan like i had planned a lot of things and almost everything worked in my favor however execution was a bit sloppy for me in the early game but i say sloppy but i don't mean to take away from viper's performance because it was sloppy because he made me look sloppy he just he punished so many of my uh of my bad habits of you know game one being i think overly defensive wasn't really happy with that okay um i have a tendency when i'm nervous to play extra defensive and like wall too early and i was nervous going to that because it's viper he'd never lost a hidden cup i lost him last time for oh so uh you know the nerves were there and uh and i made a lot of big mistakes in the first one that just escalated to my loss game two i gained a bit more of my confidence as i was like you know i have nothing to lose let's just give it my all um but he played fantastic to come back from that i did some i deleted a castle at 75 on a hill defensively that would have stopped a lot of the raids so there's kind of a problem there for me uh the nerves are still there that was unfortunate but like i think like that was just amazing they played for him to come back there i think i played really well too um in the beginning not really well but decent enough um with my strategy but execution in the mid late game he stalled it out he got the relics and he won so yeah and then i think game three seeing myself get lame was so demoralizing but i just kept my head in the game in my mind set up and i managed to beat him because mongol sucks on that map yeah um yeah you eventually come back obviously i i don't want to keep you guys for too long right and then you end up getting to the finals versus jordan jordan uh you make it to the finals uh you guessed that you were up against mr yo so you seem to have an understanding you would topple the giant uh you probably watched as well did you know clearly i'm going up against hair in the final yes for sure i mean i saw the game sarah played right and once i saw i think it was the first game against tato a lot of hustlers and you know that's kind of the trademark of hera so i was very confident that harry would be him okay well um i'm gonna walk through briefly some of these games i don't i think we're gonna skip over the islands game though because one thing i know for certain is that the viewers that are here do not care about islands and so the number one rule of hidden cup entertain the viewers and make sure that we deliver with what you guys want so again we'll skip over that but game one uh arabia and hera talk to me about bulgarians briefly because you picked it twice in this tournament bulgarians are super underrated the reason i like them though is because it's um it's kind of a sieve that has some bad matchups but a lot of the bad matchups get banned or picked for other maps so the matchups that are left for arabia bulgarians does pretty well into all of them and especially the aztecs aztecs franks bulgarians it's basically not like sieve win because you can still lose obviously but it's a great matchup and bulgarians is last pick in my draft so i'm surprised no offense jordan but i'm surprised you picked the aztecs into it despite seeing taro also lose the aztec matchup did you think that you can you know assets are better or you know i didn't really uh i didn't really expect you to go ask there i didn't really have a other sith in my mind which i could use for a rape that's fine yeah true i i want to pick vietnamese first then i saw your draft and i was like you know what he has only aztecs so yeah exactly exactly and i thought okay let's risk it i wanted to play mind games as well because i know that you you expect me to have watched the games right so yeah uh many might games in there but uh i figured um even if i'm facing you against bulgarians i will try to make it happen but yeah you played it too good there yeah you played it really well too like that was uh that was as close as that matchup gets i think in all my testing uh bulgarians was easier win than that one so well played thank you game two jordan you drop game one you go to islands this game we want to skip that one tonight okay you don't want to talk about it you know but the viewers really want to talk about it let me just ask hara this hera why would you pick vietnamese bro because i forgot to draft an island because if my plan was to give that map up but i was supposed to grab like a tier two like byzantine like a tier two islands and tried to win and then i realized because i wanted bulgarian's last pick um i i forgot the islands so i want to say it's like oh i'm going to show off with a bad 7 still win but no it was just that preparation or a bad draft in the moment so uh yeah that was uh that was a rough one but i think i did decent with vietnamese yeah you had vikings i didn't want to play vikings there because if i play vikings there and i lose i lose my first pick on a map that i'm not really like i i don't really like islands and yeah really weird with syria i was freaking out okay okay yes vietnamese he's not gonna play water he's going to land me opposed all over the place and then so and all of a sudden i see the guys oh [ __ ] did you okay did you guys know that vietnamese don't get fast fire ship of course not i checked it's actually before the game i i checked the texture before the game i knew it wow you're advancing hera you didn't have the check during the game that's sick believe it or not uh oh wow okay well um eric do you think the game was winnable because that was a weird one for a while there do you i genuinely think that despite the fatorias that was winnable uh i think if if we remove feter from the game which we should uh then i think i i would actually be able to win that game just because i get the middle island control but i just don't understand how to play against peter i think that that's that's actually the reason why i don't i didn't want to pick vikings because if you get the same situation you have an advantage and you can't end the game which jordan his defense was fantastic by the way um it's it's so hard to outgrind the fitter and uh and it just makes portuguese like the most safe pick maybe not the best maybe vikings the talents yeah it'd be more powerful but portuguese is super safe jordan it was it was actually sorry uh it was actually stupid that i won that game hera played so much better the the first 40 minutes right i should not have any option to to come back there but the victorious really yes that's so crazy did you think you were dead at some point though obviously you have the faetorius jordan and you think well i've got a chance if these are up but did you think that you were like still going to die to the lycav and the trebs there for a bit well at the beginning of course when i lost the water i realized okay that's a tough position for me but when i hit the imp and came back to water i was feeling confident yeah but era has done a great job of doing water and land at the same time and i was really struggling with that and i have no idea how he managed to get so much pop okay i was really struggling there um so yeah there were definitely a lot of moments in the game where i felt like okay i'm losing this one um obviously i'm you know i'm not as good as you guys but question jordan because i know a lot it's a habit for a lot of us who played for so long to control group buildings as opposed to using a select all this hotkey do you control group your docs or do you use the select all docs hotkey uh usually select all okay because there was an instance there obviously you can rewatch it but like you had the res and the production just wasn't happening so i think that was also a big part but obviously you're getting landed here is like denying a castle with one night with no upgrades it was weird i was a bit uh yeah it was a mess of the game right so uh it was really hard for me to keep up there sure okay and was the next one mudflow hera i think so yes yeah marslow that was a crazy game seriously it was um i i'm sure that i'd have to get both your thoughts on this but like what were you thinking hera when you get nice running through your base yeah well first of all i thought he was going to go indians that's the match-up i practiced frank's threw me off a little bit um when i had the knights i i don't think that was the worst of it i think the worst of it was the scout rush the super fast car was spear forward i mean i know that's the danger with khmer but uh but it still hit me really hard uh because i didn't have the barracks so that was uh yeah that was a risky situation at that point what i was thinking was just trying to survive playing as best defensively as i can and if i lose i lose but uh really just focus on trying to mitigate damage and and do counter attacks to throw off jordan's focus yeah jordan what do you think went wrong there sorry pain in the mic i think i did a bad transition i should have invested more into army instead of going for economy so heavily i think i had a huge lead in terms of villagers but yeah they were all exposed right after my army got crushed so aaron did the right move there yeah okay yeah i mean it was a quality game right i could easily see how you get like a moment here there to stabilize their jordan and you maintain your lead uh which was uh very it just led to a very close game and then am i missing something here i think the next one was was then uh set map cup up yes and uh hera there's one thing i want to bring up talk me through the paladins paladins because that was sick i play the practice man as celts yeah i can explain it so because i played japanese versus uh viper scouts i knew that i was like man champions or samurai are so good here yeah and then i was like wait they're too good they're too good because you know they're too good in the sense that they have japanese has to make that and if they make champions paladins is the only thing that cells can make to destroy them you can't go really siege because then you get raided and ships are a thing and you can't go ward raiders because japanese destroy them especially samurai so i played a practice game with daniel 30 minutes before or no like in the morning today and i went paladin he's like man i got caught off guard i didn't expect that no time to make helps and i said yeah i think that's gonna happen to to jordan as well yeah so i just prepared it and yeah and showed it off and it was right it counts as the only uh cut paladin although it sounds really weird um because jordan would never expect it um and because the map is so open that i able to one shot win the game and if i don't win the game i have the gold so i pay back the paladin basically yeah yeah yeah great play great player thanks man i was really really proud of that one to be honest yo you should i was like what am i watching here you just gotta re-watch and listen to dave's absolute creegasm when he sees the paladins because we've been talking about this for years and dave was just like yes it's finally happening and it was a pretty epic moment yeah i mean paladin is borderline a meme so it's like you know it's understandable i actually i genuinely thought you were going to go hussars there because it's you hera and i'm like oh my god don't do this you know um no no not not that much into his hours i still like i still like them but not that much okay well i guess when you have all the gold in the middle you're like ah sorry paladin is like the next history it's it's a little bit worse because cesaro is a star but paladin with gold i like that unit too perfect well uh final game then uh i just want to hear the approach of uh of of you jordan with the prep with the draft right indians very good on that map again what were your thoughts when you saw the mayan pick from hera i was feeling confident because i knew i had mobility on my side if i opened mine at arms and then into scouts i'm i'm not sure if harry expected that one i think i caught him by surprise a bit yes you i think i just executed it not not in a good way and then also you had a perfect combination of eagles and archers he just yeah i played it perfectly right and yeah uh just just in general i also watched the games against vibro beasley and uh what you played there here is just amazing really you're on a very good way thank you man thank you yeah i think uh if i can talk about something real quick it's like jordan the viewers were always like you know they're like yeah that's jordan but then there's always a spec of doubt you know jordan can he really beat yo like 4-1 convincingly and uh i know i knew it was jordan until that point you know there's a lot of science for me but uh yeah jordan man great first tournament uh as you're back now the jordan is back is true uh great first term to you man like i i thought you know you know you beat mbl okay you beat accm i i thought it was released okay but beating yo like that's that's insane getting to the finals like well done to you man straight up and jordan we all know doubt is a massive trash talker and you forewarned the player who 3-1 doubt i know that getting second is great but to some degree the potential trash talk here is endless right in theory yes but you no doubt right he will manage to uh use this situation to troll me even more still no tournament [Laughter] he's gonna trash talk all the time he's gonna say okay i won red bull what did you win jordan oh man doubt's tough not to crack i guess all right well jordan why why teal was there any reason you picked teal at all throughout this tournament because we always guess on colors the specific reason uh there was just a thought i i had i played against the max right in the qualifiers yeah and uh kind of a tribute tribute all right that's pretty cool yeah uh you had you had been knocked out by the max and hidden guptu um and then you know qualified by beating him and then made it here to the final so incredible um yeah i'll just open the floor uh to to you jordan if you have any words to say to the community and just things in general uh before we close up here yeah just in general uh i'm so thankful for all the support i've received over the last months and now playing this tournament it was just a great experience for me to see how many people are you know engaged into into this tournament and are trying to figure out who is who and so many people believed me being admirable and so many people did not write and it was just so exciting for me to read through all that stuff so guys thank you so much for the support uh i love it and uh yeah you will see more from me in the future that's for sure and also thanks t90 for setting up thanks to all the casters you have done a great great job and also thanks to overlay guy and robo for the administrative stuff yeah jordan congrats man thanks again for everything i'm sure that if there's more questions people will ask you when they see you around so yeah thank you very much all right yep see ya and uh hera same thing to you man big hidden cup for victory we talked about the path and everything uh what do you have to say yeah i mean a lot of the same stuff that jordan was saying you know thank you to you uh dave and every co-cast you've had for putting in the work i mean 12 hours today on the final day uh the viewers for being around uh you know consistently despite the long hours it was a great tournament great experience for me and this is my best tournament ever like i i'm very very proud of uh of how i played how i prepared and and the end result of course so i'm just really happy i can't really find the perfect words to say let's talk about it but yeah thank you to all the love and support the viewers um and i think we had some nice records broken on the stream uh for you for ut90 so congrats there and uh it's just huge for age of empires right so uh one more thank you want to give out as well is to the people who helped me practice i couldn't have done it without them i mean they know who they are but i practiced with a lot of people and they were they were there just to help in a lot of cases so thank you so much and and lastly also thanks to the players who were very very sportsmanship throughout the way um this community is great literally all around and uh yeah it was it was the perfect journey for me and a great tournament overall hera oh i definitely did it baby let's yeah man i'm putting canada on the map let's go dave i'm waiting for you man now next step is you can't is on the map thanks bloody man i appreciate it dude congratulations thanks that i appreciate it thank you oh man all right hera well um i'm gonna i'm gonna close this out with dave so we can get some rest here buddy thank you so much congrats go parade around canada i'm sure people will hear it i'm proud of you man like i said you know dave and i were like your biggest fanboys back in the day uh it was just like i get home from work hair is playing i wake up the next morning hair is playing always playing and you've ironed out your weaknesses the i think like your mindset dude such an amazing shift over the last couple of years probably one of the strongest minds in the game on top of the skills so again my final congratulations i'm really proud of you and like you did this tournament absolute justice with your prep with the civ drafts with the way you viewed the maps in game absolute justice it was great thank you so much i i appreciate all the good words and thank you once again to everyone um take care guys i'll see you guys around laters amen oh it feels so good you know hera finally getting a championship the jordan coming in second again like oh i it was hard for me not to speak during that by the way i was actually muted during that interview tristan you could have by the way i was just watching your little icon there it still said you were muted so i wasn't trying to stop you because i was cheering and laughing and crying and everything what a huge moment like just what a finals yeah i think so every hidden cup i mean in particular let's talk about hidden cup three and hidden cup four there's been a day a day of absolute amazing sets last year i think every single quarter final was 3-2 except for one of them which was 3-1 um and this year i mean i'm just going off stream time of course so it depends on a lot of factors but we had a lot of sets in every single round and i have so much anxiety dude with the random process because i'm just like like hera if had he lost against leery again in the quarters could have just been like this is this is rigged you know he's he met leery so frequently in other tournaments which are quote-unquote fair seating and whatnot early on and so like anyways i um i'm just so pleased with the way this played out for the players we had upsets in in many of these sets players advancing further than they have before and every stretch dave so just sick stuff and it feels good to have jordan and hera like hera over the last year and a half two years has focused on improving his gameplay he's worked hard he's been streaming full-time like he's put a lot of effort into it jordan came back this year he's worked hard he's been streaming full-time and he's been putting a lot of effort into improving and if we look back like hidden cup three hidden cup two there was a sense that viper couldn't be beaten right but these two guys devoted themselves improve their game play focus like it it's amazing what you can accomplish if you put in the work like harry and jordan have and they made it to the finals and hera finally getting a victory it's just it's such a good feeling as an age of empires man to know that our scene is this competitive yeah as i said i want i i want like hera and jordan did hidden cup justice with the preparation not to imply that others did not right but you could just see it with from the sieve draft to the game play every single moment was prepped with strategy and on top of that with the hidden aspect the teal colors i guess hera didn't know chat would show so but yeah uh anyways man that that's amazing for me uh dave if you wouldn't mind giving a final word to chat here i actually have to step away for a split second before we uh close up here chat thanks for showing up this is uh every single hidden cup has set the bar for age of empires events this one has set the bar even higher um tristan and i have been streaming together casting together since you know he had six viewers at a time and i saw that number creep up to 65 or 60 something k today with all the support coming in for him it was an amazing experience it was an amazing tournament and it's only made possible because of you people that show up uh and support us so continue doing that if you're new to age of empires stick around we have so many great content creators so many great players on twitch please show them their your support i'm like i know tristan's emotional i'm kind of emotional right now um for his success and for the success of our community we're [ __ ] esports now boys and girls and the best is still yet to come for age of empires 2 so stay tuned i don't know if tristan's back i don't have many other words it's it's just crazy it's crazy that support you give us this was a pg stream and you just ruined it at the tail end how do you feel about that i've been doing that for years and you love it i figured at this point i think we're safe i'm uh i've been holding myself back the last four days you have dave thank you man um as always like all the words that i say to you i tend to just like say to chat and then you're like there listening so it's not awkward but like um yeah man i i am emotional and and so happy with how this has gone and so proud of the community and the players and everything and we're blessed and i want to keep this going of course so thank you man um guys again when i said there's been a long journey to get here dave and i have been casting together for a long time we've done a lot of events and for him it's not his full-time thing he's he's got things he wants to do on weekends at the very least relax and so this year i kind of gave him an out i said hey do you want to do the whole weekend again because that was insane last year and he was like of course let's go so i i appreciate you so much man it was so much fun i wouldn't have had anyone else casting with me for the uh congratulations dude you just you step it up every single time proud of you buddy good luck with your uh emotional send-off at the end chat tristan age of empires community keep your stick on the ice why of all things did the keep your stick on the ice give me chills of all of that i got emotional with keep your stick on the ice that is thank you dave um so listen here's the deal um i i've been sitting in this chair for like 12 hours so apologies if i look like a dump i actually got a quick shower in while we were counting down to the reveal and everything overlay guy has labeled the camera which i'm about to go to as crycan so this is crycam hello uh hi yes that's me the man behind the mic um i'm not gonna cry i hope uh but yeah i it's tough for me after spending so much time um to go through everything and just talk about what this means to me and then thank everyone who's involved um so i'm gonna do my best here so obligatory thank you to everyone who played a part in whatever role you did um because i am just a dude i'm not a company i'm not an organization i'm a person sitting in his apartment streaming age of empires this is not a thing that should happen which i'll get to so anyways uh thank you to everyone and all the viewers out there so i'm going to start off um with a very important thing that i think needs to be said is like microsoft sponsoring this tournament really made a lot of it possible um unless someone there i mean there's a lot of big sub gifters today but i don't think anyone could just shell out 75 000 and say hey here host a tournament and the thing is if you watch esports now granted i'm not really involved with other esports but normally it's like this tournament is sponsored by blah blah blah blah blah blah for the next two minutes and then you got to deal with that you have to deal with logos on screen and microsoft just said to me here you go do your thing again basically um and that's a huge huge freeing thing for me because i can be myself i can i can do my normal stream for you guys all right um so thank you to microsoft um and uh it you know thank you to the devs of course who this time we didn't have an absolute awful balance patch right before the event the communication's been getting better behind the scenes a lot of things have improved not going to say it's perfect not going to say it's excusable we don't have spec chat yet how fun was it to have chat come on but thank you microsoft um also thank you again to to um to anyone who contributed to the prize pool with a sub uh because so leading up to um leading up to hidden cup four i was sponsors were contacting me talking to sponsors and there were some deals that you know three years ago i'm like no brainer but again i on one hand you know a lot of money is great it's great for the players right it's great for the players if i take a a chunk of whatever it's good for myself too chiripa stop it stop the subs it's over stop it on one hand it's great right but on the other hand i didn't want to to allow my event to be controlled by an outside organization i didn't want to have to to go away from what i normally do in my streams which is represe just being myself right um and that's a big thing for me and so i was really torn because i i want there to be big prize pools it produces hype the players then train more and the players deserve it um and i the sub count on this twitch channel right now is just unbelievable which i actually i have to skip this topic because i'm gonna get emotional but you guys like supported the community granted a lot of mr moneybags out there gifting subs but you guys did it thank you and like all the twitch primes even if you just get one sub it's fine even if you're just watching and here and supporting and shouting and watching on youtube thank you um ducks an absolute god behind the scenes he's so fun he's he's one of my best mods uh one of my best mods that implies i have favorites he's one of all of my fantastic moderators i didn't mean that to be in any way offensive sorry um and so anyways ducks is kind of like the head mod for this event um and he helped me out with a lot of the emotes with the players um he handled the fun facts on screen and and that was so important we had his emmy and grim behind the scenes for the polls and the voting um and all that again was essential here thank you to overlay guy salutes in chat for overlay guy man this guy is um you know i feel like we always try and do things early every year and then we're always swamped and uh we it i don't know how much sleep he's gotten but probably not much um and it it complicates things when you have live games too for those reveal videos to get all that done and prepped which was amazing um and on that note hardy their showcase videos were incredible too that's probably it honestly as far as like what i there's so many other names that i could thank right now but emotionally and physically i'm exhausted so i probably won't say much more um so you know who you are if you're out there and thank you okay i'm sorry if i'm not able to say every name all right i don't know where to start here robo of course robot chat's like robo that may that makes robo feel better i think than me saying anything is chat picking up on it uh robo of course who's done all the admin behind the scenes listen again i'm going to miss names here because i have to prioritize my my my very uh low battery of emotion here so um so as i said earlier i'm just a person and um i started casting age of empires because it was just like a really fun thing to do i had some inspiration along the way but it was just like it was that i it was just toughest years of my life and i just started to do this um as like kind of a time killer get my mind off of all the craziness out there and the struggles that i had um and it's it's a weird balance the streaming thing because i'm very much aware that as i've been doing this now for six years i've gotten emails and messages and just i understand that we're all human that streaming and casting helps you guys throughout tough times and gives you guys a sense of community which is which is very much needed and hard to find sometimes and there's just many facets to this and um it's a two-way street it always has been you guys hear me on stream and i'm just like always like bringing this level of energy and fun and excitement but i don't always have those days and i get on here and this is my place so um thank you i swear my girlfriend just said i'm already crying and twitch chat and that almost made me want to cry stop it he's like downstairs i actually heard her when the reveal came on by the way she was like what i heard her scream she doesn't sound like that she'll she's gonna get angry me okay um like listen i i had someone tell me that i was living my dream the other day buddy i was catching up with on the phone this wasn't even on the map like it's one thing i never grew up and said i want to be a caster i want to be a commentator this was not on the map for me this is not on the map for age of empires this was never this was never this was never a reality there was no road to take here it's but we're here and i don't know how to really um put that into words uh it's extremely overwhelming for me like and guys i i put so much time and effort into trying to to think about like i would literally just spend like hours going on walks and thinking about the pilot songs and the order i would play the pilot songs which by the way is an amazing artist and thanks to him too just like stupid stuff which is so important to me none of this stuff was ever on the map for me um and and like i'm the age community like hera you know i've known him ever since the community was small same with most of these players who now can and can make some money playing the game and compete at a higher level and i feel kind of undeserving because i'm not i could always be better i i screw up i say things the wrong way i i mispronounce names all the time like evalio or violet whatever we have to get rid of some names next time um yeah i guess i'm thankful i'm not crying right now but i just i sit here and like i feel very undeserving of the of the support but i've always taken it very seriously like to uh people are going to show up people are going to support they're going to get a show and that's what hidden cup's been about so um thank you very very much um and you know i don't know where i was actually pretty worried about the view count like i it was important to me i knew 100k was never possible and thank god because i like my hair but to be honest with you guys last year so basically what happened last year on the on the dl in front of 20 000 people i'll tell you what went down so basically my partner contacted twitch it was like mia and that's normally who you go through to get front page and organize those things i was trying to contact and get things set up and i went up the chain i went full karen it was a nice karen but i was like starting i was i wanted exposure for hidden cup three so i ended up getting in top contact with someone who was you know at a decent position in twitch and the front page last year kicked hard we had like 20 30 000 did we just hit 90k prize pool we did apparently we had like 20 30 000 people and front page would hit and an immediate 20k spike i think we were right there front and center last year and and combined with the fact that it was like all of europe was locked down uh i i i really i honestly wasn't sure if beating hidden cup three's numbers were possible now i told microsoft that i thought 60 or 61k would be what we would hit i don't know what we ended up hitting i didn't promise that but i'm very proud i'm very very proud um especially with like you know um as i said you know front page not caring as hard as it was this was a genuine show up and get hyped about age of empires event from from the hidden cups guys for setting the record with hidden cup 2 to hidden cup 3 to hidden cup 4 did the 2v2 world cup getting the most viewership i think anyways i could be wrong at least on individual channel for uh team game tournaments i just love to do this so thank you okay um i could probably talk for another hour and the tears would start flowing so hey apparently it was 65k and the total prize pool was 90k what's our sub count out right now 25 000 twitch subs forgot to tell you guys something actually so in the in the settings for the tournament i said if we surpassed a certain number i would actually contribute nothing to the prize pool so unfortunately you guys just crossed the 25 000 threshold or 25 000 sub threshold so i get to keep everything i don't get to put any to the prize i'm sorry i you got to read the fine print now i'll gladly put 25 000 extra in that prize pool this again this is not on the map for me this was not supposed to be a thing i was like two days before the event i was i had a sore throat and i was sick and i was tired and i was worried and i was putting like table salt and water and gargling it for like an hour that i wasn't even supposed to be healthy for this it's just been a crazy day okay a crazy four days it's just a lot so anyways listen um i guess the final thing i'll say is i said this at the end of hidden cup three as the community grows i think it's important that we that we maintain the the way we were before it grew um and many people were new in chat but like you know and it's tough with hidden cup because there's a couple quirks here there which are technically bad which we make fun of but being respectful to competition being respectful of each other making jokes but not taking it too far archer ranges um you know in general like you can always make fun of me that's fine um the positivity you know the the place that we came from respecting everything like i said it on the ama on reddit i think the reason the people here are the way we are is because we respect what we have because it was never supposed to happen because when we had so little we we just cherished that and now that we've blossomed as a community it's only going to get better all right so um as for me uh i'm gonna take some time off i you know it dawned on me the other day that i've been doing this for six years and uh but i worked like a crappy retail job which was a management job which basically meant i had to do way too much work for way too many hours and uh i worked like 45 to 50 hours and then i worked i did streaming in the old days for like 20 20 hours on top of it and then it was immediate full time and it's just been immediate thing after the other after the other after the other it's been a very busy six years for me i'm not going to take like a ton of time off but i'm going to chill so i'll be back at some point and we'll get back on schedule with our normal streams and probably events too but uh you know i i have not taken care of myself this year kova did hit hard for me ruined some things with my schedule even though it obviously has benefited me in some way so uh that's that's kind of the plan all right i hope you guys enjoy the vods on youtube uh youtube i'm really sorry for the people who are impatiently spamming islands and teal when we were doing the wonderful interview because i know that probably discourages you from showing up to this stream that was so annoying that you probably felt like i'm never going to show up on twitch and on normal streams it's better okay not saying you have to work your schedule around it but on normal streams it's better when we have 60 some thousand one percent is pretty loud so um what was what was up with that those people were probably already gone what anyways that's it for me uh so i actually recorded a youtube video which was supposed to be before hidden cup which is really good so true to form there will be a cool youtube video in a few days after all the hidden cuff stuff goes up thank you guys have a wonderful uh have a wonderful week i'll probably be off at least a week and i'll inform you all my socials of everything make sure you congratulate the players talk to them about hidden cup i like to see it i'll stop probably be stopping by a few streams here or there to you know share some gifted subs i don't i don't deserve all this thank you guys hidden cup five will be even more hyped i can promise you that and uh we'll see you have a nice night [Music] [Music] you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 292,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, hero, 4th, day, fourth, day 4, mr yo, lierey, lierrey, liereyy, mr, yo, mr_yo, theviper, the, viper, hera, jordan, daut, john, fearless, fear, less, jon, grand, final, finals, grandfinal, grandfinals, reveal, unhidden, shown, show, last, game, match, thank, you, thanks, thankyou
Id: XwvjS5OrJSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 255min 26sec (15326 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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