HC3 Qualifiers! Lyx vs Zuppi (INSANE)

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ok ladies and gents welcome to another best of five I believe these are the colors they've rolled with so we're actually going to see more red and more blue and this is between two amazing players two players that can easily make it past the qualifiers and into the main event of hidden top I'm going to get a few things out of the way because this would be the beginning of the YouTube video also this might be the first time someone has seen the beginning of a set in the qualifier so eight players are already in the main event for hidden Cup three all the best players you probably know so we have Viper we have tatto we have yo we have vivvy we have herro we have MBL we have Max and Leary those eight players are already guaranteed a spot in the main event for hidden Cup but 32 other players are looking to qualify for the final eight spots and that's what we're watching here okay the main event for hidden Cup it'll be March 19th through the 22nd and all the players will be playing with hidden identities so right now we know that Lix is lakes and soupy uzuki but when we're casting the main event we do not know who the players are which adds an extra element to it and they also don't know who they're playing against so Lakes he has gone for Chinese her game Wan Arabia and we have is that as text for Zhu P what is that I should be able to tell it looks like Aztecs he's not supposed to have Aztecs wasn't it didn't he globally ban Aztecs Robo says I put SIB bans wrong oh ok robo puts it bans wrong all right so I don't know what he globally banned but apparently it wasn't as text because well you wouldn't be able to pick a sex game ones Arabia game two three four and five will be played on home maps that they pick from our eleven map pool Chinese versus Aztec so pretty close map is it's a bit awkward for zoo P isn't it I mean the gold could be more than fine the players are just so close together this wood lines a bit peculiar but you know you have the main gold the second gold forward this Gold's fine for a town center later this stones fine berries good and like Lex's wall potential what I don't like though is that he's blowing himself into the corner and there could be some heavy pressure there t90 why those eight players were picked first they played the last hidden cup question mark no more players played in the last hidden Cup we asked every participant in hidden cup to to rank their top eight and those were the top eight we got after getting players opinions so we felt like it would be unfair to put everyone in the qualifier for the simple reason that a lot of the a lot of really solid players will get knocked out by like the viper tatto and and whatnot and so you'd have solid players who would just get unfortunate with the qualifier bracket so we think it's a really good method and most pros that I talked to who are in the qualifier feel like they'll be better off after having to fight through the qualifier because they get experience on the maps and get a feel for help they think things should be played out so yeah that's basically how it works t9y official have you ever considered partaking in a local LAN tournament in Pakistan have to say that's never once crossed my mind and I don't know if that's for me but maybe someday I'm not ruling it out t90 why should you not go for stragglers trees around TC you always say not to but I don't know what well because it's inefficient so these trees actually actually focus on straggler trees here if you want to see it's just because it's inefficient you start with the wood to build a lumber camp you build the lumber camp these villagers are a whole lot more efficient than if you're walking along distances for stragglers stragglers actually become very helpful later on what as looks going here and that villager is loomed and Zoop he still wants to fight interesting and Zuki will delay the walls a Chinese normally go for heavy walls but yeah I'll point out when stragglers are used to the high level normally but it's just better to get warmer camp up g9y official does max deserve an automatic spot given his recent inactivity max deserves an automatic spot if 16 pro players vote him as in the top eight yes like Max Max is a solid player I think there are players out there like me cough doubt or the two that come to mind maybe even Velez who are very close the reality is if you're oh this is ad rush from Zoo P this is a dress from Zoo P no wonder he wants to keep this open can he keep it open I don't think Luke's was expecting this that Scout could be a goner four licks and this could actually be really bad for lakes because lakes is on his way to futile age and he was hoping to take advantage of the cliffs and wall up and zoo P said not today I'm sending in ad rush to delay you interesting but yeah I mean there are a lot of players in the qualifier who are very very good if they're that good you know what they can do they can qualify would you guys agree with that I would agree with that listen if you don't believe me I've spoken to three of the eight players who are in who said that playing in the qualifier would actually benefit them because they would get the practice they would get a feel for the games they'd get some tournament experience as opposed to right now they're like oh I'm in the event I don't really need to do much don't need to train and they might not get as much practice time yeah so here is where you see a lot of pro players use drivers because these villagers they're not villagers you want the long-term on wood so you'll see players send their villagers to stragglers here and then eventually farm but you know licks arrives in fuel age he did not get to get those aggressive walls that he wanted and he also just lost his Scout to zoo bees TC so strong start for zoo P I have to say a zoo P is definitely not going for fast castle behind this he's actually going to make more militia man this is so good from Zoo P he's going to make more militia to camp this area and continue to apply pressure t90 isn't it unfair for pong to play against out in the qualifiers no at this point I don't know if people are trolling and they or they have genuine questions but but long as as much as I love long he's a thirty I think he's thirty one seed for a reason and so like qualms honestly sorry Huang fans I'm a huge Hong fan he should never be doubt in the best-of-five I think you could get a game you could possibly get to but doubt should crush wall and there the reality is Wong should really never make it into top sixteen for hitting Cup it's so competitive doubt won't be happy to play against Wong right because Huang can really give people trouble but I don't think that it's it's unfair it's what it's just how to ordinance work you know and so when I first saw the maps how many people felt like Zoo peas was way worse I felt like zoo peas it wasn't it wasn't awful but it wasn't great either and I felt like licks if he got walls up it'd be incredible but soupy read the map had a lot of early pressure and now a sneaky tower on the wood line he's Lake Singh Lakes right now okay I probably shouldn't say he's like yeah he's not licking anything all right it's just Lakes is known for forward towers himself which is what I meant by that yep it demanded full agro that's what he did and he also defends with spearmen and that Tower surprises lives that's that's really good play so licks not only needs to repair that barracks to keep the unit's out which cost would he now is not chopping wood as quickly or as efficiently so not bad man zu if he came out freakin strong here he came out he came out ready to play well most players besides palm be playing extremely conservatively in hidden Cup I'd expect flawless aggression to potentially take on it by surprise um Graham it's it there's so many different players styles the thing is everyone knows Wong like if Wong makes it into the main event of hidden cup then it will catch people by surprise but he has to be Dallin a best-of-five which is gonna be tough man if he beats down in the best-of-five he I would say that he could probably then be Tim in a best-of-seven so yeah like for the memes how funny would it be if Ruben stock and vlog made it into the main event of hidden come all of a sudden you see someone playing like belong with the sneak Bill's all of a sudden you see someone TC drop oh man that would be incredible I really don't love this tower flix why not tower the hill here that's a confusing tower but he does have a range he's making some skirts and an archer or two but Zoop he's pretty confident here he's full walled at home the scouts have done virtually nothing for Lix and he's so confident he's even mining that stone forward Hank honestly zoo P just needs to keep it probably should mix in some skirts and some eagles and keep his numbers up and just hold this position and and see where it takes him from here there's not many other areas he can really hit right now I don't love the forward mining camp though like it tells me he feels like he's going to hold this but maybe could have just sent to voters home or Walden's zone or something t90 official house here and not in the top eight he is in the top eight that's why he's in the eight names I mentioned yeah you're killing me right now I love you to death but you're killing me like I don't know if there's anyone out there who has children but I imagined it like you know how you like have to repeat yourself 20 times like no don't touch that child no don't touch that we're not flying that no like that's that sometimes what chat can be like when it comes to the settings of this door done fairly I love you guys I love you like a child that means I would early died for you chat but so skirmishers have fletching for zoo P skirmishers do have fletching for licks and it's a lot about micro now okay and now uzuki wants to place a tower here I think since licks is on Stone Hill just counter tower here be very surprised if he does not try and counter tower but it's also bit awkward because of this farm this farm wasn't here I think to counter towers there his villagers are kind of in range of the range students of zoo p-well scouts are coming back from lakes we haven't seen these in a while and oh boy he could pick off the bills and he picks off one not the strongest start four licks but I think he's stabilized well very well played has gold has his farms has wood has stone has everything he would need and I think this composition is is deadly at the moment you'll probably see zoobi think long term about eagles because going scurbs when your opponent has a stable was a risky risky game to play it's a lot of infantry there though and so I think licks probably can't push out now and he loses to squirms his man-at-arms have done so much for zoobi in this game so what we really need to keep an eye on now because the game is not going to end here it's gonna be how many resources do the players have when are they going to click up to the next age what are their army numbers looking like zu P has more army numbers but I think all he's really concerned with is well I'm not sure actually because we haven't seen the second barracks a second archery range n you still make these curves but the man in Arms certainly that number has helped for now but it's not going to be as important long-term rupees getting close to clicking up and so is licks so this is very close we're looking at nine kills for zu p and twelve deaths but i said this at the start yes this looks pretty but lakes is backed into a corner this hill could be very important in the castle age t9y officialize fats up not in the top eight because he wanted to give everyone else a chance that's why I actually have a fat slob game to cast for YouTube next week I think it's pretty good hmm we should just get fat sob to Co cast guys do you want to hear what it's like to have fat slob Co cast did you know how he never talks alright this is this is what it sounds like fat slob what do you think about the current position for licks alright fat slob what do you think about this villager dying on the front is that sloppy so pretty much any time I have dead air I'm Co casting with fat slob so there you go that's not confirmed now that's the mean that we used to use with doubt like I remember I still remember Dave and I making this joke wait like a couple years ago daltin talked anyone there was no teamspeak there was no discord he was always silent he barely talked in game rooms and now he's just like now he's the Lord it's crazy man yeah those skirmishers I don't think they matter all that much now two licks but they mattered to their family and most of them have died now definitely gonna be Eagles so three barracks for zoo P he's going Eagles which is why it surprised me he produced more skirmishers and with Eagles we'll probably see a monastery and some monks and maybe even some siege to pressure on this hill ii TC now four licks forty-five villagers for both guys this series is going to be crazy this is going to be a very long day this is going to be a very long day we have this best-of-five and then we have land verse clouds where I think land is more favored than any of the players are in this set I think this one's pretty much 50/50 but I wish I I wish I knew how much Suki was playing right now and I wish I knew old beautiful castle spot four licks again he still has stone he still has blood he has a TC on the goal he'll be fine then and the castle will pretty much stopped any siege that dupeys looking to push with but um I wish I knew if Sookie was training with max or less or Reuben stock or what the Finnish guys were up to I know Zhu P was away for like three months now I guess he returned recently because I know he was doing some outdoors work so I should have asked around a little bit more you face says he's not training oh you page right there all right you pay says he's not training when did he return from his his hiatus you pay obviously it had to be a few weeks before the signups closed think he's caught in his work still you think he's still at work doesn't he I thought he was a tour guide is he playing on a laptop out in the wilderness I thought he was a tour guide or something that's all that is so finished man he's like all right guys I'm gonna leave you lead you to this trail enjoy the wilderness don't get eaten by any bears and hold on don't freak out all right it's his internet connection cut off on the mountain all right we have another file there was apparently a restore that was needed so chat on a very serious note can we please thank de because now we can spectate resource which was not possible before so players can save okay they can save they can restore and we can spectate three stores so thanks de a very serious note thanks to e for that because that was a big big thing that was needed and we asked them for before this tournament let me make sure that I have the right file yep there we go here we have it that's huge thank you Microsoft for listening so 55 villagers for licks I just wonder how important this area is got whoa whoa we had nights over here and zoo P quick walled okay I wonder how important this area is really going to be throughout this game there you go guys everything looks good 3tc slicks is soaking up the pressure he's making chiku know and he still has the nights which is pretty dangerous that's a lot of evil so Kisuke why is Black Forest in the map pool isn't it too slow for pro games you mean the ranked map pool or you mean the map pool for hidden cub actually the mango did some friendly fire damage their guard towers come in which is no surprise to me I think Zoo P could be overextending the night suddenly come in I don't think he was expecting the nights to be here he loses his mango to the guard tower he does get a conversion on a very weak night and he also goes in for the raid but lakes with the quake walls and I've never known licks I don't think licks has ever been known as a fast player but that was a quick reaction who swooped in and took a very good fight and anyhow while his Lumberjacks and the night should be coming over to deal with this and so Hank licks has a slight lead in this game now nice decision to go guard tower I think if zoo P saw more than one tower four licks I think it was probably a mistake to go forward because you have to expect to use stone that you have to expect you can go for castle you have to expect you can go for what he's currently going for instead I think if you just masked the Eagles take some map control and try and it's tough but try and defend this hill somehow I guess the hill is just as good for pushing as it is defending but okay well with Aztecs I normally talk a lot about getting relics and zu P does not have any relics but Chinese I normally talk about keeping Chuco new alive and boom Big Shot for Zhu P that's exactly what he needed to because he just fell a bit behind he does have the villager lead there's shoe canoe many of them are weak though and they will fall back to the castle so it wasn't as bad as it could have been in fact in the end it was zu p who lost more and over here as well four hundred stone four licks and he has a belt while he is six stone remaining so he does not have enough stone for another castle right now what's Suki up to three Town Center's producing has more Vil's I don't think he's expecting there to be a siege workshop there but he did spot it close game hey honestly the fact that they're so close makes Imperial age so important or it actually makes going in a bit risky to think if you put a thousand food in 800 gold into the Imperial age and then someone floods you with Knights and Chu canoe or all in Eagles it's definitely licks who would potentially go all in here but this might very well be a ram it's not but it might very well be a ram next another barracks you have the hill and you have monks is it enough eagles though this is a deadly composition for licks he gets out of here Oh big shot and two conversions wow those were like instant conversions as well and the eagle will take care of that mango and this mango still love to fire but Lakes dodges man that micro was sick now the Chu canoe take out them some of the monks what a close game 105 population for both but still I think makes us more secure at home he might not have as many villagers but his army seems stronger now it's taking the monks out of the picture that's hundreds of gold down the drain for zu p qu qu Niao are an insane unit even in castle age you don't see it frequently but they're insane units and combine that with Knights it's very difficult for a stacks okay and here come the Rams this is what I mean don't go in just flood units you're so close you have your Hill back now and you could just batter your way into zoo Pease base and so zoo P almost needs he needs a mix of pikemen with his Eagles but unfortunately he did chickeny were there to deal with any pikemen this is incredible from Lakes this is potentially game ending right here guys Lix has more military and I don't know if the extra villagers that supey has is going to matter at all tried to take the hill did his absolute best there also like he did a good job at the start but this is a goal he needs this is a goal he needs and Lix is going all-in attack upgrades coming in on the nights now but Rams are moving in I think this is excellent game sense from Lakes because you could also justify going Imperial after that would fight hito but he also knew that there was some risk associated with that we'll just take the flight licks Oh big mango oh my god licks oh oh it's like his units didn't want to move there for a second steel 126 population for both guys licks just lost all of his Knights underneath the tower and the TCE he completed the extra attack but he doesn't have many nights anymore what's happening zu pees a holding on okay I really think that getting the attack instead of the armor on the Knights was a mistake because if you go for the armor they're your Knights don't die as quickly to the town center small things like that can make a difference that that's incredible though and now since to canoe well there's not as many to canoe mount maybe some pikemen can be helpful here full attack and defense upgrades on the infantry pursued be who really needs to get some relics though still it's it's so tough for him to deal with guard towers maybe there was it was too aggressive there right maybe it was a bit too aggressive for licks but you know the armor upgrades coming in he still ends up being 14 13 military and I think his military better if it's night verse Eagle and the map position is way better for Lakes way better I always also have been taking the stone which is beautiful I don't know Zhu P can you do it or will you just be overwhelmed I think it's the latter and oh and in your face castle with for villagers right between the Gold's right in the midst of all the action I don't think that can be stopped I do not think that castle can be stopped and I think what that lakes will take Game one for a moment there it looked like he'd maybe gone too aggressive but the productions unreal the KD is looking good he's safe at home there's no reason I could really he's even over here on this gold this is beautiful from legs Manny's Chinese players are so good when it comes to reading the map so good when it comes to game sense they're also like fearless in tournaments too so if he goes further and starts facing up against some some much better players I think you could definitely beat a giant killer hazuki's trying it could just be Game one warm up you know the game's over but you continue to try anyways just to to get a feel for certain things by this this is over 125 villagers four licks 105 for Zhu P he can't take his gold this gold will probably be castled max knowing licks licks is even out here on this stone how does he find these things I think it was the monk actually he's been getting relics and he saw that zu p was out on the stone guys he's about he's bringing in his third relic and he'll have a month going for the fourth this is against Aztecs normally you don't see someone getting a relic lead over Aztecs beautiful stuff t90 does somebody know when the tubers to world cup is I've absolutely no food nope t9y official not that that matters what's the relic am I think I answered that question a moment ago but if you missed it you probably didn't hear my hear me mention that when you ask that question right Lakes is way ahead relics licks is also on the way to the Imperial aide so at this point he goes okay I've done enough damage I've denied a lot of golds I'm continuing to raid the golds okay the game's gonna crash oh no no oh man I just complimented de for allowing us to restore the game and it crashed okay well um bear with me guys they're with me we have to load the game again I'm really I'm a bit worried because yesterday there was a demo and the game crashed but also I don't think crashed for others and I also don't think that I don't know if it crash for Robo either so hi this is my new PC so I won't look into some things but I have to speed through it guys there's no other way watch du pere is i'll immediately after but i have to speed through it sorry about this none of the wrecks crash for me playing on fast-forward gotcha yeah I don't know I have I have to report it but I have some suspicions it's when I click stuff which is a problem for me anyways unfortunately the new thing I'll be casting with I can just click stuff and it doesn't remove like right now if I click things guys you see how it just completely removes all the information there it's really not good fortunately for the main event that won't be the case I can still click but I think it almost always comes in when I select units I guess yesterday was a demo though so we have speed group this is fine this is fine right we can have a quick Q&A while we wait I just don't see Hal's oopy has any chance because Lakes is played to good yeah he'll have three relics when we get caught up he'll be on his way to Imperial age it's just looking so strong g90 do you think a castle from Jupe may have changed the outcome a little honestly I don't I'll tell you what I think Zoop you did wrong I think committing to this stone was a mistake I honestly eat even the tower I guess the tower did something but I think there was no reason to build the mining camp here just fall back and go into Eagles and and monks you could argue the siege workshop on this hill that wasn't to be helpful either who's your favorite in Casa de lis um nilly 60/40 I would say I think nearly will win three two or three one and then really struggling round two how did you like German beer NAC it was all right it was all right German beer is better than a lot of the beer I drink in the States but it wasn't it wasn't anything to get too excited about um did you try and qualify for the qualifiers I would not have been able to I don't think I don't think I'm at the level I think I'm I'm on the brink but I would have to be very choosy with opponents and I want to cast obviously so no as their a specific reason you didn't make qualifying rounds hidden names as well yeah because it takes away from the main event like after a while hidden Cup is literally four days right after a while the whole hidden aspect of it just gets to be confusing and too much right so not to mention I don't think you guys realize the amount of work that's required to get players scheduled and to communicate with players and get them their hidden identities and all that so it would trust me when I say it would not be feasible it would not be feasible like they can't communicate with each other admin has to set the times they play admin only communicates with them and passes matches as long then they have to have new steam accounts set up the settings get everything set up on the steam accounts we have to get the accounts we have to like free select a bunch of different things we have to get the recorded games they can't like dude it's like it's nuts it's nuts and that's just for 16 players so and this is me saying that I'm not even the one doing it it's Robo okay so sorry I've slowed it down a bit so I still feel like this is pretty over the dukey but if he had relics maybe then he has a chance but I genuinely believe when we get caught up we might just see the GG here so I think what supey did with the castle is going to keep him alive a bit longer but Lix realized that he could imp and he was on his way to imprint a drop for us the man the game cents to hit this gold all the time to hit this stone immediately after scouting it licks is on point here this is really sick plague it has not been perfect playing from the licks has been a just a few smallness plays but near-perfect man yes you look you look at zoobi he does not have the resources to go up Lix is already on the way to him so I think it was just an unfortunate time for the crash for us yeah the Knights continue to raid so you just raid as you produce units and prepare for the Imperial age and I think instead of cavalier we might see like death probably like tablets you canoe makes more sense than committing more gold to cavalier like we pretty much crashed two minutes before the game ended whoa or maybe not Hazuki somehow on the way up ah maybe he'll continue actually if he somehow clicked up with no gold is no gold okay well slow it down a little bit here sorry where I was in fast-forward mode t9 he could your spectating mod be causing the crashes ah don't think so that's a good point though I'll get it over to Robo and we can test that way that's a good point it could be good thing about a qualifier from just a streaming point of view is we also get to iron out the kinks and pass information along to Microsoft in fact this to yourself the man of course the game ends here the GG's called but guys Lix just think about this he had a castle on both the Ford gold from zoo P he had at this point four relics and I believe he might be have been bringing the fifth one back and he had the additional gold out here and he was raiding this goal that was insane that was that that was really good from legs I don't think that Zoop E's map did him any favors here and I think he definitely had to be aggressive and once he fell behind in castle eight it would be rough I actually rate Chinese a little bit higher than Aztecs if they can get the castle aged and get a castle up with my goodness my goodness that was good so big aspect of this is going to be home maps there were two home maps picked there are also civilizations banned for both players so the home map for zoo P for the home Maps rather is islands and Bay okay so we could see islands or Bay next and then licks head Cup and slopes I am real he's surprised by the amount of people that are picking slopes was not expecting that at all because slopes is so new I didn't think that they would have maybe I don't have enough faith in the pro scene but I didn't think they would really look at it but apparently they did all right hold on quick water break guys this is gonna be a big marathon day I have to make sure I'm healthy mm-hmm Dino says is the main event live just the nature of hidden Cup we can't do live games the games are normally played a week or two before the final will be live but the rest of the games are all Rex obviously the only person who's ever seen the recorded games is Robbo the admin so I don't receive any information so it's it's honestly better than life way better than life because we don't experience as many issues we don't experience as many stoppages and we can do this we can go right into the next game once the scoreboard works for me there we go robo can you do you know what the global ban was for zu p then cuz it says Aztecs and it was not Aztecs I'm really curious about that alright ladies and gents welcome to game number two between licks and zubi zubi took game number one a lot of us thought oh boy a lot of us thought that this would go to two five games possibly and we have islands which recently has been interesting to talk about we had that crazy game on youtube between the viper and between hera where viper survived with fish traps of all things zu p like silence all right it's a classic map I think the Finnish players really enjoy playing Islands and he has gone for Japanese in the red licks he's gone for Vikings interesting so I just want to point out a few differences here on our version of islands versus the difference our sorry versity versions of islands you might have seen in the past first off we're not going to have a situation where one island has two relics and the other has three so we have two relics here for zubi two relics four licks and then the additional relic is in the center which I think makes a whole lot of sense if you're giving up water control you should be giving up more than just the gold in the stone in the center so there's the relic now you might have seen this yesterday but if you didn't I have already deleted the neutral Archer ranges okay so they've been taken care of what was really funny though so we added this for the memes but what was really funny is that yesterday Tim saw this with a ship and I'm pretty sure that he thought his opponent accidentally built stuff there and he immediately reacted with the barracks at home like he sailed by it he saw the rubble and then he built a barracks at home and I think that he was prepping to defend on land because he didn't look at the map ahead of time so hopefully both of these players have looked at the version of islands we have here I could kind of see how they might not because islands Islands but anyways funny little memes mix in this is an interesting sip matchup for me what's what sieve do you prefer chat I feel like Vikings is easily top five on water easily top five on water if they have a little bit of time they could be the best on water honestly because they just need a little bit of time to go straight galleys the downside is they normally don't have that time because civilizations like Japanese like Italians that get fire galleys they can pressure really early so maybe that's why licks is document more to the north here which is like the side of that Island instead of the front I also see oh this is interesting zu P is also docking the north so he's a lot closer to licks and licks would like some people are saying they like Vikings some people are saying that like Portuguese okay I mean Portuguese is it's not bad it's just not quite as good as Japanese or Vikings I think there's still a bit underrated on water you like Malay alright again Malays not bad I think when you're looking at best of fives where it's hidden sieve free pick you don't really need to hold back a lot of punches when it comes to sibs so what that means is is Japanese is probably not a preferred civilization on some of the other maps they could be but I think they're probably best on islands than they are elsewhere so you'll probably see similar civilizations used on on the water maps his Persians actually good water Civ will feel my only argument against going Persians here would be well there's two actually one Persians are fantastic on hybrid maps and most of the maps in hidden Cup are hybrid maps so normally with Persians you want to be able to use land and water at the same time you can't realistically do that as easily on on this type of a map and the other argument against Persians is that they lack racer but still with that economy you can beat any civilization for sure so remember the meta the norm is to start off with fire calories and fuel h and then transition into galley Vikings do not get fires so that's the weakness and you really do need fires sometimes to hold off in early feudal so I think licks is really hoping to delay and go for a bunch of galleys it wouldn't surprise me to see zoo P just go full water and seelix even consider a landing but with Vikings probably not licks is incredibly good with stubborn play I've seen licks so many times especially in teen games with yo go for landing so and 1v1 it's not out of the question but I think it's more likely Japanese will lands because they're cheap mining camps and Mabel's gives them more resources to to float for transport ships and for buildings yeah this this looks like water builds for them another villager goes to the north for lakes to dock the village is already dock with Hazuki I have some karaoke with Zhu p and not lakes so I've got a route for zu weight zu p sang karaoke I know Pike did what did I do that night I had somewhere to be yeah man the Finnish guys are they have no shame they have no shame they were they were belting it out man I wish I remembered what Pike was singing all of Swami did except for Reuben stuff really I feel like Reuben stock would be the person who would do it out of all of them that's so funny the others are so quiet okay how about Byzantine saved the best fire ships again it's it depends they still just are not as good as some of the other civilizations are they top 10 probably are they if you can pick one sieve and you're looking to get into a tournament which has the biggest prize pulling 20 years do you want to pick Byzantines probably not no okay so three docks is all Japanese flexibility for you all the resources they save and the fishing ships also have insane armor so it's really hard to snipe those but where will zu P go how long will it take him to find oh he's already found it he's already found licks I think he's scouted with efficient ship this could be really bad for legs this is the struggle with Vikings if they find you you'll have three galleys verse two or three fire galleys and there's no way you can ever fight that oh this hurts this hurts so much this could be a quick game my god this could be really bad Japanese are just going to flood the water and the thing about the Finnish players they're so build order oriented they're normally really clean with water builds I know vélez picked Islands I think I'm not sure about max nowadays but I know max has picked Islands in the past so you need numbers you need numbers with these galleys and see what Zoop he's doing is he started off with fires and now he's going to add the galleys after the fact ouch well most of those fish and chips not working most of them will probably die what to even do here this is an awful start for Lakes and this is fantastic Mizuki if you pick home Maps you want to have an advantage you you're playing towards your strengths and my goodness are you seeing that here only one kill but the fact that these fish and chips have been fishing freely and Zhu P has ten military vers aid is huge at this stage of the game okay oh the micro from Lix okay and zu p notice that that was well played at least licks has kept his numbers alive the guy does have fletching so the goal with Vikings is ships get to enough galleys here we go get to enough galleys where you can take some fights this could end up swinging back into his control and actually forget if I mentioned it or not yet but the thing about going galleys early is that they can actually take care of Japanese fishing ships a whole lot faster than flyers okay these fishing ships are looping the whole way around I don't see how any of them survive yeah I just don't see it okay so zu P does he have fletching yet he does we're looking at six galleys for him we're looking at ten four licks obviously licks does not have the Flyers though buttersnaps thank you for the two months have I been good with the balance between thanking alerts and not thanking alerts and casting today I hope so guys it's kind of hard for me I have the silent alerts on so we don't distract from the games doesn't seem like the support of stopping and you guys are enjoying it so it's good zinc thank you nice Mike her from licks the worry now is the uptime like with all those fishing ships working zu p he should have a whole lot more food floating in fact he has 200 more food right now so he should reach castle age faster and I think four licks it's got to be switch it up and go for heavy landing or you have to micro your heart out right now before zu p clicks up to Castle age hmm alright how's your micro they both patrols here and it's man zu peas productions it's been so solid beautiful micro I love gali micro with the show of ones how many people miss Galli micro comma and how many people think that as much as fire galleys give you a little bit more on water it's boring yes it's so boring I hate it you have like six fires and then someone sends out two demos and suddenly they come back you can never win full water and fuel but Kali's it takes skill it takes micro you get the splits you got the movement it's beautiful demos need a buff a buff dude there was a demo yesterday that literally crashed our game the game crashed I'm not sure about that way to have a few more drops [Music] all water is boring to me fair enough I'm just occasionally I have to show my bias against certain things right zu P is already on his way to Castle age Lix nice nice hit it doesn't lose one though but yeah there's about a 30% difference for two people all because of the fish and chips fishing is so huge at the high level one of these days I need to go back and cast a classic Vikings war with with the galleys I could see why people don't like it because the games would end pretty quickly but maybe we'll get to the point where these island games go on for so freakin long that people want it to end quickly that's actually hilarious to think about like for a while everyone on the forums was like oh it's the same units all the time and then and the game's ends too quickly they're only 18 minute games but now games the last three hours on island so maybe it'll come full circle and we'll go back to what it used to be that's funny all right well guys I have to give Lix a bit of credit here because his off time isn't near as bad as you would have expected considering the early losses and his military numbers it's 19 to 16 so that could easily change if he doesn't sail away from here quickly but this is manageable you're constantly looking for a balance between your military numbers and and water control but also your economy so I always pay attention to the second town centers when they go up and there's a second tc4 zu p but vikings do have really good landing flow they have free wheel barrel and feudal now free hand card has come in so I think licks can stay alive in this and now licks just needs to bail and honestly if you're zu P it might just be the better play to take out that dock that's all that's actually the doc that's researching war galley - oh I think the research will come in it's gonna be so damn close you know what licks will do actually is force zu p to fight or leave ya oh my god if he shoots the dock that the upgrades cancelled oh it's a 50 HP well the docs taken out now zu p didn't know that upgrade was coming in there but at least now alex has the the numbers and he has the upgrade so we're looking at 14 war galleys for 22 war galleys Vikings are just insane and ballistics is already on the way no ballistics presume P that that could be a big mistake he's gone for the town center instead of ballistics that could be a big mistake as a few extra villagers really worth it Sookie when you already have the fishing ship advantage because if you lose the water control then that makes eco just about even with micro from lake skies how close is this game 64 pop for both but I think put ballistics for his non ballistics zoop he's in trouble feels like he's kind of in trouble on water anyways nope I don't think Vikings need fire gallon Vikings are in a good spot man Vikings are top tier on land and hauled water honestly they're really good there's some uniqueness to them now you can still make the long boats in Castle age they have top 5 economy they're incredible I don't think any changes are needed the one thing that is rough here for Lix is it's a lot more difficult to micro because you have that that combo Kisuke it's like melee and ranged basically also he doesn't have as many docks as he might want oh yeah I have two fishing ships nice flute the archery range foundations keep catching the off guard that's funny I feel like half the players don't even know the meme I told her about that before we streamed and showed the audience I was like do you know the r33 archery range on islands meme and Harrah's like of course I know you only mentioned it five times every hour which I know was a joke but it also hurt my feelings so I'm still not over it yet but anyways paranhos I just don't know if if like someone like lakes would know or zoo fee and now ballistics is in for Zuki so I was a bit worried for him but he's done well this is really close hi I'm new I heard you the guide to go for archery range strategies on islands hello digital thank you for the 23 T 90 official no code cast today yeah I have fat slob Co Castille he's she's not very talkative isn't that right fat slob yep see ya he's not very talkative Kane thank you for the twitch prime also PC nerd has hosted with one viewer he always does that after every single stream he does not do he hosts us thank you if you if you haven't heard that story genuinely I would just search for on YouTube I'd rather not tell it again oh boy lots of people are hosting with one view or a while impressive guys 61 villagers are 61 eco keep in mind the villagers there includes fishing ships I've her 61 this is two players in the qualifier and it's this even so competitive if it's this close though the zoo PE to win this best-of-five probably needs to get a win on his home map right does if you go down to games since this close odds are you're probably gonna lose at least one more in the remaining games like 627 she's pure numbers now that's mattering he is so many war galleys Zoop he wanted to pressure he wanted to move in and now he's sailing away this is not good okay now this is better though now this fight might be better for the finished player he has the meat shield with the fires and he has the war galleys behind Wow right back at you Lakes that was that was good that was very good in fact I think licks need to stay back here for a while longer next time my goodness was that four or five units that went down [Music] yeah this hurts this hurts Zoop he's taking a lead on water against the Viking player the addition of the fires and also getting careening for the ship armor in front was huge this is huge and Lakes is committing to this fight for some reason I guess he misjudged it he's not able to click like we can't as a caster but 24 military for zubi and 12 for lakes lakes is about to click up to the Imperial age zu p is not even close though power of Vikings alright so licks is on his way guys do you think it would make sense to switch the longboat here or do you think you should stay on the workout it looks like he's staying on war galley but I feel like that's it's hard to say it's hard to say I feel like staying over Galilee makes sense I think you really need to switch to longboat against civilizations that get fast fired I always forget if Japanese get fast fire I think they do and I think Italians don't right I try not to waste this base my brain on water maps it's like I just let twitch chat do that for me but there's only so much space up in this noggin both do wait Italian wait what that why did I say Italians don't get fast fire if they do get fast fire sorry what I meant to say was demo but yeah you very much need to get you very much need to get long boat over galleon if there's fast fires I think so I think they do better verse the fast fire switch well man this is so awkward isn't it Lix has sailed the whole way around his islands zu P followed and zu p also sees the new units it's so important for leaks to keep these numbers up and I don't think he will not so easily anyhow back here he's also being chased oh boy Lix will arrive to him what the difference is 35 to 21 will Imperial age make that big of a difference at Hertz but at least he has the docs it'll take forever for these docs to go down so he's definitely gonna have the resources for his upgrades but to lose that much on both sides is really really bad for him still doable though here we go Imperial ages in no bracer yet yeah okay there's bracer he is galleon on the way in one of these docks this dock the safest dock this is still being chased down that should be dealt with but what will happen on the front a castle for lakes okay he wants to castle there i I don't know of having galleon makes up for the fact that the Zhu P has double the numbers right now but he certainly needs to make something happen soon because now sue pees on the way to the interior lage nice play from Zuki man really nice play oh man galleon galleon is coming in right did he did he lose the galleon dock what did he cancel it or what oh no it's in okay my bad I just must not have seen it I was weird I just got way too confused all right so we're looking at 18 military for Lix obviously that's all in water and then maybe there's a monk out there and we're looking at 48 for Zhu P who should do a similar thing and think about castling the shoreline at some point soon still really needs to deal with this I think he will have to send something back there a lot of stone income for Lakes so we could see a castle in the center okay spoilers alright this is this spoils the game between Tim and Angelina Jolie yesterday but how many people were here for that and realized okay someone said Alex made a transport and he's sending the transport forward but how many people realize the Tim built Towers on that that neutral island like so I was laughing because it was three towers I was expecting one tower but I didn't put it together that chat was laughing because he built three towers like I built three archery ranges all of chat was like oh it's bitter it's bitter than three ranges I thought that was funny man this is insane production for zoo P but it's Islands right so the game doesn't end here like if you play it smart your castle will protect your docks the game definitely does not end with this fast fires on the way presume P galleons on the way bracers on the way obviously chemistry will be needed this was cleaned up in the main event of hidden Cup if someone picks with Millay for this map and starts making fish traps who are you guys going to guess it is I wonder I wonder I wonder who it might be okay here we have it so a great way to come back on this map is to castle the center islands oh but this is not so good for you lakes if Sookie gets here soon he could actually deny that castle that's a well placed castle though will zoo P spot it he will spot it can he deny it there's more villagers coming there's the monk to get the relic that's where the that's where the extra relic is on this map oh [Music] I think this castle oh it's gonna be close isn't it Kazu p doesn't as the monk scurries away zu p doesn't necessarily want to focus down the bills because if he's focusing down the bills then he's not focusing down AV but he also doesn't want the castle to go up so he denies it but in doing so it gave Lix a couple good engagements likes also had the time to get the relic nice play this hurts though the wood lines getting hit in the backside and now more villagers are coming to potentially finish this castle you're looking at 28 verse 22 again I actually think it's worth losing the villagers again just so you can win on water extend the bills forward as almost a meat shield okay that's another way of approaching it just plays another castle and doofy he actually can't do anything about it he does not have the numbers he needs here both of those castles will go up Wow now wonder if the Navy that zuki sent around this Islands made the difference there you know like if you would have had those numbers in the center what would have happens it's going to be terribly in it terribly inefficient to mine that gold but at least the castles will be there oh boy the wood lines are looking thin Lix has three relics and the extra gold now the population might not say it guys but I think Lakes has the lead I really do he'll obviously get back here and deal with this now that was such good thinking to see the relic and Snagit and I don't see it's not gonna be very easy at all for Zhu Pete to push the center so there is a reason I went for islands over team islands for our island version for hidden Cup it's because I feel like on team islands there's not a lot of reward for taking control of the water whereas here you have the additional golds and you also so it's usually two tiles of stone and three tiles of gold I think I think that's the case so we have six tiles of gold a relic and all that stone so I feel like it's this is a controversial map right now there are a lot of people who don't like and sometimes I agree with you but I wanted players to have options right that's all we have so many maps and I think it's it's good I think it's in a good place to have the relics distributed fairly like that zu p you like to tower japanese have fantastic towers now will this be a doubt tower for him looks like it will be if flicks focuses yep dead that's at 96% you can barely see it yet we'll see towers and castles we might even see heated shot heated shot means your cat your towers and castles do more damage against ships soup he just needs to he needs to be ready for some type of a push to the center and I think he needs yeah okay now check this out Japanese player making towers they have better towers and better trebs than Vikings pretty sure that licks just double clicked all of his bills including those villagers to build this castle so he's controlling both of the center islands now stretch says the water map question here there is a lot of fish in the back so why not take that fish it's mainly due to the fact it's vulnerable that's pretty much it also the fact that you would need to there's no docks back there for either of them see okay there we go like zoo peas doing it so if you have a dock back there and you can afford to do it with wood go for it but the thing is its food really that important right now let's track food food is actually the least important resource right now unless your name is Viper and are making fish traps and have some like 500 IQ move plans so pretty much the only reason you need food in the Imperial age is to get your up upgrades on Navy that's that's normally what it comes down to okay 150 population for licks the military difference is staggering 58 1029 take a look at this if you didn't know warships they are 20% cheaper in the Imperial age for Vikings we're seeing that difference now it's huge docks are also cost a bit less so you save all that wood fifty-eight military 2:30 Sollux can actually afford Oh No zu p you can't leave a relic on the shoreline against licks licks is going to send a monk over there soon I guarantee you licks is going to try and snag that oh man licks already has three relics - Andy as the stone Andy has the gold in the center I just I don't see this being very easy to come back from if your zoo P I see the trebs are there I think the tribes can range one of those castles okay licks if this was tatto tattle would be making a monk right now and or bringing over his monk wherever it is and putting it into that transport ship yeah I'm pretty sure that soup you can reach the castles but I don't know if he can protect his trebs he doesn't have the Navy - it's 74 to 59 however 36 of licks his Navy is trapped oh when it's going to be a sandwich licks be careful actually funny enough it's 33 for zoo P cuz all licks is stacked so the numbers are not too bad still think this is a better fight for zoo P this is not so good though you still can't push hmm another monk went over here oh man Jupe just must not be there's so many things you have to focus on right so I just forgot about the monks but that that is a good start right there honestly that that is it fantastic start because that engagement was not something I expected zubi to be able to get but uh Oh Canon galleons here thirteen range now supey needs to start using his trebs or he needs to make a whole lot of Navy but how do you address this you can't say Navy in here because of the castles in the tower that's the problem Isuzu he's making a transport somewhere I also see that he's researching armor for calves so he might want to raid with cavalier like have most likely like calves due to the gold cost on the Cavalier did take care of this which is nice and Lakes never got that relic but that castle is slowly but surely going down these are elite cannon galleons now and Lix knows the navy's here so he's out here to deal with this is it possible to even land for zu p i feel like it's not well wait you know what he might do he might land at the center he might actually land the center TREB the castle immediately Trev the tower and then build his own castle though I think building your own castle would probably be a mistake I feel like that's more likely if he's sending bills and also trebuchet thirty-four against 27 decent fight for Zhu P close to reinforcements as well this is all awful this is all a nightmare but this is a decent fight he knows he's behind he knows he needs to make the move here come the trebuchet licks will not know that's coming licks will just know that this is very good and lakes will Castle his face and zu P doesn't have a castle at his base anymore so he can't make trebuchet to deal with this oh no that's actually hilarious it's almost like licks sense is the fact that zu p can't make trebs and doesn't have the trebs on his island anymore but now su p wait a second build a castle oh okay now the difference here is that licks could actually make trebs at home but surprise buddy wait he can't make trebs at home if this castle gets treads down what this is going to be a base trade on islands okay licks doesn't have a lot of wood on his island so it's good that he's over here at Sookie's base it's an island trade yes indeed oh my god this could be and this could be incredible I still think licks has a pretty big lead but this is probably would you guys agree that this is the best way for zu P to potentially come back this has to be the only thing that he could really pull because if he tried to come back on water it seemed impossible this is a good play so he'll defend with like calves he has his own castle so he can start making tribes holy crap guys onion tuck as just gifted 67 subs to the stream onion duck you are incredible salute that man and hello by the way that's sometimes how he announces his rival also old sir glory not forgotten thank you for the 5 gifted fight Jupe Jupe Jupe fight there you go ok licks is chopping wood in the center that's hilarious and he has navy on either side of his islands trying to prevent zu p from making a push but it's 164 population to 154 and and zu p actually has the population don't ask me how that's possible because I don't know it still seems like licks his way ahead he does have the cannon galleons here to take out the castle yeah I think the elite cannon gout excuse me the elite cannon galleon is still something that zoo P doesn't really have a response to he's actually using his trebuchet z' and licks noticed it too wow these guys are so damn good what a fun what a fun way to see this Islands game come to a close though I think it will come to a close here I think zu p tried he'll end up losing everything he has here he is getting mopped up in the center and wow so links gets the result on zoo peas home map and goes up two games to zero like I said the games have been incredibly close but if licks is up to zero when the games have been incredibly close is it going to be easy for zoo P to come back and win three games in a row to move on no that's unlikely Lix is just a beast man that I thought it was so cool how he was able to come back in this game I think it was the Viking power I think the fact that the docks are cheaper and the warships are cheaper saved him because he lost so okay that's that's happening consistently I think it's my mouse but um it's happening so frequently where wait God shoot what was I talking about I was talking about him coming back right oh yeah I think when his fishing ships were sailing around and then he ended up losing them he was obviously going to be behind in the economy but I think the Viking eco upgrades and also the cheap warships ended up bringing it back for him because somehow he exploded he got to the faster Imperial age took the center and it never looked like there was any doubt from there man know what's funny the scene I have yeah my alerts I don't have a single alert for gifted subs like I do on my other scenes so we are going to see the name of each and every person that is received a gifted sub from atomic sausage as well what's okay atomic sausage as well so there's the Cady for you I don't know what to say at the moment and economically Lix was only behind in food so again that might have been the fish and chips at soup he had in the back but food should not really matter it's wood stone and gold and endgame on islands incredible guys I don't know what to say except thank you we are actually less than a month away of the main event of hidden cup so that wait let's see I'm trying to think about how these these subs work because what's happening is I'm gifting or I'm putting one dollar into the prize pool for every single subscriber that's on this stream but that would be on the final day so like the final sub count so just keep that in mind I guess if you want to go crazy with sub gifts wait until the 23rd actually because I think for a lot of those people their selves might actually expire a couple days before the main event but anyways I don't know how many people we have watching because it's not set up here but I'm I'm just proud man this is cool to have so many people interested in age this is a dream what you mean is each subscriber is donating $1 to the prize pool basically yeah hey I mean not really right now you sub to me and then put the money in but that's the plan I think it will give us big sub numbers and it'll push the prize pool for the event higher than it already is now so that's what I'm planning on okay so let's back up a little bit Zippy's lost two very close games and zippy has Bay remaining as his final home map all right if zippy wins this he's still alive and then we go to licks his home maps okay this map has not pants this map is Bay get it right everybody let's go did I get the scoreboard yet okay it's not pants I'm I'm not gonna lie I'm half debating adding a t90 pant emote for the main event we have seen the map picked a lot and in the home maps which is a surprise to me so I'm half debating maybe doing that but welcome everybody this is game number three between licks and zu P and a best-of-five winner here moves on and just has to win one more best-of-seven to make it into the main event of hidden cup so even if this ends up being three Oh Felix what you don't think it will have a feeling soupy will do well here even if that happens what you guys need to do is you need to pay very close attention to the player styles we saw Tim the other day what was Tim doing he was stonewalling he was he was uh that's the big takeaway clunky castles and stone walls from Tim you won't see a lot of pros do that if Tim makes it in we'll want to remember that because the main event of hidden Cup we won't know who is who okay Lix he has gone for the Mongols and zu P has gone for Indians Indians on bay fascinating wait is that Indians or is that that's Persians that's Persians I'm so sorry we really I recognized we need to have the the names of the civilizations on this overlay I believe that's Persians I thought Indians initially as Persians okay so the this map Bay is a great hybrid map you have the water that you can pressure for that's great you can find some reward there with salmon you can also take the deer I think that's probably what Lakes is thinking about when he went from Mongols but there's a lot of maps where Mongols excel and there's a lot of maps where you can justify picking them so whether or not you globally ban Mongols if you don't want to play against them whether or not you use Mongols on this map or another map is going to be one of the bigger talking points when it comes to saves throughout hidden Cup games and then how you play it too so for example Tim yesterday spoilers he chose Mongols and he just neglected the water he just went out and took all the deer in fact a change we made going into hidden cup threes there's more deer out here on the map and it kind of worked for him but what I expected to see actually licks is licks is also he's building a mill on berries what yeah what I expect to see is a doc I expect to see a doc fight for water and also take the hunt later on oh oh zippy the plays beautiful well played man his villager was out here and exposed licks was looking to see if Zoop he was going to dock and Zoop be docked nice and early there too so hope you pumping some fish and ships out all right so people say this map looks like pants they say that this is the belt area and then you have the legs on either side where the players are all right I don't know where this came from I didn't know you guys were so creative but next time we create a new map I will ask you guys what we should name it okay it's clearly shorts not pants yeah that's true if you guys are dumb if this was pants that guy would have he would have very awkward legs it is clearly shorts yeah we just can't see his ankles how do you check how do you get to the top Gold you you walk there okay so there was another drop all right and thanks de we can actually restore it so I'm going to restore that real quick I already have the file we're already good to go I'm seriously thankful that we can restore because there are drops now there's a save and exit prompt and we can continue to cast which is huge I can't imagine the nightmare of not being able to do that so it's fine it's fine we're back in the game and let's go so yeah the whole thought process when I when I came up with the idea for this map was I wanted people to be able to take water but I also wanted there to be benefit to taking Lance and I think there's huge benefit to water and there's huge benefit to land alex has already scouted the deer so he must be thinking that well I know where my opponents deer are I probably won't take that but I know my deer or here and I'm really surprised he's not dogs it was he training with Tim or what just no doc whatsoever huh okay I'm gonna just breathe for a second I need to do that instead of surviving on coffee and talking a mile a minute all day today Thank You Celtic FC aoc terror and mid seasons thank you all for the new twitch crimes thank you top of the CC for coming back with the twitch prime for four months he says pipe for another great match on boxer-briefs okay you know what I kind of like that I think I like that better than pants can we call it boxer briefs now I think that's more realistic definitely seems more like boxer briefs than pants damn it we tried all right zero No thank you for the twitch prime ryu donated a dollar and said why don't you have any merch I do actually there should be an image below the stream and you should be able to click that if not maybe you can type exclamation merch oh wow okay so licks I see so he didn't go to water in dark age to fish but he definitely knows OOP he's fishing and so he's gone on water in futile age and he's starting off with it with a demo a demo guys the last time I saw a demo on this map the game crashed when it went off and killed ten units is he going to demo multiple fishing ship this would be next level so all in but so at no way no way that was so sick man that's so much better than just going for a fire wow that was planned out that was planned out I am so I have no words for what I just saw three fishing ships that was epic from Lakes holy crap dude this guy he had some playing strategies for this didn't he according to you pay who's a finished player and good friends with zubi zubi is not have a lot of practice still think zu p played really well oh that's just so funny to me now su p is creating a fire galley and lips doesn't have anything over here they alright thanks for wasting those resources on fishing ships I don't have a wait you notice how zippy split up his fish he's like not again I won't let this happen again that's hilarious alright just take one I guess you might as well have just made a fire for the other two but all right we do have a demo emo people seem to forget we have that here but Stone Age knaves with 16 months to spoiler alerts the hair we're not when hidden Cup 3 but he will kill something well he won't be one of the hero names sad times for people that like that name I started off with La Hire people gave me a hard time for that 'la hair people gave me a hard time another demo why are you making so many demos oh my god why does he this is so interesting to me I feel like the first demo was epic now this is just getting more and more ridiculous boom but it's just to clear out the fish so he doesn't really care about winning water does anyone know the cost of adept the exact cost of a demo and the exact cost of a fire because if the goal was to clear out fish I'd say it was probably worth it cuz isn't the demo a bit less expensive oh it's not a huge difference the demo was a little bit more expensive okay all right well so we have the deer income for the Mangal player we have the stable four licks he did just snipe Zhu keys scalp this is not looking great for tsuki he doesn't have the fish anymore he really needs to be able to breathe and find out what's going on out here he doesn't know too much after losing the scalp but he did see the barracks earlier so he knows that because probably Scouts out here for licks but he also knows that he he doesn't have any big advantages now that he doesn't have fishing ships the Mongol player is freely hunting so that is a concern and licks is now going to stone so I think he wants to go fast castle into manga die I shouldn't say fast castle it's not truly a fast castle but he wants to get up there as quickly as possible and go from manga die and I actually think it's a good idea for zubi to add more fish now t90 what do you think of making the names of the players the names of the people who have gifted the most substandard Channel what do we have Matt we have salsa duck we'd have some interesting names that's for sure no offense but when we have people who are going to be coming back to age 2 I feel like having aged 2 names would make a lot more sense maybe we'll do a promotional event with those names too many good people out there man I I'm at the point now where it's like it's not I'm not comfortable with it some it's not something you ever get used to but it's also happened frequently enough where it doesn't surprise me if that makes sense so thank you thank you very much atomic sausage and an onion duck and everybody else for just being here this is sick but this is what soup he needed he needed some some type of a counter he gets it but lease doesn't seem to trouble does he he does not seem troubled at all looking at 300 food for zu P we're looking at 650 food for licks man these these maps that we see and hidden cup never cease to amaze me because we're always seeing different things we saw it in a hidden cup too as well I'm I'm beyond happy with the maps we have for this we saw we saw licks do something here that we did not see from either of the players who went Mongols yesterday and I had not seen anyone play that with temos ever on this map so I mean that's just rare altogether to go for demos like that but there's still about a thousand food in here and zoo P is committing to another doc so I think he will he might not have the strongest castle each time but he will have more eco units working struggle then becomes how do you deal with the strength of Mongols when they get a castle up but guys another thing I didn't really get to mention on this map is it's not the easiest map to wall because you cannot wall on this terrain so you can't like this wall here would otherwise be perfect but nope the units can run right around and now uzuki will see that Lix is on stone and you might even be able to get in and pick off some villagers so like so we need to send something back here yep they're here come the scouts the spears to protect the villagers in case more units show up and then sending the scouts back means so go get something in defense over here yeah we're using hero names this year guys if you still have input on hero names you'd like to see you can you can give that input on the feedback thread on a resume however I've taken a lot of feedback from people who posted there and also got an input for mods and Dave and and others and I think we have a really good set of names we have it like a lot of really classic hero names we also have some funny ones we have some memes so be good well we had the issue is we don't want to use names we've already used before right so someone said blood of the Hun we've used blood to the hunt already athlete was blood we had a tiller and blood uh yeah we used we used Letta and some of the other names you've mentioned yeah Emperor and a barrel will be one of them that's for sure Emperor in a barrel will be great interesting little fight we have here because he does have some Navy and I have to say hats off to zu p he might have over fished a little bit here but he's certainly in this game Lix has not placed his castle yet our licks has actually gone for a town center out here at zu P we'll be adding some nights I don't want to spoil all of them but they'll be really good trust me I actually think the selection and diversity of names will be better than hidden cup two because the hidden cup - I didn't really think about having a mix of different regions or different campaigns represent it I just kind of went for popular names and some were good but others were it was a bit region heavy so we will have some from the new campaigns and a lot from the old of course see Berk donated 3 bucks he says 1890 first time dropping by the strain came from YouTube thanks for all the great commentary and content thank you see Burke welcome man well guys I guess I'll just bring you up to speed in case you you don't know what's going on or what the schedule is today so this is the best of 5 obviously and hoping Zuki wins here I'm hoping this continues because it's been so damn close very well might continue here he has a big lead in the population at the moment but then after this best-of-five we have one more on the day and that will be between cloud and land and this is all with hc3 qualifying kena castle just went up for lakes and this is as soupy is made as made some scorpions and a fourth monastery which is in a weird position oh my god this is hilarious looks like nope that's my relic that is hilarious just swooped in have the relic before zukie could snag it well the worry I have four licks at the moment is how good is your food Eco because you didn't fish you're not heavily on the deer anymore you do have farms but zoo P has had farms Persian tc's pumping out pills and also he has fish and chips like this guy has a lot of upgrades on this unity is full armor bloodlines and attack on these nights zoo P went from falling behind after losing the fish to being in a great spot I really don't think you can completely forget about the water alright the monk will actually survive for the time being and II got a conversion so that's not too bad for links so this is fascinating to me there's two main things I want to talk about first thing I want to bring up besides the big eco difference is what units the players are making and what units they want to be making long-term they're both making the unit's wow did you see that soupy sniped that weak manga died with the unit he converted but they both want to be making these units throughout the game Zhu P will definitely want to have Paladin in an ideal world and the lakes will definitely want to have bangbang so everything's a bit streamlined for them but the other thing I want to talk about is the cost of those units Knights cost food in gold they also costs food in gold to go to the Imperial Age magnet I cost wood and golds so you don't need to spend food beyond just upgrading them the struggle is it's like at the moment it seems like zoo Peas going to have the food income to produce knights and still go to imp at around the same time because he's now adding fish traps he has insane and insane boom going with his 40c coming up so yes it does not cost food to produce the manga die it still does not look too good economically for Lix I'm debating getting another cup of coffee in between Game three and Game four if that happens spoilers so what does let's really do you just have to wait for numbers just have to wait for numbers I think he needs a castle to stabilize somewhere Kisuke is all over him at the moment if this continues like this for licks if he's not taking better engagements if he can't protect himself okay and there's the castle I think this will be Zoo peas game after the six start to with the demo it's an interesting play but what's better clearing off the fish and holding control that pond or clearing out the fish and is losing control the ponds Angus possible he didn't commit as much to water as he needed to and zoo P he used that food to bounce right back into this game right the castles up four licks Azuki finds out the hard way but I think he can still take out that Town Center bit of a counter-attack though for Lakes we're looking at five manga died and two T sees if the T sees Garrison's OOP he's focused elsewhere I imagine yeah okay he reacts and he sends Knights out yeah he's fine then he's fine oh my god what happened here what happened here where were those villagers going you know what I think might have happened maybe he was trying to send them over here maybe he was trying to expand but it's a massacre so that's a disaster because he was he didn't do any damage with the counter-attack he's losing manga died and he lost the villagers Zhu P is still alive in this series how good is zu p played in this game guys super good the fact that he's been able to balance Zico with water the fact that he's been producing nights the fact that he's been getting conversions on manga died he is he is just as many manga died on our screen as lakes does yeah this has been really good oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy ok lakes reacted to that and so he knows this is going to be a castle trap but I don't think a tower stops that from happening that castles still going to go up that's in a great spot it's our might not even go up Wow insane performance from Sookie to come back is officially on that tower is not even in range might as well not even finish it do people go up to the freakin Imperial age look at this like I said he's producing units that cost resources he needs to go in and he's still going to em faster that's how good he's played this this is not so good but his positions already so strong I don't think I'll have any complaints about that loses the monks but he's so high and mighty now he doesn't need God let's be honest he doesn't need to pray he's fine man man Persians so I've had one pro player tell me that they think cup is going to be a Persian one I've had another pro player tell me that they think bei is going to be a Persian one I had another pro player tell me that Persians will win on every single map he's so Persians are good ok now where you use Persians I'm not too sure depends on the player preference depends on the matchup you expect oh boy how are your quick balls licks I think he needs a stone wall and not a palisade oh are you kidding me are you oh there was a hole there oh boy ouch Lix is getting rekt the licks is getting rekt this this game's over we're moving on to game number four for sure even if zippy loses every single n of these nights he'll be in the Imperial age with 50 more villagers and plenty more where that came from he could shift delete all of his Knights here like that would be a flex just boom delete them all and still win oh my god guys a hundred and ten food for Liss he needs a thousand to go to the imperial age the Knights just end up running back home I think licks will probably tap out once he sees the imperial ages in then again licks is from China okay all right he's not Tim Tim would probably continue for another three hours well GG zu p game 1 & 2 were so solid from him but he didn't end up getting to win this series it was never expected to see a 300 so I'm really happy with that performance which means we're moving on and for the first time today will actually see a home map pick from links to me it looked like he had a strategy prepared for this I think if you rely too heavily on the hunt and you don't add in farms or fishing ships on this map things become very unstable for you in the mid game whereas zoo P he took a deep breath after losing the fishing ships two demos went right back on the water down here and won the game really good stuff I mean again I don't want to sell this guy short for Town Center's producing two docks with fishing ships constant production and conversions incredible alright so is anyone else pulling for zoo P to tie it up oh by the way if you wanted to see this take a look at that 5,000 more food 3,000 more would weigh more gold Andy was an investor yeah I think like you go Mongols there to get to feudal faster to potentially fight for water but you don't I don't think it's a wise move to pick Mongols there and only go for the deer that's what I'm saying but I would like to see zubi tie this up and I'd like to see a crazy Game five like we had yesterday Game four what is the potential map okay we have cup and slopes so it's either slopes or cup for licks I'm kind of thinking he'll go for tough you guys can help me out with renaming maps apparently let's see what they'll go for wait a second I just had deja vu it is cup and I remember licks playing this in the hidden Cup to qualifier so soupy he is picked Millay and licks has also picked Malay fascinating what did we see yesterday was it Japanese right didn't we see a Japanese war yesterday on this I think so again I don't think players have the maps figured out yet I don't think there's a clear best sieve on every single map and they've gone from Malay so history lesson stark who's also in this qualifier somewhere else in the bracket he played licks and a best-of-five and hidden kept to qualifier licks went for address against fish and chips yeah stark made a dot he made fishing ships and licks rushed it and then followed it up with towers man so in the center you can you your lab a brat let's let's slow down your land units can walk across this land you can also dock here however if you dock on the right you can't cross over to the left if you dock the left you can't cross over to the right so if you want to mill the fish you hood but normally we're seeing gaps now the player positions are always fixed and usually your resources are kind of on the backside so with this might lead to is a bit of engagements on water for water control and then probably some walling and then archers I imagine its archers with Malaya I can't imagine we're gonna see anything else oh my god the harbor's could be insane here has anyone brought that up the harbor's could be insane here Malay have a technology called thala sokrati which makes their docks into harbors and they shoot arrows imagine with all this extra gold if you just Harbor up the centre oh boy oh boy okay we could have unlimited fish traps which I think you're extremely risky on this map because everyone's so close and we could have harbours okay I'm excited hmmm so this is what I expect I think the safe play is to dock in Dark Age but dock here so scout where the fish are but dock this side sometimes I've seen players a doopy could walk out here and dock there because it's close to the fish and chips nose oopy wants to dock this side okay again there is no clear meta but normally since there's more space over here you would think there's more fish but then as a counter-argument you could also say that you don't protect yourself in between the player bases whereas if you control this area of the water it keeps you a little bit more safe on lands make demos against archers or fires or whatever alright there's the first fishing ship for Zhu P and licks has made a meal again that's not common that is not common at all alex is not going for the dock wait a second if he's not docking that means he saves wood that means he's going to make her barracks again is he going to do the same thing that he did in the hidden cup to qualifier and make a barracks and rushed fish I really hope he does yes he's gonna build the barracks now he's going to build the barracks now nice okay he's going to drush the fishing ship man this is a lick strategy he patented this man it's been so long it's been over a year too since I've seen that game but I just remembered I remember he went rush to take out fishing ships and then he went for a tower rush so drush stands for Dark Age rush it normally is militia well it only can be militia Jupe did or did not spot the barracks he did spot the barracks going up okay so you might not even need to go too crazy on the militia the fish can they can sit in here and you can't hit them with the Scout with a militia but then they have to take the food back to the dock so regardless it's still not too great for you you could wall in the dock if you really wanted to so this actually takes some good micro from zubi to hide the fishing ships from the militia that's funny a quick back to get 15 more food this is so wacky man this is so wacky I love it alright now it goes this way REE micro is this one this one goes to drop off the food now this one go hide Oh micro micro yes Micro on the salmon it's like impressive and dumb at the same time you could clearly see what Lakes was going for he wants to take out the fishing ships he wants that to be a waste of 200 what's I come out to over 300 would but Zhu P is now on his way to futile age and he has stopped fishing ship production and his fishing ships have brought in more food than you would have expected so I think just the fact that he scouted that barracks was huge because he stopped production and he knows the strategy now I highly doubt soupy salt how licks played this in the hidden Cup 2 qualifiers alright Micro Micro Zhu fee this one's getting hit - ok I mean they're very weak now there we go he's got one he's got one fast barracks for Zhu P upon arriving - few delayed way faster he's also making a fire and then he he actually has this stopped by the way he press stop it's not fishing anymore he wants to wait until he has some archers or a fire to protect and these villagers are so going forward aren't they he loves this strategy and licks destroyed with the strategy last time he's going permanent arms and he's sending villagers across to go tower rush Wow he'll have five man-at-arms zu p I hope you're ready for quick walls I hope you're ready for annoying towers because they're go with the pills now can this fire protects from that not really it can protect from this oh don't tell me he'll snipe the fish oh the zoo P has so many other things to focus on because of the quick walls and the fishing ship will die to that and now the villagers come in the tower this is so perfect this is honestly so sick from Lix nose ooh peas water controls useless he has no fishing ships and now he won't be able to take his gold is anyone else impressed by the creativity I mean I saw this before but the way he's thought about this is nuts he is to think five steps ahead like five different things had to happen to get to this point unbelievable and he's already on stone right so he can build more towers and zu P does not have enough archers to deal with the villagers so now what's funny about this map is - a lot of your Gold's on the backside which usually means you're screwed if you try and be aggressive but not if you walk around like this now supey is on this goal already and he is making archers and he is building a defensive tower so you could argue that if he gets to about five or six archers Lix isn't going to have any archers of his own Wow now you guys would have to find the YouTube video I don't know if memory serves me correctly but I think what licks ended up doing and the other game was he while he was applying that pressure he docked and fished the left side I believe that's what happens Zoop he's going for a counter-attack and I think yeah this is very much needed if you don't have fires protecting there you probably need some skirts but we're looking at zu p with 32 villagers okay and 31 four licks and zu P if you want scold he has it if he I mean right now he's on wood I don't know how long he'll have what if the towers continue to go up he can't take any of his stone and now a blacksmith and squirms should be on the way I think licks is more than fine here it's so crazy to me if you look at Zumiez base it looks like a perfect base to wall up and camp in but this build is just the thought process behind it is so fascinating to me but economically speaking you can consider licks behind right now now efficiency of it might not be too hot for him he can't take his berries that comfortably I had a lot more idle time but the worry is that zu p was very sneaky back here but still we're looking at archers without fletching so I think licks will unless he has a weak ville not lose anything and probably be able to do with this surprise surprise how quickly dislikes reacts he attacks there's a weak villager in there and okay obvious he's gonna lose one after I said he wouldn't nice nice job from Zoo pedo loop he knows he can stick around longer if he takes out the archery licks also knows he can fight with the view bills because there's no fletching yet so fascinating Messi exactly what you would expect this is the area licks needs to get to now he just he clicked the stone guys and those villagers were walking dangerously close to the enemy town centre but by the way if you're wondering about the eco difference Zoop he came back on water just like in the previous game there's still men at arms out here and this villager might give licks the scouting he needs zu P also sent in more archers on the right Zippy's ahead now azuki's ahead if he has the fish he's good what a ridiculous game beautiful mining camp their lifts you can tell that that zu P is paying really close attention to his military because it's instant micro and it was instant reaction here as well and that villager will probably go down so it's almost like licks a strategy packed an early punch but there is no easy follow-up to it and zu p strategy it it lasts longer it makes more sense as the game goes on with Archer production alright these villagers are just over here mining stone for those wandering resources are looking much better for zu p but look it looks a sneaky dock you're kidding me you're kidding me Zoop II can't see the doc it's the sneakiest doc possible oh man imagine if he's if he's real sneaky with it and waits til he has like three fires where he demos the archers all there's endless possibilities oh oh it's been a while woo-woo-woo Lix doesn't need to do anything there the wolf took care of the job and the man-at-arms forgot about those guys but they're dead the Scout is just attacking the archery range to assert dominance Zuki we'll wait a second what's this oh wow the bills are fighting now okay he wanted to wall in those villagers he doesn't have archers there oh my god man if I'm zoo fee and I spot this late and lose the game because of it I would be so tilted can you imagine the frustration okay he should know it it's there now yeah okay he sees it now it's actually a mining camp from zukie that's kind of weird but I guess there's no army there Alex so we have defensive towers everywhere four lakes at his base he does have some archers oh boy I can see where this is going these archers are heading right to that wood line and then zu p might also lose the fish on the right side though it is very very close and Lex is trying to place a tower here zu p is equal to it with the two archers man what a game what a game this this is amazing this game has had so much honestly I think zu P will be happy with the fact that he saw this in time he won't be happy with this though shh-shh remembers you P has all the fish so he's gained and very nice food count oh but he wants to build the market and go up to the next stage surprise oh no oh man licks just snuck in the right area zu P doesn't have his military here his military's trying to find a way trying to find an area and licks his face to hit oh that's so bad he still could be fine but not only does it delay the market but he loses villagers that he's would've wanted to held on yeah he definitely would have wanted to hold on to those I think he could have walled here so I'm surprised he didn't wall there and wall in towards the water when he had some control what about licks licks is still pretty far away from clicking up these villagers here did complete the tower and now the army from Zoo P swoops in I think Zoo P has to be very careful not to be tempted and sit underneath the tower so I think if you sit underneath this tower you'll end up losing the entire army so you probably need to bail and just wait for upgrades Wow okay zu P has 71 population it's 54 for licks are we going to a game five when these units are upgraded the towers are not gonna do too much for licks which still hasn't clicked up I love how he redox on this side and added more efficient ships all in the repairs that's huge the repairs are huge that means he will still hold some presence there and also here he has to micro this is incredible from zu p now clicked up licks was up 2-0 after two very very close wins then zoo P called the previous game back and zoo P is now ahead right now at least I would say he's pretty far ahead as well because of the military lead he has and the fact he was faster to castle age the fact that dou P doesn't have control any of the sides on water on a map for that's very much important his desperation moves for Lakes Oh but soupy he didn't read he didn't think there'd be a tower there that that hurts that hurts and I think licks will send in some units to counter so guys what licks nose sorry there's almost almost too many things I need to look at right now but licks knows that zoo pees on this gold I guarantee you that licks can see that one villager and is going to go oh wait hold on hold on he's going for the fish and chips and now soup he has a demo on the way what a mat what a game this is a bit risky though this is a bit risky I'm not sure how I feel about this licks you might be stuck on the island soon these crossbows are about to start playing survivor oh nice spot from Zoo P again losing a lot the towers Oh zoo fee go for it Sookie go for it send the demo out you know he's got oh my god Bullock's react to this licks you need two shots I think oh he's so toast he is so toast boom that was a sick demo from zu P and so he will still control the areas on the map he needs to control he was vulnerable here he's actually town centered and garrisoned and is shooting down some of these towers beautiful play from zu P and I really feel like licks had a moment there where it could have microd it down he just wasn't fast enough that was awesome 72 population for zoo P guys the reverse sweep could be coming here we could be going to a game 554 eco verse 51 they'll still so close it's like the way I see it though as zoo P did lose a villager on that goal it's the way I see it is that zoo P having so much water control and not only gives him a little bit extra economy but it gives him a security blanket so it licks is going to be hard pressed to find any area where he can do damage to both players microing small groups of units you would expect licks to do better here know what a nerd what a nerd just just one crossbow just to distract licks a little bit longer that's funny I need to check licks his food eco for a second I need to take a look at this seems like it seems like it's not awful he's on to town centers and what do we have for zoo p3 he's not producing out of all of them which is a concern he's spending a lot of no way Lix built a siege workshop here are you kidding me that is such a lick seed workshop if flicks makes it in to the main event and someone builds a random siege workshop in the center of someone's face like this that is him but you know what he's making a lumber camp here that so confident he is he's so confident that he's going to hold this position he's lumbering up okay um but honestly on a map like this that's right between two stones the main cold is there this is not a bad decision at all the lumber camps a bit questionable but everything else it does make a bit of sense and a castle and with the castle means water control with a castle means harbors oh boy if you've just stopped in this is a Malay mirror matchup big shot from Lix what's okay well he'll take that it seems like Sookie almost expected that the manga would come out with an attack round though that was creative 1 / 2 is something Lix will take any day hey the crossbows continue to come from Sookie he even has units out here so he has really done a good job at preventing licks from expanding but licks he has placed these towers and buildings so well as I say that though he needs to be very careful he doesn't loose more than a few villagers he is behind in the economy Zoo peas micro all that was perfect and he even could could remain a presence here yep hit run hit run beautiful meanwhile oh I said we weren't going to see elephants elephants make some sense here but Lakes quick walled oh my god I I never want to play Lix ever okay not in a team game not in a 1v1 not in the force nothing game not in a Call of Duty game I never want to play licks he is one of the most annoying players to play against he's so stubborn if he's even making a monastery back here and he's walling in the villagers I don't know why he's walked rolled around with the mango that was probably a Miss quick Fany also loses the villain there he really I think this is I think this is the end for this yeah the villagers dead okay Sookie we'll clean that up my god oh man this this has been my head is going rounds and rounds in circles but in a good way this this has been incredible really has but I think Sookie's economy is really what's gonna do it here sixteen farms for loot for Alex thirty-six on food for zoo P that includes the Malay fish traps which I said we probably wouldn't see this is an area that lakes will contest for this is an area that Lakes is contesting for with crossbows and monks actually and what wait did that get converted or no I don't think it did what got converted Oh an elephant at the same time okay [Music] amazing game but guys I think this is what you do if you're in zoobi shoes you're secure on land for the most part the way that licks comes back into this is by taking the center control if you control the center there should be no way that likes to really harass you so I would just prep a ton of docks here I would prep a ton of docks here I would go to the imperial age you do need a castle for South out thala a sock receipt or however you say that type you know what I need the Harbor Tech okay because Alixe is actually researching that now but you should be able to get to the imperial age first hmm but if licks castles hold on a second Zippy's just about to come onto water guys I think this this changes the game if this castle gets denied zu P has a very big positional lead in this game I think Lix knew it and he wanted to just take a risk after falling behind with economy no I just don't see how that castle ever goes up there all right here come the fires this is why I mentioned why fish traps might not be the wisest idea but you know the fish traps are still alive actually take those out and oh no lakes lakes lakes lakes lakes like wait you could Castle here if you wanted to you could actually castle this in fibia strange huh or you build a dock first your dock is now a weapon alright one dock is up that will help another dock will be going up that will help and then can you build it then can you build the castle he's sure going to try guys guys I don't know if you have known this because I haven't really been paying attention but Lix has continued to keep zu p off of his stones that's the difference zu p can't make a castle for trebs zu p can't make a castle for harbours licks could witness you're kidding me it's like every single strategy that licks had in mind it set up the next strategy it set up the next position but because of the annoying conversions and mumps and elephants and rams and villagers and towers and everything in that area zu P is ahead but he can't take licks out of the center I am near speechless at this point this this is an amazing amazing game like well so well thought-out from both of them [Music] Yazoo P is in but he is 500 stone away from a castle I just wonder how big a deal that's going to be because if he can't push it gives Lakes time and there's that elephant that he converted earlier just attacking his stone fighters goodell zu p realizes that's a problem oh boy he's repairing the harbor one-fifty population for zoo P 136 for this now I see buildings in the center the this is nice actually again you can do that I think cap tram is probably what he's thinking I hope he doesn't go for bombard cannon it's a bit risky but he he doesn't have chemistry yet I guess you can't do that okay this has been cleared up for the most part all right that that's good so now uzuki can breathe a little bit but now licks just bought himself so much freakin time it's unreal just because he got the castle up there now we have a castle here for zoo zoo which i think is important I would have preferred I guess building it here is rough so yeah this is probably a good castle just to protect that flank it's 26 military verse 25 Lakes is going to come on water to Analects has the castle I am going to be gutted for zu P if he loses this because he he had the chance I would still say that he's ahead but what I'm worried about is the fact that licks seems to yes he has map control in mines this whole time he's had map before mine now he's sending archers over here to deal with this like it's it's slowly going into licks his control licks has docked X on the way he has some trebs out maybe bomb our cannons will work for zu P here don't see enough Navy from licks to contest that yes and there you go zu p nice nice took out one trebuchet okay here oh wow all we have fast fires fast fires and that will also surprise oopy does he have enough crossbows over here Manganiello over here getting big kills licks has gained an eco lead licks has gained an eco lead but he does not have stone income so he's buying stone to repair that castle he's producing archers over here he's attacking with archers over here for all we know he's still in the back of the Zippies base converting stuff and oh no these Bob orchids are so expensive oh boy alright he lost one one of four but he's held and now he's also researching the harbor tech thing crammed so maybe make more sense but we'll a don't get seed RAM what a ridiculous game zu P has more military or specifically more Navy right he doesn't have as much on the side but here comes something here he hasn't dealt with yet this is crazy this this is an unbelievable level Lakes is moving around constantly and zu P takes the castle outs guys they'll start taking the docs out if it's Navy if if zoo Peas stabilizing on the planks its Navy numbers that matter most or seach in this case this is not ideal this is not ideal but I think this castle will stop Lakes from doing too much more and lakes who is now completed galleon he does not have the production of Navy right now he's losing castles he knows how important this gold as in the center a hundred and sixty villages for lips are you kidding me that's that's when you know you're very much in cruise control and not paying very close attention to to anything except my crowing non-stop still pumping out bills with 160 villagers that's a lot oh no the docks be careful yeah this is good good micro from to be Wow well more docks I'm surprised at licks he has so many villagers he should be making docks faster really surprised he's not and now a castle from Zhu P so this was like a king of the hill game in many ways Lakes went to the center first zoo P didn't commit as much to the middle until it mattered most now if his castle will stay up I'm not sure yet but it's on the way up then you have licks being annoying back here with the Palmer cannon and are blessed he's still being annoying over here with skirmishers he's added the trap guys I'm losing my mind here licks could actually start to chip away at zu p on the flanks Lix is everywhere and shoes doopy has most most of what he has his intention but he needs to hold the sides this is a concern this right here if those castles eventually go down the monasteries there-there's Iko their old nice clean up those oopy those elite cram bits nope he took care of a bomber canon all right nice job doc after doc is getting shot down by the ball mark cannons this game might go on forever because it's so hard to push him away with those dogs but if it goes on forever it should be easier for zukie to hold if he has the center more secured with docks I believe it is 2 to 2 with relics at the moment Oh God oh no see this is what happens you look away for one second actually that's pretty good yeah look away more zukie that ended up being very good whoa the relics I know there's a relic down here I think licks his - yeah alex has to end so does ooking so Braille accounts similar I was worried when zu p started making bomber cans because I felt like he would lose them but he has micro them so well with the exception of a moment or two he sees Micra the bomber cannons incredible well he does need some on this side home which she will do because he's making siege workshops here is there any way that licks wins this if he does not have the middle guys I feel like it's his only way I feel like his only way is to have a strong push on the side right now almost distract as you pee and then take the middle back but I think the middle on a map like this especially in the Malay War is more important than anything else hmm that's two-handed swordsman's a bit tough a two-handed swordsman only makes sense from the winners position but the winner on this map is going to have gold so it's it's better to go other options I think Hank right when would you make two handed swordsmen when your opponent's full skirm wait a second wait a second licks licks is researching it no way it licks his shrubs on the right side and Nally way to think about this for a second if licks is not concerned about the center anymore Sufi has like fifty pop in the center he can't use elsewhere what is happening Lix was at a hundred and sixty villagers a moment ago he took out both the castles on this flank also he will find this relic eventually also LOI lo legend lumber camp that's just because he's focused so much elsewhere if your zoo fee you still have to hold the right side and take out all the docks out of the centre it will just take forever and I guess it it will or was forced levy four licks I didn't see him research it but I imagine II must have if he has the two-handed swordsman on the way can we just bring up the fact that I said it wouldn't really be a good idea if you were behind and then immediately the person who was behind decided to do that I feel like I always say games aren't rigged but I feel like sometimes they're rigged against me like it was a moderator who brought that up did Robbo spread some information to that moderator so I would give my opinion what's Robbo probably already knows just so I look bad is that is that what just happened there Lix is so annoying I think MBL called him a rat once feels like you stubborn little rat which is funny because MBL doesn't like it when I call people cockroaches so rat cockroach okay I'm Bo but um I think licks who has less military is doing this this monastery is the biggest thing hey if licks gets four or five relics it should be five if he takes these two and the one in the south it might be okay without the sensor is he okay without the center this is the question I don't have answers to because the center should be important because of all that gold it should be important because of all the control kids yeah force levy makes a ton of sense in here in soupy shoes but he also just lost all will come any farms he had twenty two farms here he's making oh oh wait hold on a second he's making elite cramps elite Quran boots are no joke and this is a lot of skirmishers but also two needed swordsmen and they also don't cost gold c barracks on this side just for defense for lakes yep we'll see force levy in full effect here oh boy alright guys you have to put all of your life savings on one player right now elixirs oopy choose twos quickly before we see how this fight goes choose all of your life savings you guys say licks alright awesome if Sookie wins I'll send you my paypal oh boy what is getting shot there what what what what did you see that I think that's a bug I think when units go into ramps and hop out of rams they disappeared at least for spectating keep in mind that Sookie could easily go for force leve himself he still has the gold in the century he is going to deal with this finally I hope I actually hope the RAM takes out the range because otherwise that's really unfortunate it should sue P is holding the right side he's holding the right side he still been clearing out the center and now he's going to dock lakes to death guys I would not recommend gambling your money away okay if you're considering going to the casino I would not recommend doing that because a lot of you guys have made poor decisions today maybe maybe not I don't know these relics for one of the relics Lix does have a I really wish that zoo P could get forced levy himself own honestly I think adding fish traps instead of farmers wouldn't be a bad idea either [Music] two-handed swordsmen are just attacking bills this is this is so dumb Malaya ridiculous you have two handed swordsmen fighting next to galleons to kill villagers that are repairing docks and what other match are you going to see that Lix has 161 population the real difference here is the lack of military police and a lot of that's in the sensor now Karambit will start coming in imagine if Sookie had his monastery on the other side of something right but it made such a big difference for him he seems to really be committed to making arms I mean he has the gold Karambit ARB is probably the best thing you could do it's much better than skirmisher two-handed swords that I would say yeah and licks will lose that castle I think I think that Sookie's gonna do it here watch this watch this fight on this side when the cram boots are in front of the ARBs I think this is going to be a pretty good fight for Zhu P he's beginning to dock here that will help out a bit here you have the rates there you had the micro I just caught the tail end of that do I see fishing ships for four licks right now he's adding fishing ships here the that's amazing he's adding fishing ships here so we can fish trap haha oh my god oh my god this is crazy his Vikings Opie on this map as Persians Opia in this map is Malay Opie on this map no one seems to be able to finish the other off I don't know does anyone else kind of hate yard choice I feel like you could just make ball mark ends with the gold it's just a bit risky it's it's kind of difficult to control because there's so many skirmishers and bomber cannons out here you guys don't hate it you like it he is 30 here as long as he has a buffer he's good a few crane bit warriors in front at all times and he's good also he's is with these docks he's not just using them as harbours but he's creating galleons yeah and he's suffocating Lakes I don't know where licks his score is coming from right now score can be a very deceiving stat might just be text that he's researched I would send over trebs this way if I'm soupy trabb's or rams and just start taking out these buildings oh wow wouldn't it be something if zu P takes the relics away from licks now it's a relic swab hope there's another monastery down here for licks okay so he officially has all five relics wait wait no he has four relics did zu p get one where where is it is it all the way back oh there it is five okay he'll have five soon there's still plenty of gold in the center though I'm just waiting for zoo P I'm waiting for this water control thematic this really should be played on 300 top if this map was played on 300 pop I think someone would have won by now it's just the fact that you can only get so much military on the map but yeah that okay from five relics down to three now four licks and maybe Zoop you will snag those and now supey is researching forced levy alright these Koran bits look awesome can we salute the Koran bits for looking badass then kind of looked tired but I guess they are that they're not they're either tired or there's a really heavy weapons slicing and dicing slicing dicing the wood which could be a big concern for Lake soon yeah it's actually the biggest concern he needs what over here and he needs the what over here zu P has 170 pop and lakes has a hundred and ninety Malay need to delay Malay or impossible to kill and both players are Malay whose home map was this again I guess this was licks his home that right well he's not gonna give up easily that's for sure and he has taken a lot of map away in fact there's a whole lot more red controlling the map than blue but wait a second wait a second the Koran bits arrived this could be huge I think all those tribes will be finished off oh you cannot afford to lose those trebuchet slicks you might have some relics but you do not have control of the center where all the extra gold is that hurts there it's big time the scurbs will melt the tribes will be taken out slow it's like a slow crawl because zoobi has so much Devi in the center he can't use at all times kind of feel bad for the guy but he's sticking to the Karambit choice normally if you have gold sticking with granite is good I do think that Lakes did the right move here with the fish traps I think that's better than farms so Zoo peas had a lot of time to do that it's also easier to protect than it is the farms which he you actually hear the farms expiring for him right now what a stupid long game this is crazy look north ball of red look north ball of red are you talking about what was here a moment ago I don't see any balls of red up here yeah I mean this is what's gonna go down I think this might come down to pure mobility of the Krampus if the crane bits are faster maybe you can raid more and just just slowly chip away at the buildings but now gold will become a factor these relics still not something that Sookie has tried to collect Sookie also doesn't seem too concerned about taking out this castle which kind of bothers me feel like he could do that but you do have to remember the Koran bits they cost Gold's the two-handed swordsman and skirmishers do not that might be something that licks his licks has in the back of his mind right now 92 military for Zhu P about 30th that's on water I think I think that's probably close to it maybe 25 and 20 25 and I still like Karambit like a mix of cram it's a two handed swordsman is way better than two handed swordsman and skirmisher sure this is licks his resources so he has Gold's in the form of three relics and he's hoping to get these I'm sure when he sees an opportunity he's chopping wood here and here and here and so that is a concern for both of them now but Sookie seems to have that this corner locked down in the north so I don't really see a concern or a reason for him to be concerned about getting raided there just just make trips honestly Zoop you just just make a trap and take out that castle I think that would be fun and we'll see Lex just use his lands military against the Navy which is a losing battle I'll put Sookie sending in a monk so maybe he'll spot that oh wait where'd he go oh there he is oh no way he's distracting the Navy oh what a play dude I thought that he just made a Mis play and genuinely wanted to fight the Navy but he wanted to distract the Navy and now he has the relics going to the back corner he will have all five relics but guys his population is abysmal abysmal and the bomb our cannon dead the Navy or the sorry the army over here dead the Lumberjacks over here dead farmers over here dead he paid a huge price for that he's below a hundred pop just like that and the Koran bits are everywhere we're going to a game five guys we are going to a game five someone in the twitch chat said a moment ago they said that they think both of these players were top 20 I would agree there's a lot of players in this qualifier who are top 20 right because you have eight players guaranteed main event spots only 16 will play in the main event eight more here to qualify I think but I do agree that I think both of them the fact that they have to play each other in round one is probably a nightmare for them because they're so closely matched it's a hundred and eight military - 37 I think if licks didn't have the relative what have definitely called it and he will lose this one NAT leaks I just I just don't see it man I just don't see it the population will drop more because the Koran bits are making the way back here house wall impressive but the spam continues what do relics do relics give you a slow trickle of gold so in late-game relics are very important but when you don't have when you're 70 military behinds I really don't care how much gold income you have you're not going to be able to produce the amount of units you need and now the monastery which has those four relics is being targeted by the Quran that's dude this has been funny this has been funny these relics have seen the world they got to travel and their retirement my goodness oh wait just repairing it that won't work while zu p even realizes and sends a few quran bits to kill the repair bills Wow and remember for Zhu P he had all that gold in the center so he doesn't really needed the relics and so it's not there's no risk that he won't be able to produce anymore what a game Sookie has climbed back after losing the first two we're going to a game five we are going to a game five let's go awesome man so yesterday we had a rounds one best of five go to five games today we will have a round one best if I go to five games whoo this this this qualifier is going to break so many hearts my goodness like whoever loses this they could perform well in the main event these are players who can who can take games off of players who are in the main event I'm curious though to see what the statistics looks like they're 910 kills for zoo P 718 units lost largest army was important he had way more cold yeah so he said forget about the relics I don't care I had way more gold because at the center he still should have gotten them I can agree with you guys on that just to make sure that that potential wasn't there Felix my goodness the relic old Felix just gave him about two and a half thousand more and look at this up and down timeline for that game awesome well I've been pleased so far with the action I don't want you guys to wait too long I actually do need to step away for just a moment I've been casting for five hours I I will go to step away for 30 seconds okay before we start the next game so don't go anywhere game five will be on slopes which is a new hidden cup three map who is the other home map pick four lace okay thank you for waiting thank you for the official countdown chat you guys are the best Wow so the next map is probably more enjoyable to watch some good games let's do this ladies and gents of the interwebs I don't know if you're watching on my xanga page which is very much alive and well by myspace paste you might be watching on LinkedIn right now wherever you're watching thank you for being here rounds one best of five between licks and zu p licks was up 2-0 zu p the beast from finland has climbed back the score is two to two winner of this moves on to the next round and then if they win that best-of-seven they're in the main event for hidden cup three in hidden cup three players do not play under their usernames they are given a username they don't know who they're playing we don't know who we're watching so please pay attention to player characteristics because of March 19th through the 22nd that will be huge this map is a new map that came with hidden cup three it's called slopes zu P has gone for hums and he is a beast of a Hans player and licks has gone for Indians so you have Shore fish and east and west which makes Indians a strong pick for this and then you have deer in the north and the south on this map very exposed though so if you know someone picks Indians you know they're probably going for the shore fish you might want to target them at some point in the game now I've seen this matchup on regular Maps before I've seen this matchup on Arabia before and Indians tend to excel but on regular Maps Indians from wall really easily and then I think Indians if they get to a lot of camels that pretty much takes care of the hunt nights that also takes care of the hunt AB archers but this is not a map that you can wall comfortably not at all and it's not a map that you could just hide hide behind walls of boom because the Gold's can be exposed zoo peas gold is actually a bit better but it's very open on the front now by a show of solutes in the chat how many people saw the amazing game earlier today with Vin Chester against shoot I forgotten the guy's name already FedEx were you there for that ok so that game was an hour and a half long and we saw one player take the center where there's of gold stones and wood lines and we saw the other player expand to the sides but pay a price for that it was such an amazing game highly recommends this map really tickles your fancy and you're interested in seeing more checking out that game and obviously it be on YouTube later okay but it's time to relax a little bit oh my cup what a series what a series I am so happy with how these games have gone Hey I can't stress enough how important it is to the age scene that we have players like Lakes like soupy like everyone in the qualifier playing more and having opportunities to get into events because I think it it obviously has motivated them to to practice and look at the maps because they're picking the new maps right there's strategy involved and then also I think that if you want a healthy scene you need to have fresh blood right you need to have new names so I am gonna feel really bad whoever loses this zu p was up to Kames or sorry licks was up to games so if he goes down feels bad for him and if zu P goes down he climbed it back just to lose in Game five that's not easy but he scouted the mill so he knows the villagers are on shore fish Indian villagers have a shore fish bonus which I believe I believe gives them faster hunts than Mongols all right no sorry let's back up I believe that food income from villagers on shore fish is faster than Mongols on hunt it's very close Suki could have gone for Mongols though right when was that banned did he pick Mongols at all let's see Game one he went Aztecs Game two he went Japanese Game three he went I just I feel like Mongols could be a strong pick but Huns are a whole lot more flexible in the mid game I think that lakes did a global ban on Mongols and I yes I think that's what it was hold on let me let me double check here I don't want to show you my private messages I don't want you guys to see all the nudes but okay zoo P globally bands Mayans and lick school bleeb and Italians so mongols are actually available for zoo P if he wanted to so he really feels like puns are better I feel like the mid-game bit better for sure okay yeah licks played Mongols but it's hidden civilization no repeat so you can choose to save your opponent as chosen you just can't repeat it that's how it's structured and then there's one global bands and each player for the main event everything's gonna look different I think this looks pretty badass for a qualifier but believe me when I say everything will be more structured and you guys will know more of what's going on t NP Meo says t90 how are the eight already qualified players determines every previous participant in hidden cup two voted on their top eight in the world and that's how we got those eight the rest had to qualify before the action gets underway Oh guys guys what is soupy doing right now he's going to gold why do you think he's going to gold wait a second why is he going to gold is he actually going to take the gold because it's really weird he's taking the forward gold if so I think he wants to pressure this area because he knows the importance of that place okay so you know what I think he's still going Scouts I got confused for a second I think he's still going Scouts so he's just he just needed yeah okay yeah he just needed to do something with those villagers he wanted this table that was really far forward he's still going Scouts meanwhile the stables already up for licks and at least for the next two to three minutes expect Indians to be very strong and while licks is full on his base it seems it more difficult to wall if you're zu p but I think the key thing here is when you're up so much faster with Indians you don't have to worry about a lot of pressure coming in so you can comfortably do what he's done here oh oh if you get a single Archer out with Scouts and spearmint and go immediately to the shore fish can you catch Indians off-guard Lix has not scouted this guys he knows this is important to defend he has the Spearman there okay here he comes he will see the archery range that means he needs an immediate archery range for skirmishers then Mizuki has walled in his villagers also licks just got howls that before a moment puns don't have to worry about that what do we have in here three Spears and two archers yeah he's going to try and punish the Indian player for doing the obvious I think licks needs to bail yeah licks is bailing okay so lick scouted it knows that he's exposed there and just leaves and interesting oh my god there's so many areas you need to wall in this map that's crazy you constantly are chopping through wood lions so if he sees this he should double-check the wood line and realize he's over chopped on both sides actually and he does not realize that actually so that hurts soupy we'll lose that villager what I thought this guy was rusty I thought this guy was rusty man dude that was a sick play from Sookie you would not expect that from Zoo P but he pulled it off now keep in mind he has now taken the deer he has not taken the shore fish on a map where that can be a huge tease to be very tempting well played way to go nerd all right while the villager just goes back to work and the other villagers wall licks has got to be a bit confused wait what he didn't take the short fish at all what okay now we have a blacksmith for Zhu P so I would say that it was not successful he didn't kill any villagers but he at least took licks away from the shore fish and jubie's triple-checking that too and licks he only has Scouts on the field and then he has the single archer and if he loses this archers could be trouble I feel like this is forward tower territory if Sookie thinks about it I feel like he might come forward with four bills and tell her that it's risky to send units forward but he's producing so many Scouts and so many archers so many Spears I think you should try as best to possibly punish licks for not making as much military and opting for the economy so right now licks is a whole lot more food he want probably wants to go Castle age and oh my god the armies in the army is in this could be the series right here at the moment licks cannot take any gold all the gold is forward he also received a hit from a Spearman we might see these villagers come forward like I said or maybe they're chopping the stragglers I'm not sure but zu P he had a strategy prepared against one of the top tier civilizations on this map who saw Indians we saw Mongols on this hunts are always good and he bails no no he's he's acting like he's bailing I love that I love that nope I'm actually sticking around sorry I just want to take out your skirmishers with my scalp that's a bit risky though because he did lose the scout or two he lost an archer or two so maybe now he bales some packs up okay I really wish zu P would have towered there but I could see the risk in doing so wait yeah he's going to do it now okay I think he was really worried about the scout numbers who likes well played from licks he didn't lose a villager he did lose some army numbers but five 3kd it feels like there's been a whole lot more action than that in this game he is enough squirms archers and scouts to definitely consider taking a fight against sufi and zoo P will tower so it will licks notice this licks hoop is also creating more Scouts and getting armor first Scouts okay you seize the bills they're both getting bloodlines zoo P knows he's been spotted and he will place the tower there which I really like will licks commit to a fight here oh my god armors in on the scouts he is less of them and there's more archers in the mix for zoo P and there's some Spears in there too I feel like this fight will be better for zoo P it should be better for supey oh my goodness now yes licks gets the tower up but it's still going to harass the gold and do P still going to have a whole lot of presence here it's 57 military for zoo P 47 for licks licks is producing another stable guys we're going to see full futile from both possibly he's going to produce more Scouts archers everything now he noticed he had over chopped here how did he not lose that bill okay he's lost that bill he could lose this for all it's a disaster for leaks the Army's gonna come in its 22 military verse 11 and the villagers here repairing and being extra annoying to panic time for licks stone walls stone gates even and gates do not have armor if they're partially built now I think that the army can go through here pretty quickly crazy crazy performance from Zoo P wait a second wait a second what is happening here oh my god Sophie head everything forward and licks is like surprise now he's on zoo P oh my god the Vil count is kind of even now and now soupy doesn't have anything to defend from this wow that was such sick game sense because I couldn't you could have easily justified going home and defending yourself their legs but instead he went forward and now it's soupy he's kind of on the back flip wow what a game what a map what amazing players we have here now here's the deal these Scouts they have bloodlines and they have armor I think that these Scouts can clear up this army and the archers are underneath the tower what is happening send help my brain cannot fathom the amount of action we are seeing here and if you think that's an A if you think that's extreme we have another army from Lix on this side now so we have army here which zoo P was hunting for and now uzuki sees this which i think he needs to engage against now and probably use these Scouts as well unbelievable game right now unbelievable but a lot of those archers died for zoo P he needs to deal with this force quickly oh this is so messy guys zoo Peas military population is extremely low though extremely low we're looking at 18 military Prolixin 6 for zoo P what on earth oh and these two villagers I have been found this is crazy so on one hand you you kinda would favor the hun player in all in few tiles because they don't have to build houses their stables produce faster but on the other hand Indians also have cheap villagers and so you you might be able to get away with floating more food like licks now has 600 food so he might be in a position to click up the castle age where zu p he's not he's not at all guys I thought lakes had lost like when when zoo P took that big fight I I thought oh this is game over for licks but lo and behold he went forward and he hit the golden stone both zoo P is researching wheelbarrow he does have some archers but guys licks at home he is 10 military and he's on his way to Castle age danger for zubi how can you deal with cross post in this situation I don't think well no hold on you can tower you can tower so you tower here you might need a tower there as well towers on the farms there's a lot of exposed areas and then the best thing you can probably do is try and keep licks at home with whatever military you do have but this pay respects she's dead oh this archers dead the next archers dead everything dead dead dead dead 44 kills 4 licks and 38 deaths maybe licks was just teasing in you know like huh you thought you were gonna come back you thought you're gonna come back I just I had all day today I just I just wanted something to do I got sick of playing team islands on the ladder because nobody wants to play that so I've decided to just draw out these tournament games longer so I wouldn't have to play that crappy map now I'm kidding I'm kidding it's fine sick man well zu pees on the way up so this is definitely within reach I would still say that there's been more benefit to Indians up to this point Indians will have even cheaper villas and costly but Hans castle aged way better than Indians that's when the CAV archers come into play that's when the mobility is even more obvious all right Zippy's probably looking for that army he sees the armies on the way now his heart's probably beating out of his chest - don't go don't go Don seems like he will go for crossbow he has three ranges I think it makes sense to go crossbow and then into cab archers and that's a whole lot of t90 farms garrison and the towers and you know what Zoop he might be okay with this after it's all said and done obviously he's taking losses obviously he's behind Oh Oh licks just kept moving that was so good from licks to just keep moving and continue to hit the villagers I think it's worth the army loss now 51 villagers four licks 39 for zippy that was some insane value that and Zoop he had to build three towers to deal with that army all right 49 pop / zu P is 64 licks licks is building a town center in the center he's made camels nothing else no calves alert there's no more archers oh that's a lot of camels though that's a dangerous amount of camels and Indian camels have the extra pierce armor [Music] I wonder if Zhu P sorry that's been an issue for me all day I wonder if zoo P continues to add crossbows yeah if you if you're expecting camels you kind of justify making crossbows instead of tab archers because the the camels don't have any bonus against the why does that keep happening I'm so sorry it's a mouse issue maybe they don't have any as big a bonus against the crossbows but there's still crossbows are very slow crossbows have the additional range but they don't have as much firepower and I think you need to use speed here really comes down to the faster Castle time for licks because now he's able to to really dictate the pace of this one and you see that do we have another best of five this is going to be rough you see him doing that now immediately moving out but pays a bit of a price here yeah it seems like he's just waiting for his camels to come back yep very much is zu P is 15 villagers behind a civilization that has cheaper villagers to create more this this is an uphill battle I just guys I'm looking at sufis position right now he's not expanded at all on a map where you kind of need to he'll lose his archery range to camels on the front I think Zoop he's dead I think he's genuinely dead the the Ville count will continue to rise for licks it won't resume P the CAV archers already aren't enough to deal with the power of Indians and now that archery range will go down which will hurt production even more imagine fighting back after losing the first two games taking it to a game five to just lose anyway oh that's so brutal but it's 66 delivers 248 and what do you do here I'm struggling for ideas maybe he called Rubin stock and Rubin stock said that he should drop a TC that would definitely not work can't wait to see Rubin stock in his best of five which i think is tomorrow ok ok so here we go it's all about the micro what type of micro can you have against this many camels and crossbows and licks is creating more crossbows and has ballistics by the way this guy's not messing around yes he's adding eco he's also adding tons of military ping clicks knows his way ahead that's why he's attacking their range you can't fight my army so I'll make me fight my army and I'll take out your Archer ages Grubin stock is the third set smart awesome yeah the full schedule is posted below the stream I don't have it all memorized though forward siege workshop right in front of that GC and now you start asking questions should I have gone Mongols cuz I had Mongols open on a map with hunts would Mongols perform better here than Huns should I have towered by bass because he definitely did not expect that counts excuse me that counter-attack that Lakes went for licks has 30 more villagers now 30 more it's 54 to 84 that is insane what a boom from Lex we have here he has as many yes think half as many farmers as ubi even has villagers right now and lakes it has to be said he's getting his third relic this guy knows the maps man he's about to get Wow he's about to get four relics at 37 minutes FedEx FedEx should watch this game wait no it wasn't FedEx FedEx was the one with the trebs who was the one with the relic Tim it was Tim yeah it was Tim the other day I mean Tim it's realistic that Tim and lakes could both make it into hidden cup three spoilers okay I'm going to spoil results that already happens and we'll be on YouTube so maybe mute the stream but Tim won his round three two hi you guys are gonna tell me to stop it and stop calling it early but guys Zoop he's dead the next five minutes is just for us to to cry and mope around that feel bad for the guy he's dead he's absolutely dead and Lix is going to win this oh wait FedEx is in the chat he says I'm watching he says I'm watching FedEx I'm sorry I'm sorry it was just it was just a joke we love you FedEx sick game Game three was sick I didn't realize he was there some guy named Federico is very mad at me so oh boy hey I was looking I was wondering if you could train me in chess I heard you're pretty good do you think you could find some time to train me for free for the nice things I've said about you I'll wait on his response something tells me he's gonna say no oh man I love I really love how licks displayed this though he could have easily stopped making crossbows he could have justified that but he did it anyways because it cancelled out the pikemen opportunity man Bible thumps in the chat for zu P and salutes in the chat from lakes what a series this was in my opinion the series of the qualifiers so far we had an amazing set between Tim and between Angelina Jolie all of these are rewatchable like all of these I'm going to reference the next time we do a big torrent with these players or you know like obviously Lakes moves on so we'll reference some of these games but the coolest thing to me is that we're seeing the new maps as home maps there's a lot of old classic maps players are not choosing look we haven't seen cross yet that's something it goes to show that some players are preparing and I think the maps have proved to be really good as well which is good for me because well we might still make some adjustments before the main event in March but I don't think we'll need to make a lot what a game now in this game I think it all came down to that the presence of mind from lakes to counter because he was under so much pressure and he decided to write that in there he had already received damage and it would be it wouldn't necessarily be a waste of time to attack a zoop zoop he had here but that would mean that zu P would hold the lead so he real I took damage here if I attack him zoo people just flee and maintain his lead so instead I'm going to send everything forward it's a bit risky but it paid off man and then he had more food banked up now he's actually produced a lot less Scouts which helped and got to crossbow and he just snowballed that into a victory insane though insane game look at that KD so close but it was always going to be the economy from Lix more food more wood or stone and more gold collected how many people today have never seen one of these players anyone I always looked to my chat and I see how many great sub badges are out there normally that means that someone's on the newer side so if you have not seen these players or maybe some of the other names that are coming up in the qualifier we have a lot of amazing players in this community and that was on full display and that best-of-five
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 177,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Hidden Cup 3, HC3, Hidden Cup, Lyx, Zuppi, Suomi, Finland, China, SY
Id: yZcyE4HV_gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 19sec (10519 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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