The Legend of Ace RETURNS!

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let's see this don't look at that face all right that's not my face it's just the mod that i'm using it makes that face that's not what i look like all right um on my good days anyways don't look at that face don't look at that face don't look at it don't look at it hit 1k lo then proceeded to lose the next seven games feels bad man congratulations on that all right capture age we're in and here we are ladies and gents we are back with some ace of emeralds action ace of emeralds hello hello ace of emeralds is playing arena this time now when we uploaded the legend of emerald video or the legend of ace video um ace of emeralds was playing a map called height uh hill fort which is similar to arena in the sense that there's walls and what happened was ace did not take any of the golden stone inside of his own base instead he went elsewhere to take all the extra stones and golds now i think that that strategy is a bit more complicated on arena it's a lot easier to find for the enemy to find you now real quick before we get too far into this game are you guys okay if i change ace to yellow i think yellow and red will look a little bit better and it's a lot easier to see yellow on the grass than green okay well wonderful i saw one person say yes and that's all i need ace of emeralds is playing as the indians in the yellow up against e404 who's having a sheep problem over here um but e404 also 700 elo these guys are pretty much the same rating now apparently red is at the point where he doesn't really know that you should try and focus on one sheep this game is so complicated there's so many hidden things about it about last pilgrims nothing we'll see i lied jake the dog they didn't a lie back peace was never an option lazy that's funny yeah so the thing is there's no real pop-up in game that says hey your food is decaying when you eat multiple sheep like this you should try and have everything on just one sheep there's no pop up that says that so for lovely legends they probably don't know that and oh boy we got a straggler tree being chopped all right i'm being told that emeralds are green well today we have a yellow emerald today we have a yellow one but yeah ace of emerald seems to have a pretty solid build order down so far in comparison i mean seven on sheep that's fine i know high level build orders say six but i think that's completely fine uh now sending one villager out to get the board just wondering if ace is gonna take golden stone elsewhere my woolly boys all at once so tender and tasty oh my goodness thank you uh american dan for calling your sheep woolly boys is that really what you say sometimes i can't help but eat all my woolly boys let's see what ace of emerald has for us here i think that uh he will have all calculated he will have a lot of people rooting for him now look at this scout from ace now i'm not saying that 700 elo should really be expected to to scout and it's arena after all but ace of emeralds has already clicked auto scalp so maybe the reason that ace of emeralds is a really clean build order is because ace of emeralds isn't even paying attention to the scout as we're going to see houses this isn't bad actually right up against the wall you're going to need the houses anyways why not give yourself an extra layer of protection fall child says i think you underestimate 700 elo oh no i estimate it on a completely unrelated topic fall child what is your elo just curious feel as though if you if you believe i'm disrespecting 700 elo and i don't understand 700 evil that you yourself might be 700 you are 700 evil okay that's what i thought all right i'm not trying to offend you here it just my guess was that you're like come on man give us some more respect 700 elo gang we know what we're doing i'm not trying to disrespect i'm just trying to cast all right i cast what i see um as we said oh he's doing it again ace is back now he doesn't have loom ace why send your villagers okay we got the micro we got the micro calculated villager survives no problem all right so ace of emerald is on youtube and had this crazy game where where ace was just take all the stones and golds around the map now i believe the mining camp count before he was in feudal age in that particular game was six he has seven on wood right now is he gonna make more mining camps in dark age again i feel as though this strategy is is so much riskier on arena because everything's kind of towards the mid i think red might also be actually this kind of looks like manual scouting to be honest loving your work t90 oh and red didn't see it red did not see it okay is red coming home perhaps this is auto scout auto scout tends to scout the right corner so it would have been over here already red making a barracks now that's not a great sign for ace i also might have ruined ace's career because now like there's probably a few 700 evil players who watch my youtube videos and if they encounter ace they know what ace likes to do and ace is gonna do it again where which one is he gonna choose don't don't do the stone that's right next to his base a's no my god ace it's so risky why do you take these risks i don't it's just not worth it listen listen listen listen mind the gold in your base make military with that and then control this area if ace was in voice chat with me right now ace would say no no t90 you don't understand namaste see i'm this is their resource if i take as much of this as possible and lose the villagers i don't care about those villagers that's profit baby i will still have all the gold and stone inside of my own base to go to oh we now ace doesn't see that many other golds and stones right now but auto scout's probably working right where's the scout at yeah auto scout prioritized the back of his base so um you know if this gold's spotted i think ace is gonna go out there now let's look and see what what red's gonna do here red's gonna be in feudal age really quick and red scout could actually kill oh he's on this stone too i didn't even realize that's three mining camps in dark age for ace but that scout right there is we see more villagers coming out oh god could kill these villagers is red paying attention to that no he's not and where's yellow going now a sees this stone doesn't he this is unreal the commitment from this player is just unreal i love it so much by the way when i say you shouldn't do this ace it's going to be harder for you to advance and go up the ranks but you should do whatever makes you happy one mining camp two mining camp three mining camp four mining camp five mining camp this is the the sixth mining camp build order it's not six on sheep at the start guys get it right it's six mining camps at the start ace of emeralds has his own build order uh oh red just clicked men at arms that's a little surprising actually that's not really that good for red because he doesn't have the rez to even make anything right now so i mean we we've questioned the build order from ace just with exposing his villagers like that but if you think about red's situation red has 500 gold no real way to spend it right now so the eco balance isn't too great over here either but the few lag eco upgrades are in at least oh come on ace make a house not that i would expect this from 700 elo to the 700 elo guy i'm not underestimating 700 elo i know they can quick wall very fast um but yes i'd love to see a house here to just trap red scout that'd be perfect come on just just boom it yeah house right there actually he's too busy making houses all along his walls but let's count the mining camps we have one we have two we have three four five six is that seven mighty oh oh oh oh my god oh my god and think about it he placed the mining camps on the stones and golds had he not done that he would have never seen the scout it's just next level plays all the time from ace of emeralds just high quality stuff as we see at barracks now and more houses meanwhile there's not a whole lot going on around the tc because there's not many villagers at home all the villagers are out they travel for work the commute's kind of rough you know with traffic you know it's worth it they get paid a good salary and gold and stone you get to take care of their families so whatever currently ace of emeralds is collecting every single stone and gold that's in the middle of the map as we have uh red compensating and but red okay where this whole video has been about ace so far but red you just bought 400 food and then immediately got the gold mining upgrade as if you're gonna do that more make some farms here okay there are some farms that's good i'm a little worried that red might not uh that red might not realize that now let's look at red scouting red if his scalp before it got trapped scouted this mining camp and this mining camp and he can see these villagers so i think he wants to go kill them now and my guess is the logic from red is probably well kill those villagers profit and then we'll be in the lead official i'm new here t-90 news what's up hi max where can i join the gold bog day club i feel like the last time we saw ace didn't he lose two or three of his mining camps and then he just shifted around to other ones oh this is precious this is funny oh ace comes over here that's actually within red's line of sight so that's risky and red shows up here to take this stone i mean certainly could kill so many villagers let's count the amount of villagers that are out here for ace one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen did i count these is he does he have half of his eco outside of his base right now he's making extra layer of gates too oh my god this is just so adorable oh okay now we got farms at home there we go and we got a tower from red he's like no no no no and it looks like ace is about to lose 1890 do you want to hear all the taunts that are typed out in chat check out my friend's browser extension on the subreddit 111 hundred that sounds awful if if ponce and twitch chat would come into the stream that would be a nightmare live yet an absolute nightmare okay so so red says this is mine and he kills two villagers and red's probably feeling like a god you know and red is so concerned about this he's actually gonna take out the mining camp all right you take out that mining camp now red just bought food again which is actually interesting because if he continues to waste gold buying food there might not be a lot of gold left on the map later anyways a red on the way to castle h ace of emeralds has 1600 gold and 1500 stone because of this approach so ace does not have the eco to ever go castle age which is a concerning sign when the enemy could make knights and we have additional stables coming up now i remember in the legend of ace video it really looked like ace was going to lose because of the lack of food this is your supreme leader speaking is your monthly funding now tell the masses why koreans is the best civ uh kim jong fun thank you very much for the resub nice to see things are going well with you but yeah back to my point is like ace always falls way behind because of this strat but i guess his in his mind he's also a head in some ways as red comes over here this is like playing age of empires whack-a-mole have you guys ever played that game at an amusement park a little mole walk pops up and you whack it with a mallet it's actually a pretty sick concept you would just whack a mole in the head like that like i don't know if we're gonna lose our mole audience referencing that but um you know as a kid it just seemed normal and okay so red has cleared out two of the four bases from ace and now he spots this one and a still has like four or five more oh my gosh okay here comes red like imagine how confused you'd be if you're ready hey red loves the market red absolutely loves the market and he just bought wood for a second tc i mean red should have a massive lead here twitch problem right should win this game there's no other way to say it this will be i've killed five villagers now you have to imagine it's gonna be six red in theory we'll have two tc's producing bills now i don't know if he's gonna be able to do all that and red is making nights right now my favorite day of the week yellow is just going to she's gonna lay down her life so her friends aren't found and then red is red is probably going to be surprised when he sees that this stone's been taken as well it's just free kills everywhere and i think this is how ace plays every single game golden stone is important but you still need to get cast legend now more villagers are going to go down and okay red what's up with that mining camp do you want your villagers to get tired when they walk over to the gold is that what's the deal here okay that's a little far but you know it is okay for red because red will have the villager for sure over here the scout's been attacking the house ace with his micro is going to repair that villager's out in the open with no protection and now you have ace um on the way to castle age the farms look really good the gold and stone count looks really good and the low elo legend logic here as i have to sneeze i'm sorry i'm allergic to big plays oh i'm gonna sneeze that was so big okay the sneeze is gone actually um nice quick walls there from from ace but anyways i guess the lowy the legend logic is well if i lose the villes whatever i'll just at least have taken all their stone and gold this scout really wants to be saved and i think that will happen there's still two villagers here collecting this stone there's still two villagers here collecting this stone there's still four villagers here it's just the audacity of this it really gets me it is so yolo and all in and crazy still hasn't mined gold or taken stone at home one point five gate people hoping t90 casts their low game next thanks for this tutorial game i didn't know you were supposed to take the middle east no i guess it makes sense this is not a tutorial all right anthony listen as fun as it is to watch and root for ace of emeralds i would not suggest you play like this is very unique for reason as we see pikeman now for ace or for red rather it's actually a really good idea for red if he's expecting camels from indians and he's just checking he knows now like wait let me check this gold oh my god he's here too all right i'm gonna kill these bills too let me just check every one like at this point it shouldn't be a surprise to him that ace is out here and now red wants to drop a castle now he just bought the stone when he had the stone being mined and we actually have a castle here for ace that's one of four that could be placed [Laughter] and one thing i've noticed about red is red is all in on the buildings man red's gone four stables two barracks one archer range he's probably not okay he's actually doing a pretty good job keeping his tc producing as well but i guess this castle it won't kill ace and ace might stack a bunch of castles in his base maybe this is now the time to take resort wait a second where did these villagers come from they come from this from the gold did red accidentally click the mining camp instead of the i think that they were on that stone or or one of the resources anyways and they just came over here they came from the mind outs don't wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second let's use capture h pro did they actually come from that stone oh that stone okay gotcha well i guess red just didn't see it so they finished the stone he immediately realized and he says oh i know where i'll go okay and there he is red is just looking for all the stones and gold hasn't checked them all but has killed 17 villagers ace of emeralds is 700 elo for a reason i feel like this shouldn't work but i kind of wanted to so we have a very safe corner tc could you imitate a sheep for my one year sub anniversary can i imitate a sheep for my want for your one year sub anniversary [Laughter] there you go um that was pretty good ballista elephants now from red now fun thing about ballista elephants is you can actually take out trees with them if red knows that red could take out these trees and then ace of emeralds would be in big trouble hmm two tc's for ace ace knows that he needs to catch up in eco elephant archers what okay so for those that don't know us this stone is all gone now elephant archers are very um what's up with these mining cams from red they're a very uh meme unit they're they're very they're actually very tanky and good against archers but they're also very weak in other situations they're very slow just not not exciting now red is has been sticking with 12 farms for a while and red is really heavy on stone for maybe another castle i don't think red knows about the ballista elephant cut and red doesn't see this castle now red is the siege workshop so i think he might try and ram this down red's gonna find out the hard way in a second as actually legend of the legend of ace has both attack and armor upgrades for archers 41 villagers 51 he can't keep getting away with this he's actually coming back [Music] wait a second red's making petards that's amazing okay so it takes two patards to take out a gate or a piece of stonewall it would take four patards to take out two gates so i suppose i i think you could use three petars to take out the stone wall in a house maybe it's four though i'm not sure if they set another castle here ace would be fine but ace does not have that and red's getting some upgrades here i'm not sure these elephant archers are really going to be the answer as we see a university now i imagine that's probably like normally if it was high level i'd say it's for ballistics but it is low low elo so there might be another tech that shows in there and here come the battards okay and this is going to alert ace of what's going on here now as long as that gate's locked he'll actually get some kills here red just underestimated the amount of parts he would need this is this is actually a bit of a throw from red here running into castle fire and elephant archers and he's losing all of his knights meanwhile you have ace attacking the gate over here ace has the villager lead are you kidding me are you kidding me red you just need to be a bit more patient here my friend just back away ace actually has the lead now neither of them have any relics relics can be important on arena red now making rams okay so red was red was i think distracted by this and he was making rams which was maybe why he didn't react here in time as we'll actually see another gate from ace which is a good decision i think elephant archers are actually stronger than ballista elephants if we're comparing the elephant unique unit and with only two rams i don't know if that's gonna be quite enough if murder holes comes in did murder holes come in yet for ace did you guys see that it also depends on how ace fights this didn't get murder holes okay you see how little the ballistas are doing to these elephant archers since the elephant archers have such high pierce armor like elephant archers are not great against rams so ac is just gonna mine this gold for as long as possible just that makes sense in masonry now masonry on the way to add more hp to the building so ace knows his stuff but no melee units here means that i still think the rams could take the castle out murder holes could save it and now ballistics okay ballistics will help with accuracy but ballistics will not help you save that castle is murder holes after that fortified wall well actually i've actually made the mistake recently and last week i clicked fortified wall instead of murder holes because they kind of look the same so i don't know if that's a mistake or what but um it looks to me like the castle is gonna go down is it gonna go down it's gonna go down yeah well that's good for red at least castle goes down but it doesn't mean that that ace can't just go back to work yeah look at the villagers they're like all right back to work boys we lost our castle oh please make another one please make another one 62 villagers verse 58 red is very distracted i also think he was worried about an attack here so he made house walls which was a really nice idea um red's over here trying to take this gold now that's a good mining camp spot and he's now making battle elephants honestly these these freaking elephants are doing work for ace of emeralds i mean how is this even a meme they are very tanky it's just so expensive and so slow but i guess in slow elo legends it makes sense right there's no high npm players there at least that's that's not necessarily true but um also ace's economy is pretty good it's fascinating is getting town patrol that is a very rare technology to see okay i think the the elephants here will be able to clear this group out but it was an expensive loss like the slowest fight ever because everything says such a such high hp but yeah town patrol will give a lot of vision to ace so he can actually see a lot with his mining camps so the mining camps are both mining camps and also outposts at this stage which is a side benefit perhaps to playing this way now red wants to take the villagers off the gold this is actually one of red skull it's not even a neutral and these villagers will go down now but this entire game red has spent so much of his focus trying to kill these villagers so it's 21 to 2 with eco kd but because ace just lets those villagers die because he sacrifices them he ends up having the villager lead which is fascinating to lose to have lost 22 villagers and only killed two and then have a villager lead his nuts now i saw him research fervor which will give the monks more speed and i think now he's going to try and snag relics did snag relic number one fervor gives the monks more speed and then sanctity gives the monks more hp why is no one taking the relics well that's exactly what we're seeing on our screens right now that's exactly what i'm talking about holy market abuse from red the other the main thing is here is that there's a lot going on in the mini-map so there's a lot of reason to not take relics there's military out there it's not i mean there's there's mining camps out there you have to be careful your monk doesn't trip over a mining camp and die i've seen that happen before but yeah here here comes the monk okay let's just let's just grab the relic a dow red will react to this right ace is all about just swiping resources away from the enemy if you have an exposed resource ace is just gonna he's just gonna yank it right away from you protect your resources people protect the map against ace of emeralds because hit the map will become his and now this is crazy 44 minutes into the game ace decides it's time to take my golden stone at home this is only after all of his forward mining camps have been stopped so ace is getting murder holes now he's in the imperial age getting imp eco upgrades okay um 68 filters for 65. now red is making a lot of battle elephants still so i'm a little concerned that maybe he'll lose his forward castle but it's not the biggest deal twitch problem i think it was uh two relics in a second smile thank you kenner thank you mr j thank you jota i'll get some more names here in a second when i'm no longer fascinated with aces gameplay which will be never red now getting fortified wall as well okay so in terms of of resource income ace is well ahead because of 43 on food that's nuts his farms are also very efficient um mate i would like to see him make trips i'm a little surprised he hasn't done that i mean the castle's right there also i think that's his starting scout we'll see if that thing survives running past the castle that's auto scout wait a second forward to you casting the longest o2 game ever now that you hit 200 wait a second okay subs on youtube no this is calculated by him in parts over a number of separate days ps wait wade oh my oh my oh my goodness he is doing this he this is not auto scout he is distracting red's army he's taking reds army away and he's sending villagers down this way just to get back to the gold oh my word he's a beast now granted he wasn't really you doing anything else but here he comes i already had the scalp being micro that was actually amazing and bringing it back on over okay red realize like what's he doing here now don't listen don't try and steal the trees all right it's arena ace you have plenty of trees everything about that was epic but what's the logic behind it stealing the trees is not a thing unless this game goes on for seven hours then maybe it is but we are seeing bracer we are seeing chemistry we are seeing thumb ring um he's getting parthian as well okay now the villagers need to take the wood back oh wait he remembered now [Laughter] he's gonna try and take as much of that gold as possible and red's over here too dude this guy is so amazing to watch now reddish just clicked villagers over here okay and just don't mind me i'm just gonna mine your gold i'm gonna mine your gold and i'm gonna oh right it's like what is this what is this crap get out of here what did i tell you before get out of here this is my gold and now immediately ace goes oh wait he didn't actually kill me let's go okay can i go back maybe he's thinking about it thinking about it thinking about it you can see there's military there but maybe he's thinking well let's just take as much gold as possible before he kills us another might how was that i mean sure it's actually a well-placed mining camp but why why make a new one when the enemy already knows you're here it does block off red's efficiency a little bit so there's a side benefit i guess okay well this village is going to go down these this i i he just wants to deny this gold though he's now try he made a stone wall which actually means that he'll his villager will win the 1v1 fight that's nice on a scale of one to ten though is going to chop into red's base ftw how frustrated do you think red is right now because this game is already so complicated age of empires you've got to have hotkeys and build orders wait a sec the monk this entire time he's been heisting the relic away oh my god this is so great honestly i there's a real problem here guys ace of emeralds has ruined all age of empires games for me i i can't look at hidden cup 4 anymore and think that that was enjoyable i really can't hidden cup 5 won't be a thing no 2v2 world cup no additional tournaments no additional low elo legends it's just ah at this point i have to give all my royalties to ace of emeralds uh ace of emeralds you are all that i will focus on for the rest of my career my goodness all right so there's the overall kd if you didn't know how this went down and if you didn't see the little yellow dots you might think that this is a normal game the population is pretty close red has the lead beretta is going to lose that castle and then need houses for pop space um block printing now for ace of emeralds which is a little fascinating it gives the monks additional range at this point ace has three relics which is of course nice this one seems impossible to snag this one seems impossible to snag so three relics to two if this if ray actually gets relics um red is i mean if red goes sea trams elephants halberdier the elephant archers just get wrecked so i wouldn't get too excited if you're an ace fan today i think you're doing a pretty good job keep it up thank you will thank you anthony thank you make byzantines great again and robert the moose yeah man um it's good to be back guys as we see elite battle elephant for red so i think the big thing when you have a range student like this is you probably want a melee unit as a tank or just something to to fight in front of them uh wait a second is he gonna heal is he gonna bring the monks forward so he can did he just put his monks in the middle of a box formation elephants oh my good he's protecting the monks so he can convert the elephants without getting hit have you seen this before oh my word the plays box formation people now i haven't he gets conversions got me back into uh reds thank you red is is really struggling to know what to attack right now monks are actually going to run home but the the elephants are now a lead if you compare the amount of hp yellow does have more but the unit control is um shred control is uh it's low elo legends now the blacksmith upgrades are in in full for ace though and these things have a lot of hp that's 300 hp they're not elite but compare that to the 320 hp from red and red's making skirmishers that don't have attack upgrades it really feels like even though elite battles into the stronger unit here ace is kind of holding on i take it back i think ace is getting ready 404 resources not found probably not the best time to get elite but ace is doing that now which will bump these things up in hp i think they're 350 if 350 they get more bass attack i think they also get more armor but against these at these battle elephants there really is a reason why we're not seeing high-level players go for these elephants now ace has two castles right now i'm trying to do the math in my head but i'm pretty sure ace could make four more here's one here's two it's just under four more right all right so ace may be a bit worried now um red is in full attack mode here and i think that that could be way red wins the game but that also could be the way red loses the game if he doesn't focus on his economy and getting relics for now he's attacking the gates i think he's about to pack them up and go after the castles though at this point it's giving ace of emeralds time now on top of the weaknesses we discussed earlier regarding the elephants wait a second the monks are here he if he gets four conversions that's amazing it's one he gets two he should get three all right he does did he delete those or did they die i wasn't paying attention right now we have more castles they should probably repair this one he's healing up the other one and you see red still pumping out skirms pumping out pointy boys has rams but they're not upgraded yet he doesn't really have a lot of resources in the bank some of that might have to do with the fact that ace just stole all the resources throughout this game here he comes with box formation again and here's the attack now this attack should be a whole lot stronger than it was before the real worrying thing before was the battle elephant if they get converted then they're just on ace's team he's lost the castle compare the amount of hp in this army for a second there's over 6 000 hp for ace and he's also healing his army as his units take damage i think ace of emeralds is going to do this also on the right side we have some villagers i'm not sure what that's about yet i'll keep you updated knowing ace it might be some type of a castle i'm not sure has the stone for it i just love how the monks are in there and you can't see them i love how the monks are in the middle of the box that is amazing this is like this is everything that i thought age of empires was when i was 12. you know i thought box formation was was useful for things like this now it is useful for things like this you just don't see it healing up is elephants non-stop what a game plan red does get a castle ace i would suggest making some siege and aces queued up trebuchets out of this castle but that'll take some time all right so 130 population for the legend ace is 110 population for red red does not have much gold left in his base this is the strategy he doesn't have gold left in his base and he doesn't have any gold left in the middle because ace took it all that's why he does this and then look at aces base he's got gold he's got stone this is precisely the logic of his build order and he's able to spend the gold 2 and all these monks there's no way the red wins this game surely i love this when i uploaded the youtube video now granted it didn't like catch on like some of the other legend videos have maybe it will but when i uploaded legend uh aces legend video i knew that a lot of people would appreciate it because i think that that that style of taking all those forward resources and being sneaky is something that people have thought of before executing is a completely different story look he's writing g in elephants did you see that here let's let's go back this is how good he is watch wait for it right there that that is a partial g he said he's telling his opponent to resign before he's saying that he himself is a g i don't know um still not sure what these villagers are doing over here i um i think he's probably focused on focused on the army monks are in the middle this is the commander elephant that's why he's in there with the monks makes sense and uh i guess this castle will go down red just seems shocked red doesn't seem to know what to do right now red is probably stressed and red is red why are you sending your military here he's adding more production buildings i think he just grouped up villagers and his elephants together and sent them here that's probably what happens slowly but surely all these buildings will go down aces needs houses and is going to stack the houses along the wall looks nice looks pretty three relics i suppose all five is possible because red didn't get the other ones i still cannot believe that ace had lost 22 villagers and only killed two and ace is in this position as the castle's being dropped here and this is right on the wood line you look at what he could see he actually doesn't know that but he knows there's not anything down here at least so he's just going to drop a castle on the guy's wood line and that's perfect now red is already running out of steam in the middle so if he deals with this i think he's just gonna lose the middle even more slow and steady wins the race i guess but i think the race has been won here by legend of ace he's an emerald in the rough i i don't want to watch any other game except for ace games today he does have more games in his profile we could just go through a few of them what's fun is you kind of know what he's up to as well so you go into it like oh is it gonna work is it gonna work this time as red panics i think there's still actually that has been walled for the most part that's fine this isn't fine though okay red does have 58 military so he's going to give it his best shot box formation to protect the monks oh my goodness it's working the monks are protected in there now halves have insane bonus damage against the elephants so if you can get enough of them in red's position i think you'll be happy with the results but he's still missing blacksmith upgrades and they immediately disappear and ace of emeralds does it he does it man this game was live by the way this is not a recorded game i hopped on here on tuesday for lowly legends just like last week and he happened to be playing what a hero what a player so freaking sick if you look back to what happened let's just go to 15 minutes i watched the first live game then rewatched it and then look at the mini map this donation is thanks to him let's go ace we love you 11. look at the minimap from the early stages he scouted and he set out to take as much of the golden stone in the middle as possible and then at the end red had no golden stone left in his base and there was no golden stone remaining in the middle ace still had his main gold he still had his main stone i'm sending this to my brother by the way my big bro loves this strategy he talks me about it he thinks this should be how the game is played now remember ace lost 22 villagers so it you know there's weaknesses to that but still uh what a ridiculous game i should be able to go and see yeah this is the end statistics now red i look back to his in fact he threw away some army as as probably the big thing that hurt him also he didn't boom up to that many villagers um if you look at the total villes where is this on this come on the villagers villagers villagers villagers villagers villagers am i blind i don't answer that i know i'm blind army high villagers where's the villagers there's got to be a villager stat here anyways when i find it uh society oh yeah of course society villagers make sense yeah in terms of total villagers uh it was 106 for ace in this game it was 102 for e so that's actually pretty close east lost a lot working for the most part helps kill time at work during those periods probably could have been creating more villagers out of his town centers ace actually did a better job keeping his tcs running in this game which really helped um but yeah right here you can see the amount of stone that ace uh mount of stone and gold that ace was able to collect is all comes back to a strat red made a lot of military buildings he didn't get a lot of military upgrades he didn't produce out of those buildings all the time i'd say invest a little bit more into your economy if you're red but ridiculous game there's the conversions and the desertions there's the overall kd which was just sick or ace of emeralds not sure what else i can say about this guy except that it's incredible and i i will never tire of this also i like how i like how i was like oh yeah he'll never make a house there he'll never wall in that scout and then he did it 10 seconds later that was clutch man absolutely clutch
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 99,231
Rating: 4.9697409 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, aoe, aoe2, aoe2de, Haha, WTF, Crazy, mango, mangonel, onager, catapult, SO, low, elo, legend, legends, LEL, lowelolegends, the, ace, emerald, emeralds, LEGEND, Blue coffee, returns, again, part 2
Id: dlElV12COMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 3sec (2703 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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