Hidden Cup 4 | Le Loi vs John the Fearless (Best of 5)

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there's maybe only a few players who would break this out in game one arabia the fun is that we've guessed to this player already and pretty heavily too most of the community felt like they found them so welcome ladies and gents now here's the deal john the fearless is playing as the bulgarians and we're going to keep john the fearless in the blue because jon was nice and picked blue now according to the rules whatever color you have in game one you have to stick with for the rest of the game so that means the lord's gone for gray which is really weird and that's the second player to do that and gray and blue just doesn't work so i'm going to switch this over to red but you can actually see with capture h at the bottom right which color leloy has always chosen but bulgarians on arabia slam give me your thoughts you know i'm actually a little bit surprised here i haven't seen this quite often and you were mentioning though there was already a player that was guest for this who was that player winchester of course of course okay yeah and oh there's another player right there where you know i feel very certain about as to who they were and i think maybe many of us do as well um but yeah bulgarians i mean this i'm stoked for this this is a sieve i don't see very often um for the first you know for your first pick on arabia and this was this was story this was the last pick that this player made for his live choice as well the very last one and leloy getting close to john the fearless's tc and leloy jenkins runs away from the tc uh that's something that's very dangerous with with uh mezzo civs is having that eagle you can lame steal some resources attack villagers possibly so this tells me that john the fearless clearly has something in mind here or maybe was expecting a certain civilization from uh the draft from leloy but you know i i would say that overall aztecs have just feel stronger here but bulgarians are sieve where you can be very aggressive with the cheaper blacksmith upgrades and the free man in arm upgrade yeah and you know i i've i've always had a thing for sieves that are going to have better line of sight i think especially for the first game um you just feel it gives you a little bit more confidence going in uh you can scout your enemy earlier so anything with you know aztecs mayans uh any of the mesosivs are going to be great you think we'll see a lame here lalor's thinking about it definitely thinking about it with that eagle yeah cross right by it it is a little bit in a risky position though um obviously i think uh john the fearless will see that boar running and he'd immediately bring his scout back all right so leloy not choosing to take the board i know certain players out there the mbls maybe the yos of the world could instantly try and get a steal in and actually john the fearless has been able to find some enemy sheep so the layman goes the other way and i i'm curious if we'll see a barrack soon or i would say that with a three-on-one opening you could even see scouts from the fearless absolutely absolutely do you think leary is a player that would go for bulgarians uh on other maps yes like i really like bulgarians on slopes i don't know about arabia i mean the one player who's picked bulgarians the most in ranked games is doubt right has has like he just played the crap out of all the sieves that everyone else thinks sucks honestly in ranked games um i could see it working well for players who really like to be aggressive it's just a little bit of a shock and this is the beauty of hidden cup slam is that there's no meta going into a lot of these situations or in this case it's arabia you kind of know that everyone's going to go meso and then you can maybe surprise them in some way and this has been really clean play from john the feeler so far there is one thing i i was hoping like i was hoping to see larry in in one of these sets coming up okay and there's one thing that i did watch about larry and it's a bit of a vague you know characteristic but when he lowers his bores his timing's perfect so that boar will always end up at the tc when the other one is done and if it's not he he never shoots that board so that other boar he's currently working on is done i hate this barrack so much this might be the worst bear explicit i've ever seen what the like it doesn't feel so natural well wait a second wait a second there was a pause and we got an upside down question mark and a normal question mark what the okay strange yeah i'm thinking that barracks should be out right you know right in front of the berries it just seems so much more natural right there yep that's what i'm thinking everyone immediately saying tattoo is that because it's the spanish keyboard i suppose but but can't you i remember when i was like 13 i thought it was so cool i forget what it is it's like all one six eight or something to do the other one there might be some mind games here people are saying tattoo nikov instant guesses from chat slam this is crazy but i hate the barracks i agree and celts john the fearless also did pick celts for some reason i i feel like that could be coming from you know a gl player maybe maybe you know these walls slam once they're down they're going to be pretty good i'm rather surprised to see that he's made it look so easy and menadarm will be something that leloy's got to be a bit worried about andy look at leloy and leloy has not really been scouting at the proper times i mean the eagle's gonna arrive to block the wall and that's possible but doesn't seem to know what the enemy's doing well i mean how could you the barracks is so far out of position [Laughter] but yeah i am i'm absolutely loving john the fearless's position here he's gonna be full walled he's got his golden side he's got four deer inside yeah seriously man didn't even push the deer i know you'd love to see that but could always mill it even and now you're in leloy's position and i think he was expecting scouts based on the uptime and now cancels the spearmint and is going for amanda arms so it's full on defense for leloy who's not going for full walls it's just these tiny little safe walls yeah the lloyd's setup is just you know it's not as neat looking as red so far it's a bit of a tighter base i guess at this point it's so nice to not have to invest into the upgrade you get it for free they save the resources and if you look at the eco upgrades for john the fearless you actually got all the quick walls and john the fearless just missed that that was really speedy but uh you know you have your farm upgrade you have your wood upgrade two two lumber camp eco things are looking pretty clean behind this for john yeah and normally right after man at arms you a lot of players will throw up that range i have not seen it from john the fearless yet so i'm wondering if he's just going to stick with the man in arms and go straight to castle a little weird that a spearman was added against aztecs here all right everyone and the people are really hyped right now like we've literally only seen three men at arms and people are freaking out but this is what we love about hidden cup i think the lloyd might be able to get in from the from the north there it's just that wall is just too far away yeah that's true that's the problem with full walling and not having a range slam let's see if john the fearless can pull out some magic here uh-oh it is rather ironic that right after everyone was so confident this player was like a beast that the units get through and now yeah oh man do things change very quickly sometimes okay well now you see the range follow-up but as far as food income goes the approach is there to probably have good food income for nights later on because it's very untypical to get horse collar and double bit axe off mounted arm build probably only possible with the way this was played skirms will be needed in defense here for john the fearless as you see archers come in for leloy no fletching yet but two archers with the eagle with the man at arms this will be tough to kill with just skirmishers yeah and no blacksmith oh blacksmith's just being put up now from john which is he's gonna need that right away right yep there it is slam and so uh you know john the fearless coming on home and and john the fear actually has a lot to fear right now the spearman's not the best unit to have here in fact it's probably the worst possible unit he could have made but on the bright side with cheap blacksmith upgrades he might just be able to hold this off with skirms yeah i i think he's going to be perfectly fine here um it really looked like he was trying to get away without even getting a range up um which would be a little risky especially against aztecs as texuji does throw down a range uh usually just one and then they transition into eagles okay well uh it looks like leloy's backing away here getting fletching maybe on the hill we'll see an engagement both players have fletching it gets awkward though to make those eagles when the man at arms are still alive right so maybe la lloyd just runs away yeah this is really funny actually using follow with capture ages just it looks so silly and oh wait a second there was a pause in the middle of the game all right some more intel key problem okay okay hotkey problem interesting okay so uh just the the typing the writing there not vv not vv not vivi we already know who backed was according to you so maybe not back those are really the only two it's funny how it comes back to some of these things but maybe the only two who might struggle a little bit with small phrases in english but uh for now i guess just trying to get out of here with some archers alive isn't he yeah it's a really nice micro from john he's he's using one skerm to constantly run away from an eagle man in arm yeah i can't say it's it's too bad economically for either player though i think both players will have a solid up time it it is looking very even wow very even so this is good wow this is honestly sick from the loy look at this man all right the lawyer's gonna kill virtually everything here and hasn't lost much at all look at the total kd it's nine ten to three to make that 11 to three yikes and he's still holding on to two men in arms and matt those are just worth gold when it comes to breaking in through palisades all right that was impressive so we've got the walls for leloy got an early market it's not too uncommon with uh aztecs to do that because you tend to have heavy uh mounts on gold anyways and we'll see cass lakes for both players the only problem now for john the fearless is john the fearless is under investing in military slam i think we're going to see a market and we do go on the fearless with the market just to keep those units out for now and he won't even finish that i'll just wait for the next one leloy is doing such a great job this game he's not letting jon get away with a nice cozy you know full wall yep into a quicker castle he's just he's causing a bit of chaos for him and this is gonna be great because i think all bulgarians really wants to do is get into two two stable nights did you see that pick off there that was cheeky man he made one archer and sniped the weak one in the group from the loy but yeah you're definitely right the fact that he has to continue to build and then delete markets means that he's losing wood here yeah and it looks like the lloyd is still going for the eagle build um he'll have to be careful of you know the full spam of bulgarian knights yup so we'll probably end up seeing an early monastery yeah maybe some monks eagles i think the eventual composition is to get into eagles pikeman with monks it does make it interesting having bulgarians though because typically longsword is not it doesn't feel natural and it's too expensive to tech into in the mid game but since that upgrade will be free we could see knights and long swordsmen from bulgarians yeah i'm i'm really hoping to see john you know throw down a mining camp on that stone so we can get that [ __ ] post yeah hype going here dude we did see someone go bulgarians on cup um and drop preppos it was pretty sick we might see some of that today and another market now everyone does this but i think of all the pro players hera probably market walls the most smart thing needed there i'm just waiting for a marker to finally be completed to be honest yeah i mean at what point do you need one yeah he might keep this one this one no deleted oh my goodness all right well each one went to about 10 10 and had to delete so some wood was lost there but players are always finding creative ways to keep the enemy out of their base and only with bulgarians can you get plus two right away with these with these knights and that is a little scary for most of the lloyd's army the archers the manadar is very useless here and will need to wait on some monks at home now slam mm-hmm and look at la lloyd's decisions sometimes we'll see three barracks from aztecs and sort of an all-in you know forward siege workshop manganese but no straight into three tcs just two barracks it's so greedy from both of them isn't it like economically yeah i think they're just playing safe i guess you could say well some players like normally i don't like the approach because it you get punished for it but one player in particular who i've already mentioned in this game hera is really good at judging it you know uh of course viper leery everything but i think they tend to have a little bit more what the hold on a second hold on a second conversation omg dot dot dot i keep creating bleep spearman thank you microsoft i love how it's a 20 year old game and we can't see swear words i like we're all like a bunch of kids five spears not one intentional oil [ __ ] sorry go okay so someone speaks decent english and i guess the spearman was accidental and john the fearless seems pretty frustrated here in game one i'm just to be honest i just feel more confused i i don't think i don't think that's tattoo i i don't well okay so what's interesting about leloy is la lloyd's not talking back the lloyd just did dot dot dot and yes yeah and not a lot of communication and john the fearless is like freely letting us know that he's frustrated and and all that good stuff so i who knows but it's certainly viewers love it when this happens if only we could have this in live games do you think that in 2021 viewers it's a radical concept that maybe microsoft could give us chat in live games [Music] you know it's amazing how the chatting itself actually gives away you know some great hints here because there's certain players that just aren't going to be typing that much yeah like i'm not going to see that from doubt i don't think he would type that no he's never going away so there's already one player gone it's not doubt okay so it's like i i don't think i don't think winchester would do it vivi wouldn't do it i don't think nikov would type to that degree i mean a lot of people saying hera i know i'm getting the hair vibe i could see the greed with three tcs and the market walls i mean maybe this is the first time we actually feel like the first time i felt like maybe we've got hara playing man maybe this could be a hera versus leary right here right now is that leery loy that's a funny hero to get oh it has to be with the three l's yeah supplies now for john the fearless this is exactly what we talked about he's gonna get supplies of all things what a strategy knows the pikeman our problem and wants to make long swords too slam crazy okay you know how i had that weird vibe of a bat i just got another one about john the way the way he staggered his his knights out in the open okay just kind of patrolled them it just makes me feel like hera i don't know i always feel like are you trolling at this point i'm not even trolling okay the back is still i put my life on it okay that's actually pretty big but this is still a little a couple still peg down but i'm still getting a hair vibe now all right now this is this is a situation that scout's been very active this is a situation where you got to be careful if you're john the fearless because you're waiting like if you show longsword then the enemy can prep for it a little bit and you don't want to lose night numbers to conversions because the knights will do tremendous job against your long sword so he's kind of being patient here i think we honestly could see john the fearless pretty soon either hit a counter attack because we see some quick walls or just swoop back in oh never mind oh no no no never mind and what the there's a conversion slam yeah okay are the knights gonna dive here you know it's it's a pretty decent raid here and you know john is actually getting the long swordsman just in time it's you know when you see those pikes mixed in it's a nightmare when you're going full nights so these long swordsmen are just absolute lifesaver here just the idle time here here i'll toggle over to it 30 minutes of idle time for all the villagers at a certain point if you don't get a lot of bill picks though i feel like you're going to be unsatisfied with this raid but it is 84 villagers for 66 and now there's a lot of long swords for john the fearless at home yeah and how leloy needs to respond to this react to this seeing these long swordsmen oh my god slam i'm sorry to interrupt the lloyd's two tc's are idle here his main tc has 10 villas queued the other tcs are idle what i don't know who would do that this is this is the top 16. certainly the stress there as you've just defended knee cuff if it's not him way to go for an knee cop man some of these players are going to be so pissed i have to stop throat name drop in here i gotta i could pull back here a little bit but my goodness slam like look at the after the raid look at the position we're in now 93 villagers for john the fearless with bulgarians 16 military one krepo's already dropped and we're going to see another krepos come forward soon yeah that map control is just getting very very nice for john and it looks like leloy wants to respond to these long swordsmen with ranges so yeah it's just not something you commonly see too so it makes it a little awkward and here john the fearless will probably have to back away from dropping that crap post it is the first one's in a good position i'd like to see a second one right in the wood line next to those resources i don't know about the hill a little awkward that one's a little bit ambitious up front there but there are a lot more long swords than coming in yep here they come i mean the monks can get conversions on some of them that's best case scenario for the lloyd but i'm just worried about leveling economy yeah and another [ __ ] host on the right that's actually a really nice position yep there it is a few raids coming with some conic so red is really utilizing everything right well here you go keep an eye on that farm number that's a really interesting stat here the one thing harrah's known for we'll pay attention to it throughout this series more now is having upwards of 60 70 80 farms and lots of hustlers look at the farm expansion this is the change that many players made to their game it's just expanding with farms but man i'm loving the all in castle age play here we even have the final blacksmith upgrade for melee units coming in and this could lead to a big mop up yeah and i really like how both these players have been forcing so many fights it's preventing the you know both of them from not going up to the next stage yeah maybe lelo's flirting with the idea of it because he's worried about this getting out of hand and that's the way when you're behind to get ahead is go up to imp but yeah exactly crossbow is certainly a good move here slam i'm wondering if maybe john the fearless cancels everything it looks like he might be or switches into more comics how cool would that be yeah i think this is the moment where i think laloy needs to get a castle down maybe somewhere maybe on that little hill he's sitting on with the monks there go up to imphant maybe trev it all back you could see some jaguar warriors too in response to long swords now we're talking right another town center for john the fearless that's to be tc number four rather uncommon game we've seen here and yeah there is a castle there slam and this is just as long swords we're thinking about breaking in so i do like the timing on that yeah it's just see there's like two vital spots where he would need a castle i think he chose one of them on the left it would be another perfect spot too yeah there's just too much map control that red could take up there hey this is rather funny uh john the fearless now making a market because by the way people pointing out no wheelbarrow it's it's honestly not super uncommon to delay wheelbarrow to this time with aztecs aztecs are a bit different there i mean it's i've seen it i haven't seen it so uh the assumptions on the eco upgrades are just the comments on it maybe not totally there for existing okay there is horse collar too that is good yeah i think i got eco upgrades here okay this is a good moment for leloy to counter attack because this army should be very strong against just longsword and that's so funny he deletes the comics so they don't get converted but the writer gets up to join the long swords they're a long sword now oh that's that's too good okay i was just going to mention john needs a castle somewhere he's putting a castle down he's going to need some trebs eventually both players are going up to him at relatively at the same time what a weird fight this is slam long swords against crossbows i feel like as we start to see like have already feel like the crossbow should do well there but there's still so much attack on those the long swords if they're getting close this is crazy light calvary this seems like another hera move yeah i don't know because i know hera when he goes into amp there's been many times you know when i've watched him he likes spamming early like however you're going for raids he just he wants to expand and get to get hustlers out now it's also a bulgarian thing right because when you get stirrups they attack faster yeah so i think it's not it's not just a player mindset we'll have to watch more games but i think it's also how you should play bulgarians because what else are you going to do you've got to use mobility against aztecs going into skirms with bulgarians is not a good move when they can make eagles either so it's probably your best bet and then save your gold for for siege and that castle position from the loy i think that is right on the hill yeah that's a good castle too i mean all these goals at this point it is two relics for john and there's one relic for the lord i'm just seeing here 140 villes to 110. so john is definitely his eco is looking pretty stable we're gonna see a castle on this left side here just to protect farms i feel like for john it's a very hera thing to just go defensive castles everywhere to protect the farms i mean he's gonna need something because arboles are gonna be in his base soon but the castle forward is not a bad idea either slam the trap down those forward castles yeah that's a great idea there uh those arbor lists are going to be a little bit of a problem here for john he doesn't have the full okay you just got plops four and hussars now and we talked about the the stir of hussars and the faster attacking it is still hussar against arboles now present-day age of empires there's a lot of people who feels like who who even needs gold units when you can make custards in i mean that is a food unit trading against the gold unit effectively slam i think that john the fearless will take away yeah he did get stirrups ready i i did not yep oh wonderful also all the blacksmith upgrades in now and uh see the long swords actually got household out like big time next to the treb so a lot of those long swords going down but a lot of map control for john and i feel like john can just raid endlessly with these hustlers yeah the map control the hussars he just has all the mobility this game where leloy is just a little bit more uh yeah he doesn't have that same mobility and now 30 military versus 30 and john has to avoid the main fight against our pikeman john also starting to lose some castles also putting the relics in the middle monastery which i hate that's a little worrying if you lose control there oh from john yeah maybe he's just the confidence is just overflowing he is fearless after all you're getting hustlers and that's a tc to protect the side of the eco that's a sign that leloy's worried about hustler raids 70 farms for john the fearless and hustlers are in here slam and this is just getting out of hand oh boy the hera vibe is still there it's down there i felt like katyan khan was the easiest call out early on in hidden cup three um i even felt like hidden cup too hera now he was a different player then but he was pretty easy to call for me and and this is the first time in all the games that we've been casting where i definitely am feeling that here but the lloyd players still holding on somehow yeah he definitely holding on but just he's just stuck in this one little area you know john has got the full map control it all started from those early [ __ ] posts he couldn't move out look at that gold count slam you just save your gold here you just mass and mass and mass save your gold and then i think cdram is the follow-up honestly just go two-handed swordsman like a slight mix but but cgram with the hussars could just finish off this game yeah and it's like what would he use his goal he's got so much gold yeah but it seems like he's already winning and controlling this game without without using that gold yeah so if he needs the gold what would he use it on maybe cavaliers siege maybe yeah maybe a big paladin flex but 75 farms oh boy all right and now a crep post here to defend yeah leloy needs a big push and leloy's just he's going to go all in here slam and just try and hit that farmy eco sending everything to this one spot in the map yeah i i do like this counter push though that liloy's doing um he's he's gonna cause a reaction from john he has to do this because currently he's just reacting to john all over the map so he's sending army out to the left but i do think john will just eat this up eventually yeah that that's the thing it's it's the bright play because if you sit back forever you definitely are dead but it does feel like john is just going to wait and pounce on this i think the only thing that would help leloy in this position is you know for instance a castle right where his forward army is but he just doesn't have the stone for that or the time oh man there's a lot of units on that hill there i mean it's really not a fight it wasn't for all the other aspects it's not a fight that would excite me too much for john the fearless but with that boot count with that gold count you take this fight any day of the week and the hussars man the hussars are gonna mop up marvelous that's incredible man wow sick and the gigi called eco kd in this game slam 69 villagers killed by john only lost eight and he he started off with that manid arm opening and eco approach so uh the the spearmint obviously were some type of a hotkey issue but apart from that everything looked pretty darn clean for john the fearless and for me i think the big moment was that raid on leloy's base and something was going on there with lloyd where his tc's were idle way too frequently yeah and you know hera i just everything has been screaming him for me but the bulgarians pick whenever i hear see bulgarians i'm always thinking you know like tattoo or yeah winchester so maybe hera has just been doing some solid practice and he just has thought bulgarians is a great pick yeah uh by the way our hera emote on the channel right now is actually him on a hussart so if you if you're new and you didn't understand like what you think of when you think of hera you tend to think hussar uh so it does really fit the bill at least in game number one but there's been so many instances where we guessed someone in game number one and then later on we're thinking i don't know oh i don't want that to happen but i know it will yep that's what's fun man i'm okay with being wrong in hidden cup uh at least in the moment uh when i look back i feel like an idiot but um thirty thousand food in a how long was that game um yikes i don't know but uh we'll move on then slam to game number two and for leloy you know you're up against someone strong and leloy is going to take the game to mudflow or islands um wouldn't necessarily say i'd know what to expect on mudflow because we've seen a lot of unique games uh have you seen many games on the map yet on mudflow yeah uh just a few um i i did i did get to witness that korean attempt i did see a turtle ship oh yes that was weird and i do recall the person who i thought was still and i'm 99 sure was vin chester did play uh who did hold up just let me grab the names here in front of me uh it was uh harold versus son for a second there i thought you were saying you're you're referencing winchester's qualifier islands game and i thought you were going to say your game against finchester wait wait are we talking about mudflow right now or islands mud flow but i got confused for a second so i'm sorry i'm sorry jack excuse me because chat was talking about island so no worries okay um i don't know where we are anymore but uh mudflow cool map seen it okay cool so also the reason i was a little bit confused wait a second okay so i can see what the map is for game two but they're using hidden cup three's version of the map not hidden cub four's version of the map it's not very different but that is um maybe a guess who might have been the host there i don't know slam but let's get into game number two all right we're very close to eighty thousand dollars the prize pool by the way ladies and gents so thank you for playing your part in that one dollar for every sub goes directly into it it's been insane uh slam i will be in the game i promise you um no i'm delayed so just yet just wait for me here yeah the only difference i think there was just general uh tweaks to prevent bugs so i don't think that there were many changes it might look a little different for you guys anyways slam i am ready to go for that game and i'm uh starting here at about 30 seconds of capturing it's going to cooperate capturing will cooperate perfect so uh here we are now again laloya's has chosen gray has to stay with that and that color is just we gave them freedom of choice but it's too tough especially on these maps so we've got leloy in the red playing as the byzantines up against john the fearless who's playing as the portuguese and uh you know things don't look too different here uh i think again the general balance changes didn't tweak things too much slam it's not like uh high tide and high tides where we change things massively yeah yeah byzantines is not what i was expecting i i thought byzantines was going to be be used for bay uh for the loy okay so do we see a landing possibly here because the loys byzantine's pick is a little surprising in general um and i don't think it'd be a top-tier pick i mean it's still solid but it's not necessarily the go-to pick to try and win water yeah no i absolutely agree with that i think i think that's probably what if i was in john's position i'd be i'd be expecting a landing from byzantine so we'll see how this game goes on maybe jon we'll we'll see some early walls and that's what i'm looking forward to is how john's going to react to this because i'm pretty sure there's going to be a landing right now seems like the that john the fearless island is very narrow and if you look at the gold positions there is a landing that's a tough spot right there so i could see that being awkward yeah still have the neutral islands in the middle slam as an option that's true usually if you won gold is is gone you can divide your your town in half and and go to the other one but if leloy lands here gets on the left side um john i don't know what he's gonna do for his gold situation yeah there's nothing to really know you can't tell that when you're playing the lloyd's position but we'll see the dock positions will be very telling if it's a back dock which it might be for leloy and maybe that's a planned strategy uh but question for you actually let me pay attention to harrah's boar here i mean not harrah's board john the fear damn it yeah yeah i don't know guys i'm just that's sure of it after the first game yeah i was a mistake um okay so well i mean it's it's fine nikob's going for his boar as well oh my god that's funny uh the the worst thing is too is if we're wrong i've rewatched these things and i'm just like how did i it's so obvious after the fact with some of these guys yeah um but let me ask you this slam so you you came in here hot and heavy with predictions and i i think we're going a little too hot and heavy with the predictions but it's islands and what else do we have to talk about so let's say you're in leloy's position and you lose that game and you look at the map do you think you played against tara or is there not enough for me i don't think there would be enough i i i feel like from uh loloi's position it would be someone who's playing really well super strong it could still be uh leary hera tattoo okay okay piper so yeah big names okay yep just want to put that out there and i've noticed the lloyd again uh i don't see sea time oh no i'm sorry i looked at the wrong it's been a long day i lied that was just the doc villager and doc is in the back slam and same or john the fearless so maybe passive approaches for both players here on islands i'm i'm loving that first dock from john whenever you get that that the big fish super close like that it just makes you feel really good okay right and and then that could lead to a variety of different strategies sometimes you see galley openings with a fast feudal some players have been going for fast castles um i do know some players are more confident than others on islands so when you're trying to guess who is who maybe factor in how solid they are on water maps yeah and i think at this point if either these two are going to go for a fast castle you might see a few more villes be put on wood probably right around this point okay and i'm not seeing that so i think they're probably still going to go for fetals yup they both clicked up and so with that i think we'll see additional docs now if they backdock their fishing ships are safer wait a second we have a transport ship on the way for leloy and john the fearless is just going for i believe the the winning water approach adding another fishing ship right now so we will see a transport from the lloyd and this is leloy's home map interesting yeah and now the way that the transport ship is going to travel over to john it looks like he's going to make a landing definitely on the left which is going to benefit him that's a good point slam yeah he does not know that but it would make sense to not try and cross over also it's very hard that when you back dock like this you can't stop a transport it's not like you're going to have fires out it's going to take forever so you're kind of opening yourself up to this type of a play and here come the villagers and they're going to cross over yeah and sometimes that transport ship will you know cross the enemy's forward dock or fish but in this case john is in the back and um he's not going to see this at all unless his scout on the left spots this oh you're kidding me what is that man tell did he notice it though slam i don't think he noticed it i think he's patrolling there he did not he did not notice it he's not acting like he noticed it but i just want to point out that that would never happen to me like i would never even have the chance to find it i don't know how some players are always able to see those things i know you know i always i feel like whenever i try and do a sneak landing i'm always caught doing it and whenever someone does it to me they never get caught it's just i don't know drives me nuts okay well arch your range drop i mean i i could give some opinions on this one what do you think about that as opposed to a stable some people like to go for scouts first well i i i think that if the landing is not spotted and red is doing nothing archers could definitely get more damage done but there's a higher i think there's more risk involved going for the stable you can pump out a scout quickly and you can send them in and they're very quick and they can stop walls the thing with archers though is i think it just takes you know you need to get a little bit more out to get that damage done it is interesting though because if you start with a stable enemy makes the barracks and they have spears start with the range they have to make a barracks and then an archer range to make skirms and these villagers that kind of moon walking again they've been all over the place here yeah i think every second that goes on where this landing is not spotted it's looking better and better for alloy everything what is happening oh he's trying to win with style oh both of them are trying to win with style okay well it looks like the scout spotted the range now and so this gives john the fearless some time and john the fearless instantly reacts with some walls but why is the lloyd docking the enemy side i'm so confused i don't get that i've never seen an answer so archer range landing with byzantines uh looks like the scout will go down now for john the fearless and john the fearless does have a lot to fear right now i'm also microing with the galleys but should do well here to take out the fires is there is there a hole there south of the gold there is uh for red there is yep yikes yeah that that is a big yikes and didn't even start with the tower now now you've got a gate attempts that's impressive but now the house was was blocked what in the what a weird moment and the big thing here is that john the fearless has not found any enemy fishing ships they're freely fishing and is he gonna he's fishing on the enemy side that's actually six limb look at all the food income he's getting there wait oh he is too yeah and there's there's also shore fish there so you've got 400 food from the shore fish for the fills and then you have the fishing ship he's adding there very clever actually yeah john the fearless does not seem to know what to do against this but is going to send some bills out now that's been spotted not even at single not even a tower yeah slam know what i'm thinking i don't know if the lloyd realizes the advantages he has here with both these golds gone it almost you know if he could see everything it almost makes you wonder if it's just throwing down a tower there on both those golds and walling it in i think when you have the control of it and your bills are still alive you probably just think let's get my foodie co rolling let's get to castles and make a stable you know to make any skirms yeah just keep the enemy off of this i mean it is unfortunate for john the fearless that the enemy ended up on this side but that's how it goes when you land on islands and finally john the fearless is going to get to the back area and try and snipe these fishing ships yeah and and john has had some really nice fishing for quite a while he's had you know eight fishing ships for a long time added more of them too slam when he realized that the enemy was landing he added more of them but what he didn't do is bring navy around to stop a transport and this is a big moment leloy take this as a home map it's gonna drop off here and now can deny the stone and now john the fearless needs to wall more yeah and okay he does have two skirms fletching but that's it that's it well i mean it might actually be enough for four archers uh the big thing here is i think red needs to move the transport away and get up to castle h yeah it looks like the loys might even be up earlier than red yeah um that that is both possible and impossible at the same time wait a while for me leloy is red so oh oh okay it's okay slim not a biggie i think the archers just need to get a little bit more value here and i i guess they're just gonna be dealt with and actually john the fearless because of the additional fishing chips he was adding earlier has the food to go up the castle he's just missing he just hasn't clicked it click it there we go yeah oh for a second i thought maybe he was missing a building but no is this i'm honestly getting some hero tattoo vibes right now it's a very tattoo thing to pick byzantines the front doc thing into into fires to then wind water in castle h could take out the fish maybe that's the logic there what a crazy island strategy yeah okay it was it was john that way who who is bulgarian's the first game john was my memory yeah um and that was kind of out of the box towards hussars so the villes are still over there slam and john the fearless does not have gold income yeah that is that's going to be a huge problem because these bills are going to be able to drop down all sorts of things siege workshops knights anything yeah whereas the lawyer is untouched but i think the approach for leloy is to go up to cass lake faster get the fire ship upgrade and start to to win water again because you've got you've got some fires out there but in particular you've got two docks on the back with only two fishing ships at least a balance there of pressuring water but also keeping an eye on land as we see a stable now yeah and you know being in john's spot i would love to get a tc up on the left side of the gold but there's just that mini little pawn that just gets right in the way there make a dock maybe [Laughter] he has to do something soon now this gold situation is it's it's immediate you know and i it's actually stressing me out a little because something is just going to abuse the market the whole time here it almost feels like it or maybe drop a castle there you see the war galley upgrade come in for john the fearless but that's only after selling food and wood to get gold um and rocia tc it's just a booming approach when you you haven't done a lot to get your gold back is very weird to me i would have liked to have seen something more immediate like a stable into some knights i don't know you could even delete that mining camp and the few palaces get a tc down on there but no tc's going down on the right on stone and look at this slam you've got buyer ships on the other side now looping in and so fire is everywhere but john the fearless for now just using the market like we saw a lot in game one there was what like seven different markets it's just a lot were deleted it's just really impressive hold it from whoever john the fearless is is sick yeah and it looks like the rules have switched a little the first game john had majority of the map control and now it's looking like yeah the loy is um he's got so much space yeah and and you know the way it's looking leloy actually switching into some tc's at home but let's see if this demo lands well the mic will be there for john oh my goodness slam that was huge that was beautiful and what's so crazy is john's score just stayed the same what's going on he must be uh oh man it's gonna be making up for it somewhere else yeah john says right back at you though bud and you get some two two big hits there okay now this is where it gets fun because it seems like we're going to see a castle and you can see where the castle is going to go up now this is where leloy has knights and where he has a magnel on the way this could win or lose the game for either player yeah this is uh and john sees the siege workshop so oh did not even make a stable for your own knights or something for siege is crazy to me yeah he does have some some galleys there to back it up but i don't think they'll be able to hit the manganell if it pops out near the south well yeah it depends really i guess on what can be ranged here and that little pond is actually helping john also a missed click there a big miss click for leloy he clicked the castle foundation instead of the villagers oh man such wasted time here and now leloy needs to back away wow impressive yeah very impressed with with john the fearless whoever this player is possibly one of the big names one of the favorites but but slam i also am thinking that maybe the reason john has been able to do so well with uh with everything is the fact that leloy has gone three tc's completely switched to go into eco that's true yeah and you know he's byzantines he's going to be able to get up to imp uh at a better cost and that transition into early fire ships and in in early imp could be a bit of a problem for john right and some and a few hair callouts more than a few but i've seen a few vipers out there so obviously the respect is there whoever this person is it could be it could be vivi you know john the fearless very vivi thing to just get to 80 farm hussars in game one with bulgarians right uh you know the knights are just passing here slam sorry to interrupt and that's a good move from laloy if you ask me there's not a lot from john to clear up his island but we've got some households yeah i i'm just still loving the lloyd's play with the dock on the other side getting the fish the shore fish i think that's really helped him out quite a bit with with eco look at these quick walls even they're deleting the blacksmith which he uses part of a wall to add a monastery because he feels he needs one i'm also liking how how john he seems to definitely be the faster player he's reacted here on the right side lloyd's just passing he's had those quick balls working he has his gold now and has enough stone for another castle slam yeah and you know what john he's queued up about four bills in htc he could simply just cancel three and go straight up right now wow that's incredible that is incredible but the fishing when he noticed the landing he added fishing ships which has helped him out so much here i'm really curious actually i'm going to tap into the stat sheet because this looks like uh it's stabilizing a little bit i just want to see the food collected at this point john the fearless does have 500 more food collected leloy has the wood but he's gonna have to put that into farms at home i think his new villagers are just chopping wood slam he hasn't transitioned it oh a little way yeah has 2 000 more wood and john the fearless has had about 700 more food and that's live stats so yeah yeah i don't know who's i mean that the ville count is still very even even though john is on two tc's and the way he's on three is very even i'd have something to do with the fact that laloy again is tc's of an idol more frequently yeah it's almost inexcusable at this point like this this tc when you have 300 food should never be idle yeah and john i think i do like john's position um here like i said i think that the one thing he needs to watch out for is that early spike with the fire ships an early imp but besides that it's looking good yeah with a demo or two here you just you protect from those fires finally now the fishing ships are going down but i don't think john will be too upset about that the big concern for john i think is get to imp win water and then clear up that left side because there's still a few villagers over there and that could be a pain in the ass later on yeah even just a couple organ guns um i think could uh get the job done and the set has the vibe of an insane player in john the fearless who's just currently slightly outclassing leloy but leloy about to go up to imp as well see that click in just a moment i think i see the university at home there's probably a monastery already there is and there wow emp times very similar here oh yeah they're both so even for for for a landing too it's always nice to see these games that are even uh after such a you know landing that's happened and a bit of messiness i think this is an important moment too slam john's gonna try and and make a castle in the middle island villagers are in that transport right now i can't really be denied by fire ships yeah so i'd like the castle positions for john the fearless i think there's yep perfect spot for one right there uh this is uh hidden cup three islands because whoever was host picked the wrong version um so that kind of sucks but uh the spacing's still there at least for a castle and the stone the stone has just been incredible for for john i don't know where he's getting it all from he's had two castles at home he's throwing another one down the middle and he's has another 650 stone yeah and he's he's keeping up with the imp time and everything else i want to see if this monk can get that relic get it quick get into the transport chip and run away okay there it goes that's funny all right well that will be uh three the two with relics then and maybe not even that actually hold on a second oh wait a moment the relic that was on the left side of john the fearless base was already picked up slammed really yeah so i i think i again i'm feeling like a relics that's a very tattoo thing to do right to go for the landing sneaky docks to utilize fire ships and then take the relics from the others island he's gonna have four relics okay look at the left side of john the fearless's face right now uh where are you going john the fearless you can't drop a castle there and now knights could come out too those villagers are exposed that's funny uh the way this game's going and maybe we'll see some uh or you know another name that comes to mind is yo like i think we've got two big ones right here dude yeah these players and i'm sorry i know that it's it's impossible for me to not i got h of empires is my life so it's impossible for me to not guess constantly and it might annoy some people but this is just the level here is disgustingly high yeah no i agree i mean lloyd yeah i'm still a little uncertain you know if i were to walk away right now i i would still throw down i think hera and john um oh he got trebs here from john uh john certainly has the castles four castles already we're 35 minutes into the game oh but the byzantine fast fires yeah the byzantine fast fires and if i'm not wrong i think greek fire just come in which means that they are even stronger oh my god this is this is so sick the the power spike from fast fire ships is is out of this world i i almost think it's too strong well there was a time where it was only galleys so my counter argument is give fire ships a couple years and honestly that was not bad for john the castle definitely helping there and was able to get a good clear up yeah that castle helped a big time i think leloy maybe just overextended there it's weird you need you feel the need to utilize that that power spike you mentioned right yeah so you kind of got a forced engagement that castle getting up in the first place honestly the castle placements in general very smart for john the fearless the timings have all felt right now it just doesn't feel like he has enough now slam la lloyd anyways to push jon back yeah and you know i think he's gonna just keep grinding his heart out though because i i know for one thing or he knows for one thing that he's got four relics and that can definitely keep a player motivated just to keep putting on full pressure because you know they're thinking i got four relics i got four relics this is gonna be great for a long game also bombard cannons are here so if you've got bombard cannons you can take out the trebs from john the fearless and eventually maybe push the castles the bombard cannons are going to be really important for both players yeah oh that's that must be very annoying for jon you know when you have your your trap out you think you're gonna oh he actually has okay he's got a bomber cannon too oh wow there's nothing worse than being the player without one oh goodness yeah i mean leloy takes the score lead and leloy taking out the organs byzantine castles are no joke man they have a lot of hp and you see the score switch and now the fire ships come in and john the fearless needs to flee in fear back to his castles yeah it's actually quite impressive the loya's been keeping the pressure on water and holding on to land um with such low amount of bills in fact i wasn't watching the whole time god it feels like a final right now slam this feels like a tournament final this is insane yeah being in john's spot and knowing that i'm not clearing up that castle on the left and knowing my gold is out in front there yeah it's stressful yeah so my favorite part about casting with you is how you you can relate to the player situations and i could when there's a awkward situation for someone i could just feel the anxiety in your casting it's amazing yeah because you're like i've been there this there's nothing worse than knowing like oh i'm just about to clear up my island and note they're repairing their castle for years it's just like a mosquito that would never go away well certainly with so much on the line here i think both players realize the stakes you sign up for hidden cup you know what can happen and and as you see bomber can and michael continue here and it seems to be better for leloy i know that both players have so so many reasons to fight especially with portuguese which we haven't talked about too much if they toria's of course mean that you could never run out of resources too yeah this bomb board cannon war is just amazing it's just it's such a tight little space and you know you can only go back and forth so much my god and that does that swinging enough there slam it certainly the traps are going to go down now for john the fearless and now the trebs from the lloyd could could attack that castle crazy game you know i five minutes ago i'm thinking john is in the perfect spot he's got that middle island with the golds which is still good yeah but now it's just like leloy he's not off the island he can spam fire ships forever honestly john the fearless is about to run out of wood too look at this he doesn't have wood over here oh good point there's so much on the left yeah this left side was just an absolute jackpot at everything man all right john the fearless won the first game with hussars and now just can't help himself with 15 on food just gonna make stables oh god yeah and i still see the cap ram upgrade come in from the lower um so we may see some ramps here shortly okay i think it's a good addition here great pick off there finally for john the fearless he gets one now his his moment to maybe take out trips but has to buy stone to continue to repair this castle that's not a good sign and now the bomber cannons are exposed against the skirms and the cataphracts wow two go down flame super well played oh both of them both of them did he just fire on his own castle a pretty oh he doesn't care well you know it's 160 population versus 127 right now and john the fearless he's got a sieve that many people especially the four and four warriors out there have been saying is clearly the best water save because of how long you can last but what where are your fatorias now portuguese where's your where's your hussars now john the fearless this is brutal and you know john has been patrolling his his navy well he's attacking now but the navy was just patrolling there for a long time yeah i think it's just he's just thinking yeah i don't want a mess i don't have the the gold i i can't um um invest into more water i don't want to mess with these fire ships so let's just not go near them what do you think about the cataphract edition it feels like a potential waste of gold but i guess when you have four relics it's not too bad yeah it might be i think they did seem like maybe filler units for now okay just something before he mixes in some of his own light cap i mean john the fearless is about to swoop in here with leica he's not gonna stop that castle but he's taking out bomber cannon still and he could take out the trips too i mean he's still alive slam look at the fire ships helping out amazing with that extra rage maybe they can hit the castle as well greek fire baby let's go fire let's go well i mean the trebs are a big loss here um ideally the traps would have been positioned more to the left but i can understand why this looks so ridiculous right now even the repairs in the bomber cannons clutch goes down that's gonna be huge there's still rams there slam i think this is easily the highest level set we've seen in hidden cup for so far yeah no i'm i agree completely um i just i don't see the scores are still kind of close but i just don't see jon crawling back from this with all these yeah that's the thing against byzantines they can just spam units forever byzantine win rate has been really high if we were to look at the stats i'm sure yeah and the castle is down this is looking very close to the gg but nope no i don't want to say that you never know i think you do actually because the fire ships are over here they're gonna swarm on the galleons and leloy ties it up this right here has got some big names it's going to be a big heartbreak and maybe just maybe like whoever wins this best of five might even go deep into the tournament slam um but but you know we look back at some of the crucial moments there were so many um but i'm gonna go back to this one right here i don't even remember what it was to be honest but we're gonna go back anyways and uh oh yeah it was that cheeky demo from earlier but i think this takes me back to just the mindset from leloy to not just focus on denying the resources slam but to also prioritize water which was huge yeah it was a bit unfortunate i will say for john to have both those goals on the left um definitely i mean that's it's part of the game i guess he did manage to get the middle goals on the island but it's just you know you have to invest so much just to get over there and there's minimal bills on that on that gold in the middle sure well the kd there for you uh john the fearless with the greater kd extremely capable defensive play um maybe with better fortune there even wins that with that gold but leloy with more wood more food what look at that wood difference oh my goodness yeah and obviously the goal difference too to follow that up um do you think that maybe john the fearless could have done more to clear up that left side in early castle age maybe i i think that i think what he could have done is when that castle went up adding a few organ guns i think maybe four or five of them because when that castle went up i don't think he built a single one for maybe a long period of time yeah and i think that probably would have done the job like the enemy only had two archers so it's weird to me that he wouldn't open up with a stable even you had the food income just make a few nights clear up the side and then drop a tc in a castle there a bit earlier but you know those are the moments that slam you you just don't expect that to happen and you have to react in a crucial time otherwise it snowballs out of control i think he just underestimated the fact that laloy would just be so annoying getting up and actually castle dropping tc drop on that left and so maybe some credit towards the loy for just holding on as well whereas another player in that spot would maybe let go and just go full water okay well what's coming up next is interesting uh it will be bay which is one of the home maps for john the fearless and slam if i'm ready we'll hop into game three because i have a lot to say uh yep okay we'll hop into game number three then so now as we speculate here initially i remember oh wow okay here there's even more communication at the start of the game 15 seconds in but um i remember leary um discussing about how he and hera think that the uh italians might be top tier on this map now mongols have always been top tier on this map but yeah the approach i'll explain slam but it is just something to keep in mind that there's aftermath tempo guys we're saying italians for this as opposed to islands quite a few weeks back hmm interesting yeah i mean i don't have the experience with that at all so i mean i'll have to take their word on it look at the look at the messages here this was before the game started um the as you used hidden cup three islands the loy says true john the fearless says let's go bae good luck have fun leloy says you too hmm true listen i i have to interrupt you here um there's something very glorious that's happening right now and um i'm so proud of the loy that i'm almost in tears um i'm actually getting emotional this deer he's pushing a deer from way out in out of nowhere you know there's so much risk involved with that because it's such a distance and that deer goes back you've invested so much time into you know your scout being there you know slam every time and i'm glad you could be honest with us about your emotions here today um every time during the hidden cup show matches that we had someone pushing deer there was always one person out there saying your name because you love to push deer fair enough all right well that's that's a big thing here though because on this map there's deer everywhere but they're pretty far away from you um and so mongols are quite strong with the hunts and utilize that to get a lead on this map and if you bring in the food faster you can then contest for the water but the second best sieve possibly and competing with up crimes might be italians because it's cheaper for them to advance to the next age their fish and ships are cheaper cheaper their dock techs are cheaper there's a lot of reasons why i think italians are strong here going forward yeah i will say this start though from the i mean i know i'm still hyped with the whole deer thing but besides that um laloy only went for two sheep and the rest has been strictly hunt i mean i think this is going to be a solid mongol start from the loy okay mongols were the pick in hidden cup three there was a few people trying to deviate but in hidden cup three was free pick now you've got a draft so you pick a sieve early like italians which is what john the fearless did you've got to use it and that's the same with mongols for leloy um now the scouts are actually engaging right now so john the fearless has the higher hp scale that can be very important too yeah and the nice thing though is that the mongols scout is not too weak so knowing that your mongols usually you can bank on the fact that you're gonna be up you know earlier most of the time so that's nice to know um especially when you're gonna have a scout that's gonna be quicker you know get the extra attack and knowing that it's hp isn't too low wonderful all right we'll see um i'm looking at the resources now for the loy certainly looking a lot higher slam now the approach that i had discussions with a lot of players about on bay is how you want to switch off of water into land so i think that's what i'm going to pay close attention to because the water is important but so is map control on bay and i think that sometimes people go they invest too many resources into controlling water and then suddenly they have no map control yeah and the timings are going to look i think very similar i think um john won't be too far behind here right is the lloyd tempted to attack there no leloy just scouting to see right the enemies walling that's a smart wall actually uh if you walk towards the water units can still pass in front of the dock this is what i mean like the up times because it's cheaper for italians it makes it somewhat competitive plus they're a good water sieve and it's coming from john two i mean he's had some clean bill like his eco's been pretty good uh judging from game one so yeah um they have that efficiencies there which is super important in dark gauge in a map like this all right i see something that you will like slam i know you normally push the deer but some old farts actually like to make mills on the deer you know what as as long as the deer are being taken care of i'm happy is that what is that what that means killing a deer and eating its carcass that's taking care of it [Laughter] uh that is questionable okay all right i mean taken care of it sounds like something a hitman would say you know it's like take care of your deer you know yeah okay one thing i will point out here is leloy is sticking with one lumber cam which is cool because i think people are always players always thinking that you need to get two lumber camps done or down for this kind of play but you don't necessarily need to just like we see in matt that was very close i'm watching that scale fight i'm confused how john the fearless lost that but i guess it's just all that attack from being in feudal age there that's a three hp scout left for leloy yeah and that's a beautiful feeling knowing that you now have your scout and your opponent doesn't it's it's like it's literally a mental advantage instantly and and the big deal here let me look at john the fearless scouting oh my god he doesn't see the deer or anything now he'll probably know to check it but this is just an invitation for the lloyd to take all the deer yeah and both players are going with one dog yeah this is so strange both both of them have decided that they're not going to fully invest in water even the wait a second they're both going with somewhat of a galley opening this is interesting so one fire one galley now for leloy what if this is two teammates who have a very similar approach they've been practicing together and it's so strange i mean imagine if one of them did invest like two docs right now i mean i just feel like that would still be the better approach getting two fire ships out and now you have just a lot of fish left seriously all right well i mean two fishing ships is better than none unless you have the mongol hunt bonus plus you're gonna be making some of your own archers um the villagers still oh wow that deer was trolling that deer ran really far away i didn't want to be taken care of there but i'd like to see leloy eventually even just relocate and go further to the belt area yeah and take more deer it's risky slam but i think it's worth it imagine being playing as little way though you're you're microwaving you come back down to your your milling you're going okay what why what doesn't make any sense for a split second you might think you actually lost villagers there you know yeah yeah yeah all right well i see the scouts over here and so the scout's gonna look and see these and i think it's worth it to run out there and make another mill i don't know about staying out here all game but yeah what a crazy wall off have you ever seen someone wall like this on this map no everything that's happened so far in this game has been pretty unique to me because it's just even the two one dock openings um oh man and the micro there from the lloyd to just keep that fishing ship working what a spot like everything has gone wrong for john the fearless everything has gone right for the loy yeah and the lloyd this wall set up is he going to go all the way to the belt with this or i kind of like it honestly it looks good the only thing that's weird is you want to have ranged units out in case archers show up yeah and that's where i would go if i were john the fearless with my archers against mongols yeah but i i think if the loy sees the archers hitting the walls now up north it might tempt him to maybe move his own army out at some point hey man i i'm just there's always this mixed feeling in hidden cup when i can tell that in an early round there's two massive names you know it's what's beautiful about hidden cup but it's also what can be brutal from the player's perspective and it's so cool how players who we don't know if they're teammates or not have had such a similar approach at least when it comes to the one doc here and you can actually kind of feel or understand the lloyd's mindset going to this game now it just hit me he's he's thinking one doc i am going all for dear this game because he went he's got five on on bills the way he set up his walls the way he's patrolled his army near the deer you can tell that before this game started that was his one mission was not worried about the water i'm going for the full deer play i think so far in this game leloy has collected more deer than all the previous bay games combined i can't think of another game where someone even went out to them slam and with or without mongols there's been instances where they just push it so this is pretty sick yeah it is really cool to see it just boom right onto the next on to the next and you know that's that's what i was sort of picking up there is a lot of players will just kind of you know send out two three bills for that one one pack of deer and then go home i'm just trying to think through players these might be and there's some big names entering my mind but i'll tell you this much donna fearless is still okay if john the fearless can use the faster castle age and use archer numbers you could see crossbowman come in a bit faster and perhaps perhaps get some pick-offs uh he does have four archers against three and with good micro all these villagers here that are taking the deer could go down soon so a little risky for the who uses the market and clicks up it is it is good to see that the loy is still adding some farms adding some bills on berries because there is an awkward transition sometimes where you get that really big food boost from deer and then that's it they're standing there and you got to transition onto something else and then your food actually takes a dip so okay so that was an interesting moment lois spotted four archers from john the fearless has now finished the hunt if you look at what john the fearless can see he's gonna check he knows he's probably gone through two packs of deer so far what's weird to me is how the lloyd has not remembered the villagers are here they're walking with no way perhaps the first mistake slam from leloy and john the fearless is going to say thank you to the age of empires gods for this one because he really needed this yeah that was you see when john was was walking down there too he didn't have a clue if there was anything down there yep um and yeah that's unfortunate but only two bills though you know what's what's interesting though is he does have two fishing ships working down the fearless so he actually remains competitive on water something that i think we were freaking out about the deer a little bit too much we forgot to mention there so that helps a little in in terms of total eco john is in the better position but later to castle yeah i mean if you think about it from now until imp those two fishing ships could i mean whatever food is left there that's like that could be you know the food of an amp upgrade yeah this is good micro from both players i just loving the dancing here we've seen splits from both but the micro from john the fearless seems superior kinda got that vibe the john the fearless is the faster player in game one and game two believe it or not a big moment in the middle now is john the fearless again shows up gets kills and runs away yeah and there at first there was quite a bit of difference in eco john the failures his eco is just looking quite a bit better i don't know where the lowest resources went to i guess to a bunch of upgrades right away look at this like that right there it's a bit sloppy for leloy and seems like this whoever red is is very good strategically maybe just struggling to keep up with the pace of things here slam but then again it's a lot more difficult you've got villagers exposed whereas the way john the fearless is playing is completely safe behind walls yeah the lloyd has his heart set out on these deer still you know he's he's it's the la you know he's walled everything else off but there's that one last spot of deer and this is exactly where he's patrolling dude i'd be saying your name if you were in this event i'd say i'd say that was you right now listen if he goes for another patch of deer i'm gonna be amazed all right i mean honestly uh you know that i would have said but uh would have looked back at the islands and said like yeah maybe it's not slam oh boy that's all right i i'm not very good there either a big moment here slam in the micros beautiful ballistics a little faster for leloy yeah oh my goodness the splits the dodging this is disgusting man that back and forth on those red archers screaming hera again what in the name is this dude both of them are doing it man you micro eye micro as doubt said i'm modern modern micro i okay i might be using the wrong colors here again but john sounded like he was a little bit more obsessed with it that's just the feeling it had there are moments where i feel you know what i really want to train i want to see how good i can get at this game and then i watch that and i say screw it like why even research ballistics truthfully you're both so good at dodging it just don't even get the upgrade just make a town center my goodness you know what just scrap everything else focus on the archer micro and that's it and then when that moment comes you can shine and you just go back and forth you know and then everything else will go okay yeah sorry slam it's just the two crossbows pathing around that really sucks but i think john the fearless is more worried about the group of four here siege workshop in the middle for laloy important thing to bring up that i did not mention earlier the loy sold 100 stone to buy food to click up the castle age and economically just look at the food for john the fear this is john the fearless is going for three pcs i think john the fearless will have a much better economy yeah this is looking really good for john i know the scores still look pretty even but um mongols just seems still a little bit awkward when you're going to imp because you're always thinking manga man you die but that could actually you know get you killed in the end so mongols are almost forced to maybe go for ranged units you know if licks was in this tournament with the exception of that micro move i might even say licks because all the sneakiness man look at this villagers walking all the way forward to make a siege workshop and these are the deer villagers from earlier so they've really seen the worlds here and uh you know john is thinking is he out here with something there's really no way for john to break in yeah now john's army's out of position well his woodlines are exposed yeah i think john was just really wanting to go he was rewarded once going down this way before and yeah maybe that's why he's you know he's looking for that hole anything else he can pick up okay slime siege tower what are your thoughts oh is that happening no no i'm sorry i should have said that differently you said it so casually you're like oh siege tower's coming in and i'm like wait what um thoughts i don't know i'm getting that feeling where it could be a bit of an investment archers hop the wall enemy garrisons and all of a sudden your archers are stuck on that side all right and then that would be the risk you know occasionally i need to speak the mind of a few people out there and i know you people thinking that through and did john the fearless just realize that woodline sucked and repositioned at the proper time because my goodness does lose a villager does get surprised but not on the wood line that leloy was hoping for yeah it looks like john doesn't want to build archers because he sees his food is in such a good spot and he's so close to clicking up he doesn't have a market um so yeah it definitely this is the approach that you'd expect from someone like leary someone like hera yeah um and maybe someone like viper as well right uh it's such good macro and uh hoping to go for a fast imperial but now you're getting pressured by magnels and suddenly this isn't looking too hot see how the defense is for john and already one for one pressure's on and okay i was concerned there for a second for john i thought maybe he didn't have his second imp building but he does and now he's clicked confidently using the crossbows against the magnel there um you know the losses are being taken here slam but it's losses that john i think can afford to take with solid archer numbers has to maintain that but you know the big thing being look at this crossbow's against the magnet look at that and now the split micro and it goes down and meanwhile using the other ones oh my goodness this is sick slim well done by john well done it's just there's no need to even force the fight out here oh okay that was a good hit yeah paying the price possibly a little bit here is john the fearless but how would you feel if you're leloy and someone is going confidently after your magnels with crossbows uh i don't know i i i i'd be losing some confidence here that's for sure and here's here's the interesting thing is john is the one going up to amp earlier and normally with that kind of investment you'd expect the other player to be putting on you know getting the map control getting the pressure which lilloy was trying to do but no john actually did both he held that off went up to imp um and that's probably best case scenario for him has to be said very fitting name for for uh the blue player right like to to micro like this a play like this very fitting name so yeah bad man and i'm just thinking back to that third tc not being up for leloy the macro was quite honestly just horrible and the pressure not good enough just now seeing the third town center is very very rare for uh high level age of empires but i guess when you're when you're doing so much when you're relying on the deer for food and as opposed to farms there's some risk to that right yeah oh the position the lloyd's in so far from imp um oh oh man and one for one there with the magnolias you know slam there is something though currently john the fearless wants to go forward if leloy gets a castle up forward just to protect that eco and continues to pressure if john takes that risk to go forward by the time and i think mongols are by far the superior civilization in post-imperial yeah i would agree post yeah what's going to be nasty here though is john's going to be able to get those bombard cannons going here shortly and if there is a castle that may like at first it's going to help the loy uh john won't be able to do anything but the same time it gives an opportunity for john to start spamming the bomber cannons i grow from both there i mean it's just the level of play you need to do this is insane even the repair villager here here come that comes the forward you're talking about slam i'll show that in a second another crucial moment i feel because like there's a lot of eco back there you could try and take out but then again it's a little awkward to consider that and this is where that castle is needed right now and a big magnet shot would be good too oh that should be easy split micro right oh oh that hurt okay there's skirmish in there slam yeah both in that in in john's army ranges yeah but there's only there's not enough like i think you could take an engagement over the next 40 seconds but you don't even have the second armor upgrade so it's kind of the timing's a little poor on that yeah this is looking yeah it's it's looking over for the loy just simply because of the distance the load is from going up to imp even if he goes skirms he's up against full tech archers soon and arb less should shred skirmishers also mongols skirms not translate well into the late game as they lack armor upgrades but i think leloy showed in the previous game how good he can be uh with stub room play and we see a tc now on the right side so i guess in theory if you defend long enough john the fearless has not expanded too much yeah true i mean here comes the castle drop from john this is this is actually really funny let's see that oh boy and now skirms are here but the arvolus are are they out of position where'd they go oh he did take it back a notch yeah he's in the south slam so actually his castle has to back up that kind of hurts yeah good job by the loy for the south side keeping no you know palisade opening there all houses oh my god i see that does john the fearless see it this is a horrible fight for john the fearless to be taking considering everything we said about how well his cash laid skirmishers could do that was amazing for leboy yeah that's probably the best case scenario although he could have asked for for the position he's in still you do have to ask still not an imp still 37 arbs on the field you know i think you needed to kill a lot more there to feel comfortable yeah i really do think john could could probably just finish this with the arb and bomber cannon combo bomber cannon is pretty decent against skirms yep very good are blessed over here and leloy realizes the situation and says you know what gg and slam another game where i think both players are playing great you know the strategy's been different leloy clearly has been a pro has been prepared for this best of five with the island strategy uh and then with the mongol strategy here but you know i look back at a few crucial moments and i think one we kind of slipped up on with not mentioning is the water did help john the fearless he did actually end up having some value there and then his switch into farms felt better long term than leloy's awkward position going two tcs and relying on just the deer for food even if you just think about it in a different way for example you take you take the amount of food left on the fish and that's what he's you know going to end up gathering with the two fishing ships and take just like i mentioned earlier take that off with the cost of an imp upgrade yeah you could just you could pretty much say oh man this is italians with with imp that only costs gold and it's cheaper and we'd all be like wow that's too big of an advantage this guy's gonna win for sure but that's essentially what's happening here from this you know subtle little little thing that's happening on the water so if you think about it that way it's quite crazy yeah lack of wheelbarrow perhaps you always you always think the name nikov sometimes with delayed eco upgrades but there's guys there's been so many people who've delayed a few eco upgrades we can't just scream nikov every time it's like uh screaming mbl when someone gets housed i guess but um either way that upgrade was not even completed yet slam so that might have had a lot to do with the fact that he didn't have the resources to go up to imperial um i'll go back to a couple big moments in that game and this is again using capture age pro guys if you want to check out capture age itself captureage.com uh click the link below the stream though if you want to see and maybe experiment with with rewinding and a bunch of different things you can do with this but um i i think john the fearless was a little a little too good with the micro here watch this i mean both players were sick probably the best micro we've seen in the tournament so far is anything even connecting here okay there's a kill oh my word slam yeah that's pretty good how does it feel to pull that off i know you can do it you know the the the one i don't do as often is the quick zigzag back and forth and i know hera is very good at that one i think lyrics as well um i'm more of a split and then maybe using one or two units at a time to dodge it okay all right well that was impressive and then later on you know this game developed at this point john the fearless had the lead in our eyes and you start to see the crossbows just turn it into overdrive in terms of highlights this game alone showed ridiculous level look at this here does take a shot but also microwaving over there and the thing is the tcs aren't even idle throughout this look at that the tc at the bottom left they're all pumping out villagers the entire time truly a different level here and if you notice one of the mango shots on the top group of archers um i know any player may do this but one player that does it quite often is leary where right before the mango shoots instead of splitting or going to the side he actually just goes straight forward and it actually just goes over top larry does that quite often not saying that hera not saying that viper don't have the quality to do this but i think and i'll just go to this moment right here which i guess ended up being a mistake for john the fearless which didn't matter but if it wasn't for game one and the hussars i would be thinking leary after this particular game those two players are very very similar and and of course trained together all the time i'm sure but wow but yeah this this didn't end up mattering slam so we're going to end up just going to the final statistics on this one and uh the kd was actually quite close but john the fearless with more food and more gold which eventually led to imp in the game yeah okay sick someone said show the deer account we don't have that stat sadly and apparently we don't have a screen or scoreboard here anymore uh this is hidden cup after all one second we'll get this up and running for us uh what was the home up again okay so i think the other one for john the fearless was cup yep and then was it mud i think it was mud for the lord okay there we go let's see oh we got it slime we're so good at this man beautiful beautiful so good at this all right um well are you ready for game number four then because the lloyd's gonna have to respond here yeah all right let's do it guys game number four uh if we could get some hype in chat i'd love to see it appreciate everything guys low sanity with the insane gifted today why sam and giovanni a reminder that every single sub contributes to that prize but we're a couple hundred away from hitting 80 000 prize pool uh so you're supporting the channel you're supporting the tournament supporting the players as it stands as i'm 30 seconds into game number one here i believe losing in round one is closing in on a 3 000 prize which is amazing so i thank you and then i think the winner uh like 17 18 19 000 i'm not so sure slam but we've got indians for laloy and japanese for john the fearless what are you thinking about the indians pick you know i i like i mean i love it just because the simple bonus on on the fisherman here but after that i i don't know i don't know how it's gonna go maybe we'll see some ca from from indians that would be pretty cool on a map like this but i just think that japanese overall is gonna be a good civ against indians as the game goes on yeah it's it's a situation where i think indians really really struggle against heavy pikeman play they don't have knights to begin with camels that doesn't contribute too much against a civilization that's probably not going to make nights so i think the bonuses for indians would probably be the cheaper villagers and collecting food very quickly here at the start which the loyal is doing there's a slight bonus for indians when collecting the fish uh there's berries too which you'll want to mill that helps with japanese cheat meals there's elephants even and then there's all that wood in the middle yeah i think ultimately indians you probably want to see as you know late game full ca and and um what else uh i don't think you'd want to go for camels no maybe you know especially against chaps i think opening with scouts is pretty good though because you should have the food floating to make them and then switching into archers and skirmishers could could still be strong it's not like you get marvelous long term but in the mid game i could see you getting some leads here yeah right um so i'm curious more curious about the japanese play because i think that sieve's more suited for an early barracks opening and civ is more suited for maybe even playing towards water slam have you played this map at all i imagine maybe you haven't this one i haven't i have tried out i think it was it was two others and cory and i forget the other one but this one no we've not even seen corey yet in the main event which is pretty crazy actually i mean you've got 12 maps in total and then only five maps can be played game one's always arabia so it's not too surprising that some maps are excluded but the fact that not one single person has picked cory is something else that's that's the one i jumped into to practice to prepare for casting all right there you go slam did you do obviously you don't have to share information but did you do any practice games with some of your gl teammates uh no not for not for this for for qualification rounds yes but for these ones no okay gotcha yeah i wasn't sure i've got what viper tattoo doubts tattooed out are known for training together a lot i'm sure viper was in on that i think he was training a lot with jordan actually jordan also almost forgot to mention him in the main event yeah yeah speaking of jordan i i'm still having a little bit of a vibe that led could be jordan i know some of us have mentioned nikov interesting all right well we'll see uh we see loom right now for leloy yeah i'm still like really we have to see this set in the next set and then i'm gonna have to sit down after today and try and pin down my guesses for who the players are but like many people were saying admiral on day one was jordan but that would have been jordan like at his absolute peak right i could easily see admiral being some other names and it's tough to say in our scene right now with how high the level is for everybody well last time i did mention saladin was bringing the heat i will say admiral is bringing the consequence this time all right now you said you said you picked okay just so so people know okay so last year i asked slam who he thought was gonna win now obviously he didn't know the player identities but we just guess a hero randomly for fun i guessed uh emperor in a barrel who lost in the semis slammed saladin who won the whole thing so i told slam if he picks the correct hero this time something's up that's a little suspicious yeah yeah you know yeah one thing i will say though i don't know who i'm referring to but there is one player that i know of um that likes to include a mill as a part of their wall and i will leave it at that wait is that happening right now or are you just saying no no just saying in general wait a second you can't just say there's one that's a that's that leaves us asking more questions than we started i know i know what have i done okay all right well man and i'm opening here four of them for john the fearless um and a doc behind this i think this is truly one of the only civilizations where you could afford to do all of this slam yeah and you know the loy has not even spotted the barracks yet from jon ooh and he's just putting down a tower right away i think he's just assuming that japanese is going to come forward do something a little bit aggressive or even just the galley opening would be really tough against this that's right yeah so i think now granted people have typically scouted it but i think if you played a lot of practice games on these maps and i know that lilloy probably has he knows the weakness of going scouts is that he could be mad at arm galley rushed and so his is just going for scouts it's actually really good game sense this was arabia uh you know on arabia we tend to know what to do where so he he's experienced yeah i just have to quickly point out john barely saved his ville near the dock from the boy all right i put that on the highlights to look back on since we missed it but quick wall there all right so weak villager and is alive and that's gonna make you feel down in the dumps if you're a boy you know you're down to one and then you don't get that bill snipe like come on yeah the four man in arms from japanese is it's really scary because those things there's their attack rate and then there's four of them scouts ah you need a lot of them or you just have to skip it and go straight for a range ooh a dock now for lilloian it's a dark block ladies and gentlemen kind of part of the wall there and so we'll see some fire ships come out and now we see a range for the lloyd to try and get a few units out here to deal with these pesky man at arms yeah those are gonna be quite tricky still it doesn't quite have the military for it yet those three scouts are just okay good thing i got worried there for a second he was even gonna attempt to engage there yeah yeah you know what i like about the man of arm play though is look at what john the fearless has been able to do you've got farms already you've got the lumber camps you know you just you just had time you know and that's what the man of arms bought him so the spearmen even they're getting another hit but you do have four scouts for the lloyd they're heading towards this ring area around the tc there's not too many spearmen around yeah this could be good for the loy and this is exactly what you need to do if you open with scouts if you can't fight that initial man in arms army you just you just you know look past it go somewhere else yep leave your range to deal with that hey uh weak villagers around there somewhere i will look for again that spearman i don't know if it's the same one but the japanese spearmen coming in clutch here it'd be so nice if the lloyd could get an archer or two over here right but it's gonna take a long way to get any range units here what's also nice about japs too is i know there's a lot of small woods out out in the open but because your lumber camps are so cheap i mean maybe you don't need to rush to the middle that quick you just constantly build a new lumber camp it's certainly the safe approach right to do that and by the way i see some people typing f we're having absolutely no problems on our end so maybe a twitch issue or wherever you're at maybe your neighbor's wi-fi is no longer working but john the fearless a little late to to react here but does react but we'll see a villager and take it yep that's a nice pick there all right villager down there slam i don't know what happened but i'm seeing a four maybe i might have missed something i'm seeing a four-ville difference between these two it's again it's been consistent throughout the series for the loy idol tc yeah that's that's it's quite a bit and i thought maybe one of them has a wheelbarrow or something but no thanks idol tc 50 seconds i mean that combined with a few other things yeah i see pretty much at this point when it comes to the stream i guess we're just going to have to encourage people because i'm not dropping any frames so we'll see uh sorry if people can hear me are buffering but the lloyd's army comp working really well right now against demanded arms yeah yeah i'm really liking john's position he's got a lot more farms out his eco is looking pretty nice okay here you go you've got the and at arms uh i i still like time but i think what's worrying now for john is if laloy gets to his land eco granted a lot of the scouts have just gone down and that was honestly poor micro from the lloyd only be around with just one scout yeah his chance now to to go forth with those archers and he's heading south i don't know if he's trying to go for a sneak affecting something a little surprised that john went two docks and has only shown us a fire galley or two a surprise to me but then again maybe he felt like there was no value in investing and just gonna add a range now at home and both players inching towards resources for castle h yeah and now it makes sense to me why lilo is heading south i mean the last thing he wants to do is you know showcase a nice demo hit in the middle you don't want to be on the highlight reel is that is that it that's that's all he's thinking about right now okay that's funny well john the fearless finally with some tc idle time two seconds what a noob right what a noob but it is amazing i've been with that viewers are not the viewers some of the viewers are missing out uh some of the the action here but i think first fine and i just have to apologize and move on here slam and john the fearless with an instant reaction runs away from the berries that gold uh from john it's incredible i know maybe but that that came back to maybe the poor transition like made the docks but did you end up making the navy and he just now has an archery range so it makes sense yeah maybe he got yeah that's true maybe wasn't too sure as the what unit composition he wanted to go was going docks realized maybe he didn't need them okay i'm going to ask a question you slam yeah i'm watching this and i'm just continuing to be impressed by the level here we've mentioned a lot of names how so so if you had to give a a number like top two top three top four whatever how high is john the fearless and how high is the loy uh i would say john the fearless i'm seen as a top four okay and the loy louie's still really good i mean obviously the top is i'm going to say him as a you know top six or so he's losing of course i mean if he wins then obviously at the end he's top four john is top six but we'll go with top four and we'll go with tops but it's tough to say maybe maybe lelloy is a top four maybe even a top three but he's just he's just a little flustered listen i don't want to get people two up in arms and i don't want to look like too big of an idiot later but when nidalee said that he thought that we had seen viper and viper and hera already uh before before you coming in here i didn't really agree i thought maybe viper but no one stood out to me as leary and no one stood out to me as hera john the fearless big standout for me feels like either hair or leery and leloy is like the lawyer's really really keeping pace here so if he's keeping pace there's only a few names on my list that i think could surprise john the fearless if i'm correct on that and which means we've got an insane sane round one match on our hands yeah yeah and what's so strange about this game the fact that the fact that you just mentioned to the lawyers creeping back here is john the fearless has had such control the map and sort of advantage but there's been little transition into any sort of army and he's had a long time and it's set him back uh quite a bit now yeah he doesn't have anything on land right now so he his approach is still full water which honestly is not awful but also going land isn't awful either as we see indian cav archers from the loy yeah it's very strange there's all these galleys and prep for for for the the sea here or the marsh but it has a dock and just hasn't built a single thing yeah just chilling all right good demo incoming it looks like and yes solid demo there for john the fearless but you've got the crossbows over here that's the tc that's going to be denied john the fearless is not getting that cc up wow this is so bizarre to me i mean i thought john had this in the bag 10 minutes ago he's trying to pull villagers away that are being focused down that was a huge loss there slamming big eco lead now for the lloyd but what does laloy do on water that's a real danger yeah yeah i yeah good question i don't know um complicated map right and it's it's another approach where or another situation where i don't even know what's best personally slam but even if you just look at the left tcl alloy like i know the woods are not that efficient but there's still quite a bit of wood there like this is enough to carry you um if you get another good tc down in between the three of them you're gonna have cheap bills um even though the lawyer may have to give up the center oh oh oh man oh ballistics is in slam those villagers are not gonna survive and the gg's called we're going to game five what in the world i i just got chills people i just got chills it's what this game does to me oh man well you know the good thing for john the fearless is that it will be on his map after winning game one arabia the way he did they've just gone back and forth here yeah i don't even know if i can handle this did i even make highlights here let's see there was one moment it was probably a crappy moment knowing me but let's see what it was and oh it was the quick wall moment let's see it viper confirmed maybe let's let's let's actually rewatch it let's watch it in reverse zoom in on the action here all right this is this is high level stuff oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah quality oh man quality quality and quality slam um i bet you viewers are leaving the stream right now i like how people actually like i say viper confirmed right because like viper was probably the og like ball and delicious but there's so many players that can do that and i don't think you can look at that i don't think you can look at that and say it's one player in particular it's not like there's a different way of saving your villagers people like let's face it you know if there's going to be amazing play the first thing the name that's going to be dropped is is the favorite player in your head amazing player oh leary okay yeah larry obviously yeah i mean the rest of it still makes me think it's hair i just just make a joke it's so funny and people are like no yeah but that's what hidden cup's all about slams tina i want to make another bold prediction while it's kind of continuing from my previous prediction sure i don't need i don't even need to see the fifth game it's fine it i'm set i actually think jordan is back okay he's back um i think jordan's fearless no i actually think jordan's the loy okay i actually think john maybe hera and okay and here's the other bold prediction the lori's going to win this next game oh that is that is that is so bold that is like yeah that's not even bold slam that's like comic sans dude like that is you know i know forget bull wow okay so you had to do it so not only do you think jordan's taking it to the fifth game against hara but you think jordan's gonna win okay you know the next 2v2 world cup is gonna have if you're listening to this listen um it's just just for fun all right the next 2v2 world cup i think you're on the bench and dave is going to play with hera that's all i'm saying yeah i know rip canada am i right all right so uh game five slam let's go uh and let's see what the siv picks are we know a lot about this map it is probably one of the best maps in hidden cup history too i'm sure viewers can hear the sounds i'm sure viewers are ready and so am i slam and we are now in about 15 seconds and i'm gonna be real quick with talking about things here because i think with the stakes and the level it would make sense to try and get some weird edge by by going forward with your scout right because while the boars are on the backside and the sheep are on the backside here you're still really close to the enemy yeah yeah and i am seeing celts here as well which seems like you know it's actually common pick i'm seeing it quite often on this map and i do recall there was i think it was a hidden cup where viper had played celts on this map i think it was the finals i might be wrong but i do i just recall a viper game going celts on this map and instead of building the early dock he went for the early militia and then he denied the fish and i think it may have set a meta there i'm not sure hatto and doubt were the ones that said that met in hidden country was princess yoda and joe and the maid now you have to you're gonna have to clarify when you say viper and finals because there have been three hidden cup finals and viper's been in every one so okay yeah it's you also have to make sure you're more specific when using that name um but yeah man i think health can be strong here but i've yet to see britain's picked and i kind of like it because we know that john the fearless has sick micro we know that john the fearless is able to match her well behind archers so why go against that play style yeah yeah and ah kels what are their what is their options for later in the game i do you remember recall the game against i think it was gonzolo versus pope yep i think it was his map i think pope was celt and gonzalez gonzolo um was uh japanese and i did remember a moment in a game where i thought what can celts do at this moment yeah um so there might be some some you know struggles with celts later on in the game yeah um docking is a big part of this map and if you dock one side you can't cross over this piece to the other but you could also see players even choose to make a mill in the middle to take the fish um that's that's what tattoo and doubt started and oh nice little moment here as leloy gets two hits on john the fearless's scouts john the fearless actually cannot scout leloy's base there's actually zero elevation on this map so you can't even get a hill you've just got to run on home yeah and i guess we'll see a barracks from the lloyd i think this is going to be a pre-milled rush as well slam you actually see the mill and some walls already for john the fearless the lloyd should dodge here and leloy runs away uh realizing that the tc is close of course with fixed positions yeah as for maps um i was gonna say that i don't i think i i guess gold is always spawning a little bit near the front but i think it's quite equal for both of them here yeah it's just the wood lines like the wood lines honestly for both of them are really wacky this is one of the weirder ones like the the wood lines are really close to the tc but you always have other golds near the back side so i think i would prefer reds map because blue lines to the south allow for walling but both players walling like crazy right now not even a barracks not even a dock yet yeah interesting that is strange because yeah usually by this point you're going to see you're going to see a dock down or barracks anything there it is yep there it is and this is more of a this is more of a man-at-arm timing slam this is not a drush i know a couple years ago you'd still see militia and delayed the feudal age but i don't think so we could see a very similar thing from leloy here it does not make sense to try and fool all your base and make no military surely yeah this is really interesting because the loy is adding more to wood right now so it's and the way that he's walling in the back it's almost okay he's building a barracks now but part of me was thinking is he gonna go for a fast castle here maybe even huang rush him i i would love to see a huang rush just just to hear you describe what goes through your mind when you face the slam oh man as long as it's not me who's on the other side we're good oh man the reaction from leloy and close attention to the scout seize the militia and that means i was incorrect and we see militia and this is just a drush and i think for leloy we're gonna see just walls i mean this is so it's been so consistent where the games have developed into complete different beasts slam the islands game was so unique the bay game was so unique yeah this is really cool wait a second is there a slam in the south is there a tree to the right of that uh the south uh it's more like the west i suppose of all space oh oh i can't i really can't tell there's gotta be a tree there right you would think you know about two two you know this the stakes are high here that maybe you'd click on the other side and check but but you know what before you put down that palisade i'm sure he would have seen the vision there yeah i think it would be it would be very strange just to do one so is this is this fast feudal drush flush as we call it sometimes you go into archers it almost looks like john's flirting with that idea but no adding farms now so this is droshfast castle and i think if it's stressfast castle i'd prefer to have britons because they get all that extra archer range in the next age yeah i i agree too uh i'd be a little bit concerned on the lloyd's position here being up against brits as soon as they get those are the archers out with the extra range and your celts i don't know okay better engagements all throughout dark age though or the loy and so perhaps the lloyd could snowball this into some positives yeah do you think that maybe the lack of a dock is just simply comes down to the stakes of the game and how they don't want to take any risks maybe ah it's hard to say and like even the the bay games seem strange too it's almost like they're trying to predict the other players move and they're going to do something else yeah just it's going back and forth there's a lot of mind games going on and and maybe that's why we're seeing some interesting uh ways of playing that's that's always been you know with his with his change from losing round one of hidden cup two to to getting to the finals of hidden cup three we're talking about a player like harris we just saw someone predict it is indeed him his mo has been playing extremely safe you know he's the most part sticking to some type of meta fighting behind walls with macro micro and honestly here i think john the fearless will be very happy to have lost the militia because the scout has higher hp and leloy is not accomplishing anything with the militia anyways here right yeah there's not much he can do now maybe just annoy the palisades at some point i don't think either player will have the resources to go up to castlet when they get up dude this is this is very interesting this is strange yeah i mean john's resources are looking a little well actually maybe maybe um leloy may may actually be able to get it because this feudal's a little bit later he's going up with more bills yep yep true he might be able to climb to it to what he wants adding a dock there which is something john the fearless just scouted and now leloy will lose the scout so that hurts big time a good move from john yeah john is still a little bit far away from castle he's getting a blacksmith up looks like he'll still go for the fast castle but he'll just creep into it a little bit slower well you know if whoever hits cass league faster is that's the most important thing here you could argue because the britain player can't take advantage of any of their big bonuses until castle age so if this is even i think john the fearless will take it but having not picked up yet makes you feel really really weird i i wonder if now that leloy has just spotted the one tile of gold he'll be thinking okay that's probably his main gold maybe this is a position to set up an early siege workshop and there's a range here well i think that's actually a great point but you also have to remember that lloyd's on his back gold's currently so he will probably recognize if he doesn't see many goals outside the walls that there's going to be a follow or like a gold to retreat to i suppose and the castle times are identical for game five neck and neck and a stable for the lois so you mentioned huang it's it's very common to see you know stable few nights each workshop few scorpions few rams to pressure big time so leloy has draw is dropping a second dock so it looks like he's just going to yeah maybe go for for a boom some tcs and just try and control middle can you boom though when you invest this heavily into water slam like i guess really yeah but the the one thing he's got going for him is that he is celts i just don't know what else he would want to accomplish by taking middle um i really don't know what his plan is yeah he's probably worried but let's see if he can spot this here he's sending the galley over towards the gold to check and actually sees the archers so he'll like that and he knows the archers are not attacking him now which is a big plus and if you actually look at the loys weak points um he's got house walls in the right spot he's got that mini policy in the back which john could get to at some point and get through there but uh it's looking pretty good yep you got a scout attacking the wall now just to see are your archers still there thank you for letting me know now he sees the gold now that is just so frustrating yeah that is within perfect range i guess i guess both goals are yeah right so again you could back up and it's easy with britain's to just drop a cheap tc so you can still take gold but you're going to lose your main goals yeah twitch is just not having it right now apparently as we see three tc's for the lloyd so greedy greedy boom i think this is a little excessive for the town centers right away yeah i mean i was suspecting a boom but three tcs right away no i i was not guessing that but his tc positions especially the one right south of his main is a good spot because that's one angle in which um you know britain's could be annoying oh big moment i don't think john the fearless was expecting there to be a galley on the other side and now the knight is here as well to kite a little bit and now oh this is this is disaster for these crossbowmen yeah you can't get away with these now brutal and where's he gonna go left or right he can't go anywhere he's just gonna have to go back into the marsh yeah he's kind of screwed either way here slam and say goodbye to your crossbowman and now leloy i still feel like the balance isn't quite there with the tcs right you've got three tc's but not the farm count to keep them running but still you know at least keeping the britons at home which is certainly a success in my eyes so i haven't played this map yet but the the ships can't go over that little dirt path in the middle right correct thank you so i guess that's what john was moving out he's going you know there's probably a galley or two i'm just going to walk down the middle i'll get over there and it's going to take a long time the demo won't hit me but yeah it worked completely against him yeah and now the lawyer's just going to try and track this and hello when it comes to the farm numbers and my goodness well hello to the people who watch this on youtube later by the way because some people might be rewatching this but get some f5s and chat if it's working for you viewers it is 45 villagers versus 41 the stakes are how to feel like a final to even the players slam and britain's i mean one of their advantages is the early crossbows invested in bodkin and it hasn't paid off yeah so celts is is not doing too bad here at all all right so each workshop for leloy um we'll see if laloy reacts to this there's still potential for john the fearless to maybe get some pic some pics behind the town center here slam yeah try your best and that tc's in in a good spot i mean he'll yeah he might get a villar too using the crossbow to outrange war galleys right now that's actually so smart actually so smart i guess you go scorpion at home and this is just a game of mental strength at this point you boom it out do your absolute best there and what do you think can you turn because i think get the siege britons have to worry but you're a long way from that are you not yeah i i think celts play here he's got the galley control next thing you'll want is to drop a castle somewhere out in front and you know maybe maybe force rams onagers you know everything that kelts is good at um i i don't know what to do as far as the quality right now on twitch like i'm comfortable it is a recorded game pausing right now slam let's just let's just do a quick pause let's just do a quick pause and let me just hear um this is a live show after all i want to hear status update uh from some of the mods here um i again this isn't anything on my end and welcome everybody to the main screen just i'm comfortable switching over to another server if need be but i'm going to get an update real quick okay i'm just hearing that we lag a little again slam you want to wait like maybe a minute or two and see um the thing is it's tough for me to know i'm dropping zero frames at this point so final my end could go offline i really don't want to though it might just be twitch as a whole right now so okay thank you for the updates by the way chat uh thank you for all the subs too great time to to think about what you've done you've subbed and you're giving twitch money okay appreciate it i like how there's one guy who's just spamming like setting in your obs as if with 35 000 people i'm gonna trust one person to just start changing start changing things i'm a little hesitant to go offline because if you know you go offline you come back it might be worse right okay let's it's on twitch's side i can tell people are a little bit behind jokes man am i funny that was 20 seconds ago um can you hear people i think we have to continue apparently we're continuing to lag i mean slam we've got to do it right i think we're going to have to sorry everybody uh like the thing is some people are not lagging too so where you're at unfortunately so i would suggest you just move everything you have right now move in the next hour to a different country you ready slam yep i'm ready all right let's do it and we're back in business here and now are you kidding me capture age is gonna cast your age hold on a second i could get into the game there we go all right thanks capture age and we're back in business it's it's very close game here scary and uh it feels it feels like both players taking as little risk as possible yeah and scorpions at home for the loy i think should get the job done to clear off those crossbows yeah it's good patient micro from john the fearless but it's also good patient micro from the lloyd to repair the scorpion kind of running out of space both players and eventually they're going to need to expand that's what i keep thinking of yeah and the nice i mean one thing to not forget about too is that middle island with a lot of gold um i know there's golds on the side which is great but the nice thing about getting a castle down right in the middle is just more control of the map and the golds that's the bonus you get as well i can he might go as john the fearless just boom sitting at home the loy tries to cast defensive castle from john the fearless or hera the fearless and tries to tread that back from working out from home i see a villager for the lloyd that's probably to get vision in that corner there long term and we even see a on the left side yeah and you just mentioned too about spreading out and that's exactly what level is doing he's getting some nice scouting with the scorpions in the south he's getting a tc on the left bill's going north there's a lot of things going on yeah really does see it see it all here slam and yeah can't help but think back to tattoo a name we've mentioned who's played so good with celts over the years and i remember him sneaking villagers in the corners getting vision maybe doubt comes to mind what do you think of outposts or doubt posts and again i just keep coming back or leery as john the fearless yeah and i'm thinking it just fits their mo to sit at home boom it out with archers drop a defensive castle and go imperial yeah and just being in john's position though it is even though the veil count is similar your john may have seven more whatever it may be this is so annoying not having that front the galleys just being out in front um you start getting more and more cramped as the game i think though it's realistic for john the fearless to get map he can use this micro to take out uh the galleys on this side and then drop a forward castle and then suddenly yeah water can't stop you so i think with the faster imperial which is eventually going to come the extra range that britons get it's not easy as celts to to delay over the next couple minutes and oh it was a huge attack ground slam how did that happen yikes oh man he's doing it i guess and he patrolled right into it there ouch i guess on the bright side for john the fearless he will be able to heal up those weak crossbows he's got a monk in there so not the end of the world yeah and going back to the whole position thing too i think the the middle is just so important because going along those sides it's just so inefficient you can't actually gain much traction unless you have like five bills down there building a castle you're building a bunch of military buildings yeah sorry so i'm just getting excited too on the nights man this is not something as we see a split here we go this is john the fearless for you uh no repair villager there either does he want to move out the knights are here slam the knights should clear up the magnels i really like the night edition very smart i don't know how the lloyd's going to respond to this maybe uh demo ship that's all i see so far okay with the sneaky little s being annoying [Laughter] a knight dude this is if max was in this tournament i'd be saying the max right now for leloy it's just sneaky villager and that night i think i lost you oh you i'm you good am i here you're muted or you dropped what can you hear me hello oh okay i was getting stressed man here comes a demo but yeah the demo is not going to stop the castle so yeah slam what are we witnessing here obviously a few players i think the viewers starting to connect again which is good to see what on earth is this quality this is insane yeah and john's doing a really good job he's up to amp now he's got his castle up north and he's about to switch over to see what she needs to do hey galleon possibly you see war galley on the way uh what's the thought process of your celts do you just avoid the middle area all together and just try and push from the sides then i guess and use some mobility it's starting to look that way and like if if i were to push this the weight it does look like the right side of john the fearless would be a great spot to push he's got the main gold he's got farms yeah and tc's there um yeah i guess for now john the fearless he's gonna probably prioritize middle control and go with trebs and and crossbows if he's got any remaining these crossbows flee lack of ballistics here does hurt though and you can only use the war galleys for so long i think now you need a castle here for your little castle a few scorpions and yeah there's the castle foundation just to protect that side oh yeah yeah that's actually a really good castle i just don't know what leloy is going to do next i mean he's going to lose water here soon and then looks like he's he's queuing up raiders in one castle though hmm okay so woad raiders and you see john the fearless getting supplies now i don't know it's it's a big tournament now we've moved along from red bull low and i don't know if you should be talking too soon for this reference but there's been a lot of jokes made even from hera himself about going into like the infantry line in situations where maybe doesn't make the most sense what he did in the last big tournament and is it the correct play to go supplies to go champion with britons against elite road raider like was it not better to go for our bless that's a good question because sometimes i've seen mass loads mixed in with rams do a great job against carbs and arbs yeah i think it just depends on the situation you know do you have castles that will help back up your arms or not but i think woads makes the rams are could be something that's underestimated okay certainly can't underestimate the macro for both players right now both players over 120 villagers there is a castle going up for john the fearless in the middle it's he's just easing his way into this he realizes he's not going to be able to beat the loy with one big swing like he has tried and in some ways you know has succeeded too but though the the crossbows were upgraded if you get the champion and arbalest i love it i suppose for john the fearless he's got to choose something right now um yeah and i think leloy is just accepting the fact that he's going to lose the water of course so he's he's planning something in his mind and i'm not too sure what it is yet for now it's just massive oh he's going back on docks on back on docks the loy going back on docks there you go slam doc's on the way heavy demo oh my god is this tattoo heavy demo could honestly be sick oh man my bold prediction is slipping away every second i don't even remember you've made so many predictions in this series i don't even remember what if i start feeling like i'm failing on the first one the key is just to make several others on the end it's i don't even know what i said anymore that's true let's get some heavy demos in chat because the thing is about demos is they could take out even castles if you get enough of them on this map and elite waters will now take out the crossbows in the back no problem so um a little uh awkward great micro from john the fearless but i'm just waiting to see john the fearless expand a little bit to the sides here slam he has done so at least he's wide open on the right side he hasn't really expanded i'm really excited to see how these heavy devils turn out i i don't think john is expecting an army of heavy damage no i don't think so either and with the woad raiders i at least the siege is going to die we know that much it's just how good will the galleons look yeah they almost look like trade cogs to me they do they they do slam um and here come the heavy demos and they're on the move ladies and gents and the trips hey they're forced to just go down they don't really sink here you know the water's not deep enough yeah yeah but how can you push that castle with anything if heavy demos are out on water i don't know this is why i'm confused as to what lily's planning to do next i think he needs to he needs to go for a side attack somewhere he needs to change the focus somewhere else and then maybe re-attempt in the middle with something i think that leloy needs to wade raid the right and it is actually doing it now um the only reason i would know to do it in this very moment slam is because i've seen the best of the best do it for many years just get a lead somewhere and then switch over and now you're seeing it and i'm starting to see john the fearless i mean he's got resources banked but he's starting to lose some big control in crucial areas yeah and road raiders are they're quite a great rating unit and he john just didn't really have the two handed swordsmen or champions out at the right time but but he's get he's getting them now but if you get enough galleons can't you just snipe the demos before they're getting close it is an expensive investment yeah it really is um that's why i'm just i'm a little unsure about them and look now you see the two-handed swordsman killing the woodies now that's a good trade for the world raiders and also the castle and on the right for john the fearless does protect that area and has also cleared there as well it's 50 military for john the fearless the demo ships are exciting but they can't get in close oh and there's a wow this castle from la lloy is crazy but he's gonna get it up is this the lloyd recognizing that he's gonna need a treb follow-up maybe to push the right side as he's gonna lose the left it's looking like it and the thing is as soon as john sees this he can just pop out a couple trebs and and take it out well candy though slammed because it's if it's just world raiders first two-handed swordsman i think if anything both players are about to lose a side oh i completely forgot about the fact that he can't bring his navy across it all makes sense now yeah okay oh brilliant okay yeah small detail castle deleted in the north and so john the fearless is going to get that stone back wow just not enough demos here slam it to get big hits on these galleons at least from what i could see yeah i could see woad raiders as the meat shield maybe maybe some rams too i see some cap ram there but no seadram yet as world writers are taking big fights and both players are fighting for their tournament life in the round of 16 at 190 population yikes the way tried some sort of he's he's attack oh he's getting some oh some massive family hits actually not bad not bad more demos coming in and oh my god it was huge slam and now you've got trebs on the other side but the treb needs to unpack and roll away and both players are focusing so heavily oh my god even though you might send out 15 demos if 12 of them don't work but you get one or two in there like it's it's big news i think siege rams really it's needy because if you get a meat shield there and that's all the galleons will attack right yeah and at first the loy sent out road raiders just you know to try and get them to attack the the votes there initially i this is crazy now remember there's so much gold in the middle so john the fearless will not have any issues when it comes to gold gone the fearless has no issues when it comes to anything really with these resources on the champs is it gonna come in is it gonna come in boom a huge demo shot slam and that's only gonna continue but you know i see a problem for the loy and that he's lacking production of votes when he needs them producing out of 15 barracks is a whole lot faster than producing out of a few castles yeah oh man oh god how was the trap saved how is that trev saved and now we have rams with demos in the middle area heavy demos coming in and getting hits worthy of a highlight as well honestly i just need to high key everything from the last couple moments slam but i'm just thinking about the lack of gold long term for leloy if this continues yeah the lloyd has to get something done sooner than later and it probably has to happen on the right but doesn't john the fearless have the bulk of his eco on the right look at all the farms behind there if he loses that area that could be game over i just take a look at the resources from john and they're looking really good i mean yeah he's going to be yeah the louise gotta act on something quick this is this is not the first time i've ever seen a game like this turn into extreme post imp where someone has control of the middle gold but then can't expand elsewhere slam though it's a give and take situation obviously if you could cross over with navy then you'd be fine or you'd be feeling fine but i think we're seeing a shift here from leloy who is realizing he needs a bit more on this other side and he is about to complete the cdram upgrade so that's huge yeah and then after that though it looks like he's okay he's trying to get some more docks on the left he's on short because he could stop this castle if he spotted it and he might see it now but now he's heading back over and by the way 25 idols that's a big deal for leloy because that could be 25 pop spaces that's the military also that doc had a demo at 70 and now the demo won't come out crucial seconds possibly for john the fearless to be able to take out these trebs and defend this position i think he's just going to say he's got to win that fight but it's not looking very good oh but the demo slam the demo is good but it's so worth it for john the fearless he'll take it whoa did you just see that uh on the left the castle john john the fearless lost every single villain that castle the one demo okay i i looked at the other demo there's too many demos to look at so i'll hockey that too right where the demo hit was in the perfect spot where it just grabbed every single ville there was about 11 10 12 bills on there is this tattoo man i don't know what to think right now sell that wood with after guilds here leloy's gonna get a bunch of gold after selling that wood this game is nowhere close to finishing right now yeah and leloy does have three relics and dude three relics to two though slam yeah i think it's just right now john the fearless has this unbreakable defense with castles everywhere castle's in the middle now castle's in his base he's got enough resources to work with here he's just slowly pushing back uh or pushing in in this case but the kelt siege rams no joke slam and will the castle even stay up i mean i think he's he's really got to make a move on this end i mean there's still a lot of gold left for john in the middle big demo hits there post-war raiders will die our kelt's better in post him than britain this is the question we're trying to answer here and it's almost looking like it's an emphatic yes look at the villagers in the middle if they don't have protection john the fearless could lose this right here and i'm actually shocked at how well roads do against gag aliens it's actually really really good yeah it is now you've got john the fearless making a push he's got to take out some castles too and you now have um i almost i'm saying hair out of instinct i'm so sorry john the fearless i watched me be wrong on that later adding more galleons and more champions but he did lose important ground here yeah and it would be nice if the lloyd had just a bit extra stone in the bank he could plant a castle right now on the island but unfortunately uh he's a little low on the stone count there yeah they i think they probably have mined through the stone at this point except for the stone in the north john the fearless could take that but ken ken john the fearless keep the middle area if more demos swoop in here yeah i just don't see these rams being stopped this is without furykelska by the way i believe yikes that's a big upgrade that's missing but it's still cdram and we've been saying for years slam britain's died to siegram massive demo wow another good demo hits but now the castle is going down for leloy in the middle and so he could start losing economy too which side is more important man i i think i don't even know what to say anymore i mean i i still i still think john is in an okay position that was the wrong time to say that slam a long time just like to say that but you know i understand why you're thinking it i just noticed something though he's got like nine on gold so if if this gets to a point where he doesn't have games oh yeah yeah he's out he's uh struggling with the relic situation right um so i think it honestly comes down to who holds the left over the next five minutes because leloy's almost out of gold two they need that middle area um and whoever gets it might win yeah you're definitely right there it looked like i think everything is going to be focused in the center area now oh god oh god the champions oh god the champions oh god the champions okay the demos are actually going towards the treb yeah that was underwhelming [Laughter] those champs i know john after c knows he's thinking okay these champs like i gotta watch out here i gotta watch out big time all right uh now i see supplies coming in for leloy so he's thinking about going for champions as well uh but i think it's this precious time for john the fearless to be taking that gold and he he tracks the votes i don't think he could be raided to death right now so well we'll see but another the ramgo is really what you need and now you see john the fearless making britain like cap this is a great play yeah i mean at least for britons if the gold is getting low they can they can start spamming yeah like calvary whereas for celts you're out of gold what do you have now i think the fact that john was able to take out so many castles from the lloyd matters with the world raider production but also the protection look at what look at all the exposed areas in the farming eco i suppose it's not great for either but even the left side now the champion's hitting eco i wonder though if this is a classic case where it gives the lloyd more pop space for military and then he just he just ends up taking the middle i'm just surprised that the lloyd keeps scraping away at um building more military and his goal keeps looking like it's going to hit zero soon but there's you know he's holding on this is this is gonna have to be his final ghost slam it says he has 12 on gold i think we're looking at the 12 right there he actually has 800 left now the champions a lot of them are out of position for john the fearless because they tried to clear up the raids and he just noticed that like shoot i need to be in the middle right now there's a lot of demos i'd say be patient with the demos maybe slam do you think it's worth it to send like 20 lumberjacks to the middle of the mine gold while you can if you're a little boy i think so yeah i mean he's got a stockpile of wood oh god oh man this is going to be crazy john the fearless season oh the demos go in and the biggest explosions you'll probably see in hidden cup four come in huge but is it enough i feel like a lot of demos went down there you know what all he needs i think is one good demo on the rest of these champs maybe with the rams in the middle being caught up by light cav john the fearless immediately runs away and it's it's just that water presence we even see fire ship now for the loy which is a little weird against demo as we see demos from both sides from the loy and running low on gold is leloy don the fearless has the gold if he loses units he should be able to make more of them unless he loses his farming eco this is insane yeah that's a good fight there for lloyd i believe anyways actually the champion's winning that yeah and the champions are so just so cheap gold wise yeah for john and i do see some pikeman coming on now for leloy he's definitely saying i'm not done yet even if i'm out of gold this is the final game i'm going to build anything i have wow dude and these rams will not take out that castle can't help but feel like deloitte he's had some opportunities slammed it's been close maybe with just one or two demos more one or two rams more could have even just won the game it's incredible but john the fearless has has played defense and it's it's truly two of the best players in our game right here there's no doubt in my mind it's just a continuous cycle of this too i mean this isn't going to end until does john the fearless run out of gold in the middle is that how this changes i mean well i i just think that lavoie is going to start struggling on getting the world production out shortly here and he's just going to be down to halves oh the big double head on the champs do you just go halvin demo at this point because habadir's against ships isn't too bad yeah actually that's not a bad idea he is mining some gold now this is something i would have liked to have seen a little earlier what in the world and the score's creeping up [Laughter] i again get it it's incredible this is sick yeah just switch to 80 health 20 demo an extra 10 rams because you're gonna need 110 to beat john the fearless i guess yeah but if you're popped i feel like having ships i mean all you need to do is look at the kd right now what's never mind i take it back i feel like the galleons though have killed so much in this game yeah and and they will continue to do so so if you can just keep them alive and if even if you don't have gold income you just snipe the demos if the lloyd doesn't have gold income he can't make any more demos now you start to see a switch in the middle and now slam it 16 military versus 35 this might be the end this is looking like it's i can't see the building enough here to push back on this incredible series easily the best series of hidden cup four so far probably down to the fact we've had two massive names and one might be crashing out here you know and just as we say this deloitte is planting two siege workshops on the right so he's thinking that that's he's like i know i don't know but sure have the middle i'm not done yet yeah i mean he shouldn't be right he's the name whoever this player is it's a player who has gone deep into many tournaments before and it is matched up against someone just like him so i i think the we could possibly be seeing someone like leary or the viper or mr yo or tattoo those names come to mind for leloy it is more than realistic based on how the series is gone there goes my my jordan initial prediction i mean maybe jordan you know jordan's probably if jordan's watching this right now and it's not him he's probably the biggest grin on his face and he's like thank you slam it's hard to think of other names just because of how good john the fearless has played and there truly are only so many players of the 16 who could take it this far watch it be borrows watch it be vivi you know we we could be wrong but it does make us confident slam as we've seen we're pretty familiar with the players in our game yeah and even though you know john's on the middle i think lewis wants to do that one last attack i mean i we keep saying one last attack but i mean this has got to be the one last attack on the right well your situation hasn't really changed you're just further from getting to the gold in the middle he hasn't had gold in the middle so if he could take out this side with rams at slam i think this is honestly winnable it it just looks like so yeah i mean the buildings are going down there's no question in my mind look at john the fearless immediately getting architecture he's worried yeah but so much of that eco is going to get ranged by trebs and by by galleons in the middle so that's the problem you've got to expand elsewhere players are running out of space it looks a bit promising but the thing that's going to be a bit discouraging for the loy is when i go over to john's resource stockpile it's yeah we're looking at some death match resources here yeah definitely it should be able to make champions out of the nine barracks here to eventually stabilize um maybe could justify deleting a few lumberjacks or a few farmers just to get a few a bit more pop space out here but here's the thing too john has 38 military into a c so yeah his numbers are going to be a little bit lower to defend what's going on on the right but champion against mainly habit your champion will oh yeah so that's that's the thing it trades much better um and the rams are very expensive it seems like we're looking at hal but here an award raider on the left side for the lloyd this is desperation mode you know yeah yeah maybe the lawyer is thinking you know i'm going back the whole relic thing again he's got three relics but he's probably underestimating the fact that you know john has got a lot of gold john just done such a good job protecting himself this entire game went to the boom approach and didn't have any water control and we're thinking what's he gonna do and then he ends up being okay and taking all the control and now you see mass migration to take wood i mean man players don't resign in a game five in this situation until their pop is below 100 usually so yeah i can see this going on for a while but when you start to see the farms and the tc's go down the trip that's where you really start to think pop will drop so so respectable though like from the lloyd like he's he's now going up north to try and do another attack so this this is like what you're witnessing is someone who is just giving it their all you know final game big tourney i'm gonna give it every single shot possible yeah incredible man we've had the highlights but 7 000 army value for john it just shows how much he's got in the field and how much it cost it didn't cost it how much did cost did guys uh up next we're gonna do basic math on stream but um he's almost finished with the gold in the middle i suppose but he's got 2 000 gold yeah in the bank and he's even he's not losing a side right now slam he's stabilizing on either side so it does feel like just a matter of time and oh i did you know this completely slipped by me the fact that the lawyer has champs now i know i've always been thinking howabs and and road raiders this whole time but yeah boom champs just saw them now all right gets a conversion there with the monk paying attention just falls back now has the res will cue up more champions only like really only the best players in the game i'd say and hang on as long as the lawyer's been able to make these games look this good which is why we love age of empires guys and i am um no yeah i say before i even know who the player is that i'm heartbroken that the lawyer's gone down i'm really looking forward to the fan vote which we'll get to after this i want to know what viewers think because there hasn't been a single hidden cup where the viper has has lost a set right but you look at the quality of john the fearless and then you think if it is someone like hera there's only a few names that could take that many games off here and make is so competitive yeah well do some people out there possibly think it's maybe the viper think it's maybe uh leery i don't know and maybe john the fearless isn't even pera though i think that's my easiest guess so far from what we've seen yeah i mean i i i am leaning away from the lloyd being the viper just because i've i've set myself on another name obviously the one that i mentioned earlier who did you mention earlier because you mentioned that you mentioned something earlier but i forget admiral yeah yeah oh you think viper is admiral gotcha okay i'm thinking yeah all right so i'm i'm still as we're watching poor leloy just come to grips with reality here i'm still pretty set on a tattoo guess here yeah yeah yeah quite reasonable yeah um now i still have a lot of question marks over the big big names and i'm assuming the next set is going to be a bang or two because i still think there's one or two out there we haven't seen um of the top eight but it's it's just been incredible the the games today the game is yesterday and it's just the first round yeah there's just there's just so many things that can just that throw me off to like what i initially when i wha the main reason why i thought jordan was just because of the sieve picks but i mean mog was lithuanians i think that's very common for other players to pick as well right off the bat yeah so can we talk about how leloy somehow has more farmers like he's expanding for me like a madman how do you have 70 farms and his pop i don't think i've ever seen a drop below like 160 i know he still has 190 pop but he's eventually just not gonna have space and and again it's it's just a situation of john the fearless will always have the better technology yeah that's how it goes there's still gold in the middle like there's still a stockpile of i don't know this could be 4 000 gold still no i we're talking as if this game is over right and i'd say the only way that the lloyd wins this now is if it becomes a matter of no gold on the map which is just insane it actually happened before and it was tattoo and leery in a quarterfinal of hidden cup three uh that on my top ten hidden cup games it's a must three watch so it's like second or third or something yeah but yeah you lose the relic soon probably if you're in the lowest position uh so you lose out on gold there you will eventually run out of wood to reseed farms you're not pushing anywhere uh there is a raid back here but that again should feels as though anyway should be dealt with yeah and there's some tribes coming in now to clear out that castle well i think they actually might be able to pick those trebs oh no never mind army yeah army's there it's just there every time john the fearless needs to be right and um i think it's worth it to snipe the traps because if you lose the castle then you're going to get raided to death by anything yeah even a long bow in there trebuchet's still firing their slam the lawyer's pop is lower than we've seen and what feels like an hour the eco number is high but it's not going to be high much longer this is where it all starts to end as john the fearless crosses 30 000 score yeah and his resources are not going down anytime soon [ __ ] stays up all right well this game will go another 10 minutes there's hope there's hope oh god it's just like to watch him still try and farm and mass and just you just it sucks man he's like yeah you just want john the fearless to put him out of his misery really yeah i i think a big part of it is the other way just doesn't realize how how much ego john has in the bank still yeah he may be thinking that john is oh he's probably gold might be running out he's probably scraping down to zero gold just like me but no well we haven't had a single 3-0 in the quarter-five no no i lied we had one 3-0 in the um not the quarter-finals the round of 16. one of them was today with a big performer there but all the other sets we had a lot of three ones yesterday we did have a 3-2 we had a reverse sweep yesterday and then this will be if i'm not mistaken our second 3-2 and when you see a 3-2 slam and you know the level you've got to think that it's two very big names up against each other especially this one like this is easily the game in the tournament but there's been other games too which have been just been so sick yeah and who knows what's coming up with the other two philip the good and little john and little john little john we know that john the fearless is is a very good player so that's going to be exciting to see what's next to see who's going to be up against john the fearless yeah this is where it ends i think you see the desperation you see the selling you see the score well lloyd has been feeling for a while now it is game over he's starting to run out of wood of all things man i again it just it breaks my heart to see this but this is competitive age of empire slam it wouldn't be great when you win if it doesn't hurt when you lose right yeah yeah yeah we'll see the gg here in a second curious if there's anything more said standard is just gg some people will stay a little bit more um and of course it only the chat yeah there you go gigi good luck from the loy and respect to the lawyer for saying that and respect this series john the fearless moves on to the quarterfinals tomorrow and what a way to do it slam incredible series between these two that was just sick and the best game of the series was the final game of the series yeah yeah no kidding disgusting um yeah well let's go back to probably one of the more exciting things about hidden cup 4 so far uh we'll go to the demos i think this was a demo now one of these i'm supposed to look back at something we missed slam um capture h think it's trying to go back and it's not it's not you know what it doesn't want to do it slam maybe maybe capture each pro is a uh a leloy fan and just couldn't bear to re-watch it oh wait hold on a second oh we're back oh god hold on a second people let's try and get to these highlights again there we go what was this one big demo there probably wasn't there a castle soon slam after this i just remember one of my favorite demos is when he demoed a bunch of bills building a castle on the marsh yeah okay we're gonna find this for the viewers here because i know they're probably upset with me because usually when you throw a demo at a bunch of villes that are all circling around a castle building there's usually one or two on the sides that live but for some reason this demo hit the most perfect spot where it got every single one in a line it was beautiful let's see oh i see it yeah see let's see let's oh oh my god every single one that's got to be tattooed now let's watch it in reverse yes for just for gigs let's see the demo in reverse let's watch these villagers rise from the dead hey stop it capture age up there they go perfect all right well that was maybe one of the the many highlights of that game slam but let's sum it up we are professional casters after all and yep i guess the gold really mattered john the fearless with three and a half thousand more gold in that game yeah he hit 30k right on the dot that's whoa right there yeah whoa that's is that a bug oh is it do you are you seeing the same thing i'm seeing i'm 33. are you if you're not in capture age then it must be accurate that is crazy yeah huh all right and then a lot more food and wood collected slam this game was very winnable for leloy he just didn't quite have enough in those pushes yeah he had that map control earlier i think when it started to spin around was obviously when uh britain's um oh my right when john got the middle the middle island for that gold i think that was the big turn around yeah i feel like two or three more demos two or three more rams that's really what decided it um like if he would have had a bit more and you know even the road ram demo push like that was that was really good i i just feel like maybe in another game same situation i feel like loloi would have been able to get away with that and actually you know get enough snowball and push through that but i think there was a lot of demos that were shot and maybe you know army wasn't coordinated at the right time but it actually got a lot further than i was expecting he was able to clear out the island you know push him all the way back um it just didn't have enough it's almost surprising to see that it was just four thousand gold more but if you think about elite load rater cost uh if you're keltica cost all the rams and demos that went down he just didn't gain enough ground with the gold that he spent leloy and then he was out so yeah
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 98,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, round of 16, day 2, John, the, Fearless, Le, Lee, Loy, Loi, demo, demolition, ships, ship, explosion, boom
Id: we0BY-5Cxpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 29sec (9749 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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