The Legend of Noob Nothing

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it's been a while it's been at least 3 weeks and 6 days since we have done pilgrims nothing on the stream guys welcome to probably one of the best nothing Maps ever forests nothing has to be at the top of the ranking because force nothing started at all right however pilgrims nothing was never meant to be good it was just meant to be a troll by ducks the Savior who's been inactive over the past few weeks he's busy with life but uh you know we have our famous pilgrims map but it's combined with forest nothing so there's there's just fish and trees on this one and of course it is regicide because it has to be regicide and in his diplomacy I think I've uploaded three four five videos maybe with with this map all giving us variety of different like I can't speak I'm sorry it's been a long day today all giving us a lot of variety and I'm sure this one will also give us a lot of fun so I'll introduce the players once you get there T C's up but something to remember is you start with two transports you start with the king you start with villagers and some players will choose to place their TC here as yellow is done but other players will choose to place their TC here this is the correct move the place you're teasing next to the wood now I think so I'll regular pilgrims I always talk about how I can make an argument for placing a TC on your starting island but here I think the best play is to probably TC the land and then make a dock and start fishing for food and all the fish is salmon so get the t90 salmon in the chat i showed my family that picture by the way for those that don't know the t90 salmon emote on twitch is a picture of me however it was formerly a picture of me holding my one-year-old nephew because you know I'm like looking out I'm like oh he's so cute so I'm smiling at my nephew nephew smiling back at me I'm being a great uncle that picture was posted online and then someone photoshopped my nephew out of said photo and put a fish there instead and that's how we got the emote now it's hard enough for your parents to accept the fact that you talk about video games for a living but it's even harder for your parents to accept that someone has photoshopped their grandchild out of the photo with their son and replaced it with a fish oh man mom and dad must be so proud okay so I have one more thing to say before I introduce the players so you guys probably already know this is coming because I've teased it I have a 24 hour stream coming up in July and every 24 hour stream I have some type of big hype video and I've done many force nothing once in the past and the other day I was at my parents place and I was all say is that I was doing ridiculous stuff in the creek and it the water is very very cold so yeah my buddies out there with the video camera and I'm in the creek as a grown adult doing some ridiculous stunts and I got out of there and I looked at my mom's face and I it was just gave me so much joy like the amount of of like it was a mixture of pride I guess that I was doing something I liked but also disappointment I told my mom it makes me feel so good to see how how conflicted you feel watching me do this stuff oh there was there was tons of shrinkage man that water was freezing okay anyway I don't want to spoil too much cuz you guys can't know everything about that let's introduce the teams or not the teams the players noob nothing is in the green he is up against the edge of the map he is to the south of the left butt cheek he's playing as the byzantines pellet OOP is playing as the byzantines as well okay Ohio is playing as the Mongols he's about to hit futile age now didn't make use a home oh let's bring up to you overlay I don't think he made use of any fish so he just farmed a man after my own heart okay there we go so that will give us an idea it is Diplo right yep to the north of him these guys are cramped we have Toby neo playing as the Mayans so the wood lasses last ten percent longer in the red and there's a lot of red here we have crouch he's playing as the Spanish I think he's going to be the guy look out for in this game in the purple we have night coder he is playing as d Turks which is an awfully confusing civilization to choose for a map where there's no gold because Turks need gold otherwise they're trash and then we have 8v waffle in the orange playing as the Huns am I missing anybody I think I might be missing yellow who's the highest rated player in the game he decided to TC here I started eating the salmon as quickly as possible a problem for him is he only has four villagers or five villagers chopping wood I think having the TCE on the mainland is the best idea okay so that's about it as I said fishing is important some players have not been fishing that's gonna hurt them you have to fish on this map unfortunately Toby no I believe this is played and explored right yeah he he's docked here do you guys remember if there used to be fish here coz he had the idea to double dock but he's double docking in the wrong area I thought there was normally fish here he should probably transport out here and dock so the fish are more efficient bread is building houses like crazy man look at these houses here's a hundred pop space already and it's going to make yellows wood chopping very inefficient and ouch John says Toby knows collect it's your food not like this I know man that's a right everyone has a rough start well not everyone but but many people have a rough start he's gonna build the dock now he'll do what I said it happens it's it's how it's how you respond to adversity that makes you who you are okay it's not the adversity it's it's how you respond to it t90 officials subbed the t90 official what are you talking about is there a t90 officials they're a fake in the chat whoa there's actually a fake in the chat it's a fake teen ID it's t9 do FF l see ial it looks like t90 official old boy well hey man as long as you have better gameplay as that fake on YouTube then I'm okay with it all right all right so we have some spectators in the game I I would like to keep them because they can tell me what's going on sometimes but other things to talk about on this map so fuel age times are incredibly important yellow hit fuel age first normally that means you build a market then have the wood to sell to get gold but he hasn't been chopping that much wood so he doesn't benefit from the faster futile age as much as maybe 8 B waffle does he did build a market and you can see he has some gold from selling wood so that's good and then the other player who's in feudal was hi-yah right hi-yah has not he's building it now but he's not going to have a lot of resources to sell either on all these nothing maps where there's wood involved I think that getting to feudal age first gives you a small boost but it's not necessarily deal a deal breaker you will have thousands upon thousands of wood to chop and then thousands upon thousands of wood to sell regardless of what that trade is hey guys I'm the real one okay the one in the chats fake I'm not the fake stop it man night coder he could even sell food see everyone's gonna sell wood but no one's gonna sell food he has 25 fishing ships so does pellet oop am I saying that right pedal to pedal at Oh Opie I like pellet to bits better eventually the salmon will disappear and you'll want fish traps though I am really happy that no one has chosen Malay cuz I think Malay is probably the most overpowered Soup for this we have quite a bit of variety now red red is gonna make himself an enemy here he's taking so much space with the houses he just needs his blacksmith now and he'll love the food soon to click up to Castle age good stuff I've never seen anyone do this before with the houses the yellow probably hates his guts right now and yell doesn't want to say anything you don't want an enemy this early grace is o frowny face I see his two kills what did he kill not sure what he killed I see that pentateuch has some fire galleries here ooh always attacking night coder on water I wonder if he chose byzantines for the faster fires that's actually it's a nice pic byzantines you can also build those castles on the shoreline if you get to this get the stone for it mm-hmm yeah I agree the houses were a very smart idea Purple's kind of doing the same thing but of course you can't take all the land I see some trade for 8b waffle that's gonna take some time but it's something he's trading to we're always going all the way to green which gives him a hundred golds that may be worth it actually a Crouch has been by far the best player in my opinion 30 villagers 21 fishing ships has the whole house thing going on and when he's in Castle age I think he should just build T sees more t C's equals more villagers equals more wood equals more gold and equals more map control o we kill all that's true I do remember Greg killing Till's villagers good point yeah have I have the memory of a goldfish so t90 official lemon you're doing an IRL force nothing well ginger Logan actually already did that it's on YouTube it only has 8,000 views though might be doing that a second time so remember the whole Diplo situation where if you're the best player people tend to notice that Reds got to keep that in the back of his mind here yes he's the best player well so far yellow I've been really impressed with how he's been able to hit Castle age and everything despite his TC location but but yeah Reds doing good he looks strong how many times do we see the person who looks strongest get killed early maybe they'll kill one or two people but can they kill all seven yeah that's unlikely remember there is a relic in this corner so we're talking a long way from now but if this gets to the Imperial age and it will a 1-week player could maybe snag this relic and go for the relic victory that means you could also go for a wonder victory which would be a lot more difficult than just going for the relic but something and yeah treat treaty sees the crouched what's up katana hey eighty ninety I have to step out for an hour so how long will you continue making comic games today it'll definitely be longer than an hour I mean this this game might even take an hour so I I normally aim for eight hours for community games eight to ten I've started to sip on some caffeine so I try and pace myself that's all it all depends chat all my subs out there tell them it's yeah I mean if I if I could foresee how much energy I'd have then I can tell you where's Dave these days he's busy with life man you know he works a full-time job he's adulting just like many of you so dave has always I've never really scheduled anything with Dave like for as long as we've done been friends and as long as we he's been my co caster I've never really set times with him it's just hey this is happening at this date if you want to show up and he'd just like okay and then he shows up so I mean for tourneys obviously we do a little bit more scheduling than that but Dave might stop by tonight or he might not Dave for Dave like when we cast together it's just two guys having a good time I think that's what makes it so special like it it is a big production because we do a good job with it and we're entertaining but it's not it's not a big production with how we schedule it and and I don't know it's an interesting thing but I of course love casting with him I mean I'd do it for the fun as well but you know for me I'm I have so much so many theories on how I should run my content I always make sure that I'm trying to get it better and better and better Dave for him it's easy to stop him by with a friend and it just happens to be 2,000 people watching so so cast laid on the way for a lot of players now Crouch is definitely King right now he has three TCS producing fills he has 52 villagers a blue-blue killed some of Purple's fishing ships but I was surprised to see the purple still has 19 remaining poor gray though great it doesn't have any fish and chips red and yellow gated each other with holes wool what are the odds what's off KD Dave thank you for the 58 viewer host welcome into his viewers we're casting Age of Empires 2 right now but we were just talking about my buddy Dave like us a minute ago and now someone named Dave and not that the day we were talking about it's hosted the stream welcome in so gray just set everyone except green to neutral let's get the t90 Dave's t90 salutes in the chat guys to welcome them you know neutral in theory is a really good idea but from what I've seen neutral is not a very practical choice and the reason I say that is people do not like it if you are considering being friends with them people do not like it if you're you have you're kind of on the fence about if you want to be friends with them and that's what neutral says so if you set people the neutral more often than that they're not gonna value your friendship as much which is a problem for gray because he is the bottom of the pecking order right now man blue has made spearmen and skirmishers all right making use of the trash yoshino thank you for the two months he said you are a great farmer keep up the good work appreciate it man I work hard at that Nico thanks for the 17 months and yet dave is still muted for sure he's been muted for a few weeks Lew neba thank you for the two months Hank thank you for seven months jeans to Christ thank you for six ask the traveler fills both for Reece ups a Phil's and Nico getting close to two years now hmm hands card for 8b waffle what's a Zico looking like okay just one TC handcar is a great eco upgrade don't get me wrong I was just curious because normally if you're on three or four Town Center's producing it's kind of hard to spare the resources so blues Bend the only real aggressor and it hasn't even been that much mainly all verse purple and purples on the other side of the mainland's hmm can you guys think can you guys think of an idea of why you would choose Turks what's one good reason that you would choose Turks on a map with no gold the only reason that comes to mind for me is it would be the ultimate flex it would be the ultimate like way to prove your dominance and then free house ours maybe I mean Turks aren't a bad save don't get me wrong but if they don't have gold and purple does not have gold they can't offer a lot huh stars can be strong and all that but you now purple has no gold and he can't defend on water he's losing his fish I mean it just seems like a risk you picked me but I do know Knight coders a good player so we'll see well yellow has some longboats has a TC here and he has two TCS here this is kind of like in the crack if this map was a bud that would be in the crack he's all up in there now I think I would probably delete this TC hey after a while it gets really annoying to transport these villagers I would just delete it yeah longboats and I think that crowns will probably go for Navy as well Spanish cannon galleons can be pretty insane if he gets to amp and goes cannon galleons he could easily snipe people that are on the shoreline I mean I get the Turks oh my mic is falling what changed microphone there we go I get the fact that Turks have free hussar but I don't think that's a reason that's good enough to choose them because other sibs have like halberdiers and skirmishers woo newb nothing finally some Diplo he says orange only you can see this we trading we friends right right 8b waffle right Dan she says it was random maybe he chose random that's true that that's probably the more likely explanation wait why is everyone all all of a sudden saying that did he say that in the chat gotcha okay how do you guys know now that he said that though because I brought that up 10 minutes ago I'm curious I mean some of the players chose civilizations for sure expand --is-- was chosen Vikings was probably chosen there's two Byzantines players oh he said I'm Turks 11 okay gotcha yeah I just didn't see that people have been telling you the whole time sorry t90 blind aren't you said yes noob nothing says orange only you can see this we're trading right and 8d waffles is yes noob nothing says hi gray house the farms wolf so he's starting to to meddle a little bit starting to to form some friendships Hayase is good why are you asking that's what I say a lot about my farms great if people want to judge you for your farms don't don't listen to that man just be yourself he says I can move them later just be yourself don't worry about what he thinks about your farms you're doing fine newb nothing didn't go anywhere with that says that Island is turning into real estate need more gold gotta change my economy plans alright so noob nothing is giving us an idea of what he's thinking about he's thinking trade right now gray is with Green Green do you see how some players have trade cogs in the center I think the best way to trade on this map is actually to go from a dock like this to a dock over here so I don't know if that's what green meant when he said the island is turning into a gold pile but he is correct in saying that the center islands will be important hmm see 90 if it's played unexplored can't they see if someone honors our cutting to the relic no nope it's weird you can see let's see if I can find an example actually I guess Gray's neutral with people right okay so sometimes you can see when the trees are chopped you just see the edge of the trees but you wouldn't be able to see that auditors were cutting through the trees wouldn't disappear in the fog of war unless you scouted it of course something you could do is you could go like with with a pro tactic and scan so for example here's a good example right you could scan actually I don't know if this is gonna work but as a player yeah yeah you see this this if you were to try and build something there or just hold the foundation over it you could tell okay there's nothing here right now so that must be chopped that must be chopped and then you could try and determine where the chopping begins but I mean no one's going to be out here looking for an auditor scanning that's that's too crazy hi red we friends hi no worries I'm peaceful ooh crouched says yes we are friends he's building a castle so his king is completely secure inside these tc's you will secure the shoreline he does not have the most villagers in the game yellow does actually yellow has 37 fishing ships as well and yellow has a nice little base here red is actually gated yellow al their gates are touching that's cute their allied right yep cool hmm well yellow just needs to sell that wood man sell that wood and he'll be on his way to imp that's a lot of wood he's chopped noob nothing is now in the Imperial age he doesn't have a lot of trade only six trade it's 24 480 waffle and it is 24 for blue however their bill counts are a bit behind t90 official he is 100% going Spanish unique tech villagers are you sure it's not 97.1% I don't think I could say with confidence that it is 100% I would say 97.1 I think it's a fair bet fair guess but do you want to make a bet I mean it's a normal tech to get right is he going to rush people with villagers not sure uh but he should probably get it just for armor at the very least ok fish traps for crouch that's a lot of fish traps holy cow see the problem with investing into fish traps and farms out here and did I say farms and trade out here is that it can all be killed by navy if yellow were to turn on everyone now he would destroy all this trade all the fish I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I think you needed half an here's the wood to start building farms any point he wants but still it's something to think about yeah yellow has idols because these villagers they keep glitching out there's too many villagers for the wood line I've seen you guys mentioning that but there's not much he can really do about it except to chop more green we should stick together I don't want to kill you noob nothing says yes do you need me to do anything sire Polly Tube says no just some galleries to practice he prepped he checked he tacked oh what it's just for pression guys calm down the orange is just making this for correction blue I think everyone could read that just FYI and blue says I know what the matter that's alright no bogey confused by the pract who does aren't want to kill he's an imp he's Huns so he can't get on etre in this game who's he want to kill he wants to transport I guess there's not a lot of players with navy so it's not that risky to try and transport right now another games we've done with those players have had a lot of water who does he want to snipe that is the question and I don't have any answers he's getting galleon first that would be the smart approach is to have Navy to protect your protect two transports dude I'm not I'm not making fun of people who are speak other languages I I I'm pretty sure that blue probably knows how to spell protect it's just when people miss type stuff I find it funny it's not I'm not making fun of someone's inability to speak a language I like hell there's farmers out here gray gray you haven't eaten a single salmon the whole game man he hasn't had a single salmon everyone else is fishing he hasn't even thought to build a fishing ship that's actually kind of funny I really want crated do well Toby no signals and says the traffic yeah this is like rush hour on a Friday everyone's trying to get home so they can watch t90 official stream oh my god mm-hmm I guess how many people out there watching the stream don't drive a car I'm just curious because in my experience in Europe there are a lot of people who don't like they can't relate to rush hour in the States there's nothing wrong with it by the way I think of anything that's actually pretty cool yeah so at least for me man I mean now I work from home but like this Oh traffic is the worst nothing worse than just sitting for 45 minutes in your car well there's plenty of things worse than that but I'm not a fan okay all right so yellow will hit the imperial aged blue is gonna hit the imperial aged Red's already their greens already there this map is looking like something I'm not sure what the mini map looks like yet but 45 minutes into the game everyone's still alive and a pee waffle is definitely considering an attack but for the love of God I hope that he gets upgrades he doesn't even have fletching on his galleons he doesn't have any attack upgrades for his melee oh my god what did those spearmen do to you okay Pop's face so he's deleting the spearmen probably could delete some villagers too but yeah I can't check the upgrades on his Knights because he doesn't have one out or his Cavalier but I hope he's gotten the upgrades something tells me he probably hasn't traffic in India cities is rush hour all the time plus add car plus add constant honking yeah I bet man that's a pet peeve of mine like what's the constant honking even doing it's not gonna make the situation change you know people do that in all cities just maybe not to the extent that I've seen it at least in like movies and stuff London from in India the map looks like a mouth on the right eating your your uh no I mean I could get what you're saying cuz it's opening here but I don't see it yet maybe maybe I'll see it soon who Knight coders attacking Blues trade so this is revenge pellet soup thought that he could killed night coders fish and get away with it but night coder is saying good night to all the juicy trade cogs that blue invested into that is a big deal now I wonder what blues response will be because blues on the other side eight B waffles is purple friends purple says of course he said in case you didn't notice I got Turks terrible Sydney friend he's destroying my fishing yeah so I think that orange is gonna work with purple so we have an alliance here blue and greener together then we have a lot of free agents I think gray is kind of like they they probably will just bring him along for the ride his farming strategy has definitely put him behind teal hasn't really declared who he might go with yet and then there's red and yellow who are both very strong and I think that red might try and kill yellow yellow has long boats out here but he hasn't fully invested into it I feel like is it's a mistake for him to come to land probably should have kept his King Alan the water Red's gonna read is definitely gonna try and kill him now yellow has just researched donnager yellow is trying to cut away from this it's unlikely guys he has no defense against conquistadors and trebuchet x' aha noob nothing is cutting a little space here okay alright so it'll take some time to get to that relic but again relic countdown will begin for whoever collects that blue attacking port gray yeah I'm not too surprised man I I feel so bad for hi-yah I think this is master of lasers he didn't fish maybe he doesn't believe in eating fish and you kind of need to on pilgrim's nothing you need to eat the salmon put him so far behind to try and farm grace is we were bros blue what happened yeah what did happen why are you killing him do you think he's a threat or what okay blue has fire ships defending his trade which is going right past I guess purple doesn't have Navy it's going right past purple Oh yellow something move yellow is trying to make a run for it red you need to decide now crown says yellow what's inside those transports villagers man he thinks you're gonna snipe him maybe red wasn't gonna snipe him all along wait now does this make yellow think he's safe here oh great did fish in Dark Age but he got his fishing eco killed all fly blue all feels bad man yellow just says who knows well the fact that he's getting out of here is a big deal if he sells that wood this is the second time I've seen yellow with resources you should sell it's the point of the map if he sells that wood he could get so much gold and he could defend himself with long boats and then he could keep his king in the center I'm not saying that's the best situation but it's probably best for now because of Reds current strength okay is it possible that any of the mods who are watching the stream could do a poll for us because I would like to see who people rooting for right now okay Crouch has just set yellow to enemy where's yellows king oh my god did we just see it it was demoed I'm so lucky I caught that we caught the tail end of that yellow gets killed red used the transport and red is acting like this didn't happen blue types 11 noob nothing types D : and then crouch says what like what who did that who killed my buddy we were buddy-buddy over here where our gates were touching we weren't attacking each other at all that's a good play from him ed that is solid Diplo 2 to plead innocence or act like you're innocent no one's even questioning it right now no one is questioning that whatsoever in it that kills one of Reds biggest rivals Brett's not trading oh no he is trading I lied he's trading a bit actually with blue I think and to be near says I'm scared of blue 8b woful signals his petard x' and his rams and his paladins where is he going noob mistake Lal died like an idiot first time playing Diplo smiley face ah now man wait that was you right big ela you're not making fun of yellow you were yellow no I don't mean your only mistake was probably coming to land I think coming to land was a mistake but trying to leave was good it's alright yeah I think you you played well your mistake was just coming to land right now unfortunately you ended up being next to red who I think is in the strongest position right now I wouldn't stress too much about a man it was just really good Diplo from read it wasn't like it was a an easy thing for red to do as far as we know red does not still following these transports to see where they go as far as I know no one knows who killed you either so it's pretty good stuff hmm so eight B waffle has a lot of resources it's just so fascinating to me how purple is trying to attack blue all the time like blue is trading right in front of purple like haha you can't do anything about it and Purple's made spearmen Turks spearmen man aren't just going for blue isn't he blue is killing grey that's Venus like blue why are you doing this grey is our buddy Gray's our pal okay hi haces blue is scary see blue I think you done goofed bud thank you done goofed you attack people's fish you tacked gray on water attacked purple on water now you're killing Grey's bland to be near says I have gray villagers in my base you're not coming here are you and blue says don't worry I'm just gonna kill gray will blue see this they're their allied right so I mean it it it shouldn't be possible for ours to do this at blue spots it oh my god grey has 13 transport ships queued up talk about panic man where's this king Oh as King has made it let's go his King has made it he's gonna stay alive for now well the rest of the families looking to join what is this that's a monk why does green have a monk in the transport ship he didn't get the relic right he's thinking about it where did it oh ok orange is here now get him he's in there get him oh my god oh my god ROFL got him red noticed it too red tried to jump out and purples palette in position I mean not purple what am I talking about man I'm about to go purple cuz I can't breathe ap waffle blocked off the Paladins alright yours paladin's to block off the king and killed it now there's a lot of luck involved in that but you got to make your own luck man and holy crap and now Waffle says what question mark is that what we're gonna see after every snipe in this game wow man wow he wanted him right back I was I was totally expecting 8b waffle to kill blue and he had it previously had a conversation with blue like saying how I know he had a conversation with purple sorry about how he knew purple is against blue so it just made sense to me but he doubled back he sat here doubled all the way back and red was loading up transports with batard so he wouldn't have to Stipe himself he had trabb's he had conquistadors wow what a ridiculous snipe that was so good man man I think red should have probably moved it that's hard to say red was honestly unlucky there normally if you have that many buildings around I say it all the time if someone's trying to snipe you with paladins it won't work a range you know like calves archers will work but paladins it it rarely works in fact that's one of the first times I've seen an out-and-out snipe with a paladin and in like years well ap waffle has 7,000 gold tons of wood tons of food he's top scorer and now people might be thinking about turning against him grey poor gray oh man I I so badly want gray to snipe blue that would be so sick I don't see how it's possible but that would be some alan out justice man orange has one kill that's so true you missed one kill in an out man and now waffles is blue only you can read this and blues perhaps his biggest threat okay I mean so far the way waffle is played this has been brilliant blue want to team up till the end so he's getting his greatest threat on his side they could kind of smush all the others together as well they could hit them from both sides except for green who green has something else planned I think Green is gonna play the map not as it was designed but I think he just killed one of his own buildings there I think that was a TC but yeah Green's gonna dry I get this relic and if you get this relic it starts a relic countdown so when you collect it you need to make sure your base is fortified basically you garrison that relic you better be prepared for everyone to attack you it's like the forbidden fruit [Music] okay purple signals this he's pointing out to everyone that green is gating this off oh he signals this says me and orange do not get manga Nels yeah that's true so night coders saying hey we can't stop that guy you need to do it blue you need to do it seal I'm liking this game now I like the calm before the storm we're experiencing right now yeah blue says sorry well I don't think that blue should be considered a favor I know he's second in the score but I'm not seeing a lot from him he has a couple ranges couple barracks he doesn't have full upgrades on his units is going to attack Grey's market get that out of the way Knight coder has now set blue to Al I remember they were fighting each other and and blue accepts maybe this is giving time to noob nothing whoo oh my god so I I think that noob nothing this making is pretty obvious right now he's made bombard cannons and he probably wants to castle bombard tower just commit everything to this upper corner and win it with a relic and it's doable it's doable because purple and orange cannot get there unless they use trebs which would take too long tavini assisted someone by would that that would be a bad idea okay yeah we have Huns for atheism as well yeah that would be so interesting atheism adds tax 100 years on to the relic win time blue says listen I'll make one see janitor he's typing in he's not typing in sentences but in I will cut in your side Oh is blue offering to cut from this side great gray meanwhile is interrupting he's like yo yo yo blue I got info I got the strats gray just wants to be a part of something man and waffles like wait are you talking to me night coder says okay that's fine so he says need gold 50 fast ok so he doesn't have gold but you again sell the wood I don't know why players are so hesitant to sell wood on this map because there's gonna be more wood okay they slum them resources he better research on injured because if he doesn't they're gonna see it okay he is green is still taking his good old time here green actually sent him resources wait green said gold to blue blue is planning on researching Audigier so he can go to the other side and cut the green green is just trying to be a helpful ally that's funny I guess blue has had problems changing who he's speaking to in this game that's not the first time he's talked to everyone blue can we team up till the end want to stay friends says 8b waffle AP waffle is preparing another snipe so this man is not to be trusted okay no response yet gray said he has all the strats remember and blue just kind of like he didn't seem to care hi gray what's inside the transport dude great its villagers man its villagers he doesn't have a base he's at 4000 scores stop being so preoccupied with my buddy here but green is he wants to win everyone wants to win don't oh my god if knew nothing were to kill that I'd be so sad where's Green's King good question it's in the CC so he's moving everything slowly with him this direction and he's slowly cutting this direction towards the relic hmm grey does not know anything that happened with red and he could if he allied them but he has a lot of people in neutral so if he were to ally red now even though Red's dead he would see that but yet grey is just slightly inexperienced all right so it's it happens I actually like it when we have a wide variety of skill levels in the game because it gives us so many different things to talk about okay I mean he probably just wants a TC here he don't he does see green which is why he's coming here and green is allied to him orange still has not made a move he woo where's his trade at the reason I'm curious I don't sexually see his trade working here the reason I'm curious beautiful fish traps might move nothing is because these docks are going to block Till's trade it's like really cramped here this scam is slowed down an awful lot come on boys what's the next move here to be neo could sell for gold has illegals okay seems to be making quite a few I think a lot of players are cutting yeah so so Till's thinking about cutting blue claims that he was gonna cut I haven't seen him live up to his promise yet and now Purple's signalling okay green is through you can't let him do this and blue says look I'm sending now if blue were to send petard and CAV archers or something that'd be hilarious now he's just setting auditors and noob nothing says nice wait blue says hey guys I have three auditors I'm gonna cut fast and green says nice but like that's not nice for you green oh and now now gray who tried to speak to blue earlier right and blue just said that that guy's not important gray says your perp I might have info yeah I love Gray's play right now but no one's talking to him Oh purple purple responds he says what what what do you know gray I want gray to come up with the most ridiculous lie about how the others are talking about killing purple and and orange that'd be so funny all furious the monkey boys oh god oh god oh he's held small of it yeah I forgot to mention that he's furious the monkey boys protect the relic they won't kill a monk they'll kill your pills grey says there's a transport ship of greens in the bottom corner it might be the king oh and purpose is nice okay the monkeys died I'll wait is it the king or is it just a debate the kings of the TC of course so great you know he might not be able to win but he can make others have a hard time too he says it might be the king and now orange is on the move now who will he go for I have to feel like he's going for green oh wow great built a tower here to attack blue okay here come the transports now they kind of blend in with the trade I really wish I could play Mission Impossible music with these Snipes blue cut from red to his King and I'll king snipe okay so orange is actually working with blue here cut from red to his King and I'll Kings Knight what no stop orange says blue he doesn't like this I wouldn't like it either mean this ok blue is actually cutting over here the problem is it doesn't auto cuts you have to click every time at blue spot of this he's like no get out of here man and iron says ok I would say the same I think oh god guys greenest green is gonna go for it and grazes a green can I come in I love this guys so much I don't think greens gonna let you in buddy that's a lot of walling greens gonna send his King back I think the sooner green gets us the better he has resources and he has time to build bomb more towers and walls he just needs to get villes there to do it the longer he waits the more blue can cut ok the game is paused oh by the way Casa nada I think that you were the host of this game right of course the host of the game was the guy who died first it's possible at this stage if you're watching this stream and you have the game up in the background that it could lag for us so if at all possible to actually stay in the game I don't know what this pause is but if you could just stay in the game that might really help just wanted to bring it up thank you for not quitting the game though because otherwise the game would have crashed for us okay maybe someone dropped what should be a shame because virtually everyone has played a part in this the one player who's been pretty quiet as been Toby no he hasn't been talking a lot he hasn't really done much he was on mnsure cutting at one point but he seems to have stopped doing that okay he's on and you're cutting here thoughts so far guys this is developing into a really good game oh it's moving again this has been a really good game so far I can foresee Green getting close to winning t as it seems you're doing one V 125 pup games at steam I never hydrocele it's not me man ap waffle says greens King is all the way in the bottom right corner that's not true oh this transport I'm sorry I didn't show that to you earlier I was looking here and I was actually gray green this is next level play from noob nothing he knows that they would try and snipe his King so he put a monk inside this transport in the south so they all think that could be it and then gray says that that might not be the King well I mean they could see it up here if they looked remember Green sent resources over to blue so blue could undercut - that's a funny thing I blues on his way like green get the relic now man don't wait get it now wait what oh no blue disconnected did he just drop oh god that sucks well okay listen we're gonna put a positive spin on this and we're gonna say that that was Grey's revenge grey hacked into his PC and killed his King stabbed him right in the heart alright that that's what you get for being a boy - to good old gray unfortunately you know things do happen and unfortunately it is probably best to continue when that happens Grey's revenge and didn't gray say oh that changes things he did come back time baby help the relic boom three hundred forty nine years and green winds they better skedaddle they better pick it up because if they don't pick it up problems I have never seen atheism used in a community game before I've never seen it and if you look here plus 100 years to relic and wonder victories if you research atheism will they think of it hello - I'm so sorry that happened to you man I like again I think there's been instances where we tried to restore and it takes too much time or it doesn't work yeah they could convert the auditors from blue ok what let's talk about what greens you do he has bombard cannons he should go monks and they should just go for a mess of walls hmm if they're expecting this to be greens King and they all go in for it with 50 years left or something and find out it's not that would be legendary ok and a pee waffle signals that there's greens King Green for whatever reason didn't have his King inside the castle oh man you didn't even hide it I like knew of nothing because there definitely some new Venus to his Playa you could what he's going for but the execution isn't always there yo speaking of which wait what ok it's fine I don't know what was that intentional where's yours units glitched in there maybe it's next level by the oh god no I don't see this guy surviving against opponents he can barely survive against himself I love it I want him to win I want him to win oh my god someone's heard of fan on in here it is hot oh I'm crying he says t9 he must be laughing at me right now damn right I am oh my god he had attack rounds I guess any he wheeled his bombard canons in there yeah I just it just makes me want to root for more his name is noob nothing he probably felt like he was a noob and when the nothing maps started created this username what's grey up to Gray's at 69 pop nice not not he's not gonna change that as far as I can see he's not creating villes he's not doing anything yeah yeah I saw they said it was a bit laggy yeah I saw that oh oh oh he's transporting spearmen oh and Han cannons and villagers so purple wants to land down here okay as Phil's here already you change diplomatic stance with noob nothing to enemy okay so yeah this is kind of expected noob nothing as committed to this strategy and I don't think he should be surprised that people are going to attack him though so he will he will lose all of Zico but he's 38,000 food and you know it's the fish traps that are giving him the food anyway it's not really the farmers who cares about a few farmers Green is purple not me Oh grace just making sure that Green knows that grey is not attacking green it's purple doing it and now Green is allied him again okay I have to say that the walls could be better blue needs to cut more man that they need to cut more and then orange needs to send the tribes they're wasting way too much time right now and orange might have transports around still oh they're right here okay so wait is he going in the center all it's teal right yeah okay so teal is actually the one doing the job oh I'm sorry I listen I get into this zone when I cast games okay I get to this zone and when I was in said zone I forgot that blue is dead alright I'm sorry it doesn't matter anyway shields cutting further come on blues such a noob man such a noob but yeah I guess orange is not going to snipe with this army he wants to use that verse the relic I would really like to see him go for atheism but I don't want him to go for atheism now I want to wait until that's at ten years then research atheism just to tease green with the win can you imagine he'd probably be sitting there five four three freaking out jumping up and down calling his friends a while and then another hundred years gets tacked on I'm also not sure if it works in diplo settings but I imagine it would I don't see why not so it sucks for night coder because he can't cut with Hana Jers here he has to go with Rams now see gems actually ok noob nothing really needs to get auditors behind auditors do more damage to the Rams and vomer cannons and he says he'll you have to keep cutting man whoa talk about a traffic jam Toby no he probably can delete this trade it's a lot of trade he doesn't need says keep cutting send more auditors so we've only passed 110 years green isn't even halfway there but he's producing a lot I mean he really could use a few more siege workshops but oh there's atheism there's atheism let's see if this works it should work it should make you go up to 335 years Toby neo says I can't what do you mean you can't you can't what you can in Green's defense there he didn't really need the villagers if anything he needs top space all ap waffle mocks your puny achievements relic and wonder victories now take yep now take longer so it's back up to 325 funny thought if we were to play this on 256 tech could you get atheism 256 times and make that relic victory light-years longer I don't know if light-years was the best term there but that would be kind of funny you've nothing make on udders man I don't know if it would work I guess he's made all measures but night coders shooting them I know light-years his distance I ignored that after I said it all right having a rough time here I know I just said I knew that after I said that I said it didn't make sense calm down jet I got it well I mean is a figure of speech but it's also wrong for your speech so they're right forgive me [ __ ] all right you guys you guys are ready for giving me [ __ ] with that okay can we do a poll please can we do a poll I want to know if people think green can do this I want green to do it so badly I want green to win this do I think he's gonna do it no no he didn't even complete his wall here man he can't even camp behind his fortified walls when the Paladins command the paladins are just gonna run in and kill everything [Music] purple will probably make his way through here over the next 30 to 50 years great job from him by the way playing with Turks and I'm sorry about the lag after the drop things have gone haywire [Music] I think I asked this before I think Byzantines do get siege engineers if they do that's something that noob nothing is missed out on I like how grey is just just passing the information along it's great it's great too high as King is still in the transport on the coast yeah I mean grey Grey's king location that's not great Grey's king of location doesn't matter that much and grey isn't really doing much right now he's not even creating villagers I think he's just kind of watching all right so I'm gonna slow the game down where I can maybe set it to 50 speed and it'll speed up periodically because it does for live games but I'm just kind of sick of that lag there Oh noob nothing man if he had helps he could do this yeah he's building barracks let's go let's go baby let's go he could do it he could do it it would be and I'm the unlikeliest of victories but if he makes Hobbes with the resources he has he could do it I foresee yellow somehow like cutting through here well yellow can't actually teal needs to get more Auditors yo teal where are you with your auditors I think Toby neo has been way too greedy he's had resources again he's been really quiet this game is a pee waffle we'll have to make a trap but what is to be Nia really been doing this game besides sitting back he'd been this is the second game that I've seen to be no play and he plays to pass if I think orange can't cut unless with trebuchet okay so one is Green will win two is Green will not win three is he will attack around his own monastery that's not fair to noob nothing man oh good let the strategies from noob nothing he's cutting another path so he can range any siege that comes in that's so pro and now he's walking behind that that move is just gigantic middle finger to all the people who voted for number three that is really smart and he has one barrack please make more noob nothing please make more thank you mister 527 the only one that's on fire here is noob nothing TL says I cannot pass well you shall not pass yeah purple gets your get your butt out of the way man I have to say the coordination between orange and teal and purple has been so bad it's almost like there isn't a deadline here you know it's like their construction workers like oh if we don't get it done this week we could just stand around then we'll do it next week but no this this is a construction work okay you can't just stand around on the side of the road and not do anything what you have to do is you have to kill that monastery otherwise you're all dead it's a lot more extreme than that sorry if I just if I just made fun of a construction worker purple move ok teals cutting arounds alright so look at this look at this orange is sending a Treves like oh yeah this is fine but no it's not fine he would have to fight this and that just waste more time stream t90 can we just think back to the fact that noob nothing didn't really care about the normal like diplomacy he realized there was a relic he set out to do this from the very beginning and that means that he chose his starting position for this purpose now he's losing his bombard cannons now he's losing his auditors whatever but you know the point is that orange still has to chop this and he should be able to send in more ballmart cannons the construction workers stand around only because one or two can do that specific job murk dog is just a joke man all right it's like when people say my farms are bad my farms really aren't bad it's just a joke right just messing around so he's making barracks and he's getting Halberdier he's behind on upgrades all right see now now chats just getting offensive two hundred ten years now would be 110 if Hans weren't in the game now the snipe from Athey waffle was sick it was so good but even he has been a bit to pass it possibly fifteen thousand golds and he hasn't killed anyone else what's grey up to Gray's it's 73 pops so he's adding some stuff okay let's see what noob nothing can do with his micro the second the paladin's get in here it's trouble oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no it was such a good thought no oh God get get the house out buddy make them hold the bomber kids are holding open the gate as well oh no don't open that oh he's getting closer this is good this is good move yeah yeah yeah it's okay I said I would I would pause it right so it's like normal oh let's go kill this trap quick before it opens up the trees oh no we got it oh no it's still blocked I think wait I can't tell it's still blocked wait did he just open no he opened it he opened his here quick okay you know what I guess it's not too bad no that's bad that's so bad no no man no oh the plan was so good but now the paladin's are coming in quick wall it's just it's a trap yeah it was just a trap it was all part of his master plan Oh God okay now he's preparing the house just in case he does have this TREB I think this is doable Purple's on the way by the way purple is not that far away either I think if he loses it it's well below a hundred years which means it'll be really close guys how many times do we see players not play the objective in games you know and a noob nothing I know that he's definitely I wouldn't call him a news but I don't think that's fair but he's not the strongest one in this game you know he has played the objective here from the beginning and all clutch clutch trip snipe boom let's go he's just just chewing up the clock it's like time wasting it's like if you're a football fan it's like dribbling the ball into the corner and just just dribbling it around it's like okay I'm not gonna compare it to any other sports but but oh my god and I like how gray the whole time was like hey guys just so you know he's going for Pike's he's passing the info along and honestly that's smart because Green is not allied with orange so orange wouldn't know that football dribbling yeah like you dribble or you uh do you guys shoot it's I'm so disconnected from sports nowadays hey dribble in soccer still soccer football whatever you still dribble it right I know the basketball term that's it's still oh it's open no quick wallet where are your bills man keep dribbling soccer Oh where's the Ville I think the bills are blocked oh no no it is Hobbs are over here okay that is a ridiculous choke point for the Paladins run into though dude he's wrecking the Paladins it's a deathtrap it's a sandwich kind of he has Hobbes going around the other way oh my god the paladin's are dead and whatever's left will be mopped up by the halvah tears let's go even I doubted them okay now unfortunately he's completely out of wood and unfortunately now now purple is coming here and purple does have Turk bombard cannons and trebs oh boy I'm so tense man green killed the Audigier green dude dude Green's kit dude yeah kill it kill it oh there we go there he goes it's fine oh please creaking quick ball yes woo t90 finds yet t90 fine well played my friend well played Oh eels going around this way now being sneaky ah if green wins this game YouTube one hunt well now I'm not sure actually this game is gonna be sick regardless I just I was this game gonna even be like if green loses because we spent so much time talking about this I think purple can kill him though I mean Green has been lucky already he'll need to be lucky again and gray is getting honniger grey is here to help who's he trading with he's trading with blue the guy that he killed while not really but micro green let's go shoot it don't did he did he he did smack her health and missed it three separate times oh my god I love noob nothing so much he is my favorite this is so funny come on buddy he's housed badly unfortunately like there's no reason to attack round there he tried to do a pro thing and go for attack rounds but it doesn't make any sense just click it you know yeah get that get the helps in kill the Trib you know house would work really well here if somehow he opens this and gets in next to purple purple doesn't have a ton of siege reinforcements so this is kind of it for him now that's more than enough to kill the monastery we are below 100 years if you were in my chat and you're a sub and you are not typing t90 go right now I don't know what you're doing with your life because come on noob nothing you can do it man you can do it I remember another game with noob nothing months ago where he didn't fight a lot and I kind of criticized him for it and I believe it was but he said he didn't fight because he didn't feel like he had the skill to like to fight the players you know so he just saved his resources he's playing in a game with a strong objective and he's gone for it and it hasn't been the most convincing but man is he gonna get close every player that's left in this game is thinking about helping trebs for a pee waffle I don't think he can do it I don't think you can do it but man if he does it I'll be so happy [Music] the pom bar canons are flattening these paladin's a mindset you need to have if you were orange or purple is that don't worry about your units just worried about the monastery in the event that you're close enough to that monastery where you can deploy the trips go for it now at the moment they're not so I think orange is it maybe forgotten he sent them here his trips are gonna die so that's another batch of seed units but that then that's gone down but but it's a Turk player he randomized Turks he didn't want Turks it would have been the last sip that he would have wanted sorry about the speeds again I'm trying to make sure this doesn't lag much come on green he's getting his second armor upgrade now he's trying his best to keep these Rams out and these bombard cannons out 62 years teal is here the quikwall from green so orange can't go that way the trebs are coming back in 59 years now now the trebuchet there's a lot going on now if agreed but the trebuchet is really need to be going after ballmart cannons not Rams that could be his downfall hmm man he's making cataphracts baby elite cataphracts at that I'll look at the micro from those halberdiers oh my god he's dodging every shot he might do it it's gonna be so close arms aren't will not get it here like it's not gonna be orange it's not gonna be - it's gonna be purple if anyone does it it will be purple dude if green goes for an attack round instead of clicking the bottom our cannons one more time I'm gonna lose it dude just click just click them hey it's better here it's not ballmart Keenan dodgeball just click them the atheism Tech is only available for the hunt players so no the eighth season cannot be researched again and it's already been researched once Green would have won this a long time ago is he creating more he's making cataphracts is he making more ball mark in it's kind of the seed rims the seat rims are gonna die here which means a purple that have to focus his bomber cannons on the walls which takes more time then he needs to say bomber cannons to get in for the brother monastery how on earth is noob nothing still alive in this game oh my god remember his kings in here - if he unguessed he's gonna on garrison his king with his with his cataphracts I could just I can just sense he's gonna accidentally on garrison his King when he wants to send cataphracts out oh please don't do that Green please don't do that win the game man I'm so rootin for you here I'm so biased he's nervous guys you just know he's nervous he's never won a community game before he's not a very high confidence player if he's named himself newb nothing night kotor says go now it's open where is it open here it's open is it no it's not because noob nothing has the quick walls t90 quick he's gonna do it he's gonna do it he might not even need the cataphracts the spectators in the game room aroun for the guy AP waffles making crossbows everyone has to commit now everyone just has to send in everything they have the crossbows won't do enough Oh purple oh my god Purple's killing this wall if he kills one more layer of wall maybe he's done it three years or may no oh my god no no the castles have been a garrisoned oh thank god that the King wedged in here oh my god if that barracks wasn't there man that King would have been around around here and he could have lost it which would have been probably probably one of the biggest throws of all time the game started he chose this position the whole game he was focused on getting to that relic players knew he was gonna do it for the longest time and he just did it he'd be Atheism he quick walled a bunch of times there he had a nice little separate cut where he could snipe any incoming siege that was cool that bought him a lot of time I thought that the walls whether it was a real intelligent thing because how many times that aren't try and get through and nuke nothing wall behind man where ah you couldn't help but root for the guy I know that that in terms of skill orange was probably better and he had a wonderful snipe I really I kind of feel bad that oranges snipe was forgotten by all that madness i I think that blue could add potential and of course he dropped which definitely helped newb nothing he think about it he would have had on etre with these resources and he would have probably helped but man knew nothing says I want a legit game yeah man you did it was so good noob nothing's in the chat now noob nothing can you tell me how fast your heart was beating how many times did your heart beat in the last 10 years there I'm curious man I just knew he was gonna unguaranteed King and so when he ejected the cataphracts I jumped out of my chair I knew he was gonna eject his cataracts with the king he's a lucky boy he is a lucky boy I'm not sure if he would have died cuz I think he did that around 3 years but he would have probably been around here and that would have been in range of Purple's bomb Lord cannons geez alright to the achievements I'm looking out for noob nothing's comment I don't see anything here can we get the legend spam going on the chat for him please guys 406 kills for night coder round of applause for night coder because night coder had Turks and that's not the see if he would have wanted I think a nice if but Turks he would have wanted there he got the worst possible sit for a map he played well he had many kills in this game 406 kills and he's big reason why noob nothing almost didn't win I mean again shout out to crouch Crouch had potential he got sniped yellow had potential he got sniped and then 8b waffle that snipe was legendary man great attempt I Toby Nia was possibly I think Toby Nia was counting on the fact that green would die that's what he was thinking he wanted green to die badly and he possibly didn't commit enough to the auditors or at least was not quick enough it's hard for me to say but I think that Toby know was hoping that noob nothing would die and then I believe he would have immediately gone and attacked the others and that was kind of his game plan you've nothing was too strong though noob nothing this is the funny thing sent gold to the guy who was gonna get auditors to cut to him a blue ended up dropping and I feel bad for you blue but uh like it's such a wholesome thing how Green played this he wouldn't have won anyway if his King was killed in the last year because he still had the relic no I mean I think everyone would have died at that point if the King would have died in the last few years Green wouldn't of one but then I believe no I want to repeat I want to start over with this I believe that once the player dies when they have control the relics the relic countdown stops it's not like I don't think it's like king of the hill I want to mention that I want on both teams if there was a light victory says gray yea gray you were hilarious man I liked how you tried to give them details overall just a really unique game and I don't necessarily desire great games of course I desire great games but I desire unique games because when I'm casting this every day and we do community games every Friday I want different personalities and different results so noob nothing congratulations man and oh my god see the problem is we're just halfway through a stream so I'm not sure how we beat that next yeah the relic gets in garrison for sure that was very unique indeed well if you're watching this on YouTube and you'd like to stop by the twitch stream in the future and watch community games we do that on Fridays and of course I'm streaming all the time on other days as well with expert games community game Oh are you sick community games classic games I promise I won't be as blind twenty show up to the stream if you do come into the stream from YouTube but thank you for watching all the links are in the video description okay so obviously I have to wait a few seconds to let people say hello to YouTube is this a legend video you think well we'll see we'll see I try not to be too affected by the moment because sometimes I can be affected by the moment sometimes I'll cast a game and think wow that's the best I've ever seen and then a week later I look at it and say it was really good not sure if it's the best so we'll see I have a panel of 1027 people who work for me and they review all games to determine if it's legend video or not so they'll have to watch the game a few times
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 400,940
Rating: 4.9135461 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: 0fj_PtM-LDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 39sec (5259 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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