The Legend of "The Liar"

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Love this, would be interesting to see a pro defend against this strategy knowing the tactic, feudal spear boom and try to raid with cav?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Going to go jump 300 ELO brb

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
youtube how you doing uh welcome to the legend of the liar yes a very unique title and i'll get to that uh in the blue we have msg in my mouth a 1300 elo player and i didn't like the idea of saying the legend of msg in my mouth because that's a little bit weird so uh instead we're just gonna call him the liar a very interesting strategy to pick apart here and his opponent aoe2 hostage one of my uh long time twitch subs and supporters of the channel he told me the other day uh hey t90 you've got to check out this player something happened so you'll notice uh 1v1 hideout game it's malay for blue 82 hostage is chinese both very strong civilizations normally i talk about that but instead we're going to do something entirely different here and we're going to talk about the in-game chat and i'm going to show you more than one game okay i'm going to get to that in just a moment so blue started the game and he said hey man red has not responded to him um i'm sure the aoe 2 hostage is just very focused on his start because chinese starts to be awkward now this msg in my mouth player he has picked malay for every single 1v1 game that i've seen on his profile and thankfully now as of this week props to microsoft you can download age of empires to recorded games of and and player profiles actually are good for something so i was able to download further recorded games to show you uh more to see if this is gonna happen look man i wanted to pick magyars he tried to say now youtube he is clearly malay and he picks malay for every 1v1 game the results have come back and we've determined that that is a lie so blue starts off this game doing his thing obviously knows malay and he's like oh i meant to pick magyars all because maggots is right below malay in the alphabetical list and uh red says malay are good and blue says yeah i don't know how to malay and and red is like red's being super nice to him he's like oh i feel bad for the guy fast castle with molly is weird you know he's he's you know talking through strats and here they're gonna have a not so friendly engagement and fight red actually wins that fight which is a pretty big deal blue now no longer has a scout but like blue's lying about this he knows malay very very well okay why is this going to lead do you think that he does this so the opposition relaxes a bit so they feel like the opponent's not going to have an advantage so they they feel like the opponent is uh maybe the opponent will not go for the best strategy maybe be too greedy i i don't know i've really struggled to get my thoughts there the reason i'm speeding up is because i'm gonna show you many many games and what's fun is i have not seen any games beyond this one so this is either going to be a waste of an evening recording or is actually going to be an amazing legend video if this player does this for every starts off the game picks malay obviously on purpose and uh then says that he meant to pick magyars i don't know how to malay he says now aoe2 hostage is spot on a fast castling with malay is indeed quite weird it's not easy um because they advance so fast to feudal oftentimes you make it to fetal and you don't have the resources then go to castle but if you push in all your deer and you go heavy on farms which blue has done and it's obvious blue only plays malay so he has a build order down pat for this you can pull it off with a decent time now i'm gonna just slow down for a moment just to show you something so you notice how blue is idling this town center pay attention to how many bills he's at okay he's not creating bills i think here he's just saving up for castle age yeah saving rez saving rez saving rez after the stable there he goes he's on his way to cass lake with a 1507 time really i mean it's possible with other sieves but this is just power of the malay right here and he's got a stable and he's going to make another staple does he build it up against the palisade walls like a lot of people do do their buildings act as a wall no does he get double bit acts and horse color eco upgrades that will last him throughout a very long game which hideout often is no is he creating more villagers right now no he's idling his tc to go all in and red actually calls him out he says lmao i don't do malay it's 15 minute castle time and blue says lol i really think is the bonus as if to say ah you have nothing to worry about my friend it's just the bonus okay so red's gonna make knights now i should point out that malay elephants are really cheap unlike any other civilization that gets elephants however they don't get the second armor upgrade and they don't get the third armor upgrade so they're cheap but the longer the game goes the weaker they are they're still really tanky units and they're still good in many situations but blue is obviously not trying to get this game to last very long this is an all-in strategy similar to what you see at the high level from a player named huang idling the tc this guy right now has 12 elephants ready to go the red is uh gonna build a tc out here he's adding villagers as you should he's even adding knights right now so he's got armor and attack on the knights and we're gonna have scale barting armor for blue and here goes red see what he sees again i'm going to speed it up because there's a lot i want to show you oh man just passing oh he sees it now that's got to be thinking what what on earth is that now first thing i would do is uh research pikeman starting to make some spears get some monks out lou is on the clock and here he comes with 15 big boys and wow two houses with the quick walls good plays because he has so much more economy but there's so many elephants out here don't think one village or quick wallen can save them i'll slow it down now a bit again i i want to make sure you guys can see the other games with me that's why i want to speed through the bits and pieces of this one that aren't really that important a red who has more eco who's doing all the right things now has 16 elephants attacking his town center at the 1300 level i do not expect players to be able to deal with this blue is not looking at his economy at all it's all about production all about the micro actually added scouts now i thought about the scout edition and i think it's calculated because he's lost games when players make monks so he wanted to have a few scouts out this type of monks all right so what was it 16 elephants two scouts he destroys the tc he destroys the knights there's a few more for red aoe two hostage is the one who sent me this game he's like t90 just played this guy he said he doesn't know how to play malay and he he huanged me he he went all in no eco past castle age and and destroyed me with elephants i've never seen anything quite like this both the the lie and the chat but also the the all-in play i mean i've seen hwang do it in a different way but elephants with malay why haven't people been doing this before apologies in advance for uh all the times you will face against this and face up against this in your ranked games and aoe2 hostage calls the gg still having more villagers okay so what i think would be really beautiful is if we can go through some of these other recorded games i have together and see if he does it again all right let's go now on i don't have chat logs so i actually have no way of knowing if he's gonna say or do anything along those lines uh first one is co tx slavs vs malay let's go he opened up the last game and said hey man i'm gonna speed up through this youtube this is gonna be more unique like i stated like to do one more after this maybe msg in my mouth hideout again past castle map the good for this he wants to do it maybe it was just one trick thing uh and then we have slabs for red uh i like slabs a bit more than malay kind of depends but i'd say slabs are pretty oh he says hey man just like last game okay red says hey good luck have fun oh come on please do it i swear everything about this strategy just and his profile picked malay all the time makes me think he does this all the time he did he says man i wanted magyar's this is the joy that i feel when i investigate this when not recording guys i just decided to try it tonight i heard about it i mentioned it to stream like there's a guy who supposedly does this all the time that's what 82 hostage told me he says man i wanted magyar's no fish for me yeah malay are quite good if they can fish but you can on this map and red responds with a frowny face um i guess red might feel bad for the guy like he might play worse or he might chill and relax because of that comment right there i think that's why blue does it or maybe because it just makes him makes him laugh if he can pull it off or red just lost the villager to a boar that's a bit sloppy all right good thing we're not uploading this to youtube all right but blue even weakening the boar with his tc but he it's kind of there's a lot of sloppiness within his eco i think this is probably a great time to point out that i did investigate his profile and his wins and losses and um i do not see any evidence to back up the eventual claims that this player might intentionally lose games so he can pick on weaker players i i do not believe that to be true based on his profile i i saw this a few times on like the legend of wall people were saying that as well and i also investigated there because i don't want to give i don't want to give a platform or i don't want to give recognition to a person to a player who intentionally throws games to pick on people you know what i mean so i really know evidence of that and if you look at his eco it's uh while the uptime's impressive with malay there's it's kind of just the one trick pony thing as eco is not that pretty i will say his build order to to get to castle was really good last time he uh um pushed in his ibex he scouted the opponent he has okay okay okay 12 30 feudal time last time he went for a barracks and then a stable blacksmith idol just cc till castle and didn't create any more villagers in castle age staying on 29 the entire time i i want to know if you know he's going for this again which seems like this i want to know how specific this build is for him yeah all right he's lacking the food yet uh it still needs the food idling the pc is clicked up so there he goes second stable i wonder if this guy sets hideout as his uh favorite map because he obviously needs to fast castle i feel like you can't do that on other maps at the 1300 level and also if it's arena you can't go for the elephants against stone walls amazing castle time for blue and he says fast age up i love it red says yes he's it's it's it's the same thing he's still at 29 villagers he's still making elephants now what was it i think it was 16 elephants last time right 16. red scouts out here see if he moves out with 16 or if it's not that specific maybe it's the 12th that's right up to red uh in castle now himself has a stable i assume at the 1300 level he'll build a tc here or here okay there's the tc he's gonna boom with slaps lots of food already speeding along here it is 13 elephants now 14 elephants scale barding armor he didn't get attacked last time still at 29 villagers wow he did also get double bitx i don't think he got that last time but i could be wrong just slight differences how many elephants did they have sixth sixteen elephants okay seventeen and also he's getting a light calf interesting and here he goes okay let's look at red's reaction how does red react is red scout that did he perhaps see the elephants he's in here with the scout he sees the stable and now he sees another stable and now he sees the elephants knocking on the door okay so he reacts by making barracks and clicking the pikemen upgrade which is good just like the previous game red has 42 villes uh 29 for blue so eco 44 villas now eco lead is definitely there for red can he turn the the economy into military to defend from this attack blue with his 16 elephants was right underneath the tc and they have 12 base attack and he's going to melt the town center and red didn't even garrison blueson forward two scouts last time he went like kev this time i think he does that because players go monks to counter the elephants full focus on aggro this is like goth spam in imp except it's a castle age strat and i i just i don't think red knows how to deal with this he was told that 3tc boom is what you're doing hideout he doesn't know how to do it deal with this guys this might be a strategy that high-level players could use it seems so effective but more than anything it's just hilarious to me because he lies to people he says he doesn't know how to play the sieve and then he plays the sieve and he just won i have one more game now i maybe this video ends and he does not go for the strategy um let's see what we have here i think i have two more but i'm not going to show you all of them because that'd be a rather rather long youtube video um acropolis heidel i'm going to do the hideout one lithuanians the monasteries work 20 faster they very fast trash by all means they have the tools to counter what blue will try and do i believe let's see please do it again liar please do it again he's playing against biscuits ain't for jam lay lithuanians hideout third game in a row at least for a cast amen i like how i like how nice people are oh he says oh man i wanted to pick magyard can we talk about the fact he continues to misspell magyars just bring that small detail up red laughs after saying hey bud says hahaha oh no i like how these guys are talking to each other but blue is like blue is preying on people's kindness here he's trying to push in his deer not doing the best job at it he tried to go for the pro move and just gives up i guess will you say i i cannot malay again red says fish boom oh red that's hilarious okay and now blue says oh right i have good fish traps in all caps all right buddy having seen three games that one now you gotta work on your lying ability for the next time is that that seems a little too obvious maybe it didn't to red it's funny how that's two games now where fish have been mentioned because malay are so good there fred's like yeah you have good fish traps buddy and red's going for a fast castle himself um again i spoke about how lithuanians are so good here they have the trash they have the the amazing paladins they get plus one attack on their cav for relic they have their faster working monasteries to get monks out twenty percent faster is no joke um no water on this map huge quadruple chin brownie face for msg in my mouth aka the liar and biscuits ain't for jam says no biscuits biscuits excuse me ain't for jam is probably feeling like i've got this game i'll push your son on you bug i've got this he doesn't know how to play malay he probably picked lithuanians you know so he probably has the strat prepared for lithuanians he's probably very happy with the sieve and he's uh his build order looks almost perfect except for the fact that he researched bloom i don't think you need lumon hideout i guess if your villes are out here you go for it but whatever i'm not gonna be overly critical it still seems like he can go for a fast castle with this and there goes blue now remember he didn't have gear but he also advances so much faster to the next age 29 bills again well lumber camp on mining camp barracks probably stable and probably blacksmith he's gonna do it again and if i were to predict what happens here red's gonna be on like two or three town centers with just one military building and despite having the eco i think he's gonna get completely overrun uh if i had recorded games where he's lost maybe i would show that here if you guys want to follow up on this let me know uh spoilers of course blue he's going two stables again how's this it's like we're watching the same damn game over again and over again what does he do on open maps what does he do in arabia an island an arena with stone walls and what's the play for red right in the next stage red making knights forgot to make a house fed actually worse off than the previous players [Music] not seeing a second tc for him just yet all right blue still making those elephants are so cheap he's not creating villagers he didn't get eco upgrades so saving this resource is just for the alfonsos he sends the scout over here and knows that red is here and knows exactly what he wants to do right now this almost looks like a fast imp play from red i i'm rather confused by the fact he does not have a second pc it's almost like he wants to go heavy aggro with knights and surprise blue you know instead of booming but i've got news for you guys elephants are way better than knights and they're actually cheaper than knights for malay there's the monastery so biscuits definitely wants to get those relics i'm sure he sees quite a few of them making another stable yeah so i think he just wants to get relics we'll see if he can get enough monks out he just says no he says no with the taunt all right so he says no let's see if he can convert one there's a monk blue blue is the scout in there okay loses the scout he's sending this oh it's a light cavity you're kidding me okay well it will destroy the monk you also destroy the tc does have more villagers because he's been creating villagers but his bill lead is 10 and there's more than 10 villagers without a home now again see the monk going for a conversion and i think the monk gets conversion and it does but the monk goes down to the light cap oh my god no fish on this map what do i do oh yeah i have amazing fish traps you dirty rotten liar msg in my mouth wins again okay so i think this deserves a follow-up video based on what we see in chat i i think this deserves a follow-up video um i'm gonna download let's say a dozen recorded games that he's played tonight before this is live because if i don't do that enough people might see this where the next time they see this guy uh they'll know what he's gonna do you know so a small part of me feels a bit bad because i you know this poor guy might have to pick a new strategy but i've never seen anything like this you know the hey man you know the kind words at the start and then the strat it's just it's brilliant it's devious but it's brilliant uh it certainly works on high delt i also could in the follow up video maybe show what happens on other open maps because at the 1300 level players are going for man at arms they're going for crushes they're going for scouts these castle times were not bad at all i was just the red really needed to adapt better there what's crazy is i don't know if it's all that easy to adapt to it i mean he already had the monastery like what i would do if that happened is i would i would immediately add two monasteries and try and make monks but if they arrive with 16 that's dangerous i mean you could do a better job at scouting their base and maybe you have an extra minute to react but i i i'm going to try this okay i'm also going to try this if if this melee strategy works or or even doesn't work i'll probably upload this in the form of a video at some point for you but that is the legend of the liar now i'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments uh is this does this cross an ethical boundary or is it all fair you know because in other games you don't really have the ability to chat like this i feel like age of empires age of empires community everyone's really nice you have the good luck have funds you have the ggs you had players trying to give this guy tips on how to play with malay even though he knew it already does this cross an ethical boundary for you or is it not really that far like you know he's not being insulting he's not being aggressive it's just a comment or two and i and also how much joy do you think that he's feeling like i bet you it's so funny for him to get wins with this and just completely blindside people also he probably plays a lot of games because the games will not go on for very long either he wins within 25 minutes or he loses within 25 minutes well um youtube i asked you for a lot of feedback i'm going to ask you for one more thing if you have the time and if you like entertainment and free stuff um i do one 24 hour stream a year and i am doing a 24 hour stream on the 29th of august which means that's that's within like 24 hours of this upload i will be live for 24 hours we'll have some incredible stuff i'm actually gonna go to this scene here which is my goodbye scene uh for streaming and the reason i'm going to the scene is just so i can show you the schedule if you had interest i know that you guys probably live all over the world different time zones different schedules but the big thing about the 24 hour stream for me is i get to surprise you guys with something new every time uh there's going to be a tournament announced there's going to be some craziness and that's the full schedule there in gmt time if that helps you at all i will be giving away copies of age of empires 2 d e so if you're someone who does not have a copy of age of empires 2 to e you can try your luck with the giveaways i'll be giving away uh tens and 20s and 30s that's not a thing but anyways i'll be giving away dozens of copies of the game as well as different gaming merchandise and t90 merchandise and overall it's not about the length of time for me well it is but i want every single section of that stream to be fun it's always a challenge and it's always a good laugh all right so if you guys have never stopped by the stream before or if you just do it on rare occasion this weekend would be the time for you and guess what if you don't it doesn't matter i'll still upload all the best things to youtube i'll still keep working away with you guys and keeping you guys entertained in whatever way i can youtube i appreciate the support i know things have been slow on the youtube channel recently because uh well prepping for the 24 hour stream and also my my move was pretty stressful but i'm back in business now thanks for watching i'll see you where i see you you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 239,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Legend, Of, The Liar, Liar, T90Official, T90, AoE2, Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2, Magyars, Malay, The Legend of Blue Coffee, The Legend of Fatslob, Snippy, WTF, How, New, Weird
Id: EBcY0uGtLH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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