Age of Empires 2: DE - TheViper vs MrYo (ECI2 Grand Finals)

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welcome back to some professional age of empires 2 definitive edition the ellie charity invitational grand finals over the last entire month 16 of the best players have competed they've battled they've brawled they've debated over scheduling issues but we finally found in benefit of the humane league of the uk but we're raising money to make sure uh that we don't have to treat our animals like it's the dark ages these two will battle over the prize as well uh there is a prize pool on top of raising money for the charity if you're watching live use that eci command and if you're watching on youtube like subscribe check the description below and with that let me describe our two players who you probably if you follow 80 vampires not surprised have made it this far first on the right as vikings here starting out on arabia it is mr yo one of the top players but overshadowed a little i think by if you happen to click on this video without knowing who i am well the person you're looking for the norwegian player widely considered to be uh first number one though there is some debate around that i think there's maybe a certain canadian who might have something to say but it is the viper he's got aztecs for round one of this best of nine so i'm going to go ahead and and as you know i'm a starcraft player and you're probably here because of starcraft i'll do my best to explain the differences in the similarities age of empires 2 is probably the closest you're going to get to an rts like starcraft or starcraft you probably go to the starcraft one but there's a few super key differences i'm just gonna gloss over a little here you got four resources all of which villagers collect from they'll have different methods there's uh early on here we see both sides exploiting or using the opportunity to uh gather food from herd animals uh of which there are a limited amount eventually they're gonna have to develop agriculture but once again we are in the dark ages to start once we get to feudal castle and imperial uh farms and more widespread infrastructure will develop assuming either of these players allows the other to get there um but hunting and gathering is the order of the day and the drama around it depending on where the uh specifically the sheep or the boars or boars or deadly creatures wherever they spawn and then of course out of the 39 civilizations i believe it's 39 now um i need to figure out how to turn on all health bars can i get all health bars here jimmy jimmy there's got to be a button for that right we'll come back to that google it okay ask jeeves we gotta have a time period sensitive search engines jeeves probably knows so early on it takes a little while to ramp up but it wouldn't be surprising you see up here in the ui with the capture age casting window um you've got workers villagers the backbone of your civilization you have army supply each unit whether it's a trebuchet or a militia man is one army supply um and you see what their current actual supply is 21 over 25 for the viper and 22 over 25 for mr you don't want to get housed uh you got to build those houses so your people have places to leave um with little exception well the huns are the exception there i don't know if they'll see them and of course since uh aircraft have not yet quite been developed walls are are very important you don't want scouts getting in your base murdering your villagers it's not a good time and of course there is the option early on for a barracks player proxy barracks play it looks like feudal age for both sides there are some militia producing being garrisoned here by the viper he is aztecs which is a little bit more of an infantry civilization they're villagers just are pretty pretty small so they can carry more uh they get a little bit of extra benefit from relics out on the map because you get um just gold points whenever you get those relics but we'll talk about more of that if we get there but early aggression here from mr yo it's not going to be a drush a dark age rush but instead man at arms with feudal finishing metadamas has started and they'll change out those clubs for some fancy swords and it looks like the viper also adding on his own militia his feudals a little later wait a second moving up to the high ground the great dance begins they start throwing some angry words at each other jockeying for position whoever's on the high ground gets a damage bonus i believe 25 is the base amount so just being able to look down and bash him in the head might be able to counteract some of the advantages that either side has and that's why you see this dance around mr yo oh wait i'm i'm did i mix up the players again okay viper will be i i recently discovered the technology to just change the colors now i won't mess it up viper will be red throughout this series and mr yo will be uh blue despite their logos being different for their sieves which always confuses me but i'll get the hang of it viper always plays at yellow so am i doing him a disservice okay like if you don't give me yellow i'm not playing in this tournament all right we'll give vipers yellow and blue are easy enough to see maybe not on arabia but men at arms show up but walling off against them they'll just start beating on the houses it looks the viper did not pour uh men in arms and himself the other canceled it well it does look like he canceled it um i was messing up those players there i'll get the hang of it all right i'm an amateur we'll get there militia this is an interesting fight here it's looking like a rough one for the viper he almost picks off matted arms some archers gonna try to blink away at them but at this they do little damage and they have mediocre accuracy of course a dude with a shield and full well maybe not plate armor but metal armor against a few guys who just learned how to shoot bows um well one has more range but not by that much but so far no an another thing to look at let i'll draw your attention to the bottom right uh idle tc idle eco time idle eco is essentially how much time villagers aren't villaging okay there's no rest breaks there's no union mandated uh holidays uh the only time your villagers should be idle is when they're dead same with your town center um so far viper has zero seconds of idle town center time not building villagers or researching technology uh whereas both sides have about four minutes total of idle villager time though uh i just like starcraft used to have the timer is actually 1.7 times the speed of of you know like clocks so uh because we play on the fastest or faster speed or whatever it is here in aoe 2 so it hasn't 15 minutes haven't passed in real time it's more like uh i don't know um but just just for reference so this is counting in game time because obviously that makes more sense [Music] 33 villagers apiece i i would say as the sieve stack up the vikings we didn't really talk about the sieve bonuses here there are so many intricate bonuses i've talked about the aztecs a bit but the vikings get wheelbarrow and hand cart for free those are researches on the town center that usually are pretty costly and prevent you from building villagers at that time but the vikings they just like they may have acquired it in air quotes from other civilizations um so they do not need to research it which is a pretty nice economic boost and and makes it easier to smooth out the build up of your economy there's no slowdown in villager production and they just continually get uh wheelbarrow and handcart both increase the amount your villagers can carry for obvious reasons and the speed at which they move so you just gather those resources more quickly because it all comes down it's on the backs of your villagers okay the means of your production we've made into the feudal age both sides ball off the viper with uh he's got gold money on the way he started castle he's got two minutes on the clock mr yo not to be outdone finishing up his gold mining just mine faster uh on fletching and castle himself so both sides opting for archers vikings really like vikings have some of the best archers in the game each civilization um while they they have access to many of the same core units different civilizations get access to especially in the later game different units like those tier three units you've got archers you've got crossbows and then you've got arvelous vikings have all three aztecs on the other hand do they have they do have access to arbalest but not thumb ring which is an accuracy upgrade that makes it a lot easier to hit your shots viper knocking on the front door 37 villagers of peace as we continue to dance around this there's also the one thing to consider in the castle age because it looks like we're going to make it there nobody's researching or nobody's mining stone right now which is important for castles and and for town additional town centers but uh the unique units of each civilization you got berserks and uh aztecs have jaguar warriors which are a little bit of a count that villager just murder a scout about time about time another town center on the way as both sides almost i've done it essentially so far it's it's near mirror built as mr yo is adding on a town center he's getting crossbows he's getting plus two ranged attack and and i gotta stress this the arranged attack upgrades are not just for damage oh that's a university am i dumb don't answer that uh you know i should have finished university obviously but here we are um we'll talk about that in a sec but the ranged attack upgrades also add range so being able to both do more damage and potentially outrage your your the opposing archers is a huge deal the ballistics upgrade is on the way for mr yo which increases significantly the accuracy of ranged units like like archers and skirmishers uh whereas the viper on the other hand he does not have a universe he's researching archer arm he's got 14 crossbows of his own thumb ring and ballistics these are incredibly this the effective dps of the crossbows here for mr yo is going to be a lot higher unless a bunch of rocks hit him in the face um from this manga now manganell the disrupter both of your build order and for comparison that manga now gonna force micro out of mr yo the siege workshop just rallying across not too far at all just zoning out as as viper bullies his way into the base mr you're not really prepared to deal with this right now the gold mining has ceased entirely viper just all up in mysterio's grill a shot looking for more opportunities the the crossbows despite their accuracy not actually able to get any shots on target as this manganella zoning out of the entire economy crossbows move their way around the south he's just kind of rampaging throughout the base right now yes i will use that word mr yo like he thought we were having a nice gentlemanly archer battle no no viper comes in with the manga now looking for shots catches a couple unhappy crossbows and they also outrange the town center which usually has the ability to fire out arrows but the manganese are able to get that right villager is paying the price here some gold mining is back up and running for mr yo but there was a significant decline in it the villager count now starting to reflect this we got 54 against 45. a man a counter mango oh the dance begins oh viper with a snipe from downtown so what both these players are doing is targeting ground oh no targeting ground they're targeting where those units will be that's why it's so much like the disrupter from starcraft you don't target a unit specifically it's better to just target where you think those units will be and viper right now like it just kind of fell apart just like this town center wow that is uh this game was um a lot of archers died there but mr yo is suffering you can see the score in the bottom right which is a combination of resources tech and army um i'm not seeing any town centers here for mr yo he actually doesn't have like he can still return resources and mining camps number camps and all that but he does he doesn't have any town centers he has no civilization while the vikings are not known for being like huge proponents of major infrastructure like he has no town center this is very you can't you can't build any more villagers oh great manganese shot but another shot viper snipes the mango terrible terrible damage well uh well while yo getting a few shots he's losing the war oh viper with a dominant performance somehow having more economy and a better army simultaneously so game one of the eci two finals goes to goes to the viper probably not that unexpected but that was a decisive match like that was not particularly like he just died he just viper showed up one manga now it's all over yada yada but like it really looked like we were gearing up for a back and forth but it that that's the key point there like a better archers are still countered by a bunch of rocks to the face and now an interesting thing unlike the latter um this tournament is held each map will be different so they were both able to pick uh a certain set of maps and van some from a pretty wide map pool the next map will be a fun one gold rush essentially gold and other key resources are very scarce um near your base but in the center well why don't jimmy getting the game loaded up game one going to the viper but you have minimal quickly mining out resource a couple gold patches a couple stone patches mediocre wood lines but in the center gold may i present to you gold let me introduce first mr yo saracens the choice sarah sends with a lot of uh pretty unique bonuses um i want to make sure i get them right so people don't think i'm i gotta whip out the prima strategy guide and pretend i'm not reading it and don't say that'll edit that part out their markets cost a hundred less wood they get a better trade they get good trade value uh usually when you trade resources at the market which doesn't really have an equivalent in sc2 um you you essentially are paying a middleman fee at the market especially if you keep trading the same resources over and over um but the saracens know how to get the best deals uh they're camo units which we haven't seen any yet because the the last two sieves did not have access their camel units which are great counters to cavalry um get plus 10 hp and they have my personal my personal favorite unique unit the mamluk all right the mam luke uh is on a camel and he throws swords at people they do a lot of damage they just eviscerate both cavalry and slow moving infantry they are very expensive but yes the reason why saracens you know i'm bringing twitch chat to the people because twitch chat i'm sure will be the bastion of knowledge not even not even sarcasm here age of empires twitch chat is i will give it credit and condemnation very willing to give useful information that is surprisingly correct though maybe not um with all the social graces of a well-adjusted human being still uh but with the the with the saracen market and just a ton of gold you can just pay for it like instead of gathering resources yourself just buy them from the market all right amazon prime like and subscribe the amazon prime of the 12th century the saracens you need something just go to the market pick up some food pick up some wood whatever we got gold well we'll see if he has gold because the viper the viper is ethiopians okay ethiopians also a little unique archer civilization their archers fire faster cool cool they get extra gold they get essentially a free rebate when they get to the next stage they get 100 gold and 100 food each age up they get free pikemen which is just you know like that's cool they get a lot of weird discounts all right they've been there they're the couponers extreme couponing uh of age of empires 2. they get royal heirs um wait no no they get shot warriors which are those the ones that run super fast yeah high attack and fast training speed essentially thurglings they get out of their castles which i'm not sure how much that's gonna factor in against the saracens but i mean cool and they have torsion engineers which increases the black the aoe of their aoe to splash damage units like manganese their upgrade auditors trebuchets i'd assume so cool means and then another thing to point out uh i just want to bring this up as the militia come across real quick uh and just show this so people get an idea of what i'm talking about um yes a world of that's jimmy each civilization of the militia are getting attacked by wolves we'll get to that each civilization has access to some possibly all of the upgrades but many civilizations do not have all of the potential blacksmith upgrades so that also factors in to what what units will be focused on as time goes on as having that last range upgrade or last armor upgrade can really decide fights and have you shy away from going for certain units alright so is this just a straight up drush from mr yo yes a dark age rush he's got militia no feudal age on the way he's getting up in vipers bro viper has obviously figured this one out as uh he's walled off his entire base already or at least all the key parts so you got a couple choices when faced with militiamen at your door uh one is to simply wall off your resources a lot of players will choose that depending on how it's set up and how early you scout it or you can just start walling off your base and viper correctly realized he had enough time to wall up his whole bases his mysterio's across the entire map here um so he's chosen that up but now what is the up and down sides of this this means both players just now getting feudality we got 26 27 villagers that means it's very likely we'll see both players kind of sit back with their walls already set until they get towards castle i think it's unlikely there will be a significant uh aggression follow-up from either player until castle age oh just hey there's a pond over here how convenient just getting a little fishing done until he defends the entire base against marauding militias who have somehow set the palisades on fire indefinitely some houses behind for those uh militia to chew on if they really want to come through but that idle villager kind you gotta you gotta minimize it all right so it looks like mr yo has forced the game into a more uh defensive state which i would say the saracens especially like you want to get to the castle you want to get the market running you want to get that gold you're an investor okay you don't want a feudal age uh any futile age aggression at your door you want to be able to develop your infrastructure develop your economy make those trade deals so we'll see meanwhile though a blacksmith and an archery range the viper i mean that were nobody surprised to see the ethiopian archers but at the same time i don't think it's going to be significant aggression it's very like what we got over here probably a market i mean it's essentially free minus 100 wood that is effectively okay stable is done mr yo is just making deals already you see it right there boom boom boom boom boom castle age started but the viper 20 seconds ahead of them managing it a little better well maybe not a little better but just being in a better position to do so so between the marketing of mr yo and the economy management of the viper well here we are oh my god [Music] did that work [Music] i think i figured out how to do i'm getting health bars i didn't figure it out i lied more marketing is that bloodlines not surprised to see that saracens wait what are they described as are they described as a marketing civilization i don't think so camel and naval really they just should be businessmen all right business k you know what i always like to ride my business camel into the market i don't know about you guys but wow that's quite a late loom from the viper it looks like both players have made it to castle age and if you speak chinese well there you go [Music] um i assume that i think we got this replay from mr yo i want to say um sir do you know where you are right now oh he knows wait maybe not actually maybe not uh one villager getting significantly lost it seems maybe maybe he's gonna go build a siege workshop or something we said no breaks mm-hmm so many exciting things happening there is no health bar hotkey okay that's fun is that a monk what are you doing here wait what i'm sorry we missed that that ambitious villager a monk convinced him or maybe some arrows to the face convinced him that maybe building a siege workshop in this zip code is probably not the way to go or maybe the oh villager actually just walked away okay and will now build a house for himself he doesn't like other people so it will be out here this crossbowman also doesn't like the other cro he's not like the other crossbows okay he's the only one who was hurt in that last battle but the knights the saracen knights on the way the crossbows do have badkin and they're two this guy i need this relic for jesus or you know like the sun god or something oh my god the crossbowman trying to murder the hermit villager but the hermit villager protected by his valiant knights but now the duel will begin whether or not the viper can convince those knights they're on the wrong side or the knights are able to run down the monks and the crossbows uh melee units especially cavalry notorious for struggling to close into melee with too many too many units so probably going to question whether or not he actually wants to engage but the benefit of horses he drop up there you go you guys you guys you're on the wrong team you've been on the wrong team the whole time he's been convinced the viper just uh he's a bit of a bit he's a bit of a salesman himself all right different marketing tactics yo just pays for units okay whereas the viper uses his words you might be like well monks cost a hundred gold that's not free and to that i say shut up shut up or the sun god will burn you anyways moving on speaking of warlow splits the monks i will we might spend a little time talking about uh how monks works he convinces one night all the monks run down wolves getting involved that okay this monk protected but not very well i don't know how that knight got in here though the wolves are are also here um that monk i don't know how that monk got murdered so a little bit of a key point you might see how those conversions the way like monks got to warm up their voice because it's you don't want to be like just coming in cold like no no you don't want none of that so the way monks work is once they've warmed up their holy voice they can switch target um so three monks converting one night that just sounds like a video that i can't show you but if a couple of those monks decide they want to want to pursue another night well then they've already started the conversion process they've already started convincing them um they just gotta make eye contact with another knife so that's why you'll see the monks all start spitting holy bars at one of those nights and then change targets to try to maximize the efficiency um of their of their um sun god rock band or whatever they're doing of course most of the knights really hate their music so that is why well that that is why they hunt down the monks and try to kill them yeah and and i'm interpreting most of this from an amazing video with way better clarity uh from t west and i'm sure spirit of the law has plenty of those monks are weird and not just because of their religious incantations but because of a bunch of weird mechanics as well so here we are and monks are going to be a very relevant oh my god those crossbows are ethiopian crossbows just machine gunning something that will be invented years from now probably by the chinese villagers having a tough time town center only 63 done archers gutting down the knights they got some high ground here plus two no armor upgrades it looks like the knights may be enough but gonna lose a lot of their number in this engagement am i right they are they're yeah the nights are enough but a lot of nights go down meanwhile wait a second that is that's a saracen crossbow wait those are ethiopian knights what's happening here everyone's turned their coat but they're still murdering each other those free pikes making their way out i don't see any more monks on the field all right wall coming up a gate rather but just a fancy wall with a potential weak point [Music] looks like another monk pops out the turnover rate don't worry like they're confident the sun god will oh he gets it viper wait no mr yo doesn't have a chance even i'm being converted i'm not even sure who's who the thing is though the saracens have secured the center line the viper with higher on score he's got three tc's in his base whereas mr yo has been fighting over wow okay whoa whoa whoa i haven't been paying attention i was too busy doing a poor analogy on how monks work the villager count is 84 to 46. i mean gold will make up for a little bit of that but mr yo has to lay on the pressure here or the economy is just really rough the gold will help you see a lot of marketing happening manganell targeted down a bit of a confusing engagement more monks coming out knights switching sides mid battle sometimes multiple times in fact we may see it here scorpion this monk is on cooldown but he just deletes it instead that is one way to go about it viper doing some marketing but mr yo is pushing forward he's got the night count there's only a handful of crossbows and pikes here viper is trying to hold on but but mr yo he's laying on the pressure he knows he doesn't have the economy so he has to make up for it by by just trying essentially to win the game the stone at the front there's almost enough for a castle but not mostly available mining [Music] we will see now i'm excited because usually when this happens to me i am not far from dying uh the castle on the front door your stone essentially cut off it's real unfortunate for viper that both of his stone piles like for comparison mysterios are behind his tc so a good exploitation of the map here by mr yo [Music] viper moving around he's got does he have any armor he has plus two armor on the pikes he's got plus two attack on the crossbows he's got great upgrades here [Music] the scorpions doing that pierce damage through everything they won't last long but they hit a lot of that infantry a battering ram starting to bash through at least one archery range viper still maintaining a significant score lead essentially off the back of his huge economy he's got 124 to 70 supply but that is almost entirely in villages now you can't it's very it's hard to gauge here because the saracens with this much gold he's got 31 essentially mr yo is just bankrolling his whole economy with his gold he is doing exactly i was partially exaggerating i thought but no mysterio was essentially just mining gold and using that to pay for everything meanwhile the viper just trying to hold on for now and and since he was able to get into the gold mining the castle was pushing viper but not protecting the gold one manganal shot though could change everything my vipers watching probably won't but killing uh even a handful of those crossbows might close the distance for the knights he needs to mine the gold right now he needs income okay you can't go into debt it doesn't work like that did the wolves stop this relic from ever getting returned for the viper that wow okay all right then viper moving in towards the main now this puts a timer on you the knights have that they're fighting bikes which is not an ideal trade obviously the pikes well they're designed to kill things like knights but numbers matter viper getting into the base mysterio has to figure out what he's doing now or never like what are we doing are we gonna go for the kill as viper stabilized or coming back to defend if he comes back to defend then essentially viper he's already got imperial on the way he's got imperial on the way he's got skirmishers which do extra damage to archers and pikemen uh it's just a good filler a trash unit that doesn't cost gold only food and wood which are two sides of the same coin once you get some agriculture running estrio is um it looks like things are going oh a manga now came back okay one manga now is a significant deterrent to units that move this slowly the map is starting to get a little more confusing now viper's still with a huge economic advantage but the center the gold has been technically yo could put his entire base in the center and and the viper could take the rest of the map and that wouldn't necessarily be a losing position because like 95 percent of all of the gold on the entire map is in the center there's a reason the map is called gold rush so the gold rush for yo has been largely successful but imperial age is complete are we gonna see a trebuchet immediately yes he wants to knock out this castle and open up an opportunity to knock yo off the gold but fort knox over here has yet to come together or exist as it is like the 12th century uh is that easy just building he's building houses out here i mean why not for vision as well it yo is still down 50 supply the manganell being chased the pikes will take it out and that castle is not yo this is it this is the deciding moment if you're gonna turn this around it is now because viper has taken the highest ground on the map he's got arboles and yo respects that gg [Music] well i was hoping there might be you might be able to pull something together but viper with a with a surgical castle which is kind of a weird thing to say um we'll just lock down the high ground and that is enough there was no imperial age on the way uh there just wasn't the army composition we never even got to see mamluks because what were they going to do in this game there was no nothing for them to really fight effectively viper out to a 2-0 lead is a best of nine so for our mathematicians out there that means we're still at least three games jimmy this is okay whatever two pretty decisive games on two relatively s i i hesitate to say standard because um gold rush isn't usually like that common but it is one of the more common non-arabian maps so all right going into game three but overall it's not looking great use that eci command if you're watching live or of course check that description um we are on mediterranean do we have anyone with a uh innate historical advantage i believe we do did i have it for the wrong player oh my god jimmy come there are only two players anyways yo with the byzantines around the mediterranean whereas viper with the huns so this is quite a match um why well yeah oh i jimmy bring up the strategy guide we're doing the strategy guide all right the byzantines every like the uh professional gamers in the chat are like byzantines are good because they're hp this is this is when i started playing their buildings have more hp which is not a very useful bonus until probably the late game but sure but they also have some in well they have one of the best and most expensive cavalry units the cataphract uh they get cheaper imperial edge they have cheaper trash units like skirmishers pikes and halberds as well as camel riders are cheaper as well so like they got they got a lot of things that could stack up well against the huns now the huns have uh one of the most unique they don't need houses they just don't have you just don't need to build any house if you you'll see in a moment uh they just start at 200 supply how convenient and cavalry archers are cheaper they got tarkans they're they're a bit more of a cavalry archer than a cavalry civ um but well that was dumb no they're they're also a cat they like horses um obviously whereas they have very little options uh for anything but horses so they got a wide array um but it's all about raiding and out maneuvering and all of that another another key point is not being able to defend with houses whereas the byzantines are all about locking things down and building the right army composition of course though this is the first map to significantly feature one of the things that exists wow i could have done better with that water all right you've heard of it you probably drank it and now you see it um there is a whole naval component to many civilizations that on a map like mediterranean believe it or not becomes incredibly relevant water you can build fishing ships which only cost wood and they don't cost tc time so this opens up a whole nother dimension of gathering food that that is usually more powerful than just villagers and farms especially in the mid game uh and of course both players are going to be fighting like i'd can they can they see each other not yet well they both know we'll see who has the bigger doc energy here um the well byzantines i believe they did have a fire ship bonus yes their fire ships attack faster um let's see usually i'm not used to checking the naval stuff but it's going to be very relevant here they have access to most of the ship upgrades whereas the huns on the other hand not they don't have any of the tier three upgrades aside from the galleon uh they're they're less of a hun's not known for their navy historically either whereas the byzantines were literally masters of the mediterranean so while a historically accurate advantage is not necessarily going to translate here i think on mediterranean the byzantines are probably slightly favored i'm interested to see when we start fighting the naval battle it looks like no drush no no barracks play from either side the scouts getting a lot of information it looks like they're very close together and that's because they are the thing is units take a long time even with horses to really trudge their way over there so right now they're just kind of eyeing each other and wondering who's going to make the first move and i think it's very likely we're going to see viper try to get some aggression scouts are an obvious choice uh try to make sure that mr yo is unable to secure naval superiority with those byzantine fire ships and all that the thing is though viper has four fishing ships as part of his account he's not building more despite having the resources which means he's likely saving his wood or something like a stable or a fire ship a stable and a fiery you know what why hadn't i considered this he's building a galley okay whereas the double dock plays from mr yo who's building two fire galleries fire galleys are actually the counter to galleys if i remember my art of war training but demolition ships the mainlings of the sea are the counter to fire galleries as they have some splash damage and they're designed to kill them so with viper going for a galley early he's adding on an archery range i imagine for skirmishers i think viper's just gonna lay on the aggression here continue building units and try to bust down mr yo before like the byzantines obviously want to build up they want to get everything secured and viper is going to challenge that security the gold is is out front relative to viper so that's not ideal of course the reverse is also true but only one of them is being aggressive the fire ships are actually chasing a fishing ship who leads them on a bit of a chase but scouts in the base the town center will provide some cover and mr yo is walling off his gold so the the scouts won't be able to get in there for now we'll see archers are being built not just skirmishers but archers so even more commitment to this feudal age aggression here oh galleys are coming out trying to snipe fishing ships that goes yeah that was horrible but these galleys were a complete waste of money they just burn immediately so that will slow down some things here but he still has to worry on the ground so mr yo has established naval superiority it is incredibly unlikely that viper will be able to do any sort of fishing demonstration so he now has that advantage which means all mysterio has to concentrate on at this stage is locking down the resources he can't get off the water the wood and the gold for now he's got a tower to help protect uh he built it within town center range to cover it the scouts are still going to be running around but with naval superiority food food is usually the sprawling farms uh the berries he's he's kind of reduced the points of contention to just around the back of his base now so overall mystery over them with a solid and relatively comfortable start quick walling his stone wants some more towers to keep himself safe he recognizes that with with viper going for archers and scouts this early on it's very unlikely he's going to be getting castle age anytime soon he's setting up some foundations potentially wall off a high ground now this is troublesome that is a well placed tower that actually has a very convenient high ground looking down directly on the gold of mr yo like that is uh that ain't good he's gonna have to find some more gold and and the other gold nearby all of it is exposed to the scouts right now so viper working with what he has the villager account still ahead for mystery oh that does include fishing show is that what where did this galley come from the dock is now dead another dock from viper not giving up on the water quite yet the archer is finding an angle onto oh wow those walls not looking so great anymore might want a tower back there uh yo doesn't have oh he builds a tower near his stone which will take his stone the scouts murdering villagers archers for both sides also getting involved some more villagers will die finally finishes the tower [Music] this is becoming quite a scrappy game the scout's trying to close the distance but one one scout getting taken out all right so the stone is secured and further potential towers are secured now a key point is that uh towers and castles have they cannot shoot directly down until you get the murder holes which is a university castle age upgrade which is not something anyone has in mind anytime soon so with towers you either have to do what viper has done here which is wall them off [Music] or try to prevent them from getting within melee range as even villagers can take down towers pretty easily from melee range so that is why you've seen viper with that surround of walls on his tower this is you ever woken up gets sent uh back to the dock and then suddenly you're on fire that villager feeling it but survives with medium injuries second degree burns otherwise fine viper is over here sniping fishing ships the fire ships will take out the galleys vipers deem this worth it um he's lost several galleys in the process but mr yo is only at four fishing he's not really able to meaningfully exploit this position uh the fletching upgrade the plus one archer attack and range upgrade also affects ships because they're technically shooting arrows off those ships so this villager looking for a double this is why ballistics is important viper's still laying on the feudal age aggression wheelbarrow on the way and and viper with he gets his castle he's kept the pressure on the water and he's kept it on the ground and he's able to get the castle age now what major benefits will that provide additional town centers additional tech nights crossbows does he have a castle opportunity siege workshop is also potentially he's got three archery ranges oh my god mr goes fishing ships from the ground the arch viper just keeps sniping fishing ships from every angle and and that is slowing down yo doesn't even have castle in the way yet what is that oh my god oh my god what a play a demolition ship garrison he baits him into it that was essentially a burrowed mainling he hid it in the dock pops it out and kills three archers with a with a demo ship what those are land units i what i don't understand how viper like yo's had naval superiority for most of the game but viper seems to somehow still be doing damage from the water the the it slips out of the dock and hits the uh what a pla there's no way he was expecting that um you just don't that just doesn't translate like ever since the lizards rose out of the oceans you don't expect things like that to happen but here we are is viper a lizard no he's a snake obviously you idiots god [Music] well the tower battles continue castle age is done for viper what a what a game so far a siege workshop looking to back this up yo just continually despite on paper having a lot of advantages viper just keeps throwing him off balance sweeping the leg giving a like twisting all sorts of things poking and prodding from all the angles that like like literally just an entire another it's not supposed there's not supposed to be that such a venn diagram of units that are hit by demo ships well yo finally finishes castle viper actually he has three tc's now wow the aggression does seem to have slowed down someone but a manganello is completing the next phase has a castle archers cavalry archers from viper without siege buildings are realistically difficult to take down if you're wondering why archers and even infantry with swords still struggle to take down a well-constructed or even mediocrely constructed building uh battering rams and other siege devices are definitely the way to go speaking of siege devices two mangoes pop out the crossbows as you can see he's actually doing like one damage a hit does he see the manganese no that's not them i bring it back jimmy [Music] mangano show up now jimmy you broke it you broke the lag the fire ships are still continuing to patrol what oh yes we went through a temporal vortex there but here we are the manganese actually trying to dodge the tower damage here and doing so quite successfully you can't really bring the villagers up there how does you reconcile this oh my god a couple more well wait wait oh well i didn't even see it viper didn't see it i didn't see it mr yo from the low ground but he lands the hit knocks out a bunch of crossbows and that actually stops this whole attack in its tracks there are still some cavalry archers looking for an opportunity mr yo has three town centers completed he he doesn't have a tiny economy himself he's he's patrolling the entire mediterranean sea right now with his fire ships because viper's been so incredibly annoying he doesn't even have that much fishing he's only got six fishing ships he's starting to build up walls in his quadrant of the map university done did we already get ballistics completed i'm not 100 um but based on the fact that cavalry archers are actually getting hit by skirmishers i'll go ahead and say yes the manganellas are starting to take out the docks here and like with with pretty solid haste that's five manganese but mr yo sharking around the mango battles the dance oh oh badly bruised one night though one night could change everything one night to remember ah does he get it it like even one night can take out a mangano that isn't being repaired by some scv villagers and down it goes a valiant a futile attempt that is he's got five manganese there are two now for mr yoke the seed battle will begin all right cavalry archer is also very vulnerable to manganese there's nothing here that can really close the shot mr eo wins the trade the one night pops out he's gotta pop into the tower to do oh well things are escalating that's a castle body block but every second this castle is building okay well here we go this castle needs to be dealt with you can't just let this happen mr yo shot kills a villager oh hits them from the left more manganese the dance they're actually kind of body blocked here you gotta be careful mysterio loses one decent shot on the other side oh the night the night finally a knight takes it out and suddenly this castle will start pushing the issue mysterio's still only a seven fishing ship he's gonna build a castle of his own but this the fact that this gold is right out in the front on a low ground with a high ground right next like this is such a terrible goal and it's been a continued focal point of the game and a continued point of pain for him here monks coming out this tower let me show you a tower says the viper the castle will take the tower out that took the tower out earlier on vengeance is vipers imperial age though does start for mr yo he has a castle to stop the bleeding here he's got stone walls coming together on all sides he will be able to lock most of this down stonewall's uh significantly less vulnerable than the palisades believe it or not stone is a better building material than wood who would have thought and remember those byzantines getting even extra hp on top of that the fire ships continue to patrol yo with still 20 so like he's got farms he's got a whole lot of a varied economy here whereas viper has been reduced to the ground but he's been thriving oh my god the range on those cavalry archers plus two imperial not too far behind ballistics is just now finishing okay so i was wrong ah there's a little indicator for it cool cool i didn't even see that before now the castles are quite a backstop but castles believe it or not do not move very quickly um some may say at all so well between the manganese and the mysterio has stabilized there's only so much gold on the mound there's a little bit of gold on the opposite side that this villager is scouting if you didn't see it before there's some semi i guess we call it neutral gold now this is supposed to be mr yo's but it's not looking so great for him the manganellas are beating down the walls mr yo finishes imperial he starts halberds with these walls falling the all the cavalry of the huns will be allowed into the base once it figures out how to do it all right the knights in first all right the cavalry archers they they don't want to risk going through the same spot the manganese okay i guess we're still just working on walls but a couple nights it looks like mr yo wants a piece of them as well conversion cued up still working on the walls where is that monk i'll get there next week i have no idea where the monk is oh there it is takes his sweet sweet time will viper deletes his unit i'd rather die than join you so he does a high ground trebuchet but already a trebuchet out of mr yo there's not much to defend it here the trebuchet actually oh my god it hits so hard that high ground advantage oh he keeps landing the shots you gotta repair that a second trebuchet oh okay that one missed you got it it's so like it does so much damage he's very lucky that shot missed okay viper actually he's targeting the trebuchets here while repairing his castle that one in the front that we can't quite see doesn't look like it's going to last very long that the villagers move to repair misses the mark it's the castle i mean like i guess there's no bad options the manganese coming up the castle of viper starting to take some real damage manganese from the right side oh trebuchet targeted another manga now cavalry archers struggling they're in castle range right now the sieges continue as villagers just pounding away trying to replace all those lost bricks oh wait the trebuchet the front taken out only one more trebuchet from mr yo bombard cannons though chemistry is completed an even more mobile option with similar range to the trebuchet but a lot harder to hit a great counter to trebuchets themselves bombard cannon producing where's that siege workshop is it right in front of my eyes where is that seizure oh yes it was right in front of my ass or trebuchet does he have the stony a 700 stone so you can repair this for a while longer there's going to be a ram trying to draw fire and potentially just ram things but the bombard cannon doing some damage cavalry archers trying to chase it down eating a lot of losses but he's almost beaten down the castle without the castle mr yo doesn't have anything stopping these cavalry archers from rampaging throughout the countryside more massive stones fall down and so does the castle this viper still fully intact where's that bbc did he lose it it did fall he lost a lot of cavalry archers but with the castle going down in the bombard cannons on the other side mr yo has walled off parts of the map but he's continually losing his infrastructure that was mr yo's only castle he's had control of the water but he hasn't really been able to exploit it still only 10 fishing ships hal birds come up or pikeman he doesn't have alberts you know the trebuchet is in range potentially of the town center bombard cannon starting to trade shots about wait did he hit the bombard cannon with the traps come on come on oh [Music] this is the trebuchet is just not taking no guff right now mr yo down almost 2 000 score and down three games it really looked like viper just i mean the demo ship killed archers viper using every tool at his disposal was mr yo like on paper the whole time he should have had a better position but viper doesn't the the huns don't know how to read okay and it doesn't care what your silly paper says another rough game for mr foreign for 10 months 10 make sure use that eci command as well [Music] i am i think i'm on team yo all right i'm completely unbiased and a neutral caster but mr yo better crush him this game for my sake as well [Music] as we move into game four on acropolis jimmy to the match acropolis another interesting map a little similar to gold rush well well like an opposite gold rush layout in the only honestly the only way topographically where you have two plateaus that they start on with minimal wood and then a low ground between the bases it creates like you kind of have the fortress dynamic but most of the valuable resources golden stone especially stone and and larger patches of wood are on the low ground so while your production and your basic economy can be on the high ground you gotta brawl it out uh so it definitely i've had some interesting games on it i think it's a pretty cool map and now we gotta break down the civilization first leading three games to zero in the ellie charity invitational grand finals hey it's not all charity unless the charity is at this point looking like the viper's bank account because first place prize gets i want to say at least a thousand dollars i think it's a thousand uh so while we're raising money as well over almost 6 000 pounds we're using pounds for that because it is uh in the uk but but the viper has franks the premier cavalry civilization uh they got 20 more hp on those horses and they're not afraid to show it as well as castles on discount like if you had a coupon if you had a promo code for any building all right uh like hashtag rockhard franks you know what i mean like that their stone is just better their castles are built different and by that i mean for 25 percent less stone so that is a key point even getting into the mid game on top of the fact they have those better nights now on the other side the bear bears for mr yo who i will bring up here um because i forget exactly the details i know they're a camel sieve but let's get the specificals their villagers move a little bit faster uh their stable units are a little bit cheaper um i don't think the ships will factor in here they got access to all upgrades across the board um but they don't have paladins uh they do have heavy camels no halberds but some champions like hand cannons are also on the table they're a bit of an all around all right uh you got a lot of options so maybe not a direct counter to to frank's or vice versa but like they do have options camels are uh they get a bonus against cavalry is the key point there um so viper can't rely too much on his cavalry at least he's probably shouldn't if if yo has a strong economy as those camels in high numbers will pretty easily chop up the knights even the paladins of course we're talking high numbers paladins pound for pound are almost unmatched by anything that doesn't have something pointy on the end of a very long stick i could name some of those things but i won't at this moment halberds that's what everybody's thinking halberds do okay idle eco time almost a full minute for both sides okay just a split second as they lure in their animals now this is something to point out i didn't i didn't really realize this was happening viper on the low ground what are you doing down here i mean he's got some wood is he gonna wall off his whole base on the low ground i mean [Music] it and it seems like it's going to be more of a pseudo wall there's no way he's going to go all the way around though i've been surprised at the extent of of walling off before he is frank's and he does have a faster feudal so what a pseudo wall plus very likely to be oh it's like what's like the same thing happening for yo i'm just dumb and i'm like well i would just build a lumber camp over here well obviously i would lose to either of these players even if they were using one hand and took 14 tequila shots before so both sides trying to grab up some wood and i think we'll see a stable there it is and i think we'll see a stable i'm not as confident yeah stable there for the berbers not really gonna lean on archers especially with such an open area it looks like it's time for some scouting all right as both sides well but the berbers can build the scouts faster but but at the end of the day the frank's building better so who's gonna come out on top of this we will see spears out the stable it is complete like there's just three scouts and three spears to two scouts and two spears and you can't forget that the franks their scout is 54 hp to 45 like it is just that is at least another hit from scouts just generally more hp no you dick you norwegian dick yeah does he see it i keep doing this i clicked on the wrong thing i changed the color i'm actually not sure how to change the vision it makes me very sad but i have to assume he doesn't see it otherwise he wouldn't be sitting here it's behind the wood line which does block vision this is disgusting like oh no this is so sad i am so sad for these villagers and for my potential of casting nine games in this series oh my god they try to escape but like what are you going to do oh so yellow is just down three villagers now which is um not good these scouts need to get involved somehow uh like 10 bit wait wait wait no okay i was reading the numbers wrong yeah four villager deficit uh the one bonus i guess is that viper these villagers that were building this weren't mining they weren't chopping wood they weren't doing any of those other villager things that are less murdery uh that is the one potential saving grace um so it isn't as massive of a deal as as it does seem to be it's not good but i guess like that's your consolation that's like your caster i mean like the villagers did not like that you know like and there you go all right counter kill gets one no not without blood paid uh they're chopping up a deer bringing something home besides the blood on their hands the blood of a deer they're covering it like they aren't murderers at least accessories to murder [Music] wheelbarrows on the way for yo he's going to lean into a more defensive posture i mean who's going to get castle first oh that's going to be viper as he's just about 100 foot off already 18 on food what a comfortable economy for our leading player it by no means over by the way there's still a lot of opportunities in the castle age but viper gonna be the first one viper you're gonna press the button does he have oh he didn't have a blacksmith three two one cast five there are scouts in his base okay there you go mr yo on the other hand doesn't have as comfortable an economy like he he's barely he's forced to wall off the sad wood in his base which is a pain to even figure out if you're wild off because there's just like gaps in trees it's a little too realistic for my taste could you get with the program classic group project it happens market is done yo selling some wood gets the food hits the castle about a minute behind not a devastating difference but [Music] uh it's not it's not a fun time for mr yell right now but it is still a completely playable position the question will be what he focuses on in castle he's mining a little bit of stone now i don't know if that's just so we can build t yeah it looks like it's just so we can build two tc's because they cost a hundred stone a piece and he did wait where did his stone end up going did he build a tower somewhere that is actually usually start with 200. am i missing something he may have sold it for gold that was uh i wasn't paying close attention to the uh marketing tab but yeah stone usually sells for a significant amount of gold as it's and even more honestly stone is the gold of this game if gold like the most valuable resource is stone because each stone patch is so limited you only got 350 for one of these piles of rocks whereas gold has 850 by default um there's and stone used for castles town centers most of your important military and economy is reliant upon having some of it uh or at least infrastructure so did you get a watchtower like am i reading this one he had to solve it he doesn't have a tower that i see um looks like viper tried to take a high ground fight he's got he's got castle age done husband injury which means you get those faster horses castle age is now complete as well for the bear bears and they have some camel riders out without a a numbers advantage this is a numbers advantage the camel riders will win the fight but not by that much what are the upgrades 1-1 for both sides no more upgrades on the way usually armor upgrades are the focus early but so the infantry well the weapon upgrades melee weapons carry over between infantry like pikes and swords and cavalry but each unit has its own specific armor upgrade all right the camels snipe at night try to get out a monastery is complete with a monk on the way to try to cut convince some of those knights they're on the wrong side and it looks like mr yo despite some early troubles has settled on a comfortable economy he's got two town centers here he's down only one villager after all of this battling on each side there is a spear there was a camel down to one there now on this side the camels could get involved and they will win that fight if viper doesn't pull back viper you may trade for one camel oh wait the meek row the chase oh my god the camels are just faster gets the knight gets out of there no losses in the monks through their holy incantations can eventually it takes a long while but like they do heal units it just takes a bit it's not a very like like it's not a super efficient process but like through the inspirational words of the monks they are eventually healed praise be or maybe just through like natural you know what don't don't bad talk the monks they're gonna do their monk mind tricks again wow a double tc uh over here i mean there's where else you're gonna put it well i would have interest he just decides to put it right next to the wood wood at kind of a premium more than most other maps there are large stands of trees each tree worth a hundred wood so really in the grand scheme of things like there aren't the huge wood lines you'll find on other maps and most the wood lines except in these back quadrants are contests okay it's not rare but it's a there's a little more thought put into it than some other maps all right i don't want to look too dumb i'm going to make a very medium statement like it's a little different it's kind of the same little bit okay stop talking we're done talking about that for now now we'll talk about these scouts yep maybe trying to maybe get a free monk in there scouts do extra damage to monks while resisting conversion because they're heathens uh the knights just well viper focused most of his defenses over to the south side of his base southwest and that means that there's no one protecting his farmers thank suddenly like mr yo is locked down he's got a decent spread on his tc's you can cover a lot scouts finding kills villagers starting to fall left right and center mostly center yo still down a couple bills probably shouldn't be taking this fight but he's finding damage there's 10 camel riders 11 camel riders 12 knights monks on both sides how much stone neither player is particularly close to a castle but they're working their way there and this is about as even as we've gotten to the castle age besides viper's tower that is only about 9 000 arrows away from hit killing that house and denying this woodline uh oh he just wow yo sold a lot of wood for gold here probably just to balance his economy a bit and now viper is buying food well he did lose some farmers in that last exchange and this is about the most even we've been in the castle age throughout this whole series took four games but here we are the conversions will begin immediately turns tail monks on both sides kind of just zoning you come in this zone they're gonna do things to you all right they're gonna the words they say very convincing yo a few villagers down 69 nice enough but viper 70 he's got four tc's uh up against still three from yo not a huge deficit especially at this stage but oh the castle was thrown down [Music] the scouts are gonna go for the night wow they moved quick [Music] the berbers with no they don't have a bonus they just they just seem like they move quick i say with great authority the knights moving out it looks like a bit of a bass train as villagers being slaughtered by camels but the wtc paying off here viper correctly predicting that's gonna be a vulnerable location monk murdered in the open field not sure what it was doing hanging out there the villagers being taken out a lot of camels will go down during this between the pikes and the tc fire looks like the monk does not get the conversion off and now there's a bunch of knights in the base so we're just killing villagers here neither side wants to engage heads up and really couldn't find an opportunity at the end of the day viper lost like 20 something villagers leaving him at 68 mr yo actually drives the knights away to an extent they're going to win that fight you do need to be at similar numbers to really see the benefit of camel rider somehow yo prevents much damage to his economy while gutting the expansion of viper despite viper having multiple tc's in that location the camel will shrug it off even with only plus one armor and and suddenly mystery goes up 13 villagers and neither side is heading towards imperial or has a castle in a devastating position now the issue is the numbers eighteen nights and a few pipes up against well seven camel riders wow mysterio starts imperial while the knights are running through his base uh he's held it off so far a castle over to the right side conversions begin that will drive alongside the potential high ground that that viper kind of well he's waiting for his knights to get an opportunity to attack but splits the monks off but what's the long-term goal here oh monk murdered are the camels just gonna run to the other side yo gambling a bit that he can defend him oh well viper with a bit okay a bit a very forward castle looking to deny this southern expansion he just kind of jams it there was just enough space for a castle here viper slips it in viper has a castle of zone back at home which will turn the camel riders around a bit of a confusing exchange they both kind of run around each other [Music] viper just kind of securing this location whereas the camels are finding their way into the main the town center has 15 villagers inside and those villagers are starting to get very concerned villagers pop out we'll try to repair this is a delaying action at best the camels are running through the base of the viper imperial age is done but at what cost as right now viper is all up in yo's grill when we start he's building camel archers he's garrisoning those camel archers so the camel archer is the unique unit here berbers also have access to mountains coming oh my god these converting villagers which is the only ranged attack he has is the power of the holy word camel's having a tough time as the pikes build a number the one thing well oh my god the camel archers murdering everything he he held on to him until he had a more meaningful number and with he's got chemistry on the way bracer is done bracer plus three ranged attack already done so these camel archers a hard tech switch an expensive one out of mr yo but kind of out of nowhere and viper's attack will slow researching chemistry under fire seems dangerous um but chemistry will complete that last ranged attack upgrade gives them additional accuracy i don't believe it gives range oh no well that is not the ideal uh camel archer movement oh my god oh sweet jesus they obviously didn't research their pathfinding upgrade um well some of the camels will make it out so mr yo 85 villagers to 116 but here is the big sticking point no i'm not talking about halberds i'm talking about imperial age trebuchets in production a long way off here for viper so with the aggression from both sides mostly dealt with this gives you time to stabilize someone okay maybe not uh very comfortably and maybe not with an economic advantage but he will be able to knock out this castle uh and he will be able to secure hope well i say that but then these knights are running through camel archers everyone's locking it down for the later game here that's what's happening we are going to imperia and yo is about even on score if not quite there on villagers the camel archers i don't know that in high numbers the franks have like a a particularly solid counter like frank skirmishers are i'm checking like he can build melee throwing axemen not not huge he doesn't have bracer or archer armor and while he does have elite skirmishers they don't have them like there just aren't too many great great direct counters maybe besides siege which is still um a little dicey like obviously paladins can take a lot of hits but the camel archer count is growing is that 23 23 is without like do pranks even have honors they do but with a lack of skirmishers and with knights and slash paladins unable to realistically close the distance we will see knight's still doing some harassment to yo's base who's been struggling to keep that villager count trying to grow it to a hundred at least camel archers are running in and for now i'm not entirely sure how how viper plans to deal with like we're not not really seeing much of a counter here meanwhile the knights are still finding kills which is real unfortunate cavaliers done no paladins yet not a cheap upgrade capture rage would be great if we couldn't we got that windows 98 fps just just pretend uh you're watching this on a 15 inch crt um that is almost certainly beige on the outside and then it'll be more realistic these camel archers keep finding the direct angle through the knights and cavaliers like this is not the first time this has happened unfortunately mr yo not paying um very close attention though i'm not sure what the alternative would be as he's that is a lot he's got 34 cavaliers on the mount i'm just jimmy can we turn it off and on again all right hello well huh there you go uh yeah this couldn't last stone being gathered this battle starts to escalate meanwhile camels and cavaliers the camels could win that part until a couple hellbirds get involved well they're not halberds yet just pikes camel archers cleared away more camels in the front and that's trebuchet the cavaliers way off to the side here he's 32 cavaliers there are three battering rams i think for mostly absorbing fire from the camel archers the cavaliers not even gonna try to engage this frontal push but instead run around going for the economy again mr yo just got back to a hundred villagers he won't be staying there at least if the cavaliers have their way with it yo balancing his economy with the market but now we are seeing finally yo trying to force an engagement he's got 31 camel archers to 31 cavaliers in a heads-up fight the camel archers on the open field oh one bat oh my the battery gram actually gets the trump as there's not enough melee to stop them the pike well the halberds now closing the distance on the camels they can't some of the camels actually going down the halberds camo riders getting cut down by a superior number of cavaliers and so far well viper has not found the opportunity to get paladins i'm not entirely sure he wants them as it looks like he's switching up into is it going to be skirmishers or what is this upgrade for uh as he's adding on archer armor and ballistics here as well as scout cavalry so meanwhile getting plus three melee attack izio who's still sitting at 103 villagers oh my god ah oh he's got five rams prepare for ramming speed um the camel archers if the rams are in front they have massive pierce armor because you know they're armored rams so the pike's popping in which increases the speed and protects the pikes the camel archer is distracted right now but the camel riders will deal with the cavaliers yo the score dead even the villager count for for viper is actually quite high he's at 140 which is almost too much as it limits the ability to have enough army to contest you on the field he's getting herbal medicine which is increased heal rate for garrisoned units i think they have to be garrisoned with monks though so that is i'm not a hundred percent they have to that is a lot of rams the battering rams because that that is his counter to traps i was like well the franks don't have great like uh they don't have amazing anti-archer rams just kind of ignore our is this really happening okay well there you go i i guess that's one way to do it um okay who would have thought viper obviously looks like we're getting all those other upgrades that are testing my actual knowledge of the greater tech tree but we have the i don't know what it's called guilds the trading cost or at least the trading fee reduction as well as the architecture or masonry upgrade which increases building hp as the score is still within a few hundred they're one or two units away from changing side right now yo with a slight advantage but that's i think irrelevant to the position on the map and what resources they're able to gather viper adding a castle over to the northern flank meanwhile the winged hussars have arrived the halberds will join the hussar is trying to take out the battering rams but they're so goddamn many battering rams what has got that camel archers trying to deal with the hal birds before the hal birds can deal with the hazards before the hazards can deal with the battering rams before the battering realms can deal with the castles there's a lot going on right now but the battering ramps go out for the universe see it's already finished all its upgrade well all its mostly relevant upgrades paladins now being researched by viper during all this most of the scouts being cleared up on the right flank here for you viper's selling all his food for 2 200 gold because i mean like there you go uh as yo adds another castle both sides spending all their stone viper has 2 000 gold in the bank right now i mean i don't think it gains interest but he just has in case he needs he obviously had plenty of food he's got 60 on food at the moment trebuchets begin doing what trebuchets do best which is hurtling massive rocks a significant distance as he blasts in another couple shots that castle goes down opens up an opportunity as yo despite viper's efforts the battering rams have been eliminated and uh yo starting to be able he's got the critical mass and unit composition this is it here we go viper moving in cavaliers no not cavaliers i'm sorry my bad paladins will move in and take out the trebuchet this castle will be the focal point viper moves dozens of units in he's got 40 halberds and 23 pallet and you're seeing most of them he decides well i think whoever gets a castle up here will be dictating at least the pace of the next few minutes if not the game those goddamn batteries the pike rams bashing through the foundation of the castle and i think he's going to be forced to cancel it and yo has no no stone income albert's close in the distance the camel rider is waiting for their opportunity as the halberd's own amount he's forced to cancel viper adding a castle of his own camels i'm not sure what they were trying to do but they didn't do it very well struggling to get involved viper continually maxed with units queued while yo is a 164 supply but he's got 39 camel archers well with the halberd's closing the distance he's going to drop that number a bit those those cat those few dozen camel archers are making it very difficult for viper to make much progress but that's where the rams come in not to kill the camels but to at least absorb so many arrows he can push forward onto the map one very valiant hazard viper i don't know how many villagers it's killed but there's a lot of blood there this hazard viper's villager count is down about 20 from what it once was maybe 30 more huzzars probably on aggressive this is our there's a lot of blood and it's it stays around for oh my god that huzzah may be the bear bear hero he was looking for now some of that might have been the hazards that were probably sent over there but viper down to 96 villagers but still not a like there's not that much more gold to mine the paladins is beating down the castle but the camel archers holding the line on the opposite oh my god how many rams oh he the answer is 11 11 rams viper likes to ram okay that's what he's decided in this game the paladins will chop down a castle as there isn't really enough to deal with them about only about 100 villagers for each side as the stone and gold starts to dry up more focused on the army the castle getting there's enough villagers to keep it intact but viper does not have any stone income he has 250 left he's grinding through it trebuchet the rams prepare for ramen moving forward absorbing not that many arrows because there's more valuable targets in front so the rams not doing much but they're just bashing through anything they can where are melee units melee units are required the paladins are here a dozen rams well give or take the paladins trying to support this castle yo has no castles to back it up and he only has 350 stone in the bank this castle seems kind of important the camel archers fighting the paladins there's not any pikes or camel camel riders here some more popping out now camel archers to the high ground paladin's trying to close the distance they're flooding up to the higher ground the ramp crashing through the castle they're having a rough time getting the surface area but even a few rams are going to be more than enough to take it down viper looking for the opportunity yo only ahead a little in score those camel archers probably making up the majority of it but this whole area multiple town centers paladins rampaging through and rams doing as they do hazards for some counter damage the camels are still intact he's got 35 hal birds have dried up here plenty of halberd's being rallied across but the halberds that were kind of zoning out the camels of both varieties have been taken down this town center i think serving as just a a safety bunker for 15 villagers the other villagers who helped build it well i mean like draw straws that town center will delay what seems to be the inevitable damage the rams they'd retreat uh hazards chasing down the rams a viper castle viper is like six tc's as resources aside from food and wood which are once again two sides of the same coin wow those camel archers yeah good luck with that they're still the critical mass the death ball of camel archers the rams are the counter they are a very awkward and unwieldy it's about as awkward and unwieldy as units get um but like just by their very nature but they are in many ways a counter so here we are as we've we've passed the high economy parts of the game in fact well there are two mining camps here just something to point out now i i didn't even notice two relics for yo which give a small amount of passive gold which i can only assume means wherever the monastery is for uh viper it has three relics stashed away so a slight advantage there neither side gets any other advantages besides that gold income from the relics he's got 41 camels it's all about the camel archers hazards working their way through only costing food that late game rating unit there's a lot of blood oh many units have died but now it's more about who lived and those camel archers are still there's no answer you can stall you can the zone but so far there's no answer to the camel archers viper has made dramatic pushes but the halberds can't close the distance and the rams are are countered by hazards of all things so here we go again another round he's just ignoring he's ignoring the rams i'm not sure how much damage they do to uh camel archers but the hazards close the disc god so many 30 hussars like viper's selling everything right now just holding down the market keys and yo is securing his position there's nothing to stop the trebuchets there's enough hazards to chop down the rams the paladins are having their own troubles some scouts killing villagers both sides still with a decent amount of villagers but it does appear that the franks just don't have an oh he's body blocking but the paladins actually managed to close the distance oh and he actually he gets the treble but at what cost every paladin well and when he kills these two very valiant paladins okay every paladin to kill that trebuchet in almost all the ramps viper has these gold patches there's a little stone over in the corner but we haven't seen any honingers and the time for onagers is i think passed there's no longer the goalie despite six seven town centers i don't i don't think auditors are in the cards and right now those camel archers like he still has 39. yo has no gold income but he's already paid for the camels this is kind of the awkward part of the game where i mean not well i guess it's the late it's the ultra late game where the stone and gold mine out so you're essentially reliant on relics and trading uh which becomes more and more inefficient up to a point and it comes down to who has better trash units and who maintains a solid death ball and throughout all of this the camel archer death ball has been the ticking clock for viper he's tried to circumvent and delay with rams but he's got like pranks don't have access to hazards they have great light cavalry the upgraded scouts they actually have they it seems like with the high ground and the castle they'll easily beat these hazards but it only costs food and uh until the like at some point at the extreme tragedy of the commons late game which i don't think we're gonna get to is when the wood starts mining out i mean well the wood starts running out we're still a while off that but viper is actually starting to run lower on wood he can chop efficiently it's still a long way off okay that is i don't know if i've ever quite seen it get there but there is a situation where when you run out of wood you run out of the ability to replace your farms which means you run out of food which means you have nothing rarely does a game get to it because usually we know which direction it's going by then [Applause] i mean this kind of describes the direction here let me show you what it looks like i think that summarizes the situation pretty well oh no he got him the only wood that is being okay some of the only wood the villagers will be murdered vipers maxed out with no answer still 35 camels camel archers to be specific [Music] he's got 59 hal birds and 30 like cavalry and one valiant paladin there he is the commander but i it's trending a certain direction now yo doesn't have he has 80 on food and he has a he's got 4.7 k would and 3 100 food in the bank he can keep churning out hazards for possibly literal days at this rate as we're past an hour of 15 a game time the trebuchet is starting to work there like there's not too many garrisoning in all of these yo selling like he's selling at bottom dollar prices that's about as low as it gets a hundred wood for 17 gold so it's not a very even trade but there's not much wood left i mean there's not much there's not any gold are there any gold patches aside from these which yo is now mining this is the last gold to be fought over paladins have been produced and it looks like once again a trebuchet will be left surprisingly unprotected for that's the commander remember the commander there we go now right it's trending towards yo but think about this viper won three games pretty convincingly even if yo wins this game wow i mean this game has been longer than the first three combined i think so well it's still not over yet and i don't think it's likely to reach a dis well there's just not that much option for decisive fights anymore like you're not going to commit all the camels to one place because viper is not going to commit all his units to one place most of his production is in the center of the map but at this stage the war of attrition has been continuously won there's dozens of hazards queued up on top of the 50 already on the field paladins have found an opportunity to get into yo's economy again yo at 96 villagers and plummeting though he will continue forward the wood we fight over wood all right the great wood wars have begun after the gold runs dry the ram run out of things to do hazards still fighting [Music] yo will take like he seemed to be very patient he hasn't committed his cavalry archers to well ever since uh it became clear that viper couldn't find a counter he's actually trying skirmishers now i mean check it off the list of things but frank skirmishers they don't have thumb ring they don't have plus three attack or armor uh i don't know if he gets access to ballistics and chemistry um he does so at least there's that eo is down to 89 villagers but he's still maxed out with plenty of resources so that just means more army on the field oh the monastery the relics pop out that's actually that that's most of viper's gold income such as it was those three relics he's gonna have to rebuild the monastery and he's gonna have to build a monk which costs gold yo is just starting to run over as viper can't put enough out there to defend is that a trebuchet oh my just from downtown you can't oh no don't okay he saves it what a save [Music] yo running through the base with hazards the camel archers whoa whoa on a move command that we've seen some devastating move commands oh there are skirmishers he does have he does have maxed out frank upgrades on him i'm not sure if chemistry is done i think it is as we move closer and closer to literally just wood there's still these gold patches there's about 600 gold left to claim of the old fashioned way [Music] but viper losing the monastery is painful i have to assume he's built another one that that literally is his golden oh wow this is uh everyone's here i think yo wants those relics as well the hellbirds will trade pretty well but the camels are providing a lot of cover fire the wood's gone over here there's still a few paladins he's really keeping close eye on him here some of the paladins bruised the skirmishers do not stack up well against the hussars but every single camel archery kills is a big deal it's been trending joe's direction for quite a while but he still has to be careful oh no no no that monk that book is 10 times more gold than he has viper has 12 gold oh my god what a dick he wants it yo is keeping it together the camels are easy the relic acquisition only only the monks have the special hands okay nobody else has the special hands to carry those relics ah surprise he's converting the halberds because i mean the entire group of camel archers is protecting these monks or this monk specifically yo is just selling his gold off now i mean selling his wood off for gold viper is starting to drop below a constant max out as he's running out of wood and both halberds and skirmishers require wood scout cavs don't but it's starting to really fall apart it it's it's it's been a long effort the monk that's the next mission the camel archer count is still at 39. the sars viper's at 121 villagers he's only got 31 army uh one hour and 30 minutes it's it's slowly but short the monk like he just wait these there's still the wood isn't chopped through so i don't think he can actually get through here to grab the relics yet he needs the villagers oh he jumped through it's time go that way finally [Music] oh anyways uh so next nay that's gonna be another mug you know at the end of this it's gonna cost more gold than those relics get in like 10 minutes before they decide who's going to get them [Music] camel archers if i have to say camel archers one more goddamn time you know it's not why can't they have a fancy name because when i say camels like that could be camel riders but it's not it's camel archers uh but from now on until said otherwise camels will be camel archers everyone knows viper comes in with some paladins which just say ca no no that sounds worse i don't like that no ca sounds terrible no not a good mouth feel all right because ca is cattle cattle is camel cavalry archers you see we're already confused it's camels i got get him jab come on jeff he got the reddick he got out run or walk purposefully he keeps getting shouldered the hellbirds are looking for it if the hussars would stop getting in the way now there's two more i got the blood the camel archers are still at 40. i'm pretty sure with with three relics he could build one oh he's mining the last goal the thing is that nobody has enough siege to push through meaningfully so they just have to fight in the streets the streets run red it's over oh my god it's over [Music] and that will put one on the board [Music] oh [Music] or mr yell what a game game four best of nine yes so that means that but we still have at least two more games we're just getting started now remember that was only like 50 minutes of real time as age of empire's time is 1.7 x uh but 50 glorious minutes punctuated by drama and excitement [Music] the next map will be valley [Music] but i think i think first i think first we'll do hey jimmy jimmy no we'll do a quick advertising break um because it has been a process here so [Music] uh if you guys could pause and black that would be awesome before we get into the second day of this series here i'll be right back hey everybody i'm winter and i'm here to talk to you about ellie's parody invitational so it already happened if you're watching live but that's why you're watching this video or this stream so ellie 4k and all her glorious canadian wisdom decided it was about time we stopped treating animals like we're still in the dark ages despite enjoying the gameplay of the top players working their way through them so the la charity invitational benefiting the humane league of the united kingdom because why not uh and it has been the beneficiary not not saying that these players don't get prizes okay not saying that a thousand plus dollars on the line for the first place and of course down the mine as well over the past month we've decided i i was sadly unable to cast too many games live with ellie because i am a vampire but make sure to check out her channel and i have it on good authority over 6 000 pounds i don't know how much that is in kilos or dollars but over six thousand pounds raised for the humane leg as well which means the sponsor uh will be hosting a third one so make sure to check that out and if you enjoy my breakdown in my casting one thank you tv shelley 4k check the description after you smash that like button like a a battering ram into a castle or you subscribe like a monk to walking slowly uh make sure to do so also prime gaming something or other thank you for watching good luck and have fun jimmy thank you guys for sticking around [Music] i'm gonna spoil the sieves for the next game let's see what the people think i'm gonna get some more water and take a quick break we do it live but one of these players is khmer and one of these players is mongols two pretty popular civilizations about to stack up on valley i'll be right back thank you for watching do [Music] oh follower is that all zach the one is chilling for 40 months wonder fdw oh my [Music] [Music] oh me [Music] so [Music] [Music] we will see now let's settle in it is it's like a whole day experience [Music] casting a best of nine especially between such top-tier players that know all parts of the game ah okay i think the longest starcraft 2 series like actual pro series i've ever cast was like three hours around there i mean like you cast one after another but one wow you get so much of these players i need to do more best of 69s anyway let me introduce to you yeah in valley on the top left as the khmer mr yo and mongols the viper huron valley where in the center valley there are a plethora of zebras relics fish you know like your normal saturday night is he actually going to push a zebra from the center all the way back to his town center i mean [Music] there you go that's it's quite a process i mean you know our you know there's going to be zebras but it's still it's still quite a time investment so let's uh take our donation historian just donated ten dollars you said i was over four best of 21 series might just be the marathon well everything in age of empires just is it's methodical um everything takes longer the early game the late game the mid game is that good or bad they're ups and downs but uh starcraft is of course a faster game but that's not always a good thing let's start with the mongols the mongols they have mangadai which are amazing they're cavalry archers or cas not kim that's an elephant that was an elephant you heard um they're not much for even basic cavalry um but those manga die and for some reason their siege is amazing also their hunters work faster for that early game there you go big on rating big on uh archer like cavalry archers of course the khmer have some more interesting like unique bonuses no buildings required to advance in age their farmers don't require they don't have to walk back they just somehow teleport the food to the people which is pretty great their villagers can garrison and houses as well as battle elephants uh are kind of their thing so and plus scorpions so they have a lot of like they have a lot of unique bonuses that are essentially not seen by uh almost any other civs if any whereas the mongols like you you see cavalry archer bonuses before and all that they're just historically good at what they do also when having hunters that work faster on a map that has like 38 zebras or more i don't know how many a lot of zebras you have to hunt the zebras zebra's not big on getting tamed so i obviously mister yo knows this um he's pretty pretty good at this game from what i've heard he just beat viper over 90 minutes so get back so usually this solves the problem i like the phone icon there really reminds me of how old the game is like disconnect has a phone i mean i guess i don't know how else you would put it there but i i'm happy for a slow start okay that was a an exhausting game i mean every other day i look and i see viper playing like an extended series in the finals of some tournament or another so i don't think and and mysterio is probably no no stranger to it as well so obviously i don't have the stamina that these professionals do barracks on the high ground but i mean that doesn't mean much high ground can be almost anywhere just convenient still using those zebras to jump start the economy viper hits feudal whoa it's just a straight up drush wait no no i'm dumb i'm done sorry i take it back i was reading it wrong viper hits feudal significantly with only 17 villagers what is that that's just this is a full-on scout rush whereas mr yo delayed his well delayed more of a standard feudal timing with 20 villagers which isn't even particularly slow in fact that's pretty quick it's just viper is really jump starting with this this is a zebra based economy right now the way civilizations are just i probably should have explained this at the start there is a pick ban process where each player will be able to ban a couple sieves where and then they will have a they pick back and forth sieves that they could potentially use once they use a sieve they can't use anymore but they can pick it on any specific map like for example if mr yo had used khmer on arabia he couldn't be using them here same with viper and mongols um and then picking a sieve in that process uh which we didn't show because usually that's done live uh effectively bans it obviously from your opponents because only you can pick it oh the dance as they stare step up hill pretty sure what i mean that's not how i expected that to end but there you go wow what a guy viper just out maneuvering stair stepping the horse up the high ground it's one of those things like like you're playing you're mr yo you're pretty confident you've won that fight and even if it it's like pretty close it's fine until you see the how it ends that's one of the most annoying things it's not a big deal the scout is one hit away from dying but like it's not dead it can still scout the rest of the map if he wants like ah i got it okay just looking at my fancy observer hotkeys from castle age trying not to be such a noob instead i just lagged everything out oh note to self don't press too many buttons at once too much observing apm breaks it blacksmith is on the way it looks oh there are the scouts i was wondering he's not going castle he had a stable ah he deletes his own wall [Music] and pops the scouts out viper he does not have a wall he's playing all opened up he will now build a gate finishes it off but these villagers who are just so happily fishing will not be fishing for much longer [Music] oh my god one of them saves itself with a quick wall but oh no well that's that's like four or five villagers and the gates open the gates open oh my it couldn't have gone worse like this is about as bad as it like does he just lose is it over i mean you don't just die to the scouts but this is horrible he's down eight villagers viper did go up to castle i don't know how much that that prompted the commitment from you know but like he already had the scouts well before that there is stone on the way for viper he wants his man to die but like maybe maybe the game doesn't end but down to 25 villagers trying to go up the castle and he's telegraphing he's going for the castle as well so like it's not surprising to see a mongol player going for the manga die but like losing five six villagers which is by the way most of your food as right now viper's left with seven on food including like if yo just checks over here viper has almost no food income like if he just checks the other zebras i think he noticed oh my god oh well the thing is these scouts are trapped inside now so [Music] yeah that's it's a very tenuous position for a leading player uh not even like the berries are not picked as of yet but there's also no mill or ability to easily defend him at the moment joe starts castle with a gold mining he is i the scouts i've been mostly denied any additional damage i'm pretty sure yo is figuring this out now yeah these villagers are just the castle begins construction he managed wow the positioning uh oh he's gotta finish that he managed to find a spot where he could wall his villagers in to build the castle so viper making the best of a rough situation still it's obvious which direction he's going it's going to be mangoes no no that's what i use for manganese it's going to be mango dai mengus don't just a skilled one to don't don't this is happening juking the town center fire it is i'm interested to see how viper tries to drag himself out of this position yeah with no more tc's and also another important thing how does mr yo capitalize on his advantage does he add he's got enough wood for two more town centers what's like three tc into map control you gotta be careful you don't let the manga die count get too high um as they are some of the strongest units in the entire game but yo does have the economic advantage map control advantage uh and he's gonna be using it he's now cornered the scouts um the scouts would try to break out good luck crossbows oh my well we didn't see the action but i think you can figure out what happened there viper now knows there are crossbows piper only has nine on food he can barely replace villagers off one tc let alone anything else so whoa those scouts had a rough day but it's it's still looking very good for mystery girl crossbow's not super great at taking down walls but not terrible either they don't have a ton of hp mangadai i think will win the fight against a similar amount of crossbows especially with the upgrade well bob kins coming in plus two for the viper ballistics is 40 seconds out for the manga die so it looks like viper trying to hold on for that which will be a distinct because without ballistics the crossbows are going to really struggle to actually kill any of the manganite which cannot be they have horses she's pretty sick um good unit and they're four seconds on the clock where did they go they're on the other side but crossbows intercept them the town center finding some shots manga dog looking for opportunities on the other side viper working with what he has barely any food it's not like mr yo's hooch huge on the food either because he's he's spamming archers at the moment three tcs though which means whenever he does have that food income he can just continue pumping the villagers of which he has 14 more the mangoes mangoes have arrived and the scout looks like it's going to be used to draw a little fire oh wow that's a lot of damage he deletes his walls to get through easy sniping crossbows wow he's really babysitting those men could die i mean you've got to babysit everything here but trying to make sure he doesn't lose a single one and hunting down these crossbows he's preemptively splitting oh my wow gets one so small victory there for mysterio the the mangady micro just so we traded one manga die for like eight crossbows so not a terrible trade they are more expensive but not that much more and it is a critical mass we saw last game with the camel archers these are just they're like camel archers with a with a horse and just better i'm pretty sure pretty sure in a heads up fight the manga die are better and in many scenarios pops out of manganella oh my god the full mang come on man i don't there's no non awkward way for me to say all these units in shorthand but the double mango build we'll see like mr yo has just crossbow 65 villagers just 25 advantage he finished wait whoa i'm sorry i'm sorry i did i read this round the whole time it was mr yo who had ballistics wow and he still barely did any damage to the manga die wow that's even more impressive as uh yeah i was just reading it backwards incredible caster and now with ballistics done he was just relying on positioning to get the damage before oh my god high ground manga now but the the mongol siege units are just built different and by that i mean faster so the chase is on i'm not sure if the manganese are faster than the crossbows probably not oh that he does the fade away shot behind this viper still only on one tc so he's relying entirely on pressure here they're both utilizing the market to balance the economies and get well whatever they can something's dying was that there was a spearman there for some reason the dance continues everything faster oh the shot oh he gets it yo snipes the manga now but gets sniped in turn two more coming up we're not done with these the shot i still hear arrows somewhere oh they're manga die all over the place almost sniping both sides oh my i can entirely miss the he did not kill vipers viper's micro is just and it this is entirely microaligned right now mr yo has to be scratching his head a little like he knows he has to know he has a huge economic advantage but viper is knocking on the door any sort of opportunity can easily be exploited by these faster units yo this this reminds me of last game where it was viper putting heavy pressure on and yo trying to sit back and take the punches while getting a quicker imperial age and here we go again as viper is sitting on 50 villagers uh and his imperial age is nowhere to be seen and well unlikely allah hung way off whoa did he just lose a manga now oh did he lose it to the tc i'm not i wasn't watching closely but you do not want to be there's only three villagers on this castle like i think you sacrificed the crossbows i think this was a bit of a miscalculation here yeah it's a bit of a rough position he's got if the castle is 87 percent done the manganese are moving in the position to body block like without the manganese there's nothing that stops like you'll lose a few crossbows but just sniping the villagers arbales on the way bracer the range and damage upgrades that he needs to fight the manga die as well as chemistry all the maxed out archer upgrades the castle does complete wheelbarrow just now starting handcart mr yo has such a better economy he just needs to bring it to bear we're starting to see it now with all these imperial upgrades plus trebuchets is he gonna build a second one yes second trebuchet not even investing in conscription yet like the are now arbolous back to zebra based economy the now arbales are making their way around i guess he could just go to the base they don't move that much faster than manganese manganese but they do oh my ow very satisfying to watch though until that shot a few manga dies somehow slipped through there was a gap in the wall they'll start murdering villagers there's nothing that can easily respond to that like if there's no tc or castle there's nothing that like yes just rally out oh into the houses there you go come here houses the trebuchets will eventually knock down viper's castle and while viper keeps winning battles he's definitely losing the war between the score oh between the imperial age the arbelis viper is still dodging shots but you're gonna hit some of them and there's just not the economy or the numbers to just crush this army like you'd like to do sniping manga die trades all favor that guy this one um and at the end of the day mr yo will take a second game on the board the scout's just doing critical damage early denying that zebra economy that he wanted and that means mr yolk takes the second match in the eci too grandfather next up is registered fortress which is an entirely different type so this is king of the kings i say cleverly [Music] okay well give it a moment jimmy it looks like we got there okay let's put him on the board you might be like winter no this is the middle of the game they have castles no welcome to regicide fortress it's like arena but also worse so what what does this mean you kill the king you win the game that's it instead of all of their buildings to win the game you kill the king now i've been told that sending the king out for both sides here the the cumin king and the chinese king are gonna like exchange some heated words they're essentially they move quite quick but they only have 75 hp they don't have an attack either they have people for that hopefully so there is a scenario where if the king is left unawares or if there's a particularly dramatic tactic that even if you're way behind in some way or another you can still win the match uh by sniping the king the castles this one honestly i think that's a little inconvenient is is blocking some of the gold for mr yo guess a little bit you start with a barracks as well i didn't even know that yeah so we're just kind of starting out we do start in the dark age okay wait is he using a bore is this a bore handoff what is this like a regicide fortress thing the boar almost killing the scout um i can't okay well that was an interesting exchange there i'm interested so i've watched the this map a couple times and unfortunately the king the existence of the king rarely seems to factor into it um oh looks like viper gets feudal but i i mean you already have a castle so i think you start off with more villagers but i'm not 100 though viper only has 16. maybe that's not true maybe it's just you have all this infrastructure kind of cool definitely mixes it up also the running animation is amazing we gotta okay now we gotta outfit wars guys let's see who wore it better honestly the cumin king pretty weak i gotta say that's that's generic really shows off he's got to get a better tailor in my opinion as i'm a fashion expert you know uh where is the chinese king where did you go is he all is there already i've seen people garrison in the towers they can just hang out there but where are you mr king oh nope that's a scout where did you go [Music] am i blind is he inspiring his people somewhere around here ah you see like the tower's so sneaky even i missed it and i'm observing uh it's hard to check out his outfit when he's in the tower so i'm gonna have to give a reluctant but um technical victory to the cumin king in the fashion show so far [Music] now i i say i i was saying humans most people i've heard say cumin's which is just objectively more fun so uh we're gonna stick with that they all they get a well let's look at the bonuses we got time i mean you start out with stone walls so it's like arena clowns with a king let's bring up the prima strategy guide all right cavalry siever so they say you got everything get a little quicker all right cavalry faster siege workshops get their upgrades quicker additional tc and the feudal age uh and they have essentially everything's about fast and cheap well mostly fast not cheap they don't have archer level 3 and they don't have arvelos so mostly limited to basic camels and paladins whereas the chinese oh they also have tip chocks which is another cavalry archer civ whereas the chinese and archer civilization but they have so many bonuses technologies this only gets better the further up we go technologies are cheaper uh town centers get more supply as well as line of sight and they got chocobos which are the fanciest archers they're like a burst fire archer that actually counters skirmishers or so i understand um so they got they got it they can technically get well most units here uh just missing hussars and paladins so even if you don't go archers you still have a lot of support options all right two more tcs as castle age has been attained with no bloodshed maybe a diplomatic victory in store i'm pretty sure you don't you can't do wonder victories in 1v1 but i'd like to see an attempt stone being researched i mean just having a castle means you can start your unique units if you'd like early on the only like her viper's been really leaning on that feudal cc he's got a 12 villager lead off of it but mr yo now has three tc's pumping so and eventually they'll fight i'm need some breaks here and this is why we're able to play a best of nine because this phase i enjoy this phase of the game the build-up maybe not so great for casting but uh it does make you feel like you're building a whole civilization eventually like 30 minutes later you look back and there's 120 buildings and villagers and like literally dozens of barracks and and archery dens what am i watching are you really going to commit to that wow viper was like i just have too many units to micro so but let's reduce my unit count by a hundred percent viper does make it to the castle age um is he he's gonna start night production that is the choice to kick things off here uh as well as the bose saw wood cutting upgrade i got to make sure i know i i remember that the ones on the left because uh in in my mild defense i know i've screwed this up a couple times in my very mild defense in starcraft 2 the production tab shows both players upgrades on the top left so i think that like i'm zoning out and just assuming who's getting what upgrade instead of realizing that's mr yo's there you go that's my excuse because i mean when both players go archers whose ballistics is it anyways don't let him in oh he gets home all right so the uh so far the non-aggression pact has held there's been a little bit of self-defense oh i never noticed that but thanks for pointing out the red and yellow bars i think now that i think about it for a sec that's how many resources they need in order to get the next age like percentage-wise in terms of food and gold red and yellow i never noticed that but i have to assume that's what it is lines up super cool and you can see what upgrades they do and don't have by the light up things here it's a little it takes a little getting used to but um but it is actually like there's a lot of information and age of empires i'm like is starcraft 2 is more about like doing a ton like aren't what your exact army composition and how well upgraded is that has a huge factor whereas age of empires 2 is more about the war of attrition like the next technological leap and less about like the fight happening directly in front of you right now all the time tip jocks all done um yeah that's not a oh the chocobos are out i'm sorry choco new it's just isn't this fun i'm not sure how the kip shocks are gonna do against him monk at the back yeah he's just gonna build a castle um both players have imperial age on the way but viper's building a castle uh hello mr young miss mr yo we just let's go i mean like there's still stone walls so he sees it right yeah he saw it the whole time is he not does he not kill his villagers are dying i'm not sure what the play is here but like he just has not yet acknowledged that this castle is is here so it's not like it's not going to kill him but imperial is about to hit and viper's actually a little quicker on it a trebuchet could easily knock down this tc the choco noose struggling to hit anything it's hard to aim a burst fire bow he's researching ballistics now to try to fix that oh this doesn't look good i've seen this before last game they looked a little different no don't let away the villager is almost letting the tip chocks imperial age for both sides trumping shape for the viper um okay like [Music] it feels like mr yo has no plan i am happy to be proven wrong but right now well it technically does have a castle you start with a castle so there is that he's getting conscription he's getting bracer and he's getting chemistry last game it was almost this exact scenario this exact scenario where viper is raiding with cavalry archers of some flavor um and he's getting aggressive with a castle with less villagers but this game oh my god he goes for the market what a he knows that yo needs the market in fact wow he's that's a lot of damage well he's just gonna kill it like yo is just selling at the market for everything he's got the thing is the difference between this and i don't know what you're firing is he firing at the gate the difference between this and last game is that viper has a healthy enough economy like he's already just by the nature of the map he already has plenty of eco he didn't lose a bunch of villagers to scout so the aggression definitely going to pay off more the chocobo cow is reaching a critical mass trying to hit something with the trebuchets this castle is not very close to done quick walling here doing a decent enough job breaking through if that castle finishes the bleeding may stop but is the chocobo count high enough there are no pikes it's just 15 choco new the trebuchets now returning fire 76 on the castle there is no king in that tower the king is protected remember it is technically about killing the king that's that's what we're doing here close to melee range just to reduce tower fire those cavaliers running rampant throughout the outer expansions there's trebuchets over here it's starting to get a little messy and by a little i mean a lot joko knew not a good counter to trebuchets cavaliers a good counter to choco knew thank you mini galadriel i think that describes this game pretty well but here are some more arrows everywhere madness viper the scores are about even it's 28. choking right now that oh the villagers we can't see it but we know behind this the villagers are getting murdered by cavaliers well the trebuchets are still chunking away at the castle and it looks like before the trebuchets of mr yo can set up that castle will go down even if the trebuchets are eventually taken out the cavaliers oh one more shot and one castle down the trump count is pretty high he's got three to zero but the key castle on the left side taking down there's not really much defense outside the tc he had to rebuild the market mr yo holding on to a solid he's got a critical mass of archers yet again so that is a lot of machine gun archers and with three trebuchets those should be enough to take down the numbers of cavaliers that that viper could bring to bear the traps are actually able to shoot over the walls here conveniently or over the uh wood i'm not sure if there's wood blocking the whole thing but viper breaking through the housing wall he gets through and then just backs off because it's more about intimidation a viper setting up for an attack a couple cavaliers over here will eventually be dealt with cavaliers close in the distance i the chocobo is raining down arrows one trebuchet targeted the castle bruised still 40 hp it looks like the trebles are going down the troll point in the wall will help out a lot a costly fight for the viper but very costly for mr yell as well i'm not like killing the treb super important but that's a lot of cavaliers lost there's still the solid death ball like the traps can be pretty easily replaced losing a couple dozen cavaliers well it wasn't a couple it was like a dust you're definitely playing the slower style this is still open he could just run in he kills a lion that's not very nice yeah i think yo this unlucky choking new uh uh finding out that indeed there are cavaliers oh no ah it's a disaster you've got to lock that down he does not have units that can deal with this he's got 19 pikes on the other side of the map that's a classic mistake and another scout cave yo is uh while he maintains a slight score lead his villager count about to plummet viper sitting at 111 oh no kipchox fine the stone miners cavaliers find everything over on this side uh some scout cav like kev getting in and mr yo is like he's he's trying to rely on these treb pushes it's just not happening like the the choco knew are not able to kill enough ow oh my god oh the trap missed but it hit something oh there's not enough villagers repairing three traps on the high ground ah wait okay it only hit like two i was very scared it looked like it hit more the explosion was it looked very dramatic three troubles just raining down on this like one trebuchet is not a significant number and suddenly the kip chop count 18 kip chops it's kipchak o'clock right now up against the choco news we got the various archer flavors a few pikes will help zone out whatever like cavalry there is but kip trucks on the high ground okay i don't know if the the kuhlman's have access to bracer but he doesn't have bracer trying to get the damage the treb's still intact using a lot of his stone his viper repairing his castle gets one finally they land the shots in time the castle like it takes a lot of stone to repair this it is not cheap but it's better than losing the castle this is the death ball push that that mr yo's been building up to oh repair repair you idiots well down to one trap manganella out of nowhere oh knocking out light calves light kev and oh i i guess it doesn't kill too many in one hit but wow this bush is starting to get real shut down suddenly the score is starting to reflect what the battle looks like losing those shrubs and a lot of even even the choking choke choco chocobos there you go i did why don't they just name their things in english like like the britons a bloody battle but viper i think has grabbed the initiative and maintained it throughout this match three traps yo oh my god i can't hear myself think please stop shooting the kipchox not a great counter to the traps the traps pretty okay counter to castles travis countering traps castle being repaired how much does you have in the bank plenty gets one [Music] good hits there's no repair for the the trebs of uh the viper some hazards close the distance choke bows doing a lot of damage onager's researched the upgraded manganese meanwhile it's like one oh my god the triple they just kind of throwing it out there trebuchet the castle being fully repaired the kip shot count is pretty damn high oh he sniped something i'm not sure if that was an auditor or a trap that the trap snipe is there halberds close the distance and halberd's on top of the trump trump goes down suddenly mr young is starting to turn things around kick shocks on the high ground aren't going to solve all your problems [Music] at least not so far he's got 31 chip shocks up against 31 choco news auditors don't seem to be doing it the snipes from mr yo are top notch he needs more on agers and he needs to deal with these trebuchets suddenly mr yo with a great fight turning it around good snipes on the siege in come the tip chucks hasard close in the distance show canoe defend it down goes one trap a second one targeted a lot of damage being dealt castle at 50 percent third trebuchet taken down but at what cross he's down to one on a draw at the back using all of his not all of the stone repair that's mr yo who's at only a hundred stone two monitors coming up working their way forward thank you for pilots chilling for 54 months oh you've been cutting down the trees i'm not sure that helps more but the halberd's trash that can be taken out and distract one trebuchet is not really enough to put time on the clock he pops out another one he's upgrading choco news right now 30 versus 32 chip shots here comes some more hazards i don't think that trebuchet is going to make it so many arrows and suddenly there's five onager he i think he had triple seed workshop pumping them out that is it essentially just coats an entire area with splash damage on a map without water this is a very bold choco new incredibly bold now very dead the sean bean of choco news and it looks like viper will stabilize despite a strong push in a bloody battlefield from mr yo hussars there was a gap in the trees oh my god a couple scout cav getting through but the onagers i feel like there's a bad rally here oh it hurts it hurts the onager's finding juicy delectable hits azaro's rampaging and suddenly viper up over 1k score the villager count in his favor as well the momentum in his favor the unit composition is still kind of indecisive but the honingers seem to be doing what honors do best they're finding the hits there's not nearly as many on farms as that once we're mystery only 22 on food up against 60. well he does have a lot on wood i think he ran him away that direction oh my god don't don't stop walking there no oh no like it's kind of awkward because it doesn't actually one-shot the the choco news but it's close i hear rams where are the rams oh no viper back at it with the rams the castle's not being repaired because he has no stone and now he has no cast funny how that works a hard-fought battle but it feels like viper never really gave up enough position to let mr yo have a chance remember we're on regicide fortress but i don't think we're gonna see the king getting sniped from his tower anytime soon five onagers [Music] the damage there's all you almost can't miss he doesn't care if he hits his own hazards that's a bonus for him freeze up supply for more on agers and of course the base of kipchox 35 behind them building 10 at a time wait how do you build 10 kip jacks at a time can you build them out of archery guns four trebuchets for mr yo whoa whoa four trebuchets i don't like they're on their own though which is this is not no no bad bad thankfully that was just aggressive hussars he has no right now mysterio has no real answer for the anadro push he's infiltry so he gets a treb but there's another trap what oh god the auditor is doing terrible terrible damage but he gets both trebs unfortunately his own traps viper had these you know this little gap in the trees is really making things difficult that's that's looking without those troubles that was a half-hearted attempt compared to the rest of the game that was a half-hearted attack towards the castle and that means [Music] it's hard it's hard to survive with half a heart [Music] and that means mr yo taps it out and viper makes it to match points a pretty solid performance there pretty close not that close viper takes the grabs the initiative he holds on and in the early charity invitational that means he's one away from taking home the prize and supporting a good cause while he's at it [Music] welcome to uh i think this is atacama mr yo filling us in as well we've got mag yars for the viper up against bulgarians from mr yo let us take a look as i'm not villagers now as we know the most important upgrade is listed first villagers are able to kill wolves with one strike on it but also of little importance less importance free melee upgrades for both infantry and horses as well as uh scout cav up to hazards costing minus 15 percent which does add up on top of having better say that five times fast which are just like better hazards could you stop whining llamas jesus eat the food tina you know manganese costs no gold pretty cheap upgrade as well the bulgarians all right bulgarians also a little unique they have free militia upgrades blacksmith and siege upgrades cost us as well and they can build crepos which are like diet castles creepos which can build comics which uh are combination like that they're a dude with a mace on top of a horse so they fall off their horse which is sad and then they're like we'll call an ambulance but not for me and they whip out their mace so they get both infantry and cavalry upgrades in their respective forms and uh so and one of the more common unique units to see like some well so far in this series we've seen a lot of unique units uh being messed up essentially every flavor possible of cavalry archers well most games have had a lot of unique units um and i don't think this will be an exception the magyar hazar is just a better hazard and the conic is a fully capable cavalry and infantry though we'll see how it shakes out blacksmiths also oh yeah i forgot to include the team bonus bulgarian blacksmiths work eighty percent faster they have near instantaneous and cheaper upgrades so you can expect them to have both flavors of the conic upgrades [Music] it's more time he he actually pushed not one not two but three deer there's a whole butcher shop going on hey convenient what's it any deer pushes one over here still sitting around llama can i get a hell yeah [Music] thank you is he gonna go for feudal yo is building he's building a barracks and he's he's mining a bit of gold drush it's russian time as uh does he have any direct bonuses militia line gains plus five no that's unique tech okay and there are no militia line upgrades but when he does get to feudal it's an instant man in arms he just pops on like he didn't realize in his backpack was the armor and sword he was looking for all along i'm pretty sure that viper has seen where this is going and this is not an uncommon bulgarian move uh hello what are you guys doing viper with an uncharacteristic amount of idleness it looks like he wants to wall oh look at this wood patch look at that little pocket there as long as archers don't exist even if they do that's kind of well nice like once you once you get in i expect this to be walled off at the back but once you get in you don't get out all right or maybe you build a gate or something i don't know whatever with exactly the same time on feudal but only one side getting those free-matted arms we're gonna see them pop out does he try to take down the walls or does he uh that wall isn't finished it's a bait it's a it's a bait up suddenly they are transformed mad at arms whoa whoa whoa walls have less armor when they're not done building he's just chopping yo i mean viper not yo but oh it's tower push okay but viper has already put his decoy lumber camp down or maybe this is the decoy number camp a counter tower but i think that's just slower yeah oh and he's chopping through yeah i think it's about time to give up on this oh i we can't really see because apparently i don't have the small trees trees are too tall are they just okay um this feels bad for viper like how many villagers are it's just three there are five villagers in this one ah yes the scouts spot the other wood line yo's gotta be like are you kidding me how does he get these maps like yo has nothing of the sort he does not have his little wood pocket here his his hidden glade no of course viper is just over here untouchable i i think a tower could hit someone they could just jump the other side how does this happen is he is he gonna try to tower this i don't even know if it's worth it the tower barely has enough range he's going to but like i'm pretty sure the tower like you can just chop from the other side they're still mounted arms through the base but archers are out for viper this i don't like yo he's not neglecting his economy [Music] but when you have several villagers building towers yeah just chop the other side or leave wait what he did delete something i guess he decided he didn't want to live here anymore is that a lumber camp that's a house it's a house i guess why not all right so some drama happening here the archers trying to move a bit of an awkward start but since there's oh yo getting surprisingly close to the tc he's going to be losing two of his minute arms easily and the other oh wow that is uh not ideal so his whole early investment he did force a strong response but those aren't even with free men at arms like you do want to do more than strongly discourage a location scouts yup he's hiding he's hiding his scouts all right so this is what's going to come down to there's almost no way you're walling off anything but the resources themselves happily mining away with only two at gold right now is the viper but it looks like castle is a pretty long way off rather son this is annoying you see what happens you make them go archers and then there are archers yo scouts come back scouts are against archers kind of depends uh how many of them have their wits about them and how many of them don't know how to handle more than one thing being in the way so we'll see viper finds the only high ground in the area the scouts do close the dist and start chopping through a melee range [Applause] [Music] he does get the scout i feel like the scout was adding an undue amount of confusion yeah i mean he got most of the archers [Music] down two villagers now this is awkward i never like i'm glad to see this happening to you i'm sorry because this happens to me it's like but it's just like three archers do i have to care and the answer is yes you have to deal with them villagers will never actually kill them okay now time for caring will continue it looks like a defensive tower from yo does the viper well he has fletching which i believe gives his tower a plus one range advantage is that exactly the amount of range to hit the tower without being hit no a lot of just like kind of moving slightly to the side here in this game so far he's going to build the the tower count the tpm is beginning to race the towers per minute of course a classic metric in all strategy games the tpm continues raising as now another bulgarian tower is on the way the scouts slip around he's going to try to quick well he's going to succeed and no way i lied he gets in the villagers forced off and viper's commitment looking a little more tenuous here the tower will complete he slips onto the other side there's enough defenses the center of the map exchange there's still wood to move to like essentially villagers are showing up oh well maybe they shouldn't show up to work today okay what's better less scouts or more scouts with archers and spears it's hard to tell uh there is one one for yo but actually there's one one for viper as well there's no upgrade advantage castle age viper slowly getting towards where he can start castle yo has to deal with this like he's got to deal with this decisively nothing is going particularly right for mr yo right now right the whole series and this match point game that's a lot of scouts he's got seven scouts he chops down the spears he's on top of the archers a single skirmisher but that's essentially irrelevant the last archer or the last archers taken out the scouts traded a bit but taken out yo comes out of it still with seven scouts i don't know if he didn't lose one or he just got one more a solid decisive cleanup viper started castle which means he doesn't have much unit production either this is a dangerous amount of scouts he's trying to get to the tower he does he could probably fight the tower his viper okay i mean that's where he had his villagers you don't want to pull villagers off your economy right so oh and suddenly the scouts will start ripping through the villagers they're kind of an awkward time because he did go up to castle right as he lost his whole army so another phase of scout rush you don't usually see a second one but here we are there's just there's like seven towers just strewn around it's not entirely sure viper more towering yo than the other way around but that's how this started yo is working his way toward he's gonna be a couple minutes behind but he's almost able to click up the castle uh and he does have a few more villagers so he's going to be going up to castle with not a terrible economy on top of the fact he has map control and and well believe it or not these scouts will be scouting uh as they do viper hits castle and what does he do with it what do we got here a stable another stable right yes is that really telegraphing his move possibly another villager murdered i mean he will fight the spear under two towers which is not ideal oh this guy not happy the quick wall attempt will cause the scouts take a little extra damage i guess he decides he's had enough of fighting spears and he spots a knight but yo doing a good job of justifying uh his delayed castle like obviously it wasn't entirely by choice but between the scouts and his villager count he's going to be coming in the castle age despite being a couple minutes behind in a decent position he's got incidentally essentially towers protecting a significant gold patch there um he's in a good position to defend it the knight uh do you know where you are hello sir sir what are you doing he's well this is i guess he's scouting he's the first one in yo hits castle importantly viper one dc one tc he's continuing night production i don't even know if he's built any more villagers i think he's just now starting it he got wheelbarrow yo does he doesn't have any wood in the bank for tc's what has been out of premium throughout this match will the oh he gets pikes he gets pikes and suddenly that night looking a little uncomfortable the scouts are coming back in nights on the way it's a it's a messy scrap in the center but villagers oh no the there was a gap in the wall and the villagers have to run a lot of damage being dealt these scouts just a continual massive spike in the side of viper it's 49 to 44 villagers now and with one tc on either side that's a maintained economic advantage more cavalry archers in this series mobility a premium what remember this tower does anybody remember this tower i'm not entirely convinced viper did he's just gonna there's this tower i don't they never run out of arrows they stacked him with several million arrows all right um so yeah there's still a tower here but the tc knights i'm not sure who's trapping who so viper is trapping the tower of yo who's trapping some of the units with knights meanwhile these scouts are being chased by knights the score is is about even viper does get a second tc there is no knights in the back line not quite enough for a castle yet though he could invest in a creep post if he did deem it fit there's a oh speaking of creep house i guess he's settling on a crew post maybe he wanted a castle and just decided i mean like creep posts are not the alternative cast creepos are strong independent structures who don't need no castle okay just because you didn't grow up in a castle mr conic means you're any less of a conic than a conic from a castle stop discriminating against creepers come on meanwhile will he build comics i don't actually know if conics are a better option than just straight up knights here cavalry archers trying to fight it out plus two plus two is completed for both sides cavalry the cavalry archers have plus two attack and range in bodkin arrow as well the creepos conics in production the double trouble that the comics offer getting involved [Music] 3 900 3600 score not a huge teller here yo now down a couple villagers as a viper did invest in that second tc it's starting to pay off but yo it this is a this game is a brawl as it's almost impossible to meaningfully wall off this map that means that cavalry ah beat them up beat them up ugh they just it has such a painful feel i choose to believe iconic is a militia man who never got to fight in the dark ages and has just been building up his anger inside a creep post for like he's like 38 years old and all he's done is train okay finally i get an opportunity i think they do pretty significant damage to buildings as well but they're just beating on them meanwhile cavalry archer count high enough to drive back the knights some like kev making their way i mean obviously rallied in some fashion crew post versus tower actually he doesn't have bog kin the tower outrage another reason creepos are terrible how dare i how dare i um so the tower with bog can arrow outrange ah the monk is dead call it ambulance but not for me uh i didn't like that horse anyways they should be able to you should be able to build the horse separately and give them a new horse okay you should be able to like tame the horses on step like kev doings wow yeah yeah they do quite well against cavalry archers this is a market um this is a creep post they're just buildings happening um honestly it's it's kind of hard to tell exactly with arrows just flying in every direction cavalry archers a dangerous oh he's trying to quick wall but cavalry archers they shoot over walls which is very convenient wait there is a part of a stone wall there as well as part of the house already set up meanwhile like like kev in the main of viper yo starting to build a villager lead and uh on the backs of his town centers and more importantly on breaking the backs of the villagers like calf close the distance they kill one or two and then force the rest to garrison cavalry archers have to come back dc in the center castle escalating things ballistics are on the way for viper as he continues to invest in the light cav knights having a bad day as they might because they're called knights oh wow that was bad huh the castle will look down on the tc just like it looks down on creepers when i grow up i want to be a castle well too bad you should be able to just add another crew post on top of a crew post and make it a castle okay it caught it would cost more anyways he's just gonna build another tc back here this is a decoy town center i mean it's still build villagers so cavalry archers around the back a knight in the back oh my god 65 villagers though viper is struggling to keep him alive cavalry each and every way there's just oh what is this another creep post creeping in he might he did get fletching for his creepers the only ranged he has are buildings right now but those buildings are pretty important oh megane viper eating some big hit okay well one big hit not enough to kill the cab the comics ready to beat down also knights but mostly comics [Music] uh castle in the center but the gold he's controlling two golds with this creep house viper the castle what is it controlling the emotional center of the map this castle seemed like a good idea at the time but now viper has almost no stone did he start a castle somewhere i'm not sure but he has almost no stone and two of his golds are denied by a creepos i i i don't know what the solution is here for do you fight the i don't know i don't know i don't know now let's summarize with that the conics so while the the pikes counter the conics on horse they get up and they start just absolutely laying into the pikemen so the dismounted conics clear the pikemen for any other that may come after them which is pretty convenient don't talk to me or my son ever again was your father a horse don't ask questions bulgarians like we don't know how they work it's confusing cavalry archers have to come back but it feels like mr yo is starting to really build some momentum here i think viper agrees there you go uh and that puts it at four to three we're going to game eight and uh the conics and these the the creepos honestly the creepos and like come on you don't need to buy uh f350 if all you're hauling to school is your two unwanted children come on a creep post it is the honda civic of static defense [Music] it gets you where you need to go and there you go uh mr yo puts three on the board as we go into game eight no jimmy [Music] four legs not one not two not eight four [Music] we got the desert version of it which is even such contrast [Music] okay let's first mister yo this map i think people have strong feelings i think it's pretty cool there are some obvious focal points yes guess what they are yeah the middle of the map no obviously the lakes wow that was the opposite of clever but first let's see i don't remember i always these are the guys with 200 two-handed swordsmen for free right or not free but for food infantry buildings cost less wood i think that includes farms uh barracks units get better pierce armor how convenient free gold mining good battles which what do they do uh strong versus infantry so and their tcs get extra arrows universities work faster the university of malia we've talked about that before what upgrades they don't have bracer or blast furnace are you telling me they're an infantry sieve without blast furnace what sometimes these lie whereas the japanese infantry civ but their fishing ships have double hit points which could become very relevant uh as well as lumber camp costs an infantry attack faster so just good deeps they they have samurai which do extra damage against unique units and are just decent infantry and galleys get a lot of sight as well as getting most upgrades do they have uh they have got hal birds they got arbolous they got thumb like kind of have a lot of options here not great cavalry at all but and pretty limited on the siege but that fishing ship thing might become very relevant if if four lakes plays out how i think did you mess up your duck oh oh my god the villager somehow was trapped on the wrong side of stupid villagers these uneducated peasants kind of an awkward i don't know if this is good or bad but like the wood is actually walling off i think this is just more comfortable for mr yo here like the wood walls off most of his lake essentially you get four mini metals on the lakes i don't think the japanese obviously have a slight advantage if they're the mini naval battles usually it comes down to somebody trying to sneak a dock on the other edge of the lake uh it's it's a it's a mess this map can become a mess very quickly if they both try to can it's gonna come down to the contested lakes at 12 o'clock and six o'clock here occasionally i think probably half this elo you'll see or maybe a third you'll see people try to just build a dock on the same lake that the opponent started at but i think that is uh unlikely in this matchup [Music] so far i think honestly mr yo is a more macro oriented player i'm judging i haven't seen many series of top tier age vampires at all uh i'm i managed to get to 1400 elo myself but that's because i learned that building a lot of cavaliers and paladins is how you win the majority of your games against the majority of people when you're a diamond leaguer build more roach hydra guys so not a huge strategical depth but it it does seem like viper is consistently throughout all the matches the more aggressive player i know mr yo uh went for all the aggression that viper just gets up in your grill and dares you to punch back whereas mr yo has been continually taking those punches um and any of like he's had quicker imperial he's had a more advanced unit composition that doesn't always pay off like like the chinese versus coomans where you're relying on the chocobos they just don't move very fast viper cannot maneuver you as he did so he's fast he's fast and he's able to manage a lot of different areas at once whereas mr yo is is more focused on building the unico obviously he can micro but that's that's the impression i'm getting of these players as i say it like mr yo has been the more passive and defensive player so that's what we've seen this barracks is a solid 10 12 tiles away from uh well hello um [Music] he's not is he is he building out of it [Music] um oh it's tower denial tower this time for for like the first noticeable time [Music] it does seem that viper has a pretty rough amount mr yo is able to get a beautiful tower along this wood line where wow that come on come on like that is walden he brought only one villager this is like bringing one probe to cannon rush but even worse because if you brought multiple probes it they build quicker are those stone walls wow wow what a dick though never mind okay well this yeah this is why you bring multiple probes to cannon rush okay actually not a dick well still a dick but a dead one was that a decoy i it feels like that was not fully thought out it might have been a target of opportunity i think what happened is he wanted this barracks here for whatever reason i don't know uh and then he's like you know what actually if and well viper wasn't having any of it so now was this all a decoy for this dock remember the buildings are are cheaper on wood so less of an investment if you can control because eventually the fish you over fish the fish don't get replaced the fish are gone fish that are fished are no longer fish um this and more wisdom will continue throughout up to two more games which could be three hours who knows but and when it comes to fish traps as well i have to imagine those will also be cheaper fish traps are the farms of the sea that's actually true and that's usually what is relied upon after the fish are fished out viper will claim the 12 o'clock duck nope six o'clock uh who who looks at clocks anymore but it does matter the northern like you know actually using cardinal directions would make more sense thank you make better media bm is chilling for 38 months the factors of 38 are 1 2 19 and the 38. don't lie and they spell disaster for you thank you not sure how to use that information but all right castle age on the way for both sides viper with a slight advantage fishing ship count 13 to 11. yo walling off uh a significant part and it looks like he's got a gap for either a gate or not just a house [Music] i'm interested to see how this plays out not a huge contest on the lakes as of yet they're both claiming a huge amount for what is essentially their main there's i don't know if there's a decisive winner in the late game i think of japanese is more of a late game but i haven't seen almost any games with japanese picked so those fish ah here we go this wait is that walled off by the tree the this this tree nope can't hit me there's a tree there scouts have to turn around okay so one player has 11 archers and one player has has five archers here that's nine archers what am i watching what how did the what excuse me i don't did they not see each other diaper just walks by there might not have been vision these clothes units have surprisingly little fish probably should have seen it but so viper gets crossbows earlier so essentially mr yo has to say eventually i will come kill you because right now the crossbows do slightly out range the archers but crossbows complete the battle will continue now viper does have bog can arrow that gives him plus one range on top of the damage um that well plus two total range still out ranging the crossbows uh uh so this is what i have to say about this viper manages to sneak a dock in the northern lake and uh well there will be no fishing there for quite a while ballistics on the way almost identical timings plus what armor already done for viper yo finishing it up now his ballistics will be completing as well he has a slight advantage in the crossbow count there will be no advantage i think they're both trying to work the ballistics advantage but they're both going to finish at the identical time so there won't even be time to think about one controlling three lakes is kind of a big deal but losing all your crossbows is also kind of a big deal so there's there's multiple things to worry about right now oh the jiggle micro he's jiggling zigzag serpentine it actually works though just barely moving out of the fire of of some of those crossbows viper using the high ground yo jiggling as well oh my god these arrows are not landing starting to find some more viper taking a surprisingly maybe not with viper but just generally surprisingly great trade fighting up the high ground not great but the numbers advantage is enough that eventually yo grinds through these snipes one yo gonna try to control the southern lake are there fishing ships producing up here no he just cleared the lake yo is adding on it looks like he's going to convert to agriculture somewhat what did i just looks like a scout died over here no wait but it was yo scout wheelbarrow wilbel's already done for you he does he's down a few villagers i don't exactly know how that happened didn't really lose any i don't think i guess he just idle tc time a little longer for you oh he got wheelbarrow and he had a little more idle tc time so does add up somewhat and he probably lost a couple of those initial crossbows okay deal significantly behind on the score but he does have 3tc i'm honestly not sure how much that's going to factor in here because well the villager count also includes fishing ships i forgot about that part that's a very key part so viper has 15 fishing ships and uh yo's down to eight aka the ones he has on his main lake are we gonna fight over it the crossbow whoa no still fighting into this convenient high ground viper comes up oh watch out watch out watch out quite convenient for viper just have kind of a high ground leading into yo's base yo has nothing of the sword to fall back to he has to fight out and the wood is protecting some of the more vulnerable area oh my god he's stepping past the manganell to knock down the crossbows the micro and he's just surrounding it you can't touch me you can't touch me no no oh my god disgusting micro from viper well the manga now gets its revenge somewhat but here comes a knight oh and just when you thought it was over guess what good night there's a scorpion garrison here but probably want to protect it in some way viper doesn't know what's in there could be a manga now anything in there is worth making sure doesn't come out easily is the knight just trying to okay scorpion pops out either he couldn't afford a manganal or didn't want to risk it meanwhile viper he's got imperial age he's got added archers oh wait is that padded leather oh wait what do we see here knights are building up in some semi-hidden stables and by semi-hidden i mean near the main battle here there's a manga now just chilling on the high ground the crossbows working their way through this tc well the stables have been scouted knights pop out they only have plus one armor so kind of a maybe a questionable oh mangano what's like yo give inviter a taste of his own medicine but this is definitely not going nearly as well as vipers moves the crossbow count is kind of horrible uh but don't worry there won't be any more crossbows to worry about uh yo doesn't really have any units now he actually like he has no crossbows and he's building knights but has no right now on the field he doesn't it's 22 crossbows against zero there's gonna be a manga now though so i guess that's something crossbows don't win games i mean they do but like they don't walk across and just win like maybe nights or something could do a little more easily but at the same time [Music] viper's on imperial age one thing we haven't seen is a castle oh it's not looking good for mr yo here oh arbolus embracer on the way it was a long way off imperial and he agrees and the viper the viper wins the la charity invitational with five games to three a decisive match he'll be taken home the grand prize and he he was the better player i think most of the games he won and even some he lost he looked like an incredible player i see what they did spoilers anti-spoilers you know what i'm i'm so i want to give a shout out to ellie and and everybody working on the ellie charity invitational uh because i was convinced there were nine games they put a decoy game in the replay pack they put a game that um made it look like it went to nine games and i like i try not to spoil myself so i didn't look too close clever all right i wasn't sure who won most the games anyways but like i intentionally don't look but there you go it's all over five games to three viper takes it home he saw so much but i think the recurring trend is cavalry is good and cavalry archers are better that is uh the consistent uh thing we see i'm trying i'm trying to like summarize this but one last time use the eci command if you're watching live and if you haven't well one we've raised enough of 6 000 pounds um for the humane league of the uk thank you to ellie um the sponsor and everyone for putting it on and the players for putting it all together and playing it over the course of a month which is like a lot of scheduling to do believe me so and i hope you enjoyed this is probably the highest level and longest well like real professional cast of age of empires i've ever done so i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you want to tolerate more in the future uh as i think it was a pretty fun series but the viper is just god some of that micro i don't even understand what's happening like he's like phasing his units so but yeah check out the description below the charity and for ellie's stream and also uh have a great day thank you for watching good luck have fun stay tuned
Channel: WinterStarcraft
Views: 30,749
Rating: 4.9498258 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, aoe2, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definite edition, aoe2 de, aoe 2 2021, aoe2 definitive edition, definitive edittion, age of empires 2 pro games, age of empires theviper, age of empires mryo, theviper, mryo, theviper vs, age of empires finals, aoe2 finals, rts, winterstarcraft, wintergaming, wintersc, winterstarcraft aoe2, ellie4k, aoe2 build order, age of empires 2 2021, age of empires 2 guide, aoe2 guide, aoe 2 tips, aoe2 pro game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 31sec (13951 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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