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- Hey guys, before this video starts I dropped some new merch. We got some pretty fun items this time around some pretty cool pieces and you can go to dannygonzales.store to check it out. Alright here's the video. What's up Greg and welcome back to another episode of, you're watching Disney Channel. (upbeat music) So making that video about Radio Rebel a couple of months ago was really fun. And ever since I made that video I've had a lot of people requesting that I review Lemonade Mouth. I guess they kind of came out around the same time they're like in the same era of Disney Channel. So I watched it and honestly, did not disappoint. It's a, it's pretty fun movie. It's got some weird parts, some weird little bits. Not to be confused with me, who is a weird little bitch. So I thought, what the heck, let's watch this movie too. Could be fun. This is my review of Lemonade Mouth, baby. - [Olivia] Poets, revolutionaries. Lemonade Mouth has been called all of these things. - So the movie starts out with some very flattering narration. The girl who is narrating is part of this band that she's talking about. And she's like my band has been called geniuses, revolutionaries and poets. And you can see this whole like arena filling up with people coming to go see them. The movie is all about this band Lemonade Mouth, the girl narrating as part of this band from the beginning of the movie, it looks like they're a very famous band, but then the narrator's like, "But I wonder if all of our adoring fans "who think that we're geniuses and poets "would believe me if I told them "that all this started right here." and then it shows detention. So right off the bat, we know that someday this band is gonna become big, but for right now, they're just some kids sitting in detention. - [Olivia] It was this ragtag group of five that started at all. - All right, I have decided rather than let you twiddle your little thumbs for the next hour. We're gonna clean up around here, we're gonna unpack and we're gonna turn this storage room into a music room. - They have detention in the music room, which apparently is like in the basement of the school. The music teachers talk about how underfunded the music program is. - If they spent a fraction of what that new gymnasium cost to keep this music program alive I just... (flushing sound) - Someone flushes a toilet overhead and they can all hear it in the room. So they're like, "Oh gross. "The whole school hates the music program. "How can we fix the music program?" - That is it, that is it. - [Olivia] But, if I'm gonna tell you this right, I need to go back to the beginning. The morning it all began. - Yeah, for sure definitely go back to the beginning of the story. I thought you already doing that. We flashed back at the beginning and now we're flashing back even more. This movies like a flashback within a flashback. The exposition of this movie focuses a lot on how much these kids hate their parents. This girl hates her mom coz she never pays attention to her. This boy Wendell hates his dad because his dad is dating a girl who's in college. - Don't you think it's a little weird that you girlfriend's still in college? (chuckles) - She's 28 Wen. - You know Disney Channel movies stuff. It's also this girl Stella's first day at this school and right away she gets called into the principal's office because she's wearing a shirt that says "Question Authority." And the principal's like, "Don't, actually don't do that "don't question authority." So he makes her cover up her shirt. This is a very totalitarian school. They don't want anyone speaking out about anything. You know, Disney Channel stuff. (upbeat music) - Hi, am sorry to interrupt. Wen, I have your folder. (wolf whistles) - Check out Wen's mommy. (wolf whistles) - Is there like a bunch of 60 year old construction workers in this class with Wendell? Doing that old-timey whistle, whoo-oow. One of them just goes like, "Ahooga! holy smokes, check out that broad." I feel like I've only ever heard men like in their 50s and up make that whistle at a woman. Granted I'm not. I'm not a pretty girl. I'm an ugly beast of a man actually. So no one's ever whistled at me like that ever. So, that there I guess I wouldn't know. Also he says, "Checkout Gwen's mommy." - [Student] Checkout Wen's mommy. - So they're like 60 year old construction workers but they're also babies. Goo Goo Gaga, Checkout Gwen's mommy. Hey everyone look at Gwen's mommy. (laughs) She's so pretty. Look at Gwen's mommy. (laughs) (crying) I miss my mommy. (upbeat music) Oh shit, He forgot how to walk. Oh shit, He forgot how to kick. Oh, fuck his bows are getting squishy I think. - You gotta kick the ball. Like (loud thump) - Ahhh, that's it. Know what, I don't wanna play soccer. I don't want your abuse. I certainly don't want my brother's ball. - You know, he might not know how to walk or kick but he does know how to talk without opening his mouth. That's pretty impressive. - I certainly don't want my brother's ball. want on my brother's ball. (loud thump) (upbeat music) - I think he did that on purpose coach. (groans) - Oh ow, ventriloquism and throwing balls will not be tolerated by coach caveman. (groans) The beginning of this movie is just sort of showing how each individual kid gets thrown in detention. So that kid gets put in detention for throwing his ball at the teacher. The new girl Stella gets in trouble because at an assembly she decides she does want everyone to see her shirt. (orchestral sound) - My shirt, my decision. - [Student] Oh, just sit down. - Okay, don't let your school take away your rights. (students cheering) - come on. - I like that there are people cheering even though they don't know the context for what she's saying. Like they don't all know that she got yelled at this morning for wearing the shirt. For all they know she was just like sitting in the assembly and she was like, "Wait, hold on a minute, "all this talk about a school gym. "I gotta butt in for a second and say, "Guys, I like my shirt. "Okay, there I said it. "Is that such a crime? "I like to wear my shirt "and I'm gonna keep wearing it. "Thank you. "Oh, thank you. "Oh, my God. "It's a nice shirt, isn't it?" But then there are some people booing like one person right when she stood up was like, "Oh, sit down." - [Student] Oh, just sit down. - Okay don't let your school. - "Fuck your shirt. "That is not your color. "That's a ugly shade of red. "The pins on the sleeve are tacky." Because they're all a bunch of little rebels that get sent to detention and detention, as I mentioned is in the basement. (lively techno music) - You lost? - No just... - Detention huh? Follow me. - Now when I say basement. What I really mean is like their basement is literally just another school. It's gigantic. I don't think my high school even had a basement. (techno music) - What is this place? - This, is the underground. - This is the underground. You know how you were above ground and then you take an elevator down to under it? Now you're underground. - Robotics Club. Hey Alex, working hard? - Hi. - Shakespeare society. (orchestral music) Chess Club. - Yeah, look at this. Holy shit, how big is this basement? This basement is bigger than the actual school. It's got like multiple levels. How far down does this thing go? You go down like 10 floors and that like the lower you go, the students keep just getting older and older. They're just like kids who haven't graduated yet. We've been last down here for 50 years. How do you get out of the basement? Also, why is there like faint techno playing throughout the entire basement of the school? (techno music) What's going on with that? Well, this is the basement. Down here you got the Robotics Club, Shakespeare Club, Rave Club. Everyone's on Molly in there. Wait what? Huh? Oh, the Shakespeare club. You know, like the guy who wrote the plays? No, our school has a Rave club. Yeah, that's in the abandoned airplane hangar down here. Our school has an abandoned airplane hangar? Huh, oh boy you must be new around here, huh? Yeah, I guess so. Fucking idiot. What? Do you wanna buy some ecstasy? No. (upbeat music) - I'm gonna go give Brenda get a piece of my mind. - So now we're finally at where the second flashback left off at. The music teacher told them to clean the room and she barges out. So they're just stuck in this room in the basement cleaning up the music room. There's water dripping from the ceiling I guess it's like shit water because like there's like the toilets are flushing over them. They keep referencing how like the people flush and you can hear the water rush by and then there's water dripping down into this bucket and it's brown, so like, Is there just like shit water in this room? (Plink) (knocking) (clang) (knocking) (snapping) (clang) (snapping) (knocking) (rattling) Oh shit. Is this about to be one of those things? One of those things where they make music with with common sounds. (instrumental music) Oh hell yeah, it is. It's about to be a Stomp thing. It's about to be like one of those things from the musical Stomp. These Blue Man Group ass motherfuckers are about to take it to the next level. ♪ Let the music take you ♪ ♪ Anywhere we want too ♪ ♪ When we're stuck and can't get free ♪ - Man they're really lucky that all of them have like prodigy level improvisational music skill. They all seem to be like on the same level that would suck if one of them just like was not as good at all. (laughs) Like didn't have any rhythm and just get like, felt like he had to join in. (instrumental music) Hey Dude, you're a little offbeat. (gong sound) Dude, I don't think a gong really goes with this song. (offkey sound) Stop, No, stop. (trumpet sound) What? (gun shot) Oh holy shit. Oh fuck. Dude, put that down. (perfect guitar music) Okay, hold on. That's actually pretty good. What sorry, that was just my ringtone. God damn it. I love playing music with you guys. You're my best friends. Dude, We don't even know you. Yeah, we literally all just met. Hey guys, I'm a big time Hollywood producer. I was just passing by and I heard you playing. That was incredible. Whoa, Really? Thanks, mister. Not you fuck face, you. What, me? No, you. Whoa, it's Akon. Hey guys, it's me Akon and I'm here coz Danny didn't know how to finish this sketch. Can you perform for us? Sure. Yay. Yay. ♪ I see you windin' and grinding up on that pole ♪ (gun shots) Stop dude, stop. No. Come on. - I'm really sorry. We just started to um... - Olivia, you have a beautiful voice. (screams) Your band, its a gift. - We're not a band. - We don't even know each other. - Yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa, play music together? We don't even know each other. I'm not playing music with these strangers, dude. I think I'm gonna have to get to know them a little better before I do any of that. Coz I don't play music with strangers. - Rising Star, (wheezing) Rising Star. - Rising what? - Rising Star. - It's a talent competition. - So yeah, the music teacher tries to get them to form a band coz she heard them singing. And she thinks that they were really good, which they were. That was really impressive that they just improv'd an entire song. But they don't want it, they're resistant at first, but don't worry. I have it on pretty good authority that they're gonna form a band. (upbeat music) They all meet at this pizza place and they decide, actually, you know what, come to think of it. We do wanna be in a band. - Oh, okay. Okay, I'll do it. - Yes! - Everything else about our lives sucks so the band seems like it could be a fun thing. So they all decide, let's do it. Let's do a band. Let's do this talent competition that the music teacher was trying to get us to do. So they get to work and they start practicing. (instrumental music) - Okay this isn't working. - So they improvised a whole last song together flawlessly, but they can't play a song that they've had plenty of time to practice? How does that work? - That's it I'm outta here. - What you're just gonna Stomp away? - What come on don't leave. - In case you guys haven't realized, I'm classically trained, on the violin. I don't play whatever this is. - I don't play whatever this is. Is she talking about the instrument that she was holding? coz she's like, "I play a violin." What now whatever this is and she like it's a guitar that she was holding. I don't even know what the fuck this is. What is this? That'd be funny if it like panned to her before and she was like holding up her electric guitar like a violin. That'd be funny I think. - There quitting before we've even started. There quitters. - Shut up Stella? - Mo! Mo! - Well, I guess things aren't looking so good for the band. - [Student] Wait. (upbeat music) ♪ Can you see me ♪ - Oh, nevermind, they got it. Okay, so practicing is finally going well, Lemonade Mouth actually gets their first gig at the Halloween Bash. But it's worth noting in this movie there's a rival band. and they're also supposed to play at the Halloween Bash and they don't like that Lemonade Mouth is taking their stage time. So that's what makes them the rival band. In this scene, we get to see the rival band perform a little bit. ♪ I'm a superstar and I got a cool car ♪ ♪ And the girl like me better than whoever you are ♪ - So the rival band of course sings about how they're a superstar and they got a cool car. I think the lyrics to this song are I'm a superstar and I got a cool car and the girls like me better than whoever you are. Very rival band-esque lyrics. I gotta say. ♪ Here we go, here we go ♪ ♪ And the crowd goes ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ - When I first saw this part, I thought that he was jumping off of this truck to crowd surf, but he like jumped feet first into the crowd, but really, he just landed on the bed of the truck. But I thought he was just like jumping feet first into a crowd of people. I was like, Damn, this really is a villain band. He's just kicking people in the face at his own show. - So you're Olivia's friend - That's right. - I've never met one of Olivia's friends before. - Mm, gram mm. - Wow, that is an old cat. - Wow, what the fuck is up with your cat? gross, fuck that cat. I hate that cat. - Yeah. Nancy was my mom's and so she's just kind like the last real I have left of her, so... (people cheering) Well, fuck you Wendell. Way to make fun of her dead mom's cat, you ass. So the way they decide on the name Lemonade Mouth for their band is because in the basement where they have detention is this lemonade machine. And so when they were in detention, they all had lemonade. And every time they practiced, they'd go down there and get some lemonade. So they love this lemonade machine. But one day they come down into the basement and it's scheduled for removal. So just remember that for later, they're all upset because their lemonade machine is gonna be removed. Anyway, now it's time for their first concert at the Halloween Bash. They pretty much crush it. ♪ I, I wanna cry ♪ They do one song It goes really well. Actually, one funny thing about that first song is that it's a TikTok sound and I never knew where that came from, until I watch this movie. It goes, ♪ I, I wanna cry ♪ And I've seen TikToks with that sound before so, we're all learning here. So they do their first song and then Stella gets on the mic and starts giving this whole speech about how the lemonade machine is getting removed. - Now we know this lemonade machine in the basement is scheduled for removal to help pay for this gymnasium. (crowd booing) - A lemonade machines that I'm pretty sure they're the only ones who use coz it's in like the far back corner of the basement where like only the music room is and they get the crowd all riled up about this lemonade machine getting removed. But I don't know why anyone really cares because like they didn't even know this lemonade machine existed in the first place. But then they pass out lemonade to everyone and they get all amped up, the whole crowds like, "Yeah, we need our lemonade." And then they do a whole song about like standing up for yourself because of the lemonade thing. ♪ Be heard, be strong, be proud ♪ ♪ I wanna make some noise ♪ - Just seems like a weird hill for this movie to die on. Like, don't take our lemonade. That's the moral of this movie. Don't take lemonade away from kids. It's theirs they deserve it, they've earned it. Needless to say, the principal does not like this song. He does not like the message of questioning authority, as we saw before. So he's all pissed and he shuts the show down. (upbeat music) (crowd shouting) So because of this whole fiasco, Lemonade Mouth actually isn't allowed to play at school anymore. So they have to find a different place to play and practice and do shows and stuff. So Wendell actually has the idea of getting them a gig at the pizza spot that they like to eat at. - [Olivia] Before we knew it. We were playing at Dante's Pizzaria every Thursday night, standing room only. (upbeat music) - Yep, standing room only. You know, the kind of standing room where everyone sits at a table and eats pizza, that kind of standing room. ♪ That's so over now ♪ ♪ You can look but you won't see ♪ ♪ The girl I used to be ♪ - Yeah, I'm happy for the band and everything. Like I'm glad they're finally taking off. They've got a good gig here at the pizza place. I am a little bit worried about like the sanitation standards of this restaurant. Like this girl, this singer here, Mo, she's just like walking around laying down on tables. She's sitting on this counter where they serve food. Then she's standing on the tables. Is she standing on people's food? That's not sanitary. Needless to say, I feel like I shouldn't even have to say that. Hey, don't stand on me food. I went to go get a pizza from my favorite pizza spot. But then they started playing really loud music and the lead singer stood on my pizza pie. The lead guitarist kept taking swigs of my drink and saying, "You're cool with mono right?" I'm not. The drummer spinning my eyes, it burns. But I don't know, coz the crowd seems cool with it. They seem like they're having a lot of fun especially the one extra who's got a white V Neck on in the background. He's absolutely crushing it back there. (upbeat music) He's got like choreography. Look at that little spin move he does. He's got like a whole like this thing going on. That's awesome. Anyways, then Olivia's cat dies, which is surprising to me coz I kind of thought he was dead the whole time. - Hey? - Hey, Olivia? - Look I'm really sorry about Nancy. - She gives this whole speech about how the cat was her mom's and she really misses her mom and also she misses her dad. - I'll take perfect brother any day over my dad's ridiculous girlfriend. - My dad's in prison. - I did not expect that. But apparently he's in prison because he's made some bad choices since her mom died. - He's made some really bad decision since my mom died. - I wonder what he did. Yeah, my dad's in jail. Let's just say that ever since my mom died, he's made some not so good choices I guess you could say. Oh, no. What did? Did he get into drugs or..? He kidnapped Mark Zuckerberg. Oh, oh. He thinks he's a robot. So he wanted to see if his batteries would die if he couldn't recharge. Oh, okay. And this is coz your mom died? So she says all this and she says like, she's so happy that she has this group of friends and this band, coz it's like the only thing she has right now and look at how her friends respond. - Which is why I'm so glad to have this too, your friendship. - Okay. (laughs) - Okay, all right that's enough. That's, honestly you're being, you're really fucking annoying. We just came over coz we heard that you're gross ass cat died and wanted to see for ourselves. From there things take a pretty bad turn for Lemonade Mouth. - [Olivia] Everything started to fall apart. (smooth music) (sneezing) (coughing) - One of the members of the rival band shows up at their pizza place gig and sort of incites a riot of sorts. I didn't really know what happens. But he says, "Hey, everyone look it's loser mouth." - Loser mouth. - And then like he gets pushed and then somehow that results in everyone throwing cups at the band. I don't know where the logic is there. They were like, "Oh, he got pushed. "Now there's cups fuck those guys hit him with cups." (upbeat music) (people shouting) So then they're not allowed back there. And then somehow, like everyone in the band gets hurt within like the span of a day. And then to add on top of all that there's this scene. Stella finds out that on this day, they're removing the lemonade machine from the basement. So she goes to the moving truck where they're gonna be taking it to protest. - I am protesting the removal of our Mel's Lemonade machine. - You kidding me right, in this weather? - They say in this weather, as If like we all know what type of weather this is. It's supposed to be cloudy and rainy but I guess like when they were shooting this movie there were no scheduled cloudy days so they just shot this during a perfectly sunny day where the sky is completely blue and then they just like darkened the footage and made it look a little bluer. And we're like, "That looks like cloudy." because right after that it starts pouring. - Okay kid enough playing around. I got three more pickups today. - It's gonna rain let's get out of here. - You move or I move you It's your choice kid. - Hey, No, Wow. - Hey, put her down. (upbeat music) - Oh, holy shit they're going in on these dudes. Oh my God, they're like strangling them. You motherfucker give us our lemonade machine back. (police sirens) - [Olivia] Needless to say, that day was a bit of a low for the band. - Anyways then they go to jail. They're just in a jail cell now isn't that a weird turn in this movie? They like attack these guys and now they're in jail for I can only presume attempted murder like they're really going for these guys. - So much for Rising Star. - Well, we can't play. - it's over. - Oh oh, another fully improvised song they're really good turning not so great moments into really fun little sing along. ♪ Its on we (indistinct) put on the music ♪ A little bit overly chipper for a bunch of teens that just tried to murder two men for just trying to do their jobs. But don't worry about the group they just get let off with a warning and their parents come to pick them up. No repercussions whatsoever. - When I said get out of the house this isn't what I meant. (laughs) Oh, my sweetheart. - She's not even concerned. Did they tell her what they did? The grandma's just like, "Oh you, attacking people over lemonade. "I remember in my youth I set a man on fire "because he kept me in line at the soda fountain." "Oh Grandma, wait what?" All right, the time has come the battle of the band's thing that they've been preparing for this whole time is finally here. The rival band gets on stage and sings about, you guessed it. How much cooler they are then you. ♪ My girl is hotter than your girl ♪ ♪ You know it, you know it ♪ ♪ My ride is sweeter than your ride ♪ ♪ You know it, you know it ♪ ♪ Don't you wish you were us ♪ ♪ Don't you wish you were us ♪ I also like that the lead singer is wearing a shirt with his own face on it. That's a power move, for sure. You got to be real cool to do that. But when Lemonade Mouth finally gets to the stage and it's their time to shine, it turns out that they actually suck. - [Host] Lemonade Mouth. (crowd shouting) ♪ Trying hard to fight these tears ♪ - Yeah, like everyone is horribly injured. The two singers have a cold so they can't sing. Wendell's got a fucked up eye so I guess like he can't even see the keyboard. He's just like, "I don't know where the keys are." But just then something amazing happens. ♪ Trying hard to fight these tears ♪ ♪ Am crazy worried ♪ ♪ Messing with my head this fear ♪ Yo, are they about your radio rebel this thing? I'm Lemonade Mouth. No, I'm Lemonade Mouth. ♪ I wanna cry ♪ ♪ I can't deny ♪ ♪ Tonight I wanna up and hide ♪ I mean, is this not like the same ending where everyone comes together at the end to stand behind the main character by saying the things. Everybody sings the song that one of the guitar players from the rival band comes on and he plays for them. It's actually a pretty nice little ending here. ♪ Gotta turn the world into your dance floor ♪ ♪ Determinate, D-determinate ♪ They're not even playing their song and they're still winning. Imagine being that good of a band where you just get on stage and everyone else sings your song and you just kind of stand there and watch them. I can't believe that they're just gonna win by not even playing. - [Olivia] We didn't win Rising Star. - Oh, nevermind, they didn't win. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Coz they didn't play the song. That's pretty much the end. There's this part at the end where Wendell's dad is getting married to his young girlfriend and Stella is sitting at the wedding and she meets Mel who makes the lemonade that they drink and she's like, "Whoa, you're Mel" and he was like, "I'm Mel." - Mel. - Yeah. - And they actually get Mel to donate a ton of money to their school so they can afford a new music program and like a big auditorium and everything. Its kind of a sweet little ending. It also turns out at the end that this whole time Olivia's narration was actually her writing a letter to her dad in jail. So that's sweet. - I can't wait to tell you the rest in person. - But then at the very end, as she's like, finishing up the letter, she's like, "Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you dad." - Oh, I almost forgot dad. You're never gonna believe where we're playing next week. - That's right, Madison Square Garden in New York City, one of the most like renowned gigantic venues in the entire country. My band that has only existed for a couple of months and lost battle of the bands is playing at Madison Square Garden. I guess word travels pretty fast in Disney Channel Movies. ♪ Here comes a breakthrough ♪ ♪ Here comes a day ♪ ♪ Here comes a moment that you gotta go of it ♪ ♪ So don't let it get away ♪ So yeah, I guess that's the whole movie. It's got kind of a sweet ending. It's a fun movie. I mean, it's kind of silly. I like that she calls them like revolutionaries and poets at the beginning of the movie, but most of their songs are just about like, "Hey, do what you want to do. "and that's okay with us." I don't really know if I see them as like the voice of a generation. I don't know if really the Madison Square Garden is warranted, but you know what, I'll let them have it I think. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Now it's time to talk about our sponsor, Express VPN. This video is sponsored by Express VPN. Guys Express VPN is the best way to keep your data safe, keep you anonymous online and unblock content that's not available in your area. If you don't know what a VPN is. It stands for a Virtual Private Network. Basically, when you install Express VPN and you connect. Your computer sort of pretends to be a different computer. It also encrypts all the data going in and out of your devices. That makes it really hard for like Internet service providers or online advertisers or hackers to see your data. It also makes it possible to unblock like shows on Netflix that aren't available in your area or YouTube videos. 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So, you know if I've got it, then it must be good. So, if you wanna check it out and find out how you can get three months for free, visit the link in the description that's expressvpn.com/dannygonzalez that's E-X-P-R-E-S-S-V-P-N.com/dannygonzalez. Thanks again to Express VPN for sponsoring this video. And thank you to you guys for checking out Express VPN. Coz when you guys look at my sponsors that helps me get more in the future. So, much obliged. All right, well, thanks for watching this video guys. If you're new here and you're not subscribed yet, make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join Greg. Also, if you want this shirt or any of my other new merch, go to dannygonzalez.store. I think it looks pretty fly. I'm really digging it and I hope you guys like it too. And with that being said, I'll see you guys next time where I'll be live from Madison Square Garden. Bye. ♪ This video is over now ♪ ♪ Over now ♪ ♪ Go find something else to watch ♪ ♪ Or just watch this video again ♪ ♪ I know we had a lot of fun ♪ ♪ Yeah a lot of fun ♪ ♪ But you can't say on this entry forever ♪ ♪ This video is over now ♪ ♪ Over now ♪ ♪ So why are you still watching this ♪
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 5,672,832
Rating: 4.9753418 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: dIYIW4auKmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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