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so po world is currently taking the World by storm amassing over 20 million players in just a few weeks after launch what a lot of players don't know though is that there's an actual story taking place here and it goes a lot deeper than you might think there's so much going on underneath the surface like abandoned children Waring factions and mad scientists and it gets downright tragic at times it is however at the moment incomplete as in there are vast areas of the lore that have yet to even begin being touched but the game is only an alpha and is bound to get huge story updates soon the devs even said they have full plans to add new characters in so if you're interested in their stories you may want to you know subscribe to stick around for more pal World lore coverage this is not to say there isn't still quite a bit of story content to cover now though particularly about the current five Boss characters and their corresponding Pals and followers which we can find out about thanks to the various diary entries we can find throughout the islands of palpo now I want to State briefly before starting that according to all of the journal entries available so far including the Castaways entries the towers that The Boss characters are guarding in the game are deeply shrouded in mystery connected to an ancient and unknown power radiating through the palpo islands this power is responsible for cloaking the islands from the rest of the world hiding them away from our real life maps and globes and gives life to all the various warp systems and Towers throughout the islands and even the palum ore and pal spheres and Pals themselves and it all somehow centers over the great tree in the distance there was at one point long ago in ancient human civilization that coexisted with the pal but their structures are all in Ruins and their technology almost completely lost to time and that is literally as much as we know about the mysterious power of Palos well that and the guess that the islands were possibly named after the Galapagos Islands which historically have also been shrouded in Mysteries hopefully we'll have more on all of that in the future but I wanted to just lay the lore groundwork here so that we're all on the same page let's start off with the first boss most players will encounter in the game Zoe rain and her partner pal grisol who guard the tower in the wind s swept Hills Zoe looks to be a young lady around the age of 20 possibly older possibly younger who was born and raised on palpo according to her Diaries she has no family she was an only child and never knew her mother and her father's current status and location is unknown as he disappeared a long time ago long enough that she doesn't even claim to have been raised by him we do know however that her father was one of the bosses of the territorial Reign Syndicate group that is assumedly named after him and as his daughter she automatically assumed the role of boss in in his absence well maybe not exactly automatically apparently her GIS bolt actually helped to raise her along with the Syndicate gang members who spend their time running around hunting down and catching Pals in order to trade them with another group in exchange for food possibly the pal genetic research unit but that's not quite confirmed The Syndicate would then share this food with Zoe which is how she had survived but she always knew deep in her heart that none of the gang members actually cared about her and stated that she thinks they kept her alive all this time because they were afraid that her father may want one day return and be upset that they you know let his daughter starve and die one day when Zoe was still a little child The Syndicate decided to cage and sell the gis bolt that took care of Zoe when Zoe saw the gisb bolt locked away she thought grisol looked lonely like herself and her father out of compassion she waited until Nightfall when The Syndicate was asleep and broke Gris bolt out of her cage running far away and sharing half her breakfast toast with her but since that was not nearly enough food for the two of them they returned to the base camp which was met with them both being fored into the same cage however this time The Syndicate wasn't successful grisol decided to protect little Zoe who noticed how strong she was and gave grisol the command to call down a huge bolt of lightning and wipe out all the guys which knocked them all out until the next morning signifying Gris Bolt's immense show of power ever since that day the rain Syndicate has followed Zoe rain and her grisol obeying her every order as leader of The Syndicate group Zoe fought primarily against another group known as the free pal Alliance although she doesn't understand why she even claimed that she doesn't think they're bad people since all they do is love Pals which is something she actually has in common with them but according to the word of one of the senior members of The Syndicate apparently the groups have been fighting for so long that nobody even remembers why and there's no hope of ending the conflict pretty much ever as a person born and raised on the palpo islands Zoe always wondered if there was land Beyond the Sea she claims that somebody from the islands once left and never returned however she knows about Castaways sometimes arriving on the islands bringing with them tools and Technology from The Real World that differs from what she knows she also noticed that sometimes there will be said artifacts or tools that are unknown to the people of palpo that drift onto the shore and expressed a desire to one day leave the islands to discover where they come from and what's really out there even though it scares her according to Zoe's final entry she actually has no idea why she guards the tower that she's located within all she knows is that her father used to guard it before her and she knows it's somehow connected to the great power of the islands which is why she believes that she is therefore Duty bound to guard it until being killed by the player of course I guess we made sure she won't ever be able to find out what's beyond the ocean the next boss will be covering is Lily everheart the current leader of the free pal Alliance along with her partner pal lyen who guard the Tower located in the frostbound mountains we don't have much on her childhood actually we don't have anything on any of the other boss's childhoods on this list as of yet but just like Zoe we can assume that Lily was born on palpo based on things she says although whether or not she has any living relatives is unknown I don't think she would really care if she did Lily's personality is a bit of a yin-yang on the one hand she has an enormous amount of love and compassion and admiration for Pals of all species she claims that Pals have upheld civilization since ancient times and above their impressive intellect reflexes and adaptability they're also adorable on the other hand though she Harbors an intense hatred in her heart for any and all humans she even distances herself from the rest of humanity and refers to humans as they instead of we even though she herself is human and resents Humanity's Tendencies to in her words engage in pointless Strife consume flesh for no reason and develop beyond their needs above everything though she hates humans mostly for capturing and using Pals for various purposes such as labor and food claiming that to eat a pal for food is akin to blasphemy against God so she's a bit passionate you could say it makes perfect sense that she would lead the free pal Alliance who have been fighting against the rain Syndicate who catch and sell PALS like I mentioned earlier it's possible she even at one point tried to recruit more members into the FPA since one of her diary entries seems to just be paraphanalia for the group even listing the very religious sounding traditional Commandments which are as follows one thou must not eat Pals two thou must not overwork Pals three thou must not abuse Pals four thou must not use Pals for experiments and five thou must risk thy life to protect Pals it also ends with a lovely little line that states that the flesh and blood of humans exist only for the glory of Pals which definitely sounds like Lily's lovely writing she is also responsible for establishing the wildlife sanctuaries on the edges of the map which serves as the home of several species of very rare Pals she also pays the police force known as the Palos Island Defense Force an arm and a leg to protect the sanctuaries even though she hates doing business with the PF because she you know hates humans ironically her followers are only able to gather the large sums of Revenue necessary to pay the PF by raiding poacher camps which Lily finds strange but doesn't fully understand and if you raid any free pal Alliance Camp you'll see why turns out the only way Lily's group can even afford to protect Pals against poachers is to poach the pals from the poachers and sell them themselves nice you can even witness the so-called free pal Alliance straight up picking fights with Pals in the wild which violates at least two of their Commandments although a lot of the time these fights don't go very well for them she met her lene one day while she was wandering through Berry Fields as she was fond of doing it was a very foggy day and eventually she could hear the sounds of the poachers she so hated and upon following the sound nearby observed them throwing pal speres at a lilen trying to catch it marveling at Len's Beauty Lily then decided to save it by literally slaughtering the entire Syndicate group with her bare hands quite literally getting shot but ultimately stabbing them all through their hearts shattering their spheres afterwards she then refused to touch the lilene with her trembling Blood Stained hands and then ran away back to her base but Upon returning found the lilene already there ahead of her waiting for her the lilene used its power to heal her wounds and ever since then they've been Inseparable as equals without the need of a pal sphere Lily calls her lene the only flower that blooms in this sad dark world and then we kill them both nice the next boss to cover is a man named Marcus dren and his partner pal feris who similarly to the other bosses is also the leader of a group but in this case it's the pidf themselves so he's essentially the chief of police and the tower he guards is located in the northeastern desiccated desert he also just so happens to be a drug kingpin who supplies the residents of palpo with illegal drugs that he calls Sims or white stuff that he will then arrest and find them for possessing making money on both the sale and the arrest and then he'll repeat the process by reselling it to somebody else this has led him to have somewhat of a God complex calling his customers idiots or fools or garbage and claiming that this island is quote just his little sandbox to play on Once Upon a Time somebody else from the rain Syndicate tried to start dealing stems without Marcus's knowledge and since he doesn't allow anyone else to deal on his Turf he sent his feris out to deal with the dumb bottom feeder he does seem to be able to take good care of his own though as all the dialogue from the residents of the Dune shelter which he runs and protects seem to be quite fond of him and owe him their survival we don't know much else about Marcus aside from his official and unofficial occupations but his relationship with his pal partner is by far the weakest of all the bosses so far emphasizing their relationship as simply being a partnership and nothing more he sometimes goes days without feeding his feris any food electing to instead feed it quote white stuff which I'm assuming are the very drugs that he sells and even admits that one day he may just be leftover stuck to feris Wings if he pushes him too far seemingly acknowledging that the two have nothing in common and are only working together to assert dominance over the sandbox that is palpo as well as the fact that he is technically at his feris Mercy since the deadly pal could kill him if it wanted to the next boss is definitely the least fleshed out and his name is Axel Traverse who along with his pal ozerk guards the tower on Mount obsidian to the West Axel leads the deeply religious group known as the brothers of the Eternal P that like its name suggests believes heavily in the purifying power of flame claims they despise the practice of genetic research and natural manipulation that's practiced by the pal genetic research unit and believe themselves to be the natural world's protectors it is kind of ironic that Axel is their leader since the brothers seem to be deeply devouted in their beliefs and axel on the other hand is an enigma and well a rapper I guess his connection to them is that he spits fire and that's about all we know about Axel Traverse the final boss to cover in this list would be the leader of the aforementioned pal genetic research unit Victor Ashford and his artificially created pal Shadow beak who guard the final Tower located in the rather chilly astral mountains Victor and his pgru see the value in the pal species from a biological weapon standpoint and are hellbent on using dark Sciences to create the perfect pal according to his Diaries which are really just lab reports he's been running experiments to try to combine four-legged and winged Pals but to no avail I guess he didn't realize that dragon type Pals exist which are typically or limed along with having wings but anyway the first of the three lab reports called on interspecies pal experiments details unsuccessful results stating that only some combinations of Pals created bodies but they deteriorated in seconds and were disposed of there is an interesting takeaway from the first report near the end where Victor remarks that he will need new equipment to further analyze pal DNA since his current equipment was acquired from quote outside and is therefore limited the outside he's referring to is unclear but it's possible that since it's technology that is technologically incapable of properly reading pal DNA it may be that this equipment was from the outside world AKA our world off of the islands of palpo and if you take that idea one step further it could mean that Victor is knowledgeable about the outside world or may even originate from it and if you take that one step further it's possible that Victor could actually be the Castaway that mysteriously stopped writing journal entries after 38 days of living on palpo Island an unknown amount of time ago but that's all pure speculation and we'll stop while we're behind the second lab report called on the distillation and administration of Pals to the same species detailed successful results and described the method used to achieve this success which was quite literally melting down a pal into a concentrated liquid state and injecting it into another living pal of the same species which then apparently had its abilities enhanced as a result his conclusions based off of this test are as follows one that this method is successful two that it most likely only works with Pals that are the same species as one another and three that Pals possess an energy source Beyond Simple nutritional value that is essential for their own existence which he intended to investigate further the final lab report called on interspecies pal experiments 2 also details a successful result when Victor tried the new process again but with two different species of pal and it miraculously worked and thus the Abomination Shadow Beak was born which is said to be an unknown life form whose existence is for forbidden who lost its genetic relationship to other Pals and is no longer to be considered one of them so calling it a pal is technically wrong according to Victor Shadow beak is the only successful result out of an unknown amount of attempts leading him to conclude that its success must be attributed to some other unknown factor he had plans on moving forward with trying to create new combination Abominations but to our knowledge Shadow beak is the first and only one he was able to create since we have no further Diaries from Victor and he has since been killed by us and honestly good riddens and there you have it every boss character in the current world of pal World explained in their entireties did you learn something new or did I miss any details let me know either way in the comments below and also let me know which of the bosses is your favorite thank you so much for watching and for supporting the channel as we start to cover more Indie Games moving forward and if you enjoyed the video or at least my efforts into making it please consider leaving a like as that helps tremendously and be sure to subscribe if you haven't already for much more gaming lore if you like the stories behind bosses I've covered the Zelda series all almost in its entirety and have recently begun covering Metroid so please feel free to head over to the channel and check those playlists out and also let me know what other franchises you would be interested in hearing the boss stories of huge thanks as always to my Bandit crew who make my day every day and say hello to Heron Nemo and dragon xsx who just joined up that's all I've got for this one so be sure to follow me on my socials and I'll see you next time this is Bandit signing out [Music] peace [Music] d
Channel: Bandit
Views: 47,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld review, palworld trailer, palworld best base location, bandit games, masked nintendo bandit, palworld explained, palworld lore, palworld story, palworld story explained, palworld bosses, palworld soundtrack, palworld gameplay, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld update, palworld best pals, palworld best mounts, palworld best flying mounts, palworld bosses explained, palworld journal locations, palworld locations, palworld theory, banditgames
Id: a5DQpg0KGQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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