I Spent 5 Hours to Evolve the STRONGEST Pal in Palworld

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now what if you could One-Shot any pal in this game with extreme ease that's what I'm about to try and make today thanks to my recent capture of a giant crystal ice horse thing I can now start breeding things with the legend ability which is 20% attack and defense although I might just let these two hang out for a bit no harm in getting a bunch of frost iron knocks for free now to go from this big icicle guy all the way to getting Legend on this little penguin I need to successfully breed four different Pals that have Legend on it but it starts with this handy little fire dog who is only active at nighttime in a region I haven't explored so while I wait for night I figure I'll just end up making my base a little bit better Army of Anubis go get him able to make our bed somewhat nicely I just need more claw there's a real easy fix for that though pretend you're a loose school bus and crash into the innocent little lambs they're so cute it sucks that I have to kill them bu I want to make sure my employees quote unquote and sleep somewhat comfortably don't run from me get over hi little pulet bye little pulet it's so funny that they just roll down the hill with their dead body ah Bliss oh there's like a whole school of them over here I don't know why I use the term for fish but they're sleeping with them now I've got a lot of wool now just going to make the Assumption it's enough a few moments later I'm three bed short it's fine I just added some lamb wolves to a ranch it'll sort itself out half of my breeding pin is outside of my circle but does everyone still breed fine yeah all right sick kind of important for this whole getting stronger thing putting the power generated by the breeding Farm cuz that's where the sparks fly so this lovable little doofus but to catch you up to speed basically we've caught our Kiton in Frost allion we picked up this beard from an egg who's able to give us honey as long as you stay in the ranch and now I have to go gather a bunch of other resources but I wanted to start trying to make cakes even on this old cooking pot that way I can make the rocket launcher of my dreams which one's finally done thank you maybe we'll get lucky on this very first egg and it'll just have Legend off rip please game or not all right I got a wo ban with ice Emperor now just keep trying little guys now breeding's basically just a waiting game and while I was flying up to where the Katon were I think I just stumbled across what might be like the best mining base spot in all of power world let's just clear out the local Wildlife please be gone be guards away from here oh I think they're about to blow up what if I just fly up into the sky yep they just murder themselves not the smartest pals are you but look there's like 15 regular ore deposits in like eight coal so if I just smack this down in the middle like so do Pals spawn normally in here even the really big guys wow looks like so with the two little saunas being built here this place is practically done it's got 20 of the worst beds imaginable and a feed box filled with 12200 berries however it's enough to get the job done styan why are you out of the pin stay in there form a connection all right egg number two if you'd please have everything except for the one I want that's yep that's what I was hoping for thank you dang it all right on to egg number three and and still a no okay today's is going to be a tough day surely this egg will be the answer to all my prayers right no no it would maybe I should just come back a little later into the process one sec so we're back and I uh might have made a bit too many eggs on accident that's fine I just need one of these to have Legend game if you would okay it hates me oh never mind I got it on my second try I've got so many eggs I don't need anymore this is what I get for going AFK I got a male dozy so now I need a female te F but I still want to pick you up like a little cloudy baseball and Chuck you 90 mph right into the breeding pit I also did kind of keep improving my base out it's still not perfect cuz the game you know didn't give me all my resources when I broke my last base but it's a start now I think you can get T Fant from somewhere over here in all honesty I've got five goldfish for memory so I wasn't sure but looks like I found one now apparently there's a glitch you can do where if you throw a sphere and it didn't actually work whoops I did catch that t Fant though so win win okay so I've got 42 legendary spheres it's apparently if you just throw a legendary and then quickly swap to your basic pal spheres it's supposed to not take it I was going to say I'm really bad at this I guess but I've just successfully done it like five times in a row I'm at 40 legendary Spears currently throw it swap still at 40 and that's a legendary feel free to exploit that to your own desire good thing I've got all those Vixie to continuously give me basic Spears huh but now I've got a male T Fant with no skill and a female dazzy with only Legend come here you little elephant you're extremely cute and somehow weightless to my super strength get in there hey buddy you better fall in love and be happy and give me a child I sound like a doting parent or something and I wanted to make more cakes but these stupid cows aren't going to the dang Ranch and I need milk oh I don't like how I'm just ping it by the others it's so gross and what happened to this guy all right I'll let them fall in love and I'll let them get me milk for my cakes obviously if I'm making the most busted penlet I want to find one with actually good ability ities and I'm going to need a lot of these guys to get that star rting up come here your little blue devil CAU one wow bad abilities why is there no more pulet anywhere fine I'll go to the Water Area yeah there you are I knew it don't you run from me stop it everybody stay in their balls and one of you have muscle head ferocious on it that would have been the dream I guess I could keep catching T fans they could also have a skill that I want that breeds on a pulet many of these guys do I need actually wait how are you running on this water that's so deep some things don't make sense in this world and that's okay I love when there's just big groups of them I just like watching all the Spheres catch at once all right buddies come on you're all coming home with me oh wait one ah has is ferocious God he's got four of skills but that's fine that's a start with breeding all you need is that one trait wait I think I know of a very easy way to farm penalites what am I doing I come all the way over here to the realm of the Frozen wings and inside is all these little penguins these guys are a high level though which is a bit annoying but I me still hypers Spears atam it's fine it it still works once I've caught them all leave and then just get right back in and do it all over again all right I'm out of all my spheres with my pal and legendary one so just this once be doing a little bit of exploiting no wait I caught pen King on accident no this dungeon's bust for an hour let's head home ragn Hawk oh and egg's ready I didn't even know I had cake in this thing still that works out great actually show me what I want to see game oh you did oh it's got three other traits that's gross but that's fine all right to really get this pengle it kind of how I want it though we're going to make another breeding center I need a perfect four in this Flack has one of the skills that I need so if we put a male Flack in we can just put this jolt hog in that only has one other skill and now the chances of them giving me a muscle-headed penlet starting to work pretty high oh you guys got another egg done ideally this would be a penlet with just Legend oh Legend clumsy I guess that's actually not half bad the less attributes you have whenever you're trying to breed onto something the better when you start adding four in on one pal four in on the other the odds of you getting what you want get a little well uh bad all right little guys a cake for you and a cake for you now what do I keep coming up short with on cake I need to start making more flour and more milk on it got plenty of wheat for the flower currently don't have anybody to water at my base though yeah you Oran tide you're weakened but come on out buddy God it looks so sad you're just so clearly in pain and puking everywhere and for some reason I can't give you this medicine here you go get fed this highgrade medical supply you just bit my head off all right back to work go on can I just buy milk from my red Merchant are you selling it yes you are by the max oh I'm broke oops okay I've got a lot of comments telling me that nails are for some reason the best money-making method in power why how much do they sell for 3200 off 20 Nails that's 10 ingots isn't it I understand well 125 milk purchased give me this egg give me that egg got a legend in five romaniac one and then oh my gosh I did get muscle head it's accompanied with other stuff but that's fine I've got a legend clumsy guy so now I can start rolling the dice to try and get musclehead and Legend on the same thing which as you know huge damage upgrade because now my next little venture is trying to get this female kace who is one of the cutest Pals I think in this entire game get in there little cotton swab and this shiny tany I got this will also create a Panget but I'm looking to try and steal the lucky tra off of them lucky is another 15% attack boost so that's extremely nice all right Mr Egg what do we have Legend clumsy wow it's like not what we want at all give me muscle head let me also go into my tech tree cuz I need to make sure yep unlock it and I can't even build it oh I need more iron ingot man I still don't have enough for a furnace I need more polymer which means I need more high quality po oil all right you cuties dropped that don't you there we go 18 high quality P Oil probably need more does this boss drop some of that stay in the the sphere buddy I want your goodies just learn that if you leave the dungeon before you catch them it for some reason doesn't count it's making me waste my dang resources you two haven't made an egg yet hurry it up I want to go blow stuff up electric furnace has been well blueprinted they'll construct it here soon throw five cakes in each breeding pen and I feel like we're going to be coming along nicely how fast do you make 171 ings in this thing it's quick right yeah yeah it is all right let's take a few of those and now I can get my hands a little grubby ping rocket launcher Anubis wow how did you come from behind me what you're coming with me I kind of just want to test this out give me a little level one penlet what do you do he just oh he does not want to get shoved in here oh no oh he doesn't look happy at all about this launch that's oh no he's dead oh pullet no well that's to be expected God I can't wait to shoot that as an unsuspecting victim see well that's a muscle head penet without Legend that's okay a disappointment in other words come on game be lucky lucky and conceited okay well that's at least one pinget I needed so I think while those penalites all get busy making eggs I want to capture me a couple beards go level one penguin rocket that did 30 damage buddy you suck that's all right still caught him I'd like to catch at least one more right there that gives me their honey but also means four of them are currently sitting in my PO Box where I would like to go back to oh God I'm in Goin territory just's keep moving just keep moving I think it's easy enough to just continually kill stuff to get honey but since I'm about to be standing around for like 45 minutes forward March that way they'll just always give me honey and instead I don't need to breed you know the cows and chickens or whatever um I'm just going to make a crap ton of nails and then sell them all to see how much money I get the comments keep me informed and for that I'm appreciative also I picked up this little redon can we get something cool it's oh a leaf monk with ferocious that might actually be a huge help and a penlet that just has lucky on it that might also actually be a huge help a pengal it with just Legend on it that's well kind of a beautiful thing to see yes and they're the opposite gender that means I can put my one attribute lucky with my three attribute penlet and now there's a much better chance that I actually pull muscle head and this is crazy this Leaf monk that pulled ferocious happens to be male and to breed into a penlet off Leaf monk you need a burnt Slug and mine just so happens to be female also with ferocious the gods want me to make the ultimate pulet rocket launcher it's the only explanation well time to stay in here for a while a few minutes later all right it's been a little bit and I've got three eggs of each kind in an Ideal World here I would just have one ferocious penlet and no other stat on them but this one doesn't even have ferocious so clearly we don't live in an Ideal World come on third tries to charm please okay this one has ferocious and then two horrible horrible stats let's check out what you guys are watch oh penlet with muscle head okay that's literally like exactly what I was wanting and then another penlet with muscle head and a few other stats that's fine luckily the muscle-headed pulet I got happened to be female which coincides perfectly with this little male penlet that's lucky the odds are me getting a lucky muscle head just went up by a crap ton now still waiting on ferocious though out of you two also I finished 332 Nails I've been wondering about that comment that said nails are the most expensive or profitable oh wow that's okay 53,000 gold huh y seems pretty good I could buy all the eggs ever said we'll settle for 500 and 500 milk too please how many cakes can I make now oh now we're talking and now we're once again back to yet another waiting game back again where each pal has dropped me three eggs this is kind of my spot that I like to come back and actually check everything out just cuz I've been getting lucky recently and it's confirmation bias however I'm no longer getting lucky that's a destructive pulet everything is sad and yes I'm getting lucky everything works I love love life man then another one with ferocious all right I got one lucky muscle head but it also has M foreman and Vanguard don't know where that came from I'm really just looking for Lucky muscle head if I can get it that honestly might not be too bad lucky muscle head and Glutton but all right let's take my ferocious little pulin Chuck you in there I got to admit throwing the absolute curveball pitch into the breeding pin might be my favorite part about this whole process the only downside is this nail penlet I have as Legend clumsy so it's not like I'm trying to get a oneon-one trait but like I said I'm feeling lucky just like this penlet I just hatched oh yes I got a musclehead and lucky penlet now if I can just get the ferocious Legend out of you everything would work out great tell you what let's just make it this one egg huh show me Legend oh no I saw double gold and thought I was good well more cakes for y'all then so I should have the last eggs I ever need made and sure enough there you are 20% attack 30% attack 20% attack 15% attack nice little 85% boost but of course course we can make everything well much much better thanks to the mass amount of these guys that I have caught he's up to a three star and if I just go catch 12 more that'll be enough this shouldn't take long back once more for the Great penlet Purge is extremely fun to say thank you for your sacrifice small little creatures now I've got the level five Panget Cannon and I can still come over here and crank up his attack and his defense just to be safe all right the fastest way to level this guy up most definitely just to come up to the ice Zone murder something try and catch something new get your level up stay in there thank you look at that level 30 already all right this little guy's all the way up to level 35 I've been trying to think about what to test them against answer's a quick test at level 35 let's check you out against the level 31 relaxasaurus buddy that's a good 1100 HP from him wait you survive this now yeah know that sick just let him have it okay yeah he's dead now let's try and make you level 45 to match with me and then see how much we can do a long grinding session later and now this little guy level 45 I got a couple comments telling me I should start testing stuff out on this boss too so fire that's 25,000 damage huh dude this little penguin guy is kind of busted maybe we can take you into where all the other bosses are buddy I like your gumption but all right I think that'll do it for this episode of power world if you have any suggestions or ideas for me leave me a comment down below letting me know until then as always thank you so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 39,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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