Best way to get Legendary Schematics in Palworld // palworld tips

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what is the best way to get legendary weapons and armor in power world there are many and also many chances what are you doing there bro legendary gear is made from legendary schematics and to get those you can do a few things capture Butcher and kill the alpha boss that Dro them there's currently 17 that can and the rest of it is just opening a bunch of chests you can open up in-game cave chests Wildlife Sanctuary chests dungeon chest at the end of them and you can also go to weasel Hill there's one chest in particular it's insane and the rest of it is just going to be red chests which have different levels of them I'll EXP and all that as we go along now what is in capture butcher kill you may ask well it's the best way to get legendary schematics spoil alert video's over y'all can go home now the first line is Butcher second Line's capture third Line's kill butchering is pretty freaking good they have to be Alpha bosses though you can't breed them either I mean you can breed the bosses but you can't butcher their offspring and get schematics cool cool but I've got a lot of assault rifles from doing this and it's just RNG at the end the day truth be told I need to buy this rice cooker dude I need it it took 20 okay it took 20 but it's possible I suggest always trying to capture the pals you want to Butcher and try and get schematics from cuz capturing you get a chance at getting schematics kill butchering you get another chance that's two chances for one basically killing it's just one chance so capture and then butcher if you want to if not if he has a good IVs keep it you do you ingame cave chest what are those well these are going to be the chests in the caves for mostly the higher level Pals so in the frost area with like frost alion you have King Paka and I think lilen nocturnal those two bosses the caves chest in there really good then you got aagon and blasa mut same deal they have chest in there they're great to open and finally in the desert area you have din laom Lux I believe and then minting so there's six cave chests you can go to they take the same time to respond as most chests which is a year and a day it's like 6 hours I believe I don't know if you can speed it up but we've got a bunch of good stuff here we got a heat resist plus two shirt lit we have freaking epic tech tech manuals and I've gotten my first rare pendant of diligence and then a bunch of other stuff and what what I want to say what what I should mention rather when you open up chests for loot if they give you schematic that means that that chest or those kind those kinds of chests could also give you the legendary version of that schematic so this is a uncommon pump action shotgun schematic sure it could have been legendary it's just the luck wasn't there as far as I can tell and now moving on we have Wildlife Sanctuary chests there is a decent bit of these and there's three sanctuaries you have a low level one which is in the bottom of the map that that's decent to go to if you're early in the game but once you get to Mid game late game you want to go to the other two which are level 45ish and loot all the chests around them and this is truth be told the only place I've gotten a legendary schematic from a chest I believe I've gotten a handgun schematic and then the heat resistant metal armor schematic I believe these sanctuaries can only give you four items four schematics in particular handgun for sure and I believe the heat resist and cold resist metal armor then metal armor and finally I believe there is one more but I guess four the only schematics I've gotten and I've opened up a lot of these chests even down here we have nine handgun schematics metal Helm heat resist cold resist and metal armor you also get a bunch of the skill fruit tree stuffs you get random shirts random attack pendants the Rarity of this stuff is all random you do get a grip of tech manuals as Quil so definitely open this chests are all about they're just like the the parameter the insid there's like I think 10 chests 11 chests per Island then we have dungeons oh wait I have two rows of this so that's that stuff okay cool then we have dungeons dungeons I have two chests because there's a lot going on actually no I wanted to separate the levels I think I had to go back and check the level of the dungeons in the bottom row we have level 38 Dungeons and the top right of the map the desert area and I haven't done too many of these or maybe I have but I never really recorded the findings until recently so I only have a cold resist refined metal armor schematic it's decent then above that level 40 dungeons in the near Blas and aagon basically the lava area refined metal armor schematic one so it's midle stuff then we have level 45 Dungeons and the loot gets a lot better these are going to be in weasel Hill area and also Frost alion the top left continent or area whatever you want to call it and this is good loot we have refin wait not not that rocket launcher level two schematic we got pal metal Helm pal metal armor pal metal Helm level two good loot like really good loot and we're getting epic uh tech technology Point manuals manuals books last section we got weasel Hill and red chest in general weasel Hill has one chest I suggest opening whenever it responds it's a purple chest on a throne and for some reason it gives you dungeon loot I've gotten rocket launcher schematics I've gotten diamonds when purple chests are normally going to give you just gold and bread so I'm not sure what kind of like this chest had Rich parents because it's different so open that chest also there's a for chest on the tower you can open that's like the easy stuff outside of that weel Hill is hard to navigate but there are a bunch of red chests in the frost area they're good to open now the way red chests work you have bronze keys or red chest in the lower level areas require bronze keys in the mid-level areas require silver keys and in the high level areas they require gold keys high level being just the frost map for some reason the desert area it's high level but they take silver key Keys the silver keys are still good now loot wise I tried to organize it best I could but I'm only human bottom row should be bronze key stuff we got CL cloth outfits crossbow metal armor that one could be a lie only human handgun I I doubt it but maybe I don't know how my brain works then second row is like this whole section right here is going to be in the desert area the desert area can give you good schematics for stuff but I think it's limited to the same loot pool as the sanctuaries in the higher level areas such as handgun epic one though which is good metal Helm refined metal Helm and then heat resist metal armor and cold resist so it seems as if it's the same loot pool schematic wise as the level two or second and third sanctuaries as far as I can tell now above this we have the frost area and stuff gets a little Saucy we got the refine metal Helm legendary assault rifle I haven't seen that in a chest outside of the gold chests in the frost area by gold chests I mean the red chest require gold keys it's very confusing but red chest that require gold keys in the top left area assault rifle then pal metal Helm and a whole bunch of stuff the souls do not come from Red chest that come from gold chests which is what confusing again I I know but these schematics are good stuff and that is from the red chest require gold keys in the frost area legendary gear what the what now the question was what is the best way to get legendary weapons and armor in power world and the answer is doing all these things if you have time for them if not capturing and butchering the pals is the best way easily by far no questions asked to add on to what he said I'd suggest looting L nocturnal and Ice King pocket chest they're super close maybe askon Blas if you have time and aside from that um I would probably get that one chest in icel hill and do dungeons and doing dungeons is very fast if you know the proper route to take sometimes you can get lost but there are things put in place to sort of guide you but again if you do all these things you might as well because they have long timers like the chest take like 6 hours to respawn so if you're home one day and you're like man I really want legendary stuff in this game that's what you can do now the best best way to farm legendary schematics is to increase your pal appearance rate by three that's it you don't got to change anything else if you don't want to but you get three chances now to a capture three bosses and then b b three bosses if you don't change your damage or the damage the damage you take or damage your deal it's a challenge so the folks saying you're cheating like a it's a PVE game so who cares B what the they have different HPS I just noticed that 39 3930 3613 thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 68,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld legendary schematics, palworld legendary, palworld legendary rocket launcher, palworld legendaries, palworld lego, palworld legendary farm, palworld legendary armor, palworld legendary guns, palworld world boss, palworld boss, palworld early legendary weapons, palworld wild life sanctuaries, palworld easily farm legendary weapons, Palworld best way to get legendary weapons, Palworld red chests, palworld dungeon chests
Id: u_BVQRoCv0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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