The Fanatic - Hilariocity Review

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This may be the most HDTGM movie ever made.

This movie didn't just cross the line of "So bad it's good," it fucking nuked it.

This review is right, The Fanatic is transcendentally bad. Everyone on this sub should watch it, it's fucking hysterical.

I have soooo many thought's about this movie, but, I can't talk too long, I gotta poo.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jornin_stuwb 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Chris u aren't worthy yet to understand this masterpiece You need more ear wax

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

trying to give more upvotes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/314Piepurr 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] have to stop piggy ollie I will make you stop I mean I did not hit her it's not true it's bullshit I did not hit her Oh [Music] welcome back to the hilarious ''tis segment it has been far too long since I've done one of these I feel like I'm coming back home I feel like I've entered into where I am most comfortable once again today we're gonna be talking about a film that I actually saw in theaters I wasn't planning on it I figured I'd say it on VOD one day but then I see that a film called the fanatic starring John Travolta directed by Fred Durst is coming to a theater about 40 minutes away from my house so I jump in my car like a little excited boy giddy and ecstatic to go watch a movie in a theater and I sit down in this old fashioned theater and there's nobody there but me and I think to myself this is perfect [Music] watch it where do I start with this movie I have no idea actually it's insane I haven't had a theater experience like this in years there was nobody there as I said and so I felt completely free in regards to a laughter and by the time I heard the first line of dialogue out of our protagonists mouth my laughter overpowered the sound system I can't talk too long I gotta poo can't talk too long I gotta poo is the first line out of John Travolta's mouth as a writer whenever you are introducing your character you have an opportunity here this is your first chance to show us what you want to communicate with this guy and we get I can't talk too long I gotta poo I love this movie I love it it's a horrible movie I mean every decision is wrong there are maybe two things about this movie I actually sat back and thought that's a good idea we'll talk about those in a sec but my fucking god this is one of the best theater experiences in my life I never thought I would see a movie like this in the theatre I tweeted out as soon as it was done that it was a transcendent experience and I meant every fucking word of that look at John Travolta look at him look at that wig what is going on Moose's in the house watch out watch out here's Luci and you know what I'm not gonna talk about him as a person cuz he seems like a great guy but there are hints to the types of roles he likes to take peppered throughout his career as early as the 80s I mean look at staying alive for instance in 1994 when he was cast in Pulp Fiction it was viewed as a comeback it was viewed as Tarantino helping John Travolta regain his footing and then he had a bit of a resurgence in the mid to late 90s but there were always hints that Travolta likes to go over-the-top Broken Arrow being a prime example and in the Phanatic John Travolta as the character moose makes every bad decision you could possibly make your your movie is amazing and you're going to be amazing in it thank you that's a sweet I love your shirt it's the only one in the world he plays an obsessed fan who's stalking an actor named hunter Dunbar played by devon Sawa of final destination Fame he was also in a movie called night of the twisters it was on TV anybody remember that movie I fucking remember that movie he screams about everything he cries about everything he rocks back and forth in his chair he shuffles left and right when he stands still he does all of the first decisions you would expect from a character like this oftentimes the first decision or the first idea that you have when you're writing or in the case of an actor performing is probably the worst idea usually when you're crafting say a screenplay and it's your first draft usually the first idea is good enough to get you from page to page and craft a good first draft that you can then go back and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and usually you come up with second third fourth and fifth ideas that are way better than that first one because probably the first one was the most obvious in the case of Travolta's performance in this movie and the way he's directed it's always the most obvious first choice exactly what you would think he'd do with the character such as moose it's a pleasure to meet you mr. Dunbar I have every one of your VHS and DVDs at this point I have to address the elephant in the room and that elephant is fred durst this film was directed by him if you don't know who fred durst is he is most known as the lead singer for the band limp Biskit that's right this film is directed by the lead singer of limp Biskit now he has directed before he made the film the long shots with icecube the education of charlie banks with Jesse Eisenberg and quite a bit of music videos mostly from his band so it's not like he hasn't had experience directing or anything it's just such a novelty this film is the way John Travolta's dressed the hairpiece choices his acting the plot and the fact that limp Biskit fucking directed it it's just it's a novelty item this movie this movie is prepackaged and gift-wrapped for the hilarious --'tis segment so moose lives in an apartment in LA filled with movie memorabilia and props he seems to make his money on Hollywood Boulevard portraying a British officer but we don't know that at first and so we're treated to him in a bathroom putting a fake mustache on saying poppycock over and over again and I swear to God I fucking the my laughter was just shrill like a shrill hyena laughing in this theater there's also a shot in this scene where someone's taking a selfie right behind John Travolta now this very well could be because it's Hollywood Boulevard and they wanted an extra to do that or it's actually somebody just walking on Hollywood Boulevard straight up taking a selfie with John Travolta in the final cut of this movie I have no way of confirming it could be either I hope it's somebody who's actually in the frame taking a selfie because they're realizing John Travolta is filming a movie guerilla-style god damn I hope that's what it is so moose is obsessed with this actor Hunter Dunbar he's mostly known for action and sci-fi and he finds out that he's gonna be signing at a local place and so he rushes to get there he buys a $300 jacket that this guy wore in a movie and he's just so ready to meet his idol and he waits in line and he gets all the way to the front of this line before Hunter is taken away because of some sort of obligation now Moses losing it because he was just about to get his autograph and he's so upset that he follows Hunter into an alley and he accosts him there in this alley and Hunter is like broke the fuck away from me now granted he's unnecessarily rude to this fan which is a major issue I have with this movie and we'll talk about that in a second that being said there is actually one idea in this scene that I think was actually kind of effective well moose is in line he leans over and sees hunter in this spotlight and in that one image they set up how he views this actor and I thought that was actually pretty effective but like I said hunter is unnecessarily rude to moose and he continues to be throughout the film whenever they run into each other now granted this guy is clearly showing major stalker tendencies so he has a reason to be upset but he was mean from the very beginning and he's unnecessarily aggressive with his threats I'm sorry mr. Java but I have everything a chess I have every DVD and you're so rad in the warrior I just don't what you'd like to sign my stuff you came to the place but I'm officially done but boy do you see the special items that I have mr. space vampires have an ice on your face with my fucking Jess that's a collector's item you're not gonna want to take home trust me sir this is a major problem with the movie because the movie doesn't actually side with either one of them I think perhaps they thought they were when they were writing the script but when you watch the film Travolta's character is clearly over the top when it comes to being a fan of somebody he's making unreasonable requests he's showing up outside this guy's house he's writing him letters he's jumping his fence these are all terrible things that shouldn't be happening and in some cases he's trespassing so obviously we're not supposed to side with this obsessed fan but at the same time hunter is rude from the get-go he doesn't have a real reason to treat moose the way he does now granted moose is invading his privacy no doubt but there's no reason to say what he says to him and so on this way you can kind of understand why moose already being an obsessed fan freaks out and goes too far but you can also understand why hunter as the actor dealing with this obsessed fan is bothered by it so there's no conflict and there's no contrast these are two people who are both doing it wrong the film doesn't side with either one of them and so you don't give a shit that in a nutshell is the biggest Lodge ricky'll issue with this movie beyond a lot of other things that are obviously unintentionally hilarious another strange idea is that the film is littered with voiceover it's unfortunately not from John Travolta's character moose I wish it was that would have been amazing it's actually narrated by his only friend a younger woman who is apparently a paparazzi she shows up and voiceover every once in a while to explain things to us it's extremely lazy Los Angeles [Music] I call it the city of bullshitters but it also doesn't seem to make sense because the film isn't really told from her perspective at all you never get the sense that it is and since she is the voice-over guiding us through the film it makes it seem like she's telling it to us after the fact but she's barely even a presence in the movie it's such a terrible misstep of direction the film is 88 minutes long and the entire second act is just filled with scenes in which moose tries to run into Hunter it gets increasingly awkward to the point of embarrassment and then eventually the movie picks up and becomes even funnier right about here no don't read it oh my gosh oh my gosh are you okay I'm sorry I'm so sorry that's the nosebleed that that's bad that's bad I had a nosebleed it wasn't fun that is one of my favorite death scenes I laughed so hard I just I can't it's so now he's done this horrible thing but it doesn't even really register with him he just kind of moves on it's like he doesn't understand exactly what he's doing and the film does a horrible job of letting us in to mousses mental state we don't really know how he processes information it's just that exact one note that we are constantly on he's obsessed with this guy and he thinks everyone's mean to him and that's all it's the most basic way of looking at a very mentally complex scenario how someone can truly get so lost and someone they've never met and go to such great lengths to get to them it's very complex psychologically and this film is purely interested in the surface level a good comparison to a film that takes a story similar to the fanatic but actually explores it much deeper his one-hour photo Robin Williams being a photo developer who is obsessed with a family that seems to be really happy because he sees all of their photos this movie was clearly at times used as a blueprint because there's a scene just like in one-hour photo where Travolta finally gets inside of Hunter's house uses their toothbrush hides underneath their child's bed watches home videos of him and his ex-wife it's creepy and that's obviously what they were going for but the film has already been so unintentionally funny that now when we see Travolta just kind of hopping around hunters house it's just so goddamn funny and it can't help but be that anymore eventually he finds himself trapped in hunters house once hunter comes back home and we get one of the funnier scenes in the entire movie now I have to be real with you okay when I saw this movie my friend texted me and he was like hey man what's up and I'm like dude I'm watching this crazy movie called the fanatic I had my cell phone because there was nobody else in the theater I saw it light up I responded to the text I was like I'm watching this movie and he was like what's what's going on what's it about I sent him like a minute of the movie on my phone and this is what I recorded you can hear my actual reaction [Music] he touches his ear and sniffs the smell he kisses them on the head it's just it's everything I wanted to see out of your Volta in this scene and my god it's just so it you know it could possibly be offensive for some people to be honest because it's such a blase surface level portrayal of someone who clearly has some difficulties and yet it's played entirely as like he's a murdering psychopath in the making and if the film wasn't a hundred percent completely in your face obvious with its choices already we get a scene like this the okay with some music you like a little limp Biskit [Music] I use listeners back in days this is where I fully checked out from fred durst as a filmmaker I haven't seen a moment in film that on the nose in years the director having a character in the movie specifically like vocalized that he loves the directors band I've never seen a moment so in-your-face is that there's another odd choice made throughout this movie I want to discuss as the axe break 1 2 & 3 we get drawings there's nothing that I can really glean from these moments that make sense to me they're just drawings and I don't understand why they're in the movie and I don't care to analyze why they might be in the movie but they're in the fucking movie so as the movie progresses and we watch hunter do various strange things we notice that he's taking photos of just about everything he does and it's later on in the movie when his friend shows up and says you've been posting all of these weird things on social media you're gonna get in trouble and I'm like whoa whoa whoa you mean the scene where he kissed this famous actor on the forehead he took a photo of that and posted it online this is not the kind of thing that would go unnoticed if you walked into a famous actors house and took a photo of you kissing them and then posted it online it would be viral within minutes this guy should have had the police knocking down his door so it's kind of crazy that they say that he's been posting all of this this whole time and the scene ends with him flipping out saying that he's going to block her on social media but now we're getting to the finale moose has begun to lose it he can no longer take just how rude hunter has been and he decides he's going back to his house tying him up to his bed dressing up like Jason Voorhees and pretending to kill him yes this is what I fucking needed oh man I haven't seen a movie this satisfying and so long I fooled other Delabar I fooled under dump is a good actor how do you find this scene also contains my favorite line of all of the voiceover moose didn't just cross the line he fucking nuked it he didn't just cross the line he fucking nuked it that was written and performed everything about this sequence is gold the fact that Travolta is on the floor with fake blood and when hunter wakes up and sees Travolta he finds out he's just joking and wanted hunter to think that he killed himself right in front of him he gets up and he's like I told you I'm a great actor who's like wow this is perfect I love it every single thing in this scene is amazing eventually hunter has to try to convince moose that he really wants to be his friend and he'll autograph anything for the rest of his life he won't call the police so moose lets him go in a gigantic fight starts it kicks Chuck Travolta down a flight of stairs [Music] now sir Volta is whining so much throughout this scene that it just becomes comical [Music] and it's strange the extent that hunter goes to in regards to his violent revenge he like shoots holes near mooses ears just to make him scared and then stabs him I guess in the eye where is this even coming from like where is this violence set up in this character like you think he would just defend himself but no he like gets all jigsaw on him and tries to fuck it and kill him and then realizes at the last second whoa I don't want to kill this guy and he just opens the door and just pushes him out of the door and just says bye I know you don't have an eye anymore and I just kicked you down a flight of stairs and shot off your fingers but you can just go on with your day what is this ending like fuck his friend finds him wandering on the street he's got no fingers he's missing an eye people come up to him and want to take selfies with him because they think he's part of the Hollywood Boulevard madness like a great costume that's actually another okay idea I like the fact that he's walking through the street looks like shit people think he's just part of the show that wasn't a bad idea and I liked how he actually smiles a little bit in the selfie one of the only good ideas in this movie but immediately his friend finds him and just is like we got to get you to a hospital and we see that hunter is being like arrested this makes no sense to me and I don't understand this scene they show the body of the maid that Travolta killed and they seem to implicate that the police think hunter did it somehow I mean all he has to do is say hey this crazy stalker has been following me showed up to my house tied me up to a bed pretended to fucking kill me and then let me go and I defended myself and along with all the pictures that moose posted on social media he would have a lot of evidence to support those claims so again where's the conflict between these characters actually going this is the most limp Biskit ending I've ever fucking seen I just it goes nowhere it just it's also hilarious about the ending is that the opening credits play a second time there's opening credits at the beginning of the movie and then they play again in the credits now usually if there's no opening credits in a movie like say Star Wars for instance one of the more famous films that doesn't have opening credits those credits play at the end if your film opens with your normal credits then the ending credits are usually just like a someone film and then unit production manager cast and they just start rolling maybe this film has two credit sequences they couldn't even figure that most basic thing out about filmmaking structure it's fucking amazing everyone needs to see this movie everyone needs to see it it's incredible it's everything I wanted it to be I love it I love it so fucking much I will probably watch it many more times with friends and I hope you enjoy watching it too [Music] [Music] guys thank you so much as always for watching it was very nice doing another hilarious 'ti it's been too long I hope to bring more to you very soon as always if you liked this you can click right here and get stuck mine eyes [Music]
Channel: Chris Stuckmann
Views: 1,957,702
Rating: 4.9012003 out of 5
Keywords: The Fanatic, Hilariocity, Review, Movie, Scene, Clip, Trailer, Teaser, Funny, Hilarious, Moments, Acting, Fred Durst, Limp Bizkit, John Travolta, Devon Sawa, Ana Golja, Fan, Stalker, Autograph, 2019, Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th, Ending
Id: a-uiI_hCoOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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