The Happening - Hilariocity Review

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is that a comedy or a drama or both is M night Shyamalan a genius or a hack or both I need some food for thought whatever happened to that guy the happening what happened to M night Shyamalan why is this movie so bad that it's good is it trying to be so bad that it's good is it a B movie or is it an a movie or is it a B movie trying to be an A movie what is this thing it's an enigma whatever it is it is most certainly a hilarious 'ti a movie that's such an atrocity it's hilarious so let's talk about it today on my hilarious T review of M night Shyamalan the happening this movie why do I own it because it's incredible The Happening starring Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel directed by thief one and only M night Shyamalan this guy has an extremely varying career I mean think about it he has a movie that was nominated for many Oscars is a very underrated and overlooked film he has a great alien invasion thriller had a movie that people hated at first because of the twist ending but has since developed a cult following he has another movie that a lot of people hated it has also since developed a cult following he's got this piece of [ __ ] and this newer dull boring piece of [ __ ] and then there's the happening a movie so incredibly hilarious is it supposed to be I don't even know this guy has the most varying career out of any director working today it's actually kind of impressive even Mark Wahlberg himself has admitted that he finds this movie horrible I will quote him directly and this quote is filled with some words I don't usually say in my videos to prepare yourself alright The Happening [ __ ] it is what it is [ __ ] trees man the plants [ __ ] it you can't blame me for not wanting to try to play a science teacher at least I wasn't playing a cop or a crook even the poor man is admitting the fact that the movie just wasn't what he thought it was gonna be you can even see him into bloopers on the DVD kind of talking to M night about this thing he's not entirely sure about why would we be asking food if the place is boarded up nobody's lived here for a long time what makes you think there's fresh grocer two words canned goods it's like they're humorously arguing about it you know what I mean like these like I don't know about this idea and M nights like look just do it okay see this movie was marketed as this new thing for M night Shyamalan it was gonna be rated R very bloody very violent no more pg-13 scares you go to this movie and yes it is very bloody and very violent in that way but it's also kind of hilarious like you're not really thinking wow that's really terrifying you're thinking this movie is amazing it's so quotable too I've actually gone to some of my friends and been like come on guys take an interest in science before this movie came out there was something that bothered me already that I was like this is not going in a good direction check out the tag line of this movie we've sensed it we've seen the signs now what's happening really you're gonna reference your two most successful movies in your tag line how stupid is that it's like yeah this movie doesn't have anything to stand on let's just talk about the fact that I made two really financially successful movies once and we'll put that in the tagline I mean even on the making of documentary for signs M night didn't even want them to put that he was the director of The Sixth Sense in the trailer of science he wanted signs to stand on its own and it did now originally this movie actually opened with Mark Wahlberg's character and Zooey Deschanel's character having this big fight and it kind of explained why they were at odds with each other throughout the movie and I deleted it because he wanted it to be like us figuring out why they were fighting which is kind of a good idea I guess because that way we can kind of get into the relationship and see where it's going but at the same time I wonder if it might have actually been a better character introduction for Wahlberg's character then hey guys so what's going on with all the B's out there hey guys this B's dying all over the place what do you guys think about that I don't know Albert Einstein said that if the B was extinct mankind would be extinct what do you guys think about that come on take an interest in science we'll get to Mark Wahlberg's first lecture in a bit but first this movie opens with two characters sitting on a bench and the one actors his name is Kristen Connelly you may know her from the cabin in the woods I actually had a chance to meet this actress at the cabin in the woods screening and since M night Shyamalan really inspired me as a filmmaker with his first few films I asked her what it was like to work with him when I brought up the happening her face like went cold like she got really nervous like I was about to insult her or something like I I don't really know what that means but we didn't talk about M night Shyamalan that much let's just put it that way we ended up talking more about the cabin in the woods which is what she wanted to talk about clearly these two girls are sitting there and she seems to be the only one who's not affected by this epidemic that is suddenly happening around her she has these magic powers that for some reason I guess allow her to not be affected by the fact that everyone around her has instantly stopped moving and then started walk backwards and then her friend stabs herself in the neck and killed herself that's a little interesting then we cut to these guys working on a construction yard and bodies start falling everywhere people are committing suicide everywhere this is crazy what is going on but the problem is it's not really that frightening it's kind of funny and it's sad to think that he has all these masseuse they're funny but the way they filmed it and the way the actors are so overly serious it just comes off as funny now when I saw the trailers for this movie there was actually a clip of Shyamalan in the trailer at the end talking about how he was like people that came out of the theater and they were shaking and they were so upset and disturbed it was really awesome very happy about it they seemed like he really was trying to make a scary thriller but then later on right around when the movie came out he was like yeah it's a b-movie you know you're supposed to be entertained by it it's like a movie where it's like yeah we're cheesy we're being that way on purpose that's that's why I'm well that's right yes cheesy b-movie because that's how everyone's gonna think when they see it the thing about Mark Wahlberg's introductory lecture is that it literally spoils the entire movie if you're actually listening to what comes out of characters mouths all he's talking about is how it's a scientific event that no one will ever be able to explain and that's exactly what happens in the movie and it's like it literally spoils everything it happens I remember the first time I saw it I was like wait so basically he just told me what's gonna happen in the movie right and he goes on to talk quite often about bees bees are apparently a reoccurring event in my hilarious 'ti reviews Thank You Nicholas Cage the worker man was amazing hey guys yeah so soon we get an introduction to Zooey Deschanel character or Zooey completely miscast Deschanel her acting in this movie is so so bad and I am a fan of hers I mean she is just downright awful in this movie makes you kill yourself just when you thought there couldn't be any more evil that could be invented during this scene you get the first little hint of mankind being too evil when you see the paper that says kill adelphia and it's referencing how murder has gone crazy in Philadelphia you get a lot of hints about that in this movie that man is encroaching upon nature and that's not a good thing so they meet up with John's leg will I ruin every movie I'm in zamo at the train station they get on the train they're hoping to get out of there because everyone thinks it's a terrorist attack which you know what that makes sense a lot of people would think that nowadays so suddenly the train stops and Wahlberg gets out and talks to the conductor's and he's like hey man why'd you stop the train Philbert where's Phil bird none of us know where that is hey you can't just leave us here and the guys like we lost contact with whom everyone what a train just stopped going to its destination if it lost contact with the people at its destination and anyone else and just let all of the passengers disperse into the woods so it seems like most everyone groups together at this country diner where we actually get a kind of smart scene where Mark Wahlberg shows his mood ring to the little girl John Leguizamo's daughter he puts it on her finger and he's like oh it's yellow that means you're about to laugh he gets her to laugh there's a kind of cool little tidbit with that ring that comes up again later in the film it's actually pretty neat writing but that's replaced immediately with a woman going oh my god oh my god look at this and then you look at her cell phone and it's like this incredibly violent and disturbing video that no one would ever be like oh hey random person next to me sitting next to a little girl look at this life-changing ly violent video that will haunt you for the rest of your life it's this guy just letting Lions bite off his arms it's really funny but seriously though in real life if you were sent a video that disturbing would you look at the random person next to you as well as the little girl and say oh my god look at this no you'd be like dude this is horrible I'm not gonna show anyone this especially at a restaurant then suddenly this asian man that apparently ever wanted the restaurant listens to its like whatever is happening it's not happening about 90 miles from here and then everyone just listens to him and leaves hey guys I like this guy he understands what's going on we all need to get about a hundred miles away from here so let's all run away and then we get the introduction to one of my favorite characters in this movie and I'm just gonna refer to him as the hotdog guy this guy's awesome he really likes hot dogs too we'll get to that soon so John Leguizamo wants to go search for his wife which means he has to go on another car Wahlberg and zooey deschanel are saying goodbye to him he lets them take care of his daughter Wahlberg's like I think we should go over some probabilities that probably a good idea right and leg was almost like there's a 62% chance that this ain't gonna have happened to us there's like a 62% check look what I'm sorry what is it why what like who just stands there and goes over probabilities I get that he's a math genius freak guy who is calmed down by numbers but my favorite part of this scene it's Mark Wahlberg's delivery of this line well you go get you is okay I should have of course like you can really tell that wahlberg was like hey night do I really have to read that in that exact same way oh yeah you do great so John Leguizamo then drives off and we get the incredibly obvious I'm about to die shot then we get the hot dog scene now this scene is amazing this guy he just really freaking loves hot dogs you like hot dogs right uh-huh you like hot dogs don't you mm-hmm you know hot dogs get a bad rap they got a cool shape protein have to do with anything mister Shabalin nevertheless thanks for that scene I like it so John Leguizamo's in this truck with all these people then all of a sudden there's all these hanging bodies in the middle of the road just hanging from poles and whatnot the sad thing is is that the girl screams after we see these bodies even though there's like a 30 second period where they're driving along this road where anyone in this car would be like hey there are like ten bodies hanging right there but nobody get like this really long pan over shot and then a loud jump scare and the girl go ah it's like you would have seen those like a minute ago woman so he tries to calm her down by telling her a math riddle a very complex math riddle he's like if you had this certain amount of money starting this day and then continued to double it each day how much would you have in the end of the month anyone on the planet knows that more than likely it's at least more than a hundred right and she's like it's 30 it's 30 no woman is not 30 besides that what is the point with all these math riddles I get it he's a math teacher he loves math but enough with all the probabilities and riddles and all this it's dumb so the gas or whatever they think it is it's starting to come through the car the car like crashes into this tree with this incredibly epic shot so in the next scene Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel and the little girl are in the car with the hot dog guy and his wife and they see an army truck approaching them he's like oh it's the army we're safe no actually it's a tiny Adam Sandler babbling about cheese and crackers cheese and crackers a shooby-dooby to do let's go everybody let's go he called this [ __ ] poop so based off the hot dog guys thoughts about the plants the plants having something to do with it Mark Wahlberg starts to figure things out maybe it could be the plants is it possible that the plants are upset with humans and are trying to kill us by emitting toxins into the air is it truly possible well think about it that newspaper said that murders rising in Philadelphia man the plants are aware of these things so a large group of people kind of end up around the same spot as Tiny Adam Sandler directs them where to go so as this big group of people are walking to wherever they're walking they start to hear gunshots the wind is starting to attack that's right the wind is blowing the toxins around and there's gunshots and screams in the air Mark Wahlberg goes oh no then Zooey Deschanel goes we don't know what oh no well maybe it's the frickin gunshots and screams lady you think that might have something to do with it seriously what a dumb thing to say we're not gonna be like those on the news so don't do anything when a problem happens we're not [ __ ] but everyone just give me a got-dang second honey in a second give me a second all right be scientific douchebag figure out the variables probabilities experimentation oh yeah that scenes in the movie and I'm supposed to be really intense didn't really work out though it's just amazingly awesome so wahlberg is starting to think you know what maybe when people are grouped together you know we just split up we need to get away from groups because this thing is attacking groups because the you know we're stepping on the grass or whatever we're bumping into too many leaves so we just split up into groups so at this point in the movie now people are dying everywhere and Wahlberg is really starting to think you know what maybe we're setting off the plants maybe it's the plants it's probably the plants yeah we need to get someplace right we need to get out of here oh crap here comes the wind the big epic evil wind scene Emma I tried to make the wind scary and it just didn't really work out eventually they've run into these two kids one of his Spencer Breslin on loan from abigail breslin who was in signs and they're just chit-chatting a lot you know these two kids look like they're about 14 or 15 years old you know I don't really understand what they're doing there they're immensely incredibly calm for these two kids who are obviously separated from their families you'd think that would really be what they were thinking about like hey where's my parents where's my sister where's my brother where are my grandparents I don't know something besides oh cool that's a mood ring let me see that oh wow there's a kind of clever idea that happens where they're in a model home and you don't find out they're in a model home until after that scene or all the stuff in the house is fake and you're watching it like what in the world is going on it was kind of a clever idea but in the long run it kind of ended up being a distraction at the same time in this scene whoever we get an incredible moment where Wahlberg talks to a houseplant and I understand that in this scene it is supposed to be funny but that's the Enigma of this movie you can't always tell like is this supposed to be funny or is this just so bad that it's funny and you can't always tell which one is which we're just here to use the bathroom then we're just gonna leave that's okay so when he's looking down to Haley sees a whole bunch of people running and he's like there's too many people over there oh no there's too many people and turn up they all stop moving and up there it is they're done for he turns on a lawnmower and lets it run it's the violence in the movie just isn't scary it comes off as funny then they run past a sign where the shot lingers on homes being developed and everything more man-made problems we get it Shyamalan the plants are upset at us they don't like us so they come upon this house and they're knocking on the doors cuz they think maybe there could be some food in there the little girl is swinging on a maple tree why would you do that obviously everyone's freaking out about this plant thing might not be a good idea to go on swing in fact Wahlberg says maybe that's not a good idea I told her just for a minute what kind of tree is this I think it's a maple I mean this is like time-wasting dialogue at this point during this scene Mark Wahlberg is trying to convince this guy who's in the house that they're normal his way of convincing people that they're normal is by doing this one Blackwater keep on rolling Mississippi move won't you keep on shining on me see we're normal just an FYI if you ever want to convince someone that you're normal don't do that then all of a sudden the kids like turn into rioters they're like show your faces open the door we just want to get some food for this little girl you [ __ ] like where in the world did that come from it was almost like M night was giving us a reason to not be that sad about the fact that those kids are about to get shot yes the children are killed they're all killed and you're kind of like wow this is shocking but nobody doesn't hit the line that Shamblin wanted to I think cuz the whole movie is so funny but it's like it's bad and funny and so wouldn't these kids are getting killed you're like know how to feel about this actually is it disturbing or just kind of funny or am i disturbed because I think it's funny so after the kids die they actually kind of hang out for like a minute the girls still on the porch and Wahlberg is like sad about it and you're like you might want to get away from this guy who's taking a shotgun and just sticking it out of his windows and stuff you might want to get away from that area then we get this needless News reporter exposition where it tells us what's going on in the world because without that we wouldn't know what's going on in fact there's a lot of news reporter exposition in this movie I hated movies where someone just stands up and goes here's the information you need to know audience because you are too dumb to figure out these plot points on your own I will tell them for you because I'm reading from this script I hope you figured it out thank you pretty soon they stumble upon an old house welcome to the crazy old lady house sounds like a goosebumps title Wahlberg just kind of stands there and stares at this woman she's like why you I in my lemon drink I suppose the nice thing to do would be to let you stay for supper come in I'm not gonna ask you again man it was really easy to be invited into the house of someone who's been completely cut off from society for decades who just allows any random person to enter her house and makes dinner for that person when they do not say a single word but that's okay because if she hadn't done that then we wouldn't get this scene I hear you whispering planning on stealing something no man we're not planning on murdering me in my sleep what no I love that scene what no now one of the biggest WTF moments of this movie is when he wakes up the next morning and goes in her room and sees a doll like it's just a doll in her bed like this really weird wooden doll the weird thing is is he's literally approaching the bed where anyone on earth would be able to at this point see that that is a small wooden doll and he goes mrs. Jones no Wahlberg it's really not mrs. Jones it's a doll so she flips out she sees him she flips out she's like you all have to leave right now just right now get out of here right now and she goes crazy and trust me she starts giving off some bad vibes because when she goes outside even though she's completely by herself the plants they don't like that they take over her mind and they forced her to kill herself by smashing her head through various windows now listen it's very clear at this point that M night Shyamalan is trying to tell us that humans are giving off bad vibes has nothing to do with groups it's got nothing to do with that you're a human you give off bad vibes the plants they don't like that they're gonna kill you so that old lonely depressed lady who's been living alone and cut off from society who's been growing her own food and taking care of her house and all that stuff that has nothing to do with harming the earth you're actually cultivating the earth and making it better she must have been really giving off some bad vibes out in her garden at that moment for the plants to be that upset with her so Wahlberg realizes that Zooey Deschanel and the little girl are in the small little shed there's a speaking tube under the ground into the house and he's able to communicate with him through there he's thinking the plants are getting more sensitive and this could be the end he looks at his mood ring his ring is yellow he starts to cry now this is what I was talking about earlier in the movie where the little girl put the mood ring on and it turned yellow she was about to cry in that moment but he was able to convince her to laugh now that's kind of good writing that's kind of cool that he made that connection with the end of the movie that's neat writing nevertheless this movie's amazingly bad so he's saying you know what I think this is it but I don't want to say goodbye to you through this tube we're gonna go outside and we're gonna meet each other so they do then we get an exact time stamp in the bottom of the screen where apparently it all happened because we know the exact time that I don't know it's crazy can I just say who shot this shot look at this shot it's completely off-center nothing what like her face is cut off that is in the movie I have not cropped that at all this is a shot from the movie who looked at that and said yeah that's the one we're using tack Fujimoto was the director of photography for this movie he was also the DP for signs he's a very good cinematographer what happened to that shot I don't even know but that just kind of shows you what this entire movie is it's people that are kind of half-assing it and that shot proves it so we get some more News reporter exposition apparently it just ended I mean it just that's it the plants decided you know what we're done which harkens back to that opening scene where Wahlberg was like books will give a reason but science won't be able to explain it it'll just be like a random event we'll have no idea what happened thanks for spoiling the entire movie in that opening scene appreciate it this is News reporter who's talking and acting like Woody Allen basically tells us you know we don't really know it's like a rash it's the first sign of a bad event it's gonna grow it's gonna happen again it's like a rash so as the little girl prepares for school she's wearing her avatar backpack and then the bus number is 2010 the last airbender came out in 2010 so when Zooey Deschanel looks at her pregnancy results we see that they have plants behind them really after the epidemic that killed thousands of people because the plants got pissed at humankind you're gonna put some plants in your house maybe that's not a good idea she's pregnant they're happy hugs wonderful we cut to France French people are now getting affected by and the one magic person who's probably not giving off bad vibes notices before everyone else yet again odd happening it's such a terrible terrible movie but it honestly is very entertaining I gotta say I do watch this movie maybe once or twice a year just because it's so funny and enjoyable to watch in that way it's not a good movie though but it is pretty hilarious so guys this has been my third installment in my hilarious 'ti segments I hope you did check out my reviews of The Wicker Man with Nicolas Cage and the room those are on my channel right now if you want to check them out as always guys thanks so much for watching I'll be back with more of these and if you like this you can click right here and get stuff my nice you
Channel: Chris Stuckmann
Views: 2,559,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Happening, Movie Review, 2008, Chris Stuckmann, Hilariocity, M Night Shyamalan, Mark Walhberg, Zooey Deschanel, What No, Trees, Plants, Lion, Arms, Suicide, Deaths, Lawnmower, Old Lady, Hilarious, Comedy, Horror, So Bad That Its Good, Thriller, Awful, Lemon Drink, Bees, Science, Clip, Scene, HD, Full Movie
Id: RtkcmIoUxS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2014
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