Batman & Robin - Hilariocity Review

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I love Stuckmann and FlickPick and this hilariocity of a movie so thank you for posting this!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PutItOnThePizza 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2015 🗫︎ replies
I did not hit her it's not true it's [ __ ] I did not hit her Oh [Music] Batman and Robin one word why guys welcome back to a much overdue hilarious 'ti review now if you are a new reviewer and you do not know what I mean by that I have a segment on my channel in which I review movies that are such atrocities they're hilarious hilarious 'ti it's my excuse to talk about really terrible movies that are so bad they're funny past examples have been the room The Wicker Man the happening Mortal Kombat annihilation and steal if you'd like to see my reviews for those films the playlist link is in the description below but this one's gonna be a little bit different because this film is so intensely bad and so incredibly hilarious that I had to have some help I had to bring in the cavalry on this one so I called one of my best friends and Batman's superfan John flicking jerk or the flick pic as you may know him him and I are gonna be teaming up in this video we're gonna go back-to-back I'm gonna start talking about Batman and Robin he's gonna bring you some awesome points it's gonna be amazing we're gonna tag-team this [ __ ] let's talk about one of the dumbest movies ever made Batman and Robin hey there guys my name is John I want to say thanks to Chris stuckman for having me here on this collab the Larry ostomy review the unfortunate thing is it's for Batman and Robin at first I was almost hesitant to say yes why well at men I had to watch Scooby Batman and Robin again I want many many years in my life without watching this movie for good reason because every time I do watch it makes me feel cold dark and icky inside and I just hate everything about myself but since we're both batman fanboys and we love the character of batman maybe a little bit too much and also since we both hate this atrocity against movies well I thought I'd share my hate for the movie as well so let's dive into it all that being said this movie actually does have some fans though this movie is largely viewed as good by people who basically view it as a continuation of the Adam West Batman now I grew up watching the original Batman show it was hilarious and a lot of people just view this movie as a straight-up comedy as if it's supposed to be but if you watch Batman Forever which is also directed by Joel Schumacher you know this movie really is actually a sequel to Batman Forever it's not a sequel to Adam West's Batman even though it really does feel like that at times this movie is so bad that almost everyone involved with it has publicly apologized for it including the director himself if there's anybody watching this that lets say loved Batman Forever and went into Batman or Robin with great anticipation if I if I disappointed them in any way then I really want to apologize because it wasn't my intention my intention was just entertaining them and there is very strong compelling evidence that this movie was just made to sell toys that's why every poison ivy action comes complete when him in fact there is proof that toy companies wanted them to include certain vehicles and certain outfits in the movie so they could then make a toy of that outfit or vehicle and profit also on a very sad and unfortunate no this is Bob Kane's last Batman film that he saw the creator of the Batman character sad indeed so right off the bat and the first scene in which Batman and Robin are suiting up you get a few shots that indicate the type of movie you're about to see what in the hell were they thinking but shots I mean can you just see Joel Schumacher behind the camera going okay now now tilt the camera at a Dutch angle okay now Clooney's stunt double please turn around and hop towards the camera with your butt in frame and then cameraman please please zoom in on his butt please do that because that's that's what this scene needs this scene needs a butt zoom alright so Batman and Robin let's pretend like you've never seen this movie before so you sit down to watch the movie you're a little bit excited a little bit scared and the first thing you see pop up on the screen is rubberized man asses close-ups that's what sets the tone for this movie close-ups of man asses thanks Joel Schumacher you really set the tone for this movie and the tone is ass and then after a short montage of man asses the movie opens up in the Batcave and you get your first glimpse at the Batmobile now I've always been a huge fan of the Batmobile it's something I've always wanted my entire life you give me a billion dollars that's the first thing I'm going to buy but I'll never buy the Batmobile from Batman and Robin just look at this neon nightmare it looks like a futuristic sex toy just from a few quick shots you get to see if the Batcave you have to ask yourself something how much of this film's budget went to fluorescent light bulbs and of course we cannot go without mentioning that the suits are anatomically correct in every way including nipples now there was some subtle nip egde on Val Kilmer's bat suit in Batman Forever it was a little subtle nip egde it was like they tried to sneak a little nip this year they were to sneak that nip and movie made a lot of money and so they're like okay let's go a full-fledged nip let's do a circle and then the actual nip we'll put it on the suit with bat and Robin nips that's what we need we need bat nips and they did it it was in a movie like we sat in a theater and the camera pans up Batman and there's large purr truce have back nipples it happened on earth this movie happened on planet earth now please observe the first exchange of dialogue in this movie I want a car chicks dig the car this is why Superman works alone I want a car chicks dig the car shut up Robin oh and by the way if you're Alfred do yourself a favor and do not order pizza because Batman and Robin are gonna be busy don't order pizza I'll kind of pull the pizza and that's Batman and Robin drive away we get the most obvious oh my god Alfred is sick shot I mean seriously look how long it lingers on it [Music] [Applause] now here's something that not a lot of people actually talk about for some reason this scene always confuses me first off Commissioner Gordon pops up and gives us a ton of Mr Freeze exposition Batman a new villain has commandeered the Gotham museum he's frozen the antiquities wing he's president security guards into blocks of ice he's calling himself mr. freeze mr. freeze he acts as if mr. freeze is new and unheard of but Batman's reply is mr. freeze like he knows who mr. freeze is but Commissioner Gordon said he's new I don't get it it's such a small little point but it's bugged me for years so we're now introduced to Arnold Schwarzenegger as mr. freeze one of the dumbest casting choices ever I mean seriously this is the Terminator okay his next villain role after the Terminator is mr. freeze in Batman and Robin we've gone down my friends now it's time to dive into the really really bad stuff some could even call it chilling now I love Arnold but ask Mr Freeze it just didn't quite work out within the first 9 seconds of being introduced to the character of mr. freeze he gives two puns about ice and don't worry there's about 2,000 more coming over the next two hours of this movie you are not sending me to the cooler what killed the dinosaurs cool party now I did do a Batman and Robin review in the past with my buddies the schmoes and you may have remembered in that review that I talked about the fact that every single Batman has an amazing way of saying I'm Batman from Michael Keaton to Val Kilmer to Christian Bale they all did a very cool Batman speech in which they said who they are here's a look back at those I'm Batman because I choose to be now please observe George Clooney's attempt at saying who he is I freeze I'm Batman I freeze I'm Batman it's like he's talking to a guy at the mall hey I'm Batman good for you man you're [ __ ] psycho I freeze I'm Batman and I thought my jokes were bad and of course after his introduction he slides down a dinosaur tail and every time I see it this is what I think of hey freeze I'm Batman and it's at that point you realize that George Clooney is not Batman he's not Bruce Wayne he's just George Clooney and a rubberised Batman suit with nipples that's all you're getting here yeah the rubber nipples on the bat suit two reasons to never watch this movie reason number one and the reason number two and by the way on a side note I like George Clooney as an actor but as Batman he was just miscast as was everyone in this movie and even George Clooney will agree that his role as Batman just didn't make any sense whatsoever just be shots of me in a rubber suit and a Batman outfit for your consideration ass now let's continue on talking about this opening action sequence and just how bloated and bad it really is so you have zombie hockey players skating around and then all the sudden Batman and Robin are laying on their backs and then Batman to rob and click their heels together and now come ice skates yeah they have built-in ice skates in their boots because why the hell not it's Batman and Robin anything goes and I'll be honest with you it was at this point in the movie for the last 17 years I've shut the movie off every time I'm just like that's too much I can't take it any longer but this time I kept going and it hurt but I kind of liked it and when you conclusively break down this opening action sequence and Batman and Robin it comes across like a bad cruise ship on Ice Show featuring Batman except that shitty cruise ship show with Batman on ice skating around would be more compelling and better acted probably the better stunt work to not a lot of people notice this next moment because it's kind of in the background but I've unfortunately had the pleasure I guess you could call it that of examining Batman and Robin from beginning to end in preparation for this review when Robin launches through the wall his motorcycle actually creates the Robin symbol this never gets a close-up because I'm pretty sure the filmmakers realized how stupid that is but if you look in the background you can see it now throughout this scene there are some mind-blowing displays of physics in action or lack thereof now after freeze gets into his rocket ship and blasts into the air he seems to reveal that he has an odd sexual fetish for switches [Music] who turns a switch like that I mean when you walk into your room and you turn on your light you go oh yes no you don't no one does that ever just mr. freeze but unfortunately the scene doesn't end there it keeps going and going at one point mr. freeze runs over to his getaway mobile it turns into a rocketship he shoots up into the sky and then some things happen and then he jumps out of that to turn into a mr. freeze butterfly and you just have to ask yourself two things one why does mr. freeze have a rocketship and two why did he turn into a butterfly I don't know now of course at the end of this scene Batman and Robin escaped the exploding ship by surfing on air on pieces of the door in just like the first 10 minutes of this movie we've got butt shots nips surfing on air mr. freeze and his crazy Arnold Schwarzenegger isms and physics this movie jumped the shark like 50 times already and then a few seconds later Batman or Robin confront mr. freeze and Robin gets frozen after trying to make a heroic failed attempt to stop him by the way if you really break down this scene and you look at Robin jumping at mr. freeze he would have only jumped about three feet and mr. freeze was like 25 feet away so what was Robin thinking oh we've only covered opening scenes so far this movie's two hours long most comedies are only supposed to be an hour and a half let's just keep going so if you're already in pain at the portrayal of mr. freeze we now get the most purposefully over-the-top poison ivy they could have done I mean they're going for it you know there isn't like an accident here Uma Thurman's portrayal of poison ivy is so hilariously over-the-top I mean it's exploding over the brim then of course there's Bane or should I say Frankenstein because he's just some strange green thing created in a lab by a crazy mad scientist for the purpose of selling him to some weird place who wants to buy green people who are made I'm just gonna skip talking about bane because I know John wants to delve into this because he's a massive Bane fan so I'm just gonna let him talk about Bane now if you thought this movie couldn't possibly get any worse while I assure you it does next up we're talking about the introduction of the characters of poison ivy and Bane oh [ __ ] that thing that they call Bane in this movie that's not Bane that's a big bloated green veiny pickle jacked up on steroids who just randomly mumbles words we've got work to do that's not Bane and then you have the character of poison ivy play by uma Thurman and poison ivy in this movie was probably the most over-the-top character of the entire film and that's really saying something because yeah Mr Freeze is also in this film but at times it's like uma Thurman thought she was in some live-action porn about plants and you're like this chick really likes plants maybe a little bit too much but the best worst part about this introduction scene to Bane and poison ivy is when the mad scientist confronts uma thurman's character and he gives a line the only Nicolas Cage could get away with saying well in that case I'm afraid you'll have to die I'm afraid you'll have to die and then he pushes her over a table and she turns into poison ivy how climactic but all fairness to Huma Thurman I'm pretty sure she was just following the vision of director Joel Schumacher and that vision was to do whatever the hell producers told him to do so they could sell some more toys and look over their kids there's rubberband nipples suckle knows because I don't give a [ __ ] about Batman you're watching Batman or Robin a two-hour long toy commercial you better like it and buy some toys while you're at it and by the way on a side note this scene also shows two of the same clips of Bane flexing yeah right here and right here same clip used twice so now we get more mr. freeze exposition in which Bruce and dick and Alfred they all watched security camera footage of how he became mr. freeze of course this security camera footage is filmed like a movie complete with pans and and sound so poison ivy gets created she actually literally sprouts from the ground and then all of a sudden she seems to know exactly what has happened to her body and if he didn't already understand the direction this movie was going next there's a scene in which Arnold Schwarzenegger as mr. freeze tries to conduct his various cronies to sing along with him this scene also contains some of the worst dubbing I've seen in a big-budget film it's 1 to 5 of Gotham it's winter forever here in Gotham and for whatever reason the writers thought we needed even more characters in this movie so we have Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl because apparently we needed Batgirl in this movie but she's not Barbara Gordon as she is in the comics she's Barbara Wilson and for whatever reason apparently Alfred is her uncle now I know that the writers are just looking for a convenient reason for her to show up on Wayne manors doorstep and that's all they could think of and it's so annoying that they couldn't just just just have her be Barbara Gordon just could you just give us that one little thing that's like the comics just that one thing also starring in Batman and Robin as an actress who hasn't been relevant since the 1990s Alicia Silverstone and you have to ask yourself this why would they cast clueless as Batgirl but then again why would you cast George Clooney as Batman nothing makes sense but speaking of Alicia Silverstone on a positive note she probably has the most subtle performance in this entire film yeah compare her to Emma Thurman's character poison ivy she's almost giving an oscar-worthy performance at times if you make the comparison hits around this point in the movie where you realized they're really not gonna attempt to flesh out Bruce Wayne's character at all he wanders around he goes to rich banquets and auctions and he says things and goes like this I'm George Clooney good night I'm Batman hey freeze I'm Batman that's my George Clooney Batman impression there really are no attempts to flesh out Bruce Wayne as a character in this movie we just get real awkward pauses you see the major issue with George Clooney's portrayal as Batman which could have been in the writing or his direction as well is the fact that he plays the same character in all three of Bruce's roles now a good Batman has three characters that's Bruce Wayne as he is in the public eye a playboy [ __ ] that's Bruce Wayne as he actually is in the Batcave with Alfred and Batman three different characters he plays the same character no matter what in this movie all right guys let's talk about the auction scene yeah the auction scene now they try to make this scene make sense by adding some brief little exchange between Batman and Robin in which they say essentially that they're trying to bait Mr Freeze by having all these jewels cuz Mr Freeze needs in to power his suit or whatever but it's really just obvious that Schumacher is trying to have another circus scene he really wants Batman to be a [ __ ] circus that's all he wants big shiny lights and circus and Men and their little outfits and [ __ ] gorillas and what the [ __ ] are you doing with this movie Schumacher this is Batman not nipply circus action man now as stated I rewatched this movie in preparation for this review I did so with my wife because she said I will take it with you we'll do it together we'll tackle it I was like you're the best I love you and when it got to this scene with the [ __ ] gorilla she said and I'll never forget it she's wet I don't really understand what's going on here that's how everyone felt at that moment and through the majority in this movie's runtime now in poison ivy shows herself a whole bunch of shirtless men with glitter on their chests catch her yes this is a Batman movie I feel the need to continuously reiterate this is a Batman movie and her awesome entrance line is this why not send junior home early I've got some Wild Oats to sow well you better get going to sow those oats poison ivy cuz you gotta get those oats sowed now it's at this point in the film we come to the charity auction scene and this is where poison ivy becomes a full-fledged porn star just listen to some of the [ __ ] that she says my garden needs tending some lucky boys about to hit the honey pot I bring everything you see Plus everything you don't what a [ __ ] now listen as a dude I don't really mind some of those one-liners they're a little bit exciting at times but they just feel like they'd be in a video that you would come across on pornhub calm that would also a Batman in it by the way if you look hard enough you can actually find that video I guarantee it so she starts to blow her mist around and it makes everyone infatuated with her and everyone starts to bid for her including Batman and Robin they're going back and forth millions and millions of dollars and you guys know exactly what I'm getting at Batman has a credit card seven minutes never leave the cave without it and if you look real closely you'll notice it's good for ever and it's at that point in the movie I once again questioned why I am watching this and when I actually watched this movie to take notes for this video I turn it off right there I went outside I screamed up at the moon and then I came back in and finished the movie and then after that a few seconds later mr. freeze breaks in the door and says cool potty and I think that's his 87th I spun of the movie at this point and he starts freezing people and then once all the chaos settles down and there's a lot of frozen people in the background Batman casually walks by Commissioner Gordon and says you have 11 minutes with all these people out and then he just takes off up the door after mr. freeze Commissioner you have 11 minutes to follow these people well thanks Batman thanks for all the help I don't have a special bat laser like you had our convenient pool water to put these frozen people and so how the hell is Commissioner Gordon supposed to all these people out in 11 minutes it's like thanks Batman can I maybe borrow some of your handy gadgets to save these people's lives I mean you have ice skates built into your boots can I borrow one of your extra lasers no you're just gonna leave well [ __ ] you too yeah I think it's safe to assume all those people frozen in that scene died they're dead because of Batman apparently mr. Freeze's exit cue was a random guy falling in front of him that's my exit cue he really planned this attack very well he knew exactly when to lead he was like when the random guy who falls in front of you the owl when you fall down it's my executor and I gotta bring up the jumping physics the absurd physics in this movie what were they thinking everyone in this movie looks like they're wearing a wire that just propels them into the air at will so as they chase mr. freeze it goes outside Batman catches mr. freeze now please observe how he does this [Music] is Batman in this moment breaking the fourth wall is he actually like hey audience watching look at mr. freeze I caught him did Batman put mr. freeze on the ground then cover him up with his cape only to pull up set cape and go look what I did I shot makes no sense guys so now we get a random Jesse Ventura cameo which only makes me wish I was watching predator and for whatever reason that filmmakers thought every 30 minutes or so they should have some random relationship drama with a girl who has the most obvious audio dubbed voice since Arnold Schwarzenegger 20 minutes ago in the same movie I know you're a dedicated bachelor Batman captures mr. freeze putting him in Arkham Asylum and then the next scene you see mr. freeze in a refrigerator being wheeled down the hallways of Arkham now it's bad enough when watching this movie and having to deal with all mr. Freeze's corny punny one-liners related to ice but in this scene even the jail guards are joining in on it welcome and then mr. freeze has to one-up them both by saying allow me to break the ice I'm freeze and it's just like it's like they already know that mr. freeze that's why they're making jokes of that cold [ __ ] and let's get back to Alicia Silverstone that's right she's still in the movie and she lives a double life by racing motorcycles at night to earn a little bit of extra cash to pay back her uncle Alfred which by the way Alfred in this movie is dying did I mention that before it's a subplot it doesn't really matter so during this bike racing scene it really reminds me of a scene that you would see out of the movie the warriors that came out in the 1970s you have all these flamboyant gangs dressed like clowns just standing around and of course what's a Batman movie without Coolio this is the guy who sang the Kenan & Kel theme song right around then he was pretty popular and I guess they thought hey we'll put him in the movie because he's Coolio and he should be in our Batman film that Bob Kane saw and then he passed away oh that's bad and can we please talk about the green screen in this scene with Batgirl hanging what in hell were they thinking now in the background they're clearly using a green screen and then in the foreground they're shooting it with a camera but both things are shaking at different variations like somebody took the green screen footage and shook that and during the filming of the scene someone shook that but neither shapes line up so both things are going back and forth like that and you're like what is happening here how is this it almost looks like an earthquake is taking place during the scene so then a few minutes later Bain and Ivy break mister freeze out of Arkham Asylum and it's during the scene where poison ivy gives one of the best lines I've ever heard in my entire life this is one of those lines where you can tell that the writer really sat down for days and you know use pure integrity and creativeness to come up with it and not including this line in a feature-length film would be a crime against cinema rocks yeah poison ivy is just a porn star in this movie that's all she is a porn star with a plant fetish so Ivy and freeze team-up big whoop it he do who cares you all knew it was happening why else would they be in the movie if not to team up in some way now as you guys know one of the coolest parts of Batman in the comics and in the better Batman films is that Batman is a detective this is something that the original animated series nailed now here is the film's only attempt at showing Batman as a detective poison-ivy why would she help freeze escape oh she's definitely evil now let's quickly talk about a random scene in this movie that's always just bothered me for some odd reason at one point in this movie Commissioner Gordon is doing some actual police work for the first time ever and he's showing Batman a few pictures of poison ivy and Bane in one picture they're breaking mr. freeze out of Arkham and the other picture they're arriving at an airport now let's take a closer look at this picture of Bane and poison ivy at the airport first of all this airport looks like some stock photo of an airport from 1949 they terribly photoshopped Baden poison ivy into the picture and look at their disguises look how not discreet they're being look at that Bane's wearing a trench coat and poison ivy just looks like she's up to something nice to sky guys but it's not the pictures that bother me about the scene it's what Batman says after he sees the pictures it's definitely the same pair that spring freeze well no [ __ ] Batman who else could it be there's a big bloated guy in a trench coat and some sexy seductive plant fetish porn star and the other one how could you ever not think it was the same people in both pictures thanks Captain Obvious I thought you were master detective no you're just George Clooney with rubber nipples so Batman and Robin and Bane have what could be a really epic fight scene but is really just them punching each other once or twice and then throw it in a really terrible pun there might as well be big POW and Kabam words just appearing above them now it's a few minutes later on in the movie where you finally get to see the big epic showdown go down Batman versus Bane and as a kid who loved Bane from the comic books this was something I always wanted to see go down in a live-action movie and then this happened and this fight scene between Batman and Bane isn't good to say the least and it's interrupted every four seconds by poison ivy two spewing out some corny one-liner it just keeps cutting back and forth between them fighting and poison ivy say random dumb [ __ ] about plants oh yeah let's get back to the Batman vs. Bane fight scene or if you want to call it a fight scene it's pretty much as these two guys stumbling over each other then all the sudden Bane punches a snowman and falls into some boxes what an epic conclusion to that showdown now it's at this point in the movie where they finally unveil mr. freeze and Poison Ivy's master plan and here's what their plan is mr. freeze wants to blanket the entire planet in ice and poison ivy wants to repopulate the earth with her Little Shop of Horrors they have mouths and I have a question don't plants need sunlight and warmth to grow so how is this plan ever going to coincide with one another how did they not logistically think about this plant not working whatsoever with one another but yet they team up to do it anyway now let's continue on with a few other small details that I've always just bothered me about the movie Batman and Robin now in this scene we're talking about Batman or Robin infiltrate mr. Freeze's hideout they go into his freezer room where he keeps all his frozen TV dinners and they slide back one and behind this is a hidden button but the button is the size of an iPad and is glowing blue now you would think if they went through all that trouble to hide this button which opens up a secret passageway they maybe would have made the button a little bit smaller a little bit more discreet now let's just make it as big as an iPad and make it glow blue it's like why would you go through all the trouble even hiding it in the first place I guess over embellishing everything is the theme of this movie then during this same scene Mr Freeze is actually sneaking around his hideout and then he jumps out into a room of police officers pulling a lever unleashing the freeze mist now let's take a closer look at what's actually happening here if you pay close attention the fog is barely touching half of the police officers and the guy in the background sign even being affected whatsoever he can just walk away and be completely okay why is he coughing why is he choking and everyone else that's actually in the fog miss can walk one step forward and be completely okay it's almost like they started filming the scene before they could completely fog up the room to make it look logical or get another fog machine in there and make it happen quicker but it's Batman and Robin why do things that make sense and the way Batgirl discovers Batman and Robin's secret identity is so stupid with the images projected directly onto her face from a computer computer screens do not reflect perfect projected images onto your face like that speaking of computer things that don't make any sense Batgirl discovers that Alfred has used his brain algorithms to create a consciousness that is able to interact with Batgirl and provide her with a Batgirl costume suit we have uncle Alfred [Music] I'm done okay I'm getting a little bit tired let's jump towards the end of this movie and quickly mention this scene right here hi oh I'm sorry about the door is the party over yeah only Arnold can pull off something like that any other actor trying to do that it wouldn't be as funny are comedic so Arnold I love the guy but Mr Freeze use fool and speaking of charismatic one-liners a few seconds later we get this scene right here from Bane [Music] bom-bom-bom thanks for that great scene Bing [ __ ] now go eat some applesauce all right let's dive deeper into the ending of this turd at the very end of the movie you have Batman Batgirl and Robin they all have new costumes to obviously sell more toys and then all of a sudden yeah how did Alicia Silverstone become Batgirl so quick within 30 seconds she becomes bad girl I guess no special training is required because soon as you put on the Batgirl suit you're instantly a superhero so now we get a scene where Robin gets the upper hand on Ivy's poisonous kiss and he says one of the film's most hilarious lines that was written by a person rubber lips are immune to your charms and the film took it so seriously to the scene it's like this big epic moment you might as well it's been like my nipples are hard right now poison ivy what do you think about that so now bad girls in on the action she's fighting poison ivy and please take note of this shot because you need to remember that for later an IV is somehow defeated by one of her babies I don't know how that even happened but it just did I guess that plant was just like [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm sick of this [ __ ] man these people tell me what to do Isaac up is gonna eat her that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna eat her apparently that plant with samuel l.jackson I don't know where that impression came from and you are that girl that's not lovely PC what about that person or that woman that's not awfully politically correct how about butt shots and bat nipples for PC so the big finale starts and my one question is where in the hell did they get their new costumes did they go back to the Batcave and change them these costumes that were made specifically to sell toys now please observe how awful batgirls cowl looks in fact it's so bad it's almost like they were just making it up as they went along because like 30 seconds later she takes it off and throws it on the ground it's literally like she Ward that awful cowl just so they could have a another Batgirl action figure with said cowl on within a minute later they're like this thing looks like [ __ ] throw it on the ground and then after that you see all three heroes driving separate vehicles to the final location of the film and the only reason they're all driving separately to the exact same location as well they wanted to sell some more [ __ ] toys and then finally the big action blow to climax goes down and it's just atrocious to look at you have all these actors dangling on wires doing way too many flips you're like is this an acrobatic stunts show or a Batman movie nothing looks good it's all cringe-worthy and speaking of cringe-worthy the scene that happens during all this is where Bane finally gets defeated yeah they ripped the venom out of him and he starts to shrink back down and I can't even describe how funny it is just watch it yeah Bane lost all his games and that moon was just glorious and then after that [ __ ] gets really bad you have Batman along with two of their scientists falling to their deaths on the side of this clip and during all this Robin a bad girl are looking on and Batgirl looks to Robin and says what should we do now and Robin says pray what did you just say Robin you're the superhero sidekick to Batman and you said let's just pray how about you take out your grappling hook and shoot it towards batman to help save his life that's what you have it for and Batman being the badass that he is he saves the day all on his own by shooting his grappling hooks into the sky and stopping everyone from falling but instead of taking the scientists back to the top of the cliff where they're safe and secure he leaves the boat on the side of this icy cold cliff where they're surely going to die of hypothermia within the next 10 minutes this is one of those movies where characters say things really quickly and fast so you hopefully won't realize how dumb it is like relaying sunlight from the Congo using satellites to create a light beam to melt the city of Gotham yes things like that it's unlike you to reverse the freezing process for five hours here but it's in the Congo if we could relay the sunlight from the other side of the Equator take the satellites about a minute to realign but and Mr Freeze and Batman have their big epic fight and it ends with Batman saying some big line supposed to be incredibly epic now Batman films in the past have said things like this and they've worked quite a bit let's take a look at George Clooney's epic Batman line they breathe the heat is on oh hey freeze the heat is on now if you recall earlier I said remember that shot of poison ivy that's because Batman uses it as if he recorded it or something his show mr. freeze that IV actually killed his wife but it's the same shot as earlier this movie constantly uses security camera footage or footage recorded by someone and it's a [ __ ] movie shot with production and everything now of course mr. freeze has the cure for Alfred's disease and his IV even has a perfect slot tailor-made for mr. Freeze's vile and of course Alfred is perfectly fine the following morning thank goodness we didn't get another one of these things now let's talk about the last shot in this movie it's one of the scariest things I've ever seen in my life and I'll explain what I'm talking about in just a second but the last shot is Batman Robin and Batgirl running at the camera in slow motion with a spotlight behind them as if to get us excited for a third movie who would want to see all that come together here's the really scary thing think about this if this movie was successful and made the money that they wanted it to make and people actually liked it you would have had that third installment directed by Joel Schumacher how all right so that's my take on Batman Robin probably one of the worst movies ever made and without a doubt the worst comic book movie ever made or at least to me it was this movie's just cringe-worthy bloated nothingness it's basically a two-hour toy commercial except toy commercials have better acting and better directing in them and there's not one redeeming quality about this entire movie now you could say it's so bad at times it's funny but the truth is the only reason we're laughing is to keep from crying because this is by far the worst Batman movie ever made but on a positive note had it not been for this abomination against humanity known as Batman and Robin well we never would've got the rebooted Batman Begins they would just continue down the road with shitty Batman movies because they make money and sell toys but this one didn't quite live up to what they wanted it to hey look if there's one thing we have this movie to thank for its that people were so awestruck by how bad Batman could actually be that we got Batman Begins so thank goodness for that guys I hope you enjoyed this hilarious T review and I really want to thank my buddy John Flickinger the flick pick without him this could not have been nearly as awesome definitely subscribed to him this guy is awesome he's one of my best friends he makes quality entertainment and just look at those muscles I mean just look at those muscles just wrap some baby oil on those things man you can find a link for his channel in the description below as well as a link to my other hilarious 'ti reviews in playlist form as mentioned earlier so that's everything I had to say about Batman and Robin and once again thanks to my good pal Chris Tuchman for having me here to share my thoughts and my hate towards this movie it felt really good I feel a little bit better about Who I am what I'm doing in life now so anyway yeah thanks for having me here and thanks for watching guys guys thank you so much as always for watching I look forward to doing more of these very soon and I apologize I haven't done too many for a while thank you so much guys and if you like this you can click right here and get stuck menage five freeze I'm Batman No [Music]
Channel: Chris Stuckmann
Views: 2,728,784
Rating: 4.8788214 out of 5
Keywords: Batman & Robin, Movie Review, Hilariocity, Chris Stuckmann, John Flickinger, Flickster, The Flick Pick, George Clooney, Chris O'Donnell, Arnold Schwarzenegger (Celebrity), Alicia Silverstone, Uma Thurman, Joel Schumacher, Bane, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Batgirl, Batmobile, Hilarious, Comedy, Funny, Scene, HD, Full Movie, Clip, Trailer, Quotes, Reviews, Toys, Action Figure, Commercial, Preview, DC Comics, Alfred, Ending, FIght, Battle, Finale, Score, Soundtrack, Music, Nipples, Butt
Id: k96RNv7ba8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2015
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