Night Killer - Hilariocity Review

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[Music] guys I got to be real with you I'm not sure if you're ready for this one you might need a little more training still this one might be beyond all of us night killer is a film that came out in 1990 and was directed by Clyde Anderson which is actually a pseudonym his real name is Claudio Fragoso and he also directed other films with many pseudonyms including the name Drake Floyd which was the name he used when he directed troll 2 [Applause] yes that troll - the one that you have seen a clip for and every single hilarious 'ti intro and the one that I have yet to review because it's just too easy to do a hilarious 'ti of that movie and maybe one day I will so I chose another one of his films that no one's really talking about right now and I have a feeling that could change because Severin recently released night killer on blu-ray and I bought it because it looked too good to be true and I had it for a few months I hadn't even opened the packaging yet and my friend came over today and he said hey man I feel like watching a movie you want to watch a movie and I was like of course what do you want to watch you want to watch it classic you want to watch just like a movie like Freddy vs. Jason or something and he was like let's watch a [ __ ] up movie and I went okay what do I have well I got this movie called night killer that's burning a hole in my blu-ray collection would you like to watch this film and he said of course I would and I said of course let's watch it and we did and now I am sitting here just hours after finishing it instantly knowing this is my hilarious 'ti for the Halloween special this year I was going to pick one I had a few in mind there were some titles in there running but after this movie I knew for a fact this was the [ __ ] goddamn movie I was talking about this year in 2019 first a little history about night killer before we get into it this film had a difficult production the studio did not like the director's vision he wanted to make a film that according to him entered into another dimension he wanted to make a psychologically disturbing film with limited gore that made the viewer feel very bizarre and except for the limited gore part he definitely succeeded [ __ ] movies weird as [ __ ] but the studio didn't like that and they hired another director to come in and do very gory reshoots they were added to the film to make it seem more like a slasher movie and the film was subsequently released in Italy under a title that insinuated that it was Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 even though the actual film Texas Chainsaw 3 had come out earlier that same year the film opens with what in retrospect is very out of place scene where a bunch of aerobics dancers are performing a routine and their trainer gets extremely irritated with them and what seems like an outtake that's included in the movie with you guys tonight this shows gonna open this show it stops and the right you're going Charles with the head down I don't know we might as well I it's never go on I don't know what to do I'm really nervous okay okay forgive me please uh go rehearse this without me I'm gonna get Elizabeth can you please without me but the scene continues with a random girl that never appears in the film again afterwards encountering this guy [Music] he likes to punch through people he film and the nervous trainer runs into him next and gets her throat slit and in the following scene her throat no longer appears slit this opening scene was a complete reshoot to tack on an opening that had kills in it the scenes that follow with the opening credits are how the movie was originally supposed to begin [Music] now I'd like to look at a film like this and say well someone got a hold of this material with a vision and he wanted to make a unique movie and a studio just didn't get it and they ruined it but the scenes that are his scenes are equally as horrible in particular the 1980s porn music and here's where we learned there has been a lot of killings lately women are being abducted left and right and this masked person is to blame and we get most of this because a news anchor tells us everything we need to know this happens throughout the entire film Psychopaths the woman was also repeatedly raped before being killed reporters are constantly swarming cops and doctors asking them questions about this case and the cops and doctors stand there and tell us everything there's no mystery no imagination and absolutely no subtlety now we meet the woman who eventually becomes our main protagonist and she gets a phone call from a very creepy guy and then what has become a hilarious 'ti staple he speaks in very deep ADR I tried the other five but it was always busy then you're drunker than usual both wives have been free all day anyway Clarissa has gone to the country with Annie listen I don't have anything to say to you except don't call me anymore Melanie [Music] the following scene is the best way that I can describe how insane this movie is because we get this incredible overacting from this woman and then in the very next scene the next scene she just goes in front of a mirror and begins to caress her breasts there's no reason it just happens and the best part about this scene which I have to censor for YouTube is that while rubbing her breasts she is trying to encourage herself [Music] this is you [Music] you have a daughter you have a marriage on the rocks I think that gray skies ahead I think more of us should stand in front of mirrors caressing our nipples telling ourselves to have a good day and now there's yet another phone call I told you not to call me anymore and next she phones an extremely interested police officer who clearly is very excited to be acting in this movie and holding a phone that isn't scotch-taped at all listen mrs. Beck lock yourself in the house and don't open the door for anyone I'll call you back in five minutes exactly okay now you know exactly what you have to do right yes first I have to lock myself in and you'll call me back in five minutes good good I'll call you back okay thank you now our lead character is attacked by this masked man and he has some things to say to her and most of them are absolute gold hello but you said you would call me back in five minutes about halfway through this movie I had to pause it and look at my friend and say I feel like I'm a miner looking for gold right now and every [ __ ] where I look is a giant piece of gold this movie is everything that I have this segment for I I would like to do a cut of this movie but replace his voice with like a Nick Nolte voice they can't just you boy the nice thing you did for that kid in that dink Tommy a Bruce come here here I know so her friends take in this woman's daughter after she's brutally attacked by this man we don't know anything about her daughter or her friends except for some horrific exposition that they give to the news so after this woman was attacked she escaped and we learned that she has completely forgotten this attack it was apparently so brutal and horrifying that she has no memory of what happened she has amnesia which is very convenient because she's also the only person who's seen this guy with his mask off and it's right around here that I realized this movie is obsessed with taking really long awkward pauses after someone speaks and zooming in on their face it happens so many times maybe the fact that he was not able to kill this time will calm him yeah or make it more determined to do it the next time but right here this is where the movie gets absurd off-the-wall bonkers pure insanity and I love every minute of the rest of his movie because it just cuts to her out of the hospital apparently she's been released we have no idea why she's driving now despite this horrific attack and her memory loss and this vicious creeper pulls up next to her in her car and starts to hit on her [Music] being the world's most persistent stalker he follows her into a bathroom where she holds him at gunpoint and forces him to do this right take off your pants pants and your socks and your shoes and now your careers over okay okay [Music] now sure what about these Brom in the toilet what do it my shirt - I guess [Music] now flush it flush it flush it well so long friend what about my clothes just reach in and fish them out yeah shouldn't be anything new for an [ __ ] like you you're full of [ __ ] yourself now what I love most about this scene is the incredible writing in particular this moment hey bud what happened to your clothes I got molested the little boy's room [Music] we're good after she escapes this guy she's now on a beach attempting to commit suicide why I don't really know because she has amnesia she doesn't know what happened to her she has no memory of being assaulted so why is she trying to kill herself it doesn't really make sense but that doesn't matter because this insane stalker has found her he stops her from killing herself and then forces her head into the ocean so that she can choke on sea water and spit up all the pills [Music] [Music] and she eventually wakes up in this guy's weird creepy apartment groaning a lot [Music] so now we get more scenes with this masked murderer and it's being suggested that it's also this creeper who's got the woman back in his apartment and despite putting off the biggest murderer vibes ever this woman goes home with this guy and what happens next is a sexually charged story of Little Red Riding Hood and murder do you know star I get it I'm little buddy you're the bit that you know I think I'm just a little tipsy with the story Oh grandmother what big now coming up is a moment that for me meant a lot when I watch a film that ends up being a hilarious 'ti there's always a few scenes that I have to just pause and look at whoever I'm watching the movie with in awe like that just [ __ ] happened did you see did you see that [ __ ] did you [ __ ] see that [ __ ] how'd your sweater and dress clean fried chicken and french fries this scene is the best scene in the movie and it continues with amazement valium surin a gun barbiturates valium syringe gun barbiturates don't touch me not again you don't seem to get it mr. restroom hustler I'm already dead doesn't look that way from here it's a free country anybody wants to kill themselves as the right to while you shoot yourself try to I'm gonna eat nothing like fried chicken it's like William Friedkin saw this movie and made killer Joe and said I'm gonna do that right now after having stopped her from killing herself on the beach he encourages her to do it again this time with the gun barrel in her mouth this is easy as eating a drumstick ow [Music] what do you mean don't do it isn't it what you want [Music] [Music] and the next scene is what I would assume was a reshoot this killer wears his mask and stalks a woman at what seems to be an aquarium which of course is where all slasher movies should be shot in fish tanks this is one of the more obvious criticisms of this movie beyond the technical [ __ ] and just how bad it is the characters in this movie do nothing when they're in danger specifically all of the women that are targeted they just kind of stand there and and let themselves be killed it makes no goddamn sense but the scene also contains another moment that made me pause it and look at my friend and just die was laughter no cussing this guy is totally cool with everything he's doing but if she curses that's that's going over the line a little bit there [Music] I told you not to use words like that and when it seems that they might be making too much noise and someone comes to the door the guy decides to bribe this man with some serious money a whole dollar now I need to talk about a character in this movie haven't talked about yet and that's the cop this guy gets a lot of screen time and my god this performance is one for the record books you're the famous shrink the famous expert who shot off his mouth on TV with all those highfalutin theories I'm just a cop man who wants to do his job and I do my job with these just you can't blame me for what happened I can't blame you and I do blame you now if you don't do something about this I'm gonna fix it with the press to make you look like the quack of the century I don't know that I've seen a character that's supposed to be so confident and so self-assured as this guy who appears in every scene the exact opposite of that now I may have misjudged that one dollar bill because clearly it has bought quite a bit of loyalty from this person where are they it only sent one cop to take care of that maniac hey I can't handle him just give me that duplicate key it's room 70 here wasn't there a reward you want a reward I'll give you 10 seconds to get the [ __ ] out of here I'll rearrange that wet face of yours you understand sure right anything you say so like I said this woman's friend has taken in her daughter because she no longer remembers she has a daughter and the woman who's now looking after this girl has become obsessed with her and believes her to be her mother or that she should be her mother this is her reason don't start this again now finally the cops are able to get this guy on the phone and our super cup decides he's gonna lay down the law look you're the ones who started all this this time the balls in my car hey listen here [ __ ] if you don't let her go right now I'm gonna make you wish you were never born man hey listen here [ __ ] if you don't let her go right now I'm gonna make you wish you would never fall in there now at this point in the movie this insane guy has this woman out in the streets and she sees that she's missing her picture is on the paper and finally she realizes that she has had exactly 1 million opportunities to escape at this point and has taken none of them there are so many chances but she finally takes one and decides to run this starts an extremely boring chase that ends beautifully [Music] at this point in the movie I turn to my friend this is exactly what I said I was like she could pull a rattlesnake out of her ass right now and it wouldn't surprise me I have no idea what to expect in that way this movie is pretty amazing so in the most obvious twist of all time the masked killer reveals himself and it's actually her friend the guy who's been watching over her daughter and is it just me or does this guy resemble Ricardo Montalban this performance is the worst in the movie by far and this movie is filled with horrific acting but this entire scene is laughably awful to think that you could kill me did I get the knife back people all over the place you two tried to set me up you didn't succeed goodbye back back but finally this woman who has essentially been a body to gawk at and someone to lay around while she's abused has had enough [Music] yes that's that's good that's that's this gets good I like it that's uh I liked it but the movie is not yet over we have yet again one more twist to reveal [Music] so here's here's what I want to talk about here's what this movie has been been doing this doctor has colluded with the cop and they've decided that her real-life husband will pretend to be this masked killer and he will put this woman through the worst ordeal of her life to bring her memory back well the real killer is out there killin so when she had him at gunpoint in the bathroom he was probably really happy that she didn't kill him it's weird that he never once decided to say honey it's your husband don't shoot me please or when he went on a monologue about fried [ __ ] chicken-fried chicken and french fries what does this have to do with helping your wife regain her memory wow what a [ __ ] a horrible idea it just comes off like a woman who was brutally assaulted for some reason the doctors and cops think let's just put her through that ordeal again to make her have her memory that's really [ __ ] up but like all great hilarious ities after two horrific twists we're not quite done yet we have one more thing that's gonna happen this loving family has returned her memories back but hey there friend who actually ended up being the real killer left a Christmas present for their daughter and she's gonna open it [Music] to recognizing a step I'm back that's right I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know so thanks to this blu-ray there actually are some really compelling special features namely an interview with the director and one of the screenwriters and in this interview I learned a lot about this guy and I actually feel kind of bad for him because he seems like a real film buff he seems to have a real knowledge about movies and what he was trying to do but he just doesn't seem to have the follow-through and I can't imagine how painful actually that must be to have such a desire to tell stories in a certain way but just not he just can't quite get there and it makes me feel bad for him and when I watched the interview I started thinking more and more about what he was trying to do and there was parts of the movie where I can see ok I see you were going for something very European and very very weird it's just that even with even taking the reshoots out the movie still does not work it is absurdly hilarious and in the interview with the screenwriter she blatantly admits that they got a mask and a glove that kind of resembled a Freddy Krueger outfit purely because they wanted to cash in on the popularity she says that paraphrasing and it's very obvious when you watched the movie and I love watching special features where they're interviewing people who made a movie that was really bad and it's way after the fact and so they're just talking about it completely freely his interview is crazy if you have the blu-ray check it out [Music] [Music] I'm surprised there aren't more reviews for a night killer because it's great it's really funny it's a great drinking movie and it's perfect for this segments and that is my hilarious 'ti for the Halloween special this year guys thank you so much as always for watching we look forward to more reviews very soon if you like this you can click right here and get stuck Minh iced Bob situates barbiturates barbiturates pass [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 661,545
Rating: 4.955729 out of 5
Keywords: Night Killer, Hilariocity, Movie Review, Reviews, Film, Scene, Clip, Trailer, Teaser, Severin, Blu-ray, 1990, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, Non aprite quella porta 3, Peter Hooten, Tara Buckman, Richard Foster, Claudio Fragasso, Clyde Anderson, Bruno Mattei, Freddy Krueger, Nightmare on Elm Street, Drake Floyd, Troll 2, Hilarious, Funny, Comedy, Moments, Horror, Halloween, Special, Scary
Id: IfT7ikGcH8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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