Adum & Pals: The Fanatic

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I don't have time to watch, I've gotta poo.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/BowmanShitpost 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

"I'm autistic and I loved this movie"

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Guantanamo_Bae_ 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wonder if all those high reviews were from scientologists.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/thedoctorstig 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Never go full regal.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Walpknut 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheTyrus 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody we're about to watch a really great movie why are we tired of you sorry why are we tied up well what do you think me cuz I requested it yeah but you on the other hand you won well then thank you to Chris stuckman for the recommendation and thanks to wonderful yeah thank you wonder film thank you John Travolta Thank You Fred Durst's OMF C motherfucking cinema how much money did this make in theaters three thousand one hundred and fifty three dollars what's that Scott are you leaving some zeroes out no three thousand one hundred and fifty three dollars and number so low you can accurately do the ones digits [Music] no sorry I leave his face his name moose is he playing a mentally handicapped man I John Travolta oh boy oh my god these drawings excited are these the characters drawings or are these actually John Travolta's drawings this is a haircut I can get behind also this is the most natural hair Travolta's has in the last ten years I can't talk too long I gotta poo Oh first line is he actually plans I could tell by his face but that's John Travolta such a good actor he could communicate it to you without lines I'm go to a party tonight with Hunter Dunbar like the hunter done by yep I love it these mannerisms this performance is gonna be this is gonna house Oscar we're gonna happen for 90 minutes is what this is gonna do so I think this is proof that the Church of Scientology can't accomplish anything you know theoretically his career should be great oh I thought you made it couldn't cure retardation oh my god this is a classic all right what was Travolta's research for this movie what did he what do they do what did they study introspective that's deep putting it on how they know how clothes work now come on let's work back these opening oh my god these opening titles I love a bad movie where everyone's properly credited Oh No The Wall of shame comes in the beginning the editor is trying to pass off the blame every one of your VHS and DVD good did four Enders to write this for John Travolta I can only assume either that or John Travolta's agent really hates him I put some of the blame on myself oh yeah narration like in every just for the intro but no she's gonna keep coming back we don't know why this is her story I don't know does he cut his own hair I was gonna say like just cuz you have mental problems doesn't mean your hair has to have mental problems your movie is amazing and you're going to be amazing in it thank you you know 100 Dunbar is tonight so he obviously has an obsession with horror movies and this is going to turn into a horror movie he's going to try and live out his horror fantasies oh I'm so bad luck how'd you get in there no outside bags allowed he's in the building are you security look how none of us know what happened kind of just had that set up I thought they were gonna steal some things usually one being a slab you are it doesn't matter did he say this elaborate art yes that's what I heard if you want to insult people just add the word tart ya can serve at our limit our I've never heard conservatory really Adam tardes okay fine I've seen Luke tart a lot lip target a lot of mileage on that card cuz cuz lip tardes it too scared to say tart so it doesn't go the other way exactly mmm coward fucking lip tars fucking pussies fucking cut a snowflake SOI boy this is a great disguise dios mio so how you got oh my god happening ah there's a real Birdman soundtrack right well oh my god is this is legitimate attempt I think that gets to a British exile of Travolta as this guy as British guy like the layers that oh yeah no putting into this right this is there's a real Synecdoche New York absolutely these crowd reactions are tops Stan guys it Stan it's the guy from stage went out back I used to speak to you okay why don't you live in a home oh yeah America the mentally handicapped fend for themselves some can even become president I was talking about Obama yeah I was I was an X fan online I think you forgot hey hey Sincerely Yours this is Stan it's like he's Stan - Stan guy are you guys getting this this is so meta are you guys fucking getting this this is art I'm God like so mean do it nothing like it's apples day yeah it's it's funny that the people around him don't immediately recognize that he's mentally handicapped but yeah I mean you should you should just play along with it be like okay sorry and then try your best to leave not like don't treat him like a person who's not ready yeah Sultan yeah I do you think the hair should be a clue pretty cool right for real yeah well sometimes I mean man hit her hit her harder you're almost appealing to scoot it's okay she's higher up on the privilege scale than here that's true kind of yeah it goes straight white man there we go straight black men gay white men dogs women hearted people loving these little micro ticks these microaggressions from him he wears this roll for seven years this is this film trying to say something about people who wear Hawaiian shirts well if the Simpsons has taught me anything the only people who were home lion shirts are gay guys and big fat party animals and luckily Travolta is hey are you going to size house for a second buy up the Xbox the Xbox he would have an xbox was Xbox kids fuck it bro no you do not sell my house i some sort of def me a pervert but i said you know what okay deaf-mute unnecessary why deaf and mute I mean there's so many things you could call him that he is why did you need to make up new disabilities sort of freak autograph hound yes fuck alone an autograph freaking just give him the autograph and he'll leave forever like yeah I'm trying to get to like one of those like copypastas with celebrities like I saw him at the supermarket and it was totally a dick and he spat an old woman's face he's gonna post it on reddit later now we're doing it it was like that was like the opening of guillotine [Music] he didn't want that turn sign he wanted the other shirt signed he's ruined forever that autograph is totally worthless now it's not on the rights not on if the rest of the soundtrack is Death Grips I will not be mad it goes it goes it goes you won't I can I am so happy I'm not smiling or laughing but I'm very happy to celebrate like these like 35 year old bullies yeah like shit never changes yeah it's like written like this is a high school yeah they dress very young keep it 2 eyes on you moose got him one day you're gonna need to learn how to stand up for yourself I love how like this is so comforting black character it comes in with his rural advice he's a real bag fans like what is like what are you doing it also seems like it doesn't talk like that normally nope he was definitely directed to say it in that exact way that famous John Travolta upper-body strength it's a really short defense I'm gonna say you might even have a fence but it's been easier oh my god hmm 100 dumb mullets die oh oh my god it's get out oh yes she going to attack him with David Mitchell like I killed a rat with my bathtub like that's the caliber we're on right now it was the film Actors Guild very nice it's Team America did it I think can we get some like real celebrities he's stalking in no no we can't I want to see Matt Damon cannot just invade people's probably yeah no okay hold up she's mad at him for invading people's privacy she gave him the app she was like hey you can stalk all these all these famous people's home no it's vade their privacy it's almost like she's like oh yeah what the fuck we offered a nice Shore what we're gonna be making no Joe Donald Trump Donald Trump I'm not doing it Todd just leave me alone just leave me alone for me can you pull out oddly proud of you on this one way to go Todd no no no longer proud of you I summon these horror icons upon you Freddy Krueger Jamie Lee Curtis oh man that was first take can you believe it I loved his smiling crying face trouble am I in trouble oh my god I love how just in time this character was in frame to acknowledge he would just have ajik he's bagger Vince IMDB user reviews 3 out of 10 humiliating that's a great review humiliate that's the title of the review yeah oh my goodness other Oh another review I have autism and I liked the movie that's me full disclosure that was me 7 out of 10 don't listen to the critics 10 out of 10 this movie is a gym don't believe the reviewers mob mentality oh I love user reviews hey you gotta listen you know I talked to you you need to do doing my job for me I just focused on work he's alright just wait okay okay do you think he normally talks like that or do you like Fresno m20 accent in real life he is completely betraying his people right now it's been there so long you have workers Wow and you're you're late and they're not gonna know different right now it's not for you oh my god that's so good I love this caricatures of ever created oh yeah I know I've liked phonetics yeah just like oh yeah there's a real danger with with celebrities privacy being respected you know someone you'll obviously broke into fred durst house in like 2008 and he's been like she's getting about it for ten years so first we had like kind of dubstep eeee wow wow you think now we're getting some soft viola or whatever like I hope devon Sawa somehow gets blamed for the murder but like and nothing happens to John Travolta no security cameras nope I mean it is just devon Sawa only open the closet with I want I want him to open the closet with him oh my god he did he's there how did he get hide the clothes how big is your closet smarter than I thought he was hey hi when I asked for his autograph now emerges only vested some weirdos been sneaking around the house no I didn't you know there's anything you ever need or want yeah under the bed wait so he moved from his perfectly good hiding spot Edwin was in better one under the bed okay mm-hmm he's got a jerk off somehow Vicki or John Travolta either way I'm on board this guy's like probably got like the best king-sized bed in the world yeah he's like a celebrity he's had two beers best money to biles two IPAs and bottle of oxycodone sleepytime I feel like if he woke up with this situation you oh my god he smelled his fingers he needs to the rock jam into the beat I don't let him into the floor oh my god this is great yeah loser good cover you didn't even hide why Pierce it okay now now smell his balls I was gonna say just get in there full-on this is so funny oh my do you want to get caught he is playing with fire all the holes penetrate oh if he doesn't wake up from that you can rape him right don't act like doing way more around men's holes you can have sex with him right now okay yes program oh I assumed he had any integrity why did you think there wouldn't be limp Biskit in this movie I'm clearly an idiot imagine having a house so big you wouldn't find a body on the premises yeah [Music] Wow what oh I definitely always find the bodies on my premises you want to live to see you tomorrow yes sir you stay away from me and you stay away from my sight what if I like walking on this road next door T call man how great would that be he walks up he's gardening I'll bite you just a nightmare don't cure him actually cured her retardation go back where you came from John Travolta oh that does seem like how he would write do you think John Travolta was going for an Oscar here yes oh yeah no he's going for Oscars it's all we're going for every role and they will and the Hollywood elite Tom Mann keep blocking him I mean this is a 20-19 movie like it's not like the Oscar nominations are out yet he could still that's true you can be sanam for this I think he's gonna get the Razzie honestly so has the body not been discovered I don't think so I think we've completely forgotten about her gaze an actor that's clearly not anybody I think you're proving you are actively working against your own point here you've been using your social media to broadcast criminal activities social media and also who follows him just her look he has wonderful well made based on based on your follower list Oh probably you I am a massive supporter of the you're a fanatic of the massively autistic that's actually very true I know your bread and butter to block the other faster from phone resting position me are you you because I would never block you kids we're kissing them kiss I'm just gonna put that on my Twitter wait a minute kiss why did you block it while you were thinking about me kissing you I've loved you 3d chess motherfucker told me twice kiss me three times this how he thought it was a sandwich it was a sandwich he was just really hungry what the fuck Oh what arrow did he suey did he did he tie him up in suey are we gonna get a flashback to explain oh I hope we know he's just gonna dig up like his stomach for a tape who he recorded [Music] jigsaw he wouldn't be able to do this to you if you didn't fall asleep with two beers and a handful of pills every night that's true else am I supposed to fall asleep also how did his like social media like crying [Music] [Laughter] the open knife pooped my friend how has the dead body not been deciphered okay I hope there was never a mention of it your house would be on lockdown at this point I just wouldn't be able to happen I just want the credits to be like cut like her body and then just credit like it's rotting no one's discovered it just like been five months there's like sped up footage of her pose she says chaos reigns mr. blonde Oh No Reservoir Dogs references you're the meanest person I've ever known in my life let me make it up to you let me kiss you kiss pull out your dick just don't have my kid acting so the soundtrack has not returned to that hole wow thing oh that was one time for that for the autograph I hope they simultaneously fall in love with I was just thinking the same thing if this turned into a romance by the end of it so good then I would agree with those oh yeah oh my god oh he's gonna post it to his Instagram we'll get a big bowl of chocolate ice cream strawberry strawberry ice cream yeah the first mention of an actual thing on the Internet fucking kiss kiss already ah he changed the filter he's go that shotguns right oh what a terrible shot what were you trying to do trying to us just shoot up in Angers and that's it was there only one shot a match to one shell I mean you could you could have also just waited for my mole shoot him in I guess a danger zone that's what they teach you at the police academy that's what the songs about oh this is fun this is funny was that an actual effect it wasn't an actual effect he really stabbed you actually did it didn't you read the news movie was filmed the last half-hour of this movie is just torture porn horror I mean the whole movie not far has been torture Sauron yes Oscar give me that Oscar what's happening are you gonna call the authorities at any point nothing he's gonna make him his pet or he's just gonna send him on his way goodbye still buddy undiscovered Wopat burtraw do you get the symbolism here blood on the fucking Hall of Fame man shit good thing she was she happened to be driving by it just the right time out yeah I'm so glad they're friends what it's their relationship I don't know you're fucking a hunter oh my god oh yeah narration I'm worried about oh my gosh guys how what about Dora the Explorer the Explorer oh he's gonna be blood he didn't this is see the reason this wouldn't happen is that guy would never go to the police Manuel you fucking narc are they gonna deport her dead body I think so no he's only in trouble because she's illegal okay what's happening it's nothing new of the homicide what's happening this is ice this isn't the FBI is he gonna get away with everything somehow I think so alright what the fuck was the Hat oh just remember play that line I think that's that was a line he said the whole movie that was the whole movie I was like ten years credits that was such a weird ending that was sudden so he got away with everything apparently location my only fear is that they shot this on film and ran around oh yeah devon Sawa just does not know how to explain things to the police like what I mean we just saw him being taken away as a suspect we don't know he might get you know yeah it's left up to interpretation through art filter real thinker ten out of ten Hollywood politics didn't like it but I did boom welcome back John Travolta a meaningful and dramatic performance I never lost my interest once not once I highly recommend this movie yelling what was your favorite scene kiss on the forehead ten out of ten great film after watching film after film lately and them all been bad I watched this dot dot the trailer is great and hooked me but the film was brilliant John Travolta was excellent playing a guy who's on the spectrum I had a lot of feels for him I likes the guy from final destination in it to give it a go you won't be disappointed know what movies watch films as Network Ben bottoms were all bad those those are the movies I wanna watch ah motherfucking cinema net I was gonna ask with that stood for again there we go that's pretty good my face Chinese I hope everybody associated with this movie is proud of what they made I thought that sentence was gonna end would you think Synecdoche but by everybody you love you plant kisses you
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 817,833
Rating: 4.9265771 out of 5
Id: TeXnqqu1dfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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