Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Spoiler Review

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I like when heโ€™s on but it feels like Ralph and Alex are uncomfortable and barely talk when there are guests. Alex did a lot better when the Shazam director was on, but it feels like if Adam didnโ€™t take control of it there would be a lot of awkward silence.

Love the show though, please donโ€™t take offense!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JTen87 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Iโ€™ve been craving more Chris on the podcast, heโ€™s the fourth beatle to the bois (to make it clear Ralph is Ringo)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ihavethreelegshelpme ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™d be cool if they discussed an anime movie with him like Perfect Blue, Akira, or Ghost in the Shell.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/IAmMatMan3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Really wanted him on to discuss Dr Sleep

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CrawfordCinema ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I like him but in this case 4 is a crowd.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DankDoodles ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 27 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
star wars' the rise of skywalker is officially out i just came back from seeing it a second time with a bunch of my buddies we all went tonight and saw it pack theater got to hear a lot of reactions at different points and seeing this movie with a crowd as well as with my friends confirmed to me why the Star Wars fan base is so up in arms right now because every single one of us had a different opinion there was no consensus and that's one of the reasons why I do not like talking about Star Wars that much anymore because for me Star Wars was always very special a little personal info about myself my father hates movies he never watches movies and it was always a big point of contention between us but he loves Star Wars so it was one of the very few things that I had in regards to film that I could connect with him on and so Star Wars was always very special to me and seeing how it's being treated by the people who owned it and the reaction that has resulted it was honestly painful for me Star Wars is something that I love and I've always appreciated and so I have a lot of thoughts about this movie and how it has made me retro actively feel about the past two films and this sequel trilogy as a whole and we're gonna get very deep into spoilers here because I have a lot of things to say so that's your warning this film opens right off the bat with kylo just tarantass through a planet it was really badass and it was a very visually awesome opening and I was like okay wow we're like in the [ __ ] and then all of a sudden he's talking to Palpatine and Palpatine looks like a [ __ ] zombie obviously I love iane McDormand as this character I've seen him multiple times in films and he's always really great so there's a part of me that's like oh it's Ian McDermott as the Emperor and that's cool but then the other part of me is like why the [ __ ] is he in this movie this is such a Hail Mary it feels like Abrams set up Snoke Johnson came in and said I don't like that bye and just kind of left it and so in this film Abrams as the Emperor as the man who's been behind the scenes devising all of this the entire time just like in the originals Snoke was apparently a clone and he has like this army of planet killing star destroyers that he just raises up and we're just supposed to accept it it felt like a cartoon and I know that as a franchise Star Wars was originally envisioned by Lucas from old-fashioned serials like Flash Gordon there's a very cartoonish nature in Star Wars obviously even Lucas himself has said that their movies made for kids but they were really damn good movies that he thought maybe only kids would like it's kind of like Indiana Jones is the same kind of thing based off those classic adventure serials get you excited but Steven Spielberg behind the camera made them so much more elevated and that's what happened with Star Wars the problem with this movie in particular for me is that so much of it does feel so cartoony but not in the way that the originals did where you were always invested in the characters because he also set up some really great characters in regards to this sequel trilogy I will say that as a whole I don't like the way the story progressed it's painfully obvious that Disney did not have enough of a guiding force of some kind of road map to make all of this happen in a way that felt cohesive but the one thing that I do like about all three of them are a lot of the characters I think they had really compelling characters set up they just didn't do much with them without a doubt the one thing I take away from these three movies is Adam driver as kylo Ren or Ben solo and I think it's because he has a great set up in force awakens he kills his dad but you can tell it it made him feel terrible and Johnson said I actually kind of like that I'll run with that so in rise of Skywalker Abrams didn't really have to worry too much about his setup for kylo because Johnson did actually continue that fairly smoothly so throughout these three movies I would say that kylo Ren is the constant for me and the one thing that I will take away as a good arc I felt for him in this movie all my favorite parts of this film were him the lightsaber fight with Rey on the ship with the ocean and everything [ __ ] awesome the fact that he dies when his mom dies heartbreaking but then Rey resuscitates him with her newfound powers that yes I know have have some explanation and various lore it just felt a little out of left field for me and it was painfully obvious when they encountered like a sand worm or whatever that was in that cave and she healed it I was like that's not gonna be the only time that's kind of happiness but kylo dying in that moment when Leia died and Rey suddenly feeling like maybe I shouldn't have done that and saving him and then Han Solo Harrison Ford showing up is sort of like a piece of his memory to almost have a different version of their conversation on the bridge right before kylo killed his dad but now the words mean something else I won't lie I definitely was swept up in that and his line where he nearly is in tears and he says dad and you can tell he wants to say I I love you I've always loved you and for disliked I no call back to Empire for sure fanservice for sure but it worked for me everything with Ben I loved I liked how he turns good I like how he shows up I like the physical transference of objects through the force that comes back just like in last Jedi I'm okay with that development I think it makes some very creative sequences and ideas the fact that he gets the beads off of Rey and is able to track her to the planet then he sees Darth Vader's helmet he's like I know exactly where you are I'm coming to you now and of course the lightsaber at the end that they transfer I just don't love the kiss like I'm okay with them feeling some kind of connection the kiss to me just felt a little bit too like we know people love these characters and we're gonna have him kiss and then he just [ __ ] dies and I feel like if he's gonna die don't have him kiss if you're gonna have him kiss let him live yeah I know kylo Ren slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocent people and the idea of him suddenly being on a pedestal was a good guy is a little weird I get that it's just there's so many decisions like that throughout this film where I can feel oh you almost had something really great but then you didn't do anything with it and in some ways this movie does feel like Abrams is trying to make a sequel to the force awakens because there are things in the last Jedi that he ignores some very obvious visuals that he has as like a hey no I know fans didn't love that thing so we're gonna do this like the force ghost of Luke catching his lightsaber and for some people that's gonna be a very obvious like oh that's a digger the last Jedi moment but I didn't really see it that way and I'll explain why because in the last Jedi Luke has an arc he starts off taking that lightsaber and he doesn't want it at the end of the film he's standing up to kylo and he realizes he was wrong and he's basically completed his arc so I feel like in that moment even in the last Jedi he would have still caught that lightsaber and not thrown it away I feel like in Johnson's film that already happened it's just that in this movie it was a very obvious visual to make people [ __ ] clap or something I don't know they didn't like the lightsaber thing so well how the force ghost just catch it you know it just felt so Marvel II I don't know I don't know the second time I saw this movie I did it just it continued the issues I have that they piled on and it's very weird for me to have liked two movies in a trilogy but then see the finale and then start to like those other movies less because as a whole it just doesn't work as much anymore at the end of the force awakens when Rey is holding out that lightsaber it's almost like Abrams was figuratively passing the baton on to the next filmmaker and that next filmmaker came in grabbed that baton and said [ __ ] your baton by I'm doing my own thing okay as like a one-off movie that I watch every once in awhile that's interesting to watch the last Jedi and have this weird vision but as the second movie in this franchise I can understand why so many people have complained about it for the past couple years I really can I have my best friend hates it and get it and I think it took seeing all three of these movies to really look back at the trilogy and just be like this this doesn't really work I like seeing Lando Billy Dee Williams you know he's charming and he's a scoundrel I liked him he doesn't really do much in the movie but it was nice to see him I guess they're definitely suggesting that Finn is force sensitive in some way which again probably is something that Abrams was hoping the next filmmaker would explore because at the end of force awakens Finn is using a lightsaber and he holds his ground against kylo for a minute which is kind of weird for somebody who isn't force sensitive but Rian Johnson took Finn and kind of put him on a weird casino planet again like I can see I get it it doesn't really make sense when you look at all three because here in this film here comes Finn with his new abilities and he's starting to sense things and you're like okay I see where you were going with that too bad this is the last one of course the big reveal is Ray's lineage which again Johnson was like I don't care you're nobody Abrams comes in and is like yeah well they're nobody but that's because they chose to be actually your Palpatine's granddaughter and you look back on the films and their hints to this she's insanely powerful and a lot of people complained about the fact that she seemed insanely powerful without training being from Palpatine could potentially cause that in the second film when Luke is training Rey he says you went straight to the dark and she had a hard time kind of controlling that so yeah okay there's there's little hints little breadcrumb trails that she has a very dark history of some kind it just feels out of left field and I was talking my wife on the way home one of the reasons why Rey as a character isn't as developed as she could be is I think because they treated her past as this big secret were three films in were figuring [ __ ] out about her because they treated her pass as this this mind-shattering secret we weren't supposed to know about they didn't really develop her that much and she goes up against the Emperor who's connected to like a ghost in the shell' looking machine and she has her two lightsabers and you hear Hayden Christensen and Samuel Jackson and Liam Neeson and all these past Jedi cheering her on yeah it's a little fan moment I guess here's my big issue with this movie and I feel like it's a lot of fans issues the idea that Anakin was the chosen one that's part of the sixth film arc from Phantom Menace all the way to return of the Jedi when Anakin throws the Emperor down that shaft and saves his son apparently the Emperor survived somehow and and now he that doesn't matter or like I understand that it doesn't not matter like they had peace for for many many years and you know the Emperor was dethroned and the Empire was defeated and in real life when you win a war wars don't just end forever I get all that there's gonna be another war at some point you know it's not just gonna be blissful peace for the rest of existence somebody else will come up some other [ __ ] and that's what Abrams did with force awakens here's some other [ __ ] Snoke the idea of the emperor coming back kind of invalidates the arc of the last movies that the six oh I love that at all actually I think that's really [ __ ] messy I was actually rewatching The Phantom Menace because every once in a while I do actually want to watch that movie and Revenge of the Sith I don't love Phantom Menace at all I mean you've seen my review Attack of the Clones is pretty much like the only of the original six that I just I never want to watch I never want to watch attack of the clones Phantom Menace I can have fun with because Darth Maul's in it there's tons of problems I have with it but like there's things about that movie I enjoy Revenge of the Sith I actually do mostly like and as I'm watching that movie I'm thinking to myself man even the prequels had consistency I mean you can look at those movies and you can nitpick them to death and you can talk about the dialogue and you can talk about the acting and you can talk about whatever they had consistency George Lucas had a vision for where was going to go and he executed that vision 20th Century Fox let him this sequel trilogy again there's parts of this sequel trilogy that I [ __ ] love just as a fan you know but it went nowhere there were compelling ideas and then some more compelling ideas that didn't really relate to the other compelling ideas and now there's a third movie that's trying to figure out how to end it and it just feels like a last ditch effort to scrounge in the dirt and be like um uh [ __ ] the emperor is gonna raise star destroyers out of the ground yes as I said in my original review they did the best job they could with Leia I do not envy them that challenge at all not only do you have to respect an actress and her legacy that has passed away but there's this massive character and they did the best they could I like the commitment to puppetry the little guy Babu Frick or ever the [ __ ] his name was dude was [ __ ] hilarious love that thing c-3po actually had a bit of an arc that was cool um all the acting everyone's doing a great job Daisy Ridley's great is Rey her character is just underwritten the visuals John Williams the action you know you can be entertained by this movie you can totally watch the movie and be entertained as you look at it but you just have to think about what it really is doing to this story and how jumbled it's become and you got a look at Disney and you had to say what exactly were you thinking and I think I know exactly what they were thinking they were just listening to the fans constantly so many times trying to appease us without actually crafting a good story just being like well you didn't like the prequels alright well we'll make force awakens oh okay that was too much well we'll do last Jedi oh god what the [ __ ] are we doing you know what's interesting the only thing that I've actually seen diz a sort of step back on is the spin-off films rogue one and solo I wonder why was it because they got bad reviews not really it's because solo didn't make enough money and they went huh maybe we should do a better job with those spin-off movies because people aren't really showing up the way we think they should people are showing up to the episodic films though because you know we want to know what happens so what am I saying I'm saying you vote with your wallet if you don't like these new Disney movies don't buy them don't see them in theaters you know wait for the Amazon rental or Disney Plus or whatever the [ __ ] I don't know because you have to also acknowledge the good things they do right now I'm really enjoying the mandalorian and they've done a great job with Marvel they're not incompetent they just didn't have a [ __ ] road map they gave filmmakers so much creative freedom between Abrams and Johnson and they just did whatever they wanted and they both made the movies they wanted to make but they didn't fit in the puzzle pieces they don't fit together so yeah this movie really disappointed me and on second viewing I was able to pinpoint a lot of my issues with it because I was very mixed on first viewing as you guys know and I just wanted to be able to think about it more this is not my least favorite film in the Star Wars chronology I would rather watch this over attack of the clones but it's not exactly very high on my list either I'm gonna give Star Wars the rise of Skywalker a c-minus this is the straw that broke the camel's back for me I've been watching a lot of I hate Star Wars Star Wars doesn't mean anything to me anymore videos over the past couple years and I haven't really been able to connect with it I've just not cared about talking about Star Wars because it just isn't fun it doesn't feel like it just doesn't feel like it used to and this was the movie that made me finally sit back and go you know what they kind of [ __ ] up and it sucks because as I said at the start this series meant something to me you know it was it was kind of like a holiday in my family like everyone kind of got together to watch a new Star Wars movie but like I said the fanbase is all over the place just seeing my friend group tonight loving hating indifference there was no consensus so I'm very curious to see what the legacy of these films will be over time because as I said in my original review and this is what I've always thought about Star Wars we rarely ever decide in the present how people in the future are going to think about any movie I mean think about all of the the films that critics trash when they came out that over the years have become classics like Fight Club for instance is a big one this movie is obviously not comparing it to Michael I'm just saying that like in 20 years when our kids are watching this movie I'll be very curious to hear what they think about it completely detached from the hype completely detached from social media whatever they think about these movies I want to know so at least I have that to look forward to I'm looking for hope people looking for hope in the Star Wars future Mandalorians good all right there we got that by the way I'm gonna be reviewing that pretty soon I just want to see the last two episodes and I'll have my review for that very soon guys thank you so much as always for watching look forward to more reviews very soon and if you like this you can click right here and get stuck mine eyes [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,303,779
Rating: 4.7417707 out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Movie Review, Chris Stuckmann, Reviews, Film, Scene, George Lucas, Rey, Luke, Leia, Finn, Kylo Ren, Emperor, Palpatine, Lando, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyongโ€™o, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, J.J. Abrams, Rian Johnson, Snoke, The Last Jedi, The Force Awakens, Han Solo, Harrison Ford, Ben Solo, Hayden Christensen, Anakin, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ending
Id: rdwPVxotGBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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