The End Of An Era - H3 Podcast #169

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Looks like they fixed the logo lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 35 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TimCapello ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

this has officially become one of those podcasts that is better without guests now. I love the podcast team and their dynamic with Ethan and H.

Ianโ€™s girlfriend is pretty as fuck.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 67 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mediciii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This was very fun and energetic compared to some the last ones so it was a great change of pace. Everyone seems to have loosened up over the break, especially Ian who is being just as funny and happy as ever.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TrappedInLimbo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

In order to clear it up for good, Dan's dad should phone into the podcast and give his thoughts on the whole checking the insta out of curiosity thing. I still agree with Ethan that the guys are lying

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Michael_Crossowen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Prediction: the argument over checking out girls Instagrams in this episode will make it into the worst of 2020; and they'll have the argument all over again in that one to.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PEANUT_BUTTER_AND_JE ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ian has legit comedy chops and sensibilities, heโ€™s got a really quick wit for saying funny shit.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mediciii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Hot take: Ian is the funniest person in the whole crew

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/The_Contested ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ianโ€™s โ€œWindy Williamsโ€ joke alone was better than the last episode. Letโ€™s just pretend that one didnโ€™t happen.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JohnTHarmon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I fucking love this podcast

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/welinyknz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- okay here's the deal now we are really back before last episode we were back now we're really back why like a half back that was a half back I'll Brokeback Brokeback first of all today's episode is sponsored by candid CO and quit we love them and appreciate them so much we are joined today by in the salaried employee daily reducer Zac the sound wizard hmm but he was a lad yes he's a wizard he's not really a wizard is he dance the Wizards the way we can't have the competition here well how would you title yourself Zac as a sound what you see it's the sound lad blood does that give you enough credit lad I like it you like lad okay the lad is with us here today why are we all sitting here together because it's time for 2019 Year in Review where we are oh and Sarah go wonderful Sarah's out on the switchboard in case you're wondering who L is on the ones and twos who the hell's backstage doing it today sorry everybody listening are we back why are we half back don't we have a limiter dance with it like if I scream into the mic it doesn't rupture yeah you could just scream the whole episode no but there should be a limit good impression there's no magic it's gonna be yes there is magic in limits the it's magic 2019 year and review the best and worst moments of 2019 everybody we had so many memorable moments we had some rough moments we all had our shares of hardships and triumphs here on the a Street podcast and I thought it was appropriate for us all to review together you know it's hard to come back from the break with Jack and Eric I loved them because I had so much I wanted to talk about yeah Heello with you guys it's been so long since I've seen you guys and it was it was very difficult to not talk about everything that we missed now we have the opportunity and so I say to you all we are back season 3 we are ready and all right did I say bomb the white house in the last episode I did say that nothing ever came of that okay The Secret Service never came or anything not yet anyway yeah there's no intention of bomb what Zack had mentioned his place but I think it was getting no comment scare me so before we get on to the best and worst first of all let me ask everybody how's everybody doing how was your break Zack go ahead how was your break oh it was wonderful super low-key about the girlfriend night went to her family on Christmas because I am a Jew you're Jews he said she's a Christian yeah going on she's look away if you guys have kids how do you raise them you know we had that discussion but we did have that discussion so you know we talked about incorporating both aspects of religion which i think would be very like a Jewish Santa Clause sure Jew for Jesus Hanukkah bush okay yeah yeah we we've had that conversation interesting yeah and with our you bar about a Bar Mitzvah I am a bar and what year if you had a son would you want him to be a bar mitzvah you know it's not that big of a deal I would you circumcise him 100 percent yeah okay good so she likes what you've done to your cosmetically she likes okay excellent well thank you welcome back sad happy to have you for having me in how was your break I happen to know oh not for me for a sec I was partying now tell me on Instagram publicly and then you also put as you guys can see you soon critic but not that cryptic it's uh it's all of the the plain card suits would entertain possibly that this girl here is the wild card we're really coming in hot you know this is my girlfriend can we confirm that this is the wild card I mean kind of speaking with the caption you know so this is the girl who ruined I so wow she's very pretty uh congratulations the end she looks very much the bachelor kind of worked it did work man did were can directly maybe directly extremely directly you guys understand the bachelor Ian has a girlfriend we anticipated but it did work yeah there was little she went beyond the chain of command yeah but no one worked out great I'm she's very power yeah very happy yes it's fantastic she wonders oh she sees the ian's of production she is from she's not in state right no no she's not here and you guys have plans of we're uniting and we're making it making it work I was there over break visiting her and she visited me over break I'm going back next month oh she's coming back the month after we've got it all with that how often are you guys on the phone like every day you text her throughout the day and calling mm-hmm that's a good he's so smitten he walks and every morning with a smile why aren't you thinking any I don't know discussion about like why am I still getting [ __ ] for me why aren't you thanking me this wouldn't be without contract like what you actually broke the continent by by saying well I'm surprised didn't try to bring up the contract cuz I was ready to go to war now I'm not in war mode anymore are you so we can tear the contract he's in love you can know tearing I think I think we have to keep it for posterity I mean I'm happy to talk about what I'm up to things like that so you guys are on the phone would you ever send her a dick pic this is for me to know and you never find out okay so I think that is a yes because I've never sent a dick pic although might I feel like I'm out of that you should try it that would be kind of spicy right no it's definitely things would you send a dick pic Zack go ahead it be honest I haven't done it go ahead I've only done it what are you worried about always loosening it no stop go ahead Zack tell the truth come on we're all yes I've sent a dick pic yes and so what was it that you seem conflicted about doing so I wouldn't I wouldn't send a dick pic - someone like I'm just talking - yes consenting recipient yeah I've only sent to my current girlfriend okay good and was it at her request or was that your prerogative you've got hot and heavy okay it was reciprocated yeah it was all yeah so ela if you were like upstairs doing your thing the phone rang your dings it's a dick pic from Ethan would you feel flattered I think go ahead y'all let you answer I don't know I think my first reaction would just be like what the [ __ ] what well what am I supposed to do with that because first of all first of all we're always together the need to be transmitting pictures of my penises is zero minimal second of all the expectation for dick pics not there third of all I am afraid of my dick being on the Internet so so for me we actually know but you never know oh [ __ ] look at this you know you don't know who's gonna you're basically the minute I take a picture of my dick you better just expect that it's gonna be on Twitter yes that's our set of mine like yeah that's very opening yeah when did I'm but besides that I am we feel like we just didn't grow up having those be part of our culture so I'm just confused by this because you guys never did dating jobs or anything no I've never been on a date missed all that yeah and now I'm not saying that there I'm not like I'll say I'd send a dick pic you know like does the girl return something yes I think it depends on the situation and yeah ideally the girl returns something I think they did a boob shot or vag shot because I mean how did tell Marta to go I'm not gonna come okay that's so Zach has been sexting god bless you you think the the age of the dick pic was created with these new apps like tinder I think just smart abilities send images like that okay ian has been in love congratulations the wild card she ruined the show but she built your heart yes I look forward to meeting her someday yeah sure you will good me too I hope so and Dan talk to me well what what's compan going on with you not much I went traveling too I went out to the great white north I was up in Idaho over the break why were you in Idaho that's where my girl was from oh my god yeah and I'd never been before and I gotta say surprising amount of age three fans up there I got you got recognizing I in small-town Idaho it was it was it was a trip yeah so shout out to I think it was there was a Jesse oh hey oh it was Dan it was it another Dan Wow no I've never been there but why do you love I know I like the name yeah it's pretty epic it was actually gorgeous it was snowing and everything and you know all the pine trees all white and everything I'm not used to that being from you know that was that was beautiful majestic yeah now Dan you were there with the girlfriend tell me about that how's that going it's going good yeah I met Matt her family and everything Wow thank you good you play good with the mom I think so I'm good with you're good with mom after dinner you help with the dishes and all that I you know that's no I never we never had we ate out the whole time oh yeah did you bring [ __ ] over dinner when we ate that's pretty good that's good you bring flowers or like a housewarming gift you know I didn't know just the dick-pic good well Wow love is in the air over the 2019 was it was a potent year that's good I'm so happy to hear that everybody's got a smile on their face everyone looks rejuvenated about you what were you doing over break yeah oh you never what did i do over break nothing man [Music] our main goal yes we've been working really hard later though we just wanna we wanted to be with him and it was super sweet that's great yeah it was great we've took him to the zoo we went out walking everywhere he's too young to look at the animals but he was he's captivated by the people and the kids yeah it's nice just take him into public places like that Theodore is growing up he is close to crawling he's got two little teeth coming in he's gonna be eight months old on the 4th of February every eight-month-old in this little guy that's all we went vintage car shopping right go as expected oh my god so I've been hearing I didn't know if we were gonna get into this so he lied hurt you has been obsessed with vintage cars she wants like a vintage car so we go to this place they sell like beautiful vintage there they look great they're in great condition originally cold looking Mercedes my vibes now I've been telling Ellis since she brought this up to me yeah I said yeah I support you if you want this I'm not gonna tell you no I'm just gonna give you a warning that these old cars are pain in the ass they're gonna always not work they're not gonna run good and you're not gonna really like driving it it's just gonna end up sitting in our garage or driveway spilling oil and so you know everybody on Teddy fresh you look he was talking about the vintage carbons car and it was like funky thing trying to bring you down either you go girl you do your thing girl and then they go get in their head you go don't listen to me all right well I never had a problem with it anyway so no but deep inside I know that we are always on the same page so I knew that Ethan is right like I kind of knew it but I just I just like the look of the car but it's not really that serious look I agree the look is cool too yeah but the thing is we go to the vintage car these are these are the good ones cuz you don't you don't want just a piece-of-shit old car you want like there's one that looks like it is maintained right so the the cheapest one here is 70,000 so right away on the price I'm like either you can get like a [ __ ] new badass car for that right so already I'm like oh we were spending $70,000 why don't we just get an awesome new car yeah so that's the first thought then she gets into this car the $70,000 car which was the cheapest one they have there she gets in this car was that white being our white Mercedes no it was cream it was the one you wanted yeah and so first of all the guy pulls it out and he's turned it on he's getting into gear he was gonna test-drive it and he's got the clutch and he's like he's like trying to get it here and he's like it's a mercy it's a convertible top down it takes two people screwdriver in the drawer yeah crank it put in the window is one of those so I'm like alright just for commuting from the officer back so EULA gets in the driver's seat now you have to imagine the setting we're in a garage it's a de facto shop yeah full of incredible antique cars where ella is getting into the cheapest one that cost starts at seventy thousand yeah behind ela is a antique Ferrari and rolls-royce probably the two most expensive cars in the garage nearly three hundred thousand or more apiece beautiful and so yes getting ready to go out on our test drive and I'm not sure why but it wasn't all there that was like this is very normal here's drivers reverse go he didn't show me anything mmm-hmm do you drive manual like do you know how to drive a stick shift I know it wasn't it was just oh but the guy couldn't get it in the drive right for me I didn't have to do anything right and I started like driving and it goes backwards so ILA's going on and she's not hitting brake she just looks at me [Laughter] [ __ ] but all I see is I'm standing there in shock and she's just turned her editors looking at me as the cars going back towards the Ferrari and rolls-royce was pretty fat and so I don't know what's going on it was and and the guys like he's like trying to laugh it out and he was like panicking at the same time and I was like what is I tried to hit break in was happening but then eventually he hit they like he pulled the ebrake yeah and then the car salesman is running after them and I'm just sitting there like and ILA's just staring at me you can imagine just staring at me a shock and then there was a guy in the car with her who slammed on the ebrake thank God why would they let you test drive the transmissions all [ __ ] up in Drive and it was rented oh my god why didn't the pre get out of the car like all shaking I just wanted to leave the roof and then the guy who like take care of the car yeah like their their handy mechanic guy he was super nice and he came and he was like he didn't want me to feel so bad and he was like come on not all drive and then we switch and I'll show you first how I'm driving and they use and then you drive and so I went with him because I didn't want to also like say no I was trying to be nice sure but I was like horrified why I just wanted to walk out what was with the brace so when he took me on a drive he said just so you know this happens all the time to me too and you would expect to like the drive let's say is the drive use really like down or something it's the opposite of what it usually is so we said that happens to me you put in Drive no the guy thought he put it in Drive oh I don't even do anything really God but then how come the brake didn't work so you've got a really slam it's like it slow and it's like when you're used to modern brake yeah like barely tapping on yeah old cars aren't like that you gotta like press you got a crazy oh yeah no power steering either right yeah so you test drove it and the end how did you like it so then I drove it and it's like the wheels kind of like takes a minute the risk and I'm coming from driving our like modern car it didn't feel that great yeah and I was just wanting to go out of there and we left and I was like the dream is over what did you think when you came back I just wanted through your race that whole day for my memory ela was traumatized we got no car I always hit a rolls-royce like what the [ __ ] and a Ferrari right but I mean um I'm glad we did it so you could get the bug out of your system yeah so that's a you're not all tall over we already got she got a car so we were like immediately we're over that a different car a new car we got a new car and convertible and it's awesome congratulations thank you way better so we say what it is you can say I don't care I ended up getting a Porsche is really nice no kids in this car and it's our date car and we going drives just the two of us it's really fun that's pretty cool beautiful car beautiful yeah and what else it's like the same prices at all so that's that story so ela came to her senses she realized as always it was so good cuz we came back from break and I opened up our we have our like show dock or whatever and like I just see a note in there and like ela crashes classic car been talking about the classic cars like it was so scary I thought I was like man I wonder if they would have made you pay for it or what like what would happen if you actually no way how what if I can't afford you I'm sure they have insurance yeah probably yeah but I mean they they screwed you but I think they would have tried something like that those guys a bunch of car salesmen you know sneaky yeah they would have tried some anyway there's that so Wow a lot has happened there's a couple of videos I want to watch before we get into the Year in Review okay because I believe it's important stay up to date here we have Khalid trying to crowd surf what I don't know if this is older jumping usually when it's 11 he comes into the crowd you know people are get excited but you can hear screams of no that's screwed those are genuine scream he's done this before - yeah yeah he's done this before is that Khalid are you kidding who else is that way oh I recognize that pear-shaped body yeah same frame I don't like it is actually bigger than anyone in the comments maybe clarify you attempted murder that's what's ready they call this you guys go all the way up and then oh I have to like click you have to go into the comments entire discussion okay use reddit well you trying to get me to watch other videos I don't see anyone saying that it's not Khalid yeah nobody's refuting it so it lets you go with yes whatever well hold on what other pear-shaped red both grant pant wearing bearded we need to analyze I mean I see that doesn't look like him Khalid is we doesn't run like that like I know is more like it [Music] younger any and Khalid is a little bit big I don't think it kind of looks like Fat Joe no he's been arraigned this may be a coward hit John wow that was such a fail maybe it's a stunt what a regardless but are you guys really I think you're right action you persuaded yeah I'm not sure if that's him can we pull up a dash a different hmm usually read it cause that [ __ ] out like immediately though let me affect that nobody's refuting it let me do it sirs is real interesting that's not dj khaled I'm pretty sure that's flyboy Tarantino wow I wonder if Cal is not done with this public smear job yeah that looks like the guy we just saw but he's also had it yeah he's tatted all over the best I didn't see any time there was a no beard but he's not wearing red pants mmm well he probably hasn't rolled on her no but if that was what are the replies to that this guy doesn't have a single tattoo on it what's that oh behind the beard oh hold on the [ __ ] finger hold on Sarah you're saying oh yeah neck there's a tat yeah because I thought he had like a long straggly beer yeah right the tattoo matches he does have something going on there yep people are agreeing people are agreeing that it is flyboy and this is the flyboy it's not it's his signature move apparently oh my god remind me not to go to his page he said out of all the cities he toured only to fail to catch him dude if I'm him and I'm doing that I've got a plant like Jax dudes in the floor on the same sound you hear if somebody opens fire so we need my justice bird DJ Khaled his name cleared there is a DJ Khaled crowd surfing video yeah I feel like he didn't eat [ __ ] that hard DJ Khaled crowd yeah this one he kind of fell he just kind of thinks you wouldn't just come to Khaled crowd surf ends up crushing fans I'll watch the music or can you mute the music cuz I don't want to get [ __ ] this doesn't mean the mute it [Music] wait if I turn that down it doesn't click on try the second one well just just click am in no audio no audio ok I gotta do it here's counties get don't get Cal too high oh no they're having too much fun it's not they push him out there look at the [ __ ] back yeah it's like quicksand they didn't want him this was a big story this twitch streamer begging for subs I bet you guys you know people are saying she's so disgusting she's begging for subs is why everyone hates twitch streamers go ahead watch it and some of what you think okay how do you hold speech about how I need subs and to get this stream going if you like the content blah blah blah how that results in zero subs there are regulars here $5 a month how are you have hours of time to watch me and not Disney Plus for $5 a month I don't know what do you do sir game time to watch twitch and not $5 to provide for the concept feel like she just answered her own question look what are you doing with your life that you're sitting here watching for hours and don't have $5 right well they're mine what's your content those are just complaining hmm no I don't I think I read somewhere I'm not sure I can't confirm that she doesn't political commentaries I'm saying okay don't do this left is best that would make sense actually really heartbreaking because it's like people just really have no they've really don't respect me as a content creator that is that is rough I mean I didn't I don't think she's representative twitch I think she's just some I mean I don't know I've never even seen this girl or this but yeah that's um the thing is I don't when people don't really need to ask for subs people sub if they find value yeah right but I love how she's like I bagged you guys and not one person subscribed it's like well maybe your [ __ ] sucks I don't know they say you know cheese yeah well is it just water I guess left is best no thank you you don't think left his best to sir I mean maybe I guess maybe err maybe it says in the there was someone else under the bus for publicity then promote yourself ouch I just like both yell what now we're just descending into why drama anyway shout out to her yeah that's good go if you like the content blah blah blah for becoming the I'll look into that cuz I'm curious if there's like additional context to it or something let's find the whole scooped yeah let's dig in let's dig in a little bit right into that did Philly do you mention that have you guys been staying up to date with Philippi he has been on break - oh really you came back yesterday with a quick oh my god I you know every time Philly let me pull up a shot every time Philly D clickbait Smee I'm like what the [ __ ] did I do it's flattering I guess but I get in distress yeah I think I must be one of the most click baited faces on the philip defranco show which they do take as a compliment here look I look at me I'm here what did I do oh the kpop March my lot there's PewDiePie Oh Shane PewDiePie Shane's gonna be hard to top thank my girl wants to be number one yeah well let's see I'm up here twice I see Felix 3 this is just the last row absolutely made an appearance so he's Sonic even made an appearance huh he has some pretty dedicated fans I bet you somebody has a running tally of I would love on the action edit so I don't feel it's cool actually no I need to oh here's PTC I need to get in and Shane it's probably the number one right now I'm actually seeing Felix a lot I want to see someone he does david dobrik a lot too I'm seeing him all over so actually if anybody's listening has a tally I would absolutely love to know what that is I feel like I I got to be in top 10 right Here I am again top 10 can I have that title I remember back top 20 when I first started watching him and he was going by sex again oh and the thumbnails were all just like girls bikinis and stuff remember that I've heard about that but I wasn't watching that's for time watching you too this was like 2011 maybe how old were you your aim again you guys I don't know huh I'm seeing myself a lot here i am again I'm just saying you are there a lot I it's reasonable I might be in top 10 I think I'm top five I'm not giving you some new top ten I'll give you that just something somebody does the podcasted h3h3 productions yes please I need to know does the Israeli live lag countess me what take a break has it already been 30 minutes sure having too much fun here back in the HD podcast best show in the world boys should get to it after the break so then okay let's go to the break we'll be back your review do not go away we're just getting warmed up ian is working on highlights as we were never quit what'll a head in the game alright you go to a break we'll be right back guys are you unhappy with that smile tired of feeling self-conscious and photos why not make this the year you straighten your teeth with candid candy delivers clear aligners directly to you and stranger teeth for 65% less than braces unlike braces candids clear liners are comfortable removable and totally invisible so you can transform your smile without anyone noticing a thing plus you never have to set foot in the doctor's 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that's back no one else is here I'm here dance here I mean you know dance here my chopped liver Dan's always here lack so I was going to say I wanted to bring up one more thing before we jumped into it because we were goofing on not goofing and really but the bathtub trough guy look at this that's the same dude that's the same all right I'm so stoked for this guy what an incredible journey well awesome isn't this the best thing you've ever seen I saw that and I cannot believe that for him that was like impossible that must have been so hard oh yeah but look how happy he looks yeah I mean it's got to feel amazing I mean the guy could be probably got like a new life no he's got a handsome dude actually to a huge seriously I'm so I'm just a see not a boy it's possible man mmm I need to get inspired man I'm getting too fat I can't fit into clothing I've like this incredible shorts collection I can't fit into the shorts the feeding window I ain't doing it the feet of someone left the window open there's a draught effect the fitting window alone is just not enough you know I got discouraged I didn't go vegetarian pretty much I am actually pretty much we're just not like super strict about it so I sometimes do something but for the most part yeah anyway let's move on let's get to it shall we okay anyway then I have I am fully vegetarian still and I tried meat once and I felt like you described like I was so good what make the Jew eat your brother got food for us would meet and I couldn't know right you had the UM you know that wasn't the best meat to be honest but I'm just completely lying to it yeah I mean I'm not surprised that me it was pretty gross I got to be dedicated to throw the [ __ ] down what's your go-to cheap fast food like if you were to drive through somewhere and you just feel like cheating definitely a McMuffin yeah not really I feel like the McMuffins are not that bad no no I mean you could do worse not and I would if healer wasn't with me if it was up to me Zach I would go I'd be happy with anything yeah the meat Mountain bar now I wouldn't do that I would probably get like a quarter pounder with french fries or I would you know so you go Mickey D's Carl's jr. do you again and out I like in and out anyway let's go let's look we have an agenda right we have the best and the worst I want to talk about how Hillary slam Bernie let's save that for another day yeah less mess what are you saying ridiculousness Oh ridiculousness Oh what about Wendy Williams ripping ass on TV right that's New York yes Yas Queen so good why save it for Friday so good well now that brought it up I have brought it bro this is the best Wendy Williams ripped ass so hard so first of all as I say everyone knows that she's like got it done leg live be subtle or anything she's having diarrhea or like because well in that posture I generally don't get so gassy unless there's like a storm brewing she's working it Korky deport no no no like a valve yeah yeah so like she's trying to hold it in no she's squeezing it out you sit flat yeah she's trying to do it subtle yeah yeah because when you're flat against the chair you're gonna get that buddy I just yeah it gets to a point where like you have to let him I think she's trying to let it out discreet yeah exactly so you actually want to wash clip okay you want to watch the clip of so it's up on the screen I mean you don't want to guess about what's in it anymore there's 25 second clip you want to actually watch it okay 27 years old you're old enough to understand political correctness and the times that we live now yeah of course he probably knows it's not right from a man to a woman or a woman to a man but you can't even do that locker room thing that cop wasn't playing that I mean because she was concentrating on the fart you can tell her mind wasn't kelly there yeah thank you right here we got it wait so you're lucky you only got battery what if he filed for sexual assault oh [ __ ] I don't go back far enough I'm so sorry everyone that cop wasn't playing that I mean she stopped talking goes into the nod mic pick that up yeah okay she must have ripped fat ass yeah I think she clearly thought that that it was inaudible cuz she has a lab on her chest but I think there's booms everywhere for backup right yeah yeah for sure that yeah I think she ripped an ass so hard she didn't think that anyone could hear it well I think she thought it would be silent that's why she's yeah that's what I'm saying that's what the pose is for like with the what's the pause in the pose there's no way to do that for the whole time I think she was really like trying Wendy Williams am i right wow you are right you're exactly right Wendy Williams she's like and there's no hiding it because she likes stop speaking she's gonna think about it but what do you do if you need to rip ass on TV you know what I mean and you're Wendy Williams you've got you got hold it hold on everybody I'm gonna flip back have you farted on the HD podcast yeah and Jacqueline heard it you're the sound guy you well I've never heard there was even a reaction to it you don't really hear it I don't laugh my [ __ ] like he does the guest here though there aren't ways around she could she could have faked a cough or something well that's the worst I don't think she could like coordinate all that that's not I'm a competitive art and talk at the same time yeah really you can't do it what you're saying that's like a human limit you have to like pause that's a human biological limit name that seems like a challenge away because you're pushing oh I'm farting right now you can say that next time you have to fart this goes forever I guarantee I can talk while I fart no pauses it has to be like a full colic talk I ask you you mean don't miss a beat exactly no pauses not a second no yeah and think you might be right when did the way the Windy Williams child we just we just had an on-air fart like last month oh the stall well our saw well yeah same thing he did pause but we there was a lot of it was the news reporter his over yeah there was a there was a lot of back-and-forth so what did what do we find out was there it was there was a lot of back-and-forth the the network blamed a coffee mug dragging across the ground he was a former employee of MSNBC claimed that Chris Matthews the ho all the time fart right and it was Chris Matthews there was a partner on the grassy knoll I feel like Chris Matthew got [Music] Center much like what happened in DJ Khaled earlier in the sub he did a birdie through he did him dirty but all right this is a good challenge yeah all right I'll let you know and I when I've got asked my fart my ass let's move it on 2019 Year in Review great year wonderful year so I will go first cuz I'm already here what you got now I'm gonna start with my best okay now I'm gonna go all the way back to Jack Black now this happened at the very end of 2018 but I really don't give a single hoots you're already breaking the know this is the only one this is the only one because it's right on the cusp and we never talked about this it was right on the cusp like I mean like one day before okay so so stop your whining don't you say the prayer are you ready for it are you kidding me tell me if I do this correctly I this is the hard part [Laughter] [Music] haha that's impressive I was feeling fresh to have that talent even pronounced a right like you would in Israel he's a talent I just I'm still marvelling at the fact that we had this incredible talent Jack Black but loved by the world in here doing doing a prayers and song for us so that was especially me he's actually one of my favorite youtubers just kind of funny to say yes he's great said December 7th that wasn't what the Dan why are you here you're supposed to support me and it's not really the it's not the hospice it was a spiritual core the cusp of the spiritual December is the cup doesn't like rules that's the only one that's from 2000 ufff though to to transcend a year so thank you in well somebody who understands me I was trending on a lot of like Jewish pages on Twitter I didn't know that my friends another favorite moment of mine was the revelation that Sandra bollocks bollocks what do you think let's say bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks Sandra Bullock's injects Asian baby foreskin her face yeah specifically Asian baby foreskin you look like a burn victim for a day but then it's it but then it pushes what are you pushing into the skin sera sera what are you pushing into the skin well you push in whatever the facialist would like to insert into your pores but what is it it is extraction from a piece of skin free from a young person this the why is it polite wait why was a clips of me this is hard should be the source hmm little late now yeah well it's the best of the podcast yeah yeah that's true so we need you there because otherwise you're just gonna react to gain okay so I'll just play the clip I can't comment that's all it's like she got caught red-handed go ahead play this of the podcast and not about reaction material that you like what's the difference I liked this clip that's a highlight what does it matter everybody else is the same I forgot that this happened so I am appreciating yeah a reminder of the fact that she injects baby foreskins and you have any other critique at the top find it deeply disturbing they did cuz I missed it cuz ill was arguing with let me go back and watch the clip of me talking about it again but you don't have to be disturbed okay there you go why Korean I always found that so so weird but yes they import baby foreskin firm Korea and inject it into their faces and you can tell she knows how for weird and and uh not cool it is even it's just strange like kind of uncomfortable really Illuminati yeah well whatever the manicurist wants to inject I wonder which Korea comes from if it comes from North Korea that's concerning interesting because you know those babies are giving that for stuff willingly I'm gonna say I'm like the South Korean ones that are giving it will well yeah because the I mean South Korea is a you know democracy were so the babies are electing to donate well I'm saying I'm sure done Hugh Miller it's done humanely with the parents consent if it coming from North Korea that's just a farm where they grow babies and nip they're gonna guess it's probably suck yeah you think in North Korea it's like there's a forced circumcision is that what you're saying no I'm saying that in North Korea they don't need your consent ones consent divorce yeah they take the foreskin yeah forcibly interesting very in a camp Sandra Bullock okay mark McGrath cameo for him okay this I know this was recent acts I should give context mark McGrath what became famous for making a cameo breaking up with a girl's boyfriend and it went viral everyone thought it was so funny and outrageous that mark McGrath is on cameo just delivering bad news I mean yeah and the whole concept of cameo I think is is funny to people as well but I wanted to do something special for ian's anniversary was your two year anniversary is that right that's correct and so we decided to commission for in a little video of mark McGrath firing in mmm-hmm so without further ado Burt's but always in your hearts and Ethan wants to let you know something man these never get easier things are getting tough around the office and unfortunately at this time and I know it's tough around the holidays Ethan is gonna have to let you go unfortunately money's tight right now you know oil prices around the world are going crazy and that being or telling me business he's gonna have to let you go I just can't afford to keep you around anymore you've been a great employee a great friend and he hates to do this to you during the holiday season and he thought the best way to let you know that you're fired was through me you know a lot of cliches kind of come into mind right now when something like this is happening to you you know and the chips are down you know when one door closes and finishes the fun going it's not how many times you fall down is how many times get back up so I'm happy Ethan and everybody we wish you the best and you're more than capable family but we're gonna let you go at this time I'll be happy to mark your ground keep any a wonderful employee there's you're the best in the future well I thought he said I was so in Christ and I will say after we aired this on the podcast he raised his price from 75 to 150 100 I think it was from 100 to 115 and he's like I'm the main like they really push him now on the way well yeah he was getting my copy plus a day [ __ ] me do the math that's a lot of cheddar did you see the deep the deep fake so I made no oh yeah yeah let me let me pull that up that was so uncanny dude well that was the best mark the wrath of McGrath how did you feel 125 oh maybe he furloughed it feed sack back how did you how did you feeling any wha do you watch this every day it's actually my wake-up alarm gets me going ah no it's he nailed it it's not us it's used yeah it was on a really small channel so yeah I just saw it on the subreddit might not pop up on a search unfortunately so that was definitely a highlight for me yeah he really delivered you know we we sent him the money we sent him some guidelines really minimal and he really took it around with that and he was quick to and he went for a while yeah he knows how to how to deliver quality yeah I mean he's got a reputation to uphold he's a G he's a G so there you have it mark McGrath next up the belt Delphine saga for me stands out it nearly ruined our marriage but to go and Zach's as well you still watch her no you don't watch her no you don't you don't ever ever one you cancel premium that's false oh you don't have premium San chap anyone anymore anymore cuz you were really into her for a minute okay video of her spitting in the door she sent us we I had wanted her to fart in a can it sent it to me but she did the next best thing she spit in a jar and as far as I'm aware were the only ones that own her spit she expressed me after my Scott and it's still fermenting how much to take a sip of that Dan Zak how much does it take a sip of that 10 gram you might die drink all of it 300 grand 10 grand wouldn't cover your medical bills not in that way but I was flattered that that she thought of us here's the video okay here we go I mean this is a video this is it you ready Allah yes she later admitted to me cuz we cut week were notices smelled like alcohol right find she later admitted to me that she had poured a little no idea she's ruling into a cop and she said she wanted to get more volume but I wonder if it's because she was worried that we were 23 oh there's that could be true but be honest who got a semi job from this from this yeah from her spitting it yes that doesn't do it for you did you get a semi job no you didn't rip up at all huh not even 1% I don't believe I don't believe she doesn't necessarily do it for me oh stop you stop right in did you just chop up at all just to semi would really corked up joking I'm asking for real I'm not trying to make jokes did you get I did not from this it's it's kind of I get a weird feeling in here yeah it's a pulsing it's not attractive did you you choked up you choked up ten percent literally so you got like a minuscule like just 10 percent she's still totally am ia she gone I don't know but I threw it all away you're over it I don't know why because she was like the center of attention everybody was talking about about her she's like um she's like Jerry Seinfeld she goes out at the height of her glory mmm true well if she had the whole meme about being arrested mm-hmm right which was just kind of a lot bad and that was [ __ ] yeah I don't know if she's still at yeah I feel like it was yeah oh yeah we noticed here that um it mysteriously the volume goes up geez it mysteriously filled up about 50% the way through her spitting marathon that must have been when she poured in the alcohol mmm Wow at this point she puts it back in her mouth it's pretty incredible I mean she did go all out I love him beyond you got a hug from her yeah yeah that's right that's part of the thing is that the the authority continued to develop which is what contributed to being so great for example we decided to open it and there's a good vacuum seal what it's here listen like Wendy Williams wait are we ready it's not look at how at least one jar was way clearer than but at least definitely getting [ __ ] well you know what happened there's probably probably is better hair there little air pressure went along its spit out what the bacteria was like no guy used for yeah sourdough right exactly that's right gnarly so there's like can you hear is that okay well okay so hold off on that okay yeah yeah but yeah this this is gnarly good timestamp that man I am so blown away it's just not what I expected and operating YouTube for a youtuber bro it's a one and a half hour time line not even bored a minute if you press L it goes is like a grown up girl because I do think drinking alcohol no I called no her bacteria what format smells like Manischewitz yeah why do you take a step we should going in no if Dan doesn't we have to complete the circle opening it up okay wait put it up to the mic let's hear if it makes the zone no interesting I think that means there's nothing active in there there's no this is how the Walking Dead stated a deep me just flew out so dance got it open he's smelling like death oh my god go ahead Ian your neck this is like The Grudge how long did that been days this was uploaded it was like in the summer I didn't actually I never did I never smelled it I don't like straight by the way this has been marinating for seven months don't spill that that'll burn through this unbelieving if you can't it smells kind of like like a like a old bread yeah I got the yeast element there falls red doesn't sound too bad but like there's a thing in there there's a demonic element yeah for sure thoughts you still want to sip that for 10 G's it's on the show it does smell like an alcohol bread that's the way I can put it I think of the fact that you're smelling someone's spit whatever you're smelling that was really like if you smell if you smell a flower that had that scent would you react the same way you get a contact high from get a good whiff well I got a good with just let it marinate basking in I just want to get a really good description so the thing yeah it's like the alcohol is fermented yeah you can really smell the yeast bratty as foul drunk if you drunk that well this is this alcohol she spit out some I feel different to be on I think it became less pungent by the time it came around to me cuz smell was may might have escaped yeah I think I think you got the worst I might Asian 0vu ttle well we did that and then vitally en ran into her at the pornhub Awards writes although you're the only one that survived to to tell the story uh-huh yeah that was a and I didn't expect that to happen um I didn't think she was gonna be there she's so mysterious right so then when I la I was like I gotta find her here and yeah that was good work she was so excited she knew who we were and you were wearing the Hat yeah she was she was so nice she's freaking out I'm actually looking person I mean I she looked like her I mean I could see like where the like where the wig she's dressed like on her you know Grim Reaper or whatever yeah but and she was with a guy right I didn't see anyone who was she with I didn't hear with anybody she's by herself yeah it looked like it as far as I saw I don't know anything else I mean anything unusual not really I told her what did she say to you I had said I like pointed at the Hat and she was like no way no way is that real and I was like yes a replica she was like where's Ethan where's the other yeah but it was cool she talked to me for a while well congratulations you got a hug beautiful combination saga what kind of hug was it yeah I'm curious are you what are you kind of hug was like how long did she ask you was it was there body contact was it shoulders forward along the Christian side hug yes what percentage chubber you right now zero well I'm trying to get up to ten but you're holding Vito one of those since when you do the power you do the pat you got the Larry David Pat yeah did you smell her I didn't go for the whiff but you were right there did you not inhale you went for the live I just with the spit she smelled like rotten red in Paris I think something happened between them and he did not wanted to know no well you didn't have a girlfriend then what are you worried about he's all groovy she just wanted to stay mysterious so she I live with too much I was trying to ask questions she wasn't really we wanted to get a video she didn't go up on stage either no it's no interesting yeah well there you have it Trish Delphine and next up for me Andrew yang enters on the Gatsby fantastic [Music] [Laughter] he's so careful we put on the lowest speed that's max feeding well after the Bobbili incident especially when our official he's a serious guy ya know Andrew yeah I feel like that was a milestone for our podcast having Andrew yang a presidential candidate here on the show was pretty well I me that was uh let me tell you guys my dad flipped out about that actually alright why is he a young gang it's kind of a hanging oh so he didn't expect that yeah I haven't told him anything and I'd literally got it I got a text from him that said what the [ __ ] you got Andrew yeah as long as Dan's dad is in I craved your dad's approval more than my own because you told me your dad is this is a what's a fan of the rice gum video that has those parents I think we all determine it said are you [ __ ] kidding me you guys got Andrew yang on the show after the debate I'm impressed nice there you go tell me if your dad has any more compliments when I say okay that helps busy see if or say anything about me yeah did he say anything about Dell Dell Delphine yeah he's he's real indirection he had Dan I'm reporting in all right let's keep blasting to take a good long yeah Papa John gives us a shout out that was like a lifetime I love you have an award right this watch this video look at this 2.4 million viewers people are stoked for Papa hey gang gang gang gang gang papa well I have enough they don't pop back this has been so surreal the Papa John giving us a shout out well since we've got in touch with Papa we've been trying to book him for the show he got in touch with me we talked on the phone for like 15 minutes Wow it was a great chat how was good good rapport really good Robi was nice good banter super nice I said Papa when you come on the show he said to me Ethan when I say I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do it and so we booked we have a tentative date I will say was the what do we say it's the seventh I think right the day February that so exactly that's the day of reckoning that's on the calendar Papa's gonna be in the house but he's got the story he's got the goods he's got the tea and he's coming to spill it he's flying out just for our show Wow and I could not be more excited Dan that is so cool I couldn't believe it because Ethan was getting a call from a private number and we usually don't answer anything was like oh yeah oh yeah give it to me I guess you knew because I like thing yeah and then he's like it's papa now we had good banter he was me he was pouring a lot of good yeah he said yeah yeah he was slamming on he goes he made some good jokes about shredder yeah and all of his ex-wife being dogs or no no but he made some funny jokes about all of his ex-wives as well and then it was very detailed like okay so when do you want me to come out what time where's the office like you could tell he's a very he's a CEO yeah he's yeah he's the franchisor not a franchisor is a board I don't even know what to call it is the beach that much like the very official title used to see you and yet you go pop Blake there's like new titles oh okay well he's the board director of the board yeah he's everything he's the Alpha Omega and yes what else the alpha beta and Omega the expression is just Alpha and Omega oh he's got more Greek Alpha and Omega of the pizza empire no Papa dente he'll stop in there but he's coming on and I just can't believe it's so cool I'm super excited pretty why I cannot wait I also have an exciting announcement on Tuesday PewDiePie is gonna be joining us via satellite it's not actually satellite but I like what they say be a satellite so we have some nice guests coming up I'm excited about it's gonna be our first ever remote guest throw shoe under the moon but I'm saying that we just got 800 comments yeah but anyway the worst I wanted to show this one too before I pass it off [Applause] it's like a human experiment but anyway the camera so close to their faces it's just she's laughing so I know she's just she's like what the hell any you know keeps getting closer [Applause] [Music] then when you think you can't get he needs to step for man is good she really has like perfect skin if you looked at me that up close to you you'd be like oh I got all these blackheads and [ __ ] like probably owe somebody a coupon cameraman yeah I'm sure it's so talk about perfect skin look at this that movie yeah that was a great movie but do you hate people that loved it I do not almost single blackhead he's almost six he doesn't have a single black Etica smoothest skin is how was that possible he's gone almost sixty anyway I'm gonna worst worst oh the Thanksgiving make him laugh everybody was clowning on me for ruining the episode because if people didn't laugh then I replayed it about your science got very upset that you were not abiding by your own rules and rules today doesn't like to think inside a box yeah alright thank you Zack that's complimentary mmm-hmm well people didn't like that I was bragging about I didn't think I was gonna lose once and then I was laughing at everything hey so I got I got some shredded on the accelerator [Laughter] yeah I'm not good and I ruined it and everybody was fun well that was my worst moment okay one of the other worst moments for me was everybody accusing me of cheating it's because I dared to say that it's okay to look at someone's Instagram profile out of curiosity we didn't say you're cheating it's infidelity but everyone in the car yeah I was about to say we all got trashed yeah well they took your side in the moment I felt attacked but justice prevailed and you all first of all do you hope for a recap I was saying that some girl sent a love note to end to Dan sorry hmm and I looked at her Instagram profile because she provided it out of curiosity yes and then said well I didn't look and then I said it makes sense cuz he has a girlfriend so he didn't look I said both that you don't know everything started I said [ __ ] you didn't look and you go whoa and then you all go oh well look what you would look and I was like yeah somebody sent me I would look at of curiosity and then all of a sudden all you coward with girlfriends yes coward said I would never look what I think and I think that it's wrong to look know it and is more specific than that you were accusing me of being a liar saying in this instance I didn't look and I don't think you're lying still didn't add a principal after all I was like now I'm definitely not honestly stick by your gun 150% you can't go more than two percent then how'd you sense the most you could give by definition of the phrase you can't go more than two percent what what what is the limit on 100 percenter is max that's it that's all you can get there could be 200% know 200% means more than the hundred that's double 100% how can you give 200% of your effort you only have a hundred percent to give by definition of a hundred percent that's the max everything 100% okay he's right thank you I think people should allow a thousand percent because it's clearly exaggerated for slang no a thousand so what like a thousand percent that's cool so you agree a thousand percent take a thousand might be a little too high yeah I think the cutoff is a hundred fifty well that's outrageous cuz then I just think you're lying what York overcompensated just laying those like a real to you even after the back left all agree yeah you all still hold firm see not to not to litigate the past again not to pull a Hillary Clinton on you but by there was a lot of talk to each other in that conversation too I remember because again I was mostly getting fixated on the fact that you were accusing me of lying in that particular instance which I absolutely was not I was I was just finished because then ela was interpreting that as you saying it would be okay it's I said yeah would be lemon right I didn't like that and I see but then the comments I'm willing to see it both ways I think those good people on both sides know there's good people on both sides no okay very diplomatic I just of what the thing is I think you guys are full of [ __ ] okay if you were single would your answers possibly be different yeah yeah the point no no if you were single would you say it's okay to look yeah oh it's theoretically if you you're saying if we were the argument they were single and you says if I was in a relationship it would be because the girl is watching and she's gentle no wait I'm very confused by ways you know making sense but of course they would say no no I don't know maybe they'd be honest with me rephrase what if you were single you force us to be honest on this show all the time yeah and you guys still lie to me no if you were single Zack and I asked you hypothetically yeah if you are in a relationship and a and you just looked out of curiosity because the situations like this you are behind the podcast @hh reproductions if somebody said hey Zack you're cute here's my Instagram profile you will click it out of curiosity no that's not do it again that was the whole conversation even if it came through at the podcast at a few productions email if I was single like no girlfriend in the equation but I'm in a loving relationship that's got nothing to do with me I don't want to look at other girls though that's resent that and I'm not okay still give someone back here well apparently yeah everybody back well I do back you up I just don't want to have this argument mine too and I'm secure enough in my relationship to admit that and the audience a great idea yeah Ethan I love you and I agree with everything you say Wow that was your worst moment after all so and so and then finally the worst for me or the most shocking maybe was um this really iconic clip of turn away Dan eating the giant lobster claw you know what her mukbang turned on my my Siri you know as I was pulling this clip I saw that eating with Q and we loved the two big MOOC bang channels are having a beef having it really oh why are we tracking there they were yeah we should have a good drama yes absolutely you won't forget I'll make a note right now apparently some some of their text messages between them got leaked and they're like really trashing each other they got tea oh yeah ago I think it's more wheat they have beef or they're eating beef so they should have a baby ba I've never seen them eat beef only seafood I don't know why they're obsessed with seafood we're dango phone call maybe hello we're doing a show who just walking out maybe he just received an Instagram profile I wouldn't be surprised does he have the [ __ ] that weird is Sarah can you hear me we're saying what is Dan doing he ran out the door what what wait do you really think he has the shit's wide we know he was looking at his phone yes me oh did something happen the way it just emergency up and for Dan's life I have to really I don't know I hope today are you so I'll go and see what's up wait you have to play really had a break why don't you go on the break I go on the break of a gradual blending I gotta go again I've been chugging the water probably you got you got a moderate what would your honey bear don't drink so much because I want to drink but then it's a bounce yeah all right get the hell out of here go to the bathroom well you'll it's your turn it's my turn but how you gonna present these to a hooligans gun what you say it's yeah let's just switch seats I get some chitchat hello I feel like the third wheel I cannot believe in you my boy who at all time I back you up on everyone would leave me in the trenches on this one how could you not click the link it doesn't matter like ela okay eels my soulmate I would click the link it's got nothing to do and it's fine it's not like I wasn't actually accusing you of anything I just thought I know you were a CLE I had a problem with the issue but I'm willing to see it both ways there is what happened are you serious yeah you didn't say anything you just decked out how its printed we were like well yeah [ __ ] no I just had to pee so then just gave you a soundbite all right we'll go ahead them because Ian took the invitation now should we wait for Ian we don't need to wait for you and he's gonna talk he just sits there quietly okay one of my best moments [Music] that's one but also I was at home and you did this episode that's why you just got to give it more custom gussto there me too this happen this is so sweet it's like surreal I can't even believe this happened only seven months ago yellow those are tears of joy and the expression on her face with the baby there I mean it's just it's like all inspiring you know he's got a little beanie on he's really grown and something this one he really does resemble that already looks different door he looks more which is funny because when you look at him you have no idea what it looks like but now you can see it yeah sweetheart man says it all for me yeah this is like I haven't looked at this such a powerful photo man god this was like the day after to write inside one word yeah that you did this it was no I don't think I think we were in the hospital for two days so it was like three or four-day right this is the one I remember because you would like barely slept how beautiful you Liz oh this is directly after giving birth Wow cute so maybe in 2020 we'll be having another one mm-hmm something do what is it surreal you guys have a child yes I forget sometimes no no but like having like a moment it was just like all right like where it just hits you that you have this being like right where's that kid but we have moments where we're like who is he like because he's already a guy who there is only so much influence we're gonna have one him but he's already whoever it was this night just a few nights ago where he woke up in the middle of the night to eat and I was and after he was done eating he was just sitting there like in my lap like this just staring at me in the dark and his face he looked like such a little kid and he was staring at me for like 20 minutes not blinking and I was looking at him you're just staring at each other for like 20 minutes in the dark so surreal next up is Devan Affleck it's too sad right now give some context here so it was a random TV something I don't know on YouTube it just popped up and you know you were like you know this is a real tattoo and I was like no way that's a real tattoo and I was just like I could not believe believe well then the great part of the story is that he lied he said at first it was for a movie right about right and so it kicked off a whole competition of what's a worse tattoo how do you try and lie about something like that that makes it so much better yeah thing interesting happened ela said she saw a picture of Ben Affleck's back tattoo I was like man you guys he is crazy back tattoo of I guess it's like a Phoenix I don't really know but it's huge of course it's whole freaking back it's super colorful it's it's well done for what it is but it's like you just you would never expect it so I'm shocked like a Yakuza I think this is the worst tattoo I've ever she said really minute well she said Ethan I think this may be the worst tattoo I've ever seen now I feel like that can't be true can it why do you hate it so much it's just awful I like the character like way is that the color is Phoenix the fact that it's all over his back right it's the size that bothers you it's the color it's the it's just wait to see it it's I'm not still convinced like this is the worst do we ever the cow Hall on that now that was close but it was the the guy with the one on these yeah oh yeah yeah you scroll down a little bit yeah that finds the worst tattoo ever that one's worse ela yeah I went to prison for like weird sex right I don't think that he did I think his dad did I was dead okay good mmm they were both participating in the same okay fantastic mmm what'd I do for me I didn't have the same yes the best bonding what's the point being famous if not that what's the point of being a dad if someone famous oh hey dad wasn't famous on his own no I could see my dad doing that if I was if I was sleazy as him and my dad was single I mean I could see it you may have rated it higher but I don't know you gave a lot of weight in your rating system to Ben Affleck celebrity yeah I never had the same reaction to hood that you did I mean I see it as corny but the worst tattoo ever I mean I don't know cuz it's still technically I thought that was a lot too but really she pleaded her case yes she didn't buy well yeah so all right well congratulations too bad well she got okay another obvious one is when I got I can't forget you're a citizen you're American that's so cool yesterday he'll just became an American citizen [Music] [Laughter] what is that banana he look closer to the mic sir said thank you scarf goodness eel are you here probably the best poster smash was epic Zell I remember after that then you went out and then smashed the boxes oh yeah I had to go print that and that was so stressful nobody confronted you right no I printed the ELA one in the the printer broke and so a guy had to come fix it and he was kind of like alright you got everything I'm like yeah go away this is like so American you could print this a huge print picture of bin Laden and no one was saying it no like in Israel you would get so many questions you can't print a picture bin Laden in Israel not just that anything that's a little weird you know people will be in your face about it what are you doing why I see people whatever I was there actually that happened to me a few times Oh people where did you up yeah for what just random stuff I remember I remember once I was I was just taking pictures because you know I was like a tourist and I got approached by a couple security people because there was like a school nearby and they just saw me taking photos in the vicinity of the school you know that means what you that they thought you looked like a pedo I think it was more of like a terrorist kind of thing yeah at the time I did actually oh yeah I could see it no I could see what the beard people aren't you heart yeah like some oh yeah like how they interrogate you out there out there yeah that happened to me to it when I got there they pulled me aside yeah they're here oh no whatever did you go on birthright no I went to visit family uncle lives there my grandfather at the time so that um Gatsby entrance is leading me actually to back in time the first time we got the Gatsby mm-hmm and that was my [Laughter] [Laughter] wallet I don't even have I guess that says something about me right there this thing shreds so hard cuz everybody that doors pretty brave [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I so feel shame we haven't explored that concept in a h3 video mm-hmm I wanted me I want to drive it like you're just around I know like just yeah didn't we have the idea to like get it in the road and get someone behind me to film me could still do that a Hail Mary no yeah so my one of my worst moments was all the eating segments okay um I specifically chose one Ethan the beast [Laughter] sandwich and someone said that was the first time they saw someone deep throat [Laughter] hmm the jiggler did not elicit that kind of reaction from that was better that is viscera and I say immediately Popeyes is about I never expected that sandwiches so Bob no chick-fil-a it looks okay baby you had in mind oh wait no you eat right oh it's like I mean I won't go oh and it's legit spicy too just because of the line that she somehow would drive to drool for it but this whole waiting any one more bite okay this is my life okay that crazy yeah we had a real on-camera fight well I don't know those let out today RVs meat market which was the thing which made me go vegetarian so we knew do another food review guys so on the front on the front line was from like a crumpled paper bag more diarrhea brown pastrami Yeah right chicken are you gonna try let's see what no no it is very good yes it wasn't really I was pretty down with it it's not something like you can't order that twice though once in a while yeah it's one time you're done there was only one Arby's in all of Los Angeles that sold it to we had the right amount my last worst moment is one raesha Trisha Paytas and then it's fast revenge I think human yeah but on a scale of attraction no you don't your hundred my type I can't say I'm front I know you're my immediate reaction yeah I'm confused by that I've never been rated ten yella yeah what would you rate them but you wanted me to know it's been yeah I think would you would you that was pretty fun if your advice and moved on would you make a move on me yes well and let's bear in mind that in the same episode she said that she's both trans and a lesbian and she's kind of forgotten about that whole thing so so are you saying she doesn't think I'm a ten cuz I take that's the only thing I have don't think that I won't apologize let me have that that's it those are my moments next dan the man all right well bless through this how long we've been going Sarah gonna be a long one just out of curiosity minutes that's right not good not too bad I'm not trying to wrap it up just here's okay so you're my FirstBest and really after most of the credit goes to Ethan despite how he portrays it in this clip used to pray this is your bad not your worst I mean it's funny yeah what's funny birth of a beautiful samba yeah yeah that's true fantastic was so good to make it clear you were like spamming me we have a discord that we use because recently deceased father so no didn't want to do it so I was like say it's a by you I I did it and it was good then of course and I mean this is beyond best of 2019 this is Jeff what that music no it's you recognize him yeah yeah we found this on and the YouTube with the regular but I mean this is the we go look at this by the way at the time it only had seven thousand how many oh girl look at Ison the regular you got it yeah the regular huh get 40 Wow look at that look what we did I'm 7,000 why this this is this deserves alike and give that a like right now but yeah just the regular in general I mean this is the whole the whole saga is really the best for me you kidding me I want the regular Megillah maybe she might not not the regular smuggler were you kidding I think the jacket comes off so iconic I think they were nominated for Best ensemble at the streaming really really I think they won no.1 is awful I'm not kidding [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I mean that could explain that to yourself when we initially stumble upon this which amazed I mean did somebody send it to us or did we just on that edit page okay and immediately we were both like this is the best thing I was like crying laughing it had it's like oh good like below 10,000 views for like months before we you know gave it the bomb deserve because now waiting we weren't sure if we're gonna make a video about it we were oh we kind of kept in yep and wow he's just like this his whole being is the wrong wrong I watch every day yeah morning ritual yeah yeah he's still tweets almost every day the whole ritual I think this might be wave of the decade we can't really say regular anymore oh yes oh yeah I find myself saying the SH Magilla say that too like the Teddy French theme and I forget yeah alright another fantastic moment and maybe my favorite happened at all last year was the Oliver tree episode well and the the Ethan versus all vaping joke you said that is how many watts six six million you want to see one more yes I feel like that was entry level I'm warming not bad okay that was pretty dope yeah give it a little smoky enough all right let's see what you got here oh boy we get a drumroll hey I didn't get a drumroll no no don't give him a drumroll the king seriously though can we get the drumroll and he's trying not to laugh I think can I get a countdown all right here we go cricket sounds off to Frank get my drumroll yeah dad or Zach this this shows not as well as I thought [Music] he's hitting it hard he's sucking it in I'm scared I'm shaking this is a hard [Music] [Laughter] charge this thing no that looks usually it's like that you were trying to humor him a little bit yeah there was good rapport he's good but as an addendum to that although because that not to toot my own horn but we were having some technical difficulties sorry sir all over trees and then my last my last greatest the Ethan Bradberry regular thing made me laugh really hard but nothing none laughing as hard you already know it is that's got to be a tough one that [ __ ] is so down the Treader eats the same way pauses while is eating man this gets so bad entertainers you don't blink think about that why you choose [Music] something that almost feels like pornographic about yeah there's someone jerking off to this no no no he can do that that's insane that's so much so dead really it's a beet red so insane oh god yeah that was that fleeing great mom I remember my stomach hurt me yeah and then and the worst part one of my worst was the special cake that we made for Zach instead of frosting mayonnaise means masterpiece answer me now Gant has a managed phobia yeah I mean after this I do if you didn't before you definitely do know I didn't think it was that bad I was so close to throwing up the smell was what [Laughter] it was like so wait just looking at it was like well yeah and it was just oozing it wasn't really like frosting falls in shape yeah exactly there's a runny we like melted I remember this lurks in here I don't want to show you taking a bite I never took a bite of that he did it but you did eventually taste mayonnaise with the pie and all that good which was bad but the pump think about what the pumpkin pie wasn't it was taller the smell of the cake oversaw a lot of mayonnaise on that cake yeah no it was did you get disgusted yeah I mean I was like elbow deep in mayonnaise but I would bring it past Dan domestic how's this looking so there's sort of a little compilation I have going on here so this is a compilation of me [ __ ] up the doorway in walls which dam was the one who had to thanks so this was the first the the first day and you know this was one of your best because I'm responsible for fixing it you know the traffic if we take a Disney trip a company event again this year we should bring the Gatsby I knocked the door off the hinges and then I can't blame you for this podcast Bobby Lee we could have seen it coming before there's already chaos IMAX I'm pretty much not coming because wait I just realized there's a Getty image stamp on the poster we can do anything and it's not really a joke because Dan was just like oh yeah I could probably you can see it just take a chunk that was the day after I fix and you wanted I remember one that you wanted it fully closed and to just slam it like we still need to do that be amazing yeah it'd be amazing it's art I mean look at the door frame it's art like Bobby really [ __ ] it up I think there's actually like structural damage to the frame yet I just want to hit the door I don't think I'll hurt yeah well you're the neighborhood's act nobody's right it would be awesome I'm like cool we don't want to see that hello you got we're here to entertain the beat ball okay Zach is right it would be awesome right hell yeah yes all right cue Zach's got your back and that's it that wood that was get in there Zach Zach Zach Zach Zach Zach Zach Zach yeah okay I was just doing that to avoid there got dead air already so I wanted to go through and talk about from this past year the most iconic soundbites angle I've become the sound by God like forth you're way over there what's going on just yeah just bring it over there man dope don't rip it like hesitate okay so mobility Mary of course corners first time we watch this Dylan with that the debut Kern I remember this one oh my god I'm on the edge of my seat that's such a great sound bite well there's no like she's not doesn't have like she's the best where's mobility marry ah we need to go on a quest to find her but she lives in LA we half duel and this year 2020 make it our mission to find mobility marry and get her on the show she's in LA you didn't really want to do that yes you got a scooter off you have an oh I might have an in what is the probability that I don't want to reveal too much on me okay yes I want to make that happen that's a big goal you have in here dan says he has n I'll tell you after the show well we need to get a skirt lead yeah I got a scutella we okay good I know a guy who knows a guy who cut off the exchange insurance okay let's see what you got there you go just saw the birth of the DD mega doodoo somebody [Music] so crazy complete that fallen officer what way to honor her by calling our DD mega dude yeah and then we got the human version of Kermit the Frog see this one I love and I feel like people haven't responded very also Lance sounds like Kermit the Frog and I just love you guys I mean she's wearing a gold in this video he starts talking immediately after that and sounds nothing like fantastic moment and then we have another great song by mr. littles and is my is fantastic lolz apparently this guy from the highlight called Roseanne has a low IQ stirred a little controversy so this guy was just like hey dude you know [ __ ] you or whatever for saying that [ __ ] about my boy to my bike back so this is what he thinks there's always street cred who says get out get out of how did he never get busted for that he's so trashy geek his girlfriend's driving [ __ ] he's like flaunting a [ __ ] gun how is he not but what is he asking him to get out of get out get out shoo there's a strangest way to speak right get out he thinks he's like tough but no it depends on the context and they're in there outside yeah they're outside so get out I guess would be to get in Wow who Jerry Seinfeld over here get out yeah get in and to round up are you guys watching curb did you like it wasn't it just absolutely amazing I have a feeling that anything wasn't like even well I got more into it loving it the last the last half I liked the first half I felt like I don't like when Larry is doing things that are so ridiculous okay like when you just grab the selfie stick and broke it over his knee isn't it what you all want to do you know what I mean but it wasn't there Larry David wasn't always like that it was he was character was realistic and now I feel like he's become such a caricature but it's not like he's not like a real person anymore he's just like mr. Magoo he's a my kind of did I I couldn't watch last season I felt like it like it caved in on itself to elevated his gift there was two being picked a lot right big cartoon yeah the fossil ah you didn't like the photo yeah the whole the whole last I don't know you like the pickles it felt like our pickles him doing what we think Larry David should be doing it so much I don't know yeah I agree but that being said I did enjoy it I I like the whole premise that they're that they're building yeah I thought it was one of the best episodes of care but I've ever seen I'll check it out really yeah I thought it was just the whole episode the timing of it was just I mean are they usually an hour long yeah cuz I was like yeah it's a lot of content what do you guys laughing about just everything's a disease is the greatest yeah I like gee I don't you know a lot of [ __ ] knows X the best I like to remain positive I know you and I love you for it I'll take it as a compliment opposed that Larry David will put out right now would you David ela he's too old he's like I feel like he would [ __ ] Larry David but age aside I do think that he looks good for his age Wow it'll ex the way he dresses like 40 years he actually look worse because his hair was all crazy right Larry David's the only man who threatens my marriage no but like in his prime but in his prime he wasn't as attractive no he looks better now why is he too old love knows known his own age okay moving on so Ian this one's about you okay this is for it to close up my best what this good I thought we could talk about the origin of probably the most played soundbite that I play yeah the bane of aunt's existence kind of like the beginning of all sound bites on this body yeah the genesis how you talk to me I'm doing a piece Zach what about your good and at first like that was the first time right yeah that was the first time though it was March 1st 2019 oh we were like oh yeah well and then it was off because we like why yeah but it just kind of worked out I won that whenever I was drinking that water that day I had no idea one of the NA meetings would never be the same that's right and for my worst I mean can't Cheers much worse than there we go Origen yes I mean I haven't watched this back so three bike I mean this is pretty and those bikes are so big into a corner yes big game I think no thank you yeah I'm not trying to take anything away from your treatment thank you wait who someone else came in and hit the mayonnaise and was saying they did better than that you did great yeah that was I know you're all you still have like 3/4 left but not not I don't want it to slow it down too much also don't you get what you get 1/5 bites once it I was sitting right next to you and I you felt like I couldn't really those you amazing that I'm I'm impressed I don't know if we can show which this did end in disaster yes I we ended the show I was on my way home I felt like this gurgling in my spine my [ __ ] gut my girlfriend was coming over and I'm like I need to go to the bathroom I go in the bathroom and I just throw up straight mayonnaise Oh whose strain was wife like male and that the taste was made causing me to puke even more vicious cycle so you probably picked out a lot yeah and you puked in the toilet yeah and what it looked like wow it was just it looked like the spit to tell you the truth it was like the face and I hadn't eaten anything like all day and are you are you off man why do we even do that it was he thought he could do it right so we worried something right okay now are you off mayonnaise and horsey sauce or has not fazed you I've stopped eating Arby's can't do our Ruiz anymore well why are you eating Arby's now regularly stole our bees like or deal with the meat Mountain [ __ ] but the mayor is fine Mayo is fine but not you know spoonfuls well yeah that's very understand about potato salad okay there's like two things I won't eat three things tell us cream cheese what that's weird tomatoes that's more cottage cheese what Oh in Greek yogurt for so we're gonna blend all those together oh great when I'm with you on that tomato oh it's disguise will you eat it on a sandwich cooked like rosetta Lake with mozzarella salsa it's also so close again brush to my cottage cheese water Greek yogurt okay so we're gonna blend all the for those I would eat that have you had good cottage and you still don't like it I hate it I hate I would if I blended those and put it on toast I'd be a great meal oh let's see smoothie how much to drink good yeah sounds good how they drink the spit tell you the truth are you [ __ ] I cannot swim smell so Greek yogurt to the ultimate I like super my yeah that like you're running fine right Oh disgusting I hate it but no my mom used to buy him and I would throw him over like my backyard cuz I couldn't like yeah like she is it the fact that the neighbor's yard yeah there's living bacteria and it just the smell it smells like a goat's ass hole like okay good to know good to know I hate cream cheese everybody what about cheese days I like cheese good yeah there's cream cheese I know layer looks like but I'll eat I'll eat I'll eat locks you're writing and I think we should all like put on party hats and eat it on toast and like just be really enjoying it and then Zacks like puking I mean that's blended together yeah like a liquidy we drink no it would be like a spread I think it would be pretty thick no I feel like the Greek yogurt I can't shake it depends how much you put in I guess so a shake out I think we should all do it and see how well we fare I think so too I think that would be the funniest cuz Zacks just gonna be dying and we're all gonna be enjoying ourselves you wait you would try that you would try that yeah up for it I mean I was great I don't agree that sounds great but it doesn't sound bad stuff you like cottage cheese yeah okay so you like cream cheese yes you like Greek yogurt yes yeah that's fine and tomato I can tolerate say you go me none of it sounds awful okay good we got the thank you for sharing sounds like my but do you have any have Mayo's as your food foe but you have any other like a big one really yeah I don't like blue cheese dressing like a blue cheese okay it's disgusting there's am you could see mold on I wonder who eats this it's like it's literally rotting trash so good well that's what cream cheese I'm just weird like that cheese is like the best food a bad one shovel it in my mouth bro could you eat it on the spoonful yes I do it's all good bro a spoonful of cream cheese yes yeah I mean I guess yeah it's pretty no problem would you if I already phobia not really just whatever I like basically if a man if you give me like this shake that we're talking about or a pizza I might go for the shake this cottage yeah yeah she [ __ ] hates you just say to me I don't hate you I just I don't I might flip out don't you find it strange that somebody could even say don't care about pizza that much actually my girlfriend told me she doesn't like pizza either that's sick that's a mental that's a red flats on a marriage illness that's on American yeah I just find it so laylee yeah it's such a blanket there's the variety of pizza you can go love it so say I don't like most of it because most of it is like you wanted a house it's really good isn't there there's one right down the street that's fantastic so we eating that for dinner night yes or no is the window open yeah make sure it's no I love cream cheese I love cottage cheese yeah me too sounds great yeah I agree if I came in here with like two big things of cream cheese and a spoon could you eat the whole yeah I could yeah that's cheese I could eat the whole thing well if I couldn't it's just because it's not from being grossed out it's just a lot yeah I could easily eat a whole thing cream cheese or cottage cheese in fact I found a really good cause she you know in Israel they make the best cottage cheese it has a lot of fat so it's a lot thicker and we found one that's that's actually close to what they sell in Israel that's so fantastic it's so delicious I'm sure you'll hate it probably because you don't even like cream cheese but I'll bring that in it's really good oh okay I'll try it do I have a food wheat neck weakness I think just like shellfish is my food weak but it doesn't it's not gonna make me like I yeah I just think it's gross like shellfish it's just disgust or shrimp lobster although it is like the most heinous thing to eat it's like a livers the worst chopped liver chop or no no no chopped liver is not as bad is like a straight-up grilled liver no that's disgusting that's like more like a heart any of the organs the heart the lungs people eat all this [ __ ] I'm not down yeah mmm but I don't think I'm think that's unusual here in America anyway we like to just we like to just put that in a hotdog or throw it out you sell it to Mexico I think it's great you should eat the whole animal it's [ __ ] up that I am so repulsed by that but I'll eat the end the threatened muscle you know bad I mean that's just as gross and one of the main dishes is like liver over mashed potatoes kind of good your sister goes so beast mode she loves like chicken hearts she'll go to restaurant order chicken hearts and she just is like be smoting yeah they make it had like grill like kebab place yeah and she's just eating hearts and livers and I'm and I'm like this is I was like this is too much yeah she's a gnarly dude what about pigs feet would you guys no no Bobby no dude hell oh yeah I know but I want to eat pigs feet that's hard do you guys eat pork I guess eat pork but I'm not it's not my go to me bye means you know what else we got here oh that's it are you do your worst yeah all right thank you that in Zack Zack and then push push it in let's go I wait you think pizza tonight ela you guys don't care just so you one thing that I'm like hating you good you promotional prisoner whatever it takes to get pizza alright so oh yeah for this one this was like the hardest I'd ever seen you laugh as up to this point working here so yeah iconic video man it's amazing his head shoots up at like a thousand miles how painful must there's a frame missing with each loop Wow yeah for bringing that that was a good one that's a great clip yes fantastic you guys fix the logo you took the white part out we do yeah it looks better yeah okay okay so for this one this was a Halloween when we all kind of debuted our costumes here this is a great job okay Oh j-just gloves do they fit are they too small on you they're too big they're too big I don't know what that means well oj is obviously an alleged murderer he was acquitted in court but he did lose in civil court so I think we can all pretty much make a informed decision that he is a murderer good for you you love now I want to show up you want to you guys want to come make an appearance too cuz your guys is your outfits are let's cut the Zac so cuz he can't really move oh my god you guys amazing this was all you guys yeah yeah so it was like oh can we appreciate that you have an authentic brazo poster yeah that's amazing Dan brother it was a I'm so anxious now there so I feel like the gaze of mere code straight am I saying a little lip twitch you want to read what's on the sign behind you is pretty funny mm-hmm go ahead come on every time you turn off I get anxious I'm gonna read it for Zach you shouldn't from me looking like a thousand percent damn what do we got from you Brad that's such a perfect shirt that's perfect is that raw and then we had where's the ring clicking on the glass then you have to scream like a like you know a dying animal because you do look really good cuz you look when I saw down other employee you want to do the line this is definitely me when I'm on camera anyways the Halloween Oh fantastic effort we talked about little Nos this was actually sound by origin as well I played my edit Ethan was very impressed yo I got it I really gotta tap your editing skills Wow we go back I didn't realize that was the origin of that moment I got to tap your editing skills this year I'm gonna make a HD video and IANS gonna edit it you walk that was part of the conditions of you becoming an employee was that in the contract no but as as a result of that then there was kind of this whole thing where you had beef with rapper little Tracy is little Tracy a big deal he's like popular he's got a cult fanbase why did you tell me to keep my name out of your mouth grandpa you don't remember no he's John rabe and we were talking about like how do people were doing similar things so we are saying that if Old Town Road seemed like a ripoff of little Tracy and I said no yeah you said little Tracy was like he needed to just deal with it okay and then he called you a grandpa he's awesome he's 23 and to his twitter solaris and i rebooted him as i loved one of his doggy let's check am i him rat beef right now [Laughter] yeah I have to get a more beef with the more rappers this year oh yeah this is the year beef yeah you're the beef and then worse worse let's not forget it's time to the contract is not in fact a good faith effort yes okay and we both agree that he will be the arbiter of this agreement okay deal accept okay but rather must be hard upon wrote this contract to this country yeah not dependent on stabilized Astros or glower stable what are we talking about what's the context you guys stop talking about everything if I eat mayonnaise The Bachelor yeah The Bachelor segment yeah the contract is still about on all points mostly remain here - that's so is it just the way that it did this for you or in retrospect the bachelor the whole thing is just got dicey you're arguing like every week stressful for me it wasn't really I liked the process I thought it was entertaining I think you went behind our backs and ruined the [ __ ] show because you found true love what are you throwing out all right I forgot we made you eat mail so to make payment for the contracts hey a bunch of mayo and yeah and so we gave him this tiny little jar but you actually well let's watch oh I closed it no but tell me about the process you ate a bunch of it you didn't made a valiant effort yeah and then afterwards not walk me through that you guys left this was like about an hour and a half later we were doing the highlights and then I ran off to the bathroom and same thing Zack said where'd that you feel the taste as it comes out yeah and then that makes more come out and the way it look like and then in the in the bowl I I think I said it looked like like like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was like murdered in that bad like a crime scene the thing you guys do for the show a lot of mayo related worsts last year was very male let's make last year the year the male yeah but ya know the whole segment got dicey so it was my worst but kind of also my best ultimately yeah let me ask you this question shall we continue this series The Bachelor because we have a candidate so we'd reveal the candidate yeah something you guys should we do another season I think so I thought it was great what what you tinge has reserves tell me it was it was a disaster last time yeah we got true love at the end well that was the problem is cuz and now you guys get why I was so I was fighting you on that because I like new when I was talking to this person that I was like oh this is the person and then I didn't want it you know that was kind of a I understand that yeah I could feel it and so that was the struggle but I talked to the person who you're considering for mm-hmm and they seemed like I'm down there and they're willing they're definitely a fully willing participant yeah well first of all I didn't want conservative feel like it was entertaining okay that's doing and second of all I love we do I do the drama is great well anyway the person I think we already said is Ellis brother he's a he's a little bit older right then in so it'll be interested to see what kind of candidates will get because he's he's 43 or something right not gonna improve him dating someone too young what 43 is that right deal he's something like that 42 he's very successful he drives a Porsche he's he looks youthful he's extraordinary successful he's very talented extremely talented artist nice much like the current bachelor he was a pilot too right that's true good point anyone who's watching The Bachelor so what's the cutoff then if he's less age 42 what 30 30 is a good color I mean over 30 I would even say I hate to do this to you but I'll say 28 I think 30 because if you're 28 you're pretty mature I feel like okay 28 or not 28 okay 28 you said he's 42 yeah that whole I mean not that this is like a real thing but there's that whole formula well yeah what is the formula it's supposed a half your age plus 7 which would be 28 oh wow the formula 28 felt good to me so I think we got to do it I think we should why don't we start let's pull up a picture of him so that we need to formally announce this with some capacity but I mean this is buried yeah yeah this is buried you said you talked to him in his he's in he's like do we get to film the dates yeah of course man that's the whole point we never got that far with you he looks like Jesus and his name is Moses let's see some picture where's a nice photo of him not that this one's weird do the one that one this one's great because he actually played Jesus yeah this is his art by the way the water did alright what about the want the water there you can get a good look at him what this one no up and look to the left this one yeah wow that's a good one of him I wanted to show where was it oh they go on the left look at this Jesus say he's gonna save your soul so there you go I just Jim so that's Moses we call them holy Moses those that know him best call him Chico for short oh you can't call him Chico I mean I just wouldn't really introduce him by that name Moses yeah Moshe in Hebrew yeah holy Moses holy Moses we call him I guess I guess people if they want you know if they want to first of all show interest include and from email us at podcast at h3 reproduction comm include your name your age where you live we need photos we need a little bit about yourself I mean come on we're date this is dating do we want to limit it to LA because less than No okay she isn't your girl your true love is not no they yeah that's true no we don't want to live it totally we take all applicants you in the country though and you're not international application Canada else except Canada that's pretty close yeah I accept Canada although that's that's complicated you know cuz if they do fall in love how they gonna make that work 90 day fiancรฉ yeah yeah okay Canada's accepted that's we get our arse far spin-off yeah so we'll have to talk about this again on Friday to make sure we penetrate the masses cuz like Dan said nobody's watching yeah well that's it right yeah that's it 2019 was a hell of a year I think you guys you guys are the best I can do without you guys we have so already some two exciting guests on the book also Gus Johnson yeah we have Gus coming up why don't we announced calendar whatever you know we got them we got next week is next week is PewDiePie PewDiePie Thursday and then I think Gus is Friday I think we Friday okay yeah John's right around the corner ah yeah that's the following week yeah and then a little bit further out I don't think we have it locked down quite yet but Oliver tree is coming back right for another visit and then there's a few others on the work but uh but yeah those are the only ones that are like confirmed one so far said good good stuff on the horizon yeah absolutely well guys that rats a wrap for today so we'll see you on Friday or well Saturday I keep [ __ ] that up we record on Friday we upload on Saturday and we'll see you then so until then be good stay good to your mother be good to your mother huh don't don't make me don't make me what did you say are you out of your rabid-ass mind come on I got a call from your mother yeah I don't want to hear from your mother again alright alright guys take care of Tata [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,049,272
Rating: 4.8376136 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: DzjVGrSyPP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 17sec (9317 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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