We're In YouTube Rewind - H3 Podcast #164

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Wow, Mark McGrath has a future in HR, he handled that with grace.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/davey0110 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh hey you guys are here already what do you think about that open and it's really a bad joke vibes dad jokes I thought it was pretty slick a little unexpected and a little treasure that's what the h3 podcast is it's treasure we're here to entertain the people you know it's a tough world up there lots of ups lots of downs we're here for the downs and the ups we make the up so let's be honest you go down we go up we take them downs and we turn them into ups mmm that's what I'm talking about yeah yes yes yes yes today's episode is sponsored by quip we have got some incredible things playing here today now right off the top of my head in it is your two-year anniversary is it not of working here yeah full-time yeah it is I mean that's incredible how the time goes by isn't it I can't believe you've been here for two years and you've only just been elevated to a salaried employee yeah a long climb but finally made it no time flew by it's crazy I can't believe it's been two years no it is it is crazy totally you know what blew my mind even more than that is just Zaka had been here for a year right and I mean very young back as great as green as a as a field after spring and he's been here a year although he's Goods Act this is just gonna turn it to me complimenting Zach wings anniversary zach has really blossomed into a fine young man who really rides the sound board all the way to bailout but we're not here to celebrate Zach Zach sultry voice thank you no we're here to celebrate in who has come such a long way Ian who called emailed us who worked his way into our heart and our minds and into our collective souls and the intern tell me about your two years of experience here with us again well the first I didn't even appear on camera for like six months right yeah it was like a running gag right I forgot they never showed your face not show right yeah I remember we did when we did that live show no one knew who I was like I was selling merch and people were like wait or like yeah the live show right things have changed for you and now you're kind of a bit of a celebrity do you feel that way I mean you get recognized on the streets you have women applying to date you it's turned into oil thank you do isn't it it's been an experience it's been great though I've loved working here it's been a lot of fun and then is wearing a shirt with your face on it Kauai is [ __ ] H fishery shop calm support the nation that looks good I don't know what's all the hate I mean not hate but people aren't buying it it's the least bought shirt people people are buying it just happens to be the least fun yeah it's like well people bought like 500 of Elah and like 50 of en but don't think that is a slight to you and it just says no it's just a little gate where that has a man I mean it's no big deal it's shattered my confidence and it's okay yeah we know the true strength that is in the end that's a boy and how do you think that you've developed over the years I mean how have you taken to celebrity I don't know if I'd go that far thing well you do get recognized on the street by people that don't know who you are so that is celebrity so what maybe like I don't know like once a week or something huh that's quite frankly that wasn't until we had like million a million busts up so damn yeah no I was the other day when I said that I went to the movies and the guy working there came up to me and he said are you Dan from the agent that's no respect that you are Dan well I want to cut to Benin is on this phone damn what the [ __ ] we're doing a show here if it's not phones texting Ian how did you did you do that on purpose in you should do that damn who you texting I I am emailing somebody in relation to the show okay oh alright I'll buy it is it D somebody who's these somebody what now I'm confused here PJ dear PJ now I'm confused as oh is there something I don't know oh I see no it's not PJ Papa John yeah let's get fortunately it's not we're here today right yeah let's stand young sweet Ian who has been here for two years full time I wanted to go out of my way to get you a special something in so I think I've done something that you're gonna appreciate okay and I'm very excited to share it with everybody here I'm very excited so here we trust that smile on your face I promise you're gonna love this and everybody's gonna love this no hang up so for your two year anniversary I have this announcement for you Oh sugar a the church Ethan wants to let you know something man these never get easy things are getting tough around the office Oh unfortunately at this time and I know it's tough around the holidays Ethan is gonna have to let you go unfortunately money's tight right now you know oil prices around the world are going crazy and it's affecting Ethan's business and he's gonna have to let you go I just can't afford to keep it around anymore you've been a great employee a great friend and he hates to do this to you during the holiday season and he thought the best way to let you know that you're fired was through me Ian I wish you the best you know a lot of cliches kind of come into mind right now when something like this is happening to you you know when the chips are down you know when one door closes another door opens mm-hmm you know when the going gets tough the tough get going yeah it's not how many times you fall down is how many times get back up so I'm happier than everybody we wish you the best and you're more than capable it's not it's not us it's you okay okay but happy holidays and the best to you and your family but there's time I'll be happy to the mark McGrath give any a wonderful employee we wish you the best in the future sorry well yeah it is bad news ultimately I did spend $100 on that but that did lessen the blow I think like you know he he was very kind about it and do I have to give the dollar back no you can come you can keep the dollar as a severance okay but do pack your [ __ ] up but this is your last day here unfortunately okay thanks mark what do you think about that that's something special I can say you know I'm I'm not too upset about it mark really kind of you know assured me made me feel comfortable he's got a real way with words though I think he has a talent for cameos that's what he was said he made and I I think that mark needs to be that guy who just breaks bad news for people for a hundred bucks he'll break any bad news for you I think they really think they're all like he's like he's H oh I'm sorry but we are gonna have to lay yeah yeah like do you think he knows that people are goofing on him in this way because he seems very sincere and earnest with this I think I think he's loving it I think he's loving this and I hope that he's getting lots of cameo business I hope he's flourishing and it's not it's not him it's us that line was great he goes it's not it's not us he was I think he was enjoying it I I think he's on board how weird is it that we could just pay yeah cameo trips me out I was looking for an artist to get you a special message the knife was scrolling through and I saw mark McGrath and I was like oh my god no that's great that's the best one you could got you know he puts a lot of effort into I'm very happy with marks service you provide it to us but after two long years it's been a solid ride we've enjoyed having you but as Mark said we're gonna have to let you go this is it okay well bye everyone well you have to stay to the end of episode let's see this is so crazy that oh he's got a new shirt on today that you can see other people's hey what is up Dianna it's mark McGrath from the band sugar ray off the charts how many things a David always in your heart he did five yesterday better same shirt on Chris that's pretty good he made 500 back yesterday hey yeah he got back to me cool wet - it was like the next morning I ordered at like 3:00 a.m. and got the right back to me dude it's kind of his full-time job right now I guess so come on Dan yeah after all he did for us well okay let's read let's continue forth so congratulate I was just excited for that I want to end this now that was all I cared about well guess amazing we're gonna have to upload that straight to the highlights Channel just the video McGrath fires and Spotify honored us this year the podcasting go to Spotify and subscribe to the h3 podcast it helps the show a lot and it makes me feel really good about myself it's been a big year maybe a let's see what's the stats h3 podcast number one Vsauce was number one episode that kind of surprised me but I think it's just because it was old it was the first episode of the year mm-hmm so you think people were stoked was we were back from break it was a big guest and it's had the most time to gather views what about that Delphine farts off Shane Dawson huh some good headlines in there I suppose guys get on over to Spotify and even if you don't listen they're just subscribe because it it makes me feel good and what and don't I do so much for you right I mean and I out here hustling every day so just go subscribe we had huge growth and followers how many followers we have on Spotify Duran I love the graphics mm-hmm we're looking good folks we have a huge huge increase in followers only four percent increase in listeners that's what I'm talking about that's because they're doing exactly what I just said just go subscribe you don't have to listen there oh your words crossed borders from Monaco to New Zealand you connect with vans in 77 countries how many countries are there to what yeah where's the other one there's liking to 30 perhaps who's not listening because they don't speak English well there might be a detriment someone in there's got to speak English like Madagascar there's gotta be one [ __ ] in there listening ministry podcast Antarctica there's some scientists like here right here we should be listening there could be although monaco is pretty impressive what are they doing monaco racecars okay oh [ __ ] close it i raged closed it oh my god oh my god let's just okay I'm over it it takes too long YouTube rewind that's what everybody wants to talk about so let's just talk about it did everyone see it you didn't yell I haven't seen it did you guys all see it back there yeah well I guess let's just watch it right off the bat that's because EO hasn't seen it let's all get on the same page and let's discuss but what I will tell you right off the bat is that it has about a thirty percent like ratio so that's 1.7 million up to 3.5 million down now what I will say is that's a lot better than last year YouTube had like a 1% like last year I think that that this is progress I think they should be happy about 30% likes I like how it's always number one trending like well to be fair it does have 28 million do they like did they goof it yeah yeah they also run ads this is the word to say I got an ad for it last night on my homepage but it was an ad for the trailer so to click the ad go to the trailer there was only 30 seconds and then click the trailer too I was like what are you guys doing you don't even know to run ads on your own platform so so we're still using sound bites from the last one that's true that's true and I yeah well you'll see you'll see I'll show to you a long has it been exactly a year do they do it at the say every year yeah eight I think so pretty much December mid December it's not mid though it's the sixth all right I'm tired it's Friday I'm so tired all the time I don't understand I was we only live like it's only like a 40-minute drive here I'm falling asleep in 14 minutes I'm like bro I have some kind of disease I think I'm like epilepsy some kind of epilepsy because it makes you tired and when I Drive I have this like a serious condition where I just get so sleepy sometimes that it's scary I do wonder if it's a condition I've never heard of it no no we'll explain it if it's not because when I step out the car I'm relatively fine it's just in the car it's like oh my body's like okay now you're in peril I'm gonna make you select you're just got anesthesia I had another friend that had it so that's why I do wonder if it's something they also would just immediately get sleepy when they were driving not immediately but when they do it's like you can't keep your eyes open that's crushing dude well this was only a 10 minute drive and I was already falling asleep anyway that's neither here nor there Allah enjoy the show this I cannot guarantee I won't not pause it's five and a half minutes guys so we're gonna have a lot to unpack here okay here we go without further ado without more preamble without further conversation or talk we've discussed everything and we are ready to click the play button so when you are ready Allah I will engage the clip up playback are you prepared countdown three two are you ready are you ready for the one say confirm confirm that you're ready for one one one and one zero zero time it's launch time oh I'm in it by the way that is so awkward to watch YouTube rewind 2008 I don't like that I'm in high school yeah I don't like that I'm right next to rice gum and by the way I don't like that I'm just like portray to some hater ass thank you jack I'm just some hater ass awkward to watch youtube rewind my rice come he's not even making an expression why do they include him he's just doing this like it's there's no expression there why include rice um did anyone call him rice come but don't they just make me look like a hater you yes yes yes yes yes yes justice issues just yes we can't play the music better editor but to get there I gotta muted it's just whatever you don't need audio so what are they showing their likes to eat your video has I think that yeah exactly they're just gonna show the most liked did we already get [ __ ] whatever I'll tell them to screw off I played it for a second YouTube needs to when YouTube does this okay I've got a problem already when they license this music for this video they need to say when you match in this video you don't get to claim this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying this is know our creators get to react to this everybody they want everyone to talk about it should I talk about that email I got they sent me the most and I had an aneurysm they send me email about about said they're trying to promote rewind I did I want to read it it's the dumbest [ __ ] I ever heard they called it Sopranos it called surprising delight anything they go yo we want to do a surprise and delight so when you post about rewind just use hashtag call to action rewind and we'll do a surprise and delight and I was like and so it turns out they said so but I was able to parse through it Ethan responded just one word what question Martin I shouldn't know but I just said what and he goes oh sorry for the confusion and they gave me another explanation didn't make any sense so what I par through it was that if I am tweeting about YouTube rewind and I asked I need that pose a call to action question to my fans like what was your favorite part of rewind hashtag YouTube rewind and then what people respond to me and use the hashtag they'll get a surprise and a delight someone from YouTube will randomly select people that respond to me to give them way for it a fanny pack on teespring I get to just do some random [ __ ] fanny pack that I get to write something on it and it's like just like it's a surprise and a delight I said they should put inside turkish delights meta this is the word delight surprise and delight for a gift no but it's just some shitty teespring fanny pack and it has like a picture of youtube rewind and it's just like I get like three words to write on it be best dude can you imagine me doing that you want a fanny pack no you want a surprise you want a surprise and delight that means they have a whole team that's is spending so much time on this stupid campaign yeah because when I the guy who emailed me I was like you know okay just talk with the team and I got more clarity I was like bro what I guess I got a surprise and delight for you here a girl I feel like big they don't big and funny reward it sounds like a translation from Chinese surprise and delight it sounds like a package at a massage parlor yeah that's a that's what I will not call a fanny pack and delight it's a surprise but a lot of things are surprises aren't necessarily good I'd say half of all surprises are bad but this one happens to be a delight if there were turkish delights in it then it'd be down are they sealed or they just raw in the yeah that's not good anyway I'm pissed too they they kind of made me look like a hater [ __ ] and why they even put rice gum you know what I'm saying laughter we hated on them right now pissed at what at YouTube for portraying you as a hater because they put rice gum the ultimate hater [ __ ] but also we didn't hear at least I made an interesting facial expression rice comes literally doing this like you could take that from any video from any creator this is what he did like what's the worst what why we've got a hater [ __ ] yeah there let's look at this great frame of rice come they used I did it oh yeah I have to meet it ready Wow do you see that interesting expression I made did you see that interesting and fun in that my expression was a surprise and delight what is rice come doing right now you could do that about anything Who am I right now rice calm rice calm in my [ __ ] ass [Laughter] okay in 2018 we made something you didn't like so in 2019 let's see what you did like because you're better at this than us I feel like that's an abuse what you would say an abusive relationship like they're so desperate to be like you're better at this than us all right so here they're just tallying the likes I don't know you know whatever it's all raw maybe it's real Tati eating a shoe this is awkward without sound we're just staring yeah only mm-hmm but okay that's what they that's what YouTube chose to make us do so you made these the most likes creator videos so here you go ten Shane Dawson so some Russian [ __ ] so they're just counting down the most like videos of the year James Charles and they were saying that that it's just like a WatchMojo video which is true they were just saying it's a boring and a WatchMojo video yeah Wow Meester beats number one yep 11 million they're showing musicians now did they explain the most liked music videos all righty t-series I don't congratulations then j-hope I've no idea who that is dandy little Dickie bro how do people like that that's crazy to me that people like this video that was like the worst song a video of the century didn't we all agree on that it was like so corny bro and yeah it had everyone right right I guess that's why it got us in my life hmm yeah but I didn't think anyone actually liked that song it was like a tech catastrophe well this this countdown isn't like this is just views no no it's likes look now it's like okay yeah that has more views yeah golly excuse my profanity ariana grande well man oh did you just put in some music sac BTS I don't get the BTS thing I'm just gonna say it right now I don't like k-pop do you have an insight on k-pop Ian do like k-pop what do you think about BTS I mean I don't like it but I mean it's just pop I don't know I just pop music you like pop you're easy I don't know I don't like the kind of the blend they do of like hip-hop and then like and really not that interesting pop music I don't know I but I I see why people like that but do people like it ironically no because that's what I thought no do people are crazy on Twitter the kpop fans they well it's so weird all they do is post a gif of their favorite like kpop person dancing and they go [ __ ] crazy like I'm pretty sure that somebody's gonna try to assassinate me assassin made me like everybody's into this kpop phenomenon and I I don't know it's like I know that like Harley plays is in the kpop Harley morally I think PewDiePie's into kpop I know that Ian is a huge kpop fan no no but I get it I get why people like I don't know it's like one direction or any of that stuff I always hated but like why would somebody like Harley like one direction it's a great question you know or PewDiePie and I might be talking out of turn here but I'm pretty sure PewDiePie likes kpop not just ironically no that's what you don't want listen to music ironically maybe how do you listen to music ironically you're at home by yourself we're watching Temptation Island that's not ironic you're enjoying you you can't hate music look you cannot hate listen to music they call it like guilty pleasures or whatever but they actually just like it they like it yeah like I like Third Eye Blind I know it's like I know it's gay as [ __ ] for lack of a better word but I like it and so it's embarrassing it's you know what I mean like sometimes I'll put that [ __ ] on and I know every word on that whole self-titled album that's a ela ela hater that goofs on me she makes me feel like a little [ __ ] when I listen it there it's some dork yes but I know it's corny and I like it so that's what it is I like it let's continue let's see I've used the gay word garage derogatorily a couple times Doralee derogatorily and I've said uh-oh you just cancel this show my show yeah what can you do to me I've already said the n-word look UK you can't take me to hell well I've already said the n-word live let's not invite touch me scene every time did we start over the show's over do you want to get through this because we're actually pretty much at breaktime well let's go to breakdown we'll come back we'll pick up what a mess they're just gonna take us like an hour to finish this you kidding me at this pace let's go to break we'll be right back you guys don't go away I'm gonna say ton of racist stuff you're not gonna miss it your jaw is gonna drop you bug did he really say that and I'll be like yeah there's a cold open back though dan said mmm that does make complicate things but what can you do we got a we got to go to the copy because I we've got to talk through this we have a cold open because there's a car Kelly story I wanted to come back and do a little RC car Kelly's going too much of the sausage-making yes - well what I gotta go to break there's gonna take forever to get through this we can't go to break just cut it all right it is quick time you know about quip is the electric toothbrush that is changing the world and the landscape of your mouth it's got soft bristles and a vibrating tube here's that here let me equip it's a little tube you click the button and vibrates okay we're not done it's got a little battery so energy fishing it doesn't plug in to do anything it just chills okay awesome what's next it's got soft bristles don't damage your gums wow that sounds too good to be true it's not let me tell you the thing about clip is that it vibrates you turn it on it times out a two minute perfect two minute brush and every 30 seconds it pulsates to let you know to move on to the next quadrant to make sure you're getting the perfect denim and dental dentist recommended brush it's genius Oprah put it on her oh god damn list and that ain't easy to get on you know what I'm saying yeah it's on my it's on my list I've got my own list Oprah [ __ ] you Oprah it's on my list equip is awesome I love qyp is the only toothbrush i use i swear to god it's revolutionary you got three million mouths using quip it's incredible it's beautiful they've got floss dispenser with premark strings to help you get enough it's got it all and if you get if you go to get quick calm /h through right now you'll get your first refill for free so go to you'll get your first refill free at get quick calm /hre that's GE t qu i p.com slash h3 quip it's the good habits company to make sure that mouth stay beautiful and clean boy and I want something else to get me through this get me through this albums of the year mega hits every track only for [ __ ] you don't understand me put the past away I wish you would step back from the like yes you hear them all singing along Zack do you like it I actually know the drummer for that band really by family friend cool I like it is he doing well yeah yeah I worry about them Ian oh is he on candy or anything are you serious I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it well maybe I don't even know the song yeah if you grew up with it it was it was ubiquitous when we were growing up it was on the radio constantly like lime and either won't stop me from listen to my gay stuff baby I love third line and I will take a dick in my all right I apologize real quick for saying gay yeah can we get the podium out time we don't have time for that I should know I apologize to my gay friends apologies to the gays is that gay that ours at home is that bong that I called them the gays yes so watch how should I refer to them because it feels wrong the gays the homosexuals homology community the homo sounds really bad the homos but that's just short for homosexuality so the homos so I mean how do I apologize just how do I reference them don't refer the gay community okay just if you could please but the game what can I say gay community but not the gays it just sounds bad call that entertaining all right let's get back you say you cut all that and now we'll get to this part here we were watching a YouTube rewind pulled you to the gays do you guys know this Shawn Mendes Camila Cabello song no no yeah me neither it's the number ones don't they have like a romance so I think all the little girls are scenery bad scene or eat and in just confirm they have there they're madly in love oh really I don't know that's not actually what he said oh thank you that oh that's that was number so basically what the [ __ ] what are we looking at now they kind of switch gears just videos oh yeah I think dance get their own category what about hater ass [ __ ] videos where's my category my opinion if you want to hear it okay I'll pause always for that I don't like it it sucks okay well let's keep watching we'll have that conversation most watched video games robot robot the [ __ ] gert what the hell what is that I don't know Verena free city that should just be a game around he's sick for tonight minecraft is still number one that is actually super interesting you know what dude I've look at these gamers all they do you keep the music going it pumps me up Zach all they do is they upload like 10 videos a day that doesn't get that many views they just play video games like chop a hour-long video into ten parts and each one gets 300,000 views but somehow they all are getting like a trillion yeah but that's what I'm saying I should be a gamer I just make a channel I'll fire all these guys and already fired I'll do Ethan plays and I'll just play [ __ ] video games all day and you don't even need to be entertaining I'll just sit there like rice gum you have to be good though good at roblox that's stupid good at roblox you think I need to be good at roblox to make a gaming channel really what about you we've tried we've tried streaming ourself gaming and first of all you can help by try to entertain like you do I remember you can't even focus on the cup and then people don't really want to watch someone mediocre that's why mmm used to do puff gee I remember yeah ultimately there's there's only so much entertainment value pretty much after 10 minutes of streaming it all becomes about what you want to order to you fun to me sounds good to me and then okay let's watch most like beauty videos why why do the beauty videos get their own cat what about podcast what about hater ass [ __ ] podcast oh just mark ass painter ass [ __ ] podcast so this big [ __ ] guys nobody cares about podcast but this is look this is why I never liked what they put together why is there no podcast why is there no hater ass [ __ ] podcast oh so I have you nobody watches podcast why would be number one one number one one [ __ ] you Dan who's that guy why is that guy so old well I'm gonna go back is this old [ __ ] what is this category you helped these new creators break out oh I see who is this guy okay whatever hi I'm Wow hi I'm it dude new subs I'm sorry what I'm sorry I thought crusty old dudes have been around and had a good year making podcasts are also haters number one South Korea boy like the Asian get him with the rice comes down but you made these the most viewed creators okay I feel like they went from super produced to like the laziest option possible doubt that was what everybody said why so late everyone was good good thing that it was just like a lot to put any effort into something that just everybody's just gonna I guess the problem is there's not really any inherent entertainment value here I kind of agree that they shouldn't do this anymore because it's stupid in the first place who cares but how has a zeal and on this list that's insane that's what I'm saying all she does is look at like reddit pages isn't that what the number one youtuber does I don't know even what I mean me you're talking about me number one in the hearts like mark McGrath the Gian's right though is that what PewDiePie does there no because he watched the whole thing yeah there's no podcast so I'm good why am i hating on as Yulin I should be heading on PewDiePie by the same metric that's a good point in a sexism we've made those videos too yeah feel like I this podcast is kind of just yeah okay guys I get it you have to play it on let's get the podium out all right congratulations that a seal and Fisher cool do you don't think I could get good enough at for a night that was a channel nope dude perfect breath dead dead David Ober Wow he's killing it jelly's so this yeah a jelly pencil animation Wow animations acted ah Felipe ah PewDiePie hey it's your boy with the fist with the brofist that guy only want one looks at reddit threads did here comes the part that really triggered everybody really else a female artist in France that's a category yeah Middle Eastern creator to hit 10 million well why don't you ever get any credit for being a middle Easterner creator or a female your Middle Eastern creator does she have ten million subs she had like I mean well she didn't have ten we have it now that German channel we I think it said two million yeah but you're maybe the first I don't know you got nobody likes me yeah nobody likes me so what tell me the part of trigger people's I'm not repressor of the T series the fact that they had any series no problem thing that happened but people were upset that they it would be more [ __ ] up if they didn't even mention it people that would like there'd be like a link India would new Pakistan or something over there just because cuz they're at war don't like each other they'd push them to nuclear holocaust okay so so thoughts go ahead I am super pissed that there is no podcast category and I'm not even kidding well great people right now doing podcast on YouTube like all of our comedian friends that's true and ourselves that's true what the hell that's it the female creator in France yeah that like all of the greatest comedians right now doing podcasts on YouTube mmm preach it well Joe Rogan is a phenomenon on YouTube oh yeah where is Joe Rogan yeah I don't know why that's why I don't like them though it's like they have this they have this like specific point of view on what YouTube is and then it always is just portrayed in different ways but you can see what they see YouTube to be and they just completely ignore whatever else is going on so do you think that it deserves could the 33% like ratio yeah would you like or dislike this video I don't like or dislike anything I liked it because well I'm gonna be honest with you I saw a sneak peek of this through our friend at YouTube and I I told him I thought that people would like it I showed it to me so I feel like I steered him wrong you'll see because their thing was like last year was a disaster everybody hated it and this year we're just gonna keep it vanilla and I think part of the story or the story is that the rewind back back back in the day used to just be videos like this know which ones we like the old ones they're really cool huh no no no back back back back in the day how much back Missy YouTube rewind I saw people discussing this the thing it was like 2013 2014 rewinds were done in this in what fashion of this mmm no maybe was maybe right yeah this was this was like the golden years I think it's like YouTube rewind 2008 did yeah all right this isn't bra bye bye bye bye bye bye here this one's kind of a mojo WatchMojo bro presented by rebecca black 11 million views but this is on YouTube's official channel this is legal dislikes on that one - oh wait I think people went back in time and like did Rebecca Black hosted that's so epic breath yeah yeah you see it's just a mega comp so people were telling you to go back to your roots and they're like oh let's go back to well I may not have as much of a problem with it if they include us us and others not me but Joe Rogan like they're just gonna ignore that well the biggest podcast to be fair they did honor French female comedians yeah so let's see what Joe's biggest video of the year was Doody yet he had a long fuse with Elon Musk that was like any Sanders that was that wasn't last year that was I was lunch are you I was freaking kidding me there's a Rogen muscling yeah that was last year I'm gonna be dead soon September 2018 no way dude [ __ ] die of old age I cannot believe it doesn't matter every episode is huge on his toe that's why they didn't acknowledge what's the top one top viewed of this year is his Alex Jones interview well that was well they allowed it Edward Snowden that's a little political Bernie Sanders that's a little political Mike Tyson convicted right that's the problem Bob Lazar a little kiss spirit you got a problem Kevin Hart can argue there but either you just pick your route here you're either gonna allow and acknowledge everyone that's on that she's on the platform or just don't even allow it if you got a problem with it why'd they let him have Alex Jones I don't know but wait we're talking about rewind yeah I'm asking why did they know I lose something as big as the Joe Rogan Park I'm with you I'm with you girlfriend thousand times yes hundred million times thousand times yes that being said I do feel guilty because I gave him the green light I said I'm sure people are gonna love all your fault it is I don't you shoulda showed it to me because I was like I was like dude it's good it's fine people will like it because it's like just basic cuz I'm a direct response it's got PewDiePie in it you know it's no data people can't argue with the stats but again I guess people just said it was boring and I see that because they've they've built up this crazy expectation for these things and then people were saying stuff like oh well at least during the Will Smith one it was all me mobile I prefer Will Smith but but then it's like well that is true we all they can't listen through the hey that's true they had just have to keep it corny yeah brace that they shouldn't try to please us no that's just the word that's like you can't listen to the haters me anyone last you to the the hate on the one last year not that it wasn't cringy it was but it was a surprise to me because I've Oh all of them have always been that cringey I I know people disagree they say that the previous ones were better I go back and watch them like they're just like the one from last year I saw a few ones that I thought were good kpop I don't know that was a pretty precious moment I mean yeah that's better than this it is better because people more thought I mean like you said we're still using those sound bites to this day but the thing is like if your YouTube the comments are so brutal it's like headlines the worst there's just like video of all time welcome to YouTube YouTube just embrace it be that get will scan if they want to be on YouTube mmm welcome to the game the hate is all around you do you know what's the thread that shows the fabric of YouTube together hey that's true it's so funny that like YouTube is on YouTube right big that that was the crucial changing point is now that there's this team who are on YouTube they can't realize how much hate oh how hard it is right and they've got their own complexes about that's not fair they're just haters [Laughter] start tweaking algorithm to favor their [ __ ] I want to make a gaming channel so bad dude don't h3 and BR I just want to make 10 videos a day and game and I want the game I want to be a gamer no there's no way that's what you wrote people just want to watch me game what do I have to do to get on this list for real see I was only introduced as a Harris [ __ ] right I have a problem I wouldn't be on the list I have a problem that how did you not show me the preview you were not there and it was just I didn't you know we're busy people you know you know I have a lot of criticism it was us he had to do it on whenever they do something private they do it on a call so that you can't rip it off share it so they share screens and show - yeah I thought it was okay I did I thought it was okay I thought people were hating a little too bit much I understand they're like an abusive spouse they've been through a lot you know and they're trying to recover it was underwhelming I agree I think that I was portrayed as a hater [ __ ] I think rice gums channel should be erased banished why are they honoring rice come as a hater [ __ ] he's like he's the hater [ __ ] they hate her [ __ ] hate on you know what I mean [ __ ] that kid girl I'll box Bryce come do you think I could beat rice coming to boxing match I thought you were saying you're gonna box I'll put him in a box box and ship him 24 hours ocean challenge do you think I could take rice come in a boxing match yes or no he's a pretty guy and he's a little bit I felt like I could take there you go tag-team is ass he has a massive penis this is my okay I'm gonna complain because you guys will do it a lot more different I'm not actually talking wait what is going on why did Ian comment on rice comes penis I don't know what to think anymore do you think I think I could take rice come on a boxing match he's such a little [ __ ] he looks like Gumby like I said you don't start [ __ ] with rice gum all of a sudden watch I think dude that's like the b-list what if I just train my heart out and I came out jacked I just [ __ ] broke him over my leg I got dragged you invited me he's a coward hater [ __ ] I'm pissed I YouTube did they put him in there embarrassing did they not show you that part look what am I gonna say take rice come out yeah I didn't say that it made me sign something to say people were saying oh we should claimed their video but what about me they didn't come from my opinion that's what they got that's why you should claim their video you keep ignoring me throw would that be so happy away 30 miles that'd be so awesome are they not a female I think you're classified as a transgender school did okay well how long have been going cuz I'm not even to the second story [Laughter] we're just a little under an hour doesn't they like at the top of the first page yeah did you get your passports did you I sure balls we got talking about Papa in the house Papa's in the house well you wanna do the let's talk about PJ they're talking start talking about Papa and I'll set us up for the Arkell story that how did they both work okay Papa John speaks we need your laptop for this I don't know it's happening okay I'll start with a brief recap I think he just wants to do that work elephant Papa John Instagram page we weren't sure if it's real or not that's what you said to do nothing's ready what did you have to do to get ready you got to turn on the mics and my mics on because I thought we would do cold-open into our Kelly just to distract the people I'm so glad this is all on video I'm not crazy it's not ice it's you we had a our Kelly bit I know you after the break I wanted to get stay on track but we could talk about pop I mean it's totally out of order I don't stop it's right next Papa John speaks ok think get yourself together now bring it down Papa John speaks stay tuned keep it together last I just want to be a gamer so bad even you're in the pizza category you're not in the gaming category it's true I'm an acoustic category he has no pizza those cheese sticks that Trisha is eating in the last episode and we just they were good but they're coated in sugar that surprised the hell I didn't like that about it it's so dirty I ate two of them I feel like puking just had to buy like I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it I'm just I don't know what's going on did Papa John Pappajohn okay so I'd something slowing down today to cheese sticks coated in sugar that ain't good for you bro I'll tell you right now no to anyone that's imagining a cheese stick it's like no it's a cheese like corn baseball bat oh yeah so Papa John a fan sent us Papa John what seemed to be Papa John's personal Instagram account and it seemed way too far to be too far too good to be true uh-huh I engaged in let's see he posted a story do we have these yes it's me but we even made it know he posted my memes is that in here yesterday did you put it in a video uh like I requested it's in a video yes because it just is linking to Angie's stories yes it's what it doesn't work if you're not logged in Oh so Zach when I asked to put it in a video wait what do you I was off the headset for a second what do you jack where are the video we ripped them we ripped them they're all where are they where is there was a link to it that's all in there you blew up this week there bro what I can't hear you in the office anymore wait for real yeah all I see is Instagram links do you see my document yes okay that blew out the speaker the sound guy blew out the speaker Zach when you rip the glue just say when you rip videos you have to put them in my document otherwise how am I gonna look at the rips can't hear you guys cuz Zach blow up the speaker when he was yelling at me I didn't you can't even hear me now what is this nobody's helping us there was just sitting here in the trenches everybody's madness at its optimum in the dark you just didn't copy it over we can hear you know say something Zach hello hello you blow out the speaker hello hello hello yeah you guys can you guys can where is it it's not at the top I see migos got their own Popeye dish I see Zach just posts it to me in discord or something okay okay thanks for thanks for nothing these guys I'm telling you this is the worst show we've ever done I say that every episode but this is certainly it so anyway let's start here I sent him the unsliced pizza now was announced today the idea right that was your genius idea and they get to him absolutely it did that's I was messaging him and there was no response and then I sent the unsliced pie and then all of a sudden who's this Pappas in the house hey Ethan thanks for reaching out this definitely sounds like something I could do unfortunately appears you're right no reason for a piece of beasts left left unsliced rookie move where's your show based out of they asked they I think it's a PR firm I might be papa but it's probably I know it's I know it's connected with Papa now it was announced today that Papa John is divorcing his his longtime wife and I asked myself my heart breaks for him yeah she's divorcing him accurate I asked myself what hurt his heart more his wife coming to him with divorce papers or this unsliced pizza that's the tough one both on the same day I mean the man my man is liable to uh you know he must be having such a hard time hopefully he's got his son his helpers best friend Bo with them to help them do bro Zack I put it in Disco why there's so many of them I see it like five videos video all right I thought you guys cut them in two different links no why are you spam chatting us then why you spanic check to make sure that you saw it such a man who go ah so this is from Papa John's Instagram yes okay Papa John Shetty's defense we have gotten Papa John's since he was ousted and it's not as good I swear I wasn't even slight wasn't even cut the pizza sucked it was like a f tear when Papa John was in office with Bo in the house that Pizza wouldn't an a every time sometimes SS that that's not related to our story be a great day so this is a response I said Papa you need to make an Instagram video saying this is really your account nobody buys it because we were afraid that we're being trolled it was something but here's the thing it was at eight o'clock was that five o'clock Pacific time and it was already pitch black outside because of the winter and daylight savings he's on the East Coast I think it was eight o'clock over there so it's later and presumably darker right so what he sent me was a video of him at late afternoon it's still light out so I was wondering but maybe he's somewhere else I don't know he's in um uh I was reading an article today he's in up Louisiana or some [ __ ] like that Kentucky Kentucky you know it's funny they said he lives in like a nine million dollar mansion in Kentucky and it's the most expensive house in the city who lives in a Louisville or something that's a starter house no they come and this finally started anyway God get it together middle Kent from here it's all your laptop and we need you Ethan this is one another cheese don't have any ever knowing salts in always okay so Papa John's sent me these videos in response to me asking him to verify his account didn't quite satisfy me because I said asked him to say yes this is really my account what he did say is I made an Instagram account so while it's not a hundred percent confirmed its him it I don't see any other Instagram account that is on seven percent I would say ninety yeah at least ninety seven on Twitter could be a great day to start a new Instagram account like I shared in the recent interview there's some serious problems going on with Papa John's when I founded the company I had two fundamental principles make a great pizza and take care of your people I'm concerned about the pizza and I'm really really concerned about Papa John employees and franchisees yeah all right to set the record straight yes I inspected 40 pizzas in 30 days actually a few more but I'm hearing these things that the product has changed and there's passionate about quality as I am you gotta check these things out right I did oh by the way I don't just sweat garlic butter it's in my blood yes it's me now I have a feeling the PR team is running this it's way too slick of an operation they cut the clip from the podcast like an hour after I talked to them there's no way Papa John's that slick unless Beau's with them cuz beau is high tech low pizza and Papa's hide he's a low tech if you recall yeah but what is great is that it seems if I can just oh this is the most recent conversation is that they may be interested in a Skype interview having Papa John callin to our show the h3 podcaster greatest show ever to defend himself set the record straight and talk about the pizza the people and the ingredients here on the h3 podcast what do you think about that I think that would be fantastic fantastical fantastisch so we'll wait I put him in touch with Dan we're waiting for touchdown here yeah that was [Laughter] yeah you uh you told me you told them to reach out to me yesterday right still waiting on the email you just he is getting a divorce I know we will correct that news so I feel like that might be a little bit of a distraction such a rough year for Papa first the unsliced pizza second the divorce what's next he's got this a lawsuit now oh he's suing some ad agency so papa was ousted because he said n-word on this conference call and he's accusing this marketing agency what was the name of them laundry service laundry that sounds like I'm so sketchy laundry take out the laundry huh they're fairly big so they were apparently recording the call and then the call got leaked of publications and that's how this whole story below I think beyond that they I think I was claiming that they were the ones who encouraged him to have this diversity training call mmm he thinks it's a whole setup he from his telling it was like a whole conspiracy they like egged him on into saying the n-word and then trying to extort but if knowledge that is knowledge and then leaked it oh and then at asked for money to kill the story is what he's saying oh they did that's not believe he was saying that they said you need to pay us six million dollars or we're taking this recording to the press that sounds unlikely if they're that big of a firm this is this is straight from Papa but I don't know I'm not calling Papa a liar but that actually the pizza conspiracy is a fascinating one he hires this marketing firm they urged him to do this diversity training they record it without him knowing he ends up goofing it are saying the N word which they leaked the publication's to get him fired talk about Judas this sounds crazy I don't know I'd love to learn more about the pizza yeah I mean he's Julius Caesar he's Julius little Caesar and CEO what was the guy replaced in Bruno the guy who replaced him was his best friend well I don't he was his picture yeah no well yeah I'm [ __ ] up but the guy who replaced him as CEO was his hand-picked option clothes everything he was little Richie was usurping the throne and he is he is a brute oh he already left too and now we got mr. Arby's and now we have Shaquille O'Neal in charge he has no experience he doesn't ain't gonna go from roast beef to pizza I mean it's insane it's like what am I gonna go run a science Channel just because I have a YouTube channel it doesn't mean I know how to run a Science Channel you okay you can't go from roast beef to pizza it's a different category and soul in the food industry it's a different category of food I'm trying to tell you I can't go run I couldn't go for example run a makeup guru channel I'd like to see that well maybe I'll go be a gamer makeup hybrid here's a new toy I'm reading an article that just came out today about this lawsuit and I guess he's now contending that the recording proved that he himself never used that word Wow I'd love to hear that he never said the N word that would be super scandalous if he never even said that N word yeah yeah the claim stems from a secret tape recording by a laundry service in May of 2018 some details of which appeared in the story in Forbes falsely reporting that mr. Schneider used a racial slur against African Americans in truth during the conference call mr. Schneider actually expressed his disdain for racism and criticized a well-known figure who reportedly used racial slurs the recording of the call proved Schnatter said that he himself never used that word which contrasts sharply with the false narrative reported in force well wait I think he I think we admitted to saying the N word in context of saying that he hates that word so I think he said I hate that mmm me I want to hear that accordion frankly yeah I mean I guess that would prove it one way or another this is intriguing but either way I do feel like Papa got played dirty because he would never set it with malice he was only using it in reference of I mean saying to people you can't use that word like where's the line you can't use the word in context of a conversation about it okay can Huckleberry Finn use the n-word people started to removing the n-word out of Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer it's a whole thing I know people but I'm saying well the person who wrote it was a real person yeah I mean it's a conversation about the word yeah but where do you draw the line I get what you're saying can we not use the word in a conversation about the word it sounds like we should not but I don't think that he should lose everything because of saying it in that context it's important to yeah the context is important because while I agree I think that I've grown a lot of matured since my last usage of the hem word on camera like I don't know though combination of things because he expressed having a problem with people kneeling and then this came out issues with the effort with the blondie yes well I I see your point because that doesn't look good in context what if he but if he can prove that he never actually said it well that's how you stand or yeah I mean that's that's because if I was trying to frame Papa then I'd go after the racial thing because people will have no problem accepting that after the kneeling thing which I I think he is totally out of hand yeah I think they should kneel they should roll they should lay they Stewart everything want I support the right to kneel that's what America is all about and now look at his feets assails he complained that kneeling was hurting his pizza sales now look at his pizza sales no I got no sales big I'm down they're sending out unsliced pizzas she thought I'm saying it all started from him trying to clown on the kneelers I mean elan has a craved it when his pizza was when his pizza dynasty is tumble into this ocean like a sand castle I got left her backstage weren't you uh what can I say I mean I love the guy well you know I love his pizza I have fraud I have some problems with this politics we're gonna work that out here I'm not gonna lie to him and be like you know the truth is I love the pizza love to the pizza the man I disagree with politically okay but that's okay because I'm here to learn the truth the true untold story of Papa John shatter shatter not a natter natter in that news report they kept calling him not her not her they were saying it a third way s'matter when you Kirk when you cook up perfect pizza and you take it out of the oven you go natter like you know when you hit a three-pointer like a Kobe mmm Kobe you take the perfect pizza you go Schnatter I think Papa it's better mmm doesn't roll off the tongue the same Papa I like Schnatter it's like Kobe two syllables both have two syllables stay tuned yeah let's talk about Joe Biden I love this one I swear to god I'm not racist you guys I just think I've said like 10,000 racist things this episode but I swear to you guys I'm not racist I don't know racist bone in my body that's like the most racist thing people say they go I'm I don't have a racist bone in my body that's how you know they're like straight-up Klan members uh Joe Biden got into it with some ioann voter this was so bad man Joe is really deteriorating he's just such an awful candidate he's just too old man you should just chill it out go ahead Joe 3 3 3 oh well watch this and tell me what you guys think an Iowa voter accuses former VP Joe Biden of sending his son hunter to the Ukraine to work for the energy company that is so scandal and Joe snaps so let's watch this confrontation by the way just for the record this is the no malarkey tour which may explain his response to him well you asked this question in the wrong town hall and by the way doesn't know I'm well RQ makes me think of tuna I kind of Larkin hmm I can see that why it seems like a similar word malarkey no like a can of tuna they have another name for tuna uh Alba Alba something Oh albacore albacore tuna before malarkey why does it look like Joe why does it look like Joe's leading the bingo for the at the Retirement Center look at his voters it did it looks like this the future of America there's a lot of white hair bro why does it look like Joe is running for the presidency at the low at the retirement community damn that average age in that room is like 79 here we go that's about them just dying up it's really hard to understand anything but you get that he goes you on the other hand sent your son to Ukraine you get a job in energy he had no experience in order to get access to the president you're doing the same thing he is high the way that was a fad just called vaping fad that's such a bad look you know he goes that's why I'm not sedentary he's saying I don't watch the TV cuz you're fat sedentary means you have a lifestyle like me essentially you don't move around at all I love how the guy has a mic but he's not even using it yeah expressing him well to be fair it's in a small classroom um Joe Biden has this thing where he just has the same way of talking and he's always like and by the way number two number one number two everyone you're fat number two I never said that number three no malarkey number four I'm not stand by the way how does he get off calling this guy fat that's so crazy that's not is that into what no malarkey means to joke I don't like it so once again why was he challenging to do push-ups push-up cuz all those old people are like [ __ ] I remember when I could do push-ups this guy's the king of old people he could do a push-up who challenges anyone to push-ups Jill Biden when he sees a fat guy you can't lose that - this is when a crowd verifying you goes horribly wrong cuz he gets all like yeah I'm tearing this guy down but he now he just straight-up called him fat that's not true everybody says that yeah I don't I mean that's just not yes he died every day I don't know just say it's not true but people say it people say it of course they do what are we talking about here you know I'm saying I mean maybe the specific thing that Joe got his son the job isn't necessarily one of the accusations but the fact that all the rest of it and that his son had the job with no experience to get access to the president like all of that yeah lots of people are saying so you think he's specifically addressing that Joe got him the job it's so muddled I mean he's he's doing a terrible job if that I'm trying to give I guess that makes sense but he doesn't explain yeah he's got old brain fart Wow he knows no Pizza experience [Music] look fat what are you doing if you're gonna if you're gonna insult someone for being fat to at least be funny about it look fat here's the deal Joe you know all Americans are fat bro those fat people in that room here dare to support you what's up you know you think that any of these people can do push-ups Brau wait got flex and all your senior citizens so you drive anymore back on the truck well I think you've totally failed dressed with grace and he called him fat which is awesome but not a good look I don't know if he's like well Trump says he grabs women by the [ __ ] and made fun of like disabled reporter and all that doesn't work for you Trump is at least funny when he does it so we're gonna say don't try and beat him on the bully thing because he's funny he's good if you can make someone laugh you can get away with anything well just ask me I've said that n-word because you speak I'll tell you what it's because uh you just gotta own it you have to own it don't be too proud of it I'm only I'm not proud I'm deeply ashamed I don't get the poly Mountain prove it to you right now but I just think that um okay did I need to bring it up as as frequently as possible no you're right I'm not I don't want to make it seem like I'm proud of it I'm just trying to do a gag I know you're trying to do a gag but I feel like you gotta watch out sometimes may not come off that way oh really okay you're right but I think you're right that uh I definitely don't want to come off that way so thank you for not thank you for sparing the malarkey with me and being straight you wanna watch the president of Portugal breaking the necks of some young kids excuse me oh I didn't stutter so explain this clip this is the president of Portugal greeting a bunch of kids yeah let me go back cuz check it out he's just grabbing and the kid he saw so I had to go in the comments because that only explanation was pretty deep I guess in Portugal he is famous for sticking it to Trump because you know Trump is famous for when he meets world leaders he Yanks in our hand so the president of Portugal went to the white and he yanked the [ __ ] at a trump and I guess everyone in Portugal was real proud of him for that and he gets meme down there for being the yanker so the kids will you see that gave a good yank so now it's an honor to be thanked and yeah because in Portugal everyone's all happy that he yanked the president so I guess yeah it's another dick he gave him a good yank girl like and you have to assume the Trump gave him a Yank too and he got pulled almost off the curb that's his classic move so do this that's a good yank right there by uh so by the way so that's what that is but I saw this today now where since we're on the topic of the prime minister of Portugal enjoy this clip of the president meeting the president just drew he's meeting the president of China China and he just starts droning dude it's [ __ ] crazy well so embarrassing for a guy I feel bad for him at the same time it's quite gross somebody said it's cuz he has dentures or something that can make yeah I like it and I don't like this man so you want to are Kelly cuz it says after the break are more memes about the president of Portugal no only two only two huh do you expect that I would have more just gonna open there be a third round it out honestly are you have something for me there president let's see if there's anything for Dan president of Portugal I don't think we've ever even bought it in the country of Portugal before today Portugal and we had to Portugal French journalist first Portuguese presidents what do we got the u.s. election principle which is we don't speak problems than other countries mostly friendly countries can ask you which delegation you're always Portuguese Portuguese delegation yes and your office I'm the president what an idiot oh my god what an interview [Music] alright now we go there was three yeah there you go damn no respect for the president of course is he a good guy they said that he's beloved there because it seems like a silly like in a good way they say he's beloved and in Portugal well I mean it takes us some kind of a guy to to do this to kids and I mean that I know good way look how he Yanks the [ __ ] out of this kid watch this this guy's a character dude look how I toss them I love it I like it I like it I like it I like it did you get your Pat okay our Kelly we got our Kelly story so I got to go do this thing are you ready for your gag with our Kelly yes yes sure we can be ready so are Kelly and turns out that he used he bribed someone to get Ali the singer a fake ID so they could get married because she was 15 at the time and he that's what Ethan yeah what's going on did you get your shots the girl to America America do you have your passport did you get your shots girl would you like to come back with Rob to America [Music] get your bath box did you need your shots [Music] to America [Music] [Music] thank you everybody hurry America so the idea was that that was gonna be a cold open after the break that didn't happen but here we are nonetheless okay what why you giving what's with attitude but did you want me to start explaining the story when you walked out there no okay cuz I thought that that's what you were telling me to do the idea was that like you gotta work in communication well it it already wasn't good because it was supposed to be a cold open but that was already out of the question well you didn't have to do anything whatever you did was good okay you got probably your talk about stuff no you seem upset I started telling the story and then it was kind of like a bump well go ahead and continue I I don't you tell the story now that you're here are Kelly was charged for bribery in the case of alia who he married when she was a mere 15 years old many people wondered that how was it possible that he was able to Wed a 15 year old and that is a good question it turns out he bribed a government employee in 1994 so that he could obtain a fake ID for the singer alia a person familiar with the matter said what a creep man goes creeping it up and he was 27 at the time she was 15 have you seen a 15 year old girl man they are not I mean that daddy right dude 15 that's one year away from 14 that's really not right a persistent question has dogged are Kelly's two decade music career how was he able to legally marry the singer Aaliyah when she was only 15 years old so it turns out he bribed government officials and obtained a fake ID that made it look like she was 18 the new allegations expand on the existing racketeering indictment filed in New York against r.kelly accusing him of sexually underage girls and coercing them into illegal sexual activity he's been criminally charged as we know [Music] criminal activity from 1994 would normally fall outside the statute of limitation preventing prosecutors from filing charges for the fourth at trial in 2019 but the broad racketeering charges mr. Kelley faces in Brooklyn where he is accused of leading a criminal enterprise that that recruited his fans which we just saw evidence of mm-hmm sometimes underage girls to have sex with them allows prosecutors to introduce acts from any time period that were part of the alleged conspiracy the statute has typically been used to take down mob organizations the brooklyn indictment which was originally filed in june also accuses mr. kelly of kidnapping forced labor failing to disclose a sexually transmitted disease oh [ __ ] that's a crime that's it whoa I didn't know that that's crazy two sexual partners and producing child pornography feeling to disclose sexually transmitted disease is the least of his problems yeah did he so screw it all I love that they can actually include everything from yeah the racketeering you're gonna have a sex crime don't do it in Brooklyn I guess do it in Brooklyn please do it in Brooklyn I do have one more story for you ela that we can wrap this up with now you know how you always say that Subway sandwiches always taste the same no matter what you put in it well I may have an explanation for that subway souza journalist for reporting its chicken is only 50% chicken and losses back in 2017 a team of reporters from the Canadian broadcast corporation sent samples of subway chicken along with chicken from a and W McDonald's Tim Hortons and Wendy's do a lab to test how much of it was actually chicken most of the tests came back showing between 88.5 and 89 for chicken DNA except for subway Subway's oven roasted chicken tested as 53.6% chicken and the strip's 42.8% chicken the rest with soy protein perhaps they thought there had been a mistake so they sent it again for another test yet the results were the same subway predictably was not pleased they followed a 210 million dollar defamation suit claiming that the story was reckless and maliciously published and the study itself lacked scientific rigor yet the court denied their or they lost basically they lost that case so their chicken is at best fifty three percent might as well just be vegetarian isn't that crazy you know I've had those chicken patties those ain't right that's that way those are not right they're all like rubbery so there you go Jared I wouldn't exactly call that eating fresh would you I do not like some way so I like it I don't like it I like it I don't don't play it again Zach I swear to God I'm mark McGrath fire you I'll get else so fast well that about wraps her up should I sing him off with the I think we should actually close with this clip the one I have highlighted scroll down a little bit you wanna do this one I mean it's so good Andrew yank friend the show our favorite to win the presidential candidate for the Democrats having too much fun opening his new headquarters squirting whipped cream into someone's mouth I don't know how this situation even arose why does he have whipped cream why does this guy want whipped cream squirted in his mouth I think the guy brought it yeah you probably brought it yeah but like I mean that's a note for me dog you know I mean like that's theirs only bad things about the squirtin and but here you go yang is down he's having a good time [Music] watch the campaign manager he's like oh they break uh tit but the guy at the campaign end is like dude anyway you go yang Yang hanging hang on December 20th after winning the next presidential debate will be here on the HP pockets the next president of the United States Andrew yang giving everyone $1,000 why are you laughing down you know Yang's gonna win sure who do you thinks gonna win wise guy do you really want to know yes I do why when asked Bernard Sanders Bernard I'm down you know I ride or die for burn to burn okay I mean that's just my opinion you really feel it Burt wow that would be incredible if Bernie actually won I would love to see that by II will see Elizabeth and Joe are gone is that who you want oh who who you think will actually win that's who I want okay what do you think will win yeah I'd say him answer so let's see there's Elizabeth Warren she's out joe sloppy joe is out PP judge I don't see it he's out well I mean he's at the moment the one that seems to have a lot of momentum in Iowa but in the rest of the country that matters all I was seeing a poll Pete Budaj has 0% of black vote that means there's not one black dude they can find the supports people judge I think long term that's gonna be a big problem for him yeah but not awesome not one black dude wants to vote for him but yeah he has history just some he's just like he looks like Howdy Doody yes there's a big controversy in the town that he's the mayor of yeah he fired the police chief who was black at the request of of officers and then it turned into big scandal because those officers ended up being racist or something I don't know all the details but it's definitely it's hurt him there's a reason why he pulls it I just thought it was because he looked like the dude from Mad Magazine at Trump yeah Alberti Newman that probably doesn't help either but I think that's probably less important I don't think he's got a shot though he's just too goofy looking yeah I mean I think if he were the nominee it would probably not go well for him he's also yeah I mean he's the mayor of like the fourth biggest town in [ __ ] what Indiana or one I've been that big of a deal I think he got into office like in his election to be mayor with like 5,000 votes or something hmm wow that's a big step yeah go from that to president it just seems like it's a little but who does that was it come come , was gone so who's left you kind of named them all yank and and and uh Tolson are still seized technically lumbers not happening well the sloppy joe I don't know whatever we may sloppy joe I think is most likely to get it still which is sad I don't think sloppy joes got a shot in hell he's he's polling high nationally but I would it matters a lot more than I think people realize because this this is the way it goes every primary is whoever wins Iowa all of a sudden the narrative completely changes momentum matters more than so we'll see we'll see what happens once the pipe is know we'll do a room for there I mean I want yang Gor I'm being Bernie's a great one yang Gor burn in Iowa it's a caucus which is like you know different than a primary - and I think in a caucus it kind of works in a weird way where second choices matter a lot - mm-hmm so that kind of that factors into it a lot because you know if somebody like Tulsi you know her supporters probably second pick is Bernie in most cases because you know she campaigned for him and endorsed him in the selection oh I didn't know that so if you don't get to a certain threshold in a caucus then you go to your second choice and so it gets a little bit more complicated than just who's polling in first what Bernie Sanders beat Donald Trump I mean all of the tests he would I actually think Bernie unlike a sloppy joe and Elizabeth Warren well sloppy joe maybe I don't know just because people know him but he I think there's a lot of Trump supporters that would go feel the Bern mm-hmm yeah there's a yeah when they do those kind of you know hypothetical head-to-heads against Trump usually Biden and Bernie are the only two that consistently beat Trump all the rest lose to try what about yang game I don't know if nobody didn't do it yeah I mean maybe it's been done I bet my instinct would say that he probably could be Trump because I think yang also has a lot of crossover appeal with I think yang would perform extraordinarily well against Trump yeah I think we gotta get him in there no yank gang gang gang gang gang [Music] do you have your passports did you get your shots the girl would you like to come back with Rob to America or the subway America did you had your passports did you get your shots girl would you like to come back with Rob to America [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are over this song that make sense right [Music] we're still playing the whole time yeah it's a good one let's get along play the song and do the sounds Zach and yella you know what I'm talking about [Music] this is the official HTML I got I got it girl was you active backward to America I got America did you get your passports did you get your shots girl would you like to come with [Music] [Music] [Music] come over it dan you should end it all right show is over [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,032,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, ethan, hila
Id: q_q99sLLKm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 1sec (6301 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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