Can You Beat Baldur's Gate 3 in a SINGLE Hit? FULL GAME

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[Music] a here we go again Ballers Skate 3 Solo tactician looks really hard on paper from encounters that take the enemy count up towards 20 versus one to bosses that can permanently stun lock you or sometimes just outright on-shot you despite this it turns out to be quite easy this of course is due to all the insane builds that are possible in this game you have monks that hits 12 times a turn Immortal tank builds with upwards to 50 AC and of course the absolute monstrous amount of damage that can be done by some builds in a single hit but just how high is this damage amount and is it high enough to beat the entire game I wanted to at least give it a try here's my journey through Ballers Gate 3 in a single hit I decided to go with sorcerer as that gives us access to Chromatic orb right from the start a spell that if cast and its Thunder state has a huge 3 to 24 damage range I went for 17 Charisma and 15 Constitution which might seem a bit awkward but we're going to bump them up to 18 and 16 respectively with our first feed the rest I just put into wisdom but anything goes we wake up meet up with LEL and after kindly gifting us all her items she decides to just take the short way out the first encounter goes about as smooth as expected we Free Shadow heart and she decides to join lasel without any allies we move on to the helm shoot some enemies and activate the transponder we wake up on a beach and find some blue orbs just laying there people really need to stop littering some more intellect devours block our path but thankfully there's this convenient patch of fire right next to them if they were to just randomly decide to walk into it a bunch of times it technically wouldn't be me hitting them they would just be killing themselves we sneak up on an unsuspecting thief and kill a dying mind flare for our very first level up we are immediately going to multiclass into cleric for the Tempest domain subass and also make sure that we grab create water for later on being a cleric also makes us proficient in wearing heavy armor and lets us carry Shields giving our AC a very very needed Boost from 10 to 17 running past some weird purple portal that we definitely don't want to interact with we come across some Bandits two of them are standing right underneath a giant Foundation block this lets us take them out with a brutal amount of damage without actually starting a fight we push the Mage down a hole now it's just us against the Archer and after what is a way above average amount of resets we manag to take him out making our way to the Grove we find some goblins attacking since we can't really avoid having these allies after eliminating the two closest goblins to us all we have to do is sit back and provide some defense for them as they slaughter all of the Goblins for us although it does get considerably closer than expected at the end before progressing any further I make sure to sell all my trash and pick up the rain dancer staff it will let us use a level one version of create water every single short rest basically saving us three level one spell slots we make our way into The tling Hideout and speak to mole who wants our help stealing the druid's sacred Idol by clicking steal on the idol and teleporting to Camp as soon as the idol leaves the pedestal The Druids won't have enough time to react and therefore does not have time to get mad so we can just leave camp and walk away with the idol as if nothing happened we return the idol to mole and she gives us an extremely powerful ring called The Ring of protection next up is the blighted village we crit this sleeping bug bear who gives us just enough XP to level up again here we get access to our Channel Divinity which is destructive wrath it can be used once every short rest it lets us max out the damage of any one attack that deals either thunder or lightning damage we get to try it out right away on this unsuspecting pair of goblins and use chromatic orb to take out the rest here we also get to see the usefulness of minor illusion for the first time to gather up these goblins although considering their reaction I think they might be on to us scaring off a pack of goblins we enter this Windmill and find the Speedy light feet pair of boots that gives us easy access to lightning charges at all times a very nice source of extra damage if we ever lack just a little bit we kill a couple more goblins along the way before reaching the goblin camp now is probably a good time to talk about Thunder Wave the Undisputed MVP spell of this entire run by far the easiest way to kill someone in one hit is by simply shoving him off a cliff Thunder Wave contrary to the normal shove ability lets us hit multiple targets at once allowing us to sometimes close out fights with very very high HP enemies that we normally wouldn't be able to touch at this stage of the game like for instance the goblin bosses we ignore gut and Raglin for now and head on over to Menara one of our henchmen is standing right next to this ledge by pushing him down in view of this scrying eye we start to combat encounter very far away from her and after a lucky save on a hold person she positions herself right over this rickety wooden [Music] bridge we take care of a few stragglers that are still lurking around for some knifes free experience before freeing Vol from from his cage as thanks he gives us a nice long brain massage session and a very special new eye that gives us a permanent sea invisible in a 9 M radius around us right next to Volo is this crazed servant of lar by letting him hit us a few times he grants us her blessing a pseudo permanent buff that grants us a plus two bonus to attack rolls whenever we drop low 50% HP we also make sure to pay him back in full with a nice back massage of Our Own let's talk a bit about the wet debuff whenever an enemy becomes wet they become weak to lightning and coold damage while an enemy is weak to an element they receive double damage from all sources of that type combining this with our Channel Divinity allows us to always hit a target for double the max damage of any spell we have that deals lightning damage right now that would be a level two chromatic orb for a grand total of 48 damage killing some more goblins we move on to Priestess gut we tell her that we need her help and follow her to a secluded room away from everyone else minor illusion comes in handy once again and the simple push does the trick after some more extremely satisfying Goblin murdering we get our fourth level it's now time to go back into sorcerer and pick up the meta magic twin spell it lets us twin a single targeted spell on another nearby Target which doesn't help our overall onot potential but it's still very helpful in clearing out multip strong FES only Ragin left now it just so happens that his throne is located right next to this cm and he goes down just like the other two did however the fight with his goons is not going to be as easy first attempt goes great as we get hold person and then immediately crit to death second time around I managed to save the hold person barely allowing me to live the turn Thunder Wave still carrying me allows me to univee two other goblins and chromatic orb takes care of the rest we sneak past this ogre solve a really simple puzzle and unlock the way down into the under dark beining over to this spot we find fer Aloo an extremely useful sword with the ability shriek it makes any enemies in a small radius around us take one to four additional Thunder damage from all sources spider mama is next on the chopping block and a quick Thunder Wave into this hole doeser in the enemy's HP to is really going to start skyrocketing from here on out so a certain elied power is crucial in making this run at all possible seeing as we pushed all three Goblin bosses off cliffs their parasites are no longer obtainable which only leaves one right here in the Druid enclave and another one over at a uh easy fight pushing some Horrors off a cliff and nuking a mushroom area we make it to the Arcane Tower after activating the elevator we find Bernard a not so friendly Guardian this Tower is very very tall and by learning Bernard over to the edge we can push him off and he doesn't die because of this they all get a free whale on me but thanks to this blur scroll it all misses down goes the [Music] robot and his friends are soon to follow we kill some hyenas and they're highly disfigured cousins before coming across a burning building by Saving this lady she gives us a spell sparkler a very useful staff that gives us two lightning charges each time we deal damage with a spell or cantrip we find some paladins that tell us they will reward us handsomely if we kill a certain devil for them of course we instead just tell her to chill at camp and Upon returning I get reminded why I should be playing Paladin instead so instead of speaking to them directly I sneak up on this traitor from behind and watch shot her from sneak this doesn't trigger the others allowing me to also eliminate his second Ally before the fighting even starts and there is still going to be a problem though with his 57 HP he's slightly too tanky for our normal 48 damage burst meaning that relying on the extra eight damage from lightning charges will be mandatory I flee and return to approach him normally by some miracle he misses three smites in a row but me being the greedy little that I am try to push my luck even further and get real quick second time around goes better and it's time for the classic Dash around and do nothing for four rounds apparently I just don't learn and almost di to Smite anyway because I forget to use Shield once again I go in for the kill and it turns out that I just didn't need to get lightning charges at all since I just crit him anyways now it's time to deal with FN and get the last parasite specimen that we need this fight is extremely rough normally as to be expected the two allies that we have basically die on on the second turn but they give us enough time to at least wet the enemies this is a huge deal as we can take out two of the NES per turn and they still have to Traverse a very big distance to actually get to us this really means that the fight starts as a 3v one not that bad at all Flyn has 110 HP meaning that there's no feasible way for me to actually take him out without getting a crit luckily though we have a few hold person Scrolls at our disposal we Dodge some attacks from the final null Hunter and take him out with a chromatic orb Flint has such a high HP pool though that not even a crit will suffice in killing him so yet again we have to dash for lightning charges before we can take him out for good an parasite on Flynn's corpse we find the parasite finally unlocking lock of the far Realms once per long rest it allows us to change any successful attack roll that we make into a critical hit this in combination with the duet debuff and destructive wrath allows us to not only hit for double the maximum damage of any Lightning Spell we have but now four times the damage I tried it out on this unsuspecting gang member and she gives us just enough XP to level up yet again we don't really get anything too special from this level up but it does give us access to level three spell slots now allowing us to cast lightning bolt at level three pushing our maximum damage up from 96 to 128 we come across this giant monstrosity called bullette with his 162 HP he's Out Of Reach for us even with our newly acquired luck of the far Realms but he just happens to be nice enough to position himself right next to a cliff and I'm sure by now you know what that means we approached the DW guard that are guarding the boat to the Grim Forge and immediately die before even getting our first turn for some reason I decide that the best course of option is to leave our high ground and just run straight into all of the undeads after somehow dodging almost every single Undead blow I get to find out that but this fight isn't going to be as straightforward as I thought it was going to be all of the reanimated corpses has something called Undead fortitude this lets them resurrect themselves the first time they die so I had to rethink what I was going to do and yet again the answer comes back to pushing them off Ledges but the final dwar aren't going to let me off easy they start off by one-shotting me not once but twice but third times the charm and I get to take one of them out with a call light them KS decides to position himself right next to a ledge and the final one goes down to yet another call lightning we take the boat over to the Grim Forge and meet some dwar on the way there they make a valiant effort to kill me during the first turn unfortunately for them it's not enough and the usual Thunder Wave takes them out we arrive at the Grim Forge and after routinely pushing off a few DWG Guard from Cliffs we pick up the heavy splint mold we sneak past the ambushing methods and take out a surprisingly durable mithil vein with a smoke bomb before leaving I drink a fire resistance potion and decide to confront the methods anyway I use a lightning bolt scroll to take out the first five and the remaining three go down to a Thunder Wave I approach this lava Elemental who despite standing in literal lava can still get wet and he goes down to our 128 damage crit now it's time to deal with grim and I'm sure most of you already know about the albear slam dunk but to even get access to the AL bear form we leave level six and right now we're only halfway through level five so we leave Grim on the back burner for now I go back and deal with glut whose HP total sadly for him is just below our Max damage burst dead we push some ogres off a cliff clear out what remains in the goblin camp and start clearing out all the dwar next to near two of them easily die after being hold personed and for some reason there's a very convenient Chasm right here so yet again I lure them over with minor illusion and take them out one by one we clear the rubble for near finally do we then wet quite a [Music] bit and then one shot seeing as his HP total is also below 128 another parasite collected Norms thank us by doing whatever this is I'm grateful don't mistake me and after pushing off two Minotaur from a cliff and taking out the whole Cult of kuat TOA we finally reach level six and get access to the albear form now it's time to go back and deal with grim it's important to remember to drink an elixir of the Colossus before starting the fight as this will maximize how much our owl bear weighs we pull the lever and out comes Grim I start off by going a bit too close and get absolutely destroyed second time around I make sure to at least somewhat keep my distance and use Misty step to leave the arena transform into an H bear and down goes Grim not feeling satisfied with the measly 624 damage I decided to do it again now that's more like it before leaving I make sure to create the adamantine splint armor and then Respec back into sorcerer cleric the extra level in sorcerer gives us a feat which we use for Ability Improvement for one extra pointing Charisma and Constitution next up onti fle ATI ethal is normally supposed to when she gets to a certain HP threshold stop the fight and offer you a very very nice reward that lets you get plus one into any stat you want sadly for us though since we have to one shot her this is not going to be available I initiate the fight with the red caps by cleanly taking out too and thanks to all the water that's around they're basically permanently wet so the other two fall shortly [Music] after we follow on the down into her basement take care of a few Unfortunate Souls and approach her for the final fight I make sure that I activate F Al's shriek before approaching her though as per usual she multiplies but Shield being the absolute Powerhouse it is makes every sing single clone Miss I drink a haste potion put out the fire on my rea's cage and after saving a few hold persons and tanking through a couple opportunity attacks we reach the real [Music] ontio I get hold person a few times forcing a couple reloads we need to do 145 damage in order to kill onl our chromatic orb deals 128 damage all by itself so all we have to do is add 17 more we achiev this through a combination of f El shriek that I activated at the start of the fight and lightning charges from our boots that I've been Gathering by dashing these two by themselves add an additional 36 damage 164 damage later the ha goes down all that's left now in act one is getting through the GI Yankee guarding the mountain pass I start off with a hold person we Dodge a few arrows and one of the GI yanki wastes her action surge on dashing and then pieces out this gives me the opportunity to wet and take out the two weaker ones making my way down to the other two the invis Yankee misses three attacks in a row and we get to W him and take them both out with 130 damage crit before continuing on towards the crash in act two we still have a few things to take care of that I miss in act one starting off with the adamantine Shield as a lot of you pointed out I forgot that there are two mythal ORS available and since I'm only using one character I might as well craft The Shield using the second one even though it doesn't give us any extra AC boost it's still a really nice upgrade compared to the other garbage one we were using another extremely important thing that was pointed out to me is that I've been using the wrong damage spell this entire time turns out that there's a way better spell that can be used other than chromatic orb witch bolt just like this nice gentleman pointed out chromatic orbs starts out better at level 1 and two but since witch Bolt's initial cast gets a 1 D12 bonus instead of chromatic orbs imly 1d8 per upcast it quickly becomes better already at level three it does 36 damage meaning that our base Max damage to shut up from 128 to 144 the only negative part with witch bolt is that it uses constant ation but seeing as the only real concentration that comes to mind is haste and possibly hold person is not that big of a deal at all lastly I also go back and talk to this couple standing over their dead friend really close to the Grove for another parasite this means that I could in fact just have gotten lock and far Realms way earlier than Flyn as many of you pointed out in any case this gives us psionic overload for a free 1 D4 psychic damage to all our attacks thank you to everyone who commented I read them all and they really do help also I just got to throw this out there cuz I found it really funny funny uh according to YouTube 100% of the people watching are not subscribed I'm not sure how this adds up to 100 but if you're enjoying this content and want to be according to YouTube at least the literal first person to subscribe to the channel feel free to do so we speak to this lady who tells us she wants a gift egg me not having any interest in human trafficking though I politely decline her offer two death Shepherds await us at the top of this Cliff death Shepherds always start with 20 temporary hit points that make them resistant to all damage apart from that they also have 50 base HP making it really hard to actually kill them so I decide the best way of dealing with them is the tried and true Thunder Wade method and after some fiddling around I get them to this perfect spot the monastery comes next and after dealing with a few very drunk Cobalts we encounter some unstable beasts on the top floor they may not be very strong but if you use any spell in their presence they will trigger a random effect at the start of their turn luckily these three start off far enough away from the other packs as to not trigger them and after killing four of the remaining six the last two just explodes for a bit of force damage killing two Eagles we make it to this pule by putting all three of the ceremonial weapons found around the monastery on the correct pillars we gain access to a very nice weapon down the line I get the Waypoint in the crash but before slaughtering all the gith yanki I still want One More Level so I move back to act two and call over the Spiderman he tells us to follow him to moonrise Tower but after this Ambush I decide to side against them even though he has a brutal 239 HP the fight starts out great as I take out the two half works the backbone of their damage turn one with them dead I leave the small goblins for the Harpers to deal with and focus all my attention on Carnes Caris is that how you say his name I first go for this spot here and I quickly learned that keeping a nice distance between us is the only only way to go after dashing away and watching the final Harpers get absolutely [Music] bodied I find a suitable [Music] Chasm Spider goes down and moon Lantern acquired with that I move on to the last Light in Meet Jahira and after some convincing from mole we are l in cordal is the first person to speak to as he has some truly insanely good items for us to use pick up this amulet with Shield the cloak of protection for another free ring of protection and a shield of devotion which not only gives us 10 more base HP thanks to aid but also has another level one spell slot themin is also here and he sells the dark fire short bow an absolutely insane bow that not only gives us resistance to both fire and cold damage but also gives us a free use of haste once every long rest mtis also makes a return and she sells us the evasive shoots for plus one bonus AC not a bad option at all I released the fairy who gives us the pixie's blessing this lets us Traverse act two even where the Shadows are at their strongest it also gives me enough XP for level seven and with it level five sorcerer for access to level four spell slots here we also get access to our first and basically only AOE lightning spell lightning bolt next is time to approach Isabel and get ambushed by Marcus first attempt does not start off very well after getting pummeled Isabel decides that walking into two opportunity attacks and getting paralyzed is worth her turn and she gets beat to death shortly [Music] after second time around she does uh this third time to charm though iroll High initiative which lets me kill Marcus right away and for some reason the horse just stop right in their tracks and decide to spare Isabel the turn comes back to me and lightning bolt finishes them off before the heartb deal with the [Music] rest I get blown up by some Shadow creatures before extinguishing these torches spawning in a few Shadow mases what's special about these is that they all go invisible after attacking each round but thanks to volo's eye and use of the fact that you cannot actually walk where another enemy already is I'm able to find all four and take them out I also find this very weird bug that only seems to occur when you have nothing but level two spell slots remaining and try to make them into sorcery points we save Roland from a few shadows and head over to the toll house here we meet Garing goth thorm she will only let us pass if we pay her at least 6,000 gold so I do just thatat and get rewarded with a signed trade Visa a very very special spell that turns an enemy into gold if they fail to save three checks in a row either way we're not leaving just yet as I do want my gold back I lar her over to this ledge and fall damage does a very normal and balanced 600 damage on our course we find our gold plus a bit extra and a very important weapon called The Twist of Fortune this item will be crucial later in act three so just keep it in mind we go to moonrise get introduced to to cck for the first time before proceeding to the docks located right next to the towers where a giant crate of parasites is located these parasites grant us access to call the weak a very useful tool in getting in that last bit of damage on certain enemies now it's time to return and get the blast pendant amulet located all the way back next to this spectator in Act One the blast pendant grants us access to the lightning blast skill which gives us a buff for two turns that makes our next can trip or Lightning Spell do extra lightning damage equal to the amount of lightning charges we currently have this being a maximum of seven currently we do have issues generating lightning charges though and our only real way without dashing for three turns straight is the water sparklers found right next to minara back in the goblin Camp anyhow to even get access to it we need to deal with The Spectator and his drow there's no way to not get surprised going into this battle so I just have to wait and hope that spect that there doesn't either fear or paralyze me first fear aay gets saved and the draw is nice enough to put Darkness over me making it so The Spectator can't even attempt to attack me the drought don't seem too happy to be saved so I also put them out of their misery and we acquire the blast pendant moving back to act two we walk into the waning moon and talk to another one of krick's children does he have children or they Creations I I have no idea either way he has a whopping 374 HP that's even more than Merkle the final boss of too thankfully there's no need to actually fight him as after clearing a few performance and Constitution checks he simply blows himself up I now feel like I'm strong enough to handle the crash so I go back to this room next to the infirmary in it is this big machine that this GI scientist promises will remove our parasite it instead goes the other way and the parasite only evolves giving us the awakened buff permanently this will let us cast all of our elied powers using only bonus actions instead of actions incredibly important for things like psionic overload that otherwise would require our entire turn I make sure to stop the scientists before she gets to go alert the others and pick up the three parasites that are located in this room this gives us Shield of THS a free source of 10 temporary HP every single short rest it's now time to deal with all the gifts waiting in the crash after a lot of fiddling around with minor illusion I get this position which lets me wet every single one and as the the Sherry on top they all decide to line up perfectly I do the same in the classroom the corridor the entrance the Hatchery and the merchant area but not before stealing the 3,000 gold the trader is carrying the captain corters is next the easier enemies all fault lightning bolt and we get use of lightning blast for the first time for that tiny Bist of extra damage letting us take out kith R here we also get to see a very weird interaction with witch bolt even though hold person ends as soon as we cast witch bolt since it requires concentration it still registers the enemy as being held and the crit is granted regardless we slot the gift Shard into the barrier machine and kill the last remaining hall monitor that I missed for our eighth level and thereby the very important level six in sorcerer now you might think that sticking with storm sorcerer is just a way to go normally it would not only give us call lightning a very very nice AOE spell but also heart of the storm heart of the storm cast a small storm on enemies in an area dealing damage equal to half of our sorcery level which means that even as late as level 12 it's only five bonus damage but even worse than that is that it's AOE meaning that if there are other enemies close by I won't even be able to use it cuz it will damage them without actually killing them in one hit therefore our only real option is to Respec into the draconic bloodline it's a bit sad because we are already using heavy armor which means we don't get any use from draconic resilience however by picking a lightning ancestry at level six we get our Elemental Affinity granting our lightning spells extra damage equal to our Charisma modifier which currently only is plus 4 but later will go as high as plus seven it's time to approach the inquisitor's chambers for the final fight with the the GI we start off by getting mind steel linked a very unpleasant condition that makes us weak to all psychic damage thankfully there is only one GI ahead of us but his psychic Ren still does a whopping 32 damage to us today really seems to be my lucky day though as they all form a nice orderly Queue at the top of the stairs I get to eliminate the Mind link man with a clean 200 damage crit and shield nullifies most of the damage I would have taken the remaining three at the top of the stairs decide to line up again and I AOE them all down now it's just this last one to remaining and she goes down to inflict wounds I don't really feel like dying so I agreed to help lath and open this secret passageway using a grease scroll we now arrived at the hardest boss so far this random ass energy source it takes 20 tries before I finally roll 20 luckily we won't have to do that again okay well at least we're done now anyway I insert the dawn Master's Crest that we got all the way back from that one puzzle and collect the blood of Leander with the crest completed I make sure to deal with krick's dog to make the fight with him easier before heading over to the house of healing here we meet the last of krick's children I I still don't know what they are if anyone knows then please do enlighten me m thorm just like his long lost alcoholic brother has an insane 358 HP luckily he can also be dealt with in a similar fashion by telling him about sh's teachings we can persuade him that the only way to continue is by having him volunteer to be tested on by the sisters and they do just that I make sure to deal with the sisters before leaving and pick up the battered loot for future use now it's time for the last gift encounter in this play through you can't actually see the gift before triggering the encounter at least once so I walk up before immediately running away I return and cast invisibility on myself to lure the GI together with minor illusion as invisibility isn't broken by it for some reason despite it being a spell since these gift have a lot of HP I make sure to both use lightning blast and shriek before blasting them The Gauntlet of sh is up next the fight outside bazaar's Chambers definitely is not an easy one to do solo the entire mechanic revolves around destroying these umbrell Tremors who if left up will summon a justicar soldier each turn the problem is that we can only take out a maximum of two per turn by twinging guiding bolt to make things worse after the first turn four more portals are summoned and the turn after that another two the only real Saving Grace is the fact that basaar soldiers soak up most of the damage dealt during these First turns the justicar has a buff called radiant retort this always leaves them vulnerable to radiant damage but it makes all sources of radiant damage dealt to them return to the Caster twofold as Force damage meaning that even though I could use the Sunbeam spell provided by the blood of the thander I would just be one-shotting myself so the safer option is as per usual lightning bolt there is however a cool trick we can use to not die to these final two by using survival Instinct which resurrects us upon reaching zero HP allows us to tank these two hits that deal over 100 fours each for some reason there's still one jtic card just chilling here so I seize the opportunity and by walking into bazaar's room I make him waste his one and only haste potion we talk to basaar and make sure to pick pocket one of the most important items in this run bazaar's Bell he's not very pleased with us stealing it though and I just barely have time to cast and hands leap on myself before before the fight starts the Bell is only meant to be used inside the gunet of sh to summon his big pal flesh to help you with some of the encounters using this spell does not actually cost an action or a bonus action for some reason it still counts as casting Dash this means that in combination with the Speedy light feed we can get three lightning charges every single turn without any real cost whatsoever I get Cloud killed by basar twice in a row almost killing me over these three turns though the Bell gives me seven lightning charges and that combined with lightning blast and pionic overload allows us to do bazaar's entire HP pool without even using lock of the four realms for some reason flesh forgets that I'm here and the encounter ends shortly after I open the vault door right next to the fight and collect the callous grow ring the only real ring that gives our spells any sort of damage whatsoever I teased the first Shard trial by teleporting in through this tiny window the second one by removing all of my items before entering making the copy of me Spawn without any equipment and the third one just by walking just by walking over just by walking over here and grabbing the gem the bait displacer Beast comes next instead of following him the way he wants us to into an ambush I jump over this Gap and Ambush the maragon myself instead your gear can't actually get surprised so he starts off by throwing some bombs next to my feet turns out they're fairly harmless though as you can just move them away yourself I eliminate all the maragon and run away seeing as I'm all out of spell slots your gear is not to happy when I return and he does this very fun and interactive he decides to aim at me the second time around though and it lets me eliminate the displacer Beast he also decides to stand next to this ledge and I give him the shop [Music] treatment with the gauntlet of Shar finished I win a hide-and-seek game against a child which lets me tell hsen about the Flaming fist at the last Light in he tells me to meet him there and by playing the loot we got from malice thorm he awakes now is the time where hson is meant to meet you by the the lake shore but my helson just simply did not head there he just stood around here in this opening and I couldn't even interact with him after scouring around for a bit I find that this can be solved by murdering art and talking to him using speak dead so I use fog Cloud to not get spotted but this guard spots me regardless and chases me for one whole minute after that I managed to get away and return to talk with him he talks about lavender and this lets me trigger h dialogue yet again and this time thankfully he actually goes to the lake shore the whole goal of this fight is to Simply protect the portal until hson returns five turns later this is one of the few fights where wall of stone actually is really really good the wall will block any melee attackers trying to get to the portal meaning that I only have to focus my attention on the ranged ones by standing in this exact spot we are able to not only take out the two closest archers but also the ones waiting behind in the bushes more enemies appear and I do my best to clear them off the wall shows its worth by blocking all these crows and after waiting out a turn and pushing a few into the water the fights ends just in time for this GI to break through the wall here we get another level up which gets us access to level five spell slots and thereby 240 base damage it's now time to tackle moonrise we free the Deep nodes but when going for the te Lings they decide that running away into the corridor is a better idea than just running back towards the boat here we also meet the first Adept who with their death war lets them resurrect to one HP the first time they are killed the Adept cannot survive getting shoved into the abyss however so that's how we have to deal with all of them I kill the warden and can't really do anything as I watch all the teelings get murdered to make things worse the Deep NS also just leave with the boat oh well all that's left now is main Moonrise and Krick himself we free the Night song and return to handle sell for having magic that lets her kill people by simply thinking about it she goes down really easily the real problem here is not zerel however it's again the adepts and their hunger of Hadar since they all have death sword I can't actually kill them so I have to abandon ship leaving jira and the rest of the Harpers to fend for themselves the enemies spend a few rounds just chilling in the Hadar Cloud almost dying before finally pursuing me luckily Moon R is right over this Chasm so pushing them off becomes quite trivial I killed the last skeleton standing before Krick and approach him on the rooftop this first encounter is an absolute joke Krick quote unquote dies instantly and so does his skeleton friends but before pursuing cing down the hole I make sure to head back to this little building by pushing these plates in the correct order a door opens down to the basement interacting with this statue and clearing a check gives us a buff until long rest for an extra five Charisma by respecing to 9 Charisma this puts us as a very very solid 24 and thereby plus seven the other statues also give us plus 5 to int and wisdom not as important but it's still nice to have with that we are ready for the final showdown no fight down here basically matters as you have access to infinite long rests next to the elevator the only one worth mentioning at all is the one with Sor I open the pods and one shots two of the Mind flers mind blast shuts me down though but both Sor and Jaa show that they are not here to play around as they kill the Mind flares the turns I'm stunned I solve this puzzle and get the waking mind which I bring to this device interacting with the head we get an option to perge the mind and doing so grants us yet another permanent buff which gives us advantage on in Saving throws I also pick up the resonance Stone right next to it for the Ste in Bliss effect making everyone in an area around me including myself weak to psychic damage I make sure to drink a hill giant strength Elixir before approaching the final fight these three idiots does some Power Rangers and I cast enhan leap before approaching Krick this combined with his strength potion let me clear the entire distance to Night song and free her turn one still she has a little use as kri kills her in a single turn I walk up to attempt to trigger phase two but forget to put light on myself before the fight meaning that I lose all the damage from Call's glow so I have to waste a turn lighting myself up Nong wakes up again just in time to tank the Smite for me a shield and some misses later Krick dies for the third time and Merkel shows up in his place 326 damage is what we need to do to squeeze out as much damage as possible I made sure to shriek before killing Krick timing here is going to be really important I reapply wet to Merkle use the bell for some lightning charges and activate lightning blast as the buff lasts for two turns I can't use my shield to block any attacks as I need a reaction for lock of the far Realms it turns out fine as Miracle squanders his one and only chance to hurt me I use the belt to get up to seven lightning charges and activate pionic overload now it's time for some fun simple calculations with a crit our witch bolt does 256 damage 120 damage comes from the 5D 10 base that gets doubled by the crit and eight from our Charisma and Lightning Charge this hit also procs pionic overload and callous glow for another 10 damage the lightning blasts base seven damage also gets amped by our Charisma and Lightning Charge and then doubled due to the crit for another 30 damage of course this hit also triggers the extra 10 damage and lastly fer Alo proc here for another eight Thunder damage with the extra 10 damage and finally a last two damage from our lightning charges adding all of these numbers up we get 326 damage exactly it's not actually that perfect due to the fact that c the weak would proc anyway and killing him but I still think it's kind of cool that it adds up to the perfect number okay with that we grab krick's nether stone with act three just ahead we take a quick rest and get ambushed by some gifts that are attacking the emperor all the gifts here have evasion a very annoying skill that always at least hals all damage they take from any spell requiring saves therefore it does not seem worth it to spend all of my spell slots trying to take them out so I just teleport to the portal and leave I encounter some gift fighting these intellect devours and since they also have evasion I figure that there is no more efficient way of taking them out than by pushing them off using Thunder Wave we get level 10 here and thereby access to another feat currently we will just must be putting it into ability Improvement for 20 Charisma I approach the emperor and start a final showdown with the GIF this ledge right here is going to be our best friend one GI flies off the edge and his friend is not too happy about it as she tries to do the same to me I jump back up and shove down another one but this time the GI lady gets her revenge so I have to reposition slightly and thus manage to just barely land on the edge of this Cliff for some reason the third gate also thinks it's a good idea to approach me and he flies off the edge just like the others did lastly it's just the air bender left and she goes down just like the others the emperor regains control of orus before offering me an enhanced Parasite by accepting its influence we get a nice makeover but more importantly immediate access to fly and some other extremely strong elith Powers such as black hole freecast and pionic dominance with that we have officially made it to act three here we get access to some items that will absolutely Skyrocket our already insane damage first off the circus for the spell might gloves normally to get these you would have to run around across the entirety of act 3 collecting various pieces of DS to clown before this lady gives you them I cannot be bothered with all that though so instead I just pickpocket it from her I walk into the shes caress kill a newly birth mine flare before encountering Raphael he offers us a contract and every person knows that signing everything you get from anyone especially from a literal devil is always a great idea so I do just that and Raphael gives us the orphic hammer this lady says she can't let me into worm's Rock I'm not sure what she means I can clearly just fly through the bridge GES invites me to the audience chamber and I promptly ignore him and leave for the lower City here we start by going to what I assume to be a church and enter its basement down it we find The Amulet of The Devout an amulet that not only makes it easier for us to to succeed on all our saving abilities but also gives us an entire extra Channel Divinity every single short rest we will be using this in every fight where we don't specifically need the extra lightning blast damage I head over to Damon and buy the armor of persistence it gives a whopping 20 AC and permanent blade Ward which means half damage to all physical attacks as cherry on top it also gives resistance for some reason there's one problem though we are in dire need of as much money as possible as you will see soon enough the armor of loone cost over 10,000 so I make sure to steal all the money back Roland has relocated to the sorcerer sunre and sells us the birthright hat that gives us two extra Charisma nothing too exciting but still the best hat in the game for us I destroy some rats and encounter some more gift in the emperor's old basement combat starts with me eliminating the entire left side this does mean that one gift does get summoned through this portal before I can eliminate the channeling stupidly enough I allow this whole person to go through and after failing to save it for two turns straight I get absolutely destroyed this time I respect it and use my free once per long rest counter spell to stop it I move down into the sewers and find a disguised Orin pretending to be hsen I make sure to make a deal with her that involves murdering gorach to then later go face her draining the merchants dry of all their old I find this really strange bug involving freecast by activating it from the passive menu outside of combat it lets me create infinite sorcery points and thereby infinite access to spell slots it does seem a bit lame though so I won't be using it but it's still interesting nonetheless heading back to Roland I walk into this portal and encounter the sorcerer loroan he has been looking for the night song for a really long time and intends to imprison her for immortality the same way that Krick did I agreed to bring her here just so we can murder him together and the fight begins loroan is quite scary he starts a fight with four Elementals that each Grant him invulnerability to their respective element it also gives him access to a monstrous spell called element retort that he can cast once per turn after getting attacked this means that to at all damage him we first have to take care of the air Elemental luran Fireballs Dame and I am forced to tank an elemental rort to the face in order to wet everyone I take out the air Elemental and after counter spelling a fire ball I move over to loroan and Roland and take them both out with a lightning bolt I finish off the robot and push the final Elemental out of a window with Lan dead we are free to explore his Tower by interacting with this button we get transported down to these two domes and by pulling this lever and passing a Arcana check we get to take the Marco heser the best staff in the game Bar None let's just go over it real quick shall we first off it has Plus plus one level of spell saves and spell attack rolles the second effect Arcane battery lets us cast any spell at any level without using a spell slot once per long rest so basically we get a free extra level six slot and then to top it all off we get a spell called keska favor it lets us pick an element we are of course going to pick lightning it gives us the corresponding resistance and extra damage to all our spell of that type equal to our proficiency modifier oh yeah we also get lightning charges after casting spells and get to cast a level six spell called chain lightning every single short rest with that I head over to the devil's fee we succeed a few Arcana checks on items around the room and this lets us when we talk to hellick browse her secret items here we get the cloak of the weave the best cape for us as it gives us plus one bonus to saves and attack rolls since we accepted Raphael's contract we kind of have to go break it and the only way to do so is to get into hell hellick turns out to be an expert at this but she wants an insane 20,000 gold to do so turns out that we don't need her help after all all we have to do is steal the pouch he's carrying on her and walk upstairs by putting the items in this specific order we open the portal to Hell seeing as Rafel does have the most HP out of any enemy in the game though I probably want to save him for a bit later so I instead decide that it's vampire slaying [Music] time after killing this skeleton dude opening a door and slaughtering a bunch of defenseless animals we arrive at cador's Chambers even though cador is looking to ascend in a few turns we are in no real rush to actually kill him he's actually more tanky before ascending anyways as he gets a bonus 70 temporary hit points I start off by counter spelling him and focus my attention on the Lesser enemies after getting put to sleep by a skeleton watching cador Dash and try to escape his own ritual and rudely get awakened by some bats I try killing the magical bone man with chain lightning turns out it ricochets to the innocent vampires though so that's a nogo I realized that there's a pit just below him though so I instead just shove him off I get one shot by cador once before saving it the second time I still need two turns of setup though so the Ascension cannot come at a better time all the Ascension really does is make him heal slightly more and be able to walk slightly further the this guy really prepare for thousands of years for this I make sure to finish him off in his coffin and collect rapity from his Corps it gives us plus one to all our damage and rolls per enemy killed up to a maximum of three every single long rest should be noted that I did this play through on patch four so killing boxes and other miscellaneous stuff for the buff is still possible with three stacks of scarlet remittance we can cast Scarlet Feast for a free guaranteed critical hit on our next attack roll just like lock of the far round to be able to use both the St and this dagger though we need to Respec into dual wielder but it's definitely worth losing two points in Charisma we also get level 11 here and thereby finally level six spell slots our damage with these two items and level six is quite dumb now even without any other Buffs I also make sure to pick up hold monster during this level after robbing a few more merchants of their gold and pickpocket back the money we have given Withers I move over to the house of grief in order to get in we have to pay the receptionist fee we can just kill her right after paying and take our gold back this lady tells us that she owns the house or something and ask us to follow her down I don't really want to fight all of these people but I do want what is behind this door so I cast create water outside of her dialogue range and use a witch bolt to take her out for some reason this does not even trigger the other enemies they are just more confused wondering why she's dead than anything I unlocked the door and approach the mirror of loss by passing a check and giving away two points in a stat we can pick a stat we want to permanently increase by one or two of course we pick Charisma and luckily enough it's two now it's time for the second of The Shard bearers Gort normally facing him in this giant audience Hall would be a bad idea but I don't really want to have him go up to all his traps we can't really approach him from the front as that would make us have to fight all of the steel Watchers at once there is a possibility to sneak up on him though by taking the back way I drink an invis pot and use perilous Stakes to start the fight two of the steel Watchers waste their turn before I get to tank on punishment I should be able to kill Cortes now eono code only has 357 HP and is weak to all damage but for some reason luck of thear Realms just simply did not want to activate no matter how hard I tried so I have to reload and make sure sure to get the guaranteed crit from our dagger instead I get to tank a bit more damage and this time after getting some lightning charges and activating psionic overload we barely have enough damage one over what we need to be exact to deal with him I collect the second nether Stone and decide to escape it's just not worth fighting five angry robots with 200 hp each Go free Volo and after pushing off these two steel Watchers guarding this boat we find a container containing a whole heap of parasites this lets us get all the remaining elit powers for that slight increase to call the week's damage now it's time to go back and actually deal with Raphael we enter the House of Hope and speak to Hope I go around the outside and meet a very naked clone of Rafael this fight turns out to be more annoying than expected as I get shoved off the edge from Elder blasts before before even getting my turn when it finally manages to come to me I use it to hold person hard leap but the imps are not done with me yet as they push me off once more after that very funny and not at all Annoying ordeal I get a turn and murder har leap the IMs follow right after I heal on this Fountain and activate this button under a portrait to reveal the hidden code needed in order to obtain our signed contract I do just that and cut the contract in half Rafael knows what we have done and is coming back now but before confronting him we need to go free hope I cast invis to run past all of these enemies in the hallway and make it into Hope's prison the back way four of the enemies die to I call lightning man do I love this spell and I take out the rest with witch bolts this finally gives us level 12 which we put into wizard for access to useful spells like feather falling and long Strider but also for the fact that we can spend money on Scrolls in order to learn any one spell of our choice it's not too useful but neither is one extra sorcery Point using the orphic hammer we got from rafhael earlier we free hope before equipping a certain weapon I talked about all the way back in Act 2 I use invis on both myself and hope to sneak past the rest of the servants guarding the portal and position myself right here I let Hope proc the encounter and sadly this is where her journey ends Rafael makes the best joke this Earth has ever heard now it's time for us to finally use all that money we saved up I pickpocket Raphael from invas but instead of taking anything I put in all of my 54,000 gold why well the twist of Fortune has a very special skill called blood Money it makes the attack do an extra four piercing damage per 300 gold on the Target and I just gave Raphael 54,000 that is 180 extra instances of four damage we are not not done yet though of course I start by perilis staking him making him weak to all damage I then make sure to use the bell for lightning charges and activate psionic overload and now it's time for the most damaging hit by far it's it's not even close possible in this [Music] game this hit does so much damage that Ure gear who's just chilling minding his own business dies from full health to call the week if anyone feels like counting how much damage this did then feel free to I'm just not going to do it it's seems like way too much effort and the funny part is that this is not even the highest possible amount you could easily get even more gold and use things like hex for an extra 1 D6 on every single one of these instances but this is already extreme Overkill we are not done yet though as the rest of Rafael's friends are still quite tanky I eliminate two by hold monstering and lightning bolting them down Gilla being the genius that she is kills herself and we finish off the remaining three with a chain lightning with that the highest health enemy in the game has been brought down but that does not mean that the hardest part is over yet it is now time to deal with Orin and to do that we need to get into the murder tribunal located very inconspicuously in this normal house because we have gort's hand and oring told us the code we are l in we deal with these very tanky Shakespearean Knights outside and head over to face sarok sarok starts with three servants at his side whenever one dies they give him permanent haste six extra AC and life steal on all his attacks but not killing them is not really an option as they give him haste sanctuary and warding bond anyways I counter spell a command gravel upcast a create water so their counter spell fails and kill the servants with a lightning bolt this gives sok all his Buffs and he attacks me enough times to trigger his death Bringer's Legacy I really don't want to have to tank that so I leave the fight and use a short rest to get my destructive WFTS back for some reason even though sahok is meant to be immune to hold person it still lets me stun him for one turn with it allowing me to get off perilous Stakes I Tanked last couple hits use my final Buffs and bring him down sahok has the Amulet of ball which will let us pass the door in the sewers but before doing that I need to deal with doler who is not very happy I killed him he is quite annoying as he just like the GI has evasion but sadly for him he's not immune to whole person so he goes down quite easily I got a lot of comments wondering how I managing my spell slots and how I'm able to lock of the four Realms and destructive raft so much to be honest I just long rest a lot money and food are in such an abundance in this game that it's really quite easy to use basically infinite long rests we move on to the sewers and make it over to the Temple of Balor by showing it the ball amulet and telling it that we killed the murder tribunal we are let in right behind it is an encounter with a cultist that channels a spell which will instantly kill us in five turns so to not instantly die we have to take him out the problem is that he has five Unstoppable charges this changes any damage dealt to him to one at the cost of one charge these also make him unable to be moved by force therefore there is no way for us to actually kill him so my only option is to just go invis and fly past the fight we approach Orin and halim seems to be doing just fine establishing his dominance I could probably just kill her from outside of combat here but that's kind of boring so I commence the fight and let her transform this fight seems impossible to one shot us first Orin has 12 Unstoppable charges that that get refreshed every single turn as long as there are cultists performing the ritual but even if they are all taking out the 12 charges will still remain so how can we even do this I start by killing all the cultists and use whole person on both oring and her other Unstoppable Ally hold monster gives me as many turns of setup as I need so I use them to fully buff [Music] up here comes the strange part for some reason when I decide to attack Orin the Unstoppable charge just just don't do anything and she dies instantly when I then later go try to kill her Ally in the same way his Unstoppable charges worked just fine I even reloaded back and did it again just to make sure it was not a onetime bug and no it just works I have no idea why my best guess is that the charges stop working as soon as the ritual is stopped or something in any case I loot her weapon and get the final nether Stone we move on to the docks kill a whole heap of rats and take the boat over to the morphic pool here we meet some intellect devourers that all nicely group up and die for me I approach the nether brain fail to dominate it and get saved by the emperor I give him the nether Stones as it will make the final encounter easier and move on to the final area of the game the upper City I really need all my spell slots and elied powers for the final fight and as it turns out you can just go inv this and fight past all of these encounters without any consequences I interact with the stock and the final battle is upon us the brain spawns a random aberration of a random class per character you have in your party we only have one so only one is spawned unluckily for us though it's a wizard that of course has counter spell I Ed to level one create water to bait it out and with the use of quickened magic hold monster both the wizard and the dragon somehow I don't break concentration from these six missiles and the other ones just Target the emperor while trying to cast level level one create water I get counter spelled by three mind flares simultaneously they must really not want to get wet I start channeling car's compulsion with the emperor because he most likely won't get stunned since he has such high intelligence just that happens as he saves two M blasts and the other ones just magic Missile him unluckily I have higher initiative than him so I can't enter the portal the first turn therefore I have to tank a extract brain and a fireball to the face before I am allowed in the nether Bane has 450 HP since we did not succeed the 99 check earlier it is also completely immune to perilous Stakes even if it crit fails to save it still saves it thankfully water still works though I forget to move the emperor and he plummets to his death doesn't really matter his job is done anyways so for the final time I used the bell for lightning charges lightning blast and pionic overload as we finish off the game with an attack that does a total of 450 four damage
Channel: Bouch
Views: 360,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 challenge run, bg3, 1 hit, 1 hit bg3
Id: URru3EptNE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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